BIG Workout System - 2 PDF

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“I am strapped to powerlifting and I know I will be pulled to my

chalky death by it eventually, but I cannot stop.”

- Louie Simmons

© 2013 Only The Strong LLC, All Rights Reserved

You may not reproduce any part of this book without the expressed
written consent of the author, with the exception of brief quotes used
for review purposes.

WARNING: This e-book is protected by Federal copyright laws.

Reselling or auctioning of this e-book is illegal. Violators will be
persecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Published by Only The Strong LLC, in the United States of America.


I would like to dedicate this book to my family and training

partners, because without them I wouldn’t have ever made it back to
the platform.

My wife Amanda has put up with more than her fair share in my
pursuit of a sport that has punished my body. Although she will never
understand why I do it, she has supported my chasing of a dream.

To my Dad who did everything he could to put me in a situation to

succeed. To Randy and Angela Eubanks for encouraging me to keep
after this, you guys will never know how much you mean to me.

My training partners, I couldn’t ask for a better group of

jackasses to lift with! Nothing like having a group of guys who will
push each other to the limits.

To Kevin Shusko, thanks for always being there. I am not sure
there is a more reliable person on Earth!

The last person I would like to dedicate this to is my Grandfather

Walter Byrd Sr. Although you are no longer with us, you have
influenced my life beyond what words can say.

I would like to issue a special thanks to Steve Shaw for planting

the idea of this book in my head, and taking the time to help me along
the way.

I would also like to think the entire Muscle and Brawn community
for their continued support!


Jonathan Byrd is a competitive powerlifter, with over 12 years of

training experience. Byrd has been ranked nationally for the past 5
years under multiple categories. His total has ranked as high as third
nationally in the 308 class.

He currently has a best total of 2380lbs. Best individual lifts

include a 1003lb squat, a 699lb bench press, and 685lb deadlift. His
1003lb squat ranks him just outside the top 50 all-time squats at the
308 class.

Jonathan currently trains out of Dick’s Gym in Jacksonville, NC.

Before powerlifting Jonathan was a college athlete at Methodist

University as both an all-conference football player and track athlete.

Following graduation he played four years of arena football in
various leagues. He is currently a special education teacher at White
Oak High School in Jacksonville, NC.

Chapter 1 – Big Introduction Page 10
Chapter 2 – Before You Begin Page 13
Chapter 3 – Week One Page 17
Chapter 4 – Week Two Page 22
Chapter 5 – Week Three Page 26
Chapter 6 – Week Four Page 30
Chapter 7 – Week Five Page 34
Chapter 8 – Week Six Page 37
Chapter 9 – Week Seven Page 40
Chapter 10 – Week Eight Page 43
Chapter 11 – Weeks 9 & 10 Page 45
Chapter 12 – Weeks 11 & 12 Page 49
Chapter 13 – Template Page 50
Chapter 14 – FAQ Page 64
Chapter 15 – 3 Day Split Page 66

At the end of the day, no program holds the only secret to getting
stronger. There are all kinds of ways to improve your strength. Some
programs are just better thought out than others.

There are no shortcuts in life. Lifting is no different. This program

is not for the faint of heart. Over the next 10 weeks you will be sore
and tired, but you will also be stronger.

As a young lifter I learned everything the hard way. That is how

my training partners taught me. Over the years I paid attention, wrote
things down, and just flat out got my butt kicked.

When it was all said and done, I took the long way into gear,
building a base of raw strength that could carry over into any style of
lifting. That is my goal for you as a lifter.

Take this information, learn from it, and become stronger. Unlike
a lot of very popular and successful programs out there we are not

worried about rotating lots of different bars, boxes, or even the use of
a lot of bands. We are going back to the basics, the things that made
the legends of our sport the men they were.

Old school powerlifting, where beards were big, men were

strong, and weights were crushed!


The idea of the BIG program is simple, lift heavy weights with
compound movements, and use accessory lifts to target weak points.
Even if you decided the BIG program isn’t for you, it’s the idea of
moving big weight to get stronger that I hope sticks with you.

Before you begin the BIG program, I want you to think about
what you want your end result to be. If you are looking to magically
add 40lbs to your bench over 10 weeks, you may be in the wrong
place. I am not saying that those things can’t happen, but realistically
that is not the norm for ANY program.

If I told you that during the max portion of the program each of
your lifts only went up a total of 15lbs each, would you be
disappointed? What if I told you that you would only gain a pound a

week on your lifts, would you then also be disappointed?

Think about that for a minute. This increase would be 52lbs a

year per lift. Would you not be happy to add 50lbs a year to each lift?
I say all this to be clear: NO program is magic. All programs take time
to make gains, and this one is no different.

