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System Database (SDB) Browser

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide every possible contingency to be
met during installation, operation, and maintenance. If further information is desired or if particular problems arise that are not
covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purpose, the matter should be referred to GE Motors & Industrial Systems.
This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, USA and is furnished to its customer solely to assist
that customer in the installation, testing, operation, and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be
reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Motors &
Industrial Systems.

Safety Symbol Legend Table of Contents

Safety Symbol Legend .............................................................................................1
Functional Description ............................................................................................1
CAUTION Starting the SDB Browser.......................................................................................2
From SDB Server Control .......................................................................................2
From Control System Toolbox and GEMIS Tools for CIMPLICITY .....................3
Indicates a procedure, practice,
SDB Browser Tabs ..................................................................................................4
condition, or statement that, if not
Signal Tab................................................................................................................4
strictly observed, could result in
Topology Tab ..........................................................................................................8
damage to or destruction of
Where Used Tab ......................................................................................................9
Alarms Tab ............................................................................................................10
Scales Tab .............................................................................................................10
NetGroups Tab ......................................................................................................11
Resources Tab .......................................................................................................11
Note Indicates an essential or
Signal Fields ...........................................................................................................12
important procedure, practice,
Data Types Used by Toolbox ..................................................................................17
condition, or statement.
Message Classes for DLAN+ ..................................................................................18

Functional Description
For assistance, contact: SDB Browser is used to view the contents of an SDB database, display the topology
Industrial Control Systems of a system, perform a filtered signal search on the SDB, list system scales, and more.
General Electric Company The SDB Browser is implemented as a Dynamic Link Library (DLL), so it must be
Product Service Engineering started from another application such as, the GE Control System Toolbox, the SDB
1501 Roanoke Blvd. Server Control, and GEMIS Tools for CIMPLICITY™ (SDB Utilities, and the
Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA Diagnose application). The Browser can be accessed from the Control System
Phone 001-540-387-7595 Toolbox with or without having a device open.
Fax 001-540-387-8606
Note The SDB must be chosen in the toolbox database before the menu item, View
SDB Browser is enabled (choose the Options menu, Settings, and the tab Database).

CIMPLICITY is a trademark of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.

Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation.
Genius is a trademark of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.
Series 90 is a trademark of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.
Starting the SDB Browser
. The SDB Browser is started from an application’s menu or toolbar button as
described in the following sections.

From SDB Server Control

Refer to the application À To start the SDB Browser from the SDB Server Control
manual, GEI-100189 or the
online help. 1. From the SDB Server Control dialog box, click on the button.

2. Then click button. The SDB Maintenance dialog box displays.

3. Make sure the name of the database is in the Selected DB name text box.
4. Click on the Browse SDB button. The SDB Browser window displays.

2 • System Database (SDB) Browser GEI-100271

The SDB Browser displays the following buttons on the toolbar:
Click To
The pushpin determines whether or not the Browser Window is held
open or closed. If this pushpin is displayed, the Window closes when the
area outside the Browser Window is clicked. Click on the pushpin to
keep the Browser displayed on top of other windows, even when clicked
outside the Browser Window.
This pushpin displays when the pushpin above is clicked on. The
Browser Window remains open and on top of the screen when the
pushpin is in this position (even when working in another window).
Hide all tabs and make the Browser window display only the Output
Load signal query settings from a file (only available in the Signal tab).

Save the current signal query settings to a binary file with the extension
.sqs (only available in the Signal tab).

Save results of the signal query to a text file that can be viewed in
Notepad (only available in the Signal tab).
Print the signal query results in the Output View to produce a hard copy
(only available in the Signal tab).

Delete a device and all signals owned by the device from the SDB
database (only available in the Topology tab).

Help button will display this help file.

From the Control System Toolbox or GEMIS Tools

for CIMPLICITY (SDB Utilities)
Refer to the toolbox manual, À To start the SDB Browser from the GE Control System Toolbox or
GEH-6333. GEMIS Tools for CIMPLICITY (SDB Utilities)
Or the GEMIS tools manual, w From the main Menu, choose View and then SDB Browser. The SDB
GEH-6372. Browser window displays.
Refer to the online help found
in both applications.

Tip ¬ Refer to the previous section for a description of the browser window and
toolbar buttons.

GEI-100271 System Database (SDB) Browser • 3

SDB Browser Tabs

Signal Tab
À To perform a signal query
1. From the SDB Browser, choose the tab Signal.

To define the
signal query,
click on the
Query... button
(Refer to the
Query Design
dialog box in
step 2.)

