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£1040 us. sodiviauat income Tax Return” (2016)... car | mony -On tw e tetaperm ont wee oe ToD anecie ins weet JOSEPH R. IDEN JR. Tiajpintreturn, spouse's frst name and ila Spoue's aia aosty conor gILL Taare so Anicmoscmne” ‘igor pon on sila and a Hy a aa a apa a WILMINGTON, DE Geeta ees ieee Fern county name Foon rovacrsacuriy Feraon posal ode | ttt cur eto, CK) You_[X] spouse, Tse [Tad ono (vt eying person. the quaing Fring Status (3) ware ingyen ny oe a come) ersonis ah bu ol yor pendent enti his coecony 9] Marit ig separa. nr poe’ Sabre ranehere. ‘ona box. and full ame here, sO wih dependent itd income 7 Wages, sales, ts, Ate ors) W2 ( Taxableinorest Atach Schedule BHrequked 1b Taxcexemptitrest. De notincude on fre 8a ates Ordinary ciends Atach Sched B required tuatoms 5 Oued avs : Wztad 10 Tae ens, cri or ts sti nda as REN Aino ected {2 Basis omer (is) ach Sc or C2 yeu dsnny "8 Coll fox) Ata Sebel road tei cet maim Sate aaron? : a. A ee cara tm pose eni”"~~” [s{-—33, 7917] Tenant AT Rental real estate, royatties, partnerships, $ corporations, trusts, etc. Altach Schedule E i heatomnethon mento mason ican ae = ‘20a Social security benefits. - 32,471.) 'b Taxable amount vn 200 “ = a Seen me a 22 Combine te amounts nto fa right eS or Bes 7 rough 27, Tsou duator expenses B ot omer prkormig win id eo Seals government Adj 24 Seah anton tose free Gross £25 Heth savings account daducéon, Asch Form 8609, Income 28 Moving exons. Atach Form 3908 27 Deduct patotset-employent tx Ach Schedule SE... ‘2 Sel-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and quated plans ‘24 Saltemphoyed heath insurance deduction ‘90 Penal on erty wanda savings ‘3a Aton paid Recents SSH D> 82 RAGE run ‘38 Student an ines educton ‘94, Tulionand fos. tach Form 6017 : 36 Domest production athe deduction. tach Foo 8903 ‘38 Add ines 23 trough 35 : vows nsom 37 _Subvact tne 35 fom income 3 {Wt For Disctonure, Privacy Ac, and Paperwork Reduclon Act Notice, see separate instructions, Fem 1010 038) A 4 fenoaoo JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Pa 2 ' your spots Renizes on separate return or you were duastas alan check hae ttamlzed dedvotons (rom Sched A) or your standard deduetion (see eft margin) Subtract ine 40 tom ine 38 140 | we cin xamptons. i ne 38 $155,650 oes, mupy $4,060 bythe nue on ne 6. Otherwise seins. | At 2,430. ‘Tvable ncome.Subtact ine 42 tom ne 4. oe 4218 more than ie 4, etr-- 8 338,464. ee 4 a a Tux Chcktany tome aL_J Form(s) 604 BI Fos ‘tent aia x Ata Fm 251 as an cent fo nibs 445,00 8 Ford xed tach or 16 rgd (ato chs an cpecet car ener, isha 241 tate reso Frm 683, 19 fetenent sans corto cet Ath Farm 80 Chad xed tc ed B62 tagues Aen ences Ach Form $65 ter credtsromForn: a[_] 3600 6] esate] dis 8 rough Tes our wl en Sita ne tom ne 7 te mr anes i [z|2/e/2]2[ Ie! aot Adonal x on RAs, oer qualified etroment plans ete Atach Ferm 5329 equted (60a Housetold employment taxes rom Schedule H se ' Fesime homebuyer red repaymentAtach Form 5405 requ (61 Heth czech responsibly (see nsuctors)__ Fulyercorrape C8) s Taxes rome « Z) Form 2969 LX] Form e960 ‘Om inst; enter code(s) STATEMENT {3A es 56 trough 62. Tis your otal tx Paes Fb en tm ore an 2 ee pene aeet aetm ey = STE tat ot : 1 Nontaable combat pay electon 880, ‘Adtoal hid tax cred, Atach Schedule 6812 sealsareerssereacascslie! o (68 Ameren opportunity eed rom Frm 6863, ne 8 69 Netpremium tx cred. Atach Form 8962... ‘TO Amount pals wth request fr ecteasion to fe n n "8 Excess social security and tier 1 ARTA tax withheld coanrnontarenioe natant eats rom Form: a(_}2439 6 L_Irewnet (Lease dt J faiten 0.65 Sait eager To esos nate saber oorontr Tc ethereal cal poole ne on. omic Eb eye Clay Ly eel amie eaves, e TEl Teton ea me pS pn Sa SG 92,198. Designee 'P WALTER H DEYHLE, CPA sub soon ‘Sign ae Rae Spee eee a ee Preparer WALTER H DEYHLE, CPi Use Only “rows rom 1190.1 Faniinn BETHESDA, MD 20814-2930 Itemized Deductions De Attach 10 Form 1040, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Medical and 1 Dental 2 Expenses 3. > Information about Schedule A and ts separate instructions Isat www.te.govlechedulon . ‘Caution: Do not include expanses reimbursed or paid by others. Modical and dental expenses (808 instuctong) a Entar amount rom Form 1040, ino 38. ‘Mutiply fine 2 by 10% (0.10). But if ether you or your spaus was bor etore rary 2,182 ny ny 79 (7) eta Home mortgage interest and points reported to you on Far 1096... ot reported to you on Forn 1058. pal i i {fom om you bought tne gm, soe iiructons and show tat persons name, ‘dentiving no, and acres +12. Pains not repeted to you on Form 1098, See instructions for special nes THA mar ware 17500701 745960 54742 “Mortgage insurance premiums (ee instructions) Investment inereet, Attach Form 4962 I required. (Se insructions) Ad Soe 4. ‘Gita by cash or check. you mace any it ot $250 or mere, 980 Instructions ‘Other