Getting To The Heart of Your Clients' Desires: Dream Client Journal

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Getting to the Heart of

Your Clients’ Desires
Welcome to your Dream Client Journal.
This resource is specifically designed to When brands get this right, it’s truly the
help you go from “who will buy this?” to difference between an unforgettable
“they will love this!” jewelry brand and one that never really
gets off the ground. We have the tools
We’re about to dive into every last detail ready for you, now it’s your turn to practice
about your dream client! Prepare yourself using them!
for some soul searching and decision
making, because this is pretty intense. Don’t be afraid to take breaks. This is a
Remember, it’s okay to change your mind very personal, emotional part of building
later. The most important thing is getting your business and we don’t want you to
your ideas down on paper and running rush anything! The nice thing is nothing’s
with them. set in stone. Make decisions and go with it,
you can always tweak things later if it’s not
This journal goes much deeper than the working.
video or audio training, so make sure you
pay close attention to the directions and Most importantly, have FUN! Follow your
complete each section of the journal! heart and make sure you’re building a
business that’s going to serve you, not the
Your brand’s Dream Client is the most other way around. You can do this, and
fundamental component of your jewelry we’re here for you every step of the way!
business. I know you’re excited to get
started, but take a moment and
understand exactly how important this
work you’re doing will be.

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© 2018 Tracy Matthews & Robin Kramer

Entry 1: Getting to Know Your Dream Client

Before we begin with the Dream Client, describe your current customers. How do
they buy, what do they say about your jewelry, what are things you like and dislike
about them?

Think of a famous quote that represents the vibe of your current customers.  Write
down this quote and 2-3 sentences to give some context.

What’s the main reason you feel you should focus on attracting your DREAM client
rather than the clients you have right now?

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Entry 2: Surface Details of Your Dream Client
Brainstorm the surface details of your Dream Client here! We don’t want to
confine you to these stats, but here are some demographics to get you started!

Gender _____________________________________
Age _____________________________________
Height & Weight _____________________________________
Religion _____________________________________
Siblings _____________________________________
Parents _____________________________________
Marital status _____________________________________
‣ Spouse _____________________________________
‣ Age _____________________________________
‣ Occupation _____________________________________
‣ Education _____________________________________
Children _____________________________________
‣ Ages of children _____________________________________
‣ Public or private school _____________________________________
‣ Activities _____________________________________
‣ Occupations _____________________________________
Education level _____________________________________
School/university __________________________________
Location __________________________________
Occupation _______________________________
Main form of transportation ________________________
Pets _____________________________________
What kind __________________________________
Age _____________________________________
How many ________________________________

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Entry 3: Typical Day & Weekly Activities
Whose lifestyle do they envy or try and emulate?

What do they do in their free time? What are their hobbies?

How often do they exercise? What do they do for exercise?

How would you describe their surroundings? Their home?

What role does healthy living and eating play in their lives? or not?

What kind of job do they have? Do they have a traditional career? Are they a

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Do they have any second jobs or side hustles?

Do they love to travel or are they more of a homebody?

Do they have a family? Children? Significant other? What is their home life like?

Are the introverted or extroverted? Are they always out with friends or usually
spending time at home?

What local communities are they involved in?

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Considering everything you’ve written about your Dream Client, describe an
average day in their life including things like:

when they wake up

how long they take to get ready for the day
first place they go when they leave the house
when they start work/errands
what they eat for meals
when they get home for the day
who typically eats with them
PTA meetings
book clubs
yoga class
continuing education
tv shows they keep up with, etc.

A Day in the life of ____________________________________ (name your Dream Client)

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Entry 4: Beliefs, Desires, and Values

Which charities do they donate to?

Where do they volunteer?

How religious are they? How often do they practice religion?

What are their dietary beliefs? Are they vegan, paleo, do they care?

What are their beliefs about their health and body?

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How do they feel about government? Do they vote? Are they involved?

What inspires them regularly? (Nature? Art? Books?)

Are they a creative? Analytical? Which side of their brain do they use the most?

What motivates them?

What gets them out of bed in the morning?

What are their priorities in life? (Career? Family? Hobbies?)

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What do they want to achieve in life? What are their biggest life goals?

What keeps them awake at night? What do they stress out about?

What are their deepest fears?

What are their biggest regrets?

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How do they feel about government? Do they vote? Are they involved?

What inspires them regularly? (Nature? Art? Books?)

Are they a creative? Analytical? Which side of their brain do they use the most?

What motivates them?

What gets them out of bed in the morning?

What are their priorities in life? (Career? Family? Hobbies?)

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Circle their personal values:

Accountability Environmental Open communication

Achievement Efficiency Openness
Adaptability Ethics Patience
Ambition Excellence Perseverance
Attitude Fairness Professional Growth
Awareness Family Personal fulfillment
Balance (home/work) Financial stability Personal growth
Being the best Forgiveness Power
Caring Friendships Recognition
Coaching Mentoring Future generations Reliability
Commitment Generosity Respect
Community Involvement Health Responsibility
Compassion Honesty Risk-taking
Competence Humility Safety
Conflict Resolution Humor/fun Self-discipline
Continuous learning Independence Success
Cooperation Integrity Teamwork
Courage Initiative Trust
Creativity Intuition Vision
Dialogue Job security Wealth
Ease with uncertainty Leadership Well-being
Enthusiasm Listening Wisdom
Entrepreneurial Making a difference

How do these values play a role in their decision making?

