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The Representation of Class Struggle in Suzanne

Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008) from the

Perspective of Marxist



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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ i

List of Tables ....................................................................................................................... ii

List of Figures ...................................................................................................................... iii

I. Introduction

1. Research Background ................................................................................................. 1

2. Problem Identification ................................................................................................ 5

3. Limitation of the Study ............................................................................................... 6

4. Statements of Research Question ................................................................................ 6

5. Purpose of the Study.................................................................................................... 6

7. Significance of the Study............................................................................................. 7

II. Literature Review

1. Empirical Review ........................................................................................................ 10

2. Theoretical Review ..................................................................................................... 13

3. Research Model .......................................................................................................... 23

III. Research Method

1. Research Design .......................................................................................................... 25

2. Subject of the Study .................................................................................................... 25

3. Object of the Study...................................................................................................... 25

4. Instrument of Data Collection...................................................................................... 26

6. Method of Data Analysis............................................................................................. 29

7. Research Trustworthiness............................................................................................ 31

8. Research Procedure...................................................................................................... 31

9. Research Schedule....................................................................................................... 33


List of Tables

Table 1. Sequence Segmentation of The Hunger Games (2008) .......................................... 33

Table 2. Class Difference and Class Struggles Tabulation ................................................... 34

Table 3. Class Difference and Class Struggle

Classification…………………….......................................................................................... 35

Table 4. Research Schedule .................................................................................................. 41

List of Figures

Figure 1. Data Analysis Scheme: Interactive Model ............................................................ 23

Figure 2. Data Analysis Scheme: Interactive Model............................................................. 29

Figure 3. Flowchart of the Research Procedure .................................................................... 31



This chapter of this present research covers seven subchapters namely

background of the study, problem identification, the purpose of the study,

limitation of the study, statement of research problem, the significant of the

study, and the definition of key terms. The first subchapter which is research

background covers the background of the study, the second is problem of

identification which covers the problem identified from the research

background, next is limitation of the study which covers the limit of the

research investigation, the forth is the purpose of the study which cover the

purpose of this present research, the fifth is the statement of study which

covers two major research problems, the sixth is the significant of the study

which covers to major significant namely, theoretical and practical

significant, the last subchapter is the definition of key term which covers 3

definition of related key terms. These subchapters are presented in this

following section below.

1.1. Background of the Study

Literary criticism grasps some prominent significance in language

teaching both for the teacher as well as for the students. Considering the

essential function of literary criticism, literary criticism can be utilized as a

teaching material in the English Language Teaching. By using literary

criticism as a teaching material in English language teaching, automatically

the teacher provides the learner with lots of exposures about literature which

is known that literature itself is really beneficial for the English language

teaching. Learning language through literature could help the students to

master the target language because of its characteristic which is a literature

contain an artistic value and fun story to engage the students in learning

language rather than the common media such as essay, article and printed

book which is insipid and lack of motivation (Febrika 2013, Soomro,

Umrani, & Jabbar, 2019). This is also in line with Curlette (2018) as a

Course Developer and English Teacher stated that literary criticism is able

to foster the learner in developing their reading comprehension where

literary criticism as a bridge for the learners to pass their literal language

thinking stages to the metaphorical stage. It means that literary criticism

provide the learner with a brand new way of thinking and stimulate their

higher order of thinking (Khatib, Alizadeh 2012 & Keshavarzi , 2012).

Moreover, the focus on literary criticism is beyond at developing the

students’ language acquisition and critical thinking but also able to enhance

the students’ moral and social value. The importance of enhancing the

students’ moral and social value was already proclaimed in UUD 1945 and

UNESCO so the Indonesian government inserted those values into the

implementation of the Curriculum 2013. Despite the fact that the students

already exposed with the moral and social value, the moral degradation is

still be a concern in Indonesia (Hermayawati, 2014). So by using literary

criticism criticized with the Marxism approach, it is believed it can help the

students in enhancing their social and moral value (Shawal, 2015).

The concept of Marxism is firstly introduced by Karl Mark (1881-1883),

constituted as a general view about the world and society. Marxism literary

approach is viewed as a sociology of literature which does not merely focus

on the social problem such as working class or how the process of the novel

was published but Marxist more about to explain the literary work or the

novel in more detail and fully way including the style, form and the

meaning of the novel (Jameson & Foster, 2003). As a literary approach,

Marxism tried to reveal the social class issues which grasp the literary work

itself as what Terry Eagleton in his book Marxism and Literary Criticism

(1976) stated that literary work cannot recognize itself, that is why Marx

introduced a Marxist literary approach to find and reveal the hidden

ideology or the hidden messages from the literary works itself. The

employment of Marxism approach in literary works are enable the students

to see the reflection of society in the literary works which is highlighting the

issues of inequality by analyzing the problem and the power structure of the

literary works itself (Tyson, 2015). According to Shawal (2015), Marxist

literary criticism provides several values which are essential for the learners

to improve and develop their respect towards their parents, elderly people,

labor class, authority, and poverty in order to reach the goal of Marxist

theory in Education which is to create equalization of educational

opportunity. In addition, Marxist literary criticism is able to foster the

students’ fully developed socialized, harmonious society as well as a

cooperative society, be more open minded and create a valuable society

(Showkat & Ahmad, 2015, Kellner, 2000).

The implementation of moral and social values in the education is has

been declared in Indonesian National Law and world organization such as

UNESCO in order to fully develop the students’ morality and social values.

The aim of the national education is already decanted on the UUD 1945 of

Republic Indonesia Number 20, Article 3 at 2003, which is mentioned that

Indonesian National education does not merely aim at developing the

students’ cognitive ability, but it also functions in shaving as well as

developing the students’ morality, character, attitude and social values and

producing democratic human sources in facing the environment that might

be contains lots of inequality issues. This aim of education is also supported

by the world organization which is specialized agency that stands for

education, scientific and Cultural, UNESCO. The United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) obligates the world

educational system to insert moral and social values in the learning process

itself to improve the world education quality as what as it is already

declared in four pillars of education which one of the four pillars is learning

to live together. Considering these aims of national and international

education, the Indonesian Government has been launched the current

curriculum which is Curriculum 2013 as a realization towards the aims of

education in UUD 1945 and UNESCO that obligates the education to link

the learning content with culture and moral values as an important aspect in

educational system in preventing the future generation with moral

degradation caused some negatives action in society (Hermayawati, 2014).

Moreover, although that the Indonesian government already proclaimed

and inserted the moral and social values included the value of equality

through the implementation of curriculum 2013 in Indonesian educational

system, the issues on the moral deterioration and social problems are still a

concern in Indonesia including plagiarism, corruption, drug abuse and

gratification (Hermayawati, 2014). There are several reasons that might

cause moral deterioration; one of them is caused by the imbalance of the

learning material. According to Setiawan (2017) on his research towards the

problem in Indonesian educational system showed that the narrative text in

English textbook were dominated by the kindness value rather than fairness

value. The fairness or the equality values are least explicitly put in the

stories. It means that the text books are not maximum in providing the

students with equality value which cause moral degradation. Seeing this

fact, it requires a learning media which is able to enhance the student’s

social and moral value in order to create a valuable society.

By considering this issues, Trier (2010) who stated that literature is

media that really effective in representing the social value because literature

indirectly promoting moral and social value by supplying the practical

human behavior and moral model. So literature has an important role in

building and shaping a society because learning literature is an eye opening

experiences to educate the people about the worldwide society in order to be

more valuable and open minded society (Showkat Ahmad, 2015). Novel as

one of literary works can be utilized as a media in delivering moral and

social value in terms of the value of fairness within the society by using

Marxism literary approach. Novel is one of the literary works that depict a

story or some conflicts about human life, social life, culture, economic and

politic in a long writing form and represents the thought or the idea of the

author. One of novels which is filled with the inequality issues because of

the socioeconomic gap is The Hunger Games (2008) novel written by

Suzanne Collins. Being the bestselling novel and most read novel in

America, makes this novel was adapted to a movie in 2012. The Hunger

Games novel is a science-fiction novel that told the reader about class

difference in Panem between the Capital which was the higher class society

and the people in the districts which was the labor class society. The Capitol

who had a huge power and authority in controlling the entire Panem lead the

Capitol to treat the people in the districts in dehumanize way. Every year,

the Capitol chose two tributes in each district to have a bloody battle in the

deathly war arena and televised called The Hunger Games. This annual

game was a warning and reminder from the Capitol to the citizens in the

districts towards the rebellious action employed by the districts 74 years ago

which resulting an abolishment towards district 13. So the districts couldn’t

do anything to demand their right towards the Capitol, because if they did

some kinds of rebellion, the districts would be ruined and disappeared by

the Capitol as what they did to the District 13. Collins in her novel, The

Hunger Games really emphasize on the class struggle that was portrayed

between the main actor Katniss Everdeen and the Capitol in the novel

caused by the class difference between oppressor (bourgeoisie) and

oppressed or labor class (proletariat) in order to escape from any form of

oppression employed by the domineering class.

Many researchers already conducted some related study using Marxism

approach on various novels including The Hunger Games Trilogy by

Suzanne Collins used in revealing out the social issues represented through

the story. Ismail Tahir (2017) conducted the study which emphasized on the

power that depicted in the Hunger Games novel. Still in the same year,

Azhary Kurnia also investigated the power that was reflected in the story

and its implication. In the other hand, Þórgunnur Anna Ingimundardóttir

(2014) had successfully conducted a research by examining the social

criticism which focused on the relationship between Capitol and the District.

Meanwhile, Jenifer Cristy Rimun (2013), puts her attention to the social

class and exploitations represented in the story. Furthermore in structural

literary analysis, Mc.Gunigal (2012) had been conducted a research on The

Hunger Games, focused on the theme analysis. However, the previous

studies above merely focused on the issues that occurred in the two contrast

class, the Capitol as the upper class and the districts as the lower class

without considering the potential social issue which occurred intra class.

Therefore, in order to contribute a new color in the Hunger Games research,

the present study examined the class difference issues and the class struggle

issue presented through Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark as the main

characters in the The Hunger Games (2008) novel both inter-class and intra

class. By analyzing the novel using Marxism approach, people are aware

about inequality issues in the society which is depicted through the novel

which is believed that it is able to create a knowledgeable and valuable

society by appreciating the other. Besides, this product of this study also has

a fully significant in education because the teacher can use the novel and the

analysis as well as a authentic teaching material in English Language

Teaching to enhance their critical thinking and English language

acquisition. In addition, this study also provides the students with social

value which is able to help the students to be more respectful towards the

diversity in society because this novel is fully stuffed with inequality among


1.2. Problem Identification

Related to the background that explained in this present study, the

researcher identifies some problems that related to the English Language

Teaching and the students social value. In English language teaching, the

students tend to have low motivation in learning English as a target

language it is because the learning media that used by the teacher is only

oriented to the text book that less fun and interesting. The use of text book

in the class made the students merely focus on the structure of the target

language rather than the function of its language. Therefore, the authentic

material in the literature is required to provide the students with lots of

exposures about its language to interact with the function, and the culture of

the target language as well as enrich and improve English mastery.

Besides, researcher also identifies the social value problem from the

background. According to Hermayawati (2014), the moral deterioration is

still become a consideration in Indonesia even that the newest curriculum

already inserted equality value. The lack of equality value is caused by the

narrative texts in the regular text book only provide the students with

kindness value rather than fairness value (Setiawan, 2017). Fairness or

equality value should be taught be to educate the students to be more mature

and respectful towards the social life. To be matured and respectful human,

here the importance of the novel can be used to educate the students and

support the students to understand and know about the concept of equality

between the high class society and the low class society in order to make a

valuable and meaningful society. As known that human cannot live alone,

human need to find the social interaction in the society to be able to balance

their life. That is why the role of literature is really important to help and

support the students understand about the equality between the higher and

the lower class as what Suzanne Collins did in her novel, The Hunger

Games. The research will be focused on the class struggle represented

through the main characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark. A novel

that already researched has a purpose to educate the students about social

life and how to respect people with different class status.

1.3. Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study was limited by the analysis of the

employment of class struggle in which this present research examined the

employment of class struggle represented through the main character only,

Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. Besides, this present study revealed

the employment of oppression that received by District 12 only.

1.4. Statement of Research Problem

1.4.1. How the class difference presented in the The Hunger Games Novel


1.4.2. How class struggles represented through Katniss Everdeen and

Peeta Melark as the main characters in the Hunger Games Novel


1.5. Purpose of the Study

Related to the research problem above, the purposes of this study


1.5.1. To investigate the class difference that is represented in Collins’ The

Hunger Games Novel (2008).

1.5.2. To investigate how the class struggle is represented through Katniss

Everdeen and Peeta Melark as the main characters in The Huger

Games Novel (2008).

1.6. The Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is majorly divided into two parts. The

first part is theoretical significance and the second one is practical

significance. These two major significances are presented in a more further

way in the following section below.

1.6.1. Theoretical Significance

In theoretical, the significances of this research are divided into

several significances namely Literature learning, language learning and

society. These significances are presented in the following section below.

a. Literature Learning

The significance of this study in the literature learning is that novel

as the object of this study is able to improve the students’ comprehension in

reading and knowledge about the literature itself. According to (Khatib &

Alizadeh, 2012) a literary works contain an artistic and critical thinking

value which act as an imaginative works are able to enhance the students

critical thinking skill because literary works are rich in reasoning and

inference. So by reading the literary works as a media in literature learning

it can help the teacher to provide the students in developing their

comprehension and critical thinking. Besides, this study is able to give more

information especially for the aspect that related to the plot development of

the novel and give some information of the development of the literature

specifically novel by using Marxism approach.

b. Language Learning

It is known that novel is not merely proposed for entertainment, it

gives a huge essential in the education field. In the academic field, the

teachers are able to use literary works in a teaching process. Novel can be

used as a tool to teach grammar, vocabularies, tenses, pronunciation to the

students and to teach the four language skills (reading, speaking, listening

and writing) in more creative and exciting way through the fun story, so it

can engage the students’ participations in the teaching process. Besides that,

according to Keshavarzi (2012), by using literature in a language teaching,

it encourages the students to speak like native and be more critical thinker.

It because the grammar is acquired implicitly in the literature itself and in

the literature, it uses a real life communication so automatically the students

will inhabit the communication used in the literary text and learn about the

culture on its language itself (Mart, 2016). The critical thinking is acquired

from the linguistics feature such as metaphor, hyperbole, simile, ambiguity,

and etc so the students are able to understand the linguistics features in the

easier way.

c. Society

Literature as a reflection of the human life who depict the human life

such as the attitude, moral, the way people think, do and say in the society

Duhan (2015). By reading this study, the society will have some vision or

insight about how a literary work really represents a culture, social economy

life and improve their understanding about how someone’s power can

control the society so that the society can appreciate the low class society

and not exploit them. Learning literature in society is a eye- opening

experiences which educate the society to become educated member of

society because by studying literature it can foster the society in enhancing

their knowledge about the worldwide society, be more open minded and

valuable society (Showkat Ahmad, 2015)

1.6.2. Practical Significance

The practical significances in this present research are divided into

three significances namely practical significance for the EFL student, for the

teacher and for the society. The further explanations of the practical

significances are presented in the following section bellow.

1. For the EFL students

This study is dedicated to EFL students in order to broaden their

horizon’s appreciation towards a literary works. EFL students need to be

oriented in reading fiction as a process in learning English (Vandrick, 1997).

By using a novel for EFL students, it emerge enjoyable reading and offers a

huge benefits (Tsai, 2012). Besides, the result of this research can give

more references in literature research and give the EFL students a hint to

conduct a study that in connection with literary works and Marxism

approach. This study also give the readers or the EFL students some insights

about Marxism approach applied in literary work such as in the Hunger

Games novel as the subject of this study.

2. For the Lecturers

The significance of this study for the lecturers is to improve their

knowledge about literary work if it seen from the Marxism perspective and

the result of the study give the lecturers some materials to develop their

teaching material related to the prose fiction. It is known that novel can

become a fun material in the English Language Teaching like what Febrika

(2013) did in her research was that learning language through literature

could help the students to master the target language because of its

characteristic which is a literature contain a artistic value and fun story to

engage the students in learning language rather than the common media

such as essay, article and printed book

3. For the researcher and the other researcher

The result of the study gives the researcher knowledge about how

prose fiction is able to reflect the society in it. And for the other researcher it

can help give them some insight to conduct some research that related with

this present study.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

1.7.1 Marxist Theory

The Theory of Marxist was created by Karl Mark. Karl Marx is a

Philosopher and Economist from German introduced the Marxism Theory

along with George Wilhelm Friedrisch Hegel, and created a major definition

about the body of this theory that the people who take control of the means

in the society is the controller towards the society (Helemejko, 2012).

1.7.2 Class Struggle

Class struggle is defined as a revolutionary act proposed by the labor

class as the result of the Capitalism aims at breaking the domination of the

ruling class.

1.7.3 Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games Novel

The Hunger Game novel (2008) is a dystopian science-fiction novel

written by Suzanne Collins in 2008. This novel is a best seller novel in New

York Times and adapted to the movie in 2012.



In this chapter, it covers the related literature review which is in

correlation with this present study. This part explains three major parts of

review namely theoretical review, empirical review and research model. The

theoretical review covers some explanation about Suzanne Collins’ and The

Hunger Games trilogy, element of novel, and Marxist to literary works

theory. The second which is the empirical review covers the related

previous study such the significances of literature and analysis novel by

using Marxism perspective. The last is research model which the research

model is explained.

2.1 Empirical Review

In this part, it covers the similar related study that already conducted

by several previous researchers who give influences to this present study in

creating the idea pattern.

In conducting a research, it is obvious that the researcher need to

concern on the significance of conducting the study itself. Here is some

related study which related with the significance of the present study. The

first is from the study which was conducted by Mart (2016) investigated

about the benefits of using literature as a media in teaching English to

enhance the students’ language awareness. The study was conducted in Iraq

and involved 75 EFL students. By using the Likert Scale to collect the data,

the result of the study showed that by using literature in language teaching,

it provide the students with good opportunities to develop their language

skill, linguistic knowledge, and language awareness. It was because, in the

literature, it provide the students with the meaningful input for

communication which the students could see the structure of it text itself,

the function, the grammar so the students can develop their language

proficiency and communicative skill.

The same idea also found by Khatib & Alizadeh (2012), in their

research which investigated about how literary text and non literary text can

enhance the students critical thinking in the English class. The result

showed that the employed material gave the learning process a vital role in

engaging the students in the class room. The employed material here that

more engages the students in developing their reading comprehension was

Literary text. By using literary text in the learning process in the English

class, it motivated the students in reading and be more enthusiastic during

the lesson rather than non literary text. Besides, it also fostered the students’

critical thinking in the reading comprehension because in the literary text

provide the students with some linguistics form such as metaphor,

hyperbole, simile, ambiguity, and etc.

This result also in line with the result of the study which was

conducted by Keshavarzi in 2012 that investigated the role of literature in

language teaching. The result showed that by using literature which rich

with the authentic communication, it was able to foster and develop the

students’ critical thinking and led them to speak like a native in the real life

communication. Besides, the study which was conducted by Olof Jensén

( 2016), investigated about the Marxist reading in The Grapes of Wrath

written by John Steinbeck to highlight the inequality in the ESL classroom.

The data obtained from the study investigated was that first, this novel can

be use a critique towards capitalism. Second, in discussing the inequality

issues in ESL classroom, this novel can be used as real practical implication

for the educators.

The popularity of the Hunger Games Trilogy novel makes many

researchers put more attention to conduct a research to investigate the novel

itself. There are several related previous studies which have huge

implication for this present study such as in the theory as well as the social

issues, method, and the novel as the object of the study. The social issues

that investigated by Marxist approach such as power, capitalist,

communism, rebellion, discrimination, oppression, exploitation, and class


Tahir (2017) investigated the concept and the types of Power of

Marxism approach in the study entitled The Concept of Power in Suzanne

Collins’ The Hunger Games and Lodhi, Mansoor, Khan, Mannan, &

Muqqadas (2019) investigated the elements of Marxist approach in the

study entitled Class clashes in “The Hunger Games”: A Marxist Study.

From the both of those studies, it was found that the Power issue became the

major issue represented through the story. The investigation from both of

those studies it was shown that the dystopian features was really reflected in

the story of the novel and the issues of the power in the story of the novel

was caused by the power domination depicted by the higher social class, the

Capital. The higher class or the bourgeoisie class tried to dominate the lower

class or the proletariat so it caused many conflicts between the Capital and

the people in the districts.

The issue of power in The Hunger Games novel (2008) was really

strong that affected the society in the literary work itself as what Azhary

Kurnia did in 2017 by conducting a research entitled Rebellion Reflected In

The Hunger Games Trilogy Novel (2008-2010) By Suzanne Collins : A

Marxist Approach. This study investigated the power of the government

who control the society. The result of this study was that found there were

three consequences that affected by the power of the Capital as the higher

class society or bourgeoisie towards the proletariat. The first consequence

that caused of the power was rebellion, class struggle and revolution in the

Hunger Games Novel.

Besides the issue of power, the Hunger Games novel (2008) already

investigated by Rimun C. Jeniffer in 2013 who concerned in the social class

and exploitation issues in her research entitled A Marxist Analysis of Social

Classes and Exploitation of the Lower Class in Suzanne Collins’ The

Hunger Games. In this research, it was found that there was a contrast life

style between the Capitol and the District. The capitol lived In a luxurious

way and the labor class lived in the poverty and worked in order to serve

the Capitol lifestyle. It investigated about the social class and how the

higher class exploits the lower class. From the study, there were three

Marxism issues found in the novel. The first was hegemony where the lower

class worked to fulfill the order from the higher class. The second is

reification where the government forced the labor to wok and the last is

false consciousness where the poor class accepted their state of being poor

and being forced labor.

