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Cost Estimating Methods for RC Structures by Quantity Takeoff and Quantity Prediction in

the Design Development Stage

Jaeho Cho1 and Jaeyoul Chun*2

Research Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Dankook University, Korea
Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Dankook University, Korea

The cost estimating methods for reinforced concrete structures based 3D design can be categorized into
quantity takeoff (estimation) and quantity prediction in the design development stage. The main estimating
elements are concrete and formwork that can be considered in a quantity takeoff, whereas the quantity
prediction element is the reinforcing bars in the design development stage.
This study proposes a cost estimation system that applies automatic quantity takeoff and quantity
prediction with parameters. Firstly, the logic of a quantity takeoff calculates the quantity of formwork with
the object information. The Standard Method of Measurement (SMM) automatically estimates the quantity
of formwork upon receiving physical shape information from the 3D-object. Secondly, the logic of quantity
prediction estimates the quantity of reinforcing bars with data mining tools such as the Decision Tree Model
(DTM) and Case Based Reasoning (CBR). To predict the quantity of reinforcing bars, Information Gains (IG)
of design attributes are evaluated, and then the valid attributes are selected as the parameters. The Parameters
can statistically classify the quantity of reinforcing bars by generating decision tree nodes.

Keywords: quantity takeoff; prediction; Information Gain (IG); cost estimating; formwork; reinforcing bars

1. Introduction quantity of formwork should be retrieved from the raw

The parametric cost estimating method has been structural object.
used in a recent cost prediction study (Son 2005). The Therefore, this study proposes a different approach
cost is estimated by utilizing the design features that to quantity estimation for the structural frame.
can be retrieved in the corresponding design stages. Firstly, to calculate the quantity of formwork, the
Parametric cost estimating is widely used in the physical shape information is retrieved based on the
shipbuilding and other industries. raw structural object. And then, the Standard Method
In the case of formwork, the quantity takeoff relies of Measurement (SMM) is applied to the objects, based
on the level of object information in structural frames. on the concept of the Information Delivery Manual
In order to realistically estimate the cost of formwork, (IDM) with Industry Foundation Classes (IFC).
additional object modeling has to be conducted on Secondly, to estimate the quantity of reinforcing
the existing structural frame elements. Otherwise, the bars, a data mining technique is used, because
quantity of formwork, too, can only be estimated based reinforcing bars in 3D modeling cannot be carried
on statistical evidence, like reinforcing bars. Such out in the design development stage. The design
approach may ultimately decrease the accuracy of the features information is defined as the parameter, and
cost estimation of formwork; it might also generate an an algorithm for predicting the quantity of reinforcing
inefficient process and additional costs. bars is set with decision trees with these features.
In the current state of the art, it is impossible to This study sets up a cost estimation system that
estimate by using 3D modeling directly, without integrates quantity takeoff logic, prediction logic, and
additional formwork modeling. If object information of unit price application logic for reinforced concrete
the structural frame cannot be used directly to estimate structures based on 3D-object design. In this study,
the formwork, the shape information to calculate the some contents of a doctorate thesis written by Cho
(2012) are cited and re-analyzed.

*Contact Author: Jaeyoul Chun, Professor, 2. Methodology

Department of Architectural Engineering, Dankook University, This study mainly discusses the automatic quantity
Engineering Building, 301 Yongin-si Gyeonggi-do, 448-701, Korea takeoff method for formwork and the prediction
Tel: +82-31-8005-3736 algorithm for reinforcing bars. The unit price
E-mail: [email protected] application process after the quantity takeoff can easily
( Received April 5, 2014 ; accepted November 14, 2014 ) calculate costs through the system. Therefore, the unit

Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering/January 2015/72 65

price application logic is omitted in this study. the structural framework. To calculate the quantity of
We conduct a literature review on the perspectives formwork, they proposed estimation logics using the
of the two methods of quantity takeoff based on object attributes of beams, slabs and columns. Kim et
3D-object and quantity prediction. The cost estimation al. (2012) analyzed a problem with estimation errors
system is used for a reinforced concrete structure. in quantity takeoff based on the IFC format in building
This study conducts research in accordance with the elements. They recognized a compatibility problem of
following Fig.1. IFC from the view of quantity takeoff.
It appears from a review of the above literature
that physical shape information should be utilized
from the raw object, in order to facilitate the quantity
takeoff of formwork. Moreover, the required shape
information needs to be defined from the raw object
to perform a quantity takeoff. Such defined physical
shape information should be used on the independent
platform of an estimation system. To achieve this
goal, an information delivery manual is required to
transfer the shape information of the 3D-object into an
estimation system.
Secondly, the following study is provided from the
perspective of quantity prediction.
The preliminary cost estimation method
Fig.1. Flow Chart of the Research Methods
fundamentally starts from a CBR concept that utilizes
3. Literature Review libraries containing similar cases. The most commonly
The existing study investigates from the perspectives used estimation method is a statistical method. In the
of automatic quantity takeoff and quantity prediction. representative case, regression analysis, semi-log,
Firstly, the following is explored from the perspective correlation analysis, and probability distribution have
of automatic quantity takeoff. been applied. Apart from this, a data mining technique
Generally, an automatic quantity estimation is also applied as an advanced information analysis
approach in 3D-object design utilizes the information technique that can resolve the issues with predictions.
of the raw object directly without decomposition. In Kim et al. (2006) proposed a cost estimation method
some cases, however, as an indirect way, the physical that uses a neural network using the Genetic Algorithm
shape information should be extracted from the raw (GA). The neural network theory is mainly used in
object, and then applied to the SMM logic to calculate data classifications and predictions in data mining.
the quantity. Once the quantity takeoff is complete, The prediction method that uses a neural network is
the cost information is inserted to calculate the final a combination of a statistical method and a syntactic
construction cost. approach. Doğan (2008) proposed another data mining
Oh et al. (2001) proposed an automatic estimation technique that is called the decision tree model. Ji and
system that utilizes 3D CAD building element Kim (2011) proposed a cost prediction algorithm that
information. This system uses the raw object of each combines CBR and GA. Park et al. (2011) proposed a
building element. Kim et al. (2003) proposed an quantity prediction method for the design development
automatic estimation algorithm that can calculate the stages that uses the standard database for quantities
quantities of concrete and formwork based on the of reinforcing bars. This method allows users to
original object information. Hwang (2004) conducted directly connect to case-based data and perform cost
a study on an automatic quantity takeoff system using estimations, since reinforcing bar objects are not
the raw object based on IFC. However, in the case employed in the design development stages.
of quantity takeoff for formwork, he did not provide The neural network consists of an input layer,
a definition of the shape information from the raw a hidden layer, and an output layer with artificial
object. Karshenas (2005) proposed a data-connected neurons. The algorithm classifies the data by
schema model based on an object-oriented concept. calculating the weight of the connection strength.
This model allows users to automatically estimate However, it is very difficult for users to understand the
the relevant equipment, number of workers, and black box algorithm that calculates weight. CBR finds
costs, once the quantity of each element has been the information that meets the criteria using the same
calculated on the IFC model. Feng and Chen (2008) weights. After reviewing the above literature, it seems
proposed MD CAD modeling. This model focuses on that CBR can be applied to the decision tree model in
information delivery method and data reorganization, order to increase the accuracy of prediction. Applying
in order to produce suitable data for other application CBR seems to be a reasonable way to solve the
systems. Jun and Yun (2011) proposed a quantity problem of scarcity of data that occurs in the decision
estimating prototype model using object attributes in tree model.

