Getting Started With Your Sales Implementation

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Oracle Engagement Cloud

Getting Started with Your Sales


Oracle Engagement Cloud
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

Part Number F11304-04
Copyright © 2011-2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Author: Jiri Weiss, Brian Casey, Robyn King, Carmen Myrick, Kristin Penaskovic, Gowri Sudhindra, Abhishek Sura, Jacqueline Wood, Judy Wood

Contributor: Ellen Beres, Steve Buchan, Brian Casey, Josephine Cassidy, Francis Chang, Cheryl Dajczak, Damien Joly, Ruth Kale-Fok, Virinder Kaur,
Bernice Lam, Srikanth Mattegunta, Sayuri Nagase, Brian Oden, Ou-Dan Peng, Vijayanand Rajkumar, Muhammad Rehman, Anne Romano, Indrajit Sen,
Krasimir Sofijski, Jaya Sridhar, Vijay Tiwary, Sudeep Vaidyanathan, John Vakoc, Padmaja Varanasi, Nicholas Vautier, Catherine You, Waldemar Zdanowicz

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Oracle Engagement Cloud
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation


Preface i

1 About This Guide 1

Audience and Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 1
How to Use This Guide ............................................................................................................................................ 1
What Your Sales Organization Can Do After Setup ................................................................................................... 1
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Case Study ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Related Guides ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Entering Company Information and Getting Ready 9

Preliminary Tasks Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Home Page Icons and What They Mean .................................................................................................................. 9
Signing In for the First Time .................................................................................................................................... 11
Enabling the Sales Offering for Implementation ....................................................................................................... 11
Accessing Setup Tasks ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Enabling Quick Access to Setup Tasks Using an Implementation Project ................................................................ 17
Eliminating Setup Steps Using the Sales Setup Assistant ....................................................................................... 21
Entering Your Company Information and Corporate Currency ................................................................................. 22
Options for Importing Your Sales Data ................................................................................................................... 24
Speeding Up Import Using Excel Macros Provided by Oracle ................................................................................. 27

3 Setting Up User Account Preferences 29

Setup Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
About Using the Security Console in Your Initial Sales Setup .................................................................................. 29
Initializing the Security Console ............................................................................................................................... 30
Setting Up Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and Notifications ................................................................... 30
Oracle Engagement Cloud
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

4 Creating Setup Users 35

Setup Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
About Creating Setup Users ................................................................................................................................... 35
Creating Setup Users .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Granting the Initial User the Same Permissions as Other Setup Users ..................................................................... 40
Resetting User Passwords and Updating Email Addresses ..................................................................................... 40
Giving Users the Permission to View All Scheduled Processes ............................................................................... 43

5 Setting Up the Accounting Calendar 45

Setup Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
About Setting Up the Accounting Calendar ............................................................................................................ 45
Creating the Accounting Calendar .......................................................................................................................... 46
Enabling the Accounting Calendar You Created ..................................................................................................... 48
Enabling the Time Periods You Generated for Analytics and Reports ...................................................................... 48

6 Setting Up Geography Data 49

Setup Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 49
Specifying the Geography Data Supplier ................................................................................................................. 50
Importing Geography Reference Data ..................................................................................................................... 51
List of Available Countries with GBG | Loqate Geography Reference Data .............................................................. 52
Setting Up Geography Validation ............................................................................................................................ 55
Enabling Address Mapping ..................................................................................................................................... 58

7 Configuring Search 63
Setup Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 63
Scheduling Work Area Search Processes ............................................................................................................... 64
Enabling the Global Search Profile Option .............................................................................................................. 65
Deactivating Global Search on Application Objects ................................................................................................. 65

8 Getting Ready to Create Sales Users 67

Preparing to Create Sales Users Setup Overview ................................................................................................... 67
What You Must Do Before Creating Sales Users .................................................................................................... 67
Creating Additional Resource Roles ........................................................................................................................ 72
Creating Rules to Automatically Provision Job Roles to Sales Users ....................................................................... 74
Preventing Entry of Duplicate User Email Addresses ............................................................................................... 74
Oracle Engagement Cloud
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

9 Creating Sales Users in the UI 77

Setup Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
About Creating the Vision Corp. Sales Organization Hierarchy ................................................................................ 78
Creating Sales Users in the UI ................................................................................................................................ 79
Resetting User Passwords ...................................................................................................................................... 82

10 Importing Sales Users 85

Overview of Importing Sales Users ......................................................................................................................... 85
Synchronizing Your Sales Application with the LDAP Directory ............................................................................... 86
Downloading and Using the User Import Macro ..................................................................................................... 86
How can I update the sales organization hierarchy? ............................................................................................... 95

11 Setting Up the Sales Catalog 97

Setup Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 97
About the Sales Catalog ......................................................................................................................................... 99
Creating the Root Product Group ......................................................................................................................... 103
Prerequisite Setups for Products .......................................................................................................................... 106
Importing Products and Product Groups .............................................................................................................. 111
Publishing the Sales Catalog ................................................................................................................................ 116
Making Your Sales Catalog Available for Use ........................................................................................................ 117
Validating the Sales Catalog in the Application ...................................................................................................... 119
Enabling Sales Catalog Browsing in Opportunities ................................................................................................ 119

12 Importing Accounts and Contacts 121

Importing Accounts and Contacts Overview ......................................................................................................... 121
Account and Contact Import Concepts ................................................................................................................ 122
Getting Ready ....................................................................................................................................................... 128
Entering Data and Importing ................................................................................................................................. 131

13 Importing Data with Custom Fields 145

Setup Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 145
Create the Custom Field ....................................................................................................................................... 146
Expose the Custom Field in the UI ....................................................................................................................... 148
Enable the Custom Field for Import ...................................................................................................................... 149
Add the Field to the Import Macro and the Import Mapping ................................................................................. 149
Enter Data with the Custom Field in the Macro and Import ................................................................................... 151
Oracle Engagement Cloud
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

14 Setting Up Sales Campaigns 153

About Sales Campaigns ....................................................................................................................................... 153
Setup Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 154
Creating a Sales Campaign Template ................................................................................................................... 155
Template Editing Options ...................................................................................................................................... 157
Specifying the Default Sales Campaign Template ................................................................................................. 162
Testing Sales Campaign Setup ............................................................................................................................. 163

15 Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment 167

Setup Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 167
About Sales Territories and Assignment ................................................................................................................ 168
How Sales Territories Support Assignment and Forecasting ................................................................................. 171
Two Sales Territory UIs for Different Users ............................................................................................................ 175
Sales Territory Use Cases ..................................................................................................................................... 178
Sales Territory and Assignment Setup for the Vision Corp. Use Case ................................................................... 193
Preparing to Create Territories .............................................................................................................................. 197
Creating the Sales Territory Hierarchy ................................................................................................................... 201
Making Opportunity Assignment Automatic ........................................................................................................... 208
Running Assignment Processes ............................................................................................................................ 209

16 Setting Up Leads 213

Leads Use Case Covered in This Chapter ............................................................................................................ 213
Setup Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 217
Configuring the Leads UI ...................................................................................................................................... 218
Setting Up the Assignment Rule for Assigning Leads ............................................................................................ 223
Enabling Lead Assignment .................................................................................................................................... 225
Changing the Values for Lead Rank and Lead Channel ........................................................................................ 226
Importing Leads .................................................................................................................................................... 227
Running the Lead Assignment Process ................................................................................................................ 231
Creating a List of Unaccepted Leads .................................................................................................................... 232
Creating a Lead Qualification Template ................................................................................................................. 235
Selecting the Default Lead Qualification Template ................................................................................................. 237
Testing Your Leads Setup .................................................................................................................................... 238

17 Setting Up Competitors 241

About Setting Up Competitors .............................................................................................................................. 241
Creating the List of Competitors ........................................................................................................................... 241
Oracle Engagement Cloud
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

18 Setting Up Opportunities 243

Setup Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 243
Quick Setup for Opportunities ............................................................................................................................... 244
Configuring Sales Methods and Sales Coach ....................................................................................................... 246
Configuring Opportunity Behavior .......................................................................................................................... 253
Importing Opportunities ......................................................................................................................................... 256

19 Setting Up Oracle Social Network 263

About Setting Up Oracle Social Network .............................................................................................................. 263
Enabling Objects for Sharing on Oracle Social Network ........................................................................................ 264

20 Setting Up Sales Quotas 267

About Setting Up Sales Quotas ............................................................................................................................ 267
Setting Up Sales Quotas ...................................................................................................................................... 267
Scheduling Quota Processes ................................................................................................................................ 272

21 Setting Up Forecasting 275

Setup Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 275
About Forecasting ................................................................................................................................................. 275
Enabling Forecasting ............................................................................................................................................. 284
Enabling Forecast Adjustments By Product Quantity ............................................................................................. 286

22 Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar 287

Setup Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 287
About Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar ...................................................................................................... 287
Turning On the Synchronization of Contacts and Calendar Appointments ............................................................. 292
Running the Contact and Activity Synchronization Process ................................................................................... 292
Installing the Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Extension ............................................................................................ 295

23 Setting Up Microsoft Outlook 299

Overview of Oracle Sales for Outlook ................................................................................................................... 299
Overview of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Installation ........................................................................................ 299
Installing the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Application ...................................................................................... 300
Oracle Engagement Cloud
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

24 Setting Up Mobile Applications 303

Oracle CX Cloud Mobile: Overview ....................................................................................................................... 303
Installing the iPhone Application: Procedure .......................................................................................................... 304
Installing the Android Application: Procedure ........................................................................................................ 304
Implementing Oracle CX Cloud Mobile: Overview .................................................................................................. 304
Finding Your Company's Host URL: Worked Example .......................................................................................... 305
How can I automatically populate the host, port number, SSO and SSL setting for users? .................................... 305
Configuring Oracle CX Cloud Mobile: Explained .................................................................................................... 306
Oracle Engagement Cloud Preface
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.

Using Oracle Applications

Using Applications Help
Use help icons to access help in the application. If you don't see any help icons on your page, click your user image
or name in the global header and select Show Help Icons. Not all pages have help icons. You can also access Oracle
Applications Help.

Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to find help and use help features.
You can also read Using Applications Help.

Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partner
community, and other users.

• Guides and Videos: Go to the Oracle Help Center to find guides and videos.

• Training: Take courses on Oracle Cloud from Oracle University.

The following table explains the text conventions used in this guide.

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates user interface elements, navigation paths, or values you enter or select.

monospace Monospace type indicates file, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.

> Greater than symbol separates elements in a navigation path.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website.
Videos included in this guide are provided as a media alternative for text-based help topics also available in this guide.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Preface
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

Contacting Oracle
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit My Oracle Support or visit Accessible Oracle Support if you are hearing impaired.

Comments and Suggestions

Please give us feedback about Oracle Applications Help and guides! You can send an e-mail to:
[email protected].

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 1
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation About This Guide

1 About This Guide

Audience and Scope

This guide provides you with the concepts and procedures you need to implement a sales automation solution in a test
environment. You learn how to quickly implement a simple solution for a business selling to other businesses. We don't give
you a comprehensive explanation of all the available features and options that you can find in other guides. Rather, we focus
on key setups and leverage the default settings and onboarding tools that Oracle provides to get you going.

• If you are implementing Oracle Partner Relationship Management, then refer to the Getting Started with Oracle
Partner Relationship Management guide instead of this guide.
• If you are setting up your sales applications together with another cloud service such as Oracle Global Human
Resources Cloud, Oracle Procurement Cloud, and Oracle Financials Cloud, then you must implement those
cloud services first according to their respective implementation guides. You must then follow a different set of
steps for your initial sales setup.

With Release 19A (, "Oracle Sales Cloud" has been incorporated within "Oracle Engagement Cloud." Existing
Oracle Sales Cloud users will retain access to Oracle Sales Cloud features under their preexisting licensing agreements. Any
new users created within your current Oracle Sales Cloud license count will also retain the same access to Oracle Sales
Cloud. Users may obtain access to additional Oracle Engagement Cloud features by renewing their subscriptions under the
Oracle Engagement Cloud SKU.

This document describes features available to users under both Oracle Sales Cloud and Oracle Engagement Cloud licensing

How to Use This Guide

The chapters in this guide cover the setup in the recommended order. Each chapter assumes that you have completed the
steps in the previous chapters. Here's how to use this guide:
• Use the Setup Overview in each chapter as a guide to the setups you must perform. Many chapters provide brief
conceptual overviews of the functionality you are setting up. The remaining topics in the chapter provide the step-by-
step details of how to perform each of those setups.
• You can navigate to most of the setup tasks in this guide from an implementation project provided by Oracle that
you can download from My Oracle Support.
• Refer to other guides for full explanation of the different features and options.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 1
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation About This Guide

What Your Sales Organization Can Do After Setup

After you complete the setups in this guide, your sales organization can:
• Manage account and contact information:

◦ Track your team's interactions with account contacts.

◦ Schedule meetings, calls, and demonstrations for the whole team.

• Share and collaborate on sales documents:

◦ Share documents, images, and other rich media between people and groups.

◦ Make it possible for everyone to annotate and discuss each document.

• Work in your integrated Google Gmail and Calendar applications:

◦ Know if a sender or addressee in an e-mail you receive is already a contact, or create new contacts.

◦ Share appointments and the text of important e-mails on accounts, opportunities, contacts, and leads so that
the whole organization knows how you are engaging with the customer.
◦ Keep important contacts and appointments synchronized between Google Contacts and Oracle Engagement
• Manage opportunities:

◦ Automatically assign the right salespeople to each opportunity.

◦ Have your sales team manage the opportunity life cycle using a standard sales process.

◦ Leverage the experience of your entire organization to help teams sell through social interactions.

• Manage the sales team:

◦ Assign tasks and deadlines to ensure the work is done.

◦ Provide management with reports on your team's activities.

• Forecast your revenue:

◦ Your salespeople submit their forecasts that are based on criteria you choose.

◦ Managers can adjust the forecasts, if necessary.

• Keep contacts informed using sales campaigns:

◦ Salespeople can create e-mail campaigns to keep their contacts informed of new product launches,
discounts, and events.
◦ The sales campaigns automatically track responses and can generate follow-up activities.

• Import and qualify leads

◦ The sales organization can follow a standard process for qualifying leads

◦ You can easily set up an inside sales group to verify the information in leads before passing them on to field
sales for follow-up and conversion to opportunities.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 1
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation About This Guide

• Work on multiple devices:

◦ Manage all your customer-facing information, forecasts, and other activities on mobile devices and in
Microsoft Outlook.

Setting up Outlook and mobile devices is optional. If you want, you can leave this setup for later.

This guide assumes that you have subscribed to the service and have received the email with your environment and initial
sign-on information.

Case Study
This guide employs a case study to define the scope of the implementation tasks and illustrate their interdependence. The
case study is based on a fictitious company named Vision Corp, a global high-tech company which sells laptops and multiple
server product lines to businesses and other organizations. The company is introducing a product line of green servers that
are energy efficient, eco-friendly, and will further help it to remain competitive in the server market.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 1
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation About This Guide

The following figure shows the portion of Vision Corp's organization chart that the company has decided to use for the pilot

William Taylor
Chief Executive
Vision Corp

Peter Apt
Vice President
Global High Tech

Bob Boyle
Sales Vice President
US Direct Sales
James Ng
Inside Sales Martin Conway John Dunbar
US Product Sales Sales Vice President Sales Administrator
Waleed Abbas US Product Sales US Product Sales
Inside Sales
US Product Sales
Alex Smith
Sales Manager
Sales Support

Peter Branch Marilyn Richie

Salesperson Salesperson
Sales Support Sales Support

Mateo Lopez Michael Rhodes

Sales Manager Sales Manager
US Products West US Products East

Lisa Jones Julian Henderson Kristen Garrity Sean Goodkin

Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson
US Products West US Products West US Products East US Products East

The US Direct Sales division of Vision Corp:

• Sells to businesses and must know everything about the key customer contacts.
• Operates within one country (US) and divides its field sales organization into two regions: US Products East and US
Products West. Each regional sales organization includes two salespeople, one sells laptops and the other servers.
• Includes a sales support organization that helps out with sales of technically complex server products.
• Includes a team of inside sales representatives who are tasked with verifying and qualifying leads coming from
outside sources such as trade shows and web visits. After they qualify the leads, the inside sales representatives
pass them on to the field sales organization for follow-up.
• Is setting up sales automation initially without any integrations with other Oracle Cloud offerings.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 1
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation About This Guide

Related Guides
You can refer to the following guides for additional information related to your sales implementation.

Implementation Guides
The following table lists related guides used during implementation.

Guide Description

Oracle Engagement Cloud Getting Describes how to set up Oracle Partner Relationship Management features to support common use
Started with Your Partner Relationship cases.
Management Implementation  

Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Contains information to help implementors define the setup for managing customer information and
Customer Data Management the configuration for customer hub deployment.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Contains conceptual information and procedures needed to implement contract management
Enterprise Contracts features.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Contains information about implementing sales compensation and payment plans.
Incentive Compensation  

Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Contains conceptual information and procedures needed to implement sales components and
Sales features.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Contains conceptual information and procedures needed to implement the service request
Service components and features of Oracle Engagement Cloud.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Contains information to help those charged with exporting and importing object data.
Understanding File-Based Data Import  
and Export

Oracle Engagement Cloud Securing Contains information to help setup users and sales administrators configure access to sales
Sales and Service functionality and data.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Security Provides a reference for roles, role hierarchies, privileges, and policies delivered for the Sales and
Reference Service offerings.

User Guides
The following table lists Oracle Engagement Cloud user guides.

Guide Description

Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Contains information about creating and managing customer contracts.
Customer Contracts  

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 1
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation About This Guide

Guide Description

Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Contains information about managing customer information and customer data quality.
Customer Data Management  

Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Contains information about administering and maintaining sales compensation and payment plans
Incentive Compensation  

Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Describes user tasks to help channel sales managers, channel account managers, and channel
Partner Relationship Management for operations managers perform day-to-day business tasks.
Channel Managers  

Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Describes user tasks to help partner sales managers, partner salespeople, and partner
Partner Relationship Management for administrators perform day-to-day business tasks.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Sales Contains information about performing day-to-day sales tasks.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Using Contains information about creating service requests and managing service request queues.
Service Request Management  

Analytics Guides
The following table lists Oracle Engagement Cloud analytics and reports guides.

Guide Description

Oracle Engagement Cloud Creating and Contains information about reports and analytics provided by Oracle and explains how to create
Administering Analytics your own reports, analytics, and dashboards.

Configuration Guides
The following table lists Engagement Cloud configuration guides and one common cloud configuration guide.

Guide Description

Oracle Engagement Cloud Extending Describes how to create and modify objects and to configure the user interfaces and navigation
Sales and Service menus.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Groovy Explains the basics of how you to use the Groovy scripting language to enhance your sales
Scripting Reference applications.

Oracle Applications Cloud Configuring Describes the tools and concepts for configuring applications.
and Extending Applications  

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 1
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation About This Guide

Common Applications Guides

The following table lists Oracle cloud guides for common features.

Guide Description

Oracle Applications Cloud Using Describes how to use Oracle Functional Setup Manager (also known as the Setup and Maintenance
Functional Setup Manager work area) to implement the applications.

Oracle Applications Cloud Explains how to use the Oracle Fusion Applications enterprise structures to meet your company's
Understanding Enterprise Structures legal and management objectives.

Oracle Applications Cloud Using Provides an overview of the application functionality that is common across the applications.
Common Features  

Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Social Describes implementation and user concepts for Oracle Social Network.

Related Topics
• Cloud Documentation on Oracle Help Center

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 1
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation About This Guide

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

2 Entering Company Information and Getting


Preliminary Tasks Overview

Before you start implementing your sales application according to the instructions in this guide, you must complete the
preliminary tasks listed in the following table.

Step Description Where to Get More Details

1 Before you sign in for the first time, complete See the Signing In for the First Time topic in
  the actions listed in the Service Administrator this chapter.
Action List provided by Oracle and create  
your account with My Oracle Support

2 See the How can I change or reset my

  If you have not done so already, sign in password? topic in the Creating Setup Users
and reset your temporary password by chapter.
clicking your user initials at the top-right  
of the Welcome page and selecting Set
Preferences from the menu.

3 Enable the Sales offering for implementation. See the Enabling the Sales Offering for
    Implementation topic in this chapter.

4 Enter some basic information about your See the Entering Your Company Information
  company and specify your corporate and Corporate Currency topic in this chapter.

5 Install into your environment an See Enabling Quick Access to Setup Tasks
  implementation project to speed up access Using an Implementation Project topic in this
to implementation tasks. chapter.
You download the implementation
project from My Oracle Support (support. and upload it into your

Home Page Icons and What They Mean

The top of the default home page includes icons and menus you can use for navigation, search, configuration, and other
tasks common across applications. Here are few you will find useful in your setup. For more information on using the
common application features, see the Oracle Application Cloud Using Common Features guide.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Callout Number Icon Name or Description Function

1 Navigator Opens the Navigator.


2 Page Controls (The series of dots arranged Click the dots to navigate to different pages,
  horizontally in the center of the Home page.) including the infolet page and the Quick
  Actions page. The infolet page summarizes
key actionable information for sales users and
makes it possible to drill down to individual
records. The Quick Actions page provides
quick access to tasks. The administrator can
determine which of these pages is the Home
page for users.

3 Global search Lets you search transactional data across

    different objects. This field does not appear
until you enable global search.

4 Home Returns you to the page defined as the home

    page. By default, home is the Welcome page
with the springboard.

5 Favorites and Recent Items Marks a page as favorite and provides

    access to recently viewed pages.

6 Watchlist Not used in the sales application. Watchlist

    enables the tracking of business objects in
some applications.

7 Notifications Accesses application notifications. Some of

    these are also delivered using e-mail.

8 User image or initials Opens the Settings and Actions menu. From
    the menu, you can sign out, personalize and
configure the UI, turn on and access help,
and navigate to the Setup and Maintenance
work area.

9 Personalize Springboard Permits you to select which icons you

    want to appear on the Welcome page
springboard. Your changes affect your
springboard view only.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

1 3 5 8

4 6 7

Signing In for the First Time

When your environment is ready, Oracle sends an e-mail to the person designated as the administrator when you signed up
with the service. This e-mail includes the link to your service, a temporary password, and instructions on how to access the
Service Administrator Action List. You must follow the instructions in the actions list before signing in.
When you sign in for the first time, reset your password by clicking your user initials at the top-right of the Welcome page and
selecting Set Preferences from the Settings and Actions menu.

Related Topics
• Service Administrator Action List

Enabling the Sales Offering for Implementation

Before you start work, you must enable the Sales offering and the functional areas you are going to be implementing. You can
enable only the functional areas you are implementing now and add more later, if required.
To enable the Sales offering and its functional areas for implementation, do the following:

1. While signed in as the initial user or another setup user, click the My Enterprise icon in the springboard and then
click the Offerings icon.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Here's a screenshot of a portion of the springboard after you click the My Enterprise icon.

2. Click the Sales offering icon in the left pane of the Offerings page.

Here's the Offerings page showing the location of the sales icon (callout 1) and the Opt In Features button (callout 2).

3. Click Opt In Features.

The Opt In: Sales page appears.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Note: If you enabled other offerings, then the enabled offerings are listed in alphabetic order. You must
select Sales from the Opt In: list.

4. Select the Enable option for Sales, the folder at the top of the list. Your selection enables the offering.

The following figure shows the Opt In: Sales page, highlighting the Enable check boxes (callout 1).

5. Select the Enable option for all the sales functional areas you are going to be using. For the tasks in the scope of
this guide, enable all of the functional areas through Quotas.
6. Click Done.

You are returned back to the Offerings page.

7. Click Home in the global header to return to the springboard.

Accessing Setup Tasks

You perform setup tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area and in other work areas of the application.
To open the tasks you use:

• An implementation project provided by Oracle to accompany this guide

• The Sales offering Setup pages in the Setup and Maintenance work area
• The Navigator

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Opening the Getting Started Setup Tasks Using an Implementation Project

To access the setup tasks covered in this guide, use an implementation project provided by Oracle. The implementation
project complements the structure of the guide and provides a direct link to each core setup task. You download the
implementation project from My Oracle Support and install it in your environment as described in the Enabling Quick Access
to Setup Tasks Using an Implementation Project topic.

If you do not use the implementation project, then you must navigate to each individual task separately. Depending on
the task, you must either open the task from the Setup page in the Setup and Maintenance work area or navigate to a
different work area using the Navigator. The Setup and Maintenance work area provides access to tasks performed solely by
implementors, but you must use other work areas for functional setup and testing, tasks that are eventually carried out by the
sales administrator and the sales team.

Opening Setup Tasks from the Setup Page

After you enable the offering as described in the Enabling the Sales Offering for Implementation topic, you can open
implementation tasks, including those not covered in this guide, from the Setup and Maintenance work area Setup page.
Here is how to open tasks from this page:

1. Click the Setup and Maintenance icon, shown in the following figure, on the springboard.

The Setup: Sales page appears.

Note: If you enabled more than one offering, you may have to select Sales from the list to the right of
the page name. The Setup page always displays the offering that's first in alphabetic order.

2. In the Functional Areas column on the Setup: Sales page, select the functional area you want to set up.

The following table lists the callouts highlighting the different features of the Setup: Sales page on the figure which

Callout Number Description

1 Selected functional area.


2 Listing of tasks associated with the functional area you selected.


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Callout Number Description

3 By default the page shows only the required tasks, but you can select all tasks.

  You can also search for tasks in the offering using the Search Tasks field.

5 Quick Setup icon in the Functional Areas column leads to pages to set up key required tasks only.

6 Clicking the Shared link provides a listing of other offerings using the functional area.

The following figure shows the Setup: Sales page with the callouts.



3. In the Task list, you can open tasks by clicking the task name links. By default, the list shows only the required tasks.
You can display additional tasks by selecting All Tasks from the Show menu.
4. Alternatively, you can search for tasks in the offering by name using Search Tasks. Use the percent sign (%) to
represent missing letters or words. For example, to find the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task, you can
search for manage hcm%rules. The searches aren't case-sensitive.
5. Some functional areas include Quick Setup pages which limit your setup to the minimum requirements for the
functional area. When a functional area includes Quick Setup pages, the Quick Setup page icon appears,
represented by a gear icon. This guide and the implementation project direct you to the Quick Setup pages wherever
they are available.
See the Implementing Sales guide for more information about using the offering setup pages for setup.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Navigating to Other Work Areas for Setup

For some setup tasks and for testing your setup, you must use the Navigator to access other work areas. You can open the
Navigator by clicking its icon in the toolbar.

The Navigator lists all of the application work areas that are available based on the permissions assigned to each user, rather
than on the features you purchased. Because a setup user has a broad range of permissions, not all of the selections are
applicable to your setup. Aside from the Setup and Maintenance work area, you use only a small number of the available
work areas accessible from the Navigator menu. The most important of these include:

• My Team

◦ Users and Roles

Use this work area to create and edit records for individual users. The Manage Users task in Setup and
Maintenance opens the same work area.
• Tools

◦ Scheduled Processes

Use this work area for scheduling and monitoring background processes.
◦ Application Composer

Use Application Composer to modify your application.

• Configuration

◦ Appearance

Lets you control application appearance, including background color and icon shape.
◦ Structure

Lets you control which items appear in the Navigator and on the Welcome page.
◦ Application Composer

Use Application Composer to modify your application.

• Sales

Use the different work areas under this heading for functional setup and to create data used to test your sales

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Here's a screen capture of a typical Navigator menu displaying more tasks than you will use in your implementation. You can
configure the Navigator later to show only the tasks that you need.

Enabling Quick Access to Setup Tasks Using an

Implementation Project
Watch: This tutorial shows you how to speed up your initial sales setup using an implementation project supplied by Oracle. The
implementation project serves as a launch pad for setup tasks, so you don't have to search for individual tasks or navigate to
work areas, including scheduled processes. The content of this video is also covered in text topics.

Downloading the Implementation Project to Your Desktop

Download the implementation project to your desktop from the Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation:
Implementation Project (Doc ID 2252175.1) document available on

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

There are two variations of the implementation project that you download depending on how much functionality you want to
set up:

• Quick Setup Core Sales: Use this implementation project for setting up account, contact, and opportunity
management only.
• Quick Setup Sales: Use this implementation project to set up sales quotas and sales forecasting in addition to the
core features.

The Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation guide (this guide) covers the tasks in both variations.

Installing the Implementation Project You Downloaded

Install the implementation project by uploading the configuration package file using these steps:
1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Click the Tasks panel tab icon (highlighted in the following screenshot).

The panel tab opens and displays the tasks available to you.

Here's a screenshot of the open Tasks panel tab.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

3. Click the Manage Configuration Packages task link in the panel tab.

The Manage Configuration Packages page appears.

4. Click Upload.

The Upload Configuration Package page appears.

5. Click Choose File and select the compressed file with the implementation project you downloaded.
6. Click Get Details.
7. Click Submit.

The application displays a message that the import is successful and the implementation project was created.
8. Click OK to close the message window.
9. Click Done on the Manage Configuration Packages page.

You are returned to the Setup and Maintenance work area page.
10. Click the Tasks panel tab icon again and click Manage Implementation Projects.

The Implementation Projects page appears listing your project.

11. Click the name link to open the implementation project.

Using the Implementation Project as a Launchpad for Your Tasks

Follow these steps to use the implementation project as the launchpad for your implementation tasks.
1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area by clicking on its icon on the springboard.

The Setup and Maintenance page appears.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

2. Click the Tasks panel tab icon highlighted in the following figure.

The panel tab opens and displays the tasks available to you.
3. Click Manage Implementation Projects.

The Implementation Projects page appears listing your project.

4. Click the name link for the project.

The implementation project displays the folders containing the individual tasks in the Task Lists and Tasks region.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

The following figure includes a screen capture of the Quick Setup Sales implementation project highlighting the Go to
Task icon.

5. Click on a folder to open it and click the Go to Task icon for a task. This icon is highlighted in the preceding figure.

When you complete a task, you are returned back to the project.

Note: Some of the optional tasks covered in the last chapters of this guide, including product recommendations
and mobile access, are not accessible from the implementation project. You must access these tasks as
indicated in the guide.

Eliminating Setup Steps Using the Sales Setup Assistant

You can eliminate many of the initial setup steps covered in this guide by using the Sales Setup Assistant, a Microsoft
Windows utility provided by Oracle. You enter the required data in the utility and the utility does the setup for you, including

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

the creation of setup users. The utility takes care of the setup steps in Chapters 2 through 17 with the exception of the

Guide Chapter Steps to Complete Manually

3 You must create your own user notification templates.


6 You must enable geography validation.


10 The utility creates the top user in the resource hierarchy and runs the User and Roles
  Synchronization process for you, but you must import the rest of the users as described in this

12 The utility does not import accounts and contacts. You must import these using the Excel import
  macros as described in this chapter.

13 Sales campaign setup is not included, so you must complete all of the setups in this chapter.

14 Sales territory and assignment setup is not included, so you must complete all of the setups in this
  chapter manually.

15 Leads setup and import are not included. You must complete the steps in this chapter manually.

17 You must set up Sales Coach, modify opportunity statuses, and set up win and loss reasons.

You can download the utility and instructions for using it from My Oracle Support article (Doc ID 2333552.1).

Entering Your Company Information and Corporate

If you are setting up your sales application on its own as described in this guide, then follow this procedure to enter basic
information about your company and specify your corporate currency. If you are setting up your sales applications together
with another cloud service such as Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud, Oracle Procurement Cloud, and Oracle Financials
Cloud, then you may be required to enter more information about your enterprise structures according to the instructions
provided in their respective implementation guides.
Completing this procedure accomplishes the following:

• Creates a rudimentary enterprise structure required for internal application purposes only.

The enterprise structure is not visible to sales organization users or their customers.
• Creates a set of automatic role-provisioning rules that provision users with the required security roles.

To enter your company information and corporate currency:

1. Sign in.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

2. Open the Create Company Information task directly from the implementation project you installed as described
in the Enabling Quick Access to Setup Tasks Using an Implementation Project topic. The implementation project
provides links to the set of setup tasks covered in this guide.
Alternatively, you can open the task from the Setup: Sales page by clicking the Quick Setup icon for the Company
Profile functional area (the gears icon highlighted by callout 1 in the following figure). If any changes are required after
your initial setup, you can open the appropriate tasks on the right side of the page (callout 2).
The following figure shows a screen capture of the Setup: Sales page.

The Create Company Information page appears.

3. Enter your company name in the Enterprise Name field.
4. Enter the country where your company is located.
5. Enter your company street address. Do not enter city or state and other information.
6. The first and last name fields list the names of the user who signed into the application. You can edit the entries.
7. When you are satisfied that the information is correct, click Submit.
The application runs a background process to create the enterprise structure and create the role-provisioning rules.
8. Optionally, click Refresh to monitor the progress of the process.
When the process completes, the Review Company Information page appears. The page displays both the
information that you entered and the information that the process created for you. You cannot edit any of the fields
except Corporate Currency. The following table list and describes the fields.

Field Description

Enterprise Name The name you entered.


Address The street address you entered.


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Field Description

Legal Entity
  The enterprise name followed by the letters LE.

Business Unit
  The enterprise name followed by the letters LE BU.

Initial User Name of the user who is signed in.


Corporate Currency By default, the corporate currency is US Dollar. Select a different corporate currency, if required.

The following figure shows a screen capture of the page. The callout highlights the location of the Corporate
Currency field.

9. If your company uses a different currency than the US Dollar for your sales transactions, then select the currency
from the Corporate Currency list (highlighted by callout 1 in the preceding figure).
10. Jot down the Legal Entity and Business Unit names. You must enter these names when importing users.
11. Click Save and Close.

Options for Importing Your Sales Data

There are four different ways to import your sales application data in a file and two types of public web services you can
use to import data directly from an external application. When you are importing data for a particular object, you must
make sure that any prerequisite objects already exist in the application. For example, if you are importing contacts for an
account, then the account must already exist in the application. If one import job depends on the contents of another import
job, then the prerequisite job must be successfully completed before you start the dependent job. For example, if you are
importing both accounts and opportunities, then you must ensure that accounts are imported successfully before you
import opportunities. Which import method you use depends on the type of data you are importing, the volume of data, and
technical requirements. If you are integrating your sales application with other cloud services, then you may be required to use
additional import methods as described in the appropriate guides.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Here's a brief overview of the import methods and where to go for more information.

Import Method Description When to Use How to Access For More Information

Quick Import Excel The import macros You can download The different chapters
Macros The import macros are are the recommended the Excel macros and in the Getting Started
  designed to speed up method for importing any required mapping with Your Sales
and simplify the import data in your initial files from the Oracle Implementation guide
of up to 5000 records at deployment. Engagement Cloud: (this guide) provide
a time for some objects.   Getting Started with Your detailed instructions and
The macros help you The macros are targeted Sales Implementation: video tutorials for using
by validating your data to the simple proof Quick Import Macros the macros.
entries, providing lists of of concept sales (Document ID 2229503.  
values, and automatically automation use case 1) article on My Oracle For instructions on how
populating constant covered in the Getting Support. to add your own fields
values. Started with Your Sales   to the macros, see How
Implementation guide Customize Quick Import
The macros create (this guide). For example, Macro for importing
data files that are the import macros Employee Resources
automatically imported assume that you are (Doc ID 2364229.1)
using File Import. importing account, article on My Oracle
contact, and lead records Support.
for one country at a time.  
The import macros are  
available for importing the The macros generate
following objects: log files with the data
used for File Import, so
• Sales Users they can also serve as
• Products and a learning tool for more
product groups complex import.
• Accounts  
• Contacts
• Account Hierarchy
• Leads
• Opportunities

Import Management Use this type of import See the Understanding

  Improves definition, for the available objects. Click on Import Import and Export
error handling, and You must use File Import Management in the Management guide for
performance for for the rest. Navigator. instructions on using the
importing flat files (.csv).   import.
For example, Import    
Management has drag The File-Based Data
and drop mapping Import for Oracle
capabilities and validates Engagement Cloud guide
the first ten records in provides information on
your data file before you the import attributes,
import to ensure the including valid values and
data meets the import validations.
constraints of the various  
attributes. You can use
Import Management to
import data files with up
to 50,000 records each.

Import Management is
available for importing
data for the following
application objects:

• Accounts
• Activities

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Import Method Description When to Use How to Access For More Information
• Assets
• Attachments
• Contacts
• Leads
• Opportunities
• Any additional
objects you create

File Import Supports the import of Use File Import to import File Import tasks are You can learn how
  data files with up to 100, data outside the scope of available in the Setup and to import in the
000 records each for the the Getting Started with Maintenance work area Understanding File-
broadest range of sales Your Guide (this guide) in the Data Import and Based Data Import and
objects, including custom and the Quick Import Export functional area for Export guide.
objects. Excel Macros. the Sales offering.  
      The File-Based Data
For those objects Import for Oracle
supported by Import Engagement Cloud guide
Management, use Import provides information on
Management instead. the import attributes,
  including valid values and

External Data Loader Command-line tool Use this import method You can download Instructions for using
Client that is used to import for importing very large the client from Oracle the client are available in
  high-volume flat source data files for the objects Support Document the document and in the
data files. This tool supported by Import 2325249. 1 (External client itself.
automatically splits Management. Data Loader Client) on  
a large data file into   My Oracle Support. For REST API
multiple smaller files   documentation, see the
to adhere to the REST API for Oracle
application's import Engagement Cloud
volume limits, and guide.
enables the tracking of  
import status. The File-Based Data
  Import for Oracle
The client supports the Engagement Cloud guide
same objects as Import provides information on
Management. the import attributes,
  including valid values and

Web Services Web services are Use web services to For REST API
  available for external manage import jobs Public APIs are available documentation, see the
client applications to if you need to import for both the Import REST API for Oracle
initiate and monitor directly from an external Management/REST Engagement Cloud
import jobs. Import application. services and the File guide.
Management jobs can be   Import/SOAP services.  
managed with REST web For SOAP API
services, and File Import The REST services documentation, see the
jobs can be managed include the following: SOAP Web Services for
with SOAP web services. Oracle Sales guide.
  • Import Activities  
The File-Based Data
• Import Activity
Import for Oracle
Engagement Cloud guide
• Import Export provides information on
Objects Metadata the import attributes,
including valid values and

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Import Method Description When to Use How to Access For More Information

The SOAP service is

called the File Import
Activity Service.

The following diagram provides an architectural overview of the different import methods:

• Both File Import (callout 1) and the Quick Import (callout 2) use the same SOA architecture to import data. When you
import data using the quick import Excel macros, you are creating an import activity in File Import using SOAP web
services. The macro import creates the same import activity and uses the same mapping as you do when you initiate
the import from the application. You can monitor each import in the macro or in the application itself.
• Both Import Management (callout 3) and the External Data Loader Client (callout 4) use the same Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler processes for import. When you import very large files using the client, the REST APIs create multiple
processes to respect the Import Management file size limit.
• If you need to import from an external application, then you can use the SOAP and REST and web services directly
(callouts 5 and 6).

1 2 3 4
Quick Import Import
File Import EDLC
Macros Management

5 6
SOAP Oracle Enterprise REST
Web Services Scheduler Web Services

Oracle Engagement Cloud

Related Topics
• Understanding File-Based Data Import and Export guide

• Understanding Import and Export Management guide

• REST API for Oracle Engagement Cloud guide

• SOAP Web Services for Oracle Sales guide

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 2
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Entering Company Information and Getting Ready

Speeding Up Import Using Excel Macros Provided by

The import topics in this guide explain how to import your data for key sales objects using Microsoft Excel macros provided
by Oracle. The import macros are designed to speed up and simplify the import of up to 5000 records at a time for some
objects. The macros help you by validating your data entries, providing lists of values, and automatically populating constant
values. After you enter your data, you click a button in the macro to import. The macros automatically create an import
activity for you and permit you to monitor the progress of the import activity from within the macro itself. The import macros
are targeted to the simple sales automation use case covered in the guide. They can also serve as a learning tool for more
complex import.
The import macros are available for importing the following objects:

• Sales Users
• Products and product groups
• Accounts
• Contacts
• Account Hierarchy
• Leads
• Opportunities

Oracle also provides the mappings you need to import your data from the macros. When you import, the mappings tell the
application which column in your data file maps to which application attribute. The macros either use the existing default
mapping in the application or provide a mapping file you must upload into your application before importing.

You can download the Excel macros and any required mapping files from the Oracle Engagement Cloud: Getting Started with
Your Sales Implementation: Quick Import Macros (Document ID 2229503.1) article on My Oracle Support.

Note: You can modify the macros to import additional standard fields and customer-defined fields. If you
add additional columns to the macro, then you must also modify the existing import mappings. The steps for
modifying the macros and mappings are not covered in this guide.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 3
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up User Account Preferences

3 Setting Up User Account Preferences

Setup Overview
Before you create your first users, you must initialize the Security Console and then use it to review the default preferences
the application uses, including user name format and password strength. You can also create your own e-mail notifications
users receive regarding their accounts. Oracle provides sample notifications, but they include Oracle-specific language. Use
the Security Console only for the tasks described in this chapter. Some features are more advanced or do not apply to the
sales application. See the About Using the Security Console in Your Initial Sales Setup topic in this chapter for details.
The following table lists and describes the tasks covered in this chapter. You can open these tasks from the implementation

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Initialize the Security Console Import Users and Roles into See the Initializing the Security
  work area. Application Security Console topic in this chapter.

2 Setup preferences for user Security Console See the Setting Up Preferences
  name format, passwords, and   for User Names, Passwords,
notifications in the Security and Notifications topic in this
Console. chapter.

About Using the Security Console in Your Initial Sales Setup

For setting up sales, use the Security Console work area only for the tasks recommended in this guide. You must create
users using the procedures described in this guide rather than using the Security Console. For information about more
advanced tasks, including security configuration, see the Oracle Engagement Cloud Securing Sales and Service and the
Oracle Engagement Cloud Extending Sales and Service guides.
Here is a list of the Security Console tabs and what you can use them for. Only setup users, or other users with the IT
Security Manager job role, can access the Security Console.

Tab How to Use It

Roles Used for creating your own roles as described in Securing Sales and Service guide.

Users Used to manage user passwords and to update user e-mail addresses. Do not use this tab to
  create users or to provision job roles. For sales, you must follow the instructions in the rest of this
guide to create users, provision job roles, and change user names.
Note that all users, even members of the sales organization who cannot access the Security
Console, can reset their own passwords by clicking the user name in the welcome page and
selecting the Preferences option from the Settings and Actions menu.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 3
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up User Account Preferences

Tab How to Use It

Analytics Makes it possible for you to review role assignments and compare roles. This advanced security
  functionality is covered in the Securing Sales and Service guide.

Certificates The sales application does not use this functionality.


User Categories Used to specify password policies and to manage notifications users receive about their accounts
  and passwords. You can specify different behavior for different categories of users. For the sales
application, all the users you create are initially assigned to the Default category. But you can create
additional user categories and move users to them.

Administration Used for role copying preferences and other advanced features covered in the Securing Sales and
  Service guide.

Initializing the Security Console

The initial user must initialize the Security Console before using it for the first time by running the process Import Users and
Roles into Application Security task. The process copies users, roles, privileges, and data security policies from the LDAP
directory, policy store, and Applications Core Grants schema to Oracle Fusion Applications Security tables. Having this
information in the Oracle Fusion Applications Security tables makes the assisted search feature of the Security Console fast
and reliable. After the process runs to completion for the first time, Oracle recommends that you schedule the process to run
1. Open the Import Users and Roles into Application Security task from the Set Up Security Console and
Preferences folder in the implementation project. Alternatively, you can search for the task by name in the Setup
and Maintenance work area.
2. On the Import Users and Roles into Application Security page, click Submit.

This action starts the Import User and Role Application Security Data process. After the process completes, you can
use the Security Console.
3. Now set up this same process to run daily:

a. On the Import Users and Roles into Application Security page, click Advanced.
b. Click the Schedule tab.
c. Select the Using a schedule option.
d. From the Frequency list, select Daily.
e. Enter an end date far in the future.
f. Click Submit.

Setting Up Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 3
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up User Account Preferences

Watch: Learn how to set user name, password, and account notification preferences for creating users. The content of this
video is also covered in text topics.

Use the Security Console to set your preferences for user names passwords and user notifications. For example, you can
require users to set stronger passwords, implement shorter user names, change the text of the notifications your users
receive, or turn notifications off completely.

Specifying Preferences for User Names and Passwords

1. Open the Security Console using the Manage Applications Security Preferences task from the Set Up Security
Console and Preferences folder in the implementation project. Alternatively, click Tools > Security Console on
the home page.
2. Click User Categories.

The User Categories tab makes it possible for you to set up different preferences and notifications for different
categories of users. Since all of the users you create and import in the sales application are created in the Default
category, you set preferences for that category only.
3. Click DEFAULT.

The DEFAULT User Category: Details page appears. Here you can set the user name format.
4. Click Edit.
5. Select the user name format you want to use from the User Name Generation Rule list.

The application uses your selection to generate user names if you don't enter them manually or import them from a
file. By default, the application uses the email address as the user name.

If you are implementing Partner Relationship Management, then you must use email for creating partner contacts.
Otherwise, you can use any of the three following options:

◦ First name.last name

◦ Email

◦ First initial and last name

Do not use Person or party number because numbers are not easily remembered by users. For example, if
the person number generated by the application for John Smith is 100000000178803, then the user name is
100000000178803 as well.
6. Selecting the Generate system user name when generation rule fails option ensures the application generates
a user name even if there is no information available for the option you selected.
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Click the Password Policy subtab.
9. Here you can specify password strength and expiration. For example, you can require users to use special
characters in passwords in addition to capital letters and numbers and specify how frequently passwords must be

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 3
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up User Account Preferences

10. Selecting the Administrator Can Manually Reset Password option, makes it possible for administrators to
manually create new passwords for users.
11. Click Save and Close.