Related to the Marxism issues that found by Rimun C. Jeniffer in

2013 which is reification that forcing the labor class to work with a

minimum salary, reification means that the Bourgeoisie discriminated the

lower class or the labor class. The issue of discrimination also already

conducted in a research entitled A Portrayal of Discrimination in Suzanne

Collins ’ The Hunger Games (2008) (Namira & Utami, 2015). In their

research, the research found that the discrimination process was really

occurred the people in the district. The Capital as the upper class with their

power treats the districts discriminatively. It can be seen in the Reaping Day

when the children forced to join the deadly battle in War arena called as the

Hunger Games. The winner of the hunger games will get a special treatment

and the district of the winner will get lots of food but the other eleven

districts will survive with starvation. This also indicated that the Capitol

discriminated the districts. The discriminative action in the novel affected

the living situation in Panem which were starvation, hatred, anger, fear and


The study that was conducted by entitled You Are What You Cannot

Eat : The Novel The Hunger Games as Social Criticism on the Issue of

Hunger in 2014 by Þórgunnur Anna Ingimundardóttir that investigated

about the relationship between the Marxist issues and social-economy in

Panem, the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, class

distinction, how the Capital or the bourgeoisie use food as a control to

dominate the people in the districts and the role of Katniss Everdeen

portrayed the social criticism in the novel. The result showed that there were

a complex relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat and the

existence of food as a main controller towards the people in the Districts in

Panem to uphold the power of the Capital as the oppressing side and

dominate the government. For the example was the se of Teresera system in

controlling the People in the district. Every Terssera taken from the

Government increase their opportunity to be chosen as a tribute in the

Hunger Games.the result also showed that Katnis as the Hero in this story,

held the vital role in the story in the dystopian era.

From all the research mentioned above in which The Hunger Games

as the subject, it shown that the Marxist issues are the result of the global

Capitalism which is conducted by the Capitol as the ruling class. This is in

line with the research that conducted by Thahir, Rahman, & Makka (2018)

entitled The Reflection Of The Global Capitalism System In Suzanne

Collins’s The Hunger Games in which the data shown that the global

capitalism can be shown from how the Capitol control all the means and

production in Panem which resulted poverty among the labor class in


2.2 Theoretical Review

2.2.1. Suzanne Collins and The Hunger Games Trilogy

Suzanne Collins is one of the American Novelist who wrote many

novels and was born in Hartford on August 10, 1962 . Collins started her

journey as a well-known writer when she published her book The

Underland Chronicles in 2003 and it became a New York Times bestseller

book. Born in family whose father was a History lecturer, Collins received

lots of influences from her father about his experiences in the military and

educating Collins about war. It drove Collins to write The Hunger Games

Trilogy which the first book was released in 2008. The others two sequels,

Catching Fire and Mockingjay were released in 2009 and 2010. These

books brought the same popularity as the The Underland Chronicles of

being the bestselling books.

The first book, The Hunger Games which was published in 2008 was a

Post-apocalyptic science-fiction novel in which the society was divided into

classes, Capitol as the higher class who own the production and the Districts

as the poor class. The story of the hunger games novel narrated the struggle

of 16 years old girl, Katniss Everdeen who lived in district 12 as the

dystopian area in Panem, North America who had to participate in the

deadly war battle called The Hunger games.

Every year, every district needed to send two tributes in which they were

twelve until eighteen years old, male and female to participate in the deadly

battle in the Hunger Games. This annual game "The Hunger Games” is a

warning and reminder from the Capitol towards the citizens in the districts

about the rebellion that was done by District 13 in order to maintain the

power of the Capitol. So the districts couldn’t do anything to demand their

right towards the Capitol, because if they did some kinds of rebellion, the

districts will be ruined and damaged by the Capitol as what they did to the

District 13. The tributes of The Hunger Games novel were chosen by

picking the lottery on the reaping day. Participating in the Hunger Games

was a mandatory for the children in the district. If the children in those ages

did not come to the reaping day, they would end up in the execution. The

Hunger Games also became a way for the children to get more food from

the government. Tessera was a pack of food such as wheat and sugar .

However, to get the tesserae, the children in the district has to enter their

name to the lottery of the Hunger Games bowl . The more name entered the

more food they got and the more possibilities to be picked as a tribute on the

reaping day.

Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark were the main characters of this

book who came from the poorest district, district 12. They were selected to

be participated in the Hunger Games. Katniss as a sixteen years old girl had

to feed mother and her sister because her dad died. Every day, Katniss

Everdeen hunted some animals in the wood in which the preys would be

traded and sold at the black market, Hob. However, hunting in the wood

was not allowed by the Capitol but Katniss had to do it to feed her family.

For the first time, both Katniss and Peeta were sent to the Capitol to do a

training before fighting in the hunger games. They were amazed of how the

people in the Capitol lived where everything was luxurious and provided.

The contrastive lifestyle was seen by Katniss and Peeta.

In the war arena, Katniss fought the other tributes for survival because

there was one winner only. The deadly battle was televised by the Capitol, it

was an entertainment for the people in the Capitol but not for the people in

the districts. The Hunger Games battle was a though battle among the

tributes, miraculously, two tributes from the same district, Katniss and Peeta

Melark were the remaining tributes that need to be fight to win the game.

However, both of them did not want to killed each other because they

thought that the system was unfair to have one winner alive only. They

decided to commit suicide by eating poison berries to execute their lives.

Finally, the game makers decided and officially announced that there were

two winners alive in the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta


2.2.2. Elements of Novel

The term of literature is defined as the whole artistic written expression

which its literary production grasp the human idea through a creative

expression (Klarer, 2004). The same idea also stated by Eagleton, (1983)

that literature is an imaginative human’s work that represents some

expressions and feelings about the history of life, it records human’s history,

thoughts, emotions and literature is characterized as a suggestive and artistic

literary work). Eagleton also stated in his book Literary Theory : an

Introduction that literature preserves something that worthy preservation

such as love, faith, duty and something that has connection with the human


Literature itself has three major genres as what Klarer (2004) wrote in

his book entitled an Introduction to Literary Studies, they are prose fiction,

poetry and drama. Prose fiction is an imaginative literary work that comes

from a human mind that is not based on the standard and judgment free. It

means that the writer can write everything that exist in their mind because

prose fiction is a imaginative literary work and different with the other prose

such as essay. Essay is made based on the truth and it is not imaginative at

all, meaning that it cannot be called as a prose fiction.

Prose fiction is also divided into several genres. They are short story,

novella and novel. Novel is one of the literary works that depict a story or

some conflicts about human life, social life, culture, economic and politic in

a long writing form and represents the thought or the idea of the author. In

the novel, the character and the action are portray the real life of past or

present time which presents in the complex plot or narrative (Hawthorn

Jeremi, 2001). Novel belongs to prose fiction with certain length but it is

not always in a form of a prose. It can be in a form of a verse like The

Golden Gate by Vikram Seth (Eagleton Terry, 2005).

A good story is not built and stands by itself, means that there are some

elements in relation with the other element called intrinsic and extrinsic

element which cooperate to build a complete novel with a good story. Since

this study are going to investigate the class difference and class struggle that

presented through the intrinsic element of the novel in The Hunger Games

Novel which is plot is in the intrinsic element, this part will focus on discuss

about the intrinsic elements of novel which are theme, plot, character &

characterization , setting and point of view.

1. Theme

Theme is one of intrinsic elements that builds a literary works or

novel. In creating a novel, the author itself obviously wanted to reveal a

whole idea about the story that told in the literary works as what Rusyana

(1998) stated that theme is an author’s idea or life concept which is able to

build a literary works. This is also underlying by Perrine (1959) stated that

theme is the central insight of a story that tells about life. Theme is able to

reveal a life concept about family, happiness, love story, sadness, struggle

and many more. However, even that theme conceives a life concept,

theme is not about the message or the moral in the story because it does

not offer a moral but suggest a morality (Burroway, 1987).

Moreover, Perrine (1974) in his book Literature: structure, sound

and sense, stated that there are six aspects that need to be considered in

building up a theme. The first is that a theme is not stated in single word

but it stated in a form of sentence. So theme in the literary works is not

merely stated as “love” or “hatred” but it can be “Love is unconditional”

or “hatred leads people to disrepute”. The second one is theme should

draw a statement of life concept which explain the key term of its theme.

The third is theme shows the specific purpose about the story. The next is

that theme should clear. Meaning that should be a major detail to prevent

the vagueness and multi interpretations. The fifth is that the statement of

theme can stated as long as it represent the story. Then the last is that

theme needs to be unique because it is the main statement of the literary

works itself. Furthermore, theme is the central idea that the authors want

to reveal through the story (Rosaria, 2004).

2. Plot

Plot is defined as the sequence of events that build the whole story of

the literary works (Perrine, 1984). According to Friedman (1975) in his

book Form and Meaning in Fiction classify several kinds: plot of fortune,

plot of thought and plot of Character. Besides, the conventional plot which

is introduced by Dube, Pranson, and Murphy (1983) which is divided into

exposition, point of attack, raising action, climax, resolution and


a. Exposition

Exposition is the part of the plot development where the basic unit of

the story is explained. In the exposition, the author or the narrator

introduction the basic part of the story such as the character involved the

characterization of the character, the place where the story is taken place,

the background of the place or the social background of the characters and

many more. However, the introduction of the character is sometimes

introduction the middle of the story which is not in the beginning. Overall,

in the exposition part, the author tries to make a primary insight about the

story to the reader which lead them to the next part is that point of attack.

b. Point of attack

Point of attack is really essential for the story itself, it is because

point of attack is where the conflict is begun. In this type of plot

development, the author creates a plot that triggers a problem or a

conflict. The conflict that happened will be developed into the bigger

conflict then followed by the others conflicts which are called as a raising


c. Complication

Complication part in the plot development contain of some raising

action in the plot development of a novel is where the conflicts or the

problems getting more complicated. There is a point that makes the event

or the conflict in the story get in to the tension. In this type of plot

development, it shows the conflict that the man character is facing.

d. Climax

Climax is the part of the story which becomes the best part of the

story. It is because; climax is the highest intensity point of the novel

where the tensest event occurred. It shows whether the main character is

defeated or wins the struggle of the conflict. After climax, there is no

conflict occurred anymore and it leads the story to the resolution.

e. Resolution

Resolution or the falling action of the story is the part which is how

the main character reacts to the changes after the climax.

f. Conclusion

Conclusion is how the story is ended. Commonly, a no sequel movie

has a clear conclusion, however, the trilogy novel or the sequel novel, it

has no clear conclusion. It is because the story itself will be continued in

the next sequel.

3. Character and Characterization

Character is one of the elements in novel whose its existence is

essential element in the literary works because characters are the central

feature in the novel . Edgar (1987) defined character as a verbal

representation of human who create the story itself. The author tries to

reveal each character in novel through speech, action, thought and

description so it create their own characterization like careless, loving,

caring and etc. According to Koesnoboro (1998) character is divided into

two Major and Minor character. Major character is the central character

in the literary works because the entire story in the literary work is mostly

involving the major character. Besides, minor character is a supporter

character that big a big impact in the story of the novel. The existence of

the minor character cannot be underestimated because without the minor

character, the story will not complete.

4. Setting

Every story in the narrative text obviously consisted of place where

the story take place, when the event take place (time), the social

background or the situation illustrated in the story which are called as

setting (Kennedi & Gioia, 2007). Setting holds a huge impact in the

development of plot and character in the story. According to Boulton

(2013), novel has its own sociology implication which included some

places such as country, districts, rural area, urban area, habit, religion,

education, culture, moral, life standard and many more.

5. Point of View

In writing a story of a novel, it so obvious that the author determines

how the story will be told because it cannot tell itself or it is called as a

point of view. It means that the point of view in the story is the way of

the author presents the story in the novel to the readers in order to help

the reader to figure out the story itself. According to Abraham (1999),

point of view is divided into three point of views; third person point of

view (omniscient and limited), first person point of view, and second

person point of view.

2.2.3 Marxism Approach

Karl Mark is a Philosopher and Economist from German introduced

the Marxism Theory along with George Wilhelm Friedrisch Hegel, and

created a major definition about the body of this theory that the people

who take control of the means in the society is the controller towards the

society (Helemejko, 2012). The people who have lots of money as known

as the higher status class will have a power in controlling the labor class.

This theory had been widely spread in the Europe in 1870 as the result of

the industrial revolution that exploded in England in which give a big

impact towards the human life including capitalism (Gonde, 2019).

In Marxist theory, there are several prominent concepts that are

being a consideration in analyzing a literary works namely Capitalism,

social-economical class, consumerism, ideology and individualism. From

those concepts mention, the concept of Capitalism is being a major

crucial concept which raises inequality among the society because of the

power domination towards the production (Tyson, 2015). As a result of

the Capitalism, it distinguishes the class of society in a way much more

significant than the differences in terms of religion, gender, ethnicity and

race but directly simply divided the society based n their social economic

status which is “haves” and “have not” (Tyson, 2015). According to

Marx & Engels (1948) on Manifesto of the Communist , it is mentioned

that the society are breaking down into two classes, bourgeoisie (the

have) and proletariat (the have not). Bourgeoisie – those who takes

control of the human sources, means, and the economic meanwhile the

“have not” is the lower class of society which is called as proletariat-

those of the world’s majority who lives in substandard condition,

performed as a labor, provides and fulfills all the bourgeoisie’s needs

and survives the life struggle of the working class ( Tyson, 2015, Panda,

2015, Jameson et al., 2003).

As what McLellan (1977) stated that between Proletariat and

bourgeoisie has a different function in the society. Bourgeoisie as a

capital and the higher class of society has a whole power to control the

means and the production of the labor class. Besides, the proletariat as

object of the production in the society so the bourgeoisie tend to exploits

the oppressed society with a very low wage. Between bourgeoisie and

proletariat, there is such a significant relation because both of the two

classes depend on each other. It means that the proletariat as a labor class

provides the bourgeoisie with all the needs. So, bourgeoisie will never

exist without the existence of proletariat. In the other hand, bourgeoisie

as the owner of the means in the society has a fully power and mean to

control the proletariat and lives them because proletariat only relies their

life on bourgeoisie by working with bourgeoisie even though proletariat

is exploited by the higher class. So there is a system called rule and being

ruled. Unfortunately, the proletariat society tends to allow the race,

gender, ethnicity and religion to break and disrupt the internal society of

proletariat become warring factions which are not involving any social

change in society. Social Class Different Issues

As the capitalist class who have a fully domination in the society, the

bourgeoisie tend to dominates the society by oppressing the proletariat to

work and to produce the production in order to fulfill the demand from

the Capitalist (Panda, 2015). It means that by there will be the arises of

economic gap as the result of the different means of production’s

authorization in which directly raises some class difference issues such

as discrimination and exploitation.

a. Discrimination

The establishment of the discrimination is triggered by the existence

of social competition between both parties. This social competition is

established because the employer of discrimination action wants to

become a well establish class and is able to maintain their power

(Kuncoro, 2008). Discrimination is a prejudicial action which targets

someone’s protected attribute such as status, gender, sex, economy,

flaws and etc as the subject of prejudice (Watson, 1994 and Baron &

Byrne, 1997). The employment of this prejudice can be done through

restricting and excluding a certain class aims at relieving the victims’

access to the desired opportunity such as the opportunity to access the

same health system, the tendency of the refusal to the job employment,

unfair social services, unfair labor wage and etc in which this prejudicial

in action automatically contributes a significant effect towards human

social life.

It was vividly noticeable that a victim who received a discrimination

by unfavorably and unpleasantly treats the victim which points at the

inequality action in which one group differentiate a person based on

their background such as gender, flaws, origin, race, religion, sex

preference and many more emerges a horrible and bad feeling for the

victim itself (Bowling , 2002). In additional, discrimination is not

merely on the exclusion and restriction but it can goes to the physical

attack and harassment (Khasnawati, 2015). However, according to

Heinrich (2012), discrimination also could happen to a person in order

to avoid the extend effect. For the example is when a woman want to

apply a job in a particular company but the company itself reject her

application to prevent the company for extra pregnancy cost.

b. Exploitation

Exploitation is considered as a scourge among the society with the

contrast classes by using someone as an object and possession to

maximize the benefits from the exploited group’s production in which

the existence of discrepancy between the labors wage and the working

time is vividly recognizable (Weeks, 1981, Wulandari, 2017 & Balci,

1987). The employment of exploitation comprises several abusive

actions like an employment of a minimum labor wage, long working

hours, extortion, the employment of coercion, job with serious danger,

and menace indicated by the intake of someone’s advantages as the

result of the power and status insufficiency (Zimmerman & Kiss, 2017).

The types of this exploitation can be observed from the labor class

exploitation, children exploitation, sexual exploitation, environment

exploitation, social exploitation, animal exploitation and etc by

abusively treating them for a selfish purpose (Ghosh, 2017). The living

victims of the exploitation are encumbered by a lot of problem such as

self identification and belonging crisis, physical, economy and

psychology problem in which they are restricted into the access of health

or social assistance as their right. So the victims are not supported by

financial compensation and health insurance which responsible to

guarantee the victims’ injure during working and the minimum labor

wage as well as the unpaid wage (Zimmerman & Kiss, 2017).

According to Weeks (1981), Capitalism system that grasps the society

itself becomes the major root of its appearance. Capitalism rises on the

surface of the society during the industrial revolution which is followed

by the development of the technology, market, industry and the

production domination (Marx & Engel, 1948). This capitalism system

makes the upper class or in Marxist perspective known as bourgeoisie

class has a power to fully dominate the society. So, by dominating the

entire society, the bourgisie class embraces their own role in the society

and position themselves as the author of the means of production,

meanwhile the labor class who is actively work as the producer of the

production have to keep working with the minimum labor wage (Marx,

2000 in Balci, 1987 ). This phenomenon cause social imbalance in the

society because the proletariat’s production expense is restricted by the

bourgouisie and results exploitation (Marx & Engels, 1948). Besides,

the labors wage given is as much as the commodity cost that need to be

bought by the labors so it affects the labors wage derivation. Besides

,Marx and Engels (1948) also explained that the bourgeoisie class is

tend to expend the labors’ working hours without considering the extra

and maximum wage for the labors whereas the labors give the

significant effect towards the selling. Furthermore, the capitalist like to

manipulate the exploited class by giving them wage but this wage is

merely functioned as an alibi to be able to employ some exploitative

action towards the exploited (Balci, 1987). Class Struggle

As the result of this discrimination and exploitation in the society, it

leads the labors class to the self consciousness in which the proletariat

aware of their class and situation that oppressed by the bourgeoisie class.

This class awareness brings the oppressed class to do a revolutionary act

which is known as a class struggle. The term of class struggle is also can

be said as the result of the class conflict between the labor class and the

capitalist. Class struggle means that there a class that dominates the other

class and it should be there someone who wins and someone who defeats,

it depends on the culture and particular society (Panda, 2015). The class

struggle which is done by the particular class involved the development

of the society (McLelan, 1997). Marxist believe that there are two major

factors that trigger the existence of the class struggle to the surface which

affects the society itself (Eagleton, 1967).

The first is the class structure itself in which the capitalist and labor

class determining the existence of the class conflict and class struggle. So

it based on how the Capitalist uses their power in society. By having a

huge power to dominate the society, the capitalist class has the extensive

attempts to use their power to oppress the labor class which creates

antagonistic relationship within the class structure. At the end, this

antagonistic relationship between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie class

lead the labor class to do some revolutionary acts against the ruling class

aims at creating a social change and even taking bourgeoisie position in

the society. However, considering this class struggle, then the ruling class

tends to unite in order to avoid the class struggle from the labor class

which threat their position and power in the social class structure.

Besides, different point of view and class interest between the ruling

and the labor class are being a second concern of the existence of the

class struggle. Both of the ruling and the labor class has a different goal

or interest in the society because they have different position and

characteristic. The bourgeoisie class is stereotyped as a powerful class in

which their goal or interest is to maintain their power and domination so

the labor class keep bowing to them. Meanwhile the labor class as the

powerless class is likely trying to survive their life in order to meet their

goal or interest by doing revolutionary act whether it is able to break the

system and change the society or it aims at hitting their interest only.

Class struggle itself is classified into three types namely resistance,

mimicry and negotiation.

a. Resistance

Resistance is a labor class’ movement in which its major purpose is

to bring the social change within the society (Lenin, 1947 & Amos

1980). This movement refers to the movement to resist against the

capitalist system which grasps the society itself. The reason behind

the emergence of this movement by the labor class is self

consciousness. Self consciousness itself can be defined as the class

awareness of their position and situations. The labor class aware

with their real status in the society where they are not supposed to be

treated like what the ruling class does so that provokes some

protests, and the strong desire to step out from the dissatisfaction as

the result of the oppression from the capitalism system. Capitalism

system is a system that emphasizes on the economical power

dominated by the ruling class as the “means of production” who

controls all the production, market, and industry which aims at

gaining much profit (Wikipedia, 2020). This capitalism system also

involves and leads the labor class into the worse things such as

exploitation, discrimination, economical war, aggravation and no

one is safe from the capitalism system itself. Considering this case,

Communist is believed that the labor class as the revolutionary class

who is able to strip their class of the whole forms of the abusive

dominations from the capitalist (France, 2008). The only way to

resist against the capital and embed the new political system within

the society is that to destroy its abusive system and encouraged the

employed and existing system alternation (Lenin, 1947). According

to Marx and Engel (1948) on his book communist manifesto

explained that the resistance against the capital mainly focuses in

raising and equalizing the labor class’ position with the ruling class

as well as winning the battle to alter the totalitarian system to the

democratic system.

b. Mimicry

The other way for the Proletariat to resist against the

bourgeoisie is by mimicking the certain class in order to obtain the

same position as the class mimicked. Mimicry can be define as an

action aims at mimicking or imitating a target class by imitating their

attitude, language, culture, dressing, and politic (Singh, 2007). The

employment of Mimicry is often conducted by the labor class or

colonized class in the colonization era to resist against the

bourgeoisie by hoping that they have assessable asses to obtain the

desired power or position as the mimicked class (Sinh, 2017). This

desired power and position rise by the proletariat are as the result of

their class consciousness during the capitalism system. According to

Babha (1994) in Aschroft (2007), mimicry in the colonization era is

a process in which the colonized or the proletariat class encourage

them self to be similar as the colonialist but it is not fully the same as

the mimicked class. In the Marxism, Marx defines the term of class

mimicry as commodity fetishem (Lawson, 2014). Commodity

fetishism is the tendency of particular class to be the party of the

mimicked class within the society (Lawson, 2014). However,

according to Babha (1994) in Aschroft (2007), the action of mimicry

does not merely aimed at being the same, this class mimicry is also

potential as a mockery and menace against the bourgeoisie by

imitating the culture, attitude, manner, politic, language and many

more. This mockery and menace within the class mimicry is not

directly come from the direct resistance but it comes from the way

the mimic man gently showing the different identity like the


2.2.4 Marxism Approach to Literature

The existence of a novel is not merely for entertainment and

satisfaction, however literary approach is kind of approach to see the

other side or the hidden message of a literature. Means that by using one

kind of literary approach in viewing a literary works, it makes the reader

can see the different perspective about the story, more understand about

what the story is being told and the reader can appreciate the literary

works by seeing the richness of it. One of literary approach to literature is

Marxism approach which introduced by Karl Marx (1881-1883).

