Food Hydrocolloids: Juan Miguel Rodríguez Patino, Ana M.R. Pilosof

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Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1925e1937

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Proteinepolysaccharide interactions at fluid interfaces

Juan Miguel Rodríguez Patino a, *, Ana M.R. Pilosof b, c,1
Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Química, Universidad de Sevilla, C/. Prof. García González 1, 41012-Seville, Spain
Departamento de Industrias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Ciudad Universitaria, Intendente Guiraldes s/n (1428), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Proteinepolysaccharide interactions find many applications in food engineering and new food formu-
Received 30 November 2010 lations. This review article describes recent research on the effect of proteinepolysaccharide interactions
Accepted 21 February 2011 on the properties of airewater and oilewater interfaces, as affected by their behaviour in the bulk phase.
The interfacial behaviour of proteinepolysaccharide mixtures exhibiting associative (i.e., net attractive)
Keywords: interactions as well as their performance in food emulsions and foams has been the subject of several
reviews in the last decade. Much less attention has been paid to the interfacial behaviour of proteine
polysaccharide mixtures exhibiting unfavourable interactions. Thus we are concerned here with the
Proteinepolysaccharide interactions
Fluid interfaces
interfacial behaviour of both kinds of mixtures.
Airewater interface Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oilewater interface
Food hydrocolloid
Food emulsion
Food foam

1. Introduction 2005; Mackie, 2009; Maldonado-Velderrama & Rodríguez Patino,

2010; Miller, Alahverdjieva, & Fainerman, 2008; Rodríguez Patino
Proteins and polysaccharides are natural biopolymers that are et al., 2007; Rodríguez Patino, Rodríguez Niño, & Carrera, 2003;
used as functional ingredients. Mixtures of proteins and poly- Rodríguez Patino, Carrera, & Rodríguez Niño, 2008).
saccharides are often used in many technological applications, Proteins are known specifically for their surface activity, which
including food and pharmaceutical industries, cosmetics, and allows them to play a major role in the formation and stabilisation
so forth. In many of these applications proteinepolysaccharide of emulsions and foams by a combination of electrostatic and steric
mixtures are used in the manufacture of processed dispersions mechanisms (Dickinson, 1992; McClements, 2005). The long-term
(Benichou, Aserin, & Garti, 2002; Stephen, 1995). These dispersions stability can be further enhanced using polysaccharides to control
contain two or more immiscible phases (aqueous, oil and/or gas the rheology and network structure of the continuous phase,
phases) in the form of foams and emulsions. Dispersions are hence retarding phase separation and gravity-induced creaming
inherently unstable systems because of their large interfacial area. (Dickinson, 2003, 2008).
Stability of these systems is generally achieved through a protective Both proteins and polysaccharides can contribute to the struc-
interfacial layer around the particles (emulsion droplets or foam tural and textural (rheological) properties of foods through their
bubbles) (Dickinson, 1992; McClements, 2005). The properties of aggregation and gelation behaviour. The synergistic effects resulting
this interfacial layer are governed by the composition and structure from blending these biopolymers are of great applied significance
of the adsorbed material and in turn would determine the prop- for the improvement of many foods, for reducing their cost-price
erties of the dispersion (Bos & Van Vliet, 2001; Carrera & Rodríguez and also to create new functional nano-, micro or macrostructures
Patino, 2005; Krägel, Derkatch, & Miller, 2008; Kotsmar, Krägel (Benichou et al., 2002). These microstructures influence the bulk
et al., 2009; Kotsmar, Pradines et al., 2009; Mackie & Wilde, rheology (i.e., the mechanical and flow properties of the dispersion)
(Harnsilawat, Pongsawatmanit, & McClements, 2006; McClements,
Protein and polysaccharide molecules can link together by
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34 95 4556446; fax: þ34 95 4556447.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.M. Rodríguez Patino), [email protected]
a covalent bond giving a specific, strong and essentially permanent
(A.M.R. Pilosof). ‘conjugate’ (Benichou, Aserin, Lutz, & Garti, 2007; Chobert, Gaudin,
Tel.: þ54 11 4576 3377; fax: þ54 11 4576 3366. Dalgalarrondo, & Haertlé, 2006; Jiménez-Castaño, López-Fandiño,

0268-005X/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1926 J.M. Rodríguez Patino, A.M.R. Pilosof / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1925e1937

Olano, & Villamiel, 2005; Jiménez-Castaño, Villamiel, & López- both biopolymers (Doublier, Garnier, Renard, & Sanchez, 2000).
Fandiño, 2007; Schmitt, Sanchez, Desobry-Banon, & Hardy, 1998). The dynamic mechanism of complex coacervation in pro-
Maillard-type conjugates produced by the dry-heating of a mixture teinepolysaccharide systems could be a nucleation and growth
of these two kinds of biopolymers can improve the poor protein process (Turgeon et al., 2007). The two co-existing phases are a rich
solubility, colloidal stability and interfacial functionality of proteins solvent phase with very small amounts of biopolymers and a rich
under certain conditions (at pH close the isoelectric point and at biopolymer phase containing the complexed biopolymers. Pro-
high concentrations of electrolytes.). However, this topic is beyond teinepolysaccharide association is of physical origin, arising from
the scope of this review. ionic, hydrogen bonding or hydrophobic interactions. The contri-
On the other hand, protein and polysaccharide molecules can bution of electrostatic interactions is predominant in mixtures of
also associate via physical interactions. These non-covalent inter- positively charged proteins (pH < pI) and negatively charged
actions (electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, steric exclu- polysaccharides, thus forming strong electrostatic complexes.
sion, hydrogen bonding, etc.) between biopolymers have Weaker reversible complexes tend to be formed between anionic
implications for interfacial characteristics of adsorbed films and for polysaccharides and proteins carrying nearly zero overall charge
the formation and stability of the dispersion. With charged poly- (pH z pI) or a net negative charge (pH > pI).
saccharides, the contribution of electrostatic interactions is The presence of unfavourable repulsive interactions between
predominant. Strong attractive electrostatic complexes are typi- segments of chemically different polymers in solution leads to
cally formed with mixtures of positively charged proteins (pH < pI) a high probability of the mutual exclusion of each polymeric solute
and negatively charged polysaccharide. Weaker reversible component from the local vicinity of the other. At a sufficiently high
complexes tend to be formed between anionic polysaccharides and polymer concentration, the net repulsion between the two solute
proteins carrying nearly zero overall charge (pH z pI) or a net species at the molecular level causes the system to separate
negative charge (pH > pI). Thus, on adjusting the pH and/or ionic spontaneously into two distinct phases. This phenomenon d
strength of the aqueous phase, the strength of the pro- known as thermodynamic incompatibility d is commonly exhibi-
teinepolysaccharide interactions may vary substantially (Benichou ted by semi-dilute or concentrated mixed solutions of pro-
et al., 2002; Dickinson, 2008; de Kruif, Weinbreck, & de Vries, 2004; tein þ polysaccharide and is the main cause of synergistic effects.
McClements, 2006; Turgeon, Schmitt, & Sanchez, 2007). Incompatibility mainly occurs at pH higher than the protein
This review focuses essentially on proteinepolysaccharide isoelectric pH and/or at high ionic strengths (Grinberg &
physical interactions at fluid interfaces (airewater and oilewater) Tolstoguzov, 1997). The role of biopolymer structure (molecular
in relation to food dispersion formulations. In the present review weight, size and conformation) on the intensity of the interactions
we will concentrate on the last ten years, complementing the of biopolymer pairs has been reported by Semenova and Savilova
information detailed in preview reviews (Benichou et al., 2002; (1998). Phase separation of proteinepolysaccharide mixtures
Dickinson, 2003, 2008; McClements, 2007; Stephen, 1995). occurs above a critical concentration. At lower concentrations, the
protein and the polysaccharide co-exist in a single phase containing
2. Consequences of mixing proteins and polysaccharides the biopolymers in domains in which they mutually exclude one
another so that increases the thermodynamic activity of a protein
On mixing a polysaccharide and a protein solution one may and results in specific changes in functional properties (Carp,
observe either one of the possibilities depicted in Fig. 1. For very Bartholomai, Relkin, & Pilosof, 2001; Sánchez, Pilosof, &
dilute solutions the mixture is stable since mixing entropy domi- Bartholomai, 1995; Tolstoguzov, 1997).
nates and protein and polysaccharide are co-soluble. Upon Proteinepolysaccharide incompatibility is described quantita-
increasing concentration of the biopolymers, association or segre- tively by phase diagrams. Typically the binodal curve is established
gation phenomena can take place. which separates the region of co-solubility from the region of phase
Attractive interactions between protein and polysaccharide can separation (Fig. 2). Systems with composition below the binodal
lead to the formation of soluble and/or insoluble complexes (Fig. 1a remains as a single homogeneous phase (Fig. 1c) at the macroscopic
and b). The formation of insoluble complexes leads to a phase scale. Nevertheless, at the molecular scale each biopolymer domain
separation phenomenon called coacervation or associative phase will exclude the other biopolymer (thermodynamic unfavourable
separation (Schmitt et al., 1998). Basically, associative phase sepa- interactions). Thus the region below the binodal is a region of
ration implies the formation of primary soluble macromolecular limited thermodynamic compatibility. Systems with compositions
complexes that interact to form electrically neutralised aggregates, above the binodal curve will spontaneously separate into two
that ultimately sediment to form the coacervate phase containing phases, one enriched in protein and the other enriched in poly-
saccharide. The composition of separated phases will be given by
the point of intersection of the tie line going through the initial
concentration and the binodal line. The phase diagram parameters,
i.e., critical point coordinates and phase separation thresholds for
biopolymer solutions mixtures have been summarised by
Tolstoguzov (2006). The excluded volume effects determine the
solution space occupancy by the macromolecules and their
phase separation threshold which is generally below wt% in pro-
teinepolysaccharide mixtures.
On adjusting the pH and/or ionic strength of the aqueous phase,
the strength of the proteinepolysaccharide interactions may vary
substantially, even moving from net attractive to net repulsive, or
vice versa (Dickinson, 2008).
The quantitative thermodynamic analysis of the character of
proteinepolysaccharide interactions may be carried out through
the value of the cross second virial coefficient (A23) (Antipova &
Fig. 1. Behaviour of proteinepolysaccharide mixtures. Semenova, 1995; Semenova, 1996; Semenova, Bolotina, Grinberg,
J.M. Rodríguez Patino, A.M.R. Pilosof / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1925e1937 1927

