The Influence of Systemic Racism On Quarter-Life Crisis in The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As Told To Alex Haley)
The Influence of Systemic Racism On Quarter-Life Crisis in The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As Told To Alex Haley)
The Influence of Systemic Racism On Quarter-Life Crisis in The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As Told To Alex Haley)
Abstract— This paper aims to analyze the influence of systemic racism on quarter-life crisis, experienced
by Malcolm X, as seen in The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As Told to Alex Haley). The emphasis of this
research is to find the relation between racial segregation in American society and its influence on
quarter-life crisis, which is a psychological crisis of uncertainty, self-insecurity and identity confusion,
occurs during emerging adulthood period. Therefore, by applying a qualitative method, this research
works under Post-Nationalist American Studies and psychosocial approach as an integrated paradigm
which accommodates the inter-disciplinary aspects of “self and society”. The analysis shows that racial
segregation, in the field of education and job occupation, is a form of systemic racism which influences
Malcolm X’s mental wellness as a young African-American. Racial segregation, in this case, is “a function
of blocked opportunities” which disallows young African-Americans to develop their own competencies
and to achieve their “American Dream”. In the development of his quarter-life crisis, Malcolm X manages
to rebuild his new long-term commitment which contributes to the construction of his adult identity as an
African-American Muslim activist.
Keywords—quarter-life crisis, racism, segregation, Malcolm X.
ISSN: 2456-7620 1517
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
literary perspective, The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As wellness (Woodward, 2015, p. 3-4). Therefore, there are
Told to Alex Haley) can be categorized as non-fiction relations between the social and the psychic aspects which
genre which provides an alternative discussion in literary become the scope of analysis (Woodward, 2015, p. 5).
studies. This genre implies “something not fictionalized or Therefore, this approach is conducted in medical as well as
“made-up,” which fluidizes the boundaries between fiction social science field. As University of East London (UEL)
and non-fiction (Dubek, 2014, p. 198). In other words, as a further describes that, psychosocial studies,
narrative, this autobiography provides social and historical “offers new ways of exploring the relationships
aspects, as well as literary aspects, that can be studied in between individuals and their society, encompassing
understanding the problematic racial issue in American both the individual focus of psychology and the
society prior to Civil Rights Era. broader cultural and historical concerns of sociology...
This research utilizes The Autobiography of Malcolm X [and providing] a unique opportunity to study a
(As Told to Alex Haley) as both literary and historical text “socially-aware” psychology alongside an
which offers a rich picture of society that seems to be “individual-sensitive”sociology”. (in Frosh, 2003, p.
disintegrated due to racial prejudice and stereotype toward 1550)
each other. It aims to elaborate and analyze the influence It means that this approach tries to connect between
of systemic racism on quarter-life crisis by using individuals and their society. As an intersection of both
psychosocial approach, under Post-Nationalist American psychology and sociology, the discussion that surrounded
Studies. In conducting an in-depth analysis, this research psychosocial approach involves the notable notion of
utilizes two main theories: systemic racism and quarter-life “nature vs. nurture” which can be useful to understand
crisis to answer research questions of how does systemic human aspects in the field of both psychology and social
racism and quarter-life crisis exist and how does systemic science. It construes everyday problem which is faced by a
racism influence quarter-life crisis of Malcolm X as certain individual within his/her social environment.
depicted in this narrative. As research limitation, this
Furthermore, in this context, Post-Nationalist American
research only focuses on Malcolm X’s psychological crisis
Studies and psychosocial approach consist of inter-
of finding his identity as a young African-American during
disciplinary scope that connects and completes one to
his emerging adulthood period. It focuses on race-based
another. In this research, the combination of both is an
maltreatment aspect which further impacts his quarter-life
integrated paradigm which accommodates the inter-
disciplinary aspects of “self and society”. Therefore, it
creates a larger scope in the discussion. Thus, under Post-
II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Nationalist American Studies and psychosocial approach,
This research is under Post-Nationalist American Studies this research utilizes two main theories: systemic racism
which also utilizes psychosocial approach. In this context, and quarter-life crises, which aim to analyze the influence
Post-Nationalist American Studies is a paradigm in of systemic racism on quarter-life crisis as seen in this
American Studies which concerns with cross-cultural narrative.
