What Do You Mean by Data and Information ?: Computer

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What do you mean by Data and Information ?

The words Data and Information may look similar and many people use these words

very frequently, But both have lots of differences between them.
what is data: Data are plain facts. The word "data" is plural for "datum." When data
are processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make
them useful, they are called Information.
It is not enough to have data (such as statistics on the economy). Data themselves
are fairly useless, but when these data are interpreted and processed to determine its
true meaning, they becomes useful and can be named as Information.
Information is data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to
the person who receives it. it is any thing that is communicated.
Data is the term, that may be new to beginners, but it is very interesting and simple to
understand. It can be anything like name of a person or a place or a number etc. Data
is the name given to basic facts and entities such as names and numbers. The main
examples of data are weights, prices, costs, numbers of items sold, employee names,
product names, addresses, tax codes, registration marks etc. 
Data is the raw material that can be processed by any computing machine. Data can
be represented in the form of:
Numbers and words which can be stored in computer's language
Images, sounds, multimedia and animated data as shown.

Information: Information is data that has been converted into a more useful or
intelligible form. It is the set of data that has been organized for direct utilization of
mankind, as information helps human beings in their decision making process.
Examples are: Time Table, Merit List, Report card, Headed tables, printed
documents, pay slips, receipts, reports etc. The information is obtained by assembling
items of data into a meaningful form. For example, marks obtained by students and
their roll numbers form data, the report card/sheet is the .information. Other forms of
information are pay-slips, schedules, reports, worksheet, bar charts, invoices and
account returns etc. It may be noted that information may further be processed and/or
manipulated to form knowledge. Information containing wisdom is known as

Data vs. Information

There is a subtle difference between data and information. Data are the facts or

details from which information is derived. Individual pieces of data are rarely
useful alone. For data to become information, data needs to be put into context.

Comparison chart

Data versus Information comparison chart

Data Information

Meaning Data is raw, unorganized When data is processed, organized,

facts that need to be structured or presented in a given
processed. Data can be context so as to make it useful, it is
something simple and called information.
seemingly random and
useless until it is organized.

Example Each student's test score is The average score of a class or of the
one piece of data. entire school is information that can
be derived from the given data.

Etymolog "Data" comes from a singular "Information" is an older word that

y Latin word, datum, which dates back to the 1300s and has Old
originally meant "something French and Middle English origins. It
given." Its early usage dates has always referred to "the act of
back to the 1600s. Over time informing, " usually in regard to
"data" has become the plural education, instruction, or other
of datum. knowledge communication.

Contents: Data vs Information

 1 Data vs. Information - Differences in Meaning
 2 Examples of Data and Information
 3 "Misleading" Data
 4 Video Explaining the Differences
 5 Etymology
 6 Grammar and Usage
 7 References

Data vs. Information - Differences in Meaning

"The numbers have no way of speaking for themselves. We speak for them. We
imbue them with meaning." —Statistician Nate Silver in the book The Signal and the

Data are simply facts or figures — bits of information, but not information itself.
When data are processed, interpreted, organized, structured or presented so as
to make them meaningful or useful, they are called information. Information
provides context for data.
For example, a list of dates — data — is meaningless without the information that
makes the dates relevant (dates of holiday).
"Data" and "information" are intricately tied together, whether one is recognizing
them as two separate words or using them interchangeably, as is common today.
Whether they are used interchangeably depends somewhat on the usage of
"data" — its context and grammar.

Examples of Data and Information

 The history of temperature readings all over the world for the past 100 years
is data. If this data is organized and analyzed to find that global temperature is
rising, then that is information.

 The number of visitors to a website by country is an example of data. Finding

out that traffic from the U.S. is increasing while that from Australia is decreasing is
meaningful information.

 Often data is required to back up a claim or conclusion (information) derived

or deduced from it. For example, before a drug is approved by the FDA, the
manufacturer must conduct clinical trials and present a lot of data to demonstrate
that the drug is safe.

Computer - Data and Information
Data can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a
formalized manner, which should be suitable for communication, interpretation, or
processing by human or electronic machine.
Data is represented with the help of characters such as alphabets (A-Z, a-z), digits
(0-9) or special characters (+,-,/,*,<,>,= etc.)
What is Information?
Information is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful values for
the receiver. Information is the processed data on which decisions and actions are
For the decision to be meaningful, the processed data must qualify for the following
characteristics −
 Timely − Information should be available when required.
 Accuracy − Information should be accurate.
 Completeness − Information should be complete.

Data Processing Cycle

Data processing is the re-structuring or re-ordering of data by people or machine to
increase their usefulness and add values for a particular purpose. Data processing
consists of the following basic steps - input, processing, and output. These three
steps constitute the data processing cycle.