As long as a rapid development of the age, Marxist Literary criticism

rises to the surface from the theoretical body of Marxism approach and

Karl Mark and Engle’s writing. In Marxism, it is believed that literature

as a cultural manifestation is a product of socioeconomic and ideological

in which when and where the literary works itself are written depicted

through human social activity and social interaction (Tyson, 2015,

Abraham, 1999, Jameson et al., 2003). It also believes that real material

and historical condition are reflected and depicted in literature (Tyson,

2015, Jameson et al., 2003). This view is really contrast with formalism

and structuralism literary approaches which claim that a literary works is

only analyzed through its text form and structure without considering the

other influences beyond its text structures (Panda, 2015).

Marxist literary criticism is a literary approach that analyze a

literature in terms of its historical where the literature itself is produced

(Jameson et al., 2003) and Marxist literary criticism also gives an

important fullest explanation in analyzing and interpreting literature

(Eagleton, 1976) . Marxist Literary criticism analyzes the production and

the human activities which are focus on the relationship among

socioeconomic classes (among society and within society). The entire

human social and political activities embody education, religion,

technology, media, art, ideology and many more was a motive in

maintaining power and economical authority in which this economical

authority embody political and social power so the result is that this

theory is not merely an economical theory but as a socio-economical

theory (Tyson, 2015). It tells and explains the whole human events in

term of production of economic power (Tyson, 2015). Besides,

according to Eagleton (1967) by applying this theory in investigating a

literary work, it helps the analyst in giving a fully explanation to analyze

and interpret a literary works viewed from its cultural context. .

Furthermore, in criticizing a literary work using Marxism perspective,

there are some concept that can be analyzed such as class history, class

struggle, class domination, exploitation towards the labor class and the

effect of social, politic and economy which influence the production of

the literary work itself.

2.3. Research Model

This research will use Qualitative research design proposed by Miles

and Huberman & Saldana (2014) to analyze the class difference that

presented through the plot, characterization, setting and the point of view

and the class struggle presented through the main characters, Katniss

Everdeen and Peeta Melark. According to Miles, Huberman and Saldana

(2014), qualitative research design is a research design to investigate and

analyze a certain phenomenon which in a form of text, picture, record,

transcript. It is different with the quantitative research design which is

more focus on the number and analyzed by using some app, such as


This present research will be done through interactive model analysis

by Miles, Huberman & Saldana (2014). The circle of the interactive

model analysis is shown as below.

Figure 2.1 Interactive Model Flow Chart

Interactive model analysis proposed by Miles, Huberman & Saldana (2014)

is a method of data analysis that the procedure is done progressively,

repeatedly and cannot be separated. The first procedure is the data

collection. The data collection will be done through two steps namely

reading and note taking. As the first step, the researcher obviously will read

the whole pages of the text and followed by note taking procedure. Note

taking is aimed at pointing and writing the important information that

relevant to the topic.

When the researcher already collected the data, data condensation will be

required to process the data. Data condensation is a process in which the

data obtained from the note field transcription is selected, transformed and

reduced into a particular category in order to create a focus and simplistic

data. There are several kind of techniques that applied in the data

condensation namely writing, coding, teasing out themes, making cluster

and writing memos. The data condensation process is conducted until the

thesis is finished (Miles, Huberman & Saldana (2014)

After the data is simplified, it will be compressed, organized and

displayed. This process is called as a data display. The data display aim at

allowing the data to be concluded. By putting the data into display, it makes

the researcher take a further step whether the data requires to be in a further

analysis or the data is already understood. The data in the data display can

be in a various types such as matrices, chart and graphs (Miles, Huberman

& Saldana 2014). The researcher is able to know what is happening on the

as well as understand the data because those data as designed into an

accessible form.

The next step of the interactive model purposed by Miles, Huberman &

Saldana (2014) is conclusion drawing/verification. In conducting a

qualitative research, the researcher is being a major participant who holds

the responsibility to decide the meaning by interpreting and describing of

the data by repeating the whole process until the phenomenon which is

being discussed is clear. The first conclusion might be not clear and still

vague so the researcher needs to back to the previous steps till the

conclusion can be drawn. The conclusion will be drawn depends on the note

field, coding and method used. By conducting conclusion drawing, it

doesn’t mean that the data is valid already, the analyst requires the

verification steps in which the data need to be reviewed and verified by

rereading the data and asking the competent colleagues. Those data

collection and data analysis is come along together.

As a qualitative research, it is really necessary to conduct research

trustworthiness to confirm the result. It requires at least three measures that

agree with the result. According to Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014),

there are several types of data triangulations namely data sources, method,

theory, researcher and data type. Data sources triangulation can be done

though persons, times, places. Method triangulation can be done through

documentation and interview. Researcher triangulation can be done through

the researcher 1, 2, and etc. Meanwhile data type triangulation can be done

through recordings, qualitative/quantitative data. This present study will use

theory and research triangulation data to check the trustworthiness and the

data validity.



In this chapter, it describes the research method that this present

study will be used. There are eight major sub chapters that cover this

chapter namely research design, research subject, research object,

instrument of data collection, method of data analysis, research

trustworthiness, and research schedule.

3.1 Research Design

This present study was a qualitative research proposed by Miles,

Huberman & Saldana (2014) qualitative research design. The Hunger

Games novel as a subject of this present study was investigated by using

Marxist Perspective in revealing the social issue and the class struggle

represented through the main characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta

Melark. Besides, the data trustworthiness of this present study applied the

triangulation concept stated by Miles, Huberman & Saldana (2014) referring

to the theory and empirical triangulation.

3.2 Subject of Study

The subject of this study is The Hunger Games (2008) novel. The

Hunger Games novel is the first book from The Hunger Games Trilogy that

depicted a dystopian condition which was written by American novelist,

Suzanne Collins in 2008. The Hunger Games (2008) novel as in the subject

of this novel has 365 pages and divided into three major parts namely The

Games and The Victor. This subject of this research was published by the

Sholastic Press.

3.3 Object of the Study

The objects of this study were class difference issue and the class

struggle depicted in the story. The class difference issue between the Capitol

and the District 12 was analyzed through the plot, characterization, setting

and point of view of the novel. The second object which class struggle

which was presented through the main characters, Katniss Evedeen and

Peeta Melark was analyzed through the plot development of the The Hunger

Games (2008) novel.

3.3. Technique of Data Collection

In this present research, the data collection was conducted through

two steps namely reading and note taking as explained n the following

section below.

3.3.1. Reading

The first steps that the researcher conducts to collect the data was

reading the entire pages of the novel intensively. By reading and underlining

the importance things in the novel intensively, so the researcher could

divide the novel into some sequences. While reading the novel, the

researcher synthesized the novel based on the event presented into sequence.

In one sequences, it covered several sub-event in which this sub-event

synthesized into sub-sequence.

3.3.2. Note Taking

In this step, after reading the novel intensively and dividing the

sequences, the researcher wrote or noted the important information about

class difference issue and the class struggle represented by the main

characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark though the plot development

of the novel The Hunger Games.

3.4. Instrument Data Collection

The main instrument used in this research was the researcher itself

who collected the data and supported by table and field note. As the main

instrument, the researcher conducted the entire process of the research by

collecting and analyzing the data. The data was collected through intensive

reading done by the researcher and used the theory of Marxism from the

internet and text books, then selecting the appropriate data, listing and

taking note from the steps mention before.

The researcher used tables as the supporting instruments in

collecting the data. The first instrument was table of sequences in which the

sequences and the sub sequences of the novel will be shown. The second

instrument was tabulation of class difference issues and class struggle

identification which was function to identify the class difference and the

class struggle represented through the main characters, Katniss Everdeen

and Peeta Melark. Then the third table was the classification table in which

it used to classify the data of the issues containing.

Table 3.1

Sequence of the Segmentation of The Hunger Games Novel


No Description
1 Name of sequence

a) Explanation (1a)

b) Explanation (1b)


d) So on

Table 3.2 Data Tabulation of Class Difference and Class

of The Hunger Games (2008) Novel

Table 3.3 Table data of Classification of Class difference Issue in the

Novel Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

No Class Difference Issues Number of Sequence containing

1 Discrimination
2 Exploitation

Table 3.4 Table data of Classification of Class Struggle in the Novel

Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

No Class Struggle Number of Sequence containing

1 Resistance
2 Mimicry

The data will be collected to answer the researchers questions and

will be presented in a form of paragraph, there will be highlight of a

problem then followed by the sub highlight which is the class difference

represented through plot, characterization, setting and point of view and the

class struggle represented through Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark will

be discussed.

3.5. Method of Data Analysis

The data of this present study will be analyzed by using Miles, Huberman &

Saldana (2014) Interactive model analysis in which the major components

are data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.

a. Data Collection

The data will be collected through reading, note taking and

classifying. The researcher will read the whole story of the novel intensively

in which the note taking also involves in this part. After reading the novel

and note the important data related to the problem, the researcher than

divide the story of the Hunger Games novel into chunks called as

segmentation. In one story segmentation, it will be divided into several

events called as sub sequence which will be presented through the table. The

purpose of turning the story into segmentation is to make the researcher

easier in identifying the parts of the story which relate to the class difference

issue and the class struggle shown in the Hunger Games (2008) novel.

b. Data Condensation

The data condensation process comes along the data collection

process. In this step, the researcher rearranging the sequences, because

there are will be some sequences that put separately so to make it one

complete sequence, those different sequences can be put in the one

sequences which is in correlation and vise versa.

After the rearranging sequences, the researcher rechecked the

previous data suitability which are about the class difference and class

struggle identification. The sequences which are not compatible with the

class difference and class struggle identification will be eliminated. In the

data reduction, the researcher also recheck the class difference issues

identified through the characterization, setting, plot, and point of view

whether the researcher need to take a further analysis or not. Meanwhile, the

class struggle identification also will be recheck whether the sequences

collected truly shows the class struggle from the main characters, Katniss

Everdeen and Peeta Melark. So in the data reduction, the researcher has to

choose the correct and suitable data.

c. Data Display

The other step in the interactive model is data display. The data will

be displayed in form of table and the analysis will be presented through

paragraph. The segmentation data will be displayed in table 3.1 followed by

the class difference and class struggle issue will be displayed in the table

3.2. The data display is required in a process of data analyzed because data

display creates a compatible form of data.

d. Conclusion Drawing

The class difference issues which are identified through the plot,

characterization, setting and point of view and the class struggle represented

through the plot development will be concluded in this part after undergoing

several steps before such as data reduction, data display and verification.

The result of the conclusion will be drawn if the analysis of the study is

satisfying and through repeated process of data analysis.

3.6. Research Trustworthiness

The triangulation method will be applied to check the study’s

trustworthiness. The triangulation method that will be used in this present

study is the triangulation method stated by Miles, Huberman and Sadana

(2014) which relies on the methods combination that being used in

collecting the data in which the same result of different method applied are

expected. To obtain the research trustworthiness, the repeated reading of the

Hunger Games novel and the data analysis will be conducted by the


3.7 Research Procedure

Data collection (reading, note taking, data classification, analysis)

Figure. 3.2 Flow Chart of the Research Procedure

The Table of:

Selecting, The Class
Segmentation of
Class Sequence
Difference and
Focusing, Class Difference and
and Class
Organizing Class
Class StrugglesIssues
CONCLUSION Conclusion Struggles
Issues Issues in
of Susanne
DATA Abstracting,
The Data.
Data Collins’ of
Collins’ The
The Difference
of Collins’
Hunger The and
The Data. The Extended Text

The first procedure of this present study is started by reading The

Hunger Games novel (2008) by Suzanne Collins intensively. The researcher

will read every single page carefully in order to collect the data. This novel

contains 366 pages include cover and which contains issues about Marxism

which is the social economic gap between the bourgeoisie (higher class) and

the proletariat (lower class). The issues are about social class difference

which will be identified through the plot, characterization, setting, and the

point of view and the class struggle that represented through Katniss

Everdeen and Peeta Melark, the main characters of this novel who lives in

the District 12.

The next procedure is note taking. In this researcher, after the

researcher already read the whole pages of the novel, the researcher will

take the important note of the novel which relate to the issues are being

discussed in this study. The note taking process, the researcher will divide

the story into segmentations which are the sequences or the united events of

the story. One segmentation is consisted of several sub sequences of the

story. The sequence of the story is the specific event that happened in one

segmentation the story. After the data of sequences are collected, it will a

determination and classification step. Meaning that, the sequences will be

classified into the data needed in the research about the class difference and

class struggle issues in the story.

After breaking down the story into sequences and note some

important thing that related to the research problem, the research will

conduct data condensation to classify and simplify the data. In this step of

research, the researcher classify the data that will be obtained from the

subsequences about the class differences and class struggle that represented

through the main characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark. The data

condensation will be conducted to choose which data that appropriate to the

issues that are being discussed in the study.

Then, the next procedure is data display. The data obtained which

are about the identification of class difference identified through the

characterization, theme, plot, point of view and setting and the class struggle

that represented through the main characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta

Melark will be displayed through tables and extended text.

The data obtain which are about the class difference and the class

struggle represented through Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

then described and interpreted to draw the conclusion. The first conclusion

will be vague then it requires the further analysis by repeating the analysis

procedure and the conclusion of the class difference and the class struggle

represented through The Hunger Games novel (2008) will be drawn

completely depending on field notes, coding and the methods. Then when

the conclusion is verified by the others’ thought such us colleges,

rechecking the field notes, elaborating and argumentation, means that the

conclusion is verified.

3.8 Research Schedule

The research schedule is started from the proposal preparation until

the submission date of the thesis. The research procedure was presented

through table as below to give the detail information about the research


Table 3.3 Research Schedule

No Activity Month of 2019 Month of 2020

9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Collecting related literatures
2 Dividing the story into

3 Selecting the appropriate

sequences that indicates the

class difference
4 Selecting the appropriate

sequences that indicate the

class struggle
5 Analyzing the class

difference and class struggle

data from the data collection.

6 Presenting the result



In this present research, the finding, discussion and the research

implication are covered in this chapter. To prevent some redundant data and

explanation along this chapter, the presentation of the finding and discussion

was conducted simultaneously. However, for the presentation of the

research implication is presented after the finding and discussion are


4.1 Finding and Discussion

In this present thesis, this subchapter in the chapter 4 covers the

finding and discussion investigated during the research. Due to the existence

of the two research questions in this study, the finding and discussion are

presented by dividing them into two subchapters. The first subchapter

follows the first research question, namely how the class difference issues

presented in the The Hunger Games (2008) novel and the second subchapter

also follows the second research question, namely how class struggles

represented through Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark as the main

character in the The Hunger Games (2008) novel.

4.1.1 The Representation of the Class Difference Issues in Susanne

Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)
` Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008) is vividly recognizable

as a real manifestation of the capitalism society embraced the dystopian era

which reflected in a country called Panem. Lived in between the different

means of production’s authorization led the society in Panem into the

harmony imbalance in which this economic gap directly divided the society

into two major conflicted classes. The representation of this two conflicted

class in the Hunger Games (2008) is mainly represented by the Capitol as

oppressor class or known as the bourgeoisie and the 12 districts as the

oppressed class or known as the proletariat class. In theory, based on the

nation history of Panem, a glorious Capitol as the Panem’s heartland

actually ringed by 13 districts, however, the shrinkage of the districts in

Panem arose the obliteration of the district 13 as the result of the dark days

hinted by the resistance of the districts against the Capitol. According to

McLelan (1977), the existence of two conflicted classes are certainly

noticeable have different role in the society. The Capitol as the

manifestation of the superiority and domineering class had a fully power to

control the entire means of production produced by the labor class by living

their expensive and glamour life. In the other side, the remaining 12 districts

as the enslaved labor class had a responsibility to produce and cultivate the

natural resources in their districts in order to satisfy the Capitol’s needs.

In accordance to this circumstance, it cannot be denied that the

Capitol’s superiority authorization under the President Cornelious Snow’s

guard instinctively generated an ambition to maintain their power and

control the entire Panem by oppressing the labor class which is represented

by the districts. In Marxism perspective, according to Eyerman (1981), the

oppression employed by the ruling class was triggered by the term of false

consciousness in which Marx believes that this false consciousness is a

situation that the certain class instinctively acts like their social belonging. It

means that the upper class will suffer their false consciousness as the

superior who are freely enslave the lower class, meanwhile the lower class

suffered their false consciousness as inferior who believe that being

oppressed is a destiny. In accordance to this, the Capitol also likely to

oppressed the districts because of their false consciousness. Since this

present research focused on the oppression received by District 12, by

conducting a cycling process , this present qualitative research revealed two

majors employment of oppression as a result of the class difference between

the shining Capitol and the District 12. The class difference issues

investigated in this present research were namely discrimination and

exploitation. The data of the discrimination and exploitation represented

through the story can be observed in this following table.

Table 4.1
Class Difference Issues Reflected in Collins’ The Hunger Games

No Issues The Number of Sequences Represent Frequency

the Issue
1 Discrimination 1d, 1e, 2a, 2c, 2d, 2j, 3b, 3d, 3e, 3h, 38
3k, 5a, 5b, 5d,5g, 5o, 5e, 5h, 6a, 6c,
6f, 6h, 7a, 7c, 7g,8e, 8f 8g, 8j, 10b,
10h, 10i, 13d, 13k,16e, 17g, 180,18g .
2 Exploitation 1d, 1e, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3i, 2i, 2j, 3b, 3d, 3e, 35
3h, 3k, 3i, 5h, 5j, 10b, 11d, 13d, 15a,
15b, 15c, 15d, 17g, 20i, 24c, 24j, 26a,
26e, 27a.

From the table 4.1 above, it can be observed that the table presents

frequency of the issues obtained as the result of the class difference reflected

in Collins The Hunger Games (2008). This present research investigated

that there are 73 sequences represent the entire issues of class differences in

which 38 sequences contain the issue of discrimination and the remaining

35 sequences containing the issue of exploitation as the result of the class

difference reflected in Panem. The analysis of each issue is presented in a

further way in the following subchapter.

60 The Representation of the Discrimination Issues in
Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)
The first social issue as the consequence of the capitalism system

identified in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008) is discrimination.

The shining capitol that had the biggest authority towards the entire

production in Panem triggered them to act domineering over all district and

strengthen its false consciousness as the upper class. This false awareness

possessed by the Capitol as the upper class and dominated the entire Panem

made the Capitol believed that being a discriminator was something natural

to be happened. The Capitol viewed the District as the oppressed class, so

the freedom to act discriminative towards them was hugely seen as a

reasonable action. By conducting a cycling process, this present research

observed that there are three kinds of discrimination that found in the novel

The Hunger Games (2008) as the result of the class contradiction between

the Capitol and the Districts. The data of the discrimination can be seen on

the following table below.

Table 4.2
The Representation of the Discrimination Issues in Susanne Collins’ The
Hunger Games (2008)

No Discrimination The Number of Sequences Frequency

Containing Issue
1 Unequal 1d, 1e, 2a, 5a, 5b, 5d, 5o,5e, 6c, 15

Accommodation 7a, 7c, 7g, 16e,17g, 18g
2 Unequal Life Style 2c, 2d,3i, 5g, 6a, 6c, 10h. 7
3 The Hold of The 2a, 2j, 3b, 3d, 3e,3h, 3k, 5h, 6f, 21
Hunger Games 6h , 8e, 8f, 8g, 8j, 10b, 10i, 13d,
13k, 18o, 18g, 18i.

From the table 4.2, it can be observed that this research classified

three types of discrimination as a result of the class contradiction reflected

in the novel The Hunger Games (2008). There 15 sequences represent the

issue of discrimination that related to the unequal accommodation between

the Capitol and District 12, 7 sub-sequences represent the issue of

discrimination related to the unequal life style between the Capitol and

District 12, and the remaining 21 sub-sequences represent the issue of

discrimination related to the hold of the hunger games itself. The Representation of the Unequal Accommodation

Discrimination in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games
The Capitalism system in Panem in which it directly divided the

society into two major classes, the Capitol as the upper class who controlled

the government and the whole human activities as well as their social

interaction, and its twelve districts as the lower and oppressed class. The

establishment of Panem itself was firstly appeared from the remaining

pieces of North America in which resulted Capitol as the Capital of Panem.

The difference means authorization between the Capitol and the Districts

triggered the Capitol’s tendency to do the discriminative action towards the

districts as the oppressed class. The basic discrimination that Susanne

Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008) reflected in its story can be observed

from the unequal living accommodation given by Capitol towards the

district 12. The data of the act of discrimination in term of the unequal

living accommodation can be seen in this following table.

Table 4.3
The Representation of the Unequal Accommodation Discrimination in
Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)
No Number of The Description of Sub-sequence
1 1d The description of the Seam as a coal mining place in
Panem with its apprehensive coal miners in which
retirement was the best option for them.
2 1e The description of electrified thorny separator gate
between the Meadow and the wood which it only got
2/3 hours electricity per day despite of 24 hours.
3 2a The trip to the wood through the tiny gate space as the
entrance to the wood, because the people in the Seam
were not allowed to hunt in the wood.
4 5a The description of the Justice Building as the most
glamour place that Katniss had ever been with its
velvet couch, and a thick carpet.
5 5b The description of the train as Katniss and Peeta’s
transportation to the Capitol in which the train was
very luxurious, extraordinary and high speed train.
6 5d Katniss’ flashback about how her school taught her a
coal related instruction and the history of Capitol and
District 12 which the area known as Appalachia, a
coal mining area.
7 5e The description of the luxurious train’s facilities like a
private bathroom with shower, drawer, bad room and
some gorgeous clothes in which Katniss never had it.
8 5o A welcome from the crowd towards Katniss and Peeta
Melark in colorful magnificence building and its
shining car crossing the big asphalt called Capitol.