66 JAABE vol.14 no.1 January 2015 Jaeho Cho

4. Estimation Items 5. Issues and Improvements in Cost Estimations
This section analyzes the variations and deviations This section analyzes some issues with the currently
of the major quantities of concrete, formwork, and used cost estimation methods for RC structures
reinforcing bars. Each item is further classified involved in a 3D design, and makes suggestions for
according to their construction type. their improvement. Unlike the conventional quantity
The specification of concrete is classified with 25- takeoff method based on 2D design, a 3D design can
300-15, 25-270-15, 25-240-15, 25-240-12, 25-180-12, automatically calculate quantity takeoff using the
25-180-8, etc. The specification of form is classified raw object, and easily recalculate them, if there is a
with plywood form (3 recycle), euro-form, circular change in the design. Moreover, as the object modeling
form, etc. approach can prevent overlapping design among
The indirect cost of the material is classified into elemental objects in advance, it minimizes interference
the quantity of cast-in-place concrete and the quantity errors. However, a 3D model cannot bring satisfactory
of splicing reinforcing bars. The specification cast-in- results, because object modeling is too complicated.
place is classified with placing by ready-mix, boom In some cases, an automatic quantity takeoff cannot
distribution, pump distribution, etc. These items are be adequately performed using the raw object only. In
calculated by applying the fixed rates to the quantities such cases, another approach should be employed.
of concrete and reinforcing bars, respectively. The volume information retrieved from the raw
For example, the quantity of cast-in-place object is directly utilized for the quantity of concrete.
concrete is typically estimated to be approximately In the case of formwork, however, additional modeling
99% of the quantity of concrete. The quantity of is required, in order to calculate the quantity from
splicing reinforcing bars is typically estimated to be the raw object. This approach entails unnecessary
approximately 97% of the total quantity of reinforcing work in the design development stage. It would be
bars. The other extra construction costs account for more beneficial to reorganize the existing object
less than 1.5% of the total cost. Therefore, the final containing physical shape information, and utilize
construction cost can be calculated, after all relevant only the required shape information. For example,
costs have been accumulated, and their ratios have for formwork, the area of all four sides of a column is
been added. needed to estimate the quantity takeoff; whereas for
In examining the deviation of major items in the beams, the area of the upper elements is unnecessary.
superstructure of buildings, the graphs in Fig.2. A quantity takeoff for reinforcing bars might be
below show the deviation in the quantity of concrete, difficult in the design development stage, due to
formwork and reinforcing bars, respectively. The ratio performance problems with graphic hardware and
of concrete per 1m2 represents a change of between an immense working load to visualize 3D modeling.
0.39 and 0.48 in the quantity. The ratio of formwork Therefore, utilizing the statistical method in the
per 1m2 demonstrates a change of between 2.2 and 3.4 previous cost estimating study seems to be a more
in the quantity. The ratio of reinforcing bars per 1m3 realistic and effective approach. After examining
of concrete illustrates a change of between 0.138 and quantity takeoff for formwork and reinforcing bars,
0.155. By assuming that the area of upper floors is we decided to utilize a combined estimation method
10,000m2, the scope of deviation for each quantity can for performing a quantity takeoff. This method can
be predicted. The deviation of the quantity of concrete improve the accuracy of cost estimation, and does
is predicted to be approximately ±900m 3 , that of not require additional modeling work. The combined
formwork around ±12,000m2, and that of reinforcing estimation method should divide the quantity takeoff
bars about ±17 ton. items and quantity prediction items.

