Constructing Regional Narratives - JDH - 2005

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Journal of Design History Vol. 18 No. 4 doi:10.


Local, Regional, National, Global

and Feedback:
Several Issues To Be Faced With Constructing Regional Narratives

Anna Calvera

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The author is grateful to Professor Christopher Bailey for advice on
the English version of this article.

This paper aims to clarify the methodological problems faced by a local historian when he or
she attempts to describe design from his or her own viewpoint. It will set out the theoretical
and general questions that arise when the many different aspects of the creative design process
are documented. To document an item means to provide information about the designer’s
biography, the manufacturing company’s history and policies, the marketing strategy, the
zeitgeist shared by designers and consumers at a particular concrete historical moment, the
technological context and means of production, and the prevailing design trends. We also
need to explain the design concept, or problem, in design terms in order to understand what
sort of solution the design is intended to offer and, even more complex, we must also justify
the value system within which the historian selects and evaluates a particular design object.

Introduction—minding the map regional histories that could be considered from a

comparative approach’. The next task was to reflect
In his paper to the International Design History con- on these local histories considered as a whole and
ference in La Havana in 2000 on the historiography thus to propose an integrating field of discussion
of design from a regional perspective, Tevfik Balcioglu for all them.
put the central problem in a new way. He said ‘the
There are many theoretical issues underlying
tacit acceptance of universal communicative power
Balcioglu’s statement that will be considered in some
of design and its multicultural identity does not only
way. They could be identified as follows: what does
support, but also requires a global understanding of
‘the universal communicative power of design’ actu-
the subject’.1 As far as I know, this was the first time
design standards were seen as multicultural, the ally mean now that modern standards and a modern
outcome of a synthetic process resulting from the style of design seem worthless as a reference to be
contribution of many different regions and cultural shared globally? Does identity, when referring to
realities. To verify how far this was so we, together many different cultures, mean just an analytical
with professors Lucila Fernández from La Havana, approach; or rather is it a synthetic one, the identity
and Cecilia Loschiavo from Sao Paulo, took up this of the whole of design culture itself ? If so, what is and
challenge when preparing a strand called ‘Local should be the role of different cultures and regions in
Chapters for a Global History’ for the Istanbul Design defining what a shared design culture may be? And
History Conference ( July 2002). Devoted to the finally, what is meant by a ‘global understanding of
exploration of local or regional matters, its main goal the subject’? Is it a claim for a general history that
was to look for and discover all those ‘aspects of could explain and tell many different histories at the

© The Author [2005]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Design History Society. All rights reserved. 371
Anna Calvera

same time, integrating them in a new synthesis such local or national historians. The first one deals with
as that included in the scope of a Worldwide History? the differences existing among Design cultures trying
In that case, what could be the logic, or rather the to establish identities of Design, grasping peculiarities
articulation, of that general history in case it should and national oddities. This is a direction that could
act, or has to perform the role of a larger narrative? easily help to build a general, or rather a common,
These questions are approached from the point of large narrative of the World History of Design, open-
view of a local, or national, historian who studies minded enough to be shared by different regions or
what is close at hand, but who sometimes also plays nations. It permits a research approach that works
the role of a world historian outside his/her own from the general to the particular. The second research

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country. At the same time, this paper is located in the direction aims at finding points and aspects to be
context provided by Victor Margolin and Jonathan compared between different local, or rather national,
Woodham when preparing their session for the Istan- identities notable for their differences. This approach
bul conference, when they invited the author to con- works from the particular to the general and, through
tribute to the matter by dealing with the relationship sharing particularities, it should introduce new
between the local/national and its role in a global interpretative models (might we also call these larger
approach. Their contribution was titled ‘Design His- narratives?) that are adapted to local realities.2
tory Narratives: Local, National, Global’ and its brief Both research directions were displayed and dis-
put the matter in these terms: ‘how does the issue of cussed at the Havana conference, although the focus
local histories and the criterion for doing them relate was mostly on the second one as this was considered
to the theme of a larger narrative?’ Thus, the whole to be the next step, its having been accepted at the
question takes on a new character: the aim nowadays Barcelona conference that the plural applied to the
is to find a way to manage and to draw a new outline history of design has also acquired a geographic sense.
of the map of design useful enough to build upon In fact, underlying the Barcelona debates was the
a World History that allows a global understanding opportunity to employ the geographic plural, using
of the subject. Both Margolin/Woodham’s and an approach similar to that used to grasp the other
Balcioglu’s questions reflect a similar worry even if plurals that have arisen recently in Design History,
their meaning is subtly different because it is based on namely, all those reflecting the many marginalized, or
some different assumptions, mostly concerning the simply omitted; in short, the many design experiences
concept of design used, which is strongly dependent left on one side by the standard larger narrative, such
on the area of the map from where they have been as, for example, commodities actually consumed in
drawn up. Thus, while proposed in the context preference to the heavily promoted ‘high culture’ or
defined by two former international conferences on ‘designer’ goods; other popular items, whether these
Design History (Barcelona 1999 and La Havana are not considered because they address market needs
2000), the existence of the debate clearly suggests or are inspired by mass culture.3 Besides these exam-
there is a general desire for an integrating discourse ples left on one side by History, there are also the
which might be a theoretical tool strong enough to works made by female designers, or those considered
manage the already well accepted existence of the solely as suburban creations. From the geographical
plurality of histories of design that have recently risen, point of view, those left aside are the nations and cul-
according to the variety of approaches used to study tures whose design activities and achievements are
design in history. So, what is presently at stake is the still unknown abroad. The subject was not completely
capacity and usefulness of a ‘geography of design’ seen new in Havana or Barcelona: a quick glance at Design
as a structuring element for a World history. Issues and the Journal of Design History back issues
proves that many historians from the category of
unfamiliar countries are nowadays trying to introduce
Towards a geographical approach to and explain their experiences to a larger public,
mainly the international community of design histo-
the history of design rians. So at last, after this first stage of acknowledging
Looking for a new outline of the map of design, two and collecting pluralities, we are now able to confront
directions have already appeared for research among many ‘other’ histories besides the old history of