9 6c The description of the luxurious and sophisticated
lunch at the sitting room as a place where Katniss and
Cinna discussing the outfit for the opening ceremony.

No Number of The Description of Sub-sequence

10 7a The comparison description between the Capitol’s
elevator in the training center as an exciting elevator
with its crystalline wall and the District 12’s elevator
at the Justice Building as a dark slow elevator with its
smelly aroma.
11 7c The description of Katniss’ room as her new big room
in the Capitol with an impressive facilities and
technology in which really contrast with her room in
District 12.
12 7g The description of the Capitol situation at the night
from the roof as a shining city with its twinkle lamps
decorated the entire Capitol in which it was really
contrast with the District 12’ situation with its candle
as nightly lighting
13 16e The description about the poisonous tracker jacker
caused death and hallucination in which the Capitol
used this animal during the war once time ago then
they cleaned all the nest around the Capitol but not
around the district .
14 17g The conversation between Rue and Katniss about the
condition of district 11 and 12 in which the Mayor of
District 12 did not allowed the people in the district to
eat the crops.
15 18g The description about the poisonous tracker jacker
caused death and hallucination in which the Capitol
used this animal during the war once time ago then
they cleaned the entire nest around the Capitol but not
around the district.

From the data on the table 4.3 above, it can be observed that there

are 15 sequences represent the employment of discrimination conducted by

the Capitol related to the unequal accommodation towards the district 12.

The research revealed that the discrimination which related to the unequal

accommodation can be seen in term of living place condition and

transportation provided for the resident of District 12. The further analysis

of the sequences containing issues is discussed in the following discussion


The Shining Capitol ringed by twelve district (the district 13 was

obliterated) had a duty to brought its citizens with prosperity and peace in

order to guarantee the districts’ living eligibility due to the Treaty of

Treason declared by the Capitol as the result of the uprising districts against

the Capitol known as the dark days. The piece of the Treaty of Treason’ text

can be observed below.

“The result was Panem, a shining Capitol ringed by thirteen

districts, which brought peace and prosperity to its citizens”
(Collins, 2008: 17).
According to the Treaty of Treason above, it is said “which brought

peace and prosperity” means that the shining Capitol promised and would

like to guarantee its thirteen districts with peace and prosperity. The fact that

the Capitol had twelve districts in which each district had its own

production, automatically the Capitol needed to provide and treat the whole

districts equally. However, the character of favoritism possessed by the

Capitol triggered them to do discriminative action towards the district which

produced the less required product by treating them unequally. This

injustice triggered the Capitol‘s ignorance towards District 12 as a coal

mining place. As a center of coal production, district 12 had a heartbreaking

living place as one of the establishment of discrimination in which shown in

the sequence 1d. Sequence 1d conveyed the expression of discrimination by

unequally treated district 12 in term of their living accommodation due to

their membership of socioeconomic class in which this was really

contradictory with the treaty of treason’s content above which mentioned

the prosperity for the entire districts. The prosperity was only given for

those districts which produced a luxurious item such as district 1, 2 and 4.

Moreover, this also supported by sequence 17g in which it conveyed the

way the Capitol treated the District 12 beneath notice while district 12

cannot fulfill the coal production for the Capitol. Besides, the situation in

sequence 1d also in contrast with the sequence 5o in which sequence 5o

conveyed the Capitol living situation with its colorful magnificent building,

car and asphalt. It means that the Capitol really differentiated the living

accommodation between the Capitol’s citizens and District 12’s living

accommodation in which the people in district 12 should had more

appreciation and appropriate living condition since they work all day long

for the Capitol with the low wage. This unequal treatment that differentiate

the living eligibility between the poor and the rich is considered as an act of

discrimination because it is in line with the definition of discrimination

stated by Watson (1994), that the act of differentiate the treatment towards

the certain class is considered as the employement of discrimination and is

in line with the investigation conducted by Maurilia (2015) who revealed

that the different treatment given by certain class towards the victim in term

of living accommodation is considered as the employment of


It was such an aphorism, rub salt into the wounds, having a

heartbreaking living place with its apprehensive coal miners can be said

already as a curse for district 12, but it was not the only curse and unequal

treatment given by the Capitol. The Capitol also imposed facilities and

movement’s restriction towards district 12 as a result of the unequal

treatment in which according to Allport (1979) in Panttero (2006), this

restriction is considered as a phase of discrimination aims at blocking a

certain group desired. This restriction can be seen from the sequence 1e and

2a. In the sequence 2a, the Capitol was hugely noticeable restricting the

District 12’s social interaction and movement by prohibiting them to go the

wood which was outside the District in which wood was one and only

alternative place to seek some food. This prohibition aimed at limiting the

people in district to go out from the district to prevent the potential

interaction that might be happened among the districts. The Capitol wanted

every district to not acknowledge the situation in each district and having

some interaction in order to prevent them to build the alliance and united

against the Capitol. So, in accordance to this, the Capitol would always keep

maintaining their power and privilege above the districts. This exhibition of

discrimination that employed by the Capitol is in line with Gordon (1998) in

Kuncoro (2008) who stated that the exhibition of discrimination aimed at

maintaining a certain group power and privilege to be well established. The

expression of restriction was also shown in sequence 1e where the Capitol

limited the facilities given towards the district 12. According to sub-

sequence 1e, it revealed that the District 12 who supposed to be electrified

24 hours per day because of the district positioned near the wood was only

given 3-4 hours electricity per day in which really contrast with the

Capitol’s condition as described in the sub-sequence 5o above.

According to the sub-sequence 1e above, it can be seen how the

Capitol gave district 12 unpleasant treatments by restricting their electricity

by giving them only 2 or 3 hours electricity per day which in fact the district

needed more electricity to light the district to prevent them from some wild

animals’ attack because district 12 was located near the woods. This

restriction is considerably as discrimination because the Capitol tried to

limit District 12’ citizens to do their desired activity in which is in line with

investigation observed by Idris (2017) who revealed that restricting certain

people’s desire is counted as the employment of discrimination and the

theory proposed by Allport (1979) who categorized the employment of

restricting a certain class’ because of their protected attribute is considered

as discrimination. The condition that shown in the sequence 1e is really

contrast with the situation that shown in the sequence 7g in which showed

the night condition in the capitol, a place with a twinkle building,

meanwhile the district need to put a candle to light and accompanied their

night as seen in the quotation below:

“The Capitol twinkles like a vast field of fireflies. Electricity in

District 12 comes and goes, usually we only have it a few hours a

day. Often the evenings are spent in candlelight.” (Collins,
From the quotation in the sequence 1e and 7g, it can be observed

that Capitol directly differentiate the treatment of the electricity given

towards the District 12 and the Capitol in which can be seen from the

comparison these two words, “twinkle” and “candlelight”. This two contrast

words can illustrated how different the situation in both places. “twinkle” is

associated with something light and shiny meanwhile “candlelight” is

associated with something dim, gloomy and little dark. So those both

contrast words can illustrate the condition Capitol with lots of electricity and

the district 12 with electricity limitation. In theory, the Capitol did not really

need lots of electricity because its location was far away from the district so

the wild animals impossibly attacked the Capitol. This indicated how the

Capitol discriminating the district 12 by unequally treated them.

The discrimination that employed by the Capitol also can be

observed from the sequence 5a, 5b, 5c, 6c, 7a, 7c in which these sequences

described Katniss’ first trip experiences to the Capitol. Those sequences

expressed the unequal and contrast facilities that provided for the two

contrast class, the Capitol’s and the District 12’s citizens. Referring to the

Treaty of the Treason that became the Capitol’s promises towards the entire

Panem, there wasn’t any real manifestation of the content of that treaty of

treason which was able to give a little impact for the districts’ economical

growth especially for the district 12 as the furthest and the most ridiculed

district in Panem. If it is compare with the situation in the District 12, the

people who lived in Seam did not expose with some experiences been in the

transportation as seen in the sequence 5b because they were not allowed to

go out the district and the use of train was only focused on a specific duty as

seen below.

“The speed initially takes my breath away. Of course, I’ve never

been on a train, as travel between the districts is forbidden except
for officially sanctioned duties.” (Collins, 2008: 41).
From the quotations above, Katniss has never been on a train before,

so it might be seen as a common and equal thing suffered by Katniss as a

poor and conservative girl and it becomes uncommon thing to happen in a

country in which its Capitol was covered by the prosperity, planted by the

magnificent building twinkle like a star and promised the districts with

wealthy living which seen from the sequence 5o. The proof which said that

Katniss never been in a train can be observed from “The speed initially

takes my breath away” From this quote, it indicated someone who never

took train before because Katniss felt really amaze and shook about the

train’s speed in which in the theory, most of the train has a high speed.

Threfore, it means that the discriminative action is vividly recognized by

restricting the assess of transportation and the unfair towards the people in

the district in the term of transportation because the only transportation

owned district 12 was their foot while the Capitol’s citizens had the entire

world. Besides, from the quotation above, it mentioned that the people in the

district were not allowed to do a trip to the other districts except for the

official duty. It also indicated the other restriction for the districts in which

the Capitol limits their business beyond their original district. This unequal

treatment in form of restriction employed by the Capitol towards District 12

is considerably as an act of discrimination in which this finding is in line

with finding that investigated by Idris (2017) and the theory proposed by

Allport (1979) about the employment of restriction as a way to treat the

certain class discriminatively.

The contrast living accommodation also can be observed from

Katniss’ reaction when the first time she saw and enjoy the luxurious

facilities provided in the train and in the Capitol that she never had before in

which shown in the sequence 5a, 5c, 6c, 7a, and 7c. These sequences

expressed Katniss’ first experiences looking and enjoying the luxurious

facilities provided by the Capitol as the female tributes. Those sequences

can be observed as the representation of how contrast the living facilities

that possessed by the both classes as the result of the contrast means of

production authorization in Panem. Sub-sequence 5c conveys Katniss’

reaction when she saw the luxurious facilities in the train during the trip to

the Capitol. The sequence 7c also conveys Katniss’ experiences getting a

glamour room in the Training Center with the advanced facilities in which it

disenchanted her to the fact that how Capitol was really selfish towards the

Districts especially district 12.

From the sequences 5a, 5c, 5e, 6c and 7c, it can be observed that

there are some employments of discrimination in term of the unequal living

accommodation provided towards the district 12. The capitol obviously

treated District 12 inappropriately and did not give them some attempts to

develop their living condition while the Capitol freely enjoying the

luxurious facilities in which it was produced by the districts as seen in the

sequences 5o, 6c and 7g. This unequal treatment is considerably as the

employment of discrimination which in line with theory that proposed by

Watson (1994) and in line with the finding found by Maurilia (2015) who

mentioned that unequal treatment towards a certain group is considerably as

a discriminative action. The Representation of the Unequal Life Style

Discrimination in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games
The difference production authorization both Capitol and the District

did not merely affect the living accommodation contradiction, but it also

affected the way both parties live their basic life. It is so obvious to be

observed that Capitol as the rich class was surrounded by the good life style

and advanced technology, meanwhile the poor districts in Panem struggled

in feeding their hungry appetite by passing lots of prohibition and rules

employed by the Capitol. Through the cycling process this present research

revealed some data in form of sub-sequence related to the unequal life style

between both parties which can be seen on this following table.

Table 4.4
The Representation of the Unequal Life Style Discrimination in Susanne
Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

No Number of Sub- The description of Sub-equences Contains Issue


1 2c The description about how the people in District 12

survived with the starvation by sneaking into the wood to
harvest some apples and created an alliance between the
peacekeepers and the hunters because the peacekeepers
were as hungry as the others.

2 2d Katniss’ conversation with Gale as her best friend and her

hunting partner in the wood about the idea to leave the

Seam but stunted by the number of mouth that need to be

3 3i Katniss’ flashback about her encounter with Peeta

Mellark as a Baker in the Seam at the icy rain when she
was dying to find some food to feed her family because
her dad died in the mine explosion.

4 5g A complain from Effie Trinket about the awful table

manners towards the previous tributes from district 12 but
for Katniss, table manners is the last thing thought by the
people in the district 12

5 6a Katniss’ tough and complete makeover done by Flavius,

Venia and Octavia before meeting the main stylist to
discuss about the concept of the opening ceremonial

6 6c The description of the luxurious and sophisticated lunch

at the sitting room in which the food come out as fast as
China push the bottom in which contras with the living
style of district 12.

7 10h The comparison description of the annual Hunger

Games’s master ceremony, Caesar Flickerman with his
young glamour same appearance in 40 years meanwhile
being old was an achievement in the district 12.

From the data on the table above, it can be observed that there are 7

sub-sequences namely sub-sequence 2c, 2d, 3i,5g,6a,6c and 10h that

represent the issue of discrimination in term of the unequal life style

reflected between the capitol and the district 12 reflected in Collins’ The

Hunger Games (2008). The discussion of these sub-sequences is represented

in the following discussion below.

Having the highest majesty in the Panem, the people in Capitol

obviously seen as glamour, colorful, dress oddly and expensively. The

Capitol status based on their belonging as the rich class affected their

lifestyle in the daily basic. This is also affected by the false consciousness

possessed by the people in the Capitol as the upper class in which they

aware about their class belonging to live expensively and surrounded by

amazing dishes. This fact was really contrast with the living style struggled

by the poor district as seen in the sequence 2c. Sequence 2c conveys the fact

the people in the district 12 compulsively sneaked out to the wood to harvest

some apples because the people in the district 12 were prohibited to go to

the wood as nor out the districts. This sub-sequence also explains how

Katniss Everdeen lived her heartbreaking life by breaking the rules to go to

the wood as her last hope to scrape along even though she knew that her

action was considered as a violation which potentially harm her life. It is

such an aphorism, like a sky and the earth, the contrast life style shown by

the Capitol can be seen in the sub-sequence 6c. Sub-sequence 6c reveals

how easy the people in the Capitol obtained their own food. The people in

the Capitol just required pushing the bottom and for a second the amazing

and delicious food came out beautifully as seen in the following quotation.

“He presses a button on the side of the table. The top splits and from
below rises a second tabletop that holds our lunch. Chicken and
chunks of oranges” (Collins, 2008: 63).
“I try to imagine assembling this meal myself back home. Chickens
are too expensive, but I could make do with a wild turkey. ….. What
must it be like, I wonder, to live in a world where food appears at
the press of a button? …. What do they do all day, these people in
the Capitol” (Collins, 2008: 64).
From the quotations above, it can be vividly observed that there is

lameness between the both parties in term of the different life style. This

lameness is noticeably contrast with treaty of treason that created by the

Capitol in which it clearly stated the Capitol promised the entire district

prosperity while in the real living in Panem, the districts that produced the

less required production will be ignored by the Capitol and intentionally

treated the district 12 as the most ridiculed and the furthest district

unequally. The two quotations in the sequence 6c above showed the lifestyle

contradiction in term of how both parties struggle to get some food. The

difference can be seen from how the Capitol easily got the food as easy as

they press the button, meanwhile Katniss Everdeen who responsible to feed

her family which can be seen in sequence 3i and 6c need to paw the trash

bin in the cold rainy days and hunt some wild turkeys because chicken was

too expensive for her. She also wondered about how easy the Capitol lived

in the magnificent place called Capitol. This case is hugely noticeable as

discrimination in term of the employment of difference life style by

unequally treated district 12 in which according to Watson (1994) this

unequal treatment is considerably as an act of discrimination and is in line

with the finding that investigated by Maurilia (2015) who revealed that the

employment of unequal treatment is consider as a discrimination as it

reflected in the Southern United States’ social condition in 1960.

The class difference as the result of the different authorization

between the Capitol and the people in the district created a contrast attitude

between the both parties because both of them were performing the different

interest and function in the society ( Tyson, 2015, Panda, 2015, Jameson et

al., 2003). In accordance to this, Collins also represents the different attitude

shown by the both contrast parties in which the attitude was targeted as the

object of discrimination. Sub-sequence 5g presents the contrast attitude

shown by the previous pair from the district 12 in which it led Effie to

complain the previous tributes while watching Katniss and Peeta eating

which can be seen in the quotation below.

“’At least, you two have decent manners,’ says Effie as we’re
finishing the main course. ‘The pair last year ate everything with
their hands like a couple of savages. It completely upset my
digestion.’” (Collins, 2008: 44).
From the quotation, it can be observed that Effie was complaining

about the previous tributes’ eating manner and illustrated them like “couple

of savages”. This phrase indicates a dirty word towards the previous tributes

by commenting their eating manner. As a people who lived in the poor

district in Panem, their only priority in life was only to feed their hungry

stomach by sneaking out to the wood as seen in the sequence 2c and 6c,

they didn’t even care about the table manner that was being a deadly

consideration for Effie Trinket as a mentor. This complains in which she

said that the last year tributes ate like a savage indicates the discrimination

towards the pair. The quotation above does not show any restriction or

exclusion but it hugely embraces a personal harassment by verbally abusing

last year’s tributes in which according to Theodorson (1979) in Khasnawati,

(2015), harassment is classified as one of the employment of discrimination

because it left the victim an unpleasant feelings and this recent finding also

in line with some previous researches that investigated harassment as one of

the manifestation of discrimination namely Maurilia (2015) and Thahar


The contrast life style between the both parties brings a huge impact

in term of the physical appearance as the result of the different life style

showed by the people in the district and the people in Capitol as seen in the

sub-sequence 6a and 10h. Sub-sequence 6a reveals the expression of

humiliation that employed by Octavia and Flavious who highlighted Katniss

appearance as the object of the discrimination. In this sequence, Katniss

Everdeen was made over by the stylist team, Octavia and Flavious but after

finishing Katniss makeover, Flavious and Katniss intentionally humiliated

Katniss as seen in the quotation below.

“The three step back and admire their work. ‘Excellent! You almost
look like a human being now!’ says Flavius, and they all
laugh…..’We don’t have much cause to look nice in District
Twelve.’ This wins them over completely. ‘Of course, you don’t, you
poor darling!” says Octavia clasping her hands together in distress
for me’”. (Collins, 2008:61)
From the quotation above it can be seen the employment of

discriminative action employed by Flavious and Octavia while carrying

Katniss in form of humiliation. The discriminative action investigated in the

quotation “look like a human being now!” is considered as a form of the

verbal abuse and humiliation. In the quotation above, when Flavious and

Ocatvia said that Katniss almost looked like a human being and a poor girl,

it contains an offensive intention towards Katniss in which it considered as a

verbal abuse towards Katniss due to her protected attribute in term of her

social status. Besides, Flavious’ statement above is also considered as

discrimination in form of humiliation. This humiliation can be seen from the

way Flavious said that Katniss almost looked like a human being after

finishing the makeover and when Octavia pointed out Katniss status by

saying her poor girl did not have a good appearance. From these sub-

sequences and quotations, it clearly noticeable that having a bad appearance

was not being a consideration for a people in district 12, the major

consideration was on how to battle with their own hunger by hunting some

food in the wood as seen in the sequence 2c, 2d and 3i above. This verbal

abuse and humiliation is considered as a discriminative action because this

present finding is in line with the finding from Maurilia (2015) who

revealed that verbal abuse that categorized as a discrimination and

containing an oppressive intention

Sequence 10h also shows a humiliation towards the people in the

district 12. This sequence expressed the comparison description between the

hunger games’ master ceremony, Caesar Flicker man and the old people in

the district 12. Caesar Flickerman as a middle guy but he still looked young,

glamour, strong and happy meanwhile being old in district 12 was

considered as an achievement because there were just little people who

could scrap along. It means that there was a hidden contempt towards the

people in the district as a poor people so that they were not able to grow old

because of the starvation and how powerless the people in the district 12

were. Both of the sequence 6a and 10h containing a discrimination in form

of humiliation due to the different life style possessed by the both contrast

classes in which is in line with the theory that proposed by Theodorson

(1979) in Allport (2006) who states the employment of humiliation towards

a certain class targeting their protected attribute is one of the forms of

discrimination and also is in line with the previous investigation observed

by Idris (2017) who revealed the act of humiliation is considered as an

employment of discrimination as reflected in the Novel Neufeld’s Edgar

Allan The Representation of the Discrimination as the Result of

the Hold of the Hunger Games in Susanne Collins’ The
Hunger Games (2008)
The hold of the hunger games was claimed as a festivity to celebrate

and warn the district about the dark days in which it indicated by the

uprising districts against the Capitol. The hold of this game was hugely

noticeable as a proof of the Capitol’s cruelness and harsh towards the entire

districts in Panem by taking two children in each district to fight till death in

the war arena. In this present research, it revealed that there are two parties

which involves as the employers of the discrimination itself who target the

socioeconomic status as the object of discrimination. The socioeconomic

discriminations identified in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

doesn’t merely reveal the discriminatory action that employed by the

Capitol towards the districts as the oppress class but also reveal the

employment of discrimination act among the oppressed class as which is

employed by the Carrier towards Katniss and Peeta Melark seen in this

following table.

