Rudra P. Pradhan Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India Rudrap@vgsom - Iitkgp.ernet - in

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Kburecn ba Gibebdhis ce` Lgfcvhbrcn Ytu`hgs
 Qbn. <, Eb. 9, pp. 33?-3<0, Dcr <:33
 Hearcstruiturg he He`hc; Pfg Zrgsget Ytctus ce` Hts Ibestrchets
\u`rc Z. Zrc`fce Qheb` Ouptc Yifbbn ba Dcecogdget, He`hce Hesthtutg ba Pgifebnboy Mfcrcopur, He`hc ru`rcpJvosbd.hhtmop.gregt.he 
; Zrbvhshbe ba c`gquctg hearcstruiturg, he tgrds ba lbtf qucethty ce` qucnhty, hs vgry gssgethcn abr tfg rcph` cifhgvgdget ba sustcheclng gibebdhi orbwtf, lbtf ly heirgcsheo prb`uithvhty ce` ly prbvh`heo cdgehthgs tfct gefceig tfg qucnhty ba nhag. Pfg blkgithvg ba tfhs pcpgr hs tb hevgsthoctg tfg rbng pncyg` ly hearcstruiturg, orbupg` ue`gr pfyshicn, sbihcn ce` aheceihcn, he `gtgrdheheo gibebdhi `gvgnbpdget he He`hc bvgr tfg `haagrget thdg pgrhb`s. Ce cttgdpt hs cnsb dc`g tb ahe` but tfg gxhstgeig ba hetrc-rgohbecn `hspcrhthgs, he tgrds ba hearcstruiturg, cdbeo tfg stctgs ba He`hc. Wsheo Acitbr cecnyshs ce` rgorgsshbe cecnyshs, tfg pcpgr ahe`s tfct hearcstruiturg pncys c shoehahicet rbng he `gtgrdheheo tfg hetgr-stctg ngvgn ba `gvgnbpdget he He`hc `urheo tfg pcst qucrtgr igetury. Pfg pcpgr ct tfg ge` `hsiussgs vcrhbus ifcnngeogs ce` bppbrtuehthgs abr tfg hearcstruiturg `gvgnbpdget he He`hc ce` hts nhem whtf sustcheclng gibebdhi orbwtf.
Hearcstruiturg, @gvgnbpdget, He`hc
 3. Hetrb`uithbe
Pfg ibeigpt ba sustcheclng `gvgnbpdget suddcrhzgs tfg ifcnngeogs tfct tfg wbrn` hs aciheo- tb dcecog c onblcn sbihcn ce` gibebdhi `gvgnbpdget tfct eghtfgr `gorc`gs tfg gibnbohicn systgds ebr gxfcusts ecturcn rgsburigs (_IG@, 386?). Hearcstruiturg systgds, fgrgcatgr rgagrrg` tb cs hearcsystgds (Mchksgr, 3880), pncy c mgy rbng he tfhs prblngd crgc. Pfg `gvgnbpdget ba hearcsystgds fcs he dcey wcys dc`g gvgry`cy nhag gcshgr (Kbessbe, <::7). Hearcstruiturg, he ogegrcn, `gahegs cs c sgt ba acihnhthgs tfrbuof wfhif obb`s ce` sgrvhigs crg prbvh`g` tb tfg pulnhi. Hts hestcnncthbes `b ebt prb`uig obb`s ce` sgrvhigs `hrgitny lut gssgethcn heputs abr cnn btfgr sbihb-gibebdhi cithvhthgs (Yceifgz-\blngs, 3886= Iceeheo gt cn., 3880). Ht hs rgagrrg` cs udlrgnnc tgrd abr dcey cithvhthgs ce` ecdg` cs sbihcn bvgrfgc` icphtcn ce` gibebdhi bvgrfgc` icphtcn. _@\ (3880) ibrrgspbe`s tfct hearcstruiturg fcs c ibesh`grclng shoehahicet pbshthvg hdpcit be gibebdhi orbwtf. Ht ibesthtutgs tfg wfggns, ha ebt tfg geohegs ba gibebdhi `gvgnbpdget (Zrcmcsf, <::7= Mcrehm, <::9= Ofbsf ce` @g, 3886= _@\, 3880). Hearcstruiturg fcs dcey hetgrgstheo agcturgs (Zrc`fce, <::?= Dce`gng gt cn., <::1= \cb, <::1= Kbessbe, <::7= \cofurcd gt cn., 3888= Mchksgr, 3880), wfhif crg cs abnnbws; 3.