Local, Regional, National, Global and Feedback

design, the ‘alternate’ ones, the ‘peripheral’ or the about it when facing the question of the different
‘marginalized’ ones, using and taking advantage of worlds that existed prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall:
the polysemic character of all these words. Therefore, ‘I use the term Third World provisionally to include
the Barcelona conference ‘Design History Seen from those countries outside the sphere of the industrially
Abroad’ had mainly geographical connotations but it developed nations. Perhaps a better term is countries
also suggested the need for a way of looking that is of the periphery which is used by Gui Bonsiepe and
able to recognize boundaries wherever they exist: in others. The latter offers a better description of where
the social environment, in cultural performances, these countries are actually located in the world econ-
among demographic groups or even academic omy’.6 Perhaps Guy Julier is the historian who has

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disciplines. used Bonsiepe’s statement more often, combining it
Once the whole map of design is considered, with ideas derived from Jameson’s famous book The
specific issues appear due, in part, to the need for Geopolitical Aesthetic (1992). In 1997, when speaking
managing different cultural models defined anthropo- about Spain and Hungary, Julier proposed an interest-
logically. Within the broadly defined ‘Westernized’ ing distinction between ‘countries that represent a
area, it must deal with geopolitical areas defined semi-periphery which may interact with the Western
according to the economic development achieved, all Capitalist core or create its own centres’. This is a first
of them connected to one another in a globalized step to oppose the vertical axis in the relationship cen-
scene. At Havana there was also a wish to overcome tre/periphery and the implicit interpretation posited
the proposal at Barcelona to use the centre/periphery on the existence of influences working just in a single
distinction to articulate the map. In fact, translating direction. For the rest, in historiography, the argu-
literally from Spanish4, the title of Barcelona’s confer- ment goes back to Emmanuel Wallerstein’s book on
ence was ‘doing history from a peripheral standpoint’. the World System and has been pushed further by
At the time of its foundation, to focus on geography Ferdinand Braudel, considering the drawing of con-
was a claim to enlarge the boundaries of design his- centric peripheries around a centre as a powerful tool
tory, and it has been proposed using the contrast to deal with all the human activities usually considered
between a large periphery composed of many differ- by history: ‘The sketch is valuable not only for the
ent and rather unknown regions, against a unique economic life. It is an engine capable of explaining
centre defined by the larger narrative shared interna- the whole history of mankind, of societies, cultures,
tionally as the History of Design of reference. Of the States, all the ways of life’.7 Then, it is also worth
course, this was an unbalanced schema articulated on noting that nowadays many historians working in, or
a vertical axis where regions and countries find their studying the situation of, countries that are usually
own place according to the different viewpoints used considered peripheral, talk naturally about the periph-
to characterize them: sometimes this is the scale of eral condition of their nations as a starting point for
economic development—and thus the map becomes their research. This is the case for scholars such as
a geopolitical or geo-economic one; at other times, Alpay Er and Ozlem Er from Turkey but also for some
the degree of modernization achieved, mostly through young Brazilian emerging scholars, such as Dijon de
design—and the map becomes a sociological one; or Moraes.8 Their approach is clearly reflected in Er’s
the degree of Westernization—and thus the map dis- words: ‘Now it is known that industrial design in
plays the colonization process and the paths of dis- peripheral countries has its own character, and a dis-
semination of Western ways of life.5 There is also the tinctly different historical development (…) industrial
possibility to consider an intellectual or scholarship design in the periphery is described as being “peculiar”
map along with the others, in which the periphery since they have not emerged as expected’.9
affects Design History activities, taking account of the On the other hand, the character of marginality of
spread of research outcomes on an international scale. some countries in the West was proposed by Tony
The central/peripheral approach to the map of Fry in his well known article devoted to design made
design can be traced back to the 1970s and Gui in Australia but, although the reference to margins
Bonsiepe’s writings about economically dependent has a more aggressive connotation than the peripheral
countries. His thesis was used subsequently by other one, its meaning adds no new information to the
scholars, among them Victor Margolin, who wrote debate because, though sharing the colonialist

Anna Calvera

approach, it does not acknowledge alternative experi- What is and should be understood by a peripheral
ences that can be peculiar to local characteristics: or marginal country in design matters? From Barcelona
‘Marginal modernity is built upon appropriation to Havana we tried to find a definition that allows us
(…) desire is produced by the circulation of directly to deal with those peculiarities Er was talking about.
or indirectly imported signs’.10 In fact, according Then, in Havana, we defined the peripheral condi-
to Fry, ‘the notion of geography being put into play tion according to the dependency of models whether
is marked by the spatial, social, historical and the economic or cultural, coming from a centre; we also
economic as expressed in and relations of exchange’, stressed the fact that those models or ways of life are
and thus, the relationship between countries is cen- usually not refused, but, on the contrary, they are

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tred by the economic role they play. Design imported, accepted and integrated to fulfil a new real-
History, and through it, design itself, are only seen ity, and this is an important step if the aim is to
from the point of view of the establishment and research and grasp local realities. So, peripheral works
reproduction of capitalism which is, of course, a and items are similar in character and features to those
model of interpretation quite difficult to refute. made in the centre while always springing up a little
However, Fry keeps a door open for local narratives later. There is a delay, sometimes subtle, sometimes
when he proposes that Design History scope might quite large, which is culturally speaking the main
take a new character and could be addressed ‘to attribute of the peripheral character. Peripheral art
recognise the formation and place of design in the works or design items, although delayed, belong to
rise and extension of modernity; the operation of the main stream of history but they are rarely described
design as a generative medium in the formation of because they are nothing other than new examples to
the modern social subject through the globalisation confirm what is already known. They prove the
of the practices of capitalist means’.11 In proposing spread of a concrete movement and, in doing so,
this, Fry opens up the possibility of a richer concep- confirm the style of the age; however, in the back-
tion of design, though it is still understood through ground, there is a tale which follows the spreading
its relationship with industrial processes and means paths and which only takes account of the arrival of
of production. Fry also introduced an idea of Design influences. Thus, peripheral narratives related to local
which already included the multicultural identity of matters have always the same structure: a nation is
design to which Balcioglu referred in the quotation only known by a highlight moment or personage
above. In that way, design becomes, as Margolin but nobody knows anything about the historical
suggested in Istanbul, ‘an instrument of economic background which explains the work and the char-
and political nation building’ shared by many differ- acter of this highlight moment. The latter becomes
ent nations. the main argument of the research.12
Moreover, culturally or socially speaking, the It is easy to see the connections between the objec-
peripheral approach has the advantage of combining tives of this research and a very old question in the
geo-economic information with cultural issues into philosophy of history: how to overcome the bounda-
the analysis of a Design reality because it can be ries imposed by the grand narratives of history. Arthur
understood completely in terms of intellectual or Danto perhaps put this question most clearly when he
knowledge production. In this case, it is necessary to showed that, according to Hegel and some later his-
accept that sometimes the leading position corre- torians, the selection of those who are set aside, or
sponds to economics while at other times it is taken who stand outside history’s boundaries, depends on
on by cultural or mentality developments. Then, the argument to prove which is presented as a goal to
when it is necessary to compare different realities reach usually in the future. Danto himself proposed
from a worldwide point of view, the concentric this description as an explanation of the notion of
peripheral model of explanation offers, following periphery.13 Now that the future is no longer held to
Braudel, the possibility to reflect how different are be predetermined, it is possible to enter into and build
the situations coexisting at the same time around the history on a new basis taking account of the broad
globe and so, would probably show that actually there and fascinating complexity it actually has. On the part
are many different centres acting and having a dia- of peripheral or national histories, the job to face is
logue between them. firstly, how to get a place, or the right place, in the