charge distribution. Apart from the above mentioned intrinsic

molecular factors, the surface activity of a protein in complex food
systems will be dictated by several other extrinsic factors, such as
pH, ionic strength, temperature, and interactions with other food
components (Horne & Rodríguez Patino, 2003; Lucassen-Reynders,
Benjamins, & Fainerman, 2009; Martinez, Carrera, Rodríguez
Patino, & Pilosof, 2009a,b; Rodríguez Patino et al., 2003, 2007,
2008; Rodríguez Patino, Carrera, Molina, Rodríguez Niño, & Añón,
2004; Rodríguez Niño, Carrera, Pizones, & Rodríguez Patino, 2005).
From a kinetic point of view, the rate of surface pressure (p) or
surface dilatational modulus (E) development by proteins is caused
by different processes (single systems in Fig. 3): (i) the protein has
to diffuse from the solution to the subsurface (a layer immediately
adjacent to the fluid interface) by diffusion and/or convection, (ii)
this step is followed by the adsorption and unfolding of the protein
at the interface, and (iii) the adsorbed protein segments rearrange
at the fluid interface, a slow process caused by reorganisation of the
amino-acids segments previously adsorbed on the interface.
As a general rule it was observed that the rate of surface pres-
sure or surface dilatational modulus change over time increased
when the protein concentration in the solution increased. More-
over, the rate of surface pressure increase of protein solutions also
Fig. 2. Phase diagram of a proteinepolysaccharide system exhibiting thermodynamic depends on the protein and the pH (Bos & Van Vliet, 2001;
incompatibility. C is the initial mixture with protein (A) and polysaccharide (B) Rodríguez Niño et al., 2005; Rodríguez Patino, Rodríguez Niño, &
concentrations. After phase separation the composition of polysaccharide rich phase
Carrera, 1999). A lag period was observed at low protein concen-
(PSph) is given by point E and that of protein rich phase (PRph) by point D. Lengths of
lines EC and CD are proportional to volume fractions of PRph and PSph. trations and at pH close to the isoelectric point as the protein is
more aggregated. The protein concentration at which this induc-
tion period appears is some orders of magnitude lower for milk
& Tolstoguzov, 1990; Semenova & Savilova, 1998), which is directly proteins than for soy globulins. This correlates with the fact that the
related to the chemical potentials of each component in the mixed flexibility and susceptibility of conformation changes is lower for
system at constant pressure and temperature. A positive value of globular soy globulins (Carrera, Molina, Rodríguez Niño, Añón, &
the cross second virial coefficient is a characteristic of the ther- Rodríguez Patino, 2003a,b; Molina, Carrera, Rodríguez Niño,
modynamically unfavourable (repulsive) interactions between Añon, & Rodríguez Patino, 2003; Pizones, Carrera, Pedroche,
unlike biopolymers that lead to the rise in the magnitudes of their Millán, & Rodríguez Patino, 2009; Pizones, Carrera, & Rodríguez
chemical potentials, i.e., to the increase in their thermodynamic Patino, 2007; Pizones et al., 2007a,b) than for milk random coil
activities in the mixed solutions. The opposite is the case for the and globular proteins. Moreover, over the range of surface pres-
negative value of the A23 (Semenova, 2007). sures studied the values of E for milk and soy globulin protein
The thermodynamically unfavourable interactions (A23 > 0) spread films were different from those for adsorbed films, espe-
arise mainly from the excluded volume effects (governed by the cially at pH 5 (Rodríguez Niño et al., 2005). These differences are
physical volume occupied by one biopolymer molecule that is mainly due to differences in the looping of amino-acid residues for
inaccessible to the other biopolymer molecules) and the electro- spread and adsorbed films at the airewater interface, including
static repulsions between the like-charged functional groups on the multilayer formation at the higher surface pressures, as observed
biopolymers (Semenova, 2007). by Brewster angle microscopy of spread soy globulin films (Carrera
The thermodynamically favourable interactions (the mutual et al., 2003a,b).
attraction) can be driven either by enthalpy or entropy contribu- The excellent foaming and emulsifying properties of proteins
tions. Weakly charged proteins and polysaccharides complex are well documented in the literature (Damodaran & Paraf, 1997;
through electrostatic interactions (enthalpic contribution), but the Horne, 2000; McClements, 2004, 2005). The limited foaming and
formation of aggregated complexes (precipitation or complex emulsifying properties of vegetable proteins at neutral or acidic
coacervation) is often entropically driven, probably by counter-ions aqueous solutions compared to milk proteins may be due to
and water molecules release and conformational changes of differences in the rate of protein adsorption at short adsorption
proteins and/or polysaccharides (Semenova, 2007; Turgeon et al., time, among other factors (Maldonado-Valderrama & Rodríguez
2007). Patino, 2010; Rodríguez Niño et al., 2005; Rodríguez Patino et al.,
2008). However, some selected processing conditions may be
3. Biopolymer adsorption at fluid interfaces used to improve the performance of vegetable proteins by an
adequate correlation between property function and process
3.1. Proteins at fluid interfaces function. In fact, the functionality of soy globulins is much
improved at high ionic strengths (Pizones et al., 2007,b). The
Being surface-active, proteins have a tendency to adsorb at fluid addition of a low molecular weight emulsifier (Tween 20) to the
interfaces. Practical observations indicate that all proteins are not formulation also improves the functionality of soy globulins at
equally surface active, even though all are amphiphilic and Tween 20 concentrations higher than the critical micellae
a majority of them contains similar percentages of polar and non concentration, but does not have any positive effect at lower
polar amino-acid residues. The wide differences in the surface concentrations in solution (Pizones, Carrera, & Rodríguez Patino,
activities of various proteins therefore must be related to their 2008). The addition of sucrose (a typical food reagent) has
physical, chemical, and conformational properties, which include a complex effect on dynamic surface properties and improves the
size, shape, amino-acid composition and sequence, charge, and foaming characteristics of soy globulins, especially at high ionic
1928 J.M. Rodríguez Patino, A.M.R. Pilosof / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1925e1937

