Forming Words

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95 Forming nouns 1 Using suffixes Suffixes are short additions to the end of words, to make new words: bank + banker, govern + government Sometimes the spelling of the original Kalise trainee word changes when a suffix is added: doctor. He hopes cycle + ist > cyclist, argue + argument to be a consultant 2 Jobs, beliefs and languages verbs build drive teach wait “er buikier driver teacher waiter employ interview pay tain -ee employee interviewee payee trainee act educate instruct visit -or actor educator instructor visitor apply assist consult study -antfent applicant assistant consultant student nouns ait cycle guitar journal ist artist cyaist guitarist journalist A Notall nouns that end in -er or -or describe people or jobs: a cooker (= a machine that cooks things) a calculator (= a machine that can add, etc.) Nouns that end in -er often have an active meaning and nouns that end in -ee have a passive meaning, For example, a payee is the person who is paid, not the person who pays. ‘We often add -ism to nouns and adjectives to describe a belief or a set of ideas: social + socialism, nation + nationalism, impression + impressionism COUNTRY SUFFIX” = NATIONALITY (adjective)LANGUAGE China Malta Portugal Vietnam -ese Chinese Maltese Portuguese Vietnamese ltaly Hungary Russia Slovakia (ian itallan* Hungarian* Russian” Slovakian Finland Poland Spain Turkey — -ish Finnish Polish Spanish Turkish * These can also be used as nouns descrioing nationality: ftalan + an ttalan & The names of some languages do not follow these patten > Greek, France — French The Netherlands — Dutch, Greece 3 Nouns from verbs and adjectives argue govern move treat -ment argument government movement treatment communicate educate produce -{tJion communication education production examine explain inform invite -ation examination explanation. information invitation decide discuss “(sion decision. aiscussion blind dark happy ill ness blindness. darkness. happiness ilness able active equal national ity ability activity equality nationality distent ignorant important -ance distance ignorance importance different independent silent -ence difference independence silence 6D Pronunciation > 1.32 Practice ‘1 Complete each sentence with nouns formed from words in Box A and suffixes in Box B. COERED Listen and check. A assist. Ghina ill independent inform Italy journal national train treat wait B -ant -ation -ee -ence -er -ese -ian -ist -ity -ment -ness My best friend is studying Chinese,.......... at university. Debbie's working asa... _ for the local newspaper. Mexico gained it5 0... . from Spain in 1821. Chickenpox is an... ocean. Which often affects young children. ‘Mrs Greenberg isn’t here today. Would you like to speak to her... Don't let Carla cut your hair ~ she's only a .......csssnneee $0 She's not very experienced. Excuse me. Do you have any ,......j.o0neee ON Computer Courses? I don't know if you need a visa, It depends on your... My sister married an... ssi they live in Milan now. Shall I ask the __ for the bill now? 10 She's had a lot of therapy at the hospital, but the 0:00. Wasn't very successful wCayvaneunuso 2. Read the clues and complete the crossword. CLUES ACROSS 7 The opposite of similarity 8 When you decide something. 11. A test where you are examined on something. 14 Someone who applies for something, e.g. a job. 15. The language spoken in Poland, 16 It governs a country. 17 Aperson who you pay money to. clues pown 1. Someone who studies at college. 2. Aperson who rides a bicycle. 3. Anoun from silent 4 Astyle of painting used by artists like © The opposite of knowledge. Cezanne and Monet. 10 When several people talk about 5. The language spoken in Russia something together. 6 Most people who live in Athens speak 12. The language spoken in Portugal this language 13. Anoun from blind. 8 The language spoken in the Netherlands. Seon 291 18 96 “The government has setup these eourscs to solve the growing problem of iterate adults. The courses are inexpensi forall aduls who strugaled with reading and writing at school. 