communication, race and gender, global and local 2.1. Systemic Racism
identities, and the complex tensions between symbolic and In definition, systemic racism, or also known as
political economies. The discussion of this paradigm is institutionalized racism, is a “material, social, and
around the complex issues in American society which may ideological reality that is well-embedded in major US
deal with ethnic, race, gender and women’s studies and institutions” (Feagin, 2006, p. 2). It is a form of racial
other minor issues in the United States (Rowe, 2000, p. 2- oppression which deeply rooted within societal levels in
3). Thus, under Post-Nationalist American Studies, this American society such as group relations, institutions,
research no longer celebrates of Americanization nor organizations, and power structures (Feagin & Elias, 2013,
American exceptionalism, but instead questioning and p. 936). This racial oppression is fundamentally
criticizing the local issues within American society which materialistic in which it is applied to limit some racial
may have been overshadowed by the cosmetic appearance group for achieving equal rights as citizen. It puts one
of American exceptionalism. minority racial group hierarchically under the majority
Meanwhile, psychosocial approach is an inter-discipline of racial group regarding to power and resources within
psychology and sociology that focuses on the influence of asymmetrical system. Thus, as Feagin and Elias further
psychological factors and the surrounding social say, systemic racism has produced racial treatments, which
environment toward individual’s physical and mental is unequal in American societal institutions including
ISSN: 2456-7620 1518
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
education, health, medical, and welfare. In the context of IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
American social system, the systemic racism perpetuates The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As Told to Alex Haley)
the white domination over African-American in post- covers a non-fictional reality of racial segregation
slavery period, especially prior to Civil Rights Era, which environment prior to Civil Rights Era, especially in the
also still becomes an endless discussion until today. 1940s and the 1950s. Therefore, to elaborate and to
2.2. Quarter-Life Crisis analyze the psychological and sociological aspect within
Quarter-life crisis refers to a period of psychological crisis the narrative, the discussion of this research is divided into
which includes identity confusion, job suitability, three subchapters: racial segregation as systemic racism,
insecurity, pressure (from family or others), relationship Malcolm X’s quarter-life crisis, and the analysis of the
and other psychological and social factors (Robbins & causal relation between both.
Wilner 2017, 3). In other words, this psychological crisis 4.1. Racial Segregation as Systemic Racism
relies on both personal and social elements, which This part attempts to discuss the systemic racism in this
influence on an individual’s mental wellness. Furthermore, narrative which fundamentally relies on racial segregation
according to Robert Thouless (in Habibie et al, 2019, p. laws. In The Autobiography of Malcolm X (As Told to Alex
135), the factors of quarter-life crisis can be categorized Haley), a young Malcolm X lives in racial segregated
into two: internal and external factor. The internal factor society which consists of racial discrimination, disparity,
includes personal experience, moral, emotion and violence and prejudice toward each other. In the end of
affection, and intellectual capability. Meanwhile, the 1940s until the 1950s (prior to Civil Rights Era), American
external factor includes social environment, education, society underwent many societal issues such as white and
tradition and culture, and everyday demand. black homicide, poverty, mob violence, gambling, drug
Quarter-life crisis is experienced by emerging adulthood, and prostitution business. It is a period where Malcolm X
which is described as a period of identity exploration. The spends his late adolescent life in segregated Boston,
range of this age period is “from (roughly) age 18 to 25”, Massachusetts and Harlem, New York with the emphasis
since the crisis during this age mostly focuses on identity of how to survive as a drop-out African-American
exploration (Arnett, 2004, p. 9-10). Previously, Erik teenager. As it is witnessed by Malcolm X in his
Erikson describes this age period as, “eager and willing to autobiography, the finding shows that, besides housing
fuse their identity with others” (1977, p. 237). Thus, for segregation, there are some influential issues within racial
emerging adults who are in the transitional stage from segregation laws which affect young African-Americans’
teens to adults, quarter-life crisis involves some phases: future. These issues are highlighted into two points:
locked in, separation/time-out, exploration, and rebuilding education and occupation.
