1 Transactional Letter Writing Eng
1 Transactional Letter Writing Eng
1 Transactional Letter Writing Eng
Transactional letter
and C1 exams
Practice and e
xam preparation tips
We do not really write letters 11 anymore. Emails, however, we write every day. We are
required to write transactional emails in both our private and professional life. In such
situations, it is in our own interest not to back out, but write a clear, to-the-point letter in
order to achieve our goals.
It is this everyday practical nature of this text type that makes it a regular feature of most
language exams, a prime example of a real life exam task.
1 Although transactional letters mostly mean emails nowadays, for the sake of simplicity, we use the
word ‘letter’ throughout our materials. However, what we primarily refer to is emails.
only?’, you can write: ‘Furthermore, would it be possible compensation you expect;
for me to rent the room for 3 months only?’). • in a letter of inquiry, you specify by when and in
what form you expect the information requested;
Closing • in a letter of recommendation, you express your
This paragraph is not merely for saying goodbye, but hope that the reasons explained in your letter will
it gives you the opportunity to close the transaction by be sufficient for a positive response etc.
letting the reader know what you are expecting from It is only after all this that you can say goodbye in
them (see examples below): one sentence, which you can arrange in a separate
• in a letter of complaint, you tell them what kind of paragraph or at the end of the last paragraph.
Useful links
You can find further tips and sample language for both business and general letters on these websites:
English: English with a Twist