Quikrete Guide Specification: Quikrete® Concrete Bonding Adhesive (No. 9902)
Quikrete Guide Specification: Quikrete® Concrete Bonding Adhesive (No. 9902)
Quikrete Guide Specification: Quikrete® Concrete Bonding Adhesive (No. 9902)
Specifier’s Note:
Select section number based on intended use. Delete other section numbers
A. Provide one component Bonding Adhesive, Type II Ethylene Polyvinyl Acetate Co - Polymer
for Portland Cement Repair Mortar.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product data and installation instructions for each material
and product used. Include manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheets.
B. ICRI Technical Guideline No. 03732, Selecting and Specifying Concrete Surface Preparation for
Sealers, Coatings, and Polymer Overlays.
A. Manufacturer’s Qualifications: The manufacturer shall be a company with at least fifteen years
of experience in the manufacturer and marketing of products specified herein.
B. Installer’s Qualifications: The contractor shall be qualified to perform the work specified by
reason of experience.
B. Store products in a dry area. Protect from freezing. Do not store in areas over 100°F (38°C).
A. ASTM C 1059 Type I and Type II Ethylene Polyvinyl Acetate Co - Polymer Bonding Agent for Portland
Cement Repair Mortars. Comply with the following:
2. Performance and Physical Properties at 73 degrees F (23 degrees C) and 50 percent relative humidity.
A. Examine substrates and conditions under which materials will be installed. Do not proceed
with installation until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected.
B. Clean surfaces of bond-inhibiting materials including mildew, dust, dirt, oil, grease
and standing water.
3.30 MIXING:
1. Blend approximately 2 parts Portland Cement and 1 part Concrete Bonding Adhesive.
2. Pour the powder into the adhesive and mix until a lump free consistency is achieved.
C. Primer Application:
1. Dilute 1 part Concrete Bonding Adhesive with 2 parts of clean water, stir well before using.
A. Paint on Application
1. Apply to surface with a brush, roller or spray to the thickness of a coat of paint.
2. Place new concrete, topping mixes, Portland cement, plaster mixes or patches as soon
as adhesive is dry. Gypsum plasters and finish plasters should be applied while the
adhesive is still tacky.
4. Tools, brushes and other application accessories should be immediately cleaned with
warm soapy water. Use hot water to clean-up any drippings.
1. Apply a thin layer of slurry onto the properly prepared substrate using a trowel,
brush or squeegee. Rub the slurry thoroughly into the surface.
C. Primer Application
2. Low porosity concrete in good condition requires one coat. Porous concrete
requires 2 coats.
3. Allow Concrete Bonding Adhesive to become dry to the touch. If there is not
visible sheen to the concrete apply a second coat and allow to dry. A drying
time of 2-3 hours is typical.
F. Cleaning: Remove excess material before material cures. If material has cured, remove using
mechanical methods that will not damage substrate.