(Robinson et al, 2013, p. 30-31). These phases are In education, American schools prior to Civil Right Era
essential in identifying an individual who experiences were racially divided, or at least, racially based. This
quarter-life crisis. segregation in education was enforced by the law and
education policy. Jim Crow laws promoted the limitation
III. METHOD of black students in public schools based on Plessy v.
Ferguson doctrine in 1896 in which it legalized the
The qualitative method is used for this research since it
separated facilities, including public schools, for blacks
emphasizes on the researcher’s interpretation toward “a
and whites (Schauer, 1997, p. 280). In Michigan, where
social or human problem” as the topic of discussion
Malcolm X spent his school period, Milliken v. Bradley
(Creswell, 2009, p. 3). It focuses on the individual
shows that Plessy v. Ferguson doctrine in education was
meaning and the importance of rendering the complexity
actually proven as racially imbalanced (Aloud &
of the discussion, based on the researcher’s interpretation.
Alsulayyim, 2016, p. 6). However, the practice of
This qualitative research relies on qualitative data, which
segregation in learning institutions still continued until its
refer as material things to be investigated (Leedy, 2009, p.
abolishment in 1954 when Brown v. Board of Education
86). Moreover, the technique of data analysis is needed to
case prohibited the separation of public schools for black
classify and to arrange the data, based on the research
students (Rothstein, 2013). Needless to say, this
purposes and objectives (Mahsun, 2005, p. 253). It
discriminative law impacts the experience of black
includes (1) data selection, (2) data classification, (3) data
students as minority in white schools, which often become
interpretation, and (4) data conclusion.
an object of racism.
ISSN: 2456-7620 1519
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
In his autobiography, Malcolm X illustrates his school white-centered teachings within the schools only
period with the emphasis how many whites or blacks who perpetuate black backwardness in segregated American
attend the school. In Lansing, Michigan, for instance, he society.
describes his school period in Pleasant Grove School as Meanwhile, in occupation, prior to Civil Rights Era,
racially intense since he and his siblings are the only African-Americans were socioeconomically backward
African-American in the area (X & Haley, 1973, p. 9). compared to whites. Only a few African-Americans were
They sometimes involve in the fights with white students able to become the “upper-class” or “middle-class”. In big
over racial matters, “Sometimes the fights would be racial cities such as New York City and Boston, they mostly
in nature, but they might be about anything” (X & Haley, lived in ghettos, which are known with inadequate living
1973, p. 12). In this school, he and his siblings, Hilda and condition, crime, and gang violence (Hartmann &
Philbert, become the minority group which often receives Venkatesh, 2002, p. 3). They can only afford menial jobs,
racist treatments from both their friends and teachers. such as porter, servants, dishwasher etc., or involve in
Then, in his new school, Lansing's West Junior High criminal activities. African-American workers mostly
School, he becomes the majority group since this school is received lower income than whites since they were not
located in the heart of black community (X & Haley, 1973, protected by anti-discrimination laws (White, 2016). As a
p. 20). It shows that American schools, prior to Civil result, the numbers of urban poverty increased which
Rights Act, are systematically divided which results in mostly dominated by African-American workers who lived
racially homogenous schools. They are either categorized in ghettos. Therefore, racial segregation in working space
as “black schools” or “white schools” which provokes the evokes unequal race-based system which definitively
racial disparity. Statistically speaking, most black students determines the occupation or profession, based on people’s
in the United States come from low income families in race.
which large numbers of qualified black students cannot
In his autobiography, as an emerging adult, Malcolm X
afford a better education (Aloud & Alsulayyim, 2016, p.