Table 4.5
The Representation of Discrimination in the Hold of the Hunger Games in
Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

No Discrimination Number of Sub-sequence Frequency

Contains Issue
1 Discrimination 2i, 2j, 3b, 3d, 3e, 3h, 3k, 14
Employed by the 5h, 6f, 8e, 8j, 10, 13k,
Capitol 24c
2 Discrimination 6h, 8e, 8f, 8g, 10i, 13k, 8

Employed by the 18g, 18i

From the table 4.5 above, it can be observed that there are 14 sub-

sequences contain discrimination issue reflected in the hold of the hunger

games employed by the Capitol towards the districts and there are 9 sub-

sequences that represent the discrimination issues which occur among the

oppressed class in which employed by the Carrier towards Katniss and Peeta

during the hold of the Hunger Games. The further analysis of this issue is

represented in the following discussion below. The Representation of the Discrimination as the Result

of the Hunger Games Employed by the Capitol toward
the Districts in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games
As the domineering class in Panem, the Capitol had lots of power to

keep and maintain their privilege in order to control the people in the

districts under the Capitol’s guard. The fear of the repeated dark days

indicated by the uprising districts resist the Capitol triggered the Capitol to

hold the annual festival called The Hunger Games. In accordance with this,

the establishment of the hunger games was considered as a tool to remain

the people in the district of how they are under the Capitol power so that the

districts as the oppressed class could not have their freedom and privilege as

a human being. As the result, the districts would not put their consideration

to repeat the dark days and resist the upper class. This present investigation

revealed that the hold of the hunger games came out as the manifestation of

discrimination conducted by the Capitol as the result of the socio

economical background of the District as the oppressed class in which can

be seen from the table below.

Table 4.6
Discrimination Employed by the Upper Class towards the Lower
Class in Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

No The Number The Description of Sub-sequences Contains Issue

of Sub-

1 2i Sarcastic argument between Gale and Madge about the unfair

reaping day in which the rich functionary descendent like Madge
didn’t need to be worry to be chosen in the reaping day

2 2j The description about the unfair system called tesserae in which the
wealthier people have slimmer opportunity to be chosen in the
reaping day and tesserae as a tool to raise hatred among the people
in the districts

3 3b The description about the gloomy condition in Square, a place that

used to be a fun place for holiday but turned into a scary place
surrounded by big billboards and cameras because of the reaping

4 3d An annual same Hunger Games speech from the Mayor Undersee

about the history of Panem and Capitol as a place that gave its 13
districts prosperity until the establishment of the Hunger Games as a
warning of the dark days.

No Number The Description of Sub-sequence

5 3e The description about The Hunger Games as an annual vicious
celebration of the dark days in which every district should send
their two children to the war arena in order to remain the people in
districts of how they were actually under the Capitol’s power.

6 3h An unbelievable 12 years old girl, Primrose’ election as a female

tribute in the 74th annual hunger games.

7 3k A shocking Peeta Melark’s election as the male tribute to fight in

the 74th deadly battle arena because his name was barely recognized
by Katniss.

8 5h, The recap of the reaping day which showed the unforgettable
reaping moment in every district, Katniss’ heroic action, drunken
Haymitch and ended by the Panem’s national anthem.

9 6f The description of the District 1’s performance at the opening
ceremony as the Capitol’s favorite district by riding a wagon with
its two white snowy horses pulled while showing off their jewelry
as District 1’s productions.

10 8e Unfair system of the tribute’s training system in which the tributes

from the wealthier district known as the Carrier Tributes were
already trained in their districts before trained in the Capitol and
Katniss as a skinny girl but strong enough to keep her family alive.

11 8j Katniss’ furious action at the private lesson by skewering her arrow

straight to the apple in the pig mouth at the Gamemakers’ table
when most of the judges ignored her amazing performance

12 10 Katniss’ anger towards Haymitch, Peeta, and Capitol when she

failed at the four hours content lesson with Haymitch because of the
unfair hunger games that required her to behave unlike herself in
order to entertained the Capitol .

13 13d The description of how the died tributes were carried by the Capitol
in which the died tributes would be cleaned up and sent to their
district using a simple wood case.

14 24c A sudden attack from the Mutts as the artificial animal like a giant
wolf which were incarnation of the died tributes towards Cato,
Katniss and Peeta which lead them to quickly run to the top of the
Curnocopia to save themselves.

From the data on the table 4.6 above, it can be observed that 4 sub-

sequences that represent discriminatory issue as the result of the hold of the

hunger games. The representation of the discrimination issues reflected in

the 14 sub-sequences above is occurred from the reaping day, opening

ceremony, training section, until the day of the games in the deadly arena.

The discussion of these 14 sub-sequences containing related issue is

presented below.

According to the Treaty of Treason in which it declared in every

reaping day, the Capitol claimed that the hold of the annual hunger games

was considerably as the annual reminder for the districts about the dark days

happened 74 years ago aimed at emphasizing the District that the highest

majesty with the biggest authority production relied on the Capitol.

According to Bobo (1983) in Kuncoro (2008), the employment of

discrimination is triggered by the social competition within the society or

known as a struggle for the welfare, but nowadays it is known as a realistic

conflict theory aims at obtaining the commodity and golden opportunity. So,

according to Gordon (1998) in Kuncoro (2008), by reaching that commodity

and opportunity, a certain group is able to maintain their power. In

accordance to this, this establishment of the hunger games can be

considered as the Capitol’s struggle of welfare because the Capitol also was

in a social competition with the districts. This competition was a result of

the Capitol’s fear of the resistance that conducted by the district 74 years

ago or known as the dark days. So, the Capitol tried to show off their power

and domination aimed at maintaining its power in order to prevent the

potential upcoming dark days by holding the Hunger Games. Besides,

according to Eyerman (1981), false consciousness also becomes a major

factor of the discrimination. The false consciousness possessed by the

Capitol as the upper class also triggered the Capitol to instinctively act

harshly and discriminate the district due to their authorization and class


This struggle of welfare shown by the Capitol through the

employment of the policy inserted in the Treaty of Treason which can be

seen in the sub-sequence 3d and 3e. Sub-sequence 3b reveals the history of

the establishment of the Hunger Games which declared by the Mayor

Undersee in the annual reaping day in the district 12’s Square as a result of

the uprising districts. As he result of this uprising, the Capitol gave the

districts a hunger games as a remainder and punishment for the districts in

Panem by taking one female and male children in each district as can be

seen in the sequence 3e and the quotation below.

“In punishment for the uprising, each of the twelve districts must
provide one girl and one boy, called tributes, to participate. The
twenty four tributes will be imprisoned in a vast outdoor arena that
could hold anything from a burning desert to a frozen
wasteland”(Collins, 2008:18).
From the quotation above, it can be observed that by taking the

children compulsively in each district, it automatically made the children

lose their opportunity to live appropriately in their district because the

Capitol as the upper class restricted their movement and attempting to

conduct their own desired activity and resulting a hurtful feeling for them as

seen in sub-sequence 3h, 3k, 5h. Sub-sequence 3h reveals 12 years old

Primrose was chosen as district 12’ tributes, sub-sequence 3k reveals the

election of Peeta Melark as district 12’ male tributes, and also sub-sequence

5h reveals the reaping replays in the entire district in which showed the

unlucky children in the entire district were chosen in the reaping. These

children in the entire district who were chosen to be participated in the

game were obligated to compete because there was only single winner in the

hunger games allowed, so the children known as the tributes were required

to kill each other. This is vividly noticeable as the discrimination towards

the children in the district as what Allport (1979) stated that by restricting

certain group’s desired activity and resulted some damages are considering

as a discrimination. This present investigation is also in line with the

investigation that investigated by Idris (2017).

Besides, as a manipulator and sneaky government, the hunger games

in which it required children as the subject of the game take the children

from the district as the oppressed class, meanwhile the children in the

Capitol were not taken into account. It means that, the children in the

Capitol were freed and not obligated to be participated in the game. In this

case, beside restricting the children’s desire activity to live freely, the

Capitol gave the unequal treatment between the children in the district and

the children in the capitol in which this action is considered as the act of

discrimination. This unequal treatment in which differentiate towards both

classes is considered as discrimination in which in line with the theory that

proposed by Watson (1976) and also in line with the investigation that

invented by Maurilia (2015).

As if the Capitol wanted to beautify its dodge, the Capitol tried to

increase the participations’ enthusiasm and excitement by luring them some

presents as seen in the sub-sequence 3d. In this sequence, it is explained that

the winner would like to receive a big house which located in the winner’s

district and the winner district had a freedom to battle with poverty as seen

in the quotation below.

” The last tribute alive receives a life of ease back home, and their
district will be showered with prizes, largely consisting of food. All
year, the Capitol will show the winning district gifts of grain and
oil and even delicacies like sugar while the rest of us battle
starvation” (Collins, 2008:18).

From the quotation above, it might be sound pleasant for the district

winner but this is basically considerable as a discrimination action. There

was a different and unfair treatment between the district winner and the

others defeated tributes in term of the tributes’ rewarding. It will be fair if

the capitol appreciated the defeated districts participants with some prizes

even that it less than the winner but what they all got was nothing, only

death and starvation. The winner district was able to survive their live for a

year while the other 11 defeated districts keep suffering from the poverty.

This kind of discrimination was aimed at tighten the competition among the

tributes in which each tribute would fight and winning the commodity and

opportunity that offered by the Capitol. So there is a discrimination action in

form of unequal treatment employed by the Capitol towards the defeated

district and the winning district in which this case is in line with the theory

proposed by Allport (1979) and is in line with investigation revealed by

Idris (2017).

This case reflected in the sequence 3d in which straightly highlights

the issue of unequal treatment among the tributes is supported by the

sequence 6f, 8e, 8j and 13d that also emphasizing unequal treatment on how

the Capitol treated the wealthier district and the poorer district such district

12 differently. Sequence 6f reveals the favoritism characteristic of Capitol

who glorified district one as the Capitol’s favorite due to the district one’s

production in which it triggered the Capitol to treat the Carrier district more

preferential while treating the remaining poor districts beneath notice as

what can be seen in the sub-sequence 8j. Sub-sequence 8j express Katniss’

anger towards the judges in the training session when Katniss, a tribute from

the poorest district performed her appearance in the private lesson and the

judges prefer to put their attention to the pig head in the dining table as if

they thought that poor Katniss would be not taken into account as the strong

tribute. It means that there are some discriminative action through the

unequal treatment given by the Capitol towards the upper district which

mostly came as the potential victor and lower district which mostly came as

the defeating districts shown in the sub-sequence 3d, 6f, 8e, 8j and 13d in

which this unequal treatment that differentiate the Carrier and the poor

districts is considered as a discrimination which is in line with Watson

(1976) and finding investigated by Maurilia (2015) who revealed the

employment of discrimination in form of differentiating a certain group in

the novel Kathryn Stockett’s The Help.

Cunning is an appropriate naming for the Capitol who always have a

manipulated way to maintaining their power in the society in which this is in

line with Gordon (1948) in Kuncoro (2008) who stated that the

discrimination will be exhibited if the certain group want to maintain and

keep their privilege in the society. The Capitol exhibited their discrimination

by employing the system called tesserae as seen in the sub-sequence 2j.

Sub-sequence 2j expresses the manipulated way employed by the Capitol to

control the district. Sub-sequence 2j conveyed the unfair system called

tesserae which used as an alibi for the Capitol to show off their superiority

and reminding the district about how powerless the District under the

Capitol mercy as what declared in the treaty of Treason that seen in the sub-

sequences 3d and 3e. Tesserae was a system made by the capitol claimed at

helping the people in the districts with some grain, sugar, wealth and any

other food. The very bad poverty suffered by the people in the district

especially district 12 left the people especially the children at age 12-18

hang their last hope to the tesserae. But, it turned into something

discriminative because the tesserae system differentiated the wealthier

people with the poor people in the district. The poor people needed to take

more tesserae to keep them alive but as the guarantee, they needed to put

their names more than they should and increased their possibilities to be

chosen in the reaping day. It can be seen from the quotation below:

” The reaping system is unfair, with the poor getting the worst of it.
You become eligible for the reaping the day you turn twelve. That
year, your name is entered once. At thirteen, twice. And so on and so
on until you reach the age of eighteen, the final year of eligibility,
when your name goes into the pool seven times.” (Collins, 2008:12)
From the sub-sequence 2j as well as the quotation above, it can be

observed that there is unequal treatment between the wealthier people and

the poorer people who lived in the district for the opportunity to be chosen

in the reaping day in which it can be considered as the discrimination

(Maurilia, 2015 and Watson, 1976). The wealthier people like Madge,

Katniss best friend and the daughter of District 12’s Mayor would have a

very slight attempt to be chosen in the reaping day because she won’t to

take the tesserae as seen in the sub-sequence 2i, meanwhile the poor

children such as Katniss and Gale who have a big responsibility to feed their

family would take the tesserae as their last hope to live a life and

automatically increase their tendency to be chosen in the reaping day. In

accordance to this fact, it can be seen how the Capitol differentiated both of

the two parties by unequally treated them. Besides, it can be seen that there

is a contempt on the employment of the of the unfair teserrae as can be seen

in the sub-sequence 2i in which Gale revealed that the tesserae was made to

break and arise a hatred among the people in the district in order to prevent

them for being united and can be seen as the potential treat for the Capitol to

face the uprising districts. This humiliation is considerably as the act of

discrimination in which it is in line with the theory proposed by Theodorson

(1979) in Khasnawati (2015) who categorize the employment of humiliation

as a form of discriminatory action and is in line investigation invented by

the previous related research namely Idris (2017) and Ridha, Asri, &

Nurizzat (2013).

Moreover, if it is seen in a further way, the establishment of the

unfair tesserae system becomes one of the manifestations of reverse

discrimination. According to Kuncoro (2008), reverse discrimination is

employed by giving the target group short time pleasant treatment but ended

with the long term discrimination. This also applied by the Capitol by

applying the tesserae claimed at helping the district from the poverty but

finally compulsively dragged the children in the districts to the long term

discrimination which can be found in the establishment of the annual hunger

games. Furthermore, this hunger games and tesserae system compulsively

prevent the District to grow their economy so that the District would

became the powerless society in which with the Capitol’s false

consciousness as the upper class would like to keep discriminating the

district. This is in line with the theory that proposed by Nunes & Gutierrez,

2004 who stated that discrimination become one of the major factors in the

certain group’s economy growth deceleration. The Representation of Discrimination Employed by the

Carrier towards District 12
Discrimination was not merely happened between the really contrast

social classes such as the Capitol and the districts. However, the

discrimination issues also occurred among the districts as the oppressed

class. The hold of the hunger games itself become the major factor of its the

employment because the Capitol placed hunger games as a competition. In

accordance with this, according to Kuncoro (2008), competition is

considerably as the root of the prejudice in action aimed at obtaining some

precious opportunity and commodity. This tight competition towards the

wealthier district and the poorer district in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger

Games (2008) triggered the Carrier as the wealthier district to do some

discriminative action which can be observed in the following table.

Table 4.7
The Representation of Discrimination Employed by the Carrier towards
district 12
of Sub-
No sequenc The Description of Sub-sequence Contains Issue
1 6h The tendency of Capitol’s cameras in displaying Katniss
and Peeta at the President welcoming which made the
other tributes felt jealous towards them by cynically gazing
at them

No Number The Description of Sub-sequence

2 8e The comparison description between the Carrier Tributes
as the brutal and arrogant tributes who were already
trained in their districts before trained in the Capitol and
Katniss as a skinny girl but strong enough to keep her
family alive
3 8f The description of tributes’ training activity in three days
in which the Carrier tributes directly going to the deadly
weapon station to frighten the weaker tributes while Peeta
and Katniss preferred to go to the knot station, camouflage
station, light a fire, throwing knife and spear.
4 8g The tendency of the Carrier tributes to gather in one
group at the lunch session by showing off their superiority
to frighten the other tributes.
5 10i The descriptions of several Tributes performances as
confident and brave enemies at the war arena in which
showed their own special characteristics which made
Katniss felt insecure.
6 13k The Carrier’ conversation about the reason why they did
not kill Peeta at the time they found him because Peeta can
be used as a tool to find Katniss, a girl that made the
Carrier wanted to throw up every time Katniss turned
around with her flaming dress.
7 18i Carrier’s conversation about how Cato cut Peeta after
betraying the Carrier in which lead Katniss to figure out
the reason behind Peeta betrayal.

From the table 4.7 above, the employment of discrimination among

the district as the oppressed class can be seen in 7 sub-sequences. These 7

sub-sequences reflect the discrimination that highlighted Katniss and Peeta

as the object of this prejudice in action employed by the Carrier tributes

during the opening ceremony, training section, and the game. The

discussion of the analysis is represented in the following section below.

The Carrier tributes is a name for the alliance among the three

wealthier districts namely district 1, 2 and 4. District one produced a

valuable production like jewelry, district 2 was well known for its rock

production and district 4 is well known for its fishing. These productions of

the three districts are known as the Carrier tributes in which it led them to be

the favorite districts and getting some special treatments and some

exceptions. The beneficial exception that given by the Capitol towards the

Carrier was that they were allowed to be trained in their district before the

hunger games begun meanwhile the remaining districts were not. In Marxist

perspective, this exception increased the Carrier’s false consciousness as the

superior districts above the remaining poor district (Eyerman, 1981)

The discrimination that occurred among districts as the

discriminated class was begun in the hold of the hunger games itself. Carrier

viewed Katniss as a treat that potentially threaten the Carrier existence as

the Hunger games’ victor. This threat firstly seen in the sub-sequence 6c in

which this sub-sequence showed Carrier’s envious towards Katniss’ epic

performance as her performance directed her to obtain lots of appreciation

in the opening ceremony. The crowds were really amazed with District 12’s

epic performance in which it was rarely shown by the most impecunious

district along the history. As long as the Hunger games held in Panem, the

tributes that came from the Carrier District always got lots of supporter from

the crowd due to their shining and amazing performances in the opening

ceremony and resulting underestimation towards the other tributes.

However, the existence of brand new Katniss and Peeta’s performance

outshone the other tributes was viewed as a threat that potentially demolish

their fame in Capitol. This threat increased the competition tension between

the Carrier and Katniss, so it automatically increases the Carrier’s tendency

to maintain their position to win the game. In line with Kuncoro (2008) and

Fauzi R. et al., (2012), this competition between the Carrier and the other

poorer tributes came out as basis prejudicial source that assign the Carrier to

employ the discrimination action towards the poorer tributes. Thi prejudicial

action employed by the Carrier reflected in the sub-sequence 6h, the Carrier

tributes express her jealousy towards Katniss and Peeta in the opening

ceremony as a result of Katniss and Peeta’s amazing performance by giving

them a cynical gaze as seen in the following quotation below.

“As I glance around, I notice a lot of the other tributes are shooting
us dirty looks, which confirms what I’ve suspected, we’ve literally
outshone them all”
From the quotation above, the expression of prejudice employed is

can be seen from “…shooting us dirty looks” in which indicated a feeling of

jealousy. This dirty looks conveyed Carrier tributes’ hatred towards Katniss

and Peeta because they couldn’t stand the truth that a couple from the most

ridiculed district could be taken into account. This dirty look is considered

as an expression of harassment towards Katniss and Peeta in which it

indicates an act of discrimination. This harassment in this current

investigation is in line with the investigation conducted by Rian Fauzi,

Harris Effendi Thahar (2012) who revealed that harassment is considered as

a form of discrimination and the theory that proposed by Theodorson (1979)

cited in Khasnawati (2015). Moreover, the expression of the Carrier

jealousy was also expressed in the sequence 13k. In the sequence 13k, the

expression of their jealousy was expressed by Cato, a boy from district 1

when he had some conversation with the other tributes near the fire starter

as seen in the quotation following quotation.

“’She might have. Seemed pretty simpleminded to me. Every time I

think about her spinning around in that dress, I want to puke.’”
(Collins, 2008:160)
From the quotation in the sequence 13k above, it can be seen that

Cato as one of the member of the Carrier acted like as if he could not stood

for the truth that the girl from the most ridiculed district was able to

captivate the audiences by her spectacular flaming dress as it shown in the

sub-sequence 6h in which the district 12’s tributes performances outshone

the other tribute and became a new Capitol’s favorite. In Marxist

perspective, it was encouraged by their false consciousness as the superior

tributes showed an act of domineering and hashing in which it can be seen

in the sub-sequence 8e, 8f, 8g when the tributes were trained in the training

session. This situation was hugely noticeable hurtful for the Carrier as

Capitol’s favorite. So, this generated a discrimination action by harassing

Katniss Everdeen through his verbal abuse by saying ”I want to puke”

every time he saw Katniss spin around with her flaming dress as seen in

sub-sequence 13k because Cato was insecure about his existence as a

favorite tribute would be replaced by Katniss. This insecurity triggered Cato

to act discriminative because he tried to protect and maintain his popularity

as a Capitol favorite. This situation is in line with Gordon (1998) in

Kuncoro (2008) stated that this oppression is considered as a struggle to

maintain and protect their power and privilege in certain society. Moreover

the employment of verbal abuse which is considered as an act of

discrimination is in line with the finding that investigated by Maurilia, 2015

who revealed some employment of verbal abuse in the novel The Help.

The power domination possessed by the Carrier as the result of the

class contradiction is considerably as their strength to dilate their attempt to

win the game. So, by winning the competition, they would be exposed by

the valuable opportunity to be Capitol’s favorite and tried to obtain a

commodity that provided by the Capitol for the winner. According to Bobo

(1983) in Baron & Byrne (1997), the struggle to reach this wealthy is known

as struggle of welffare. The struggle of welfare began to be generated in the

training session shown by sequence 8e, 8f and 8g. These three sequences

showed the Carrier struggle to be seen as a domineering and undefeated

tributes by acting brutal, harsh, and discriminative. Sequence 8e reveals the

comparison between the Carrier tributes and the poorer tributes’ appearance.

The carrier tributes as the member of the wealthier district tried to show off

their lumpy, healthy and athletic body as a symbol of their districts’ wealth

in which food was never be a consideration as a scourge in their district.

Meanwhile, Katniss and Peeta’s appearances as skinny and untalented

tributes that came from the poorest district obviously mean nothing for the

Carrier. This contrast appearance between the Carrier and the poorer district

was used as an opportunity for the Carrier to discriminate Katniss and Peeta

by humiliating them which can be seen in the following quote.

