Assessment BSBMKG420 Selina

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Digital Marketing in Action: Create and Optimise Digital

BSBMKG420 - Create digital media user experiences
BSBMKG421 - Optimise digital media impact

Assessment Tool
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact

About This Resource

This resource is designed to assess your performance of competency as per the unitsof competency outlined
in thesections below. Your assessor may assist you in ensuring that you have a full understanding of
assessment requirements.

The resource consists of two parts:

 Assessment TaskOverview; this provides an outline of the assessment tasks to be covered, including
various options that might be available.

 The Assessment Task, this section provides each task in detail including the relevant submission
documentation you need to complete and submit along with your assessment tasks

As you progress through assessment tasks, your assessor will use a specially designed Assessor Guide to
confirm records of your performance and any advice or feedback you receive.

Further Information
Before you commence your work with this assessment tool, you should review the information on
assessment below. You should not commence your final assessment tasks until you have read and
understood this information.

What is competency?
To complete assessment tasks satisfactorily you will need to demonstrate competence – but what does this
In the Australian vocational education and training system is the concept of competence, defined as:
“The ability to perform tasks and duties to the standard expected in the workplace”.
Competence involves the application of specific skills, knowledge and attitudes to the work performance in
an industry, an industry sector or an enterprise. Competence is rarely achieved in a one-off demonstration. It
needs to be developed holistically – that is, bringing a range of skills and knowledge together – and over time
in a real or simulated workplace. To achieve competence, you need to demonstrate that you can perform a
given task to the standard defined in an endorsed unit of competency.

What is RPL?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the acceptance that skills and knowledge, expressed as units of
competency, are acquired through many sources such as life experiences, work experience, formal and
informal training.

RPL assessment is a process to enable Candidates to demonstrate the achievement of these competencies
and to be granted recognition for their skills and knowledge upon satisfying specific criteria verifying their
competence. Assessment for RPL is carried out to the same standards as any other assessment of the same

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TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact

Assessment Process
Assessment tasks are designed to allow you to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to meet
the requirements of a unit of competency. The assessment process will vary depending on your individual
circumstances and your assessor. Before the assessment commences, your assessor will:
 Make sure that you know the time, date and venue of the assessment;
 Explain the assessment task fully;
 Make provision for any special support you may need; and
 Organise and arrange all required resources.
On completion of the assessment your assessor will:
 Communicate the outcomes of assessment to you and provide feedback for future performance;
 Record assessment decisions and complete assessment documentation; and
 May ask you to acknowledge the assessment task outcomes and feedback by signing and dating
assessment documentation.

What is your assessor looking for?

Your assessor is looking for evidence that you are competent in all the tasks in the units you are studying. To
make a judgement of your competence, your assessor may ask you to:
 Discuss a scenario;
 Carry out a practical task;
 Answer questions in writing or verbally; or
 Undertake some other form of assessment, such as a project
To show that you are competent you must be able to:
 Perform the task to workplace standards;
 Manage a range of different tasks (multi-tasking);
 Respond to contingencies or breakdowns; and
 Deal with the responsibilities of the workplace, including working with others.
You will need to show you can do this consistently, over time and in relevant workplace situations and

Can I adjust the assessment?

It is important that assessment tasks and activities consider the individual needs of each candidate. Your
assessor can consider and implement ‘reasonable adjustments’ for candidates with particular needs,
requirements or preferences. As this process is negotiated, your assessor must also ensure that the integrity
of the assessment process is maintained, and all assessment requirements are met by any adjusted
assessment approach.

Appeals and reassessment

Once an assessment is completed, if you disagree with the assessment result you have the opportunity to
appeal the result and be reassessed if necessary. Please refer to the Lonsdale Institute Complaints and
Appeals information provided. Your assessor can discuss this process with you before starting the

Administration, recording and reporting requirements

Lonsdale Institute must securely retain - and produce in full if required at audit - all completed candidate
assessment items for each candidate for a period of six months from the date on which the judgement of
competence for the candidate was made. This includes retaining the actual piece(s) of work completed by
candidates where possible.Lonsdale Institute may retain your assessment documentation for longer than this
period for various other purposes.

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TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact
Lonsdale Institute has internal processes and procedures in place to manage administration, recording and
reporting requirements. Please discuss any queries you might have with your assessor in the first instance.

To demonstrate your competency, you must successfully complete bothassessment tasks.

Assessment Overview

Assessment Task 1 Written Questions: Student Workbook

You must complete In this task, you will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements
the following: through completing and submitting written questions.

Assessment Task 2 Project: Digital Marketing in Action

You must also In this task, you will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements
complete the through using the data pack analyse the findings.

Please refer to the following pages for an outline of each assessment task.