Local, Regional, National, Global and Feedback

global history of Design and, secondly, how periph- multiplicity of different experiences placed in a shared
eral research can win credibility and be attractive and globalized ‘landscape’. Each then acquires its own
enough to locate its outcomes in Design History. It is image and may be easily perceived, and in doing so,
easy to deduce the first step is necessary and it is a it is possible to retrieve the polycentric character of
consequence of the statement about the boundaries of development.15 Following this trend, Victor Margo-
history. To get a place in history and enter inside its lin proposed a method to discover the many centres
boundaries, it is necessary to have a history, and to of spreading design cultures. He suggested that
have a history, it is necessary to build up local and ‘grouping design literature per countries provides
national histories and begin to tell them. That was the some sense of National differences in Design thinking

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aim of the Havana conference and its promising title: and pinpoints those geographical centres where it has
The Rise of Regional Histories. Its job was to encourage been most intense’ (1989: 265). Previously, Edgar
the research done from a local frame to build those Morin, when he was dealing with the concept of
many regional histories. complexity to grasp the character of the new episte-
The proposition set out in Havana also had a meth- mology, had introduced polycentrism to explain how
odological element: to set aside the vertical axis of complex organizations, either biological or social,
economic dependence as the main argument to por- perform and operate. From his point of view, a com-
tray the peripheral situation and to try to balance the plex nature depends on its capability to combine dif-
model focusing on those aspects that give originality ferent kinds of centres to take decisions at the same
to peripheral experiences in order to build up a map time, from the anarchic spontaneous interactions
composed of equals. It could be objected that the which are a primary source of creative initiatives,
question, if posed in this way, becomes the expression through to the strict obedience to decisions arriving
of a narrow provincialism. This may be so. But while from a strong centre.16 He provides a very useful
it is a danger, it could also be a challenge and so, per- instrument to think about the structural articulation
haps the rise of regional histories might overcome the of the map. In fact, with a polycentric approach such
risk of provincialism because many provinces could as this, the map reflects the coexistence of parallel, not
acquire new character and interest, as much local alternate, histories interacting with one another, gath-
research is already proving. The true challenge never- ering together the particular histories of countries and
theless is to avoid the danger of giving even more nations and gradually embodying modernity. Thus,
legitimacy to the centre’s power, as Viviana Narotzky the geography of design becomes a crossroads, a puz-
noted in her Barcelona paper: ‘intellectual production zle of relationships and exchanges existing in the
becomes a subsidiary condition when it is defined just design world which is made up of the growing
by reference to the centre’.14 Then, as many local and knowledge about the evolution of design in all those
peripheral historians have suggested, in line with the different countries. The improvement of knowledge
views expressed above, the chronological delay in about regional realities is thus seen as enriching and
cultural experiences becomes the core of the situation adding complexity to the debate. To do so, as Michel
in peripheral countries and, thus, the factor that gives Butor has suggested, what is really important are the
its peculiar character and identity. But how might we elements which are comparable. According to him,
justify the equal consideration of regions in a world through contrasting and confronting we can build up
such as the current one, driven as it is by the forces and achieve more dynamic outcomes for Design
of capitalism? History.17 This was the aim proposed by Oscar Salinas
The answer is perhaps to be found in the concept in his statement for another Istanbul contribution:
of geography of culture, already developed in various ‘the construction of regional history facing the trans-
fields once the idea of postmodernism had developed formation of the International society as a whole’.
beyond its earlier stylistic definition to become con-
sidered as a transitional moment in history. It falls On the map—but whereabouts and
within that general approach which takes complexity
as the key element of contemporary times. From this
in what colour?
point of view, the cultural map, and in consequence Although it seems promising, to get into history from
the geographical outlook of history, is based on a the peripheral standpoint is not always easy and is not

Anna Calvera

straightforward. A first problem is whether new data ing to the Spanish government around 1987. This
coming from local and peripheral realities can add beginning gives personality to the design made in
genuinely new information to what is already known Spain afterwards and to the paths adopted through-
and covered by global history. To offer an example out its evolution until its international recognition by
close to my own experience, Jonathan Woodham’s the mid 1980s and beyond. It is worth mentioning
last book on twentieth-century design18 showed here that Spanish is one of the few European lan-
clearly the range of countries in which the arrival of guages which possesses a specific word to name the
Design practice and the spread of Design culture hap- profession and the activity as adopted during the
pened in a similar way; through the building up of debates in the early 1960s about the concept and