Configuring Email Notifications to Users

In the Notifications subtab on the DEFAULT User Category tab, you can specify which email notifications, if any, are sent to
users and the text of those notifications. At present, the application supports text-only notifications in one language.

You can:
• Turn all notifications on or off.

By default, all notifications are turned on. If you are setting up a test environment, turn off notifications while creating
sales users to prevent the users from signing in to the application while you are setting it up.
• Turn individual notifications on or off.

By default, all individual notifications are turned on.

• Create your own notifications.

Oracle provides predefined English-language templates with Oracle-specific language. You can create your own

To configure the email notifications for the DEFAULT User Category:

1. Click the Notifications subtab.

The subtab lists the default notification templates provided by Oracle. The list includes the events that trigger the
notifications and the email subject lines.
2. To make changes, click Edit.
3. If you want to turn off all notifications, then deselect the Enable Notifications option under the Notification
Preferences heading.
4. If you want to turn off individual notifications, then:

a. Click the template name link.

b. Deselect the Enabled check box.
c. Click Save and Close.
5. If you want to create your own notification templates, then do the following:

a. Click Add Template and select the event.

Selecting the event automatically copies over the text provided in the corresponding Oracle template which
you can then edit.
b. Edit the notification subject line and text.

The following table lists the tokens you can include in the message text. Each token must be within curly
brackets and preceded by a dollar sign, for example: ${firstName}.

Token Meaning

notificationUserName User name to which notifications are sent


userEmailAddress Address to which email notifications are sent


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 3
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up User Account Preferences

Token Meaning

userLoginId User name


firstName User's first name


lastName User's last name


managerFirstName Manager's first name


managerLastName Manager's last name


loginURL URL where the user can sign in


resetURL URL where the user can reset his or her password

CRLFX New line


SP4 Four spaces


c. Select the Enabled option.

d. Click Save and Close.

The predefined template provided by Oracle is automatically disabled. You can only have one template per event.
6. On the DEFAULT Category: Notifications page, click Done.

Setting the Synchronization Process Frequency Warning

Whenever you navigate to the Security Console, you get a warning if the Import User and Role Application Security Data
process was not run in the last six hours. You can change the frequency of the warning by setting the Hours Since Last
Synchronization Job Run Warning option. If you schedule the process to run daily, then you may want to increment this
option to a value greater than 24.

1. Click the Administration subtab.

2. Change the value for the Hours Since Last Synchronization Job Run Warning.

Related Topics
• Managing User-Name and Password Notifications

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 3
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up User Account Preferences

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

4 Creating Setup Users

Setup Overview
As the initial user created by Oracle, you can perform security tasks, such as creating other users and granting setup
permissions. Your next step is to create any other users you need to help you with the setup and to grant yourself the
additional setup permissions you need to complete the setup tasks covered by this guide.
Read the About Creating Setup Users topic and then perform the setups in this table. The tasks listed are in the Create
Setup Users folder in your implementation project.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Create other setup users. Manage Users See the Creating Setup Users
      topic in this chapter.

2 Grant the initial user the same Manage Users See Granting the Initial User
  additional permissions as the   the Same Permissions as
other setup users. Other Setup Users topic in this

3 Any setup users you create Manage Applications Security See the topics in the Resetting
  should receive an email with Preferences User Passwords and Updating
a link they can use to reset   Email Addresses section.
their passwords and sign in.  
If they don't receive the email
for some reason, you can reset
user passwords and update
email addresses in the Security

4 By default, setup users can only Manage Applications Security See the Giving Users the
  see the scheduled processes Preferences Permission to View All
they themselves submit. You   Scheduled Processes topic in
can use the Security Console this chapter.
to provide all of the setup users  
the ability to see what processes
are running and their status, no
matter who submitted them.

About Creating Setup Users

Provisioning the security permissions that users need to complete the setup tasks in this guide is easy. You just make a
couple of entries and click Save. Provisioning rules provided by Oracle do the rest. This topic provides a brief overview of
Oracle's security model, lists the permissions that setup users need, and explains how the provisioning process works.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

How Permissions Are Grouped and Provisioned

Oracle uses the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) security industry standard. The permissions are grouped in two types of
• Job roles, which provide users with the permissions to carry out tasks specific to a job, such as a sales manager or
sales administrator
• Abstract roles, which permit users to complete tasks that are common to all employees or resources

You typically provision salespeople with the job roles corresponding to the roles they play in the sales organization (their
resource roles), as well as the employee and resource abstract roles. The employee abstract role provides access to reports
and personal profile information. Without the resource abstract role, users can't participate in the sales process, create
accounts and opportunities, or be assigned to sales teams. You can find the description of each job and abstract role Oracle
provides and all the duties that come with it in the Oracle Engagement Cloud Security Reference guide.

When you create users, the application automatically provisions them with the required job roles and abstract roles using
role-provisioning rules. Each role-provisioning rule is made up of the rule conditions and the names of the job roles and
abstract roles that are assigned to the user if the conditions are met. In the sales application, the job role and the resource
abstract role are assigned to a user based on the resource role. The employee abstract role is provisioned to all users of type

If you entered your company information according to the steps outlined in the Entering Your Company Information and
Corporate Currency topic, then the role-provisioning rules you need for creating setup users and all the standard sales users
are created for you. If you set up the company information in a different way, then you must create all the role provisioning
rules yourself. That's true if you're setting up the application together with Oracle HCM Cloud or another cloud service. You
must also create role-provisioning rules for any additional resource roles you create. The role-provisioning rules are discussed
in more detail in the Getting Ready to Create Sales Users chapter and in the Securing Sales guide.

Security Roles Required by Setup Users

To complete the setup tasks in this guide, you must be provisioned with the security roles listed in the following table. The
initial user provided by Oracle comes provisioned with only the first three. While the initial user can create other users and
perform many setup tasks, the initial user can't complete all the tasks without the additional security roles.

Role Type Permissions the Role Provides

Application Implementation Consultant Job Role Access all setup tasks across all products

IT Security Manager Job Role Access security tasks, including the ability to
    assign other security roles

Application Diagnostics Administrator Job Role Access diagnostic tests and data

Employee Abstract Role Access BI reports and run and monitor

    background processes

Sales Analyst Job Role Create sales recommendation rules


Sales Administrator Job Role Perform the sales administrator duties


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

How You Create and Provision Setup Users

To provision the required security roles, all you have to do is to create setup users as users of type employee and assign
them the Sales Setup User resource role. It doesn't matter whether the user you are setting up is an actual employee or not.
Provided you entered your company information as described in this guide, Oracle creates two role-provisioning rules that do
the rest:

• The Employee rule automatically assigns the Employee abstract role to all users of type Employee.
• The Sales Setup User rule automatically assigns all users with the Sales Setup User resource role (the condition),
with all of the required job roles.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

The following graphic illustrates the process:

Employee Provisioning Rule


Person Type = Employee

Abstract Role


Resource Role: Sales Setup User

Person Type: Employee
Sales Setup User
Provisioning Rule

Resource Role = Sales Setup User

Job Roles

Implementation IT Security Manager
Application Sales Analyst

The setup users you create aren't assigned the Resource abstract role, so they can't participate in the sales process, but
there is nothing stopping you from creating other provisioning rules to provision sales administrators or others with the same
setup permissions.

Creating Setup Users

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

Watch: Learn how to create setup users and automatically provision them with the setup job and abstract roles they need. The
content of this video is also covered in related procedures.

Follow this procedure to create users who can perform the sales setup discussed in this guide.
1. Open the Manage Users task from the implementation project or click Navigator > My Team > Users and
2. On the Search Person page, click Create.
3. On the Create User page, in the Personal Details region, enter the user's name and a unique email address.

The application automatically sends user notifications to this email address unless you disable notifications in the
Security Console.
4. In the User Details region, you can enter a user name.

If you leave the User Name field blank, the application automatically creates a user name for you. By default, that's
the email, cut you can change the default format using the Security Console.
5. To automatically send an email notification to the user with the new account information, select the Send user
name and password option in User Notification Preferences. The email includes a link to create a password and
sign in for the first time.

Note: If this option isn't available, notifications may be disabled. Check the notification settings in
the Security Console. See the Setting Up Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and Notifications
section of the Setting Up User Account Preferences chapter for more details.
6. Select these values in the Employment Information region:

Field Value to Select Comments

Person Type Employee For setup only. The user need not be an

Legal Employer Your company name followed by the letters The legal employer name is used for setup
  LE only, so doesn't have to correspond to any
  actual entity.

Business Unit Your company name followed by the letters The business unit name, like the legal
  LE BU employer name, is used for setup only.

7. In the Resource Information section, select Sales Setup User from the Resource Role list.
8. Click Autoprovision Roles.

The Role Requests region displays the following roles:

◦ Application Diagnostics Administrator

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

◦ Application Implementation Consultant

◦ IT Security Manager

◦ Employee

◦ Sales Analyst

◦ Sales Administrator

The role request process may take a few minutes to complete because it's set to run periodically. You can view the
status of the request any time you edit the user.
9. Click Save and Close.

If you selected the Send user name and password option and notifications are enabled, the application sends the
email with the initial sign-in link. If you didn't select this option, then you must reset the password for the user using
the procedure described in the Resetting User Passwords topic. After you create the user, you can no longer update
the email address in this UI. You can instead update the email address on the Users tab in the Security Console.

Granting the Initial User the Same Permissions as Other

Setup Users
The initial user and other setup users can use this procedure to grant the initial user the same permissions as the other setup
1. Open the Manage Users task from the implementation project or click Navigator > My Team > Users and
2. On the Search Person page, enter the first name of the initial user in the Keywords field and click Search (the right-
arrow icon).
3. Select the name link in the Search Results.
4. On the Edit User page, in the Resource Information region, select Sales Setup User from the Resource Role
5. Click Autoprovision Roles.

The Role Requests region displays the following roles:

◦ Sales Analyst

◦ Employee

◦ Sales Administrator

Your role request process may take a few minutes to complete because it's set to run periodically. You can view the
status of the request any time you edit this user.
6. Click Save and Close.

If you're signed in as the initial user, you must sign out and then sign in again for the new permissions to take effect.

Resetting User Passwords and Updating Email Addresses

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

Resetting User Passwords

All users can reset their own passwords by clicking the Set Preferences link in the Settings and Actions menu (available
by clicking your user name) or by using Forgot Password on the sign-in page. To reset passwords for others, you must be a
setup user, or another user provisioned with the IT Security Manager job role, and use the Security Console work area.
To reset a user's password in the Security Console:

1. Open the Manage Applications Security Preferences task from the implementation project. Alternatively, you
can search for this task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area or use the Navigator.
2. You can ignore and close any warnings regarding the scheduling of the Import Users and Roles Application Security
Data job.
3. Click the Users tab.
4. Search for the user using one of the following:

◦ First or last name, but not both

◦ User name

Here's a screenshot of the Users tab. Callout 1 highlights the location of the Action menu.

5. From the Action menu, select Reset Password.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

The Reset Password window displays the password strength policy.

6. Select the Automatically generate password option to send an email to users with a link they can use to create
their own passwords.
7. To reset the password yourself, do the following:
a. Select the Manually change the password option.
b. Enter the new password twice.

Note: The manual option is available only if you selected the Administrator can manually reset
password option while editing the password policy for the DEFAULT user category in the Security
Console. See the Setting Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and Notifications topic for details.
8. Click Reset Password.

Related Topics
• Setting Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and Notifications

Changing a User's Email Address

Use the Users tab in the Security Console work area to change user email addresses. If you're updating the email addresses
of sales users, then you can also use the same import process you use to create them.
1. Navigate to the Security Console.
2. Click the Users tab.
3. Search for the user using one of the following:

◦ First or last name, but not both

◦ User name
4. Click the user name link.
5. On the User Account Details window, click Edit.
6. In the Edit User Account window, edit the email address.

Note: Don't edit any of the other information available on the Edit User Account page. Use the
Manage Users task instead.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

7. Click Save and Close.

How can I change or reset my password?

Use the Preferences page to change your password.
In the global header, click your user image or name and select Set Preferences in the Settings and Actions menu. In the
General Preferences section, click Password.

Giving Users the Permission to View All Scheduled

Your application setup requires you to run numerous scheduled processes and ensure they complete successfully. By
default, users can only see the scheduled processes they themselves submit. By creating a custom role in the Security
Console and assigning all of the setup users to it, you ensure that everyone can see what processes are running and their
status, no matter who submitted them.
1. Open the Security Console.
2. Click the Roles tab.
3. On the Roles tab, click Create Role.
The Create Role page displays a series of steps you can click directly or reach using the Next button.

4. In the Create Role: Basic Information step, make the following entries:

Field Suggested Entry

Role Name Monitor ESS Processes

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 4
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Setup Users

Field Suggested Entry


Role Code MonitorESSProcesses


Role Category Common -Abstract Roles


5. Click the Role Hierarchy step (callout 1 in the following screenshot).


6. Click Add Role (callout 2).

7. In the Add Role Membership window, search for ESS Monitor Role and click Add Role Membership.
8. Click the Users step.
9. Click Add User and add all of the setup users by searching for each by name and clicking Add User to Role.
10. Click Cancel when you are done.

The Users step should list all of the users you added.
11. Click Next to get to the Summary and Impact Report step.
12. Click Save and Close.

The users you added to the role can now monitor all of the scheduled processes in the Schedule Processes work

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 5
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Accounting Calendar

5 Setting Up the Accounting Calendar

Setup Overview
You must set up the accounting calendar that is used for forecasting using the steps outlined in the following table. The table
provides a description of each task, the task name, and refers you to related topics where you can find detailed procedures.
You can open all setup tasks from the Set Up Accounting Calendar folder in your implementation project.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Create the calendar and Manage Accounting Calendars See the Creating the Accounting
  generate the periods for past   Calendar topic in this chapter.
and future years. For your sales  
implementation, you can create
only one calendar.

2 Designate the calendar you Manage Calendar Profile Option See the Enabling the Accounting
  just created as the calendar   Calendar You Created topic in
you intend to use by setting the this chapter.
Accounting Calendar Default  
profile option.

3 Enable the time periods you Refresh Denormalized Time See the Enabling the Time
  generated for analytics and Dimension Table for BI Periods You Generated for
reports by running the process   Analytics and Reports topic in
Refresh Denormalized Time this chapter.
Dimension Table for BI. You can  
run this process directly from the
implementation project or from
the Scheduled Processes work

About Setting Up the Accounting Calendar

The accounting calendar defines the start and end of your fiscal year and the time periods in that calendar, including the
exact dates for each period. Your sales applications use these defined periods, often called enterprise periods, for multiple
purposes. Examples include:
• Reports that provide amounts by enterprise period, such as a sales pipeline analysis
• Metrics calculations by period for territory analysis
• The ability to adjust forecast amounts by time period
• Distribution of quota amounts by time period

The period frequency set in your fiscal calendar is the shortest period you can use. Therefore, if you set the period frequency
to yearly, then you can create reports and activities for the year, but cannot break them down by month. If you set the
period frequency to monthly, then you can break down activities and reports by month and summarize by quarter and year.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 5
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Accounting Calendar

However, if you set the period frequency to weekly, then you can perform activities and reports by week, quarter, and year,
but not by month because the number of weeks varies by month.

Creating the Accounting Calendar

Use this procedure to create the accounting calendar used in reporting and forecasting.
To create the accounting calendar:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the task Manage Accounting Calendars from the implementation project or
after searching for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. On the Manage Accounting Calendars page, click Create.
3. Name your calendar, for example, Sales Calendar.
4. Leave the Adjusting Period Frequency set to None.
5. Enter a start date of January 1 for a year that is at least two years prior to the date of any historical data that you plan
to use.

You cannot change this entry after you start using the application, so consider using the year your company was
created. Vision Corp. is using 1/1/10.
6. For Period Frequency, select the shortest time period you want to use for reports and activities.

Vision Corp. selects Monthly. The period starts on the first of the month and ends on the last day of the month,
regardless of the number of days or weeks in each month. Another choice, for example, is where the first two
months consist of 4 weeks, and the third month contains 5 weeks.
7. Your entries in the Period Name Format region determine how the period names appear in the UI. The First Period
field provides a preview of your name format. You can:

◦ Enter a prefix to the period

◦ Select a separator

◦ Select the format

Vision Corp. selects None as the Separator and selects MMMYY calendar year for the Format.
8. Click Next.

The application generates the periods, with start and end dates, for the first year (2010 for Vision Corp.) and displays
them on the Create Accounting Calendar: Period Details page.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 5
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Accounting Calendar

The following figure shows a screen capture of the page with periods generated for the Vision Corp. use case. Each
generated period represents one month in the year. It starts on the first day of the month and ends on the last day of
the month.

9. If needed, you can manually change the details for each period.

Note: The start date of the first period for the year defines the start of the fiscal year. The end date of
the last period for the year defines the end of the fiscal year.

10. Click Save and Close.

11. Now generate the calendar periods for all the past and future years. You must generate enough years into the future
to permit forecasting. Oracle recommends that you create periods for five years into the future. For each year do the

a. Edit the calendar.

The Edit Accounting Calendar page appears.

b. Click Add Year.
c. Click Save.
12. When you have completed adding all the years, click Save and Close.
13. Click Done.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 5
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Accounting Calendar

Note: After you start using the calendar, you can generate additional years but you cannot change other
calendar options.

Enabling the Accounting Calendar You Created

You enable the calendar you created by selecting it to be the default calendar. Many sales features use the common
calendar, so changing the selected calendar in the future can result in the loss of data.
To enable the calendar:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the task Manage Calendar Profile Option from the implementation project
or after searching for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. On the Manage Calendar Profile Option page, select the Accounting Calendar Default profile option.
3. In the Profile Values table, click New.
4. For Profile Level, select Site.
5. Click the Profile Value list, and select the name of the calendar you created.
6. Click Save and Close.

Enabling the Time Periods You Generated for Analytics and

You must run the Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI process to make the time periods you generated
available for analytics and reports.
To run the process:

1. Sign in as a setup user.

2. If you're using the implementation project, then click Go to Task for the Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension
Table for BI task and click Submit.

3. If you are not using the implementation project, then you can run this process from the Scheduled Processes work
area by following these steps:

a. Open the Navigator and select Scheduled Processes under the Tools heading.

The Scheduled Processes Overview page appears.

b. Click Schedule New Process.

The Schedule New Process window appears.

c. Enter Refresh Denormalized in the Name field and press Return.
d. Click OK.

The Process Details window appears.

e. Click Submit.
f. Click OK to close the confirmation and then Close.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

6 Setting Up Geography Data

Setup Overview
You must import and set up reference geography data for the countries where you do business. You need the geography
data for setting up geographical sales territories and you need it for address validation. The fictitious company Vision Corp.
plans to set up sales territories based on states in the US. After importing the US data, Vision sets up validation for states
requiring salespeople select the state from a list. The state in the address must be validated because invalid entries would
cause opportunities to be left out of forecasts.
You must enable validation to the level of granularity you need for your territories. For example, if Vision Corp. decided to set
up territories at the postal-code level, then the company would have to set up validation for state, city, county, and postal

Oracle licenses geography data that you can import, at no additional cost. Oracle is in the process of changing suppliers for
its licensed data from Nokia to GBG | Loqate. GBG | Loqate offers more complete and accurate data. During the transition,
Oracle is making available a growing subset of the GBG | Loqate country data. New customers must import the GBG |
Loqate data rather than Nokia data for all countries listed in this chapter. Import Nokia data only for the three countries not
yet available from GBG | Loqate: Ireland, Argentina, and Russia. When Oracle completes the transition, Oracle customers can
either update their geography data to GBG | Loqate or continue using Nokia. Oracle will no longer enhance Nokia data for
countries that are available through GBG | Loqate.

Alternatively, you can license geography data from another supplier and import it from a file. For more information about
importing third party geography data, see the Importing Geographies chapter of the Oracle Engagement Cloud File-Based
Data Import Guide available on

Here's a list of the setup tasks with the setup task names and references to topics with step-by-step procedures. You can
access all setup tasks from the Setup Geography Data folder in your implementation project.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Your application is set up to Manage Administrator Profile See the Specifying the
  import geography data licensed Values Geography Data Supplier topic
by Oracle from GBG | Loqate.   for details.
If you are importing country  
data for the three countries
not covered by GBG | Loqate:
Ireland, Argentina, and Russia,
then you must set the system
profile option DaaS GBG |
Loqate Data Import Enabled
LOQATE) to No.

2 Search for the country you Manage Geographies See the Importing Geography
  want to import on the Manage   Reference Data topic in this
Geographies page and select chapter
the Import Geography Data  

3 For the countries you imported, Manage Geographies See the Setting Up Geography
  enable validation down to the   Validation topic in this chapter

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

address level required for your  
territories, and specify which
address elements require lists of
When you enable validation
on an address element, the
application suggests alternatives
during address entry. Enabling
a list of values requires the user
to make a selection from a list.
Both validation and lists of values
are enforced in the UIs.
Vision Corp. enables a list of
values for entering states in
addresses and enables validation
for the states because its
territories are defined at the state

4 The validation selection you Manage Administrator Profile See the Setting Up Geography
  made affects entries made in Values Validation topic in this chapter
the application UI only. You    
must use the task Manage
Administrator Profile Values to
set the profile option Geography
Address Validation Enabled to
Yes to validate addresses you

5 Enable the mapping of account Manage Geographies See the Enabling Address
  and contact addresses. With   Mapping topic in this chapter.
mapping enabled, salespeople  
on the go can view their
contacts on a map and obtain
directions with the click of a

Note: If you are integrating with Oracle Social Data and Insight Cloud Service for data enrichment and with the
Address Verification Cloud Service for address verification, then you must perform additional geography data
setups as described in the Implementing Sales and Implementing Customer Data Management guides.

Specifying the Geography Data Supplier

Your application is set up to import geography data licensed by Oracle from GBG | Loqate. If you are importing data for
Ireland, Argentina, and Russia, then you must set the system profile option DaaS GBG | Loqate Data Import Enabled
(ORA_HZ_ENABLE_DAAS_LOQATE) to No. If you are doing business in multiple countries, you can download geography
data from both suppliers by changing the value of this system profile. You can import only one data set for each country,

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

Note: Oracle does not support migration of geography data from Nokia to GBG | Loqate. If you already use
Nokia data for a country, you must continue using Nokia for that country.

1. Open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task from the implementation project or after searching for the
task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the profile option by entering
ORA_HZ_ENABLE_DAAS_LOQATE in the Profile Option Code field.
3. With the profile option selected in the search results, select No from the Profile Value list to download Nokia data.
A setting of Yes downloads GBG | Loqate data.
4. Click Save and Close.

Importing Geography Reference Data

Use this procedure to import geography reference data licensed by Oracle. If the country data you want to import
is not available from the supplier specified using the system profile option DaaS GBG | Loqate Data Import Enabled
(ORA_HZ_ENABLE_DAAS_LOQATE), then the import action is disabled.

Note: The geography data is provided by Nokia and GBG | Loqate is third-party content. As per Oracle policy,
this software and documentation may provide access to or information on content and services from third
parties. Oracle and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with
respect to third-party content and services. Oracle and its affiliates are not responsible for any loss, costs, or
damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.

To import the geography data:

1. Sign in as a setup user.

2. Open the Manage Geographies task directly from the implementation project or after searching for the task by
name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Geographies page appears.

3. Enter either the country name in the Country Name field or the two-letter ISO code of the country in the Country
Code field.

Examples of ISO country codes include US (United States) and AT (Austria).

4. Click Search.

The Search Results display the country.

5. Select the country in the search results. Do not click the link.
6. Select Import Geography Data from the Actions menu.
7. Click OK to close the warning message.
8. Click OK to close the confirmation message.
The import of larger countries may require several hours to complete.

You can track the progress of the import process by selecting Scheduled Processes from the Navigator menu.

After the import is complete, you can search for the country again in the Manage Geographies page. The Completed icon
(check mark) replaces Go to Task icon in the Structure Defined and Hierarchy Defined columns indicating the import
completed successfully.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Manage Geographies page after the import completes with the Completed
icons (check marks) highlighted.

Note: Report any issues with GBG | Loqate and Nokia data to Oracle Support who will contact the appropriate
team for correction. Alternatively, you can make manual changes to the geography data by using the Manage
Geographies task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. If you decide to use geography data from another
data provider, then Oracle Support can delete the data and you can then load your data using File Import.

The Geocoding Defined and Address Cleansing Defined columns are used for additional features that you set up

• Geocoding is a feature used to populate longitude and latitude for locations in a country. You must set up geocoding
to enable mapping features in your application, such as the display of customer locations on a map in the UI. For
details, see the Setting Up Geography Data chapter in the Oracle Customer Data Management Cloud Getting
Started with Your Customer Data Management Implementation guide for details.
• Address cleansing makes it possible to validate addresses down to the street level. Note that to use address
cleansing, you require a separate license for the Address Verification Cloud Service.

Related Topics
• Setting Up Geography Data chapter in the Getting Started with Your Customer Data Management Implementation

List of Available Countries with GBG | Loqate Geography

Reference Data
Oracle Applications Cloud provides third-party GBG | Loqate master geography data for import. The following table lists the
countries for which the GBG | Loqate master geography data is available for import.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

Country Name Country Code

Andorra AD

Australia AU

Austria AT

Belgium BE

Brazil BR

Bulgaria BG

Canada CA

Cayman Islands KY

Chile CL

Croatia HR

Czech Republic CZ

Denmark DK

Dominican Republic DO

Estonia EE

Finland FI

France FR

Germany DE

Great Britain GB

Greece GR

Guadalupe GP

Hungary HU

Iceland IS

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

Country Name Country Code

India IN

Isles of Man IM

Israel IL

Italy IT

Jamaica JM

Japan JP

Kenya KE

Latvia LV

Liechtenstein LI

Lithuania LT

Luxembourg LU

Malaysia MY

Martinique MQ

Mexico MX

Netherlands NL

New Zealand NZ

Norway NO

Peru PE

Poland PL

Portugal PT

Puerto Rico PR

Qatar QA

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

Country Name Country Code

Reunion Island RE

Romania RO

San Marino SM

Singapore SG

Slovakia SK

Slovenia SI

South Africa ZA

Spain ES

Swaziland SZ

Sweden SE

Switzerland CH

Taiwan TW

United Arab Emirates AE


United States US

Uruguay UY

Vatican City VA

Setting Up Geography Validation

You must set up geography validation for those geography elements that you plan to use in your sales territories. Setting
up validation also helps users fill in missing address information, and it validates addresses during entry. For example, you
can have users select states or other address elements from lists to ensure accuracy during entry, and you can have the
application fill in missing values. For example, when the user enters a postal code, the application can retrieve the city and
Vision Corp. wants its salespeople to use a list of values to enter the states in their addresses, and it plans to set up territories
at the state level. For these reasons, validation must be set up at the state level.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

Setting Up the Validation

1. Open the Manage Geographies task from the implementation project or from Setup and Maintenance work area
using the following:

◦ Offering: Sales

◦ Functional Area: Sales Foundation

◦ Task: Manage Geographies

2. On the Manage Geographies page, search for a country you imported using either its name or its two letter ISO
code. For example, you can search by entering either the country name United States or the two letter ISO code US,
and clicking Search.
3. Select the country in the Search Results area.

The following figure shows the location of the Go to Task icon in the Validation Defined column on the Manage
Geographies page.

4. Click Go to Task in the Validation Defined column.

The Manage Geography Validation page appears.

5. In the Address Style region, ensure that the No Styles Format address style is selected. You define validation for
the No Styles Format address style so that the validations are performed for all addresses in the country.

Note: You can set up address style later using the Manage Address Formats task.

6. Select Enable List of Values in the Geography Mapping and Validation region to display the geography type as list
of values during address entry in the UI. For example, to have users select states from a list, select Enable List of
Values for State.

Vision Corp. enables the list of values for State because the company uses states for its sales territories and wants
to ensure that state names are always entered correctly.
7. Select Geography Validation for all the geography types that you plan to use in territories.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

In our example, Vision Corp. plans to use set up geographies by state, so it selects Geography Validation for

The following figure shows the location of the Enable List of Values and Geography Validation options for the US
State geography type.

You must enable geography validation for all geography levels above the level you're planning to use for territories. If
Vision Corp. decided to set up territories at the postal code level, it must select Geography Validation for state, city,
county, and postal code.

Note: If you don't select the validation for an address element, then the application still suggests
values to the user during address entry, but the application does not validate the address element.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

8. Specify if you want to permit addresses that are not considered valid by the application to be saved by making a
selection from the Geography Validation Level for Country list.

Here are the available values:

◦ No validation: permits users to save incomplete or incorrect addresses.

◦ Error: permits only valid addresses to be saved.

Vision Corp. wants to save all addresses, including incomplete and invalid addresses, so it selects No validation.
9. Click Save and Close.
10. Click Done in the Manage Geographies page.

Turning on Validation for Address Import

By default, the validation you specified is enforced for creating addresses in the UI only. You must set the profile option
Geography Address Validation Enabled to Yes for the validation to be enforced during import. Follow these steps to set the
profile option:

1. Open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task from the implementation project or after searching for the
task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Administrator Profile Values page appears.

2. In the Profile Display Name field located in the Search: Profile Option region, enter Geography Address Validation
3. Click Search.
4. With the profile option selected in the search results, select Yes from the Profile Value list.
5. Click Save and Close.

Enabling Address Mapping

You can quite literally put your accounts and contacts on the map by enabling geocoding as described in this topic.
Geocoding turns the addresses you enter or import into longitude and latitude coordinates so that the locations can be
displayed on a map.
Enabling address mapping involves two steps:

1. Turning on the geocoding feature

2. Running a process that converts the addresses into coordinates
Salespeople must enter valid postal addresses for geocoding to work, so it's a good idea for you to validate the addresses in
your application by subscribing to Oracle Address Verification Cloud Service.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

What You Are Enabling

Salespeople can use geocoding in two ways:

• In the office, salespeople can view the location of an account address on the map while editing the account record.

• Using Oracle CX Cloud Mobile on their smartphones, salespeople can view a map showing the locations of accounts
and contacts within a certain radius of their current location, or any other location they choose. They can obtain

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

travel directions to any of the locations with the tap of a finger (CX Cloud Mobile passes the coordinates to the native
mapping application on the phone).

Turning on Geocoding on the Manage Geographies Page

To turn on geocoding for a country, all you need to do is select the Geocoding Defined icon for the country where you want
to turn it on. Here are the steps:
1. Open the Manage Geographies task from the implementation project or from Setup and Maintenance work area
using the following:

◦ Offering: Sales

◦ Functional Area: Sales Foundation

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

◦ Task: Manage Geographies

2. On the Manage Geographies page, search for a country you imported using either its name or its two letter ISO
code. For example, you can search by entering either the country name United States or the two letter ISO code US,
and clicking Search.
3. Select the Geocoding Defined icon.
4. Click Done
Here's a screenshot of the Manage Geographies page with Geocoding Defined icon highlighted:

Running the Populate Location Latitude and Longitude Process

Run the process that converts the addresses to the location latitude and longitude regularly and each time you import.
Addresses that salespeople enter or addresses that you import don't show up on the map until the process completes, so
schedule the process to run as frequently as necessary. Here's how to run the process:
1. In the Navigator, click Scheduled Processes under the Tools heading.
2. Click Schedule New Process.
3. Click the Name drop-down list icon and the Search link at the bottom of the list.
4. In the Search and Select: Name window, search for "Populate Location Latitude and Longitude Information".
5. Select the process name in the search results and click OK.
6. In the Schedule new Process dialog box, click OK to confirm your selection.
7. In the Process Details window, click Advanced to view the advanced options.
8. You can make the following entries on the Parameters Tab:

Parameter What to Enter

Country Code Leave this field blank if you want to generate the coordinates for all the countries you enabled for
  geocoding, or enter a specific country code.

Start Date, End Date, and Regenerate Leave these fields blank. The geocoding process picks up any addresses that have not been
Geocode geocoded previously.

Batch Size Leave this field blank unless you're geocoding more than 50,000 addresses at a time. If you're
  processing a large number of addresses, then enter 1000. By default, the application launches
a subprocess for each batch of 500 addresses. There's a maximum of 10 subprocesses, so, if
you're processing more than 50,000 addresses, then you must run the process multiple times.
You can increase the batch size up to a maximum of 1,000.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 6
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Geography Data

Parameter What to Enter


9. Schedule the process to run regularly:

a. Click the Schedule tab.

b. Select Using a Schedule and specify the frequency.
10. Click Submit.

The application confirms your process was submitted.

11. You can monitor the process completion on the Overview page.

The process spawns multiple processes, depending on the batch size and the number of addresses you need to

Related Topics
• Configuring Address Verification chapter in the Getting Started with Customer Data Management guide

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 7
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Configuring Search

7 Configuring Search

Setup Overview
You must enable and configure the two primary ways of searching for data: the global search and the searches in each work
The two types of search serve slightly different purposes:

• You use the global search, located at the top of the application page, to search across objects in the application. For
example, a search on a contact name finds all the accounts, opportunities, and leads associated with that contact.

The following figure shows a screen capture of the global search box.

• For a more focused search, you can navigate to the work area of the object you are looking for and search for it
there by name or using multiple search criteria.

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Opportunity work area search fields. You use the Find field to
search by name. You use the List field to select saved searches using multiple fields. You can also switch to an
advanced search mode to search using multiple search criteria.

For more information how to use these two types of search, see the Using Search and Activities chapter of the Using Sales

Perform the setups outlined in the following table. The two searches use different technology, so the setups you perform
for one do not impact the other. Detailed steps are provided in procedures in this chapter. You can open all tasks from the
Configure Search folder in your implementation project.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 You must enable work area Schedule Work Area Search See the Scheduling the Work
  search and run the required Processes Area Search Processes topic in
synchronization and search   this chapter.
optimization processes.  

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 7
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Configuring Search

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

Using the Schedule Work
Area Search Processes task,
you enable search and run
the processes at the intervals
recommended by Oracle with
the click of the Submit button.

2 Enable global search by Manage Administrator Profile See Enabling the Global Search
  setting the system profile Values Profile Option in this chapter.
option FUSION_ APPS_    
Site level.

3 Deactivate global search on any Manage Search View Objects See Deactivating Search on
  application objects you do not   Application Objects in this
use. chapter.
Deactivating objects removes
them from the global search UI
and preserves system resources.
By default, Oracle enables global
search for all searchable objects
and schedules these objects to
be indexed daily on a staggered

You can configure global search behavior further by following the procedures described in the Setting Up Search chapter in
the Implementing Sales guide.

Scheduling Work Area Search Processes

You can activate work area searches and run the required synchronization processes at the recommended intervals by
clicking Submit on the Scheduling the Work Area Search Processes quick setup page as follows. If your implementation
requires running these processes at different intervals you must schedule the processes separately using individual tasks
available from the Setup: Sales page.
1. From the implementation project, open the Schedule Work Area Search Processes task. Alternatively, you can
open this task from the Setup: Sales page, by clicking the Quick Setup (gears) icon for the Sales Foundation
functional area.

The Scheduling Work Area Search Processes page appears.

2. Click Submit.

Your action does the following:

◦ Enables the different work area searches.

◦ Runs the Synchronize CRM Search Indexes process every five minutes. This process sets up the search
◦ Runs the Optimize CRM Search Indexes process weekly. This process keeps the index from getting

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 7
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Configuring Search

3. Click Cancel to return to the Implementation project or the Setup: Sales page.

Enabling the Global Search Profile Option

Use this procedure to enable global search by setting the Global Search Enabled profile option:
1. Sign in as a setup user and open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task from the implementation project.
Alternatively, you can search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Administrator Profile Values page appears.

2. In the Search: Profile Option region, Profile Option Code field, enter FUSION_APPS_SEARCH_ENABLED.
3. Click Search.

The application displays the profile option information. You can set the FUSION_APPS_SEARCH_ENABLED profile
option at the Site level.
4. In the FUSION_APPS_SEARCH_ENABLED: Profile Values section, select Yes from the Profile Value list.
5. Click Save and Close.

Tip: You must sign out and sign in again to see the global search box at the top of the page.

Deactivating Global Search on Application Objects

Oracle activates global search on all sales application objects where search is available. Use this procedure to deactivate any
objects you are not using to conserve system resources.
To deactivate search on unused objects:

1. While signed in as a setup user open the Manage Search View Objects task from the implementation project.
Setup users and sales administrators can also search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Search View Objects page appears.

2. Select each object you want to remove from search and click Deactivate.
3. You must click Refresh to see the updated status.
4. Click Done.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 7
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Configuring Search

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

8 Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

Preparing to Create Sales Users Setup Overview

Before you create sales application users either in the UI or by importing them from a file, you must perform the tasks
described in this chapter. Read the What You Must Do Before Creating Sales Users topic and perform the tasks listed in the
following table. Detailed steps are provided in separate procedures referenced in the table.
You can open all tasks for this setup from the Create Sales Users folder in your implementation project.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Create any additional resource Manage Resource Roles Creating Additional Resource
  roles you need. Vision Corp.   Roles topic in this chapter
creates the Inside Sales  
resource role for the inside sales

2 Set up provisioning rules to Manage HCM Role Provisioning Creating Rules to Automatically
  automatically provision the Rules Provision Job Roles to Sales
appropriate job roles and   Users in this chapter
abstract roles for the additional  
resource roles you created.

3 Optionally, you can enable • Manage Profile Options Preventing Entry of Duplicate
  duplicate checking for the • Manage Administrative User Email Addresses topic in
email addresses you enter Profile Values this chapter
while creating users in the UI.  
(User import already checks for

What You Must Do Before Creating Sales Users

Creating sales users in the UI or through import accomplishes two tasks: it provisions users with the permissions they need to
do their jobs and it builds the organization chart for your sales organization. To provision the security permissions, you must
set up the role-provisioning rules. To build the organization chart, you need to specify who reports to whom. Oracle supports
matrix management, so the resource hierarchy you build does not have to match the formal reporting hierarchy in the Oracle
Global Human Resources Cloud or other human resources applications.
Here's a screenshot of a portion of the Vision Corp. resource hierarchy as it appears in the Resource Directory. Aside from
their names, all users in the hierarchy must have:

• A resource role (highlighted by callout 1)

A name describing the role each resource plays in the organization. Resource roles display right underneath user
names in the Resource Directory and elsewhere in the UI. Resource roles are also used as the primary condition in
the role provisioning rules.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

• A resource organization (callout 2)

You must create a resource organization for every manager. Each individual contributor who is not a manager
automatically inherits the manager's organization. The name of the resource organization need not be any formal
department name, but you should avoid using manager names to accommodate hierarchy changes.

The application builds the resource organization hierarchy using the management hierarchy you specify when you create
users. You must enter a manager for each user you create, except for the top of the resource hierarchy.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

Resource Roles Provided by Oracle

Oracle provides you with the following standard sales organization resource roles and the appropriate job roles for each:
• Channel Account Manager
• Channel Administrator
• Channel Operations Manager
• Channel Partner Administrator
• Channel Sales Director
• Channel Sales Manager
• Chief Executive Officer
• Contract Administrator
• Contract Manager
• Customer Data Steward
• Data Steward Manager
• Master Data Management Application Administrator
• Partner Administrator
• Partner Sales Manager
• Partner Salesperson
• Sales Administrator
• Sales Lead Qualifier
• Sales Manager
• Salesperson
• Sales Restricted User
• Sales Setup User
• Sales Vice President

Note: Except for the Chief Executive Officer and the Salesperson, there is a corresponding job role for each
of the resource roles provided by Oracle. The job role corresponding to the Salesperson resource role is Sales
Representative. The Chief Executive Officer is assigned the Sales Vice President job role.

Role-Provisioning Rules Provided by Oracle

If you followed the instructions in the Entering Your Company Information and Corporate Currency topic earlier in your setup,
you are in luck. Your application creates the role-provisioning rules that automatically assign users with the job roles and
abstract roles required to do their job. If you didn't, then you must create all of the role-provisioning rules manually using the
Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task. For details, see the Creating Rules to Automatically Provision Job Roles to Sales
Users topic in this chapter.

Here's a list of the role-provisioning rules provided by Oracle, the condition which triggers the provisioning, and the job and
abstract roles each rule provisions. You can get a description of each job and abstract role from the Oracle Engagement
Cloud Security Reference guide.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

Provisioning Rule Name Condition Job or Abstract Roles Provisioned

Channel Account Manager HR Assignment Status is Active Channel Account Manager

Resource Role is Channel Account Manager Resource

Channel Sales Manager HR Assignment Status is Active Channel Sales Manager

Resource Role is Channel Sales Manager Resource

Channel Operations Manager HR Assignment Status is Active Channel Operations Manager

Resource Role is Channel Operations Resource

Chief Executive Officer HR Assignment Status is Active Sales VP

Resource Role is Chief Executive Officer Resource

Contract Administrator HR Assignment Status is Active Contract Administrator

Resource Role is Contract Administrator Resource

Contract Manager HR Assignment Status is Active Contract Manager

Resource Role is Contract Manager Resource

Customer Data Steward HR Assignment Status is Active Customer Data Steward

Resource Role is Customer Data Steward Resource

Data Steward Manager HR Assignment Status is Active Data Steward Manager

Resource Role is Data Steward Manager Resource

Partner Administrator Resource Role is Partner Administrator Partner Administrator


Partner Sales Manager Resource Role is Partner Sales Manager Partner Sales Manager

Partner Sales Representative Resource Role is Partner Salesperson Partner Sales Representative

Sales Administrator HR Assignment Status is Active Sales Administrator

Resource Role is Sales Administrator Resource

Sales Lead Qualifier HR Assignment Status is Active Sales Lead Qualifier

Resource Role is Sales Lead Qualifier Resource

Sales Manager HR Assignment Status is Active Sales Manager

Resource Role is Sales Manager Resource

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

Provisioning Rule Name Condition Job or Abstract Roles Provisioned

Sales Representative HR Assignment Status is Active Sales Representative

Resource Role is Salesperson Resource

Sales Restricted User HR Assignment Status is Active Sales Restricted User

Resource Role is Sales Restricted User Resource

Sales Setup User HR Assignment Status is Active Application Implementation Consultant

Resource Role is Sales Setup User IT Security Manager
Application Diagnostics Administrator
Sales Administrator
Sales Analyst

Sales Vice President HR Assignment Status is Active Sales VP

Resource Role is Sales Vice President Resource

Contingent Worker HR Assignment Status is Active Contingent Worker

System Person Type is Contingent Worker

Employee HR Assignment Status is Active Employee

System Person Type is Employee

You create sales users as employees, so two role-provisioning rules come into play for each user: the rule triggered by the
users' resource roles and the rule triggered by the fact that they are employees. For example, when you create a user with
the Sales Manager resource role provided by Oracle, then the application automatically provisions the Sales Manager job
role and the Resource abstract role. Because you are creating the user as an employee, the application also provisions the

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

Employee abstract role. The following diagram shows the two rules that are triggered when you create an employee resource
with the Sales Manager resource role (highlighted by callout 1).

Role Provisioning Rule Role Provisioning Rule

Resource Role = Person Type = Employee
Sales Manager

Sales Manager Job Resource Abstract Employee Abstract

Role Role Role

Creating Additional Resource Roles and Provisioning Rules

You must create additional resource roles using the Manage Resource Roles task from the Setup and Maintenance work area

• You want other job titles to display for your users.

For example, you must create an Inside Sales resource role to display the Inside Sales title in your organization chart.
Inside Sales is not one of the resource roles created for you.
• You want to provision some users with special privileges.

For example, if one of the sales managers in your organization also acts as a sales administrator, you need to
provision her with both job roles. To do this, you must create a new resource role and a provisioning rule to go along
with it.
• You want to create a sales administrator who is a manager.

The Sales Administrator resource role provided by Oracle is intended for an individual contributor (member). If your
sales administrator manages others, then you must create a separate manager resource role and a provisioning rule
to go with it.

Each time you create a resource role, you must also create a corresponding role-provisioning rule. For example, if you
created an Inside Sales resource role, you must create a role provisioning rule to provision one or more of the available job
roles and the Resource abstract role.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

Creating Additional Resource Roles

This topic describes how to create additional resource roles. After you create a resource role, you must create the
appropriate provisioning rules to provision the user with the required job and abstract roles. The resource role by itself is only
a title.

Creating a Resource Role

1. Sign in as a setup user and open the Manage Resource Roles task from the implementation project or after
searching for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
The Manage Resource Roles page appears.
2. To review all the existing resource roles, click Search without entering search criteria.
All the available resource roles are listed. Roles that are predefined by Oracle are labeled System.
3. Click Create to create a new resource role.
The Create Role page appears. The following figure shows a screen capture of the page.

4. In the Role Name field, enter the name of the resource role as you want it to appear in the application UI, for
example, Inside Sales.
5. In the Role Code field, enter a unique internal name in capital letters. No spaces are permitted, but you can use the
underscore character (_) instead. For example, enter INSIDE_SALES.
6. If the resource role belongs to a manager, select the Manager option. If the resource role belongs to an individual
contributor, such as inside sales representatives, then select the Member option.
7. From the Role Type list, select Sales to classify the role that you are creating.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

8. Click Save and Close.

Creating Rules to Automatically Provision Job Roles to

Sales Users
You must create role provisioning rules for any new resource roles you created, such as the Inside Sales Representative. For
the Inside Sales Representative and all other internal sales users, including sales administrators, you must add the Resource
abstract role in addition to the required job roles. The Resource abstract role permits the users to access the Resource
Directory. Do not add the Resource abstract role for partner roles.

Creating a Provisioning Rule

1. Sign in as a setup user and open the task Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules from the implementation
project. Alternatively, you can search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
The Manage Role Mappings page appears.
2. Click Create.
The Create Role Mapping page appears.
3. In the Mapping Name field, enter a name that helps you identify the mapping, for example, Inside Sales
4. In the Conditions region, enter the two conditions listed in the following table.