1 292 Forming adjectives ive and suitable Adjectives from nouns and verbs We can add suffixes to some nouns and verbs to make adjectives: centre music nation cal central musical national beauty care help pain use ful beatiful careful helpful painful useful care help pain use cles careless helpless painless useless comfort drink fashion suit sable comfortable drinkable fashionable suitable dirt health rain sun thirst wind -y dity healthy rainy sunny thirsty windy continue danger fame -ous continuous dangerous famous depend differ excel insist sent dependent different excellent insistent act attract expense relate -ive active attractive expensive relative Note the suffix -less means ‘without/not, -fi/ can mean ‘displaying/containing’ and -able after a verb often has the meaning of ‘it is possible to’ PEWSTENTD In informal spoken English we can add the suffix -ish to some short adjectives to make the meaning weaker of less exact: He's got darkish hair. (dark but not very dark) F'm not sure how old she is - she’s youngish. (fairly young but not very young) Adjecti s, €.g. interestinglinterested > Unit 19.3 Changing the meaning of adjectives ‘We can use prefixes (short additions to the beginning of words) to change the meaning of some adjectives. These prefixes usually mean ‘not’, e.g. displeased = not pleased. dis- honest loyal pleased dishonest disloyal displeased un happy tidy usual unhappy untidy unusual ine complete correct formal incomplete incorrect informal im- patient polite possible impatient impolite impossible ir replaceable responsible irreplaceable irresponsible ik legal iterate logical illegal iliterate illogical ‘© We can add a prefix to an adjective that already contains a suffix: unmistakeable, unhelpful, irreplaceable, inexpensive, independent © If the adjective begins with the sound /p/ we often use im-, not in-, to make the negative form: polite / impolite x inpolite perfect + / imperfect x inperfect © We use ir- before the sound /r/ and il- before the sound /1/: responsible + J irresponsible x tntesponsile logical + V illogical x islegical With nouns and verbs, the prefixes in-/im- do not always mean not, they can mean ‘into’ or ‘inside’: to import (= bring things into a country) income (= money you receive) to input (= put information into a computer) 18 Practice 1 Complete the letter with suitable adjectives, made from the words in brackets. Listen and check Summerdean School Wellsby Northants NP23 SGS Dear Mrs Smithers, {Lam writing o you about your son, Matthew. Inthe last few weeks we have become more and more (0) displeased (not pleased) with his attitude, On several ‘oceasions he has been (1) .....n0ces2nesen (HOt polite) to me or other members of staf fat the school. This (2) «cunt usual) bad behaviour has eome as a shock as Matthew had previously been a (3)... (excel) student. In ecent weeks I have also noticed that his clothes are (4) (not tidy) and he seems (3) (aot happy). He used to be very neat and © (care) when doing his assignments, but now he seems to have developed an (7) (ot responsible) and 8) (notcare) altitude to his work, think it would be ©) __ help) if we could discuss the situation If you phone me, we can arrange a (10). conveneson (Suit) time to meet. Yours sincerely, Hilary Carlton Form Tutor 2 Find six more mistakes and correct them. Tick (/) the correct sentences. 0 I'm sorry but this answer is completely #heseset. 1 Maria's a model so she always wears fashionful clothes. 2 What an unusual jacket! I've never seen anything like it before. 3. When babies are born they are totally helpful. 4 Her children are so unpolite. They never never say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’. 5 Is there anything to drink? I'm terribly thirstful. 6 I'm very patient. I hate waiting for things! 7 Although she's got blond hair, her skin is quite darkish. 8 There's nothing to worry about; the operation completely painful. 3 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use one word only and choose a word from the box to help you. Listen and check. continue drink expense legal literate possible replace 0 Nothing could take the place of our cat. Our cat is. iereplaceable, 1 I'm afraid her son can’t read or write. Her son is 2. Dan’s car cost a lot of money. Dan’s car was i 3. The rain didn’t stop for two weeks. The rain was for two weeks. 4 You can't live without water. It's to live without water. 5 Don't do that, it’s against the law. Don't do that, it’s cos 6 The water is salty, but you can drink it. The water is although it’s salty. 293 97 Forming verbs This is the British Library. The collection outgrew ts old home in the British Museum and has cow been rehoused in a modern building. The catalogue has been computerised aiid can be searched on the Internet 1 Verbs from nouns and adjectives We can make some nouns and adjectives into verbs by adding suffixe: TEM NOUN/ADJECTIVE = + SUFFIX = VERB commercial computer critic iselize* commercialise computerise citicise modem speci summary modemise specalise summarise aweke flat lenath short -(e)n awaken flatten lengtiten shorten active different valid “ate activate differentiate validate example false note sign solid ify exemplify. falsity. notily signify soldiiy * The spelling -ize fs more common in American English The meaning of the verb is related to the original adjective or noun: This dress is too tong. Can you shorten it? (= make it shorter) We had to summarise the chapter. (= make a summary) The application forms have been computerised. (= changed to an electronic system) 