Social Group

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Introduction to Culture, Politics, and Society

Review notes for the 4th Quarter Exam

Society – is a social system that is composed of people assigned to perform a definite task and function
in a social system called social institution

Why people in society organized?

People have tendency to form a group because of their societal personality.

What phrase that best describe man’s societal personality?

Is is the famous phrase of “No man is an island”.

What is the essence of the phrase “no man is an island”?

Man cannot stand or live alone. He needs the company of other people.

What are the diversity needs of man in society?

A person has a diversity of needs like: social, spiritual, political, biological and economic.

What motivates the people in organization of a society?

People form group to meet and satisfy their needs for affection of love, food, clothing, and shelter.

Is security belong to the needs in organizing a society?


What is a group?
It is constituted by two or more persons who interact together and are together physically.

Give an example of a group?

A family or like employees in the business firm.

What is a social group?

It is composed of two or more persons who have something in common, are interacting with each other,
and are guided by a set of norms.

What are the three requirements for a group?

These are the three requirements:
a. There must be two or more people;
b. There must be interaction; and
c. The members of the group must be together physically.

When does the interaction occurs?

When the action of one person causes another person or persons to act.

Can you consider talking to someone over the phone as form of group? Explain.
No. You are interacting but you are not a group since you are not together physically.

What is the significance of studying group in sociological inquiry?

Many sociologists claim that social interaction or interpersonal behavior of group members is an
important criterion in the concept.

What is the nature of existence of a group?

Group may be temporary or permanent.

How the sociologist study groups?

They observe the regularity and uniformities in a group and analyze how the behavior of individuals is
affected by the patterned ways of the group. In so doing, they are able to predict the individual’s

What are other forms of humans classes that sociologist consider important?
These are the following: aggregate, the social category, and collective.

What is aggregate class of people?

These are the people who come together without interacting with each other.

What is social category?

It is an agglomeration where members possess common identifying status characteristics but do not
interact socially.

What is collective group?

They are composed of clusters of people who share some kind of belief which prepare them for action,
instinctively forming a temporary or short-lived group.

Aggregate group – a number of persons who come together without interacting with each other.

Social category – is an agglomeration where members possess common identifying status characteristics
but do not interact socially.

Collective (masses, public and social movements) – temporary groups are clusters of people interacting
with each other but the interactions are temporary or short-lived

Factors That Infleuence Groups

Motivational base shared by individuals – people may form groups based on their needs, interests,
desires, noble activities, insecurities, or problems

Group goals – a group will determine or develop structural patterns

Group cohesion – this refers to the extent to which the members of a group have capability to function
and interact collectively in the direction of their goals

Social organization – is a process of bringing order and significance into human life.

a. Differentiation in statuses (sex, age)
b. Following set of activities
c. Norms and values
d. Control
e. Repeated activities and behaviour

Social structure – refers to the independent network of roles and the hierarchy of statuses which define
the reciprocal expectations and the power arrangement of the members of the social unit guided by

Social status – refers to members’ positions or ranks in the heirarchy of power relations

Role – refers to the sum total of behaviour expectations and activities associated with a social position
which a holder is supposed to

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