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Types of
Irrigation in

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Irrigation is the backbone of agriculture as water is the most important component required
in the cultivation of crops. This is because plants contain almost 90% water and require water
for their growth and development. India is an agrarian country where more than 80% of its
rural population depends upon agriculture and allied activities, thereby contributing about
14-15% to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Knowing about different types of irrigation
does great help to you if you’re planning to do agricultural activities. Moreover, the topic on
the types of irrigation is important for government exams like SSC and NABARD. Read the
article to know about the types of irrigation in India.

What is Irrigation and Why is it Important?

 Irrigation is supplying water artificially to the soil for the purpose of agricultural
production. It is done to either replace or supplement rainwater with an additional
source of water. It is used in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall.
 Effective irrigation systems are needed to help in the growth of agricultural crops by
maintaining the optimum amount of water required, suppress weed growth in grain
fields, prevent soil consolidation, to suppress dust, disposal of sewage, mining, etc.

Different Types of Irrigation

Now that we are aware of the concept of irrigation, let us study the types of irrigation
techniques used in our country. In India, the irrigated area consists of about 36% of the net
sown area. The main sources of irrigation are wells, tube-wells, rivers, ponds, lakes, dams,
and canals.

The main different types of irrigation are:

1. Surface Irrigation
2. Drip Irrigation
3. Sprinkler Irrigation
4. Traditional Irrigation Systems

I. Surface Irrigation

Surface irrigation is the oldest form of irrigation techniques. In this technique, water is
applied and distributed over the surface of soil by gravity, i.e., from an area of higher elevation
to that of lower region in order to dampen and thereby infiltrate the soil. It is the most
common form of irrigation throughout the world. This technique can be adopted after
considering the following factors are which include the hydraulics of surface irrigation:

 Surface slope of the field

 Roughness of the field surface
 Depth of water to be applied
 Length of run and time required
 Size and shape of water course
 Discharge of water course
 Filed resistance erosion

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Advantages of Surface Irrigation

 Low initial cost

 Easy maintenance of the system
 Compatibility with all soil types
 Since it is widely used, most farmers have at least minimal understanding of how to
operate and maintain the system.

Classification of Surface Irrigation

Surface irrigation is classified as under:

1. Wild flood irrigation

2. Basin irrigation
3. Border irrigation
4. Furrow irrigation

Individually, each surface system has varied uses along with certain disadvantages depending
upon factors such as initial cost, size and shape of fields, soil characteristics, nature and
availability of the water supply, climate, cropping patterns, and influences external to the
irrigation system.

1. Wild flood irrigation

In wild flood irrigation, the water is administered to the field by ditch or pipe and flows over
the soil surface through the crops. Though the process seems quite simple, wild flood
irrigation tends to have a negative impact on the crop and soil, as both water and labor are
often used inefficiently. This is because, with flooding, only half of the applied water is
actually used by the crop, the other half is lost to evaporation, runoff, infiltration of
uncultivated areas, and transpiration through leaves of weeds. Therefore, wild flood
irrigation is mainly used on uneven terrains to irrigate pasture, hay, and small grains, which
are not affected by sufficient water. In Spite of the shortcomings, it is to be noted that this
technique is a great solution to irrigate lands that cannot be managed by other irrigation

2. Basin irrigation

Basin irrigation is the oldest, most common and the simplest form of surface irrigation. This
technique of irrigation requires a leveled soil surface and a narrow ridge about 15 - 50 cm
high on all sides of the field which serves as a basin. The irrigated land is generally divided
into smaller areas surrounded by small levees (an embankment built to prevent the overflow
of a river). Water is transported into each basin by pipes and siphons, or through the levee.
Excess water is drained from the land with surface drains on the low contour levee.

Basin irrigation is suitable for crops such as maize, grains, cotton, or orchards where
irrigation is used on moderate to slow intake soils and deep-rooted, closely spaced crops.

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3. Border irrigation

Another type of surface irrigation under surface is border irrigation. Border irrigation works
on the principle of basin irrigation. Here, water is transported to the land through wide
borders. The area between borders is called a border strip, on which the crops grow, which
may range from 3-30 m (10-100 feet) in width. For efficient border irrigation, the border
surface should be leveled across its width so the water can spread uniformly across it. Crops
that are reactive to excessive water and soil that is too wet are not suitable to irrigate using
this method.

4. Furrow irrigation

Under furrow irrigation, water is transported from open ditches or pipes through small
channels, or furrows, along with the land. The water flowing through the channel, penetrates
the soil, thus irrigating crops. According to furrow direction and level, they can be classified

 Level furrow (lengthwise leveled furrows)

 Contour furrow (furrows curved to fit field topography)
 Graded furrow (straight channels down the field slope)

Furrow irrigation is suitable for crops that are reactive to very wet soil and excessive water
over the stem.

Though furrow irrigation does not require special farm equipment and can minimize
irrigation costs, furrow irrigation does have certain disadvantages. Such as:

 Labor intensive technique

 High probability of accumulation of salts in the furrows
 Furrow surface needs to be leveled
 It requires experience on the part of the farmer to divide water into each furrow and
to maintain the correct flow.