 Input − In this step, the input data is prepared in some convenient form for
processing. The form will depend on the processing machine. For example,
when electronic computers are used, the input data can be recorded on any
one of the several types of input medium, such as magnetic disks, tapes, and
so on.
 Processing − In this step, the input data is changed to produce data in a more
useful form. For example, pay-checks can be calculated from the time cards,
or a summary of sales for the month can be calculated from the sales orders.
 Output − At this stage, the result of the proceeding processing step is
collected. The particular form of the output data depends on the use of the
data. For example, output data may be pay-checks for employees.
What is the difference between data and information?

Most people believe that the terms "data" and

"information" are interchangeable and mean the same
thing. However, there is a distinct difference between
the two words. Data can be any character, text, word,
number, and, if not put into context, means little or
nothing to a human. However, information is data
formatted in a manner that allows it to be utilized by
human beings in some significant way. A good example
would be a computer using formulas, programming
scripts, or software applications to turn data into

Example of Data

UT, 1234, Joe, Circle, SLC, 8015553211, 84084, Smith

Example of Information

Joe Smith
1234 Circle
Salt Lake City, UT 84084
(801) 555-3211

As you can see in the example above, the data appears

to be a set of random words and numbers. However,
when that data is interpreted, organized, and formatted,
you can tell that it is contact information for Joe Smith. In
this example, the data could have been a CSV file that
could be parsed by a spreadsheet or database which
would make it usable information.

Q. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computer
Computer has making human life faster because of its incredible speed,Accuracy and
storage, with which human can save anything and search it out easily when needed.
We can say computer a versatile machine because it is very flexible in performing
their jobs. but Computers have several important advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of computer
Multitasking is one of the major advantage of computer. Person can perform multiple
task, multiple operation, calculate numerical problems within few seconds. Computer
can perform trillion of instructions per second.
Now computer is not just a calculating device. Now a day’s computer has very
important role in human life. One of the main advantages of computer is its incredible
speed, which helps human to complete their task in few seconds. All the operations
can be performed very fast just because of its speed elsewise it takes a long time to
perform the task.
Cost/ Stores huge amount of data
It is a low cost solution. Person can save huge data within a low budget.
Centralized database of storing information is the major advantage that can reduce
One of the root advantage of computer is that can perform not only calculations but
also with accuracy.
Data Security
Protecting digital data is known as data security. Computer provide security from
destructive forces and from unwanted action from unauthorized users like cyberattack
or access attack.

Disadvantage of Computer
As we know advantage comes with disadvantage.

Virus and hacking attacks

Virus is a worm and hacking is simply an unauthorized access over computer for
some illicit purpose. Virus is being transferred from email attachment, viewing an
infected website advertisement, through removable device like USB etc. once virus is
transferred in host computer it can infect file, overwrite the file etc.
For example: Huge portion of internet was going down including Twitter, Netflix,
Reddit and CNN in October 2016 because the largest DDoS attack was launched on
service provider DYN using IoT Botnet.
Online Cyber Crimes
Online cyber-crime means computer and network may have used in order to commit
crime. Cyberstalking and Identity theft are the points which comes under online cyber-
crimes. For example: one may get the access of the access to your shopping
account like amazon account now that person will be able to know your personal
details like debit card or credit card number which can be than misused.
Reduction in employment opportunity
Mainly past generation was not used of the computer or they have the knowledge of
computer they faced a big problem when computer came in field. As we have seen in
banking sector senior bank employees faced this problem when computer came to
the banking sector.
Above were the main disadvantage of computer, no IQ, Dependency, No feeling,
Break down are the basic disadvantages of computer.

What is Computer? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.

Definition of Computer

Computer is an electronic data processing device which accepts and stores data

input, processes the data input, and generates the output in a required format.

Advantages of Computers

Following list demonstrates the advantages of computers in today’s arena.

1. High Speed

 Computer is a very fast device.

 It is capable of performing calculation of very large amount of data.
 The computer has units of speed in microsecond, nanosecond, and even the
 It can perform millions of calculations in a few seconds as compared to man
who will spend many months for doing the same task.

2. Accuracy

 In addition to being very fast, computers are very accurate.

 The calculations are 100% error free.
 Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided that correct input has
been given.

3. Storage Capability

 Memory is a very important characteristic of computers.

 A computer has much more storage capacity than human beings.
 It can store large amount of data.
 It can store any type of data such as images, videos, text, audio and many

4. Diligence

 Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness and lack of
 It can work continuously without any error and boredom.
 It can do repeated work with same speed and accuracy.

5. Versatility

 A computer is a very versatile machine.

 A computer is very flexible in performing the jobs to be done.
 This machine can be used to solve the problems related to various fields.
 At one instance, it may be solving a complex scientific problem and the very
next moment it may be playing a card game.