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institutions such as Design Councils similar to the nature of design. But as we have said before, what is
British one, and professional societies. It is the same really interesting, because it is different, is what was
story of design professionalization described pre- then understood by the word ‘design’ and therefore
viously by Gui Bonsiepe in relation to the countries what sort of design profession was set up. It could
of the Southern Hemisphere. As remarked by Guy add information about the particular character of
Julier, ‘at a most straightforward level this pattern is Catalan design since then, such as its constant drive
applicable to all capitalist or proto-capitalist countries for cultural regeneration. I suspect a similar approach
and provides a useful starting point for design can be used to begin an inquiry on design evolution
historians’.19 Spain was not mentioned by Woodham elsewhere, and might equally fit regions besides Spain
in his overall portrait, and thus, although the process or, more specifically, Catalonia. Then, the story must
was very similar to that described by Woodham and surely go on to identify those specific features that
Julier, we can conclude that it was not been consid- provide a national or regional character.
ered an experience significant enough to be included If I take my local situation, there are others as-
in a global narrative, despite being well known to the pects of the relationship between national histories
authors. Nevertheless, I wonder if a new case such as and the global one that, in practice, are not devoid of
the Spanish one, quite similar in spirit and process to problems and difficulties. For example, the way in
all those related, will add more information to the which ideas accepted worldwide, or patterns of
argument. If it does not, as I suspect, then it will never interpretation shared globally are adapted and became
be interesting enough to be mentioned, except in a significant in the understanding of a very local reality.
footnote as statistical data to support the general argu- Among those ideas, the most controversial is every-
ment. In cases such as this, the duty of a local histo- thing related to ‘the Modern’ and its derived words
rian is to explain to foreign colleagues what has been ‘Modernism’, ‘Modernity’ and ‘Modernization’. Very
different, specific or original about a local process, so often, the history of design in developing nations
as to confirm, or otherwise, that the foreign colleague focuses on the adoption of modern ways of living as
is right about his appreciation of the universality of the normal context for the arrival of design as
the process. a professionally acknowledged practice, and the con-
On the other hand, the Spanish experience could sequent spreading of a design culture. Thus, the
have an interest in its own right if the focus, instead identification of modern habits and manners, defined
of being placed on the process of arrival, is turned by comparison with what is going on in the devel-
towards the development of the concept of design oped centre, has usually been considered symptomatic
once it had arrived by the mid 1950s and was diffused of the emergence of Design. This has been the
through the setting up of an institutional system starting point for many local and national narratives.
which was similar to the best known and most suc- Confronting that explanatory pattern, which is so
cessful foreign examples. Thus in 1960, formation of broadly shared by national design histories, there have
ADI FAD; in 1961, ADI FAD became a member of been many reactions which deserve to be considered
ICSID, and a society of Graphic Designers was more closely.
founded; 1962, ADG FAD became a member of Modernism, Modernity and Modernization are
ICOGRADA; 1973, foundation of the BCD, the still sacred concepts for Design History, and arguably
Catalan Design Council, and so on until the founda- they are still potent instruments when researching a
tion of DDI, the Spanish promotional entity belong- local reality, but we must also accept that they can

Local, Regional, National, Global and Feedback

change their meaning completely, depending on Something similar can be seen if the word in ques-
where and by whom they are used. In my own coun- tion is Design. Just as modernity changes meaning
try, for instance, the word Modernism refers to the will and actual performance moving around the world, so
to reach modernization through cultural improve- does design as seen in relation to Spain and to Cuba.
ment and up-to-date performance, an ideal articu- A necessary and urgent step for the Geography of
lated by intellectuals and artists from the 1870s until design is to inquire into the different meanings the
the 1910s. Therefore, ‘Modernism’ in Spanish refers word design has taken on when arriving in a particu-
to that specific movement generally known abroad as lar regional situation.
Art Nouveau. It was a cultural and artistic movement Extending the thought, it is possible to assume, or

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before what we call the Modern Movement, that is to to propose as a hypothesis, that the arrival of the idea
say, the movement of rationalist and functionalist of design in many geographical areas around the
architecture and design usually identified as modern- 1950s or 1960s22 is not related to industrial produc-
ism internationally, mainly in the English-speaking tion but simply to the wish for economic develop-
countries. In fact, the Modern Movement started in ment and, thus, to a culturally changing society which
Spain around 1927 and was further shaped during the adopts design models as a way to reinforce its chang-
1930s through GATCPAC activities.20 ing aspirations in the social area. Thus, if the notion
When looking at the context of my neighbours, of Design has traditionally been determined by its
other meanings and uses of the word ‘modern’ and its origin in industrialized production, the experience of
derivatives arise everywhere, allowing these concepts peripheral countries can help us to see design as the
to continue to play an important role in research. outcome of a change in mentality, as the word mod-
Lucila Fernández introduced new elements to the ernization suggests. A hypothesis such as this could
debate when, at the Barcelona Conference, she showed help to explain why some products and visual lan-
how far modernity was just a theoretical ideal which guages have been so rapidly accepted all over the
arrived in Cuba through imported and imposed moder- world. To cite only the examples given by Jonathan
nizations concentrated in very precise stages of the Woodham, the Sony walkman, IBM computers, the
island’s history. Modernization means to her those Internet, Phillips cassette and Alessi’s masterpieces
sudden transformations of society and their lifestyle, (Woodham 1997: 160). We can also include the
including habits and values systems, adopted at a acceptance of Far East textiles in the east coast of
stroke without having experienced a period of accli- Africa where they look perfectly African (as in
matization to the new reality, that is to say, without Somalia and Ethiopian markets such as that of Harar).
living through a necessary process of transcultura- One might assume, intuitively at least, that to analyse
tion.21 She continued the argument in her Istanbul modernization as a civilizing process offers a good
paper by following up the analysis of contemporary alternative to the broadly accepted idea, according to
Cuba and its historical roots by anthropological writ- which design’s history, if it has not been imported, is
ers. From her point of view, the design idea which the natural outcome of the evolution precipitated by
emerged in Cuba was an imported phenomenon that the industrial system of production and the technical
arrived through influences coming from different division of labour.
centres and design cultures, initially from Western On the other hand, people from Latin America and
Europe, then from East Germany and the socialist Asia often point out that they understand modernity
countries. From her point of view, if modernization as the Western lifestyle and values system, and thus
is something different to the Western pattern of the word has connotations of imperialism, or even
modernity, as the social history of Cuba shows and colonialism, importing the cosmopolitan values it had
Lucila Fernández has remarked, both concepts could in its modernist past.23 I do not regard these two cases
became important tools to analyse how a change of as identical historically mainly because westernization
mentality can take place without having any influ- has been (and I am still playing the role of a foreign
ence at all in the current production system; moreo- historian) a constant and positive element of the
ver, without bringing about the economic system ‘Criolla’, this is to say, the Creole culture24 all over
where design culture grows naturally such as the Latin America before, during and after the modernist
industrial system arising after an industrial revolution. period. In the case of Asia, it is still necessary to