The finished
query displays
in the Output

4 • System Database (SDB) Browser GEI-100271

2. From the tab Signal, click on Query. The Query Design dialog box displays.
The order shown in the In the Query Design dialog box each attribute of a signal is represented by a
following screen is the default Field. The order of the field columns in the dialog box determines the order of
order. the data when the results of the query are displayed in the Output View. This
order can be changed by clicking on a column to highlight it, then drag-and-
drop to a new location.
Signal fields can be rearranged using

Sort arranges the

order of multicolumns

Show or Hide
determines the
visibility of a field in
the Output View.

Critera or Or
establishes the
guidlines of the find
(such as using

3. Click on the column/cell to highlight it. Choose the Sort and Visibility for each
field. Edit the order of the columns, if desired.
Sort is a drop-down list to arrange the order of the data by choosing None,
Ascending, or Descending. Sort order is from left to right and the default is
Visibility is a drop down list to Show or Hide a field (column) to minimize the
number of columns of the Output View results. Show is the default.
4. Enter the item(s) to query in the row(s) Criteria: and Or:
Criteria: and Or: are used to establish the filter of the query. Enter the item to
match in the desired field (column). Wildcards, such as the asterix symbol *
(match any number of any character) and question mark ? (match one of any
character) are allowed.
5. Click OK and view the results in the Output View.

GEI-100271 System Database (SDB) Browser • 5

Criteria Examples
The following are examples of entering multiple criteria in the Query Design dialog
box. Match signals where:
REG1NAME begins with R and REG2NAME equals FEED.

REG1NAME equals MILL1 or REG1NAME equals MILL2.

REG1NAME begins with R and REG2NAME equals FEED or NET_NAME equals

Criteria is evaluated by the
row. Therefore, match signals
where REG1NAME begins
with R and REG2NAME
equals FEED is evaluated
first. Then, the next row,
NET_NAME equals RDL01 is

REG1NAME begins with R and NET_NAME equals RDL01 or REG1NAME

begins with R and NET_NAME equals RDL02

6 • System Database (SDB) Browser GEI-100271

Signal Query Example
To change the order of The following Query Design changes the default order of the columns. The first five
columns, click on the column columns have Show for the visibility attribute, so the resulting list will only show the
and then drag-and drop to the owning device plus the full signal name. The criteria (or filter) reads:
new location.
Match all signals where REG1NAME begins with the letters FM or where
REG2NAME equals SHAW or REG2NAME = test (The filter is not case

The following screen displays the results of the signal query in the Output View.

A query design can be saved. The saved file will include the criteria of each column,
Click to restore a the sort order, visibility, and the order of the columns.
previously saved query
Click to save the query design to a binary file with the extension .sqs.

Click to save the results as a text file that can be viewed in Notepad.

GEI-100271 System Database (SDB) Browser • 7

Topology Tab
À To display topology information
1. From the SDB Browser, choose the tab Topology.
The button gets
recent data from the SDB 2. Click on Update button. The Topology Output View displays as shown
database. below.

View Options

Output Views

Expand the tree hierarchy by The left Output View displays devices, networks, and pages in a tree hierarchy. Click
clicking on the symbol . on an item in the tree to highlight it. The right Output View displays detailed
information about the item highlighted. Control how this information is organized by
choosing one of the following options:
View by device displays all devices in the SDB as shown below. When expanded,
each device lists all the networks that the device is connected to and each network lists
the pages that the device owns on that network.

8 • System Database (SDB) Browser GEI-100271

The drop number of the View by Network displays all networks in the SDB as shown below. When
device is in parenthesis next expanded, each network lists all the devices connected to that network and each
to the device name. device name lists all pages that the device owns on that network.
Delete a device and all
signals owned by the device
from the SDB by highlighting
the device and click on the
delete button

Note If a device is accidentally deleted, it can only be recovered by re-posting the

device through the appropriate tool (such as the toolbox for drives or controllers).

Where Used Tab

À To display signal usage information
1. From the SDB Browser, choose the tab Where Used.
The button starts
the search process. 2. Type in a signal name
3. Click on Update button. The Where Used Output View displays the location
where the signal is used as shown below.

The display window displays all the devices that use the signal UC1\fdlo1\sig2. In
order for a device to display in this list, it must have referenced the above signal in its
code, and performed a successful bind against the SDB for that signal.

GEI-100271 System Database (SDB) Browser • 9

Alarms Tab
À To display alarm information
1. From the SDB Browser, choose the tab Alarms.
Click to
display information. 2. Click on Update button. The Alarms Output View displays as shown below.

Alarms originate in the System Device of the GE Control System Toolbox as

Broadcast alarms.

