Jeppiaar Engineering College: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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To build Jeppiaar Engineering College as an institution of academic excellence in technology and

management education, leading to become a world class University.

 To excel in teaching and learning, research and innovation by promoting the principles of
scientific analysis and creative thinking.
 To participate in the production, development, dissemination of knowledge and interact with
national and international communities.
 To equip students with ethical values, and life skills that would enrich their lives and enable them to
meaningfully contribute to the progress of the society.
 To prepare students for higher studies and lifelong learning, enrich them with the practical and
entrepreneurial skills necessary to excel as future professionals and contribute to Nation’s
1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.

11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one‟s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage
in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering strives to be a Centre of Excellence in

education and technical research, in the endeavour of which the Department will continually update the
teaching methodologies, progress in the emerging technologies and continue to play a vital role in the
development of the society.

To develop the ability to learn and work creatively that would enhance the ability of both
M1 students and faculty to do innovative research.
To create and maintain state-of-the art facilities which provide students and faculty with
M2 opportunities to analyse, apply and disseminate knowledge globally.
To impart the knowledge in essential interdisciplinary fields which will enhance the
M3 interpersonal skills, team work, professional ethics and make them work effectively for
their own benefit and the betterment of the society.
Prepare students for lifelong learning of theoretical and practical concepts to face
M4 intellectual, economical and career challenges.


Strengthen the knowledge in Electrical and Electronics Engineering to enable them work
PEO 01 for modern industries by promoting energy conservation and sustainability.
Enrich analytical, creative and critical logical reasoning skills to solve problems faced by
PEO 02 emerging domains of electrical and electronics engineering industries worldwide.
Develop effective communication and inter-personal skills to work with enhanced team
PEO 03 spirit in multidisciplinary projects with a broader ethical, professional, economical and
social perspective.
Prepare the students either to establish start ups or to pursue higher education at reputed
PEO 04 institutions.


Professional Skills:
Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Engineering to solve real time problems in
the field of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Power Systems, Control Systems and
Research and Innovation:
Analyze and synthesize circuits by solving complex engineering problems to obtain the
optimal solution using effective software tools and hardware prototypes in the field of
robotics and renewable energy systems.
Product development:
PSO 3 Develop concepts and products by applying ideas of electrical domain into other diversified
engineering domains.
C3 1 0
 To introduce the basic mathematical concepts related to electromagnetic vector fields
 To impart knowledge on the concepts of electrostatics, electrical potential, energy density and their
 To impart knowledge on the concepts of magnetostatics, magnetic flux density, scalar and vector
potential and its applications.
 To impart knowledge on the concepts of Faraday‟s law, induced emf and Maxwell‟s equations
 To impart knowledge on the concepts of Concepts of electromagnetic waves and Pointing vector.

Sources and effects of electromagnetic fields – Coordinate Systems – Vector fields –Gradient, Divergence, Curl –
theorems and applications - Coulomb‟s Law – Electric field intensity – Field due to discrete and continuous charges
– Gauss‟s law and applications.
Electric potential – Electric field and equipotential plots, Uniform and Non-Uniform field, Utilization factor-
Electric field in free space, conductors, dielectrics - Dielectric polarization – Dielectric strength - Electric field in
multiple dielectrics – Boundary conditions, Poisson‟s and Laplace‟s equations, Capacitance, Energy density,
Lorentz force, magnetic field intensity (H) – Biot–Savart‟s Law - Ampere‟s Circuit Law – H due to straight
conductors, circular loop, infinite sheet of current, Magnetic flux density (B) – B in free space, conductor, magnetic
materials – Magnetization, Magnetic field in multiple media – Boundary conditions, scalar and vector potential,
Poisson‟s Equation, Magnetic force, Torque, Inductance, Energy density, Applications.
Magnetic Circuits - Faraday‟s law – Transformer and motional EMF – Displacement current - Maxwell‟s equations
(differential and integral form) – Relation between field theory and circuit theory – Applications.
Electromagnetic wave generation and equations – Wave parameters; velocity, intrinsic impedance, propagation
constant – Waves in free space, lossy and lossless dielectrics, conductors- skin depth - Poynting vector – Plane wave
reflection and refraction – Standing Wave – Applications.

 Ability to understand and apply basic science, circuit theory, Electro-magnetic field theory control theory
and apply them to electrical engineering problems.
1. Mathew N. O. Sadiku, „Principles of Electromagnetics‟, 4 th Edition ,Oxford University Press Inc. First
India edition, 2009.
2. Ashutosh Pramanik, „Electromagnetism – Theory and Applications‟, PHI Learning Private Limited, New
Delhi, Second Edition-2009.
3. K.A. Gangadhar, P.M. Ramanthan „ Electromagnetic Field Theory (including Antennaes and wave
propagation‟, 16th Edition, Khanna Publications, 2007.
1. Joseph. A.Edminister, „Schaum‟s Outline of Electromagnetics, Third Edition (Schaum‟s Outline Series),
Tata McGraw Hill, 2010
2. William H. Hayt and John A. Buck, „Engineering Electromagnetics‟, Tata McGraw Hill 8th Revised
edition, 2011.
3. Kraus and Fleish, „Electromagnetics with Applications‟, McGraw Hill International Editions, Fifth Edition,
4. Bhag Singh Guru and Huseyin R. Hiziroglu “Electromagnetic field theory Fundamentals”, Cambridge
University Press; Second Revised Edition, 2009.
Course code& Name: EE8391 Electromagnetic Theory
Degree/Programme: B.E/EEE Semester: III Section: A, B
Duration: DEC – APRIL 2018 Regulation: 2013/AUC
Name of the Staff:

AIM: Ability to understand and apply basic science, circuit theory, Electro-magnetic field theory control
theory and apply them to electrical engineering problems.

 To introduce the basic mathematical concepts related to electromagnetic vector fields
 To impart knowledge on the concepts of electrostatics, electrical potential, energy density and their
 To impart knowledge on the concepts of magnetostatics, magnetic flux density, scalar and vector
potential and its applications.
 To impart knowledge on the concepts of Faraday‟s law, induced emf and Maxwell‟s equations
 To impart knowledge on the concepts of Concepts of electromagnetic waves and Pointing vector.


C Course Outcomes
C2 3.1 Understand the concepts of electromagnetic vector fields and various transformation techniques

C2 3.2 Interpret the concepts of electrostatics, electrical potential, energy density and their applications.

C2 3.3 Apply the concepts of magneto statics, magnetic flux density, scalar and vector potential and its
C2 3.4 Understand the concepts of Faraday's law, induced emf and Maxwell's equations to analyze the
electrodynamics fields.
C2 3.5 Interpret the concepts of electromagnetic waves and Pointing vector.

Mapping of Course Outcomes(COs), Course(C),ProgramSpecificOutcomes (PSOs)with Program Outcomes.

(POs)– [Levels of correlation:3 (High),2 (Medium), 1(Low)]

Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
C2 3.1 3 3 2 3 - - - - - - - 2 3 3 2
C2 3.2 3 3 3 3 - 1 - - - - - 2 3 3 3
C2 3.3 3 3 3 3 - 1 - - - - 2 2 3 3 3
C2 3.4 3 3 3 3 - 1 - - - - 2 2 3 3 3
C2 3.5 3 3 3 3 - 1 - - - - - 2 3 3 3
UNIT - I ELECTROSTATICS – I Target Periods: 9

CO Delivery Delivery Knowledge
Sl N o Contents Reference &
Statement method Periods Level
Page No

C2 3.1 TB1: 3-19 Chalk & R&U

1 Sources and effects of electromagnetic fields board / PPT

C2 3.1 TB1: 29-46 Chalk & R&U

2 Coordinate Systems, board / PPT 1

Vector fields, Gradient, Divergence, Curl, C2 3.1 TB1: 65-90 Chalk & R, U, An, A
3 board / PPT 2
theorems and applications
C2 3.1 TB1: 106-111 Chalk & R,U, An
4 Coulomb‟s Law, Electric field intensity board / PPT 2

C2 3.1 TB1: 113-124 Chalk & R, U, An

board / PPT
5 Field due to discrete and continuous charges 2

C2 3.1 TB1: 124-134 Chalk & R, U, A

6 Gauss‟s law and applications board / PPT 1


Sl No Contents Reference & Delivery Delivery Knowledge
Statement method Hrs Level
Page No