6. Reliability

 A computer is a reliable machine.

 Modern electronic components have long lives.
 Computers are designed to make maintenance easy.

7. Automation

 Computer is an automatic machine.

 Automation means ability to perform the given task automatically.
 Once a program is given to computer i.e., stored in computer memory, the
program and instruction can control the program execution without human interaction.

8. Reduction in Paper Work

 The use of computers for data processing in an organization leads to reduction

in paper work and results in speeding up a process.
 As data in electronic files can be retrieved as and when required, the problem
of maintenance of large number of paper files gets reduced.

9. Reduction in Cost

 Though the initial investment for installing a computer is high but it substantially
reduces the cost of each of its transaction.

Disadvantages of Computers

Following list demonstrates the disadvantages of computers in today’s arena

1. No I.Q

 A computer is a machine that has no intelligence to perform any task.

 Each instruction has to be given to computer.
 A computer cannot take any decision on its own.

2. Dependency

 It functions as per a user’s instruction, so it is fully dependent on human being

3. Environment

 The operating environment of computer should be dust free and suitable.

4. No Feeling

 Computers have no feelings or emotions.

 It cannot make judgement based on feeling, taste, experience, and knowledge
unlike a human being.

14 Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Networking

Computer networking has become one of the most successful ways of sharing
information, where all computers are wirelessly linked together by a common network.
Now, businesses and organizations heavily rely on it to get messages and information
across to essential channels. Not only has that it benefited establishments, but also
individuals, as they also need to share important information every day. But no matter
how useful computer networking is, it does not come without drawbacks. Here are its
advantages and disadvantages:

List of Advantages of Computer Networking

1. It enhances communication and availability of information.

Networking, especially with full access to the web, allows ways of communication that
would simply be impossible before it was developed. Instant messaging can now
allow users to talk in real time and send files to other people wherever they are in the
world, which is a huge boon for businesses. Also, it allows access to a vast amount of
useful information, including traditional reference materials and timely facts, such as
news and current events.
2. It allows for more convenient resource sharing.
This benefit is very important, particularly for larger companies that really need to
produce huge numbers of resources to be shared to all the people. Since the
technology involves computer-based work, it is assured that the resources they
wanted to get across would be completely shared by connecting to a computer
network which their audience is also using.
3. It makes file sharing easier.
Computer networking allows easier accessibility for people to share their files, which
greatly helps them with saving more time and effort, since they could do file sharing
more accordingly and effectively.
4. It is highly flexible.
This technology is known to be very flexible, as it gives users the opportunity to
explore everything about essential things, such as software without affecting their
functionality. Plus, people will have the accessibility to all information they need to get
and share.
5. It is an inexpensive system.
Installing networking software on your device would not cost too much, as you are
assured that it lasts and can effectively share information to your peers. Also, there is
no need to change the software regularly, as mostly it is not required to do so.
6. It increases cost efficiency.
With computer networking, you can use a lot of software products available on the
market which can just be stored or installed in your system or server, and can then be
used by various workstations.
7. It boosts storage capacity.
Since you are going to share information, files and resources to other people, you
have to ensure all data and content are properly stored in the system. With this
networking technology, you can do all of this without any hassle, while having all the
space you need for storage.

List of Disadvantages of Computer Networking

1. It lacks independence.
Computer networking involves a process that is operated using computers, so people
will be relying more of computer work, instead of exerting an effort for their tasks at
hand. Aside from this, they will be dependent on the main file server, which means
that, if it breaks down, the system would become useless, making users idle.
2. It poses security difficulties.
Because there would be a huge number of people who would be using a computer
network to get and share some of their files and resources, a certain user’s security
would be always at risk. There might even be illegal activities that would occur, which
you need to be careful about and aware of.
3. It lacks robustness.
As previously stated, if a computer network’s main server breaks down, the entire
system would become useless. Also, if it has a bridging device or a central linking
server that fails, the entire network would also come to a standstill. To deal with these
problems, huge networks should have a powerful computer to serve as file server to
make setting up and maintaining the network easier.
4. It allows for more presence of computer viruses and malware.
There would be instances that stored files are corrupt due to computer viruses. Thus,
network administrators should conduct regular check-ups on the system, and the
stored files at the same time.
5. Its light policing usage promotes negative acts.
It has been observed that providing users with internet connectivity has fostered
undesirable behavior among them. Considering that the web is a minefield of
distractions—online games, humor sites and even porn sites—workers could be
tempted during their work hours. The huge network of machines could also
encourage them to engage in illicit practices, such as instant messaging and file
sharing, instead of working on work-related matters. While many organizations draw
up certain policies on this, they have proven difficult to enforce and even engendered
resentment from employees.
6. It requires an efficient handler.
For a computer network to work efficiently and optimally, it requires high technical
skills and know-how of its operations and administration. A person just having basic
skills cannot do this job. Take note that the responsibility to handle such a system is
high, as allotting permissions and passwords can be daunting. Similarly, network
configuration and connection is very tedious and cannot be done by an average
technician who does not have advanced knowledge.
7. It requires an expensive set-up.
Though computer networks are said to be an inexpensive system when it is already
running, its initial set up cost can still be high depending on the number of computers
to be connected. Expensive devices, such as routers, switches, hubs, etc., can add
up to the cost. Aside from these, it would also need network interface cards (NICs) for
workstations in case they are not built in.

