ASDF A New Data Format For Astronomy

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Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251

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ASDF: A new data format for astronomy

P. Greenfield ∗ , M. Droettboom, E. Bray
Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA

article info abstract

Article history: We present the case for developing a successor format for the immensely successful FITS format. We first
Received 28 February 2015 review existing alternative formats and discuss why we do not believe they provide an adequate solution.
Received in revised form The proposed format is called the Advanced Scientific Data Format (ASDF) and is based on an existing text
12 June 2015
format, YAML, that we believe removes most of the current problems with the FITS format. An overview
Accepted 16 June 2015
Available online 26 June 2015
of the capabilities of the new format is given along with specific examples. This format has the advantage
that it does not limit the size of attribute names (akin to FITS keyword names) nor place restrictions on
the size or type of values attributes have. Hierarchical relationships are explicit in the syntax and require
FITS no special conventions. Finally, it is capable of storing binary data within the file in its binary form. At its
File formats basic level, the format proposed has much greater applicability than for just astronomical data.
Standards © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
World coordinate system This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction: why another data format? a good solution. (These factors are detailed at length in Thomas
et al., 2015; these include the severe restrictions on keyword name
The FITS format (Flexible Image Transport System; (Wells and length, the lack of any simple grouping structure for metadata or
Greisen, 1979; Greisen et al., 1980; Wells et al., 1981; Greisen and data, among others.)
Harten, 1981; Hanisch et al., 2001); and more recently, the defini- A couple of examples illustrate the kinds of problems that arise.
tion of the version 3.0 FITS standard by Pence et al., 2010) has been For HST, it was desired to bundle the image data with correspond-
a mainstay of astronomy for over three decades, and is the envy of ing data quality and error arrays. This was accomplished by us-
other scientific fields that lack a standard format. Nevertheless, the ing the EXTNAME keyword to identify which type of extension was
shortcomings of the standard astronomical data format are becom- present. It was also desired to include data from both detectors in
ing more of a burden on those that must create and process data the same file. That was done by using the EXTVER keyword to num-
from new telescopes. These shortcomings are discussed in great ber these groups to distinguish them. Then at a later time, it was
length in a paper (Thomas et al., 2015) and will not be rehashed desired to group multiple such observations in a file. At that point,
here. The community appears to be split on whether this means difficult choices had to be made since there were no more standard
that incremental improvements to FITS are needed, or a completely keywords to indicate another level of grouping. One could have
different format is appropriate, but the trend of opinion toward revised the conventions for EXTNAME or EXTVER, but that would
needing an alternate format appears to be growing.1 require changing all the existing software to use the new conven-
While it is possible to write software to be independent of FITS
tion. Alternatively, it could have used new non-standard keywords
limitations, as we are now doing for JWST calibration pipelines, it
to indicate grouping, but that would require writing new software
requires careful design and is definitely more difficult to achieve
to achieve the needed behavior, while being completely unclear
than if dealing with data files that had better organizational
how these keywords were to be interpreted without resorting to
capabilities and metadata in the first place.
looking at local documentation. In the end, the grouping was aban-
In our view, the problems with FITS arise from many factors
doned as being too problematic.
and in our opinion, fixing a few of these is not likely to provide
A second example regards the limitations on header keywords.
The FITS WCS conventions restrict the order of polynomials that
can be used because there are too few available characters in key-
∗ Corresponding author.
word names to permit more than one digit to describe the or-
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Greenfield).
1 This is largely based on informal polls at the FITS Birds-of-a-Feather sessions der. Higher orders may be rarely needed, but they are expressly
at the Astronomy Data Analysis Software and Systems conferences where over the
excluded because of a keyword size limitation. For complex dis-
past few years there has been a marked shift of those attending toward favoring a tortion models, the keyword limitations forced the proposer of
complete replacement of FITS, now being a significant majority at the last such poll. the standard to devise yet another workaround to keyword name
2213-1337/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251 241

