B2 - Nano Air Temperature Control System
B2 - Nano Air Temperature Control System
B2 - Nano Air Temperature Control System
SMJC 3721
B2 : Nano Air Temperature Control System
Date : 02/10/2019
1.1 Experimental Background 2
1.2 Objective 4
1.3 Experimental scope 4
2.1 Equipment and materials 5
2.2 Experimental procedure/methodology 5
The Nano Temperature Control System simulates industrial plant systems found
in oil & gas, chemical and food production plants around the world. This standalone, desktop
training system makes an excellent platform for training in all aspects of industrial temperature
instrumentation and engineering. Students learn the theory and application, gaining skills in
installation, calibration, tuning, optimization, maintenance and control.
The self-assembled simulates a real world industrial plant environment for a wide
range of educational experiences in temperature control studies. Stainless steel tubing and tanks
are used to simulate a variety of conditions relevant to temperature sensitive operations.
Temperature sensors and transmitters collect and send real-time temperature readings to a
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Students learn to appreciate the basics of air temperature
as it relates to process plant operations in a safe and controlled environment.
This experiment enables students to practice the control temperature processes,
including heat exchanger and heated tank processes. Students raise and lower the water
temperature to preset levels using manual control and auto-tuning methods. They control the
flow rate through the heat exchanger using a motorized valve, and create variable demand and
supply disturbances by introducing cooled water from the reservoir tank.
The Nano Air Temperature Control System simulates real world gas-based
processing where temperature is a critical element. By focusing primarily on air temperature,
students learn to appreciate the significance of air temperature as it relates to process plant
operations in a state and controlled environment.
Single loop control with PID controllers is the most common and simplest way to
control the process. Single loop controllers are used in a variety of industrial facilities such as
power plants, oil refineries, petrochemical plants, chemical plants, and iron and steel plants.
These controllers receive temperature, flow rate, pressure, and other types of measurement
readings from sensors and send corresponding instructions to control elements such as valves in
order to maintain these values within a desired range. Each control loop has its own controller.
Single loop controllers are widely used in industry today to control small plant facilities and
serve as back-ups to distributed control system.
In this experiment, we will be doing two mode that determines when and how a controller
works which were manual mode and auto mode. In manual mode, the controller is overridden,
allowing operating personnel to send the output signal (OP) directly to the actuator (valve).
While, in automatic mode, the controller receives the set point value (SP) and the measured
value of the process variable (PV), and calculates and sends an output signal (OP) to the actuator
Noris (2006) also states that in feedback controller there are 3 types of it which
are the proportional controller (P), proportional-integral controller (PI) and proportional-integral-
derivative controller (PID). Controllers are designed to eliminate the need for continuous
operator attention. The PID controller is a standard and proven solution for the most of industrial
control applications. We manipulated the types of controller using and the setting point. We have
to change the type of controller by adjusting the value of the proportional, PI and PID in the
control panel with the correct value. One of the applications of PID controller is in the
temperature application. A typical PID temperature controller application could be used to vary a
regulator continuously which can alter a process temperature. This may be a pulsed switching
device for electrical heaters or by opening and closing a gas valve. A heat only PID temperature
controller uses a reverse outputaction, where more power is applied when the temperature is
below the set point and less power when above.
Each P,I and D has distinctive function for each one. P accounts for present values of the
error (e.g. if the error is large and positive, the control variable will be large and negative). While
as for I accounts for past values of the error (e.g. if the output is not sufficient to reduce the size
of the error, the control variable will accumulate over time,causing the controller to apply a
stronger action). Last but not least, D accounts for possible future values of the error, based on its
current rate of change
The objective of this experiment are :
● To interpret the Piping & Instrument Diagram (P&ID)
● To understand the process flow of the nano air temperature process control (single
loop air pressure control)
● To understand the behaviour of nano air temperature process and plant operation
● To demonstrate proportional action, proportional and integral action and
proportional, integral and derivative action on nano air temperature process
Start-up procedure
1. The main power supply was switched ON.
2. The facility air supply was turned ON.
3. The air regulator was set to 2 bar..
4. The control panel power supply was switched ON and the emergency stop button was
5. The valve position was set according to table 1.
6. The flash drive was inserted into an available USB port at control panel.
7. The START button on the HOME screen was clicked.
Understanding the process behaviour- Nano Air Temperature Control (MANUAL MODE)
1.The process panel with power and air was set up according to what have done in Activity 1.