Hearcstruiturg hs c ncrog-sicng systgd ce` fcs strbeo tgifebnbohicn `hdgeshbe. <.
Ht acihnhtctgs sbihb-gibebdhi `gvgnbpdget ba c ibuetry ce` hts spcig ciigngrcthbe. 9.
Dbst ba hearcstruiturg hs hddbvclng pfyshicn ibdpbegets lut ht igrtcheny `gnhvgrhgs sbdg gssgethcn sgrvhigs tb tfg gibebdy. 0.
Hearcstruiturg nbwgrs prb`uithbe ibst ce` geiburcogs `hrgit prb`uithvg cithvhthgs. 7.
Hearcstruiturg lrheos dcecogrhcn gaahihgeiy ce` fgeig, rg`uigs tgifehicn hegaahihgeihgs ce` aheceihcn nbssgs ba ce brocehzcthbe/ gibebdy. 1.
Hearcstruiturg lrheos lushegss bppbrtuehthgs ce` geiburcogs hetgrecthbecn ibdpgththvgegss he tfg gibebdy. ?.
Ht hdprbvgs `gorgg ba spgihcnhzcthbe ce` ibdpcrcthvg c`vcetcog he tfg gibebdy. 6.
Ht fcs ncrog sphnnbvgr gaagits (gxtgrecnhty) ce` ice caagit prb`uithbe, ibesudpthbe ce` `hstrhluthbe `hrgitny. 8.
Hts irgcthbe hs lbtf `gdce` `rhvge ce` suppny `rhvge. 3:.
Hts irgcthbe hs vgry ibdpngx, nbeo ogstcthbe ce` hevbnvgs ncrog cdbuet ba gxpge`hturg. 33.
Be tfg sbihcn arbet, hearcstruiturg ogegrctgs gdpnbydget ce` heibdg ce` fgeig, cnngvhctgs pbvgrty ce` uegdpnbydget. 3<.
Ht ice gesurg sustcheclng gibebdhi orbwtf ce` qucnhty ba nhag he tfg gibebdy.
<. Yibpg ba Hearcstruiturg
Hearcstruiturg hs rgprgsgetg` cs c strbeo `gtgrdhecet abr gibebdhi orbwtf= lbtf `hrgitny ce` he`hrgitny. Ht pncys c ictcnythi rbng he tfg prbigss ba `gvgnbpdget (Mcphnc ce` Mcphnc, <::<) ce` hts sgrvhigs crg gssgethcn tb tfg ibddb`hty prb`uiheo sgitbrs ba ce gibebdy. Ht caagits tfg gibebdhi cithvhty he twb wcys, vhz., `gdce` sh`g ce` suppny sh`g. Be tfg `gdce` sh`g, ht bpges up pbsshlhnhthgs ba hevgstdget ly dcmheo cvchnclng c eudlgr ba egigsscry heputs ce` sgrvhigs, bpgeheo up tfg shzg ba tfg dcrmgt cs wgnn cs heirgcsheo tfg suppny gncsthihty ce` gaahihgeiy ba acitbrs ba prb`uithbe. Yuppny sh`g, be tfg btfgr fce`, ohvgs gdpfcshs be tfg `gvgnbpdget ba hearcstruiturg, wfhif fgnps he dblhnhzheo pbtgethcn scvheo ce` ifceegnheo tfgd hetb prb`uithvg hevgstdget. Fgeig, ht dcy lg sch` tfct tfg YBI truny prbvh`gs tfg hearcstruiturg be wfhif tfg supgrstruiturg ba gibebdhi cithvhthgs hs luhnt-up (Zrc`fce, <::1). _@\ (3880) fcs cnrgc`y abiusg` hearcstruiturcn `gvgnbpdget fcs c shoehahicet pbshthvg hdpcit be gibebdhi orbwtf. Hearcstruiturg htsgna ibeshsts ba `haagrget sgitbrs ce` sbdg ba tfgsg sgitbrs fcvg `hrgit hdpcit be tfg wbrmheos ba lushegss getgrprhsgs ce` btfgrs crg hdpbrtcet abr tfg sbihgtcn pbhet ba vhgw. Pfgrgabrg, ht egg`s tb lg `gvgnbpg` be c ibeiurrget lcshs. Pfg rgncthbesfhp lgtwgge hearcstruiturg ce` gibebdhi `gvgnbpdget dcy lg cecnyzg` ly abiusheo be hts hdpcit be tfg lcshi `gtgrdhecets ba `gvgnbpdget pcrthiuncrny tfrbuof hts nhem whtf icphtcn abrdcthbe ce` tgifebnbohicn ifceog. Pfg inbsg nhem ba acitbrs, wfhif `gtgrdheheo tfg suppny ba icphtcn whtf vcrhbus htgds ba hearcstruiturg hs quhtg blvhbus gspgihcnny he tfg icsg ba aheceihcn hesthtuthbes. Pfgy crg egigsscry lbtf abr dblhnhzheo scvheos ce` prbvh`heo icphtcn abr corhiunturcn & he`ustrhcn `gvgnbpdget. Hearcstruiturg hs dunth`hdgeshbecn he ecturg. Hts rbng, lgsh`gs gibebdhi `hdgeshbe, he btfgr `gvgnbpdgetcn cithvhthgs heinu`g cnngvhctheo rurcn pbvgrty, hdprbvheo stce`cr` ba nhvheo, heirgcsheo rctg ba urlcehzcthbe,
ogegrctheo gdpnbydget ce` ncst lut ebt tfg ngcst hs tfg hdpcit ba gevhrbedget. Hearcstruiturg‘s nhemcogs tb
tfg gevhrbedget crg agnt lbtf tfrbuof hts gaagits be tfg qucnhty ba nhag ce` be gibebdhi prb`uithvhty. Pfg gaagits ibun` lg pbshthvg cs wgnn cs egocthvg, `gpge`heo be tfg ecturg ba gcif hearcstruiturg `gvgnbpdget ce` wfct tfg cntgrecthvgs crg.
9. Incsshahicthbe ba Hearcstruiturg
Hearcstruiturg hs ictgobrhicnny orbupg` ue`gr twb fgc`s suif cs pfyshicn ce` sbihcn. Zfyshicn hearcstruiturg `hrgitny caagits prb`uithbe cithvhthgs. Ht ibvgrs wh`g rceog ba cithvhthgs suif cs trcespbrtcthbe (rbc`s, rchnwcys, chrwcys, wctgr suppny, gti.), gegroy (pbwgr ogegrcthbe, trcesdhsshbe ce` `hstrhluthbe), tgngibdduehicthbe, sbnh` wcstg dcecogdget, spgihcn gibebdhi zbegs (YG[s) ce` sb abrtf. Be tfg ibetrcry, sbihcn hearcstruiturg he`hrgitny caagits tfg systgd sheig hts ibdpbegets fcvg fcr`ny cey `hrgit rbng he tfg prb`uithvg cithvhthgs. Ht ogegrcnny ibvgrs g`uicthbe, fgcntf= fudce rgsburig `gvgnbpdget, pulnhi `hstrhluthbe systgd, scehtcthbe, sgwgrcog, ngocn arcdgwbrm ce` sb abrtf (sgg Ahourg 3).
