E-Restaurant Android Application Using Near Field Communication

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

E-Restaurant Android Application

Using Near Field Communication
Shubham Bhagat1, Pankaj Wate2, Rakshanda Kurliye3, Laxmi Kadve4,
Pranay Sonune5 & Priyanka Gonnade6
1, 2,3,4,5
Computer Science & Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Asst Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering &
Research Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract: There are several invention have been extensive investment in purchase and storage of
made using near field communication technology paper, large manpower and also is prone to human
which suggest that NFC technology is about to have errors and greater time consumption [17].
a major breakthrough in the market. In this paper, The Major Objective is to help restaurants solve
we explore the near field communication technology these problems by implementing a low-cost solution
further by implementing with food ordering system to increasing customer and restaurant staff
and providing a feasibility to the restaurant industry. satisfaction. The idea is creating a menu using NFC
The prototype of this system tells that data is send technology. NFC tags will be affixed to the
from server to NFC and NFC to server uses peer-to- restaurant menu with a specifically-designed NFC
peer communication. This application consists of reader hard-wired to the menu. Customers can use
three applications within itself. First is for the the reader to select menu items by hovering over the
customer who can book tables and place orders. appropriate NFC tags on their menus. Since NFC-
Second is for the kitchen unit in a restaurant, which tags are so low profile (almost as small as a sticker!),
enables the staff to view current orders. Third is for restaurants can keep the current design/layout of
the manager of that restaurant in order to keep track their menus and integrate our new technology with
of all the transactions. We have made use of a low switching costs.
recommendation engine that suggests menu to a The menu will contain an RF module that will
customer while placing order. Our research says that send the order directly to the kitchen, reducing the
implementing NFC technology in the food ordering work that waiters need to do. This will allow the
system will resolve the issue of existing system. We restaurant to and hire less waiters and will also
have chosen android and web based platform improve any miscommunication between server and
because it is most widely used today. patron. Imagine if you are in a foreign country where
you do not speak the native language. Our solution
1. Introduction will allow you to intuitively point and select the
items you want, keeping difficult communication
Mobile communication systems continue to grow in between server and guest minimal.
popularity and have become an integral part for Some restaurants thrive through the friendly service
communication in both personal and business that their staff brings to the table. Our product is
purpose [5]. With the advancement in information designed for fast-casual type restaurants where you
and communication as it takes lot of time & are solely interested in getting your food and eating.
technology (ITC) business transactions has greatly
influenced. The adoption of wireless technology &
emergence of mobile devices has led to automation
in the restaurant industry. Business in restaurant
industry can be improved with the combination of
wireless and mobile technologies. The competition in
restaurant business has increased with the
advancements in food ordering techniques [20]. In
earlier days, food ordering was a completely manual
process where a waiter used to note down orders
from the customers using pen and paper, take the
orders to the kitchen, bring the food and make the
bill. Although this system is simple it requires

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 1349

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in


Application user interface is everything that the user

can see and interact with. Android provides a variety
of pre-build UI components such as structured layout
objects and UI controls that allow building the
graphical user interface for application. Android also
provides other UI modules for special interface such
as dialogs, notifications and menus [14]

Fig: System Architecture


Once authentication details are verified, client gets

the menu card on his/her mobile phone.
The system consists of following components: The
backend which is made up of web server and
database, and the frontend that include both the user Fig: Application flow diagram
and the administration. The most important
component of this system is the database and the 2.1.2 INFORMATION PROCESSING
frontend and the android application. Every table is
attached with NFC tags. These tags hold a unique The centralized server provides four main services.
number. These tags are scan by android smart phone These include database creation, creation of user
to establish a connection (NFC reader/writer). These App, interfacing between Clients App and NFC and
tags are synchronized with the database running on android application module [14].
centralized server. When connection is established
the menu card is retrieve from the server and display
to the user. This will allow faster access to the menu.
When the order is placed the NFC tag ID is stored
in the database. The server holds all the information
Basically there are three modules in this
regarding the product and offer costing. The smart
application first is the user another is admin module
phone and the server communicate with each other.
and third is kitchen module.
The user then browse the menu however they want
to, sorting the item etc. The user also click through to
view more information about any item nutritional
information, ingredients, trivia and any other content
This module is used by the customer to order there
that the restaurant administration may feel like
product. User can select item or browse item from
the menu card, once the order get selected user can
While browsing through the menu, the customer
place the order and get a SMS about the order
may add items to his/her order. This process is
instantly. Notifying the user about their order
commonly known as “building the order”. After the
confirmation will help the user to know where there
order is built and read, the user may go ahead and
order is placed successfully or not. User can also see
place the order. The user will automatically and
the recipe of the product like what is the ingredient in
almost instantly be notified about the new order so
that product etc. User need to pay bill manually or
that they can act on it.
pay the bill through online payment.

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 1350

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in


In this module, administrator make changes about the This mode emulates a traditional smart card (such as
product information add new product to the menu MasterCard or Visa) and makes this mode
update the database or add new restaurant etc. convenient because of the already existing setup for
Payment procedure has been done by the the contactless payments by these smartcards
administration via online payment or by manually. companies. Thus NFC enabled mobile phones
Administrator act as a mediator between kitchen becomes a credit card [12].
department and customer.


1. Welcome screen
After the order is successfully placed, the order
information is forward to the kitchen department. In This is the home page of the web application where
kitchen department, when the order is ready then the user register and login to the website and add the
message in convey to the user that the order is ready information about the tables, menu etc. There is also
you can collect the order from the counter. a feedback tab which show about the feedback of the
Conveying the message regarding the order is the restaurant given by customer.
better option instead of paper bill.



NFC is a short-range wireless communication

technology that is based on approved and mature
standards in the field of RFID and smart cards.
RFID, which has already been introduced in the
1970s, realizes automatic identification and data
transfer via electromagnetic radio signals typically
my means of an active reader that is connected to a
Fig Home Screen
source of energy and a passive electronic tag that is a
transponder receiving its power from the reader by 2. Menu addition page
magnetic induction. Thus, NFC supports in overall
three operating modes [13]. In this page, admin can add the menu product the
like the product information, product recipe etc. Here
3.1.1 READER MODE admin can insert the product one by one or just by
uploading the menu by clicking the select menu and
This allows the phone to read passive RFID tags on upload it.
posters, stickers, and other stationary objects that
contain certain types of information on them. For
instance, you could tap your phone on the reader tag
in a movie poster and it would begin playing the
movie trailer, provide theater times, locations, and so


P2P offers interaction between two active NFC-

equipped devices such as phones. Using this mode,
one could make payments to another individual or
business just by tapping the two phones together,
P2P could also go a long way in creating an
enhanced multiplayer gaming experience [12]. Fig: Menu addition tab

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

3. Restaurant addition page By click the order button select the number of plates
and click on the “+” button to order the dishes.
In this admin can add various restaurant in the
database so that various restaurant can access there
menu card through the NFC technology.
Here every restaurant has also a unique ID for
authentication purpose.

Fig: Restaurant addition page

3. Restaurant Menu Page

One NFC tag is attach with every table in the

restaurant. When user establish a connection with
this tag then then this menu will be appear on the

Fig: Select the Number of dishes

6. Bill Generation

After selecting the number of dishes user need to

click on the button which is located at left most
bottom of the application. After click the button the
bill is shown to the user with total amount. User need
to pay the bill manually, the bill record is shown to
the owner of the restaurant until the user pay the bill.
Once the user paid the bill the status of the payment
updated to pay and the table is free for another

Fig: Menu Card

4. Select the number of plates

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

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