Computer networking will always be a fast and convenient means of transferring and
sharing information, but people should be aware of its consequences as well. They
should remember that often relying on this system can put them at certain risks that
can be cause by its flaws and other malfunctions.


Q. What is the difference between ROM and RAM?

There is one major difference between a ROM (read-

only memory) and a RAM (random-access memory)
chip: ROM can hold data without power and RAM
cannot. Essentially, ROM is meant for permanent
storage, and RAM is for temporary storage.

Alternate explanation

A ROM chip is a non-volatile storage medium, which

means it does not require a constant source of power to
retain the information stored on it. By contrast, a RAM
chip is volatile, which means it loses any information it is
holding when the power is turned off.

Other differences between a ROM and a RAM

 A ROM chip is used primarily in the startup

process of a computer, whereas a RAM chip is

used in the normal operations of a computer

once the operating system is loaded.

 A RAM chip can store multiple GB (gigabytes)

of data, ranging from 1 to 256 GB per chip. A

ROM chip stores several MB (megabytes) of

data, usually 4 to 8 MB per chip.

Computer ROM

A good example of ROM is the computer BIOS, which is

a PROM chip that stores the programming needed to
begin the initial computer startup process. Using a non-
volatile storage medium is the only way to begin this
process for computers and other devices. ROM chips
were also used in gaming system cartridges, like the
original Nintendo, Gameboy, Sega Genesis, and others.

The oldest ROM-type storage medium can be dated

back to 1932 with drum memory. ROM-type storage is
still used today.
Computer RAM

RAM chips are used in computers, as well as other

devices, to store temporary information produced by
programs quickly. RAM is one of the fastest types of
memory, allowing it to switch quickly between tasks. For
example, the Internet browser you are using to read this
page is loaded into RAM and is running from it.

Tech FAQ: What is the Difference Between RAM and ROM?

One of the questions that Webopedia has been asked a few times on our Facebook
Page is to explain the difference between RAM and ROM. RAM (Random Access
Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory) are types of computer memory that provide
users with access to information stored on a computer. Here are the top five
differences between the two types of memory:
RAM is Random Access Memory.
ROM is Read Only Memory.
RAM is the memory available for the operating system, programs and processes to
use when the computer is running.  
ROM is the memory that comes with your computer that is pre-written to hold the
instructions for booting-up the computer.
RAM requires a flow of electricity to retain data (e.g. the computer powered on).
ROM will retain data without the flow of electricity (e.g. when computer is powered
RAM is a type of volatile memory. Data in RAM is not permanently written. When you
power off your computer the data stored in RAM is deleted.
ROM is a type of non- volatile memory. Data in ROM is permanently written and is not
erased when you power off your computer.
There are different types of RAM, including DRAM (Dynamic Random Access
Memory) and SRAM (Static Random Access Memory).
There are different types of ROM, including PROM (programmable read-only
memory) that is manufactured as blank memory (e.g. a CD-ROM)
and EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory).
There are many differences between RAM and ROM memory but there are also a
couple similarities (and these are very easy to remember).  Both types of memory
used by a computer, and they are both required for your computer to operate properly
and efficiently.
Have more questions about RAM and ROM? Feel free to ask in the comments
Follow Vangie Beal on Twitter
Based in Nova Scotia, Canada, Vangie Beal is a freelance writer, covering business
and Internet technology for more than a decade. She is also managing editor of
Difference between RAM and ROM with Comparison Chart

Gain awareness about the types of memory in a computer. Understand the

differences between RAM and ROM along with knowing their different types, etc.