C2 3.2 Chalk &

1 Electric potential TB1: 135-144 board / PPT
1 R, U
C2 3.2
Chalk &
2 Electric field and equipotential plots board / PPT 1
TB1: 688-690 R, U, An
C2 3.2
3 Uniform and Non-Uniform field, Utilization Chalk &
factor, Electric field in free space, conductors, TB1: 170-175 board / PPT 2 R, U, A, An

Electric field in dielectrics Dielectric C2 3.2

Chalk &
4 polarization, Dielectric strength, Electric field TB1: 179-182 board / PPT
2 R, U, A, An
multiple dielectrics
C2 3.2
5 Boundary conditions, Poisson‟s and Laplace‟s TB1: 190-198 Chalk &
equations, TB1: 209-210 board / PPT 1 R, U, A, An

C2 3.2

TB1: 148-152 Chalk &

6 Capacitance, Energy density, Applications. board / PPT 2
TB1: 233- 246 R, U,A, An


Sl No Contents Reference & Delivery Delivery Knowledge
Statement method Hrs Level
Page No
Magnetic field intensity Chalk &
1 TB1: 274- 276 board / PPT 1 R, U
(H), Biot–Savart‟s Law C2 3.3
C2 3.3 Chalk & R, U, A
2 straight conductors, circular loop TB1: 277- 282 board / PPT 1

Ampere‟s Circuit Law, H due to infinite sheet C2 3.3 Chalk &

3 TB1: 285- 288 board / PPT 1
of current R, U, A, An
C2 3.3 Chalk & R, U,An,A,
4 Magnetic flux density (B), B in free space, board / PPT
TB1: 293- 294 1
C2 3.3 Chalk & R,U
TB1: 296- 298 board / PPT
5 scalar and vector potential, Lorentz force 1
TB1: 319-322

C2 3.3 Chalk & R, U, A,

magnetic materials – Magnetization, Magnetic board / PPT
6 TB1:331- 344 1
field in multiple media
C2 3.3 Chalk & R, U, A, An
Boundary conditions, Poisson‟s Equation, board / PPT
7 TB1: 344- 353 1
Inductance, Applications.
C2 3.3 Chalk & R,U
board / PPT
8 Energy density, TB1: 353- 361 1

C2 3.3 Chalk & R,U

board / PPT
9 Magnetic force, Torque TB1: 381- 382 1


Book Deliver
CO Delivery Knowledge
Sl No Contents Reference & y
Statement Hrs Level
Page No method

TB1: 361- 368 Chalk & R, U

1 Magnetic Circuits C2 3.4 board / 1
C2 3.4 Chalk & R,U
board /
2 Faraday's laws TB1: 386- 387 PPT 1

C2 3.4 TB1: 388- 391 Chalk &

board /
3 Transformer and motional EMF PPT 2 R, U

C2 3.4 TB1: 397- 399 Chalk & R,U

4 Displacement current board / 2
Maxwell‟s equations (differential and integral C2 3.4 TB1: 400- 402 Chalk & R, U, A, An
5 board / 2
form) PPT
Relation between field theory and circuit theory C2 3.4 TB1: 400- 404 Chalk & R, U
6 board / 1
Applications. PPT
Book Deliver
Delivery Knowledge
Sl No Contents Reference & y
Statement Hrs Level
Page No method
1 Electromagnetic wave generation and equations TB1: 430- 432 Chalk & R, U, An
C2 3.5 board / 2
2 Wave parameters; velocity, intrinsic C2 3.5 TB1: 436- 437 Chalk & R, U, An
board / 2
impedance, propagation constant PPT
3 Waves in free space, lossy and lossless C2 3.5 TB1: 436- 445 Chalk & R, U, A,
board / 2
dielectrics, conductors, skin depth PPT An
4 Poynting vector C2 3.5 TB1: 454- 458 Chalk & R, U, A,
board / 1
5 Plane wave reflection and refraction, Standing C2 3.5 TB1: 459- 462 Chalk & R, U, A,
board / 2
Wave, Applications. PPT An
R- Remember, U- Understand, A- Apply, An- Analyze, E- Evaluate & C- Create.

1. Define scalar and vector.
Scalar: A quantity that is characterized only by magnitude is called a scalar.
Vector: A quantity that is characterized both by magnitude and direction is called a vector.
2. Define Scalar multiplication.
Scalar multiplication of two vectors is a scalar quantity whose magnitude is the product of the
magnitudes of the vectors multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them. It is referred as Dot
product. A . B = ABcosθ.
3. Define Vector multiplication.
The vector product of two vectors is defined as a vector whose magnitude is the product of the
magnitudes of the two vectors and the sine of the angle between them. This multiplication is called “Cross
Product”. A x B = ABsinθ
4. Show that the two vectors A =6 a x + a y -5 a z and B =3( a x + a y - a z) are perpendicular to each
other. (Apr 15)
A =6 a x + a y -5 a z
B =3( a x + a y - a z)
A.B=6x5–2x5–5x4 =0
Vector A and B are perpendicular to each other.
5. Show that the two vectors A =4 a x -2 a y +2 a z and B =-6 a x +3 a y -3 a z are parallel to each other.
A =4 a x -2 a y +2 a z ; B =-6 a x +3 a y -3 a z
ax a y az
AxB= 4 2 2
6 3 3
= a x(6-6) - a y(-6+6) + a z(12-12) =0
Vector A and B are parallel to each other.
6. Define Gradient.
The gradient of any scalar function is the maximum space rate of change of that function. If the
scalar V represents electric potential,  V represents potential gradient.
 V
 V= V ay + az . This operation is called the gradient.
V ax + z
7. Define divergence. x y
The divergence of a vector „A‟ at any point is defined as the limit of its surface integrated per
unit volume as the volume enclosed by the surface shrinks to zero.  .A =Lt
V 0 v A . n ds.  .A =
 S

AY A . This operation is called divergence. Divergence of a vector is a scalar quantity.
X + +
y Z
x z
8. Define Curl.
The curl of a vector „A‟ at a any point is defined as the limit of its cross product with normal over
a closed surface per unit volume as the volume shrinks to zero.
 x A =Lt 1
n x Ads.
V 0


9. Show that the vector H = 3y4z a x + 4x3z2 a y 3
+2x y2
a z is solenoidal.
  
 .H= a x + ay + az  . (3y4z x + 4x3z2 +2 x3y2 a z )

x z a a
  
= (3y4z)+ ( 4x3z2)+ ( 2 x3y2) = 0 + 0 + 0 = 0;Hence H is solenoidal.
x y z
10. Find the Dot products of the vectors A and B if A= 2ax  3ay  4az , B  ax  2ay  2az
A.B=AxBx+AyBy+AzBz = 2(-1)-3(2) +4(2) = 0
11. Given A= 4ay  8az and B  2ay  6az find A . B
A.B = AxBx +AyBy +AzBz = 4(-2) + 8(6) =40
12. Write down the expression for conversion of Cartesian to Cylindrical system. (APR 15)
The Cartesian co-ordinates ( x, y, z ) can be converted into Cylindrical co-ordinates ( r , Φ , z ).
Given Transform
x r = x2  y2
y Φ = tan-1(y/x)
z z= z
13. Write down the expression for conversion of Cylindrical to Cartesian system.
The Cylindrical co-ordinates ( r , Φ , z ) can be converted into Cartesian co-ordinates ( x, y, z ).
Given Transform
r x = r cosθ
Φ y = r sinθ
z z= z
14. Write down the expression for conversion of Cartesian to Spherical system.
The Cartesian co-ordinates ( x, y, z ) can be converted into Spherical co-ordinates ( r , θ , Φ ).
Given Transform
x r = x2  y2  z2
y θ =cos-1( )
x2  y2  z2
z Φ = tan-1(y/x)
15. Write down the expression for conversion of Spherical to Cartesian system.
The Spherical co-ordinates ( r , θ , Φ ) can be converted into Cartesian co-ordinates ( x, y, z ).
Given Transform
r x = rsinθ.cosΦ
θ y = r sinθ.sin Φ
Φ z = rcosθ
16. Transform the Cartesian co-ordinates x = 2, y = 1, z = 3 into spherical co-ordinates.
Given Transform
x=2 r = x2  y2  z2
= 4 1  9 = 3.74
y=1 θ =cos-1( z 3
) = cos-1( )=36.7 o
x2  y2  z2 14
z=3 Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(1/2) = 26.56 o
The spherical co-ordinates are (3.74, 36.7 o , and 26.56 o ).
17. Give the Cartesian co-ordinates of a point whose cylindrical are r = 1, Φ =45 o , z=2.
Given Transform
r=1 x = r cosθ = 1.cos45 = 0.707
Φ =45 y = r sinθ = 1.sin45 = 0.707
z=2 z=z=2
The Cartesian co-ordinates are (0.707, 0.707, 2)
18. Define Divergence theorem.
The volume integral of the divergence of a vector field over a volume is equal to the surface
integral of the normal component of this vector over the surface bounding the volume.