limits (neither the proposed standard nor the keyword workaround software libraries to read and validate XML files. It removes many
has been accepted, and the solution to handling more complex of the problems FITS has. Nevertheless, it has a fatal drawback,
distortions continues to languish; Calabretta et al., 2004). It ap- namely that there is no intrinsic support for efficiently handling bi-
pears that the existing WCS standard has been limited in what it nary data. This renders it useless for large data sets for which binary
is permitted to do. For example, it does not permit arbitrary con- data is a necessity to avoid the costs of disk space, and the over-
catenation of transformation models due to namespace collision head of conversion from text to binary formats (and vice versa). For
issues. For example, how is it possible to reuse an existing dis- large data sets, the lack of binary support makes memory mapping
tortion model (i.e., with a different set of parameters) within the unavailable when data sizes are too large for processor memory.
same header without requiring yet more characters in the keyword VOTables may refer to binary formats (FITS in particular). Even so,
name to distinguish it from other instances of the same kind of it does not entirely solve the problem that FITS files present if it
distortion model when model keyword names have already been requires FITS files to store large data sets and leads to managing
designed to take all the available characters? This is just one in- multiple files that must be treated as an integral whole.
stance where a simple limitation has profound and long-reaching It must also be noted that this format does not allow for
constraints on what is easily achieved. additional structured metadata beyond just the description of the
Many of the existing conventions in FITS to overcome previous tabular data. There are places to put free-text descriptions of
limitations have actually resulted in a more complex format things, but it would be impossible, for example, to include world
and even more complexity in software to work around the coordinate system (WCS) information in a VOTable file without
original limitations. These include the CONTINUE, HIERARCH, and the VOTable schemas being updated to allow arbitrary additional
INHERIT conventions. The complexity is mostly borne by the
FITS support libraries, and these become complex partly due to
2.1.2. Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5)
uncertain interactions between the conventions (generally the
This is a very flexible format capable of handling many storage
conventions do not refer to or specify how other conventions
options and needs (Folk et al., 2011). It is used by a much broader
work in concert with itself). The other aspect of complexity is
community than astronomy and is the strongest alternative
uncertainty as to who will be able to use these conventions as many
candidate to FITS of existing data formats. It is already being used
libraries do not support any particular convention.
by some astronomical projects (e.g., LOFAR, Anderson et al., 2011
It is likely that further enhancements will be more of the same,
and Alexov et al., 2012, HDS, Jenness, in press). We summarize the
and make maintenance of FITS libraries even more complex and
drawbacks of HDF5 below, partly by indicating aspects of FITS that
expensive, while leading to headers that are even more difficult
were good and still worth preserving, though in a different form.
to interpret without complex libraries. We speak from experience
in supporting PyFITS (now; Barrett and Bridgman, 1. It is an entirely binary format. FITS headers are easily human-
1999; Astropy Collaboration, 2013). Starting with a clean slate readable. Nothing like that is the case for HDF5 files. All
avoids many of these complexities and will lead to a much cleaner inspection of HDF5 files must be done through HDF5 software.
design for the resulting format. With FITS, it is quite possible to inspect the header with very
primitive tools. The consequence of this for HDF5 is that the
HDF5 toolset must be installed, and its software must be used if
2. The alternatives one wants to inspect the contents of the HDF5 file in any way.
2. The FITS format is, to a large degree, self documenting. If
Presuming one accepts that a replacement format is warranted, one removed all of the standards documentation, one could
two alternatives present themselves: reasonably infer the organization of the contents without
1. Use an existing alternative format. There are a few worth a great deal of trouble (though the 2880 blocking, and
compression options would both present some challenges,
considering. We will briefly review the landscape and comment
particularly the latter). The same cannot be said for HDF5. One is
on them. In short, we find significant problems with all of them.
essentially lost without the HDF5 specification documentation,
If one were to choose the best of them, it would likely be HDF5.
which is lengthy and complex (approximately 125 pages).
2. Develop an entirely new format. The drawback is that it is
3. Because of the complexity, there is effectively only one imple-
extremely difficult to convince a community to settle on a new
mentation. The drawback of having only one implementation
standard when there is a widely used, existing standard. The
is that it may deviate from the published specification (who
advantages of a new format must be very compelling, have a
would know since there is no independent verification?). It is
low barrier to adoption, and have few perceived regressions in true that there is a reference set of test data; nevertheless, this
functionality from the existing format. does not guard against practical deviations from the specifica-
tion. Admittedly, multiple implementations do not remove the
2.1. Survey of existing formats with possible use for astronomy possibility completely, but they do significantly reduce the like-
We will not address previous attempts at alternate formats that 4. A related issue is that for some time the HDF format was not
failed to supplant FITS, but only those that are currently widely considered archival as it kept changing, and for a time it was
used.2 considered more of a software API than a specific representation
on disk. HDF5 has been relatively stable, though given the
lack of multiple implementations and self documenting nature
2.1.1. VOTable
makes it less appropriate as an archival format. Will the
This format was designed specifically for astronomy (Ochsen-
future library be able to read much older files? FITS has been
bein et al., 2013). To its benefit, it is built on a standard markup lan-
considered a much stronger archival format for this reason.
guage (XML; Bray et al., 2008) and thus is able to leverage existing 5. HDF5 does not lend itself to supporting simpler, smaller text-
based data files. As an example, many astronomers prefer to
use simple ASCII tables for data that do not require very large
2 However, see Jenness et al. (in press) for lessons learned in developing such an files, primarily for the convenience in viewing and editing them
alternate. without using special tools.
242 P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251