Ahourg 3; Incsshahicthbe ba Hearcstruiturg
Yburig; Dce`gng, gt cn., <::1= \by, <::1= Kbessbe, <::7= Ygeouptc, 3886= Mchksgr, 3880
Hearcstruiturg Gibebdhi Hearcstruiturg Ybihcn Hearcstruiturg
Zbwgr Pgngibdduehicthbe
Zbrts ce` Ihvhn cvhcthbe
Zrbvhshbe ba _ctgr Btfgrs
@hspbscn ba wcstg ce` btfgr pbnnutcets
G`uicthbe Fgcntf Zrbigss ba Wrlcehzcthbe \bc`s ce` \chnwcs Ycehtcthbe
Hearcstruiturg ice cnsb lg incsshahg` cs rurcn ce` urlce, `gpge`heo upbe tfg ecturg ba gibebdhi incsshahicthbe. Wrlce hs usucnny cppnhg` tb c spcthcn ueht fcvheo igrtche spgihahi ifcrcitgrhsthis, wfhif `haagrgethctg ht arbd c rurcn ueht. Ht tcmgs he tfg abrd ba c tbwe, ihty br dgtrb, cs cochest tfg rurcn ueht. Ce crgc ice lg ibesh`grg` cs urlce, ha ht scthsahgs tfg abnnbwheo ibe`hthbes; c dhehdud ba 7::: hefclhtcets= ct ngcst ?7% br dbrg dcng wbrmheo pbpuncthbe geocog` he ebe-corhiunturcn cithvhthgs= pbpuncthbe `geshty ba ct ngcst 0:: pgrsbes pgr sq. md.= ce` fcvheo suaahihget cvchnclhnhty ba sbihb-gibebdhi hearcstruiturg nhmg prbkgit ibnbehgs, rchnwcy ibnbehgs, uehvgrshty icdpus, hdpbrtcet tburhst igetrgs, crgcs ba hetgeshvg he`ustrhcn `gvgnbpdget, gti. Wrlce gibebdy usucnny acigs sgrhbus ifcnngeogs abr hts orbwtf ce` dcecogdget, pcrthiuncrny he tfg `gvgnbpheo ibuetrhgs nhmg He`hc. Cirbss tfg ibuetrhgs, tfg hssugs ba urlcehzcthbe dcehagst he tfg abrd ba bvgrirbw`heo, ibeogsthbe, hesuaahihget hearcstruiturg, hec`gquctg sgrvhigs nhmg scehtcthbe, `rhemheo wctgr, gegroy, trcespbrt, sbnh` wcstg dcecogdget, gevhrbedgetcn `gorc`cthbe, gti. Fbwgvgr, hearcstruiturg ibvgrg` ue`gr lbtf orbups crg ebt beny ibdpngdgetcry tb beg btfgr lut cnsb hetgr`gpge`get tbb he prbpgnnheo lbtf prhdcry ce` sgibe`cry sgitbrs ba tfg gibebdy (Mfc`gr, 3886).
0. Ytctus ba Hearcstruiturg he He`hc
Hearcstruiturg hs c dunth-`hdgeshbecn ibeigpt. Hts stctus ice lg gxcdheg` ct tfg he`hvh`ucn ngvgn ce` coorgoctg ngvgn. Pfg pcpgr fhofnhofts tfg stctus ct tfg coorgoctg ngvgn (sgg Pclng 3) ce` spgihahicnny ibdpcrgs whtf btfgr ibuetrhgs he tfg wbrn`. Ht hs trug tfct cndbst cnn tfg ibuetrhgs he tfg wbrn` fcvg rgcnhzg` tfg rbng ba hearcstruiturg tbwcr`s tfg `gvgnbpdget ce` ohvge hts `ug hdpbrtceig. Abr hestceig, he tfg ahrst fcna ba tfg 38
 igetury, wfge Gurbpg gxpgrhgeig` tfg He`ustrhcn \gvbnuthbe, tfg phbeggrs abiusg` be luhn`heo tfg lcsg tfct wbun` suppbrt aurtfgr gibebdhi `gvgnbpdget.
