Nafion Thickness PDF
Nafion Thickness PDF
Nafion Thickness PDF
The conductivity of fully hydrated Nafion 112, 1135, 115 and 117 membranes was measured via ac impedance spectroscopy and steady-state
current–potential measurements both in symmetric H2 , Pt|Nafion|Pt, H2 and D2 , Pt|Nafion|Pt, D2 PEM cells and in H2 , Pt|Nafion|Pt, air and D2 ,
Pt|Nafion|Pt, air PEM fuel cells. In agreement with recent studies, it was found that the conductivity, σ, increases almost linearly with membrane
thickness L and also depends exponentially on potential and almost linearly on PH2 . These and other observations, including the strong isotope
effect obtained upon switching between H2 and D2 at the anode, show that the conductivity of Nafion contains two components, one due to proton
migration in the aqueous phase, the other due to proton tunneling between adjacent sulfonate groups in narrow pores. The observed near-linear
increase of σ with L is consistent with the proton tunneling mechanism but can also be explained by the existence of skin layers with lower
conductivity at the ionomer interfaces with the anode and cathode.
© 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Nafion conductivity; Effect of thickness; Proton tunneling; Classical jump model; Isotope effect of conductivity
0013-4686/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2744 M.N. Tsampas et al. / Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 2743–2755
Fig. 2. Nyquist plots of the symmetic H2 , Pt/Nafion 117/Pt, H2 cell with PH2 =
1 kPa (triangles) and PH2 = 100 kPa (circles). Frequency at semicircle top was
0.24 and 20 Hz, respectively; signal amplitude 5 mV.
where Iin and If are the initial and final current values during the
Thus, the time constant, τ, of the system is CH 0 VF/Ī, where
Ī is the average current value ((Iin + If )/2 = 0.45 A) and from the
observed time constant of the system (60 s) and the active mem-
brane volume (2.3 cm × 2.3 cm × 185 m = 9.8 × 10−8 m3 ) one
computes CH 0 ≡ τ Ī/VF = 2850 mol/m3 . This value is higher
Fig. 9. Effect of PH2 on γ potential: (a) linear plot, (b) γ −1 vs. PH2 and (c) semilogarithmic plot.
anode of 1.7 × 104 cm2 per superficial cm2 of the PEM mem- It is also worth noting that protons generated by reaction
brane. For a surface atom density of 1015 atoms/cm2 (Pt) or (9) cannot in general be expected to remain localized only
4 × 1015 atoms/cm2 (C) this corresponds to 2.73 × 10−5 mol in the ionomer phase of the three-dimensional anode, i.e. at
Pt or 1.1 × 10−4 mol C. The metal loading at the anode the compact double layer between the anode and the hydrated
is 1.8 mg/cm2 , i.e. 9 × 10−6 mol metal/cm2 and that of C is Nafion membrane. This is due to the purely protonic con-
2.2 mg/cm2 , i.e. 1.8 × 10−4 mol C/cm2 . Thus, if a fraction 80% ductivity of Nafion membranes and the resulting spatial con-
(=1.8 × 10−4 mol/2.2 × 10−4 ) of the C atoms are surface atoms stancy of the electrochemical potential, µ̄H+ , of the protons
one can account for the very large measured capacitance, throughout the membrane which is valid both in symmet-
even neglecting the protons present at the Pt metal/solution ric H2 , Pt|Nafion|Pt, H2 cells but also in H2 , Pt|Nafion|Pt,
interface. O2 fuel cells as long as the purely ohmic overpotential is
On the other hand, at CH 0 = 900 mol/m3 the protons
+ small. The spatial constancy of µ̄H+ implies that an increase
resulting from the dissociation of the sulfonate groups are in proton concentration in the ionomer phase will cause a (not
1.67 × 10−5 mol H+ /cm2 of the 185 m thick Nafion 117 mem- generally equal) increase in proton concentration throughout
brane, i.e. a factor of 7 smaller than those which can be stored the membrane. As already noted, this extension of the dif-
at the anode/membrane interface. Thus, it is entirely possible to fuse part of the anodic double layer in the membrane itself is
anodically generate and store at the anode/membrane interface not necessary for explaining the above high measured average
several (up to roughly seven) times more protons than those CH0 values.
resulting from the dissociation of the sulfonic groups of the In view of the above discussion one can explain why com-
Nafion membrane. This can explain why the estimated CH 0
+ mercial PEM units, such as the one used here, always utilize a
value (2850 mol/m ) is a factor of three higher than the nomi- porous C-supported anode, which in addition to efficient anodic
nal value of 900 mol/m3 corresponding to protons resulting only electrocatalysis, ensures a very high capacitance value, while a
from the, almost complete, sulfonic group dissociation. Pt-black electrode is usually sufficient at the cathode.
