10 Solutions For Section 3

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10 Solutions for Section 3

Exercise 3.9 Determine the ideals of Z24 and match these up with the ideals
of Z which contain h24i.
Solution It is the case that every ideal of Z24 is principal (because this is
true for ideals in Z and since, by Theorem 3.7, every ideal of Z24 is the im-
age of an ideal of Z, hence principal). So it is enough to take each element
[0]24 , [1]24 , [2]24 , . . . , [23]24 in turn and compute the ideal it generates. But that
will take some time and is not necessary. For instance if gcd(a, 24) = 1 then
[a]24 is invertible, hence generates the whole of Z24 . More generally, the ideal
generated by [a]24 is the same as the ideal generated by [gcd(a, 24)]24 . So the
ideal of Z24 correspond to the possible gcd’s, that is, to the factors of 24. There-
fore the ideals of Z24 are: h[0]24 i (1 element); h[1]24 i (24 elements); h[2]24 i (12
elements); h[3]24 i (8 elements); h[4]24 i (6 elements); h[6]24 i (4 elements); h[8]24 i
(3 elements); h[12]24 i (2 elements).

Exercise 3.10 In the situation of Theorem 3.7 there is a similar correspondence

for right (respectively left) ideals J containing I and right (resp. left) ideals of
R/I (but I itself should still be a two-sided ideal in order that R/I be a ring).
Check this.
This is very similar to the proof of Theorem 3.7 but I will give the details since
it might be useful to give a typed-up version of the proof of (essentially) that
First suppose that J ≥ I is a right ideal of R: we check that πJ is a right
ideal of R/I.
• Since 0 ∈ J, π(0) ∈ πJ, but π(0) = 0 (more accurately, π(0R ) = 0R/I ), so
0 ∈ πJ.
• Suppose that b, b′ ∈ πJ, say b = π(a), b′ = π(a′ ) for some a, a′ ∈ J. Since
J is a right ideal a + a′ ∈ J, so π(a + a′ ) ∈ πJ. Since π is a homomorphism
(Theorem 3.4), π(a) + π(a′ ) = π(a + a′ ) ∈ πJ, as required.
• Suppose that b ∈ πJ and s ∈ R/I. Say b = π(a) with a ∈ J. Also, π is
surjective so there is r ∈ R with π(r) = s. Since J is a right ideal ar ∈ J.
Hence bs = π(a)π(r) = π(ar) ∈ πJ, as required.
Thus we have checked the three properties for πJ to be a right ideal of R/I.
Next, let K be a right ideal of R/I and consider its inverse image π −1 K =
{a ∈ R : π(a) ∈ K}. We show that π −1 K is a right ideal of R and contains I.
• Since 0R/I ∈ K and π(0R ) = 0R/I we have 0R ∈ π −1 K.
• Let a, a′ ∈ π −1 K. So π(a), π(a′ ) ∈ K. Since K is a right ideal π(a + a′ ) =
π(a) + π(a′ ) ∈ K. So a + a′ ∈ π −1 K, as required.
• Let a ∈ π −1 K and let r ∈ R. Then π(ar) = π(a)π(r) ∈ K since π(a) ∈ K
and K is a right ideal. Therefore ar ∈ π −1 K, as required.
Thus we have shown that π −1 K is a right ideal of R.
• Let a ∈ I, then π(a) = 0 ∈ K, so a ∈ π −1 K. Thus π −1 K contains I.
It remains to show that (1) if we start with a right ideal J ≥ I, map it across
to R/I to get πJ and then pull that back to R, to get π −1 πJ then we end up
where we started, with J. And, similarly, that, (2) starting with a right ideal
K of R/I, pulling back to π −1 K and then mapping across again to get ππ −1 K,
that we end up with K again. The uncommented steps in the arguments which
follow are all direct from the definitions (of πJ and π −1 K etc.).