Fig. 3. The cartoon is of different mechanisms involved in the adsorption and/or interactions between biopolymers (proteins, surface-active polysaccharides (SA-PS), and non-
surface-active polysaccharides (non-SA-PS)).

strength (Pizones et al., 2007b). The best performance of vegetable while the carbohydrate moieties extend out from the surface
proteins was observed after limited enzymatic hydrolysis (Pizones into the aqueous solution (Padala, Williams, & Phillips, 2009). As
et al., 2007a,b, 2009; Rodríguez Patino et al., 2007). commercial preparations of this complex gum always contain these
closely associated proteinaceous fractions, AG may be considered in
3.2. Polysaccharides at fluid interfaces the practice as a SA-polysaccharide.
Pectins, owing to the presence of acetyl groups (4e5%), which
Most high-molecular-weight polysaccharides, being hydro- enhances the hydrophobic nature, may have a surface-active
philic, do not have much of a tendency to adsorb at fluid interfaces. character. The fraction of sugar beet pectin (SBP) adsorbed onto
Most common polysaccharides used in the formulation of food limonene oil droplets during emulsification contained 11.10%
emulsions and foams are pectin, xanthan, carrageenan, arabic gum, protein and 2.16% ferulic acid and was also found to have a higher
guar gum, tragacanth gum (Stephen, 1995). degree of acetylation, notably at the C2 position on the galacturonic
Although several reports show that polysaccharides exhibit acid residues and to contain a higher proportion of neutral sugars,
surface/interfacial activity, it has been attributed to the presence of which are present in the ramified side chains of the pectin mole-
protein impurities (2e4%) not closely associated to the gums cules (Siew, Williams, Cui, & Wang, 2008).
(Dickinson, 2003). Therefore we will consider them as non-SA- Surface-active polysaccharides have received considerable
polysaccharides. interest recently. Cellulose derivative polysaccharides have a strong
Arabic gum (AG) is widely used to stabilise flavour oil emulsions tendency to accumulate at the air/water and the oil/water interfaces
for application in beverages, dried soups, cake mixes, etc. It is now (Erni et al. 2007; Nahringbauer, 1995). However, only four of them
generally recognised that the emulsification properties are due to are used in the food area for their surface tension reducing prop-
the presence of the arabinogalactan-protein (AGP), which repre- erties: methylcellulose (MC), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC),
sents w10% of the gum, and glycoprotein (GP) fraction, which hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose
represents only w1% of the gum. AG adsorbs onto the oil droplets (HPMC). Even, ethylcellulose and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose
J.M. Rodríguez Patino, A.M.R. Pilosof / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1925e1937 1929

appear to be more surface active than milk proteins (Arboleya & hydrophobically modified hydroxyethyl cellulose (HMHEC) is based
Wilde, 2005; Mezdour, Cuvelier, Cash, & Michon, 2007; Pérez, on both an associative thickening mechanism caused by alkyl
Carrara, Carrera, Santiago, & Rodríguez Patino, 2009a). Amongst chains in HMHEC and the adsorption of HMHEC at the oil/water
these, (MC) and (HPMC) with hydrophobic (methyl) and hydrophilic interface, which can form a solid film preventing coalescence of the
(hydroxypropyl) groups distributed along the cellulose backbone, droplets. Mezdour, Lepine, Erazo-Majewicz, Ducept, and Michon
are adsorbed at fluid interfaces lowering the surface tension (2008) studying HPC adsorption at the oil/water interface, found
(Arboleya & Wilde, 2005; Camino, Carrera, Rodríguez Patino, & that the surface tension lowering and the rheological properties of
Pilosof, 2009, 2011; Ochoa-Machiste & Buckton, 1996; Pérez, the polymer layer formed at the interface appear to be key factors
Carrera, Rodríguez-Patino, & Pilosof, 2005, 2006; Pérez et al., affecting the stability of the emulsions. Perrin and Lafuma (1998)
2009a; Wollenweber, Makievski, & Daniels, 2000). The hydro- pointed out that emulsions properties were closely dependent on
phobic regions of the cellulose backbone are those rich in methoxyl molecular weight and hydrophobic modification of hydrophobi-
groups, and others more hydrophilic, are rich in hydroxypropyl cally grafted poly(sodium acrylates) as well as on emulsifier
groups. HPMCs exhibit different surface activity varying methoxyl/ concentration, and all the factors led to variation of the viscosity of
hydroxypropyl ratio. As the bulk concentration of HPMC is the aqueous polymer solutions.
increased, structural changes at a molecular level occur at the A strong correlation between the properties of oilewater HPMC
interface. These changes correspond to the transition from an films (Camino et al., 2011), the viscosity of the continuous phase
expanded structure to a condensed one. When the surface and the properties of the oilewater emulsions was recently
concentration of HPMC is high enough, the collapse of the mono- demonstrated (Camino & Pilosof, in press). At pH 3 hydrophobic
layer is observed (Pérez et al., 2006). The visualisation by Brewster interactions between HPMC molecules are impeded so elastic films
angle microscopy of different HPMC during the adsorption at the are not formed at the interface (Camino et al., 2011). Thus, coales-
airewater interface reveals that rearrangement of HPMC at the cence takes place during the formation of droplets upon emulsifi-
interface takes a long time, giving a segregated film, a phenomenon cation, giving droplets of higher initial diameters than at pH 6. This
which may explain the formation of multiple interfacial layers and in turn, leads the pH 3 emulsions to destabilise quicker than pH 6
its viscoelastic character (Pérez, Carrera, Pilosof, & Rodríguez Patino, emulsions as a consequence of its higher initial droplet diameters,
2008). lower interfacial film elasticity and lower viscosity.
From a kinetic point of view, the rate of surface pressure or When comparing the performance of different HPMCs, the
surface dilatational modulus development by single surface-active initial diameters kept correlation with the molecular weight (and
polysaccharides also follows the steps depicted in Fig. 3 (single viscosity) of the HPMC, being the lower molecular weight related
systems). Differences in the dynamics of adsorption at the aire with lower droplet diameters.
water interface and surface dilatational properties between
different HPMCs have been related to molecular differences, such as 4. Proteinepolysaccharide interfacial behaviour under
the molecular weight, degree of substitution, and molar substitu- conditions of associative interactions
tion. The greater film elasticity corresponds to the more hydro-
phobic cellulose derivative macromolecule (Pérez, Carrera, Pilosof, The behaviour of proteinepolysaccharide mixtures exhibiting
& Rodríguez Patino, 2009b). associative (i.e., net attractive) interactions as well as their perfor-
At the O/W interface these biopolymers behave in a different mance in food emulsions and foams has been the subject of several
way (Camino et al., 2009, 2011). The dynamics of adsorption recent reviews in the last decade (Cooper, Dubin, Kayitmazer, &
deduced from surface pressure versus time plots seems to be similar Turksen, 2005; Dickinson, 2008; Doublier et al., 2000; de Kruif
at both interfaces, although the surface pressure values and the rate et al., 2004; Turgeon, Beaulieu, Schmitt, & Sanchez, 2003;
of adsorption/penetration are lower at the oil/water compared to Turgeon et al., 2007; de Vries & Cohen Stuart, 2005; Ye, 2008).
air/water interface. Analogously, the surface dilatational modulus is Nevertheless, interfacial studies of proteinepolysaccharide films
smaller at the oil/water interface; however, at long-term adsorp- are scarcer in the literature. It is for this reason that we will focus on
tion strong viscoelastic films are formed at the oil/water compared the interfacial performance of proteinepolysaccharide complexes,
to air/water interface. building on previous reviews that include this subject (Dickinson,
Another group of surface-active polysaccharides are the 2003, 2008; Turgeon et al., 2007; Ye, 2008).
propylene glycol esters of alginic acid (PGA), a high-molecular- The main reasons for using proteinepolysaccharide complexes
weight linear polysaccharides composed of 1,4 linked-D-mannur- as emulsion or foam stabilisers are their high surface activity, their
onic acid and L-guluronic acid. They are produced with a range of ability to increase the viscosity of the dispersion medium and their
viscosities and degrees of esterification. The increasing of the ability to form gel-like charged and thick adsorbed layers
degree of esterification reduces the overall hydrophilic character of (Ye, 2008).
the molecules and imparts surface-active properties. Unlike protein The key factors that appear to be the most important in deter-
or hydrophobically modified cellulose derivatives monolayers, in mining the surface pressure, dilatational and surface shear rheo-
which a high interaction exists between the adsorbed molecules to logical behaviour of interfacial films are (i) the electrostatic charge
form a strong gel-like structure at the interface, in the adsorption of protein/polysaccharide complexes in the bulk solution, which is
kinetics and the viscoelastic properties of airewater interfacial governed by the charge density of each biopolymer and their
films of PGA with different degrees of esterification, the rear- mixing ratio, and (ii) the order of adsorption of biopolymers to the
rangement of adsorbed molecules would not occur due to a less interface (simultaneous or sequential).
complex molecular structure leading to films with low dilatational It was found that complexation of proteins with polysaccharides
elasticity (Baeza, Carrera, Pilosof, & Rodríguez Patino, 2004a). can slow down the kinetics of surface pressure development.
The thickening ability, the formation of an elastic gel-like film b-lactoglobulin (b-LG) complexation with low methoxyl pectin (at
and the protective colloid effect by adsorption at the oil/water pH 4.5) decreased by at least a factor 100 the rate of surface pres-
interface are responsible for the stability of oil-in-water emulsions sure increase and greatly diminished foam formation (Ganzevles,
stabilised by polysaccharides (Akiyama et al., 2005). It has been Cohen Stuart, van Vliet, & de Jongh, 2006). The molecular proper-
reported (Liu, Zhao, Liu, & Zhao, in press; Sun, Sun, Wei, Liu, & ties of egg white ovalbumin in a complex with pectin in the bulk
Zhang, 2007) that the stability of emulsions prepared with solution and at air/water interface were studied using drop
1930 J.M. Rodríguez Patino, A.M.R. Pilosof / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1925e1937

