English: Quarter 1 - Module 2 Writingbibliography
English: Quarter 1 - Module 2 Writingbibliography
English: Quarter 1 - Module 2 Writingbibliography
Quarter 1 – Module 2
English – Grade 8
Alternative DeliveryMode
Quarter 1 - Module 2: Writing Bibliography
First Edition,2020
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment ofroyalties.
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks,etc.)includedinthisbookareownedbytheirrespectivecopyrightholders.Every effort
has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respectivecopyrightowners.Thepublisherandauthorsdonotrepresentnorclaimownership over
For thefacilitator:
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and
Asafacilitator,youareexpectedtoorientthelearnersonhowtousethismodule.You also
need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in themodule.
For thelearner:
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomplish.
Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you, as a learner, is capable and
empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace
and time. Your academic success lies in your ownhands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be able to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an activelearner.
Inthisportion,thenewlessonwillbeintroducedto you
in various ways such as a story, a song, a
What isIt
This section provides a brief discussion of the
What’s More lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts andskills.
This comprises activities for independent practice
to solidify your understanding and skills of the
What I Have Learned topic.Youmaychecktheanswerstotheexercises
using the Answer Key at the end of themodule.
This includes questions or blank
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to processwhat
you learned from thelesson.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitateto
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are notalone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can doit!
What I Need toKnow
If you were given an assignment or research by your teacher, where do you usually
refer to? Do you read books or visit the internet right away? In doing so, do you pay attention
to the information of the source like the author or the title of the book you referredto?
In this module, you will learn about the importance and the different ways of citing or
recognizing the sources of information through writing abibliography.
In the process, you are to do different activities to recognize the important parts ofthe
sources where you can commonly get information from, such as books, newspapers, and
other print and onlinesources.
The most essential learning competency covered in this module is use conventions
in citing sources,EN8SS-IIIg-1.6.4.
What IKnow
To test what you already knew about bibliography writing, answer the pretest below.
Takenoteoftheitemsthatyoudidnotcorrectlyansweranddiscovertherightanswerasyou go
through thismodule.
Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet ofpaper.
2. The word "bibliography" originated from the Greek words ‘biblion’ meaning a book and
‘graphia’meaningto .
A. copy B.listen C.read D.write
3. Which of the following print materials refers to a scholarly published periodical containing
articles written by researchers, professors, and otherexperts?
A. books B.journals C. magazines D.newspapers
4. Which of the following refers to any materials or information taken from theinternet?
A. Instagram B. online C.socialmedia D.YouTube
10. Why is it important to cite the sources of information that you used in your research? It is
important becauseit .
A. gives credit to theauthor
B. is required by theteacher
C. is generally a part of anessay
D. shows you made an effort in doing yourassignment
11. One of the reasons why a learner needs to cite sources of information used in his/her
research is to show his/her credibility as a writer. This means thatthelearner .
A. made his/her ownresearch
B. used reliable information in his/herresearch
C. copied his/her work from his/herclassmates
D. read a lot of books to include in his/herresearch
12. Maria is annotating or marking a book source which she used for her report in Human
Body Parts. In which part of the book can she find the year ofpublication?
A. back cover
B. coverpage
C. copyrightpage
D. table ofcontents
13. What is wrong with the format of this sample annotated bibliography entry in Chicago
Accessed July 8,2011.
A. the properindention
B. the properpunctuations
C. the format of the dateaccessed
D. the way the author’s name iswritten
14. Which of the following bibliography entries contain a complete information of thesource?
A. Amparo, Elmer. The Government of Early Philippine Society. Lipad
B. Pamano, Alma, and Burdeos, Kris. “The Beautiful Islands of Dinagat.” One
C. Yagong, Michelle and Pineda Afonso. “Festivals in thePhilippines.”
D. Zapico, Leo. “First Filipino Bags Gold in Olympics.” National Press,
August 17,2018.
In your past lesson, you learned about context clues and its types which help you
sharpen your word-attack skills. Let us recall your knowledge by answering the short drill
Activity 1. Let’sReview
Read the sentences carefully and determine the meaning of the underlined word
through context clues. Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet ofpaper.