M.N. Tsampas et al. / Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 2743–2755 2749
Fig. 10. Physical model used to rationalize Eqs. (2) and (6) (top) and schematic of the Nafion molecular structure showing the ether bond bending and resulting
optimal conditions for proton tunneling [24].
Steady-state current–potential PEMFC curves are presented As already shown in Figs. 7, 8 and 15 and as also recently
in Fig. 14. They were obtained in the two time intervals between reported in the literature [24,25] the conductivity σ is described
the transients shown in Fig. 12a–c. The D2 -fueled PEMFC gives by
significantly lower currents at low potentials and exhibits steady-
state multiplicity, i.e. the current exhibits a local maximum, as σ = min(σb , σs ) (10)
described by the γ-model [24,25]. For current densities between or
600 and 950 A/m2 the ratio of the power outputs of the D2 - and σb σs
H2 -fueled PEMFCs is zero. σ= (11)
σb + σ s
Fig. 15 shows the Nafion conductivity values computed from
the I–U curves of Fig. 14, where activation and gas-phase mass- (both equations are compared with the data in Fig. 15) and the
transfer overpotentials are clearly absent. As expected [24,25], extracted σ max (=σ b ) and σ min (=σ s for U = 0) parameters are
D2 has a minor (15%) effect on the bulk conductivity, σ b , but also shown in Fig. 15. It is clear from Fig. 15 that the observed
causes a significant, near two-fold, decrease in σ s and in the strong isotope effect in Figs. 12 and 14 is primarily (∼85%) due
slope γ (Fig. 15). to the pronounced decrease in σ s upon replacing H2 with D2 .
2750 M.N. Tsampas et al. / Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 2743–2755
Fig. 13. Schematic of PEM fuel cell showing the three-dimensional superca-
pacitive anode and cathode regions. See text for discussion.
Fig. 12. Transient response of cell potential and current to step changes between H2 and D2 at the anode (PH2 = PD2 = 0.7 kPa). Anode flowrate = 2.4 l/min; cathode
air flowrate = 0.2 l/min; (a), (b) and (c) were obtained consecutively as discussed in the text.
M.N. Tsampas et al. / Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 2743–2755 2751
4. Discussion
σ = min(σb , σs ) (10)
U − Uc
σs = σb exp , U ≤ Uc ≤ Urev (12)
σ = σb , Uc ≤ U ≤ Urev (13)
−RSO− + − +
3 + H −RSO3 H (16)
Furthermore, by comparing the exponential terms of Eqs. (3) some internal process in the material, which is not affected to
and (23) one obtains any significant effect by the field U/L.
kb TL
j = (29) 4.4. Proton tunneling mechanism
e0 γ
which for the experimentally observed γ values (0.3–1.5 V) As already noted, the strong isotope effect as well as the
for L = 185 m (Nafion 117) gives j values between 72 and strong effect of potential, PH2 and thickness on the conductiv-
14.5 m, i.e.: ity of Nafion membranes is consistent with a proton tunneling
mechanism for the transport of protons between adjacent sul-
14.5 m < j < 72 m (30) fonate groups on the wall surfaces of Nafion membranes. Each
Such long proton jumps are, of course, not meaningful. In sum- proton, including those in the immediate vicinity of RSO− 3
mary, the classical thermally activated proton jump approach groups, creates around it its own Debye–Huckel negatively
predicts a decrease of σ with L (Fig. 16) and also gives unrea- charged cloud [29,31], described by the Poisson–Boltzmann
sonably high j values and thus totally fails to describe the (PB) formulation [29,31] and its potential is screened by the
experimental observations. potential of the cloud. The proton can migrate via tunneling
to neighboring empty RSO− 3 sites which belong to that cloud
and are at a distance of the order of the Debye length, κ−1 , of
4.3. Implications of the linear σ versus L dependence
Nafion (∼0.4 × 10−10 m, depending strongly on the local H+
concentration). The tunneling distance is of the order of the pro-
The observed near-linear increase in conductivity with mem-
ton wavelength, which is again of the order of 0.2 × 10−10 m
brane thickness can be attributed to an inhomogeneous layered
for proton energies of the order of 1 eV. The proton tunneling
Nafion membrane with a high resistance, low conductivity, skin
probability, which determines the current density depends on
layer at the anode-ionomer and possibly cathode-ionomer inter-
the local environment of the proton in its PB cloud, which is
face [27]. Since the ionomer phase occupies typically 30–40%
practically unaffected by the field strength U/L. In fact, it can
of the volume of the three-dimensional anode-ionomer interfa-
be shown [29] that the tunneling current density is given by:
cial region (Fig. 13), it is indeed possible that the macroscopic
ionomer conductivity is significantly lower in that region than kb T
i= C + F∗T PT ΘH+ (1 − ΘH+ ) (34)
in the bulk of the membrane. h H
Since, however, the proton concentration is very high in this
where ΘH+ is the fraction of sulfonate groups with a proton
supercapacitor region, such a geometric skin effect can be antic-
counterion, i.e. with a proton localized in their DH cloud, ∗T the
ipated only if the proton concentration is uniform throughout
average distance between two adjacent sulfonate groups (con-
the membrane.