Anna Calvera

explore the effects in countries such as Turkey or only be applied to a range of means and productive
Japan which have a strong and potent craft tradition systems existing in times and places that are histori-
and a well structured culture in their historic back- cally and geographically limited. The consequence is
ground.25 Concerning Latin America, a first step on to see design itself as exclusive, unable to catch reali-
the road to a Geography of Design History is to take ties outside the Western way of life and economic
very seriously the peculiarities of Creole perform- values. Thus, objections are addressed to the official
ance, not only because this can help us to understand definition of Design made by a group of designers
its historical background and define an identity for so coordinated by Maldonado and spread by ICSID
wide a region, but mainly because this embodies since then, and so a new concept of design is

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multiculturalism as its essential character; and this has claimed.
been the case at least from the beginning of the col- The ICSID definition is nonetheless still useful to
onization five centuries ago. In fact, everything Creole help us understand non-Western and peripheral expe-
shows an early and ancient operation of transcultura- riences. It helps us to grasp the reasons of unequal
tion related to cultural modes where many standards development existing between different regions and
are coming from Old Western Europe, others from the resulting map of developed Western countries.
Africa and others from Native Americans as well. On the other hand, outside the West, it sets out the
When modernity is understood and explained in idea of design actually imported, and by comparison,
terms of westernization and, consequently is only it allows us to think about what has been in each case
seen as a negative factor because it was imported to the originality of the translation, and the way it was
suit economic and geopolitical interests—which is adapted locally to work in its new situation. In this
completely true in most cases—many doors are closed way we come to a new phenomenon of transcultura-
to the understanding of local realities and the com- tion in which one of the ingredients is Design itself.
plexity and originality of their Design experiences. This question deserves careful consideration.
What is really lost there is the potential of Design to Following Margolin’s elaboration of Maldonado’s
play a role in criticism, renewal and transformation of definition and his stress on industrial basis and back-
society that it had when it arrived in a peripheral or ground, the existence of Design has only been possi-
undeveloped country, even if built after a Western ble in particular places and times. This is certainly
pattern. This is something to realize when trying to true, but its consequences are not so restricted as it is
answer the question of why Design arrived in a given implicit in Margolin’s argument. Yet this narrow def-
nation: why did its inhabitants import an idea such as inition of ‘Design’ might play an important role in
this? When did it become an ideal and not merely a world design history thanks to its simplicity. In fact,
profession? Was it only an expression and a means to through Maldonado’s concept, Design becomes a
reach development according to geopolitical and phenomenon clearly delimited in history. It locates
economic interests, or did it express the ideal of design both as a cultural and productive system that
improving the ways of living of ordinary people? suits a historical stage, the main features of which are
Among Western scholars there is a prick of regret- clear. It is, of course, the process of the industrial revo-
ful conscience that deeply affects the idea of design lution as it happened, first, in North Europe and
available for local historians. From a peripheral condi- North America during the eighteenth and nineteenth
tion of awareness, Design is too often presented as an centuries, and mass production later, during the
achievement belonging exclusively to Western cul- twentieth century, once a true mass culture was
ture and so its theory and explanatory concepts are underway. In that sense, the mere existence of a com-
rejected because it seems they are able only to describe munity of designers struggling to be recognized as
the historical process lived by developed countries such in a certain country far away from the core,
after industrial revolution and during the span of becomes for historians a symptom that a deep histori-
modernity as defined either by philosophy or archi- cal change is going on in that country. Moreover,
tecture. Then Design is defined as ‘part of a specific from the period paradigm standing,26 the rise of
process of mass production’ to use Margolin’s words design and its conceptualization in the everyday
in Istanbul. From that point of view, the meaning of language and culture of a certain society could be
design seems too narrow because, in that case, it could perfectly interpreted as the starting point of a

Local, Regional, National, Global and Feedback

transformation process experimented by this society Modernization could also arrive through design items
and thus its embarking on a new age in its history. and debates instead of growing from production
Before the eighteenth century in Europe, for exam- processes.29 This is what we said in Havana: ‘There is
ple, the theoretical dichotomy craft/design has been a subtle link between modernisation processes exper-
an important criterion to select among the productive imented by a society through its desire of modernity,
reality of the time that was significant for design his- and the arrival of Design idea since its early promo-
tory, but it has also been a powerful tool to under- tion and diffusion until its setting up and reaching of
stand how different were two historical situations a popular familiarity’.30 Nevertheless, the fact that
existing side by side in a transitional period. From this professional design could exist without being a conse-

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point of view, design also acquires a sense of rupture quence of changes attained by labour processes and
which hints that a change is going on in history and traditions does not imply that industrial systems and
thus, it becomes a historic concept as well. For this mass production are not embedded in the design
reason it is arguably not helpful that design history concept itself.
includes craft history inside its boundaries, as Simon We might conclude that concepts such as mod-
Jervis once upheld.27 In that way, it could happen ernization, modernity and modernism, emptied of
that peripheral regions, or even nations with a strong their historical and stylistic reference to Modern
craft tradition, lose the opportunity to explain their Movement items, could help us to understand cul-
recent history and the transformations lived every- tural evolution in different regions. Underlying this
where that modernization is carried out by design line of thought there is the question of local identities
practice and discourse. On the contrary, craft and and their social and cultural basis. As a historian, I feel
design are two different ways of conception and plan- nervous whenever the idea of identity is proposed as
ning of material and visual culture which fit different an argument to prove the need of preserving tradi-
historical epochs and represent different stages of the tions. There are several traditions that should be set
whole evolution of the productive systems aside throughout the world, even if the price of doing
everywhere. Craft and design histories have to be so is that less structured cultures result, as some
constructed taking care of and dealing with those anthropologists have warned. It is relevant to men-
elements which better provide the specificity of tion the Spanish experience which, with its pro-
respective historical contexts and periods. nounced Romantic flavour for foreigners and its
If it is accepted that design and the items produced background in dictatorship for many inhabitants,
through designing are the outcomes naturally obtained serves as a telling example of what it is not necessary
when industry and mechanization are introduced to preserve. On the other hand it must be acknowl-
according to what happened in the capitalist core, edged that, to oblige other cultures to preserve their
then the concept conveys a sense of historical identity because it makes sense for us spectators and
disjunction that historians should not reject. While foreigners who feel bored when faced with the loss of
keeping unchanged the old concept of design related diversity in the world is also a sort of cruel imperial-
to mass production through industry, it could be eas- ism. In Barcelona, for example, the modern image of
ier to understand unexpected events such as what was the town based on the 1992 Olympic Games has in
hinted above; that in many regions all over the world many points contradicted its Spanishness. These days,
not yet incorporated to industrialization, or still being local identities or regional characters may not func-
in a backward stage—as proves the lack of a working- tion outside the tourism and souvenir industries.
class movement in the Maghreb and Far East areas, an Besides, in Western design history, the question of
idea of Design arrived which was mostly a cultural local identities is a very old one. We recall the
achievement, soon becoming an ideal of progress, the Deutsches Werkbund and its efforts to define a
visible symbol of economic development.28 In those German form. Traditionally, identity has been an
cases, design has been imported because it was seen argument made by governments whenever they face
as an agent for driving industrial development and so the need to export industrial or home-made products.
it becomes a reliable factor to stimulate the economy Francois Lyotard might have been the first author
even if transformation does not fit the historic and to point out the extent to which local identities and
well known pattern of British industrial revolution. cultural differences are exploited economically as