than by eash or chock. any gift of $280 or more, see instructions, ‘You must attach Form 8280 over $500 CCanyover tom prior year ‘Aes ows 16 though 18 4604, ‘Unreimbursed employee expenses -job travel, union dues, job education, ete. ‘Altach Form 2108 or 2108-22 Hf required. (Soo instructions) > ‘Aadiines 21 trough 23, Enter amount rom Form 1040 ine 38, Multiply ine 25 by 2% 02) ..... ‘Subtract ne 26 from tne 24, Wine 28 is more germ 1000, tne 38, over $165,650 ‘No. Your deduction I nt led. Ak the amounts inthe far ight column {or ines 4 through 28. Also, enter tis amount on Form 1040, ne 40. ‘Yes. Your deduction may be limited. Se the Itemized Deductions ‘Worksheet in the instructions to igure the amount to enter, o|__ 13,099. EERE 5,889. | STMT. 11 ‘Schedule A (Form 1040) 2076 4 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 ‘SCHEDULE B : (Form 10404 or 1040) Interest and Ordinary Dividends fates 1 Attach to Form 1040A or 1040, JOSEPH R. SxS eau D> Intormation shoot SehoduleB and is nsuatons i a wwe govlechedkled BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Parti Interest Uist name of payer. any Interest ls froma sol fanced moigage and the buyer used the property as personal esdence, see inetrictlons and it tis intrest ret. Aso, show that |__Amount__ taers sci sour umber ane adress D> PNCBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 150, TED STATES Si —r [-———"a0- 2 Aad the amaunts On T ‘2 Excludable terest on series EE and | US. savings bonds insued afr 1089, Foreign Accounts and Note: ne 41s over $1,500, you must Parti Ustrame of payer a “hb ansris on na 6. nero ler ado Fem 100A arFomnn0, vs. Le 7a A ey tine ding 2016, dd youhevea traci interest ino gnu auhoryovera nari acount buch ‘2. bank account, secures account, or brokerage account located in aforign county? See instruction. {1*Yea* are you required to fla FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), to report that nancial Interest or signature authorty? See FntOEN Form 114 and ts instructions for fing requirements and exceptions to those requirements bItyou are required to fe FinCEN Form 114, ener the nar ofthe foreign country wher the Sandia account ‘Schedule B (Form 1040A or 1040) 2016 5 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 ‘SCHEDULE C-EZ Net Profit From Business. am seas 1 Pr cen ramen nee TL wae 1. 2016 smn, Pe aciies wk clea eo eames eter Tame of proprisor ‘Secialeecariy oumber (SSH) JILL T. BIDEN General information “© Had business expenses of $5,000 or less, nell (© Had no employees during the year, ~ tte oat «tte opt eo You May Use your ome, Schedule C-EZ ‘© Did not have an inventory at any time during Instead of ‘the year, "© Oo not have prior year unaliowed passive mr Petite Sehedte® | suaeneenet toner, " adn one busines seer a sole fpelaetnnereay lord ‘Sopra, atid et vento ‘business Se the instwtons fr Schedule ‘sary employee, tne 13,10 find ou you must fe. ‘A Principal business or profession, Icuding product or service 5 Enter busiess code (see nat) AUTHOR (Business eae: sparale business nae, eve Dank, SILL BIDEN "E_ Business address ncuing sor ove no). Address no requedi same at on pape ¥ Of your ern, 711510 Ener your Ea foe Tn ‘iy, town or post ofice, state, and IP code WILMINGTON, DE F Did you make ay paymerts in 2016 at woul equ you to ors) 10007 (ee We ietrueions for Schedule) TT vee URI Wo {G1°Ves, i you o wl you Me eaured Forms 10997 Yes [Parti] Figure Your Net Profit “Tras recaps. Codon ts acome was reported o you on Form W-2 andthe "Sahiory employe box on hat ‘oom was checked, se Statuery employees he struts for Schedule C ne 1, and check heSTMT.. 2, (—) 2 Tota expenss (see instructions). it more tan $5000, you masse Sched... ‘3 Metproft. Sutrct ine 2 rom te 1 ss han zo, you mostus Sched Ener on both Form 100, tin 12, and ‘Schedule SE, ne 2, or on Form 1040HR, ine 13, and Sehadule E, lie 2. (Stttry employees, 6 ntrepart tis mount on Schedule SE, ine 2) Estas and sts, ener on For 104, ie 3 si [Parti] information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claiming car or truck expenses on line 2. “+ Wen ci you sac your vein sri or business puponae? noth, Gaya) Be ‘5 ofthe total numberof mies you cove your vei duing 2016, eter the number ome you used your vehicle for: 2 uses 1 Commatig © her {6 Was your vet aaa for personae dingo uy ous? Ome Own 7 Doyou (or your spouse) have another vehicle avalable for personal use? Ove Om ‘8a Do you have evidence to suppart your deduction? 