Before you begin the BIG program you will need to have an idea
of what your current maxes are for the big three lifts: squat, bench,
deadlift. My suggestion to you is to start with realistic numbers.

If you start with a number you “think” you can do, it could force
you to spend a lot of time trying to hit numbers that just will not

The goal is to improve your projected working max over the next
10 weeks. Nothing wrong with starting light and progressing as

The program is broken down over the course of 10 weeks of

training. This period is followed by one week that is set aside for max
attempts and resetting of goals.

This program is currently set up so that you are training four days
per week. Later we will look at a modification for a three day a week

set up. The four training days consist of a squat day, bench day, back
day, and a bench auxiliary day.

Space these days out however you want, based on what your
schedule dictates. Be sure to get proper rest and recovery.

After the completion of each week you will address if you need to
move up the projected max or stay the same. If you complete all the
required lifts cleanly for the max effort movement, then you move up
your projected working max five pounds for the following week. If you
miss a lift, or if it was a near miss, then stay at the same projected
max for the following week.


The first four weeks are broken down with two weeks of eight rep
max effort work followed by two weeks of sets of sixes. This is often
referred to as an endurance phase.

This section of the program is very high in volume and loaded

with accessory work. The accessory exercises are set up to target
specific muscle groups, and typical weak points in most lifters.

For most this part of the program is brutal. Most powerlifters have
gotten away from doing the amount of repetitions and volume that it
takes to prepare your body and central nervous system for final five
weeks of the program.


Weeks five through ten follow what most would consider a more
traditional powerlifting program. As the repetitions drop, the weights
start to climb.

During the first four weeks we have brought up weak points, and
now it’s time to really make some gains.

Each week has four working sets. Week five and six consists of
four sets of four reps, plus accessory movements. Weeks seven and
eight will be three sets of three reps with rotation of accessories.
Weeks nine and ten consists of three sets of two reps while backing
off the accessory work.


The eleventh week of the program is a max week so that we can

adjust new maxes. Some may chose to take a deload or an off week
on week eleven and max on week twelve. Depending on how you feel
at that point will determine which week you take your max attempts.

Week 1 Squat

Take your time warming up. You will want the blood in the legs
and a good sweat going. The first working set will be approximately
40lbs away from your working sets.

For your final three sets you will be working at 70% of your
projected max. The auxiliary movements for this day will be focused
on force feeding blood into both the quads and hamstrings. The best
way to do this is a small superset of narrow stance (feet inside the
shoulders, toes pointed out) well bellow parallel squats, leg
extensions, and hamstring curls.

For the narrow stance squats you will need to avoid using belt.
Not only are you working the legs here, but the core as well. When
you walk out the door of the gym om these days, your legs should be
pumped much like a bicep would be on a bodybuilding arm day.

You will do 3 sets of 8 on the squat and twenty reps each on the
ham curl and extensions.

SAMPLE PROGRAM (Based on 400 pound max)


Week 1 Bench

Again on this max effort (ME) day you will be doing working sets
of eight reps. The first working set will be done approximately 20lbs
lighter than your next 3 sets at 70% of your projected max. Your
auxiliary work for the week is to blast the triceps into submission.

The first movement will consist of 4 sets of 10 reps with a

standard weight on the close grip. This does not mean you grab the
bar with the narrowest grip you can make and go after it. You just
simply need to move in a few fingers from your typical grip.

Not everyone will have the same “close grip” location on the bar.
That is fine, everyone is different.

The second movement is a dumbbell skull crusher for 4x10. This

movement is best laying on the floor rather than a bench. Let the
triceps really stretch out, and do not attempt to be explosive. You will
need to avoid snapping the elbows, as we want to avoid any stupid

The last movement of the day is the Kaz press. This is a

movement you do not see or hear a lot of people doing anymore. This
movement is much like a “JM press” but I feel it has a better carry
over to a raw bench press.

You are going to want to get 4 sets of 10 in here as well.

SAMPLE SET UP (Based on 275 pound max)


Week 1 Back

The ME movement for this week is low pin rack pulls. Set the
pins in the squat rack on the lowest hole, and get in 4 working sets for
6-8 reps. The goal here is to pull as heavy as you can for your sets.

It is impossible to give you a percentage here as we are not sure

exactly where your weakest point in the deadlift is yet.

Following the pin pulls you will move into a moderate to heavy
shrug movement. The goal here is to get 5 sets of 10 reps as heavy
as you can follow the deads. When you finish with this your traps
should be full of blood.