In a computer, the internal memories are termed as RAM and ROM. The full form of
RAM is Random Access Memory while the full form of ROM is Read Only Memory.
This article aims to throw light on the differences pertaining to RAM vs ROM in tabular
form. You will also get to know about the types of memory in computers, types of
RAM and types of ROM. What follows will enable better usage and understanding of
these vital computer parts. Read on for more!

he stored data is non-permanent in nature. It The stored data is permanent in nature. It can be modifie
n be modified, written or deleted any number of speed and only a limited number of times.
It comprises of high-speed memory. ROM is slower than the RAM to a large extent.
e CPU is capable of accessing the data stored The CPU is incapable of accessing the data stored on the
on it. has to be transferred to the RAM before it can be access
ge sized with higher memory storage capacity. Smaller in size than the RAM and has lesser memory rete
Usage of RAM: The usage of ROM:

Primary memory comprises of DRAM DIMM In firmware such as BIOS and/or UEFI. Microcontrollers,
modules and CPU Cache (SRAM). devices, as well as in devices wherein permanent memor
Quite expensive. Relatively inexpensive.
RAM is a read-write memory ROM is read only memory
RAM stores the temporary data that is being ROM stores instructions needed during the bootstrapping
processed by the CPU currently.
Ranges from 64 MB to 4 GB. ROM is comparatively smaller in memory size.
Classified into Dynamic and static RAM. Classified as PROM, EPROM and EEPROM.
What is RAM?

RAM or Random Access Memory is the largest internal memory unit in a computer.
It is second only to magnetic hard drive or SSD in terms of memory storage capacity.
RAM comes in in use for storing all the data that is generated and used by the Central
Processing Unit of the computer in real time. Unlike ROM, the data on RAM is
capable of being read, edited, written and deleted as many times as needed.

As RAM is volatile in nature, any data stored on it will disappear as soon as the power
supply is cut off. This is the primary reason why the RAM cannot be used as a
permanent storage device even though it provides much faster access than magnetic
disk-based HDDs. Given the volatile nature of the RAM, the processed data has to be
saved on the HDD to avoid any data loss in case of a power cut or an unexpected
system shutdown.

What is ROM?

ROM or Read Only Memory is defined as an internal memory of a computer. As

evident from its full form, the data on the ROM can only be read by the Central
Processing Unit of the computer. It cannot be modified or changed in any way. To
access the data stored on the ROM, the CPU has to go via the RAM. The data on the
ROM is first transferred to RAM and only then can it be accessed by the CPU.

ROM is a storehouse of the instructions received by the computer during the

bootstrapping process or the booting up process of the computer. As ROM comprises
of non-volatile memory, the data stored on it will remain intact even after the CPU is
switched off. As the capacity of Read Only Memory is lesser than that of Random
Access Memory, it is cheaper and slower than the latter.

Types of Memory in a Computer

Computer memory is basically of two types –

1. Random Access Memory (RAM) which is the primary internal memory of the

computer and is volatile in nature.
2. ROM meaning Read Only Memory or the secondary internal memory of the
computer, is non-volatile in nature.

Ram and Rom are further divided into SRAM and DRAM, and PROM, EPROM and
EEPROM respectively. These sub-divisions of RAM and ROM are discussed in the
following paras.
Types of RAM

RAM can be classified into two distinct types:

1. SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)

2. DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)

Static RAM or SRAM needs constant power flow to retain the data within. More
expensive and faster than DRAM, it serves as the cache memory of a computer. On
the other hand, Dynamic RAM or DRAM has to be refreshed for retaining the data
within. It is cheaper and slower than SRAM.

The differences between SRAM and DRAM are:

circuits that are like D flip-flops Made of electricity-leaking tiny capacitors
available as long as the power flow is intact Needs constant recharge and power to maintain data
Cost effective
DRAM Not as fast as SRAM
power and generates more heat than DRAM Uses lesser power and generates lesser heat than S
f storing many bits/ chip Stores many bits/ chip
che memory Used as main memory

Types of ROM

There are three types of ROM:

1. PROM: Programmable ROM - PROM can be modified just once by users.

2. EPROM: Erasable and Programable ROM – The data present on EPROM is
capable of being erased with the help of ultraviolet rays. It can be reprogrammed.
3. EEPROM: Electrically Erasable and Programmable ROM – EEPROM is capable of
being reprogrammed after being erased electronically (about 10000 times).

RAM and ROM are important and necessary internal memory units for the computer.
RAM is significant for CPU processing. ROM is important for the computing unit to
boot up. The ROM is equally important and can be found on removable storage
media devices like USB drives, Solid State Drives, SD cards, etc. – these are
instances of the advanced implementation of EEPROM, a classification of read-only

We have outlined the most important differences between RAM and RAM above. In
case you come across any other distinction between RAM and ROM then do leave a
comment below, we will be waiting to hear from you.

Read-only memory, or ROM, is a form of data storage in computers and other
electronic devices that can not be easily altered or reprogrammed. RAM is
referred to as volatile memory and is lost when the power is turned off whereas
ROM in non-volatile and the contents are retained even after the power is
switched off.
Random-access memory, or RAM, is a form of data storage that can be
accessed randomly at any time, in any order and from any physical location in
contrast to other storage devices, such as hard drives, where the physical location
of the data determines the time taken to retrieve it. RAM is measured in
megabytes and the speed is measured in nanoseconds and RAM chips can read
data faster than ROM.