7 Cre Cte susuisnssssi s sess Yes Cw THA” For PaperwodkRedecdon Act Hote, sep the separate instrutone for Sebedule C (Form 1040), ‘Sehedute C-EZ (Form 1040) 2016 6 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 Supplemental Income and Loss | OME No. 1646-0074 From rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, $ corporations, estates, trusts, REMIC=, etc.) 2016 > attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, or Form 1081. BIDEN Estate and Royall you aren he busines of renting personel propery, 36 Sedu Cot Zn. yo re nn ot ara neo orbs fon Form 488 on pape oe “A Did you make any payments In 2016 that would require you to fle Forma) 10987 (98 instructions) Yes LEINo iy i you fle equted Fors ts] Prec acres ech nay tet ys le) a INGTON, DE 8 © 5 ir Rortal] Porooal [ON Daye | Use Dar a 366 my 2 I a let z = | —— | 22 Deductble rental rel estate les aftr Eitaton, Hany, on " 2 12 2 13 “ 4 6 15 * 16 2,359.| 7 7 eS 8 18 19 Other fit) 19 120 Total expenses, Add ines 5 Bough 19 20 7, 667,| ‘21 Subtract ie 20 trom ne 3 (ents) andor 4 royeties). Hf result is a {Joss}, s0@ inetructions to fin out f you must fle Form 6198 21 18,733,| 2 Ferm 8582 (00 instructions) = £238 Total of al amounts reported online 3 for al rental properties. 'b Total of al amounts reported on ine 4 for ll oyaty properties “etal of al amounts reported on ine 12 fora propertion «Tota all amounts reported on ine 18 for al properties © Tota ofa amounts reported on ine 20 fora properties ‘24 meome, Add postive amounts showm on the 21. notinclude any iosses 125 Losses. Ad royalty losses from kine 21 and rental real estate losses from ine 22, Enter otal losses here ‘28 Total rental real estat and royalty income or (Joss). Combine tines 24 and 25. Enter the resut here. Parts |W, and ine 40 on page 2 do nt apply to you, sis enter this amount on Form 1040, Ene 17, oF Form YO40NA, tne 18. Otherwise, include this amount in the total on tne 41 on page 2 2 18,733 ‘THA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions. ‘Schedule E (Farm 1040) 2016 7 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 ‘SCHEDULE SE cam ener (Form 1040) Spee Taney Soeattrue saver Self-Employment Tax Damo to atl ul arch SILL T, BIDEN ‘afore you begin: To determine you must fe Schedule SE, see the instructions. May 1 Use Short Schedule SE or Must | Use Long Schedule SE? ‘Note, Use this flowchart only f you mus fle Scheduie SE. unsure, see Who Must Fle Schedue SE the instructions ia at yeur wages ‘ocratoad relreent (Sr 1x plu your et ea mt) eo ings rom you rceive Crh employes Income ee stato) ‘ported on Form W-2 of $108.28 o more? ye [ “You may use Short Sebedule SE below ‘Section A-Short Schedule SE. Caution. Read above to see f you can use Short Schedule SE. “1 Net farm profit cr fous) torn Schedule F ie S4, and farm parnership, Schedule Kt ‘Form 1088), bax 14, code A = — : = 1 1 Hyourreceved social securty rogram payments Included on Schedule F ne 4b, o sted on Schedule Kt (Form 10685), box 20,codeZ .... | 1b 2. Net profit or Goss) from Schedule, ne 31; Schedule CZ, ine 3; Schedule K- (Form 1089) box 14, code A (ter tan ein and Shee 1 For 108-9, box 9, cae Mts anc mab goose, ‘ee instructions fr types of income to report on his line. See instructions for other income to report STMT... 1,362. 3 Combine fines 1a, 1b, and2 sf hsb se “4 Mutpty ne 3 by 22359 (0.9235) ese than $400, you don owe selrmploymont tax dot fo this ‘Schedule unless you have an arnount on ine 1b ple 1,258. Nota ine 4 les than $400 due to Conservation Reserve Program payers on ine Tb, se instructions, {5 Self-employment tax. the amount one 4s: ‘¢ $118,500 or loss, utiply tne 4 by 15.9% (0.159), Enter th result here and on Frm 1040, ine 87, or Form 1040NR, ine 65 {© More than $18,500, mutipl tne 4 by 2.9% (0.029). Then, acd $14,694 to the result. Enter to total here and on Form 1040, tine 67, or Form 1O40NR, tine 65 6 Deduction for one-half of solf-mployment tax. ‘Mutt § by 80% (080). Entar the resut here and on Farm 1040, ine 27, oF Form 040NR, 90 27 {LAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your taxretum instructions, ‘Schedule SE (Form 1040) 2016 5 192. 8 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 6251 Alternative Minimum Tax - Individuals SeertelteTey ga] Prinforationebout Form 6251 ants seperate inductions st wr gore, ‘Narafa) shown’ on Form 1040 or Form 1040NR JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Partl imum Taxable Income if fiing Schedkle A (Form 1040), enter the amount from Form 1040, ine 47, and go tone 2. Otherwise, enter the ‘amount from Form 1040, tne 38, and goto fine 7. ess than 2, enter as anegative amount)... 2 Medical and dental. you or your spouse was 6 or car, earth emallr of Schedule A (Form 1040), ne 4, (2.5% (0.025) of Form 1040, tne 38 zero rls, enter 0+ {9 Tanas from Schedule A (Form 1040), Ine 9... 4 rtortne home morgage terest adjust. ary, rm ine 6 ofthe worksheet nthe nsuctions ors ine ‘5 Miacelaneous deductions from Schedule A (Fam 1040), ne 27 €@ Form 1040, tna 38, is $185,850 or less, enter 0. Otherwise, ee instructions 17 Taxrefund from Form 1040, tne 10or Ine 2... 