Modeling and Simulation of Energy Conversion System Used in Electric Vehicle

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Modeling and Simulation of Energy Conversion System Used in Electric Vehicle

Article  in  International Journal of Control Theory and Applications · December 2016

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3 authors:

Slah Farhani Amari Mansour

Université de Tunis 9 PUBLICATIONS   75 CITATIONS   

Bacha Faouzi
Université de Tunis


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Power Electronic Transformer View project

Hybride electrical vehicule View project

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I J C T A, 9(2-A), 2016, pp. 435-451
© International Science Press

Modeling and Simulation of Energy

Conversion System Used in Electric
S. Farhani1, M. Amari2 and F. Bacha3

This paper presents design, modeling and simulation of energy conversion system for electric vehicle. The necessary
energy to move the vehicle is provided by two separate energy sources, which are fuel cell and a super capacitor. A
high frequency DC-DC converter fed by fuel cell is analyzed. The mathematical model of the fuel cell is presented
and the average model of the DC-DC converter is elaborated. The implementing concept of the Field-Oriented
speed controller and the PWM inverter technique are illustrated for Permanent Magnet synchronous Motor PMSM.
The proposed system control mechanisms are digitally simulated using the MATLAB/ Simulink/ Sim Power Systems
software. The dynamic performances of the electric vehicle drives are examined for the standardized European
speed cycle type.
Keywords: Electric vehicle; fuel cell; super capacitor; permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM); DC-DC
converter; vector control.

The problems related to the supply of oil, pollution and the greenhouse effect justify the need to develop
new technologies for the transportation as a replacement for the actual technology based on internal
combustion engines. Fuel cells promise that the best pace that they operate more efficiently and with fewer
A hybrid propulsion system, which combines two sources:
• Fuel cell is the main source. It is the electrochemical device that converts the chemical energy of a
reaction directly into electrical energy. The stack has a slow dynamics done allowing him to answer
to an increase or a rapid decrease in the output power as well as the recovery of the energy.
• The super-capacitor is the source of storage; it has significant capacity but a low voltage. It can
restore the energy more quickly as a battery. It presents the following advantages:
- Provide additional power rapid during peak periods such as the acceleration
- Enable the recovery of the braking energy by the recovery and store it in the super-capacitor,
thus increasing the overall efficiency of the vehicle.
The adaptation of the levels of the voltage between the two sources and the load in the vehicle requires
two converters DC-DC, the Boost and the Buck-Boost to maintain constant the voltage of the DC bus
allowing imposing the power or the current required by the load [1]-[3]-[9].
The other converter is an inverter, it is used to adapt the voltage levels between the DC link and the
PMSM (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor). In the stationary state, the fuel cell stack must produce
Laboratory of Computer for IndustrialSystems, ENSIT, University of Tunisia, Email: [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
436 S. Farhani, M. Amari and F. Bacha

the energy required to move the electric vehicle. The fuel cell will become the primary energy source for
the next generation of hybrid electric vehicles [15].
This paper deals with the modeling of the elements of the electrical vehicle. This paper begins with a
presentation of the energy conversion system of the vehicle. A focus is made on the energy performance of
the conversion system. Then, we determine the power required to move the vehicle, while specifying the
different forces that act on the vehicle. A large part of this paper is devoted to the modeling and the selection
of the electric motor is associated with the vehicle. We propose in this paper an approach for sizing of the
fuel cell (number of cells, the surface of a cell and power) and the pack of super capacitor (the number of
cells in series, number of cells in parallel, capacity and voltage of a cell) while taking into account of a
cycle of conduct standardized[17]-[18].
In this paper we focused on the design and modeling of different converters of power dedicated to
electric vehicles. The vehicle considered requires three static converters. The first converter is of the
unidirectional DC-DC interface the fuel cell of stack and the DC bus. It is unidirectional and it is constituted
by two bridges associated with two planar transformers operating at high frequency: The first bridge is
ordered, it works in inverter mode. The second bridge is to diodes, running in rectifier mode. The second
associated converter to the super- capacitors is bi-directional and it is composed by two bridges switches.
An average model means in small signals has been established for each of the DC-DC converter, in order to
determine the transfer function linking the voltage of the DC bus and the duty cycle control of the DC-DC
converter. The third converter interfaces the DC bus and the permanent magnet synchronous motor, which
the control strategy is the Space Vector PWM technique.