“The other tributes were jealous of us, but not because we were
amazing, because our stylists were. Now I see nothing but contempt
in the glances of the Career Tributes. Each must have fifty to a
hundred pounds on me. They project arrogance and brutality.”
(Collins, 2008: 93)
From the quotation above, it can be seen that the Carrier’s contempt

in glance can be said as a humiliation aimed at frightening Katniss because

the Carrier knew that Katniss came from the poorest district in which food

was such a rare thing to be obtained. The lack of the food created a skinny

and small Katniss Everdeen. So, by having 20 kg heavier body than Katniss

and showing their arrogance, indirectly they tried to show and tell Katniss

that a skinny girl that came from the most ridiculed district was

inappropriate to be in the game and facing the tributes who already

dedicated their life to be trained for the hunger games. The humiliation that

employed by the Carrier also has shown by the sequence 8g in the lunch

session at the training center. The bad attitude as a result of their superiority

was expressed by gathering rowdily in a table while really ignoring the rest

of the tributes and the absence of their fear was obviously not recognizable.

Meanwhile the other tributes were likely as lost sheep in a forest because

they sat alone and no one said a single word to Katniss. The humiliation

expressed by the Carrier in sequence 8g is when they were likely to murmur

as if they tried underestimating and considering the other tributes beneath

notice. This harassment is considerably as an expression of discrimination

towards the poorer tributes because the Carrier treated the victims less

pleasantly that is in line with the research finding found by Idris (2017),

Ridha, Asri, & Nurizzat (2013) and a theory that proposed by Bowling


The unpleasant treatment employed the Carrier towards the poorer

district in the training session also showed by the sub-sequence 8e.

Sequence 8e reveals the Carrier tributes brutality in the first day of the

training center. Every tribute was given the same attempt to go to the

desired station in the training session to learn the surviving techniques and

some weapons. However, the Carrier tributes as the tributes who already

dedicated their life to be trained in their district and had a fully knowledge

about a surviving and deadly weapons directly going to the deadly station

and took a charge of the deadly station in the training session. Their

brutality in the deadly session was as a way for them to intimidate and show

their power as the deadly and undefeated tributes.

“When Atala releases us, they head straight for the deadliest-
looking weapons in the gym and handle them with ease.” (Collins,
2008: 94)
From the quotation above, the act of the Carrier expertly handle the

deadly weapon aimed at intimidating the other tributes in order to trigger

them to the confident demolition and fall into their inferiority. This

unpleasant act is considerably damaging the poorer tributes because the

Carrier tried to take the other tributes opportunity to train in the deadly

station by restricting them to get the equal attempt. This act showed how the

Carrier tried to deny or exclude the other to access the desired activity. This

case is considerably as a discriminative action of excluding and restricting

the victim in which this is in line with the finding of Idris (2017) and the

theory proposed by Allport (1979).

Besides, in the war arena, the Carrier district also employed

socioeconomic discrimination in which it can be seen in sub-sequence 13k.

In the sequence 13k, the Carrier revealed their reason behind their alliance

with Peeta Melark, as a tribute that came from the most ridiculed District. In

the conversation among the Carrier, they revealed the reason why the

Carrier didn’t kill Peeta directly at the time the Carrier found Peeta Melark

as seen in the following quotation.

“’Why don’t we just kill him now and get it over with?’ ‘Let him tag
along. What’s the harm? And he’s handy with that knife…. ‘Besides,
he’s our best chance of finding her.’” (Collins, 2008:160)
From the quotation above, it can be seen that killing Peeta was the

easiest thing done by the Carrier, because the Carrier had giant and strong

body, meanwhile Peeta was not. However, the carrier did not kill him

because they obviously saw the potential advantage from Peeta to discover

Katniss as the tribute that came from the same district and as a lover boy

that put his love to Katniss Everdeen as Carrier biggest enemy. This was

used as a golden opportunity to use Peeta as a tool to find Katniss Everdeen

in the war arena. Peeta expertly in handling blades also taken into the

consideration of why the Carrier asked him to be a team with the carrier

before the Carrier finally wanted to kill him.

This situation that occurred in the sub-sequences 13k and 18i reflects

the act of discrimination employed by the Carrier towards Peeta Melark

mainly aimed at smoothing their plan to finish Katniss off. The Carrier

tributes restricted Peeta to do their desired activity because he was under the

Carrier guard. This restriction resulted the limited access for Peeta have

liberal movements which in line with Gordon Allport (1979) in Ponterotto

(2006) theory. By giving him a better treatment at first as it can be seen in

sub-sequences 13k which was advantageous for them but it turned into

something not profitable. The better treatment given by the carrier was that

an opportunity to be alive for a moment when they’re not directly killed

Peeta, in fact, this was just Carrier’s alibi to use them as their lackey in

which Peeta used as a tool to find Katniss as seen in sequence 13k,

meanwhile, the boy from district 3 was used as a food supplies security as

seen in the sequence 18g. However, when Peeta was not doing their job

correctly, the Carrier was not reluctant to employee some physical attack by

cutting Peeta after Peeta betraying the Carrier as seen in sequence 18i. This

verbal abuse is considerably as an unequal treatment of discrimination that

is in line with the theory that proposed by Gordon Allport (1979) in

Ponterotto (2006) and the finding from Idris M. (2017) in which considering

physical attack as one of the employment of discrimination. Moreover,

according to Kuncoro (2008), this kind of socioeconomic discrimination

employed by Carrier belongs to reverse discrimination in which the

discriminator giving them a better treatment at first but culminates into

something more unpleasant at the end. The better treatment given by the

Carrier at first was when Carrier did not kill Peeta but at the end of Peeta

got something unpleasantly in form of physical attack.

Furthermore, the discrimination cases seen in sequence 13k, and 18i

are in line with the theory from Gordon Allport (1979) in which stated that

there is a model of discrimination called as extermination of prejudice in

which a certain class tried to exclude a target class by using a systematic

plan. From the sequence 13k & 18i can be seen that there was a systematic

plan from the Carrier to use both Peeta to find Katniss. The systematic plan

was started when the Carrier didn’t kill Peeta at the first but used him as a

tool to find Katniss and then the Carrier planned to finish him off after both

smoothed their plan. This finding of discriminative action in form of

extermination of prejudice was in line with the finding that found by Idris

(2017). The Representation of the Exploitation Issues in Suzanne

Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)
The representation of the capitalism system is vividly recognizable in

the entire pages of The Hunger Games (2008) written by Suzanne Collins.

Collins strongly symbolized the Capitalism atmosphere by the embodiment of

the Capitol as the result of the uprising district 74 years ago in which clearly

stated in Panem’s Treaty of Treason. Having the highest authorization and 12

district left in Panem, the Capitol has a fully control in controlling the entire

Panem and camouflaged as a wise government which facilitate and gave its 12

districts the same accommodations and prosperity as stated in treaty created

74 years ago. In Marxist perspective, this authorization triggered the Capitol

into their False Consciousness as it stated by Eyerman (1989) that false

consciousness affects the certain class to act based on their status and

belonging so that the domineering class would like to dominate meanwhile

the oppressed class likely to yield and followed the rules given by the upper

class. In accordance to this, the Capitol also used their false consciousness to

use their people in the districts for the sake of the Capitol’s selfish purposes

by treating them exploitatively. By implementing a cycling process, the

researcher found that there are two types of the representation of exploitation

in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008) namely Labor Exploitation

and Children exploitation. The Labor exploitation can be observed from the

employment of the long working hours with an inappropriate labor wage,

while the children exploitation can be seen from the employment of the

Hunger Games as the Capitol’s entertainment. The data of the sequences

containing related issues can be seen in this following table.

Table 4.8
The Representation of Exploitation Issues in Collins’ The Hunger

No Exploitation The Number of Sub-sequences Frequency

Contains Issue
1 Labor 1d, 1e, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3l 6
2 Children 2a, 2b, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2i, 2j, 3b, 3d, 3e, 27
Exploitation 3h, 3k, 3i,5j, 6a, 6g, 10b, 11d, 13j,
15a, 15b, 15c, 15d, 17g, 20a, 21a,

From the table 4.8, it presents the frequency of the sub-sequences

containing exploitation issue in which it can be observed that over 35 sub-

sequences containing an issue of exploitation, there are 6 sub-sequences that

reflects labor exploitation which can be seen from how the Capitol imposed

the imbalance between the inappropriate labor wage and the extended

working hours. Meanwhile, there are 29 sub-sequences that reflects the

issue of children exploitation in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games

(2008) in which it can be seen from the hold of the hunger games as the

Capitol’s entertainment. The discussion of each section is presented in the

following section below. The Representation of Labor Exploitation Issues in

Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)
People in the entire districts in Panem were considered as a treasure

for the Capitol because the regime would not be able to stand and work in

the certain society. This was because the people in the district as the

oppressed class in Panem were responsible to fulfill the Capitol’s need by

working hours in their own district with their own specific production.

However, the Capitol swanked as they forgot about their own promises to

welfare the entire districts as it can be observed in the Panem’s treaty of

treason. Tragically, the people in the districts, specifically people who lived

in the poorer district like district 12 were treated like a machine with a press

button who needed to work a long day without the appropriate labor wage or

supporting living accommodation. The people in the districts were forced to

work for the production because there was a fear among the people in the

districts if they did not worked as what it was commanded by the Capitol.

This fear was considered as the result of the Capitol’s brutality in the dark

days years ago. So, this present investigation reveals that there are several

sub-sequences represented the District 12’s labor exploitation in Susanne

Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008) as seen in the following table.

Table 4.9
The Representation of Labor Exploitation Issues in Collins’ The
Hunger Games (2008)

No The Number of The Description of Sub-sequence Contains Issue


1 1d The description of the Seam as a coal mining place in Panem

with its apprehensive coal miners in which retirement was the
best option for them.

2 1e The description of electrified thorny gate as the separator

between the Meadow and the wood in which it got 2/3 hours
electricity per day only instead of 24 hours.

No Number of The Description of Sub-sequence

3 2a The trip to the wood through the tiny gate space as the
entrance to the wood, because the people in the Seam were
not allowed to hunt in the wood.

4 2b Katniss’ flashback about her dad’ tragic death in the coal

explosion when she was eleven and left her nightmare.

5 2c The description about how the people in District 12 survived

with the starvation by sneaking into the wood to harvest some
apples and created an alliance between the peacekeepers and
the hunters because the peacekeepers were as hungry as the

6 3l Katniss’ flashback about her encounter with Peeta Melark as

a Baker in the Seam at the icy rain when she was dying to
find some food to feed her family because her dad died in the
mine explosion.

It can be observed that from the data on the table 4.9 above, there are

6 sub-sequences namely subsequence 1d, 1e, 2a, 2b, 2c, and 3i that

represent an issue of labor exploitation that employed by the Capitol

towards the labors in the district 12 as the result of the Capitol’s violence

and their selfishness. The further analysis is presented below.

According to Wisman (2018) , the tantalize reproductive outlook

highlights the employment of the exploitation in a certain society. So by

seeing the prospect in the labors’ production, it will encourage the upper

class to see the potential glory in the future in order to keep their power and

prosperity without undergo some financial damage. In accordance with this,

the Capitol also saw the prospect in the labors’ production in which the

labor came from the entire districts who lived in the certain area of Panem

with its own specific production. To materialize this reproductive prospect

automatically the Capitol need to act exploitative by using someone to gain

lots of profits for their own benefits as seen in the 6 sequences above.

The representation of the labor exploitation reflected by Susanne

Collins in her novel can be seen in the sequence 1d. Sequence 1d described

the condition of the labor in the district 12 who worked as coal miner. This

sequence explained how the labors with the apprehensive appearance had to

work in the coal mining place in the district 12 in which in the theory, the

old people were not encouraged to work.

The Capitol saw the potential production from the district 12 as a

coal mining place as long as the production of the coal mining in district 12

constantly executed by the people in the district 12 in order to maximize the

profit for the Capitol. This execution to maintain the stabile coal production

required an extra effort and energy aimed at maximizing the profit. So, the

labor class in the district 12 was abusively treated by employing the long

hours working and a minimum labor wage. This long hours working can be

seen from how the labors appearance which was really apprehend with their

stoop shoulders, skinny and lumpy joint as seen below.

“Men and women with hunched shoulders, swollen knuckles, many

who have long since stopped trying to scrub the coal dust out of
their broken nails, the lines of their sunken faces” (Collins, 2008:4)
From the quotation above, it can be seen from “hunch shoulders,

swollen knuckles and sunken face” in which this condition indicated a very

heartbreaking labor condition which the existence of the health insurance

was questionable. This situation occurred because the Capitol restricted the

labors in the district 12 to have a wide access to the health assurance as what

Zimmerman & Kiss (2017) stated that the exploitation was supported by

zero health insurance. These conditions indicated that there was an

employment of the long hours working because if they have a normal

working hours and appropriate labor wage, their condition would not be as

that horrible. Beside the financial profit, the Capitol likely to treat the

people in the district 12 exploitatively because the Capitol wanted to show

their superiority towards the districts and by embracing the poverty, the

people in the poorer district would always asked the Capitol for mercy and

there was no way to commit a rebellion as what happened in 74 years ago.

In the Marxist Perspective as what Eyerman (1979) stated that this

exploitation affected by the false consciousness of the both classes. This

was also in line with According to Wisman (2008) who highlighted the

major force of the employment of the exploitation in which he stated that

the self acceptance that come from the exploited class also considered as the

factor of the exploitation, because they claimed that the employment of

exploitation as the natural thing for them and they accepted it as their

destiny. Furthermore, the little wage given by the Capitol towards the labor

in the district 12 was considered as a Capitol’s alibi to manipulate the

district as stated by Balci, 1987. This employment of this long hours

working and minimum wage were considered as exploitation in which it is

in line with the theory from Zimmerman & Kiss, 2017 as well as UNHCR,

2017. This is also in line with finding investigated by Gosh (2017) who

revealed the employment of discrimination in form of minimum wage in the

Charles Dickens’ Anand and Roy.

This exploitation reflected in the sub-sequence 1d also supported by

the sub-sequence 3l and 2b where the Capitol really restricted and did not

provide the labor force into an sweet shop with an appropriate working

system or facilities that could help them to guarantee their security. Sub-

sequence 3i explains the condition of the people in the district 12 which

suffer with the poverty, jobless people, starving people, dying bodies and

some miner who suffered from the injured in the coal mining area. Besides,

the sequence 2b reveal the description of how Katniss’ father died in the

coal mining place when she was about 11 years old in which her dead was

the only one who responsible to feed the Everdeen family. The quotation of

the sequence 2b can be seen in this following quote.

“My father knew and he taught me some before he was blown to bits
in a mine explosion. There was nothing even to bury. I was eleven
then. Five years later, I still wake up screaming for him to run”
(Collins, 2008:5)

From the quotation above, it can be seen that there was an

employment of an adequate accommodation in term of working facilities

and security in which can be proofed from the quotation “There was nothing

even to bury”. This quotation described how Katniss’ father died in the mine

explosion until there was the remaining body can be buried. It means that,

the Capitol was not provided them with the appropriate facilities and

security assurance. If the Capitol considered the security in the district 12’s

working place, there would be a really serious mine explosion until there

was nothing left and buried by the victims’ family. The same thing also in

the sequence 3i when lots of force labor in the district suffered some

damage as the result of an adequate working accommodation and there was

no health insurance which responsible to the damages. However, in the

other side, the Capitol was freely enjoying the profit above the people’s

grief. So, the finding in this present study which stated that the employment

of the exploitation seen from the adequate working facilities is in line with

the previous observation investigated by Marindah & Fatah, 2014 in which

it revealed that there is an employment of labor exploitation in form of

inadequate working suffered by Nailer in the Bacigalupi’s Ship Breaker


The issue of the labor exploitation reflected in Susanne Collins’ The

hunger Games (2008) is strengthen by the inappropriate supporting facilities

that given by the Capitol in order to success the coal production in the

District 12 as seen in the sequence 1e and 2a. Sequence 1e exposed the

restriction in term of the electricity for district 12 in which the Capitol only

gave them 2-3 hours electricity while in theory, district 12 who lived near

the wood with its wild animal that potentially harm the people in the district

12 should given more electricity as seen in the following quote.

“Separating the Meadow from the woods, in fact enclosing all of

District 12, is a high chain-link fence topped with barbedwire loops.
In theory, it’s supposed to be electrified twenty our hours a day as a
deterrent to the predators that live in the woods” (Collins, 2008:4)
It can be observed from the quotation above that the Capitol vividly

exploited the labor in the district 12 by only gave them a little electricity in

each day. By considering the quote “supposed to be electrified twenty our

hours a day” it indicated the awful condition of district 12 but they should

work for the Capitol. Robbing their production without an appropriate

reciprocation was considered as an abusive act because the Capitol would

like to take lots of profits from the production, the Capitol also need to gave

them the same amount of the production but all the labor got was injured

and long working day. So, by giving them a little of electricity in a day, it

indicated that the Capitol really considered District 12 as a truly exploited

class because they did not take the district 12 into a consideration as a

district who need more electricity to keep them safe from the predator and to

help the labor in facilitating themselves in the mining place. So it was

undoubtedly that there were lot of deaths in the district 12 as the result of

this exploitation as seen in the sub-sequence 3i and 3b.

In accordance to this, lots of the labor in district 12 broke the rule by

sneaking outside the district to find some food as seen in the sub-sequence

2a. In the sub-sequence 2a, Katniss described how the people in the district

12 struggling their life to feed their hunger. Sub-sequence 2a can be

considered as a proof of how the capitol truly exploited them by using their

energy to gain lots of profit without considering their wage, social, and

health. The people in the district 12 were used like a machine to work in the

sweetshop and the blind Capitol directly ignored their need. Every day, the

people in the districts battle with the poverty, they were pressed to fulfill the

Capitol need to work in the coal mining but they only had a bit of wage.

This was also affected by the production produced by district 12 because

coal were not a dream items required by the Capitol, so the Capitol would

likely ignored district 12 as the furthest district in Panem. This employment

of the adequate facility is in line with the finding from Zimmerman & Kiss,

2017 and Setiawan, Marlina, & Padang, 2014 about the lack

accommodation of the sweetshop. The Representation of Children Exploitation in the

Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008).
Children were considered as the router in the certain society. The

development of a certain area would be placed on how the children in that

area performed in order to advance their society. However, as the result of

the class difference that embraced the certain society, it triggered the

domineering class to show its superiority by exploiting children for the sake

of a selfish aim. This case was reflected by Susanne Collins in the first

sequel of The Hunger Games Trilogy. The Capitol’s selfishness and

brutality came out as the major cause of the children exploitation that

occurred in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008). The result of the

Capitol’s brutality did not only widely spread on its relationship towards the

district 12, but also affected the living situation among the relationship

among the people among the district 12. So, in this present research, by

conducting a cycling presses, it is revealed that there is a multilayer of

children exploitation that occurred in the Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger

Games (2008). It means that the children exploitation was not merely

occurred in the contrast class but also it occurred in the same class. The first

type of the interclass children exploitation is represented by the fact that

Capitol exploited the children in the Panem through the employment of the

hunger games as the annual game and was televised as a show. Besides, the

interclass exploitation also conducted by the people in the district 12 as the

result of the poverty suffered by the district 12, so it directly brought the

children to be treated exploitatively. The sub-sequences that represent the

children exploitation can be seen in this following table.

Table 4.10
The Representation of Children Exploitation in Collins’ The Hunger Games

No Exploitation The Number of Sub-sequence Frequency

Contains Issue
1 Between the 2i, 2j, 3b, 3d, 3e, 3h, 3k, 3i, 6a, 6g, 19
Upper Class 10b, 11d, 15a, 15b, 15c, 15d, 17g,
and the 20a, 21a, 24j
2 Among the 2a, 2b, 2d, 2c, 2f, 2j, 3i, 5j, 13j, 13k 10

It can be seen from the table 4.10 above, there are 29 sub-sequences

that represent the children exploitation inter and intra class. There are 19

sub-sequences reflecting children exploitation employed by the Capitol as

the upper class towards the children in district 12 as the lower class and

there are 8 sub-sequences reflect children exploitation that occurred among

the oppressed class in which this intra class exploitation is done by the

parent and the Carrier. The further analysis of the two major sub-section is

presented in the following section below. The Representation of Children Exploitation between the

Upper Class and the Oppressed Class
A contrast living condition as the result of the difference means of

production’s authorization reflected in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games

(2008) created a wide economy gap between the Capitol as the domineering

group and the districts as the labor group. In the Marxist view, this class

difference brought both the Capitol and the Districts in to their own false

consciousness. The Capitol would accept themselves as the upper class who

freely could control the society and the districts also accepted themselves as

the lower and poor class. This false consciousness led the Capitol to

instinctively treat the people in the district exploitatively in order to gain

lots of profit from the district. Beside the financial profit, the Capitol also

tried to get the other profits in a form of entertainment and to keep their

majesty and power in Panem by holding the annual game called as the

hunger game. This Hunger games worked as the result of the resistance

done by the entire thirteen district 74 years ago in which used as the

remainder for the districts on how powerless the people in the district under

the Capitol’s majesty. By compulsively taking a pair children in every

district, male and female child to battle until death in the bloody arena, the

Capitol directly treat the children exploitatively in order to entertain the

capitol because the entire game were televised and the people in the Capitol

pulled a bet on a single tribute that potentially win the competition. So, in

this present research, it revealed that there are some sub-sequences that

represent an issue related to the children exploitation in which directly

employed by the Capitol as the oppressor towards district 12 as seen in the

table below.

Table 4.11
The Representation of Children Exploitation between the Upper Class and
the Oppressed Class

No The Number The Description of the Sub-sequence Contains Issue

of the Sub-

1 2i A Sarcastic argument between Gale and Madge about the unfair

reaping day in which the rich functionary descendent like Madge
didn’t need to be worry to be chosen in the reaping day

2 2j The description about the unfair system called tesserae as a food

reserve and a tool to raise hatred among the poor people in which the
poor people can trade their name with the tesserae but it increased
their chances to be chosen in the reaping day.

No Number of The Description of Sub-sequence

3 3b The description about the gloomy condition in Square, a place that
used to be a fun place for holiday but turned into a scary place
surrounded by big billboards and cameras because of the reaping

4 3d An annual same Hunger Games speech from the Mayor Undersee

about the history of Panem and Capitol as a place that gave its 13
districts prosperity, until the establishment of the Hunger Games as a
warning of the dark days.