nected with the main polymer chain via flexible ether bonds
Although such a skin effect may play a significant role, there
(Fig. 10)) and the tunneling probability, PT , is given by the
is an alternative, and not mutually exclusive, explanation for the
Gamow equation [29,31]:
observed near-linear increase in σ with L which is valid even for
a homogeneous material. 2 / h)r [2m[E0 −E]]1/2
As already noted, any homogeneous material, where the local PT = e−(π T (35)
current density, i, is not proportional to the field strength U/L Both the tunneling distance rT and the energy barier E0 − E can
(where U is the potential applied across the material and L is it be computed using the Debye–Huckel theory [29]:
thickness in the direction of i) will exhibit thickness-dependent
conductivity. This is because, by the definition of σ, it is: rT = κ−1 v1/2 (36)
I L i E0 − E = e0 [Φv1/2 e−v
+ Φv] (37)
σ= = L (31)
where the potential Φ is given by:
where i = I/S and S is the cross-sectional surface area.
Thus, if Ohm’s Law is obeyed and me30
Φ= (38)
U ε 2 h2
i = i0 (32)
L and m is the proton mass. The dimensionless proton potential v
where i0 is a constant, one obtains from Eqs. (31) and (32) that is defined from:
σ = i0 , i.e. constant. But if Eq. (32) is not obeyed, then σ will be −Up
L-dependent. We concentrate now to the specific case where σ v= (39)
depends linearly on L, as is the present case for σ s :
Since i does not vary linearly with the field U/L it follows that
σs = σs0 L (33) σ will be proportional to L [29]:
Comparison of Eqs. (31) and (33) shows that Eq. (33) will kb T 0 L
σ= C + F∗T PT ΘH+ (1 − ΘH+ ) (40)
be satisfied if i/U is fixed to some constant value, due, e.g. to h H U
2754 M.N. Tsampas et al. / Electrochimica Acta 51 (2006) 2743–2755
where U equals the open-circuit potential Urev for fuel cell oper- j length of classical jumps (Eq. (18)) (m)
ation and the applied potential U for symmetric H2 –H2 cells. L0 thickness of a nanobattery (m)
The derivation of Eqs. (34) and (40) on the basis of the PB for- N number of nanobatteries
mulation will be given elsewhere [29]. These equations enable NAv Avogadro’s number (6.022 × 1023 mol−1 )
one to compute a priori σs0 and σ s . For the purpose, however, of PH2 partial pressure (kPa)
rationalizing Eq. (3), i.e PT tunneling probability
R resistance ()
σs = σs0 L (41)
Rc resistance of a nanobattery ()
for any fixed overpotential U, it is sufficient to note that, as rT Tunneling radius (m)
already discussed, the current density, i, is determined by the S active membrane surface (m2 )
local environment of the proton (proton plus Debye–Huckel T temperature (K)
cloud) and by the concomitant tunneling probability PT which U potential (V)
do not depend on the field strength U/L. As shown elsewhere Urev reversible potential (V)
[29], Eq. (40) provides a semiquantitative fit to experimental V active membrane volume (m3 )
Nafion conductivity values. v dimensionless potential defined in Eq. (39)
V volt
5. Conclusions
Greek symbols
The conductivity of fully hydrated Nafion membranes
U overpotential or applied potential (V)
increases very significantly with potential, PH2 and membrane
Φ tunneling potential (Eq. (38)) (V)
thickness. These observations, together with the strong observed
ΘH + fraction of protonated sulfonate groups
isotope effect, suggest strongly a proton tunneling mechanism
ΨT proton potential at tunneling distance (V)
between adjacent sulfonate groups in narrow membrane pores.
ε (=4πε0 εr ), where ε0 is the permittivity of vacuum
The near linear increase in σ with L may also be due to a skin
(8.85 × 10−12 C2 /(J m)) and εr is the dielectric constant
effect. In this case the potential, PH2 and isotope effects inter-
in Nafion (Eq. (38))
pretation presented here applies to the skin region and not to the
γ characteristic membrane potential (Eq. (1)) (V)
entire membrane. Additional work will be necessary to deter-
κ−1 Debye length (m)
mine whether a skin conductivity layer exists and, if so, how
κd jump frequency (Eq. (18)) (s−1 )
much it extends in the Nafion membrane.
σ conductivity (S/m)
σb bulk conductivity (S/m)
σs surface conductivity (S/m)
τ time constant (s)
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