Field Entry

Select the resource role you want to provision, for example, Inside Sales Representative.
Resource Role  

HR Assignment Status Select Active. This additional condition ensures that the provisioned roles are automatically
removed if the user is terminated in Global Human Resources.

5. In the Associated Roles region, click Add to add the job roles you want to provision. For the inside sales
representative, add the Sales Representative job role.
6. For all internal sales users, including the inside sales representative, add the Resource abstract role. Do not add this
role for partner roles.
7. Make sure the Autoprovision option is selected for all the roles.
8. Click Save and Close.

Preventing Entry of Duplicate User Email Addresses

You can prevent the entry of duplicate email addresses when creating users using the Create User page by enabling email
validation as described in this topic. The validation displays a warning message if you enter a duplicate value. The message
provides the name, the user name, or both of the email owner. User import includes its own separate duplicate checking
which is enabled by default.
To enable the email validation, you first create and then set a profile option.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

Creating the Profile Option

1. Open the Manage Profile Options task from the Implementation Project. The task is located in the Create Sales
Users folder.

You can also search for the task in the Setup and Maintenance by clicking the Tasks panel tab, then selecting
2. On the Manage Profile Options page, click the New icon in the Search Results section.
3. On the Create Profile Option page, complete the required values as follows:

Field Value



Profile Display Name Enable Validation of User Work Email


Application Sales

Module Users

Start Date Select a start date.


4. Click Save and Close.

5. In the Profile Option Levels section of the Manage Profile Options page, select the Enabled and Updatable options
at the Site level.
6. Click Save and Close.

Setting the Profile Option

1. Open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task from the implementation project.
2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, enter PER_MANAGE_USERS_EMAIL_VALIDATION in the
Profile Option Code field and click Search.
3. In the Profile Values section of the search results, click the New icon.
4. Enter Site in the Profile Level field and Y in the Profile Value field.
5. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 8
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Getting Ready to Create Sales Users

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 9
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Sales Users in the UI

9 Creating Sales Users in the UI

Setup Overview
After you have set up any additional resource roles and role-provisioning rules, you are ready to create sales users in the UI.
Because you must specify the manager for each user you create, start creating users from the top of the corporate hierarchy
and work your way down. Oracle recommends that you start at the very top of the corporate hierarchy, so you can easily add
additional branches in the future.
The following table lists the steps to follow when creating sales users. You can open these tasks from the Create Sales
Users folder in the implementation project. Alternatively, you can search for the tasks by name in the Setup and Maintenance
work area. You can also reach the Manage Users work area, where you create the user records, from the Navigator by
clicking Users and Roles under the My Team heading.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Before you create users, review Manage Applications Security See the Setting Up User
  your user notifications and Preferences Account Preferences chapter in
preferences setup. When you   this guide.
are create the CEO and top  
company officers as users, you
do not want to accidentally
spam them with password

2 Create the CEO or another top Manage Users See the Creating Sales Users in
  user in the hierarchy and his or   the UI topic in this chapter.
her resource organization. The  
resource organization you create
automatically becomes the top
organization in the hierarchy.
You do not enter a manager for
this user.

3 Create the rest of the users, Manage Users The same Creating Sales Users
  starting right below the top of   in the UI topic.
the hierarchy. Work your way  
down because you must select
the manager for every user you
When you create a manager
user, you must also create his or
her resource organization. Users
who are not managers inherit
the resource organization of their

4 If you are using some of these Manage Applications Security See the Setting Up User
  users for testing your setups, Preferences Account Preferences chapter in
then you must manually reset   this guide.
their passwords in the Security  
Console work area.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 9
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Sales Users in the UI

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

Make sure that you have turned
off notifications for password
resets, unless you want the user
to be notified that you manually
reset the password.

After creating the first few users in the top of your hierarchy, you can import the rest as described in the next chapter.

Related Topics
• Managing Sales Users chapter in the Oracle Engagement Cloud Securing Sales and Service guide

About Creating the Vision Corp. Sales Organization

Although Vision Corp.'s pilot implementation is limited to the US sales organization only, Vision Corp. starts the organization
hierarchy at the Chief Executive Officer. Starting with the CEO makes it easy to add other branches of the organization in the

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 9
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Sales Users in the UI

The following figure shows the Vision Corp. sales organization for the pilot implementation.

William Taylor
Created in UI
Chief Executive
Vision Corp

Peter Apt
Vice President
Global High Tech

Bob Boyle
Imported Sales Vice President
US Direct Sales
James Ng
Inside Sales Martin Conway John Dunbar
US Product Sales Sales Vice President Sales Administrator
Waleed Abbas US Product Sales US Product Sales
Inside Sales
US Product Sales Alex Smith
Sales Manager
Sales Support

Peter Branch Marilyn Richie

Salesperson Salesperson
Sales Support Sales Support

Mateo Lopez Michael Rhodes

Sales Manager Sales Manager
US Products West US Products East

Lisa Jones Julian Henderson Kristen Garrity Sean Goodkin

Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson
US Products West US Products West US Products East US Products East

Vision Corp. creates the first two users in the UI: William Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, and Peter Apt, the Vice President of
Global High Tech. You must create the first user at the top of the hierarchy. Creating users in the UI also makes it possible to
check if the provisioning rules work correctly. Vision imports the rest of the users as described in the next chapter.

Make sure that you obtain the sign-in information for a representative sample of users, so that you can use those users
for testing. For example, to test account and opportunity assignment as well as forecasting, you'll want to sign in as a
salesperson and manager in each sales organization: US Products West, Sales Support, and US Products East. To test
forecasting and quotas, you must also sign in as the sales administrator.

Creating Sales Users in the UI

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 9
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Sales Users in the UI

Watch: This tutorial shows you how to create a sales user in the UI.

Use the following procedure to create sales users in the UI. Note that the procedure is slightly different for managers and
individual contributors:
• You must assign each manager with his or her own resource organization. You can create the resource organization
while creating the manager.
• Each individual contributor automatically inherits her manager's resource organization.

The application determines who is a manager from the resource role you assign to the user.

Note: When you create users in the sales application, you are creating a resource hierarchy that's separate from
the human resources hierarchy for employees. A user you create in the sales application does not have to report
to the same manager in the employee hierarchy.

To create sales users:

1. Open the Manage Users task from the implementation project or you can search for the task by name in the Setup
and Maintenance work area. You can also open this task from the Navigator, by clicking Users and Roles under
the My Team heading.
2. On the Search Person page, click Create.

The Create User page appears.

3. Enter the user's name and a unique e-mail address in the Personal Details region.

The application sends all notifications regarding password changes to this e-mail address unless you turn off
notifications in the Security Console work area.

Tip: To ensure that the user is never notified by e-mail, you can change the domain of the e-mail
addresses to any of the special discard e-mail domains provided by Oracle for this purpose. For
example, you can substitute See the Using Test E-Mail
Accounts During User Setup topic in the Implementing Sales guide for details.

After you create the user, you can no longer update the e-mail address in the Manage Users work area. You must
instead update the e-mail address on the Users tab in the Security Console work area or using file import.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 9
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Sales Users in the UI

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Personal Details region with sample data.

4. The application prepopulates today's date in the Hire Date field and uses that date as the start date for the
If you are planning to use quotas, then you must make sure that the hire date is a date before the start of the first
quota period. For example, if you are allocating monthly quotas for fiscal year July 01, 2015 to June 30, 2016, then
you must enter a hire date of 7-1-2015 or earlier. You cannot change the hire date after you create the user.
5. In the User Details region, enter the user name.
If you leave the User Name field blank, then the application automatically creates a user name for you. By default,
the application uses the e-mail as the user name. You can select other default user name formats, such as first name
initial and last name, on the Administration tab in the Security Console work area.
6. Selecting the Send user name and password option in the User Notification Preferences region sends users a
URL they can use to reset their password and sign in. The application sends the e-mail notification immediately
after you save the user record for the first time. This option is available only before you save. After you save the
record, you must instead use the Users tab in the Security Console work area to reset the password and send the
notification as described in a related topic.
7. Make the following entries in the Employment Information region:

◦ Select Employee from the Person Type list.

◦ From the Legal Employer list, select the legal employer. There should be only one value available: your
company name followed by the suffix LE.
◦ From the Business Unit list, select the business unit. There should be only one value available: your company
name followed by the suffix LE BU.
Neither the legal employer name nor the business unit name is visible in the sales application, so the names do not
need to correspond to actual entities in your company.

Note: The remaining fields in the Employment Information region are not used by the sales application.
These fields include: Job, Grade, Department, Location, Mail Stop, and Manager.
8. Make the following entries in the Resource Information region:
a. From the Resource Role list, select the role the user plays in the resource organization.
For example, for the CEO, select Chief Executive Officer.
b. From the Reporting Manager list, select the user's manager. For the top user in your hierarchy, such as the
CEO, leave this field blank.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 9
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Sales Users in the UI

c. If the user you are creating is a manager, then you must enter a resource organization for the user in the
Organization field.

For the top of the resource hierarchy, select the resource organization you created earlier. For other managers
you can create resource organization ahead of time using the Manage Internal Resource Organizations
task in the Setup: Sales page, or you can create the resource organization using the following steps:

i. Click Create link at the end of the Organization list.

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Resource Information region highlighting the location
of the Create link at the end of the Organization list.

The Create Organization window appears.

ii. Enter the organization name.
iii. Make sure the Sales option is selected and click OK.
d. If the user you are creating is a not a manager then the resource organization is automatically copied from the
9. Click Autoprovision Roles.

The application provisions the job and abstract roles according to the role provisioning rules.
10. Click Save and Close.

The application creates the user. If you selected the Send User Name and Password option, then the application
also sends the e-mail with the URL the user can use to sign in to the application for the first time.

Resetting User Passwords

All users can reset their own passwords by clicking the Set Preferences link in the Settings and Actions menu (available
by clicking your user name) or by using Forgot Password on the sign-in page. To reset passwords for others, you must be a
setup user, or another user provisioned with the IT Security Manager job role, and use the Security Console work area.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 9
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Sales Users in the UI

To reset a user's password in the Security Console:

1. Open the Manage Applications Security Preferences task from the implementation project. Alternatively, you
can search for this task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area or use the Navigator.
2. You can ignore and close any warnings regarding the scheduling of the Import Users and Roles Application Security
Data job.
3. Click the Users tab.
4. Search for the user using one of the following:

◦ First or last name, but not both

◦ User name

Here's a screenshot of the Users tab. Callout 1 highlights the location of the Action menu.

5. From the Action menu, select Reset Password.

The Reset Password window displays the password strength policy.

6. Select the Automatically generate password option to send an email to users with a link they can use to create
their own passwords.
7. To reset the password yourself, do the following:
a. Select the Manually change the password option.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 9
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Creating Sales Users in the UI

b. Enter the new password twice.

Note: The manual option is available only if you selected the Administrator can manually reset
password option while editing the password policy for the DEFAULT user category in the Security
Console. See the Setting Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and Notifications topic for details.

8. Click Reset Password.

Related Topics
• Setting Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and Notifications

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

10 Importing Sales Users

Overview of Importing Sales Users

After you create a couple of sales users in the UI to test your setup, you're ready to import the rest using the Excel macro
provided by Oracle. You can import up to 1000 users at a time using the macro. You must ensure that each import
completes before starting another. The import creates the resource organizations for each manager, creates the sales
organization hierarchy, and provisions the users with the job roles and abstract roles they need.

Note: You can use the import only for sales users. You can't use it to import service users or contracts users,
for example.

Here's an overview of the setup steps for importing users using the R13 Sales User Quick Import Macro. The task name
column lists the tasks that you can open either from the implementation project or from the Setup and Maintenance work
area. For detailed steps refer to the procedures listed in the Where to Get More Details column.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 You must synchronize sales Run User and Roles See Synchronizing Your Sales
  security information with the Synchronization Process Application with the LDAP
LDAP directory before you   Directory topic in this chapter.
import sales users for the first  
time and also after creating
any of your own job roles.
To retrieve the latest security
information, you run the Retrieve
Latest LDAP Changes process
using the Run User and Roles
Synchronization Process task.

2 Sign in to support. None. See the Downloading and Using

  and download the macro   the User Macro topic in this
appropriate for your update chapter.
from article Oracle Engagement  
Cloud: Getting Started with
Your Sales Implementation:
Quick Import Macros (Doc ID
The article organizes the files
by release update because
different versions of the macros
are available for different R13

3 None. For steps to obtain the names

  In the macro, you:   of the business unit and legal
entity see the topic Reviewing
1. Enter the business unit Your Company Information
and the legal entity. You and Specifying Your Corporate
can obtain these from Currency in the Reviewing
the Review Company Company Information and
Information task you Getting Ready chapter.
completed earlier.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

2. Download any additional  
resource roles you See Downloading and Using the
created by clicking a User Import Macro topic in this
button on the Role Details chapter for instructions on using
worksheet. the macro.
3. Enter the user information  
in the Template
worksheet, starting
from the top of the user
4. Click Create Import
Activity to import.

4 In the Security Console work Manage Application Security See the Resetting User
  area reset the password for a Preferences Passwords topic in the Creating
sales user you want to use for   Setup Users chapter.

5 Sign in as the test user and See the Reviewing the Resource
  review the resource hierarchy This task isn't available in the Hierarchy You Created topic in
you created by navigating implementation project. Instead, this chapter.
to the Resource Directory click Resource Directory in the  
and displaying a graphical Navigator.
representation of the hierarchy.
You can upload user images
and correct any minor errors in
the Manage Users work area.
Alternatively, you can make
corrections in the macro and
import again.

Synchronizing Your Sales Application with the LDAP

You must run the Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes process using the Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task
before you import sales users for the first time and if you create your own job roles. The process retrieves the latest security
information from the LDAP directory. To run the process, do the following:
1. Open the task Run User and Role Synchronization Process from the implementation project or:

a. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

b. Make sure Sales is selected on the Setup page.
c. On the Setup: Sales page, select the Users and Security functional area.
d. Click the Run User and Roles Synchronization Process task link.

The Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes page appears.

2. Click Submit.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

Downloading and Using the User Import Macro

Watch: This tutorial shows how you can import sales users using the Sales User Quick Import Excel macro you can download
from My Oracle Support. The content of this video is also covered in text topics.

Downloading the Macro for Importing Users

This topic explains how to download the Microsoft Excel macro for importing users from My Oracle Support.
Follow these steps to download the macro:
1. Sign in to
2. Search for 2229503.1.
3. Scroll down in the article to the Details region, locate the section pertinent to your application update, and click
Sales User Import Macro in the Excel Macro Files column to download the Excel macro file from the table.
4. Save the macro file to a folder on your computer.
The application saves import logs to the same folder.

Entering Data into the Sales User Import Macro and Importing
Follow these steps to enter data into the R13 Sales User Quick Import Macro and import. You can import up to 1000 user
records at a time. If you use the macro to import multiple batches of users, you must ensure that each import completes
before starting another.
Before entering data into the macro, confirm that you have the following information:
• Legal entity name (usually your company name followed by LE)
• Business unit name (usually your company name followed by BU)
• The email and resource organization name for the resource who is the manager of the first person or persons you're
The manager's email and resource organization name form the link between the resources you created in the UI and
those you're about to import.

Note: You can modify the macro to import additional fields. If you add fields to the macro, then you must also
add them to the import mapping. The steps for modifying macros are covered in the Importing Data with Custom
Fields chapter.

After you have all required information, enter the user data into the macro:
1. Open the R13 Sales User Quick Import Macro file you downloaded earlier.
2. Enable macros in Microsoft Excel, if required.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

3. Navigate to the Role Details worksheet. The standard sales roles are listed:

◦ Chief Executive Officer

◦ Sales Administrator

◦ Sales Manager

◦ Sales Vice President

◦ Salesperson
4. If you created additional resource roles, click Populate Roles from Server and enter the following details in the
Login window:

◦ Host information for your environment.

The host name is the portion of the URL of your environment between https:// and the next forward slash, /.
You can obtain the correct host name by signing in to your application. Don't copy the host name from your
application sign-in page because the URL is different.
◦ Your user name

◦ Your password

Here's a screenshot of the Login window with sample host information for a test environment.

5. Click Submit.

The macro retrieves the roles you set up from your environment and enters them into the worksheet so they're
available as the list of values in the Resource Role column in the Template worksheet.
6. Navigate to the Template worksheet.
7. In the fields at the top of the sheet, enter your legal entity and business unit.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

Here's a screenshot of the top of the worksheet with sample data.

In this same region, the Mapping field is already set to Default. The application uses the standard mapping for
importing employee resources. If you added additional columns to the macro, then you would have to enter a
mapping number for the mapping you created.
8. Enter the sales users that you want to import, working your way down the sales hierarchy. You must start at the top
because you must enter the email address of the manager for each user you import.

The macro uses the manager email addresses you enter to automatically populate the manager resource
organizations. It's actually the resource organization hierarchy information that the application uses to build the
sales resource hierarchy. We designed the macro this way to minimize entry errors. Even an extra space in the
organization name could throw the import off.

Note: The macro doesn't include the manger email address in the import. That's because doing so
would build an employee management hierarchy in Oracle Human Resources Cloud in addition to the
sales resource hierarchy.

Here's an overview of what to enter in the macro columns.

Column What to Enter

First Name Enter the first name as you want it to appear in the sales application.

Last Name Enter the last name as you want it to appear in the sales application.

E-mail You must enter a unique email address.


Manager's E-mail Enter the manager's email address. The macro uses this address to default the organization

Resource Role From the list, select the name of the resource role that you're assigning to the user.

Organization Name For each manager, enter his or her resource organization. This field is disabled for individual
  contributors because they inherit the organizations of their managers.
The organization names you enter here appear in the Resource Directory and elsewhere in the UI.

Manager Organization Name For the top user you're importing you must enter the organization name of that user's manager.
  You must enter the name exactly as you entered it in the UI, without additional spaces and

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

Column What to Enter

with the correct capitalization. For the rest of the users, the macro automatically populates the
resource organizations for you based on the manager emails you entered.

9. When you're done with your entries, click Create Import Activity.
10. If you're asked to correct errors in your entries, then do the following:

a. Click OK

The Error worksheet displays your errors.

b. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be

c. Click Create Import Activity again.

11. On the Login page, enter the host, user name, and password if required.

If you previously entered these details on the Role Details worksheet when retrieving roles from the server, then the
same values appear here.
12. Click Submit.

The application displays one of the messages listed in the following table.

Message Meaning

The file import activity was submitted Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation
successfully. message displays the job ID.

Unable to connect to the server at this You may have entered an incorrect host.

Unable to submit the file import activity. You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user doesn't have the correct
Check log for details. permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

13. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details to monitor the progress of the file
import activity directly from the macro.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID, and its status.

The import may take a few minutes to complete.

◦ If the import activity is still in progress, then you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

◦ If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.

14. If the import activity completes with errors, then do the following:

a. Click Generate Log to display the error message on the macro's Errors worksheet.

Here's a screenshot showing of a portion of the Errors worksheet with an error.

b. Click the value in the Location column (D) to navigate to the erroneous record, correct the issue, and click
Submit again to create a new import job.
15. After the import is completed, optionally click Generate Log to save a file that lists the imported sales users.

The file is saved to the destination folder where you saved the macro. The file path is displayed in a message.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

16. Save the macro file with your data for updates at a later time. You can use the macro to make both minor updates
such as misspelling of names or to change the sales hierarchy.
17. Now that you have completed creating users, verify the import from the Manage Users page or from the Resource

See the Reviewing the User Hierarchy You Created topic for details.

Reviewing the Resource Hierarchy You Created

Now that you have completed creating users, you can verify the resource hierarchy in the Resource Directory. You can make
changes to the user name and other details by editing the user record from the Manage User work area or you can make the
corrections in the Excel macro and import again.

Verifying the Resource Hierarchy

To review the resource hierarchy, do the following

1. Sign in as one of the sales users you created.

2. Click Resource Directory in the Navigator.

The Resource Directory page appears.

3. Search for the top user by first name using the Search: Resources panel on the left of the page.
4. Click the user name link in the Search Results.

The application displays the detailed user information in the Resource page. From the Resource page, you can take
one of the actions described in the following table. The callout numbers refer to the figure that follows the table.

Callout Number Action

1 View a graphical display of the organization hierarchy for the user.


2 Upload a portrait of the user


3 Review the job and abstract roles provisioned to the user on the Roles tab (Current Roles list).

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Resource page highlighting the locations of the different actions.

5. To view a graphical representation of your organization hierarchy, click Show Reporting Hierarchy.

The application displays the user and their manager in an expandable hierarchy.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

The following figure shows a screen capture of the visual representation of the sample reporting hierarchy.

6. You can view additional levels of the reporting hierarchy by clicking the arrows below or above each user box.
Navigation tools on the top left of the page make it possible to zoom in and out.

Correcting User Records

Follow this procedure to edit individual records. You can change the user name, fix spelling errors, and make other changes.
Alternatively, you can perform these same edits in the Excel macro and import again.
1. Sign in as a setup user.
2. Navigate to the Manage Users work area.
3. In the Keywords search field, enter the first name of the user.
4. Click Search (the right arrow icon).
5. Click the name link in Search Results.
The application displays the user record in the Edit User page.
6. In the Edit User page, you can edit the information about each user. For example, you can:

◦ Fix spelling errors

◦ Change the user name
◦ Change the resource roles and provisioning of job roles
7. Click Save and Close when you are done.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

How can I update the sales organization hierarchy?

If the sales organization changes, because of a reorganization, for example, or if you must correct a mistake, then you should
make your corrections in the user import Excel macro or in the import file you used for your initial import and import again.
Importing your corrections takes care of many steps that you would have to perform manually in the Manage Resources
UI. For example, if a sales representative gets promoted to a manager, then the import automatically end-dates her Sales
Representative job role, assigns her the Sales Manager resource role, and automatically provisions her the Sales Manager job
role. If a manager moves to a different organization, then her reports are automatically assigned to her manager.

See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Securing Sales and Service guide for more details.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 10
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Sales Users

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

11 Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Setup Overview
You must create a catalog of the products and services your company sells. Your sales agents select from this catalog when
entering products in opportunities and leads. The sales catalog is represented as a hierarchy of product groups with individual
Read the About the Sales Catalog topic to learn about the sales catalog and the Vision Corp. use case and perform the
setups outlined in the following table. The table lists the steps in the recommended order, provides a description of each step,
and lists the names of the tasks you can open from the implementation project for each step. You can open all tasks from the
Create Sales Catalog folder in your implementation project. For more details and procedures on each task, see the topics
referenced in the last column.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 You can set up the product Manage Product Groups See the Creating the Root
  groups in your sales catalog   Product Group topic in this
using the UI and by importing chapter.
them using the product group  
import macro, as described
in the Importing Products and
Product Groups section.
This guide shows you how to
create the product group at the
top of your sales catalog, called
the root product group, in the UI.
Using the UI to create the root
is optional. You can import the
entire hierarchy, including the
root, using the macro.
If you are creating the root
product group in the UI, then,
after you create the root product
group, you must record its
reference number. You need
the reference number to link the
imported product groups.

2 • Manage Units of Measure See the Prerequisite Setups for

  Perform the following Products section in this chapter.
• Manage Locations
prerequisite setups for products:  
• Manage Item
1. Create the units of Organizations
measure using the • Manage Administrator
Manage Units of Profile Values
Measures task. • Manage Spoke Systems
2. Create a location using
the Manage Locations
3. Create the item master
organization using

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

the Manage Item
Organizations task.
4. Specify the item master
organization you
created in system profile
Sales Products Item
5. Identify the item master
organization as the
default organization for
import using the Manage
Spoke Systems task.

Only the units of measure are

displayed. They indicate the
different units of products you
are selling.

The other setup tasks are

required only because your
products are stored in Oracle
Fusion Product Model.

3 Download the two Excel macros In your browser, navigate to See the Downloading the
  you will use to import products support. and search Macros for Importing Products
and product groups from for the document. and Product Groups topic in this
My Oracle Support (Doc ID   chapter.

4 Enter product information in You carry out this task in the See the Entering Data into the
  the product import macro and Excel macro. Product Import Macro and
import the products.   Importing topic in this chapter.

5 Verify the products you imported In your application, navigate to See the Verifying Imported
  in the Products work area and, the Products work area and Products and Adding Product
optionally, add product images. search for each product you Images topic in this chapter.
  want to edit.  

6 Enter the product group You carry out this task in the See the Entering Data into the
  hierarchy and the relationship Excel macro. Product Group Import Macro
between the products and the   and Importing topic in this
product groups into the product chapter.
group import macro and initiate  
your import.

7 Validate the sales catalog on the Manage Product Groups See the Viewing the Product
  Manage Product Groups page.   Group Hierarchy topic in this

8 If you created all of your product Manage Product Groups See the Publishing the Sales
  groups in the UI and did not   Catalog topic in this chapter.
import any, then you must  
manually publish the sales
catalog. If you imported, then
you can skip this step because
the import process automatically
publishes for you.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details


9 You must enable the sales • Manage Product Group See the Making a Sales Catalog
  catalog for use by selecting the Usage Available for Use topic in this
root node as the "base usage". • Refresh Denormalized chapter.
This step tells the application Product Catalog Table for  
which product groups to display BI
in the sales catalog.
Each time you make a new
assignment of "base usage" to
a root product group, you must
also run the scheduled process
Refresh Denormalized Product
Catalog Table for BI.
If you do not run the process,
then your sales catalog does
not appear in the Products
territory dimension and you
cannot create territories using
products. Other applications and
reports that use products may
be affected as well.

10 Enable browsing of the Manage Opportunity Profile See the Enabling Sales Catalog
  sales catalog while editing Options Browsing in Opportunities topic
opportunities by setting the   in this chapter.
system profile option Browse  
Sales Catalog in Opportunities
Enabled (MOO_ ENABLE_

11 Sign in as a sales user and This task is not available in See the Validating the Sales
  validate that your sales catalog the implementation project. Catalog in the Application topic
shows up in opportunities. You must Navigate to the in this chapter
  Opportunity work area and  
create an opportunity.

About the Sales Catalog

Salespeople enter the products that customers are interested in purchasing from a sales catalog. The sales catalog consists
of a hierarchy of product groups, which classifies and organizes the products in your catalog. Each product or product group
can include a description and you can add one image for each product. Salespeople can either browse or search the sales
catalog to enter the customer product interest in opportunity revenue lines or leads.
You can use product groups as a dimension in your sales territories and for forecasting product revenue. During forecasting
setup, you can specify the number of levels in your sales catalog product group hierarchy that you want to forecast. For
example, Vision Corp. assigns specialists to help close deals on opportunities with the line of green servers that the company
has just launched.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Here's a screenshot of the Browse page, which salespeople see while they browse the catalog. The screenshot highlights the
product group hierarchy in the Browse section (callout 1) and the products with descriptions in the Products section (callout

Salespeople can drill down into the individual product pages to view the product description and an image. The following
screenshot shows the Product Detail page for a sample product. The page includes the product name, description, and
image. The Details and Specifications tab and the rest of the tabs at the bottom of the page are not used by the Sales

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Engagement Cloud Sales and Service Catalogs

The building blocks of sales and service catalogs are the same. Both use product groups and products and are created the
same way using the same UIs and import processes. You create a root product group and build your catalog underneath.
Salespeople use the catalog to enter product interest in opportunities and leads. Service agents use the catalog for entering
products into service requests. There are two differences between sales and service catalogs:
• How product groups are used.
In sales, you can forecast by product groups. In service, you can use product groups to channel service requests to
the right work queue for resolution.
• Different product options determine if the product shows up for sales or for service.
Products must have the Eligible to Sell option selected for them to appear in the sales catalog and the Eligible for
Service option selected for them to appear in the service catalog.

You can share products and product groups between the two catalogs and you can even create one catalog for both sales
and service. If you do opt for a single catalog or even reuse the same product groups for the two catalogs, you must keep in
mind that sales may discontinue selling some products that you may still need to service. Or sales may create product groups
specific to promotions or seasonal sales.

Products in the Sales and Service Catalogs

While you can create sales and service catalogs with product groups only, you must create products to take advantage of
advanced sales features such as price books. You must also use products to enable integrations with other Oracle cloud
services, including Oracle Configure, Price, and Quote (CPQ) Cloud. You can also use Application Composer to add fields
and perform other modifications to products, a feature not available on product groups.

Products you create are also stored in the Oracle Fusion Product Model, which serves as the master item repository for all
front-office cloud services. So, the product you create can be priced and quoted in Oracle CPQ Cloud and serviced in Oracle
Engagement Cloud.

The Oracle Fusion Product Model, which is provided free of charge with the different cloud services, provides basic
functionality for use in the front-office cloud services. If you're implementing supply chain cloud services or ERP cloud
services together with your sales application, then you must license the Oracle Product Hub Cloud Service and set up your
items using the UIs and import features of Oracle Product Hub Cloud. You can't create products in your sales application
with enough detail that would make them suitable for back-office supply chain applications. Sales applications don't need
to track the physical locations of the items you're selling or shipping, for example, so all products you create in the sales
application are created at the Item Master Organization level in the Oracle Fusion Product Model. Only the Oracle Product
Hub Cloud includes the ability to manage item classes. All products created in the sales application are created at the default
item class and use the Production design phase.

The following diagram outlines the role products play in Oracle Engagement Cloud and related cloud services:
• In Oracle Engagement Cloud, you can create the products for your sales and service catalogs either individually in
the UI (indicated by callout 5) or you import products from a file (callout 6).
• Product records are created both in Oracle Engagement Cloud and in the Oracle Fusion Product Model (callout 7).
• You expose the products in the sales or service catalogs (callout 3) by associating them with product groups.
• Salespeople can browse or search the sales catalog from the Opportunity UI (callout 1) and select the products the
customer is interested in buying. Only products with the Eligible to Sell option selected appear in the sales catalog.
• Service agents enter products from the Service Request UI (callout 4). Only products with the Eligible for Service
option selected appear in the service catalog.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

• You can price the products using price books (callout 2), or create quotes for them in Oracle Configure, Price, and
Quote Cloud (callout 8). Price books and CPQ Cloud require additional integration, so are not covered in this guide.
(Although price books are a sales feature, you must integrate them with opportunities using Groovy scripting.)
• The Oracle Fusion Product Model (callout 7) forms the foundation of the Oracle Product Hub Cloud (callout 10),
a powerful product management application designed for supply chain, order management, and inventory tasks,
which must be licensed separately. Because the sales application uses less than a dozen of the hundreds of the
item attributes that can be captured in Oracle Product Hub, you can't use the sales UIs or product import if you're
implementing Oracle Product Hub Cloud. To create products in Oracle Product Hub Cloud that can be used with
Oracle Supply Chain Cloud or Oracle ERP Cloud (callout 11), you must use the Oracle Product Cloud Hub UI and
item import (callout 9).

Oracle Engagement Cloud

3 5
Sales Catalog 6
Create Product
Opportunity UI and Service
4 Product UI Import
2 Catalog
Price Books Request

Oracle Configure
Price Quote (CPQ)

Item Import
Oracle Fusion Product
Model (PIM)
Oracle Product Hub Cloud


Oracle Supply
Oracle ERP Cloud
Chain Cloud

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

How You Create a Sales Catalog

Here's an overview of how you create a sales catalog:
1. Create the root product group of the catalog. You can create the product group in the UI or you can import it with
the rest of the product groups. You're required to create only the root product group. All the other product groups
are optional.
2. Create the products for your sales catalog either in the UI or by importing them.
3. You can import the rest of the product group hierarchy, if any.
4. To display individual products in the sales catalog, you must associate the product groups with the products.
You can create the association by editing each product group in the UI and selecting the products it contains.
Alternatively, you can create the association between product groups and the products in your import.
Oracle provides Excel macros that you can use to speed up your import of products and the product groups and their
associations with the products. These import macros are discussed in the Importing Products and Product Groups section in
this chapter.

The following figure shows the Vision Corp. sales catalog structure. The company sells laptops and two types of servers:
Green Servers and Sentinel Servers. To create the catalog, Vision Corp:

1. Creates Vision Products as the root product group in the UI.

2. Imports the products using the product import macro.
3. Imports the remaining product groups and their associations with the products using the product group import
The following diagram shows the sample Vision Corp. sales catalog configuration. The sales catalog consists of the root
product group Vision Products with two child product groups representing the product types: Servers and Laptops. There
are two product groups for the server families: Green Servers, and Sentinel Servers. Each server family includes three server
products. The Green Server products are: Green Server 3000, Green Server 6000, and Green Server 9000. The Sentinel
Server products are: Sentinel Server 1500, Sentinel Server 3000, and Sentinel Server 7000. The Ultra Laptop product group
(a child of the Laptops product group) includes the following products: Ultra Z15 Laptop, Ultra Z17 Laptop, and Ultra ZX15

Product Groups Vision Products

Servers Laptops

Green Servers Sentinel Servers Ultra Laptops

Green Green Green Sentinel Sentinel Sentinel Ultra Ultra Ultra

Server Server Server Server Server Server Z15 Z17 ZX15
3000 6000 9000 1500 3000 7000 Laptop Laptop Laptop


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Creating the Root Product Group

Watch: This tutorial shows you how to create the root product group for your sales catalog in the UI. The content of this video is
also covered in text topics.

Use this procedure to create the root product group for your sales catalog. You can follow a variation of the same procedure
to manually create other product groups or you can import the rest.
To create the root product group:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Product Groups task from the implementation project.
Alternatively, setup and sales administrator users can search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance
work area.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

The Manage Product Groups page appears. The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Manage
Product Groups page highlighting the View menu (callout 1), the Create icon (callout 2), and the Download to Excel
icon (callout 3).

1 2 3

2. Click Create in the Manage Product Groups region.

The Create Product Group page appears.

3. Enter an internal name without spaces in the Name field, for example VisionProducts. This name is not displayed in
the catalog.
4. Enter a name that you want displayed in the catalog in the Display field, for example Products.
5. Enter an optional description in the Description field.
6. Make sure the Active option is selected.
7. Deselect the Allow Duplicate Children option.

Note: You must deselect Allow Duplicate Children for all product groups because the same
product groups cannot appear multiple times in the sales catalog hierarchy.

8. Select the Root Catalog check box for the root product group.
9. Click Save.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

10. Now save the reference number of the root product group you just created for entry in the product group import
macro. The reference number links the product groups you are importing to the root product group. To save the
reference number, you can download the root product group information as a Microsoft Excel file:

a. In the left pane of the window, click View and select Columns, Show All to display all columns.
b. Click the Export to Excel icon and save the Excel file to your desktop. The reference number you need is in
column D.
11. Click Save and Close.
12. Click Save and Close on the Manage Product Groups page.

Prerequisite Setups for Products

Setting Up Units of Measure for Products
You must set up the classes of the units of measure and the units of measure that your sales organization uses to sell and
price the products in the sales catalog. For example, if you are selling consulting services where you charge by the hour and
the minute, then you must set up Time as the class of the units of measure and create hours and minutes as the units of
measure. For goods that are priced by the box and by the unit, you must set up Quantity as the class and box and each as
the units of measure. If you are selling and pricing goods by the meter, then you must set up Dimension as the class and
create Meters as a unit of measure, and so on.
To set up a unit of measure, do the following:

1. While signed in as a setup user, click Go to Task for the Manage Units of Measure task in the implementation
project or after searching for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Units of Measure page appears.

2. To create the class for a unit of measure, do the following:

a. Click Manage UOM Classes.

The Manage UOM Classes page appears.

b. For each class, do the following:

i. Click Add, (the plus sign icon in Search Results).

ii. Enter the class code (no spaces permitted), class name, and optional description.

For example, for quantity, enter QUANTITY as the Class Code, Quantity as the Class Name.
iii. Enter a code (three-character limit) and name for the smallest unit you are selling in the UOM Code and
Base UOM Name fields.

For example, for the class Quantity, enter Ea as the UOM Code and Each as the Base UOM Name.

Salespeople use your entry in the name field for entering opportunity quantities.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

The following figure shows the Manage UOM Classes page.

3. Click Save and Close.

The Manage Units of Measure page appears.

4. You created the smallest unit of measure for each class. Now create any additional units of measure for each class
as follows:

a. On the Manage Units of Measure page, click Add, (the plus sign icon) in Search Results.
b. Enter the code (maximum of three characters) and the name of the unit of measure.

For example, if your smallest unit of measure for the class Time was Minute, then create Hour as another unit
of measure if your organization charges by the hour.
c. Select a class from the Class Name list.
5. Click Save.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Units of Measure page with Hour and Minute units of time

6. Click Manage UOM Standard Conversions

The Manage UOM Standard Conversions page appears.

7. Enter the conversions for each of the additional units of measure you created as follows:

a. Enter the UOM name, for example, Hour, and click Search.
b. Enter the conversion. For Hour, enter 60 to indicate there are 60 minutes in the hour.

The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Manage UOM Standard Conversions page showing
the conversion for the hour unit of measure.

8. After you enter all of the conversions, click Save and Close.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Creating a Location
You must create a location as a prerequisite for setting up the required item master organization. Because the location isn't
used for any other purpose, you can enter only the minimum information required.
To create the location:
1. Open the Manage Locations task from the implementation project. Alternatively, you can search for the task by
name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
The Manage Locations page appears.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Location Information region Name field, enter any name. For example, HQ.
4. Enter any combination of letters or numbers without spaces in the Code field. For example, HQ.
5. Leave or the other values as they are.
6. Click Submit.
The application displays a warning informing you that the request will be submitted.
7. Click Yes.
8. Click OK to close the confirmation message.

Creating the Item Master Organization

Because sales products are stored in the Oracle Fusion Product Model, you must create an item master organization as a
prerequisite to using products. However, the location of the item master organization and other details are not important
because you are not tracking items in inventory.
To set up the item master organization, do the following:
1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Item Organizations task from the implementation project.
Alternatively, you can search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
The Manage Item Organizations page appears.
2. Click Create (the plus icon).
The Create Item Organization page appears.
3. Enter any name in the Name field, for example, Vision Item Master.
You must select this name when setting the system profile option Sales Products Item Organization in a separate
and related task. This name is visible only during setup.
4. In the Organization field, enter any combination of up to 18 uppercase letters and numbers, for example, VISION.
You must enter this name in the separate and related setup task: Manage Spoke Systems.
5. In the Name field in the Location region, click the down arrow and select Search from the list.
The Search and Select: Location Details window appears.
6. In the Name field, enter the name of the location you created.
7. Click Search.
8. Select the organization name and click OK.
9. On the Create Item Organization page, click Next.
The Manage Item Organization Parameters page appears.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

10. Make sure the organization name you entered in the previous page (Vision Item Master) is selected in the Item
Master Organization list. This selection establishes the organization as the item master.
11. In the Starting Revision field, enter a number. For example,1. Again, your entry does not matter.
12. Click Save and Close.
13. Click Done.

Specifying the Item Master Organization for Sales Products

You must set the Sales Products Item Organization system profile option to the item master organization you just created.
Set the system profile option as follows:

1. Open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task from the implementation project or after searching for the
task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Administrator Profile Values page appears.

2. In the Profile Option Display Name field, enter Sales Products Item Organization.
3. Click Search.
4. Click the name of the profile option in the search results.
5. In the Profile Value field, select the item organization you created from the list.
6. Click Save and Close.

Identifying the Item Master Organization as the Source of Import Data

You must specify the item organization as the default source of the import data for the Product Information Management Data
Hub using the Manage Spoke Systems task. Spoke systems (also called source systems) enable users to identify the source
of import data.
To identify the item organization using the Manage Spoke Systems task, do the following:

1. Open the Manage Spoke Systems task from the implementation project. Alternatively, you can search for the task
by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Spoke Systems page appears. You can ignore any error message you may receive regarding read
2. In the Name column in the Search Results region, click the Product Information Management Data Hub link.

The Edit Spoke System: Product Information Management Data Hub page appears.
3. On the Import Options tab, select the item master organization name you created earlier from the Default
Organization list. For example, VISION.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Edit Spoke System: Product Information Management Data Hub
page with the Default Organization field highlighted.

4. Click Save and Close.

5. Click Done.

Importing Products and Product Groups

Video: Importing Products
Watch: This tutorial shows you how to import product information you can display in your sales catalog using the Excel macro
provided by Oracle. The content of this video is also covered in text topics.

Downloading the Macros for Importing Products and Product Groups

To import products and product groups, you must download two separate macros from My Oracle Support (Oracle
Engagement Cloud: Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation: Quick Import Macros (Doc ID 2229503.1)). Both macros
use the default mappings provided in your application.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Follow these steps to download the files:

1. Sign in to
2. Search for 2229503.1.
3. Scroll down in the article to the Details region, locate the section appropriate for your application update, and
click on the Product Import Macro and Product Group Import Macro links in the Excel Macro Files column to
download the Excel macro files.
4. Save the macro files to separate folders on your computer.

The application saves import logs to each folder.

Entering Data into the Product Import Macro and Importing

Follow these steps to enter data into the R13 Product Quick Import Macro and perform the import. You can import up to
5,000 product records at a time.
1. Open the R13 Product Quick Import Macro file you downloaded earlier.
2. Make sure macros are enabled in Excel.
3. Don't change the entries in the required Language and Mapping fields. The macro is set up to import product
information in US English.
4. On the UOM worksheet, click Populate UOM from Server.
5. On the Login page, enter the following:

◦ Host information for your environment. The host name is the portion of the URL of your environment between
https:// and /.

◦ Your user name

◦ Your password
6. Click Submit.

The macro retrieves the units of measure you set up from your environment and enters them into the worksheet so
they are available as the list of values in the Primary UOM field in the Template worksheet.
7. The Product Type worksheet lists the product types you can use to classify your products supplied by Oracle.
You can update this list using the following steps. Unless you created new product type values in lookup type
QSC_SALES_PRODUCT_TYPE (not covered in this guide), then you can skip this step.

a. Click Populate Product Type from Server

b. The Login window still contains the host, user name, and password you entered previously, so click Submit.

The macro retrieves the latest product types from your environment and enters them into the worksheet so
they are available as the list of values in the Product Type field in the Template worksheet.
8. In the Template worksheet, enter your product data. The following table describes the columns. The macro requires
just three pieces of information:

◦ Product number

◦ Name

◦ Primary UOM

The following table provides the details of each attribute:

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Column What to Enter

Product Number You can enter the unique product number of the product or leave this required column blank. If
  you don't enter a product number, then the macro generates the product number automatically
using the date and time. The product number displays in the product records visible in the
Products work area and the application uses the product number to identify the product record
for updates.

Name The product name as it appears in the sales catalog.


Description Enter a text description.


Primary UOM Unit of measure. One of the values in the UOM worksheet.

Product Type Product type. One of the values in the Product Type worksheet.

Eligible to Sell If you don't make an entry in this column, then the macro automatically populates the value of Y.
A value of Y means the imported product appears in the sales catalog. A value of N imports the
product, but doesn't show it in the catalog or make it available for selection by salespeople.

Eligible for Service This column is used only if you're integrating with the Oracle Engagement Cloud. A value of Y
  enables service requests for this product. If the product is not eligible for service, then enter N.
If you leave this column blank, then the macro automatically populates the value of Y.

Enable Customer Self-Service

  This column is used only if you're integrating with the Oracle Engagement Cloud. Enter Y to
enable customers to view the product on the self-service portal. Otherwise enter N.

If you leave this column blank, then the application populates an N for products of the following
product types:

◦ Extended Warranty

◦ Included Warranty

◦ Preventive Maintenance

◦ Service Level Agreement

◦ Software Maintenance

You can't enter a value of Y for these product types into the macro.

The macro enters a Y for the rest of the product types supplied by Oracle. You must provide a
value for any product types you created.

9. When you're done with your entries, click Create Import Activity.
10. If you're prompted to correct errors, here's what to do:

a. Click OK

The Error worksheet displays your errors.

b. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be
c. Click Create Import Activity again.
11. On the Login page, enter the host, user name, and password if required.
12. Click Submit.

The application displays one of the messages listed in the following table:

Message Meaning

The file import activity was submitted Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation
successfully. message displays the job ID.

Unable to connect to the server at this You may have entered an incorrect host.

Unable to submit the file import activity. You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user doesn't have the correct
Check log for details. permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

13. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.

The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID and its status.

◦ If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

◦ If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.

14. Optionally, click Generate Log to save a file listing the products that were imported.

Verifying Imported Products and Adding Product Images

You can verify the products you imported and add images in the Products work area.
To check the products you imported and add images, do the following:
1. While signed in as a setup user, navigate to the Products work area.
2. Search for the product by product number or search by product name as follows:

a. Click Advanced Search.

The Advanced Search pane opens.

b. Click Add and select Name from the list.
c. Enter the product name or the first few letters of the name in the field.
d. Click Search.
3. Click the product number link for the product

The Edit Product pages appears.

4. To add a product image, do the following:

a. Click Manage Attachments (plus sign icon) under the Images heading.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

The Attachments window appears.

b. Click Choose File and select the image.

You can only include one image for each product.

c. Click OK.
5. Click Save and Close.

Entering Data into the Product Group Import Macro and Importing
Follow these steps to enter data into the product group import macro and perform the import. You can import as many as
5,000 records at a time. Each import must complete before you start another.
1. Open the R13 Product Group Quick Import Macro file you downloaded earlier.
2. Make sure macros are enabled in Excel.
3. Do not change the entries in the required Language and Mapping fields. The macro is set up to import product
information in US English using the default mapping. If you use the macro to import additional attributes, not covered
in this guide, then you must create your own mapping and enter its number here.
4. In the ProductGP_Data worksheet, enter the product groups in your sales catalog hierarchy starting at the top of
the hierarchy, right underneath the root product group you created earlier. For each product group, you must enter
its parent.