6. The HDF5 Abstract Data Model is not flexible enough to repre- (a) Intrinsic hierarchical structure: Specifically, the syntax
sent the structures we need to represent, notably for general- makes structure apparent. It is not necessary to explicitly
ized WCS (see Section 6.6). The set of data types in HDF5 does indicate the hierarchical relationships between objects
not include a variable-length mapping datatype (analogous to a using special naming conventions. Grouping and binding
Python dictionary or JavaScript object). While ‘‘Groups’’, which of names to objects is handled by support for typical data
are much like a filesystem directory, could be used for this pur- types, such as mappings and sequences. More details and
pose, ‘‘Groups’’ cannot be nested inside of variable-length ar- examples will be provided in Section 4.
rays but only within each other. The ‘‘Compound’’ data type, (b) Human-readable: The importance of this cannot be
analogous to a C struct also seems fruitful, but it cannot con- overstated: it is considered one of the key reasons for
tain other ‘‘Compound’’ types or variable-length arrays. These the success of the World Wide Web. In Architecture of the
arbitrary restrictions on nesting of data structures make some World Wide Web (Jacobs and Walsh, 2004), a document of
concepts much harder to represent than they otherwise need to recommendations for future W3C standards, the authors
be. state:
Textual formats also have the considerable advantage
2.2. Other formats used for astronomy or space science that they can be directly read by human beings
(and understood, given sufficient documentation). This
CDF The Common Data Format (Goucher et al., 1994) is can simplify the tasks of creating and maintaining
purely binary and does not support grouping, hierarchical software, and allow the direct intervention of humans
structures, nor references. in the processing chain without recourse to tools more
complex than the ubiquitous text editor. Finally, it
netCDF This format originated from CDF (Brown et al., 1993).
simplifies the necessary human task of learning about
It also is purely binary and does not support references
new data formats; this is called the ‘‘view source’’ effect.
nor compression. Version 3 does not support hierarchical
grouping as well. Version 4 is essentially layered on HDF5, (c) Based on an existing standard: Structured data formats
so most of the above comments regarding HDF5 apply, can be surprisingly hard to specify and implement correctly.
except that netCDF-4 has fewer features but a simpler By reusing an existing standard, we can leverage existing
API. work by the larger technical community.
Starlink HDS/NDF The Hierarchical Data System (Warren-Smith (d) Support for references: Specifically, provides a syntax for
et al., 2008) does handle grouping and hierarchical referring to the same object from multiple locations in the
structures, but does not support 64-bit dimension sizes, file. This allows for describing complex relationships be-
table structures organized by row, nor compression. It is tween objects and avoiding repeating information unnec-
a pure binary format. The N-Dimensional Data Format essarily.
(NDF) is layered on HDS and provides higher level (e) No arbitrary limits where possible: Specifically, attribute
structures as well as semantic information. Nevertheless, (aka keyword) names should be much larger than 8
it has the same limitations as HDS. Support for these characters, and attribute values not limited to 80 character
formats was ended in 2005 though there is a recent cards.
proposal to layer HDS on HDF5 (Jenness et al., in press). (f) Efficient updating: It should be possible to expand and
contract elements in the file, within reasonable limits,
XDF The eXtensible Data Format (Shaya, 0000), like VOTable,
without necessitating a rewrite of the entire file.
uses XML, and likewise suffers from the inability to store
2. Data: Qualities of the numerical data in the file:
raw binary data. Development of this format was halted
(a) Support both textual and binary data: Both binary and
in 2006.
text-based data have their place, so our file format should
FITSML FITSML (Thomas et al., 2000) essentially embeds the FITS
support both. The binary data should be stored ‘‘raw’’,
file format in an XML representation. As such it also unlike, for example, the binhex encoding used by VOTable.
suffers the problem of not handling raw binary, and the This allows the data to be randomly accessed, and supports
restrictions present in the FITS format regarding grouping memory mapping of data that is too large to fit into
and metadata. system RAM. Text-based data should be human-editable
and require a minimum of syntax.
We seek a format that does not have these limitations.
(b) Machine independent: Support for both kinds of endian-
ness for numeric quantities in binary data.
3. Summary of ideal qualities in a new format (c) Structured, not flat: Binary data logically exists inside of a
structured hierarchy, not in a flat list as in FITS.
The main focus of the new format is on data interchange (d) Multiple binary data sections may be present.
and archive suitability while retaining at least the same level of (e) Supports n-dimensional arrays (see Section 6.2) and tables.
efficiency as FITS. (f) Intrinsic support for writing streams: Specifically, does
One must keep in mind that not all desired features and qual- not require going backwards in the stream to set parameters
ities are practical: some come at the expense of others. Increased when the stream is complete (as FITS requires for headers).
performance (speed, compression, etc.) often come at the price of Support for reading streams is also supported, but not a
complexity. For example, distributed data sets require explicit sup- particular advantage over FITS.
port. We expect that tools to convert to other formats such as HDF5 3. Interoperability: Qualities that affect the interoperability of
and others designed for high throughput computing will address the file format:
these needs, at least initially. Nevertheless, we can prioritize what (a) Explicit versioning: Versioning of both of the format as
we believe are the most important qualities. a whole and the individual structures within it should be
supported. We do not expect that the format will meet
1. Structure: Qualities of the abstract structure that can be the needs of all existing and future users at the outset,
represented in the file: but rather the format will evolve over time. An explicit
P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251 243

versioning scheme allows libraries to know which version

of particular semantics is present and react accordingly,
rather than relying on heuristic-based guessing.
(b) Explicit extensibility: Domain-specific conventions may be
included without interfering with each other.
(c) Support validation: Support a schema language that
defines and allows for semantic validation of the type and
structure of objects. Along with this, immediately available
tools to validate the correctness of files claiming to adhere
to the format, particularly with useful error messages
indicating the problem. The approach to schema validation
in the core format should also be available for adding
domain-specific extensions.
The last group of qualities is very important, though enforcing
their use is as much a sociological problem in astronomy as it
is a technical one. FITS, as it was not designed with explicit
versioning, extensibility and validation in mind, has had a hard
time dealing with the inevitable incompatible variances that have
developed as a result. However, even in the case of VOTable,
where such features did exist, surprisingly many VOTable files
were issued that did not meet the specifications. This seems to Fig. 1. Indentation-oriented example.
indicate that technical solutions to these problems alone are not
enough. To address this, we plan to borrow some ideas from
software engineering, such as ‘‘Plug Fests’’ (meetings of developers
to test and fix problems with interoperability) and continuous
integration testing (to automatically report on the compliance of
files produced by various software). By making the results of such
testing publicly available, it should be clear when corrections need
to be made. Early action has the promise of saving much work
in the future on everyone’s part and avoiding the acceptance of
established variances as equivalent to squatter’s rights.