tensiometry and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy techniques the formation of a dense protein layer at the interface. A protein
(Kudryashova, Visser, van Hoek, & de Jongh, 2007). The complex layer formed prior to polysaccharide injection (sequential adsorp-
formation of ovalbumin with pectin in the bulk phase resulted in tion), and therefore not hindered by the presence of polysaccharide,
the formation of a compact structure with a different spatial will be more dense.
arrangement depending on the protein/pectin ratio. Interaction The addition of polysaccharides to existing protein-stabilised
with pectin in the bulk solution resulted in a significantly slower interfaces seems to have been less frequently investigated than the
adsorption of the protein to the air/water interface. Slower direct adsorption of proteinepolysaccharide complexes. The influ-
adsorption of complexes is mainly attributed to increased hydro- ence of order of addition to oilewater interface on the interfacial
dynamic diameter and the increased bulk viscosity. properties of electrostatic complexes of protein (sodium caseinate)
Coacervate obtained with arabic gum and pea globulin at pH 3.5 with a highly sulphated polysaccharide (dextran sulphate) was
decreased the interfacial tension at the oilewater interface as recently studied by Jourdain, Schmitt, Leser, Murray, and Dickinson
compared to single protein. Nevertheless, at pH 2.75 the coacervate (2009). Two routes were investigated for preparation of adsorbed
adsorbed very strongly and more rapidly than the protein and layers at the n-tetradecaneewater interface. Bilayers were made by
arabic gum solutions taken separately (Ducel, Richard, Popineau, & the layer-by-layer deposition technique whereby polysaccharide
Boury, 2005). was added to a previously established protein-stabilised interface.
Ganzevles, Zinovaidou et al. (2006) using a b-lactoglobulin/low Mixed layers were made by the conventional one-step method in
methoxyl pectin mixture at pH 4.5, showed that the surface shear which soluble proteinepolysaccharide complexes were adsorbed
modulus of a sequentially formed b-lactoglobulin/pectin layer can directly at the interface. Protein þ polysaccharide systems gave
be up to a factor of 6 higher than that of a layer made by simulta- a slower decay of interfacial tension and stronger dilatational
neous adsorption. Furthermore, the surface dilatational modulus viscoelastic properties than the protein alone, but there was no
and surface shear modulus strongly (up to factors of 2 and 7, significant difference in dilatational properties between mixed
respectively) depended on the bulk b-lactoglobulin/pectin mixing layers and bilayers. Conversely, shear rheology experiments
ratio. From the steep increase in hydrodynamic radius and x- exhibited significant differences between the two kinds of inter-
potential they demonstrated the interactions between the facial layers, with the mixed system giving much stronger interfa-
biopolymers in the bulk solution. Until a mixing ratio of 6 w/w cial films than the bilayer system. These results indicate that the
soluble b-lactoglobulin/low methoxyl pectin complexes (at pH 4.5) mixed layer and bilayer interfaces have different interfacial prop-
were formed. Complexes aggregated and become insoluble erties (i.e., they possess different interfacial compositions and
(complex coacervation) at protein/polysaccharide mixing ratios structures) and provide insight into the origin of previously
from 7 w/w upward. reported differences in stability properties of oil-in-water emul-
Adsorption of pectin on an already existing protein layer at the sions made by the bilayer and mixed layer approaches (Jourdain,
interface can reinforce the surface dilatational modulus. On the Schmitt, Leser, Murray, & Dickinson, 2009).
other hand, when pectin is present from the start (co-adsorption), it Recently, Miquelim, Lannes, and Mezzenga (2010) demon-
seems to prevent the formation of a so compact layer due to elec- strated that using pH conditions and proteinepolysaccharide pairs
trostatic repulsion between the net negatively charged protein/ capable to undergo ionic coacervation, is a robust protocol to sta-
polysaccharide complexes. The extent to which the latter effect bilise airewater interfaces and the corresponding foams. For
occur decreases with increasing protein/polysaccharide mixing albuminecarrageenan pair, the stability of the interface is directly
ratio until the x-potential of the complexes is (close to) neutral dependent on the amount of ionic interactions between protein
(Ganzevles et al., 2006). and polysaccharide. By decreasing the pH from 4 to 3 and thus
The adsorption of a b-lactoglobulin/acacia gum neutral elec- enhancing electrostatic attraction, a remarkable increase in the
trostatic complex at pH 4.2 at the airewater interface also interfacial dilatational modulus is observed together with a sharp
promoted a 30% increase of the interfacial elastic modulus as decrease of the surface tension.
compared to the protein alone (Schmitt, Kolodziejczyk, & Leser,
2005). Nevertheless the surface tension of the complex was 5. Proteinepolysaccharide interfacial behaviour under
similar to single protein. The acacia gum alone reduced the surface conditions of limited thermodynamic compatibility
tension due to the presence of 2e4% of a surface-active fraction, but
less than the protein. When a protein adsorbs at a fluid interface in the presence of
The effect of the charge of b-lactoglobulin/low methoxyl pectin polysaccharides under conditions of limited thermodynamic
complexes (pH 4.5) on the molecular structure of the adsorbed layer compatibility in the bulk, three phenomena can occur (mixed
was studied by neutron reflection (Ganzevles, Fokkink, van Vliet, systems in Fig. 3): (i) the polysaccharide (SA-PS) adsorbs at the
Cohen Stuart, & de Jongh, 2008). The complexes do not form interface on its own in competition with the protein for the inter-
a homogeneous thick film at the interface. The mixed films can face (competitive adsorption) (ii) the polysaccharide (SA-PS or
always be subdivided in a first layer with the thickness of a protein Non-SA-PS) complexates with the adsorbed protein mainly by
monolayer and a second layer which is always less dense than the electrostatic interactions or hydrogen bonding and (iii) because
first layer formed by the polysaccharide (in sequential adsorption) of the existence of a limited thermodynamic compatibility between
or by a protein/polysaccharide complex (in co-adsorption). The the protein and polysaccharide, the polysaccharide concentrates
adsorption of neutral complexes (both simultaneous and sequen- the adsorbed protein (Baeza, Carrera, Pilosof, & Rodríguez Patino,
tial) leads to much denser second layers than adsorption of negative 2004b, 2005a; Baeza, Carrera, Rodríguez Patino, & Pilosof, 2005b).
complexes. The simultaneously adsorbed films are thinner and Anchorage of the polysaccharide at the interfacial film may
contain less material in the first protein layer than the sequentially occur by mechanism (i) or (ii), depending on the chemical structure
adsorbed films. Complexes would adsorb via some protein mole- of the polysaccharide and on the pH. Once the polysaccharide is
cules at the outside of the complexes such that the polysaccharide into the interface or attached by complexation, exclusion volume
sticks to these adsorbed protein molecules (the polysaccharide itself effects between both biopolymers at neutral pH could lead to a rise
is not surface active). As made plausible by time-resolved fluores- of chemical potential or, in other words, to a modification of the
cence anisotropy measurements, protein molecules cannot easily thermodynamic activity of the protein at the interface. Therefore,
move through the complex layer. Thus polysaccharide can hinder the protein at the interface would perform as a more concentrate
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film, leading to an increase in the surface pressure. It has been the interactions within the protein amino-acid residues at the
demonstrated that xanthan addition to soy protein solutions at airewater interface (Baeza et al., 2005b).
neutral pH had an effect similar to that observed by increasing At protein concentrations in the bulk phase lower than that
protein concentration arising mainly from excluded volume effects necessary to saturate the interface (at 0.1 wt%) and PGA concen-
(Carp, Bartholomai, & Pilosof, 1999). Evidence of the phase sepa- tration from 0.1 wt% to 0.5 wt%, an almost additive increase in
ration of macromolecules in mixed films at the airewater interface surface pressure and surface dilatational modulus was observed in
has been given (Sengupta, Razumovsky, & Damodaran, 2000). the mixed systems, due to the existence of space at the interface to
Even if the polysaccharide does not participate in the interface be occupied by both surface-active macromolecules (Baeza et al.,
(i.e., it does not adsorb by its own or does not complexate with 2006).
adsorbed protein) the existence of a limited thermodynamic Arboleya and Wilde (2005) studied the competitive adsorption
compatibility between the protein and polysaccharide in the between two proteins (b-lactoglobulin, b-LG, and b-casein, b-CAS)
vicinity of the interface could lead to concentration of adsorbed and methylcellulose (MC) and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose
protein by a depletion mechanism ((iii) in Fig. 3). There is an (HPMC). b-LG forms an elastic interface, whereas b-CAS does not.
osmotic driving force that favours protein aggregation that could Both MC and HPMC formed highly elastic interfaces, more elastic
result in a surface pressure increase. even than b-LG and were more surface active than the proteins.
Because of the different mechanisms of interfacial participation Measurements on the mixed proteinepolysaccharide solutions
of polysaccharides owing to their surface-active or non-surface- were performed at a fixed protein concentration of 10 mM (equiv-
active behaviour, the analysis of their interfacial interaction with alent to 0.018 wt% b-LG and 0.024 wt% b-CAS) and variable MC and
proteins will be done separately. HPMC concentrations (0e0.75 wt%). Thus the protein concentra-
tions were lower than those needed to saturate the airewater
5.1. Protein-surface-active polysaccharide mixed films interface. Therefore at higher MC and HPMC concentrations, the
polysaccharides began to dominate the interfacial properties. In the
The study of competitive adsorption of proteins and surface- case of b-CAS, MC was dominating the surface properties above