The last movement for the day is 4 sets of 8 doing bent over
rows. Weight is not of importance here. The real focus here needs to
be on getting in work. The tendency here is to get sloppy on form.
Don’t let that happen. You will not get stronger by just cheating the

Week 1 Bench Auxiliary

On week 1 you will be doing four working sets of 8 reps in the

standing military. This is not a jump (push) press, but if you need a
small amount of leg drive to finish the last reps in the final sets, so be

The second movement of the day is a seated Arnold press. Here

you will be doing 4 sets of 8 reps with an increasing weight. This day
is also your big abdomen day. You will really focus on training both the
oblique and abdomen.

Here you will want to get 4x10 of a weighted sit up, and 4x10
weighted side bends. These will become important later when we get
into the heavy squats.

Week 2 Squat

This will be your second week of eight reps. Be sure to use a

similar warm up as you did the previous week. Assuming that you
made all of your lifts the week prior we will be using a 5lb heavier max
than last week. Now we will be working on a 405lb max, still with four
working sets of eight.

The auxiliary work changes this week. Following your squat you
will move to heavy good mornings. This will be as heavy as you can
safely do with four working sets of six reps.

To finish off the day you will get in some calf raises for 4x20, and
any 3 ab movements of your choice in the high rep range (20+).

Week 2 Sample ME Squat (Based on 405 pound max)



Week 2 Bench

On the 2nd week of the bench you will be finishing up the last of
the 8 reps. Hopefully you will have progressed 5lbs from the previous
week. If so you will be adding 5lbs to your 4 working sets, but if not
your working sets will remain the same from week one.

The auxiliary movements for this week are heavy overhead

presses for four sets of six reps with as much weight as you can lift.
For this week it is ok to use some leg drive, but do not let it turn into a
jump (push) press.

Your second auxiliary for the day will be small inclined dumbbell
presses. The dumbbell press will be 4 sets of 8-10 reps with a moving

SAMPLE SET UP (Based on 280lb max projection)


Week 2 Back

The main movement for this week is a high pin (2nd hole) pull.
Again it is hard to make a prediction on what weight to use here, but
most people will be able to do a fair bit more than their best deadlift

Once you have finished warming up, you will do 5 sets of 4 reps
moving weights until you no longer can get 4 reps. If you have a
reverse hyper machine or a glute ham raise, use it for 3 sets 10 reps.
If not we will substitute deficit deadlifts with a lighter weight.

Using a traditional stance with no belt from approximately a 2

inch deficit, complete 3 sets of 6 reps with a medium weight. During
this week this movement is not about straining, it is more about blood

Week 2 Bench Auxiliary

This week will be a heavy 2 board press. Your warm up sets
should all be done full range of motion, but working sets done from the
2 board with your normal grip. The goal is to get 4 working sets in
progressive weight for 5 reps. The point of this is to gain some tricep
strength which will be utilized during the lower rep sets coming in the
later weeks of the program.

Our first auxiliary movement for the day will be a tricep

pushdowns. You can do these with either a band, or on a cable
machine. The goal is to get 4 sets of 10 or more reps on this

The 2nd auxiliary movement will be a dumbbell pull over on the

bench. Be sure to get a good deep stretch, and work up in weight
each set. You are looking to get 4 sets of 8 reps here.

To finish off the workout superset 3sets of 10 face pulls with any
other rear delt movement you like.

Week 3 Squat

In week 3 we get to drop two reps and work in the area of sixes.
Your working sets this week will be 20lbs higher than your best set of
8s from the previous two weeks. Percentage-wise it will come out to
be about 75% of your new projected max.

Auxiliary for the week are leg press with the feet inside shoulder
width and toes pointed forward. You want to really work on the quad
here; it's not about loading a thousand pounds. You will be doing 4
sets of 15-20 reps.

The second auxiliary movement is a straight leg deadlift. This is

used to stretch the hamstrings back out. It is a lighter movement. You
really want to work using a deep range of motion. Perform 4 sets of 8
here and really take your time and get the stretch!

Week 3 Sample ME Squat (Based on a 405lb max)


Week 3 Bench

Your first week of sixes you will add 15lbs to your best set of
eight from the previous two weeks. Your auxiliary work for the week
will be a close grip 3 board press for 3 sets of 6-8 reps.

Do not make a big change in from your normal grip. Moving in 2

fingers from your typical grip is fine.

The last movement of the day is a skullcrusher close grip

combination. You will do 5 skull crushers followed by 5 close grip reps
with the same bar. You will do two rotations per set, so it will look like
this 5 skull crushers, 5 presses, 5 skull crushers, 5 presses. That
would be one set. You will be performing 4 total sets.

SAMPLE SET UP (Based On A 280lb max projection)


Week 3 Back

The main movement for this week's back exercise will be

deadlifts from a deficit. Use a wooden block, a 100lb plate, whatever
you have to put you around 2 inches higher. The goal is to hit 4
working sets of 5 reps moving up in weight each set.