Fig.2. The Deviation of Concrete, Formwork, and Reinforcing Bar

JAABE vol.14 no.1 January 2015 Jaeho Cho 67

Such a method has been used before in other studies. type, thermal information, and so on (Kim 2012). The
For instance, Son (2005) proposed a way to utilize a IFC model proposed by Seo (2009) allows the sharing
combined estimation method in early design stages and exchanging of information.
by distinguishing quantity predictions from quantity The object-oriented models consist of objects
takeoff. Table 1. below classifies the quantity takeoff and attributes. In the case of columns, the volume is
items and quantity prediction items for each work directly expressed as the quantity of concrete. The
involved in an RC structure construction. attribute value consists of the height and cross sectional
Table 1. Classification of Quantity Prediction and Takeoff in the area of the column.
Design Development Stage The quantity of formwork becomes the area of the
Reference four sides. The area is expressed as attribute values
Work Unit Quantity Estimation Approach that consist of the width and the height. The form of
Floor area Concrete Standard measure of method the beam consists of the area of two sides, excluding
(m2) (m3/m2) by building element the thickness of the slab on the beam. To calculate the
Floor area Formwork Standard measure of method area, the attribute value comprised of the width and
(m2) (m2/ m2) by building element
height is expressed. The slab quantity does not require
Data mining approach
Concrete Reinforcing
by building structure unit additional calculation logic because the area of each
(m3) bars (Ton/m3) floor becomes the quantity of formwork. The total
(case library)
quantity of formwork is calculated by summing up
The reinforcing bars cannot be subject to automatic the quantity of each element, such as the foundation,
quantity takeoff. Their quantity must be estimated by columns, beams, slabs, and retaining walls. And then
a prediction algorithm that utilizes the design features the construction type of a form can be selected from
information in the corresponding design stage. euro-form, plywood form (3 recycle), and plywood
form (4 recycle), etc. Table 2. below defines the
6. The Quantity Takeoff of Formwork with IDM required the physical shape information from the raw
This section proposes a method for quantity takeoff object based on an IFC model and the SMM.
of formwork based on the IDM approach. Quantity
Table 2. Description of Objects Based IFC Format
takeoff in an object-oriented model offers a clearer
Object Raw Data Name : Value Type
division among objects, hence making an automatic Nominal Length: Ifc Quantity Length
quantity takeoff by linking the length, width, and Description: Total nominal length of the column, not taking
volume information of the raw object. A quantity into account any cut-out's or other processing features.
takeoff algorithm created by building element has been Column SMM: Form area of the square column: (width+height)×2×
unit height×number of place×repeat stories
proposed in other similar studies (Kim et al. 2003). The form area of circular column: (2×π×width/2×unit
method proposed in this study is to define the attributes height)×number of place×repeat stories
that require the physical shape information from the Nominal Width: Ifc Quantity Length
raw object. The defined information is then delivered to Beam
Description: Total nominal length of the beam, not taking
into account any cut-out's or other processing features.
the quantity takeoff logic of an independent estimation SMM: (beam depth - slab thickness)×2×length×repeat stories
system. These attributes are then used to estimate the Nominal Length: Ifc Quantity Length
quantity of the structural element. The IDM description Description: Total nominal (or average) length of the wall
represents the linking system between the original data along the wall path. The exact definition and calculation
and other application systems. It applies the relevant rules depend on the method of measurement used.
Nominal Width: Ifc Quantity Length
defined information within the raw object model to Description: Total nominal (or average) width (or thickness)
fulfill the requirements of a particular system. Fig.3. of the wall perpendicular to the wall path. The exact
below shows the information delivery diagram for Task Wall
definition and calculation rules depend on the method of
measurement used.
1 (the raw object model) and Task 2 (the requirement
Nominal Height: Ifc Quantity Length
information) on exchange requests. Description: Total nominal (or average) height of the wall
along the wall path. The exact definition and calculation
rules depend on the method of measurement used.
SMM: Core wall: (Wall thickness+length)×2×height×repe
at stories retaining wall: (Wall thickness+length)×2×height×
repeat stories×(1/2)
Net Area: Ifc Quantity Area
Description: Total area of the extruded area of the slab,
taking into account possible slab openings. The exact
definition and calculation rules depend on the method of
measurement used.
SMM: Floor area
Fig.3. Information Delivery Model for Quantity Takeoff
7. The Quantity Prediction of Reinforcing Bars
The IFC model contains properties needed for the This section analyzes the quantities of reinforcing
performance, such as building geometry, construction bars used in 27 public buildings in order to propose

