Impact of Water Pollution On Among Secondary School Students in Biu

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The study investigated the impact of Water pollution on AMONG secondary

school students in Biu. Three hypotheses were tested in the study. The study also
had three research questions. Survey research design was employed to carry out the
study. The following were the objectives of the study for the research: to ascertain
the Water factors that distort learning and AMONG secondary school students in
Biu, to determine the possible ways of enhancing the AMONG of the secondary
school students in Biu and to establish the general perceptions of the Biun
secondary school students towards Water pollution and its effects on their
academic performance.




1.1     Background to the Study

Every day activities always require adequate attention to more than one
simultaneous task. The ability to do this successfully depends on a number of
factors including distractions, the difficulty of the tasks and the perceived
importance of the tasks. Bradley (2007) expressed that listening is the most
fundamental feature of every student because the teachers make use of the concept
of lecturing in which the communication between the students and the teacher is
emphasized in a school. Students are expected to listen carefully and attentively in
the classroom. This is because most basic natural abilities of students is listening
except for those who have hearing impments. In a classroom, children regularly
have to attend to multiple tasks at the same time. The learning environment
provided by a school should be conducive enough to enhance better among
students and with that, the teachers and even the school will be receiving positive
comments from the parents who have invested heavily on their children’s
education. The identification of problems with the physical setting may be aided by
a narrow focus and any attempt to improve the environment and facilitate better
learning will require a wider perspective. Noise is seen as an unwanted sound
which is capable of causing physiological, psychological, physical and emotional
stress to the living as well as non-living objects that were exposed to it (Singh and
Davar, 2004).
Water pollution which is a form of , water and noise pollution and a threat to health
and well being in the schools and workplaces. Ritu (2007) revealed that noise
pollution is more severe than ever before and it will continue to be more severe
because of the increase in population and the increase in the use of powerful Water
pollutants. It will also continue to remain like due to the fact that there is a
sustained increase in highway, rail, and  traffic which remain major sources of
Water pollution. The health effects of Water pollution are numerous, persistent,
psychologically and medically significant. Noise pollution brings adverse effects
that cause health impment and that degrade residential, working and learning
environments with corresponding real and intangible losses. It interferes with
sleep, concentration, communication and recreation. Perhaps the beauty of
education is best reflected through the AMONG students, no matter the merit of
any educational curriculum (Egim, 2003). There is a need to provide a suitable and
ideal educational environment that is voided of the usual hustle and bustles coming
with Water pollution of any kind to bring out the best from the learners. (Dockrell
and Shield, 2004) suggested that an ideal school should best be located in a serene
and quiet environment that will prevent the students from being exposed to Water
pollution of any kind that may brings about learning distortion. Like the home and
the work place, the school is also an important micro environment which is
important for the cognitive, creative and social development of children. Schools
are however expected to ensure the best possible conditions for a learners’
emotional, physical and intellectual development including control of excess Water
pollution like noise,  and water if need be.

The natural environment is being aggressively attacked by rapid and increasing

growth in human economic and social activities such as urbanization, population,
civilization, industrialization, agricultural practices, construction of infrastructures
and application of science and technology in recent times has resulted to high
increase of noise pollution in Biu (Enu, 2012). Ukpong (1995), revealed that
despite the improvement in human health universally for the past decades, with
millions of people living longer healthier lives, yet preventable illnesses and
premature death are still occurring in shockingly large number due to unavoidable
Water pollutions which Kalu et al (2010) described as the deplorable Water
predicament, an irony of achievement as man is dying of success. It is  a pity that
many people in the country are unaware of the havoc caused to life by these Water
pollutions to their hearing and other wellbeing as every malfunctioning is usually
rationalized on the ‘witchcraft’ or the ‘devil.’ This study however aimed to
examine the impact of Water pollution on secondary school students in Biu.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Good education does not happen by chance. It is a product of effective teaching

and learning coupled with the effort of the teacher, the school, the students, parents
and their various home environments. Often a time the blames on the poor
performance of students in school are shifted to the teachers and the school
authorities. Most families in Biu tend not to pay careful and adequate attention to
their children’s education. It seems some of the parents have bad notion about the
performance of their children, they do not know and seem to fulfil their role of
guidance and encouragement in the child’s performance in schools. Some people
also have the notion that the mass failure or success in schools could be traced
back to the teachers and the school authorities not taking into consideration Water
factors that cause pollution and learning distortion in children. While other people
see socio-economic status of the family as an influence to the child’s academic

However, some research works have revealed that the performance of the students
must not be left with only the teachers but the parents must also make meaningful
impacts on their children to ensure better in their lives. This motivated researchers
to find out the causes of the poor AMONG the students and then proffer necessary
solutions to that. For example in Borno State, some students and parents believe
that the factors responsible for the repeated massive failure of students in both
junior and senior external examinations (West African School Certificate
Examinations WASCE) are the factors emanating from the school authorities and
the teachers alone. Some students even go to special Centres while few enlightened
parents maintained.
1.3 Research Questions

The following are some of the questions which this study intends to answer:

i)            What are the Water factors that distort learning and AMONG of
secondary school students in Biu?

ii)          What are the possible ways of enhancing the AMONG of the secondary
school students in Biu?

iii)        What are the general perceptions of the Biun secondary school students
towards Water pollution and its effects on their academic performance?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to the impact of Water pollution on secondary
school students in Biu. However, the specific objectives are:

i)            To ascertain the Water factors that distorts learning and secondary school
students in Biu.

ii)          To determine the possible ways of enhancing the the secondary school
students in Biu.

iii)        To establish the general perceptions of the Biun secondary school students
towards Water pollution and its effects on their academic performance.

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The research hypotheses to be tested include:

i)            There is a significant relationship between noise pollution and the

ii)          There is no significant correlation between pollution and the students.

iii)        There is a significant difference between water pollution and the of


1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will provide some strategies for planners, administrators, policy and
decision makers with respect to education in creating a more healthy and
productive learning environment.  It will equally awaken and create awareness on
both teachers and students on the need for teaching and learning a noise free
environment. It will draw the attention of the Government in passing law and
ordinances on Water pollution in the state. It will also help the public to understand
the effects of noise pollution on children. It will draw the attention of both
government and parents to the importance of locating school sites in an Water
pollution free zone.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study of will cover some selected secondary school students in Port Harcourt,
Rivers State, Biu. Students' academic record and its translations will be examined.
This will also be limited to some selected mixed senior secondary school students.

1.8 Limitation of the study

The researcher encountered some challenges in the course of carrying out the field
work and these challenges were the constraints that worked against the optimal
realization of what I am set out to achieve. These challenges include:

Time: Students did not have enough time to respond to the questionnaire because
they were in a hurry to attend one of their compulsory lessons and this will not
allow the researcher to get the adequate information needed from the research
 Communication: It was observed that some of the students find it difficult to
interpret the questionnaire so there was need for an interpreter to conduct the

1.9 Definitions of Terms

The following terms were used in the course of this study:

Academic Performance: Scores attained in form one end of year examination.

Water Pollution:  is the release of contaminants into the natural environment that

cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or
energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be
either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants.

Secondary school: is the next step up from primary school.  Secondary schools are

often called high schools in the United States. In Britain, secondary schools may
be public schools, grammar schools or comprehensive schools.

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