2. Changing the meaning of verbs ‘We can use prefixes to change the meaning of some verbs: ANING VERB Tas ame re doagain reappear rebuild The painting has been rehoused in the new gallery rehouse reorganise (=pill into @ new horne) repay reproduce had to reorganise the files in alphabetical order. rethink reunite (= organise them again) diss novsiop disagree dislike I dislike pasta. (=| don’t ike it.) disconnect Our electricity has been disconnected (= stopped) over- toomuch overeat overcharge They always overcharge in that shop. harge overheat too much money) The engine overheated and blevr up. un- opposite undress unfold opened the envelope and unfolded the letien orreverse unpack Have you unpacked your suitcase yet? action mis- badly’ misbehave _misinform The children always misbehave when they are wrongly _misjudge tired. (= behave badly) I'm afraid you've been misinformed. (= given wrong information) out more? outdo. outgrow The collection outgrew its old home. (= grew bigger better/ outperform: than the space it wes in) further Their team easily outperformed us. (= performed better than us) The most common prefixes are shown in the chart. Other, less common prefixes include: under- (= not enough) The workers in that factory are underpaid. inter- (= between) Members of the two tribes rarely intermarry. Practice ‘1 Complete the sentences with a suitable form of a verb, using the words in brackets. Form the correct verb by using a prefix from Box A or a suffix from Box B. (BEES Listen and check. A diss mis- overs re un- Bate -en -ify -ise © After the hurricane the victims were .”ehgused........ in temporary homes. (house) it people who shout at waiters. I think it’s very impolite. (like) 2 They've really .....sssesnnnn, this place, it used to be free! (commercial) 3. These trousers are a little too short. Can you them for me? (length) 4 If you freeze water, it will and tum into ice. (solid) 5. Welcome home. Put those heavy suitcases down - you can them later. (pack) 6 have to phone the bank in order to my new credit card. (active) 7 Children who will be punished. (behave) 8 I'm sure they've ‘me, My electricity bill is usually much lower. (charge) 2. Complete the sentences, using the prefix or suffix in brackets. Use the pictures to help you. 3 i 2 Eh Ed’s trying to flatten. his stomach. (-en) 0 After an hour in a traffic jam the engine started sue (OVER) Our local delicatessen .... ... in cheese from all over the world. (ise) 3B Roger... the TV aerial before he took the TV to be repaired. (dis-) Jack's growing so fast now. He's ..... aoa, €verything I bought for him last winter. (out-) Miranda is her kitchen cupboards so that she can find things more easily. (re-) 3 Find six more mistakes in the text and correct them. EERE Listen and check. rearganising ‘+ Next term we will be disorganising our modern languages department and introducing ‘two new languages. Mrs Birkin will be taking Spanish and Mr Dawson will teach Mandarin. Mr Dawson has recently joined us from Frobisher High School where he specialated in Asian languages. If you wish your child to enrol in either of these classes, please notificate the deputy head. + As some of you may know, we have overgrown our existing computer room. We will be dehousing the computers in a new computer centre and work will begin on this in January. While we are doing this we will be modernifying our own computer systems and making changes to the school’s website. ‘+ One last piece of good news. In this month’s exam results we have reperformed all other schools in the area, achie 1g 65 grade A results! Congratulations to all Year 8 students, 98 Compound nouns and adjectives Lois is 2 self-employed accountant its well-paid work and | have a small 1 Compound nouns A compound noun is a noun made from two words. The first word is usually singular and gives more information about the second word: a dishwasher = a machine for washing dishes _a firefighter = a person who fights fires ¥ There are a lot of taxi drivers in London. x is dri Some compound nouns are written as one word (e.g. classroom, dishwasher) and some are two separate words (e.g, bank account, car park). It is best to check the correct form ina dictionary. We can make compound nouns by adding a noun, verb, preposition, adverb or adjective to a noun or verb, Here are some common examples: noun + noun alarm clock bank account classmate computer science credit card eyelashes film star history teacher homework record shop science fiction shop assistant sunglasses trafficjam website noun + verber) DVD player dishwasher firefighter hairdresser screwdriver taxi driver noun + verb(-ing) hairdressing horse-riding scuba diving window shopping verb(-ing) +noun —_—_fiving room shopping centre swimming pool washing machine adjective + noun blackbird grandfather high school