 .AdV =  A.dS

v S

19. Define Stoke‟s Theorem. (Nov 2013,2016,2017)(May/June 14)

The line integral of a vector around a closed path is equal to the surface integral of the normal
component of its equal to the integral of the normal component of its curl over any closed surface.

 H.dl =  xHdS
20. Express the value of differential volume in rectangular and cylindrical co-ordinates systems.
For rectangular co-ordinate
dv = dxdydz
For cyclindrical co-ordinate
dv = rdrdθdz.
21. Write the expression for differential length in cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates. ( NOV 15)
For cylindrical co-ordinates
dl = (dr)2  (rd)2  (dz)2
For spherical co-ordinates
dl = (dr)2  (rd )2  (r sind)2
22. Define unit vector.
A unit vector in a given direction is a direction in that direction divided by its magnitude.
ar =
23. Find the distance from A (1,2,3) to B (2,0,-1) in rectangular co-ordinates.

r= (x 
x )2  ( y 21y )2  (z  21
z )2 = (2 1 1)2  (0  2)2  (1 3)2
= 1 4 16 = 21
24. What is the divergence of curl of a vector?
.xH  0
xxA 
xxA  .A   2 A
25. What is the physical significance of divergence of D ?
The divergence of the vector flux density D is the outflow from a small closed surface per unit

volume as the volume shrinks to zero. .D LT 

= D.ds
26. Express the divergence of a vector in the three system of orthogonal co-ordination.
F or rect angular co-ordinate system,
.B =  y
Bx  Bz
x z ;
For cylindrical co-ordinate system, .B = (rBr) 1 B  Bz
1 
r r r  z
For spherical co-ordinate system, .B = (r2
1 (r sinB rB
sinBr) )  )

r 2 sin r r  

27. Show that the two vectors A =6 ax + a y - 5 az and B =3( ax - ay + ) are perpendicular to each
other. (APR15) az
A . B = (6x3) + (1x-3) + (-5x-3)=18-3-15 = 0.
28. Given two vectors P=3i+5j+2k and Q=2i-4j+3k.Determine the angular separation between them.
(November 2011,2016)
P. Q= IPI IQI cosθ, P.Q=-8, IPI =6.1644 IQI =5.38516, Cosθ=-0.2409, Θ = 103.94.

29. What is the physical significance of curl of a vector field? (Nov 2011)
The curl of a vector is an axial vector whose magnitude is the maximum circulation of A per unit
area as the area tends to zero and whose direction is the direction normal direction of the area when the
area 9is oriented to make the circulation maximum.

30. Two vector quantities A=4i+3j+5k and Q=i-2j-2k.are oriented in two different directions. Determine
the angular separation between them. (May 2012,Nov 16)
31. State the condition for the vector to be solenoidal and irrotational. (Nov 2012)
A.B=0 and AX B=0
32. What are the different sources of Electromagnetic fields? (May 2012) (Nov 2011, 2017)
Electromagnetic fields are present everywhere in our environment but are invisible to the human
eye. Electric fields are produced by the local build-up of electric charges in the atmosphere associated
with thunderstorms. The earth's magnetic field causes a compass needle to orient in a North-South
direction and is used by birds and fish for navigation.

33. Two vector quantities A= 4i +3j + 5k and B= i-2j+2k are known to be oriented in two unique
directions.Determine the angle of separation between them. (Nov 2012)
34. How are the unit vectors defined in cylindrical co-ordinate systems? (Nov 2013)
A vector A in cylindrical coordinates can be written as

where aρ, aϕ and az are unit vectors in the ρ, ϕ and z directions.

35. Define electric flux and electric flux density.

Electric flux: The lines of electric force are known as electric flux. It is denoted by  .
 = Q (charge) Coulomb.
Electric flux density: Electric flux density or displacement density is defined as the electric flux
per unit area. D = Q/A
36. State Gauss‟s law.
The electric flux passing through any closed surface is equal to the total charge enclosed by that
surface.  = Q
37. State the point form of Gauss‟s law.
The divergence of electric flux density is equal to the volume charge density. .D  ρv.
38. State Coulomb‟s law.
Coulomb‟s law states that the force between two very small charged objects separated by a large
distance compared to their size is proportional to the charge on each object and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance between them. F Q1Q2
r2 Q1Q2
Q1Q2 Newton.
F 2 = 12
39. Name a few application of Gauss‟s law in electrostatics. (Nov 2013)
Gauss‟s law is applied to determine the electric field intensity from a closed surface. (e.g) Electric
field can be determined for shell, two concentric shell or cylinders, etc.
40. Define electric field intensity or electric field.
Electric field intensity is defined as the electric force per unit positive charge. It is denoted by E.
E= = V/m.
Q 4r

41. What is the relation between intensity of electric field E and electric flux density D in free space?
D=εE c/m2 Where ε – Permittivity of the medium. ε = ε oεr
42. What is the electric
field intensity at a distance of 20cm from a charge of 20μc/m lying on the z=0 plane. in vacuum?
(Nov14) (Nov 15)
s 20x106
E= a = az =1.12 x 106az V/m.
2 0 z 2x8.854x1012
43. Points P and Q are located at (0,2,4) and (-3,1,5). Calculate the distance vector from P to Q. (N/D14)
Rpq=rq – rp = (-3,1,5) – (0,2,4) = (-3,-1,1)
44. What are the practical applications of electromagnetic fields? (Nov 15)

1. Explain the method of converting a vector from Spherical to Cartesian system. T1 24-31
2.Explain the method of converting a vector from Cartesian to Cylindrical system. T1 24-31
Transform the vector A=3i-2j-4k at p(x=2, y=3, z=3) to Cylindrical System. (Nov 16)
3. What are the sources and effects of electromagnetic fields? T1 512-516
(Nov 2011,2017)
4. Explain the different coordinate systems used to represent field vectors. T1 24-31 (Nov
5. State and prove Divergence theorem T2 8-22 (Nov 2011, 2012,2016) (May 2012)
6. State and prove Stoke‟s theorem. T2 8-22 (Nov 2011,2017)
7) If G(r) = 10e-2z(ρaρ+az), determine the flux of G out of the entire surface of the cylinder ρ=1, 0≤z≤1.
Confirm the result using the divergence theorem.
8. Write short notes on the following (i) Gradient (ii) Divergence (iii) Curl and (iv) Strokes theorem.
T2 8-22 (Nov 16)
9. Obtain the curl in the spherical co ordinate system. T1 24-31 (Nov 2016, Nov
10.Transform 4ax – 2ay – 4az at (2,3,5) to cylindrical co ordinates.
11. Derive the expression for electric field intensity due to uniformly charged circular disc of ζ c/m 2. T1
31-50 (Nov 16)
12. Find the force on a charge Q1 of 20 µC at (0.1.2) m due to Q2 of 300 µC at (2,0,0)m. (Nov 16)
13.Given that A=30 e-r ar - 2z az in cylindrical coordinates, evaluate both sides of divergence theorem for
the volume enclosed by r=2,z=0 and z=5. (Nov 16)
14. State and prove Gauss law T2 55-68 (Apr 15,17)
Obtain the expression for electric field intensity due to a uniformly charged line of length „l
(Apr 15,17)


1. What is a point charge?
Point charge is one whose maximum dimension is very small in comparison with any other length
2. What do you understand by linear, surface and volume charge densities?
Linear Charge density: It is the charge per unit length (Col / m) at a point on the line of charge.
ρl = Lt l 0 ( )
l charge per surface area (C/m 2) at a point on the surface of the charge.
Surface charge density: It is the

ρs= Lt s 0 ( Q )
Volume charge density: It is the charge per volume (C/m 3) at a point on the volume of the charge.
ρV= Lt v0 ( Q )
3. Define potential and potential difference. (Nov 2012) (May2012) (Nov 2013)
Potential: Potential at any point as the work done in moving a unit positive charge from infinity to
point in an electric field Q
= Volts.
Potential Difference: Potential difference is defined as the work done in moving a unit positive charge
from one point in an electric 1 1
Q  ) Volts.
field..V= 4( rA rB
4. Give the relationship between potential gradient and electric field.
  