8 Irvestmentiterest expense (aterence between regu axand AMT) ‘9 Depletion ference between regular taxand AMT)... ven 10. Not operating loss deduction from Form 1040, ine 21. Enter as a positive amount 111 Aterative tx nt operating loss deduction : 12 Interest tom specie private acthty bonds 19 Qualified amall business stock, see instructions . {16 Exercise of incentive stock options (excess of ANT income over regular tax income) _ 16 Estates and trusts (amount rom Schedule K-1 Form 104), box 12,6008) ~ 16 Blocting large partnerships famount rom Schedule K1 (Frm 1085-5), box6) “77 Dispostion of property (ctference between AMT and regular tax gain orfoss) +18 Depreciation on assets placed inservice after 1086 (tference between regu tax 19 Passive acts (étference betwoen AMT and regular taxincome ross) ‘20 Loasttations (erence between AMT and regular taxincame or los) 21 Cheuaton cose (ference betwean regular tax and AMT)... ‘22 Longtem contacts (ference between AMT and rogiartxincome) 23 Mining costs (erence between regular taxand AMT) .. : ‘24 Research and experimental cost (ference betwoen regular tax and AMT) . 25 Income from cart Iatalmant sales bofore January 1, 1967 26 Intangible cing costs preference ‘27 Other adustments, including income-based related acustments.. 28 Atornative minimum taxable Income. Combine tnes 1 though 27. are fig sepa ine ‘more than $247,450, 809 in : : 340,894. 4 la Jelo|s|olo]a [ule S| EP esses ae 369,732. [Parti | Atarcative Mini Yas Cf £22 Exemption. i you were under aga 24 atthe end of 2076, see nsructions) IF your fling statis. ‘AND line 28 enot over... THEN onter on ne 28. Single orhead ofhousehold 119,700 Marte fig int o quatying widower). 180,700 Maried fing separately. 79.880 tine 28 sever the amount shown above for your fing stats, so inatuctons. 130 Sanactine20tom naa nae anon gs 3 ek head 33a nt '31 © tyou are ng Form 2555 or 25557, soe naructions forthe amount to ete. $f you reported captal gin cistrbutons rectly on Form 1040, ine 13; you reported qualified dividends ‘on Frm 104 tne 8b; or you had a Gan on Doth nea 15 and 16 f Schedule O Form 1040 (as retgued or the AMT, l necessary), complete Part Il on page 2 and enter the armour from ine 64 hora. ‘Al ature it 30s $186,200 oss ($09,150 or ess it marad fing eeparately, mut Ene 0 by £266 (026. there, mult ine 90 by 26% (028) and subtract $9,726 81,863 manted fing ‘separate rom the rest ‘82 Atrative minus tax foreign tx cro (20 natructions) {33 Tentative minirum tax Subtract ne 3 from ina 3. 94 Add Form 1040, fe 44 (rinus any tax trom Form 4872), and Form 1040, Ene 48. Subirect rom te resulta foreign tax cect rom Form 1040, ine 48, I you used Sch J to igure your tax on Form 1040, na 44, rigure alto ung St Jt conga ee er) $53,900 9,800 a 41900 STMT 1 os 678 LA 7a Pee en ha Nee on ere 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN OR., JOSEPH 2 31,292. 20 338,439. 91,037. ‘Form 6281 (2016) 5474: JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates Compote Pat only you are required to do so by tne 31 or by the Forelgn Exmed Income Tax {36 Erterthe amount from Form 6251, ne 90. I you are lng Form 2555 or 2585-27, enter the amount fom {ne 9 ofthe werksheet nthe Instructions fo ne 1 .. . Ls8 ‘37 Enter he arount rom ine 6 of the Qualified Dividends and Gapital Gain Tax Worksheet inthe instructions {for Form 1040, fine 44, o the amount from tne 13 of the Schedule D Tax Worksheet in the instructions for ‘Schedule O Form 1040), whichever apples (a refigued forthe AMT, F necessary} 200 Intrutions) It you ae fig Form 2555 or 25557, se inatrctions forthe amount to enter. ‘88 Erer the amount fom Schedule D (Farm 104 ine 19 (a rogue forthe ANT, necessary (0 instructions, I you are fing Form 2555 or 2555 £2, see Inatructions for the amount to enter... 20 tyou dd not complata a Schedule D Tax Worksheet forthe regular tax or the AMT, enter the amount {tom line 37. Otherwise, add ines 37 and 38, and enter the emailer ofthat resut or the amount from tne +10 the Schedule D Tax Worksheot (a reigued forthe AMT, Fnecessary). Hf you ar ling Ferm 2585 or 2585-E2, soe instructions forthe amount 16M nnn — 40 Erte the smaller of Ene 38 or na 38 41 Subjeact ine 40 trom ne 36... 42 iw 41 f $186,200 oro (658,160 or os arid ng spare), ‘mubiply Se 41 by 28% (0-26) and subtract $3,728 ($1,863 martied fing separately from the resut, 48 Enter: 1 $75,300 f maried fing jity or qualifying widow), } ‘Simlanentiatconsome Attach to Form 1040, 1O40NR, 1040-88, o 1061. EESTRSESUES% |b Information shout Schedule Handits separate instructions is at www.te.govlscheduiah. | Season, 44 ‘Name of employer ‘Socal security number | Employer identification number JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Calondar year taxpayers having no household employees in 2016 don't have to complet this form fr 2016, ‘A Did youpay any one household employee cash wages of $2,000 or more in 2016? (any household employee was your spouse, your child ‘under age 21, your parent, of anyone underage 18, see the ne A instructions before you answer this queation) CX) Yes. sip tines B and C and goto tne 1. No. Gotothes. 