Pclng 3; Pfg Ytctus ba Hearcstruiturg he He`hc Iurrget hearcstruiturg stctus he He`hc Htgd <::1-:? <::?-:6 <::6-:8  Cprhn-@gi.<::8
Zbwgr Icpcihty C``hthbe (D_) 1,679 8,<19 9,070 1,9?7 C``hthbe tb \gahegry Icpcihty- Zgtrbngud 7.3 31.7 <8 Ehn \bc` Ngeotf Wporc`g` -EFCH (md). 191 3,169 <,<:9 3,061* \bc` Ngeotf Wporc`g` EHF (B) & L\@L- md. 3,161 3,68? <,<<1 3,<80* \bc` _brms Ibdpngtg` ue`gr ZDOYX (md) 9:,?3: 03,<93 7<,0:7 91,<?9 \butg md \MDs gngitrhahg`
\chnwcys 913 7:< ?6? C``hthbecn Nbicthbes whtf Ibdputgrhzg` 6< <90 66 368* Egw Nhegs (md)
\chnwcys <7: 371 97? @bulnheo ba Nhegs (md)
\chnwcys 961 0<1 919 Ocuog Ibevgrshbe (md)
\chnwcys 3,:6< 3,708 719 C``hthbe tb Zbrt Icpcihty (DPZC) 06.7 <?.9 0<.? Egt C``hthbe tb Ywhtif Icpcihty
Pgngibd (::: nhegs) 8,1:9 ?,378 30,989 ?,3:7*
 Dhehstry ba Zbwgr, Dhehstry ba Zgtrbngud & Ecturcn Ocs, Dhehstry ba Ytcthsthis ce` Zrborcddg Hdpngdgetcthbe (DbYZH), Ecthbecn \urcn \bc`s @gvgnbpdget Cogeiy & Dhehstry ba \chnwcys.* Cprhn-Ebvgdlgr. He WYC, he tfg nctgr fcna ba tfg 38
 igetury, c nbt ba gdpfcshs wcs pncig` be luhn`heo hearcstruiturcn acihnhthgs abr gibebdhi `gvgnbpdget. Yhdhncrny he Ifhec, c nbt ba gdpfcshs wcs ohvge be hearcstruiturcn `gvgnbpdget `urheo tfg pgrhb` ba @geo Vhcb Zceo. Fbwgvgr, tfg cwcrgegss be tfg hdpbrtceig ba hearcstruiturg he He`hc icdg vgry nctg. @urheo tfg Lrhthsf grc, luhn`heo hearcstruiturg wcs gssgethcnny abr tfg sdbbtf aueithbeheo ba tfghr obvgredget. Heagit, tfg sibpg ba tfg hearcstruiturg sgrvhigs wcs vgry nhdhtg` tb tfg gxtget tfct ht sgrvg`
tfghr bwe purpbsg. Gvge he tfg pbst he`gpge`geig grc, hearcstruiturcn pbnhihgs crg ly ce` ncrog vgry nbpsh`g`. Pfg ibuetry lrbuoft htsgna tb c stcog ba lnurrg` vhshbe ce` fcs lgge c prhsbegr ba hts sbihcnhsthi rfgtbrhi. Pfhs mhe` ba c nbpsh`g` pbnhiy dcmheo fcs rgsuntg` he nbts ba sfbrtibdheos he tfg He`hce hearcstruiturcn sgitbr. Pfg
agw nciuecs ba He`hc‘s hearcstruiturg crg cs abnnbws;
Pfg cvchnclhnhty ba
hearcstruiturg he He`hc hs vgry sdcnn cs ibdpcrg` tb tfg ibuety‘s egg`, gspgihcnny he
tfg ahgn`s ba trcespbrtcthbe, gegroy ce` tgngibdduehicthbe. Pfgy crg cnsb ncim he qucnhty.
Pfgrg hs ce hecpprbprhctg dhx ba `haagrget hearcstruiturcn sgitbrs. Heagit, `haagrget ibdpbegets crg cnsb uescthsacitbry.
Pfg gxhstheo hearcstruiturg hs ue`gr-uthnhzg` ce` hdprbpgrny usg`. Ybdgthdgs tfgrg hs ce hec`gquctg `gdce` `ug tb achnurg he btfgr sgitbrs. Pfg ncim ba prbpgr ib-br`hecthbe he tfg btfgr sgitbrs cnsb ibetrhlutgs tb tfg hec`gquctg `gdce` ba hearcstruiturg.
Pfg gxhstheo hearcstruiturg cnsb ncims he qucnhty ce` sbdgthdgs dhss- uthnhzg`.
Pfg prhvctg sgitbr pcrthihpcthbe he tfg hearcstruiturg `gdce` hs cnsb vgry nbw he He`hc.
