Data Reduction: Inclinometer Measurements

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Data Reduction

Inclinometer We use inclinometers to monitor lateral movements, but the side

Measurements inclinometer probe measures tilt. How is tilt translated to a opposite

lateral movement?
The basic principle involves the sine function, an angle, and the

hypotenuse of a right triangle.We are interested in finding the
length of the side opposite the angle θ, as shown in the drawing.

side opposite
sin θ = --------------------------------- OR side opposite = hypotenuse × sin θ

Inclinometer The angle θ is the angle of tilt measured by the

Terminology inclinometer, the hypotenuse is the “measure-
ment interval,” and the side opposite is called Deviation
“deviation,” as shown in the drawing below.

d1 + d2 + d3


d1 + d2
Angle of Tilt q L Measurement


The deviation value at each interval is the lateral d1 = L x sinθ1
position of the top of the casing relative to the d2 = L x sinθ2
bottom of the casing at each interval. If we sum d3= L x sinθ3
dn = L x sinθn
the deviations and plot them, we can see the θ1
profile of the casing.
Changes in deviation indicate lateral movement
of the casing. If we sum and plot changes, we
have a high resolution representation of lateral
movement of the casing (and the surrounding

Data Reduction and Error Correction 2001/1/29 1

Displayed Slope Indicator’s readouts display “reading units” rather than angles or
Readings deviation. Reading units are defined below:
Displayed Reading = sin θ × Instrument Constant

Reading English = sin θ × 20,000

Reading Metric = sin θ × 25,000

Combining The standard two-pass survey provides two readings per axis for each interval.
Readings The probe is oriented in the “0” direction for the first reading and in the “180”
direction for the second reading. The two-pass survey has several advantages.
First, it provides a way to eliminate the sensor bias, which can change from sur-
vey to survey. Second, it provides a means of detecting error through checksums
and other routines. Third, it tends to smooth the effect of random errors.
During data reduction, the two readings are combined. We find the algebraic
difference of the two readings and then divide by 2. The example below shows
readings from an English-unit probe tilted one degree.
A0 Reading = 359 A180 Reading = – 339

Combined Reading = 359 – ( – 339 )

= 349

Bias In the example above, the tilt of the casing is 1 degree. In theory, the readout
should display values of +349 for the first pass and -349 for the second pass. But
the actual readings are 359 and -339. This is caused by a bias in the output of the
accelometer. The bias may be negative or positive.
In this example, the bias is positive, so it increases the positive reading and
decreases the negative reading, even though the measured angle has not
changed. However, when the two readings are combined, the bias is eliminated
and the correct value emerges, as shown below:

Tilt angle = 1 degree. The sine of 1 degree x 20,000 is 349, so, in theory, the
readout should display 349. However, in this case, the sensor has a positive
bias of 10, so the displayed readings are:
Displayed A0 reading = 359 ( 349 + 10 units of bias )
Displayed A180 reading = -339 ( -349 + 10 units of bias)
Combined reading = 349 359 – ( – 339 )

Checksums A checksum is the sum of a “0” reading and a “180” reading at the same depth.
A0 reading = 359 A180 reading = -339
Checksum = 359 + (-339)
= 20

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Calculating To calculate lateral deviation, we combine the A0 and A180 readings, divide by
Deviation the instrument constant, and multiply by the measurement interval. In the
example below, we show an English-unit calculation:
Lateral Deviation = Measurement Interval × sin θ
Combine the A0 & 180 readings
359 – ( – 339 ) and divide by 2 since there are two
= 24 inches × -------------------------------- readings.
2 × 20, 000
= 0.4188 inches Divide by instrument constant to
obtain sine of angle.

Calculating Displacement, the change in lateral deviation, indicates movement of the casing.
Displacement To calculate displacement, we find the change in the combined readings, divide
by the instrument constant, and multiply by the length of the measurement
Combined Reading initial = 698 Combined Reading current = 700

Displacement = Measurement Interval × ∆ sin θ

700 – 698 Calculate the change in combined readings

= 24 inches × ----------------------------
2 × 20, 000 (current-initial) and average them

= 0.0012 inches

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