(1) If a ∈ J then π(a) ∈ πJ so a ∈ π −1 πJ. Thus J ⊆ π −1 πJ. For the converse,
take a ∈ π −1 πJ: then π(a) ∈ πJ, say π(a) = π(a′ ) for some a′ ∈ J. Therefore
π(a−a′ ) = 0 and hence a−a′ ∈ ker(π) = I (by Theorem 3.4). At last we use the
assumption that J ≥ I, to deduce a−a′ ∈ J. Then we have a = a′ +(a−a′ ) ∈ J
(since both a′ and a − a′ are in J). Thus π −1 πJ ⊆ J and hence the two sets
are equal.
(2) If b ∈ K then, since π is surjective, there is r ∈ R with π(r) = b. So
r ∈ π −1 K. Then b = π(r) ∈ ππ −1 K. Thus K ⊆ ππ −1 K. For the converse,
take b ∈ ππ −1 K. So there is r ∈ π −1 K such that b = π(r). But the fact that
r ∈ π −1 K says that π(r) ∈ K. Thus b ∈ K. Therefore ππ −1 K ⊆ K and so the
two sets are equal.
"  " 
Exercise 3.14 Describe explicitly the isomorphism between Z/h10i / h5i/h10i
and Z5 .
Solution The cosets of the ideal h5i/h10i = {[5]10 , [0]10 } in Z/h10i are:
h5i/h10i = {[0]10 , [5]10 };
[1]10 + h5i/h10i = {[1]10 , [6]10 };
[2]10 + h5i/h10i = {[2]10 , [7]10 };
[3]10 + h5i/h10i = {[3]10 , [8]10 };
[4]10 + h5i/h10i = {[4]10 , [9]10 }.
Since any homomorphism
"  "takes the1 of the first ring to the 1 of the second,
an isomorphism θ : Z/h10i / h5i/h10i → Z5 must take [1]10 + h5i/h10i to [1]5 ,
[2]10 + h5i/h10i to [2]5 , and so on (and it is easy enough to check that this map
does preserve addition and multiplication and is bijective).
Exercise 3.15 An ideal I of a commutative ring R is prime if whenever r, s ∈ R
and rs ∈ I then either r ∈ I or s ∈ I. What are the prime ideals of Z? Prove
that an ideal I of the commutative ring R is prime iff the factor ring R/I is a
Solution The prime ideals of Z are exactly the ideals generated by the prime
integers. For if I = hni is a prime ideal of Z and if n is not prime, say n = kl
with both k, l proper factors of n, then we have neither k nor l in I, yet their
product is in I, so I is not a prime ideal. On the other hand, if n is prime and
if r, s ∈ Z with rs ∈ I then rs must be a multiple of n, that is n|rs so, since n
is prime, either n|r or n|s, that is, either r ∈ I or s ∈ I, so I is a prime ideal,
as required.
Suppose, for the second part, that I is a prime ideal of the commutative
ring R and consider R/I. If the product of two elements of R/I is zero, say
(r + I)(s + I) = I, that is rs + I = I, then rs ∈ I so, since I is a prime ideal,
either r ∈ I or s ∈ I, that is, either r + I = I or s + I = I. In other words one
of those two elements is 0 so R/I is indeed a domain.
For the converse, suppose that R/I is a domain and let r, s ∈ R such that
rs ∈ I. Then I = rs + I = (r + I)(s + I). Since R/I is a domain and the
product of these two elements r + I, s + I is zero, one or the other, say r + I,
is 0R/I , that is r + I = I, that is r ∈ I and I is indeed a prime ideal.