supermarket whiteboard preposition/adverb + bypass downstairs outfit overdraft overtime underground verb/noun upbringing verb prepaltony/ | actovt. seepover: Tumiover chopout wakabout kickoff adver The stress is usually on the first syllable of the compound noun: traffic jam, horse-riding, underground. Compare: She’s an English teacher. (a teacher of English) He's an English teacher. (a teacher who is English) DD Pronunciation > 1.33 2 Compound adjectives Compound adjectives can be made from nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. They usually have a hyphen () between the words when they come before a noun: number/ineasurement two-hour five-day terkilometre tenth-century two-seater noun 250-gramme 600-dollar half-price part-ifull-time ten-year-old adjective + noun high-quality high-level high-speed low-price low-calorie noun + adjective userfriendly child-friendly colour blind duty-free worldwide adjectiveladverb +-ed/-ing right-handed. short-tempered well-known well-paid: participle ‘goodiooking loose-fitting fast-moving bestselling hard-working verb + preposition/adverb drive-in burnt-out built-up worn-out broken-down self + verbladjectivefnoun self-employed self-confident self-service self-assembly & The noun in a compound adjective is usually singular XHe-atenpoar-okt- bey. J He's a ten-year-old boy. X Howas-a-three-tours film. J It was a three-hour film. 296 Praci e@ Complete the sentences. Use words from Box A and Box B to make suitable compound nouns or adjectives. Listen and check. A bank credit duty- eighteenth: B account card century diving scuba short two- well- worn free out paid seater tempered © Samantha inherited a valuable ¢ighteenth-century, ... clock from her aunt, 1 Tcan’t give you all a lift. I've only got a car. j 2 Ten|OY cso , but only if the water is wan | 3. We should replace that old sofa. It's completely . | 4 Be careful what you say to him. He can be very 5 Can I pay my phone bill by 2 | 6 The full amount will be paid into your sooonmnens if the next five | working days. 7 Let’s buy some perfume from the shop before we get on the plane, | 8 Ifyou like expensive things, you need a seonnnnnenines JOD, | Use compound words to complete the sentences, Part of the word has been given in brackets. © Celia’s bought a house in a very crowded and builé-up part of town. (up) 1 Let's go to the sales. Everything's today! (half 2. Atthe end of the course there will be a exam. (three) 3 I'm training to be a . [know it’s a dangerous job. (fire) 4 When you are expecting a baby you have to wear clothes. (fitting) 5 Sorry I'm late. There was an awful on the motorway. (traffic) Complete the compound nouns and adjectives in italics. The first letter of each missing part is given. {J Listen and check. Famous people who didn't go to college No. 14: Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg is the world’s youngest billionaire. He is the co-founder of the famous Facebook Internet site, He started studying psychology and (0) computer scien... at Harvard University but didn’t finish his course. Zuckerberg was born in 1984 and grew up in Dobbs Ferry, New York Even as a child he loved computers and he designed several programs at (1) high s. His favourite subjects at school were Latin and Ancient Greek. As a child he wasn’t particularly | (2) good or (3), -confident, and he was | slightly (4) cofour b. But he was very intelligent and (8) hard-w, sonnn, 2nd in 2002 he wan a place at Harvard University in Boston In 2004, while he was at Harvard, he realised there was a need for a (6) webs... where students could contact each other, show their photographs and leave messages. He invented Facebook with his (7) C885... Dustin Moscovitz, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes. At first the website was only designed for university students, but it soon spread. Now Facebook is a (8) w, wide phenomenon; it has more than 600 million members around the | world and is worth billions of dollars. | Review MODULE 18 11 unrrs95 AND 96 Make adjectives and nouns from the pairs of words in the box. Use them to write descriptions for the pictures. danger / active nethappytstudy attract / Italy expense / decide fame /art success / apply pain/ treat not complete / inform ee Oyu) SEPA 2. units 95,96 AND 97. Write the missing words in the chart. NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES: thirst (© thirsty o ; modern - | Q) false ® instruct ration @ @ insist insistent © communicate oO short (8) ignorant - 3 unrrs7 Complete the sentences, using the verbs in brackets and a suitable prefix. © don't know if he'll ever ,"¢94¥. {pay) the money he owes me. 1 The children have ........c:ss:nee (GLOW) their summer clothes ~ everything's too small. 2 won't buy anything from a company that , (pay) its workers like that. 3. Although he was the youngest, Lucas always (do) his brothers in maths. 