Comparison chart

RAM versus ROM comparison chart


Definitio Random Access Memory or Read-only memory or ROM is also a

n RAM is a form of data storage form of data storage that can not be
that can be accessed easily altered or reprogrammed.Stores
randomly at any time, in any instuctions that are not nescesary for
order and from any physical re-booting up to make the computer
location., allowing quick operate when it is switched off.They
access and manipulation. are hardwired.

Stands Random Access Memory Read-only memory

RAM versus ROM comparison chart


Use RAM allows the computer to ROM stores the program required to
read data quickly to run initially boot the computer. It only
applications. It allows reading allows reading.
and writing.

Volatility RAM is volatile i.e. its contents It is non-volatile i.e. its contents are
ar e lost when the device is retained even when the device is
powered off. powered off.

Types The two main types of RAM The types of ROM include PROM,
are static RAM and dynamic EPROM and EEPROM.

Q. Computer - Definition, parts, functions and its advantages

What is a computer, what are the parts of computer, what are the functions of a
computer and what are the advantages of computer?

An electronic data processing device, which requires input raw data for
processing and generates the output in desired form. It stores the data in its
memory which can be accessed any number of times for reference from its
memory. It is made up of a lot of electronics, software and mechanical parts.

A computer is divided into three basic units namely:

1. Input Unit
2. Central Processing Unit
3. Output Unit

These units are defined as below:

1) Input Unit

As the name suggests, this unit contains devices with the help of which the data is
entered into the computer. This unit is a basic requirement for computer system. The
input devices are of many types such as keyboard, mouse, joy stick, microphone,
camera etc. Input devices give different set of input values converted into a form
understandable to the computer.
2) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Central Processing Unit (CPU) is known as the brain of the computer. It performs all
types of data processing operations as required by a programmer. It stores all the
data, intermediate results, and instructions as given by the programmer in the form of
codes (program). Central Processing unit controls the operation of each part of the

It has following three components:

1. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

2. Memory Unit
3. Control Unit

3) Output Unit

The devices with the help of which we get the information from the computer are
known as the output devices. Output Unit is an interface between the computer and
the user. Output devices notify the information displayed into a form which is
understandable by the computer user.

Functions of a Computer

1. Data is entered into computer using Input Devices.

2. Data or Instructions are stored in the computer in its memory and processed or
uses them as and when required.
3. Data is processed and converted into useful information.
4. Output is generated as per format.
5. Control Mechanism is established for controlling all the functions.

We can divide computer in Hardware and Software:

1. Hardware: Keyboard, mouse, joy stick, microphone, camera, printer, monitor,

Hard disk, CD, DVD, CPU, motherboard, RAM etc are known as Hardware.
2. Software: System Software & Application Software.

Advantage of Computers

A Computer has a very High Speed of processing i.e can perform large amount of
data very quickly. Computers are very accurate. Computers are very fast devices.
Once the correct input is given to the computers, the output is 100% accurate. It has a
large memory capacity. It can store a large amount of information for a large time. It is
a reliable device.

Uses of Computers

Nowadays it is used in every walk of life. It has an important role industrial

automation. Computers are playing very important role in Medical science,
Engineering, General Education, Government and Private organizations, Film and
Entertainment. It is at the top of making DIGITAL INDIA.
Basic function of computer system

Basics of Computer

I present an overview of the basic design of computer system:

How the different components of a computer system are organized and various
operations performed to perform to show specific work.

Computer components are divided into two major categories,

namely, Hardware and Software. In this Article or Post, I will discuss about

Devices such as monitor, keyboard, mouse and other peripherals devices etc., and
also about software that makes use of hardware for performing various functions.


After going through this article you would be able to:

 Explain basic function of computer system ,

 Explain different types of input and output devices
 Software and its classification
 Difference between system software and application software
 Computer language and types


A computer is an electronic device that manipulates or calculates information, or

data. Computers are also able to store, retrieve, and process data. You can use a
computer to type documents, send email, and browse the Web.

Computer can also be defined in terms of functions it can perform accept data, store
data, and process data as desired, then  retrieve the stored data as when required
it can output the result in desired format like, print and Display.
Computer Organisation

The block diagram of computer

The computer basically performs five major functions

1. Input unit
2. Memory Unit
3. Control Unit
4. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
5. Output unit

 Basic function of computer system

Input: –

Input refers the data or instruction just to the computer for processing and
programming. Input is computing communication between computer and user.

Memory Unit 

Computers were not only used for processing the data and information for immediate
use and memory Unit are used to store data and Instructions.

Control Unit
It works as a manager or controller in a computer system. It controls all the activities
of user and control input and output units.

It decides when to start receiving data, and when to stop it, where to store data, etc.
and also perform step-by-step processing of all operations inside the computer.