Assessment Task 1 – Written Questioning

As a part of your assessment in these units, you will have your knowledge assessed via written questions.
This written assessment covers:BSBMKG420 - Create digital media user experiences and
BSBMKG421 - Optimise digital media impact

Written Questioning Assessment

Candidate Instructions

Youwillcomplete written questionsfor purposesof formalassessmentas per the questions outlined in the
assessment below.
Task Details
All questions must have written responses.
Questions may be worked on in class time and outside hours, sources of information may be referred to in
pursuit of the knowledge to fully answer as is reflective of workplace conditions.
Final submission of the completed questions is due by the week after the final delivery for the units as
specified in the students training log.
There is no restriction on the length of the question responses, or time restriction in completing the
It is anticipated that the written assessment will take approximately 2 hours to complete.
You must complete all of the written questions below unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but
may refer to reference material as may be needed.
All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the written assessment to be completed satisfactorily.
For any written assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without satisfactory performance, the
assessment will need to be completed again after further training support. This may be simply to focus on
question areas not achieved in the prior assessment.
The written assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total).

TAS 702 FO Assessment Tool Page 4 of 14

TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact

BSBMKG420: Written Questioning Record

List 2 types of legislation and/or policy that may impact digital customer experience.
Question 1:
Include a practical day-to-day example for each of how each may impact business.

Legislation Example of impact to business

Grandma wants to by her granddaughter a Buhi bag for her birthday. She can access
the internet and is able to find the product she wants. However, she does not want to
enter her credit card details online (she is worried about online security and fraud).
Create a customer journey map for Grandma using a flowchart.
Question 2:
 Description of user (Grandma)
 Digital & physical touchpoints

 USER: independent internet user

What she want: buy a Buhi bag for granddaughter
Problem encountered: payment
Possible solution: buy it in a local shop. Or ask the brand service centre for help.
- Grandma’s journey map:
Want to buy a Buhi bag → find styles and decide which one to buy → find a way to buy → have
online purchase problem → contact with Buhi service centre → buy it in local shop or pay it when
the bag delivery.

 Touchpoints

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TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact

You are setting up a social media campaign on Facebook. List the online/software tools
Question 3:
you may use to assist you.

Steps List 2 online/software tools for each step

Provide the website link and explain what adobe is and step by
step. Use examples.



CRM Definition: Customer .

Management (CRM) is a
strategy for managing all
your company's relationships
and interactions with your
customers and potential
customers. It helps you
improve your profitability
How to understand the question;

What is a software tool? When we ask a question about design what are we asking?
EG. How do you design a Facebook post? This includes font, pictures and message on
the tool.
What else is included? What is the step by step process?

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TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact

Provide a brief explanation of the following metrics used to analyse Facebook activity in
Question 4: Mimic Social.

Metric Explanation

Impressions The number of times the ad was displayed.

As many as an ads is clicked, it counts as many times. For example,
when you open a “page”, all ads on it are “impression” once.

Reactions and comments

Clicks A netizen clicks an ad to the homepage of the ad, and the action is a
click. For example, an ad click of 35000 means that the ad has been
clicked by the netizen 35000 times.

Shares The number of times the link to the ad was posted calls “shares”.

Page likes Netizens express their likes or approvals for this webpage without
leaving a message.

Conversions The most benchmark website performance indicators. Average

conversions per as click, expressed as a percentage.
For example, E-commerce shopping site: the number of product
checkouts in the shopping cart can be used as conversions.
Member-type website: the number of new member registrations can
be used as the conversion number.
Social interaction or media sites: the number of times a user shares a
webpage, comments, or clicks on a webpage ad can be used as

Revenue Actual transaction amount, excluding returns and cancellations.

CTR Click through rate.

CTR divided by the percentage of ad impressions.

CPC Cost per click.

Dividing the total number of clicks by the purchase cost is the cost of
each click.

Question 5: Research and explain what the Facebook metric ‘reach’ mean?

FACEBOOK REACH means, “total number of people reached on Facebook”. Either it refers to the
unique number of people who saw a content or any specific post posted by your generally
affects other metric too: likes, clicks, engagement, and comments,
TAS 702 FO Assessment Tool Page 7 of 14
TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact
REACH is the most important aspect of everything on Facebook.
Different kinds of reach are :
1. Post
2. Page
3. Paid
4. viral

Compare the characteristics of users (USA) across the following platforms. Also found in
the data pack.
Question 6:
(min words 150)

How does age impact social media use across channels?

people aged 18-29 are showing a far stronger and more tendency than their older peers
towards social media use. Youtube and facebook rule the landscape of social media and younger
generation is standing out on the scale.

How does income impact social media use across channels?

Income has an alarming impact on the social media use. People with income less than $30,000 use
social media less frequently and people with more income use more social media.
How does gender impact social media use across channels?
Most studies have shown that women are more likely to use Facebook and twitter or SNSs in
general. Talking about LIKEDIN,there is less gap in gender differences. In 2015, 73% of online men
and 80% of online women used social networking sites.

How does education impact social media use across channels?

Students of schools and high school use social media less because they are at initial levels of
education. Whereas , students of colleges are frequent users of social media because they have
more knowledge and social media is a basic tool for learning and gaining oppurtunities.

Give 3 examples of different digital channels linking or interacting with each other.
Question 7: For example: an email sent directly to a customer contains a link for the business
website as well as map location links for the store.

