Evaristo-STEM12B-Activity #4 - Art Criticism Artshop PDF

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Name: ​Cassie Jahn Evaristo

Grade & Section: ​STEM 12-B

Date Submitted: Total # of Points: 50 points

Interact with an Artwork

Activity #4: Art Criticism Artshop: Art Critique
Guide to Art Criticism: The first thing that most people do when they look at a work of art is say “I like it”
or I don’t like it. But our statements and guesses need to be more educated. An educated discussion
about a work of art is called a “Critique.” Here are the processes for giving a critique about a work of art.

Artist (Name of your Pair): ​Wilkins Castro Title of his or her artwork: ​Tree of Culture
1. DESCRIBE: In the artwork, the first thing I saw is a big tree at the
What are the things you see in this artwork? center that takes most of the space in the canvas. The
What are the materials used? cross in the middle of the tree trunk and various
Explain everything you see about this artwork, patterns in the background and Filipino word etched
behind. Since this is a crayon etching artwork, materials
even if you don’t know what it is.
used are colored crayons, oil pastel and the paper.

2. ANALYZE. The various colors in the artwork create a rainbow

How are the elements of art used in this artwork? colored effect giving bright and vivid looks. The
leaves of the tree are made of twirl and swirl lines
outlining and filling the shape of the tree. There is
also a use of different shapes and patterns in the

3. INTERPRET. The first thing that came to my mind the first time I saw
What is going on in this artwork? the artwork was religion, the Catholic Religion
What is the purpose of this artwork? specifically. But the more I look into it, it is related to
the Filipino culture. In my own interpretation, the
various patterns represent the diversity in culture of the
Filipinos. This is to portray that the tree of culture of the
Filipinos are mostly influenced by religion.

4. DECIDE. At first glance, I was fascinated by the tree and I

Do you like this piece of art? instantly like it. I appreciated the effort of the artist to
Why or why not? convey his thoughts in the art and the artwork itself is
What is the best thing about this artwork? simply beautiful to look at. The best thing about the
artwork is the rainbow colors and the tree in the center.
What us the worst thing about this piece?
However, in the artwork the tree is not balanced in the
and What are the strengths and weaknesses of center, and the outline shape of the tree is not shown
this piece of art? well. The strength of this artwork is the interpretation of
it and the weakness might be the small mistakes in the
details of the artwork. But, overall I think the artist did
well, considering he is a starter.

Questions: Write your ideas here. Give first impressions. Make

guesses. Say what you see, do not say what you like,
or don’t like.
Describe this artwork you identified with, or tell As a Filipino, I've grown up witnessing the different
how this artwork relates to your life? cultures and traditions our country has, and this has
brought me to appreciate more of our culture.

Does this piece of art remind you of anything? The various cultures and traditions that our country has
Imagine the feelings and meanings this artwork to offer. But the first thing that came up in my mind are
represents. the Fiestas that are celebrated in my hometown.

What questions do you have about this piece of What is it trying to portray?
art? Why is the tree not placed well in the center? Is it
deliberately placed there?

Which part of this piece of art do you like, or The Tree. First thing I saw was how well the trunk of the
stands out the most when you first see this tree was etched and the leaves of the tree that was
artwork? Why? etched through the twirls of lines was genius.

If you could change one thing about this piece of For me, maybe the word Filipino that was placed on the
art, what would you change? side. In that place, the word did not captivate my eye the
first time I saw it, and I thought it was misplaced or
something. In changing it, I would like to place it under
the roots of three to give more emphasis to the
interpretation of the artwork.

How does this piece of art make you feel? Can you The artwork made me feel and reminisce how beautiful
make any connections to the art? What does the and diverse our culture is. Makes me want to experience
artwork mean to you? Fiestas and celebration more.

What seems to be hiding in this composition? The patterns that represents the diversity of culture. At
Why do you think this was partially hidden? first, I do not really get what it meant in the artwork, but
somehow I connected it to the overall theme of the
artwork. For me, maybe it was deliberately placed in the
background to give emphasis to the main subject of the
artwork which is the religion as the foundation of some
Filipino cultures.
Does the artist give you clues in the artwork about In the artwork, there are clues that can be noticed at
the message of the art? What possible first glance. First is the cross in the trunk. Cross signifies
interpretations can be gathered by these clues? religion which is connected to one of the foundations of
culture. Second is the word Filipino on the side. The
word Filipino simply means and regards to the identity
of the culture. And third is the tree. The tree may
represent the foundation and roots of our culture.
What alternative titles could you give this Center of All Diversities,
artwork? Where it started,
Foundation of Cultures

What do you think about this piece of art? Is it I think this piece of art is successful. Since I am an
successful or not? Why? audience, I interpreted and understood the artwork
well, and it is a reason that makes it successful.
What is your over-all evaluation of this artwork?
_____Excellent ___✓__Very Good _____Good _____Fair _____Poor

How would you rate this piece of art on the following qualities?

_____Subject _____Excellent ___​✓​__Very Good _____Good _____Fair

_____Medium ___​✓​__Excellent _____Very Good _____Good _____Fair

_____Theme ____Excellent __​✓​___Very Good _____Good _____Fair

_____Colors __ ​✓​__Excellent _____Very Good _____Good _____Fair

_____Over-all __​✓​___Excellent _____Very Good _____Good _____Fair


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