Here are the details of each column:

Column What to Enter

Product Group Reference Number Enter a unique alphanumeric ID up to 50 characters in length. You can enter the product group
  name without any spaces. For example, if your product group is Green Servers, you can enter
GreenServers. The macro enters this value as the Product Group Internal Name for each product
group. The Product Group Internal Name is visible in the Manage Product Groups task UIs.

Product Group Internal Name Optionally, enter a product group internal name of up to 150 characters in length, which is also
  visible in the Manage Product Groups task UI. This field is included for customers who may have
lengthy internal IDs for their products. If you leave this field blank, the macro copies the Product
Group Reference number into this field.

Product Group Display Name The name of the product group as it will appear in the sales catalog.

Product Group Description Enter a text description. This text is not visible to salespeople while making product selections.

Parent Product Group Reference Enter the product group reference number for the parent product group. For the product groups
Number directly underneath the root product group you created earlier, you must enter the reference
  number you obtain from the application. The root product group reference number is a 15-digit
number, for example: 100000011628005. See Creating the Root Product Group topic for details.
If you didn't create the root product group in the UI and you're importing it instead, then enter any
unique alphanumeric value.

Allow Selection Flag A Y value in this column means that salespeople can select the product group when entering a
  customer's product interest in opportunity revenue lines. An N value means they can't.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

5. Specify which products appear in which product group on the ProductGP_Product_Relation worksheet. To
establish the relationship, you enter the product group reference number and the product number you obtain from
the product import macro.
6. When you're done with your entries, click Create Import Activity.
7. On the Login page, enter the following:

◦ Host information for your environment. The host name is the portion of the URL of your environment between
https:// and /sales.

◦ Your user name

◦ Your password
8. Here's what to do if you're prompted to correct errors in your entries:
a. Click OK
The Error worksheet displays your errors.
b. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be
c. Click Create Import Activity again.
9. Click Submit.
The application displays one of the messages listed in the following table:

Message Meaning

The file import activity was submitted Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation
successfully. message displays the job ID.

Unable to connect to the server at this You may have entered an incorrect host.

Unable to submit the file import activity. You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user doesn't have the correct
Check log for details. permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

10. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.
The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID and its status.

◦ If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.
◦ If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.
11. Optionally, click Generate Log to save a file listing the product groups that were imported.

Publishing the Sales Catalog

Product groups must be published before they are available for use. If you imported any of the product groups in your sales
catalog, then the import process automatically publishes all product groups you created and you can skip this step. If you

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

created product groups in the UI and did not import any, then you must manually lock and publish the product groups
created in the UI as described in this topic.

Note: You cannot delete product groups after they are published. If you make a mistake, then you can
inactivate the existing product groups, and create and publish new ones.

To publish the sales catalog:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Product Groups task from the implementation project.
Alternatively, you can search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Click the task name link in the search results.
3. In the Manage Product Groups page, select the root node of the catalog that you're going to publish.
4. Click Lock.
5. Click Publish.

The application publishes all product groups that are locked.

6. Click Yes in the Confirm Publish dialog box.
7. Click OK on the confirmation message.
8. Click Save and Close.
Every time you publish, the application automatically runs the scheduled process Refresh Denormalized Product Catalog
Table for BI. This process updates the product group hierarchy in territories, opportunities, and other consuming applications.

Making Your Sales Catalog Available for Use

To make the sales catalog available for use in opportunities, leads, and territories, you must assign the root of the product
group hierarchy to the "Base" usage in the Manage Product Group Usage page and set a few options. You must then run the
Refresh Denormalized Product Catalog Table for BI process.

Assigning the Catalog Root to the Base Usage

1. Sign in as a setup user or as the sales administrator user.
2. Open the Manage Product Group Usage task from the implementation project or after searching for the task in
the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Product Group Usage page appears.

3. In the upper portion of the Manage Product Group Usage page, select the Base record.
4. In the Details region in the lower portion of the page, click Select and Add.

Note: If a product group is already associated with the Base usage, then you must remove the
product group first by clicking Delete.

5. In the Select and Add: Root Product Groups window, search for the root product group you are assigning to the
Base usage.
6. Select the record and click OK.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

The following figure shows the screen capture of the Manage Product Group Usage page. Callout 1 highlights the
Base usage record you select. Callout 2 shows the location of the Select and Add icon. Callout 3 shows the Base:
Details Product Group tab where the root product group you selected is listed.

7. On the Manage Product Group Usage page, click Save.

8. Click the Miscellaneous tab and set the following options for sales catalog searching and browsing. You may have
to scroll to see all of the options. Some options are repeated multiple times to permit settings for different objects:

◦ Search Product Groups

This option determines if you can search product groups and products or just products alone in opportunities
and leads:

• A setting of Yes returns both product groups and products. If you're using not using products in your
catalog, then you must use this setting.

When you search for the term Green, the application returns all product groups and products with that
term in the name or description, such as Green Servers (product group), Green Server 3000 (product),
and Green Server 6000 (product).
• A setting of No (the default setting) returns products only.

When you search for the term Green, the application returns only products with that term in the name or
description, such as Green Server 3000, Green Server 6000, and Green Server 9000.
◦ Show Immediate Child Products Only

If you are using products, then this option determines which products display under the Products heading in
the Browse Catalog window in opportunities. You can ignore this option if you are not using products.

• When set to Yes (the default setting), you can see only the products within the selected product group.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

Suppose that the product group Servers has no products within it, but its subgroups, Green Servers
and UltraPro Servers, each have several products within them. When the user clicks the Servers
product group in the catalog browse pane, no products display in the Products section.
• When set to No you can also see the products within the subgroups of the selected product group. If
you're using only product groups in your catalog, then this setting has no effect on the browse feature.

Suppose the product group Servers has no products within it, but its subgroups, Green Servers and
UltraPro Servers each have several products within them. When the user clicks the Servers product
group in the catalog browse pane, all the products contained within the Green Servers and UltraPro
Servers product groups display in the Products section.
9. Click Save and Close.

Running the Refresh Denormalized Product Catalog Table for BI Process

You must run the Refresh Denormalized Product Catalog Table for BI process to ensure that the sales catalog can be
used in consuming applications. For example, if you do not run this process, then you cannot use products as a sales
territory dimension. To run the process, open the task Refresh Denormalized Product Catalog Table for BI task in the
implementation project and click Submit.

You can also run this process from the Scheduled Processes UI. If you do, then you must enter a percent sign between the
words in the name when searching. For example: Refresh%Denormalized (you can enter just the first two words to find the

Validating the Sales Catalog in the Application

After you have published and enabled your catalog, you can check that the product groups are visible in opportunities.
1. Sign in as a sales manager or salesperson.
2. Navigate to the Opportunities work area.
3. Click Create Opportunity.
4. On the Create Opportunity page, enter the opportunity name and click Save and Continue.
5. In the Products region, click Add.
6. For Type, select Group.
7. Verify that your product groups display in the Name list.

Enabling Sales Catalog Browsing in Opportunities

You can enable salespersons to browse the sales catalog while editing opportunities by setting the system profile option
Browse Sales Catalog in Opportunities Enabled. Setting this profile option to Y displays the Browse Catalog button which
you can use to browse the catalog on the Edit Opportunity page. While browsing the sales catalog, salespersons can view
the product group hierarchy, search for product groups and products, and add any of the product groups or products as
opportunity lines.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 11
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up the Sales Catalog

The following figure highlights the location of the Browse Catalog button on the Edit Opportunity UI.

Setting the Profile Option

1. Open the Manage Opportunity Profile Options task from the implementation project. Alternately, you can open the
task from the Setup and Maintenance work area after searching for it by name.

The Manage Opportunity Profile Options page appears.

2. In the search region, enter Browse Sales Catalog in Opportunities Enabled in the Profile Display Name field.
3. Click Search.
4. In the search results, click on the profile option name link.
5. Set the profile option value to Y.
6. Save your changes.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

12 Importing Accounts and Contacts

Importing Accounts and Contacts Overview

After you set up your sales organization, you can import accounts and their contacts. You import the accounts and
contacts using separate Excel macro files, first the accounts and then the contacts. Optionally, you can also import account
hierarchies, which provide visual representations of the structure of multi-layered organizations. You can import up to 5000
records at a time and must ensure each import completes before you start another.
The import Excel macros and their mapping files are available on My Oracle Support in document Oracle Engagement Cloud:
Getting Started with Your Implementation: Quick Import Macros (Doc ID 2229503.1). The following table lists the tasks that
you perform to complete the imports. You can open many of the tasks directly from the Import Accounts and Contacts
folder of the implementation project, as indicated.

Before you start, read the topics in the Account and Contact Import Concepts section.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1. Download the Excel macro No task for this step. See the Downloading Macros
  and mapping files from Oracle   and Mapping Files topic in this
Support document 2229503.1. chapter.
The document includes different
versions of the files for different
application updates. Ensure the
names of the files you download
include the same update number
as your application.

2. Upload the mapping files into Manage File Import Mappings See the Uploading Mapping Files
  your application and record the   and Recording Their Numbers
mapping numbers for each. topic in this chapter.

3. Optionally, specify which industry Manage Administrator Profile See the Specifying the Industry
  classification category you Values Classification for Accounts topic
want to use to classify your   in this chapter.
accounts in the system profile  
default, the application uses the
industry classifications provided
by Oracle (CUSTOMER_
CATEGORY) but other
classification categories,
including SIC and NAICS, are

4. If you are classifying the Manage Classification See the Viewing Classification
  accounts by industry in your Categories Categories for Accounts topic in
import, then you must obtain a   this chapter.
list of the industry classification  
codes for the industry category
you are using. You enter the
codes in the macro file.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details


5. Import your accounts. Complete this step in the R13 See the Entering Data into the
    Account Quick Import Macro Account Import Macro and
Click a button to populate one   Importing topic in this chapter.
of the account import macro's  
worksheets with information
about account owners, enter
your data, and import the
accounts. You can validate your
import in the Accounts work

6. Import your contacts. Complete this step in the R13 See the Entering Data into the
    Contact Quick Import Macro Contact Import Macro and
Click a button to populate one   Importing topic in this chapter.
of the contact import macro's  
worksheets with information
about contact owners, enter
your data, and import. You
can validate your import in the
Accounts or the Contacts work

7. Optionally, populate the account Complete this step in the R13 See the Entering Data into
  hierarchy import macro with your Account Hierarchy Quick Import the Account Hierarchy Import
data and import the account Macro Macro and Importing topic in this
hierarchy. You can view the   chapter.
hierarchies you imported by  
viewing individual accounts in the
Accounts work area.

Account and Contact Import Concepts

About Importing Accounts and Contacts
Although you can create a few test accounts and contacts in the UI, you will probably want to import some of your existing
sales data so that you can test your sales territory assignment and other features.
Importing account and contact data is a bit more complex than importing users or your sales catalog. That's because
customer data, such as organizations, addresses, and contact points, are stored as different objects in the application. Each
object requires a unique ID for each record to identify it. You can use the IDs to relate the data you import. For example,
your account import includes a unique ID for each organization. You can enter that unique ID into the contact import file
to establish the relationship between the contact and the organization. Want to reuse the account address as the contact
address? No problem. Just enter the account address reference ID into the contact record. The unique reference IDs you add
to each record also permit you to update the information later, if required.

Information You Are Importing for Accounts

You use account import to import basic information about the organizations you do business with:

• Organization name

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

• Account type

The account can be of type customer or prospect. A customer is an account you have sold to in the past.
• Industry classification
• Account owner: the salesperson who owns the account
• Address
• Phone
• Fax

You can review the information you import on the Profile tab of the Edit Account page. Note that the Profile tab displays lots
of other information that you must import separately:

• Attachments that you must import as described in import guides

• Primary contact information that you can import using the contact import macro
• The account hierarchy information that you can import using the account hierarchy import macro

Here's a screenshot of the Profile tab on the Edit Account page. The organization information and address display in the
outlined region (callout 1). Callout 2 is where salespeople manage attachments. Callout 3 is the location of the basic contact
information. Salespeople can drill down on the contact name to view the contact record and they can use the Manage
Account Hierarchy link (callout 4) to view the account hierarchy.

1 4

Information You Are Importing for Contacts

For contacts, you are importing the basic information about the contact which appears on the Profile tab of the Edit Contact
page. The information you can import includes not only the name, address, phone, and other contact information, but also
the contact owner and the related account, if any.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Here's a screenshot of the Profile tab on the Edit Contact page.

About Importing Addresses for Accounts and Contacts

Addresses and other information you import are stored as separate objects in the application. When you import an address,
for example, the application creates a location containing the address information, and a site, which provides the link between
the location and the account or contact. If you are importing a contact at an existing account address, you can:
• Import the address once with the account and share that address with the contact.

Reusing the account address for the contact is the equivalent of selecting the Use account address option when
creating the contact in the UI. To reuse the account address, you import the address with the account and reference
the address in the contact import file using the location ID you entered in the account import file.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

The following figure shows how you can reference the account address in your contact import file by including the location ID
you imported for the account.

500 Oracle Parkway


• You import the same address twice: once for the account, and a second time for the contact.

Doing so creates two locations and duplicate addresses. You must update two addresses in the future if there are

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

The following diagram shows the two locations with the duplicate address.

Location 1:
500 Oracle Parkway


Location 2:
500 Oracle Parkway

You reference the objects such as the organization and the location using reference IDs you include in your import files. The
following figure explains how you reference the account and its address in the contact import macro.

• The account import macro includes a unique ID in the Account Number column, which identifies the account. A
unique ID in the Address Location OSR column identifies the address.
• In the contact import macro, you enter the account number to link the contact to the account. Entering the ID from
the account Address Location OSR column references the account address.

Account Import Macro

500 Oracle Parkway
Account Number ABC Corp. REDWOOD CITY,
Location OSR

Contact Import Macro

Account Number Liu Wei Contact Number
Location OSR

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

About Account Hierarchies

An account hierarchy provides a visual representation of relationships between accounts. You can use an account hierarchy
to represent the structure of accounts in large customers and organizations with multiple layers. The hierarchy need not mirror
the formal corporate structure, but can instead represent your organization's view of your customers. Each account in the
hierarchy can have only one parent account.
Capturing account hierarchies can benefit the sales organization in a number of ways:
• Sales people can use the hierarchy to see the position of their account in the hierarchy.
• You can create BI Publisher reports to show revenue for the hierarchy as a whole.
• You can use the hierarchy to provide key account directors and other select managers access to accounts and
opportunities in the hierarchy that they cannot access otherwise. Accounts for a large multinational corporation,
for example, are typically assigned to sales teams in different countries or regions. Because managers in each
region can only access information in their own region, no single manager can access all of the accounts and
opportunities for the entire multinational. By including the account at the top of the multinational hierarchy in the
territory of a manager, you can provide that manager with edit access to all accounts and opportunities in the
hierarchy, regardless of where they are located. Managers get access to the account you include in the territory, and
to all the accounts below in the hierarchy, so you can also provide access to a subset of the hierarchy.
The following figure is a screen capture of the hierarchy of the fictitious Pinnacle Technologies company and its four

You can create and maintain the account hierarchy in the UI, using a link in the Edit Account page Profile tab. Alternatively,
you can import the hierarchy as described in this chapter. When no account hierarchy is defined for an account, the link on
the Edit Account page displays as Create Account Hierarchy. When the account is part of a hierarchy, the link displays
instead as Manage Account Hierarchy.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Profile tab on the Edit Account page, highlighting the location of the
Manage Account Hierarchy link.

Related Topics
• Viewing and Managing Account Hierarchies topic in the Oracle Enagement Cloud Using Sales guide

Getting Ready
Watch: In this tutorial, you learn how to get ready to import accounts using the Excel macro provided by Oracle. The tutorial
shows how to download the macro and the accompanying import mapping file and how to install the mapping. The content of
this video is also covered in text topics.

Downloading Macros and Mapping Files for Account and Contact

You must first download and save the macros and associated mapping files in separate folders on your computer. Create a
separate folder for accounts, contacts, and account hierarchy (if you're importing it). The macros save log files to these same
To download the files:
1. Sign in to My Oracle Support.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

2. Search for the document Oracle Engagement Cloud: Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation: Quick Import
Macros (Doc ID 2229503.1)
3. In the Details section of the document, locate the section appropriate to your application update, and download the
files from the Excel Macro Files and Mapping Files columns.

Here's a list of the import macros and mapping files for account and contact import.

File Name Description

R13 Account Quick Import Macro The Excel macro that you populate with the account data.

R13 Account Import Macro Mapping The mapping that the application uses for account import.

R13 Contact Quick Import Macro The Excel macro that you populate with the contact data.

R13 Contact Import Macro Mapping The mapping that the application uses for contact import.

R13 Account Hierarchy Quick Import The Excel macro that you populate with the account hierarchy data.

R13 Account Hierarchy Member Macro The mapping that the application uses for the account hierarchy import.

4. Save each macro and its mapping file to a folder on your computer.
5. Check to make sure you downloaded the versions of the files appropriate to your application update.

Uploading Mapping Files and Recording Their Numbers

You must upload the mapping file for each macro into the application and record the mapping number. You can either record
the number on the Manage File Import Mapping page by hand, or you can drill down on the mapping name and copy the
number to your clipboard from the Edit Import Mapping page.
Perform the following procedure to record the mapping ID separately for accounts, contacts, and account hierarchy:

1. While signed in as a setup user, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area. Open the Manage File Import
Mappings task from the implementation project or after searching for the task by name.

The Manage File Import Mapping page appears.

2. Click Import Mapping at the top of the page.
3. Click Choose File and select the mapping file and click OK.

The mapping is now listed at the bottom of the page.

4. You must enter the mapping number into the import macro. You can either record the number on the Manage File
Import Mapping page by hand, or you can drill down on the mapping name and copy the number to your clipboard
from the Edit Import Mapping page.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Specifying the Industry Classification for Accounts

Use the following procedure to specify which industry classification category you want to use for accounts. The classifications
for the category you select appear in the list of values for the Industries field in the Account user interface. The classifications
can also be used in the sales territory Industry dimension and to create leads using Sales Predictor rules. By default, the
profile is set to CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
1. Open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task from the implementation project. Alternatively, you can
search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Administrator Profile Values page appears.

2. In the Search: Profile Option region, Profile Option Code field, enter MOT_INDUSTRY_CLASS_CATEGORY
3. Click Search.
4. Select the classification category from the Profile Value list. The available values are:

◦ 1972 SIC

◦ 1977 SIC

◦ 1987 SIC




◦ NAICS_1997

◦ NAICS_2002
5. Click Save and Close.

Viewing Classification Categories for Accounts

Here's how to find the account classification codes to use in the account import macro.
1. Open the Manage Classification Categories task from the implementation project. Alternately, you can search for
the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. In the Search region of the Manage Classification Categories page, enter the classification category name in the
Classification Category field. For the default category provided by Oracle, enter CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
3. Click Search.
4. Click the classification category name.

Use the classification codes listed in the Classification Code column on the page for entries in the import macro.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Here's a screenshot of a part of the Classification Category page for the CUSTOMER_CATEGORY provided by

5. Click Done.

Entering Data and Importing

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts


Entering Data Into the Account Import Macro

Watch: In this tutorial, you learn how to enter account data into the account import Excel macro provided by Oracle. The
content of this video is also covered in text topics.

Importing the Accounts

Watch: In this tutorial, you learn how to import the accounts you entered into the Excel macro provided by Oracle and how to
verify the import. The content of this video is also covered in text topics.

Entering Data Into the Contact Import Macro

Watch: In this tutorial, you learn how to enter contact data into the import Excel macro provided by Oracle. The content of this
video is also covered in text topics.

Entering Data into the Account Import Macro and Importing

Here's how you populate the account import macro with your data and import. You can enter and import a maximum of 5000
records at a time. You must wait until a previous import is complete before using the macro again.

Note: You can modify the macro to import additional fields, including any custom fields you created. If you add
fields to the macro, then you must also add the field to the import mapping. The steps for modifying macros are
covered in the Importing Data with Custom Fields chapter.
1. Open the R13 Account Quick Import Macro.
2. If you receive a security warning that macros have been disabled, you must enable macros.
3. Two fields in the macro are preset:
◦ Country Code is set to US.
If you're importing another country, enter that country's ISO country code instead.
◦ Class Category is set to CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
CUSTOMER_CATEGORY is the default account classification provided by Oracle. If you're using another
category to classify accounts, such as 1987 SIC or NAICS 2002, then you must select that category in system
profile option MOT_INDUSTRY_CLASS_CATEGORY and enter it in this field. See the Specifying the Industry
Classification for Accounts topic in this chapter for details.
4. Enter the mapping number in the Mapping field.
5. Click the Resource EMail to ID Mapping worksheet.
6. Click Populate Resource Attributes from Server to populate the worksheet with information about the resources
you will assign as owners of the accounts you're importing.
The Login window appears.
7. In the Login window, do the following:
a. Enter the host name. The host name is in the portion of the URL between https:// and /sales.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

b. Enter the user name and password.

c. Click Submit.
8. Click the Template worksheet, and enter the account data in the columns provided.

The address you enter in the worksheet becomes the primary address for the account.

Column What to Enter

Account Number
  Unique ID for the organization. If you leave this required column blank, then when you import,
the macro generates the account number automatically using the date and time. You can also
generate this number by clicking Generate Account Number. You must enter the account
number to identify the organization when importing additional addresses on the Additional
Address worksheet and, in the contact import macro, to link contacts to accounts.

Account Name The name of the organization. Entry in this column is required.

D-U-N-S number The data universal numbering system (D-U-N-S) number from Dun & Bradstreet Corporation.

Account Type

◦ ZCA_CUSTOMER for organizations you have sold to in the past.

◦ ZCA_PROSPECT for potential customers. If an organization still requires qualification, then

you should consider importing the record as a lead instead.

If you leave this column blank, then the macro enters ZCA_PROSPECT.

Owner E-Mail Enter the email address of the salesperson who is the account owner. The email address must be
  listed on the Resource EMail to ID Mapping worksheet. Entry in this column is required.

Address Location OSR A unique identifier for the address. If you leave this column blank, then the macro generates the
  number for you when you import.
If you want to link a contact to the address you import for the organization, then you copy the ID
in this column to the Address Location OSR column in the contact import macro.
If you want to reuse an address from another account, then you can enter the Address Location
OSR value from that address and skip the address fields.

Address 1 Enter the street address for the primary account address.

Address 2 Enter additional address information, such as the suite number.


Address 3 This column is hidden in the macro.


City City.

State For the US, enter one of the two-letter state codes.

County This column is hidden in the macro.


Province This column is hidden in the macro.


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Column What to Enter

Postal Code Postal code.




Industry Code The industry code that you retrieved from the application for the classification category that you're
  using. You can obtain a list of the codes using the Manage Classification Categories task as
described in the Viewing Classification Categories for Accounts topic.

Note: The macro includes additional hidden columns (Column O - Column Z) you can use to import
the phone, fax, email, and URL. The application automatically populates the different IDs for these
objects (Phone OSR, Fax OSR, and so on).

9. You can import additional addresses for accounts by entering them on the Additional Address worksheet. If you do
import additional addresses, then you must:

◦ Generate any missing account numbers on the Template worksheet by clicking Generate Account Number
before you enter the addresses.
◦ Enter account numbers to link the addresses you import to the accounts.

◦ Enable the display of the multiple addresses in the UI, as described in the Enabling Display of Multiple
Addresses: Explained section of the Implementing Sales guide.

The following table describes the columns in the worksheet.

Column What to Enter

Account Number Copy the account number from the Template worksheet.

Address Location OSR A unique identifier for the address. If you leave this column blank, then the macro generates the
  number for you.
If you want to link a contact to the address you import for the organization, then you copy the ID
in this column to the Address Location OSR column in the contact import macro.
If you want to reuse an address from another account, then you can enter the Address Location
OSR value from that address and skip the address fields.

Address 1 Enter the street address for the primary account address.

Address 2 Enter additional address information, such as the suite number.


Address 3 This column is hidden in the macro.


City City.

State For the US, enter one of the two-letter state codes.

County This column is hidden in the macro.


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Column What to Enter

Province This column is hidden in the macro.


Postal Code Postal code.


Address Type
  You can enter an optional address type for the address. The valid values are:




10. Click Create Import Activity.

The Login window is already populated with the information you provided earlier.
11. Click Submit.
12. Here's what to do if you're prompted to correct errors in your entries:

a. Click OK

The Error worksheet displays your errors.

b. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be

c. Click Create Import Activity and Submit again.

13. If the macro data is validated without errors, then the macro displays one of the following messages.

Message Meaning

The file import activity was submitted Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation
successfully. message displays the job ID.

Unable to connect to the server at this You may have entered an incorrect host.

Unable to submit the file import activity. You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user doesn't have the correct
Check log for details. permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

14. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.

The Activity Details window lists the import activity name, ID, and its status.

◦ If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

◦ If your import completed successfully, then the status listed as completed.

15. Optionally, click Generate Log to save a file listing the accounts that were imported.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Validating the Imported Accounts

You can validate the accounts you imported using advanced search:

1. Sign in as a salesperson or a sales administrator.

2. Navigate to the Accounts work area.
3. Click Advanced Search (the filter icon).

Here's a screenshot of the Accounts work area overview page with the Advanced Search panel open.

Callout Number Description

  Advanced Search

  Record Set field with the operator Equals and the record set All records I can see

  Country field with the operator Equals and United States selected as the country

4. From the Record Set list select All records I can see.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

5. Add United States or the country you imported as an additional filter:

a. Click Add and select Country.
b. Select the country from the Country list.
6. Click Search to display the list of accounts.
You can use the same search to verify the contacts you import. The list displays the primary contact for each

Entering Data into the Contact Import Macro and Importing

After the account import process completes, you can import the account contacts. You can import multiple contacts for each
account, but you must specify one of the contacts as the primary contact. The primary contact is listed in the account UI.
Using the macro, you can import up to 5000 contacts at a time. You must ensure each import completes before starting

Note: You can modify the macro to import additional fields, including any fields you created. If you add fields to
the macro, then you must also add the same fields to the import mapping. The steps for modifying macros are
covered in the Importing Data with Custom Fields chapter.
1. Open the R13 Contact Quick Import Macro.
2. Enable macros in Microsoft Excel, if required.
3. Enter the country code. The default setting is US.
4. Enter the mapping number in the Mapping field.
5. Select the Resource EMail to ID Mapping worksheet.
6. Click Populate Resource Attributes from Server to populate the worksheet with information about the resources
you will assign as owners of the accounts you're importing.
7. In the Login window, do the following:
a. Enter the host name. The host name is in the portion of the URL between https:// and /sales.
b. Enter the user name and password.
c. Click Submit.
8. Enter the contact information in the Template worksheet. The following table describes the columns:

Column What to Enter

Contact Number Unique ID for the contact. If you leave this required column blank, then the macro generates the
  contact number automatically using the date and time when you import. The contact number is
used to identify the contact for updates.

  Enter the contact name prefix. The valid values are:

◦ DR.


◦ MR.

◦ MRS.


First Name Contact first name.


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Column What to Enter

Last Name Contact last name.


Job Title Contact job title.


Owner E-Mail Enter the e-mail of the account owner. The e-mail must be one of the e-mail addresses on the
  Resource EMail to ID Mapping worksheet. An owner is required for every record.

Work Phone Country Code Country code for the work phone.
If you import a work phone and no mobile phone, then the application displays the work phone as
the primary phone in the contact and account UI.

Work Phone Number Phone number without spaces.


Mobile Country Code Country code for the contact's mobile phone number.
If you import a mobile phone number, it automatically becomes the contact's primary number in
the contact and account UI.

Mobile Number Phone number without spaces.


E-mail E-mail address.


Address Location OSR If the contact has the same address as the account, then enter the Address Location OSR from
  the account import macro and leave the rest of the address fields blank. If you're entering a
separate contact address, then leave this column blank. The macro automatically generates this
ID for you during import.

Address 1 Enter a street address unless you're using the account address.

Address 2 Second address line.


Address 3 This column is hidden in the macro.


City City.

State State.

County This column is hidden in the macro.


Province This column is hidden in the macro.


Postal Code ZIP or other postal code.


Account Number The account number links the contact to the account. Copy the account number for the contact's
  organization from the Account Number column in the account import macro file. If you leave this
column blank, then the contact is imported as a standalone contact.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Column What to Enter

Primary Contact Flag

  Each account must have one and only one primary contact. You must select Y for one of the
contacts for each account. The other contacts must have a value of N.

Note: You can modify the macro and the mapping to include additional fields, including ones you
created for your application.

9. Click Create Import Activity.

The Login window appears already populated with the information you provided.
10. Click Submit.
11. If you're prompted to correct errors, here's what to do:

a. Click OK

The Error worksheet displays your errors.

b. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be

c. Click Create Import Activity and Submit again.

12. If the macro data is validated without errors, then the macro displays one of the messages listed in the following
table: Click Submit.

Message Meaning

The file import activity was submitted Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation
successfully. message displays the job ID.

Unable to connect to the server at this You may have entered an incorrect host.

Unable to submit the file import activity. You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user does not have the correct
Check log for details. permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

13. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.

The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID and its status.

◦ If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

◦ If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.

14. Optionally, click Generate Log to save a file listing the contacts that were imported.

Validating the Imported Contacts

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

You can view the primary contacts of the accounts you imported from the list of accounts. See the Validating the Imported
Accounts topic for details. Alternatively, you can view a list of contacts for the country you imported as follows:
1. Sign in as a sales administrator. Sales administrators have broad access to sales data.
2. Navigate to the Contacts work area.
3. Click Advanced Search (the filter icon highlighted with callout 1 in the following figure).

The Advanced Search panel appears.

4. From the Saved Search list select Contact Name (callout 2).
5. Add United States or the country you imported as an additional filter (callout 3) as follows:

a. Click Add and select Country.

b. Select the country from the Country list.
6. Click Search.

The list of contacts for the country appears.

Entering Data into the Account Hierarchy Import Macro and Importing
Use this procedure to import hierarchies of the accounts you imported using the account import macro. You can create
multiple hierarchies in each import with a maximum of 5000 records in all.
Importing a hierarchy requires you to run the import in two steps after you enter your data:
• Step 1 creates the hierarchy tree root and the hierarchy structure.

This step uses the predefined mapping provided in the application, so no mapping number entry is required.
• Step 2 associates the accounts you created with the structure as hierarchy members.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

This step uses the mapping you uploaded to your application, so you must provide the mapping number.

The macro provides a separate button for each import step. Both import steps use the same data you enter into the macro.

To populate the macro and import the account hierarchies:

1. Open the R13 Account Hierarchy Quick Import Macro.xlsm.

2. Enable macros in Microsoft Excel, if required.
3. In Step 2, Hierarchy Member Mapping field, enter the mapping number for the R13 Account Hierarchy Member
Macro Mapping.
4. For each account hierarchy you want to import, do the following:

a. Enter the account at the top of the account hierarchy as follows:

i. Enter the account number from the account import macro in the Party Number column.
ii. Because this account is at the top of the hierarchy, leave the Parent Party Number column blank.
iii. Enter a name for the hierarchy, for example, Global. The hierarchy name must be unique for each
account hierarchy. The name is not displayed in the UI.

b. For every member of the hierarchy, do the following:

i. Enter the account number from the account import macro in the Party Number column.
ii. Enter the account number for the parent account in the Parent Party Number column.
iii. Enter the hierarchy name you entered for the top of the hierarchy. For example, Global.

Here's a screenshot of the macro populated with a sample hierarchy of four accounts underneath the same
parent account.

Here is a listing of the sample hierarchy in the screenshot.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Party Number Parent Party Number Hierarchy

AC_ PN_ 170222150805000 This cell is blank for the account at the top Global
  of the hierarchy.  

AC_ PN_ 170115010457021 AC_ PN_ 170222150805000 Global


AC_ PN_ 170115000905012 AC_ PN_ 170222150805000 Global


AC_ PN_ 170115010457007 AC_ PN_ 170222150805000 Global


AC_ PN_ 170115010457014 AC_ PN_ 170222150805000 Global


5. In the Step 1 section, click Create Hierarchy Import Activity.

6. In the Login dialog, do the following:
a. Enter the Host Name. The host name is in the portion of the URL between https:// and /sales.
b. Enter the user name and password.
c. Click Submit.
7. If you're prompted to correct errors, here's what to do:
a. Click OK.
The Error worksheet displays your errors.
b. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be
c. Click Create Import Activity and Submit again.
8. If the macro data is validated without errors, then the macro displays one of the messages listed in the following

Message Meaning

The file import activity was submitted Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation
successfully. message displays the job ID.

Unable to connect to the server at this You may have entered an incorrect host.

Unable to submit the file import activity. You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user does not have the correct
Check log for details. permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

9. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.
The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID and its status.
◦ If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

◦ If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.

You're now ready to import the association between the hierarchy nodes and accounts.
10. In the Step 2 section of the macro header, click Create Hierarchy Member Import Activity. The Login window
appears listing the host name, user name, and password you entered in Step 1.
11. Click Submit.
12. You can monitor the progress of your second import activity, the same way you did in step 1.

Validating the Imported Account Hierarchies

You can validate the import and view the hierarchies you imported in the UI. The user doing the validation must be a sales
administrator, the account owner, be on the account team, or manage someone who is on the account team.

1. Sign in as a sales administrator. Sales administrators have broad access to sales data.
2. Navigate to the Accounts work area.
3. Search for and open the parent account to edit it.
4. Click the Profile tab.
5. Click the Manage Account Hierarchy link to view the details of the imported account hierarchy members.

Here's a screenshot of the Edit Account page Profile tab highlighting the Manage Account Hierarchy link.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 12
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Accounts and Contacts

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 13
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Data with Custom Fields

13 Importing Data with Custom Fields

Setup Overview
If you need to import information that's not covered by one of the columns in the import macro, this chapter is for you. You
learn how to modify the account import macro and the account UI so you are ready to import a custom field. You can use the
same steps to modify any of the macros provided by Oracle. Want to import additional standard fields? Just skip the custom
field part.
This chapter builds on what you already learned in the previous chapter. Here's an overview.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1. If you are importing a custom Manage Sandboxes See the Create the Custom Field
  field, use Application Composer   and Expose the Field in the UI
to create the field. Application Composer sections in this chapter.
This chapter shows you how to
create a custom account field,
called Customer Rating, as an
example. Salespeople use the
field to rate their accounts as
Low, Medium, or High.

2. In Application Composer, add Application Composer See the Create the Custom Field
  the field to the appropriate UIs.   and Expose the Field in the UI
After testing your changes, Manage Sandboxes sections in this chapter.
publish the sandbox to make the    
change permanent.

3. Application Composer See the Create the Custom Field

  If you created a custom field,   and Expose the Field in the UI
you must enable it for import by sections in this chapter.
opening the Import and Export  
section of Application Composer
and clicking Generate.

4. Add the field to the import Manage File Import Mappings See the Add the Field to the
  mapping in the application.   Import Macro and the Import
  Mapping topic in this chapter.
You can edit any mappings you  
uploaded. For import macros
that use the default mapping,
you must duplicate the mapping
first and edit the duplicate.

5. Add a column for the additional Complete this step in the import See the Add the Field to the
  field in the import macro. macro Import Macro and the Import
    Mapping topic in this chapter.

6. Make sure that the data you Complete this step in the import See the Enter Data into the
  enter in the new column macro Account Import Macro and
matches the constraints of the   Import topic in the Importing
field. There is no validation in the Accounts and Contacts chapter

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 13
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Data with Custom Fields

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

macro for any extra columns you for details on entering data and
add. importing accounts.
If the field is validated by a
lookup, then you must import
the lookup Code rather than the
Meaning (the value displayed in
the UI).

Create the Custom Field

Create a Sandbox
Before you can create a custom field you must be in a sandbox. Use this procedure to create and activate a sandbox.
1. Click your initials or image at the top right corner of the page.
2. Select Manage Sandboxes:
3. In the Manage Sandboxes window, click New (the plus icon).
4. Enter a sandbox name in the Create Sandbox window and click Save and Close.
5. Select the sandbox you just created and click Set as Active.
The application displays a bar across the top of the window indicating the sandbox is active.

Create the Custom Field

With the sandbox active, create the custom field.
1. Open Application Composer: Navigator > Configuration > Application Composer.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 13
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Data with Custom Fields

2. In the left pane of the Application Composer window, search for the Account object (callout 1 in the screenshot) and
expand it (callout 2).



3. Click Fields (callout 3).

4. In the Custom tab, click the Create a custom field icon (callout 4).
5. In the Select Field Type window, select the type of field you want to create. For Customer Rating, select Choice List
(Fixed) and click OK.
6. In the Display Label field, enter the prompt users see: Customer Rating.
7. For Customer Rating, select the Single Select Choice List option. Users can only enter one rating for each
8. Now create the list. In the List of Values section, click the Create a New Lookup Type icon.
9. In the Create Lookup Type page, Meaning field, enter a name for your lookup. The name isn't seen by users.
10. In the Lookup Type field, enter a name in capital letters. You can use underlines but no spaces. For example, enter
11. Add the values in the Lookup Codes section:

a. Click the Create Lookup Code icon.

b. Enter the value salespeople see in the Meaning field.
c. Enter the Lookup Code in capital letters. You can use underlines but no spaces. This is the value you use in
the import file.
d. Enter a number to indicate the display sequence in the list.

Here are the values for the Customer Ratings lookup:

Meaning Lookup Code Display Sequence

High HIGH 1

Medium MEDIUM 2

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 13
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Data with Custom Fields

Meaning Lookup Code Display Sequence

Low LOW 3

12. Click Save.

13. Because salespeople may not know the customer rating for every customer, do not enter a default value. This
permits a blank value for the field.
14. Click Save and Close.
Your new field displays in the Custom tab in the right pane. You are now ready to add the field to the UI.

Expose the Custom Field in the UI

Watch: Learn how to expose a field in the UI. This video covers adding a custom field to the accounts UI so you can import it.
You can use the same process for adding standard application fields as well. The content of this video is also covered in text

Add the Custom Field to the Page Layouts

Here's how to add the custom field you created, or any other field for that matter, to the Account pages.
1. With the Account object selected in Application Composer, click Pages.
2. Expose the custom field on the pages where you need it. In this example, you add it to the Account landing page,
the Create Account page, and the Edit Account page.

Note: The "Edit" pages are called "Details" pages in Application Composer.
a. Locate the page.
b. Click Duplicate.
c. In the Duplicate Layout window, enter a new name for your layout or just click Save and Edit.
d. On the Layout page, click Edit.
e. Scroll down in the Available Fields column to locate the custom field and move it to the Selected Fields
f. Use the arrow buttons to move the field where you want it
g. Click Save and Close.
You are returned to the Layout page, which reflects your changes.
h. Click Done.
You are returned to the Application Composer page.
3. Review the pages where you added the field:
a. With the sandbox still open, click Home to return to the springboard..

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 13
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Data with Custom Fields

b. Open the Account work area.

c. Review each of the pages to make sure the field is where you want it and works the way you want.
4. You are ready to publish the sandbox.

Publish the Sandbox

Your changes look great, so you are ready to roll them out into the application by publishing your sandbox. Here's how.
1. Click your name icon or image at the top of the page to open the Settings and Actions menu.
2. Click Manage Sandboxes.
3. In the Manage Sandbox window, select the sandbox and click Publish.

Enable the Custom Field for Import

Watch: Learn how to enable custom fields you created for import and export. The content of this video is also covered in text

Here's how to enable the custom field you created for import.
1. Open Application Composer in a sandbox-free session.
2. Click Import and Export.
3. On the Import and Export page, click Generate.

The application launches a process to create the import and export artifacts for any custom fields.
4. The custom field is ready for import after the process completes. You can click Refresh under the Status heading to
see the latest status.

Add the Field to the Import Macro and the Import Mapping
Watch: Learn how to add fields to the Excel import macros provided by Oracle and how to modify the import mapping to
match. In this example, you learn how to add a custom field to the account import macro. The content of this video is also
covered in text topics.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 13
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Data with Custom Fields

Add the Field to the Account Import Macro

Here's how to add the custom field to the account import macro.
1. Open the R13 Account Quick Import Macro.
2. If you receive a security warning that macros have been disabled, you must enable macros by clicking Enable
3. Scroll to the last column in the macro so you can append the custom field to the end.
4. For the account import macro, enter the name of the custom field, Customer Rating, in column AC in row 12, next to
the other field names.
5. Save.

Modify the Mapping to Include the Additional Field

Before you can use the macro to import accounts, you must upload a mapping that tells your application how the columns
in macro map to the application fields. Because you added a field, there's an extra step: After you upload, you must edit the
mapping to add the additional field.
1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Open the Manage File Import Mappings task from the implementation project or from the Data Import and
Export functional area in the Sales offering.
3. On the Manage File Import Mapping page, click Import Mapping and upload the mapping you downloaded.

The new mapping is listed on the page as R13 Account Import Macro Mapping followed by the date and time.
4. Click the mapping name.
5. In the Edit Import Mapping page, deselect the Lock option to enable editing.
6. In the Column Mappings section, click Add.
7. In the Sequence column, enter 33 to add the custom field to the end of the mapping.

The account import macro includes 32 columns. The number of columns varies from macro to macro. So, if you
are customizing other macros, scroll down until the end of the mapping to see how many columns the mapping
8. Here's what to enter in the other columns:

Column Entry

Column Header
  Enter the name of the custom field. In this example, Customer Account.

  Select Organizational Profile.

Yes, you did create the field under the Account object in Application Composer, but import breaks
the objects even more.

  Select Customer Account (the name of the custom field) from the list.

9. Copy the number in the Mapping Number field. You must enter the number into the import macro.
10. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 13
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Data with Custom Fields

Enter Data with the Custom Field in the Macro and Import
Follow the same process to enter and import your data as you would for the macro without any additional fields. Because
there is no validation in the macro for the custom field, the values you enter must match the custom field you created. The
Customer Rating field includes a fixed-choice list field with three values Low, Medium, and High. The values come from a
lookup type that includes both the Meaning (what's displayed in the UI) and a unique Code for each value. You must enter
the value in the Code field for import. Here are the values for this example:

Code Meaning




The possible values for Customer Rating are: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH.

Related Topics
• Entering Data into the Account Import Macro and Importing

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 13
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Importing Data with Custom Fields

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

14 Setting Up Sales Campaigns

About Sales Campaigns

Sales campaigns make it easy for salespeople to keep their contacts informed, announce product launches, and invite them
to events. You can configure HTML email templates that salespeople can use to send emails using the built-in email server
that the application provides. The application monitors responses and can create follow-up tasks or send emails to the sales
campaign owners.
1. Sales administrators create an HTML template referencing images stored separately on a public server.

You can include merge fields, links (URLs), and three predefined response links provided by Oracle. Using the
predefined response links, contacts can request a call-back, request more information, or fill out a form to have the
email sent to others.
2. Salespeople use the template to create a sales campaign and select the contacts they want to email.
3. For each sales campaign, salespeople can modify the template, add messages for each recipient, and have the
application generate follow-up tasks or emails.
4. Salespeople can have the sales campaign emails sent either immediately after clicking Submit or at the specified
date and time.
5. When contacts open the email, click a URL or one of the response links, the application records their responses.
6. The application creates a task for each response or sends a notification email, depending on campaign setup.
7. The sales campaign owner reviews the sales campaign responses and can convert them into leads.
8. Salespeople can review the tasks generated by the sales campaign in the Activities work area.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

The following diagram illustrates the process.

Sales Application Sales Administrator Salesperson Contact

Sales Campaign
Select Contacts


Send Emails Submit

Respond by
Clicking Links


Review Results


Convert to Lead

Create Task or Follow Up with

Send Email Contact

Setup Overview
The following table outlines the steps required to set up and test sales campaigns. Details for individual steps are provided in
the topics that follow.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Create the sales campaign Manage Marketing Treatment See the Creating a Sales
  template in a separate HTML Templates Campaign Template and
editor and then upload the file   Template Editing Options topics
into the template. You must in this chapter.
host the images in your template  
in a publicly-accessible Web
server and reference them using
absolute paths in your HTML.
You can use the built-in rich
text editor for minor edits and to
insert the merge fields, tracked
links, and response forms.

2 Specify the default sales Manage Marketing Profile See the Specifying the Default
  campaign template salespeople Options Sales Campaign Templates topic
see when they create a sales   in this chapter.
campaign. Salespeople can  
browse and select additional
sales campaign templates.

3 Test the template by creating Navigate to the Sales Campaign See the Testing Sales Campaign
  a sales campaign and setting work area and create the sales Setup topic in this chapter.
yourself up as a contact. Review campaign.  
the e-mail and respond by  
clicking the links. Review the

Creating a Sales Campaign Template

Sales administrators can create templates that salespeople can use and edit for their sales campaigns. You can create a
sales campaign template either from scratch or by copying one of the predefined templates provided by Oracle.
To create a sales campaign template, do the following:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Marketing Treatment Templates task from the
implementation project. Alternatively, search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Marketing Treatment Templates page appears listing the available templates.
2. If you want to use an existing template as your starting point, then do the following:

a. Click the template name link and then select Duplicate from the Actions menu.

The application copies the template.

b. Select the template copy and click Edit.

The Edit Treatment page appears.

3. If you want to create a template from scratch instead, then click Create.

The Create Template page appears.

4. In the Name field enter the template name salespeople see while creating a sales campaign.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

5. You can use some of the other fields at the top of the page for the following:

◦ Upload an HTML file to serve as the basis of your e-mail body using the Upload File field. Uploading a file
replaces the current template content.

Any images must be hosted on a public server and include their absolute URLs in the src tags. The HTML you
upload must contain only the body of the HTML document. You omit the header information.

The rich text editor provided in the UI is not an HTML editor, so you are better off creating your template
outside the application. For example, you cannot use the rich text editor to insert images. You must insert
image URLs in the HTML directly.
◦ Remove a template from use by deselecting the Active option.
6. Edit the e-mail body.