Scale Tab
À To display scale information
1. From the SDB Browser, choose the tab Scale.
Click to
display information. 2. Click on Update button. The Scale Output View displays as shown below.

10 • System Database (SDB) Browser GEI-100271

NetGroup Tab
À To display network group information
1. From the SDB Browser, choose the tab NetGroup.
Click to
display information. 2. Click on Update button. The NetGroup Output View displays as shown

Resources Tab
À To display resources information
1. From the SDB Browser, choose the tab Resources.
Click to
display information. 2. Click on Update button. The Resources Output View displays as shown

Signals can be assigned to a specific resource (see res_ID field in the signal attribute
list). The resource is used to filter which signals get imported into the CIMPLICITY
HMI system using SDB Utility.

GEI-100271 System Database (SDB) Browser • 11

Signal Fields
The following tables describes the SDB signal fields (see the section Signal Tab).

Table 1. SDB Signal Fields

Field Name Name Type Description

REG1NAME Region 1 name String, six The first part of a fully qualified signal name. See SIG_NAME
(part of the fully characters for details on signal naming conventions. The REG1NAME is
qualified signal) maximum a required part for a signal.

REG2NAME Region 2 name String, six The second part of a fully qualified signal name (optional).
(part of the fully characters See SIG_NAME for details on signal naming conventions.
qualified signal) maximum

REG3NAME Region 3 name String, six The third part of a fully qualified signal name (optional) . See
(part of the fully characters SIG_NAME for details on signal naming conventions.
qualified signal) maximum
The fourth part of a fully qualified signal name. The
SIG_NAME Signal Name (last String, 12 SIG_NAME is a required part for a signal. The fully qualified
part of fully characters signal name can be described as,
qualified signal) maximum Reg1name\Reg2name\Reg3name\Sig_name
Reg2name and reg3name are optional, so a fully qualified
signal could be named at a minimum as,
The backslashes are part of the fully qualified signal name.
Including the backslashes and the maximum sizes of the
different parts, a fully qualified signal name can be 33
characters long. However, the CIMPLICITY HMI system uses
the fully qualified signal name as the ‘ PointID’ when signals
are imported into the HMI point database. The limitation for
‘PointID’ is 32 characters. For this reason, the total size of a
signal is limited to 32 characters when signals are posted to
the SDB.
The fully qualified signal name must be unique on a given
network. This means that it is possible for two networks to
have identical fully qualified signal names. The SDB Server
enforces uniqueness for the following fields: Net_name +
reg1name + reg2name + reg3name + sig_name.
The signal name can be the same on two different networks
in order to support routing of a signal from one network to

This is the device that owns the signal. The device name field
DEV_NAME Device Name String, seven should never be blank. The device name can have up to
which owns this character seven characters. However, the toolbox enforces a five
signal maximum (limit character limit to the device name in order to maintain
of five for the backwards compatibility with the LynxOs based USDB.
toolbox name).

12 • System Database (SDB) Browser GEI-100271

SDB Signal Fields — continued
Field Name Name Type Description

NET_NAME Net Name where String, five Name of the network where the signal is made available by the
this signal is character owning device. The device in DEV_NAME is connected to this
available maximum network when viewing the topology of the SDB.
To support diagnostics on operator stations or an HMI system,
signals that are internal only (to a device) are also stored in the
signal table of the SDB. In this case, net name is meaningless.
In order to differentiate between network available signals and
internal signals, the net name field is forced to be the same as
the device name, and page name (PAGE_NAME) is assigned
the value “NULLP” (for Null page).

PAGE_NAME Page Name String, five This is the name of the page where this signal is mapped. A
where this signal character signals address (SIGADDR) is relative to the page which is
originates maximum named in this field. (See NET_NAME about internal signals.)
For DLAN+, the page has physical meaning ( Status_S page
word/bit) within this networks protocol. However, for Ethernet™
SRTP and other networks, the page is an artificial construct
used only to group signals.

SCALE_NAME Scale name used String, 12 For analog type signals, this is the name of the scale associated
by this signal character with the signal. For details on the scale, click on the ‘Scale’ tab
maximum in the SDB Browser. A scale definition includes conversion
factors, alarm limits, entry limits, clamp limits, units, precision,
and more.

SDESC Signal String, 50 This is the user entered signal description. In the toolbox, the
description character description is the first 50 characters of the note associated with
maximum the signal definition.

IODESC I/O description String, 50 If the signal points to a physical I/O point, this field is the user
character entered I/O description. In the toolbox, the I/O description is the
maximum first 50 characters of the note associated with the I/O point.