Exercise 3.16 Show that the factor ring Z[i]/h1 + 3ii is isomorphic to Z10 .
Solution This might seem a bit surprising and it might not be very clear how
to start. But, if it’s true, then there has to be an isomorphism between these
two rings, indeed one each way. So maybe it’s better to start by producing the

map from Z10 to Z[i]/h1 + 3ii since once you’ve decided where to send 1 then
everything else is determined. But, of course, there’s no choice where to send
1: it has to go to the identity of Z[i]/h1 + 3ii. That is, if the statement is true,
then the only possible ring homomorphism from Z10 to Z[i]/h1 + 3ii has to be
well-defined and an isomorphism. So that’s a good place to start: let’s define
this map formally and then check whether it does the job.
Let θ : Z10 → Z[i]/h1 + 3ii be defined by sending n to n (each read in
the appropriate ring). To check that this map is well-defined we have to check
that 10 = 0 in Z[i]/h1 + 3ii. But since 1 + 3i = 0 in Z[i]/h1 + 3ii certainly
(1 + 3i)(1 − 3i) = 10 also is 0. So θ is well-defined and clearly preserves +
and × (hence is a homomorphism). We have to show that it is an isomorphism
and, perhaps easier than showing directly that it is 1-1 and onto, is to produce
an inverse. But to do that we have to decide where in Z10 to send i. Well,
in Z[i]/h1 + 3ii we have 3i = −1. Imagine mapping this equation over to Z10 ;
there 3 has an inverse, namely 7 so multiplying both sides by 7 would suggest
mapping i to −7, which equals 3.
So define η : Z[i]/h1 + 3ii → Z10 by sending 1 to 1 and sending i to 3, that
is η(a + bi) = a + 3b. We have to check that this is well-defined, that is, that
1 + 3i is sent to 0, but that is so: η(1 + 3i) = 1 + 9 = 0. We also need to check
that the relation i2 = −1 is preserved: η(i2 + 1) = 9 + 1 = 10. So this map is
well-defined and, just from its definition, it preserves sums and products, hence
is a homomorphism.
Now check that these are inverse: θ(η(a + bi)) = θ(a + 3b) = a + 3b, which
equals a + ib in Z[i]/h1 + 3ii (since 3i = −1 there so −3 = −i, i.e. i = 3 - that
observation should make the isomorphism natural); also η(θ(n)) = η(n) = n.
So these are inverse maps, hence isomorphisms, as required.
(The solution could be presented more briefly, working from the fact that
i = 3 in Z[i]/h1 + 3ii but the above is meant to indicate how you could work
towards a solution (which could then be presented more briefly).)
Exercise 3.17 Prove that if K is a field then K[X, Y ]/hXY i is isomorphic to
the subring of the product K[X]×K[Y ] consisting of all pairs (p(X), q(Y )) with
the same constant term (i.e. such that p(0) = q(0)).
Solution The natural way to do this is to produce a map from K[X, Y ] to
K[X] × K[Y ] which has the image described and to show that the kernel of this
map is the ideal generated by XY . In particular this map would send to 0 any
monomial involving both X and Y . That gives a strong clue to what the map
should be: namely, given a polynomial f , write f = c + p1 (X) + g(X, Y ) + q1 (Y )
where c is the constant term of f , p1 (X) is the sum of all monomials in f which
are positive powers of X, q1 (Y ) is the sum of all monomials in f which are
positive powers of Y and g is the sum of the remaining monomials (i.e. those
of the form X k Y l with both k, l > 0). Define θ : K[X, Y ] → K[X] × K[Y ] by
θ(f ) = (c+p1 (X), c+q1 (Y )) (so, essentially, 1 7→ (1, 1), X 7→ (X, 0), Y 7→ (0, Y )
plus K-linearity).
By definition θ preserves 1 and commutes with addition. We check that
it commutes with/preserves multiplication. So let f be as above and let f ′ =
c′ + p′1 (X) + g ′ (X, Y ) + q1′ (Y ). Then f f ′ = cc′ + (cp′1 + c′ p1 + p1 p′1 ) + h + (cq1′ +
c′ q1 + q1 q1′ ), decomposed in the same way, with h a sum of terms all divisible by
XY . So θ(f f ′ ) = (cc′ + cp′1 + c′ p1 + p1 p′1 , cc′ + cq1′ + c′ q1 + q1 q1′ ). On the other
hand, θ(f )θ(f ′ ) = (c + p1 , c + q1 )(c′ + p′1 , c′ + q1′ ) which, note, when multiplied