It also controls the flow of information between user and computer.

Arithmetic Logic Unit

It is the most important part of CPU. All kinds of processing are done
by ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) like, addition, subtraction, Multiplication, division,
logic and comparison. It can process only one calculation at a time but its speed is
very high that is the reason that the computer processes multiple tasks at a time.


Output data has been process into useful information; generally there are two basic
category of output.

1. The output which can be readily understood and use by humans.

2. The output which is stored in the secondary storage devices so that the data
can be used was inserting for further processing.

 The outputs which can be easily understood and used by human are mainly of
two types.

1. Hard Copy: – the physical form of output is called hard copy.

2. Soft Copy: – the electronic version of output which is usually resided in
computer usually is known as soft copy.

Different types of input and output devices

 Input devices :-


Keyboard is secondary input devices used to send instruction data in computer.

Keyboard is of two size 84 keys or 101/ 102 key. But now 104 &108 keyboards is also
available for windows and internet.


Mouse is an input device. It is a small land pointing device with a rubber ball
embedded at its lower side and buttons on the top.
Joystick: –

Joystick is an input device and also a land pointing device which is used to move
cursor on monitor screen. The function of joystick is similar to that of mouse.

Light pen:-

It is a input device which work as just like photo copy { Xerox } machine. Light pen
consists of photocell and an optical system placed in a small tube.

Scanner: –

Is an input device which is used as just like a Xerox machine. It is used as for direct
data entry from the source of data in computer system. There are several type of
computer system which serves Varity of function and purpose.

: – Flat Scanner

: – Sheet- Fed Scanner

Output Devices


Monitor is usually called Visual Display Unit {V.D.U} is the main output device of
computer. It is having a television like screen that provide that User Interface {U.I}. in
the form of display a text no and picture. Monitor comes
in LCD and CRT and PLASMA panel as explained.

CRT Monitor

LCD Monitor

PLASMA Monitor
Printer: –

Printer is an output device a printer prints the data or information on to a paper. The
speed of printer is measured in tense of C.P.S character per second and 1 PM lines
per minutes.

Impact Printer.

Non Impact Printer.

Dot Matrix Printer.

Dairy Wheel Printer.

Drum Printer.

Chain Printer.

Inkjet Printer.

Laser Printer.

Thermal Printer.


 The computer an electronics machine can be quite a mystery, not to mention

overwhelming. However, computers really aren’t that mysterious. All types of
computers consist of two basic parts:

Software and Hardware


As per our above discussion computer cannot do anything on its own. It is the user
who instructs computer, what to do, how to do and when to do .In order to perform
any work, you have to give a set of instructions in a particular sequence to the
computer. These sets of instructions are called Programs. Software refers to a set of
a program that makes the hardware perform a particular set of tasks in particular
order. Software can be classified mainly into following categories and sub-
categories .They are the untouchable part of computer system.

System Software:-

System software required to run a computer, because they control all the input, output
and all the connected devices and also provide an interface/platform where we work.
They are also called Operating System (OS). Like: Windows7, 8.10, Linux, UNIX,
Macintosh, Apple, Vista etc.
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 Application Software:

These types of software are used to perform some specific task into computer. They
are not necessary to run a computer. Like: Ms Office (Word, Power Point, and
Excel), for Photo editing purpose use , Photoshop, GIMP ,Corel Draw and my
favourite Eye Candy etc.


Hardware is a part of any computer that has a physical structure, such as the

computer monitor or keyboard etc called Hardware.

Computer hardware is the physical part that a computer needs to work. It maintain
everything with the help of a circuit board that operates a PC or laptop; including the
motherboard, graphics card, CPU, ventilation fans, webcam, power supply, and etc

As the design of hardware differs between desktop PCs and laptops due to the
differences in size, but the same core components will be found in both  desktop PCs
and laptops .Without hardware, there would be no way of running the important
software that makes computers so useful.


Languages are a means of communication. Normally people talk with each other
through a language. At the same time, communication with computers is carried out
through a special language. This language can understood both by user and the
machine. Just as every language like English, Hindi has its grammatical rules; every
computer language is bound by rules known as SYNTAX of that language. The user
is bound by that syntax while communicating with the computer system. Computer
languages are broadly classified as:

Low Level Language:

The word low level means way in which machine understand. The low level
languages are:

 Machine Language

This is a language (in the form of 0’s and 1’s, called binary numbers) which can
directly understand by the computer. It is difficult to learn and even more difficult to
write programs in this language.
Assembly Language:

This is the language where the machine codes comprising of 0’s and 1’s are alternate
of symbolic codes (called mnemonics) to improve their understanding. It is the first
step to improve computer language Assembly language program is simpler and less
time taken than machine level programs; it is easy to locate and correct errors in
assembly language than in machine language programs. Users must have knowledge
of the computer system on which the program will run.