1B Did you wines federal income tax during 2016 for any household employee? TF Yes. seiptne Cand goto ine 7. No. Gotoinec. © Old youpay total cash wages of $1,000 or mar in any calendar quartar of 2016 or 2018 to all household employees? (Derr count cash wages pad in 2018 of 2016 to your spouse, your chid underage 21, or your parent) [1 No. stop. Dont fe this schedule. ‘Yes. Skip nes 19 and gototine 10. ‘Social Security, Medicare, and Federal Income Taxes 11 Total cash wages subject to social securty tax. ‘2 Social sacunty tax. Matpy ne 1 by 12.4% (0.126) 2 474. 3 Total cash wages subject to Medicare tax 4 11. 4 Medicare tax. Mutiply Sine 3 by 2.9% (0.29), ‘5 Total cash wages subject to Addtional Medicare Tax witinolding @ Addtional Medicare Tax withhalding, Mutily ne by 0.9% (0.009)... 7 Federal income tax withhold any... 8 Total soctal security, Medicare, and federal income taxes. Add nes 24,6, and 7 8 585. © Did you pay total cash wages of $7,000 or more in any calendar quartar of 2015 or 2016 0 all household employees? (Don’t count cash wages pad n 2015 or 2016 to your spouse, your child underage 2, cr your parent) TW. Stop. inctude the amount trom fine 8 above on Form 1040, ine 60a. tf you're not required to file Form 1040, see the Ine 9 instrctions. Ck) yes. cototine 10. HA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, cee the Instructions. ‘Schedule H (Form 1040) 2016 12 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN OR., JOSEPH 54742_1 sxeamigom eon JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN oe 2 fax. Yes | No 10 04d you pay unemployment contributions to only ane stata? I you pald contibutions toa credit reduction state, ‘00 structions and check "No.* 2 11 Did youppay al atate unemployment conttutons fr 2016 by Apr 18, 20177 Fiscal yar fers see instructions 1" 12 Wore ll wagos that are taxable for FUTA tax als table for your state's unemployment tax? 2fX Next: tyou checkad the “Yes bax on al the nes above, complete Seotion A. 1 you checked the *No* boxe any of the nes above, skip Section A and complete Section @. 18 Name of tho state where you pad unemployment contbutions| ‘46 Contibutionspatd to your state unemployment fund, 16 Tota cash wages subject to FUTA tax, 18 Totals. 18 Addcourne and Q) ofthe 18... ‘20 Total cash wages subject to FUTA tax (eee the 121 Matipy ine 20 by 6X (0.060) : ‘22 Matyi 20 by 54% (0054). 23 Enter tho smatlr of ne 19 or tra 22 CErpeyon acre tse nt wean ad cc... 25 Ertr the amourt from ine 8, you checked the "Yes" box on tine Gof page 1, enter ©- ‘28 Add tne 16 (or ine 24) and tne 25... 227 Agw you required to fe Form 10407 Yea, Stop. clue tha emaunt from ine 26 above on For 1040, tne 6. Dan’t complete Pat IV below. J) No. _ You may have to complete Part IV. See instructions for datas. [ERRIV] Aalaress end Signature - comin ms part ony reqs: Se tee 2 returns. Ta SS Seis D error Du ioe opara ara [Ppa arate Small ven Paid employed Preparer [Firs > Firm's EIN D> Use onty |? Feeds ‘cas na a b ‘Schedule H (Form 1040) 2016 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 ue tesore rom 8959 ‘Additional Medicare Tax > tny ne ost apt ou ee ita So sparta etn. 2016 _Departrant of he remaury > Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, 1040-PR, or 1040-SS. segment oy Tara oer or Tear ssl noah JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN ‘Partl “Additional Medicare Tax on Medicare Wages: ‘1 Medicare wages and ips from Form W2, box’. you have ‘more than one Form W:2, enter the total ofthe amounts . ne a 324,031. ittet inf tom tawocr i te 3 Mexicare Taxon Parti Addional Medicare Tax on Selt-Employment Income 6 Sel-employment incom fom Schedule SE (Fam 1040), Section Aine 4, Secon B, tne 6, you ad ales, enter 0 Form 1040.PR and Form 1040.8 fers, ses instructions) 9 Entor the ftowing amount fr your ling satus: 8 1,258.| Manted fling separately... “$125,000 ‘Single, Head of household, or Quayng widower $200,000 nn 2 250,000. 10. Enorthe amount rom ine 4 111 Subtract tno 10 tom tine 9. zo or iss, enter 2- 12. Subtract ne 11 fom ine Bf zero oles, enter 0+ _ 13_Addilonal Medicare Tax on settamployment income. huipy ine 12 by 0.9% (0.08). Enter and goto Pas I a1. Part Ill Additional Medicare Tax on Raliroad Retirement Tax Act (RATA) Compensation ‘4 Ralroad retirement (RATA) compensation and ps tram Fomis) W2, box 14 (s00 instructions) : 18 Enter the fowing amount fr your ng Marte fing jointly a Maried fling separately $126,000 ‘Single, Head of housahold, or Gualfyng widowen $200,000 16 Subtracttne 18 tom tne 14. 200 o les, enter 0+ 17 ddtional Medicare Tax on road ratament ARTA) compensation Muti ne 16 by 2 Pan Tee aaional Modioare Ta — “18d ne 7,13, and 17. Ago Include this amount on Form 1080, tna 62, (Form OAONR, 2 1,258. x ri 100 toPanv 6 684. art viding Reconciliation “8 Medicare tax wield from Form W2, box 6. you have more than 2 ‘one Form W2, enor the total ofthe amounts from bax 8 4,932. 