E =  V ;E = - ax + ay + az  V.
 x z

5.Find the electric potential at a point ( 4 , 3 ) m due to a charge of 10 -9 C located at the origin in free
Q 10  9
V= ;r = 42  32 = 5m. = 1.8V
4 V= 4x8.854x10
Or 12x(5)
6. What is the physical significance of div D?
.D  ρv. The divergence of a vector flux density is electric flux per unit volume leaving a small
volume. This is equal to the volume charge density.
7. Write the Poisson‟s equation and Laplace equation.(M/J14)

Poisson equation; 2V   ρ/ε

where ρ – Volume charge density , ε Permittivity of the medium, 2 - Laplacian operator.
2 2 2V
= - ρ/ε
x + +
2 Y 2


Laplace equation: 2V  0 ; 2 2 2V

+  + =0
V V 2 z2
x 2
8. Represent in unit vector along a vector R =6 ax +8 a y
R 6a x + 8ay =0.6 a +0.8 a
Unit Vector aR = = 36  64
x y
9. A uniform line charge , infinite in extent , with ρl = 20nc/m lines along the z axis. Find E at (6,8,3)m.
r = 62  82  32 = 36  64  9 = 109
E =ρ / 2πε r = = 34.48V/m
l o 2x8.854x1012 10
10. State the condition for the vector F to solenoid.
The vector F is said to be irrotational xF =0

11. Define dipole and dipole moment.

Dipole or electric dipole is nothing but two equal and opposite point charges are separated by a very small
distance. The product of electric charge and distance ( spacing) is known as dipole moment. It is denoted
by m where Q is the charge and l is the length (m) =Q. l C/m .

12. Define capacitor.

A capacitor is an device which consists of two conductors are separated by a dielectric medium.

13. Define Capacitance.

The capacitance of two conducting planes is defined as the ratio of magnitude of charge on either of the
conductor to the potential difference between conductors. It is given by, C  Farad.
14. Determine the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with two metal plates of size 30cm x 30cm
separated by 5mm in air medium.
Given data: A = 0.3 X0.3 = 0.09m2; d=5 x 10-3m.
A 0.09X
εo = 8.854 x 10-2;C= εo = = 15.9Nf
2 8.854X1012
5X10  3
15. Express the value of capacitance for a co-axial cable.
2 o r
C= b ; Where b – outer radius:.a – inner radius.
16. Write the expression for the energy density in electro static field.
W 1 1
 E2 = DE J/m3.
v 2 2
17. Find the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor of 0.5m by 1m has a separation of 2cm and a
voltage difference of 10V. (NOV 15 )
A 8.854x1012
C= εo x0.5x1 =2.2135x10-10 F
d =
Energy stored in a capacitor E=1/2 CV2 =1/2 X 2.2135 X 10-10 X102 =1.10675 X 10-8Joules.
18. Write down the expression for the capacitance between two co-axial cylinders.
 o
C= d Where d – distance between two transmission lines, a – radius of cylinders.
19. State the boundary conditions at the interface between two perfect dielectrics.
a) The tangential component of electric field E is continuous at the surface. That is E is the same just
outside the surface as it is just inside the surface.E t1 = Et2
b) The normal component of electric flux density is continuous if there is no surface charge density.
Otherwise D is discontinuous by an amount equal to the surface charge density. D n1 = Dn2

20. A parallel plate capacitor has a charge of 10-3 C on each plate while the potential difference between
the plates is 1000V.Calaculate the value of capacitance. (Nov 2012) (May2012)
Given data, Q = 10-3C, V = 1000V,C = = 103
= 1μF.
V 3
21. State point form of ohm‟s law. 10
Point form of Ohm‟s law states that the field strength within a conductor is proportional to the current
density.J  E; J = ζE; Where ζ is conductivity of the material.
22. What is meant by conduction current?
Conduction current is nothing but the current flows through the conductor. Conduction current density is
given by Jc = ζE Amp / m2.
23. What is meant by Displacement current density?
Displacement current is nothing but the current flows through the Capacitor.
Displacement current density is given by Jd = Amp / m2
24. Define polarization in dielectric material. t
1 nv

Polarization is defined as dipole moment per unit volume. P= Lt v0 P i

v i 1
25. What is meant by conservative property of Electric field? (Nov 2011)
The line integral of electric field along a closed path is zero. Physically this implies that no net work is
done in moving a charge along a closed path in an electrostatic field. Thus an electrostatic field is said to
have conservative property .
26. Give the significant physical difference between Poisson‟s and Laplace equation.
(Nov 2011,2014,2016)
Poisson equation:  V   ρ/ε

Where ρ – Volume charge density, ε – Permittivity of the medium, 2 - Laplacian operator.

2 2 2V
= - ρ/ε
x + +
2 Y 2

V2 ; 2
Laplace equation: 2V  0 + +
Y 2
The Laplace equation z is defined only for the region which is free of charges.
27. State the properties of electric flux lines.(N/D14)
(i) It must be independent of the medium.
(ii) Its magnitude solely depends upon the charge from which it originates,
(iii) If a point charge is enclosed in an imaginary sphere of radius R, the electric flux must pass
perpendicularly and uniformly through the surface of the sphere and
(iv) The electric flux density, the flux per unit area is then inversely proportional to R2.
28. Find the capacitance of an isolated spherical shell of radius a. (Nov 16)
29. Find the magnitude of D for a dielectric material in which E=0.15 MV/m and εr =5.25 (Nov 16)
30. What is the practical significance of Lorentz force. (Apr 15)
31. Find the electric field intensity in free space if D= 30 a x C/m3
32. Obtain the electric potential due to electric dipole (Nov 16)
33. What is a conservative field (Nov 17)

1. Derive an expression for Electric field intensity due to a line charge which has a uniform linear charge
density of ρL C/m. Also extend it to a conductor of infinite length. T2 81-110 (Nov 16)
2. State and explain the applications of Gauss Law. T2 55-68
3. Derive the expression for the electric field intensity at a point P which is situated „h‟ meter away from
the disc along its axis. The disc is charged uniformly with a charge density of ρL c/m2 T2 81-110
4. Planes X=2 and Y=-3 respectively carries charges 10 nC/m 2 and 15 nC/m2 If. the line X=0,Z=2 carries
charge 10 π n C/m .Calculate E at (1,1,-1) due to all the three charge distributions.
5. Derive the expression for energy and energy density in the static electric field.
(May-2012)(Nov 2013)
6. Deduce an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with two dielectrics of relative
permittivity ε1 and ε2 respectively interposed between the plates. T3 157-168 (Nov2013,17)
(Apr 15)
7. State and explain Coulomb‟s law of force. T1 35-39 (Nov 2011)
8. Derive the electrostatic boundary conditions at the interface between two dielectrics and a conductor to
dielectric medium. T1 59-65 (Nov2011,12,13,17)
9. Two extensive homogeneous isotropic dielectrics meet on plane z=0.For Z≥0 ,ε r1=4 and for z≤0,εr2=3.A
uniform electric field E1 = 5ax-2ay+3az KV/m exists for z≥0.Find a)E2 for z≤0. b)The angles E1 and E2
make with interference. c)The Energy densities in J/m 3d) the energy within a cube of side 2m centered at
10. Derive the expression for energy stored and energy density. T3 157-168
(Nov 2012)
11.a) Find the potential at rA=5 m with respect to rB=15m due to point charge Q =500pC at the origin and
zero reference at infinity. (Nov 2016)
b) Find the capacitance of parallel plate capacitor with dielectric ε r1=1.5 and εr2=3.5 each occupy one
half of the space between the plates of area 2m 2 and d=10-3m (Nov 2016)
12. a) In spherical coordinates V= -25V on a conductor at r=2cm and V=150V at r=35cm. the space
between the conductor is a dielectric of εr=3.12. Find the surface charge densities on the conductor
(Nov 2016)
13. Explain the polarization and thus obtain electric field intensity and potential of a dipole. T3 149-154
(Apr 15)