experiences almost the same experience as other young
African-Americans, live in American ghettos, separated
As being said, the homogenous school system only from whites and work as menial workers or even
exacerbates the racial intense between both communities criminals. As a school dropout, he is only able to work as
which can result in more severe form of discriminative menial worker, in order to survive. In fact, he later
treatments toward each other, especially toward young involves in crimes such as hustler, drug dealer, and
black students as minority. As a result, discrimination burglary in Harlem and Roxbury. In this case, black
against black students, as experienced by Malcolm X, is workers, like Malcolm X, are mostly depended on white
one of the common problems that black students people’s money. For instance, during World War II, when
encountered. The school atmosphere during racial Harlem is officially closed for white women by the Mayor,
segregation period, as Malcolm X explains, shows a lack black workers begin to slowly lose their profit (X & Haley,
of racial toleration which prevents the process of social 1973, p. 116). In postcolonial perspective, this black and
integration. white society in Harlem, which Malcolm X illustrated,
In fact, the lessons within the school itself were mostly creates a relationship of dependence which positions
white-centered, since it prevents black students to have blacks as white’s inferior (Mannoni, 1956, p. 42). In other
better accomplishment than white students, regarding words, it is a form of dependence and inferiority complex
career. Malcolm X’s dream to be a lawyer is one of the behavior of blacks toward whites, which strengthens white
obvious examples of this racially discriminative practice. socioeconomic superiority.
In this context, despite his intelligence in the class, Mr. Furthermore, this racial disparity in people’s occupation
Ostrowski’s advice shattered his dream to be a lawyer in creates black urban poverty that leads to the increasing
which it is seen as unrealistic for black people (X & Haley, numbers of black crime in American ghettos. In this
1973, p. 38). This colonial belief is imposed to black context, communities that are racially segregated and have
students in which they become to experience double high concentrations of poverty, such as Harlem and
consciousness regarding their career. As a result, like what Roxbury, experience higher levels of crime and violence
happens to Malcolm X, most black school dropouts start (Simpson & Wilson, 1995, p. 37). In fact, Blau and Blau
becoming less interested in pursuing academic (in Peterson & Krivo, 1993, p. 1002) argue that this
achievements and working as menial workers or criminals violence crime is an expression of frustration toward the
such as hustler, pimp, and drug dealer in some big city economic inequality. As a result, police brutality and
ghettos (X & Haley, 1973, p. 111). In other words, the harassment toward black people often occurs during this
ISSN: 2456-7620 1520
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
period. As Malcolm X says that narcotics polices often working in several menial jobs since his dropout from his
harass suspects and also plant some evidence which is junior high school in Mason, Michigan. In his late
considered as a form of black victimization (X & Haley, adolescent, he begins to explore his identity as an African-
1973, p. 103-104). Thus, this systemic racism has serious American who lives in segregated American society. Like
impact on black welfare since African-American job most African-American teenagers, he becomes an urban
opportunities are limited due to racial segregation laws. hipster who is obsessed with his appearance to look more
The occupation can be determined by race which is both like white man.
discriminative and unequal for the minority, in this case, In this context, the conk hairstyle that he adopts resembles
black workers. his obsession of being a “white-like” black man. It is a
As it is discussed above, racial segregation in education form of inferiority complex that is unconsciously
and occupation, as well as in residential and housing, experienced by most of African-American teenagers and
resembles systemic racism which is embedded in young adults during that certain period. Moreover, his
American social system. As Feagin says, it is a form of relationship with a white woman named Sophia, gives him
material, social, and ideological reality that privileges “a status symbol” that a lot of African-Americans want to
whites in American society (2006, p. 2). This social system be. As later realized by Malcolm X that, this obsession and
socioeconomically avails whites, but, on the other hand, it admiration of being white are form of self-degradation
discourages African-American, to achieve their “American which only perpetuates colonial set ups. It is a form of
dream”. This practice is “a function of blocked colonial mimicry which is the colonized’s desire to reform
opportunities” which disallows certain individuals to themselves as “recognizable Other” caused by the
develop and to learn about their own competencies. It inferiority complex (Bhabha, 2004, p. 122). Therefore,
further evokes self-protective mechanisms that can prevent instead of self-reformation, it is a self-degradation which
the individual’s willingness to participate (Brondolo et al, later contributes to Malcolm X’s identity crisis.