Anna Calvera

merchandise by the global market since the Second local or national historians, need a general or ideal
World War.31 Some years later, Andrea Branzi history such as that proposed by De Fusco in order
devised what could be considered the most searching to start our work? It depends on the character of
criticism of the quest for local identities and the will this larger narrative; however, we might assume that
to preserve regional cultures because, he argued, they some sort of larger narrative would still be a very
bring about ethnic confrontations and enmities. On useful instrument to have.
the other side, however, it must also be recognized It is clear that if the larger narrative is simply the
that not to respect cultural identities at all, if it is a story of legitimation of different events as part of that
political imposition, could bring similar results. history, then it will not be at all useful since we do

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According to Branzi, ‘international culture is made not yet claim to know what should be legitimated. In
up by the wide system of failures, of questions never that sense, an Ideal or General History is simply a new
answered that local cultures leave open’.32 In that expression of the idea of history proposed by philoso-
sense, when cosmopolitanism was still an ideal of phers from Vico and Hegel to Croce and thus repre-
progress, even Braudel, in his writings on the history sents a backwards step. Yet de Fusco’s explanation,
of civilizations, often warned against those nostalgic while inherited from the debate about Croce’s think-
discourses recalling a lost identity when faced by the ing, includes a very interesting situation of feedback
uniformity brought about by globalization. In short, between local and general. He said ‘The eternal ideal
although an ideological issue, it is still interesting to history is transcendental with regard to the particular
understand the transformative force the Design idea histories of single nations but it doesn’t exclude a
has had when it emerges in many countries around relationship between them: one implies the others
the world. The next step is to analyse how craft tradi- like the relationship that exists between the real and
tions and cultural background have influenced the the ideal, between what ought to be and what is,
idea of Design, making up a new synthesis and, argu- between the norm and that which could develop and
ably, a new and different modernity. become a norm’.33
Very often we have compared what happened
locally and what happened abroad, using a sort of
The nature of the global and the general-ideal history like this as a model to which to
refer. It has also been used as a tool to measure the
need for a larger narrative real worth of local contributions, to demonstrate the
When we deal with a global narrative, whatever degree of modernization, or the level of current
its character, we necessarily deal with some awareness achieved locally. I know that epistemo-
very different, overlapping, and often confusing logically, I am using a very idealistic concept of his-
concepts. We might ask, do Global History, World tory which can only be justified by reference to the
History and General History mean the same thing philosophy of history, but this is not the right place to
methodologically? develop an argument such as this. For the time being,
Until now many design history teachers have it is preferable to focus on the very practical problems
organized their own personal general history narra- constantly faced by a local historian.
tive in order to provide their design students with a The need for a general history takes on a different
broad knowledge of what they need to be able to meaning when we are dealing with influences. For a
perform as design practitioners, not to have to re- local or national historian, there is a more complex
invent garlic soup, or the wheel, and to become pro- task to do than to register influences because there is
fessionals able to move around the world as informed a process of adaptation of the ideas and aesthetic ref-
designers. The outcome has been a kind of Ideal His- erences, or technological innovation, coming from
tory, which Renato de Fusco once called Transcen- abroad and, through feedback, results become subtly
dental History, because it rests on local situations, and different. Seen in this new light even those regions
is therefore a general history quite similar in spirit to which adopt and develop foreign influences are
that old Modern Narrative. Objections have often achieving a synthesis of their own, and thus it is never
been raised since postmodernism, and even before too late to propose their own story to build the gen-
that, by the critics of the Pop movement. Do we, as eral, largest narrative. To place national, regional or

Local, Regional, National, Global and Feedback

metropolitan experiences in the international context the equivalent words. Peripheral seemed soon a very victimist
and ideological word to English-speaking people while
is an important job for all historians, and it will always ‘Marginal countries’ proposed by them following Tony Fry,
help to introduce corrective elements to the main had the same or even worse connotations to Spanish speaking
stream of History. Fernand Braudel invariably asked people. The debate was explained in La Havana together with
the proposal of thinking about the Geography of Design in a
national historians to consider their near and distant way that overcomes the dependent relationship implicit in the
neighbours in order to capture the extent to which geopolitical discourse, and to enjoy an egalitarian horizon at
local reality depends on global and general actions. If least at the starting point of the research.
history were to be organized geographically, the 5 In Istanbul, it was the subject of a strand devoted to analysing
what Westernization means in countries such as Japan and
larger narrative could emerge through the compari- Turkey, which have a strong craft tradition and cultural