68 JAABE vol.14 no.1 January 2015 Jaeho Cho

an algorithm for predicting quantity. Table 3. below Let si be the number of samples of S in class Ci. The
lists the design features and ratios of reinforcing Expected Information (EI) needed to classify a given
bars. A data mining technique has been applied as the sample is given by the Eq. (1).
prediction algorithm.
This study proposes a decision tree model applied (1)
with CBR as a hierarchical clustering method, among
other data mining techniques. Decision trees are used Where pi is the probability that an arbitrary sample
in categorizing and predicting data. They present belongs to class C i and is estimated by s i /s. Note
interactions between variables in the shape of a tree. that a log function to the base 2 is used since the
The structure of a tree has a root node at the top, a information is encoded in bits. Let attribute A have v
child node, and a leaf node. This hierarchy model of distinct values, {a1, a2, …, av}. Attribute A can be used
each node is set in accordance with a specific rule. to partition S into v subsets, {s1, s2, …, sv}, where Sj
In this case, Class Characterization (CC) or Attribute contains those samples in S that have value aj of A. If A
Relevance Analysis (ARA) is used. If too many were selected as the test attribute (i.e., the best attribute
attributes are used during the analysis, the resulting for splitting), then these subsets would correspond to
presented descriptions could be unstable. This problem the branches grown from the node containing the set S.
could be solved by excluding the attributes that are Let sij be the number of samples of class Ci in a subset
statistically unrelated or have weaker connections Sj. The Entropy, or expected information based on the
through the ARA, and then applying the most relevant partitioning into subsets by A, is given by the Eq. (2).
attributes in order.
Another problem with decision trees is that there (2)
are too many branches, as all attribute values have
been taken into account, in order to categorize the
nodes. This can also cause some sparse data problems The term acts as the weight of the jth
to the bottom-most nodes. Therefore, the number of subset and is the number of samples in the subset (i.e.,
branches that are separated through the nodes should having value aj of A) divided by the total number of
be minimized with CBR matching cases, and the mean samples in S. The smaller the entropy value the greater
attribute value of the bottom-most nodes should be the purity of the subset partitions. Note that for a given
used. subset Sj, EI (s1j, s2j, …, smj) is following the Eq. (3).
To analyze the validity of the attributes, the IG
proposed by a Decision Tree Algorithms is used (Han,
J. 2001). This method determines the importance of the
attributes in accordance with a relative scale in the IG,
while excluding the attributes with a small amount of Where p!" = is the probability that a sample in Sj
IG. The information gain measure is used to select the S!
test attribute at each node in the tree. The attribute with belongs to class Ci.
the highest IG is chosen as the test attribute for the The encoding information that would be gained by
current node. branching on A is the flowing Eq. (4).
Let S be a set consisting of s data samples. Suppose
the class label attribute has m distinct values defining (4)
m distinct classes, Ci (for i = 1, 2, …, m).
Table 3. Design Features Information and Ratio of Reinforcing Bars of Building
Number Year of Design Seismic Design Floor Area (m2) Story Column Module (m) Design Load (kg/m2) Exterior Type Ratio of Bars (ton/m3)
1 2001 Yes Great Middle 7~9 500 Stone Masonry High (0.167)
2 2001 No Small Low 7~9 300 Stone Masonry Middle (0.143)
3 2002 No Small Low 9~12 300 Stone Masonry High (0.147)
4 2002 No Middle Low 5~7 300 Stone Masonry Low (0.092)
5 2003 No Middle Low 7~9 500 Stone Masonry High (0.156)
6 2003 No Middle Low 9~12 300 Stone Masonry High (0.155)
7 2003 Yes Middle Middle 7~9 300 Metal Panel Middle (0.131)
8 2003 No Middle Low 5~7 300 Stone Masonry Middle (0.139)
… … … … … .. … … …
23 2010 Yes Small Middle 7~9 300 Stone Masonry Middle (0.143)
24 2002 No Small Low 9~12 300 Metal Panel High (0.207)
25 2003 No Small Low 9~12 300 Metal Panel High (0.149)
26 2003 No Small Low 7~9 500 Stone Masonry High (0.147)
27 2004 No Small Low 7~9 500 Stone Masonry High (0.155)
Floor Area (m2): Small (below 4,000), Great (more than 14,000) Story: Low stories (1~4), Middle Stories (5~9), High Stories (10~20)
Ratio of Reinforcing Bars: (High: more than 0.145), (Low: below 0.12)

JAABE vol.14 no.1 January 2015 Jaeho Cho 69

The Eq. (4) computes the IG of each attribute. The reinforcing bars at the bottom-most nodes. In doing so,
attribute with the highest IG is chosen as the test the CBR concept can reduce the number of branches of
attribute for the given set S. A node is created and attributes, hence solving the sparse data problem.
labeled with the attribute, branches are created for each
value of the attribute, and the samples are portioned
The data of 27 public office buildings is used to
analyze relevant cases. The expected amount of the
IG required to classify the given samples can be
calculated, in accordance with the following Eq. (1).