4. Outline of YAML

We have used Yet Another Markup language (YAML) (Ben-Kiki

et al., 2005) for the text-based structure definition in ASDF.
Supported YAML data types include scalars (strings, numbers,
Booleans and ‘‘null’’) and arbitrary nesting of mappings and
sequences. These data types can essentially represent any structure
desired, and correspondingly, any object in a program can be
translated to a representation in YAML. In other words, any
complex object can be saved as YAML and restored from YAML
given suitable software to support such. Unlike FITS, there is no
limit to the size of YAML strings, and no intrinsic limit to the size Fig. 2. Delimiter-oriented example.
of a value.3
Though YAML is not as widely used as JSON (Bray, 2014) its
advantages are basically:
• Ability to represent structure more concisely and in a way more
easily read by human eyes.
• Explicit type designations (i.e., YAML tags).
Whereas JSON requires special delimiters (e.g., ‘‘[ ] { }’’) to Fig. 3. Schematic of top-level file layout.
indicate the structure being used, YAML also permits indentation
and layout to indicate structure. This can lead to more compact and special attributes to dealing with the specific features, whereas in
readable text with a bare minimum of special characters. Figs. 1 YAML these items stand out more clearly for what they are).
and 2 illustrate some of the alternative formatting representations
XML was not considered due to its comparative unreadability.
possible in YAML.
To elaborate on this claim, the markup tags dominate the text and
There is no question that by appropriate conventions, the same
generally make it hard to see content embedded in the markup.
constructs could be implemented in JSON (or even FITS). The issue
That a format such as JSON has greatly supplanted XML indicates
is whether such conventions are less transparent (they are not part
that the complexity and unreadability of XML are major factors in
of the original syntax), and also less concise (they require devoting
its declining use as well as an indication that its extra capabilities
are of relatively little use for data interchange even while being
useful for text markup.
3 FITS does have a convention, which is not part of the standard, that enables long All major programming languages have mature YAML libraries
strings, though with restricted character sets. available including C, C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python (see
244 P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251

Fig. 4. Example of simple ASDF file. The block content is shown here in hexadecimal notation for clarity, though it is raw binary data in the file.

YAML also supports referring to other elements through what

it calls ‘‘anchors’’ and ‘‘aliases’’. Anchors associate a label with a
YAML object, and aliases use the label to indicate they are referring
to that object. Since JSON has a convention, called ‘‘JSON Pointer’’
(Bryan et al., 2013) to make such references, which also supports
referring to elements in other files, ASDF generally uses the JSON
convention, though anchors and aliases are supported.
YAML does have some defects. It does permit comments (JSON
does not), however, the comments have no semantic meaning.
Most parsers discard them. Because of that, we discourage their
use and will provide alternate means of supplying such annotative
By default, the ordering of the map (dictionary) type is not
preserved, which can make entries change order when round-
tripping files. Overriding the default to preserve the order is fairly
easy to do in most YAML libraries, however.
Note that in the more free form syntax, special characters can
present some annoyances as illustrated by the value for declination
since ‘‘"’’ must be ‘‘escaped’’. Even for delimited text, this case
is not completely free from this issue since it uses both forms of
string delimiters thus requiring one form to be escaped. This can be
avoided by use of corresponding Unicode characters to represent
these symbols (The Unicode Consortium, 2000). This introduces a
new set of issues, of course, since dealing with Unicode is still not
universally supported. At the same time, Unicode allows for some
Fig. 5. An example FITS file stored in ASDF. things currently impossible in FITS, such as storing investigator
names with non-Latin characters. for a full list though, alas, INTERCAL is not
included). ASDF uses YAML 1.1, which, as of the time of this writing, 5. Basic structure of ASDF files
is not the latest version, but has the widest library support.
A significant feature in YAML, not present in JSON, is that it ASDF files consist of three sections, in the following order (see
allows the use of ‘‘tags’’ to specify that the following value should Fig. 3):
be interpreted as a special type or object. Anything preceded by
1. A one line header indicating it is an ASDF file (with the version
an exclamation point (!) is generally a tag. These are used in ASDF
of the ASDF standard explicitly stated).
to enforce the schema rules associated with the tag. (See Figs. 4,
2. A YAML segment called the ‘‘Tree’’.
6, and 7 for examples of tag usage.) When the validating parser
3. Zero or more binary blocks make up the remainder of the file.
sees such a tag, it knows to validate the contents referred to by
that tag against the defined schema for that tag. For example, if An ASDF file without any binary data is, strictly speaking, also a
a tag !wcs/steps appears (such as in Fig. 6), the validation will YAML file.
be performed against the corresponding schema definition for that The Tree provides a single structured view of all the data in
tag (schemas are discussed in more detail in Section 7). the file. It is made up of the basic JSON object model datatypes
P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251 245

Fig. 6. An example WCS transformation in ASDF. It has three reference frames, ‘‘detector’’, ‘‘focal plane’’ and ‘‘celestial’’, each with a transformation to the next reference

(sequences, mappings, numbers and strings) but may also refer to More information about the YAML content of the Tree is discussed
the binary objects (e.g., arrays or tables) in one of the following in Section 6.
blocks in the file, or blocks in external resources. Fig. 4 shows an Tools are provided to ‘‘explode’’ the file into constituent parts
example file where the data for an array is stored in a binary block. (the Tree and the blocks each in their own files) so that the Tree
246 P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251