The following table explains some of the editing options available on the page. The callout numbers refer to locations
in the figure which follows.

Callout Number Editing Option

  Click Source to switch between the rich text editor and the raw HTML. You can use the raw
HTML view for pasting in HTML that you have prepared in another editor, but the raw HTML is
displayed in one block.

2 Use the rich text editor toolbar for editing text, for inserting URLs that are automatically tracked by
  the application when contacts click on them, and for other minor changes. URLs for images in the
template must be inserted into the HTML itself.

3 Use the help icon to access the user guide for the rich text editor. The editor is a separate product
  licensed by Oracle and not all of its features are supported.

4 Use the first row of buttons, the Element buttons, to insert merge fields and links the e-mail
  recipients can click to request more information, request a follow-up call, or forward the
information to friends.

5 Use the second row of buttons to insert content which appears in the e-mail only when the
  conditions you specify are met. For example, you can insert different blocks of text for e-mails to
different cities.

1 2


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

7. Click Save and Close.

Template Editing Options

Inserting Links for a Call Back, for More Information, and for
Forwarding to Others
You can insert three predefined links that e-mail recipients can click to indicate that they want a callback, receive more
information, or have the e-mail sent to others. The application automatically tracks the responses and can create follow-up
tasks or send e-mail reminders.

Request Call Back and Request More Information

When an e-mail recipient clicks the Request Call Back or the Request More Information links, the browser displays a
simple message: Thank you for your interest. Your request has been received and you will be contacted shortly. At
present, the contents of the message cannot be changed.

Forward to Friend
Clicking the Forward to Friend link displays a browser window where the contact can enter the names and e-mail
addresses of up to four recipients and an optional message. The application sends the sales campaign e-mail to the
recipients. The forwarding message is displayed wherever the template designer inserted the ${Standard.ForwarderMessage}
merge field.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Forward to a Friend window. It includes a text field for entering a personal
message, and fields to enter the names and e-mail addresses of four friends.

If the new recipients respond, they are automatically created as contacts in the application.

Adding the Predefined Response Links to the Template

To insert one or more of the predefined response links, do the following:

1. While editing the template in the rich text mode, place your cursor at the location where you want the link to appear.
2. Click the Element combo box and select Response Forms from the list.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

3. Click the adjacent Element combo box and select one of the valid three options:

◦ Forward to Friend

◦ Request Call Back

◦ Request More Information

4. Click Insert on the same row.

The application displays the link.

5. If you inserted Forward to Friend, then you must also insert the merge field that displays the forwarding message:

a. Place your cursor at the location in the template where you want the forwarding message to appear.
b. Click the Element combo box and select Merge Fields from the list.
c. Click the adjacent combo box and select Standard.
d. Click the third combo box and select Forwarder Message.
e. Click Insert on the same row.

The application displays the merge field ${Standard.ForwarderMessage} in the template.

Inserting Personalized Text and Other Merge Fields

You can insert merge fields to display contact and sales campaign attributes and to enable the manual entry of personalized
text to each recipient. To insert the personalized text merge field and other merge fields, do the following:
1. While editing the template in the rich text mode, place your cursor at the location where you want the merge field to
2. Click the Element combo box and select Merge Fields from the list.
3. Click the adjacent combo box and select the merge field category:

◦ Contact

◦ Campaign

◦ Standard

The standard category includes the Personalized Text merge field, which permits the entry of personalized
text for recipients, and the Forwarder Message merge field for use with the Forward to Friend link. The
Forwarder Message merge field displays the message entered by a contact after they click the link.
4. Click the next combo box and select the merge field.
5. Click Insert on the same row.

The application inserts the merge field in the text.

Inserting URLs Into Sales Campaign Templates

The application automatically tracks clicks on the URLs you insert into sales campaign templates. You must use the enter link
function in the rich text editor or insert a URL in the HTML directly.
If you are inserting the URL into the HTML directly, then it must be tagged correctly. Here is an example:
<a href="">Oracle</a>

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

Adding Conditional Content

Conditional content provides the ability to present relevant information to individual email recipients without having to create
multiple messages. There are two ways to generate conditional content within a sales campaign template:
• Block statement personalization
• If-Then-Else personalization

Conditional content and merge fields are available in both HTML and Text format emails.

Block Statement Personalization

Blocks determine whether to insert a block of text or HTML into an outgoing email by comparing one string to another:
• If the two strings are identical, the block is inserted.
• If the two strings are not identical, the block is not inserted.

Note: The string comparison is case sensitive.

The following table lists components of the block personalization element.

Personalization Component Description

Starts a block of text or HTML that is inserted in place of an Insert Block component when
$(DefineBlock "MatchString") MatchString is identical to the MatchString of the Insert Block component.

Ends a block of text or HTML that was started with the Define Block component.

A block of text or HTML is inserted at the location of this component when MatchString is identical
$(InsertBlock "MatchString") to the MatchString of a Define Block component.

The following is an example of a block personalization element:

You live in $(InsertBlock "${Account Country}").

$(DefineBlock "USA") <B>the United States.</B>
$(DefineBlock "India") <B>India</B>

In this example, if USA is entered in the Country field of the Account record, the following sentence appears:
You live in the United States.

If a given recipient has no associated value for a block variable listed in the InsertBlock MatchString component, then
nothing is inserted into the message for that block.

Inserting a Block Statement

To insert a block statement, do the following:
1. Display the email template in the HTML editor.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

2. Place the cursor in the location where you want the insert the block.
3. Create the Insert Block statement as follows:

◦ In the editor toolbar, select Insert Block from the rule conditions drop-down list.

◦ In the next drop-down list, select the record the field comes from: Contact, Account, or Campaign.

◦ In the next drop-down list, select the field in the record.

◦ Click Insert.
4. Create a Define Block component as follows:

◦ In the drop-down list immediately within the email tag, select Create Block.

A $(DefineBlock "") and $(EndBlock) statement appear in the text.

◦ Type a field value within the quotation marks of the $(DefineBlock "") statement.

This is the value that drives the content displayed in the block.
◦ Type the text that you want to insert into the email between the $(DefineBlock "") and $(EndBlock) tags.
5. Repeat Step 4 until you have added all the Define Block components that you need.

If-Then-Else Personalization
If-Then-Else personalization provides the ability to insert or remove text within your email content, based on whether a Merge
field value is defined. The merge field is defined if it contains a value or, for numeric merge fields, if the value is not 0 (zero).
• If the merge field is defined, the text remains in the outgoing email.
• If the merge field is not defined, the text is removed from the outgoing email.

The following table lists components of the If-Then-Else personalization element.

Personalization Component Description

The If component is used to start an If-Then-Else personalization element. It determines whether the
$(if {Record.FieldName}) merge field named [FieldName] has a value. If there is a value for [FieldName, the text between this
If-Then-Else component and the next If-Then-Else component is not removed from the email.

Ends a block of text or HTML that was started with the Define Block component.
$(elseif {Record.FieldName})  

The Else component is used after a $(if) or $(elseif) component. If the preceding $(if) or $(elseif)
$(else) component removes the preceding block of text or HTML from the email, the $(else) component's
block of text or HTML is included in the email. If the preceding$(if) or $(elseif) component does not
remove it's block of text or HTML, the $(else) component's block of text or HTML is not included in
the email.

The End-If component closes the If-Then-Else personalization element.


The following is an example of an If-Then-Else personalization element:

$(if ${Contact.First Name})

Dear ${Contact.First Name}${Contact.Last Name},
Dear Mr. or Ms. ${Contact.Last Name},

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns


• If the Contact.First Name field is defined, the email begins with "Dear First Name Last Name".
• If the Contact.First Name field is not defined, the email begins with "Dear Mr. or Ms. Last Name".

You can use If-Then-Else statements similarly to block statements, by including operators such as Equal to, Starts with, or
Contains. You can select these operators from a drop-down list when you generate If or If-Else statements. Unlike blocks,
this permits you to insert conditional content where the variable is true or not true.

For example, to modify the email with a condition for accounts in the state of California, you use the following statement:

$(if ${Account.Bill to State} == "CA") Join us all month long for special events and workshops held in each of
our California locations.

$(else) Join us all month long for weekly online workshops and special offers at

You can also nest If-Then-Else statements, placing one within another.

Note: The components of personalization elements must be placed in the correct locations in the text. Any
incorrect placement causes an error.

Inserting an If-Then-Else Personalization Statement

To insert an If-Then-Else statement, do the following:
1. Display the email template in the HTML editor.
2. Place the cursor in the location where you want the If-Then-Else statement.
3. Create the If or ElseIf statement as follows:
◦ In the editor Toolbar, from the drop-down list, select either If or ElseIf.
◦ In the next drop-down list, select the record the field comes from: Contact, Account, or Campaign.
◦ In the next drop-down list, select the field in the record.
◦ In the next drop-down list, select the operator.
◦ In the next text box, enter the value that the field is compared with.
◦ Click Insert.
4. Following the If or ElseIf statement, enter the text that appears if the condition in the statement is satisfied.
5. At the end of the entire If-Then-Else statement, enter $(endif).

Related Topics
• Sales Campaign Content: Explained
• How Standard URLs and Marketing Content Fit Together

Specifying the Default Sales Campaign Template

Use this procedure to specify the default sales campaign template. Salespeople can select any of the other active templates
when creating sales campaigns.
1. From the implementation project, open the Manage Marketing Profile Options task. Alternatively, you can search
for this task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

The Manage Marketing Profile Options page appears.

2. Enter Allow Treatment Template in the Profile Display Name field.
3. Click Search.
4. Select the profile in the search results and select the default template from the Profile Value list.
5. Click Save and Close.

Testing Sales Campaign Setup

You can test your template and the rest of your sales campaign setup by following the steps in this topic. To test sales
campaigns, you:
1. Create a sales campaign using the template you created and create yourself or others in the implementation team as
2. Review the e-mail sent by the campaign and respond by clicking one or more of the response links. Your e-mail
client must allow remote content if you want the sales campaign register that you opened the e-mail. You can enable
allow remote content in messages either message by message or through a global setting. The remote client setting
does not affect the recording of the other responses in the body of the e-mail.
3. Navigate back to the Sales Campaign work area and review the responses. You can review any tasks that were
automatically generated by navigating to the Activities work area.

Creating the Test Sales Campaign

1. Sign in using a test account you created for a sales manager or a salesperson.
2. Navigate to the Sales Campaigns work area.
3. Click Create Campaign.
The Create Sales Campaign: Select Contacts page appears. This page is the first of three in the sales campaign
creation process.
The following figure shows a screen capture of a portion of the Create Sales Campaign: Select Contacts page
highlighting the Add Contacts button.

4. Because this is a test, you must first create yourself or other members of the implementation team as contacts at
one of the accounts:
a. Click the Add Contacts button highlighted in the figure.
The Add: Contacts page appears.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Add: Contacts page. Callout 1 shows the location
of the Record Set field where you select an operator and the record set. Callout 2 points to the location of the
Create Contact button.

On the Add Contacts page, you can select contacts from previous campaigns, search for contacts by name,
or create contacts.

If you search for existing contacts by name, consider selecting a broad record set from the Record Set list.
b. Click Create Contact.

The Create Contact page appears.

c. Enter the test contact name and e-mail address.
d. Optionally, select an account.
e. If your template includes merge fields from the contact address, then you must enter the address or select the
Use Account Address option.
f. Click Save and Close.

The Add: Contact page now shows the contact you created.
5. Select the Select option.
6. Click Apply to add the contact to the sales campaign and continue adding other contacts, or, if you are done, click

You are returned to the Create Sales Campaign: Select Contacts page which now lists the contacts you selected.
7. Click the right arrow or the Design E-Mail link.

The Create Sales Campaign: Design E-Mail page appears showing the campaign template you selected as the
8. The From field displays the sender's e-mail address. You can edit the address to show the recipient name, for
example: George White <[email protected]>.
9. In the Subject field, enter the e-mail subject the recipients see.
10. You can modify the e-mail body text using the rich text editor. The following table explains additional actions.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

What You Can Do How to Do It

Select a different template

  Click Actions, select Change Template and scroll through the thumbnails of the available

Insert contact merge fields

  Click Insert Elements and select Merge Fields from the Show list.

Add the Personalized Text or Click Insert Elements and select Merge Fields from the Show list.
Forwarded Message merge fields.

The Personalized Text merge

field lets you enter personal text for
each recipient. The Forwarder Text
merge field displays any text the e-
mail recipient enters after clicking the
Forward to Friend link.

Add additional response forms, the

links recipients can click to request a Click Insert Elements and select Response Forms from the Show list.
call-back, request more information, or
have the e-mail sent to others.

11. If the e-mail body includes the Personalized Text merge field, ${Standard.PersonalizedText}, then you can enter
personalized text to any of the recipients as follows:

a. Click Actions and select Personalize Message.

The Personalize Message window appears.

b. Click Personalize for a recipient.
c. Enter the text in the Personalize Message window.
d. Click OK.
e. Click Done after you enter all of the personal messages.

The text appears in the e-mail wherever you inserted the ${Standard.PersonalizedText} merge field.
12. Click the right arrow or select Wrap Up link to display the Create Sales Campaign: Wrap Up page.
13. In the Name field, enter the campaign name. This name identifies the campaign in the list of campaigns and in
follow-up actions, e-mails, and leads.
14. If you inserted one of the response forms or if the template includes a URL, then in the My Follow-Up Actions region,
select either Create Call Back Task or Receive E-Mail Notification.
15. In the Launch Date region, you can leave the Immediately option selected.
16. Click Submit.

The application returns you to the Sales Campaign work area page where you can search for campaign or view
campaign lists.
17. You can see if the campaign has completed by selecting the My Completed Campaigns list.

Review Responses
1. While still signed in as the campaign creator, display the My Completed Campaigns list and click the campaign
name link in the Sales Campaign work area.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 14
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Campaigns

The campaign does not appear on this list until after the e-mails are sent. If you want to view the current status of the
campaign in progress, then you must search for it by name.

The Sales Campaign Summary page appears showing the responses for the campaign, including the number of
contacts who opened the e-mail. The Opened E-Mail statistics counts only those contacts who allowed remote
content when they opened the e-mail.

The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Sales Campaign Summary page.

2. Click the individual statistics in the Customer Responses column to display more details and the individual contact
3. Click the Responses tab to review the details of all the responses.

The tab shows the names of the responders, their accounts, the type of response (such as a call-back request), the
response dates, and e-mail review statuses.

If you included the Forward to Friend response form in your sales campaign, and the e-mail was sent to additional
individuals who responded, then these individuals are created as standalone contacts.
4. From the Responses tab, you can convert the responses to sales leads by selecting the response and clicking
Convert to New Lead. The converted leads are displayed in the Leads tab.
5. If you specified that you wanted a task to be created based on a response, then:

a. Navigate to the Activities work area.

b. Click the My Tasks tab.

The tab lists the tasks created from the campaign. These task subjects are: Sales Campaign Response
Generated Task.
c. Click the Sales Campaign Response Generated Task link to view the task details. All of the tasks are the
same unless you added your own fields to the task page to display the campaign name.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

15 Setting Up Sales Territories and


Setup Overview
This chapter explains how to set up sales territories and how to use those territories to assign the right people to manage
accounts and opportunities. Setting up sales territories is required for forecasting, even if you do not use assignment.
Start by reading the About Sales Territories and Assignment and How Sales Territories Support Assignment and Forecasting
topics to get the context. The Sales Territory Use Cases section introduces techniques you can use to handle different sales
territory use cases. The rest of the topics outline the steps for setting up sales territories and assignment for use cases that
are similar to the Vision Corp. use case.

This table outlines the setup tasks and references the procedures with step-by-step instructions. You can open the setup
tasks from the Set Up Sales Territories folder in the implementation project.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 If you are setting up territories Manage Territory Geographies See the Specifying Geography
  based on geography, like   Elements for Territory Setup
Vision Corporation, then you topic in this chapter for details.
must enable the geographical  
elements that you plan to use
during territory setup.

2 Enable the territory dimensions Enable Dimensions and Metrics See the Enabling Territory
  you plan to use in your territories.   Dimensions topic for details.

3 Create a territory proposal. Manage Territory Proposals See the Creating a Territory
  A proposal is a sandbox that   Proposal topic for details.
permits you to update territories  
without affecting any existing
territory setup.

4 Create the hierarchy of sales Manage Territory Proposals See the Creating the Sales
  territories in the proposal starting   Territory Hierarchy topic for
with the top territory and working details.
your way down. You can get  
an overview of some of the
techniques you can use for the
setup in the Sales Territory Use
Cases section.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

Note: If you plan to

use forecasting and
quota management but
don't need territories
for assignment, set up
your territory structure as
described in the Setting Up
Sales Territories When You
Only Use Forecasting and
Quota Management topic.

5 Activate the territory proposal. Manage Territory Proposals See the Activating the Territory
      Proposal topic for details.

6 Optionally, enable automatic Manage Opportunity Profile See the Making Opportunity
  assignment of territories to Options Assignment Automatic topic for
opportunities when they are   details.
By default, the application
automatically assigns sales
territories to accounts whenever
an account is created or
updated, but opportunity
assignment isn't automatic.
Sales users must trigger
opportunity assignment manually
while editing an opportunity
or they must wait for the
opportunity assignment process
to run.
Oracle specifies manual
opportunity assignment as the
default to prevent performance
issues for companies with a
large number of opportunities
(100,000 and up).
If your organization does not
have such a large volume,
then set the profile Assignment
Submission at Save Enabled to
Yes. Oracle also recommends a
setting of Yes for forecasting.

7 Run the account and opportunity • Request Account See the Running the Account
  assignment processes (Request Assignments Process Assignment Process and
Account Assignments and • Request Revenue the Running the Opportunity
Revenue Territory Territory Territory Based Assignment Process topics for
Based Assignment) immediately Assignment details.
after setting up sales territories  
and on a regular schedule,
perhaps once every day during
off-peak hours.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

About Sales Territories and Assignment

Assignment using sales territories provides additional access to sales data to territory owners. Sales territories also provide
the framework for forecasting. Salespeople can forecast only opportunity lines in their territories and forecasts roll up the
territory hierarchy.

Default Levels of Access to Sales Data by Salespeople and Sales Managers

By default, salespeople with the Sales Representative and Sales Manager job roles provided by Oracle have limited access to
sales data. How much access they have depends on the object:

• Leads

Leads can be viewed and edited only by the lead owner, the members of the sales team, the person who imports
leads, their managers, and the sales administrator.
• Accounts

All salespeople can view basic account information, including customer names, contacts, and addresses, but
you must have additional access to view the opportunities on the account, and share all the details you need
to collaborate during the sales process, including customer interactions, to-do lists, and appointments. Without
additional access, you cannot participate in social discussions, share collateral, and collaborate on presentations.

If you implement Outlook or Mobile, then only the accounts that are part of a salesperson's territory are downloaded
when synchronizing.
• Opportunities

Salespeople cannot automatically view opportunities unless they are granted additional access using one of the
methods listed in the following section.

For details about the levels of access to each object, see the Data Sharing Mechanisms and Object Visibility chapter of the
Oracle Engagement Cloud Securing Sales and Service guide.

How You Gain Additional Access to Sales Data

You gain additional access to sales data in any one of six ways:

• You are the owner of the record.

Each record must have an owner. You automatically become the owner of any record you create. The owner, who
is automatically a member of the sales team, has full privileges, including the ability to edit the record and add others
to the sales team. The record owner or the sales administrator can reassign ownership of individual records. The
sales administrator can also reassign ownership of multiple records at the same time using the Mass Transfer feature
available in the Navigator. Users converting a lead to an opportunity, can also assign the owners of the resulting
accounts and opportunities.
• You are a member of the sales team on the record. The owner can add members and assign different levels of
access to them: view only, edit, or full (the ability to add others).
• You are a member of a territory assigned to the record.
• You manage someone who is the record owner, on the sales team, or in a territory assigned to the record.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Managers in a salesperson's management hierarchy have automatic visibility to their team's set of accounts,
contacts, leads and other information. They don't have to be explicitly assigned to each territory or sales team.
• You are a sales administrator (a user with the Sales Administrator job role).

Sales administrators have access to everything.

• Your implementation team configures and assigns job roles with different privileges.

You can change the default access levels, by copying and modifying the existing job roles. See the Creating Job,
Abstract, and Duty Roles chapter of the Oracle Engagement Cloud Securing Sales and Service guide for more

Automating the Process of Assigning Additional Access

You can provide additional access to a record by manually reassigning record ownership or adding someone to a sales team,
or you can automate the process using one or both of the following methods:

• By setting up sales territories

You can set up the sales territory boundaries based on a wide variety of factors, called dimensions. The most
common dimensions include geography, product, customer size, customer type, and industry. Many Oracle
customers also define their own additional dimensions.

When you assign salespeople using territories, the territories themselves become associated with the account,
opportunity, or lead. If you later realign your sales territories or if there is a turnover in your sales organization, then
the assignments reflect those changes automatically after you run the assignment process.
• By creating assignment rules

Rules assign the individual salespeople you specify to sales teams if the rule conditions are met. Rules are the
primary way of assigning salespeople to leads, and so rule setup is covered in the Setting Up Leads chapter. For
opportunities, you can create rules to assign additional salespeople using factors that are not covered by sales
territories, such as deal size or product knowledge. Creating rules to supplement territory assignment requires
additional setup, including the setting of system profile options not covered in this guide. See the Implementing Sales
guide for details.

Salespeople can trigger assignment manually or you can assign leads, accounts, and opportunities automatically by running
assignment processes.

About Defining Sales Territory Boundaries

The sales territory boundaries are defined by the values you assign to their dimensions.

For accounts, the territory dimensions provided by Oracle include:

• Geography

You can define territories at the level of granularity that is meaningful for your business. For example, for the US you
can create the territory geographies at the state level or county level. You can define boundaries at the ZIP Code
level, but this should be used sparingly since the complexity is challenging for ongoing maintenance.
• Account type

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The account type designates the customer designated as named or not named. This dimension is only available for
customer-centric territories.
• Customer size
• Industry
• Organization type

You can also create classification categories to define up to three additional dimensions.

Because opportunities are associated with an account, you can use the account dimensions to assign opportunities as well.
Opportunities and leads have these additional dimensions:
• Business unit
• Product
You can enter product groups or individual products from the sales catalog.
• Sales channel
The available sales channels are Direct, Indirect, and Partner.

How Sales Territories Support Assignment and Forecasting

This topic explains how the principles of sales territory assignment using a simple example and discusses how territories are
used in forecasting.

Sales Territory Assignment

Sales territory assignment matches the values you enter in the territory dimensions to the records you are assigning. The
1. Evaluates all territories regardless of their position in the sales territory hierarchy to see if there is a match.
2. Discards the ancestors of any of the matching territories.
To illustrate how sales territories work in assignment and forecasting, consider a simple territory hierarchy for a company
that sells laptops and servers in the US. The company divides its US sales into east and west geographical regions. In each
region, one territory sells laptops and the other sells servers. The company requires only two territory dimensions to define
territories: geography and product.

The following table lists the territories and the values entered in the geography and product dimensions. A value of Any means
that all values, even a missing value, match. The top territory in this hierarchy has a value of Any across all the dimensions
making it the master catchall territory. The application assigns all records not matching any of the coverage values of other
territories to the master catchall territory. The West and East territories have a value of Any for the Product dimension, making
them catchall for any opportunities in those regions for products other than laptops and servers.

Territory Name Geography Product

US Product Sales Any Any


West States in the western US Any


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Territory Name Geography Product

East States in the eastern US Any


West Laptops States in the western US Laptops


West Servers States in the western US Servers


East Laptops States in the eastern US Laptops


East Servers States in the eastern US Servers


The following figure shows a graphic representation of the territory hierarchy.

US Product Sales
Geography: Any
Product: Any

West East
Geography: West Geography: East
Product: Any Product: Any

West Laptops West Servers East Laptops East Servers

Geography: Geography: Geography: Geography:
West West East East
Product: Laptops Product: Servers Product: Laptops Product: Servers

To assign accounts, assignment uses the address of the account only (there is no product information available in accounts).
For example, to assign an account with an address in New York, the application:
1. Finds the following matching territories: East Laptops, East Servers, East, US Product Sales
East Laptops, East Servers, and East territories include New York explicitly in the list of states. US Product Sales has
the value of Any in the geography dimension.
2. Discards East and US Product Sales because these are parents and grandparents of the East Laptops and East
The account is assigned to the East Laptops and East Servers territories.

For assigning opportunities, the application assigns each opportunity line separately. The assignment process uses the
address of the account for the geography dimension (each opportunity must be associated with an account). For example,
here's how the application assigns an opportunity for servers and laptops in a New York account.

The application assigns the servers opportunity line as follows:

1. Finds the following matching territories: East Servers, East, and US Product Sales

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

East Servers includes the correct product and state. East includes the state and Any as the value for the product. US
Product Sales matches because it has Any for both dimensions.
2. Discards East and US Product Sales because these are parents and grandparents of East Servers
The application assigns the East Servers territory. The application uses the same process to assign the laptop opportunity line
to the East Laptops territory.

For the matching territories, assignment gives each territory owner edit access to the opportunity as a whole and both
territories are listed on the opportunity Sales team tab. Only the matching opportunity line is included in forecasts for that
territory, however.

The following figure illustrates the different effects of territory assignment on opportunity access and forecasting. The diagram
shows an opportunity for laptops and servers. If agent A owns the laptops territory and agent B owns the servers territory,

• Both agents gain edit access to the opportunity as a whole and are listed as members of the opportunity sales team.
• Agent A can only forecast laptops.
• Agent B can only forecast servers.
• Agent A's and Agent B's managers gain access to the opportunity as a whole but get to view and adjust only the
forecasts submitted to them by their subordinates.
• The colleagues of agents A and B don't have any visibility into the opportunity unless they have edit access to the

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Manager A



Manager B
Agent A

Agent B

Servers Forecast

The Importance of Catchall Territories

Because some of the values required for assignment may be missing from the records you are assigning and because you
may have gaps in your territory coverage, you must set up one or more catchall territories with Any as the value for each
of your territory dimensions. The value of Any means that any value, even a missing value, is a match. The owner of the
catchall territory, or another user you assign as a territory member, must monitor the catchall territory for records that did not
get assigned properly. You can adjust your territory structure over time to minimize the number of records assigned to the
catchall territories.

Using the sample territory setup, an opportunity for service (a product not specified in any territory) in a Japanese account (a
geography not specified in any territory geography) is assigned to the overall catchall territory. An opportunity for service in
California, gets assigned to the West territory.

How Sales Territories Work for Forecasting

You can enable two types of forecasts: Prime and Overlay. Forecasts designated as Prime forecast sales revenue. Overlay
forecasts are designed to permit any overlay organization, such as sales support, to create a separate forecast, which is not
included as part of the sales revenue forecast. How forecasting works depends on the hierarchy of the sales territories you

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

set up and the value you enter in the Enable Forecasting field for each territory. The Enable Forecasting field can have the
following values:

• Prime only: the territory owner can forecast and adjust the sales revenue forecasts.
• Overlay only: the territory owner can forecast and adjust forecasts that are not counted in the sales revenue forecast.
• Prime and Overlay: the territory owner can adjust both types of forecasts.
• Disabled: the owner of the territory is excluded from creating or reviewing forecasts.

The sales territory hierarchy you set up determines how forecasts are passed up for adjustment and approval. In the example,
the East Laptops and East Servers forecasts are automatically submitted to the owner of the East territory for adjustment and
then passed on to the US Product Sales territory owner. The western forecasts mirror that process.

Two Sales Territory UIs for Different Users

There are two user interfaces for setting up sales territories: a full-featured UI used by implementors and sales administrators
to set up the territory hierarchy, and a UI showing fewer features, which can be used by sales managers for ongoing minor
adjustments to territories after they are set up. Users can toggle between the two UIs by clicking an icon with two arrows
pointing to opposite sides. When you are in the UI with fewer details, the icon is named More Details; in the full-featured UI,
it's called Fewer Details.

Fewer Details for Sales Managers Making Minor Changes

By default, the application displays the Territories page in the Fewer Details UI when you open the Territories work area. The
Territories page displays a list of territories and search fields similar to what you find in other work areas. The Fewer Details UI
is optimized for sales managers who want to make simple changes to individual territories, such as changing territory owners
or minor tweaks in coverage.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Territories landing page in the Fewer Details UI. Clicking the More Details
button, highlighted by callout 1, opens the More Details UI.

More Details for Implementors and Sales Administrators

The More Details UI is designed for implementors and sales administrators to set up or revise the entire territory hierarchy.
The territory setup is done not on live territories but in a proposal which you must activate after your setup is complete.
Proposals make it possible to make territory revisions without affecting live territories and to create different versions to be
used at different times.

The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Active Territories landing page in the More Details UI. The callouts
listed in the following table highlight and describe different features on the page.

Callout Number Feature Description

1 The Active Territories page displays the active territories as a collapsible hierarchy.

2 Selecting a territory, displays territory details at the bottom of the page


  Using the Manage Proposals button you can create territory proposals with your territory changes.

  The Show Dimensions button displays dimension details in the list of active territories.

  The Show Metrics button displays metrics details in the list of active territories.

  The Fewer Details button (two arrows) returns you to the less-detailed UI.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

3 4 5 6

Differences Between the Two UIs

The following table outlines the major differences between what you can do in the More Details and Fewer Details UIs.
Whichever UI you are using to make your territory changes, your records are not reassigned until the appropriate assignment
process runs.

Feature More Details UI Fewer Details UI

Changing a territory owner or member Your changes are not effective until you Your changes take effect immediately.
  activate the proposal.  

Making changes without immediately You create territories in a territory proposal Territory proposals are not available.
effecting live territories that isolates your changes from existing Changes you make to territories are
  active territories until you activate. You can immediate.
even decide to create different proposals to  

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Feature More Details UI Fewer Details UI

go live in the future, to account for seasonal
sales demands, for example.

Inheriting the properties of parent territories When you create child territories in both At creation, the child territories automatically
  UIs, the child territories automatically inherit inherit the properties and coverage of the
the properties and coverage of the parent parent territories. However, in the Fewer
territories. In the More Details UI, you can Details UI, you cannot link the territories
also link territories so that any subsequent to make subsequent coverage changes
change in coverage for the parent territory is reflected automatically.
automatically reflected in the linked territory.  

Importing territories Territories you import appear in a territory Import is not supported.
  proposal, which you must activate.  

Making the More Details UI the Default and Only UI

By default, when they open the Territories work area, users see the Fewer Details UI and must click the More Details
button to open the More Details UI. Also by default, users can use both UIs and toggle between them using the More
Details and Fewer Details buttons. You can make the More Details UI the default UI and remove the buttons to prevent
access to the Fewer Details UI, by changing the value of the system profile option Default to Territory Classic Interface
(MOT_DEFAULT_CLASSIC_INTERFACE) to Yes. The setting, which is made at the site level, affects all users. You can edit
the system profile value option by navigating to the Setup and Maintenance work area and using the following:
• Offering: Sales
• Functional Area: Sales Foundation
• Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

Sales Territory Use Cases

This section uses very simple examples to illustrate principles of territory setup for assigning access to accounts and
opportunities and enabling forecasting. The examples use the two most frequently used dimensions: geography and product.
The use cases cover:
• Automatically assigning access to individual salespeople by product or geography.
• Automatically assigning access only to managers when salespeople manage and sell to their own accounts.
• Handling territories that don't roll up neatly by geography or by product and to separate assignment and forecasting.
• Automatically assigning product specialists and others to help with a particular opportunity line using special
territories, called overlay territories.
• Setting up territories when you don't need territory assignment but want to use quotas and forecasting.
• How to set up catchall territories so executives don't have to troubleshoot territories.
• Ignoring or hiding the owner fields in the account and opportunity UIs and relying exclusively on sales territories and
assignment rules to determine access.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

As a rule, if you can draw the boundaries of sales territories along some dimension, then you should use sales territories
to automatically assign access to accounts and opportunities to individual salespeople. Assigning salespeople using
territories makes it easy for you to change the assignment when salespeople leave or are hired and to perform sales
territory realignment. When you are realigning territories to balance the workload and to reward your top performers,
you can experiment with different what-if sales territory scenarios in territory proposals. If you are dividing your territories
by geographical region and by product, then you can draw the territory boundaries for individual salespeople by either

Territory Boundaries by Product: Salespeople in a Region Sell

Different Products to the Same Customers
Suppose, for example, that all of the salespeople in a particular region sell different types of products to the same customers.
You want salespeople in the region to coordinate their engagement with each customer and to be always included on those
opportunities that involve their products.
You know which salespeople work in each region, so you can use territories to provide them with edit access to all accounts
in their region using the geography dimension. You can then assign salespeople to opportunities when their products are
involved using the product dimension.

Territory Setup
The US product sales organization is divided into two regions: West and East. Each regional office includes a manager and
two salespeople who sell different products: one sells laptops and the other servers.

The following figure shows the sales territory hierarchy. You must always create at least one catchall territory with the value of
Any for each of your dimensions. The master catchall territory is the topmost territory identified by callout 1, but both the West
and East territories serve as catchall territories for the product dimension.

US Product Sales
Geography: Any 1
Product: Any

West East
Geography: West Geography: East
Product: Any Product: Any

West Laptops West Servers East Laptops East Servers

Geography: West Geography: West Geography: East Geography: East
Product: Laptops Product: Servers Product: Laptops Product: Servers

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following table lists the key entries for each territory. Territory Type is always set to Prime because all territories are
used for sales revenue forecasting. The Enable Forecasting field is always set to Prime only, enabling the territory owner to
participate in sales revenue forecasting.

Territory Name Territory Type Geography Product Enable Forecasting

US Product Sales Prime Any Any Prime only


East Prime All states in the eastern Any Prime only

    half of the US    

East Laptops Prime All states in the eastern Laptops Prime only
    half of the US    

East Servers Prime All states in the eastern Servers Prime only
    half of the US    

West Prime All states in the western Any Prime only

    half of the US    

West Laptops Prime All states in the western Laptops Prime only
    half of the US    

West Servers Prime All states in the western Servers Prime only
    half of the US    

How Assignment Works for This Scenario

When a lead comes in for a potential customer with an address in California who is interested in purchasing laptops, the
inside sales team converts the qualified lead into an account and opportunity. The application does the following:

• Assigns the West Laptops and West Server territories to the account because California matches the geography
dimension. The owners of the territories gain full access to the account and can share information about their
interactions with the customer. Full access means they can add other team members in addition to editing the
account information itself.
• If the account is missing the address, then the account is assigned to the catchall territory, US Product Sales.
• Assigns the West Laptops territory to the opportunity line using the product dimension and the address of the
account. The laptop revenue can now be forecast by the West Laptops territory owner.
• If the opportunity line for the California account is for products other than laptops and servers, then the opportunity
line is assigned to the West territory.

Territories by Geography: Salespeople Sell All Products to Customers

in Their Region
If you draw boundaries by geographical region, then each salesperson handles customers in their particular geographical
region and sells all of the products into that region.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Territory Setup
The following figure shows a sample territory structure. The west and east regions split the states in the US. The west and
east regions are themselves divided into territories that split the states in each region.

US Product Sales
Geography: Any
Product: Any

West East
Geography: West Geography: East
Product: Any Product: Any

West 1 West 2 East 1 East 2

Geography: CA, Geography: OR, Geography: NY, Geography: VI,
Product: Any Product: Any Product: Any Product: Any

The following table lists the key entries for each territory. The Product dimension value is always Any because salespeople
sell all products. You could choose not include the Product dimension at all if you are not going to be using products for
assignment elsewhere in your territory hierarchy. Just as in the Territory Boundaries by Product example, the Territory Type is
always set to Prime and the Enable Forecasting field to Prime only

Territory Name Territory Type Geography Product Enable Forecasting

US Product Sales Prime Any Any Prime only


East Prime All states in the eastern Any Prime only

    half of the US    

East 1 Prime A subset of the states in Any Prime only

    the east: New York, New    
Jersey, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, and so on.

East 2 Prime A subset of the states in Any Prime only

    the east: Virginia, North    
Carolina, South Carolina,
Florida, and so on.

West Prime All states in the western Any Prime only

    half of the US    

West 1 Prime A subset of the states Any Prime only

    in the west: California,    

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Territory Name Territory Type Geography Product Enable Forecasting

Nevada, Arizona, and so

West 2 Prime A subset of the states Any Prime only

    in the west: Oregon,    
Washington, Idaho,
Montana, Utah, New
Mexico, and so on.

How Assignment Works for This Scenario

When a lead comes in for a potential customer with an address in California who is interested in purchasing laptops, the
inside sales team converts the qualified lead into an account and opportunity. The application does the following:

• Assigns the West 1 territory to the account because California is in the West 1 territory. The salesperson in the
territory gains edit access as does her management chain.
• Assigns the West 1 territory to any opportunity line for the California account using the account address.
• If the account is missing the address or is located in another country, then the account is assigned to the catchall
territory, US Product Sales.

Salespeople in Each Region Manage Their Own Accounts and Sell All
Products to Those Accounts
If individual salespeople in each region manage their own customer relationships and sell all products to those customers,
then there may be no way of drawing sales territories to assign new accounts to them directly. Instead, you can automatically
assign access to the managers in each region and have the managers distribute the accounts to the salespeople working for
them. Even though you are not assigning records to individual salespeople, you must still set up territories for them so they
can forecast.

Territory Setup
Because everyone sells all products, you can set up sales territories by geography only for the managers. For salespeople,
you create territories with no coverage for the geography dimension so the territories get skipped over by assignment but can
be used for forecasting. A territory with no coverage is blank, has no entry, for any dimension.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following figure shows the territory hierarchy using only the geography dimension. Because all salespeople sell all
products, the product dimension is not required unless you are using products in overlay territories or other portions of your
territory setup. An entry of Blank means the territory has no coverage.

US Product Sales
Geography: Any

West East
Geography: West Geography: East

West 1 West 2 East 1 East 2

Geography: Blank Geography: Blank Geography: Blank Geography: Blank

The following table lists the key entries for each territory. Territory Type is always set to Prime because all territories are
used for sales revenue forecasting. The Enable Forecasting field is always set to Prime only, enabling the territory owner to
participate in sales revenue forecasting.

Territory Name Territory Type Geography Enable Forecasting

US Product Sales Prime Any Prime only


East Prime All states in the eastern half of Prime only

    the US  

East 1 Prime Blank Prime only


East 2 Prime Blank Prime only


West Prime All states in the western half of Prime only

    the US  

West 1 Prime Blank Prime only


West 2 Prime Blank Prime only


Child territories automatically inherit the coverage of their parent when you create them, so you must delete the inherited
coverage to make them blank. For details on how to delete the coverage for a territory, see the Creating a Territory with No
Coverage topic.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

How Assignment Works for This Scenario

When a lead comes in for a potential customer with an address in California who is interested in purchasing laptops, the
inside sales team converts the qualified lead into an account and opportunity. The application does the following:

1. Automatically assigns the new account to the West territory using the geography dimension.
2. The manager who is the owner for the West territory (or a sales administrator working on the manager's behalf), edits
the salesperson's territory and includes the account by name.
3. Running territory assignment automatically assigns the opportunity lines for that account to the same salesperson as
If an account is missing address information or the account is in a country other than the US, then the account is assigned to
the catchall territory, US Product Sales.

Note: Because the accounts are assigned by name to the territories, administrators must manually move the
accounts during territory realignment.

Handling Territory Hierarchies with Coverage That Doesn't Roll Up

This topic explains how to set up territories to ensure proper assignment and forecasting for an irregular hierarchy. In a
regular hierarchy, the coverage values in the child territories roll up to the parent. For example, the territory selling laptops
in Hawaii and the territory selling servers in Hawaii both roll up to the territory selling products in the western US. In an
irregular hierarchy, the two Hawaii territories have different parents which can result in wrong assignments and possible
duplicate forecasts. You can use territories with no coverage for the parent territories in irregular hierarchies to ensure proper
assignment and forecasting. A parent territory with no coverage still gets the forecasts from the children territories, but it's
skipped over for assignment. Creating sales territories with no coverage, effectively separates assignment and forecasting.
The following two scenarios explain the difference between a regular hierarchy, where the dimension values of the parent
include all of the relevant values underneath, and an irregular hierarchy where you can use territories with no coverage to
correct for possible assignment and forecasting issues. You can create a territory with no coverage by deleting the coverage
while working in a territory proposal following the steps outlined in the Creating a Territory with No Coverage topic.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Regular Geography Hierarchy

The following figure shows the structure of a simple regular geography hierarchy. The Western US territory includes territories
for the western states and the Eastern US territory includes all the territories for the eastern states. Not all the territories are
shown for simplicity. The Western US territory is the parent of both Hawaii Servers and Hawaii Laptops.

US Sales

Western US Eastern US

Hawaii Hawaii
Servers Laptops

The following table lists the settings for the territories in the diagram.

Territory Name Territory Type Geography Product

US Sales Prime Any Any


Eastern US Prime States in the eastern US. Any


Western US Prime States in the western US. Any


Hawaii Servers Prime Hawaii Servers


Hawaii Laptops Prime Hawaii Laptops


Here's how the application assigns different objects using this territory setup:

• An account in Hawaii is automatically assigned to both the Hawaii Servers and Hawaii Laptops territories.
• An opportunity for a server in a Hawaiian account is assigned to the Hawaii Servers territory. An opportunity for a
laptop goes to the Hawaii Servers territory.
• An opportunity for a service product in Hawaii is assigned to the Western US.

Irregular Geography Hierarchy

Now imagine a company where the Vice President for US Sales likes to play golf in Hawaii, so she decides to handle one of
the Hawaii territories herself. The resulting territory structure splits Hawaii across two different hierarchy levels. The Hawaii

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Servers territory is now a child of US Sales, while the Hawaii Laptops territory remains under Western US. The following figure
reflects the change.

US Sales

Western US Eastern US


If you keep the territory settings the same and the same opportunity comes in for servers in the Hawaii account, the
application assigns both the Western US and Hawaii Severs territories.

Here's how the application arrived at the assignment:

1. The application first checks for all possible matching territories. These are Western US, Hawaii Servers, and US Sales
2. The application discards all the ancestors of the matching territories: US Sales is a parent of Western US so gets
Because the opportunity is assigned to two territories in the hierarchy, it could end up in both territory forecasts and being
counted twice in revenue projections.

You can fix the assignment issues in this example by creating the Western US territory with blank coverage. Having blank
coverage (no coverage in all the territory dimensions) means the territory gets skipped for assignment, but still allows for
forecasting to roll up as before. The following table lists the revised entries:

Territory Name Territory Type Geography Product

US Sales Prime Any Any


Eastern US Prime States in the eastern US. Any


Hawaii Servers Prime Hawaii Servers


Western US Prime Blank Blank


Hawaii Laptops Prime Hawaii Laptops


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The application now assigns only the Hawaii Servers territory. Here's how the application arrived at the assignment:

1. The application first checks for all possible matching territories. These are Hawaii Servers, and US Sales.
2. The application discards all the ancestors of the matching territories: US Sales is a parent of Hawaii Servers and so
gets discarded.

Assigning Others to Help with Individual Sales: Explained

Sometimes you want to assign others in your organization to assist with a sale. For example, if an opportunity line includes
complex equipment, product specialists may be required to help with the technical details. You can make such assignments
using overlay territories.

Sales Territory Setup

The following figure shows a simple overlay organization in a sales territory structure. The overlay organization consists of
a manager and two product specialists. Each specialist is automatically assigned to help with the sale of a specific server
model. The overlay organization territories are the children of the US Product Sales catchall territory for convenience.

US Product Sales
Geography: Any
Product: Any

Sales Support
Geography: Blank
Product: Blank

Sentinel Server Overlay Green Server Overlay

Geography: Any Geography: Any
Product: Sentinel Servers Product: Green Servers

The following table lists the key entries for each overlay territory. Note the following:

• The Territory Type is always set to Overlay.

• For the Sales Support Overlay territory, the values of both dimensions are blank. This ensures the territory is not
assigned to any account or opportunity.
• The Enable Forecasting column for the overlay territories can be set to Disabled or Overlay Only.

◦ Use Disabled if you are not forecasting overlay territories.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

◦ Use Overlay Only if your overlay organization creates its own forecasts for the sales where they are involved.
Such overlay forecasts are not counted as part of the sales organization forecasts to prevent double counting.
If you do enable overlay forecasting, then you must set the value for manager territories that approve or adjust
forecasts for both prime and overlay territories, such as US Product Sales, to Prime and Overlay. Enabling
forecasts by overlay territories also requires additional setup so salespeople can specify overlay credit on the
opportunity UI itself. See the Implementing Sales guide for details.

Territory Name Territory Type Geography Product Enable Forecasting

US Product Sales Prime Any Any Prime or Prime and


Sales Support Overlay Overlay Blank Blank Disabled or Overlay Only


Sentinel Server Overlay Overlay Any Sentinel Servers Disabled or Overlay Only

Green Server Overlay Overlay Any Green Servers Disabled or Overlay only

Child territories automatically inherit the coverage of their parent when you create them, so, for the Sales Support Overlay
territory, you must delete the inherited coverage as described in Creating a Territory with No Coverage topic.

How Assignment Works for This Scenario

The application assigns both the prime and overlay territories at the same time. Here is the detail for the assignment of overlay
• The application assigns both the Sentinel Server Overlay and Green Server Overlay territories to all accounts
because the Geography dimension is set to Any. This provides the overlay team access to account notes, activities,
and other details they need if they engage with the account.
• The application assigns the Sentinel Server Overlay and Green Server Overlay territories only to opportunities with
server products in those two product groups.