20 Enter the amount rm ine ne 300, 8314] 21 Mitiply fw 20 by 1.45% (20748) Tiss you regular ‘Medicare tax withholding on Medicare wages. 21 4,710.) £22 Surat ine 21 fom tne 191 zoo lesen 6 Tiss your Adcioral Medicare Tax sithhang on Maciare wages so 222. 2 Actonal Medicare Tax winking on iairoad retrmant GTA) compeneation om Fm W2, bax 14 (see instructions). 2 ‘24 Total Additonal Mectoar Tax wiilding. Ad ines 22 and 25, Alo ind tis ‘erount wth feral income tax wahakdng on Form 1040, te 64 (Form TOAONR, 1040PR, a2 nd 304085 fer soe inerctons) us 2 a Sr aoe LA” For Paparvnk Recon At Noon, oe ou tre nructons Form 6550 2019 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 Net Investment Income Tax - Individuals, Estates, and Trusts. > Attach to your tax return. rm 8960 Pagan tranny azn vee ‘Namela) shown on your taxretun JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN “PartT investment income [I Section 6019(q) election (eee inetrucion) ‘Section 60190) ection (se inetructions) Your social 2016 TE) eesatatons section 1.1411-10(9 action (see instructions) 1b Adustment for net incor ois Geived Inthe ordinary course of ‘anon-section 1411 trade or business (9¢ Instructions). Combine bnes 4a and 4b "Nt gain or los from spoon of property ie rtructons) Not gain or loss from dispostion of property tha isnot subject to ret investment income tax (see instrctions) {© Adjustment rom disposition of partnership stock (ee instructions) 4 Combine tes Sa through 62 oBo je je iti fe 18,733. {¢ _Acjustments to investment income for cartan GFCe and PFIGs fe instractons) 7 Other medications to investment income (se Instructions) 123, Part it__investment Allocable to ‘8a lnvostment inert expenses (see instructions) 1b State, local, and foreign income tax (o90instructons) (© Miscetaneous investment axpenses (see instructions) 1d Addtnes Ga, 8, and 8 i 19,262. 634. “2 Net investment Income. Subtact Par Eno 1 fom Part, tne 8 individuals compete fnes 13: 417. Estates and trusts complete nes 18421. zero orles,antar O .... 2 Individuals: 18 Modled adjusted gross income (se instructions)... ‘4 Threshold based on fing status (see Istuctons) 18 Subtract ine 14 from ne 13. zero or less, enter - 16 Erlerthe smaler of re 12 ortno 15 7 instructions), i 2er0 or less, enter O- ‘82 Adjusted gross income (00 instructions)... 1b Highest ax bracket for estates and trusts forthe year (see (© Subjract ine 18 fom ine 18a. foro ores, enter O.. 20 Entr the amalerof ine 18¢ or tne 196 18,628. 21 —Netinvestment income tax or estates and rts. Mutiny ina 20 by 3.5% (O38). Enter here ‘nd include on your tax return see inaructions) {THA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return intructions. cess 6 as 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN OR., JOSEPH Form 6960 2016) 54742_1 JOSEPH R. BIDEN UR. & JILL T. BIDEN ES, PENSIONS AND ANNUITIES STATEMENT 1 FORM 1040 OFFICE OF PENSIONS 33,291. AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS YEAR NONTAXABLE AMOUNT 169. CAPITAL GAIN DISTRIBUTION REPORTED ON SCH D 33,122. TOTAL INCLUDED IN FORM 1040, LINE 16B 33,122 16 STATEMENT(S) 1 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 17500701 745960 54742 JOSEPH R, BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN — eee FORM 1040 SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS WORKSHEET STATEMENT 2 CHECK ONLY ONE BOX: ‘A. SINGLE, HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD, OR QUALIFYING WIDOW(ER) X B. MARRIED FILING JOINTLY C. MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY AND LIVED WITH YOUR SPOUSE AT ANY TIME DURING 2016 D. MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY AND LIVED APART FROM YOUR SPOUSE FOR ALL OF 2016 1. ENTER THE TOTAL AMOUNT FROM BOX 5 OF ALL YOUR FORMS SSA-1099 AND RRB-1099. ALSO, ENTER THIS AMOUNT ON FORM 1040, LINE 20A IP YOU CHECKED BOX B: TAXPAYER AMOUNT 32,471. SPOUSE AMOUNT 2. MULTIPLY LINE 1 BY 50% (0.50) 3. ADD THE AMOUNTS ON FORM 1040, LINE 7, 8B, 9A, 10 THRU 14, 15B, 168, 17 THRU 19, 21 AND SCHEDULE B, LINE 2. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY AMOUNTS FROM BOX 5 OF FORMS SSA-1099 OR RRB-1099 4. ENTER THE AMOUNT OF ANY EXCLUSIONS FROM FOREIGN EARNED INCOME, FOREIGN HOUSING, INCOME FROM U.S. POSSESSIONS, OR INCOME FROM PUERTO RICO BY BONA FIDE RESIDENTS OF PUERTO RICO THAT YOU CLAIMED 5. ADD LINES 2, 3, AND 4 6. ADD THE AMOUNTS ON FORM 1040, LINES 23 THROUGH LINE 32, AND ANY WRITE-IN ADJUSTMENTS YOU ENTERED ON THE DOTTED LINE NEXT TO LINE 36 7. SUBTRACT LINE 6 FROM LINE 5 8. ENTER: $25,000 IF YOU CHECKED BOX A OR D, OR $32,000 IF YOU CHECKED BOX B, OR §-0- IF YOU CHECKED BOX C 9. I8 THE AMOUNT ON LINE 8 LESS THAN THE AMOUNT ON LINE 77 [ ] NO: STOP. NONE OF YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ARE TAXABLE. ENTER -0- ON FORM 1040, LINE 20B. IF YOU ARE MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY AND YOU LIVED APART FROM YOUR SPOUSE FOR ALL OF 2016, BE SURE YOU ENTERED ‘D' TO THE RIGHT OF THE WORD "BENEFITS" ON LINE 20A. [X] YES. SUBTRACT LINE 8 FROM LINE 7 10. ENTER $9,000 IF YOU CHECKED BOX A OR D, $12,000 IF YOU CHECKED BOX B $-0- IF YOU CHECKED BOX C 11, SUBTRACT LINE 10 FROM LINE 9. IF ZERO OR LESS, ENTER -0- 12. ENTER THE SMALLER OF LINE 9 OR LINE 10 13. ENTER ONE HALF OF LINE 12 14. ENTER THE SMALLER OF LINE 2 OR LINE 13 15. MULTIPLY LINE 11 BY 65% (.85). IF LINE 11 IS ZERO, ENTER -0- 16. ADD LINES 14 AND 15 17. MULTIPLY LINE 1 BY 85% (.85) 32,471. 