High Level Language

In above lines I have discus about low level language and also know that low level
language requires extensive knowledge of the hardware as they are machine
dependent. To overcome the limitation, high level language has been developed in
which it uses normal English which are easy to understand statements to solve any
problem. High level languages are computer independent and creating programs
becomes easy and simple.

Various high level languages are given below:

BASIC (Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code):It is widely use to

learn general purpose language .Mainly used in microcomputers in earlier days.

COBOL (Common Business Oriented language): A standardized language used

for commercial applications.

FORTRAN (Formula Translation):Evolved for solving mathematics and scientific

problems.  It is one of the most popular languages among scientific communication

 C:- Structured Programming Language used for all purpose such as scientific

application, commercial application, developing games etc.

C++:- Popular object oriented programming language, used for every purpose.


As we know that High Level language is machine independent and assembly

language are also machine dependent yet mnemonics that are being used to
represent programs are not directly understand by machine. Hence to make the
machine understand the programs provided by both the languages, Compiler and
Assembler are required to convert these instructions into machine language.

The software (set of instructions) that reads a program written in high level

language and translates it into an suitable program in machine language is called as
Compiler. It compiles the error one by one
The program written by the programmer in high level language are called source
programs and the programs made generated by the compiler after translation are
called as object program.

The software (set of programs) that reads a instructions written in assembly language
and translates it into a equivalent program in a machine language is called as

Article Overview

You have learnt from this article or Post, A computer is useful only when it interacts
with the devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, and speaker etc.This article or
post I have discussed in details about major equipment or devices of a computer
system. You have learnt that only hardware does not do anything of its own without
the help of software.

So I hope my Article or post is useful for you, if my post is useful then subscribes and
shares this post.


Q. Uses of Tables in Microsoft Word

Use MS Word tables to place information into rows and columns. Alternatively, you
can use tables as a way to position images that would otherwise be hard to place in
the overall layout of a document. Word tables are the perfect easy way to display
complex visual information in a page easily. You can also use tables in templates to
simplify a complex layout.
Create a Table

Create a table from scratch. Use Insert Table dialog. "Autoformat" attempts to
effortlessly create complex tables. Options for preformatted tables, such as a
calendar are created by Word, easily creating a visually appealing table. Create a
table from a paragraph with new lines and tabs. Use Convert Text to Table: click on
the Word pull-down "Table" menu. Word intelligently guesses what you are looking
for. It will change row count or column count. You can also adjust the column width
and choose a specific style. This is helpful when you want to create a calendar.
Drawing a table (at the top) will literally do just that. Hint: this is useful for quickly
creating a placeholder for an image. But it is really limited for tables with multiple
columns and rows. It will probably only be useful for creating a quick boundary for
some text or a simple image you want to place in the middle of a page. It has only one
row and one column. Add rows by placing your mouse cursor outside the table on its
right side and clicking "Enter."
Working in the Frame and Navigating Around Inside a Table

Navigate around a table using "Tab" and "Ctrl"+"Tab." Use "Ctrl"+"Z" to undo
mistakes. Tables can be used to create a frame layout, so grid lines may be invisible.
Make visible with "Ctrl"+"Shift"+"8." Use "Table" pull-down to edit, add or remove rows
and columns, or insert another line. Use "Ctrl"+"Y" to repeat the action. Use one or
more "Ctrl"+"Y" key-combinations to add more rows.

Using Captions for Tables

Create a table as an illustration for a document. A caption can highlight its meaning.
Select table. Use "Insert" and choose "Reference." Mouse over the "Reference"
section and click "Caption". Select "Table" as "Type of Label" (above or below.) Write
what you like in the caption box and it will appear where you placed it next to the
table. It is embedded in Word as a hidden field. The caption will move with the table.

Tables That Have Formulae

Create calculated cells in your document. Use four rows and five columns. The first
column is, "Month," followed by three example months: July, August, September and
Total. Use "Tab" to move. Add Row Titles: North, South, East and West at left. Now
add amounts in each column. Finally, let Word add it up. Put your mouse cursor in the
last row, under Total, and click on "Table." Use "Formula." A box pops up. Insert the
following =SUM(LEFT). Next line: $#,##0.00;($#,##0.0) This creates the numbers in
currency format. Click "OK." Use the same formula in each row. This is a dynamically-
changing table which is useful for financial reports.

Making a Chart From a Table In Word

Create a chart to illustrate statistics. Click inside a table to select it. Use Table.
Choose "Select" and then "Table." Next, use "Insert." Choose "Picture" and "Chart."
This launches Microsoft Graph, which adds two new menus to the default bar at the
top. Use them to adjust your chart and make changes to the axes and other visual

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