2011, p. 170). The high numbers of African-American Meanwhile, Malcolm X experiences quarter-life crisis
school dropouts, during this period, indicate the self- when he involves in various menial and criminal works in
protective mechanism of African-American in which they Roxbury and Harlem ghettos. As being said, the emphasis
become to be less interested in education and decide to of quarter-life crisis is, “individuals relentlessly question
pursue menial jobs or become criminals. their future and how it will follow the events of their past”
This racial segregation is a form of social exclusion, which (Robbins & Wilner, 2001, p. 2). In this context, during his
prevents the minority to integrate with the majority. For emerging adulthood period, Malcolm X undergoes many
African-American, as the excluded racial group, it uncertainties involving career stagnation, meaningless
develops the sense of double consciousness due to the romantic relationship, his obsession of being white-like
limitation of self-awareness by the society. As being said, black man, and victimization by the American social
for Malcolm X, his social environment is racially environment is bias against blacks. There are personal
discriminative to live in due to this limitation of self- experiences which influence his quarter-life crisis as part
awareness which is systematically constructed by the of the driving factor.
social environment. This discussion is further explained in The driving factor of Malcolm X‘s quarter-life crisis are
the two following subchapters as part of his quarter-life categorized into two: internal and external factor. The
crisis. internal factor includes his personal experience, moral,
4.2. Malcolm X’s Quarter-Life Crisis emotion, which further continues to his identity confusion.
As a continuation of systemic racism, this part attempts to Meanwhile, the external factor is the social environment
discuss Malcolm X’s quarter-life crisis which is which is bias against blacks. In this context, systemic
considered as an impact of systemic racism prior to Civil racism in education and occupation, which Malcolm X
Rights Era. The finding highlights two important aspects: experienced throughout his life, influences his adult
Malcolm X’s identity exploration as an emerging adult and identity. During his phase development of quarter-life
his quarter-life crisis. crisis, as a Muslim convert (mu’allaf), Malcolm X
emphasizes his thoughts toward racial inequality, under the
As Arnett states, emerging adulthood is a period of identity
name of his new religion. His quarter-life crisis can be
exploration that young adults experience from their late
elaborated in Robinson’s phase of quarter-life crisis which
teens to their mid–twenties (2004, p. 9-10). In this case,
are locked in, separation/time-out, exploration and
Malcolm X’s emerging adulthood period may have come
early because he has financially supported himself by
ISSN: 2456-7620 1521
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
The first phase of Robinson’s quarter-life crisis model is reflection on his/her past and the desire to reform
locked in, in which an individual experiences the feeling of himself/herself regarding future.
being trapped by his/her commitment and has no desire to In the case of Malcolm X, his phase of separation/time-out
continue it. It will be followed by the termination of that can be seen throughout his prison time in Charlestown
commitment which may be caused by either a “no longer Prison, and Concord Prison. During this period, Malcolm
wanted relationship” or a highly pressured or dissatisfying X’s quarter-life crisis enters new phase of separation by
career path (Robinson et al, 2013, p. 30). In other words, it distancing himself with his past and further reflecting on
a phase of questioning which further affects his future his transitional situation. Despite being known as anti-
decision regarding future religious person who condemns any religious topic in the
Malcolm X’s locked in crisis can be seen after his first beginning of his prison time, his encounter with Bimbi and
arrest in Harlem, New York and moved back to Roxbury, Islamic teachings of Nation of Islam from his siblings
Boston, when, as an emerging adult who is involved in change his views toward himself and racial issue that
various crimes and being a drug addict, he starts occurs in the segregated society where he lives in.
