Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0084.249 A1

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US 2010.

(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0084.249 A1
Bandy et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 8, 2010
(54) SNAP-ON, PUSH BUTTON, ROTARY Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
HIH 9/00 (2006.01)
(75) Inventors: Gregory S. Bandy, Roanoke, VA (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................................ 200/4
(US); Charles D. Willey, Roanoke, (57) ABSTRACT
The present invention includes a push button rotary knob
assembly which provides rotational movement and transla
Correspondence Address: tional travel along an axis. The present invention controls
RATNERPRESTA electronics within a housing, without requiring protrusion
P.O. BOX98O into the housing. Having no protrusions into the housing
VALLEY FORGE, PA 19482 (US) avoids exposure of the electronics within the housing to envi
ronmental contaminants or electromagnetic interference. The
components of the push button rotary knob assembly may
(73) Assignee: ITT MANUFACTURING operate without need for O-rings, gaskets, or any other
ENTERPRISES, INC., applied sealants. Assembly of the push button rotary knob is
WILMINGTON, DE (US) simplified, because the rotary knob may be assembled and
replaced without any tools and without need to access the
interior of the housing. Furthermore, if the rotary knob is
(21) Appl. No.: 12/246,743 damaged, the rotary knob may be replaced, and any seal
provided to exterior Surfaces of the housing is not compro
(22) Filed: Oct. 7, 2008 mised.

Patent Application Publication Apr. 8, 2010 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2010/0084.249 A1


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ent Application Publication
Patent Application Publication Apr. 8, 2010 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2010/0084.249 A1


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FIG. 4
US 2010/0084.249 A1 Apr. 8, 2010

SNAP-ON, PUSH BUTTON, ROTARY includes an encoder disposed internally within a housing and
MAGNETC ENCODER KNOB ASSEMBLY a rotary knob disposed externally to the housing. The rotary
knob provides rotational movement to the operator control
FIELD OF THE INVENTION unit. A push button is disposed within the rotary knob, pro
0001. The present invention relates, in general, to a knob viding axial translation of the push button. The push button
assembly. More specifically, the present invention relates to a may be depressed independently of any rotational movement
pushbutton rotary knob assembly which provides contactless to the rotary knob. A boundary Surface of the housing is
control of an electronic device residing in a housing, without interposed between the encoder and the rotary knob and
direct physical contact with the interior of the housing. physically isolates the interior of the housing from the rotary
knob. The boundary Surface prevents environmental leakage
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION and electromagnetic interference from entering the housing.
The encoder is configured to decode the angular orientation
0002. In many electronic housings, in which space is at a of the rotary knob and the axial translation of the pushbutton.
premium, control functions are often consolidated in a single 0008 Furthermore, the present invention includes a
control knob. For example, a rotary knob which has several method of controlling an electronic device disposed within a
rotational positions for activating several electronic functions housing. The electronic device may be controlled by the steps
may be combined with a pushbutton switch, which may have of: (a) depressing a rotary knob disposed externally to the
only one function for turning the electronics on/off. While housing, (b) axially rotating the rotary knob, and (c) contact
enabling multiple control functions of the electronics in the lessly communicating the translational and rotational posi
housing, the rotary-pushbutton control knob complicates the tions of the rotary knob to an encoder disposed internally
assembly of the housing and makes replacement of the con within the housing, without any physical contact between the
trol knob difficult. rotary knob and the encoder. The encoder then decodes the