active polysaccharides is attracting increasing interest because of a concentration of 0.1 wt%. On the other hand, b-LG seemed to be
the potential synergism of mixed biopolymers at fluid interfaces. more resistant to displacement by MC. Some synergism appeared to
Competitive adsorption of b-casein and gum arabic glycoprotein take place between the adsorbed polysaccharides and b-LG,
(GAGP) (pH 7) at the airewater interface has been investigated resulting in greater values of surface elasticity in the mixtures.
using a surface radiotracer method (Damodaran & Razumovsky, Recently, by applying zeta potential measurement and viscometry
2003). They showed the dynamics of adsorption and interchange techniques, Koupantsis and Kiosseoglou (2009) showed that
between molecules in the bulk and at the interface. During the carboxymethylcellulose molecules appear to interact through
progression of accumulation of GAGP and b-casein at the interface, electrostatic attractive forces with whey protein at neutral and
GAGP is dynamically displaced from the interface by more surface- slightly acidic pH environments leading to the formation of soluble
active b-casein. However, the ability of b-casein to displace GAGP is proteinepolysaccharide hybrids.
greatly reduced when the latter existed as an aged film at the In a series of related papers, the competitive behaviour of whey
airewater interface probably due to its limited ability to mix with protein concentrate (WPC) and three well-characterised hydrox-
or dissolve in the GAGP film. ypropylmethylcelluloses (HPMCs), so-called E4M, E50LV and F4M,
The interfacial characteristics of mixed b-LG þ SA-poly- with different interfacial properties, were studied at pH 7 by
saccharide systems at the airewater interface and their influence measurement of the dynamics of adsorption and surface pressure
on foam properties at neutral pH 7 have been studied (Baeza et al., isotherms (Pérez, Carrera, Rodríguez Patino, & Pilosof, 2007),
2004a,b, 2005a,b; Baeza, Pilosof, Carrera, & Rodríguez Patino, surface dilatational properties (Pérez et al., 2009b) and kinetics of
2006). Propylene glycol alginates (PGA) with different degrees of adsorption (Pérez et al., 2009a). The interfacial behaviour of
esterification were analysed. The results obtained from the studies mixtures depended on the relative bulk concentration of biopoly-
on adsorbed (Baeza et al., 2005a,b, 2006) and spread mixed mers and molecular structure of HPMC. In the presence of E4M
monolayers (Baeza et al., 2004b) revealed a significant effect of a strong competition for the interface can be observed at short
PGA, which was dependent on the relative concentrations of these adsorption time. As E4M is more surface active than WPC, the
biopolymers. Surface-active PGAs compete with the protein for the replacement of E4M at the interface by WPC resulted in lower
interface. Depending on the concentration and molecular structure, surface pressure. The mixture approached E4M behaviour at longer
they can show a defined competitive behaviour or a more additive adsorption time. An additive or synergistic behaviour was observed
one (cooperative). for HPMC with lower surface activity (E50LV and F4M) at the lowest
At bulk concentrations of PGA and protein solutions of 0.5 wt% WPC and HPMC concentrations in the aqueous phase.
and 2 wt%, respectively, were both macromolecules can saturate In a subsequent work (Pérez et al., 2009a) the kinetic parameters
the interface by their own, PGA showed a competitive behaviour were quantified with detail confirming the magnitude of the
with proteins. Competitive adsorption would affect in a direct competition. The BAM analysis also proved the existence of compe-
way the surface pressure by displacement of the more surface- tition between these biopolymers for the interface. Moreover, the
active protein by the surface-active polysaccharide and in an indi- reflectivity showed the identity of the dominant biopolymer at the
rect way by thermodynamic incompatibility between adsorbed airewater interface. The diffusion rate of mixed systems to the inter-
macromolecules. The higher the degree of esterification (higher face was determined by HPMC, even when the protein can saturate the
hydrophobicity) of PGA, the higher the competitive behaviour, interface. WPC could define the diffusion rate in such conditions
a phenomenon that may be attributed to the more rapid rate of where protein could saturate the airewater interface and the poly-
adsorption of PGA at the interface. The analysis of the viscoelastic saccharide was present at the lowest bulk concentration. Upon
properties of the mixed films, adsorbed or spread, as compared to adsorption, penetration and rearrangement the final surface pressure
b-LG alone showed that PGA decreased the long-term solid char- for mixed systems corresponded to the single component that was
acter of the films due to the competitive behaviour. Partial more surface-active at the concentration analysed. Interestingly, in
displacement of protein from the surface during competitive mixed systems where none of biopolymers was able to saturate the
adsorption or penetration into the spread protein film could hinder interface a synergistic behaviour in the diffusion rate was observed.
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The impact of the competitive behaviour of WPC and different to 1:1 on a molar basis) both species are negatively charged, and
HPMCs on the rheology of mixed adsorbed films at the airewater there is no interaction between them. On formation of emulsions,
interface was further reported (Pérez et al., 2009b). The dynamic they compete with each other for surface sites, and egg white
surface dilatational properties of WPC/HPMC mixed films depen- protein molecules are adsorbed preferentially, although not
ded on the adsorption time and the concentrations of these exclusively because of its greater surface activity. On the contrary, it
biopolymers. HPMCs forming cohesive films are able to exert was recently reported the existence of weak interactions between
a strong influence on the viscoelasticity of WPC/HPMC mixed films. arabic gum (AG) and a whey protein isolate (WPI) above pH 6
HPMC could dominate the surface dilatational properties of the (Klein, Aserin, Ben Ishai, & Garti, 2010). The surface tension
mixed films at the highest concentration studied (at 1 wt%) and reduction of GA is more moderate than that of WPI, thus WPI
when the concentration of WPC in the aqueous phase was low dominated the surface at ca. 1 wt% of the mixture in agreement
enough to saturate the interface (at 102 wt%). Only one with results of Padala et al. (2009).
biopolymer is the dominant one in the solid character of these
mixed systems. HPMC at high concentrations slightly reduced the 5.2. Protein-non-surface-active polysaccharide mixed films
long-term solid character of the films. Even when the total
biopolymer concentration was low enough to allow the co-exis- The participation of non-SA-polysaccharides at fluid interfaces
tence of the two species at the airewater interface, the competition would occur by a complexation mechanism (ii) or indirectly by
between these biopolymers for the interface was manifested by exclusion volume effects (iii) (Fig. 3). Even in conditions of limited
a decreasing in the dilatational elasticity of films. thermodynamic compatibility (above the isoelectric point of
HPMC also competed for the interface with soy proteins (SP). proteins), proteins and polysaccharides may interact in the bulk or
Due to the unusual strong surface activity of HPMC, it could at the interface by weak electrostatic interactions between posi-
dominate the surface pressure and improve film viscoelasticity at tively charged patches of protein and negatively charged groups of
bulk concentrations where both biopolymers can saturate the ionic polysaccharides or by hydrogen bonds. The last would
airewater interface (Martinez, Carrera, Pizones, Rodriguez Patino, predominate in the case of neutral polysaccharides.
& Pilosof, 2007a). Polysaccharide charge density is a major determinant in the
Contrarily, a previous study on mixtures of b-LG and PGA as solubility of the protein/polysaccharide complexes (Ganzevles,
surface-active PS (Baeza et al., 2005b) has shown that as far as PGA Kosters, van Vliet, Stuart, & De Jongh, 2007). Either a sufficient
adsorbed at the airewater interface, the final surface protein load net charge or a sufficient amount of uncharged (well soluble) sugar
was lower compared to that obtained when the protein adsorbed units in/on the complexes can prevent complex coacervation. This
on its own, due to the competition for space at the interface. As PGA bulk behaviour is shown to affect the surface rheological properties
increases the surface pressure at a lesser extent than b-lactoglob- considerably. Moreover, the higher is the polysaccharide charge
ulin, a partial displacement of protein from the surface resulted in density, the more the protein molecules are hindered to form
a decrease of surface pressure of the mixed film compared to b- a compact adsorbed layer at the air/water interface, resulting in
lactoglobulin alone. In that case, the presence of PGA at the inter- a stronger retardation in increase of surface pressure and dilata-
face strongly decreased the dilatational elasticity of films at all tional modulus. Thus, the charge density of a polysaccharide is
surface pressures, because PGA formed less elastic films than the a powerful parameter to control properties of protein/poly-
protein (Baeza et al., 2004a,b). Therefore, it may be concluded that saccharide complexes in solution and adsorbed complex layers at
the use of a surface-active PS in combination with a protein during air/water interfaces (Ropers, Novales, Boue, & Axelos, 2008).
competitive adsorption could be positive if the PS has better surface A strong increase of surface pressure of spread b-LG films in the
properties than the protein. presence of xanthan (Baeza et al., 2004b) and the synergistic
The competitive behaviour of proteinepolysaccharide mixtures surface pressure increase during adsorption from b-LG/X mixed
is also strongly affected by the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of proteins, solutions at pH 7 (Baeza et al., 2005a) was observed. As pure xan-
even within a small DH range (Martinez, Carrera, Pizones, than (XG) is not surface-active, the modification of surface pressure
Rodriguez Patino, & Pilosof, 2007b). A small DH (2%) gave rise to and rheological properties of adsorbed or spread b-LG films