questioning his financial instability. In the chapter entitled Religiosity, in Malcolm X’s case, provides resilience
“Trapped”, he illustrates his uncertainty toward his life during his quarter-life crisis which later leads to the
choice as a criminal who works in various crimes, construction of his adult identity. In fact, Islamic teachings
“Everything was building up, closing in on me. I was of Nation of Islam are different traditional Sunni Islam,
trapped in so many cross turns” (X & Haley, 1973, p. 135). since this religion is propagated as the opposite of white
Here is a phase where he begins to question his life choice religion (in this case, Christianity), which is intentionally
regarding his future. In the following chapter, when he founded to improve the spiritual, mental, social and
moves with Shorty, in Roxbury, Malcolm X constantly economic condition of African-Americans in the United
loses his financial fortune due to his way of life (X & States (Nation of Islam, n.d.). Therefore, as a Muslim
Haley, 1973, p. 142). It is an indication of uncertainty and convert (mu’allaf), the separation phase is a phase of self-
being trapped which drives him into more severe level of realization which becomes Malcolm X’s new foundation
drug addiction. to spiritually and intellectually reform himself from his
However, despite his feeling of being trapped, he still past situation.
involves in crimes, gambling and drug addiction since it is In this phase, Malcolm X begins to distance himself with
the only way of life that he knows. In fact, he only cares his criminal-like behaviors which are unethical and
about present, without anticipating his future. His constant immoral. After fully converting to Islam, he begins to
loss of money and being broke are an indication of the practice Islamic teachings of Nation of Islam, such as the
crisis of uncertainty. In other words, not only he is trapped prohibition to eat pork and smoke, which he learns from
in the criminal world but he is trapped in the psychological his siblings’ letters (X & Haley, 1973, p. 161). These
situation regarding his current identity and future. religious practices are fundamental aspects which
Moreover, by still doing criminal acts, he begins to accept obviously against his wild habits as a criminal in Roxbury
the stereotype of African-American who is mostly known and Harlem ghettos. Therefore, Malcolm X develops a
for being criminal, in American social environment due to pattern of separation phase in his quarter-life crisis.
the high number of black homicide (Peterson, & Krivo,
Furthermore, in this phase, Malcolm X also subsequently
1993, p. 1003). Therefore, his social environment and
develops a sign of time-out which can be seen in his view
personal emotion are two factors, which lead to his locked
on black and white issues. He begins to build a new
in phase of quarter-life crisis.
foundation for his adult identity. In this case, besides its
The second phase of Robinson’s quarter-life crisis model religious practice, the doctrine of “The white man is the
is separation/time-out. Separation is a phase when an devil” of Nation of Islam seems to be embedded to
individual “starts to distance themselves mentally and Malcolm X’s adult identity. He follows the path of Nation
physically from the commitments that defined” (Robinson of Islam which, as a political movement, condemns the
et al, 2013, p. 30). Meanwhile, time-out is a phase which existence of white oppression over blacks in the segregated
occurs during the separation when an individual “takes American society. He further deconstructs American racial
time away to reflect on their transitional situation, to society with his critical thoughts, which is an indication of
resolve painful emotions and to develop a new foundation self-awareness improvement. It is a process of
for their adult identity” (Robinson et al, 2013, p. 31). Thus, decolonizing his mind that fundamentally constructs his
separation/time-out phase involves an individual’s adult identity as a human rights activist.
ISSN: 2456-7620 1522
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
The third phase of Robinson’s quarter-life crisis model is defying stand toward systemic racism in American society.
exploration in which “new commitments and goals are Therefore, there is a formation of self-determination,
proactively tried out and explored” (Robinson et al, 2013, which can be seen in his passion toward Islam and black
p. 31). At this point, since the new life foundation is built, movement.
an individual starts to explore the new commitment within 4.3. The Influence of Systemic Racism on Malcolm X’s
his/her new life. The narrative within The Autobiography Quarter-life Crisis
of Malcolm X (As Told to Alex Haley) shows that this
Needless to say, racial segregation in American social
phase experienced by Malcolm X when he moves to
system prior to Civil Rights Era prominently influences the
Norfolk Prison Colony where he begins to be actively
emerging adult’s mental wellness, especially for African-
involved in the intellectual discussion.