0003. An control knob of this type typically requires pro translational and rotational positions of the rotary knob and
trusion into the housing of the electronics, in order to transmit transmits at least one control function to the electronic device.
the various controls to the electronics. The protrusion creates 0009. It is understood that the foregoing general descrip
an opening into the housing which may allow environmental tion and the following detailed description are exemplary, but
contamination and electromagnetic interference (EMI) into are not restrictive, of the invention.
the electronics.
0004 To mitigate the risks associated with environmental BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
contamination and EMI, operator control knobs of this type
have utilized O-rings, gaskets, or other applied sealants. This, 0010. The invention is best understood from the following
in turn, may be messy and may further complicate the assem detailed description when read in connection with the accom
bly or maintenance of the control knob. Furthermore, because panying drawings. Included in the drawings are the following
the control knob requires a protruding member to be inserted figures:
into the housing, the protruding member occupies a portion of 0011 FIG. 1 shows a cross-section of a rotary knob assem
the internal volume of the housing which may be better used bly, in accordance with an embodiment of the present inven
for other purposes. tion;
0005. As will be explained, the present invention provides 0012 FIG. 2 is an exploded view of the rotary knob assem
a rotary knob assembly that has advantages over conventional bly shown in FIG. 1;
rotary knob assemblies, because the rotary knob assembly of (0013 FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the rotary knob
the present invention does not require any intrusion into the assembly of FIG. 1, taken along line 3-3:
housing, nor direct contact with the internal electronics of the 0014 FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of an embodiment of
housing. As will be described, the present invention provides the present invention, including an encoder operating with the
a push button rotary knob assembly which contactlessly con rotary knob assembly shown in FIG. 1;
trols an electronic device, without protrusion into the housing
of the electronics and without direct contact with the elec DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
0015 The present invention includes a push button rotary
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION knob assembly. As will be explained, the knob assembly
provides rotational movement and translational travel along
0006 To meet this and other needs, and in view of its an axis. Unlike conventional knobs and Switches, the present
purposes, the present invention provides a pushbutton rotary invention controls electronics within a housing, without
knob assembly including an encoder disposed internally requiring protrusion into the housing. The components of the
within a housing and a rotary knob disposed externally to the present invention may operate without need for O-rings, gas
housing. A boundary Surface of the housing is interposed kets, or any other applied sealants.
between the encoder and the rotary knob and physically iso 0016. The pushbutton rotary knob assembly of the present
lates the interior of the housing from the rotary knob. The invention offers many advantages, because no portion of the
boundary Surface prevents environmental leakage and elec rotary knob protrudes through the housing. For example, (1)
tromagnetic interference from entering the housing. The there is no leakage path into the housing where environmental
encoder is configured to decode the angular orientation of the contamination or electromagnetic interference (EMI) may
rotary knob and transmit a corresponding control function to enter; (2) the internal volume of the housing, which is dedi
the electronics within the housing. cated as an interface to the rotary knob, is much smaller than
0007 Another embodiment of the present invention pro the internal Volume required by a conventional rotary knob
vides an operator control unit including a push button rotary with the same control functions; (3) a large boss on the hous
knob assembly. The push button rotary knob assembly ing may be used to guide the rotation of the rotary knob,
US 2010/0084.249 A1 Apr. 8, 2010