1. Define magnetic flux .
Magnetic flux is defined as the flux passing through any area. Its unit is Weber .
 Weber. /

2. Define magnetic flux density.
Magnetic flux density is defined as the magnetic flux density passing per unit area. Its unit is

Weber / meter or Tesla. B= B=μH
3. Define magnetic Gauss‟s Law.
The total magnetic flux passing thorough any closed surface is equal to zero.  B.da  0
4. State Biot- Savart law. (Apr 17)
It states that the magnetic flux density at any point due to current element is proportional to the
current element and sine of the angle between the elemental length and the line joining and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between oIdl sin
them. dB  4r2
5. Give the force on a current element.
The force on a current element Idl is given by
dF = I x B dl = BI dl sinθ Newton.
6. State the Lorentz force equation. (Nov 2013)
The force on a moving particle due to combined electric and magnetic field is given by

F = Q [ E  VxB .This force is called Lorentz force.
7. State Ampere‟s circuital law. (May14)(Nov 16)
Ampere‟s circuital law states that the line integral of magnetic field intensity H about any closed
path is exactly equal to the direct current enclosed by the path.

 H.dl  I
8. What is field due to toroid and solenoid?

a) Toroid I
NI b) Solenoid H 
H  2r
9. Write down the expression for magnetic field at the centre of the circular coil?
10. Define scalar magnetic potential.
It is defined as dead quantity whose negative gradient gives the magnitude intensity if there is no
current source present.
H  Vm
where Vm is the magnetic scalar potential.
Vm   H.dl
11. Define magnetic vector potential. (Apr 17)
It is defined as that quantity whose curl gives the magnetic flux density.
B   x A; where A is the magnetic vector potential.
 J
A  4  dr r
Web / m

12. Distinguish between diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials.
Diamagnetic: In diamagnetic materials magnetization is opposed to the applied field. It has magnetic
Paramagnetic: In paramagnetic materials magnetization is in the sane direction as the field. It has weak
magnetic field. Ferromagnetic: In Ferromagnetic materials is in the same direction as the field. It has
strong magnetic field.
13. A solenoid with a radius of 2cm is wound with 20 turns per cm length and carries 10mA. Find H at
the centre if the total length is10cm.
Given data,
N=nl = 20 x 10 = 200 turns.
l =10 X 10-2 m; I = 10 x 10-3A; NI
H = 20AT/m.
14. Define mechanical moment. l
The tangential force multiplied by the radial distance at which it act is called Torque or
mechanical moment on the loop.
15. Define magnetic moment.
The magnetic moment is defined as the maximum torque on loop per unit magnetic induction
( Flux density ). m=IA; where A is Area.
16.Give the force on a current element.
The force on a current element Idl is given by
dF=I x Bdl =BI dl sinθ
17.Give torque on closed circuits.
The torque on closed circuit in a magnetic field is
T=BIA cosθ=T=mBcosθ
where m is magnetic moment
In vector form T = m x B
18. Give torque on a solenoid.
Torque on a solenoid in a magnetic field is
T= . 2IAB = nBIA =mB Where m=nIA.
19. Give four similarities between Electrostatic field and Magnetic field.(N/D14)
Electrostatic field Magnetic field
Electric field intensity E ( volts/m ) Magnetic field intensity H ( Amp/m )
Electric flux density D=εE c/m Magnetic flux density B=μH (web / m2)
Energy stored is 1/2CV Energy stored is 1/2LI2
Charges are rest Charges are in motion
20. Determine the force per unit length between two long parallel wires separated by 5 cm in air and
carrying currents 40A in the same direction.
Force / length = o I1I 40X 40
= x4x107 =6.4 x 10-3 N/m.
2x5x10 2

21. Define magnetic dipole.
A small bar magnet with pole strength Qm and length l may be treated as magnetic dipole whose
magnetic moment is Qml.
22. Define Magnetization.
Magnetization is defined as the ratio of magnetic dipole moment to unit volume.
Magnticdipole Qm
M= = a A/m
Volume A
23.Define magnetic susceptibility.
Magnetic susceptibility is defined as the ratio of magnetization to the magnetic field intensity. It
is dimensionless quantity.
 
24.What is the relation between relative permeability and susceptibility?
r  1 m Where r is relative permeability; m is susceptibility
25. What are the different types of magnetic materials?
The magnetic materials can be classified into three groups according to their behavior. They are
diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials.
26. Write down the magnetic boundary conditions. (Nov 2013)
1. The tangential component of magnetic field intensity is continuous across the boundary.
Ht1 = Ht2.2. The normal component of magnetic flux density is continuous across the boundary.Bn 1 = Bn2
27. Define self inductance. (APR 15)
The self induction of a coil is defined as the ratio of total magnetic flux linkage in the circuit to
the current through the coil (L) = Where  is magnetic flux; N is number of turns of coil; i is the
28.Define mutual inductance. (APR 15)
The mutual inductance between two coils is defined as the ratio of induced magnetic flux linkage
in one coil to the current through in other coil(M) = 2 12 ;Where N is number of turns in coil 2;  is
2 12
magnetic flux links in coil 2 and i1 is the current through coil 1.
29. Define co-efficient coupling.
The fraction of the total flux produced by one coil linking the second coil is called the co-efficient
of coupling (K).K = 12  21
= ; Where 1 is the flux produced by coil 1; 12 is flux links coil 2;K  1;

K= 1 2


30. What will be effective inductance, if two inductors are connected in (a) series and (b) parallel?
(a) For series L = L1 + L2  2M + sign for aiding
(b) For Parallel
1 2 - sign for opposition
L1  L2  2M

31. Give the expression for inductance of a solenoid.

 N A

o is free

space permeability.
32.Give the expression for inductance of a toroid.
oN A o N r
2 2 2
L = ;where N is number of turns; r is radius of the coil; R is radius of toroid ; o is
2R 2R
free space permeability.
 the
33. Give  bexpression
 for inductance per unit length of a co-axial transmission line.
L = o ln H/m. Where a is the radius of inner conductor; b is the radius of outer conductor.
 
2 a
34.Distinguish between solenoid and toroid.
Solenoid: Solenoid is a cylindrically shaped coil consisting of a large number of closely spaced turns of
insulated wire wound usually on a non – magnetic frame.
Toroid: If a long, slender solenoid is bent into the form of a ring and thereby closed on itself, it becomes
35. What is the mutual inductance of two inductively tightly coupled coils with self inductance of 25mH
and 100mH. (NOV 15)
L1 = 25mH, L2 = 100mH, M=K L1L2 = 25X100 =50mH
36.Define magnetostatic energy density. (Nov 2011)
It is defined as the ratio of magnetic energy per unit volume.
37.State the law of conservation of magnetic flux. (Nov 2011)
An isolated magnetic charge does not exist. Thus the total flux through a closed surface is
 0 .This is called as law of conservation of magnetic flux.
38.State Ohm‟s law for magnetic circuits. (Nov 2012, N/D14)
Sum of Magnetic motive force (mmf) in a closed path is zero.
39. Write the expression for the H at the centre of a circular coil carrying a current of I
Amps. H=NI/2a; where N is number of turns: a is the radius of the coil;

40. State Lorentz Law of force. (May 2012)(NOV 15)

When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a force given by
,dF = I x B dl = BI dl sinθ Newton.

41. State the boundary condition at the interface between two magnetic materials of different
permeability. (May 2012)
Ht1=Ht2, Bn1=Bn2
Ht1,Ht2 are the tangential magnetic field in region 1 and 2 respectively.
Bn1,Bn2 are the normal magnetic flux density in region 1 and 2 respectively.