The first auxiliary movement of the day is one arm rows. You will
do 4 sets of 10 reps here. Pick a standard weight and stick with it.

Finish off the day with Roman Chair set ups supersetted with
side bends. 4 sets of 10 reps on each movement.

Week 3 Auxiliary Bench Day

Today you will start off with pin presses. You will need to slide a
bench into your power rack and press from a pin that is about 4 inches
from your chest. Pushing the weight from the dead stop will be

difficult, but will help develop some explosive strength.

After your warm ups perform 4 sets of 5 reps with as much

weight as possible. Using a moving weight each set, it is ok to fail on
the 4th set. Pick smart weights so that you can continue to progress
each set. You will also do two drop sets of 15 reps.

Pick a lighter weight and really work on some speed here. The
last movement of the day will be 3 sets of timed hammer curls. Pick a
weight that you can handle for 3 sets of 1 minute each!

Week 4 is the last week of sixes, and the last week of the high
volume/repetition phase of this training cycle. This will be one of the
more difficult weeks for you in training as you should have made some
progress over the first three weeks.

If you make it through your first two sets easily, add 5-10lbs to
your last set on max effort movements of that day. The workouts from
this week are going to be important as to how you will tailor the final 6
weeks of lower repetitions.

Week 4 Squat

We will continue our goal of progression here. If you were able to

get all sets from the previous week, then add 5lbs. If you did not make
it, or if you had to drop the weight, continue on with last week’s set of

Your first auxiliary movement is a wide stance squat. This you will

be moving your stance out an extra 2-4 inches depending on your
typical stance. Keep the weight light and work in 4 sets of 8 reps.
The last auxiliary movement for the day is a Bulgarian squat.

Your focus should be on the quad and getting blood into it. Your
goal is 4 sets of 10 here, using dumbbells for weight if needed.

Week 4 Bench

Again we want to continue to progress if you hit last weeks

numbers. If you did not stick with last week’s program.

The first auxiliary movement is an overheard press, but done with

a twist. Rather than bringing each rep down to your chest, each press
is done from the chin. Keep the weight light, don’t hit yourself in the
face! You will need to tilt your head back and press straight up. You
will be doing 4 sets of 15 reps.

The last auxiliary movement for the day will be 4 sets of dumbbell
pull overs for 10 reps. Be sure to focus on pulling it over your body
and not locking it out over your face.

Week 4 Back

This is the first time during the cycle that we have deadlifted off
the floor. After your warm ups you will hit 4 sets of 4 reps working up
in weight each set. Start light, make 20lb jumps until you are hitting on
all cylinders.

You can touch and go the reps, but don’t bounce it off the floor.
Have some control; we don’t need a stupid injury.

When finished with the deadlifts, your auxiliary lifts will be 4 sets
of reverse hyper or glute hams raises. Be sure to get in any ab
movement you wish for 4 sets of 20 repetitions.

Week 4 Bench Auxiliary

This week you will hit some heavy 2 board presses. The goal is
to work with 90% of your projected max for four sets of 2 reps. For a
fifth set you have the option of hitting a heavy single off the 2 board.

The hope is to build some confidence for the upcoming heavy

weeks of training.

Next movement is a superset of Kaz presses and hammer curls.

Kaz presses will be 4 sets of 10, and the hammer curls will be 4 sets

of 20.

Week 5 Bench

This is the week we start to drop back into your typical

powerlifting friendly workouts. You are doing 4 working sets of 4 reps.
You should be doing approximately 15lbs more for your sets of 4 than
you did on your biggest set of 6s. This will be 80% of your current
projected max.

Keep in mind that your projected max should have adjusted

multiple times by now. Finish up with 4 sets of 10 reps with dumbbell
skull crushers and 4 sets of Zottman curls for 20 reps.

Week 5 Squat

First week of 4s in the squat. This will be at approximate 80% of

your current projected max, or about 20lbs more than your best 6 rep

Your first auxiliary lift is back to narrow squats, but this time you
will pause each rep down at the bottom. You are going to do 4 sets at
a standard weight for 6 reps.

Depth is important here. Make sure you are below parallel when
you pause your squat. Be EXPLOSIVE! There is no more secondary
auxiliary work for the week, this should be plenty.

Week 5 Back

The ME movement for the week is snatch grip deadlifts. Be sure

that your hands are outside the power rings. You will do 5 sets of 5
reps working up in weight each set.

You will need to keep the weights to a medium level. This may be
a new lift for some of you. To put it in terms most lifters would
understand, use this as a speed type movement. Having to use a wide
grip will put you in a bad starting position, similar to a deficit dead.

