Lesson Observation: (Achieved/still To Be Achieved - Link To Graduate Standards (AITSL) Where Appropriate)

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Preservice teacher Date Notes for users:
Madeleine Green 30/05/2019
School/site Name and role of observer: It is beneficial for pre-service teachers
Shanghai United International School Yahulda Lelonek to be observed and given written
Preservice Mentor feedback at least once per week
Number in class/group Year/group/ability information during Professional Experience
28 Students Grade 4 – EAL students placements. The AITSL Standards
Professional Experience Course Week of placement: provide focus for observation and can
EDUC 3061 third stimulate professional dialogue
Lesson/topic focus Observation focus (standards/target(s)) around strengths and developmental
Inquiry (Science) - Clouds Standard 3.1 needs.

Previous targets (achieved/still to be achieved - link to Graduate Standards (AITSL) where appropriate)


Inquiry/ Clouds 35 mins focus areas

Madeleine did a quick review of the last topic, which was severe weather. She transitioned by explaining
to the students that clouds effect the weather. And that learning the types of clouds can help them
predict serious weather conditions in the future. Standard
Big Question 3.1 -
How are clouds formed? Establish
Brainstorm challenging
Madeleine engaged the class with a cloud “web” brainstorm. The students shared all their knowledge of learning
clouds and discussed it with each other. Using the CLOUD PowerPoint that she created the students
took notes and looked at real life pictures of clouds.
The students shared what each cloud type reminded them of to make connections to the content.
To check for understanding, Madeleine gave the students a worksheet with some challenging vocabulary Set explicit,
that required them to put the process of how clouds are formed in the correct order. Using their challenging
resources and teacher support they were able to complete is successfully. and
Conclusion/Share achievable
The students were able to find answers to the big question by playing the “Who Am I? Game. During this learning
game, the students had to write factual creative clues to describe each cloud type. This game not only goals for all
generated relevant discussion but also allowed students to stay on task and focused on the big question.

Strengths of the lesson (link to Graduate Standards (AITSL) where appropriate)

The highlighted aspects of the lesson observations links to the APST standard 3.1 and provides evidence that the
graduate level 4 (of standard 3.1) is being achieved:
‘Implements well-constructed learning goals… excellent planning, adapted to the class context, which utilises a
range of teaching strategies’
The lesson demonstrated that these preservice achievements are being implemented and achieved as the learning
goals are being adapted throughout the lesson as students’ knowledge and skills grow. Furthermore, students are
using multiple resources (PPT with videos, interactive game – Who am I? – and vocabulary worksheet) so that the
lesson is being delivered in a way that suits all learners.

Developmental targets arising out of this lesson (link to Graduate Standards (AITSL) where appropriate)
Focusing on level 5 of the graduate standards, I will challenge myself to improve on setting differentiated learning
goals for individual students, rather than generalised class goals. Although I used the multiple resources and a range
of strategies that accommodates to the majority of the class, adapting lesson plans needs to be improved.

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