42. Write the expression for the inductance per unit length of a long solenoid of N turns and having a
length „L‟ meter carrying a current of I amperes.(M/J14)
H= [Cas  Cos1]
43. Determine the value of magnetic field intensity at the centre of a circular loop carrying a current of
10A. The radius of the loop is 2m. (N/D14)
H= 10  2.5A / m
2a  2x2

44. Distinguish between magnetic scalar potential and magnetic vector potential.(N/D14) magnetic scalar potential magnetic vector potential
1 It is defined as dead quantity whose negative It is defined as that quantity whose curl
gradient gives the magnetic intensity if there is no gives the magnetic flux density
current source present
2 H  V m
B  xA

45. A conductor 4m long lies along the y-axis with the current of 10 A in ay direction, if the field is
B=0.05 ax tesla calculate the force on the conductor. (Nov 16 )

46. Find the force of interaction between two charges 4*10 -8 and 6*10-5 spaced 10 cm apart in kerosene
(εr=2) (Apr 15)
46. Find the maximum torque on an 100 turns rectangular coil of 0.2m by 0.3m carrying current of 2A in
the field of flux density 5 Web / m2.

1. Derive an expression for the magnetic field intensity at a point P in a medium of permeability „μ‟ due
to an infinitely long current carrying conductor at a distance „r‟ meters from the point. T1 87-88
(Nov 2011,12,15,16) (Apr 17)
2. A solenoid of length „l‟ and radius a consists of N turns of wire carrying a current of „I‟ Amps.
3. A circular loop of radius „ ρ „ meters ,carries a current of I amperes along aφ .Find the magnetic field
intensity at (0,0,h) due to the circular loop. T2 210-239
4. Derive an expression for self inductance of a coaxial cable of inner radius a and outer radius b.
5. If a magnetic vector potential A= 2 2 then find flux density. (Nov 2011)
x  y 2 z
6. What is magnetization? Explain the classification of magnetic materials with examples. T2 404-412
(Nov 2011)
7. Derive the magnetostatic boundary conditions. T2 281-283
(Apr 15,17)
8. Derive an expression for force on a current carrying element and force between two current carrying
element. T1 400-404 (Nov2013,Apr 17)
9. Derive Biot-savart‟s Law and Ampere‟s Law from concept of magnetic vector potential.T1 81-85
(Nov 2012 & 2013) (May2012)
10. Explain the classification of magnetic materials with Example. T1 404-412
11. a) Determine H for a solid cylindrical conductor of radius a, where the current I is uniformly
distributed over the cross section. T2 210-239
b) Calculate the inductance of a ring shaped coil of mean diameter 20 cm wound on a wooden core 2
cm diameter containing 200 turns. (Nov 16)
12. Obtain the expression for inductance and torque on a long solenoid coil. T1 89-96
(Apr 15)


1. State Faraday‟s law of electromagnetic induction. (nov 16)
Faraday‟s law states that electromagnetic force induced in a circuit is equal to the rate of change
of magnetic flux linking the circuit. emf=
2. Define mmf.
Magnetic motive force (mmf ) is given by mmf = flux x reluctance
mmf = Φ  Amp.turns.
3. Define reluctance.
Reluctance is the ratio of mmf of magnetic circuit to the flux through it.
mmf l
 . It is also written as   ;Where l is the length, A is the area of cross- section, μ is
flux() 
4. In a solenoid with an inductance of 5mH current is increasing at the rate of 100A/sec. What is the value
of induced emf?
emf = L =5x10-3x100=0.5V.
5. Give the expression for lifting force of an electro magnet.
F= B A ;Where B is flux density, A is area of air gap between the poles of the magnet,
 o is
permeability of free space.
6. What is the expression for energy stored in magnetic field?
W= LI 2 ;Where L is the inductance , I is the current.
7.What is energy density in the magnetic field?
1 1
Energy density ( w ) = BH = H 2
2 2
8.Write down the general, integral and point form of Faraday‟s law.
d B
emf v   ( Integral )
d ( General ) ,  E.dl   t
 ds
E   ( Point form )
9. Distinguish between transformer emf and motional emf. (Nov 2013) (APR 15,17)
The emf induced in a stationary conductor due to the change in flux linked with it, is called
eg. Transformer.
transformer emf or static induced emf. emf = -  t
The emf induced due to the movement of conductor in a magnetic field is called motional emf or dynamic
induced emf. 
emf =- vB.dl
eg. Generator

10.State Lenz‟s law.

Lenz‟s law states that the induced emf in a circuit produces a current which oppose the change in
magnetic flux producing it.emf = -
11. State Dot rule.
If both the currents enter dotted ends of coupled coils or if the both currents enter undotted ends,
then the sign on the M will be same as the sign on the L.If one current enters a dotted end and the other an
undotted end , the sign on the M will be opposite to the sign on the L.
12.Mention four similarities between electric circuit and magnetic circuit. (N/D14)
Electric circuit Magnetic circuit
1. emf (volts) mmf ( Amp-turns )
emf mmf
2.current = magnetic flux =
resis tan reluc tan ce
ce l
Reluctance  
3. resistance R = A
A 1
1 Permeance P =
4. Conductance G = 
13.A region in free space has a magnetic field intensity of B web/m 2. What is the energy stored per m3 of
Energy density = Energy per volume 1 B2 Joules / m3;where,μ – is the permeability of the medium.
2 
14. Write down the Maxwell‟s equation in integral form.
From Ampere‟s Law  D B
 H.dl   J ,Law From Faraday‟s  E.dl   ds

  ds S  
S t
From Electric Gauss‟s Law
 D.ds   dv , From Magnetic Gauss‟s Law  B.ds  0
s v s
15. Write down the Maxwell‟s equation in point form.
From Ampere‟s Law
H  J  , From Faraday‟s E  
D t
From Electric Gauss‟s Law, .D   ,
From Magnetic Gauss‟s .B  0
16. What is meant by Displacement current ? (Nov 2013)
Displacement current is nothing but the current flows through the Capacitor.Ic=C dV/dt.

17. State Ampere‟s circuital law. Must the path of integration be circular? Explain.
The integral of the tangential component of the magnetic field strength around a closed path is
equal to the current enclosed by the path.  H.dl  I .The path of integration must be enclosed one. It
must be any shape and it need not be circular alone.

18. Write the fundamental postulate for electromagnetic induction and explain how its leads to Faraday‟s
A changing magnetic flux (Φ) through a closed loop, produces an emf or voltage at the terminals
as given by v where the voltage is the integral of the electric field E around the loop.For
uniform magnetic field Φ = B.A where B is the magnetic flux density and A is the area of the

loop. v  E.dl  
t 
ds .This is Faraday‟s law. It states that the line integral of the electric field
around a stationary loop equals the surface integral of the time rate of change of the magnetic flux density
B integrated over the loop area.

19. Explain the significance of displace current . Write the Maxwell‟s equation in which it is used.
The displacement current iD through a specified surface is obtained by integration of the normal
D E
component of JD over the surface. iD = J D .ds =  .ds = ds
S S t t
This is a current which directly passes through the capacitor.
Maxwell‟s equation
xH  JC  JD
= E  D
 ( Differential form ).,  H.dl   (J  ) ( Integral form )
 ds
t C S t
20. Find the total current in a circular conductor of radius 4mm if the current density varies according to J
A / m2 .
2 0.004
Solution = 10
2 0.004
A / m2 , Current I =
 =
  104 .rdrd =
10 r d =10-4 x 0.004 x
2 r 0 r 0 0 0

0 = 80π.
21. Write down the Maxwell‟s equations in point phasor forms.
xH  J  jD  (  j )E
xE   jB   jH
.D  
.B  0
22. Explain why .B  0
.B  0 states that there is no magnetic charges. The net magnetic flux emerging through any
closed surface is zero.
23. Explain why xE  0.
In a region in which there is no time changing magnetic flux, the voltage around the loop would
be zero. By Maxwell‟s equation, E   =0 (irrotational).
24. Explain why .D  0 ? t
In a free space there is no charge enclosed by the medium . The volume charge density is zero.
By Maxwell‟s .D v 0 .