Pfg gxhstheo hearcstruiturg hs lbtf ue`gr-uthnhzg` ce` hdprbpgrny usg`. Ybdgthdgs, tfgrg hs ce hec`gquctg `gdce` `ug tb achnurgs he btfgr sgitbrs, br tfgrg hs c ncim ba prbpgr ibbr`hecthbe he tfg btfgr sgitbrs he rgspgit ba tfghr `gdce`s.
Pfg ncst lut ebt tfg ngcst hs tfg gxhstgeig ba ncrog-sicng hetgr-rgohbecn `hspcrhthgs he tfg hearcstruiturcn sgitbr. Cntfbuof He`hc fcs lgge struoonheo tb mggp up whtf tfg acst `gvgnbpheo hearcstruiturcn `gdce`s ba tfg lushegssgs, ht fcs sfbwe sbdg shoes ba prborgss. Pfg pcig ct wfhif tfg obvgredget hs ibetrcitheo egw rbc` ibetrcits tb prhvctg hevgstbrs hs pfgebdgecn.
7. Pfg Ibestrchets ba Hearcstruiturg
\blust gibebdhi orbwtf ce` c lubycet butnbbm crg `rcwheo cttgethbe tb tfg stctus ba He`hc‘s hearcstruiturg
ce` hts clhnhty tb suppbrt auturg orbwtf gspgihcnny he urlce crgcs. Pfg prbigss ba urlcehzcthbe fcs octfgrg` ibesh`grclng dbdgetud he rgiget ygcrs ce` tfhs fcs put urlce hearcstruiturg ce` sgrvhigs ue`gr sgvgrg strche. He`hc ice beny uengcsf hts aunn orbwtf pbtgethcn ce` orbw ct 8 tb 3: pgr iget p.c. prbvh`g` ht hdprbvgs tfg hearcstruiturg acihnhthgs. Aheceihcn hssugs abr hearcstruiturcn prbkgits crg batge ihtg` cs tfg mgy ibestrchet tb tfg cvchnclhnhty ba prbvhshbes he gdgroheo gibebdy nhmg He`hc (Zrc`fce, <::7). Pfgsg crg gxpncheg` he twb fgc`s suif cs dcirbgibebdhi ibestrchets ce` hesthtuthbecn ibestrchets (Ygg Ahourg <).
Dcirbgibebdhi Ibestrchets Ecturg ba Ycvheos
Fbusgfbn` scvheos hs ibdpbsg` ba lbtf aheceihcn ce` pfyshicn scvheos. Aheceihcn scvheos he tfg fbusgfbn` sgitbr ibdprhsg scvheos he tfg abrd ba iurrgeiy, egt `gpbshts, sfcrgs ce` `glgeturgs, egt inchds be obvgredget, nhag hesurceig aue`s ce` ZAs ce` pgeshbe aue`s. Ycvheos he pfyshicn cssgts ibeshst ba egt c``hthbe tb pfyshicn cssgts ba tfg fbusgfbn`, ibdprhsheo hevgstdget he ibestruithbe, dcifhegry ce` gquhpdget ce` ifceog he stbims. Ha cs gevhscog` he Gngvgetf pnce tfct tfg O@Y whnn rhsg ly 3 pgriget gcif ygcr, wfhif hs bvgr bpthdhsthi, tfg `gorgg ba aheceihcn hetgrdg`hcthbe rgquhrg` whnn fcvg tb lg gvge fhofgr. Pfg tgebr ibdpbshthbe hs c rgnctg` hssug abr ogttheo aheceig cvchnclng abr sfbrt tgrd ce` nbeo tgrd, cntfbuof stgps fcvg lgge tcmge ly heirgcsheo pgeshbe ce` hesurceig pgegtrcthbe tb fgnp he dblhnhzheo ncrogr nbeo tgrd scvheos, lut suif cttgdpts ice dctgrhcnhzg beny he nbeo rue. Yb, he dg`hud tgrds, c``hthbecn ciigss tb gxtgrecn aheceig abr hearcstruiturg sgitbr he abrd ba abrghoe gquhty icphtcn ce` nbeo tgrd `glt aheceig wbun` lg egigsscry, dbrg sb
ha tfg sfcrg ba tfg aheceihcn scvheos he O@Z `bgse‘t rhsg cs gevhscog`.

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