The first accessory movement is will be bent over rows for 4 sets
of 6-8 reps. This you will want to work up to heavy weight for that rep

Finish off the day with super sets of leg extensions and leg curls
for 4 sets of 20 reps.

Week 5 Auxiliary

With the amount of back training this cycle we will avoid any form
of standing overhead pressing this week.

The first movement of the week is a seated military press. I like

to alternate 4 sets (2 in front, 2 behind the neck) for sets of eight reps.
With the behind the neck, you should stop in the area of the top of the
ears as to avoid any shoulder injuries.

The sets in front are as described previously: tilt the head slightly
back and press from the area of the chin. Again I will warn you, be
careful! Powerlifters are not the prettiest group in the world, no need
to make it worse.

The second movement is the seated Arnold press for 4 sets of 15

reps. To finish off the day pick any two rear delt movements. I like face
pulls, band pull aparts, and flat bench rear deltoid pulls.

Starting with week six you will now notice that the auxiliary work
will start to back off. You will do this for two reasons.

One is to allow you to focus in on the max effort movements of

the day. Second is to decrease the work volume as we work closer to
our new maxes.

From this point on most accessory movements are done with a

lighter weight than normal, and to increase blood flows to those
muscles. To a degree these are for both recovery and growth.

Week 6 Bench

This is the last week of four working sets of 4 reps. This will be
80% of your current projected max. By now your body should now
have started to adjust to handing heavier weights as well.

You will follow this up with three sets of two on the two board

press. Use your regular grip. You will need to work as heavy as you
can with these.

To finish off the day you will do four sets of ten on the tricep

Week 6 Squat

Second week of four working sets of four reps. Again this is 80%
of your current projected max. You will follow this up with three sets of
eights on the good mornings. You will want to do these as heavy as
you can handle.

Week 6 Back

This week we are working off the high, for most people the 2nd
pin for rack pulls. You will be doing five sets of four on these. Be sure
to be explosive, and pull all the way through lockout.

You will finish the day off with four sets of six on stiff leg deadlifts.
Do not mistake these for a straight leg deadlift. These are not just for
the stretch; you are working your hamstrings and lower back. Work up
to a solid weight for four sets of six.

Week 6 Bench Auxiliary

Today you will be doing four working sets of close grip bench
press for six reps. Pick a standard weight and stick with it for all four
sets. You will finish off the day with four sets of 10 reputations of skull
crushers using the curl bar.

At week seven you will notice a few things that will be different.
You are no longer doing four working sets at a standard weight. You
will now drop down to three sets at a given weight. You do this for
several reasons.

First, we are trying to avoid being beat down leading into the
upcoming max week. The second reason is that we are now really
focusing on quality reps. It is not that we were not worried about
quality before, but now we are going to over-emphasis it.

At this point you are approximately 4 weeks from finishing the

training program, and about 6 weeks out from max testing. The next
few weeks are critical to your success, and will make or break your

Now more than ever you need to listen to your body, and make
smart decisions. Do not let your ego get the best of you!

Week 7 Bench

This is our first week of using three repetitions. You should have
moved up in weight again, and be working with approximately 85% of
your projected max.

Complete three working sets of three reps on the bench press.

You will finish off the day with four sets of push downs for ten

Week 7 Squat

First workout in the three rep range for the squat. You will be
doing three working sets of three reps at approximately 85% of your
projected max.

You have two accessory movements for the day. First will be two
sets of six with a narrow stance squat, with a medium weight, and no

Your second movement is a wider stance squat for two sets of six
reps, again no belt and a medium weight. You should not be straining

Week 7 Back

The movement for the day will be a low pin rack pull. The goal is
to progress each set for five sets of four repetitions.

You will finish off the day’s workout with some Romanian
deadlifts. The goal for this will be to get four sets of five repetitions.

Week 7 Bench Auxiliary

First movement of the day will be four sets of six with a medium
grip on the bench press. Pick a weight that is light to moderately
heavy. The goal is to be fast and explosive with these reps.

You will finish off the day with one accessory lift, the Arnold press. You
will need to work as heavy as possible here for four sets of six

Week 8 Bench

Last week of three repetitions for this training cycle. Three

working sets of three reps for the day at 90% of your current projected

The only accessory movement is dumbbell skull crushers, four

sets of eight repetitions.

Week 8 Squat

Last week of three repetitions on the squat. Three sets of three at

85% of your current projected max. Focus on form, make sure your
depth is good, and by all means don’t miss!

You will finish off with four sets of 10 on both the leg extension
and hamstring curls.

Week 8 Back

This is the second time in this cycle that you will deadlift from the
floor. You will be doing five sets of two repetitions. The goal is to keep
progressing in weight each set until you have hit the best possible
double you can hit.