The considered electrical vehicle uses a fuel cell as the principal energy source to ensure the average power
required by the vehicle. It is connected to the DC bus via anDC/DC unidirectional converter. Packs of the
super capacitor in addition to the fuel cell are necessary to ensure obtaining the maximum power on the one
hand, (at the accelerations mode) and on the other hand recovering the kinetic energy during the braking
phase. This aims is to minimizing hydrogen quantity consumed by the fuel cell. To adjust the voltage level
of the super capacitor to that of DC bus, a bidirectional DC/DC converter is inserted between the pack of
the super capacitor and the DC bus. The traction of vehicle is achieved through the permanent magnet
synchronous motor associated with a three-phases inverter its voltage supply is ensured by the DC link
(Fig. 1) [1, 7, 16, 20]. Some recent control methods are discussed in [23-25].

Figure 1: Theenergy conversion system

Modeling and Simulation of Energy Conversion System Used in Electric Vehicle 437


Based on principles of vehicle mechanic, the various forces and the moving vehicle are presented in Fig. 2.
Three main resistances forces FA, FX and FR called respectively aerodynamic force, rolling resistance
force and gravity force. The tensile force FX propels the vehicle forward. The propulsion system (the
permanent magnet synchronous motor) must provide the necessary force to the vehicle traction at the
wheels. This force must firstly provide the necessary effort to speed and partly overcome the resistant force
to the coil, the aerodynamic force and road inclination[15].
• Rolling resistance force: The rolling resistance force acts on the level of tires and is opposed to the
free movement of the vehicle. It is caused by the deformation of the tires on the road way which
generates a rolling friction. It depends on the vehicle mass M (kg), the acceleration of gravity g
(m.s-2) and the rolling resistance coefficient CR.

FR  MgC R (1)
The gravity force affects immediately the vehicle on the slope. It retains it in rise and pushes it in
descent. It depends on the inclination of the slope and the vehicle mass M.
FG  Mg sin   (2)
• Aerodynamic Force: This is the air resistance force. It varies depending on the vehicle speed and depends
on non-linear phenomena within the fluid mechanics. It is proportional to the air density ñ (Kg/m3), to
the front section Sf (m2) of the vehicle, the drag coefficient Cx of the air and vehicle speed V (ms-1).
C x S fV 2
FA  (3)
• Traction force: It indicates the force which is exerted on the periphery of the driving wheels in
contact with the ground to create or maintain the movement of the vehicle. The magnitude force
depends on the motor torque, gear transmission and the radiusof the wheels.
dV (t ) C x S fV (t )2
F x (t )  M  Mg sin     MgC R (4)
dt 2
The total energy consumed by a vehicle can be evaluated in terms of time integral function of the
power. It can beexpressed by the following equation

Figure 2: Forces acting on the vehicle

438 S. Farhani, M. Amari and F. Bacha

W (t )  Fx (t ) d   Fx (t ) V(t) dt (5)
Where d is the distance travelled by the vehicle.
The mechanical power provided to the wheels is equal to:

P (t)   F V(t)
m dt x

dV(t) C S V(t) 2
P (t)  V(t) M  Mg sin     x f  MgC (6)
m dt 2 R

The permanent magnet synchronous motor model is developed using d-q Park transformation. This
representation is necessary because the inputs and the outputs of the model of the synchronous machine are
expressed in the(a, b, c) frame.
The Park transformation is used to convert voltage, flux and current from the (a, b, c) frame to the (d, q)
frame (Fig. 3) [10].
The electrical and mechanical equations of the synchronous machine are expressed as follows:

d 1

 dt I sd  L Vsd  R s I sd  Lsd I sd 
 sd
d 1
 I 
 dt sq L
 V  R I  L I  
sq s sq sq sq f 
 sq
 3
 2
 
Ce  p  L  L I I   I 
sd sq sd sq f sq 

 d
J  Ce  Cr  f 
 dt

Figure 3: Equivalent Diagram of a PMSM in the Park frame

Modeling and Simulation of Energy Conversion System Used in Electric Vehicle 439

Rs : Resistance of a stator phase
Lsd : The cyclicinductance of the d axis
Lsq : Thecyclicinductance of the axis q
f : Magnetic flux
Ce : Electromagnetic torque provided by the PMSM motor,
Cr : Load torque
J : Motor Inertia
 : Mechanical speed of the motor,
P : number of pole pairs.