2. The “MANUAL” button is clicked to place the controller 301TIC-001 into manual mode.
3. The manipulated variable (MV) was set to 10% and the process was allowed to stabilize
for 30 seconds. The air pressure trending graph was observed.
4. The process behaviour data was observed and recorded in table 2.
MV (%) PV(C)
30 100
30 80
30 60
30 40
30 20
Table 2: Process Behaviour data for Manual Level Process Controller
5. Above steps 3-4 was repeated for another MV setting (10% to 100%).
6. The data was collected and recorded. The findings were discussed.
Understanding the process behaviour- Nano Air Temperature Control (AUTO MODE)
1. The process plant with power was set up and air just like what have been done in activity
2. The “ AUTO” button was clicked to place the controller 301TIC-001 into auto mode.
3. The “Process History View” button was clicked to display the trending graph. Then the
process was let to stabilize.
4. The P controller parameter was then set according to table 3.
Integral 0 5 11
Derivative 0 0 1
Time started
Time ended
Disturbance time
Table 3: PID Controller Setting for Nano Air Temperature Process Controller
5. The set point (SP) was then set to 35 ºC and the process was allowed to stabilize for a few
minutes. The time taken was recorded for this experiment. Then the process was allowed
to stabilize for a few minutes.
6. After the process is stable, the next steps to analyze the disturbance was analyzed.
7. 301HV-001 was closed for 10 seconds and then switched to normal position . The
process was allowed to stabilize for a few minutes.
8. Steps 5-8 was repeated for PI and PID controller according to parameter given in table
12. The graph was then plotted according to that data discussed in the findings.
Shut-down procedure
12:03:02 30 80 29.28
12:03:47 30 60 29.35
12:04:39 30 40 29.39
12:05:09 30 20 29.41
Integral 0 5 11
Derivative 0 0 1
Table 5 : PID Controller Setting for Nano Air Temperature Process Controller
The function using manual mode in controller is to examine how control is introduced,
how the control system is constructed and how it works. Other than that, we also want to
determine the effectiveness of the control process through this manual mode control.This
experiment started by setting the controller 301TIC-001 into manual mode. The manipulated
value was set to start from 100% and repeated until 20%. The observation time was 30s for each
of the manipulated variable. Graph 1 and graph 2 shows the graph of temperature against time
for this manual mode controller. Graph 1 represent for process variable and graph 2 represents
manipulated variable. The data plotted shows that the value of process variable is fluctuate, while
the manipulated variable value is decreased. It shows that the process variable will be affected by
the value of the manipulated variable.
Graph 4 : Process Variables vs Time Graph 5 : Manipulated Variables vs Time
For P-controller, the parameter values for P-controller were set at 8.3 for gain, and 0 for
both integral and derivative. The P-controller began at 12:12:38 a.m. with set point 35. By
12:13:02 a.m. in the graph 4, process variable (PV) increases linearly , but not until 12:15:12
a.m. Obviously, the P-controller is an offset introducer. Because there are disturbance during the
process it takes longer time for the P-controller to meet back by capitalizing the quicker loop. In
both graph 4 and graph 5, the disturbance starts to show at 12:22:08 a.m. The desired setpoint of
35 ° C in the process system is almost accomplished only at 12:08.38 a.m.For the (MV), it is
constantly increase at the start of the process until 45° C and then become linearly decrease at
12:15:38 a.m. After that, it linearly increase until the graph meet the disturbance at 12:22:08 a.m.
and become normal again at 12.22.34 a.m.
The P-controller system is more complex than on-off control systems like a bi-metallic
domestic thermostat, but simpler than a PID control system used in something like an automobile
cruise control. In general it can be said that P-controller cannot stabilize higher order processes.
In P controller the actuating signal for the control action in a control system is proportional to the
error signal. The error signal being the difference between the reference input signal and
feedback signal obtained from the output. But in all the three graphs the MV and PV shows
otherwise due to some error. However, the disturbance are detected faster. For the P control can
be recommended for fast-response systems with a large coefficient of transmitter but not as
accurate and stable as PID controller.