Your accessory work today you will use a different stance than
your normal deadlift stance and complete four sets of five with a light

Week 8 Auxiliary Bench

This week you will be doing a three board bench for four sets of
singles. You will need to work up each set to a weight near your
projected max.

You will finish off the day with four sets of 10 at a standard weight
on flat dumbbell press.

Week 9 Bench

This is the first week of doubles in this cycle. You will be doing
three sets of two repetitions, and then a set for a single with the same
weight paused. This weight should be approximately 90% of your
current projected max.

This should set you up nicely for your upcoming max week.
You will finish off the day with two sets of eight reps using a different
grip each time. Keep the weight light on these, and worry about

Week 9 Squat

First week of doubles in the squat. You are doing 90% of your
projected max for three sets of two repetitions. Be sure that your
depth is good on all reps and sets.

You will finish off the day with two sets of eight changing to a
different stance both sets.

Week 9 Back

This is the final back day of the training cycle. You are going to
do five sets of two working up in weight, using the high pin rack pull.

Be sure to be explosive here, and pick weights that you know

you will not miss. Confidence is key at this point, lift smart.

Week 9 Bench Auxiliary

Today’s lift is different than all the others. As I explained before

we are tapering down the workload. Today you are just going into the
gym to get some blood into the arms.

You will be doing a rotation of multiple lifts. The lifts are for three
to five sets of one minute standing hammers, ten tricep pushdowns,
ten preacher curls, ten dumbbell skull crushers.

Just keeping going in rotation until the arms are full of blood.

Week 10 Bench

This is the last week of doubles, and the last training week. You
are doing three sets of two repetitions at approximately 90% of your
current projected max.

You will also do one set of one paused with the same weight.

Week 10 Squat

Final squat of the program, and the final heavy lifting day. You will
do three sets of two reps at approximately 90% of your current
projected max.

This is all the work for the day, start to rest up.

Week 10 Back

You will be doing five sets of two deadlifts from the floor. You
need to keep these light and smooth.

This is the final workout of the training cycle.

Week 10 Auxiliary Bench

There is no auxiliary bench training this week, rest up for max

attempts in two weeks.

Week 11 Deload

Be sure to eat well, rest, and increase your water intake.

Week 12

There are two options of how to attack this week’s max attempts.

You could do them all in one training day similar to a mock meet.
This will give you a better idea of your meet total, and have you under
harder conditions.

Your other option is to max on each lift on different days, similar

to your training set up.

Either option is fine, depending on what your current goal is. Be

smart about your max attempts. Warm up well on each lift, and take at
least three attempts for each lift.

Week 1
• Bench Press - 4x8 working sets
• Close Grip Bench Press - 4x10
• Kaz Press - 4x10
• Dumbbell Skullcrushers – 4x10

• Squats - 4x8 working sets
• Superset: Narrow Squat (atg) - 3x8
• Superset: Leg Extension - 3x20
• Hamstring Curl - 3x20

Bench Auxiliary
• Standing Military - 4x8
• Arnold Press - 4x8
• Weighted Sit Up - 4x10

• Weighted Side Bends - 4x10

• Low Pin Rack Pulls - 4x6-8
• Heavy Shrugs - 5x10
• Bent Over Rows - 4x8

Week 2

• Bench Press - 4x8
• Overhead Press (As heavy as you can handle) - 4x6
• Small Inclined Dumbbell - 4x8-10

• Squats - 4x8
• Good Mornings - 4x6
• Calf Raises - 4x20
• High Rep Ab Movements – 4x20+

Bench Auxiliary
• 2 Board Press - 4x5
• Tricep Push Downs – 4x10
• Dumbbell Pull Overs – 4x8
• Superset: Face Pulls - 4x10
• Superset: Rear Delt Flyes - 4x10

• High Pin Rack Pulls - 5x4

• Deficit Deadlift (Approx 2 inches) - 3x6
• Reverse Hyper or Glute Ham Raises - 3x10

Week 3

• Bench Press - 4x6
• Close Grip 3 Board Press - 3x8
• Close Grip Pull Over Combo - 4x20

• Squat - 4x6
• Leg Press, Close Stance - 4x15-20
• Straight Leg Deadlift (Stretch) - 4x8

Bench Auxiliary
• Pin Presses (About 4 inches from chest) - 3x10
• OHP (Use leg drive as needed) - 4x5
• OHP (Drop sets, light weight - speed) - 2x15
• Double Arm Hammer Curls – 3x1 Minute

• Deadlift – 2x5
• Deficit Deadlift - 2x2
• One Arm Dumbbell Rows – 4x10

• Roman Chair Sit Ups - 4x10
• Side Bends - 4x10

Week 4

• Bench Press - 4x6
• OHP (From the chin) - 4x15
• Dumbbell Pull Overs - 4x10

• Squat - 4x6
• Wider Stance Squats - 4x8
• Bulgarian Squats – 4x10

Bench Auxiliary
• Close Grip Bench Press - 5x10
• Kaz Press - 4x10
• Alternating Hammer Curls - 4x20

