RPH 101

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Bill of Rights

A Bill of Right is about, charge of rights and in some cases called an affirmation
of rights or a constitution of rights; it could be a list of the foremost imperative rights
to the citizens of a nation. The reason or the sole purpose of this is to ensure those
rights against infringement from public authorities and private citizens. When we talk
about the Philippines and its Bill of Rights, the bill is the one who establishes the
relationship of us Filipinos to our nation and it defines our rights as an individual by
limiting the lawful powers of our country.

According to multiple sources, it has been stated that our Bill of Rights is one of
the most important political achievements in our history. As we look at what if the Bill
of Rights doesn’t exist at all, anyone is free to abuse you and charge you with things
you are innocent about that is why the nature and purpose of a Bill of Rights is for us
to have an ensured safety and protection against anyone, especially those who
seeks abuse with their capabilities as an individual or like those who are seated in
higher positions from the government all the way to ordinary people. The Bill of
Rights is directed to us Filipinos. It is directed for each and every individual living
here in the Philippines. It is for us to have rights and privilege that keeps us from
those who will try violating it. It is a fundamental law that ensures our protection; it is
like our safeguard against anyone who will try to abuse us with their power.

The power of our state or should I say the government is to enforce and money
mandatory or compulsory money contribution from the people to support the needs
of the nation. There are three inherent powers of the government namely: Police
Power, Power of Eminent Domain, and Power of Taxation. I am not quite familiar
with these powers but based on my research the first one, Police Power is all about
the control of promoting the public welfare by restraining and controlling the utilize of
both freedom and property of all the individuals. It is considered to be the foremost
all-encompassing of the three powers. It may be worked out as it were by the
government. The property taken in the exercise of this control is crushed because it
is harmful or aiming for a noxious purpose. Then there’s Power of Eminent Domain
which it is the control of the State to coercively take private property for open use
upon payment of fair stipend. Like police control, it is based on the abrogating open
need and is exercisable by the authoritative office of the State. But not like the police
power, eminent domain may be worked out by private entities with the express
substantial appointment from the legislature. It can moreover be worked out by the
President, administrative agencies and local governments. The control is ordinarily
worked out through the formal confiscation procedures and it has been said to be
before a court which, when allowed by the last mentioned, will result to the genuine
taking of the property from its proprietors upon payment of fair compensation. Lastly
is the Power of Taxation. This last power that I’m going to state is quite familiar to
me; I might’ve recalled the past lesson of my senior high school politics and
governance. The power of taxation exists independent of any legislation. There is
no need to enact a law to exercise that power because that power springs at the
moment you have the existence of the state. This is inherent because this is based
on necessity. Taxation is the life-blood of government, it pays for open products and
administrations; it is additionally like a key ingredient to which is what’s fixing within
the social contract between citizens and the economy.

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