A fuel cell is an energy conversion system that converts chemical energy into electrical energy without any
thermal or mechanical process. The operating principle of a fuel cell is described by a chemical reaction
that reacted hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, heat and water, according to the chemical reaction
given by eq. (8) [8]-[14].

2H 2  O 2  H 2O  electricity  heat (8)

There are many fuel cell models; each model has its own specificities and benefits, according to the
phenomena studied. The chosen modelshould be simple and accurate.
Indeed, this work presents an electrochemical model which can be used to predict the fuel cell behavior
in static and dynamic conditions[5]-[7]-[4].
The fuel cell voltage depends on the partial pressures of hydrogen and oxygen, the chemical reaction
temperature of the membrane hydration and the output current. It is defined by the following equation [8]-

VFC  E Nernst Vact Vohm Vcon (9)


RT  PH 2 PO 2 
E Nernst  1.229  ln   (10)
ne F  PH 2O 

RT  i FC 
V Act  ln   (11)
ne F  i 0 

VOhm  R FC i FC (12)

RT  i 
VCon   ln  1  FC  (13)
 ne F  il 
ENernst : the average thermodynamic potential of each unit cell.
VAct : the activation voltage drop.
440 S. Farhani, M. Amari and F. Bacha

Figure 4: The electrical model of a fuel cell

Figure 5: Polarization curve at different temperatures.

VOhm : the Ohmic voltage drop.

VCon : the concentration voltage drop.
The polarization curve of a fuel cell is that which represents the battery voltage as a function of current
output. This curve is presented for different temperature values. Fuel cell polarization curves increase with
increasing of operating temperature such as shown in Fig.5.


Basically, DC-DC converters can be divided into two categories depending on using the galvanic insulation
or not: non-isolated converter or isolated converter as the noisolated converters are simple, but they require
Modeling and Simulation of Energy Conversion System Used in Electric Vehicle 441

an input inductance to limit the current ripple in the components. But, in many cases, isolation between the
input and the output is required, because of operating specifications or for security reasons. For this reason
the use of the isolated DC-DC converters. The chosen topology is divided in three parts: a high frequency
DC-AC converter, a high-frequency transformer and an AC-DC converter as shown in Fig. 6 [2]-[3]-[8].
The converter is consists of:
- Full bridge side fuel cell, composed by bidirectional switches ((T11, D11), (T12, D12), (T13, D13)
and (T14, D14)).
- Full bridge side high voltage, it is composed by unidirectional switches D1, D2, D3 and D4.
- The resonant filter consists of capacitor (Cr) and inductance (Lr). It’s used to minimize the switching
- Two planar transformers in high frequency, plays an important role in this topology. It provides
both galvanic isolation and energy storage through winding leakage inductance. The primary is
coupled in parallel and the secondary are in series, [11]-[12]-[13]-[14].
The bridge side fuel cell is controlled to generate a high frequency voltage wave format its transformers.
Ts and d denotes respectively the switching period and the controlled duty ratio. Fig.7 shows the switching

Figure 6: Topology of the converter

Figure 7: Waveforms of the gates signal of the converter

442 S. Farhani, M. Amari and F. Bacha

state converter. C1 C2 C3and C4 denotes respectively, the control signals of the switches K1, K2, K3and
There is two stages:
• Stage 1: When the fuel cell has been started up, the power flows from the fuel cell to the load
through two diagonally transistors, resonant circuit, planar transformers and two diodes. The
equivalent circuit is as follows.
If all impedance is transferred to the secondary winding, the equivalent circuit becomes the following.