1. In doing your research paper, you have to make sure that you use information taken
from reliable sources.
A. common C.trustworthy
B. intelligent D.understandable
3. Ifyouhavetakenaninformationfromacertainwebsite,donotforgettociteitinyourpaper as your
A. acknowledge C.discuss
B. appreciate D.underline
4. You can be easily accused of plagiarizingother author’s work if you will not cite your
A. copying C.robbing
B. repeating D.stealing
5. One way of citing your sources is to include a bibliographyof these sources in a separate
page of your researchpaper.
A. copy ofotherstudies C. worksheet of differentsources
B. list of scientificresearch D. list of related sources ofinformation
Note that in the activity you have just answered, you came across thesephrases:
use information taken from reliablesources
cite yoursources
include a bibliography of thesesources
Do we really need to cite the source of information? How will we doit?
IfyouwereaskedtodoaresearchworkonstoriesofFilipinowomen,howwillyoufind a
reliable source of information about the topic? Will you search it on the internet or visit the
librarytofindappropriatebooks?Indoingso,doyoucloselylook atthepartsordetailsofthe sources
that youuse?
This part of the module will lead you to an initial understanding of the importance of
looking at the parts or details of a source. Look at the text below. Study and analyzeit.
Illustration 1: Illustrated by the author. Names mentioned in the
illustration arefictional.
What isIt
In the previous part of the module, you have seen an illustration of a cover page of a
book and its parts. Do you think it is important to take note of these information and citethem
in your research?
When you do your research, you need to cite or list your sources. Whenever you take
specific facts, ideas, or quotations from a book, magazine, newspaper, or other sources, you
make sure to cite thesource.
Here are some important reasons why you need to cite or list thesources:
It gives credit to theauthors.
It provides you and the reader with more information about thesources.
It shows the writer’s credibility, referring to whether his/her sources arereliable.
It prevents plagiarism, an act of stealing someone else’s ideas and presenting
them as yourown.
Look at the sample text inside the box. How many sources do you see? One way of
citing your sources is through listing them on a separate page of your research paper. This
page is what we call a bibliography.
Bolante, Christopher. Expressing One’s Self ThroughLiterature.
Binyan: Bughaw Publishing, Inc.,2017.
A bibliography is taken from the Greek word ‘biblion’ which means ‘book’ and
‘graphia’ which means ‘to write.’ A bibliography contains an alphabetical list of sources like
books, periodicals, and websites used by the writer orresearcher.
Aresearchpapershouldcontainabibliographywrittenonaseparatepageandshould be
located at the end of the paper. Each entry uses a hanging indention, also known as a
second lineindention.
The three main citation styles are thefollowing:
The American Psychological Association (APA) Style which is used in social and
literature and related subjects like theater orfilm.
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) which is often used in many academic fields,
especially in the humanities and socialsciences.
Manual of Styles 17thEdition.
A. Print Sources. These are sources that have been published in printed format, such as
books andperiodicals.
1. Books. These are the most common and reliable sources of information. This is the
sample format of writing a book bibliography.
Author’s last name and first name. Title of Book: Subtitle. Place of
publication: Name of Publisher. Year ofpublication.
Chapter in aBook
Cruz, Lourdes. “South-East Asian Literature.” In Language and Literature: Grade 8
Learners’ Textbook, 30-47. Quezon City: Cruz Publishing House, Inc.,2015.
Title of
of the
Book Copyright
Name of
Author’s last name and first name. “Title of Article”. Journal Title,
VolumeNumber,Issue Number,PublicationYear
Titleof Article
Illustration3:Illustratedbytheauthor.Names mentionedintheillustrationarefictional.
Illustration4:Illustratedbytheauthor.Names mentionedintheillustrationarefictional.
Publication Titleof
Date Article
2. E-Books.Thesearebooksthatarereadonacomputerorelectronicdevices.Theyare cited
exactly as a printed book with the addition of a format at the end of the citation:
Kindle, PDF, EPUB, etc. If books are referred online, include the URL at the end ofthe
This is the sample format of writing an e-bookbibliography:
Author’s last name and first name. Title of Book. Place of publication:
Name of Publisher. Year of publication. Format ORURL
Solis, Anna May, Dela Cruz, Christopher, and Dizon, Jane. Howto
Improve Your Reading Skills. Manila: TIM’s Publishing Company, 2018.epub.