25. Compare the relation between Circuit theory and Field theory.(N/D14)
Circuit Theory Field Theory
1. This analysis originated by its own. Evolved from Transmission theory.
2. Applicable only for portion of RF range. Beyond RF range ( Microwave )
3. The dependent and independent parameters Not directly , through E and H.
I, V are directly obtained for the given circuit.
4. Parameters of medium are not involved. Parameter of medium ( permittivity and
permeability) are involved in the analysis.
5. Laplace Transform is employed. Maxwell‟s equation is employed
6. Z, Y, and H parameters are used . S parameter is used.
7. Low power is involved. Relatively high power is involved.
8. Simple to understand. Needs visualization ability
9. Two dimensional analysis Three – dimensional analysis
10.Frequency is used as reference. Wave length is used as reference
11. Lumped components are involved Distributed components are involved.
26..Find the emf induced in a circuit having an inductance of 700μH if the current through it varies at the
rate of 5000A/sec. (Nov 2011)
E=L di/dt = 700 μH X 5000A/sec.=3.5 volts
27. Distinguish between conduction and displacement current. (Nov 2011)
Conduction current. Displacement current
Conduction current is nothing but the Displacement current is nothing but the
current flows through the conductor. current flows through the Capacitor.
Ic= ζE. D
Id= =  t .ds

28. A conductor of 1m length is moved with a velocity of 100m/sec. Perpendicular to a field of 1 tesla.
What is the value of emf induced? (Nov 2012,Apr 17)
Einduced=ulB, where u=100m/sec, l=1m, B=1 tesla, Therefore Einduced=100x1x1 =100V

29. What is the significance of displacement current? (Nov 2012)

The displacement current ID through a specified surface is obtained by integration of the normal
component of JD over the surface.
ID =  J .ds
= .ds
i= ds
This is a current which directly passes through the capacitor.

30.A loop is rotating about the Y axix in a magnetic field B= B 0sinwt i web/m2. What is the type the
voltage induced in the loop? (May 2012)
Motional or Generator emf is induced in the conductor as the conductor position varies with
respect to time.

31. Write the expression for total current density? (May 2012)
J=J C + J D
JC is conduction current density, JD is displacement current density.

32. Moist soil has conductivity of 10-3 s/m and εr=2.5, determine the displacement current density if
E=6*10-6sin (9*109)t (NOV 16)

1. Explain a) Transformer emf b) Generator emf. T2 306-313
2. Derive an expression for displacement current density. T2 313-317 (Apr 15)
3. State Maxwell‟s equation in both point and integral form for conducting medium and free space.T1
112-115 (Nov 16) (Apr 15,17)
4. State the boundary conditions of time varying fields at the interface between two dielectric media
between a dielectric medium and a perfect metal.
5. Briefly explain the similarities between electric circuit and magnetic circuit.
6. State and derive the time –harmonic Maxwell‟s equations in point and integral form. Why are
Maxwell‟s equation not completely symmetrical? T1 112-115 (Nov2011& 2013)
7. By means of simple RLC series circuit, Explain the relationship between the field theory and circuit
theory. Also explain the limitations of the circuit theory. T2 317-321 (Nov 2011)(Apr 15,17)
8. a) Explain the concept of emf induction in static and time varying magnetic field. T2 306-313
b) In a material for which ζ=5.0 s/m and εr=1 with E=250sin 1010t (v/m).Find Jc and Jd and also the
frequency at which they equal magnitudes. (Nov 16)
9. A circular loop conductor having radius of 0.15 m is placed in x-y plane. This loop consists of a
resistance of 20 ohm. If the magnetic flux density is B=0.5 sin10 3ax Tesla. find the current through the
loop. (Apr 17)

10. Problem
10. In a medium characterized by ζ=0, μ = μ0, ε=ε0 and E=20Sin(10 8 t-βz)ay V/m. Calculate β and H.

11. Obtain the expression for energy stored in the magnetic field and also derive the expression for
magnetic energy density. T1 96-104 (Nov


1. Define a wave.
If a physical phenomenon that occurs at one place at a given time is reproduced at other places at
later times , the time delay being proportional to the space separation from the first location , then the
group of phenomenon constitutes a wave.
2. Mention the properties of uniform plane wave.
The properties of uniform plane wave are as follows:
1.At every point in space , the electric field E and Magnetic field H are perpendicular to each other and to
the direction of the travel.2.The fields vary harmonically with the time and at the same frequency, every
where in space.
3. Each field has the same direction, magnitude and phase at every point in any plane perpendicular to the
direction of wave travel.
3. Write down the wave equations for E and H in a non-dissipative ( free space ) medium.

2E  2 2H
0; H
oo E
oo t2

4. Write down the wave equations for E and H in a conducting medium. (May 2012)

2E   2    2   H  0
0 H
 E E H t
; 
t2 t2
5. Define plane wave.
If the phase of a wave is the same for all points on a plane surface it is called plane wave.
6. Define uniform plane wave.
If the phase of a wave is the same for all points on a plane surface it is called plane wave. If the
amplitude is also constant in a plane wave, it is called uniform plane wave.
7. What is the properties uniform plane wave? (Nov 2013,16)
1. At every point is space electric field (E) and magnetic field (H) are perpendicular to each other
and to the direction of travel. 2.The fields vary harmonically with time and at the same frequency,
everywhere in space 3..Each field has the same direction, magnitudes and phase at every point in any
plane perpendicular to the direction of wave travel.
8. Define intrinsic impedance or characteristic impedance.
It is the ratio of electric field to magnetic field. Or It is the ratio of square root of permeability to
E 
permittivity of the medium.   Ohms
H 
9. Calculate intrinsic impedance or characteristic impedance of free space. (Nov 2011)
E 4x107
  o =
H o 8.854x1012 = 120π = 377 ohms
10. Define propagation constant.
The propagation constant (γ) is a complex number, and it is given by
    j ; where α is attenuation constant , β is phase constant,   j(  j
11. Define skin depth or depth of penetration. APRIL 2017
Skin depth or depth of penetration (δ) is defined as that of depth in which the wave has been
attenuated to 1 / e or approximately 37% of its original value.
 1
 for good conductor.
12. Define polarization. 
Polarization is defined as the polarization of a uniform plane wave refers to the time varying
nature of the electric field vector at some fixed point in space.
13. Define linear polarization.
If x and y component of electric field Ex and Ey are present and are in phase, the resultant electric
field has a direction at an angle of tan-1( ) and if this angle is constant with time , the wave is said to
be linearly polarized.
14. Define circular polarization.
If x and y component of electric field Ex and Ey have equal amplitude and 90 o phase difference,
the locus of the resultant electric field E is a circle and the wave is said to be circularly polarized.
15. Define Elliptical polarization.
If x and y component of electric field Ex and Ey have different amplitude and 90 o phase
difference, the locus of the resultant electric field E is a ellipse and the wave is said to be elliptically
16. Fine the skin depth at a frequency of 2MHz is Aluminum where ζ = 38.2M s/m and μ r = 1.
Given data:ζ = 38.2M s/m = 38.2 x 106 s/m;μr = 1;   2f  2x2x106

For Good conductor, Skin depth

   2 = 2x2x106 x1x4x107 x38.2x106 =5.758
 
x 10-5 m.
17. At what frequencies may earth be considered a perfect, if ζ=6 x 10 -3 s/m, μr =1 and εr=10.
 
 1This is the boundary line between dielectric and conductor 1
 
 6X103 108x106 1
  x8.854x1012 
6x36x109x103  f 
f = 108 x 106 Hz.if frequency is greater than 108MHz , it act as dielectric.
18.A uniform plane wave in free space is described by E = 100e -(πz/3)
ax Determine the frequency and
wave length.

2  ;
E=100 -(πz/3) ax ;Β =
 3 e 3x108 Hz
   
6m ; f  6 50M
19. Write Helmholtz‟s equation.
2E   2E  0 ;where   j(  j )
20. Define Poynting vector. (M/J14)
The pointing vector is defined as rate of floe of energy of a wave as it propagates. It is the vector
product of electric field and magnetic field. P = E x H
21. Write down the expression for average power flow in electromagnetic field and average pointing

Average power Wav = V I COS

, Average Poynting vector Pav = 1 / 2Real part of [ E x H* ]
22. Write down the complex Poynting vector in rectangular co-ordinates.
Px = ½ [ Ey Hz* - EzHy* ]
23. State Slepian vector.
Slepian vector is a vector which defined at every point such that its flux coming out of any
volume is zero. (.S)  0 . Slepian vector is given by S  x(H )
Where, V is electric potential, H is magnetic field intensity.
24. State Poynting theorem. (Nov 2013)
The vector product of electric field intensity at any point is a measure of the rate of energy flow
per unit area at that point. P=ExH
25. State Snell‟s law.
When a wave is travelling from one medium to another medium , the angle of incidence is related
to angle of reflection as follows. sini 1 2 (     )
 
sint 2 1 1 2 0

Where i is angle of incidence;t is angle of refraction; 1 is dielectric constant of medium 1

 2 is dielectric constant of medium 2 .
26. What is Brewster angle?
Brewster angle is an incident angle at which there is no reflect wave for parallel polarized wave.
  tan1
1 is dielectric constant of medium 1,  2 is dielectric constant of medium 2
27. Define Surface impedance.
Surface impedance is defined as the ratio of tangential component of electric field at the surface
of a conductor to the linear current density.
Etan 
Zs   ; Where  is propagation constant is conductivity medium.
Js 
28. Write the expression for plane electromagnetic waves propagating in a dielectric media in a direction
x with respect to origin ( 0, 0 , 0)
The equation for plane electromagnetic waves propagating in a dielectric medium is given by
2Ey 1 2E y 2H y 1 2H y
 
t 2  x2 OR 2  x2
29. In a time varying situation how do you define a good conductor and lossy dielectric ? Define loss
tangent of a medium.

