Art Is Not Imitative But Creative

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Art is not imitative but creative

It is not actually imitative but creating your own interpretation. If you copy someone’s
artwork that means you interpret beauty, you interpret it differently. It is a creative way
of creating of what he/she created. You have a personal interpretation of what you copy
or imitate.

B. Functions of Art

There are 2 function of arts

1. Functional- it is directly useful. It is useful in our daily lives. For example furniture, architecture,
weaving, and industrial design.
2. Non-functional- indirectly useful. It has no useful in our daily lives but it just gives us satisfaction
of the eyes. Example of non functional are painting, sculpture, theater, and literature.

C. Art is Mimesis

According to Plato all artistic creation is form of imitation. The world’s beauty is fake or
imitation. The true beauty of the world is in the divine bounty.

D. Art for art’s sake

According to Kant, that art needs no justification. Art has its own reason for being. It implies that
an art object is best understood as an autonomous creation to be valued only for its success.

E. Why are is important?

Art is everywhere . we can probably agree that arts enhance our daily experiences. We can
express our feeling or expression through art. Art has touched everyone. It plays a vital part in
developing the intellect of the younger generations to build a positive character meaning when
you are an artist you dig deeper into humanity.

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