because the boss does not have to intrude into the housing: 0024. The angular and translational positions of magnet
and (4) no messy sealants or adhesives are necessary to seal 22 with respect to Z-axis 30 may be changed by sequentially
the rotary knob and any housing interface to the rotary knob. depressing, rotating and releasing rotary knob 12. This
0017. In addition, conventional knobs and switches change may be decoded, or interpreted by encoder 32 (FIG. 4)
require multiple steps and tools to assemble the components which is disposed on the other side of housing Surface 24c. As
of the switchassembly. The pushbutton rotary knob assembly one example, rotary knob 12 may be depressed and rotated
around Z-axis 30 by an angle (0. The angle 0 may be deter
of the present invention, on the other hand, simplifies the mined by encoder 32 as the user wanting to activate function
assembly process. For example, (1) the rotary knob may be A (for example). In turn, encoder 32 may activate function A
assembled and replaced without any tools; and (2) the rotary for the electronics within housing 24. As another example, a
knob may be assembled and replaced without need to access control function may be activated by simply depressing and
the interior of the housing, thereby avoiding exposure of the releasing the rotary knob and/or the push button. Upon
internal components of the housing to environmental con depression and release, the encoder may detect a change in
taminants or electromagnetic interference. Furthermore, magnetic intensity, as the rotary knob is momentarily moved
should the rotary knob be damaged, the housing seal is not closer to encoder 32.
compromised. These and other benefits may be understood by 0025 FIG. 2 shows an exploded view of push button
referring to the following description together with the fig rotary knob assembly 10 and portions of housing 24. As
shown, magnet 22 may be inserted into a bore of pushbutton
0018 Referring first to FIGS. 1 and 2, there is shown an 16. The latter, which includes circumferentially arranged
embodiment of the present invention. As shown, a push but keys 16b may then be inserted into circumferentially arranged
ton rotary knob assembly, generally designated as 10, mating slots 12c of rotary knob 12. The insertion may be
includes rotary knob 12 and push button 16, which interface accomplished from the side of rotary knob 12 that is closest to
with housing boss 24b of housing 24. A magnet 22 is inserted housing 24.
into a central bore in push button 16, on the side of the push 0026. The snap dome 20 may be placed within a core of
button adjacent to external boundary Surface 24c of housing housing boss 24b beneath magnet 22 and push button 16
24. (FIG. 1). As already described, snap dome 20 provides tactile
0019. The rotational and translational positions of magnet feedback for the user when pushbutton 16 is depressed. The
22 are read by encoder 32, disposed internally to housing 24 O-rings 14 and 18 are also shown in FIG. 2, but are not
(shown in FIG. 4). As will be described, magnet 22 and necessary to the present invention.
encoder32, together serving as an operator control unit, com 0027 FIG. 3 is a perspective view, taken along line3-3, of
municate through boundary surface 24c, thereby providing push button rotary knob assembly 10 shown in FIG. 1. Keys
user control of the various modes and functions for operating 16b of pushbutton 16 and mating slots 12c of rotary knob 12.
the electronics within housing 24. when aligned and engaged, permit the user to turn magnet 22
0020. A snap dome 20 resides between pushbutton 16 and by turning rotary knob 12. Keys 16b of push button 16 and
external boundary surface 24c. The snap dome 20 is posi mating slots 12c of rotary knob 12, when aligned and
tioned with its central portion curved away from the housing engaged, also act as a guide for axial translation along Z-axis
in order to bias push button 16 away from external boundary 3O.
Surface 24c. 0028 FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of an embodiment of
0021. The O-rings 14 and 18 are optional in the present the present invention showing the relationship between
invention, but may be included to seal the rotary knob assem encoder 32 and push button rotary knob assembly 10, the
bly and keep particulates from building up within the interior latter including magnet 22. The encoder 32 is disposed
of rotary knob assembly 10. entirely within housing 24 and is separated from push button
0022. The push button rotary knob assembly 10 engages rotary knob assembly 10 by boundary surface 24c. The rota
housing 24 at housing boss 24b, as shown in FIG. 1, without tional and translational positions of magnet 22 are magneti
intruding into the interior of housing 24. The rotary knob 12 cally sensed by encoder 32 without any direct contact. This
includes snap retention features 12b within circumferential provides contactless communication between the magnet and
the encoder.
slot34. The housing boss 24b includes locking extension 24d. 0029. Because of its contactless communication capabil
The circumferential slot 34 receives housing boss 24b, where ity, the rotary knob assembly 10 is ideally suited for harsh
the latter is held in place by snap retention features 12b. The environments. It is reliable and immune from adverse envi
Snap retention features interlock with locking extension 24d ronmental conditions, such as dust, moisture, vibration and
of housing boss 24b. The Snap retention features 12b grasp electromagnetic interference. The magnet 22 and encoder 32
housing boss 24b at an inner diameter face of housing boss may be separated across boundary Surface 24c by a thickness
24b, while rotary knob 12 surrounds the outer diameter face T varying between 0.5-1.8 mm (for example).
of housing boss 24b. This manner of attachment of push 0030 Although the invention is illustrated and described
button rotary knob assembly 10 to housing 24 allows for easy
assembly and replacement, and eliminates any need for intru herein with reference to specific embodiments, the invention
sion or opening into the interior of the housing. is not intended to be limited to the details shown. Rather,
0023. In operation, the pushbutton rotary knob assembly various modifications may be made in the details within the
includes rotational movement about Z-axis 30 and transla
Scope and range of equivalents of the claims and without
departing from the invention.
tional travel along Z-axis 30. The push button 16, which is
inserted within the rotary knob, may be depressed along What is claimed:
Z-axis 30 toward housing 24, independently of any rotational 1. A knob assembly comprising
movement to knob 12. The spring-like bias of snap dome 20
provides tactile feedback to a user upon depressing the push an encoder disposed internally within a housing,
button to activate the electronics within the housing. The snap a rotary knob disposed externally to the housing, wherein
dome 20 springs back, forcing the pushbutton to also spring an angular orientation of the rotary knob is decoded by
back, when depression of the push button is stopped. the encoder as a control function, and
US 2010/0084.249 A1 Apr. 8, 2010