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son of particular situations placed on a map drawn up heritage behind them.
as a network. For the time being the comparative 6 Concerning the quotation by Margolin, see Epilogue ‘Post
method is revealing itself as an important instrument War Design Literature’ in Design Discourse, Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press, 1989, p. 285, no. 19.
to deal with different histories placed on an all-
7 Guy Julier, ‘Re-Drawing the Geography of European Design:
embracing map. When discussing Pierre Vilar’s book The Case of Transitional Countries’. Stockholm, 2nd EAD
on Catalan history, Braudel quoted Marc Bloch’s Conference, 1997:
words in favour of a comparative history: ‘comparer The paper examines the interactions between core and
periphery in design entrepreneurial terms; he followed the
pour s’évader des cadres particuliers, ceux du temps argument at his 2001 Annual Conference of the Design History
comme ceux de l’espace’.34 Society held in London, not yet printed. See also Braudel: ‘En
guise de conclusion’ (1977) Les écrits de Fernand Braudel.
Anna Calvera L’histoire au quotidien. Paris, Editions de Fallois, 2001, p. 248:
University of Barcelona ‘Le schema ne vaut pas seulement pour la vie économique. C’est une
machine à explique l’histoire entière des hommes, les sociétés, les
cultures, les États, toutes les formes de vie.’
8 See H. Alpay Er, many papers on Turkish design reality and
Notes experience presented recently at Conferences and international
meetings (Milan 2001 Designing Researches; 4th European
1 See Balcioglu, Tevfik, ‘On the priorities of regional design Academy of Design Conference, Aveiro 2001); see also Ozlem
historiography’. La Havana: 2a. Reunión Internacional de Er ‘Newly Industrialized Countries’ in The Design Journal, vol.
Historiadores y Estudiosos del Diseño, 2000. www. 0, no. 1, 1997, pp. 30–40; Design Issues vol. 19, no. 2; Spring 2003, pp. 17–28. See also Dijon de Moraes’s paper in the
2 See Calvera, Anna, ‘Historia e historias del diseño: la emergencia 4EAD Proceedings, Aveiro 2001.
de las historias regionales’. La Habana: 2a. Reunión Internacional 9 H. Alpay Er, ‘The Advantage or Disadvantage of Delay?
de Historiadores y Estudiosos del Diseño, 2000. www. Peculiar Characteristics of Industrial Design Education in; see also Calvera, Anna: ‘Design in Peripheral Countries. ’ Luisa Collina & Giuliano Simonelli
Barcelona: Its history and its future in the globalised scene’. The (eds), Designing Designers: Training strategies for the Third
Design Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 4–13. See also Alpay Er: Milennium. Milano: Politecnico di Milano, 2001, pp. 27–128.
‘Development Industrial Design in the Third World’. Journal of 10 Tony Fry, ‘A Geography of Power: Design History and
Design History, vol. 10 no. 3, pp. 293–307. Marginality’ Design Issues 1989. Margolin & Buchanan (eds.),
3 Woodham, Jonathan M, ‘Recent trends in Design Historical The Idea of Design. Chicago: The MIT Press, 1995,
Research in Britain’. Calvera & Mallol: Proceedings of the 1st pp. 204–218.
International Conference in Design History, Barcelona: 11 Ibid.
Publicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2001: 85–97. See 12 As an example, see György Haiman’s article on Hungarian
also Julier, Guy: ‘Towards a “Third way” in Design History’, Design and Matthew Turner’s ‘Early Modern Design in Hong
íbid, pp. 112–116; and Narotzky, Viviana: ‘Consumir diseño: Kong’ both in Dennis P. Doordan (ed.), Design History.
de lo privado a lo público’, íbid, pp. 155–159. See also Chicago: The MIT Press, 1995, p. 52 and 200, respectively.
Doordan, Dennis P. (ed), Design History. Chicago: The MIT
Press: 1995 and his references to Kruger & Mariani: Remaking 13 Arthur C. Danto, Después del fin del arte. El arte contemporáneo y
History, 1989. They are the authors of the term ‘alternate el linde de la historia (1997). Barcelona: Paidós, 1999, p. 48.
histories’ to refer to all those nowadays acknowledged mar- 14 See Viviana Narotzky: ‘Consumir diseño: de lo privado a lo
ginalized or neglected groups inside western and developed público’. Calvera & Mallol, Proceedings of the 1st International
tradition. Conference in Design History, Barcelona: Publications de la
4 The Barcelona Conference had two titles not exactly meaning Universitat de Barcelona, 2001, pp. 155–9.
the same due to translation: in Spanish: ‘Doing History from the 15 For a definition of geography with those similar words, see
Peripheral Standpoint: History and Histories of Design’ while in Giuseppe Barbieri: ‘Storia e geografia della cultura’ in Barbieri
English the title was ‘Design History Seen from Abroad: History & Vidali, La ragione possibile. Per una geografia della cultura.
and Histories of Design’. When the pun was discovered, an Milano: Feltrinelli, 1988, p. 116: ‘recuperare un policentrismo
interesting debate concerning how to evaluate and describe dello sviluppo’. According to him, ‘la geografia mostra con
different regions came to the stage together with a need to find immagini, fa vedere, distribuisce i fenomeni che osserva in un paesaggio’.

Anna Calvera

The argument was proposed as the main subject for a confer- deslindar lo propio y específico o la manera en que se
ence held in 1985 n Italy: ‘in una pluralità di modi, forme, strategie reinterpretan estas influencias (…) En Cuba, al igual que en
di ragione appare nel panoraman culturale contemporaneo la possibilità otros países fuera del escenario europeo, no se puede hablar de
di una geografia che rimanda all’esistenza di un paesaggio, il paesaggio modernidad sino de sucesivas modernizaciones que, de manera
composito e alterno in cui l’uomo contemporaneo sta disponendo i importada, han sido introducidas por diferentes acontecimientos
materiali e i progetti del proprio sapere e delle sue trasformazioni’ a lo largo de la historia. Modernizaciones son transformaciones
(1988: 8) The polycentric awareness has been also defended bruscas sin tiempo de adaptarse y aclimatarse a nuestras re-
many time ago in Design Issues vol. 8, no. 1 (1991) pp. 74–77 alidades, es decir, sin la adecuada transculturación’.
Letter from Munich: ‘artificial world follows (…) polycentric 22 The statement that design spread internationally around the
and extremely differential logic.’ 1950s and 1960s outside the Western industrialized core is
16 Morin, Edgar: ‘Le vie della complessità’ in Gianluca Bocchi e supported mainly by the activities developed by ICSID and
Mauro Ceruti: La sfida della complessità (1985). Milan: Feltrinelli, ICOGRADA since its foundation in order to embody societies