5 3e The description about The Hunger Games as an annual vicious

celebration of the dark days in which every district should send their
two children to the war arena in order to remain the people in
districts of how they were actually under the Capitol’s power.

6 3h An unbelievable Primrose’ election as a 12 years female tribute in
the 74th annual hunger

7 3k A shocking Peeta Melark’s election as the male tribute to fight in the

74th deadly battle arena because his name was barely recognized by

8 6a Katniss’ tough and complete makeover done by Flavius, Venia and

Octavia before meeting the main stylist to discuss about the concept
of the opening ceremonial outfit.

9 6g The description of Katniss and Peeta’s attractive performance in the

opening ceremony as a confident girl on fire with the amazing
synthetic flame and thin make up in which it made them became a
new Capitol favorite pair.

10 10b Katniss’ anger towards Haymitch, Peeta, and Capitol when she
failed at the four hours content lesson with Haymitch because of the
unfair hunger games that required her to behave unlike herself in
order to entertained the Capitol .

11 11d The description of the war arena as a popular vacation places used
by the citizens in the Capitol after the battle.

12 15a A really significant temperature changing in the war arena which

burned the trees’ branches and transformed the arena to a flame.

13 15b A Game makers’ trick to drive all the tribute together to kill each
other by designing the fire attack in order to create an interesting

14 15c Katniss’ struggle in finding the way out from the fire attack by
following the wild animals ran away from the attack in which the
attack already burned her coat and interfered her respiration.

15 15d The description of the reason why the Gamemakers did not directly
kill Katniss at the fire attack in which the Gamemakers wanted them
to faced and killed each other to make an interesting show.

16 20a The announcement of the Hunger Games’ rule change in which

there were two winners allowed as long as the victors come from the
same district.

17 21a Party announcement from Cladius Templesmith about the tributes

invitation to attend the party in Cornucopia to take a bag given for
each district.

18 24j A sudden game’s rule changing announcement announced by

Cladius Templesmith that the previous game’s rule changing was
revoked and it employed the first rule which there was one victor
only in the Hunger games

19 26a Katniss’ victor ceremony make over by wearing controversial yellow

dress with padding in its breast aimed at adding a little curve on her
body cause the game makers asked for the body alter surgery before

coming up with the yellow dress as the compromises.

It can be revealed that from the sub-sequences listed on the table

4.11 above, there are 22 sub-sequences that represent an act of children

exploitation that directly employed by upper class towards the oppressed

class. From 22 sub-sequences listed on the table, the issue of children

exploitation is strongly resulted by the hold of the hunger games. Moreover,

2 sub-sequences were resulted from the tesserae system, 6 sub-sequences

were resulted from the reaping day, 4 sub-sequences were resulted from the

ceremony hold in the Capitol before battling, 10 sub-sequences were resulted

from the battle in the war arena, and the remaining single sequence was

resulted from the post ceremony. the analysis of those sub-sequeces mentione

in this section is discussed in this following section below.

It was really vividly noticeable that the hold of the hunger games

was a real manifestation of the children exploitation in the Collins’ The

Hunger Games (2008) novel. According to UNCHR in 2017, it declared that

children exploitation occurred when a certain group directly use and treat the

children improperly aimed at fulfilling a private purpose and bringing the

children into some damages or injured such as physical, mental and health

injured. In accordance to this, Collins slipped lots of events that showed the

reader about the employment of exploitation which involving children as the

object and victims by compulsively asked them to fight until their death in

the competition. There were two benefits that obtained by the Capitol, the

first was this game was used as an entertainment for the people in the

Capitol, because the entire show and murdered were streamed lively.

Besides, the second one was that this game intended to scared and remained

the people in the district about the Capitol’s majesty, about how the Capitol

easily killed the children from the district, so, it made the people in the

district fell into their powerless and blocked their opportunity to resist against

the government in Panem.

The first thing that can be investigated about the employment of the

exploitation towards the children in the district was from the employment of

the tesserae system. The sequences that represent this system were sequence

2j and 2i. Sequence 2j expressed Gale’s exacerbation towards Madge

because as a Mayor’s child, Madge did not have to take the tesserae due to

their status as the wealthier person in district 12. After Gale expressed his

misdirect exacerbation towards Madge, Katniss continued describing tesserae

as an unfair system employed as seen in the sequence 2i. In sequence 2i,

Katniss described the tesserae system itself as system aimed at helping the

poor people in the district some grain, bread, sugar and the other stuffs but as

the trade, the children aged between 12-18 needed to enter their name as

many as the tesserae taken. So, if the children took two tesserae, so they

needed to enter 3 names, one name was the obligation and the remaining 2

names were as a trade of the tesserae. In accordance to this, many tesserae

taken by the children, it also increased their opportunity to be chosen in the

raping day as seen in the following quote.

“So, at the age of twelve, I had my name entered four times. Once,
because I had to, and three times for tesserae for grain and oil for
myself, Prim, and my mother. In fact, every year I have needed to do

this. And the entries are cumulative. So now, at the age of sixteen,
my name will be in the reaping twenty times” (Collins, 2008:13).
It can be revealed from the quotation above, there is an exploitative

way employed by the Capitol towards the children in the district. First thing

that could be observed that it might seen tesserae as a help support for the

district but when the quotation said that “my name will be in the reaping

twenty times” it turned into really exploitative because as many as the

tesserae taken should be traded by their name and increased the children to

be participated in the hunger games which was really harmful for the

children because they need to fight in the game as what described in the

sequence 3d and 3e. As a manipulated Capitol, the employment of the

tesserae was used as an excuse for the children to be treated exploitatively

which is in line with what Balci (1987) stated about the employment of

minimum wage is just used an excuse for the labors. According to UNCHR

(2017), the core of the children exploitation is poverty and low education, so

this is in line with what Katniss underwent as a poor girl that needed to feed

her family. The contradiction between this system and the CRC already

declared in UNCHR (2017) about children protection was really vividly

noticeable. The CRC emphasized that if the children fall into something

harmful for their live including restricting their education, it is considered as

exploitative action.

Besides, tesserae was also used as tool to plant suffer and hatred

among people in districts as seen in the sub-sequence 3i. So, tesserae was

able to break the people relationship in the district and it was really beneficial

for the Capitol because by dividing them, they would not trust one another

and automatically there was a little possibility for them to unite and resist

against the harsh government. So, there were two parties that involved in this

case, the first was the children that betted their life and the other side, the

Capitol would enjoy the profit from the tesserae system itself. Furthermore,

this the tesserae system was considered as the employment of the

exploitation because it was in line with theory that proposed by Weeks

(1987) about the discrepancy between work and the profit obtain by the

victim and is in line with finding investigated by Wulandari (2017), Ghosh

(2017) and Setiawan, Marlina, & Padang (2014) about an act of children

exploitation involving children physical abuse and mental pressure.

Before sending the two children to be trained in the Capitol, every

district needed to choose the tributes at the reaping day by pulling the lottery

filled by the children’s name aged 12-18. In the novel, the children

exploitation also hugely recognizable at the reaping day in the reaping hall

when the children merely relied on their luck in order to not to be pulled in

the lottery. The sub-sequences that show the children exploitation at the

reaping day where located in are sub-sequence 3b, 3d, 3e, 3h, and 3k. The

reaping day was an obligatory for all the entire people in the Districts to

attend because the Capitol also used this moment to track the number of

people who still alived in every district as seen in the sub-sequence 3b. This

sub-sequence reveals that the place that used to reap was the square in which

in the regular day the square was used as a place to spent the holiday as seen

in the following quote.

“It’s too bad, really, that they hold the reaping in the square — one
of the few places in District 12 that can be pleasant.” (Collins,
It can be revealed that from the quotation above in the sub-sequence

3b, there is an act of children exploitation that seen in the square as a place of

the reaping day. The exploitation can be seen from the phrase “It’s too bad”,

it means that there was an ironic sense of the sentence because a square

supposed to be a pleasant place but for a second it turned into something

really scary. It directly affected and brought the children into the

physicological illness and pressure in which it can be considered as an act of

exploitation because the children neded to sacrifice their mental seeing the

square turned into something scared while the Capitol took it as a profit. So,

this is in line with what the UNCHR declared in 2017 that children

exploitation can be occurred when an act can significantly influences the

children’s mental development. This investigation in this present study is

also in line with the previous investigation about children exploitation who

revealed by Wulandari (2017) and Ghosh (2017) who highligted the

employment of children exploitation can be seen from utilizing someone’s

value in order to obtain a selfishness proffit which significantly sacrificed

and distrub children’s physicology.

Besides, it in the reaping day, the Mayor always remained the

district by reading the Treaty of Treason in front of the entire people in the

district in which the content of that history was recognizable exploitative as

seen in the sub-sequnce 3d, 3e. Sub-sequence 3d express Mayor Undersee’s

speech in the reaping day stage about the establishment of the Panem and

Capitol which arose from the resistance 74 years ago before the Primrose and

Peeta were elected at the reaping day as seen in the sub-sequence 3h and 3k.

Then, it is supported by the sub-sequence 3e in which in this sub-sequence

Katniss described the history of the hunger games as the reminder for the

people about how strong the Capitol was if it compared with the powerless

districts as seen in the following quotes.

“Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another
while we watch — this is the Capitol’s way of reminding us how
totally we are at their mercy. How little chance we would stand of
surviving another rebellion.” (Collins, 2008:18)
It is hugely noticable that there is an act of exploitation that really

strayed the children as an object as seen in the quotaion above. It can be seen

from the phrase “forcing them to kill one another while we watch” , there

was an clumsiness from the word kill and watch. If it is analyzed in a further

way, an act of murder was categorized as a violance in which a bad act to

conduct, so it supposed to be not published or watched by anyone. However ,

the Capitol rudely force their family to watch the entire murder in the big

television set in the districts. It means that the Capitol intentionally used the

children to fight in the game compulsively in order to scare and remaind the

district of how powerless the districts were, so they could not plan any

rebellion. This purpose of oppression also supported by sub-sequence 2j and

2i about the employment of the tesserae aimed at controlling and preventing

the people in the district to plan some rebellion. Besides, the hunger games

also used as an entertainment for the the Capitol because it was televised and

lots of people in the Capitol put some bet on the tributes who potentially win

the competition. In accordance to this, there was a diversity between the

outcome, the Capitol obtained lots of profit, meanwhile the children who

participated were thrown out into a serious damages which affected their

mental, health, and education depelovment as well as threaten their live. So,

the employment of this act was in contrast with what the CRC in UNCHR

(2017) declared about the children protection from any work that arises some

serious injured and resulted exploitation. Furtehmore, this finding of children

exploitation in this present research is in line with the finding investigated by

Wulandari (2017) and Ghosh (2017).

Before competing in the war arena, the entire tributes needed to be

introduced in front of the people in the Capitol and trained in the Capitol. In

this step on the competition agenda, it can be denied that the children

exploitation kept showing their existance as revealed in sub-sequence 6a and

6g. Sub-sequence 6g revealed the exploitative treatment towards Katniss

Everdeen throgh the employment of the tough makeover done by the stylist

because the entire tributes needed to look good before the opening ceremony.

However in this sequence, there lots of treatment that made Katniss was not

comfortable in the make over session because she was told to be naked and

treated toughly. This treatment was conducted because katniss needed to look

good and memorable as seen in the sub-sequence 6g. This sequence shows

the couple from district 12 were able to attract the whole Capitol by using

their shyntetic fire as their main interest and as a indication of district 12 as

coal mining place.

This two sub-sequences involved an act of exploitation which can be

sen on how Katniss was treated by asking her to be naked in the make over

session and how katniss was fear towards the fire synthetic that might burn

her boy in the opening ceremony. From the sub-sequences 6a there was a

mental pressure in which Katniss was not comfortable in being naked and

stared by the stylist. So, it can consider as an act of children exploitation

because according to UNHCR (2017), the employment of exploiatation can

be seen on how the children’s mental was affected. Besides, the sub-

sequence 6g also express an act of using Katniss and Gale to look memorable

in front of the people in the capitol, but there were two different feelings felt

by both parties. Katniss felt afraid because of the syntetic fire that might be

throw him into some damages while the people in the Capitol really enjoyed

the show and used this opportunity to bet on the one tributes that they

thought potentially won the game. Beside using it as abet, the peole in the

Capitol also liked to use the war arena as an interesting place to spend the

holiday after the battle as seen in the sub-sequence 11d. So, there was an

diversity in form of the profit obtained by the both parties in which this can

be considered as an act of exploitation by using children as an object of

entertainment because in line with two previous investigation conducted by

Wulandari (2017) and Ghosh (2017) who identified the employment of a

certain act involves the imbalance profit between the both parties and emerge

some injures towards the certain class is considered as employemnt.

The mental pressure also shown by Katniss in the four hours private

lesson with Haymitch Abernathy as seen in the sub-sequence 10b. In this

sub-equence Katniss expressed her exacerbation towards the Capitol because

Katniss had to act unlike herself in order to entertained the audiences in the

Capitol as seen in the quotation below.

“All I can think is how unjust the whole thing is, the Hunger Games.
Why am I hopping around like some trained dog trying to please
people I hate” (Collins, 2008:116)
It can be revealed that from the quotation above, there is an act of

using Katniss as an object to entertain the audiences as seen in the statement

“some trained dog trying to please people I hate”. If it is analysed in a

further way, Katniss analogized herself as a trained dog and people that she

hate was the people in the Capitol. It was known that as a trained dog, it

needed to obey all the commands from the trainer and so did Katniss.

Katniss needed to obey all the commnds given by Haymitch in order to

please the people in the Capitol while Katniss felt so uncomfortable. This

brought Katniss into mental pressure when Katniss struggled to act unlike

herself in which his mental pressure also shown in the sub-sequence 6a and

6g. According to UNHCR (2017), this mental pressure indicates that the

children already experienced an exploitation. Moreover, this root of the

mental pressure came from the personal purposes which is as an

entertainment. So, this case in the sub-sequence 10b is vividly noticable as

the employment of children exploitation because it is in line with the finding

investigated by Wulandari (2017) and Gosh (2017) who investigated

psychology pressure as a result of the certain class’ personal purposes.

In the childhood moment, the children were supposed to immune

with something enjoyable and memorable instead of something abusive like

the tributes that suffered in the battle arena in the hunger games. This battle

in the game was the real manifestation of how the Capitol really abusively

played with the children without considering their health, mental and

education in order to create an interesting show. When the show or the

hunger games seemed really boring, the Capitol tried to modify the game by

creating a fire attack and inviting them to attend the party in the Cornucopia

to gather all the tributes closer as seen in the sub-sequence 15a, 15b, 15c,

and 21a. Sub-sequence 15a reveals the chnaging temperature in the war

arena whereas the hot temperature started to burn the dried leaves and

breanches. Katniss realized that this fire was created by the game makers

because the game makers wanted to gather all the tributes to get closer in

order to make the game to be more intersting as seen in the sub-sequence

15b. After knowing that there was something strange in the temperature,

Katniss struggled to get out from the fire because the fire attack already

interfered her respiration and left some burning bounds on her body.

From the events occurred in the sub-sequences 15a, 15b, 15c and

21a, it can be identified that there were the employment of the abusive

action towards Katniss by attacking her some fire ball and inviting them to

go the Cornucopia which directly and abusively threw Katniss into some

serious physical damage because they would like to get closer and there

would be some murder while the people in the Capitol and the game makers

really enjoy this kind of entertainment. So, there was an imbalance profit

obtain from the both parties. According to Eyerman (1981), from marxst

perspective, the exploitation was triggered by the false consciousness from

the both classes in which in this novel, this act was also influenced by the

game makers’ false consciousness which triggered them to act harsh without

considering the effect of the act itself. Besides, Wisman (2017) also stated

that the faith of the lower class as the oppressed class also became the

critical force behind the employment of this exploitation. Furthermore, this

finding in this research is in line with the research finding conducted by

Wulandari (2017), Ghosh (2017) who highlighted pyschycal torture as a

form of children exploitation.

Besides creating a fire attack, in order to create a more interesting

show, the game makers also directly deceived Kaniss and Peeta through the

announcement of the game’s rule changing and an invitation to attend the

party in Cornucopia. These actions was really strengthen the Capitol as the

manipulator who easily manipulated Katniss and the other tributes as seen in

the sub-sequence 20a. Sub-sequence 20a reveals the game’s rule changing

in which the first rule who established the rule of one victor only was

revoked and chnaged the rule to allow two winners as long as they still

came from the same district.

From the sub-sequence 20a, it can be investigated that there are two

unpleseant acts of using tributes by involving their mental in order to make

the audiences enjoy the show. The sub-sequence 20a shows the game

makers’ manipulated way by revoking the old rule. This revoking rules was

occurred because the gamemakers acknowledge Peeta and Katniss’ love

story in the competition. So, by revoking the one victor became two victors

it made Katniss was really happy because she potentially won the game

without killing Peeta. However, this revoking rules turned into something

manipulated and exploitative when the gamemakers revoked the revoked

rules into the first rule when Katniss and Peete were left as the winners as

revealed in the sub-sequence 24j. So, by turning into the first rules, the

audiences in the Capitol would be presented a heartbreaking and the sadest

hunger games ever by asking a couple who loved each other to

compulsively kill one another in oder to establish the victor. The

employment of this manipulated system came from the employment of

tesserae in which shown in the sub-sequences 2j and 2i because the Capitol

felt like they could control the district with Tesserae as the manipulated

system, so they would used the other manipulated way to deceive and

control the game as seen in the sub-sequence 20a. So, Capitol got lots profit

by creating an intersting show while Kantiss and Peeta suffered a mental

pressure because Katniss realized how fool she was by believing the

announcement about the new rules. Its so obvious to see that there is an

exploitation act that sacrificed the children’s mental and energy for the

certain class’ personal profit in which this present finding was in line with

the previous finding investigated by Wulandari (2017) about the mental

exploitation and Setiawan, Marlina, & Padang (2014) about the employment

of the manipulated way to treat someone exploitatively.

The exploitative treatment was not merely occurred during the

hunger games as after becoming a victor, Katniss kept treated exploitatively

as seen in the sub-sequence 26a. Sub-sequence 26a reveals the Capitol

desire to do a alter surgery towards Katniss because the Capitol thought that

Katniss was too skinny to be performed in the victor ceremony. However,

Cinna as her stylist created her a yellow dress with lots of padding in it on

order to add some curves. It can be investigated from the sub-sequence 26a,

there was an act of children exploitation which strayed Katniss’ body as the

object of surgery aimed at presenting a beautiful Katniss in front of the

Capitol’s adiences in which this act of surgery was considered harmful for

the children. So, it is clearly considered as an act of children exploitation by

using Children’s body as a core of profit obtained by the certain group in

which arose some damages for the victim. This present finding is in line

with Ghosh (2017) and Wulandari (2017) who identified physical abuse

towards children is considered an exploitative act towards the children. The Representation of Children Exploitation among the

Oppressed Group.

The representation of exploitation in The Hunger Games (2008) is

not merely represented between the two contrast classes reflected by the

Capitol and the Districts, but, the exploitative action also emerged among the

oppressed class. This act of exploitation targetted the children in the district

12 as the poorest and the furthest district in Panem 12 as the object to be

treated exploitatively. Being exploited by the Capitol as they gave the district

12 inappropriate wage, district 12’s difficulty was increased in term of

economic situation because according to UNCHR (2017), a bad povvert and

low education background suffered by the children are considered as the

major factors of the establishmentof exploitation act in the crtain society. In

accordance to this, this case compulsively triggered the children in District

12 to work and seek her family some food in order to accommodate ther

family. Besides, poverty that suffered by district 12 also triggered them to be

exploited by the richer districts called the Carrier in the war game area

targetted their economy status as the object of the exploitation. Therefore,

this present research presents the data of the exploitation that occurred

among the oppressed group can be observed in the following table.

Table 4.12
The Representation of Children Exploitation among the Oppressed Group

No The Number of The Description of the Sub-sequence Contains Issue


1 2a Katniss’ conversation with Gale as her best friend

and her hunting partner in the wood about the idea
to leave the Seam but stunted by the number of
mouth that need to be fed.

2 2b Katniss’ flashback about her dad’ tragic death in the

coal explosion when she was eleven and left her

3 2d The hunting of some fish in the lake and some

strawberries in the woods that will be traded in Hob.

4 2c The description about how the people in District 12

survived with the starvation by sneaking into the
wood to harvest some apples and created an alliance
between the peacekeepers and the hunters because
the peacekeepers were as hungry as the others.

5 2f A visit to hob as a hidden black market in Seam

where it still open in the reaping day to trade their
six fish for bread and the other two for some salt.

6 2j The description about the unfair system called

tesserae as a food reserve and a tool to raise hatred
among the poor people in which the poor people can
trade their name with the teserae but it increased
their chances to be chosen in the reaping day.

7 3i Katniss’ flashback about her encounter with Peeta

Mellark as a Baker in the Seam at the icy rain when
she was dying to find some food to feed her family
because her dad died in the mine explosion.

8 5j Katniss’ flashback about her struggle in finding
some food by hunting dandelion, herbs, animal,
trading in Hob, and tesserae to feed her family in
the winter while her dad was not around.

9 13j Katniss’ shock towards the fact that Peeta aligned

with the Carrier tributes and aimed at helping the
Carrier to kill Katniss.

10 13k The Carrier’ conversation about the reason why

they did not kill Peeta at the time they found him
because Peeta can be used as a tool to find Katniss,
a girl that made the Carrier wanted to throw up
every time Katniss turned around with her flaming

It can be known that from the table 4.12 above, there are 10 sub-

sequences reflected the children exploitation issue which occurred among

the oppressed class in The Hunger Games (2008) novel. There are 8 sub-

sequences represent the employment of children exploitation in the district

12 and the other 2 sub-sequences represent the children exploitation in the

war arena. The further analysis is presented in the following discussion


According to UNHCR declared in 2017 the reason behind the

exploitative action in the certain activity is influenced by their status of

being poor. So, a certain family cannot afford all the living accommodation

to accommodate their own need if they just hang on their traditional wage.

So, there will be the other member of the family who need to be responsible

on the poverty suffered. In accordance to this, it cannot be denied that the

root of the children exploitation that reflected in Susanne Collins’ The

Hunger Games (2008) came from their living condition in District 12.