a boundary Surface of the housing is interposed between 13. An operator control unit including a pushbutton rotary
the encoder and the rotary knob for preventing environ knob assembly, comprising:
mental leakage and electrical interference paths into the an encoder disposed internally within a housing,
housing, a rotary knob disposed externally to the housing, wherein
wherein the encoder is configured to decode the angular an angular rotation through an angle of 0 is decoded by
orientation of the rotary knob, and the encoder as a control function,
a pushbutton disposed within the rotary knob for providing
the boundary surface physically isolates the interior of the axial translation of the rotary knob, and
housing from the rotary knob. a boundary surface of the housing interposed between the
2. The knob assembly of claim 1 wherein encoder and the rotary knob for preventing environmen
the encoder is configured to decode an axial translation of tal leakage and electrical interference paths into the
the rotary knob as another control function. housing,
3. The knob assembly of claim 1 wherein wherein the encoder is configured to decode the angular
the boundary Surface is free-of any physical openings for orientation and the axial translation of the rotary knob,
providing electrical conductors between the rotary knob the boundary surface physically isolates the interior of the
and the encoder. housing from the rotary knob.
4. The knob assembly of claim 1 wherein 14. The operator control unit of claim 13, wherein
the boundary Surface is free-of any physical openings for a magnet is disposed in the push button, and
providing physical elements of the rotary knob into the the encoder decodes the angular orientation and the axial
interior of the housing. translation of the magnet, free-of any electrical conduc
5. The knob assembly of claim 1 wherein 15. The operator control unit of claim 13, wherein
the rotary knob includes a magnet, and the pushbutton includes a cylindrical wall having protrud
the encoder is configured to decode an angular rotation of ing keys arranged circumferentially about the cylindri
the magnet as a control function. cal wall,
6. The knob assembly of claim 1 wherein the rotary knob includes mating slots for receiving the
protruding keys, and
the rotary knob includes a magnet, and when the protruding keys are received in the mating slots
the encoder is configured to decode an axial translation of and the rotary knob is rotated, the magnet is rotated.
the magnet as a control function. 16. The operator control unit of claim 13 wherein
7. The knob assembly of claim 6 wherein the housing includes a cylindrical projection extending
the rotary knob includes a push button, from the boundary surface and providing a boss for the
rotary knob.
the magnet is inserted within the push button, and 17. The operator control unit of claim 16 wherein
the push button axially translates the magnet to activate a the rotary knob includes Snap retention features within a
control function. circumferential slot,
8. The knob assembly of claim 7 wherein the boss includes a locking extension extending from the
cylindrical projection, and
the pushbutton includes a cylindrical wall having protrud the locking extension interlocks with the Snap retention
ing keys arranged circumferentially about the cylindri features within the circumferential slot.
cal wall, 18. A method of controlling an electronic device disposed
the rotary knob includes mating slots for receiving the within a housing, comprising the steps of
protruding keys, and depressing a rotary knob disposed externally to the hous
when the keys are received in the mating slots and the axially rotating the rotary knob;
rotary knob is rotated, the magnet is rotated. contactlessly communicating translational and rotational
9. The knob assembly of claim 1 wherein positions of the rotary knob to an encoder, disposed
the housing includes a cylindrical projection extending internally within the housing, without any physical con
from the boundary surface for providing a boss for the tact between the rotary knob and the encoder;
rotary knob. decoding, by the encoder, the translational and rotational
10. The knob assembly of claim 9 wherein positions of the rotary knob; and
the rotary knob includes Snap retention features within a activating a control function of the electronic device, in
circumferential slot, response to the decoding step.
the boss includes a locking extension, and 19. The method of controlling an electronic device of claim
18 wherein
the locking extension interlocks with the Snap retention a magnet is disposed in the rotary knob, and
features within the circumferential slot. the magnet contactlessly communicates the translational
11. The knob assembly of claim 1 wherein and rotational positions of the rotary knob.
the rotary knob includes a tactile feedback mechanism, 20. The method of controlling an electronic device of claim
the tactile feedback mechanism is sandwiched between the 18 wherein
rotary knob and the boundary Surface of the housing, and depressing the rotary knobbiases a tactile feedback mecha
the tactile feedback mechanism provides user feedback, nism sandwiched between the rotary knob and the hous
when the rotary knob is axially translated. ing, and
provides feedback to a user.
12. The knob assembly of claim 11 wherein
c c c c c
the tactile feedback mechanism includes a Snap dome.

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