Pattern of Acute Intestinal Obstruction Is There A PDF

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Original Article
Pattern of Acute Intestinal Obstruction: Is There a Change in
the Underlying Etiology?
Arshad M. Malik, Madiha Shah, Rafique Pathan, Krishan Sufi

Department of Surgery, Liaquat

University of Medical & Health
Sciences, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Background/Aim: To study the changing pattern of acute intestinal obstruction at a teaching institute. Patients
Address for correspondence:
and Methods: It is a prospective descriptive study conducted at a teaching hospital during the period from June
Dr. Arshad M. Malik,
2004 to June 2009. All patients with clinical or radiological evidence of acute intestinal obstruction were included
Department of Surgery, Liaquat
in this study regardless of the gender of the patient. Patients below the age of 10 years were excluded from the
University of Medical and
study. The treatment strategy was planned ranging from conservative treatment to emergency laparotomy after
Health Sciences, Jamshoro,
resuscitation and rehydration of the patient. Details of individual patients were recorded on a pro forma sheet and
data analyzed statistically on SPSS version 14. Results: A total of 229 patients with acute intestinal obstruction
E-mail: arshadhamzapk@yahoo.
were admitted and treated. The mean age of the study population was 43.08 ± 13.07 years. Postoperative adhesions
accounted for 41% (n= 95) of the total cases, followed by abdominal tuberculosis (25%, n= 58), obstructed/
strangulated hernias of different types (18%, n= 42). There was an obvious change in the pattern of etiology of
acute intestinal obstruction as the common causes were postoperative adhesions and abdominal tuberculosis
instead of obstructed inguinal hernias. Conclusion: An increase in the adhesive obstruction and a concomitant
decrease in the incidence of obstructed hernias indicate a changing trend towards early operation before it gets
complicated. Abdominal tuberculosis is emerging as another common cause of acute bowel obstruction.

Key Words: Acute intestinal obstruction, adhesions, etiology, obstructed/strangulated hernias

PubMed ID: ****
Received 01.10.2009, Accepted 07.01.2010
DOI: 10.4103/1319-3767.70613
The Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology 2010 16(4):272-4

Acute intestinal obstruction is a common surgical emergency co-authors in the ward. Upon arrival of the patients in the
globally with high morbidity and mortality.[1-5] The most common ward, an immediate fluid and electrolyte resuscitation was
underlying cause of acute bowel obstruction in the West has started on every patient, and necessary investigations were done
always been postoperative adhesions as suggested by many before surgery. Patients with previous laparotomy were initially
reports.[6-8] A number of studies conducted in our part of the put on conservative management comprising of nasogastric
world had found obstructed/ - strangulated hernias to be the most decompression, fluid and electrolyte correction by intravenous
common underlying cause of acute intestinal obstruction.[9-10] route and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Failure of relief of
This was attributed to a general reluctance for surgery due obstruction on this conservative treatment for more than 48
to unawareness, poverty and fear. During the last few years, a hours was followed by laparotomy. Patients with clinical suspicion
change in the etiology of acute intestinal obstruction has been and previous history of tuberculosis were also initially kept on
noted in the developing countries.[11-16] conservative regime. The data collection was started by two of the
co-authors immediately upon arrival of the patient in the ward.
The variables studied included demographic details, time
A prospective study of 229 patients, presenting with acute between onset of symptoms and arrival in ward, symptoms and
intestinal obstruction, admitted and treated at a teaching signs, imaging studies, initial resuscitation, type of treatment
hospital over a period of five years from 2004 to 2009, was offered, operative findings, cause of obstruction and eventual
undertaken. All patients with radiological and clinical evidence outcome of the treatment offered. The data were collected on a
of acute bowel obstruction admitted and treated in a surgical pro forma sheet of individual patient and statistically analyzed
unit were included in this study regardless of the gender of using Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS, version 14.0;
the patients. However, patients below the age of 10 years and Chicago, IL, USA).
those with incarcerated and irreducible hernia and paralytic
ileus were excluded from the study. All patients were admitted The ethical committee approval was not needed for this
through casualty department and were received by two of the particular study.