1. Websites shows a customer email and many other links related to it.
2. Blogging tells you about many other brands and digital channels as well as keeps you
aware of the options.
3. Text-messaging engages you with every other digital channel out there.

Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

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TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact

Assessment Task 2
Project: Digital Marketing in Action
As a part of your assessment in these units, your performance may be demonstrated through the
assessment of a project you complete.
This project assessment covers;BSBMKG420 - Create digital media user experiences and
BSBMKG421 - Optimise digital media impact.
To complete the assessment, you will need to participate in a social media simulation as well as submitting
the below assessment.

Project Assessment

Task Details

You have been employed as a social media marketing manager for Buhi Supply Co. Buhi is an e-commerce
and retail bag supplier. It specializes in backpack, purse, wallet, satchel and duffel products. Basically, if it's a
bag of any sort, Buhi makes it. 

Your first step in achieving social media success is to familiarize yourself with the company's background.

Submission Evidence:
 Customer Report
 Data Analysis
 Learning Environment

TAS 702 FO Assessment Tool Page 9 of 14

TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact

Project Assessment – Customer Report

1.) User Stories

For each persona, develop a user story using the template below (look at the description in the simulation of
each persona):
As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >.

2.) Customer Journey

Review digital customer journeys for 2 market segments of Buhi. Use a flowchart or similar diagram format.
o Description of user (persona)
o Design a customer journey for that persona (as a flowchart)
o Include points of intervention in your flowchart to encourage extra sales or engagement. Consider
digital touchpoints across channels, eg: phone, chatbox/robots, etc

Project Assessment – Data Analysis

1.) Analysis Questions

Discuss conversions and awareness rounds 2, 4, 6. What are your findings? What are the total likes for each
We are splitting the growth of customer into three rounds
Round 2
Customer approach = 5000
Round 4
Customer approach reached 10,000
Round 6
We applied extra ordinary skills and customer growth approached 15,000

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TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact
2.) Cost - Revenue Comparison

After Round 2, compare the cost of advertising on each platform with the revenue made. Please provide the
comparison figures

Platform Cost $ Revenue $ Comparison

(revenue ÷ cost)

Facebook $500 $10,000 20

youtube $400 $8,000 20

twitter $500 $8,000 16

snapchat $300 $6,000 20

instagram $500 $10,000 20

pinterest $500 $10,000 20

After Round 8, compare the cost of advertising on each platform with the revenue made.

Platform Cost $ Revenue $ Comparison

(revenue ÷ cost)

facebook $1500 $80,000 53

youtube $800 $30,000 38

twitter $1000 $50,000 50

snapchat $600 $20,000 30

instagram $1500 $80,000 53

pinterest $1000 $60,000 60

Did the ratio improve for each platform? If no, why not? Are there any significant changes between rounds?

Yes , the ratio improved for the each round. As we made extra-ordinary changes in the marketing and
showed the skills the revenue amount increased with each round.

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TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact

3.) Use the data supplied for rounds 2,8 – In Microsoft excel create a bar graph comparing user shares
across all 2 rounds. Which platform has the most revenue from both rounds? Insert graph below.

4.) Customer Interaction – See example in the data pack

Why is the feature important and how does positive customer interaction help increase revenue?
Customer interaction decides the profit and loss of any company. Interaction with your customer is always a
chance to change their notion about your company. Positive customer interaction helps make customers
satisfy and aim at making profit, hence, increasing revenues.

B.) How would you measure user experiences? What kind of a tool would you need to gather this
information and why?

“FEEDBACK” customer’s feedback is a very important tool and information to know about experience
and measure how satisfied and happy they are with the product they bought.
Gathering such kind of information helps in future improvement and marketing.

Project Assessment – Learning Environment

1.) Why is it important to understand a customer’s digital journey?

2.) What does real time customer interaction mean? How can a business facilitate this?
3.) Other than excel what are some other digital tools could you use to analyse customer data?

(min 50 words)
1. It is important to understand a customer’s digital journey so they can excess on navigation, helps
customers to interact with your business.
2. Real time customer interaction means capability of providing an optimized response to a customer in
real time. A business can facilitate this by providing 24/7 support and customer care.
3. Digital tools for customer data analysis are :
 Intercom
 Kiss metrics
 Hootsuite

TAS 702 FO Assessment Tool Page 12 of 14

TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
ASSESSMENT TOOL: Digital Marketing in Action
BSBMKG420: Create Digital Media User Experiences
BSBMKG421: Optimise Digital Media Impact
Candidate Declaration

Candidate name:


Assessment I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s
declaration: work, except where clearly noted on documents or work submitted.
I declare that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another
person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action.

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TAS 702 PP Academic Assessment Management (RTO 1.7 – 1.12) V2 Feb 2019
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute
+61 3 9639 0543
+61 407 481 421
Level 1, 277 Flinders Lane
Melbourne VIC Australia 3000

Level 5, 72 Bathurst Street

Sydney NSW Australia 2000

Provider Code 21915

CRICOS Provider Code 02836F

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