• Deadlift - 4x4 (1st time from the floor)
• Reverse Hyper or Glute Hamstring - 4x10

Week 5

• Bench Press - 4x4
• Dumbbell Skull Crushers - 4x10
• Zottman Curls - 4x20

• Squat - 4x4
• Narrow Stance Pause Squats - 4x6

Bench Auxiliary
• Seated Military (2 in front, 2 behind the neck) - 4x8
• Arnold Press - 4x15
• Any 2 rear delt movements of your choice

• Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 5x5
• Bent Over Rows - 4x6-8
• Superset Leg Extensions/Leg Curls - 4x20

Week 6

• Bench Press - 4x4
• Small Incline Dumbbell Bench - 4x10
• Tricep Pushdowns - 4x10

• Squat - 4x4
• Good Mornings - 3x8

Bench Auxiliary
• Close Grip Bench Press - 4x6
• Curl Bar Skull Crushers - 4x10

• High Pin Rack Pulls - 5x4
• Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 4x6

Week 7

• Bench Press - 4x3
• Tricep Push Downs - 4x8

• Squats - 4x3
• Narrow Stance Squat (mild weight) - 2x6
• Wide Stance Squat (mild weight) - 2x6

Bench Auxiliary
• Arnold Press (Heavy) - 4x6
• Mid Grip Bench - 4x6

• Low Pin Rack Pulls - 5x4
• Romanian Deadlifts - 4x5

Week 8

• Bench Press - 4x3
• Dumbbell Skullcrushers - 4x8

• Squats - 4x3
• Squats (Moving Stance, Light) – 2x6

Bench Auxiliary
• Bench Press, Light Weight (Speed) - 5x8
• Tricep Push Downs - 4x20

• Deadlifts - 5x2
• Deadlift, Using Alternate Stance (Light) - 4x5

Week 9

• Bench Press - 4x2
• Bench Press (Changing Grips, Light) - 2x8

• Squat - 4x2
• Squat (Changing Stances, Light) - 2x8

Bench Auxiliary
• Standing Hammers – 3x1 Minute
• Tricep Pushdowns - 3x10
• Preacher Curls - 3x10
• Dumbbell Skullcrushers - 3x10

• High Pin Rack Pulls - 5x2

Week 10

• Bench Press - 4x2

• Squat - 4x2

Bench Auxiliary
• None

• Deadlift - 5x2 (light)

Weeks 11 & 12

Week 11 - Deload
Week 12 – Max Week

How do I know when to move up my projected max?

You move up your projected max if you have completed all the
working sets of the max effort lift on that day. If you are unable to
finish the sets of the day cleanly, keep your projected max the same.

Is it ok to take a deload during the cycle?

If you are feeling beat up, there is no problem with taking a

deload week. I would rather you take a down week and get back on
cycle than to sustain an injury.

Can this program be run for a meet prep?

Yes, you could run this program set up for the meet. Just add an
additional 11th week to the cycle in which you hit your opening
attempts on training days. This would make it a total of 10 weeks of
training, 1 week for opening attempts, a week of rest, then the meet.

What if the sets for the day seem light?

That is a good thing, stick to the workout plan, and adjust the
projected max up next week.

What if I miss a rep during a set?

If you miss a rep, drop the weight for the following sets. Be sure
to address your original projected max to make sure it is realistic.

Why no box squats?

It is my opinion that there is no better movement for strength than

the free squat. For that reason we only free squat and we do it often.
Box squatting has a place in training, but for now, let's focus on the
free squat.

Basic 3 Day Per Week Template

The Big program was originally designed as a four day a week

program. Through feedback and suggestions I felt the need to also
adapt the program to a three day a week set up.

To make this work you will need to train for 10 weeks, just as you
would during the four day program. Because of the limited time you
will have, the program will command that you perform a max effort
squat and max effort deadlift (from the floor) every four weeks.

The other weeks will have a bench day, squat day, and a
back/auxiliary bench day.

During day one of the training program you will train your bench
and accessory lifts. You will follow this with the back accessory work.
You will not add your back max effort lift, which is on day three.

Day two of the three day split will be a squat day. You will squat
as your max effort movement, and follow it with both the accessory
work from squat and back days. Again this will be the case for every
week except weeks four and eight.

Day three of the three day split will be your back and bench
auxiliary day. You will do the back max effort movement for the week
followed by the bench auxiliary work.

This will also be a catch all day for you. If you missed any
accessory work from squat or bench/back day, for whatever reason,
get it in here.