EI (s1, s2, s3) =

-(15/27)×LOG ((15/27), 3)-(9/27)×LOG (9/27), 3)-
(3/27) ×LOG ((3/27), 3) = 0.853

The attributes of class labels take three attribute

values (High, Medium, and Low) for the ratios of Fig.4. Comparison of Information Gain
reinforcing bars. To compute the IG of each attribute,
the Eq. (1) is first used to compute the EI that classifies Fig.5. is the DTM that uses the hierarchal concept to
a given sample. Next, the Entropy of each attribute, E account for the order of attribute importance.
(A) should be computed with the Eq. (2).
Using the Eq. (4), the IG (A) that will classify the
given sample, if the samples are partitioned according
to 'column module', is:

IG (Column Module) = EI (s1, s2, s3) – E (Column

Module) = 0.853 - 0.463 = 0.39
Similarly, we can compute IG (Design Load) = 0.10,
IG (Floors Type) = 0.04, IG (Seismic Design) = 0.03,
IG (Area of Upper Floor) = 0.02, and IG (Exterior
Type) = 0.01 (refer to Fig.4.).

Since the 'IG (Column Module) = 0.39' has the Fig.5. The DTM on the Reinforcing Bars by the Attributes
highest value among the attributes, it is selected as the
test attribute with the highest priority. A node is created 8. Cost Estimation Systems
and labeled with the column module, and branches are This section carries out 3D-based design, and
grown for each of the attribute's values. proposes a cost estimation system (refer to Fig.6.).
Here, the threshold for the attribute value is above The cost estimation system proposed in this study is
0.03. In general, the values are set between 0.05 applied to the superstructure of a building. The system
and 0.01, and experts can also define a value to take consists of three modules. Each module is defined
into account the importance of prediction. Since the as a quantity takeoff logic, quantity prediction logic,
attributes of IG (Area of Upper Floors) = 0.02 and and unit price application logic. The cost estimation
IG (Exterior Type) = 0.01 are smaller than the critical system first receives the physical information about the
value of the IG (Threshold = 0.03), we could consider 3D object, and computes the quantity of concrete and
that there is a weak correlation. Therefore, these formwork. Next, using the design features chosen by
attributes can be eliminated. The analyzed samples are the user, the quantity of reinforcing bars is predicted
then partitioned according to the IG. through the decision tree model as the algorithm.
Although each attribute may present a different The types of valid design features include the
value of information gain depending on the number of column module, design load, number of floors, and
samples, the order of importance remains the same (27 seismic design. The quantity of reinforcing bars is
cases and 51 cases refer to Fig.4.). predicted as the ratio of reinforcing bars to the amount
The DTM is changed case-by-case; if no data occurs of concrete in the superstructure of the building.
in a node, the average value in the bottom-most nodes A cost estimator can select a construction type
should be used. The difference between the average taking into account suitable constructability, once the
values according to 'seismic design' was analyzed as process of quantity takeoff for concrete, formwork,
0.08. Therefore, a new branch can be created by adding and reinforcing bars is completed. At the final
the average value or subtracting from the ratio of stage, the unit price is applied in accordance with

70 JAABE vol.14 no.1 January 2015 Jaeho Cho

the construction type, in order to calculate the final
construction cost. The unit price applies to concrete,
formwork, cast-in-place, and splicing reinforcing bars.
The following process outlines the six-stages that the
system goes through.
(1) 3D object model of the structure frame in the
design development stage.
(2) The quantity takeoff for concrete and formwork
used with the SMM by the building structure element.
(3) Prediction of the reinforcing bars quantity in the
superstructure of a building.
(4) Calculate subtotals for the quantity of major
elements and minor construction works in the
intermediate estimating stage.
(5) Apply the unit price of each construction work
and calculate subtotal for RC construction work.
(6) Calculate the other extra construction costs, and Fig.8. Quantity Take-off (Beam), Stage (2)
then set the final cost.

Fig.9. Select Construction Type, Stage (2)

Fig.6. 3D Object Modeling for the RC Structure, Stage (1)

Fig.10. Prediction of Reinforcing Bars, Stage (3)

Fig.7. Quantity Take-off (Column), Stage (2)

JAABE vol.14 no.1 January 2015 Jaeho Cho 71

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72 JAABE vol.14 no.1 January 2015 Jaeho Cho

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