Design & Development of An Autonomic Integrated Car Parking System

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COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 6 (3), March-2017 (Volume-VI, Issue-III)



Prof.Dr.G.Manoj Someswar1, Dr. Dayananda R.B.2, Mrs. Anupama S.3, Ms.Jahnavi Priyadarshini 4, Aftab Ahmed
Principal & Professor, Dept. of CSE, NRI Institute of Technology, Kothur, Greater Hyderabad, Telangana State
Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru – 16, Karnataka State, India.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, VVIET, Mysuru, Karnataka State, India.

Abstract: In Autonomic integrated car parking system, the aim is to reduce the time required to park the car in the
parking slot and also safety of the vehicle. Now days in many multiplex systems there is a severe problem for car
parking facility. There are many lanes for car parking, so to park a car one has to look for the all lanes. Moreover
there is a need of man power for this process. So the need is to develop a system to indicate the vacancy slot for
parking. This is mainly made by considering present busy life style of the people so that these people can reduce
their time required for parking. Main objective is to give modern touch in parking system and secondary objective is
to reduce human efforts.
Keywords: IR sensor, GSM module, Radio frequency identification, Automated Fee Collection, Graphical LCD,
Real Time Clock (RTC), Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID), Intrusive Sensors

I. INTRODUCTION show LEDs for all Parking slot and for all parking
lanes. Empty slot is indicated by the respective
In present modern environment and multiplex glowing LED.
systems there is a severe problem for car parking Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is an
facility. There are many lanes for car parking, so to automatic identification method, relying on storing
park a car one has to look for the all lanes. Moreover and remotely retrieving data using devices called
there is a lot of men labour involved for this process RFID tags or transponders. There are two types of
for which there is lot of investment. So there is need tags namely active and passive. In this
is to develop a system which indicates directly which Project, we are using passive type of tags. This
parking slot is vacant in any lane. The project project focuses on an electronic fee collection system
involves a system including infrared transmitter and using Radio frequency identification (RFID)
receiver in every lane and a LED & LCD display technology. When an authorized RFID Tag comes in
outside the car parking gate. So the person entering front of RFID reader, the reader reads information
parking area can view the LED display and can about that vehicle from its unique RFID Tag and
decide which lane to enter so as to park the car. records the details of the visitor into system. RFID
Car parking systems does not have any intelligent reader performs the whole task.
monitoring system. Parking lots are monitored by The main components of project are IR sensor,
human beings. All vehicles enter into the parking and 78052 microcontroller, RF module and GSM module.
waste time for We use 78052 microcontroller as main controlling
searching for parking slot. Sometimes it creates unit. It has high performance, low power, 8 bit
blockage. [1] microcontroller. RF module is used as transmitting
Condition become worse when there are multiple and receiving unit. We choose RF module
parking lanes and each lane have multiple parking used because it is wireless, accessibility is fast and
slots. Use of automated system for car parking less time is wasted, accuracy is greater than 99% and
monitoring will reduce the human efforts. Display is cost effective than running cables. [2] The car was
unit is installed on entrance of parking lot which will sensed by using IR sensor. This sensor detects car by

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 6 (3), March-2017 (Volume-VI, Issue-III)

using principle of photo emission of IR LED. In this parking. Finding the vacant slots in the parking can
project we are working on interfacing RFID module be obtained by various types of sensor technology.
for sending message to microcontroller, interface Detecting parking space vacancy is a technology that
LCD display to display the time and date and LED needs to detect if a parking space is available or
display to display the vacancy of slot location, occupied.[5] The appropriate detection technology
interface GSM module to sending the details like mainly depends on the objective and scope of the
time of entry, time of exit, time the car was parked system. Different detection technologies are
and amount deducted from the account for respective discussed below
time the car was parked, Interface IR sensor to detect
car, apart from these modules we are using a Real Vision Based
Time Clock (RTC) which helps us in calculating time Vision based detection normally uses cameras which
for which the car is parked. This is done by just is able to capture a number of parking spaces at once
subtracting the entry and exit time of the car. The H- together with an image processing which will be able
bridge to drive the two motors which help in opening to identify the parking space availability. [6] Vision
and closing of gate and we are using Graphical LCD based can be subdivided into two different
(GLCD) in which we can display images like the approaches, one by counting the number of coming
logo of the building in which this system in installed, and outgoing vehicles and estimate the number of
images of greeting people like welcome, thank you, available spaces, while another approach is to
visit again. monitor the each individual space which can also be
This system does not require any manual operation used to guide the car to the available spaces.
of gates and collection of parking fee, it has
completely automated fee collection system. The Sensor Based
vehicle owners are registered with their vehicles On the other hand sensor based detection uses
proper information, when the vehicle passes through multiple sensors, normally one sensor for each
the toll gate, the information is shared between RFID parking space is used to detect each parking space
tag and RFID reader and the amount is deducted from occupancy individually. The sensors are mainly
the owners account at the time of exit. divided into two categories, intrusive and non-
intrusive sensors.
II. Literature survey
Intrusive Sensors
Recent advancement in the automobile industry has This type of sensor is mainly installed in holes on the
opted many people to use their own vehicle for road surface. In order to create the holes to install
travelling. But at the same moment these these sensors procedures such as tunneling under the
advancements have become hard at times. The road surface or anchoring to the roads are used. This
number of people using their own vehicle has type of sensors includes active infrared sensors,
increased exponentially in the past ten or fifteen inductive loops, magnetometers, magneto-resistive
years with the growth of economy all over the sensors, pneumatic road tubes, piezoelectric cables
world.[3] and weigh-in-motion sensors.