Week 1

• Bench Press - 4x8
• Close Grip Bench Press - 4x10
• Kaz Press - 4x10
• Dumbbell Skull Crushers - 4x10
• Heavy Shrugs - 5x10
• Bent Over Rows - 4x8


• Squat - 4x8
• Narrow Stance Squat – 3x8 (atg)
• Superset: Leg Extension - 3x20
• Superset: Hamstring Curl - 3x20

Back/Bench Auxiliary

• Low Pin Rack Pulls - 4x6-8

• Standing Military - 4x8
• Arnold Press - 4x8

• Weighted Sit Up - 4x10
• Weighted Side Bends - 4x10

Week 2


• Bench Press - 4x8

• Overhead Press - 4x6 (as heavy as you can handle)
• Small Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press - 4x8-10
• Deficit Deadlift – 3x6 (approx 2 inches)
• Reverse Hyper or Glute Ham Raises - 3x10


• Squat - 4x8
• Good Mornings - 4x6
• Calf Raises - 4x20
• High Rep Ab Movements - 4x20+

Back/ Bench Auxiliary

• High Pin Rack Pulls - 5x4

• 2 Board Press - 4x5
• Tricep Push Downs - 4x10

• Dumbbell Pull Overs - 4x8
• Superset: Facepulls - 4x10
• Superset: Rear Delt Flyes - 4x10

Week 3


• Bench Press - 4x6

• Close Grip 3 Board Press - 3x8
• Close Grip Pull Over Combo - 4x20
• One Arm Rows - 4x10
• Roman Chair Sit Ups - 4x10


• Squat - 4x6
• Leg Press Close Stance - 4x15-20
• Straight Leg Deadlift (stretch) - 4x8

Back/Bench Auxiliary

• Deficit Deadlifts - 4x5

• OHP – 4x5 (use leg drive as needed)
• OHP – 2x15 - Drop sets light weight (speed)
• Pin Presses – 3x10 (about 4 inches from chest)

• Double Arm Hammer Curls – 3x1 minute

Week 4


• Bench Press - 4x6

• OHP (from the chin) - 4x15
• Dumbbell Pull Overs - 4x10


• Deadlift – 4x4 (1st time from the floor)

• Reverse Hyper or Glute Hamstring - 4x10

Squat/Bench Auxiliary

• Squat - 4x6
• Wider Stance Squats - 4x8
• Close Grip Bench Press - 5x10
• Kaz Press - 4x10
• Alternating Hammer Curls - 4x20

Week 5


• Bench Press - 4x4

• Dumbbell Skull Crushers - 4x10
• Bent Over Rows - 4x6-8
• Superset: leg extensions - 4x20
• Superset: Leg Curls - 4x20


• Squat - 4x4
• Narrow Stance Pause Squats - 4x6

Back/Bench Auxiliary

• Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 5x5

• Seated Military – 4x8 (2 in front, 2 behind the neck)
• Arnold Press - 4x15
• Any 2 rear delt movements of your choice

Week 6


• Bench Press - 4x4

• Small Incline Dumbbell Bench - 4x10
• Tricep Pushdowns - 4x10
• Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 4x6


• Squat - 4x4
• Good Mornings - 3x8

Back/Bench Auxiliary

• High Pin Rack Pulls - 5x4

• Close Grip Bench Press - 4x6
• Curl Bar Skullcrushers - 4x10

Week 7


• Bench Press - 4x3

• Tricep Push Downs - 4x8
• Romanian Deadlifts - 4x5


• Squat - 4x3
• Narrow Stance Squat (mild weight) - 2x6
• Wide Stance Squat (mild weight) - 2x6

Back/Bench Auxiliary

• Low Pin Rack Pulls - 5x4

• Arnold Press (heavy) - 4x6
• Mid Grip Bench - 4x6

Week 8


• Bench Press - 4x3

• Dumbbell Skullcrushers - 4x8


• Deadlifts - 5x2
• Alternate Stance (light) - 4x5
• Squats (moving stance, light) - 4x6

Squat/Bench Auxiliary

• Squat - 4x3
• Squats (moving stance, light) - 2x6
• Bench Press - light weight (speed) - 5x8
• Tricep Push Downs - 4x20

Week 9


• Bench Press - 4x2

• Bench Press - changing grips (light) - 2x8


• Squat - 4x2
• Squat - changing stances (light) - 2x8

Back/Bench Auxiliary

• High Pin Rack Pulls - 5x2

• No bench movements

Week 10


• Bench Press - 4x2


• Squat - 4x2

Back/Bench Auxiliary

• Speed Pulls straight weight from floor - 5x2

Week 11 - Deload
Week 12 - Max week


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