 2
 R eq 1  2 rD  2 m rT
 2
 Leq 1  L  m Lr
 (14)
C eq 1  C 0  C r
 m2
Using the Kirchhoff laws we obtain:

 di L R eq 1 1 2m
 dt   L i L  t   L v 0  L V pac
 eq 1 eq 1 eq 1

 dv 0  1 i  t   1 v (15)
 dt C eq 1 L C eq 1 0

Figure 8: Equivalent circuit (Stage1)

Figure 9: Equivalent circuit in secondary side

Modeling and Simulation of Energy Conversion System Used in Electric Vehicle 443

The state model can be writing by Eq. (10):

 di L    R eq 1 
1 
 2m 
 dt   Leq 1 Leq 1   i L    V
      Leq 1  pac
 dv 0   1 1   v0   (16)
 dt   C eq 1

C eq 1  0 

Therefore, the state model during dTs is:

 x  A1 x  B 1 u
 (17)
y  C1 x

  R eq 1 1 
 L  
Leq 1
 A1   eq 1 
  1 1 
 C  
 eq 1 C eq 1 
  2m 
 B   Leq 1 
 1   (18)
 0 
C  0 1
 1  

• Stage 2: The inductor current cannot be equal to zero instantaneously, so the two diodes are in
conduction mode all switches are off. The equivalent circuit is show by Fig. 10
The equivalent circuit of the DC-DC converter referred to secondary winding is show in Fig. 11

Figure 10: Equivalent circuit (Stage 2)

Figure 11: Referred secondary of the equivalent circuit

444 S. Farhani, M. Amari and F. Bacha

During the interval [dTs, Ts], the state space model and matrices are:

 x  A2 x  B 2 u
 (19)
y  C2 x
Using Kirchoff law, we obtain:

 di L rD 1
 dt   L i L  t   L v 0

 dv 0  1 i L  t   1 v 0 (20)
 dt C0 C0

  rD 1 
   L L 
 A2   
  1 
1 
 
 C0 R ch C 0 
 0
B2   
 0 (21)
C   0 1 
 2

The last half cycle is identical to the first half cycle, so during switching period, stage 1 and stage 2 are
repeated twice. Finally, the averaged model state equation can be obtained:

 x  A x  B u
 (22)
y  C x

  2 d R eq 1  1  2 d  rD 2d  1  2d  
  L    
eq 1 L Leq 1 L
 A  2 d A1   1  2 d  A2   
  2d  1  2d  2d  1  2d  
C  C  

 eq 1 0 R ch C eq 1 R C 0 

  4m d 
B  2d B  1  2d B   L
 1   2  eq 1 
 
 0  (23)
 t
 0
C  2 d C 1   1  2 d C 2   1 
  

Average large signal circuit model is often derived as shown in Fig. 12.
Modeling and Simulation of Energy Conversion System Used in Electric Vehicle 445

Figure 12: Equivalent circuit model


In DC motors, the flux and torque producing currents are orthogonal and can be controlled independently.
The magneto motive forces, developed by these currents are also held orthogonal.Hence the flux is only
dependent on the field winding current. If the flux is held constant, then the torquecan be controlled by the
armature current. For this reason DC machines are said to have decoupled orhave independent control of
torque and flux.In AC machines, the stator and rotor fields are not orthogonal to each other. The only
current that can becontrolled is the stator current. Field Oriented Control is the technique used to achieve
the decoupledcontrol of torque and flux by transforming the stator current quantities (phase currents) from
stationaryreference frame to torque and flux producing currents components in Park rotating reference
frame.The inverse stator current component Iq control the required torque and the direct current component
Id of the stator current control the flux magnetite. [15]-[17]-[18]. The Oriented Field control strategy of the
PMSM is given by Fig. 13,[19]-[21].
The voltage supply is obtained by imposing the reference voltage standards input to the control of the
inverter. These voltages allow determining the cyclic ratios on the arms of the inverter, so that the voltage

Figure 13: Structure of the Field Vector Control of the PMSM

446 S. Farhani, M. Amari and F. Bacha

Figure 14: Coupling of the two stator voltage

delivered by this inverter at the stator winding of the PMSM is closest to possible reference voltage standards.
But, we must define the terms of compensation, because in the stator equations, there are terms of coupling
between the d axes and q axis voltage components (Fig.14) [19]-[20]-[22].
The voltages Vsd and Vsq depend at the same time on both currents on the axes ‘d’ and ‘q’, thus
lead to establish adecoupling. This decoupling is based on the introduction of compensatory terms esd
and esq.

e sd  Lsq I sq
 (24)
e sq    Lsd I sd  sf 
From the previous equations we have:

Vsd  Vsd 1  e sd
 (25)
Vsq  Vsq 1  e sq

Vsd 1   R s  pLsd  I sd
 (26)
Vsq 1   R s  pLsq  I sq

The simulation results are formed onthe energy conversion systemwhich containsfuel cell, DC/DC converter
andmagnet synchronous motor in which these characteristics were given in table I and supplied with a
controlled inverter according to the principle of vector PWM. For purposes of the simulation and for
reproducing a road section with different driving conditions is used in the standardized European speed
cycle (NEDC), Fig.15 [17]-[18].
Modeling and Simulation of Energy Conversion System Used in Electric Vehicle 447

Figure 15: Normalized European Cycle speed (NEDC)

Table 1
Fuel cell parameters
Parameter Name Parameter Value
Temperature T 328 °K
Partial pressure of Hydrogen PH2 1.5 atm
Partial pressure of Oxygen PO2 1 atm
Partial pressure of Water PHO2 1 atm
Exchange current i0 0.002A
Cell area A 0.0825m2
Limiting current iL 100A

Table 2
Parameters of the motor
Parameter Name Parameter Value
Stator resistor Rs 4
Stator inductance Ls 0.0025 H
Poles pairs P 4
Flux of permanent magnet f 0.053Wb
Rotational inertia J 9e-7 Nm/A
Rated speed  rad/s
DC voltage UDC 540 V
friction coefficient f 0 Nm/rad/s

Table 3
Parameters of the VEHICLE
Parameter Name Parameter Value
Vehicle mass M 300 kg
Rolling resistance coefficient CR 0.001
Vehicle front section Sf 1 m2
Gravitational field g 9.81 ms-2
Slope tan(ômax) 10%
Radius of the wheels Rr 0.14 m
Volume density of air  1.2 Kg/m3
448 S. Farhani, M. Amari and F. Bacha

Figure 16: Current profile Ich

Figure 17: Current and voltage of the fuel cell stack

Figure 18: Duty Cycle report and DC bus voltage

Modeling and Simulation of Energy Conversion System Used in Electric Vehicle 449

The profile of the load current imposed is presented by Fig.16. The current variation requested by the
load causes the change in current flow through the fuel cellstack. The PPIC resistance causes a voltage
drop. The Fig. 17 shows the current and the voltage of the fuel cell.
When the current absorbed by the load increases,the voltage of the fuel cell stack decreases. In order to
maintain the voltage of continuous bus constant, it must increase the cyclic report as shown in the Fig.18.
Fig. 19 shows the evolution of the speed of that vehicle motion and angular speed of the permanent
magnet synchronous motor. It is observed that this last shows oscillations. Fig. 20 presents the evolution of
the electric power provided by the permanent magnet synchronous motor. The results got in digital simulation
highlight the performances of the control system. The torque Ce and the Iq current have the similar wave
forms. The current Id riches it’s reference.

This paper presents the sizing of different components of the energetic conversion system used in electric
vehicle. We started with the vehicle mechanical model. The established model allowed us to calculate the

Figure 19: Vehicle and Motor speeds

Figure 20: Motor power and Electromagnetic torque

450 S. Farhani, M. Amari and F. Bacha

Figure 21:Direct and inverse component Idand Iq of the stator currents

required power. Then we determine the characteristic of the permanent magnet synchronous motor to taking
into account the overall performance of the energy conversion system of the concerned vehicle. Then a
simple model of the stack in function was put, a point on the goal to characterize the voltage of the fuel
stack in function of the average power requested by the vehicle. This model calculates the battery voltage
as function of current debited the temperature of the stack fuel as well as the partial pressures of the
hydrogen and oxygen.
The fuel stack is characterized by a source of low voltage. For this purpose, that it is connected to the
DC bus via a DC-DC converter to operate at high frequency in order to minimize the weight. It also used a
DC-ACconverter which interfaces the DC bus and the PMSM whose control used is the vector pulse width
modulation technique.
The simulation results under Simulink/Matlab show the current absorbed by the load increases, the
voltage of the fuel cell stacks decreases. In order to maintain the voltage of the DC bus constant, the duty
cycle of the DC/DC convertershould beincreased. The torque and the q-axis stator current have the same
shape and the direct current Id follows it’s reference. The proposed control scheme provides acceptable
dynamic and robust responses.

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