In addition, the value associated with any key can be another

mapping, sequence, or special tagged ASDF object. These special
objects are described in Section 6.
Both the Tree segment and binary blocks provide provisions for
allocating extra unused space in the event future updates to the
file may expand either. This prevents rewriting a whole file during
modifications so long as the size of the Tree or binary blocks do not
expand beyond the allocated space.
Unlike FITS, which interleaves flat metadata (key-value pairs)
with data, the data and metadata in an ASDF file are logically
intertwined. This allows complex relationships between data to be
more easily expressed. For example, a data quality array may be
associated with a particular science array merely by virtue of them
being within the same grouping in the Tree. Physically in the file,
however, the binary data is located after the Tree so that (a) the
Tree may be expanded and contracted without requiring updates
elsewhere in the file and (b) the starting addresses of each of the
blocks may be found efficiently without needing to read through
dynamically-sized text sections.

6. ASDF object type details

The special types defined by ASDF currently include:

• Complex numbers. (Infinity and ‘‘not-a-number’’ are built-in to
YAML, but complex numbers are not.)
• n-dimensional arrays, where data is stored in binary or text,
and may also represent tables as 1-dimensional arrays of fixed
width structures (see Fig. 8).
• A FITS representation which contains sufficient information to
reconstruct a FITS file that this element was created from.
• Units to specify standard physical units.
• Transform object that defines a rich set of possible coordinate
• A world coordinate system (WCS) object that combines
transform objects to define world coordinate systems for array
data. The WCS issue is very important, and was the primary
driver for going with a new format so it will be described in
While a fairly limited set of objects, this already provides
capabilities well beyond what is currently possible with FITS
files. Note that nothing restricts the use of additional objects in
the future, either by a standard, or a local convention, or even
for individual use. Such additional objects may make use of the
schema machinery if the appropriate schema is defined, but that
is not required if the object is not to be part of the ASDF standard
or a local convention.
Object types are arranged in ‘‘modules’’. Only the ‘‘core’’ module
is required to be implemented for basic ASDF support, while other
modules can be considered optional. The dependencies between
modules is explicit in the standard: for example, to support the
‘‘WCS’’ module, the ‘‘unit’’ and ‘‘transform’’ module must also be
Fig. 7. A more complex example, where the instrument has two chips, each with a
science, data quality and error array. This is a greatly simplified view of the data file implemented. We anticipate that other modules will be written
for the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), by third-parties for local use, and other modules may be added
yet retaining salient organizational items to illustrate the usefulness of hierarchical to the core ASDF standard in the future. For example, a ‘‘table’’
grouping. module is planned, which would represent tables abstractly as
a collection of columns, each with their own datatypes and
may be inspected with a text editor, and the blocks read in as binary metadata, independently of how the table is represented on disk
data by appropriate tools. (as text, row-ordered or column-ordered binary data, or an SQL
The Tree element is primarily expected to show a generally database being possible examples).
hierarchical structure (hence the name), however, because refer- The following only summarizes the general aspects of these
ences are permitted, it is not strictly a tree. For example different object types. The draft specification and schemas provide full
branches of the Tree may have subbranches in common. Even cir- details.4 The text here corresponds to version 0.1.0 of the draft
cular references are possible. specification.
In the Tree, it is possible to construct arbitrary nesting
of mappings and sequences, containing arbitrary keywords
(i.e., mapping keys) with simple numerical scalar values or strings. 4
P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251 247

Fig. 8. Structured table example.

6.1. Complex number scalars The FITS header cards are parsed and stored as keyword, value,
comment tuples. Thus it is possible to access FITS header values
Complex number scalar values are supported. without additional parsing. Fig. 5 provides an example.

6.2. N-dimensional arrays 6.4. Unit objects

N-dimensional arrays provide support for arrays of the standard Unit objects provide standard physical unit attributes for
C data types. Specifically, signed and unsigned integers (8, 16, physical quantities. The syntax and set of units are based on the
32, and 64 bit), as well as single and double precision IEEE-754 VOUnit specification (Demleitner et al., 2014).
floating point real and complex numbers are supported. (Quad
precision support is complicated by variable levels of hardware
6.5. Transform objects
support, but is planned.) Support also includes fixed sized strings of
both 7-bit ASCII and UCS4 Unicode. Both big and little byte orders
(endianness) may be stored directly in the file. This component is the computational core of WCS objects.
Arrays can be defined with arbitrary ‘‘strides’’ for each These provide a way of specifying a wide range of mathematical
dimension. This specification permits views of arrays that show transformations from n input coordinates to m output coordinates.
only a subarray, views of arrays that skip an arbitrary number A standard set of functions is provided, and composite functions
of elements (e.g., an array view that only sees every other array may be constructed using standard arithmetic functions, a
value), and views that arbitrarily reorder indexing dimensions mechanism to connect the output of one transform to another (as
without changing the storage order of the array elements. (This a pipeline) as well as tools to manipulate mappings of coordinates
effectively supports what are called hyperslabs in HDF5.) from one transform to another (e.g., swap the outputs of one
This same machinery supports building multidimensional function to use as inputs to the next), and join independent
arrays of structs (or, equivalently, records), i.e., fixed field size transforms of different coordinates into a single joint transform
tables mixing types of fields including character fields. Binary accepting the combination of their input and output coordinates.
tables are defined on top of such arrays of structs by associating This machinery will allow arbitrarily complex transformations
fields with column names. to be constructed without defining one for every possibility
Note that the concept of variable-width columns in FITS is not that may be conceived. It also provides a mechanism to define
supported in ASDF. That the convention is overly complicated is intermediate results (e.g., coordinates at the focal plane) so that
evidenced by its incomplete support in many FITS tools. Instead, the resulting library can extract the appropriate subtransform.
we recommend placing highly dynamically shaped and nested A mechanism is also provided that allows mapping arrays to
structures in the Tree part of an ASDF file. different transforms to cover instruments that have discontinuous
Fig. 4 shows an example of n-dimensional array. WCS models (Integral Field Units are a good example).