4 It took years for people to ‘ (build) their lives after the earthquake. 5 [thought the tickets were free, but it seems I was eauessemeues (inform). 6 Andy's a really nice, kind person. How can you (like) him? 298 4 UNITS 95, 98 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word in brackets. Use three or four words in your answer. 0 Maurice has gone on a run that lasts for ten kilometres. (kilometre) Maurice has gone on 1 You'll probably be able to find that cp ina os that sells records. (record) You can probably find that CD in ; 2. When you write the cheque, don’t forget the name of the person you are paying the money to. (of) Remember to write the name ...... .. on the cheque. 3. Ineed an Internet connection that works very fast. (high) Ineed Internet connection. 4 | think looking at things in shop windows is just as much fun as buying them. (shopping) I think as much fun as buying things. 5. That factory began producing electric cars in 2004. (of) The at that factory began in 2004, 6 Because she works for herself, Linda doesn't need to go into the office every day. (employed) Linda doesn’t need to go into the office every day because : 7 This tool is only suitable for people who use their left hand to do things. (can) Only... = use this tool. 8 That machine was invented by somebody who comes from Hungary. (Invented) Ae ana .. machine. ALLUNITS Complete the blog using the words in brackets. You will need to add a suffix or prefix, or make a compound word. Melinda’s Blog for today Education isn’t just for children! 1 In recent years the government has been (0)..criticised........ (critic) for its treatment of aduit | |) M).. “sous (Educate), thas poured money into the system, but the money has all | ‘gone into schools rather than colleges. The adult education system has been f 2 (organise) several times, but the result has been fewer colleges and I less choice. Many older people had bad experience at school and want to have a second chance. In the ‘old days each town had its own adult education collage which provided (3) (quality which is high) teaching and (4) (orice which is not high) courses, tt was (5) ” (exoense) for the government to provide this, but it made a big f © {Gifen to people who had no qualifications. Because the courses were aimed at adults, even people who had (7) {ot ike) leaming at school were | || able to enjoy the lessons. Many even took and passed (6) (examine) which | || they had previously failed. Most of the courses were (9) (didn't take all your | time) or took place in the evenings. | think its a (10) (Patton) aisgrace that we have allowed this crucial part of our education system to become so neglected 299 18 Test MODULE 18 Word forma‘ in Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 1 Everyone is always searching for A happyness B happy C happiness > Unit 95 2 Our company has over five thousand A employees B employments C employers > unit 95 3. The Prime Minister was on TV last night ~ the asked her some difficult questions! A interviewee B interviewing C interviewer > Unit 95 4 Although Jana is Norwegian, she speaks fluent .. A Finish B Finnish C Finlandian > Unit 95 5 What's the ,........, between iron and steel? A differing B difference C different > Unit 95 6 What's the between Paris and Berlin? A distant B distence C distance > Unit 96 7 Have you seen Sarah's little girl? She's very 5 A attractive B attraction C attracting > Unit 96 8 [don’t remember the make of the car but it was a......... colour. A darkly B darkish C darkful > Unit 96 9 In this country it’s,,,,,,..., to drive without a proper licence. A unlegal B dislegal C illegal > Unit 96 10 Don't give the keys to Dennis, he's too A irresponsible B inresponsible C unresponsible > Unit 96 11 Selma’s a surgeon. She in heart operations. A specialates B specialises C specialifies 12 Th..,...., the alarm, press the red button, A activate B activify C activise > Unit 97 13. Since Lucy........ the files, [haven't been able to find anything! A outorganised B reorganised C overorganised > unit 97 14 You're wrong, | completely with you. A disagree B unagree C misagree > unit 97 15. The baby's getting so big — she’s most of her clothes. A overgrown B outgrown C disgrown > Unit 97 16 How much money have you got in your A bank's account B account of bank C bank account > unit 98 17 V’ve just bought a pair of expensive designer .. A glasses for sun B sunglasses C sun’s glasses > Unit 98 18 It’s based on a book by a .. . author. A good-known B known-well C well-known > unit 98 19 Actors have to be very A self-confident B confident of self C self-confidence > Unit 98 20 Tt wasa flight so I'm feeling quite tired now. A seven-! jours B seven-hour C seven-hourly > Unit 98

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