Finding a parking spot in a crowded city is a Non-Intrusive Sensors

challenging issue, and drivers searching for one are On the other hand the non-intrusive sensors are
the cause for 30 percent of traffic congestions as installed by either mounting the sensor to the ceiling
published by Cisco in the year 2014(Cisco is a or ground. There is no need for tunneling or
multinational corporation, headquartered in San Jose, anchoring like the intrusive sensor, therefore makes
California, United States that designs, manufactured them easier to install. Nonintrusive sensors include
and and networking equipment). [4] Combining microwave radar, passive acoustic array sensors,
different types of information from sensors, video passive infrared sensors, RFID, ultrasound and video
cameras, traffic management systems or public image processing.
transport management systems can solve many
problems related with parking issues. According to Yamanda & Mizuno, 2001 in order to
detect the state of each space a number of methods
Detection Technology have been utilized, including, placing ultrasonic
An intelligent parking systems needs to have sensors at each space which means many sensors are
information about the vacant slots in the parking needed, or another method is by use of cameras
areas in order to be able to help the drivers find which is placed at a high position and allows the
guidance of a large area by a few cameras, this

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 6 (3), March-2017 (Volume-VI, Issue-III)

approach is also more appropriate for outdoor In the entry point using LED we display the vacant
parking systems. slots so, that the customer doesn’t waste time in
searching slot for parking. With this he can directly
go and park his vehicle in the vacant slot. Vacant
III. Proposed system slots are detected using IR sensors. After the car exits
the entry and exit times are subtracted and
Hardware Requirements corresponding amount is deducted and the
information is sent to the customer’s cell using GSM
The hardware part consists of IR (infrared) sensors module.
used for detect presence of the car in the parking slot
as well as near the entry and exit point. We are using IV. Results
three types of displays, they are GLCD (Graphical
liquid crystal display) used for displaying images, This section provides detailed discussion on results.
LCD used for displaying time and date and also to The Table below gives the detailed information about
display swipe your card instruction and lastly the each and every module of the project on how each
LED (Light emitting diode) used to display the empty module is operated and how much time is consumed
slots. We use H-bridge to drive a motor which helps and at what time the different parts of the project are
in open and closure of the gate. RTC (real time clock) operated and what are all the delay specifications.
used to record time. RFID (radio frequency
identification device) used for identification of Component Result
customer and getting his information. And finally
GSM (Global System for Mobile) module used to RFID Works at 125KHz, Passive type of
send message to customer about the time and tags used, minimum sensing
corresponding amount detected. distance 0.1cm and maximum
distance is 3 to 4 cm.
Software Requirements DC motor Used to close and open the gate
with delay of 3 seconds.
The software part consists of the microcontroller IR sensor Senses the vehicle at maximum
coding in Embedded C to control all the modules 7cm distance and helps in
indicating the
System description Vacancy slot.

The block diagram of the system as shown in the V. Conclusion

figure 1.
Use of RFID Readers and tags makes the parking
When car comes and stands near the entry point, it is system time efficient and hence reduces the human
detected by the IR sensors, a message will be efforts at the parking area. When the RFID reader
displayed on the lcd display as please swipe your detects the RFID tag by its 12 digit code, the money
card as soon as it is done the red right above the gate balance from the card is deducted for the parking.
changes from red to green and gate opens. Same The proposed system eliminates the need for
technique is used during exit. When the card is motorists and toll authorities to manually perform
swiped the time of entry is recorded using RTC. ticket payments and fee collections, respectively.
In beginning, the user is prompted to scan the user’s
tag or ID. The serial code of the tag is identified by
the reader module and is sent to 8051 microcontroller
for comparison with stored data. If the identity (serial
number of the tag, i.e., 12 byte data) is matched with
the one already stored in the system, the parking
amount is deducted from user account, and a message
will be sent to the user. On the contrary, if the tag is
not identified, entry gate will not open.
RFID Technology has brought a vast difference in
day-to-day life. This project for a toll tax collection
system would reduce the time and work efficiency of
human beings working at the toll tax for collection of
Figure 1. System overview toll amount. The development of RFID based parking

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 6 (3), March-2017 (Volume-VI, Issue-III)

system has proved that RFID technology have good

results in implementing in different applications but
the standard company have develop the framework of
applications. Also the traffic at the parking due to
time consuming steps of putting up the entries and
paying would be reduced. Hence traffic is
Rationale for developing a deterministic model was
to streamline and simplify the process of generating
the required traffic parameters for estimating traffic
delay. As users’ familiarity with the system increases
with time, less operational problems are encountered.
Finally, the use of Automatic integrated parking
system Technology has to spread rapidly, particularly
at shopping malls, apartments, office. The
methodology and results presented herein are
expected to serve as a guide for making decisions and
estimating benefits relating to the use of electronic
toll collection technology.

VI. References

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