6.3. FITS objects 6.6. WCS objects

These structures retain the ordering, keyword names and WCS objects consist of a sequence of coordinate frames, with
structure of FITS headers (as part of a list of FITS Header Data Units, a transform definition from one to the next. This schema covers
or HDUs) so that is possible to exactly reconstruct the original FITS many use cases not possible with the FITS WCS standard (see
headers that were converted to ASDF format. The data components Greisen and Calabretta, 2002; Calabretta and Greisen, 2002; and
of HDUs are saved using the n-dimensional array objects in ASDF. Greisen et al., 2006), particularly with regard to complex composite
248 P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251

transforms.5 In ASDF, there is no limit to the number of WCS which is part of the ASDF standard). A more readable guide to
objects that can be defined for a data set and no restrictions on the JSON Schema (as opposed to standards documents) is available
names they may be given. The reference capabilities of YAML/JSON (Droettboom, 2015). This language allows for basic validation of
mean that WCS objects can be explicitly shared between different data types and structure. The types included in ASDF are described
arrays, for example, the science data, data quality and error in Section 6. All of these types have an independent version
estimate arrays. number, so their specifics may be changed in a future revision of
Input coordinates to the transforms do not have to correspond the ASDF standard without breaking backward compatibility. The
to a pixel index. For example, the transform may have input description of these types is written in JSON Schema itself, and all
coordinates that correspond to a grism or grating order, a time examples are automatically tested against the schema, so there is
(if the WCS has a time dependent aspect), or the zero-order no risk of the text becoming outdated against the schema.
location in a grism image. In this way, a much richer model for the The reference ASDF files can be used as a test suite to test an
interpretation of the data can be provided in the data file itself. ASDF library for compliance against the standard.
Support for much more flexible WCS models than were The schema mechanism permits users and projects to define
available in FITS was the main motivating factor in developing their own objects and provide schemas for them that can be made
ASDF. We realized that a format that could support such models publicly visible so that outside users of these files can use the
was not difficult to generalize to handle other common forms of schemas as well.
data as well. It is typical that a schema definition will correspond to
Fig. 6 is an example of WCS information in ASDF. This is the most a corresponding software implementation of that object in a
complex example presented, but it helps illustrate the flexibility software library supporting ASDF, but nothing requires it. The
of the approach to WCS issues. Most of the actual information is schema may serve as a mechanism for documenting the object
in the transformation steps being defined. The WCS framework is and a way of validating that a file conforms to the schema if it is
built around such transformations that provide the needed context declared to use that object without any explicit software support.
to understand the meaning of the inputs and output. The net Library support for YAML typically provides software access for
WCS pipeline may be composed from individual WCS steps, each all items in the YAML itself without any requirement that the
of which represents a conversion from one coordinate system to object be represented as a specialized object (in languages that
another. These simply appear as a sequence of WCS steps. support objects). Of course, any aspect of binary data that does not
Transform concatenations allow functions with independent have library support (e.g., specialized compression) needs special
outputs to be combined as a set of outputs, as in the first case where code to properly interpret that binary data if it is not part of the
a two dimensional polynomial model produces a single value; two standard.
such models are concatenated to provide new x, y pair of values for
a corresponding pair of input values. 8. Reference implementation
Transform compositions involve stringing transformations in
series as illustrated by passing the independent shifts on the two
We are of the belief that a new format is not worth discussing
input coordinates into an affine transformation, followed by a
without a reference implementation. We have implemented a
tangent projection, and finally rotation on the sky.
library to read and write this format for the Python language to
This scheme allows any number of intermediate coordinate
test its practicality. This implementation is hosted on Github6 and
systems, manipulations to join or separate coordinate tuples, and
is publicly available under a BSD-style open source license. The
the ability to employ operations between a suite of available
implementation makes use of a number of existing open source
transformation functions.
libraries, including:
While not shown in the example, one mechanism allows
mapping different regions of an array to a different WCS definition • PyYAML to parse and write YAML (Simonov, 2006).
for each region. This permits inclusion of WCS definitions that can • python-jsonschema to validate ASDF against JSON Schema
handle IFU data files. definitions (Berman, 2012).
• Numpy to support n-dimensional arrays (Oliphant, 2007).
7. Organization of the ASDF specification • astropy to support physical units and implement the transfor-
mation models used for WCS (Astropy Collaboration, 2013).
The ASDF specification consists of three parts: Beyond just the basic functionality, the reference implementa-
• Narrative document describing the base format. tion supports a number of advanced usage scenarios in order to
pressure-test the design of the ASDF format. This includes in-place
• Set of schema describing standard types (or ‘‘tags’’).
updating with minimal rewrites, partial streaming over HTTP,
• Set of reference ASDF files and their logical interpretation.
copy-on-write memory mapped semantics and compression.
The specification and schemas should be considered evolving Utilities for converting FITS files into ASDF, for exploding ASDF
as experience in using them and feedback from those in the files into simpler constituent parts, and other common operations
community interested in using the format is obtained. At an have been developed using this library.
appropriate time version 1.0 will be designated. The next implementation planned is one in C, which, through
The schemas are written using the JSON Schema language wrapping, could be the basis of support for many higher-level
(Zyp and Court, in preparation-a,b,c), with a couple of small languages. We are also considering writing a read-only JavaScript
extensions to support YAML-specific features (YAML Schema, library so that web-based applications could access and display
ASDF files.