MEMODESC Memo String, no limit This field is used for UC2000 diagnostics. If this signal is a
description UC2000 internal signal that is the Status Pin on a block that
sends diagnostic messages (PENG, BENG_D, etc), then the
MEMODESC is the note associated with the block. This text
displays in the diagnostic system as the second level explain
when a diagnostic message is generated.

ALRMENABLE Alarm enabled Boolean, one If the value of this field is False, DO NOT use this signal as an
character alarm. If the value of this field is True, use this signal to generate
alarms. If it is an analog signal with a scale, then alarm
generation should be based on the appropriate scale fields. If
Boolean signal, a change in state of this signal may or may not
generate an alarm. This field is primarily used when SDB
Signals are imported into the CIMPLICITY Point database. If this
Boolean is true, then an alarm definition is created for this point
in the CIMPLICITY system.

GEI-100271 System Database (SDB) Browser • 13

SDB Signal Fields — continued
Field Name Name Type Description

HOP_COUNT Hop count Numeric, one When a signal is routed from one network to another, this field
(number of significant stores the number of devices that are between this signal and
devices away from digit the actual source of the signal. If a signal is routed through
true owner) device R1 from net 1 to net 2, and then by device R2 from net
2 to net 3, then the record for the signal on net 3 will have a
hop count of 2.

SDEV_NO Source Device Numeric, five This field is used for routed signals. This is the device number
Number where significant for the device that originated the routed signal. This data is
signal originates digits required in the UC2000 for signals that are routed through the
DLAN+. The Source Device Number is included in the actual
command message that is sent by a device.

SNET_NO Source Net Numeric, five This field is used for routed signals. This is the network
Number where significant number where the signal originated from. This data is required
signal originates digits in the UC2000 for signals that are routed through the DLAN+.
The Source Net Number is included in the actual command
message that is sent by a device.

SSIGADDR Source Signal String, 10 For routed signals, this is the address of the signal for the
Address characters device that sources the signal. This is used for command bits
maximum that are routed for DLAN+.

SRPAGE_NO Source Relative Numeric, two For routed signals, this is the relative page number (Port ID)
Page Number significant where the signal is located for the device that sources the
digits signal. This is used for command bits that are routed.

RES_ID CIMPLICITY String, 12 This field is used to filter signals imported from the SDB into
Resource name characters the CIMPLICITY Point database. Importing methods include
maximum specifying the network and the device from which you wish to
import signals (if desired). There can be thousands of signals
on a given network, but the HMI system may be interested in
only a small percentage of these. For example, assign
Resource names to specific signals; Import all signals on
network FDL01 that have a resource name of ENTRY,
Resources are defined in the toolbox by the System Device,
under the ‘Resource’ Type Def’. When the System device is
posted, the Resources are stored in the SDB. Now, when a
UC2000 binds against the SDB, the Resource list is made
available, so that I/O points can be assigned a resource. The
Resource is assigned to the points in the toolbox where the
network I/O point is defined. (See the Resources tab in the
SDB Browser for defined resources.)

14 • System Database (SDB) Browser GEI-100271

SDB Signal Fields — continued
Field Name Name Type Description

DATA_TYPE Data type for this String, 8 There is no restriction by the SDB on what is put into the data
signal characters type field. There has to be ‘contract’ between applications that
Refer To Table 2 maximum post signals and those that bind signals (the separate
for a list of the applications must agree on exactly what is meant by a DINT
data types used data type).
by the toolbox.

SIG_DIR Signal direction Character, This field is used to indicate whether a device that binds this
(read, write, both) R, W, B signal can write to the signal, or just read the signal, or both.
For DLAN+, feedback signals are typically read only. Command
bits or setpoints are usually both.

SIG_CODE Signal code Character, The signal code is normally only used for Boolean signals. An
(event, refresh, E, R, N event bit is usually a command bit and when it is set by another
none) device, the owner of the signal will then reset the bit after
detection of the event (the bit goes high). A refresh bit is also
usually a command bit. The device that sets the bit to a one is
required to send ‘set’ commands at a periodic rate in order to
keep the bit set to a one. If the sender does not keep
refreshing the bit, then the owner of the signal forces it to a
The usual example is the JogFwd Command. If an OC2000
sends a command to jog forward, but then it is disconnected
from the network, there is no way for it to reset the jog forward
command. This problem is solved by the fact that it can no
longer refresh its jogfwd command, so the drive stops the jog.
If the signal is neither an event bit or a refresh bit, then this field
will be set to N for none.