a higher surface pressure and film viscoelasticity in combination necessarily suggests the participation of XG at the interface by
with HPMC. Hydrolysates with increased DH has enhanced a complexation mechanism (ii) or indirectly by exclusion volume
hydrophobicity and lower molecular size, which allows them to effects (iii) (Fig. 3). Xanthan decreased the elasticity and surface
adsorb at the interface more efficiently, thus dominating the dilatational modulus of spread b-LG films, suggesting that the
surface against HPMC, resulting in a lower surface pressure and film interaction with protein structure may weaken the protein
viscoelasticity. network. In bulk solution, the mixtures of whey proteins and XG or
The rheological behaviour of composite soy protein isolates l-C at pH 7 appeared to be governed by segregative or limited
(SPI)ehigh methoxyl pectin (HMP) solutions (pH 12) at the aire thermodynamic compatibility phenomena. However, local net
water interface shows that HMP addition increases the elastic attractive interactions between proteins and polysaccharides may
interfacial modulus. The stabilising effect in presence of the poly- also occur. Under the adsorption of the protein at the interface the
saccharide is attributed to a proteinepolysaccharide complex character of proteinepolysaccharide interactions may be different
formation at the interface. Structural properties of the surface than in bulk solution because of the altered conformation of protein
biopolymer network influence the engineering properties of the at the interface. l-Carrageenan because of the residual adsorbing
films, such as permeability and mechanical strength (Piazza, Dürr- impurities showed a more complicated behaviour (Baeza et al.,
Auster, Windhab, & Fischer, 2009). The role of polysaccharides in 2004b, 2005a). Nevertheless, the small effect that the presence of
complex biopolymer mixtures has been observed for different l-C has on the surface pressure and rheology of b-LG spread
systems, even in real complex food matrices (Piazza, Gigli, & monolayers, as compared to xanthan, should be attributed to
Bulbarello, 2008). a lower degree of thermodynamic incompatibility associated to its
The adsorption behaviour of arabic gum, egg white protein, and lower molecular weight.
their mixtures at the oilewater interface for 20% limonene oil Evidences for associative interactions between WPI and XG at
emulsions has been investigated at pH 7.5 (Padala et al., 2009). For pH 7 have been established by studying the rheological behaviour,
arabic gum-egg white protein mixtures (1:0.05 w/w corresponding the surface hydrophobicity and the surface dynamic properties
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of aqueous mixtures of WPI (at 4e10 wt%) and xanthan gum could be promoted by mechanisms based on biopolymer segrega-
(>0.5 wt%) (Benichou et al., 2007). A synergism was detected in the tive interactions and thermodynamic incompatibility in the inter-
surface properties of these blends (WPI/XG). WPIeXG hybrids face vicinity, resulting in better surface-active and viscoelastic
exhibit a significant effect on the surface tension reduction of water properties of the adsorbed film. The same mechanism could be
at WPI/polysaccharide ratios between 8 and 20. Nevertheless, it responsible for WPC interfacial adsorption in the presence of XG.
was found that xanthan gum reduced the water surface tension The interfacial functionality of WPC was improved by the syner-
from 72.8 to ca. 48 mN/m at a 1 wt% polysaccharide concentration, gistic interactions with XG.
which is probably due to the presence of protein contaminants in The surface interactions of egg albumin with various types of
the XG preparation. non-SA-polysaccharides at pH 7.5 were studied by Miquelim et al.
The presence of l-carrageenan greatly increased the surface (2010). The surface tension is either unaffected by the presence of
pressure, surface dilatational elasticity and relative viscoelasticity the polysaccharide (for the carrageenan case), or even increased
of soy protein films at the airewater interface (Martinez et al., (xanthan and guar) and the elasticity either decreased or increased,
2007a). The modification of surface pressure and rheological as in the case of guar. The main role on the stabilisation of pro-
properties of adsorbed SP films in the presence of l-C could be teinepolysaccharide stabilised interfaces was identified on the
influenced by l-C contaminants at the interface. Pure l-C could elasticity of the interface.
influence the interface by a complexation mechanism, or indirectly The dynamics of sodium caseinate (SCAS) adsorbed films at the
by a depletion mechanism in the vicinity of the interface. Locust oilewater interface (at pH 7) were modified by its interaction with
bean gum (LB) little affected the surface pressure and rheological xanthan gum (Liu et al., in press). Due to the high viscosity of XG
properties of SP films even if surface-active contaminants were and/or the formation of SCAS-XG complex in the aqueous phase,
present in the commercial preparation (Martinez et al., 2007a). SCAS/XG mixtures showed a decrease in adsorption rate. Consid-
Differences in the interaction of lC and LB gum with the protein ered that XG and SCAS are negatively charged at neutral pH,
should be mainly ascribed to different degrees of incompatibility a possible reason for the complex formation is that hydrophobic
and to the fact that LB is not charged. interactions would play a dominant role in binding XG to sodium
The degree of hydrolysis of soy protein strongly affected soy caseinate (Kobori, Matsumoto, & Sugiyama, 2009). The existence of
proteinenon-SA-polysaccharide interactions at the interface, even SCAS/XG interactions in the vicinity of the oilewater interface
within a small DH range, 2% (H1) and 5.4% (H2). The less hydrolysed increased the surface dilatational elasticity at higher protein
protein H1 gave rise to a higher surface pressure and film visco- concentrations. The presence of XG has a significant effect on the
elasticity in combination with l-C and LB gum (Martinez et al., molecular structure and/or condensation (packing) of sodium
2007b). caseinate adsorbed segments at the oilewater interface. The SCAS/
Studies on molecular dynamics in solution (Pérez et al., 2009a) XG mixtures appeared to be more elastic compared to single SCAS
and interfacial characteristics (Pérez et al., 2009b) of commercial adsorbed films at long adsorption time.
milk whey proteins (WPC and WPI) and anionic non-surface-active
polysaccharides (sodium alginate, SA, and lambda-carrageenan, l- 6. Conclusions and final comments
C) mixed systems at neutral pH show that the nature and magni-
tude of the interactions between WPC and PS depended on the PS The emphasis of this review has been on protein and poly-
chemical structure and on its relative concentration in the aqueous saccharide physical interactions. These non-covalent interactions
phase. WPC/SA mixed systems were distinguished by a tendency to (electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, steric exclusion,
protein aggregation in the aqueous phase and their segregation hydrogen bonding, etc.) offer opportunities for the design of
into separated microdomains. Nevertheless, at low relative specific interfacial structures with applications in traditional and
concentrations (WPC/SA) weak attractive interactions were detec- novel food formulations.
ted. On the other hand, WPC/l-C mixed systems showed a high Nowadays, in spite of their role as thickeners, strong evidence
degree of attractive interactions over the whole range of concen- exists showing that polysaccharides have a direct influence on the
trations. These results revealed the existence of hybrid macromo- airewater and oilewater interfaces allowing the improvement of
lecular entities (soluble biopolymer network), because of the film properties when used in admixture with proteins so that they
assembly of WPC and l-C. The interfacial and foaming properties potentially could control and improve the stability of dispersed
for WPC/SA mixed systems were driven by segregative phenomena food products. On a fundamental point of view, recent studies have
between these biopolymers in the aqueous phase and at the aire provided very interesting insights regarding the impact of pro-
water interface (Pérez, Carrara, Carrera, Santiago, & Rodríguez teinepolysaccharide interactions in the bulk phase on the behav-
Patino, 2010). However, the interfacial and foaming properties for iour of mixed biopolymers at fluidefluid interfaces. The existence
WPC/l-C mixed systems were driven by formation of hybrid of both, associative interactions or incompatibility, between
macromolecular entities between these biopolymers in the proteins and polysaccharides offers the possibility of synergistic
aqueous phase and at the airewater interface. This study also effects on interfacial film properties and hence on the performance
shows that the functionality of a commercial WPC can be improved of foams and emulsions. Nevertheless, the optimal conditions must
by the use of food grade polysaccharides (i.e., by formulation be carefully established.
engineering), excluding the use of expensive separation processes In conditions of associative interactions in the bulk phase, which
and/or by chemical/enzymatic modifications of the whey protein leads to the formation of soluble complexes and coacervates, major
(i.e., by product engineering). In fact, the foaming characteristics of recent experimental evidences point out that the main interfacial
WPC/PS mixed systems were similar as that for WPI, which pres- characteristics (surface pressure, structure and mechanical prop-
ents excellent interfacial and foaming characteristics (Rodríguez erties) of interfacial mixed films, are affected by the electrostatic
Patino et al., 2008). charge of protein/polysaccharide complexes and the order of
Pérez, Carrera, Rodríguez Patino, Rubiolo, and Santiago (2010) adsorption of biopolymers to the interface (simultaneous or
examined the impact of the interactions between milk whey sequential). Moreover, the role of non-complexed biopolymers in
proteins (b-LG and WPC) and xanthan gum (XG) on the protein admixture with soluble complexes must be better assessed.
adsorption and viscoelastic behaviour at the airewater interface, at As a general trend, complexation of proteins with poly-
neutral pH and low ionic strength. b-LG adsorption in XG presence saccharides in the bulk phase can slow down the kinetics of
1934 J.M. Rodríguez Patino, A.M.R. Pilosof / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1925e1937