5 Another, much more flexible and more capable WCS library has been developed
but has not see wide use, AST, (Berry and Jenness, 2012). 6
P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251 249

9. Performance considerations For either case, a plug-in model for support libraries would
facilitate more convenient access for YAML extensions, and
Since performance is important to many that wish to use a necessary access for binary extensions, but that aspect more
particular data format, it is useful to discuss the issues that affect properly relates to software library implementation details than
performance. it does for the design of the data format.
The biggest intrinsic limitation is the need to parse the complete As a word of caution, many YAML libraries, including PyYAML,
YAML section (‘‘Tree’’). In most cases the Tree does not require include a mechanism for serializing and deserializing arbitrary
significant overhead to parse. However, it is possible to store objects in their implementation language. Such capabilities are
arbitrary amounts of array and table-like data directly in the Tree not part of the ASDF format and should not be used with ASDF,
as it inhibits portability and could have security risks. Such
as plain text. For small data this is not an issue, but should large
YAML libraries include a ‘‘safe’’ loader that only instantiates
quantities of data (e.g. full resolution images) be stored in the YAML
objects explicitly requested by users of the library—in this case
section then performance penalties will be seen. We expect that
ASDF objects defined through the ASDF library. Therefore the
in the vast majority of cases where there is substantial data, that
specification requires ASDF implementations to only use ‘‘safe’’
data will be in the binary section of the file since there is a very
loaders for YAML deserialization.
large performance advantage to having it there. We would also
encourage ASDF software to make it easy to specify the storage
11. Suitability for archiving
method for data as needed for the application. While there may be
unusual circumstances where only YAML is capable of representing
The file format described here meets all the qualities that we
the structures present in the data, this is likely to be rare in practice.
required for archive suitability. Some caveats are warranted how-
Performance with binary data is a separate issue. The basic
ever. Meeting the goal of being self documenting and transparent
implementation we present here does not have all the mechanisms
requires that more obscure binary structures should be generally
of handling very large or distributed data sets efficiently such as are
avoided unless well described in the YAML section. In particular,
present in HDF5. Current examples of such HDF5 features include any domain-specific or lossy compression technique seriously risks
support for: violating this quality, and should generally be avoided in any long-
• Data chunking. term archive, as attractive as it is for conserving space. This is true
for any format, unless the compression algorithm is closely bound
• Distributed Data.
to the data in a way that is unambiguous and has several test cases.
• Parallel I/O.
Any custom YAML-only extensions should not prove a problem
In this list there is not a clear distinction between what is for archive suitability, so long as those designing make the contents
intrinsic to the format itself or the library that supports it. In the reasonably interoperable with good attribute names and values.
case of HDF5, this distinction is often blurry since for all practical No flexible storage format can prevent creators of files from using
purposes, the software library and format are practically treated confusing names or values. This format does enable them to
as one and the same. For example, parallel I/O is primarily a library use clearer names and values, as well as making structure more
capability. Nevertheless, nothing precludes adding such support in transparent.
the future, and nothing suggests that the ASDF implementation There is nothing in the format that is programming language-
of such features would be any slower due to intrinsic technical specific, and the array structures have been designed to be as
reasons. There are no immediate plans to add such features; generic as possible (despite their similarity to Numpy arrays in
however, if ASDF sees wide use and there is demand for such terminology, they are simply n-dimensional, regularly spaced data
capabilities then that will be reconsidered. values in memory).

12. Example files

10. Adding and extending data types

12.1. An example data model

ASDF allows for easy extension of the set of supported objects
at the YAML level. These extensions may be added by anyone, and
Fig. 7 ties together a number of the features described above
they can add their own definitions of such extensions in the form
and shows a complex example with multiple chips and multiple
of JSON Schema. This allows them to make extensions that can
arrays, all sharing a common WCS.
be validated using the standard JSON Schema validators (included
The example here can be represented in FITS, of course. But a
in generic ASDF libraries), and they may publish their schemas
number of conventions have to be defined in order to define the
without requiring an update to the standards, nor interfering with groupings of the data. For the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), this
extensions developed by others by using the namespaces and the was done by using EXTVER to identify which chip each set of SCI,
tag mechanism. DQ, and ERR belonged to. But suppose we now wanted to group
Examples of such type extensions may include definitions of a dithered set of Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) exposures
instrument configurations, or specific observational contexts for in one file. For FITS, one must come up with a more convoluted
their observing programs (e.g., information about where a specific extension naming scheme with a documented convention. This
observation fits in the larger observing plan). It may also be used example required no convention to imply the correct relationship
to group necessary calibration information or data sets needed to between the various elements.
reduce the data for that particular instrument. A good illustration of the usefulness of the explicit grouping is
Extensions to the lower level binary data structures are in the specification of the applicable WCS. There are two chips in
possible, but more problematic since any such changes require this example, each with its own WCS definition. The WCS model
extensions to the support libraries to be able to access the data in is common to all the data arrays associated with the specific chip.
such extensions (contrast this with changes to YAML structures, The grouping used in the example makes it explicit to which arrays
which without library extensions, may still be accessed by basic the WCS applies. No special linking keywords or other conventions
YAML libraries for all the basic information). are needed.
250 P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251