SIGADDR Signal Address String, 10 This is the address of the signal. For Status_S, it is the word
characters and bit number in the form of word_no.bit_no ( 23.5) or just
maximum word no (34). For a Ethernet SRTP, the address is in the form
%Xnumber (%R543). For Ethernet Global Data protocol (EGD)
it is byte_no.bit_no (45.4) or byte_no (34).
For EGD or DLAN+, the word number, or byte number is
relative to the page. For Ethernet SRTP, the number is relative
to the whole network.

HSIGADDR Signal Health String, 10 The form is the same as SIGADDR. The address always points
Address characters to a Boolean. True means the signal is healthy and False (0)
maximum indicates that the value for the signal may not be valid. This
field is used only for DLAN+ or EGD. If no health signal is
defined, then the value in this field is either blank, or

GEI-100271 System Database (SDB) Browser • 15

SDB Signal Fields — continued
Field Name Name Type Description

DEV_TAG Device Tag ID String, 20 This field is the customer or the mill builders item number for
characters the device that this I/O signal is associated with. The value is
maximum user defined.

WIRENO Signal Wire String, eight Enter the wire number on electrical drawings for the I/O related
Number characters to this signal

SIG_XREF Signal Cross String, 15 This is a general-purpose field for storing signal cross-
Reference characters reference information.

DEVLOC Signals Device String, six This field indicates the plant location for the device that
Location characters originates this I/O point for example, OPPOR1 (Operator Side
maximum of the Payoff Reel 1). The value is user defined.

PNLLOC Panel Location String, 30 This field is for the panel location of the I/O card or terminal
where signal is characters strip that sources the signal.
brought in maximum

PNLCOLID Panel Column ID String, four This field is for the column ID where the panel is located.

PNL_NAME Panel Name String, 25 Enter the panel name.


GEDWGREF General Electric String, five Enter the GE Drawing reference. It is the actual sheet number
Drawing characters where this I/O point shows up on the GE elementary.
Reference maximum

SDEVTYPE Source Device String, eight Enter the type of I/O card that sources the signal. This
Type characters information is useful for diagnostics.

SDEV_NAME Source Device String, eight Enter the name of the I/O card that sources the signal. This
Name characters information is useful for diagnostics.

SNET_NAME Source Net String, five This field is for the name of network that sources the signal.
Name characters This would normally be the I/O network (such as Genius™).
maximum This information is useful for diagnostics.

16 • System Database (SDB) Browser GEI-100271

SDB Signal Fields — continued
Field Name Name Type Description

SDROP_NO Source Drop Numeric, three Enter drop number of the I/O card that sources the signal. This
Number significant digits information is useful for diagnostics.

SMOD_NO Source Module Numeric, three Enter the module number of the I/O card that sources the
Number significant digits signal. This information is useful for diagnostics.

SPOINT_NO Source Point Numeric, three Enter the point number of the I/O card that sources the signal.
Number significant digits This information is useful for diagnostics.

Msg_Class Message Class Numeric, three Status_S message class of the signal used only for (DLAN+)
(for DLAN+). significant digits Status_S signals. The message class is part of the Status_S
Refer To Table 3 broadcast or group command messages and is used by
for a list of the recipients to filter out commands that are not meant for them.
message classes
for DLAN+.

Data Types
Table 2. Data Types Used By Toolbox
BOOL Boolean
BIT Boolean
INT Integer
DINT Double integer
LINT Long integer
UINT Unsigned integer
UDINT Unsigned double integer
ULINT Unsigned long integer
BYTE Bit string
WORD Bit string
DWORD Bit string
LWORD Bit string
CHRxxxxx Character (byte) array of length xxxx
TIME Time ( (24 hour day)
DATE Date (
DATETIME Date and time (

GEI-100271 System Database (SDB) Browser • 17

Message Classes for DLAN+
Table 3. Supported Message Classes for DLAN+

Message Type Description

0 variables Setpoint page
4 bit Drive alone page
5 var
6 bit IOS alone page
7 var
8 bit Any with shared page
9 var
10 bit IOS part of with shared page
11 var
12 bit Excitor part of with shared page
13 var
14 bit Stand Control JMP_CTL alone
15 var
16 bit Stand Control AGC alone page
17 var
20 bit Stand Control SC2000 alone page
21 var
22 bit Stand Control COORD alone page
23 var
24 bit PID in SC2000 PC
25 var
30 bits Series 90™-70
31 variables
32 bit MMI2000 or DM2000 alone page
33 var
80 bits MARKV
81 variables
96 bits UC2000
97 variables

Issue Date: October 1997
© 1997 General Electric
Company, USA

18 • System Database (SDB) Browser GEI-100271

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