272 The Saudi Journal of

Volume 16, Number 4 Gastroenterology
Shawwal 1431 H
October 2010
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Etiology of acute intestinal obstruction

RESULTS included complete blood picture, plain x-ray abdomen (erect

and supine films), ultrasound of abdomen, serum electrolytes
A total 229 patients with a mean age of 43.08 years (Std of and urea. There were multiple air-fluid levels on plain
13.069) and a range of 13-74 presented with classical acute x-ray films in 87% of the patients. We found concomitant
bowel obstruction during a period of five years and were pulmonary tuberculosis in 2 patients who presented with
included in this study. Males constituted 74% (n= 170) of acute intestinal obstruction due to abdominal tuberculosis.
the study population; and females, 26% (n= 59). Site of Patients with adhesive obstruction and suspected abdominal
obstruction was found to be in the small bowel in a vast tuberculosis were given a trial of conservative treatment for 48
majority (85%) of the study population; while in 35 (15%) to 72 hours. Of these, 76% responded with complete recovery,
patients, the site of obstruction was in the large bowel. The but the remaining 34% needed exploration due to worsening
most common features on presentation included distension condition. Overall 192 patients were operated, and the various
underlying causes of obstruction discovered in relation to
of the abdomen (87%), vomiting (73%), absolute constipation
the site of obstruction are shown in Table 2. There was a
(88%), dehydration (67%) and pain in abdomen (75%). In
surprisingly high proportion of adhesive obstruction followed
majority of the patients, there was a substantial delay in
by tuberculosis of abdomen. This is contrary to the results
admission to the hospital from the time of development of
obtained a couple of decades back in the same setting, when
the symptoms, as shown in Table 1. Preliminary investigations
obstructed hernias were the most common cause of acute
bowel obstruction. Depending upon the underlying cause of
Table 1: Duration of symptoms the obstruction, various treatment modalities were adopted,
Duration of symptoms No. of patients Percentage ranging from conservative measures to resuscitation followed
1 day 08 3.49 by laparotomy and resection anastomosis wherever indicated.
2-5 days 64 27.94 Of the total number of patients, 200 recovered completely
One week 153 66.81 while 3 patients developed fecal fistula, 15 patients developed
Two weeks and above 04 1.74 wound infection and 3 patients developed wound dehiscence.
Total 229 99.99 There was an overall mortality of 3.49%. Mortality was high
in patients who were brought too late to our hospital (P <
0.001) after the onset of the symptoms, as shown in Table 3.
Table 2: Underlying cause and site of obstruction
Underlying cause Site of obstruction DISCUSSION
Small bowel Large bowel Total
Obstructed/strangulated 43 01 44
Acute intestinal obstruction is one of the common life-
inguinal hernia
Postoperative adhesions 94 00 94
threatening emergencies all over the world.[1,17-19] There is a
Abdominal tuberculosis 55 00 55
global change in the spectrum of etiology of acute intestinal
Intra-peritoneal bands 11 02 13 obstruction over the past few years. A number of recent
Obstructed paraumbilical 05 00 05 studies have found adhesive obstruction to be replacing
hernia obstructive hernias as the most common cause.[20-22] This
Volvulus 03 06 09 study is done to explore a similar change in the spectrum
Left-sided colon cancer 00 05 05 of acute intestinal obstruction in our part of the developing
Obstructed internal hernia 01 00 01 world, comparing the pattern of etiology at present with
Obstructed/strangulated 03 00 03 results obtained in the past. The pattern of presentation in
femoral hernia our study is consistent with that in the reports of many similar
Total 215 14 229 studies, and the same is true for the sex distribution.[23-26]

Table 3: Outcome of treatment in relation to duration of symptoms

Duration of symptoms Outcome of treatment Total
Complete recovery Fecal fistula and Wound infection Wound dehiscence Died
1 day 07 00 00 01 00 08
2-5 days 51 02 08 01 00 62
One week 142 01 07 01 03 154
Two weeks and above 00 00 00 00 05 05
Total 200 03 15 03 08 229
P < 0.001

The Saudi Journal of

Gastroenterology Volume 16, Number 4
Shawwal 1431 H
October 2010
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Malik, et al.

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