For good conductor,  
   
>>1,  f
α and β are large i.e., the wave is attenuated greatly as it propagates through the conductor.

For lossy dielectric, dielectric current becomes complex,    ' '' ,  <<1,   and
 2
   
Loss tangent of the medium is defined as tan  '' 
  '  
30. What do you meant by total internal reflection?
When a wave is incident from the denser medium to rarer medium at an angle equal to or greater
than the critical angle, the wave will be totally internally reflected back. This phenomenon is called Total
internal reflection.
31. Write the expression for pointing theorem in point form?
 .P  E2  [ H 2   E 2 ]
2 t
32. Write the expression for pointing theorem in integral form?
 1
  P.ds  E2   [ H 2   E 2 ]
S V t V 2 t
33. Define normal incidence and oblique incidence.
Normal incidence: When a uniform plane wave incidences normally to the boundary between the media ,
then it is known as normal incidence.
Oblique incidence: When a uniform plane wave incidences obliquely to the boundary between the two
media, then it is known as oblique incidence.
34. Define standing wave ratio.
It is defined as the ratio of maximum to minimum amplitudes of voltage.
E1s max 1 
E1s min  
35. Define skin depth and its significance atlow frequency and at very high frequency (micro wave
frequency) applications to conductors.
Skin depth or depth of penetration (δ) is defined as that of depth in which the wave has
been attenuated to 1 / e or approximately 37% of its original value.
  2 1 ;α 1
 for good conductor.  
 f f
For low frequency, the skin depth  is large. For High or microwave frequency range, the skin depth 
is small.
36. Define voltage reflection coefficient at the load end of the transmission line. (Nov 2011)
It is defined as the ratio of the magnitude of the reflected wave to that of the incident wave.
37. Calculate the characteristics impedance of free space? (Nov 2012)
E o
 
H o
= = 120π = 377 ohms
38. What is „standing wave ratio‟ ? (Nov 2012, M/J14) (Nov 16)
It is defined as the ratio of maximum to minimum amplitudes of voltage.
E1s max 1 
E1s min  
39. Determine propagation constant δ of a 
1 material having µ ε =8 and ζ =0.25 Pico-Mho/m. if the
r = 1, r
frequency is 1.6 Mhz.
α =ß =ωµ ζ=1.25
40. The capacitance and inductance of an overhead transmission line are 0.0075µF/km and 0.8mH/km
respectively. Determine the characteristic impedance of the line.(N/D14)
The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is equal to the square root of the ratio of the line's
inductance per unit length divided by the line's capacitance per unit length Z0= =326.5Ω
41. If a plane wave is incident normally from medium 1 to medium2, write the reflection and transmission
co-efficients. (N/D14)
Reflection Co-efficients Er
2 1 Transmission Co-efficients Et = 22

Ei  Ei
0 0
0  2 1 0  2 1
42. Compare the equi potential plots of uniform and non uniform fields.
43. What is the wavelength and frequency of a wave propagation in free space when β=2
44. Find the velocity of a plane wave in a lossless medium a relative permittivity 2 and relative
permeability 1. (APRIL 17)


1. Derive the electromagnetic wave equation for electric field. T1 119-143

2. Derive the electromagnetic wave equation for magnetic field. . T1 119-143 (Nov 2013)
3. Obtain the electromagnetic wave equation for conducting and perfect dielectric medium. (Nov 2012)
(nov 16)(apr 15) T2 396-430
4. Obtain the electromagnetic wave equation for free space in terms of magnetic field T2 396-430
(Apr 17)
5. A uniform plane wave propagating in a medium has E=2 e-αzSin(10 8 t –βz)ay V/m.If the medium is
characterized by εr=1, μr= 20, ζ=3 mhos/m, Find α, β and H.
6. For the copper coaxial cable let a= 2 mm, b=6mm, and t=1mm, Calculate the resistance of 2m length of
the cable at dc and at 100 MHz.
7. How is power flow referred by using Poynting vector? Explain Poynting‟s theorem. Explain its
significance. T2 396-430 (Nov 2011) (May2012,15,17)
8. An EM wave travels in free space with the electric field component E=100 e j(0.866y+0.5z) ax
V/m.Determine a)ω and λ b) The magnetic field component c)The time average power in the wave.

9. Define Brewster angle and derive its expression. T2 396-430 (Nov 2013)
10.A6580 mhz uniform plane wave is propagating in a materisl medium of ε r=2.25. if the amplitude of the
electric field intensity of lossless medium is 500 v/m. Calculate the phase constant, propagation constant,
velocity, wavelength and intrinsic impedance. (Nov 16)
11. A plane wave travelling in +z direction in free space (z<0) is normally incident at z=0 on a conductor
(z>0) for which ζ =61.7 MS/m µ r=1. The free space E wave has a frequency f=1.5MHZ and an amplitude
of 1 V/m at the interface it is given by E(0,t)=1.0 sin 2πft ay V/m. Analyse the wave and predict magnetic
wave H9z,t) at z>0. (Nov16)

Question Paper Code : 27207
Anna University Chennai
Third Semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

1. What are the practical applications of electromagnetic fields?

2. Give the differential displacement and volume in spherical co-ordinate system.

3. What is the electric field intensity at a distance of 20 cm from a charge of 2 µC in vacuum?

4. Calculate the capacitance per Km between a pair of parallel wires each of diameter 1 cm at
a spacing of 50 cms.

5. What is the mutual inductance of the two inductively coupled coils with self inductance of 25
mH and 100 mH?

6. What is the practical significance of Lorentz's Force?

7. Find the characteristics impedence of the medium whose relative permittivity is 3 and
relative permeability is 1.

PART B – (5 × 16 = 80 marks)

11. (a) (1) Verify the divergence theorem for a vector field D= 3x^(2 ) a_x+(3y+z) a_y+(3z-
x)a_zin the region bounded by a cylinder x^2+y^2=9^2 and the planes x=0,y=0,z=0 and z=2.

(2) A novel printing technique is based upon electrostatic deflection principle. Justify . (4)
(b) (1) State and prove Coulomb's law . (6)

(2) Obtain expression for electric field intensity due to uniformly charged line of length 'I'. (10)

12. (a) (1) Derive the expression for energy and energy density in static electric fields. (10)
(2) State and prove electro-static boundary conditions. (6)
(b) (1) Derive an expression for capacitance of concentric spheres . (8)

(2) Derive an expression for polarization 'P'. (8)

13. (a) (1) Obtain an expression for magnetic flux density and magnetic field intensity at any
point along the axis of a circular coil. (12)

(2) Distinguish between scalar and vector magnetic potential (6)


(b) (1) An air co-axial transmission line has a solid inner conductor of radius 'a' and a very thin outer
conductor of inner radius 'b'.Determine the inductance per unit length of the line. (12)

(2) Compare the different magnetic materials. (4)

14. (a) (1) A circular loop of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field of flux density 0.5 wb/m^2.
The wire has 200 turns and frequency of rotation of 1000 revolutions/minute. If the radius of the coil
is 0.2 m, Determine (1) the induced emf, when the plane of the coil is 60° to the flux lines and (2)
the induced emf, when the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the field. (8)

(2) Explain in detail about the difference between conduction and displacement currents. (8)


(b) Derive the set of Maxwell`s equation with solutions in integral form from fundamental laws for a
free space. (16)

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