Setting Up Sales Territories When You Only Use Forecasting and

Quota Management
If you want to use forecasting and quota management but don't need to use sales territories for assignment, then you can
set up a hierarchy of sales territories that mirrors the resource hierarchy and automatically makes the record owner the
territory owner as well. Whoever creates an opportunity becomes its owner and the application assigns the opportunity to
that person's territory. The owner of the opportunity always has the opportunity in his or her territory.
To set up territories where the record owner is also the territory owner, follow the instructions in the white paper you can
download from the Setting Up Resource-Based Territories to Enable Forecasting and Quotas document (2446788.1 )
available on

Note: You cannot mix assignment using the record owner with assignment using dimension values for records
for the same object. For example, you cannot assign some accounts using dimension values and other accounts
directly to the record owners. If you are using assignment by record owner for accounts, then you can assign
opportunities using dimension values, however.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following figure shows a sample territory hierarchy. No dimensions are shown because they are not used for assignment.

US Product Sales

West East

West 1 West 2 East 1 East 2

The following table lists the key entries in sales territory setup. Even though you are not using any dimensions or coverage for
assignment, sales territory setup requires you to enable a dimension. Which dimension you enable doesn't matter.

Territory Name Territory Type Any Dimension Enable Forecasting

US Product Sales Prime Blank Prime


West Prime Blank Prime


West 1 Prime Blank Prime


West 2 Prime Blank Prime


East Prime Blank Prime


East 1 Prime Blank Prime


East 2 Prime Blank Prime


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

What to Do When You Don't Want Executives Handling Catchall

Catchall territories are territories high up in the territory hierarchy that have a value of Any for some or all of the territory
dimensions. Your organization must monitor the catchall territories to identify and reassign records with incomplete data
and to adjust for any gaps in your territory structure. The territories at the top of your hierarchy are usually owned by sales
executives who are not involved in territory troubleshooting. You can make it possible for others to manage the catchall
territories in either one of two ways:
• You can add the sales administrator as a member of the catchall territory. Territory members you add can participate
in all tasks including forecast reviews.
• You can create the executive's territory as a territory blank with no coverage and create a separate catchall territory
with Any as the value for the appropriate dimensions.

When you create separate territories, the executive can review and adjust all the forecasts from the sales team, but the
owner of the catchall territory can troubleshoot any accounts or opportunities that are not properly assigned. You can turn
off forecasting for the catchall so that the catchall territory owner doesn't see the forecast the executive is approving. The
following figure shows a sample territory hierarchy with a separate master catchall territory. The separate master catchall
territory US Product Sales is a child of US Product Sales and the parent of the next level of territories: West US and East US.
A catchall must be a parent node. It cannot be a leaf node in the hierarchy.

US Product Sales
Geography: Blank
Product: Blank

US Product Sales
Geography: Any
Product: Any

West US East US
Geography: West Geography: East
Product: Any Product: Any

West Laptops West Servers East Laptops East Servers

Geography: West Geography: West Geography: East Geography: East
Product: Laptops Product: Servers Product: Laptops Product: Servers

The following table details the setup for the territories. Entering the value Disabled in the Enable Forecasting field for the
catchall territory, disables access to forecasting for the territory owner.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Territory Name Territory Type Geography Product Enable Forecasting

US Product Sales Prime Blank Blank Prime


US Product Sales Prime Any Any Disabled


West US Prime States in the western US Any Prime


West Laptops Prime States in the western US Laptops Prime


West Servers Prime States in the western US Servers Prime


East US Prime States in the eastern US Any Prime


East Laptops Prime States in the eastern US Laptops Prime


East Servers Prime States in the eastern US Servers Prime


Ignoring the Owner Field and Relying on Territory Assignment

Sales territory assignment and rule assignment do not assign the owner of account, opportunity, and lead records.
Whoever creates any record becomes its owner and ownership is completely separate way of providing edit access to data.
Ownership can be manually reassigned in one of three ways:
• An owner of a record can transfer ownership to another resource.
• A sales administrator can transfer ownership of multiple records using the Mass Transfer feature available in the
• The resource converting a qualified lead into an account and opportunity can also assign the owner at the time of

If you want to rely exclusively on sales territory and rule assignment to provide access, then you can have your organization
ignore the owner field and you can make minor modifications to the UI as described in the Oracle Engagement Cloud
Extending Sales and Service guide:

• By default each work area displays a list of records owned by the user, called My Opportunities, My Accounts and
so on. You can replace these default lists with your own lists displaying records in user territories.
• You can also remove the infolets summarizing owned records and even hide the field itself in the UI using Application

Organizations concerned about unauthorized access by owners can create a dummy user and assign ownership of records
to that dummy resource. Whatever solution you explore, you must keep in mind that the owner field assures that the creator
of an object retains access to that object.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Providing Managers with Access to All the Accounts and

Opportunities in a Multilayered Organization
If your customers include large multilayered organizations, then you can use a combination of account hierarchies and sales
territory setup to ensure that key account directors can access the account and opportunities for the whole organization.
Accounts for a large multinational corporation, for example, are typically assigned to sales teams in different countries or
regions. Because managers in each region can only access information in their own region, no single manager can access all
of the accounts and opportunities for the entire multinational. By including the account at the top of the multinational hierarchy
in the territory of a manager, you can provide that manager with edit access to all accounts and opportunities in the hierarchy,
regardless of where they are located. Managers get access to the account you include in the territory, and to all the accounts
below it in the hierarchy, so you can also provide access to a subset of the hierarchy.

Setup Summary
1. Create the account hierarchy either directly in the Edit Account UI or by importing the hierarchy as described in this
2. Include the top account or another account in the hierarchy as follows:

a. Create the territory in a territory proposal.

b. On the Coverages tab in the Included Customers, Selected Customers region, click Select and Add.

The Select and Add window appears.

c. Search for the account by name or other criteria.
d. Click Save and Close to include the account and return to the Coverages tab.
e. Select the account and click Include Hierarchy.

The Include Hierarchy indicator appears in the Include Hierarchy column.

The following figure shows a screen capture of a sample territory in the Territory Proposal page with the
Pinnacle Technologies account included on the Coverages tab. The presence of the Include Hierarchy

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

indicator (callout 1) means that the territory owner has edit access to all of the accounts in the hierarchy below
the Pinnacle Technologies account.

Sales Territory and Assignment Setup for the Vision Corp.

Use Case
This topic explains the use case for the sales territory setup detailed in this chapter. The fictitious Vision Corp. divides its field
sales organization for the US into two regions, East and West. Each regional sales organization includes two salespeople,
one sells laptops and the other servers. A sales support organization helps out with sales of technically complex server
products. The organization includes a sales administrator who monitors and refines the territory assignment and two inside
sales representatives who qualify leads.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The Organization and Use Case

The following figure shows the Vision Corp. sales resource hierarchy you set up earlier.

William Taylor
Vision Corp.

Peter Apt
Vice President
Global High Tech

Bob Boyle
Sales Vice
James Ng US Direct Sales
Inside Sales
US Product Sales
Martin Conway John Dunbar
Sales Vice Sales
Waleed Abbas President Administrator
Inside Sales US Product Sales US Product Sales
US Product Sales

Mateo Lopez Michael Rhodes

Sales Manager Alex Smith Sales Manager
US Product West Support Manager US Products East
Sales Support

Peter Branch Marylin Richie

Product Specialist Product Specialist
Sales Support Sales Support

Lisa Jones Julian Henderson Kristin Garrity Sean Goodkin

Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson Salesperson
US Products West US Products West US Products East US Products East

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Sales Territory Setup

Vision Corp. creates territories using the geography and product dimensions. The following figure shows the corresponding
sales territory structure with the territory names, owners, and the entries for the geography and product dimensions. Notice

• The top territory, US Product Sales, is the master catchall territory. The territory is owned by Martin Conway and
includes the sales administrator John Dunbar. By being assigned to the catchall, John Dunbar can monitor any
accounts and opportunities that are assigned to the master catchall territory and to the West and East catchall
territories as well. By monitoring the catchall territories, John can refine the territory structure over time and fill in any
• The Sales Support territory owned by Alex Smith has blank (no value) entries for Geography and Products coverage.
No accounts and opportunities are assigned to him because he only manages the product specialists working for
• Peter Branch and Marilyn Richie are assigned to help with opportunities that involve their products, Sentinel Servers
or Green Servers.
• The inside sales representatives do not have any territories because they qualify leads assigned to them using rules
you set up as part of the Setting Up Leads chapter.

US Product Sales
Martin Conway
John Dunbar
Geography: Any
Product: Any

West Sales Support East

Mateo Lopez Alex Smith Michael Rhodes
Geography: West Geography: Blank Geography: East
Product: Any Product: Blank Product: Any

Sentinel Servers Green Servers

Peter Branch Marilyn Richie
Geography: Any Geography: Any
Product: Sentinel Servers Product: Green Servers

West Laptops West Servers East Laptops East Servers

Lisa Jones Julian Henderson Kristin Garrity Sean Goodkin
Geography: West Geography: West Geography: East Geography: East
Product: Laptops Product: Servers Product: Laptops Product: Servers

The following table lists the key entries in the setup for the territories. Note the following:

• The entries in the Product dimension column are the product groups in the sales catalog. Selecting a product group
includes all the product groups and products nested within the product group.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

• Because Vision Corp. is forecasting sales only (there is no forecast for the sales support organization), the Enable
Forecasting column value for the overlay territories is set to Disabled. For the prime territories the value is Prime Only.
• The Sales Support territory has no coverage values so it does not get assigned to any accounts and opportunities.
Because each child territory automatically inherits the coverage of its parent, you must delete the coverage to make
it blank. For details, see the Creating a Territory with No Coverage topic.

Territory Name Territory Owner Territory Type Geography Products Enable Forecasting

US Product Sales Martin Conway Prime Any Any Prime only

John Dunbar

East Michael Rhodes Prime Arkansas and all the Any Prime only
      other states in the    
eastern US

East Laptops Kristen Garrity Prime Arkansas and all the Laptops Prime only
      other states in the    
eastern US

East Servers Sean Goodkin Prime Arkansas and all the Servers Prime only
      other states in the    
eastern US

Sales Support Alex Smith Overlay Blank (no value) Blank (no value) Disabled

Sentinel Servers Peter Branch Overlay Any Sentinel Servers Disabled


Green Servers Marilyn Richie Overlay Any Green Servers Disabled


West Mateo Lopez Prime Alaska and all the Any Prime only
      other states in the    
western US

West Laptops Lisa Jones Prime Alaska and all the Laptops Prime only
      other states in the    
western US

West Servers Julian Henderson Prime Alaska and all the Servers Prime only
      other states in the    
western US

How It Works
Vision Corp. runs the assignment process once a day in off-peak periods to assign new accounts or opportunities and
qualified leads. Here's an outline of how assignment works for accounts:

• The application assigns an account to both the prime and overlay territories using the state the account is located
in. A new account in Alaska gets assigned to West Laptops, West Servers, Sentinel Servers, and Green Servers
territories. The owners and members of these territories gain access.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

• If the account information is missing a state for some reason or is in a country other than the US, then the application
assigns the account to the US Product Sales. Sales administrator John Dunbar reviews and troubleshoots the
accounts assigned to this catchall territory.

The application assigns opportunities and qualified leads using the geography information from the account and the product
in each opportunity. For forecasting purposes, each opportunity line is assigned individually to territories and the territory
owner gets to forecast only that line, but the territory owner gains edit access to the whole opportunity and the territory is
listed on the opportunity Sales Team tab:

• An opportunity for green servers in an Alaska account, gets assigned to the West Servers prime territory and to the
Green Servers overlay territory.
• An opportunity for laptops in the same Alaska account, gets assigned to the West Laptops prime territory only.
• An opportunity for both green servers and laptops in the same Alaska account, gets assigned the West Laptops,
West Servers prime territories and the Green Servers overlay territory. All three territory owners gain edit access
to the opportunity and the territories show up in the opportunity Sales Team tab. Although each territory member
gains access to the opportunity as a whole, the forecasts for each of the prime territories include only their specific
• If an opportunity for the Alaska account includes a product not included in any of the territory coverages, then the
application assigns the West territory.

Preparing to Create Territories

Specifying Geography Elements for Territory Setup
This task is required only if you are creating territories with geography as one of the dimensions. For example, if you are
creating territories based on states, you must enable the states for selection during territory creation.
In an earlier step, you imported the reference geography for the countries where you do business. Now you must specify
which of those geography elements you want to use in your sales territories. Vision Corp. is creating territories by states, so it
enables states.

Optionally, you can organize the geographies into zones to simplify territory creation. Vision Corp. imported just one country,
the US, and divides the country into two geographical regions: West and East.

Vision has two options:

• To enable states only

Individual territories require the entry of the states they cover. For example, you must enter all the western states in
the West territory and the eastern states in the East territory.
• To enable the states and create zones to organize them

If you organize the states in zones, you can then select the zone in each territory rather than entering the individual
states. For example, if you create a West zone and add all the western states, then you can select the West zone for
the West territory instead of the individual states.

Vision Corp. foregoes zones and enables states only. When building the territory hierarchy, creating child territories
automatically copies the existing coverage from the parents. The individual states you entered are copied as well.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

To specify which geography elements you want to use for sales territories:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Territory Geographies task from the implementation project.
Alternatively, you can open the task from the Setup: Sales page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Territory Geographies page appears.

2. In the Zones Hierarchies region, select Add Geography from the Actions menu.

The Add Geography page appears.

3. Open the Country list and click Search.

The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Add Geography page with the Country list open. The
Search link appears in the list.

4. In the Search and Select Country window, search for the country, select it, and click OK.
5. Click Search. The geographies belonging to the country appear in the Add Geography page.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Add Geography page listing the geography types for the US.

6. Select the country and click Submit.

7. In the Confirmation window, select the Add geography and include selected children option.
8. Select the geography elements you want to use in territories. For Vision Corp, this is State.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Confirmation window with the Add Geography and Include
Selected Children and the State options selected.

9. Click OK.
10. Click OK again in the batch process confirmation box.
11. Click OK.

Enabling Sales Territory Dimensions

You must enable the territory dimensions that you plan to use for your sales territories. Make sure you have all the source
data available before you start. Vision Corp. plans to enable the Product and Geography dimensions, so it has completed the
sales catalog and territory geography setup.
To enable the territory dimensions, do the following:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the task Enable Dimensions and Metrics from the implementation project.

The Enable Dimensions and Metrics page appears.

2. Click Edit.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The Edit: Enable Dimensions and Metrics page appears. The following figure shows a screen capture of a partial
page highlighting the location of the Select and Add button.

3. In the Dimensions region, click Select and Add.

The Select and Add: Dimensions window appears.

4. Select the dimensions that you want to use and click OK. Vision Corporation adds Geography and Product.

Note: If you are using the Product dimension, make sure you ran the Refresh Denormalized Product
Catalog Table for BI process. Running the process is described in the Setting Up Your Sales Catalog

5. From the Actions menu at the page level, select Load and Activate.
You can select Refresh Status from the Actions menu at the page level to monitor the process progress. When the process
completes successfully, you can start defining territories in the application.

For more information about enabling dimensions, see the Setting Up Sales Territories chapter in the Oracle Engagement
Cloud Implementing Sales guide.

Creating the Sales Territory Hierarchy

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Creating a Territory Proposal

Use this procedure to create a territory proposal. A territory proposal is the sandbox where you create the sales territory
1. While signed in as a setup user, open the task Manage Territory Proposals from the implementation project or
navigate to the Territories work area.
2. Click the Manage Proposals button on the Active Territories page.
The Manage Territory Proposals page appears.
3. In the Current Territory Proposals region, click Create (the plus sign icon).
The Create Territory Proposal window appears.
4. Enter a name for the proposal.
5. Leave the Activation Date field blank. This will cause the proposal to be activated immediately after you build your
6. Click Save and View.
Your territory proposal opens and you can start building your territory hierarchy.

Creating the Sales Territory Hierarchy

With your territory proposal open, create the sales territory hierarchy starting with the top territory in the hierarchy. For
each territory you create, you enter the name of the salesperson or manager who owns the territory and the values for the
dimensions that form the territory boundaries. When you create child territories, the application automatically copies all the
dimension values from the parent territories to speed up entry. The procedures in this topic provide instructions for setting
up a hierarchy similar to the one in the Vision Corp. use case: with the master catchall territory at the top of the hierarchy as
described in the topic Sales Territory and Assignment Setup for the Vision Corp. Use Case.

Creating the Master Catchall as the Top of the Hierarchy

Use this procedure to create the territory at the top of the sales territory hierarchy as the master catchall territory. Because
the top territory is usually owned by a senior manager or executive and you don't want executives troubleshooting territory
assignment, you must add a sales administrator, or another resource who does the troubleshooting, as a territory team

To create the top sales territory as a master catchall:

1. In the Territories region of your territory proposal, click Create.
The Create Territory page appears.
2. Enter the territory name, for example, US Product Sales.
3. Enter the resource who is the owner of the top territory, most likely the VP of Sales, as follows:
a. From the Owner list, select Search
b. Search for the resource name using any of the criteria.
c. Select the name and click OK.
The owner appears on the Territory Team tab. You can add additional members to the team, and the owner himself
can add members later. If the top territory is a catchall territory, then
4. From the territory Type list, select Prime.
5. From the Enable Forecasting list, select Prime only unless you are creating forecasts for overlay territories. This
setting enables the territory to be used for forecasting.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

6. To add the sales administrator for troubleshooting sales territory setup, do the following:

a. In the Territory Team tab in the Additional Information region, click Select and Add.

The Select and Add: Territory Team Members page appears.

b. Search for the resource using any of the fields.
c. Select the resource from the search results and click OK.
7. Click Save and Close.

Your new territory appears in the Territories table of your proposal.

8. With the territory selected in the Territories table, click the Coverages tab in the Details region at the bottom of the

Every enabled dimension is represented by a column, and each column displays the value of Any. For the Vision
Corp. example, this entry means that sales accounts in any location and for any product are assigned to this
territory. This is the setting you want for your master catchall territory.

Note: If the Coverages tab is blank, then your territory configuration is incomplete. Navigate to
Scheduled Processes and check to see whether the Synchronize Stage Environment process completed
successfully. See Enabling Territory Dimensions topic for more information.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Territory Proposal page with the top and only territory selected.
Callout 1 highlights the location of the Coverages tab. Callout 2 highlights the coverage row, which automatically
displays Any as the value for all the dimensions you enabled for the first territory in your hierarchy.

You are now ready to add the rest of the territory hierarchy.

Adding the Rest of the Hierarchy

With the territory proposal open, add the rest of the sales territory hierarchy from the top down. Add each territory as follows:

1. Select the parent territory in the Territories table.

2. Click Create Child of Selected Territory (the plus sign icon).

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The Create Territory page appears.

3. Enter the territory name.
4. Enter the owner for the territory.
5. Select the territory type, either Prime or Overlay depending on the territory you are creating.
6. From the Enable Forecasting list, select Prime only for territories involved in forecasts, or Disabled for
overlay territories, unless you are forecasting overlay territories. The setting of Disabled removes the territory from
7. Click Save and Close.
You are returned to the Territory Proposal page. You are now ready to enter the values for the different territory
8. If you are creating a territory with no coverage, then:
a. Select the row showing the coverage values in the Dimensional Coverage region on the Coverages tab.
The following figure shows a partial screen capture Territory Proposal window showing the Coverages tab.
Callout 1 shows the location of the row of values you delete to create a territory with no coverage. Callout 2
indicates the location of the Delete icon.

b. Click Delete (the x icon).

The application warns you that your action will remove all data in the table.
c. Click Yes in the warning.
The entire row is deleted.
9. If you are creating a territory with coverage then enter the values for the dimensions as follows:
a. With the territory selected in the Territories table, click Edit Coverage.
The Edit Coverage window appears.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

b. For each dimension you want to change:

i. Select the dimension from the Dimensions list.

ii. Add or remove dimension members from the Selected Dimension Members box.

For example, to specify the states in Vision Corp.'s West territory, you would move all of the states in
the western half of the US to the Selected Dimension Members box.

Tip: If the Product dimension does not show the correct list of products from the sales
catalog, then navigate to the Scheduled Processes work area and run the Refresh
Denormalized Product Catalog Table for BI process. The wrong products can show up in rare
cases where you have changed the root of your sales catalog.

iii. Click Save and Close.

You are returned to the Territory Proposal page. The Coverages tab in the Details region shows the
coverages for the territory.
When you complete adding territories and specifying coverages, you are ready to activate your territory proposal.

Activating the Territory Proposal

When you have completed building your territory hierarchy, you can either click Activate while still editing the territory
proposal, or use the following procedure to activate the territory proposal from the Manage Territory Proposals page.
To activate the territory proposal, do the following:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Territory Proposals task from the implementation project or
navigate to the Territories work area.
2. Click the Manage Territory Proposals link.

The Manage Territory Proposals page appears.

3. If the proposal you want to activate doesn't appear in the Current Territory Proposals table, select All Proposals
from the Proposals list.
4. Select the proposal and click Activate.

The application displays the proposal in the Completed Territory Proposals region. You can refresh the page to
display the most recent status and navigate to the Territories page to view the territories after they are active.

Creating a Territory with No Coverage

You can create territories that are skipped by the assignment process by deleting the coverage across all territory
dimensions. Territories with no coverage can be used for forecasting accounts included by name and to group other
territories in a hierarchy. You can only delete coverage while you are in a territory proposal and you can only delete coverage
across all the dimensions in a territory. You cannot delete coverage for individual dimensions.
To delete coverage in a territory, do the following:

1. Select the territory in the Territories region in the proposal and make sure it's added to the proposal.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Territories region of a sample territory proposal. The selected line
shows a Yes in the Added to Proposal column indicating that the territory is in the proposal.

2. In the Details region, select the Coverages tab.

3. Select the row showing the coverage values in the Dimensional Coverage region on the tab.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following figure shows a partial screen capture Territory Proposal window showing the Coverages tab. Callout
1 shows the location of the row of values you delete to create a territory with no coverage. Callout 2 indicates the
location of the Delete icon.

4. Click Delete (the x icon).

The application warns you that your action will remove all data in the table.
5. Click Yes in the warning.

The entire row is deleted.

6. Save.

Making Opportunity Assignment Automatic

By default, sales users must assign opportunities manually when they edit each opportunity. You can make the assignment of
opportunities automatic by setting the system profile option Assignment Submission at Save Enabled.
To set the system profile option, do the following:

1. While signed in as a sales administrator or setup user, open the Manage Opportunity Profile Options task from
the implementation project. You can also open the task from the Setup: Sales page, by clicking the Opportunity
functional area and then clicking the Manage Opportunity Profile Options task name link.
2. In the Search region of the Manage Opportunity Profile Options page, enter Assignment Submission at Save
Enabled in the Profile Display Name field.
3. In the MOO-OPTY_ENABLE_AUTO_ASSIGN: Profile Values region, select Yes from the Profile Value list.
4. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Note: It is recommended to schedule the assignment process to run daily to ensure that all opportunities are
assigned properly.

Running Assignment Processes

Running the Account Assignment Process
You must run the Request Account Assignments process to assign territories to accounts after you activate a territory
proposal. You must also schedule this process to run regularly to ensure that all territories are assigned properly.
To run the process, do the following:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Request Account Assignments Process task in the implementation
2. If you are not using the implementation project, then do the following:

a. Navigate to the Scheduled Processes work area.

b. On the Overview page, click Schedule New Process.

The Schedule New Process window appears.

c. Enter Request Account in the Name field and press Return.
d. Click OK.

The Process Details page appears.

3. Make the entries described in the following table to assign all of the accounts:

Field Entry

Work Object Enter SalesAccount_ Work_Object.


Enter SalesAccountTerritory_ Candidate_ Object.

Candidate Object  

Assignment Mode Select Territory from the list.

Enter AllSalesAccountsVC.
View Criteria Name  

Note: You can run the assignment process on a subset of records rather than on all records by
entering different parameters in the View Criteria Name and View Criteria Bind Values fields. See
the topic Scheduling Account Assignment: Explained in the Implementing Sales guide.

4. The first time you run the process click Submit to run it immediately.
5. You must also set up the process to run on a regular basis, perhaps once a day as follows:

a. Click Advanced.
b. Click the Schedule tab.
c. Select the Using a schedule option.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Process Details page with the Schedule tab and the Using
a Schedule option selected. The frequency is set to Daily by default.

d. Select the frequency and start date.

e. Enter an end date far in the future.
f. Click Submit.
6. Depending on your settings, your process runs immediately or at the intervals you specified. You can monitor its
progress by searching for the process by name on the Overview page.

Related Topics
• Scheduling Account Assignment: Explained

Running the Opportunity Assignment Process

You must run the Revenue Territory Territory Based Assignment process to assign territories to opportunities after you
activate a territory proposal. It is recommended to schedule this process to run daily to ensure that all territories are assigned

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

To run the process, do the following:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Revenue Territory Territory Based Assignment task from the
implementation project.
2. If you are not using the project, you can open the task as follows:

a. While signed in as a setup user or sales administrator, select Scheduled Processes in the Tools group in
the Navigator.
b. In the Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process.
c. In the Schedule New Process dialog, click Search: Name icon (down arrow) in the Name field and then
select the Search link.
d. In the Search and Select dialog, enter the process name Revenue Territory, and click Search. You can
search by a partial name, but note that the search is case-sensitive.
e. Select the process name in the results and click OK.
f. Click OK again if required.

The Process Details window appears.

3. Enter the process parameters listed in the following table:

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 15
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Field Entry

Enter OpenOpportunitiesByCreationDate.
View Criteria Name  

View Criteria Bind Values You can have the option of assigning territories to those open opportunities created since a
certain date or those created for a range of dates:

For a specific date, enter BindOptyCreationDateFrom=YYYY-MM-DD where

◦ YYYY-MM-DD is the date you started implementing the application. For example,
BindOptyCreationDateFrom=2014-01-01 assigns all open opportunities created
since January 1, 2014.
To use a date range, enter BindOptyCreationDateFrom=<date>,
◦ BindOptyCreationDateTo=<date>. Note that the From and To values are separated
by a comma.

Note: You can find more information about the process parameters in both the Oracle Engagement
Cloud Implementing Sales guide and application help, by searching for the Revenue Territory Territory
Based Assignment Process.

4. To run this process periodically:

a. Click Advanced.
b. Select the Schedule tab.
c. Select the Using a schedule option.
d. Select the frequency and start date.
5. Click Submit.
6. Unless you specified a schedule, your process runs immediately. You can monitor its progress by searching for the
process by name on the Overview page.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

16 Setting Up Leads

Leads Use Case Covered in This Chapter

This chapter outlines how to set up a process for verifying and qualifying leads you import from multiple sources such as
web visits, trade shows, marketing or sales campaigns, predictive analysis, purchased lists and so on. Because these leads
are of varying quality and most likely don't involve your existing accounts, you want to contact the potential customer and
qualify the information in the lead before creating new account and contact records in your application. We are calling these
leads "net new" leads because the account and contact information stays in the lead as text until the lead is qualified and
converted. This use case follows the common practice of using inside sales to do the initial lead qualification, but there is
nothing stopping you from modifying the use case to suit your needs.

Use Case Overview

Vision Corp. uses a team of inside sales representatives to perform the initial lead qualification. The qualified leads are then
automatically assigned to field sales representatives for further assessment and conversion into opportunities.

Here's an overview of how Vision Corp. processes leads:

1. A sales administrator imports the leads using the import macro you download from My Oracle Support.
2. Using an assignment rule you create, the application automatically assigns all inside sales representatives to the
sales team on each of the imported leads. This assignment makes it possible for the inside sales representatives to
view and update the leads, but it does not assign them ownership of the leads. Salespeople become owners of a
lead only when they accept a lead.
3. Individual inside sales representatives review the list of leads and accept the leads they want to work on. Accepting a
lead lists you as the lead's owner.
4. The inside sales representatives verify the information in each lead, check for potential duplicates, contact the
customer, and answer a standard list of questions in a qualification template that you set up for them.
5. When leads meet the qualification criteria, the inside sales representatives set the leads to the qualified status.
6. If the leads do not meet the criteria, the inside sales representatives can retire them instead.
7. The application automatically assigns the qualified lead to sales territories of the field sales organization.
8. Field sales representatives review the individual leads assigned to them and convert them to opportunities, when

The representative doing the conversion becomes the owner of the new opportunity.
9. During the conversion process, the application creates new account and contact records of type prospect. The lead
is automatically set to a converted status and linked to the account and opportunity records.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Here's a diagram that illustrates the processes:

Sales Admin Inside Sales Field Sales Application

Import Leads Convert to Create

Accept Lead Opportunity Opportunity

Evaluate Lead Yes Account or
No Contact?

Create Account and
Work Opportunity


Retire Lead Close Opportunity

How Inside Sales Accesses and Works Leads

1. To find the imported leads to work on, the inside sales representatives select the Unaccepted Leads list (callout 1
in the screenshot).

You create the saved search for this list during setup.
2. Representatives accept ownership of the leads they want to work on, either by:

◦ Selecting the Accept from the Actions list (callout 2).

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

◦ Or by drilling down on the lead name (callout 3) and clicking the Accept button in the Edit Lead page.

By accepting the lead, a representative becomes the lead owner and can now see the lead listed in the My Open
Leads list.
3. Inside sales representatives check if the account and contact information in the lead duplicates information already in
the sales application. In our use case, the representatives check for duplicates manually in the leads UI by selecting
the Check for Duplicates action.
4. The representatives contact the customer and qualify the leads, guided by the questions you set up as part of a
qualification template. Using the qualification template, while not mandatory, ensures everyone follows the same
procedure for qualifying leads.

Here's a screenshot of a sample qualification template. Salespeople access the template on the Qualification tab
(callout 1) of the Edit Lead page. They answer the questions you provide (callout 2). These questions are organized
in question groups, which serve as headings on the page. As they answer the questions, salespeople get visual

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

feedback on the quality of the lead (callout 3). You select the ratings and color schemes during qualification template

5. When inside sales representatives set the lead status to Qualified, an assignment process assigns the lead to the
appropriate sales territory. The process also adds the appropriate field sales representatives to the sales team.
6. The field sales representatives convert the lead to an opportunity by selecting the Convert from the Actions menu
after viewing the lead.
7. Field sales representatives have a chance to rename the opportunity in the Convert Lead window (shown in the
screenshot) and change opportunity ownership, if required.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Importing Leads
You can import leads linked to existing accounts and contacts or as completely new leads, called net new leads. Here are the
main differences:
• Net new leads

You import the account and contact as part of the lead business object. Account and contact records are created
only when the sales representatives convert the leads to opportunities. You can use the Excel macro provided by
Oracle to import these types of leads.
• Leads linked to existing accounts and contacts

You must use IDs to reference the existing accounts and contact record in your import file. You can use the IDs you
generated in your account and contact import files or you can export IDs from your application. You cannot use the
leads import Excel macro for this type of import.

This guide discusses only the import of net new leads. You must refer to the Understanding File-Based Data Import and
Export guide to understand how to import the other types of leads.

Setup Overview
The following table outlines the setup steps required to set up the Vision Corp. leads use case covered in this chapter.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 You must expose two fields, Application Composer See the Configuring the Leads UI
  New Account and New Contact,   section in this chapter.
on the Lead UIs that are used to  
verify the imported account and
contact names.

2 Create the assignment rule to Manage Sales Lead Assignment See the Setting Up the
  assign the leads to the inside Rules Assignment Rule for Assigning
sales representatives who will   Leads topic in this chapter.
qualify them.  

3 Set two system profile options to Manage Sales Lead Profile See the Enabling Lead
  enable lead assignment. Setting Options Assignment topic in this chapter.
Lead Assignment Mode to Both    
turns on both rule-based and
territory-based assignment.
Setting the Assignment Rule for
Rule Based Lead Assignment
profile option tells the application
which rule category to use.

4 Before importing your leads, Manage Set Enabled Lookups See the Changing the Lead Rank
  you can optionally change the   and Lead Channel topic in this
values provided by Oracle for chapter.
lead rank and the lead source  
channel. Salespeople can use
lead rank, for example, hot
or cold, to prioritize leads to

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

work on next. The lead source
channel indicates if the lead
came from the web, an e-mail
and so on.

5 Download the Excel macro and Manage File Import Mappings. See the Importing Leads topic in
  import mapping for leads from   this chapter.
support. upload the  
mapping to your application
using the Manage File Import
Mappings task, and import. You
can import up to 1000 leads at
a time by clicking a button in the

6 Run the lead assignment Manage Lead Processing See the Running the Lead
  process twice: the first time to Activities Assignment Process topic in this
assign the imported leads to   chapter.
inside sales and the second time  
to assign qualified leads to field
sales. You can also schedule
assignment process to run at
regular intervals.

7 Create a list that inside sales There is no task in the See the Creating a List of
  representatives use to view the implementation project for this Unaccepted Leads topic in this
imported leads that are available setup. Follow the instructions in chapter.
for them to work on. the topic.  

8 Create a lead qualification Manage Sales Lead Qualification See the Creating a Lead
  template. The template includes Templates Qualification Template topic in
questionnaire you want inside   this chapter.
sales to use as a guideline for  
qualifying the lead.

9 Specify the qualification template Manage Sales Lead See the Selecting the Default
  you created as the template you Administrator Profile Values Lead Qualification Template
want to appear in the lead by   topic in this chapter.
default. This is accomplished by  
setting the system profile option
Advanced Lead Qualification

10 Sign in as one of the inside sales There is no task in the See the Testing Your Leads
  representatives and one of the implementation project for this Setup topic in this chapter.
field sales representatives to test setup. Follow the instructions in  
your setup. the topic.

Configuring the Leads UI

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

About the Changes You Are Making to the Leads Pages

By default, the leads UIs display only names of accounts and contacts that already exist in the application. If salespeople
need to create a lead for a new account or add a new contact, they must first create the appropriate account and contact
records. After you select the account and contact in a lead, their names appear as links to the underlying account and
contact details. When you import net new leads, no account and contact records are created, so salespeople can't view the
imported account or contact names.
Here's what the default Edit Lead page looks like. The screenshot highlights the Existing Contact and Existing Account
fields. The fields display links to existing contact and account records.

Two Fields Enable Net New Leads

You enable salespeople to view the account and contact names in net new leads by exposing the New Account and New
Contact fields in the UI. These fields display the account and contact names as text.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Here's a screenshot of the Edit Lead page highlighting the fields.

You must expose these same two fields in the Edit Lead page and other pages required for your leads process. These pages
include the Leads landing page and the Convert Leads page, the page used to convert leads into opportunities.

Leads for Existing Accounts and Contacts

When you expose the fields, salespeople still see the leads for existing accounts and contacts the same way as before: as
links in the Existing Contact and Existing Account fields. The New Account and New Contact fields remain blank.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Adding the New Account and New Contact Fields to the UI

You must add the New Account and New Contact fields to the leads pages salespeople use to verify and qualify the net new
leads. Adding the fields involves creating custom layouts in Application Composer:
1. You create and activate a sandbox.
2. Create custom layouts of the appropriate pages and add the fields.
3. Review your work in the leads pages.
4. Publish the sandbox.
Because net new leads are imported, you don't need to expose the New Account and New Contact fields on the Create
Leads page. Salespeople creating a lead in the UI, should verify the account and contact information and create records for
any prospect accounts and contacts.

Expose the fields on the following pages. Note that the names of the pages are slightly different in the UI and in Application

UI Page Name Application Composer Page Name Comments

Leads Landing Page This is the landing page that opens when
    you navigate to the work area. Salespeople
should see the New Account field displayed
in the list of leads.

Edit Lead Details Page This is the page that inside sales agents
    will use to verify the contact and account
information, so you must expose both the

Convert Lead Lead Convert Page Converting a lead from a net new lead
    creates a new account, a new contact, and
a new opportunity. Expose both fields so
agents can see what they are converting.

Create and Activate a Sandbox

1. Click your initials or image at the top right corner of the page.
2. Select Manage Sandboxes:
3. In the Manage Sandboxes window, click New (the plus icon).
4. Enter a sandbox name in the Create Sandbox window and click Save and Close.
5. Select the sandbox you just created and click Set as Active.
The application displays a bar across the top of the window indicating the sandbox is active.

Add the New Account and New Contact Fields to the Lead UIs
1. In the Navigator, click Application Composer located under the Configuration heading.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

2. In the left pane of the Application Composer page, search for the Sales Lead object (callout 1 in the screenshot).

3. Open the Sales Lead object (callout 2).

4. Click Pages (callout 3).
5. For each of the pages where you need to expose the fields, do the following:
a. Locate the page.
b. Click Duplicate (callout 4).
c. In the Duplicate Layout window, enter a new name for your layout or just click Save and Edit.
d. On the Layout page, click Edit (the pencil icon).
e. Scroll down in the Available Fields column to locate the New Account and New Contact fields and move
them to the Selected Fields column.
f. Use the arrow buttons to move the fields where you want them.
g. Click Save and Close.
You are returned to the Layout page, which reflects your changes.
h. Click Done.
You are returned to the Application Composer page.

Test Your Changes

1. Click Home (the icon located at the top of the page).
2. Navigate to the Leads work area by clicking Sales > Leads.
3. Check to see if the New Account field displays as a column on the list page.
4. Click Create Lead.
5. Enter a lead name only.
6. Click Save and Continue.
7. On the Edit Lead page, enter test data in the New Account and New Contact fields.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Actions > Convert.
10. On the Convert Lead page, click Submit.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

After the lead processing completes, the Edit Lead page displays the converted lead. The contact displays as a link
in the Existing Contact field. And the account as a link in the Existing Account field.
11. You can drill down in the account and contact links to see that the account and contact records have been created
for you. From the Opportunity tab on the lead, you can also drill down into the opportunity created from the lead.
12. If you need to make further changes, you can go back to Application Composer and edit the layouts again.

Publish Your Sandbox

After testing, publish your sandbox:
1. Click the sandbox name link at the top of the screen.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Publish.

Setting Up the Assignment Rule for Assigning Leads

You can use assignment rules to automatically assign your leads to sales resources or to sales territories. In this procedure,
you set up a rule that assigns imported leads to sales resources, the inside sales representatives.
Creating the assignment rule involves the following three major steps:
1. Create a rule set.
2. Create the rule.
3. Publish the rule set.

Creating the Rule Set

You must create a rule set before you create your rule. The rule set makes it possible for you to have more than one rule for
your lead assignment, if required. Create the rule set as follows:
1. Open the Manage Sales Lead Assignment Rules task from the implementation project, or by searching for the
task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Select the Sales Lead Resource Rule Category from the Category list. You are assigning resources to the leads.
3. Create a rule set:
a. Click Add Row (plus sign icon) in the Rule Sets region toolbar.
b. Enter a rule set name in the Name field and an optional description.
c. Make sure that All is selected as the Filter.
The All setting ensures that all the inside sales representatives are assigned to all of the lead sales teams so
each sales representative can work any of the leads you import.
If you selected Random as your filter value, then the inside sales representatives are assigned to the lead
teams at random. Each representative would be assigned approximately to the same number of leads, but the
representatives could not view and work on the leads assigned to the others.
d. Save.

Creating the Rule

Now create the rule to assign the inside sales representatives to all imported leads that are unqualified. Use the following
1. With the rule set you just created selected, click Create (the plus sign icon) in the Rules region.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

The Create Rule page appears.

2. Enter a rule name and an optional description.
3. In the Conditions region, make sure the All conditions met operator is selected for the Rule Applies If field.
4. Click Add Row (the plus sign icon).
5. Now enter the first of the two conditions. This first condition ensures that the rule only assigns imported leads.

The following table lists the fields and entries to enter the condition.

Field Selection

Object Sales Lead


Attribute Import Activity Identifier


Operator Is not blank


6. Click Add Row again and enter the second condition as described in the following table. This condition assures that
the rule assigns only unqualified leads.

Field Selection

Object Sales Lead


Attribute Status

Operator Equals

Value Unqualified

7. In the Action region, enter the names of the inside sales representatives who work the imported leads. To add each
sales representative, do the following:

a. Click Select and Add (plus sign icon).

The Select and Add window appears.

b. Search by name.
c. Select the name.
d. Click OK.

Clicking Apply instead keeps the window open so you can add additional resources.
8. Click Save and Close.

You are returned to the Manage Sales Lead Assignment Rules page.

Publishing the Rule Set

For the rule to become active, you must publish the rule set after each change by clicking the Save and Publish button on
the Manage Sales Lead Assignment Rules page. The application lists the day and time when the rule was last published.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

The following table describes the UI fields and buttons highlighted in the subsequent figure.

Callout Name in UI Description

1 Name Name of the rule set.


2 Rule Set Filter The filter permits you to either assign all the
    resources in your rule to each lead sales
team or to distribute the leads randomly
among the resources.

3 Rules Region from where you create the rules for

    the rule set.

4 Save and Publish You must save and publish for your rules to
    become active.

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Manage Sales Lead Assignment Rules page highlighting key entries
described in the table.

Enabling Lead Assignment

Use this procedure to enable both rule assignment and sales territory assignment by setting the two system profiles options
described in the following table.

System Profile Option Display Name Value Description

Lead Assignment Mode Both Specifies if you are using rules, sales
    territories, or both for assigning leads. Vision
Corp. is using both.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

System Profile Option Display Name Value Description


Assignment Rule for Rule-Based Lead Sales Lead Resource Rule Category Specifies the rule category for the rule used
Assignment   for lead assignment.

To set these profile options, do the following:

1. Sign in as a setup user and open the Manage Sales Lead Profile Options task from the implementation project.
Alternatively, you can search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
The Manage Administrator Profile Values page appears.
2. Enter the profile option name in the Profile Display Name field.
3. Click Search.
The application displays the profile option information.
4. For the Assignment Rule for Rule-Based Lead Assignment profile, click Add (the plus sign icon) in the Profile Values
region and select Site as the Profile Level. For the Lead Assignment Mode system profile option, this selection is
already made for you.
5. In the Profile Values region, select the value from the Profile Value list.
6. Click Save and Close.

Changing the Values for Lead Rank and Lead Channel

Optionally, you can change the values you use for lead rank and lead channel by editing their lookup values. Lead rank can be
used by salespeople to prioritize leads to work on. The lead channel records the source of the lead. After you complete your
edits, you must copy the edited values to the lead import macro.
Oracle includes the following predefined lead ranks in the lookup type Lead Rank (MKL_LEAD_RANK_SETID):
• Cold
• Hot
• Warm

Oracle includes the following predefined values for lead channel in lookup type Lead Channel
• Direct Mail
• E-Mail
• Fax
• Marketing Cloud
• Phone
• Sales campaign
• Sales visit
• Social
• Company web site
• Wireless Message
• Model-based prediction

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

• Rules-based prediction

Use this procedure to change the existing values and to add new ones:
1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Set Enabled Lookups task from the implementation project, or
after searching for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
The Manage Set Enabled Lookups page appears.
2. In the Search region, enter either of the lookup type names Lead Channel or Lead Rank in the Meaning field and click
The lookup type and the available values, called lookup codes, appear below.
3. You can change the lookup codes as follows:
◦ For the existing values, you can change the wording displayed to the user by modifying the meaning or you
can end date values you do not need.
◦ You can add new values, by clicking New (the plus sign icon).
4. Click Save and Close when you are done.
5. If you made changes, then you must remember to enter the changes on the Lead Channel and Lead Rank
worksheets in the lead import macro.

Importing Leads
Depending on the types of leads you are importing and your business needs, you can import leads using the lead import
macro, the file import feature, or web services. Use the macro import covered in this section for importing up to 5000 net
new leads at a time. Net new leads are leads your organization must verify before you want to enter them as records in your
application. Importing net new leads does not automatically create account and contact records. Accounts and contacts are
created only when salespeople convert them into opportunities.
Importing leads using the macro provided by Oracle involves the following three steps. The first two are required to get you
1. You download two files from My Oracle Support: the macro and the mapping used by the macro for the import.
2. You upload the mapping to your sales application.
3. You enter the lead data into the macro and import.

Note: You can modify the macro to import additional fields, including any fields you created. If you modify the
macro, then you must create a new mapping to use in your import. The steps for modifying macros are not
covered in this guide.

Getting Ready to Use the Lead Import Macro

Watch: Learn how to download the Excel macro provided by Oracle for importing leads into your sales application and how to
set up your application so you can use it. The content of this video is also covered in related procedures.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Downloading the Mapping and Macro for Importing Leads

For importing leads, you must download both the Excel macro file and the accompanying mapping file. The files are available
on My Oracle Support, in article Oracle Engagement Cloud: Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation: Quick Import
Macros (Doc ID 2229503.1).
Follow these steps to download the files:
1. Sign in to
2. Search for 2229503.1.
3. Scroll down in the article to the Details region, locate the section appropriate to your application update version, and
click on the links in the Excel Macro Files and Mapping Files columns to download the two files from the table.
4. Save the files to a folder on your computer.
The application saves import logs to this folder.

Uploading the Mapping for Lead Import

You must upload into the application the mapping file you downloaded earlier. You also must record the mapping ID. Use the
following procedure:
1. While signed in as a setup user, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area. Open the Manage File Import
Mappings task from the implementation project or after searching for the task by name.
The Manage File Import Mapping page appears.
2. Click Import Mapping at the top of the page.
3. Click Choose File. Select the R13 Lead Import Macro Mapping file and click OK.
The mapping is now listed at the bottom of the page.
4. You must enter the mapping number into the import macro. You can either record the number on the Manage File
Import Mapping page by hand, or you can drill down on the mapping name and copy the number to your clipboard
from the Edit Import Mapping page.

Entering Lead Data into the Macro and Importing

Video: Entering the Data

Watch: Learn how to enter your leads data into the Excel lead import macro provided by Oracle. The content of this video is also
covered in procedures.

Video: Importing
Watch: Learn how to import the leads you entered in the Excel macro provided by Oracle. The content of this video is also
covered in procedures.