Nameof Format
Titleof PlacePublishedCopyright
theBook Year
Illustration6:Illustratedbytheauthor.Names mentionedintheillustrationarefictional.
3. Online Journals. These are journals read from digital libraries or onlinedatabases.
Titleof the
Source: philjournalsci.dost.gov.ph
4. OnlineMagazineandOnlineNewspaper.Thesearetheonlineversionsofmagazines and
newspaper. Both sources have the same format in writing a bibliographyentry.
This is the sample format of writing an online magazine and newspaper bibliography:
Online NewspaperEntry
Dizon, Carlo. “Flu Shots May Reduce Risk of Heart Attacks, Strokes
and Even Death.” Caraga Sinag Press, October 22,2013.
Illustration7:Illustratedbytheauthor.Names mentionedintheillustrationarefictional.
Orcullo, Ramon. "MisOr remains COVID-19 free, DOH." SinagPress,
June 14, 2020. https://sinagpress/ news /2020/6/14/misor-remains-covid-19-
Headline/Title of Article
Illustration8:Illustratedbytheauthor.Names mentionedintheillustrationarefictional.
To solidify your understanding and skills of the topic, below are series of activities that will enrich your mastery of the lesson
The first activity is a mystery bibliography entry. To unlock the secret, you must solve first the riddle below to get all the bibli
The author of tHe source is named after a flowEr quite popular
to Many lovers. She also has the same family name of that Filipino
singer whO sang the popular OPM song titled“Tala”.
The source was publisheD by a press company namEd afteR
the little browN mammal with very big eyes whicH can bE found in
Bohol and otheR areas inVisayas.
YOu can find that prEss company in the city otherwiSe known
as The Durian Capital Of the Philippines, and the home of Mt. Apo.
Mindanao waselecTed.
For you to knOw the title of the source, you neeD to look at All
the words written. Are there letters that stand out? Arrange them
and You will find out.
Assessment 1. LookClosely
Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet ofpaper.
1. Book
Mega Publishing Inc.
Jose Rizal: A Genius and National Hero
Gregorio F. Timong, JuanaImpaz
2. Journal
3. Magazine
The Ruins in Bacolod City
4. OnlineNewspaper
Melissa LuzLopez
June 8,2020
5. Website
Fe Durango
Serving Others as Serving God
March 8,2016
Activity 3. Fill MeOut
Fill in the missing information to complete the format of eachsource.
1. Books:
Burgos, Charity, and Nolyuga, Mark. Learning the English Language for
Filipino Students. Cebu: Tamaraw Publishing, Inc.,2015
2. Journal:
Journal of Filipino Educators 10, no. 2 (2017):21-28.
Author’s last name, First name.“ArticleTitle”. .
Volume number, Issue number (Year):Page(s).
3. OnlineMagazine:
Guzon, Ben. “Wildlife travel: What animals can I see in The Philippines?” Wild
Life Philippines, January 10,2016.
Author’s last name, First name. “Article Title”. MagazineTitle,
4. Website:
Cupay, Ryan. “How to Improve Communication.” World EnglishInternational
Executive Coaching, Accessed June 11, 2019.
5. OnlineNewspaper:
Bautista, Dessy and Lopez, Melissa. “TIMELINE: How Philippines is Handling
COVID-19.” CNN Philippines, Apr 21, 2020.
What I HaveLearned
reflect on the important points that you found helpful and challenging by completing the
Jot YourInsights
After doing all the activities in this module, I learned that bibliographyis
In this part of the module, you will transfer your new knowledge or skill into real life
1. You are writing an essay about improving your listening skills in English. You found a
book in your library titled “How to Improve Your Listening Skills” written by Belinda
Gomez and Francisco Conde. The book was published by Lawig Publishing, Inc. in
Bayugan City and its copyright year is2017.