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What beliefs, desires, and values do you have in common with your Dream Client?

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Entry 5: Your Dream Client’s Relationships
Demonstrate how your Dream Client is influenced by the relationships in their life.
Think about siblings, parents, coworkers, children, friends, strangers, etc.

Who is your Dream Client closest to? Why?

How many very close friends do they have?

How many people do they consider their friends?

Are they close to their coworkers? If so, who?

What’s their relationship with their parents like? why?

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If they’re in a romantic relationship, how long have they been together?

What are their future plans with this partner? Marriage? Children? Retirement?

Whose opinion do they value most? Why?

How close are they to their siblings (if they have any)?

Who’s the one person they can tell anything to without fear of being judged?

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How often do they worry about what other people think of them?

How much do they care about the opinions of others?

What do you have in common with your Dream Client when it comes to
relationship influences?

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Journal Entry 6: Media & Celebrity Influences
How influenced are they by celebrities, gurus, and the media?

Which celebrities are they obsessed with?

What do they envy about them, how do they want their life to be like them?

What is it about these celebrities and gurus that draws your Dream Client to them?

If they could live like one celebrity for a year, who would it be and why?

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Who are their favorite bands and what type of music do they listen to?

What role does music play in their life? Do they listen to music often? Do they
enjoy going to concerts?

What blogs or magazines do they read?

What kind of TV Shows do they love to watch?

What are their favorite movies?

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What are their favorite books?

Do they ever watch horror movies or romantic comedies?

Do they relate to certain types of characters in books or movies?

What are their obsessions or guilty pleasures?

What do you have in common with your Dream Client when it comes to media &
celebrity influences?

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Journal Entry 7: Fashion & Personal Style Influences

Who are their Style Icons?

What are their favorite stores?

How would they describe their personal style?

What are their favorite products and brands?

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Who are their favorite clothing designers?

What role does trend and fashion play in their lives?

Which brands do they wish they could afford?

How styled is their home? Where do they find their home decor?

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Journal Entry 8: Your Dream Client’s Shopping

What are their favorite brands?

Do they enjoy supporting small or new-to-them businesses, or do they prefer big

brand names?

Do they prefer in quality or quantity? How so?

Are they generally pretty thrifty, or are they willing to pay full price?

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What are their key motivators to buy? Originality, brand name, ethical production

What role does the ease of purchasing play in their shopping? (Are they a busy
mom with no time to wait in lines or jump through hoops, or do they love taking
their time shopping?)

How do they like to shop? Do they prefer to linger around in a store, leisurely
shopping, or do they want to get in and out?

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How do they love to shop? Online? Brick & mortar? Craft Shows? Live Events?
Shopping Nights?

Why do they shop online (if they do)? Do they do it for the convenience, for
originality, to save money, or for the service?

How does branding and packaging affect their life? Do they enjoy pretty packaging
from brands or are the only interested in what is inside the box?

Do they save merchandising, packaging, and boxes? Or do they throw away the
packaging the second they receive an item?

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Journal Entry 9: Finding Your Dream Client Online
Where are they hanging out online?

What are their favorite social media platforms? Facebook? Twitter? Instagram?
Pinterest? Snapchat?

What social accounts do they follow? (you should follow these accounts, too!)

How do they find out about current events and world news? (On TV, on a news
website, on social media?)

How often do they check their email?

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How much time do they spend online on an average day?

What would they say are their favorite or most visited websites?

Do they shop online? If so, what websites or apps do they use?

What online communities are they involved in?

Do they follow any online personalities or mentors?

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Journal Entry 10: Connecting to Your Dream Clients
on a Deeper Level
Write down the core values you and your Dream Client have in common.

Choose the 3 you want to build your business around


What phrases and words do your Dream Clients use? (search hashtags and read
captions on social media to find real examples)

What’s their train of thought like when something goes wrong?

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What’s their train of thought when something good happens?

What thought processes does your Dream Client have about their deepest

What thought processes does your Dream Client have about their deepest fears?

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Bonus Journal Entry: Writing Your Elevator Pitch
Setting the tone for your professional relationship with clients, buyers, and other
business owners is essential for consistent branding. So what’s a girl to do? Well,
in sales there’s something called an elevator pitch, and it’s designed to attract your
Dream Clients.

When someone asks you what you do for a living, what do you usually tell them?

An elevator pitch is a short, easy-to-understand response when someone asks,

“what do you do?” Knowing this simple, 1-2 sentence phrase will absolutely save
you when talking to new people at trade shows, networking events, and especially
if you randomly bump into a big name in the business!

The elevator pitch includes three things. First, it tells them who you help. Next, it
describes how you help. Finally, it shows what results people get from your help.

Here’s an example:

“I help highly active women by designing durable, easy to wear jewelry so they
can confidently wear beautiful pieces without worrying about damage or excessive

Your turn!

Who do you help?

How do you help them?

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What results do they get?

Put it all together here:

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