adsorption of these biopolymers at the interface. The surface monolayer saturation, there will be a competition for the interface
pressure may be or not increased, but generally the elastic prop- (competitive adsorption). The final composition of the interface
erties of interfacial films are higher for proteinepolysaccharide and its rheological properties will depend on the surface activity,
complexes than for pure protein. Neutral complexes and sequential rate of adsorption and film forming ability of the protein and
adsorption build denser viscoelastic interfacial films. polysaccharide.
Studies of the impact of the structure and properties of inter- During competitive adsorption between polysaccharides and
facial films on the properties of foams based and on pro- proteins at high bulk concentrations, the surface pressure is initially
teinepolysaccharide electrostatic complexes are scarce, probably controlled by the component which adsorbs more rapidly and then
due to the time-dependent phase separation due to complex by which is more surface-active (Baeza et al., 2005b; Damodaran &
coacervation. The greater stability of the mixed foam was mainly Razumovsky, 2003; Klein et al., 2010; Martinez et al., 2007a; Padala
attributed to reduced gas diffusion out from the bubbles due to the et al., 2009; Pérez et al., 2007).
higher interfacial elasticity of the film. Nevertheless the mixed If one of the components is more surface-active than the other,
foam had bigger initial bubbles (Schmitt et al., 2005). the surface pressure would be absolutely dominated by the
The formation of proteinepolysaccharide complexes in the component that exhibits the highest surface activity if this
aqueous phase can reduce foaming capacity if the rate of biopolymer component also forms the more elastic films. In this case the
adsorption is reduced. For pure proteins, polysaccharides and their surface rheological properties would control the competition
mixtures there exists quantitative relationships (Rodríguez Patino owing to the rapid formation of an elastic film which acts as
et al., 2008; Maldonado-Velderrama & Rodríguez Patino, 2010) a barrier against adsorption of the component that forms weak
between foam formation and the rate of adsorption at the airewater films.
interface (absence of lag period, rate of diffusion and mechanical Regarding film rheology, it is generally dominated at long
properties of the adsorbed film). As the rate of diffusion is higher, the adsorption times, by the component with the greater surface
foaming capacity is also higher because the concentration of foaming elasticity (modulated by the bulk concentration): WPC in the
agent at the interface and the initial surface dilatational modulus are mixture WPC þ HPMC (Pérez et al., 2009b), HPMC in the mixture
also higher. For foam formation it may be important to have a high SP þ HPMC (Martinez et al., 2007a) and b-LG in the mixture b-
surface pressure, in order to produce small bubbles, and a certain LG þ PGA (Baeza et al., 2005b).
value of surface elasticity to stabilise the bubbles during their Moreover, the competitive adsorption of biopolymer mixed
formation. systems, may be affected by proteinepolysaccharide weak inter-
However, more systematic studies of protein structures in actions in the bulk phase between similarly charge biopolymers, or
complexes with polysaccharides in relation to pH, ionic strength, even by specific interactions between polysaccharides and proteins
protein to polysaccharide ratio, biopolymer weight, charge density, at the interface that may affect film rheology. Segregative interac-
temperature, shearing rate and time, protein enzymatic hydrolysis, tions due to thermodynamic incompatibility at the interface could
hydrostatic and dynamic applied pressure, etc. are needed to take hinder the association of each biopolymer leading to an antagonic
advantage from the potential of associative interactions of pro- behaviour, mainly if both components have poor film forming
teinepolysaccharide mixtures to make foams. abilities.
Unlike the limited studies on foam formation using pro- Electrostatic or hydrogen bonding associative interactions
teinepolysaccharide complexes, they have been widely tested for between some patches of adsorbed protein and SA-PS may rein-
their performance in emulsion stabilisation. For a deep discussion force the elasticity of mixed films, leading to a synergistic
of this topic we refer to the last reviews of Dickinson (2008) and behaviour.
Turgeon et al. (2007). Two alternative procedures for stabilisation An increasing knowledge has been also acquired on the inter-
of oil droplets by proteinepolysaccharide complexes, the ‘mixed actions between proteins and non-surface-active polysaccharides
emulsion’ preparation, with both biopolymers present together at fluid interfaces in conditions of limited thermodynamic
during emulsification (co-adsorption), or the layer-by-layer prep- compatibility. The surface pressure is either unaffected by the
aration (sequential adsorption) has attracted considerable atten- presence of the polysaccharide (locust been gum, Martinez et al.,
tion recently because of its potential for nanoscale encapsulation of 2007a or carrageenan, Miquelim et al., 2010) or even increased
nutrients and protection of emulsions against severe environ- (xanthan, l-carrageenan and guar) (Baeza et al., 2005a; Benichou
mental stresses. But a major problem in exploiting this sequential et al., 2007; Martinez et al., 2007a; Miquelim et al., 2010; Pérez
adsorption approach is the tendency for the emulsions to become et al., 2010). Nevertheless, controversial results have been found
extensively flocculated during preparation (Dickinson, 2008). Two regarding the impact on film rheology. In some works it was found
different mechanisms may be involved: bridging flocculation, that xanthan interaction with protein structure may weaken the
when the polysaccharide content is so low that droplet collisions protein network and in others that may reinforce it.
occur faster than the rate of polysaccharide saturation of the Hence, it has been proposed that interactions between proteins
protein-coated droplet surfaces; and depletion flocculation, when and non-SA-polysaccharides at fluid interfaces would occur by
the concentration of unadsorbed polysaccharide exceeds a certain a complexation mechanism or, indirectly, by exclusion volume
critical value. The problem of bridging flocculation is especially effects. Because of the existence of a limited thermodynamic
troublesome, and so it is much more convenient to make emulsions compatibility between protein and polysaccharide, the poly-
with protein and polysaccharide present together before homoge- saccharide concentrates the adsorbed protein. Despite clear
nisation (Dickinson, 2008). Uneven charge compensation has been experimental evidences, these structures at fluid interface needs to
described to be of paramount importance to induce stability against be confirmed.
flocculation and creaming of emulsions stabilised by already An open question that remains is the evolution of any non-
formed proteinepolysaccharide complexes (Turgeon et al., 2007). equilibrium structure of proteinepolysaccharide mixed films with
Under conditions of limited thermodynamic compatibility ageing time. The crucial question is this: what is the time-scale of
between proteins and SA-polysaccharides in the bulk phase, both structural reorganisation of the mixed layer formed by adsorption
components will adsorb cooperatively at the interface if sufficient of the complexes as the layer tends towards its “equilibrium” state?
space exists, i.e., at concentrations below monolayer saturation of This point was addressed recently by Jourdain et al. (2009), where
each component. If bulk concentration of both components allows time-dependent surface rheology was monitored for systems in
J.M. Rodríguez Patino, A.M.R. Pilosof / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 1925e1937 1935