Entering Lead Data into the Import Macro and Importing

Follow these steps to populate the lead import macro with your data and perform the import. You can import up to 5000 lead
records at a time and must ensure that each import completes before you start another.
1. Open the R13 Lead Quick Import Macro file you downloaded earlier.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

2. Make sure macros are enabled in Excel.

3. In the Mapping field, enter the mapping number you obtained earlier.
4. If you changed the lead rank or the lead channel lookup types, then enter the new values in the Lead Rank and the
Lead Channel worksheets.
5. In the Template worksheet, enter your lead data. Note that most of the information is optional. The import requires
just four pieces of information for each lead, but because the macro generates the required lead number after you
click Create Import Activity, you must enter just three:

◦ Lead name

◦ Account name

◦ Contact full name

However, your use case may require additional information. For example, you must include some contact information
for your inside sales representatives to be able to qualify the lead. If you are assigning qualified leads using
geographical sales territories based on the state where the business is located, as in our use case, then you must
include the state in your data or have the inside sales representatives supply that information during the lead-
qualification process.

The following table lists the columns and describes the values to enter.

Column What to Enter

Lead Number Leave this required column blank. The macro generates the lead number automatically using the
  date and time. The application uses the lead number to identify the lead record for updates.

Lead Name The lead name identifies the lead in the lists sales representatives see in the Leads work area. In
  the UI, the application automatically enters a lead name as a combination of the contact name
and the date and time. You may want to follow the same practice in your import. Entry in this field
is required.

Account Name Organization name. Entry is required.


Contact Full Name You must enter the contact's first and last names separated by a space.

Job Title Job title.


E-mail Contact e-mail address.


Phone Country Code Contact phone country code.


Phone Area Code Contact phone area code.


Phone Number Contact phone number with no spaces or delimiters.


Address 1 Contact address line 1.

If you convert the lead to an opportunity, then the application uses the address entered in the
contact address fields both as the contact address and the account address.

Address 2 Contact address line 2.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Column What to Enter


Address 3 Contact address line 3. This column (L) is hidden in the macro by default.

City Contact address city.


State Vision Corp. has set up geographical sales territories for the US, so you must enter the state for
  leads to be assigned.

Province This column (O) is hidden in the macro.


ZIP Code Postal code.


Country The ISO two-letter code for the country.


Product Group Enter the Product Group Reference Number. You can copy this number from the macro you used
  to import product groups.

Product Product name you imported earlier. This column (S) is hidden in the macro by default. If you are
  importing a product interest for a lead, you cannot import a product group at the same time.

Lead Rank
  You must use one of the standard values provided by Oracle in the macro, unless you changed
them. The standard values are:

◦ Cold

◦ Hot

◦ Warm

Lead Channel
  You must use one of the standard values provided by Oracle in the macro, unless you changed
them. The standard values are:

◦ Direct Mail

◦ E-Mail

◦ Fax

◦ Marketing Cloud

◦ Phone

◦ Sales campaign

◦ Sales visit

◦ Social

◦ Company web site

◦ Wireless Message

◦ Model-based prediction

◦ Rules-based prediction

6. When you are done with your entries, click Create Import Activity.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

7. If the You must correct errors in your entries message appears:

a. Click OK.

The Error worksheet displays any errors.

b. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be

c. Click Create Import Activity again.

8. On the Login page, enter the following:

◦ Host information for your environment. The host name is the portion of the URL between the https:// and /
sales. You must be signed in and navigate to one of the sales work areas to ensure the host name is correct.
The name on the sign-in page and on setup pages is different.
◦ Your user name

◦ Your password
9. Click Submit.

The application displays one of the messages listed in the following table.

Message Meaning

The file import activity was submitted Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation
successfully. message displays the job ID.

Unable to connect to the server at this You may have entered an incorrect host.

Unable to submit the file import activity. You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user does not have the correct
Check log for details. permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

10. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.

The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID and its status.

◦ If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

◦ If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.

11. Optionally, click Generate Log to save a file listing the leads that were imported.

Running the Lead Assignment Process

In support of the Vision Corp. use case, you must run the assignment process twice. You run the process the first time to
assign the imported leads to the inside sales representatives for lead qualification. Run the assignment process a second time

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

to assign the qualified leads to field sales for conversion to opportunities. You run the process by creating a lead processing
activity as follows:
1. Open the task Manage Lead Processing Activities from the implementation project or after searching for the task
by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Lead Processing Activities page appears. This page lists all of your processing activities.
2. Click Create Lead Processing Activity.

The Create Lead Processing Activity window appears.

3. To assign the leads you imported to inside sales for qualification, enter the parameters listed in the following table.

UI Region Field Entry

Activity Details
  Process Type Assignment

Lead Selection
  Status Unqualified

Lead Selection
  Assignment Status Unassigned

  Schedule Mode Immediate

4. Click Submit.
5. Now create and submit a second activity to assign the leads to field sales after the leads are qualified. Enter the
parameters listed in the following table.

UI Region Field Entry

Activity Details
  Process Type Assignment

Lead Selection
  Status Qualified

  Schedule Mode Run this activity on a repeating schedule to
make sure the leads are transferred to field
sales as soon as they are qualified by inside

To run the activity regularly, select Repeats,

enter a frequency, a start date, and an end
date far into the future. You must enter both
a start date and an end date for the process
to run.

6. You can monitor the processes on the Manage Lead Processing Activities page. This page lists all of your
processing activities.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Creating a List of Unaccepted Leads

Use these steps to create a list to display the leads you imported in the Leads work area. Inside sales representatives use the
list to review incoming leads and accept the leads they want to work on. After sales representatives accept a lead, it displays
among the leads they own and no longer appears on the list.
Sales administrators and setup users can create lists for the whole organization or lists targeted to specific job roles. To
create the lists, you must:

1. Get ready to create lists by creating and activating a sandbox and opening the Page Composer tool.
2. Create your list.
3. Publish the sandbox to make the list available for use.

Getting Ready to Create Lists

Follow these steps to create and activate a sandbox and get ready to start creating a list:

1. While signed in as a setup user, click your user name at the top right corner of the page, select Manage
Sandboxes, and create and activate a sandbox:

a. In the Manage Sandboxes window, click New (the plus icon).

b. Enter a sandbox name in the Create Sandbox window and click Save and Close.
c. Select the sandbox you just created and click Set as Active.

The application displays a bar across the top of the window indicating the sandbox is active.
2. Navigate to the Leads work area.
3. Click your user name again and select Edit Pages.

The Edit Pages window appears.

4. Select Site.

All users will see the list among the available lists in the work area. However, only the inside sales representatives
who are assigned to the imported leads and their managers can view the leads in the list.

You can, instead, target the list to a specific job role by selecting Job Role and entering the job role. However,
targeting the list specifically to inside sales representatives would require additional setup:

◦ You must also be assigned the job role so you can test the list. See the section on enabling testing in the
Oracle Engagement Cloud Extending Sales and Service guide for more details.
◦ Both inside sales and field sales representatives are assigned the same Sales Representative job role. If
you wanted to target the list specifically to inside sales, then you would have to create you own job role as
described in the Oracle Engagement Cloud Securing Sales and Service guide.
5. Click OK.
The Editing: User Interface bar appears at the top of the page indicating that you are in Page Composer.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

The following screenshot shows the Sandbox bar (identified by callout 1) and the Page Composer bar (callout 2). The
sandbox bar lists the name of the sandbox.

You are now ready to create the list. After you create and test the list, you must publish the sandbox to make your list
available to your users.

Creating the List

With both the sandbox and the Editing: User Interface Page Composer toolbar displayed on the top of the page, follow these
steps to create the list. You create the list by editing an existing list and saving it under a new name.

1. In the Leads work area, click Show Advanced Search (the filter icon) to the right of the List field.

The Advanced Search pane appears.

2. From the Saved Search list, select the My Open Leads list to use as the starting point for creating a new one.
3. Add the Accepted field to your search criteria, by using the Add button at the bottom of the pane, then enter the
search criteria listed in the following table.

Field Operator Entry Explanation

Record Set Equals Records where I am on the The assignment rule you
team created assigns all the inside
sales representatives to the
lead sales team. The default
selection, Records I Own,
displays only leads where you
are assigned as an owner.
The imported leads do not
have an owner until they are
accepted by one of the inside
sales representatives.

Leave blank. Leave this field blank.

Name Starts with    

Imported leads are unqualified

Status Equals Unqualified by default.

Enter a date and time prior to Restricts search to improve

Creation Date After the import. performance. For example,
  you may restrict search to

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Field Operator Entry Explanation

leads created in last 60 days
depending on your typical lead

When they accept leads, inside

Accepted Equals No sales representatives become
lead owners and the lead drops
off the list.

4. You can test your search by clicking Search.

5. When you are satisfied with the results, click Save.

The Create Saved Search window appears.

6. Enter a new name for the saved search. For example: Unassigned Leads.

You cannot reuse the names of the saved searches provided by Oracle with the application.
7. Make sure the Run Automatically option remains selected. Selecting this option runs the query each time a sales
representative selects the list in the UI.
8. Make sure the Set as Default option is not selected. You do not want all sales representatives to see this list
whenever they navigate to the leads work area.
9. Click OK to return to the Saved Searches window

Publishing the Sandbox

To publish the sandbox, do the following:
1. Click the sandbox name.
2. Click Exit Sandbox.

The Exist Sandbox window appears.

3. Click Yes.
4. Click your user name at the top right corner of the page and select Manage Sandboxes.
5. Click Publish.

Creating a Lead Qualification Template

You can use the Lead Qualification template to set up questionnaires to guide your sales representative as they qualify leads.
You can set up multiple qualification templates for different products, as needed.
To create the template, do the following:
1. Open the Manage Sales Lead Qualification Template task from the implementation project, or after searching for
the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance Work area.

The Manage Sales Lead Qualification Template page appears listing the predefined template provided by Oracle.
You can use this template as a model for your setup.
2. Click Create (the plus sign icon).

The Manage Assessment Template page appears.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Entering Basic Template Details

Enter the following in the Enter Details page:
1. Enter a template name. For example: Imported Web Leads.
2. Select Lead as the Template Type.
3. For the Template Set, select Common Set.

Sets make it possible for you to target different qualification templates for different business units, but the application
covered in this guide uses only one business unit. For an explanation of how you can tailor your sales application for
multiple business units, see the Implementing Sales guide.
4. Click Next.

Configuring Ratings
Ratings group question responses in a template into different categories. There are three predefined ratings: Poor, Average,
and Excellent. You can add your own ratings or modify the predefined ratings. When you are done, click Next.

Creating the Question Groups, Questions and Responses

Use the following steps to create the question groups, which serve as headings in the template, and the questions within
each group:
1. Click Create (the plus icon) and select Create Question Group.
2. Enter a name, which appears as the heading for this group of questions, and click Save and Close.
3. Now create your questions for this group. For each question:

a. Click Create (the plus icon) and select Create Question.

The Create Question window appears.

b. Enter the question text.
c. Enter a weight indicating how important this question is in the qualification process. You have a chance to
revisit and adjust the weights to all the questions at a later stage.
d. Click Save and Close.
4. Enter the possible responses for each question:

a. Enter the response, score and rating.

The following table lists the response entries for a yes or no question, for example: Did you reach the
contact by phone?

Response Score Rating

Yes 100 Excellent


No 0 Poor

b. When you complete entering your questions, you can reorder the questions by clicking Move (the double right
5. Click Next.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

The Edit Question Weights pages appears.

Editing Question Weights, Configuring Score Ranges, and Associating Task

Use the following steps to edit the question weights, configure score ranges, and associate task templates:
1. On the Edit Question Weights page, the weights in the Weights column for each question until the total equals 100.
2. Click Save and then Next.

The Configure Score Range Attributes page appears.

3. The application derives the score range for ratings using the scoring to response mapping in the questions and
responses that you entered earlier. You can select the Override Score Ranges option to edit the automatically
derived score ranges and set different start and end scores for the ratings. You can also use the Graph Color list to
change the colors shown in the various score ranges.

The following figure shows the Configure Score Range Attributes page.
4. Click Next.

The Associate Task Templates page appears where you can add any task templates you have created.

Deploying the Qualification Template

When you are ready to deploy the qualification template, do the following:
1. Click Save.
2. Click Deploy.
3. Click OK to close the confirmation window.

The application displays any errors in setup. For example, if you did not enter question weights which total 100.

Note: You cannot edit many aspects of the template after you deploy it. You may have to copy the
deployed template and edit the copy.

Selecting the Default Lead Qualification Template

To turn on lead qualification, you must specify which lead qualification template you want to use as the default by setting
the system profile Advanced Lead Qualification Enabled. You can select a single template for use for the whole sales
organization, display a different template depending on the product group in the lead, and you can assign specific templates
to different users. The settings are not mutually exclusive. You can provide a template for the whole organization, but target
different template to individual users or product groups.
To set the system profile do the following:
1. Sign in as a setup user and open the Manage Sales Lead Administrator Profile Values task from the
implementation project. Alternatively, you can search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Administrator Profile Values page appears.

2. Enter Advanced Lead Qualification Enabled in the Profile Display Name field.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

3. Click Search.
The application displays the profile option information.
4. In the Profile Values section, click New.
5. If you are using only one template, then select Site from the Profile Level list. The options are:

◦ Site
The same template is used for the entire organization unless you specify additional templates for product and
◦ Product
The template is used for a product group. All other product groups are assigned the template you specify at
the site level.
◦ User
The template is used for the user you enter. All other users are assigned templates for the product or the site.
Select the name of the template from the Profile Value list.
6. Repeat the previous steps for additional products and users.
7. Click Save and Close.

Testing Your Leads Setup

Test your leads setup by impersonating the inside sales representative to accept and qualify the lead and then impersonating
the field sales representative to convert the lead to an opportunity.

Impersonating the Inside Sales Representative

1. Sign in as one of the inside sales representatives and navigate to the Leads work area.
2. Select the list of unaccepted leads you created.
The list should contain all your imported leads.
3. Open one of the leads and click Accept.
You should now be listed as the lead owner.
4. Click the Sales Team tab to make sure all the appropriate sales representatives are listed.
5. Click the Qualification tab.
The tab displays the qualification template you created.
6. Answer the questions.
If you must update the qualification template after your testing, you may have to create a copy, edit the copy, and
publish it. If you do make a copy, you will also have to reset the Advanced Lead Qualification Enabled profile as well.
7. Make sure that the information in the lead you are qualifying is sufficient to assign the lead to the field service
representative you are using for testing.
In our use case, qualified leads are assigned to sales territories by state. Make sure that the contact address in the
lead includes one of the states in the US that belong to the territory of the field sales representative you are using for

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

8. Click Qualify to indicate the lead is qualified.

Impersonating a Field Sales Representative

1. Ensure that the assignment process you scheduled previously has successfully completed. If you have not run the
assignment process, then you must run the process again, this time, immediately.
2. Sign in as the field sales representative who owns the territory the qualified lead is assigned to.
3. Navigate to the Leads work area.
4. Select the Open leads where I am on the team list.
5. Edit the lead.
6. From the Actions menu, select Convert.

The Convert window appears.

7. Optionally, change the opportunity name to something more meaningful.
8. Click Submit.
9. Navigate to the Opportunity work area. The new opportunity should be listed in the My Open Opportunities list.
10. You can open the opportunity and view the created account and contact from there.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 16
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Leads

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 17
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Competitors

17 Setting Up Competitors

About Setting Up Competitors

The sales organization can track and analyze the impact competitors are having on sales by recording the competitors in
each opportunity. By default, the sales application requires salespeople to enter the primary competitor whenever they close
an opportunity. Unless you changed that default, you must create the list of competitors to enable opportunity closing.
To create the list of competitors, you are only required to enter competitor names. However, you can track other information
about competitors in the Competitors work area. The following table lists the information you can enter in the different tabs.

Information You Can Enter Competitor Work Area Tab

Information about the strengths, SWOT

weaknesses, opportunities, and threat  
level (SWOT)

The product groups in the sales catalog Product Groups

the competitor is competing against.  

Related documents Attachments


Names of internal contacts who know Internal Experts

the competitor.  

Geographical regions where the Geographies

competitor is active based on the  
geography reference information you

Industries where the competitor is active Industries

based on the industry classification you  
are using.

The Opportunities tab automatically displays all of the opportunities where that competitor has been selected as the primary

Access to the Competitors work area is restricted to users with the Sales Administrator job role. However, sales managers
and others in the sales organization can access preconfigured reports to view the effects of the competitors entered in

Related Topics
• Sales Competitors: Overview

• Managing Sales Competitors: Procedures

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 17
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Competitors

Creating the List of Competitors

Use this procedure to create the list of competitors for selection in the Edit Opportunity page.
1. While signed in as a setup user, open the task Create Competitors in the implementation project. Alternatively,
sales administrators and setup users can click the Competitors link available under the Sales heading in the

The Review Competitors page appears.

2. Click Create.

The Create Competitor page appears.

3. Enter the competitor name in the Organization Name field.
4. You can enter a suffix, such as Ltd. or Co., in the Name Suffix field.

A suffix is automatically appended to the name in the application.

5. Select a threat level. Salespeople can use the threat level to filter their competitor searches.
6. Optionally, enter additional information about the competitor.

Any additional information you enter is only visible in the Competitors work area. Only the competitor name is visible
while selecting competitors in opportunities.
7. Click Save and Close.
You can enter additional competitor information when you edit the competitor.

Related Topics
• Managing Sales Competitors: Procedures

• Enabling Competitor UI Elements in Opportunities

• Viewing Competitor Information Outside Opportunities: Procedure

• Associating Competitors with Opportunities: Procedures

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

18 Setting Up Opportunities

Setup Overview
This chapter explains how to configure opportunities and import them. Your sales organization can use opportunities to
standardize the sales process from the time a lead gets qualified to the final sale. You can provide salespeople with the best
practices at each stage of the sales cycle, forecast sales, and track sales outcomes.
Complete the setups outlined in the following table. You can open the setup tasks from the Set Up Opportunities folder
implementation project unless noted otherwise.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Use the Configure Opportunities • Configure Opportunities

  quick setup page to specify See the following topics in this
• Manage Sales Methods
the sales method you want chapter:
and Sales Stages
sales people to follow for
opportunities. • What Opportunity
  Behavior You Can
The default Standard Sales Configure and Where
Process sales method supplied • Configuring Opportunity
by Oracle works without Behavior Using the Quick
modification. However, you can Setup Page
select another sales method • Configuring Sales
and modify sales method sales Methods and Sales
stages to suit your needs. Coach
On the Configure Opportunities
quick setup page, you can edit
and add sales stages. However,
you must use the Manage
Sales Methods and Sales
Stages task to create new sales
methods, enter action items
for salespeople, and provide
recommended documents,
such as collateral to show to the
customer. The recommended
actions and documents appear
in the Sales Coach section of the
opportunity UI.

2 By default salespeople must Configure Opportunities See the Configuring Opportunity

  enter both win/loss reasons and   Behavior Using the Quick Setup
the primary competitors when Page topic in this chapter.
they close an opportunity in  
the UI. When salespeople open
opportunities, the application
automatically enters a default
close date for the opportunity
20 days after the opportunity
creation date.
You can use the Configure
Opportunities quick setup

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

page to make the required
entries optional, and set a
different default close date.
The close date determines how
opportunities are forecast.

3 Optionally, configure opportunity Manage Sales Status See the Configuring Opportunity
  statuses.   Statuses topic in this chapter.

4 Optionally, configure the Manage Set Enabled Lookups See the Configuring the List of
  list of win/loss reasons   Win/Loss Reasons topic in this
salespeople enter when they chapter.
close opportunities.  

5 Import opportunities using the Manage File Import Mappings See the Importing Opportunities
  Excel macro provides by Oracle.   topics in this chapter.
You download the Excel
macro and import mapping for
opportunities from document
2229503.1 on support. upload the mapping
to your application using the
Manage File Import Mappings
task, and import. You can import
up to 1000 opportunities at a
time by clicking a button in the

Quick Setup for Opportunities

What Opportunity Behavior You Can Configure and Where
You can use the Configure Opportunities quick setup page to change basic default behavior, but you must use other tasks to
make more substantial changes.

Default Opportunity Behavior Changes You Can Make in the Quick Setup Additional Setup

Opportunities follow the Standard Sales

Process sales method provided by Oracle. Oracle provides three sales methods: You must use the Manage Sales Methods
  and Sales Stages task to populate the details
• Standard Sales Process (the default) of each sales stage, including:
• Accelerated Sales Process
• What fields are required
• Line Set-Enabled Sales Process
• The actions you want salespeople to
You can select any one of these sales • The tasks you want assigned
methods as the default and modify its sales
• Documents you want to provide as
stages. Or you can select a sales method
part of Sales Coach
that you created from scratch.
• Assessments

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Default Opportunity Behavior Changes You Can Make in the Quick Setup Additional Setup

Using the Quick Setup page, you can edit

the sales method sales stage names and add
your own stages. To enter or edit the stage
details, you must use the Manage Sales
Methods and Sales Stages task

Salespeople are required to enter a win or You can make the entry of the win or loss You can modify the list of win and loss
loss reason for an opportunity when they reason optional. reasons as specified in the Modifying the List
close it.   of Win/Loss reasons task.

Salespeople must also enter at least one You can make the competitor entry optional. None.
competitor before closing opportunities.    

The close dates for opportunities are set to You can change the default close date. None.
20 days after the opportunity creation date.    

Configuring Opportunity Behavior Using the Quick Setup Page

On the Configure Opportunities quick setup page, you can modify the default behavior of opportunities in two ways:
• You can select a default sales method and edit the basic information about its stages.
The default sales method is the sales method used for all opportunities, unless you make it possible for salespeople
to select different sales methods.
• You can configure opportunity close behavior.

Navigating to the Quick Setup Page

While signed in as a setup user, open the Configure Opportunities task from the implementation project. Alternatively, you
can open this task from the Setup: Sales page, by clicking the Quick Setup (gears) icon for the Opportunities functional

Specifying and Editing the Default Sales Method

• Select a different sales process from the Default Sales Method list.
• Edit an existing sales stage name, description, or win probability.
• Select a different phase and status for a sales stage.
• Enter a new sales stage:
a. Click Add Row (the plus sign icon).
b. Enter the sales stage information.
c. In the Order column, enter a decimal number to insert the new stage between new stages. For example,
enter 1.5 to enter a stage between stage 1 and stage 2. To enter a sales stage at the beginning, enter a value
smaller than 1, for example, 0.5 or 0.75.

Note: You cannot change the order of the existing sales stages by changing the order number.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Configuring Opportunity Close Behavior

You can modify opportunity close in two ways:
• Make the entry of the competitor and win or loss reason optional by selecting the No option for each.
• Enter a different number of days in the Default Close Date in Days After Opportunity Creation field.
If salespeople don't enter a close date in an opportunity, the close date is set to the creation date plus the number
you entered. The close date affects the way opportunities are forecast.

Configuring Sales Methods and Sales Coach

Watch: This tutorial shows you how to modify the supplied opportunity sales methods and sales stages to fit your business
requirements. The content of this video is also covered in text topics.

About Setting Up Your Sales Methodology for Opportunities

You can guide salespeople through a structured sales process, called a sales method, as they pursue an opportunity from
the initial qualifying stage to closing the deal. At each stage of the sales method, you can list suggested actions, assign tasks,
and provide supporting documents and interactive questionnaires.
Oracle provides several predefined sales methods which you can modify to your needs. These include:
• Accelerated Sales Process
A sales process for deals which involve a single decision maker and short time frame.
• Standard Sales Process
A sales process designed for longer sales cycles, where decisions are made by committee.

You can create multiple sales methods for different sales situations and products by following the procedures outlined in the
Implementing Sales guide. By default, all opportunities use the sales method you specified as the default in the Configure
Opportunities quick setup page. If you want to give salespeople the option of using alternate sales methods, then you must
use Application Composer to display the Sales Method field in the UI. See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Extending Sales
and Service guide for details.

The Standard Sales Process, which is appropriate for the high tech company Vision Corp., divides the opportunity sales cycle
into the following seven sales stages.
1. Qualification
2. Discovery
3. Building Vision
4. Presentation
5. Agreement
6. Negotiation

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

7. Closed
For each sales stage, you can specify different options and actions for salespeople to follow, including those listed in the
following table. The callout numbers refer to the Edit Sales Stage window regions in the screenshot following the table.

Action Description Where You Make Your Entries Callout Number

Set the default win probability If you decided to automatically Edit Sales Stage page header 1
  include opportunities in forecasts    
based on a win probability, then
you may want to set a default
win probability to ensure that
opportunities are not left out of
the forecast by accident.

Specify how many days an The number of stalled Edit Sales Stage page header 1
opportunity can remain in opportunities are highlighted in    
the sales stage before it's the Stalled Deals infolet.
considered stalled  

Suggest actions and provide Suggest the actions you Process Steps and 2 and 4
supporting documents want salespeople to take and Recommended Documents  
  make available any supporting regions in the Edit Sales Stage
documents they need. These page
appear in the Sales Coach  
region in the opportunity UI.

Make opportunity fields required. For example, you may want Additional Required Fields region 3
  to make the selection of a in the Edit Sales Stage page  
sales method required when  
a salesperson creates an
opportunity. For forecasting,
you may want to make the
Win Probability and Close Date

Automatically generate tasks, Activities are generated from the Activity Templates region in the 5
appointments, and other templates you assign to a sales Edit Sales Stage page  
activities. stage and appear in the Activities  
  tab in the opportunity UI.

Provide interactive Assessments can provide Assessment Templates region in 6

questionnaires, called recommendations based on the the Edit Sales Stage page  
assessments, to help answers to a set of questions.  
salespeople make decisions. Assessments are generated
  from the assessment template
you associate with the sales
stage and are available in
the Assessments tab of an

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Suggesting Actions and Documents for the Sales Coach

The process steps and recommended documents you provide for a sales stage appear in the Sales Coach section of the
Edit Opportunity UI. The process steps appear as action items. Salespeople can open documents from the Recommended
Documents column.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Here's a screenshot of the Edit Opportunity page, highlighting the location of Action Items (callout 7) and Recommended
Documents (callout 8).

7 8

The process step name you enter appears as the action item link in the Sales Coach. The text you enter appears as a
process step. Here's a screenshot of a part of the Edit Sales Stage page highlighting the Process Steps section.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

The following screenshot shows how the step you entered appears to users when they click on the action item link in Sales

Related Topics
• Adding Task and Assessment Templates to Sales Stages

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Creating and Editing Sales Methods and Stages

Use the following procedure to edit an existing sales method, including one of those predefined by Oracle, or to create a new
sales method entirely.

Creating or Editing Sales Methods

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Sales Methods and Sales Stages task from the implementation
project. Alternatively, setup users or sales administrators can search for the task by name in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
The Manage Sales Methods page appears listing the existing sales methods.
2. Edit a sales method by clicking on its name or click Create.
The Create Sales Method or Edit Sales Method page appears.
3. Unless you are implementing your solution in multiple business units and need to enable different sales methods
for different business units, leave the default value of Common Set for the Set field. The Getting Started with Your
Sales Implementation guide does not cover the setup of multiple business units.
4. Enter a name for the sales method and an optional description. These entries are not visible to salespeople by
default, but can be made visible when you configure the UI.
5. To provide a default close date for opportunities when they are created, enter a number of days in Close Window.
Create or edit the sales stages for the sales method as described in the following section.
6. Save your changes.

• The Enable Revenue Line Set Capability option is used only for multiple business unit implementations.
• You can use the Disable option to remove any unused sales methods from use. You cannot delete sales
methods after you create them.

Creating or Editing Sales Stages in a Sales Method

Use the following procedure to create or edit sales stages for a sales method.
1. Edit a sales stage by clicking its name link or click Create.
2. Enter basic information about the sales stage, including predefined values for win probability and analytics reports.
The following table list and describes the fields.

Field Description

Name Stage name visible in the UI.


Phase Select a classification of the sales stage.

You can define the sales stage phases by using the Manage Sales Stage Phase Codes task from
the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Description Description visible in the UI.


  Use the status of Open for all stages representing opportunities that are still in progress.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Field Description

Order Enter a number for the order of this sales stage in the sales method.

Quota Factor Enter any number in this field. This number is used only for legacy reports, but entry is required.

Disable Select the Disable option to remove any unused sales stages from view. You must not disable
  sales stages after they are used in opportunities.

Win Probability Enter a default win probability for opportunities in this stage.

Duration The number of days this stage should last. When an opportunity is in a sales stage longer than the
  duration, the opportunity is considered stalled. Stalled opportunities appear on the Stalled Deals
Infolet and underlying report.

Stalled Deal Limit This field is no longer in use.


If you're including opportunities in forecasts using win probability, then prepopulating a default win probability
ensures that opportunities don't get left out by mistake. For example, if you automatically forecast all opportunities
with a 70 percent or greater win probability, then you can set up the following predefined win probabilities. Your
setup ensures opportunities in the Agreement, Negotiation, and Closed stages are included in forecasts even if a
salesperson forgets to manually enter a win probability.

Sales Stage Win Probability

Qualification 10

Opportunity 20

Building Vision 30

Presentation 50

Agreement 70

Negotiation 90

Closed 100

3. Create any suggested actions for the Sales Coach region of the opportunity edit pages in the Process Steps region.
4. Upload any documents you want to provide in Sales Coach in the Recommended Documents region.
5. Add any fields you want to make required for opportunities in the Additional Required Fields region.
6. Add any assessment templates you have created in the Assessment Templates region. The assessment templates
create interactive questionnaires available in the Assessments tab in the Edit Opportunity page.
7. Add any activity templates you have created in the Activity Templates region. The activity templates can
automatically create tasks and appointments which appear in the Activities tab of the Edit Opportunity page.
8. Save your changes.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Configuring Opportunity Behavior

About the Default Opportunity Closing Behavior
Salespeople can close an opportunity when the deal is either won, lost, or abandoned for some reason by setting the
opportunity to a closed status.
The following figure shows a screen capture of a portion of the Edit Opportunity page to illustrate the default application
• The application sets the close date to 20 days after the opportunity is created if you did not enter a different period in
the Close Window field during sales method setup. Callout 1 shows the location of the Close Date field.
• When salespeople select one of the closed statuses (Won, Lost, or No Sale) (callout 2), they must enter a win or loss
reason and a competitor (callouts 3 and 4).

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Modifying Opportunity Statuses

The application comes with four predefined opportunity statuses: Lost, No Sale, Open, and Won. Use the following procedure
to add new statuses or modify the existing ones.

1. Open the Manage Sales Status task from the implementation project. Alternatively, you can search for the task by
name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Sales Statuses page appears.

The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Manage Sales Statuses page.

2. To add a new status:

a. Click Add (the plus sign icon).

b. Enter a new value in the Status Code field.
c. Enter a new value in the Status field. This value displays in the opportunity pages.
d. Select the Active check box.
e. Select from one of the predefined values for Status Category.
3. You can modify an existing status by selecting its row.
4. Save your changes.

Modifying the List of Win/Loss Reasons

The application comes with predefined win/loss reasons that salespeople select when they close an opportunity. Use the
following procedure to add new reasons or modify the existing ones.
The predefined win/loss reasons include:
• Customer not ready
• Good lead
• Install base

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

• Lost to competition
• Lost to internal development
• Lost to no decision
• No bandwidth
• No budget
• Other
• Price
• Product
• Relationship
• Track record

Use the following steps to modify the win/loss reasons:

1. Open the Manage Set Enabled Lookups task from the implementation project. Alternatively, you can search for
the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
The Manage Set Enabled Lookups page appears.
2. In the Lookup Type field, enter MOO_SETID_WIN_LOSS_REASON.
3. Click Search.
The following figure shows the Lookup Codes region with a few of the preconfigured reasons.

4. You can add a new status in the Lookup Codes region, as follows:
a. Click Add (the plus sign icon).
b. Enter an internal name in the Lookup Code field. No spaces permitted.
c. Select Common Set from the Reference Data Set list.
d. Select the Enabled check box.
e. Optionally, enter a start and end date.
f. Enter the wording salespeople see as they close an opportunity in the Meaning field.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

5. You can modify an existing win/loss reason by selecting its row.

6. Save your changes.

Importing Opportunities
You can use an Excel macro provided by Oracle to speed up the import of opportunities and their revenue lines. You can
import up to 5,000 records at a time. If you import multiple batches, you must ensure that each import completes before
starting another. Here's how to download the macro and the mapping file, populate the macro with your data, and import.

Note: You can modify the macro to import additional standard and custom fields. If you do, then you must also
create a new mapping to use in your import. The steps for modifying macros and the mappings are covered in
the Importing Data with Custom Fields chapter.

Downloading the Macro and Mapping Files for Opportunity Import

1. Sign in to
2. Search for document Oracle Engagement Cloud: Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation: Quick Import
Macros (Doc ID 2229503.1).
3. In the Details section of the document, locate the section appropriate to your application update number, and
download the two files listed in the following table from the Excel Macro Files and Mapping Files columns:

File Name Description

R13 Opportunity Quick Import Macro An Excel macro which you populate with opportunity and revenue line information

R13 Opportunity Import Macro The mapping the application uses for the import.

4. Save both files to a folder on your computer. The macro saves log files to this same folder during your import.

Uploading the Import Opportunity Mapping File

You must upload the mapping file you downloaded earlier into your application and record the mapping number. The
mapping number tells the macro which mapping to use for the import.
1. Open the Manage File Import Mappings task from the implementation project or after searching for the task by
name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. At the top of the Manage File Import Mapping page, click Import Mapping.
3. Click Browse and select the R13 Opportunity Import Mapping file you downloaded.
The mapping is now listed at the bottom of the page.
4. You must enter the mapping number of this mapping into the opportunity import macro. You can either record the
number on the Manage File Import Mapping page by hand, or you can drill down on the mapping name and copy
the number to your clipboard from the Edit Import Mapping page.

Entering Data into the Opportunity Import Macro and Importing

1. Open the R13 Opportunity Quick Import Macro file.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

2. Enable macros, if required.

3. In the Mapping field at the top of the macro, enter the mapping number you copied.
4. The currency is set to USD. If you are using a different corporate currency, then enter its code in the Currency
Code field.
5. If your opportunities include revenue lines with products, then you must enter the Inventory Organization Code.
You can get this code from the Manage Item Organizations task. See the Creating the Item Master Organization
topic in the Setting Up the Sales Catalog chapter for details.
6. If you modified opportunity statuses, then click the Status worksheet and enter the status codes and statuses in the
appropriate columns.
7. If you modified the win/loss reasons, then click the Win/Loss Reason worksheet and enter the codes and values in
the appropriate columns.
8. On the Competitors worksheet, click Populate Competitors from Server.
9. Make these entries in the Login dialog:
a. Enter the host name. The host name is in the portion of the URL between https:// and /sales.
b. Enter the user name and password.
c. Click Submit.
The Competitors worksheet is populated with the competitors and their IDs. Here's a screenshot of the Excel macro
Competitors worksheet.

The macro uses this list to validate your entries in the Templates worksheet.
10. Click the Resource EMail to ID Mapping worksheet.
11. Click Populate Resource Attributes from Server to populate the worksheet with information about the resources
you will assign as owners of the opportunities you are importing.
The Login window appears with the user and password information you entered previously.
12. Click Submit.
The worksheet populates with the resource data.
13. Click the Template worksheet, and enter your opportunity data as described in the following table.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Entry is required in the following columns:

◦ Opportunity Name

◦ Account Number

◦ Owner E-Mail

◦ Expected Close Date

◦ Status

◦ Creation Date

◦ Last Update Date

◦ Created By

◦ Last Updated By

Entries in additional columns may be required, depending on your settings and what type of opportunity you are
importing. Here are the macro columns.

Column What to Enter

Opportunity Number
  Leave this required column blank until you finish entering all of your opportunity data in the
Template worksheet. The macro generates the opportunity number automatically using the date
and time when you click Generate Opportunity Number. You must generate the opportunity
numbers before entering opportunity revenue lines. The opportunity number is used to link the
opportunity to the revenue lines and to identify opportunities during updates.

Opportunity Name Entry is required. The opportunity name identifies the opportunity in lists displayed in the
  Opportunity work area.

Account Number Enter the account number. You can copy the account number from macro you used to import

Owner E-Mail Enter the e-mail of the opportunity owner. The e-mail must be one of the e-mail addresses on the
  Resource EMail to ID Mapping worksheet.

Win Probability Optionally, enter a win probability. Depending on your setup, a win probability can determine if
  an opportunity is included in a forecast. For example, you can decide to include all opportunities
with a win probability greater than 70 percent in your forecasts. See the Setting Up Forecasting
chapter for details.

Expected Close Date Enter the expected close date in the following format MM/ DD/YYYY The expected close date
  determines which forecast includes the opportunity. See the Setting Up Forecasting chapter for

Status Select the status of the opportunity from the list of values or enter one of the statuses manually.
  For example, Open, Won, Lost, or No Sale.

Primary Competitor Select the primary competitor from the list of values or enter one of the valid company names
  manually. For opportunities with a close date, entry in this field is required depending on the
system profile option setting you made earlier.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Column What to Enter

Win/Loss Reason Using the list of values, enter a win or loss reason for a closed opportunity. If you enter an actual
  close date, then a win/loss reason is required depending on your system profile option setting.

Actual Close Date For closed opportunities, enter the date the opportunity was closed in the following format MM/
If you enter a close date, then you must also enter a primary competitor and a win/loss reason,
depending on the system profile option settings you made earlier.

Creation Date Enter the opportunity creation date. The required format is YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH: MM:SSSSS
  which stands for Year-Month-Date'Time'Hour: Min:Sec + UTC. You can enter the date as MM/
DD/YYYY and have the macro convert your entry into the required format. For example, your entry
2017/ 01/ 2005 converts to 2017-01-05T00: 00:00000+0000

Last Update Date Enter the date the opportunity was last updated. This date field requires the same format as the
  creation date. You can enter MM/DD/YYYY and have the macro convert your entry to the required

Created By Enter the Party Number of the user who created the opportunity. You can copy the Party Number
  from the Resource EMail to ID Mapping worksheet. See the chapter on Importing Accounts and
Contacts for details.

Last Updated By Enter the Party Number of the user who last updated the opportunity. You can copy the Party
  Number from the Registry ID column in the file you exported earlier to obtain the Party ID. See the
chapter on Importing Accounts and Contacts for details.

14. Click Generate Opportunity Number.

The macro creates the opportunity numbers.

15. Click the Revenue Line worksheet and the revenue lines for the opportunities you entered. Each line represents
one opportunity revenue line. You can enter multiple lines for each opportunity. The columns are described in the
following table.

Column What to Enter

Opportunity Number Enter the opportunity number linked to the revenue line you are entering. You can copy the
  number from the Opportunity Number column in the Template worksheet.

Revenue Number
  Leave this column blank. This unique identifier for the revenue line number is automatically
populated by the macro when you initiate the import by clicking Generate Import Activity.

Product Group Internal Name This column identifies the sales catalog product group the customer is interested in purchasing.
  Enter the Product Group Reference Number from the macro you used to import product groups.
See the Setting Up the Sales Catalog chapter for details.
Each revenue line can have either a product group or a product. You cannot enter both.

Product Number This column (D) is hidden in the macro. You can enter the Product Number to indicate the specific
  sales catalog product the customer is interested in purchasing. You can copy the product number
from the product import macro you used earlier or you can view the product numbers in the
Products work area.
You cannot enter a product if you entered a product group. A revenue line cannot have both.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Column What to Enter


Status Select the status of the opportunity from the list of values or enter one of the statuses manually.
  For example, Open, Won, Lost, or No Sale.

Owner E-Mail Enter the e-mail of the opportunity revenue line owner. The e-mail must be one of the e-mail
  addresses on the Resource EMail to ID Mapping worksheet.

Quantity Enter the number of products or product groups that the customer is interested in.

Estimated Price Enter the estimated price per unit for the product group or product.

Amount Leave this column blank. The macro automatically calculates the amount when you import.

16. When you are done with your entries, click the Template worksheet and click Create Import Activity.
The Login dialog appears displaying the host name, user name, and password you entered earlier.
17. Click Submit.
18. If the application prompts you to correct errors, then do the following:
a. Click OK
The Error worksheet displays your errors.
b. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be
c. Click Create Import Activity and Submit again.
19. If the macro data is validated without errors then, the macro displays one of the following messages:

Message Meaning

The file import activity was submitted Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation
successfully. message displays the job ID.

Unable to connect to the server at this You may have entered an incorrect host.

Unable to submit the file import activity. You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user does not have the correct
Check log for details. permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

20. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.
The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID and its status.
◦ If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.
◦ If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.
21. Optionally, click Generate Log to save a file listing the opportunities that were imported.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

Validating the Imported Opportunities

You can validate the opportunities you imported using advanced search in the Opportunities work area as follows:

1. Sign in as a salesperson with the Sales Administrator job role. Sales administrators have broad access to sales data.
2. Navigate to the Opportunities work area.
3. Click Advanced Search.
The Advanced Search panel appears.
The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the Opportunities work area showing the Advanced search
panel. The following table lists the callouts which identify the location of the fields in the panel.

Callout Number Field

1 Advanced Search

2 Saved Search

3 Close Period

4 Close Date

4. From the Saved Search list, select Close Date.

5. From the Close Period list, select All.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 18
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Opportunities

6. In Close Date, enter a period which covers the close dates you imported.
7. Click Search.

The list of opportunities appears matching your criteria.

Related Topics
• Creating the Item Master Organization

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 19
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Oracle Social Network

19 Setting Up Oracle Social Network

About Setting Up Oracle Social Network

Oracle Social Network enables users to easily share information on opportunities, accounts, and other sales objects. All you
need to do is enable it for each object and specify which attributes you want to display on the wall. Oracle Social Network is
a secure, private social network that integrates with your sales application and connects you with all your colleagues. You can
use Oracle Social Network to discuss projects, plans, and issues. Everyone can benefit from the collective experience and
make better-informed business decisions.
When a record is shared, the application automatically generates a wall and displays the object attributes that you select
during the setup. Any changes in the attributes for the shared record are automatically listed on the wall. Here's a screenshot
of the Social tab wall for the fictitious Server Upgrade opportunity.

Salespeople with access to the opportunity can join the conversation in the Social tab and invite others.

All users who are part of the conversation can access what's posted on the wall either through the Social work area or
through the Oracle Social Network UI. This includes participants without access to the opportunity record or to the sales

Here's a screenshot of the same opportunity information as seen in the Social work area in your sales application.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 19
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Oracle Social Network

You can automatically share and create a wall for all records or require salespeople to share individual records manually by
clicking Share on the Social tab. Oracle recommends that you set objects to be shared manually.

Here's a screenshot of the Social tab when you select the manual option, before the opportunity is shared. The tab displays a
message that the opportunity is not shared and the Share button.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 19
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Oracle Social Network

Enabling Objects for Sharing on Oracle Social Network

Use the procedures in this topic to enable objects for sharing on Oracle Social Network and to specify which object attributes
are displayed on the conversation wall.

Note: Do not enable objects while you are in a sandbox.

Enabling an Object
To enable an object, do the following:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the task Manage Oracle Social Network Objects from the implementation
project. Alternatively, you can search for the task by its name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Oracle Social Network Objects page appears.

2. Scroll down to one of the appropriate groupings for the object you want to share and expand the grouping.

The following table lists key sharable objects and the groupings where they're located. You can only share
information for objects you have implemented.

Grouping Object Name

Applications Common Components Activity


Common CRM Business Plan


Enterprise Contracts Contract


Lead Management Sales Lead


Mobile Sales Activities Public


Opportunity Management Opportunity


Partner Management Partner


Sales Reference

Sales Sales Competitor


Service Service Request


Trading Community Model Account


Trading Community Model Contact


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 19
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Oracle Social Network

Grouping Object Name

Trading Community Model Household


3. Select the object and click Enable Object.

The Enable Object window appears.
4. Select either the Manual or the Automatic option and click OK.
Manual, the recommended setting, requires the salesperson to share each record manually. The Automatic setting
automatically shares each record and creates the discussion wall.
5. On the Manage Oracle Social Network page, click Save.
You must now enable attributes for the object.

Enabling Object Attributes

To enable object attributes, do the following:
1. Under Business Objects, select the object that you want to enable attributes for.
2. Under Attributes, click New.
A list of attributes for the object appears.
3. Select the Enabled option for the attributes that you want to appear on the wall for the object.
4. Click OK.
The No Warnings icon (a green check mark) appears in the object's Status column.
5. Click Save.
A confirmation message appears showing the progress of the setup process.
6. When the process is complete, click OK.

Validating Your Changes

To verify that you have enabled an object for sharing on Oracle Social Network, navigate to any record for the object to see
whether the record displays the Social tab at the bottom of the page.

The following figure shows a partial screen capture of the tabs on the page with the Social tab highlighted.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 20
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Quotas

20 Setting Up Sales Quotas

About Setting Up Sales Quotas

You can set up quotas and use them to measure the achievement of your sales teams by comparing the quotas to actual
metrics such as revenue. This chapter covers the basic setup for quota management using the UI only. It doesn't cover quota
import or advanced quota calculation features.

You must complete the following before you can set up sales quotas:
1. Set up the accounting calendar as covered in the Setting Up the Accounting Calendar chapter. Quotas can be set
for the year as well as for periods defined in the calendar. After the calendar is set up you can add years to it, but any
other changes to the calendar can break quota features. A report calculated by time period is one example.
2. Set up sales territories as described in the Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment chapter. Each salesperson
eligible to receive a quota must be assigned to an active territory. Quota calculations rely on territory coverage. If you
plan to use quota calculations, then make sure territories have dimensional coverage defined.