American who often received racial discrimination. In
Malcolm X’s exploration phase includes his conversion to their research entitled “Racism as a Psychosocial Stressor”
Islam which emphasizes on the exploration of Elijah (2011), Brondolo, ver Halen, Libby and Pencille explains
Muhammad’s teaching and its meaning for black people. It that “racism can affect cognitive and motivational
also includes self-teaching and brainstorming of processes that influence the development of self-regulatory
knowledge regarding racial issue, black history and capacities that are necessary for achievement and health”
civilization that later develop his adult identity. In other (p. 180). Furthermore, ethnicity-related maltreatment such
words, Malcolm X’s self-teaching and brainstorming are as racial discrimination experienced either directly or
regarded as, not only the process of knowledge exploration vicariously, is able to become a persistent source of stress
but also his identity exploration as an African-American, (p. 170). It means that systemic racism and other ethnic-
who is socioeconomically oppressed by the whites. based maltreatment can be considered as psychosocial
Furthermore, in this phase, Malcolm begins to practice his stressor which reduces an individual’s motivation and
new foundation of life by participating in some intellectual devalues his/her self-concept, which is the way people
debate and discussion forums with his fellow inmates in value and define themselves (Gore & Cross, 2010, p. 135).
Norfolk Prison Colony, in which he develops his oratory Thus, racial segregation as a form of systemic racism has
skills (X & Haley, 1973, p. 160). In psychosocial psychological impacts on minority. In this case, personal
perspective, it is an essential phase in Malcolm X’s experience and social environment are able to drive an
quarter-life crisis since he starts believing to his new emerging adult into quarter-life crisis in which an
commitments: Islam and black human rights activism. individual may feel ostracized and disoriented because of
Fundamentally, his adult identity has already been race or ethnicity.
constructed by these new commitments which he strongly
Malcolm X’s mental wellness development during his
believes as the truth.
quarter-life crisis shows that both personal and social
The last phase of this psychological crisis is rebuilding environment, play important role as internal and external
which is an engagement with new long-term commitments. factor. The internal factor involves his personal experience
This period consists of satisfied, enjoyable, passionate, and which is often treated unfairly by white people such as the
more reflective feeling toward personal interests, urban poverty in ghettos and his lawyer-dream
compared with pre-crisis period (Robinson et al, 2013, p. discouragement by his schoolteacher. This internal factor
31). In other words, it is a recovery process that involves is fundamentally formed by the external factor which is
particular actions toward his new commitments. systemic racism within American social system, such as in
Malcolm X experiences this phase of quarter-life crisis education and occupation. In other words, these factors are
since he converts to Islam and is actively involved in strongly related to each other since it mostly deals with
religious and intellectual activities in Norfolk Prison racism. Thus, in the case of Malcolm X’s, his quarter-life
Colony. Furthermore, his rebuilding phase can be seen crisis is a result of discriminative social environment
clearly when he is released from the prison and starts which also has already become part of his personal
actively joining Nation of Islam at Detroit’s Temple No. 1. experiences.
He further rejects his last name, Little, and replaces it with However, unlike other young African-Americans who
“X” to decolonize his identity from the white oppressors as experience the same psychological crisis, Malcolm X
an African-American, “The Muslim's "X" symbolized the manages to develop his self-determination and self-
true African family name that he [African-American] awareness during his quarter-life crisis and further
never could know” (X & Haley, 1973, p. 203). It is a dedicates himself to a path of activism to uplift of black
manifestation of anti-white doctrine within Islamic people from white oppression. His encounters with the
teachings of Nation of Islam which also emphasizes his
ISSN: 2456-7620 1523
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
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ISSN: 2456-7620 1524
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
ISSN: 2456-7620 1525