which the two biopolymers were introduced to the oil/water The understanding of the gastrointestinal processing of nano-
interface either simultaneously or sequentially. However, it is clear films for delivery of bioactive compounds is also critical to
that further detailed investigation of the effect is required. successfully deliver bioactive compounds at specific sites of the GIT.
Unfortunately, general quantitative dependencies between Thus the critical region is the lipidewater interface, where the key
interfacial properties of mixed biopolymers exhibiting limited reactions take place to solubilise lipids and lipid soluble bioactive
thermodynamic compatibility and foam or emulsion stability are compounds. The structure, thickness, composition and charge of
not entirely clear and require more systematic research. A problem interfacial layers will determine how emulsion droplets interact
here is that polysaccharides can alter the interfacial characteristics with each other and how the interfacial film will be digested by
of proteins adsorbed films via interactions in the vicinity of the GIT enzymes. Macromolecular engineering of interfacial nano-
interface. In addition, polysaccharides can also alter the rheological structures with defined characteristics can be designed by
properties of the aqueous phase with repercussion in the stability controlling proteinepolysaccharide interfacial adsorption/interac-
of dispersed systems. The higher the viscosity of the aqueous tion to suit the structural demands of a particular emulsion
can explain the higher stability of protein/polysaccharide foams regarding fat or bioactive compounds delivery.
or emulsions compared to pure protein foams. Nevertheless
a concentrated protein-stabilised emulsion is highly susceptible to
destabilisation by depletion flocculation by small amount of non-
adsorbing polysaccharides (Dickinson, 2003). The combined effects
This research was supported by CICYT through Grant AGL2007-
of bulk and interfacial interactions and rheological properties of the
60045 by ANPCYT(PICT545) and by Universidad de Buenos Aires
aqueous phase are difficult to evaluate and requires further
(Ubacyt X 175). Also we acknowledge Iberoamerican projects
CYTED XI.17 and105PI0274.
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