out equals θ(f f ′ ). Thus θ is a homomorphism.
By definition everything in the image of θ has the form (p, q) where p and q
have the same constant term and, conversely, everything of this form is in the
image of θ (θ(p + q − c) where c is the, repeated, constant term). It remains to
note that the kernel of θ, the polynomials sent to 0 by θ are (by definition of
θ) exactly those which are divisible by XY (i.e. in the ideal generated by XY ).
So by the theorem on kernels of homomorphisms, K[X, Y ]/hXY i is isomorphic
to the image of θ, which is what was wanted.

Exercise 3.18 Let R = K[X] where K is a field. Let I = hX(X − 1)i. Define a
map θ from R to S = K × K as follows. Given p ∈ R, write p = q · X(X − 1) + r
where q, r ∈ R and r is linear, so r has the form λ + µX for some λ, µ ∈ K.
Then define θ(p) = (λ, λ + µ). Prove that θ is a homomorphism. Prove that θ
induces an isomorphism from R/I to S.
Solution First, we have 1 = 0 · X(X − 1) + 1 so “r” in this case is 1 + 0X
(i.e. λ = 1 and µ = 0). So θ(1) = (1, 1 + 0) = (1, 1) which is the identity of S.
Next, given p, p′ ∈ R, say p = q ·X(X −1)+r and p′ = q ′ ·X(X −1)+r′ with
r = λ + µX and r′ = λ′ + µ′ X. So θ(r) = (λ, λ + µ) and θ(r′ ) = (λ′ , λ′ + µ′ ).
Also p + p′ = (q + q ′ )X(X − 1) + (r + r′ ) with r + r′ = (λ + λ′ ) + (µ + µ′ )X. So
θ(p+p′ ) = (λ+λ′ , λ+λ′ +µ+µ′ ) = (λ+λ′ , λ+µ+λ′ +µ′ ) = (λ, λ+µ)+(λ′ , λ′ +µ′ )
which equals θ(r) + θ(r′ ), so θ preserves addition.
Also, if p, p′ are as above then we have pp′ = (qq ′ + qr′ + q ′ r)X(X − 1) + rr′ .
But rr′ = (λ + µX)(λ′ + µ′ X) which is not linear so we still have to pull out
a multiple of X(X − 1) to get a linear term here. We have rr′ = λλ′ + (µλ′ +
λµ′ )X +µµ′ X 2 = λλ′ +(µλ′ +λµ′ )X +µµ′ (X 2 −X)+µµ′ X = λλ′ +(µλ′ +λµ′ +
µµ′ )X + µµ′ X(X−). So the remainder term for pp′ is λλ′ + (µλ′ + λµ′ + µµ′ )X
and so θ(pp′ ) = (λλ′ , λλ′ + µλ′ + λµ′ + µµ′ ) = (λλ′ , (λ + µ, λ′ + µ′ ). On the
other hand θ(p)θ(p′ ) = (λ, λ + µ)(λ′ , λ′ + µ′ ) = (λλ′ , (λ + µ, λ′ + µ′ ), so θ also
preserves multiplication.
The kernel of θ is the set of all polynomials p such that, with notation as
above, (λ, λ + µ) = (0, 0), that is, such that both λ and µ are zero, that is, such
that the remainder “r” is zero. Thus ker(θ) = hX(X − 1)i, which is the ideal
I. By the notes it follows that θ induces an embedding from R/I to S which
will be an isomorphism iff every element of S is in the image of θ. But that is
clear: a typical element (λ, ν) of S = K × K is the image of the polynomial
λ + (ν − λ)X under θ.


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