16,236. 368,952. 385,188. 385,092. 32,000. 289,928. 295,928. 27,600. 18. TAXABLE BENEFITS. ENTER THE SMALLER OF LINE 16 OR LINE 17 * ALSO ENTER THIS AMOUNT ON FORM 1040, LINE 20B 17 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 27,600. STATEMENT(S) 2 54742_1 JOSEPH R, BIDEN JR. & JILL T, BIDEN FORM 1040 STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAX REFUNDS STATEMENT 3 2015 2014 2013 ‘VIRGINIA GROSS STATE/LOCAL INC TAX REFUNDS 503. LESS: TAX PAID IN FOLLOWING YEAR NET TAX REFUNDS VIRGINIA 503. | TOTAL NET TAX REFUNDS 503. 18 STATEMENT(S) 3 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Nee Te TTT nea ==== EEE FORM 1040 PERSONAL EXEMPTION WORKSHEET STATEMENT 4 IS THE AMOUNT ON FORM 1040, LINE 38, MORE THAN THE AMOUNT SHOWN ON. LINE 4 BELOW FOR YOUR FILING STATUS? NO. STOP. MULTIPLY $4,050 BY THE TOTAL NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED ON FORM 1040, LINE 6D, AND ENTER THE RESULT ON LINE 42. ‘YES. CONTINUE 2. MULTIPLY $4,050 BY THE TOTAL NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED ON FORM 1040, LINE 6D 8,100. 3. ENTER THE AMOUNT FROM FORM 1040, LINE 38 396,456. 4. ENTER THE AMOUNT FOR YOUR FILING STATUS 311,300. SINGLE $259,400 MARRIED FILING JOINTLY OR WIDOW(ER) $311,300 MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY $155,650 HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD $285,350 5. SUBTRACT LINE 4 FROM LINE 3. IF THE RESULT IS MORE THAN $122,500 ($61,250 IF MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY), STOP. ENTER -0- ON LINE 42 85,156. 6. DIVIDE LINE 5 BY $2,500 ($1,250 IF MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY). IF THE RESULT IS NOT A WHOLE NUMBER, INCREASE IT TO THE NEXT HIGHER WHOLE NUMBER (FOR EXAMPLE, INCREASE 0.0004 TO 1) 35. 7. MULTIPLY LINE 6 BY 2% (.02) AND ENTER THE RESULT AS A DECIMAL 0.70 8. MULTIPLY LINE 2 BY LINE 7 5,670. 9, SUBTRACT LINE 8 FROM LINE 2. TOTAL TO FORM 1040, LINE 42. 2,430. 19 STATEMENT(S) 4 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH sana a TepLs HawsOc ‘UP NAGTa 00090" 9TOe THLPS O96SHL TOLOOSLT S (8) LNENEIWLS Oz “0 OT SNIT ‘OOT MHOE OL TLOL €TOZ OL HOT¥A SGNNATY XW SWOONI TYOOT ONY BLVLS “0 T2 GNW 0% SANIT JAN ‘ENOQORY SATIVOEN ¥ st Te SNIT at + 0% SNIT HOWL INNOWY HSM ‘SWOM UO -0- SI TZ BNIT aI « OT SNIT ‘OPOT WYO NO SGNHONT OF LNQOWY zz *900'DEE SWOONI i WHR WOINA TE ST BNIT HO 9T ENT 40 BASSET 0% 7LS9°TH LT SNIT Wows 8T/ ENIT LOwELENs 6T sose’er AIGWIIVAY *GHO "OLS UWHX BONE BT *L0S'SS “Gad “WELT ‘WX HOI¥d ATEVMOTIV LT (T SNIT YO ST aNIT 40 waSSET) SONDAHY TTGVXWL 9T YT ENIT WOW SET BNIT YO VET SNIT 40 URIVEUD HHL LOWELENS ST *Los‘ss ‘dad “WELT AIGWMOTIY “UR HOTHA PT *0SBET qIawiivav ‘dad }qis ‘ux woTua GET "LOS ‘SS SNOILONGHG GAZIWELI ‘Pav TWIOL VET GNOaSWHA OF CANS LON ‘GHG WALI ZT (OT SNIT YO 9 NIT 40 WESSH1 SHI 8831 S BNIT) *L08'SS SNOTSONGHC GEZINELI HIEVMOTIY TT +0Lb'e od 89 ‘ONS TaaY AG 6 NT LINK OT (9 BNI NO T ANT Wows aKNONY YELNE GNY /ST HOQOMHL OT SANIT aT¥S ‘S837 WO OURZ aT) reee’ze 4 SNIT ROW 8 ENIT LOVELENS 6 +006‘ 60E (IOHSHYHL LOONSYHA ‘aga ‘WHI 8 TEEE‘Z6E TOW WEA HOIUd L 228 /9F doa 89 ‘OES Taay Xa S NT LION 9 *LL6°LS v ONY € SENIT SONIN ZENIT ¢ T SNI'T WOWd SONNATY ISN > GNOBSWHE OL PENS LON NOTOnGEa = € *LL6'LS AnouswHa suoasa SNOTLONGH GAZIWELI TWLOL & NOISVIOOTWOSE UO SGNOATY GENT NOILONGHY LIGNE XWL SHTYS- *€05 GWw OL Bd LIZaNAa ON-SaNNaTE: ssTT *e0s “MLS SONQATE XW BHOONT TWOOT NY ZIVLS WOW SONDAHY XVI JAN et0z roe stoz S GNSWELVES — SCNN4HY X¥G SHOONT TWOOT ONY SUVS TTEVXWL OvOT Muos NAGIG ‘L TIIC 3 ‘HC NAGI *uY Haasor JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 1040 WAGES RECEIVED AND TAXES WITHHELD STATEMENT 6 FEDERAL STATE CITY . AMOUNT TAX ‘TAX SDI FICA MEDICARE $ EMPLOYER'S NAME PAID WITHHELD WITHHELD TAX W/H TAX TAX 1 UNITED STATES SENATE 224,686. 66,703. 12,064. 7,347, 3,480. $ NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY OFFICE OF ‘THE CONTROLLER 90,520. 14,260. 4,595. 6,209. 1,452. TOTALS 315,206. 80,963. 16,659. 13,556. 4,932. FORM 1040 FEDERAL INCOME TAX WITHHELD STATEMENT 7 ° 8 DESCRIPTION 7 T UNITED STATES Si S NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER 8 PNCBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 8 OFFICE OF PENSIONS T WITHHOLDING FROM FORM 1099-SSA FORM 6959, LINE 24 TOTAL TO FORM 1040, LINE 64 FORM 1040 | OTHER TAXES STATEMENT 8 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT FROM FORM 8959 684. FROM FORM 8960 708. TOTAL TO FORM 1040, LINE 62 1,392. 