There are many other types of irrigation techniques that are quite popular. The following is a
list of the most popular techniques of irrigation that is used:

II. Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is the most efficient water and nutrient delivery system for growing crops. It
transports water and nutrients directly to the plant’s roots zone, in the right amounts, so that
the plant gets exactly what is needed, to grow optimally. Drip irrigation enables farmers to
produce higher yields while saving water as well as fertilizers.

How Does it Work?

In drip irrigation, water and nutrients are transported across the land in pipes called ‘dripper
lines’ also known as ‘drippers’. Each dripper emits drops containing water and fertilizers,

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resulting in the uniform application of water and nutrients directly to the plants, across the
entire land.

Advantages of Drip Irrigation

 Soluble fertilizers and chemicals can be used

 Minimized fertilizer and nutrient loss due to localized application and reduced
 Field levelling is not a priority thereby reducing labour
 Allows use of recycled non-potable water
 Reduces soil erosion
 Helps tackle the problem of excessive weed growth
 Uniform distribution of water as water is controlled by nozzle
 Not a labour intensive technique thereby reduces labour cost
 Regulated supply of water on account of valves and drippers
 Plants remain dry thereby reduces the risk of diseases
 Reduces energy cost as this technique uses lower pressure in comparison to other types
of irrigation.

Disadvantages of Drip Irrigation

 High initial cost

 The longevity of the tubes can be compromised due to exposure to sunlight
 Proper filtration of water is of utmost importance to avoid blockage
 Proper education of farmers is a must as avoid excess water as well as inadequate water
 The users need to plan drip tape winding, disposal, recycle and reuse
 If the system is installed improperly, it could lead to wastage of water time and effort
but most importantly, it will lead to poor harvest
 Study of subjects like land topography, soil, water requirement as per crop type, etc. is
a must for this system to provide optimal results
 In lighter soil subsurface, drip may be unable to wet the soil surface for germination.
Therefore, careful consideration of the installation depth is of prime importance.

III. Sprinkler Irrigation

In the sprinkler irrigation system, water is supplied by overhead high-pressure sprinklers or

guns from one or more central locations within the field or from sprinklers on a moving
platform. In other words, this system allows the application of water under high pressure with
the help of a pump. It releases water similar to rainfall through small sprinklers placed in the
pipes. Sprinkler irrigation is suited for most row, field and tree crops and water can be
sprayed over or under the crop canopy.

Advantages of Sprinkler Irrigation

 Eliminates water conveyance channels, thereby reducing conveyance loss.

 Suitable in all types of soil except heavy clay.
 Saves water up to 30% - 50 %.
 Suitable for irrigation where the plant population per unit area is very high.

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 Helps to increase yield.

 Suitable for undulating land.
 Saves land as no bunds required.
 Soluble fertilizers and chemical use are possible.
 Provides frost protection & helps in alteration of micro climate.
 Reduces labour cost.

Disadvantages of Sprinkler Irrigation

 High initial cost

 Requires constant energy
 Poor application efficiency under high wind and temperature
 Leaf burning due to high salinity of water in temperature higher than 95°F
 Uneconomical in cases where land is already levelled and developed
 Loss of water due to evaporation

1.Center Pivot irrigation

Center pivot irrigation, is a technique of irrigation where the crops are watered with
sprinklers through an equipment that rotates around a pivot. This method is also called water
wheel or circle irrigation.

2. Lateral move irrigation

In lateral move irrigation, the water is distributed through a series of pipes and sets of
sprinklers. It is to be noted that Centre Pivot systems are anchored at one end and rotate
around a fixed central point whereas Lateral systems are not anchored and both ends of the
machine move at a constant speed up and down a paddock.

3. Sub-irrigation

Sub-irrigation is an irrigation practice used in areas with relatively high water tables or where
the water table can be artificially raised to allow the soil to be moistened from below the root
zone through a system of pumping stations, canals, weirs, gates and ditches.

Types of Irrigation- Traditional Irrigation System

Having studied the scientific methods of irrigation, let us now have a look at the traditional
methods used for irrigation in the country. Under these methods, water from wells, lakes,
canals is drawn out by different methods in different regions to irrigate fields. Cattle and
human labour is used in these methods. The traditional methods are not necessarily efficient
but are cheaper than the scientific methods.

1. Ditch Irrigation

A traditional method where ditches are dug out and seedlings are planted in rows.

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2. Moat

This system is also known as the pulley system. As the name suggests, a pulley is used to draw
water from a well thereby making it a labor-intensive method.

3. Chain pump

A chain pump consists of two large wheels connected by an endless chain. The bottom wheel
is immersed halfway in the water resource. The buckets are attached to the chain and as the
wheels turn, the buckets attached to it draws out water. The chain later lifts the buckets to the
upper wheel where the water is deposited into a source. And the empty bucket gets carried
back down.

4. Dhekli

This system involves drawing water from a well or a similar water resource. Here, a rope and
a bucket is tied to a pole and at the other end, a heavy stick is tied as a counterbalance. This
rope is used to draw water.

5. Rahat (Lever system)

Here, water is drawn from a well with the help of cattle- animals such as cows, buffaloes, etc.
These animals are connected to a wheel and as the animals move, the wheel rotates thereby
helping to draw water from the well.

You can also check Irrigation and Farming in India

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