Setup Overview
Perform the following tasks to set up sales quotas:
1. Optionally, create seasonality factor groups.
Seasonality applies percentages to split a quota over months or quarters to factor in seasonal fluctuations.
Seasonality factor groups can be associated with quota plans or specific territories to account for variations in sales
seasonality among different territories. Instead of entering quotas for each period of the year, you could rely instead
on seasonality to split your annual quota into period quotas.
For details, see the Creating the Seasonality Factor Groups section in this chapter.
2. Create a sales quota plan for your fiscal year. One plan per fiscal year is required for tracking quotas for the entire
territory hierarchy for that fiscal year.
The quota plan must be activated before you can allocate sales quotas. For details, see the Creating a Sales Quota
Plan topic.
3. Allocate sales quotas starting from the root territory down the sales territory hierarchy.
For details, see Allocating Sales Quotas.
4. Optionally, create a sales goal to track sales volume or sales visits or any company-defined quota.
For details, see Creating a Sales Goal.

Setting Up Sales Quotas

You can create seasonality factors to automatically split yearly quota into period quotas according to known seasonal
fluctuations. You will also create a sales quota plan for the year and begin the quota setting process.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 20
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Quotas

Create Seasonality Factor Groups

Follow these steps to create seasonality factor groups for a given year. The groups are useful when your territories have
different seasonality expectations. The sum of all seasonality factors must total 100 percent. You can create more than one
seasonality group.

1. Sign in as a setup user or sales administrator.

2. Open the Manage Sales Quota Seasonality Groups task from the implementation project. Alternately, you can
search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Seasonality Factor Groups page appears.

3. Create a new group called Standard for the new year (2017).
4. In the Seasonality Factors region, enter the factor percentages for time periods, as shown in this table. Percentages
must add up to 100.

Time Period Factor Percentage

Quarter 1  

Quarter 2  

Quarter 3  

Quarter 4  

5. Click Save and Close.

Create a Sales Goal

A sales revenue goal is the target revenue expected from a salesperson. This goal is automatically assigned to every territory
owner during the annual quota planning process. You can use the following steps to create additional sales goals, such as
sales volume or sales visits, if you want to assign other types of quotas to your salespeople.

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Sales Goals task from the implementation project. Alternatively,
sales administrators can open the task from the Quotas work area.
2. In the Search Results region, click Create.
3. Name the goal Sales Volume.
4. Add the description: Number of products sold.
5. For Unit of Measure, select Quantity.
6. Save and close.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 20
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Quotas

Create a Sales Quota Plan

Follow these steps to create a sales quota plan:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Manage Sales Quota Plans task from the implementation project.
Alternately, setup users and sales administrators can navigate to the Quotas work area and click the task name
The Manage Sales Quota Plans page appears.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Sales Quota Plans table, enter the sales quota plan information, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Fiscal Year 2017 Sales Plan


Corporate Sales Quota Plan for Fiscal Year 2017



Deselect. If selected, the application calculates the quotas for each of the territories using the
Calculate Default Territory Quota default territory quota formula.

Select. Only one plan can track quotas for the year.

Leave Blank. After creating your first sales quota plan, copy a previous plan for a quick way to
Copy Quotas From create a new plan.

The following figure shows the Create Sales Quota screen with the example data.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 20
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Quotas

4. Click Save and Close.

5. In the Details region, on the Options tab, select Standard for the Seasonality Factor Group field you created
The following figure shows the Sales Quota Plan Options region of Manage Sales Quota Plans.

6. Click Save.
7. With your new quota plan selected in the list of plans, click the Activate button.

The Enter Activation Date dialog box appears.

8. Set the activation to right now plus a few minutes in the future.
9. Click OK.

The initial status is Pending Activation. You must refresh the page to verify that the status has changed to Active.
10. Upon activation, sales managers can sign in to the application and begin allocating quotas to their teams. Click
Synchronize if you suspect the territory hierarchy for quotas isn't current.

Allocate Sales Quotas

Use the following steps to allocate sales quotas to territories. You must allocate quotas to each territory from the top of the
territory hierarchy down. You can allocate a quota to a territory only after you allocate the quotas for all the territories higher in
the territory hierarchy.

1. You are signed in as the setup user. A sales administrator can also perform these steps.
2. In the Navigator, click Quotas.
3. The Manage Sales Quotas page appears. If not already selected, select your recently created and activated quota
plan: Fiscal Year 2017 Sales Plan.
4. In the Edit Sales Quotas region, verify that the territory quotas and owners' quotas are zero.
5. If not already selected, select the US Product Sales territory, which is the root territory in the hierarchy.
6. Enter a territory quota amount and a resource quota amount for the year for the whole US Product Sales
organization. Enter a territory quota amount and a resource quota amount for the year for the whole US Product
Sales organization. Enter 20,000,000.
7. Click Publish and verify that the status changed from Not Published to Published.
8. For each child territory of the US Product Sales territory, enter a territory quota amount and an owner's quota
amount as shown in the following table:

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 20
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Quotas

Territory Name Territory Quota and Owner's Quota

Central 10,000,000

East 5,000,000

West 6,000,000

9. Select the parent territory Product Sales and click Details for the territory.
The Details table shows the rollup total for the child territories and the variance from the US Product Sales quota.
10. Click Save.
11. Click the Territory Quota tab and verify that as part of the publish process, seasonality was automatically applied to
split the annual quota into period quotas.
12. Select the West territory and do the following:
a. On the Territory Quota tab, enter quotas for each period. They must add up to the annual quota amount.
b. On the Resource Quota tab, enter period quota amounts for the Sales Revenue Goal for the owner of the
c. In the Resource Quota table, click Add Row.
d. From the Resource Name list, select the owner of the territory.
e. Select the sales goal Sales Volume.
f. Enter a quota quantity for the sales volume goal, 12,000,000. The start and end dates are automatically
g. Click Apply Seasonality.
h. The factors for the Standard seasonality group display. Click OK.
The West seasonality factors are applied to the quantity you entered and are distributed over time periods.
i. You can publish at this point, but for now click Save and Close.
13. In the Manage Sales Quotas page, select the West territory and click Publish.

Note: If the Publish button is disabled, this could be the result of one of the following:
◦ You did not publish the parent territory.
◦ You must own the parent territory in order to publish a quota.

◦ The territory is excluded. To see if a territory is excluded, select Columns, Exclude from the View
menu in the Edit Sales Quotas region.
◦ The territory was already published. You cannot republish a territory at the bottom of the hierarchy.

14. Verify that the status is Published.

The application notifies the territory owner and the analyst that the territory was published.
15. Click Save.
The following table lists common publishing errors and their solutions.

Error Steps to Resolve

You cannot publish quota for the a. Select the parent territory of West. In this example, this is US Product
territory West because the territory has
revenue quota assigned prior to the
territory quota start date. b. Click Details to navigate to Edit Sales Quotas page.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 20
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Quotas

Error Steps to Resolve

  c. Select the territory West.
d. Select the Territory Quota tab.
e. Set the period quota to zero for any period prior to the territory quota
start date.

The total quota of all quarters for the a. Select US Product Sales, the parent territory of West.
territory West must be equal to the
annual quota 100,000 US Dollars.
b. Click Details to navigate to Edit Sales Quotas page.
  c. Select the territory West.
d. Select the Territory Quota tab.
e. Update the period quotas so their sum equals the territory quota.
The sales goal Sales Volume quota for a. Select US Product Sales, the parent territory of West.
the resource Mateo Lopez of the West
territory should be greater than zero.
b. Click Details to navigate to Edit Sales Quotas page.
  c. Select the territory West.
d. Click the Resource Quota tab.
e. Locate the Resource Quota related to the Sales Volume for Mateo
f. Update the quota amount to be greater than zero.
The total quota for of all quarters for a. Select US Product Sales, the parent territory of West.
resource Mateo Lopez for sales goal
Sales Volume in territory West must be
b. Click Details to navigate to Edit Sales Quotas page.
equal to the annual quota 100,000 US c. Select the territory West.
d. Click the Resource Quota tab.
e. Ensure that the period quotas add up to the annual quota for the Sales
Volume goal for Mateo Lopez.
You cannot perform this action for the This error occurs when you attempt to publish a quota for a territory that you own. Only
selected record. administrators and owners of parent territories can publish quotas for this territory.

Scheduling Quota Processes

Your active quota plan must reflect the latest territory hierarchy. Sales managers or administrators frequently make changes
to active territories directly, using territory proposals, or through web services. Only if you update territories using a territory
proposal are the territory hierarchies synchronized automatically. Schedule synchronization to run frequently to provide the
latest structure for allocating quotas.
Perform the following steps to schedule the Synchronize Quotas process to run daily.
1. Sign in as a setup or sales administrator user.
2. Open the navigator.
3. In the Tools menu section, click Scheduled Processes.
4. Click Schedule New Process.
The Schedule New Process dialog appears.
5. For the Type field, select Job.
6. In the name field list, click Search.
7. Search for Synchronize Quotas.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 20
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Quotas

8. Select Synchronize Quotas and click OK.

The Process Details page appears.

9. In the Parameters region, select the sales quota plan.
10. Click Advanced.
11. In the Schedule tab, select Using a schedule.
12. Select the Daily frequency.
13. Change the start date to when you want to start running the process, and select the time of day when you want it to
14. Change the end date to a future date.
15. Use the Notification tab to add notifications to specific people when the process completes.
16. Click Submit.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 20
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Sales Quotas

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

21 Setting Up Forecasting

Setup Overview
Your sales organization can automatically forecast opportunities by sales territory within each forecasting period and
managers can adjust those forecasts as required. During setup you can specify the forecasting windows and set other
parameters for your organization.
Before you can set up the forecasting, you must complete the following prerequisite setups covered in previous chapters:

• You must set up the accounting calendar as described in the Setting Up the Accounting Calendar and Corporate
Currency chapter.
• You must create your sales territory hierarchy. Oracle recommends setting the profile option Assignment Submission
at Save Enabled (MOO_OPTY_ENABLE_AUTO_ASGN) to Yes, as described in the Setting Up Sales Territories and
Assignment chapter. Forecasts are generated by territory and roll up the territory hierarchy. The owner of a territory
submits a forecast to the owner of the parent territory.

Read the About Forecasting topic and complete the setups outlined in the following table. You can open these setup tasks
from the Define Sales Forecasting Configuration folder in the implementation project.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Select Forecasting Options See the Generating Forecast

  On the Select Forecasting   Submission Windows and
Options page you: Setting Forecasting Options
topic in this chapter.
• Generate the forecast  
dates and forecast
submission windows your
organization will use. This
task is required.
• Specify criteria for
including opportunities in
the forecast.
• Enable managers to
adjust forecasts by
product group rather than
by territory.

2 If you enabled forecast Manage Standard Lookups See the Enabling Forecast
  adjustment by product group,   Adjustments By Product
then you can enable managers Quantity topic in this chapter.
to adjust the forecasts by the  
quantity of products in addition
to revenue.
To enable the quantity
adjustment, you use the
Manage Standard Lookups
task to edit the ORA_ ZSF_
SHOW_METRICS lookup type
and enable the ORA_QUANTITY
lookup code.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

About Forecasting
Your sales organization can automatically forecast opportunities by sales territory within each forecasting period and
managers can adjust those forecasts as required. In the Select Forecasting Options page, you specify how far in advance and
how frequently you want to forecast and generate the forecasting submission windows during which your sales organization
can adjust forecasts.

What's Included in a Forecast

The application automatically includes in each forecast all won opportunities in a sales territory with close dates that fall
within the forecast period. Lost opportunities are never included in forecasts. Only sales territories that have the Forecast
Participation attribute set to revenue can participate in forecasts.

You can forecast additional opportunities that meet the criteria you specify in the Unadjusted Forecast Criteria region of the
Select Forecasting Options page. For example, you can decide to include all opportunities with a win probability greater than
70 percent.

You can set up your Sales Method to ensure that opportunities are not left out because of incomplete data entries. For
example, you can make entries in the Win Probability and Close Date fields required for the later stages of the sales process
and you can have the application automatically prefill the win probabilities themselves when salespeople move an opportunity
to a particular sales stage.

By entering a default of 70 percent for opportunities in the Agreement sales stage, for example, you ensure that all
opportunities in the Agreement stage are included unless sales representatives change the win probability manually.

You can also configure opportunities to always assign territories when they are saved, to ensure that a sales territory is always
associated with the opportunity. You assure territory assignment by setting the profile option Assignment Submission at
Save Enabled (MOO_OPTY_ENABLE_AUTO_ASGN) to Yes as described in the Setting Up Sales Territories and Assignment

Each user who participates in the forecasting process must own a sales territory, or be delegated forecasting visibility into a
territory. By default, the application creates one forecast for all opportunity revenue line items. You can enable forecasting on
individual line items separately by following instructions in the Implementing Sales guide.

Sales Representative Forecasts

Sales representatives navigate to the forecast they want to review on the Forecasts work area landing pad.
The following figure shows a screen capture of the Forecasts work area landing pad page with sample data. The page
displays a bar chart showing the amounts for forecasts, won revenue, and open pipeline. The page also displays an indicator

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

showing in percentage of quota attainment with a numeric summary. The page indicates if the forecast is submitted, how it
was changed, and how much pipeline remains to be submitted.

Clicking Review displays the list of opportunities included in the forecast for the assigned territory within the active forecast
time period.
The following figure shows a screen capture of a Review Sales Forecast page with sample data for the salesperson's territory.
The information includes information about the forecast amounts, the forecast window, won revenue, and open pipeline. The
page also includes links to opportunities includes in the forecast.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

Sales representatives edit any of the opportunities by clicking their names.

While editing opportunities, salespeople can manually exclude or include opportunities from the forecast by altering the win
probability and the close date. If enabled on the Select Forecasting Options page, users can also make a selection from the
Include in Forecast list.
The following figure shows a screen capture of the Edit Opportunity page. Callout 1 shows the location of the Include in
Forecast list.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

When sales representatives are satisfied with their forecast numbers, they click Submit on the Review Sales Forecast page.
Submitting a forecast takes a snapshot of the opportunity information in the forecast and indicates to managers that they can
review and adjust the forecast.

Sales Manager Forecast Review and Adjustment

Managers navigate to the forecast period they want to review on the Forecasts work area landing pad and click Edit.
Managers are users who own a parent sales territory that has one or more child territories rolling up through the territory
hierarchy. Managers can adjust forecasts on dates that fall within one of the forecast submission windows you generate on
the Select Forecasting Options page.
The following figure shows a screen capture of the Forecasts work area landing pad page and sample data for a manager.
The page is very similar to the page a salesperson sees.

On the Edit Forecast page Territories tab, managers can view at a glance which subordinates have submitted their forecasts
and the trend of the latest updates.

The following figure shows a screen capture of a section of the Edit Forecast page for a manager. A green check mark,
indicates a salesperson submitted her forecast (highlighted by callout 1). A green up arrow (callout 2) indicates she revised it
upwards since her last forecast.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

Depending on your setup, managers adjust the submitted forecasts either by territory on the Territories tab (the default) or by
product on the Products tab.

If you want to have managers adjust forecasts by product rather than territories, then you must enable the Products tab on
the Select Forecasting Options page. If you do not enable the Products tab, then it does not appear in the Edit Forecast page
at all.

Regardless of setup, managers can always adjust opportunity lines on the forecast items tab. The adjustments to forecast
items are then reflected on the territories and products tabs.

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Products tab on the Edit Forecast page. The image shows a sample
sales catalog hierarchy, which extends four-levels down to the individual product. Callout 1 highlights a product forecast line
selected for adjustment.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

Although you can enable adjustment at any product group level in your sales catalog, Oracle recommends enabling one
level only. Enabling one level makes it possible to adjust forecasts for all the product groups immediately below your root
catalog level. The adjustments that managers make are visible to themselves and to their own managers after they submit
their forecasts.

By default, product group forecast adjustment is by revenue, but you can enable forecast adjustment by the quantity of
products in a product group. See Enabling Forecast Adjustments By Product Quantity topic for details.

The following figure shows a screen capture of the Edit Forecast page Products tab with the forecast adjustment by quantity
enabled. The page shows forecast quantities instead of dollar amounts.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

The adjustments are highlighted by icons with details available on hover. The sales managers see their own adjustments.
The following figure shows a partial screen capture of a forecast seen by a manager with the window which displays on hover
for an adjusted forecast.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

Managers higher up the management chain see their own adjustments and those made by their subordinates. The following
figure shows a partial screen capture of a sample forecast with the window showing the amount adjusted by subordinates
and the unadjusted forecast amount.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

Enabling Forecasting
When you enable forecasting, you have a schedule of quarterly forecasts that your sales organization submits monthly.
The forecast periods extend one year into the future. Opportunities are added to territory forecasts according to dates and
criteria. Background processes are scheduled to run periodically to keep your forecast up to date. You can modify these initial
settings at any time.
To enable forecasting:

1. Navigate to the Select Forecasting Options page.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

2. Select Enable Forecasting.

3. Click Submit.
4. Background processes run to generate your forecasts. When they complete, you can work in your forecasts. You
can also navigate to Select Forecasting Options and make changes to options and to forecast period dates.

Settings that Generate the Forecast Submission Windows

The following table shows the initial settings in the Forecast Period Parameters region used to generate your forecast
submission windows.

Field Explanation Provided Values

Forecast Period Each forecast includes only those

  opportunities set to close in the forecast Quarter

Adjustment Period This read-only field displays the type of This field is not editable.
  period you selected when you set up your  
accounting calendar. Typically and for Vision
Corp. this is a month.

Forecast Frequency The number of submission windows you 3

  want for each forecast period.  

First Forecast Due Date The date you want the first submission
  window to end relative to the forecast period. For the first forecast submission window to
The application takes the forecast snapshot end on the last day of the first month in each
at the end of the day. quarter, you see 31days After the forecast
  period start date.

First Territory Freeze Date The number of days before the end date For the forecast submission windows to start
  when you want the submission window to at the beginning of each month, the number
start. provided is 31.
Any sales territory changes after this
freeze date are ignored and applied only to
subsequent forecasting windows.

Number of Concurrent Forecasts A concurrent forecast is where two or more This field is set to 1 and the scheduled
  forecast periods can both be updated at the forecasts are generated with no gaps in
same time. between forecasts freeze dates and due
  dates. The freeze date of the first forecast
is set to the due date of the next scheduled

Number of Scheduled Periods The number of forecast periods you want to The number of forecast periods is set to 4 for
  view. the whole year.
Managers can only adjust the forecast for
the current period during the submission
windows you generated, but you can view
the forecasts for subsequent periods.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 21
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Forecasting

Forecasting Options
The following options were set when you enabled forecasting: To set forecasting criteria:

1. Opportunity items that match the forecasting criteria are added to the forecast according to their scheduled close
dates. the provided unadjusted forecast criteria is win probability greater than or equal to 70 percent.
2. Selecting the Enable Forecast Criteria Override option makes it possible for salespeople or their managers to
include or exclude an opportunity from a forecast regardless of its win probability. It was not selected for you when
you enabled forecasting. Select the option if you are following the Getting Started use case. Then salespeople can
make a selection from the Include in Forecast list while editing an opportunity.
3. The Enable overlay forecasting option is deselected.
4. The Enable Product Totals option was selected for you. Users can adjust forecasts by product rather than by
territories. Selecting this option displays the Products tab in the Edit Forecasts window where users can make the
5. The number of sales catalog levels you can edit in the Products tab is set to 2 in the Product Hierarchy Depth field.
6. Pipeline and Closed Revenue metrics were enabled. The Forecasts landing page displays a Forecast Overview chart
that compares your forecast with won revenue and open pipeline. It also displays a second bar chart that shows
your forecast by time periods.

Enabling Forecast Adjustments By Product Quantity

If you enabled forecast adjustments by product in the Select Forecasting Options window, you can permit sales managers to
adjust forecasts by editing the product quantity in addition to the revenue (quantity times price).
To enable the quantity adjustment, you edit the ORA_ZSF_SHOW_METRICS lookup type and enable the ORA_QUANTITY
lookup code.

Enabling Forecast Adjustment by Product Quantity

1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and search for the Manage Standard Lookups task.
2. Click the task name link in the search results.

3. Search for the lookup type ORA_ZSF_SHOW_METRICS or the meaning Forecast metric options.
4. Highlight the row containing this lookup type.
5. In the Lookup Codes region, find the lookup code ORA_QUANTITY and select Enabled.
6. Click Save and Close.

Quantity is now enabled for selection in the Show list on the Edit Forecast page.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

22 Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Setup Overview
Integrating Google Gmail with your sales application makes it possible for sales professionals to use Google Gmail and
Calendar to manage their e-mail, contacts, and appointments from within Gmail and share data easily with their sales
Read the About Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar topic to get an idea how the integration works and then complete
the setups outlined in the following table. You can open the sales setup tasks from the implementation project. Installing the
Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Chrome extension is done for each user separately.

Step Description Task Name Where to Get More Details

1 Manage Administrator Profile See the Turning on Contact and

  To turn the integration on, you Values Appointment Synchronization
must set the two following   topic in this chapter.
system profile options to Yes:  

• Gmail Appointment
Synchronization Enabled
• Gmail Contact
Synchronization Enabled

2 Run the Synchronization Synchronization Between Sales See the Running the Contact
  Between Sales Cloud and Gmail Cloud and Gmail and Activity Synchronization
process on a regular schedule to   Process topic in this chapter.
keep contacts and appointment  
information updated.
By default, the application
synchronizes all the contacts in
the My Favorite Contacts list (all
of the contacts that a user marks
as favorite) and all the activities
in the All Open Activities list (all
the open appointments where
the user is listed as a resource).
Individual users can select
different lists to synchronize by
editing the settings in the Oracle
Sales Cloud for Gmail Chrome

3 Install the Oracle Sales Cloud for You download and install See the Installing the Oracle
  Gmail extension in Chrome using the extension in the Chrome Sales Cloud for Gmail Extension
the URL provided in My Oracle browser. topic in this chapter.
Support document Oracle    
Sales Cloud for Gmail Chrome
Extension (Doc ID 2188228.1).

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

About Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Using the Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail extension, users can:
• Know when the sender email recipients are already contacts in their sales application
• Get the latest information about those contacts
• Add new contacts to their sales application and keep all contacts in Google Contacts synchronized
• Share all important emails to accounts, contacts, opportunities, and leads, so the everyone in the sales team stays
• Synchronize Google calendar appointments with the different calendars in the sales application, ensuring that
everyone in your organization is aware of how customer is being engaged and when

The Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail extension consists of two parts:

• A side panel that appears whenever users are editing an email or a calendar appointment in Chrome. The side
panel displays information about the relevant contacts and permits users to create contacts and share emails and
appointments with their sales application. Individual users must install the Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail extension
side panel themselves.

• A process that you run in your sales application to keep contacts and calendar appointment synchronized.

Here's a diagram that shows how the two parts of the Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail extension interact with the sales
application and with Google Chrome.

• Changes users make in the side panel are reflected immediately in the sales application. For example, when users
share an email or create a contact or an appointment in the side panel, the sales application is updated immediately
using web services.
• Changes to Goggle Contacts and Calendar must be synchronized by the process.

The synchronization process copies over to Google the latest contact and calendar information for the set of
contacts and activities specified in a list (saved search) of contacts and activities.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Oracle Engagement Cloud Sales


Oracle Sales Cloud

Google Google
for Gmail
Contacts Calendar
Side Panel

How the Extension Works

The Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail extension side panel appears whenever you open an email or a calendar appointment in
Chrome. The following screenshot shows the side panel with an email. Callouts highlight different features.

Callout Number Feature Description

1 Information about the email sender (or appointment attendee) is displayed in the panel if the sender
  is a known contact.

2 The sender and the recipients (or attendees) are represented as tabs on the panel. If the sender or
  other recipients (or attendees) are contacts in the sales application, the tab displays their initials.
Clicking the tab with the initials displays the contact information from the sales application.

3 If a recipient or attendee is not a contact, then the side panel displays a person icon on the tab
  instead of the initials. You can click the tab to create the contact.

4 Clicking Share, the envelope icon (calendar icon for appointments), shares the email thread (or
  appointment) with individual accounts, contacts, opportunities, and leads. You can share email
attachments of up to 10 MB.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

To view the shared emails in the sales application, you click the Activities tab, select as a Completed Activities, and look
for activities of type E-mail. (While emails are all completed activities; calendar appointments are open activities until the
appointment is over.)

Here's a screenshot of the Activities tab on the Edit Account page. Similar tabs are available for contacts, opportunities, and
leads. Callouts highlight the different UI features.

Callout Number Feature Description

1 Activities tab icon


2 The Show list, which you can use to display open or completed activities.

3 The Activity type.


Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Users drill down to view the email text and any attachment. The email subject and text appear in separate fields in the
application. Here's a screenshot of a sample shared email.

Contacts synchronized from your sales application appear in Google Contacts as a separate list under My Contacts.

Here's a screenshot of a sample Contacts page with the location of the list highlighted by a callout.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Turning On the Synchronization of Contacts and Calendar

To enable the synchronization of contacts and calendar appointments between your sales application and Gmail, you must
set two system profile options: Gmail Appointment Synchronization Enabled and Gmail Contact Synchronization Enabled.
1. Open the Manage Administrator Profile Values task from the implementation project. Alternatively, you can
search for the task by name in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

The Manage Administrator Profile Values page appears.

2. In the Search: Profile Option region, Profile Display Name field, enter %Gmail% to search for all of the Gmail profile
3. Click Search.

The page displays the two profile options in the search results:

◦ Gmail Appointment Synchronization Enabled

◦ Gmail Contact Synchronization Enabled

4. Select each of the profile options and set their Profile Value to Yes.
5. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Running the Contact and Activity Synchronization Process

You must run the Synchronization Between Sales Cloud and Gmail process on a frequent schedule to ensure contacts and
activities are synchronized. Individual users can specify which contacts and activities they want synchronized by selecting one
of the lists (saved searches) available in the Contact and Activities work areas.

Running the Synchronization Process

To schedule the synchronization process:

1. While signed in as a setup user, open the Synchronization Between Sales Cloud and Gmail task from the
implementation project. Alternatively, you can:

a. Click the Navigator icon, and click Scheduled Processes under the Tools heading.
b. On the Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process.
c. On the Schedule New Process dialog box, select Job as the Type.
d. Click the Name list and click Search.
e. Search for Synchronization Between Sales Cloud and Gmail.
f. Select Synchronization Between Sales Cloud and Gmail and click OK.
g. On the Schedule New Process dialog box, click OK.

The Process Details window appears. The following figure shows a screen capture of the window.

2. Click the Advanced button.

3. On the Schedule tab, select Using a Schedule.
4. Select the frequency in which you want the process to run.

Set the synchronization frequency to an interval no shorter than five minutes to ensure that all records are
processed. If the data volume is low (fewer than 200 records updated in your sales application and Gmail taken
together), then set the frequency to five minutes. If the data volume is high (more than 1000 records), then set a
frequency of 30 minutes.
5. Select the start and end dates.
6. Click Submit.
The job is now scheduled and synchronization takes place based on the frequency that you selected.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Specifying which Records to Synchronize

By default, the application synchronizes all the contacts and appointments in two lists:

• My Favorite Contacts (all of the contacts that a user marks as favorite)

• All Open Activities (all the open appointments where the user is listed as a resource).

Optionally, individual users can select other lists (saved searches) to synchronize.

1. In the Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail extension side panel, click Settings.
2. Click Connection Settings and select either Activity synchronized settings or Contact synchronized settings
from the list.

Here's a screenshot of the side panel with callouts highlighting the settings.

Callout Description

1 Settings

2 Connection Settings

3. Click the Saved Search heading to view the available lists and select a list.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Here's a screenshot of the side panel with callout 3 highlighting the location of the Saved Search heading.

Oracle provides the following alternate lists of contacts to choose from. There are no alternate preconfigured lists available for

Saved Search Description

All Contacts All contacts in your sales application


My Business Contacts All contacts belonging to all the accounts you own

My Contacts All contacts that you own


Individual users can create their own lists that they can synchronize. Administrators can create lists for the whole organization.
See the Modifying Work Area Lists section in the Oracle Engagement Cloud Extending Sales and Service guide for details.

Related Topics
• Modifying Work Area Lists section in the Oracle Engagement Cloud Extending Sales and Service guide

Installing the Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Extension

Use the following procedure to install the Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Chrome extension from the Chrome web store and
connect to your sales application.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Installing the Extension

Use these steps to install the extension. You must use the link provided on My Oracle Support to install the extension. You
cannot search for the extension by name in the web store.

1. Sign in to My Oracle Support.

2. Search for document Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail Chrome Extension (Doc ID 2188228.1).
3. Click the link in the Details section.

The Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail window opens in the Chrome web store.


5. Click Allow when prompted to allow access to e-mails, calendars, and contacts.
The Oracle Sales Cloud for Gmail extension appears as a side panel when you open an e-mail or a Calendar appointment.

Note: If you installed the extension after signing in to your Gmail, you must refresh the page for the Oracle Sales
Cloud for Gmail side panel to appear.

Connecting the Extension

Use the following steps to connect the extension to your sales application.

1. Sign in to Gmail and open an e-mail or an appointment in the calendar.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

2. Click the Settings icon on the side panel (highlighted by callout 1 in the following figure).

3. In the Connection Settings section. enter: the host name.

◦ The host name.

The host name is the portion of your sales application URL starting with https:// and ending before /sales.
For example, in the URL, the host is To
obtain the host name, sign in to your sales application and navigate to any of the sales work areas.
◦ The sales application user name.

◦ The password associated with the user name.

4. Click Sign in.

Note: You can only associate each sales user with one Gmail e-mail address. After you connect for the first
time, you must retain the same Gmail address for the user.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 22
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Integrating Google Gmail and Calendar

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 23
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Microsoft Outlook

23 Setting Up Microsoft Outlook

Overview of Oracle Sales for Outlook

The Oracle Sales for Outlook application helps maximize sales productivity by providing your sales application capabilities
directly within Microsoft Outlook, thereby allowing sales professionals access to essential sales application data.

Summary of Features
The following table lists the key features of Oracle Sales for Outlook.

Feature Description

Sales application capabilities within Using Oracle Sales for Outlook, all emails, calendar events, and tasks can be linked to the
Microsoft Outlook respective contact, customer, lead, or opportunity within your sales application. Sales professionals
  can access and update customer and sales information within Microsoft Outlook.

Single-click sharing between Microsoft When sending a meeting invitation or an email, or when setting up a task, a single click captures the
Outlook and your sales application action and updates of your sales application in the background.

Synchronization of data between your Two-way data synchronization allows sales professionals to have a continuously updated and
sales application and Microsoft Outlook accurate 360-degree view of data changes.

Synchronization Control Panel Oracle Sales for Outlook provides synchronization filtering capabilities, enabling sales professionals
  to synchronize only the most critical data from your sales application. Sales professionals can
synchronize high-priority accounts or opportunities closing this quarter, instead of synchronizing the
entire data set from your sales application.

Offline access The transition between online and offline modes of operation allows sales professionals in the field to
  use the full functionality of the product in an offline mode, and then synchronize the sales data in the
next synchronization cycle.

User-defined configuration for Oracle Configure how a page looks, using Oracle Sales for Outlook's user-defined objects, fields, and User
Sales for Outlook: Interface layout options. For example, user-defined objects or objects that you rely on can be added
  to the application to cater to specific organizational or user requirements.

Overview of Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Installation

This topic provides an overview of how to install Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook manually on each laptop or PC along with the
prerequisite steps.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 23
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Microsoft Outlook

Before installing Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook, ensure the following:
• Microsoft Outlook is installed on the laptop or PC.
• An existing Microsoft Outlook profile is available for use with Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook, or a new Microsoft
Outlook profile has been created.
• The user performing the installation is a sales application user provisioned with either the Sales Representative or the
Sales Manager job role, but not both.
• All the system requirements are met. See the System Requirements page for details.

The installation steps include downloading the installer file, running the InstallShield Wizard, and entering your cloud service
information if it's not already set up.

Related Topics
• System Requirements for Oracle Applications Cloud

Installing the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Application

This topic explains the prerequisites and steps to install the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook application on a laptop or PC.

Downloading Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook Installer File

To download the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook installer file:
1. Sign in as either a sales manager or a sales representative, and select the Personalization menu, and then select
the Set Preferences menu item.
2. Select CRM for Microsoft Outlook Installer under the Preferences pane.
3. Click Start Download to download the installer for either the 32 Bit ot 64 Bit option, based on your Microsoft
Outlook configuration.

Running the InstallShield Wizard

To run the InstallShield wizard:
1. Navigate to the downloaded installer file, unzip the file, and double-click the .msi file to start the installation.
2. On the Welcome page of the InstallShield Wizard, click Next.
3. On the Destination Folder page, check the default folder that will be created in the installation. If you want to use a
different folder, then click Change.
4. When you have confirmed or selected a folder on the Destination Folder page, click Next.
5. On the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install.

Entering the Server Connection Information

To enter the connection information:
1. After the InstallShield wizard completes, open Microsoft Outlook.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 23
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Microsoft Outlook

2. On the Choose Profile page, choose the Microsoft Outlook profile that you want to use with Oracle Sales Cloud for
Outlook, then click OK.
3. On the message asking if you want to install the application using the profile you selected in step 2, click Yes.
4. When the Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook First Run Assistant pane appears, click anywhere in the Assistant pane to
display the Login page.
5. In the Login page, enter your user information and the server information.

The server information may be set up by default based on your administrator settings.
6. Click Login to complete the installation.
7. Once the configuration is complete, set the synchronization filters and start the synchronization.

For more details on installing and administering Oracle Sales Cloud for Outlook, see the Deploying Sales for Outlook
guide on

Related Topics
• System Requirements for Oracle Applications Cloud

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 23
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Microsoft Outlook

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 24
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Mobile Applications

24 Setting Up Mobile Applications

Oracle CX Cloud Mobile: Overview

The Oracle CX Cloud Mobile (CX Cloud Mobile) application enables field sales representatives, channel account managers,
and partner representatives to manage their day effectively and develop customer relationships using a smartphone. With a
task-based user interface and built-in analytics, the CX Cloud Mobile application guides daily sales activities and enables the
following activities for sales representatives:

• Manage Sales Activities

◦ View your calendar and configure color coding to quickly distinguish between customer meetings, demos, and
other sales activities.
◦ View and update opportunities.

◦ Create follow up tasks, to help you manage your opportunities.

◦ View and update call reports, to help you prepare for future meetings and log meeting attendees, objectives,
and minutes.
◦ Review quote proposal documents and email them to customers. Share proposals with relevant team
members and get feedback before finalizing the proposal.
◦ View leads in your vicinity using the map.

• Use Offline

◦ View and edit Oracle Engagement Cloud data in areas with no network connection.

◦ Sync automatically when a connection is re-established.

• Configure the Application

◦ Configure your application using a drag-and-drop interface designer.

◦ Add, remove, and reorder standard or custom fields.

◦ Create layouts based on sales roles.

• Navigate Using Voice

◦ Find any sales record with a simple command from anywhere in the application. For example, say, "Open
Account Pinnacle Technologies"

• View Customer Service Requests

◦ View, create, and edit service requests

◦ Access related information such as team, message, and attachments

◦ View service request interactions and milestone history

• Manage Partner Relationships

◦ Submit and approve deal registrations

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 24
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Mobile Applications

◦ Manage partners and partner contacts

Installing the iPhone Application: Procedure

This procedure shows you how to install the Oracle CX Cloud Mobile application on your iPhone.
1. Open the App Store, search for Oracle CX Cloud Mobile application, and then tap Install.
2. Open the application. If you have received an application URL from your administrator, you can tap on the URL link
to open the application. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code to launch the application.
3. Accept the Legal Terms.
4. If you have opened the application using the application URL or the QR code, the host name, port number, and SSL
details will be populated automatically.
If you opened the application after downloading it from the App Store, you must enter the host name your
administrator has provided (or refer to the Finding Your Company's Host URL: Worked Example topic).
5. Enter your Engagement Cloud application user name and password. You can tap Save Password to save this
6. Tap Sign In.

Installing the Android Application: Procedure

This procedure shows you how to install the Oracle CX Cloud Mobile application on your Android device.
1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.
2. Search for the Oracle CX Cloud Mobile application and tap Install.
3. Open the application. If you have got the application URL from your administrator, you can tap on the URL link to
open the application. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code to launch the application.
4. Accept the Legal Terms.
5. If you have launched the application using the application URL, or the QR code, the host name will be populated
If you have opened the application after downloading it from the Google Play Store you must enter the host name
provided by your administrator (or refer to the Finding Your Company's Host URL: Worked Example topic). Tap
Settings to enter the host name.
6. Enter your Engagement Cloud application user name and password. You can tap Save Password to save this

Implementing Oracle CX Cloud Mobile: Overview

Here is a summary of the steps required to roll out the Oracle CX Cloud Mobile (CX Cloud Mobile) at your organization:
1. If you are modifying CX Cloud Mobile for your organization's particular requirements, you need to set the
ZMS_DISABLE_OSCM profile option to ENABLED. Setting the profile option will enable the new mobile interface designer
in Application Composer. For more details about navigating to profile options, see the topic that explains how to
access predefined profile options.
2. To modify CX Cloud Mobile using the new mobile interface designer first enable a sandbox, then navigate to
Application Composer, select the Sales application, and click Mobile Application Setup. Using the mobile interface

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 24
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Mobile Applications

designer you can configure the application pages, such as moving objects and fields that you want to make visible
onto the on-screen smartphone, create your own page layouts, and define which roles can view your page layouts.
For more details about modifying CX Cloud Mobile, see the topic called Configuring Oracle CX Cloud Mobile:
3. You can add Oracle Business Intelligence reports to CX Cloud Mobile, so that your sales team can view the reports
directly in the application. See the topic called Adding Oracle Business Intelligence Reports to a Sales Object's
Analytics Sub Tab: Procedure for more details.
4. You can enable Oracle Social Network (OSN) so that your users can share Oracle Engagement Cloud object records
to OSN. See the topic called How can I set up Oracle Social Network for Oracle CX Cloud Mobile for more details.
5. You can also enable the voice feature by setting the ZMS_MOBILE_VOICE Profile Option value to ENABLED.
6. It's recommended that you create a URL that automatically populates the host, port number, and SSO and SSL
settings for your users. When users access the URL, CX Cloud Mobile will open with the applicable settings already
populated. For details about how to create the URL, see the topic called How can I automatically populate the host,
port number, and SSO and SSL setting for Oracle CX Cloud Mobile users?
7. Distribute the installation instructions and the URL you created in step 5 to your users. You can use the installation
instructions outlined in the following topics: Installing the Oracle CX Cloud Mobile iPhone Application: Procedure and
Installing the Oracle CX Cloud Android Application: Procedure.

Related Topics
• How can I access predefined profile options

• Adding Oracle Business Intelligence Reports to a Feature's Analytics Tab: Procedure

• How can I set up Oracle Social Network for Oracle CX Cloud Mobile

Finding Your Company's Host URL: Worked Example

This topic shows how to determine the host URL value for iPhone and Android devices. When signing in to the Oracle CX
Cloud Mobile (CX Cloud Mobile) application, users must enter a host URL that specifies the Oracle Engagement Cloud server
location. The URL can be entered manually by the user, or you can create a URL that will automatically populate the host
name, port number, and enable SSL (refer to the How can I automatically populate the host and port information for CX
Cloud Mobile users topic for more details).

Determining the Host URL for iPhone and Android Devices

1. Sign in to Oracle Engagement Cloud and select Navigator and then Application Composer.
2. Copy the host name portion of the URL that's in your browser's address bar. The host name is the part between
https:// and the next slash (/). For example, the host URL might be something like:
3. If users are entering the Host URL manually, then inform your users of the host URL value, so that they can use it
when they sign into the application.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 24
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Mobile Applications

How can I automatically populate the host, port number,

SSO and SSL setting for users?
Create a URL to distribute to your users, as follows:
1. To automatically populate the host URL, create the following URL: oscm://?host=<host value>. For example,
2. To automatically populate the host URL and SSO setting, create the following URL: oscm://?host=<host
value>&useSSO=<true/false>. For example, oscm://?
3. To automatically populate the host URL, port number, and SSL setting in the Advanced Settings, create the
following URL: oscm://?host=<host value>&port=<port value>&useSSL=<true/false>. For example: oscm://?
Distribute the formatted URL to your users, using e-mail or some other suitable communication method. When users access
the URL, Oracle CX Cloud Mobile will open with the applicable settings already populated.

Note: Refer to the topic called Finding Your Company's Host URL: Worked Example to find the host name.

Configuring Oracle CX Cloud Mobile: Explained

You can configure the Oracle CX Cloud Mobile iPhone and Android applications for your organization's particular
requirements using Application Composer. Using Application Composer, you can manage which objects and fields are visible
on the Oracle CX Cloud Mobile application, without having to carry out specific configurations for a particular device.
Before starting your configurations, you will need to set the ZMS_DISABLE_OSCM profile option to ENABLED. Setting the profile
option will enable the new mobile interface designer in Application Composer. For more information about profile options, see
the profile options chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.

Creating a Page Layout for a Feature

You can create a List, Detail, or Edit page layout for a Oracle CX Cloud Mobile feature. Creating your own layout enables you
to select the fields your users will see for a feature's views. See the Creating a Page Layout for a Feature: Procedure topic for
details about how to create a page layout.
When you create a page layout, you can add, remove, move, and change a field's display format using the mobile interface
designer. Find out more information about using the mobile interface designer in the following FAQs:

• How can I add a field to a feature's page layout?

• How can I delete a field in a feature's page layout?
• How can I move a field in a feature's page layout?
• How can I edit a field's display format in a feature's page layout?
• How can I hide or display user actions for a feature?

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 24
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Mobile Applications

Adding a Role to a Page Layout

You can add a role to an application feature's List, Detail or Edit layout. For example, a user with the Sales Manager role
might want to see certain fields on an opportunity detail record that other sales team members won't need. See the Adding a
Role to a Layout: Worked Example topic for details about adding a role.

Creating Criteria for a Page Layout

You can create criteria to define a set of conditions that have to be met before the page layout is displayed for a feature's
Detail or Edit views. See the Creating Criteria for a Feature Page Layout: Procedure for step by step instructions.

Adding Your Own Object to a Page Layout

You can add your own objects to your CX Cloud Mobile application, and add page layouts in the same way that you can with
standard sales objects (or features, as they are known as in the Mobile Application Setup). See the Adding Your Own Object
to a Page Layout: Procedure topic for more details.

Assigning Geographical Regions to a Page Layout

You can assign geographical regions to a page layout, which will restrict a page layout's availability to users from your
selected set of geographical regions.

Other CX Cloud Mobile Configurations

You can configure the application in many other ways, such as creating saved searches and adding Oracle Business
Intelligence reports to a feature's Analytics tab. See the Oracle Engagement Cloud Implementing Sales guide, or the Oracle
Engagement Cloud Extending Sales and Service guide for more details.

Testing Configurations
After you have configured Oracle CX Cloud Mobile using Application Composer, you should test your configurations before
distributing them to your user's mobile devices. See the Testing Oracle CX Cloud Mobile Configurations: Worked Example
topic for more details.

Related Topics
• Creating a Page Layout for a Feature: Procedure

• Adding a Role to a Layout: Worked Example

• Creating Criteria for a Feature's Page Layout: Procedure

• Adding a Custom Object to a Page Layout: Procedure

• Testing Oracle CX Cloud Mobile Configurations: Worked Example

Oracle Engagement Cloud Chapter 24
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation Setting Up Mobile Applications

Oracle Engagement Cloud Glossary
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

abstract role
A description of a person's function in the enterprise that is unrelated to the person's job (position), such as employee,
contingent worker, or line manager.

catchall territory
Sales territory with the value of Any in one or more territory dimensions. Catchall territories can be used for territory
assignment troubleshooting.

A data category used to define territory boundaries, such as geography. Dimensions contain related dimension members
usually organized in hierarchies. For example, a geography dimension often includes members, such as countries, and cities
that belong to countries. Defined dimensions determine how to assign objects, such as customers, leads, and opportunities.

field sales
Sales representatives dedicated to working directly with their customers, often making presentations in person, to close

global header
The uppermost region in the user interface that remains the same no matter which page you're on.

A small, interactive widget on the home page that provides key information and actions for a specific area, for example social
networking or your personal profile. Each infolet can have multiple views.

inside sales
Sales representatives dedicated to qualifying leads and contacting customers over the phone or e-mail.

job role
Job roles provide users with access to both the application functions they need to perform specific jobs in you organization
as well as the permissions to access the data where they need to perform the job functions. Examples of job roles provided
by Oracle include Sales Administrator, Sales Manager, and Sales Representative.

Abbreviation for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

master catchall territory

Sales territory with the value of Any for all the territory dimensions, which can be used for territory assignment
troubleshooting. You must include a master catchall territory in all sales territory hierarchies use for assignment.

Oracle Engagement Cloud Glossary
Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation

net new lead

Lead that's not linked to existing account and contact records. All of the account and contact information is stored as part
of the lead business object. Account and contact records are created only after the information is verified, when salespeople
convert the leads to opportunities.

resource organization
An organization whose members are resources. Resource organizations are used to implement sales organizations, partner
organizations, and so on.

resource role
Resource roles indicate the role a resource plays as an individual, or within a resource team.

A testing environment that isolates untested code changes from the mainline environment so that these changes don't affect
the mainline metadata or other sandboxes.

setup user
A user provisioned with the job roles and abstract roles required to perform implementation tasks.

The grid of icons on the home page that you can use to open pages.

The jurisdiction of responsibility of a salesperson or sales manager over a set of customers. Territories serve as a basis for
forecasting, quota, compensation, and analysis of sales performance.

territory coverage
A territory coverage is a set of boundaries that define what is included or excluded in the territory and what can be sold.
Selected customers or partners can be selected to be included or excluded from the territory being defined. For example, sell
all products in North America.

territory freeze date

The date after which forecasting stops accepting territory hierarchy changes for the scheduled forecast and forecasting
activities can begin.

territory owner
Resource assigned to manage a territory and is typically accountable for the work objects, such as opportunities, that are
within the boundaries of the territory.


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