2. YoualsofoundanarticlefromajournaltitledJournalinEarlyEducationwhichyougot from
the Periodicals Section. The title of the article is “Improving Listening Skills of
Preschool Pupils Through Nursery Rhymes” written by Allan Perez, Gina Cruz, and
Alma Campos. The serial information is Volume 11, Issue No.6, Published December
2017, pages17-23.
3. After getting the important information you found in the book, you then decided to
search on Google. You clicked on a website article titled ‘Ten Ways to Improve Your
Listening Skills’. It was posted on a website named iTeach Magazine, and the author
ofthatarticleisLeslySanchez.ThearticlewaspublishedonAugust4,2018.TheURL is
didyoufindmostenjoyable?Atthispart,let’snowevaluateyourlevelofmasteryinachieving the
learning competency by answering theassessment.
Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correctanswer.
1. The word "bibliography" originated from the Greek words ‘biblion’ meaning a book and
‘graphia’meaningto .
A. copy B.listen C.read D.write
4. Which of the following print materials refers to a scholarly published periodical containing
articles written by researchers, professors, and otherexperts?
A. books B.journals C. magazines D.newspapers
5. Which of the following refers to any materials or information taken from theinternet?
A. Instagram B.Online C.socialmedia D. YouTube
6. Why is it important to cite the sources of information that you used in your research? It is
important becauseit .
A. gives credit to theauthor
B. is required by theteacher
C. is generally a part of anessay
D. shows you made an effort in doing yourassignment
9. Which should NOT be a purpose for creating an annotated bibliography? It should not be
createdto .
A. avoidplagiarism
B. help otherresearchers
C. burden writers in doing theirresearch
D. show respect to the author of the sourceused
10. Maria is annotating or marking a book source which she used for her report in Human
Body Parts. In which part of the book can she find the year ofpublication?
A. back cover C. copyrightpage
B. coverpage D. table ofcontents
12. One of the reasons why a learner needs to cite sources of information used in his/her
research is to show his/her credibility as a writer. This means thatthelearner .
A. made his/her ownresearch
B. used reliable information in his/herresearch
C. copied his/her work from his/herclassmates
D. read a lot of books to include in his/herresearch
13. Which of the following is an example of a correct bibliographyentry?
A. DESOLO, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine
Health Bureau, July 17, 2016. https://philhealthbureau.org/philippines/preventing-
B. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”.Philippine
Health Bureau, July 17, 2016. https://philhealthbureau.org/philippines/preventing-
C. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine
Health Bureau, July 17, 2016.
D. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine
Health Bureau, July 17, 2016.
14. What is wrong with the format of this sample annotated bibliography entry in Chicago
Manual of Styleformat?
The following additional task shall give you more practice to enrich your knowledge
in citingsources.
Design It!
Design your own cover page of a book or website. Do not forget to include all the
bibliographicinformationofthebookorwebsite.Draw/Illustrateyourworkneatlyinaseparate sheet
of paper. Below is the rubric in rating yourwork.
5 4 3 2
Outputinclud Output misses
over and Output misses
es allof the one to threeof
above allthe four or more
required the required
requiredele requiredeleme
Required elements as elements as
ments nts.
Elements stated inthe stated in the stated in the
directions& directions/ins directions/instr
instructions. tructions. uctions.
Acceptablyattr messy or very
active but may poorlydesigne
attractive and Attractive and
be messy at d.
Neatness and particularlyne neat indesign
timesand/or Does notshow
at indesign and layout
Attractiveness show lack of pride in work.
and layout
Output is Output is disorganized
engaginglyorg somewhator andincomplet Output is
OverallEffecti incompletea
anized and ganized,com eat times
venessandC nd not easy
presentsmateri pleteand and is
ompletion al thatis holdsthe somewhat tofollow
captivatingfor attention ofthe able tohold
theviewer. viewer the attentionof
“Bibliography”. In English 8 Learners’ Material. Philippines: Department of
Red Deer College Library. “Chicago Citation Style 17th Edition.” June 16,2020.
Westmark School “Creative Project Assessment Rubric.” Accessed June 26, 2020.
For inquiries or feedback, please write orcall:
Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR) Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., D
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600 Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054;8631-4985
Email Address: [email protected] *[email protected]