24 STATEMENT(S) 6, 7, 8 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_1 JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN SCHEDULE A STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAXES STATEMENT 9 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OFFICE OF PENSIONS 615. UNITED STATES SENATE 12,064. NORTHERN VIRGINIA |COMMUNITY OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER 4,595. DELAWARE PRIOR YEAR BALANCE DUE AND EXTENSION PAYMENTS - TAXPAYER 289. DELAWARE PRIOR BALANCE DUE AND BXTENSION PAYMENTS - SPOUSE 730. TOTAL TO SCHEDULE A, LINE 5 18,293 SCHEDULE A CASH CONTRIBUTIONS STATEMENT 10 | AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 50% LIMIT 30% LIMIT CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF WILMINGTON 1,000. NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 1,271. THE LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY 200. ST. JOSEPH'S ON THE BRANDYWINE 825. USO | 1,093. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1,500. SUBTOTALS 5,889. TOTAL T0 SCHEDULE A, LINE 16 5,889. 22 STATEMENT(S) 9, 10 17500701 745960 54742 2016-06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 547421. JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN SS SCHEDULE A ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS WORKSHEET STATEMENT 11 1. ENTER THE TOTAL OF THE AMOUNTS FROM SCHEDULE A, LINES 4, 9, 15, 19, 20, 27, AND 28. 2. ENTER THE TOTAL OF THE AMOUNTS FROM SCHEDULE A, 58,117. LINES 4, 14, AND 20, PLUS ANY GAMBLING AND CASUALTY OR THEFT LOSSES INCLUDED ON LINE 28. 3. IS THE AMOUNT ON LINE 2 LESS THAN THE AMOUNT ON LINE 1? IF NO, YOUR DEDUCTION IS NOT LIMITED. ENTER THE AMOUNT FROM LINE 1 ABOVE ON SCHEDULE A, LINE 29. IF YES, SUBTRACT LINE 2 FROM LINE 1. MULTIPLY LINE 3 BY 80% (.80). ENTER THE AMOUNT FROM FORM 1040, LINE 38. ENTER $311,300 IF MARRIED FILING JOINTLY OR QUALIFYING WIDOW(ER); $285,350 IF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD; $259,400 IF SINGLE; OR $155,650 IF MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY. 7. IS THE AMOUNT ON LINE 6 LESS THAN THE AMOUNT Ow LINE 5? | IF NO, YOUR DEDUCTION IS NOT LIMITED. ENTER THE AMOUNT FROM LINE 1 ABOVE ON SCHEDULE A, LINE 29. IF YES, SUBTRACT LINE 6 FROM LINE 5. 8. MULTIPLY LINE 7 BY 3% (.03). 9. ENTER THE SMALLER OF LINE 4 OR LINE 8. 58,117. 46,494. 396,456. 311,300, 85,156. 2,555. 2,555. 10. ‘TOTAL ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS. SUBTRACT LINE 9 FROM LINE 1. ENTER THE RESULT HERE AND ON SCHEDULE A, LINE 29. 55,562. SCHEDULE C-EZ | GROSS RECEIPTS STATEMENT 12 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GROSS RECEIPTS 1,362. TOTAL TO SCHEDULE C-EZ, LINE 1 1,362. SCHEDULE SE NON-FARM INCOME STATEMENT 13 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AUTHOR 1,362. TOTAL TO SCHEDULE SE, LINE 2 1,362. | 23 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN aR., STATEMENT(S) 11, 12, 13 JOSEPH 547422 JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 6251 PASSIVE ACTIVITIES STATEMENT 14 NET INCOME (LOSS) NAME OF ACTIVITY FORM AMT REGULAR ADJUSTMENT COTTAGE - SCH E WILMINGTON, DE 18,733. 18,733. TOTAL TO FORM 6251, LINE 19 | | | 24 STATEMENT(S) 14 17500701 745960 ia 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__1 | JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 6251 ‘EXEMPTION WORKSHEET STATEMENT 15 1 ENTER: $53,900 IF SINGLE OR HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD; $83,800 IF MARRIED FILING JOINTLY OR QUALIFYING WIDOW(ER); $41,900 IF MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY 83,800. 2° ENTER YOUR AL! TIVE MINIMUM TAXABLE INCOME (AMTI) FORM 6251, LINE 28 369,731. 3 ENTER: $119,700 IF SINGLE OR HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD; $159,700 IF ‘IED FILING JOINTLY OR QUALIFYING WIDOW(ER); $79,850 IF MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY 159,700. 4 SUBTRACT LINE 3 FROM LINE 2. IF ZERO OR LESS ENTER -0- 210,031. 5 MULTIPLY LINE 4 BY 25% (.25) 52,508. 6 SUBTRACT LINE 5 FROM LINE 1. IF ZERO OR LESS, ENTER -0-. IF ANY OF THE THREE CONDITIONS UNDER CERTAIN CHILDREN UNDER AGE 24 APPLY TO YOU, COMPLETE LINES 7 THROUGH 10. OTHERWISE, STOP HERE AND ENTER THIS AMOUNT ON FORM 6251, LINE 29, AND|GO TO FORM 6251, LINE 30 31,292. ‘7 MINIMUM EXEMPTION AMOUNT FOR CERTAIN CHILDREN UNDER AGE 24 8 ENTER YOUR EARNED INCOME, IF ANY 9 ADD LINES 7 AND @ 10 ENTER THE LER OF LINE 6 OR LINE 9 HERE AND ON FORM 6251, LINE 29, AND/GO TO FORM 6251, LINE 30 FORM 8960 STATE INCOME TAX PAYMENTS STATEMENT 16 DELAWARE | DESCRIPTION AMOUNT UNITED STATES SENATE 12,064. TOTAL TO STATE req 8960, LINE 10 12,064. FORM 8960 | STATE INCOME TAX PAYMENTS STATEMENT 17 DELAWARE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OFFICE OF PENSION! 615. TOTAL TO STATE FOHM 8960, LINE 10 615. 25 STATEMENT(S) 15, 16, 17 17500701 745960 54742 2016.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__1

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