Note that this example should not be presumed to represent schema mechanism allows for validation of new data models,
a standard data model. It is just an illustration of how we could both those that are adopted as standards, and those adopted as
organize data in a very useful way, e.g., by grouping proposal conventions for specific communities or projects.
information under one attribute, instrument configuration under Likewise, there are standard kinds of data that could benefit
another, and target information under yet another. Some elements from a standard representation within the format such as images,
of this example probably should end up as part of a standard data
1-D, 2-D and 3-D spectral data. The trick is in choosing the correct
model, such as the associated science, data quality and error arrays.
balance between trying to be so general as to encompass all cases
In FITS, combining data from two sources with different ex-
(and in the end being useful for none), and being too simple for
tension naming conventions would provide particularly annoying
problems. This illustrates how a lack of a simple grouping structure most data.
presents difficult-to-solve issues when combining more complex
sets of data.
14. Conclusion
Notice also that ASDF includes a convention to refer to an
optional ‘‘main’’ data array using the ‘‘data’’ key at the top-level,
that is somewhat analogous to a PRIMARY array in FITS. This would The proposed format, for which we have a basic implementa-
be, for example, the array that would be displayed in an image tion, is capable of handling all the cases that the FITS format han-
viewer that is otherwise unaware of a particular data model. Fig. 7 dles7 and is able to address many more issues much more simply
uses the JSON Pointer convention to refer to the main data array by than can be handled with FITS. The improvements allow for far
reference, for example: more descriptive keyword names, much greater flexibility as to the
$ref: #/chips/0/science data values (well beyond simple scalar or string values), an intrin-
sically hierarchical structure, and the ability to share references to
12.2. Support for text format data the same objects between different elements. The organizational
elements are all managed by a standard text format for which many
One goal of ASDF was to enable use of simple, editable data good libraries exist for commonly used languages.
files, particularly for tabular data. Use of text tables is quite popular Binary data is an intrinsically supported aspect of the format,
in astronomy. Unfortunately there are many flavors of text files and allows any number of binary data objects to be associated
currently being used, each with its own syntax, and while these in a file. Support for streaming data (both reading and writing)
files are editable, they do present a number of headaches for is supported. The specification document, the related object
software that has to deal with the many flavors of text tables now schemas, and a Python implementation are available on GitHub
in use. Standardization of text tables would have obvious benefits. and all have an Open Source license.
ASDF does make it possible to represent tables (and arrays for that
The format allows for the future addition of new binary
matter) as editable text. Fig. 8 is an example of such a table.
elements. Unlike custom YAML elements, custom binary elements
It must be noted that whatever text layout one creates
generally require custom software to access the elements of the
manually, or otherwise outside of YAML libraries, is not necessarily
going to be retained if the file is read and written out by such binary object. ASDF allows such non-standard elements, but each
libraries. One may see one style of blocking converted into another, such element should have a standard attribute (details still to be
or text items positioned differently. Nothing semantically will specified) whose value provides a unique link to a specification of
change, but visually it may. The YAML libraries generally do the element. The link itself is used to identify what kind of plug-in
provide ways of controlling the form of the output, but we caution is needed to interpret the binary object.
that it is likely a waste of effort to control this in fine detail. A likely The James Webb Space Telescope will be using this format for
better solution is to provide utilities to reformat such text in the its calibration pipelines and data analysis tools.8
manner desired rather than put the onus on the library of divining Finally, nothing in this low level format design is specific
the desires of the user. to astronomy or astrophysics (the existing set of units and
The text format aspects enable easy creation of ASDF files
transforms is geared to astronomical use though nothing prevents
(even outside of standard ASDF libraries, so long as validation
generalization to other fields). Future data models and conventions
tools are used to confirm the legality of the syntax). They also
may, of course, be specific to astronomy.
permit relatively easy editing of such files whether created by ASDF
libraries or not. Editing, of course, may introduce illegal syntax Such a format potentially has wide applicability to many
inadvertently, so conditioning users to routinely check this against scientific and engineering fields.
standard tools will be important.

13. Data models Acknowledgments

What is not addressed in this paper is any outline of what This work was funded by NASA (contract NAS5-03127) as part
data models should be defined within the standard. This is a of the JWST mission, a joint effort of NASA, the European Space
large task in itself; for example a significant component of the Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency. STScI is operated on
Virtual Observatory work has concerned defining Data Models (for
behalf of NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in
example, see Louys et al., 2008). The ASDF format does provide
a good basis for defining data models. The ACS example in Fig. 7
would benefit from a standard data model that standardized
the use of the various component elements as to their names,
organization, and meaning. For example, an observation may 7 With the exception of a few little-used and difficult to support features, such as
be bundled with error and data quality data, and it might be variable-length table columns.
expected that the attributes for the 3 components might be 8 Note that all JWST products will be provided in the FITS format as well, and all
‘‘science’’, ‘‘error’’, and ‘‘data_quality’’ respectively. The data analysis tools will also work with the FITS format.
P. Greenfield et al. / Astronomy and Computing 12 (2015) 240–251 251

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