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1991/6th: 51: ‘un primo livello di complessità organizzazionale. Ma from different countries all around the world. Latin American
al livello delle organizzazioni biologiche e sociali abbiamo anche un countries are good representatives of that process and Spain
tipo di complessità che è relativo alle questioni del centro e del and Turkey as well. Other centres spreading design influ-
policentrismo. Le organizzazioni sociali sono organizzazioni complesse ences around the world during that time were the HfG Ulm and
perchè sono in uno stesso tempo acentrate (funzionano cioè in maniera the Basel Graphic Design School. Drawing the map of the arriv-
anarchica, attraverso interazioni spontanee), policentriche (caratterizzate ing of Design in all these peripheral countries could be done by
da numerosi centri di controllo, or d’organizzazioni) e centrate searching ICSID membership and its conference attendees.
(dispongono cioè nello stesso tempo, di un centro di decisione). Così le 23 See for example the outcomes of a working group devoted to
nostre società contemporanee si autorganizzano a partire, nello stesso globalization in the 17th ICSID and ICOGRADA joint
tempo, da un centro di comando e di decisione (lo stato, il governo), da Conference held in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in October 1997.
molteplici centri di organizzazioni (le autorità regionali, le autorità A report is available in tipoGráfica, 38. Buenos Aires, March
comunali, le imprese, i partiti politici, etc.) e anche da interazioni 1999, pp. 4–7.
spontanee fra gruppi e fra individui’.
24 ‘Criollo’ corresponds to the English word Creole. The word is
17 Butor, Michel, ‘Geografia della cultura’. Barbieri & Vidali also used to designate everything which is specific of Latin America
1985, pp. 224–237. ‘Ciò che conta per noi sono gli elementi di and its culture. What is really interesting is that it is also the first
comparazioni e ogni elemento diventa assolutamente prezioso; è a identification of a continuation on an old cultural synthesis, an
partire della nozione di confronto che possiamo costruire delle aspect which is not usually remembered by Latin Americans
conseguenze dinamiche e arrivare a delle previsioni molto più sofisticate themselves as an important heritage of their own culture since the
di quelle in uso ancora all’inizio del secolo (XX)’. spreading after romanticism of the ‘indigenist’ myth.
18 Woodham, Jonathan, Twentieth Century Design. Oxford, 25 As did the strand ‘Facing the West in the Near, Middle and Far
New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. East’ coordinated by Haruhiko Fujita in the Istanbul Conference
19 Guy Julier, ‘Re-Drawing the Geography of European Design: dealing with Westernization and Near, Middle and Far Eastern
The Case of Transitional Countries’. Stockholm, 2nd EAD Cultures.
Conference, 1997: 26 Regarding the period paradigm, see Franco Cardini: ‘Grandezza
20 GATCPAC means Group of Catalan Architects and e miseria del paradigma epocale’. Barbieri & Vidali 1985,
Technicians for the Progress of Contemporary Architecture. It pp. 289–305.
was a group of several architects whose internationally better 27 See Simon Jervis, Dictionary of Design and Designers.
known member is Josep Lluís Sert, a close disciple of Le Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984. For a general overview and
Corbusier. The group was formed in 1931 and dissolved most common approaches to the question among British his-
in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. He worked in a very torians, see John Walker Design History and the History of Design.
modern style and introduced modern architecture to Barcelona London: Pluto Press, 1989; chapter 3 ‘Craft and Design’.
in 1927, when a first exhibition took place. For many 28 It is also worth a reminder that a definition of design so clearly
reasons the group has often been considered as belonging to limited historically encloses many problems when looking to
the second generation of the Modern Movement. After the the future. As Margolin himself pointed out in his Istanbul
war, Sert went to the United States while other members address, it is necessary to take into account ‘the changing role
went either to Chile or Argentina. Mercè Vidal has been of the designer in relation to the evolving methods of
researching those journeys due to exile as the paths through production’ in postmodern or an after-postmodern age which
which influence travels around and establishes links among I presume is just beginning now.
distant cultures. See, for example, her paper read at the
Barcelona conference on Antonio Bonet’s work in Buenos 29 Guy Julier pointed at this phenomenon from its more sad aspect
Aires: ‘Diseño contemporáneo y recepción museológica. when dealing with post-communist Hungarian society and the
Un caso concreto: la silla BKF’ Barcelona Proceedings, 2001, popular success experienced by the strongest symbols of late
pp. 294–303; the La Havana paper relates Rodríguez Arias’ capitalism such as MacDonalds. See Julier 1997: 2 of 10.
experience in Chile and the setting up of Muebles Sur, 30 Calvera, Anna ‘Conferencia de Anna Calvera: Historia e historias del diseño: la emergencia de las historias regionales.’
21 Fernández, Lucila: ‘Modernidad y posmodernidad en Cuba’. Lucila Fernández (ed.), Memorias de la 2nd Reunión Científica
Calvera & Mallol (eds.), Historiar desde la periferia: historia e Internacional de Historiadores y Estudiosos del Diseño, ‘La emergencia
historias del diseño. Barcelona: Publicacions de la Universitat de de las historias regionales’. La Habana, junio de 2000. www.
Barcelona, 2001, pp. 71–84. See mainly p. 71: ‘en países sin
una industrialización orgánica, el diseño nació al calor de 31 See François Lyotard: La posmodernidad explicada a los niños
influencias exteriores, por lo que es urgente comenzar a (1986) Barcelona: Gedisa, 1987: 46/47.

Local, Regional, National, Global and Feedback

32 See Andrea Branzi: Introduzione al design italiano. Una modernità essa non si basa più nel sistema delle certezze da proporre al
incompleta. Milano: Baldini & Castoldi, 1999, p. 175 ‘Tutti mondo, ma su un sistema problematico aperto’.
coloro che hanno che contro il mercato planetario potessero
33 De Fusco, Renato: ‘Artifici’ per la storia dell’architettura. Naples,
ancora valere le alternative locali e le culture regionali, hanno
Rome and Milan: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1998, p. 86:
costatato che da queste ipotesi non sono emerse che guerre
‘La storia ideale eterna è trascendente rispetto alla storia
etniche, conflitti religiosi e separatismi devastanti; anche
particolare delle singole nazioni ma non esclude la relazione fra
possiamo dire che se c’è una costante presente oggi nel mondo
le due: la implica come la relazione tra ideale e reale, tra il
attuale, essa è costituita del fallimento puntuale di tutte le
dover essere e l’essere, tra la norma e ciò che a la norma può
culture locali, rese al suolo dalle communicazioni di masse, dai
mercati globali appiattite dal consumismo che ne ha distrutto gli
improponibili modelli (…) La Cultura internazionale è costituita 34 See Fernand Braudel ‘La Catalogne, plus l’Espagne de Pierre
dal vasto sistema di fallimenti, dalle domande senza risposta che Vilar’. Annales, (April 1968) in L’histoire au quotidien. Vol III.

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le culture locali hanno lasciato aperte. Paradossalmente, dumque Paris: Fallois, 2001, p. 493.


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