Graph 7 : Process Variables vs Time Graph 8 : Manipulated Variables vs Time
For the PI-controller, the setpoint is set to 35 °C and the proportional gain value was set at
6.3, the value of integral is 5.0 and lastly the derivative time value was set at 0. The water level
temperature was drawn from 12:24:33 am to 12:35:49am. From the graph 6, the (PV) and the
setpoint are nearly merge at 32.5°C on 12:29:53 a.m. As we can see from the graph 7, it can be
seen that the process variable line remains linearly increase at 12:25:25 a.m. and reaches the set
point at 32.5°C. Afterwards, the line starts to decrease linearly until it meets the disturbance at
12:34:31 a.m. until it becomes normal at 12:34:57 a.m. For the graph 8, it starts to rapidly
increase from start to 100°C until at 12:24:59 a.m. Next, it becomes constant at 100°C until the
process ends.
PI-controller will eliminate forced oscillations and steady state error resulting in operation
of on-off controller and P-controller respectively. However, introducing integral mode has a
negative effect on the speed of the response and overall stability of the system. Thus, PI
controller will not increase the speed of response. It can be expected since PI controller does not
have means to predict what will happen with the error in the near future. However, PI controller
are more advantageous to sense the disturbance and any time delay more than proportional
controller. Since the (PV) and (MV) are not proportional, probably due to some errors.
Graph 10 : Process Variables vs Time Graph 11 : Manipulated Variables vs Time
As for PID controller, it works by using a formula to calculate the difference between the
desired temperature setpoint and current process temperature also known as process variable in
this experiment. Then predicts how much power to use in subsequent process cycles to ensure
the process temperature remains as close to the setpoint as possible by eliminating the impact of
process environment changes. In this experiment the gain, integral and derivative are 6.3, 11 and
1 respectively.From Graph 9, setpoint line and process variable (PV) line is almost close to each
other. This approves the theory stated as the function of PID is achieved.
According to Graph 210 it shows process variable against time. As the time increases the
temperature shows a decrease. As can be observed from the graph, temperature shows a drop
from 30.15 degree celcius to 28.97 degree celsius at 12:47:43 until 12:47:53. This is due to the
disturbance was introduced to the system by closing valve 301HV-001 for 10 seconds. And due
to limited time, we wait for 10 minutes for the graph to stabilize after disturbance. It showed an
abrupt drop then returned back to normal. Time ended for this PID controller is at 12:49:03 and
then the time is taken. Manipulated Variable is 100% which remains the same throughout the
experiment together with time as can be seen in Graph 11. The graph continuously going
constant before reaching the set point.PID controller shows the same result as the other
controllers such as P controller and PI controller which shows drop in temperature when
disturbance is introduced to the system. However, in PID controller PV and MV lines did not
oscillate with each other as it is supposed to do and only get close to each other due to time
constraints. Unlike the PI controller, which the lines of graph oscillate with each other.
The abrupt change of temperature in the system can affect the quality of final products.
When dealing with disturbance in the system, the PID temperature controller automatically will
compensate for the disturbance and bring the process temperature back to the setpoint. During
process temperature approaches setpoint, the power is reduced to avoid overshoot and the risk of
damaging final product with too much heat. The PID controller provides the most stable and
accurate control, and is ideal for system.
Air 301HV- 301- TK- 301TT- ATM
001 TT001 002
In order to investigate the process behaviour of Nano Air Temperature Control, for
each of the PID controller, we doing the experiment thoroughly with care even though there were
a few errors occur. From that, we can observe the different trend of increasing/decreasing
temperature. The best PID controller is PID control, due to most stability and accurate control,
and is ideal for system.
The experiment conducted met the objectives which understand the process flow of the
nano air temperature process control (single loop air pressure control), understand the behavior
of nano air temperature process and plant operation, understand and demonstrate the effect of
load disturbance and set point disturbance in nano air temperature process control and interpret
the P&ID.
First and foremost, each of the members of the group should understand the lab manual
procedure given for this experiment and need to apply all of the information and some research
should be done to conduct a successful experiment. Apart from that, the person that is
responsible to take the time should be extra alert during this experiment so that the data obtained
will be more accurate to prevent from falling to systematic error. Last but not least, the
experimental setup must be done in a proper manner at which all parts of the machine is
functioning to ensure the experiment is done smoothly and accurately.
Process Control Loops: Trending PV,SP, OP and Mode (n.d) Retrieved from
Manual Control
K Smriti Rao, Ravi Mishra (2014). Comparative study of P, PI and PID controller for speed
control of VSI-fed induction motor. Retrieved from