Living in improper area made District 12 put their consideration into the

existence of food because their hunger was more important than anything

else. By concerning this situation, it embraced all the poor children in the

district 12 compulsively struggle their living by working to help their

family. In theory, children need to be accommodated with a good education

and a good childhood moment but in fact, the children need to work

compulsively to feed their family as seen in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger

Games (2008).

The representation of the children exploitation in the novel can be

seen on how Katniss struggled her life after her dad died in the mine

explosion as seen in the sub-sequence 2b. This sub-sequence explains the

chronological death suffered by Katniss’ father in the mine explosion. The

spectacular mine explosion in District 12 snatched her father’s life until she

couldn’t find any pieces of her death father’s body because there was

nothing left in the explosion except the cider and sorrowful. Sub-sequence

2b became the major reason behind how her mother indirectly exploited her

after her dad’s death. According to Zimmerman & Kiss (2017) an

exploitative action will likely occurred when a member of family is

inactivated from working so there will be the other member included

children into something exploitative. In accordance to this, Katniss replaced

her father to be a labor child in whom the exploitative action can be seen in

sub-sequence 2a, 2d, and 2c. Sub-sequence 2a reveals Katniss’ struggle to

live her family from the hunger by hunting in the wood with her best friend,

Gale. Both of them always go to the wood together to hunt some fruits and

animal as seen in the sub-sequence 2d, even that they were still a child but

they have to feed her family. This sequence express Katniss and Gale’s

conversation about the idea to live the seam but that was an impossible thing

to do because both of them need to work and had lots of stomach that need

to be fed. Besides, sequence 2c also showed how the children and the adults

have to risk their live to sneak the wood in which it was an illegal thing to

do in the district 12. The quotation of the children exploitation which

represented in the sub-sequence 2a as it can be seen below.

“….because how would they live without us? Who would fill those
mouths that are always asking for more? With both of us hunting
daily, there are still nights when game has to be swapped for lard or
shoelaces or wool, still nights when we go to bed with our stomachs
growling”(Collins, 2008: 9).
From the quote in the sequence 2a above, it can be observed that

there was an exploitative treatment employed by Katniss’ mother and Gale’s

family. In the quote above, the both parties, Katniss’ mother and Gale’s

family did not directly exploited Katniss and Gale because both of them

realized that there should be a member of the family who need to help and

feed the family which can be seen on “because how would they live without

us?”. This indicates that both of them became the one and only member of

family who had to feed theirs by hunting in order to calm their family’s

growling stomach. This realization became one of the major forces of the

employment of exploitation (Wisman, 2018).

If it is analyzed in a further way, due to Katniss’ mother depression

since her husband died in the explosion, Katniss’ mother indirectly treated

Katniss exploitatively by letting Katniss sneaked to the wood in which it

was an illegal thing to do in district 12 and potentially harm Katniss. So, this

act was really contrast with what the Convention on the Right of Child or

known as CRC declared that everyone needs to protect the children from the

economic exploitation which potentially harm their physic and health or

limit their education access. In accordance to this, Katniss’ mother was

considered as a person who used her child for the sake of the economical

benefit in which in the theory, her mother as a middle age woman was still

able to work and feed her children instead of using Katniss to work and

hunt. Besides, this exploitation was also triggered by Katniss’ belief that as

a poor and the first child, she was responsible to feed her family (Ghosh,

2017). In Marxist perspective, according to Eyerman (1981) this term called

as false consciousness where the upper or the lower class act based on their

belonging. So, from the sequence 2a, 2d, and 2c, it considered as the act of

children exploitation because in line with the theory that purposed by

Zimmerman & Kiss (2017) and UNHCR (2017) and in line the findings that

investigated by Wulandari (2017) in which found that the children

exploitation occurred after Becky’s father died because Becky need to work.

Besides letting Katniss to hunt in the wood, her mother also let

Katniss did the other dangerous stuffs in which really potentially harm

Katniss life as seen in the sub-sequence 2f, 2j and 3i and 5j. Sub-sequence

2j reveals Katniss’ struggle in seeking some food by visiting the Hob. Hob

was a black market built in the woods which functioned as a trading place.

So, before going home, Katniss always traded her prey for bread, sugar, and

the other required stuffs in the Hob in which building a black market in the

District 12 was not allowed and if it was known so they would be executed.

However, if Katniss only rely the wood and the Hob as her groceries, it

would be never enough because sometimes she got nothing from the wood

and Hob. So, because of the growling stomach, Katniss needed to the city to

sell Prim’s baby clothes in which no one customer came and bought it. So, it

made dying Katniss really hopeless, but with her shaking hands, she tried to

check the trash bin to make sure the leftover food or can be said as an edible

rubbish as seen in the quotation below.

“By the time the market closed, I was shaking so hard I dropped my
bundle of baby clothes in a mud puddle. I didn’t pick it up for fear I
would keel over and be unable to regain my feet. Besides, no one
wanted those clothes…... I lifted the lid to the baker’s trash bin and
found it spotlessly, heartlessly bare” (Collins, 2008:29-30).
From the quotation and the sequences above it can be investigated

that Katniss mother indirectly treated Katniss exploitatively by letting her to

sell the clothes and find some food in the trash bin. It can be seen from the

quote “unable to regain my feet.” By the way Katniss struggled with her

feet, it indicated that there were some damages obtained by Katniss. So even

that the quotation did not directly show how her mother asked her to do that

but it kept showing the employment of children exploitation because there

were some profit that would be gained by her mother by using Katniss and

those also arose some damages for Katniss as seen in the quotation above

that Katniss needed to hold on in the cold rainy days with her shaking body

in which it contrasts with what the CRC in UNCHR (2017) declared about

children protection towards the economic exploitation.

When Katniss was already 12 years old, she encouraged herself to

take the tesserae for the first time. Tesserrae was a system aimed at giving

the children age 12-18 some food but as a trade, every Tesserrae that taken

should be traded by their name that would increase their tendency to be

chosen in the reaping day. The sub-sequence that showed this system taken

by Katniss and Gale was sub-sequence 2j. Sub-sequence 2j reveals Katniss

and Gale moment in taking the tesserae in which both of them always took

the tesserae every year. The tesserae that Katniss and Gale got was in form

of bread, sugar and the other stuffs. So, every year Katniss put four names in

which one is the obligation and the remaining three names were for her, her

mother, and Gale. So, by considering this, Katniss’ name was entered

twenty-two times and Gale’s name was 42 times and automatically

increased the opportunity to fight in the competition as seen in the following


“Once, because I had to, and three times for tesserae for grain and
oil for myself, Prim, and my mother. In fact, every year I have
needed to do this. And the entries are cumulative. So now, at the age
of sixteen, my name will be in the reaping twenty times” (Collins,
2008: 13)
From the quotation above, it can be investigated that there was an

exploitative action that sacrificed Katniss and Gale as the victim while

Katniss’ mother and Gale’s family indirectly treated them exploitatively

from the quote “….3 times for tesserae for grain and oil for myself, Prim,

and my mother” So Katniss compulsively did this after her father’s death.

This is in line with what Zimmerman & Kiss (2017), that there will be an

exploitative action employed towards the children if there was a member of

a family inactivated as a worker. The act of using Katniss and Gale to take

the tesserae every year was considered beneficial for the rest of the family.

However, this action was really harmful for Katniss and Gale because it

directly threatened their lives because there was a big potency to be chosen

in the reaping day. In accordance to this, there was a beneficial for the other

member of family and there was a harmful effect suffered by the victim in

which this called as a exploitation (Zimmerman & Kiss 2017, UNCHR,

2017). This investigation is also in line with the previous finding revealed

by Ghosh, 2017 and Wulandari, 2017.

Besides, the intraclass exploitation was not merely occurred in the

district 12 but also occurred in the war arena. The exploitation was

conducted by the Carrier towards Peeta Melark as seen in the sub-sequence

13j and 13k. Sub-sequence 13 reveals the fact that Peeta Melark aligned

with the Carrier tribute. In this sequence, it is observed that the Carrier used

Peeta as a tool to find Katniss Everdeen as the Carrier biggest enemy before

the Carrier killed Peeta. The other proof was also shown in the sub-sequence

13k in which this sub-sequence express Cato’s confession about cutting

Peeta by using his blades.

From the sub-sequences above, it can be revealed that there was an

exploitative action that conducted by the Carrier towards Peeta Melark as

the poor competitor. The Carrier treated Peeta exploitatively when one of

the Carrier members suggested Cato to directly kill Peeta but Cato rejected

it because Peeta was still useful for the Carrier to find Katniss. so, in

accordance to this, it is clearly recognizable that there is an exploitative

action conducted by using Peeta to find Katniss for the Carrier’ profit, but it

was not beneficial for Peeta because he would received a dangerous and

harmful action after the Carrier and him found Katniss as seen in the sub-

sequence 13k when Cato almost kill Peeta. So, this action was classified as

an exploitation because this is in line with a theory proposed by Zimmerman

& Kiss (2017) and UNHCR, (2017). This finding is also in line with the

finding revealed by Wulandari (2017) who identified the involvement of

children as a tool to gain personal profit by including physical torture as the

employment of children exploitation.

4.1.2 The Representation of Class Struggle Collins’ The Hunger

Games (2008)

The most significant theories that affect the rise of class struggle in

Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008) is class consciousness. The

existence of class consciousness comes after a lot of pressure and

oppression that suffered by the oppressed class as the result of the false

consciousness. These both term between class and false consciousness

obviously has a different definition in which false consciousness is a

condition where both of the contrast class act like their belonging

meanwhile class consciousness is a situation where the oppressed class

starts to realize their condition as an object of oppression (Wilezynki, 1981).

In accordance to this, the employment of the Capitalist system in Susanne

Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008) is vividly left the Districts with social

issues such as discrimination and exploitation in which these issues

triggered the Katniss and Peeta to aware about their status as an oppressed

class and fight to get rid over the oppression received. The way to be free

from any form of oppression can be seen from their struggle resist against

the Capitol. By conducting a cycling process, this current research revealed

that there are two forms of class struggle that conducted by Katniss and

Peeta against the oppressor. The first identification of class struggle

reflected in this novel is resistance and the second is mimicry as seen in the

following table.

Table 4.13
The Representation of Class Struggle Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

N Class Struggle The Number of Sub-sequences Contains Frequenc

o Issue y

1 Resistance 2a, 2c, 2e, 2f, 3i, 5a, 5j, 7d, 8j, 9e, 11c, 12h, 29
16b, 16e, 16f, 16h, 16i, 16j, 17e, 18e, 18i,
18m, 19c, 19d, 22b, 26e, 24d, 28d.
2 Mimicry 5p, 6a, 6d, 6e, 6g, 10a, 10d, 10i, 10m, 13j, 19
13k, 22c, 20g, 21b, 23c, 24k, 26a, 28d

From the table 4.13 above, it can be investigated that there are two

kinds of the class struggle’s employment represented through sequences

depicted by Katniss and Peeta in The Hunger Games (2008). There are 48

sequences represent the issues of class struggle in which 29 sequences

represent resistance issue while the remaining 19 sequences represent

mimicry as an issue of the class struggle. Each issue related to the class

struggle is divided into two major types in which each type is represented

in the following section below.

136 The Representation of Resistance as the Issue of Class
Struggle in Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008).
The employment of oppression suffered by Katniss and Peeta as

children who lived in the most ridiculed District came from the two parties.

The first oppressor was the Capitol as the domineering class and the second

oppression came from the Carrier Tributes as the wealthier district namely

District 1,2, and 4. In accordance to this, this oppression in which came

from the both parties arose a struggle to liberate them self from any kind of

discrimination and exploitation called as resistance. The employment of

resistance was as an establishment some effort conducted by Katniss and

Peeta in order to bring a little change within the society and equalized the

position between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat (Lenin, 1947 & Amos

1980). The present research investigated that there were two parties that

manifested as the object to resist. The first is the employment of resistance

towards the Capitol and the last but not the least was the resistance

employed against the Carrier Tributes as seen in this following table.

Table 4.14
The Representation of Resistance in Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

No Resistance The Number of Sub-sequences Frequen


1 Resistance 2a, 2c, 2e, 2f, 3i, 5a, 5j, 7d, 8j, 9e, 11c,, 19d, 15
against the 22b, 26e, 28d
2 Resistance 12h, 16b, 16f, 16h, 16i, 16j, 17e, 18e, 18i, 14
against the 19c18n, 24d

It can be investigated that from the table 4.14 above, from 29

sequences represent the resistance issues inter and intra class, 16 sequences

represent the employment of resistance by Katniss and Peeta against the

Capitol. Meanwhile, there are 13 sequences over 29 sequences represent the

employment of resistance by Katniss and Peeta against the Carrier tributes.

the further discussion of the each resistance containing related issue is

represented in the following section. The Representation of Resistance Employed by Katniss

and Peeta against the Capitol in Collins’ The Hunger
Games (2008)
The antagonistic relationship represented by the Capitol and the

district created really significant influences on how Katniss and Peeta

treated and lives on Panem. According to Eagleton, 1967, the distinct role

represented by the both classes in the certain society triggered the upper

class to use their power in order to maintain its majesty by oppressing the

proletariat. Being treated exploitatively and discriminatively since they

were born brought them to their self consciousness. They both realized

that what the Capitol did towards the Districts was something

unacceptable and inhumanity. So, both Katniss and Peeta realized that

they needed to recognize their own interest in society, find their identity

as well as develop it and finally conduct what it was called as the

revolutionary act aimed at equalizing the position in the society. The

resistance conducted by Katniss and Peeta did not merely aimed at

equalizing the position but also to meet their own interest in order to

accommodate their basic need as seen in the following data.

Table 4.15
Representation of Resistance against the Capitol in Collins’ The Hunger
Games (2008)

No The Number of The Description of the Sequence


1 2a The trip to the wood through the tiny gate space as the
entrance to the wood, because the people in the Seam
were not allowed to hunt in the wood.

2 2c The description about how the people in District 12

survived with the starvation by sneaking into the wood
to harvest some apples and created an alliance between
the peacekeepers and the hunters because the
peacekeepers were as hungry as the others.

3 2e The hunting of some fish in the lake and some

strawberries in the woods that will be traded in Hob.

4 2f A visit to hob as a hidden black market in Seam where

it still open in the reaping day to trade their six fish for
bread and the other two for some salt.

5 3i Katniss’ heroic action as a volunteer by replacing her

sister, Primrose, as a female tribute in the deadly battle.

No Number of The Description of Sub-sequence

6 5a Katniss and Peeta’s arrival at the station by using car to
meet some reporters in which Katniss showed her
though face in order to hide their weakness and sadness
as a tribute.

7 5j Katniss’ flashback about her struggle in finding some

food by hunting dandelion, herbs, animal, trading in
Hob, and tesserae to feed her family in the winter while
her dad was not around.

8 7d The description on how the District 12’s team started to

motivate each other in order to find new strategy to win
the game while enjoying the massive dinner after the
ceremonial ceremony.

9 8j Katniss’ furious action at the private lesson by

skewering her arrow straight to the apple in the pig
mouth at the Gamemakers’ table when most of the

judges ignored her amazing performance

10 9e Katniss’ flashback about the history of her friendship

with Gale on Sunday in October when Gale helped her
to disengaging Katniss hand from the rabbit snares.

11 11c Katniss and Peeta’ farewell conversation at the roof top

before fighting in the war arena in which Peeta wanted
to die as his self and not affected by the Capitol.

12 19d Rue’s last wish towards Katniss to sing her a last song
before her death.

13 22b Katniss and Peeta’s conversation at the dinner in the

cave about Tresh’s escape to the dangerous fields in
which it remained Katniss about a ban from the
government to not went and hunted in the Meadow as
Gale and Katnis’ food resources and remained her
about the love drama between herself and Peeta.

14 26e The epic three hours Hunger Games recap which

showed the audiences some activities stated from the
reaping day, the trip to the Capitol, interview, training
moments, the tributes death moments, and how epic the
love story between Katniss and Peeta as their defense
towards capitol

15 28d Katniss’ thought about the love story between Peeta and
herself was only as a trick to stay alive while she also
felt unsure about her feeling to Peeta Melark.

It can be investigated that from the data listed on the table 4.15

above, there are 16 sub-sequences that represent the act of resistance as the

result of the oppression that employed by Katniss and Peeta against the

Capitol. The resistance that conducted by Katniss and Peeta was not merely

aimed at doing some revolutionary act or equalizing the position but from

the novel, this current research found that there are five sub-sequences

represents the resistance that aimed at meeting their interest meanwhile

there are nine sequences represent the existence of resistance strayed against

the Capitol. the further discussion of the sub-sequences is presented in the

following discussion below.

Being restricted from any access of trip, movement and job triggered

Katniss as a girl who lived in District 12 to break some limitation and the

rules declared by the Capitol. Having a growling stomach was considered as

a major reason behind the resistance that Katniss did in the district 12. As

what mentioned before, the resistance is not merely grasping the

revolutionary act by seizing the upper power but according to Siahaan

(2018), the class struggle also aimed at the greater purposes and meeting her

interest only. In accordance with this, having enough food to feed her

hunger was the biggest purpose of Katniss doing resistance than resist to

seize the power of Capitol. This current research revealed that there were

some sub-sequences that represent this resistance which aimed at meeting

their interest only, namely sub-sequence 2a, 2c, 2f, 3i, 7d, and 22b.

Sequence 2c expressed how the people in the district 12 sneaked out

to the wood whenever it came to harvest some apple because there was

nothing left in the coal mining. The workers were paid really low and it was

impossible to feed the entire family’s hunger. However, due to Katniss’

ability in using arrow, she used the attempt to go hunt some fruits and some

animals as seen in the sub-sequence 2e. Katniss had her own secret way to

go to the wood safely as seen in the sub-sequence 2a. Sub-sequence 2a

reveals Katniss Everdeen’s daily basis struggle as the part of District 12 in

seeking some food in the wood by passing the tiny gate that connecting

district 12 and the hood. This sub-sequence describes how Katniss broke the

Capitol rule by sneaking to the wood because the Capitol did not allow

district 12 to go outside the district to prevent the any interaction between

the people in the other district which potentially created some alliance to

resist against the Capitol. However, Katniss’ resistance in order to meet

their interest by breaking the rule was not merely cab be observed from the

her illegal hunting, she also traded her prey in the Black market called Hob

which was an illegal market located in District 12 as revealed in sub-

sequence 2e. Sub-sequence 2e reveals that after Katniss finished hunt in the

wood, she directly went to the Hob to trade their prey with some sugar and

bread. The sub-sequence 7d and 22b also show Katniss’ resistance by

hunting some food in the wood. Sub-sequence 7d revealed Katniss’

flashback when she needed to hunt while her dad was not around even that

hunting was an illegal thing to conduct in the District 12 as seen in the sub-

sequence 22b.

From the sub-sequence 2a, 2c, 2e and 2f, it is hugely noticeable that

there are some employments of resistance conducted by Katniss Everdeen.

The rebellious activities such as hunting to the wood, sneaking out the wood

and trading in the Hob were considered as the illegal thing to do in the

district 12. However because of the growling and hungry stomach, Katniss

needed to break the rule in order to meet their interest which called as food.

Food was as the core of the employment of this resistance as seen in the

quotation below.

”…. because how would they live without us? Who would fill those
mouths that are always asking for more? With both of us hunting
daily, there are still nights when game has to be swapped for lard or

shoelaces or wool, still nights when we go to bed with our stomachs
growling.“ (Collins, 2008:9).
From the quotation it can be investigated that hunting was the only

way to seek some food as seen in “With both of us hunting daily, there are

still nights when game has to be swapped for lard or shoelaces or wool”. It

means that by the way Katniss hunted every day, it could give her family

little chance to breath and live the next day. The entire actions done by

Katniss in sequence 2a, 2c, 2e, and 2f did not intent to seize the Capitol’s

power and equalize the position but it just for the sake of food. The

employment of this resistance were considered as the result of the growth of

herself consciousness in which Katniss realized that the rebellious actions

can be done secretly because she had a family to be feed. However, in this

stage of resistance, even that she already fell into herself consciousness in

which she realized that she was oppressed by the Capitol but she did not

employed the serious resistance in order to contribute a social changes in the

Panem, meanwhile she just encouraged herself to resist for the sake of food.

This finding in this current research was considered as the employment of

resistance in order to meet their interest only because it is in line with the

previous finding investigated by Urfiani, Suwargono, & Meilia Adiana,

2015 who highlighted the employment of resistance in order to fulfill the

oppressed class’ daily basis need.

The resistance conducted by Katniss did not merely aimed at feeding

her family’s hunger as seen in the sub-sequence 2a, 2c, and 2e but it was

employed to fulfill their other interest. Her other interest was about her

desired to keep their sister, Primrose Everdeen safe from any Hunger

Games’ menace as seen in sub-sequence 2f. The sub-sequence 2f showed

how Katniss conducted a resistance by volunteering herself as a tribute

replaced her Primrose Everdeen. However, if it is analyzed in a further way,

the event that occurred in the sub-sequence 2f considered as the

employment of the real resistance. The real resistance means that really

Katniss wanted to resist against the Capitol by conducting a little

revolutionary act to bring a social change in Panem. It can be revealed from

the people in the district 12 in which they hold their fingers to the air after

Katniss screaming the reaping staffs about being a volunteer for Primrose as

seen in the following quotation.

“At first one, then another, then almost every member of the crowd
touches the three middle fingers of their left hand to their lips and
holds it out to me. It is an old and rarely used gesture of our district,
occasionally seen at funerals.” (Collins, 2008:24).
It can be seen from the quotation above that there is a resistance that

conducted by Katniss after she volunteered herself for Primrose Everdeen.

By volunteering herself for 12 years old girl, it triggered the people in the

district 12 to hold her finger to the air who indicated a sorrow as seen in the

phrase “occasionally seen at funerals”. From the word “funerals”, it

indicates something sorrow, gloomy, and sad which it happened to the

district 12 after 12 years old girl chosen as a tribute and needed to fight until

death in which obviously considered as something tragic and ironic. So, by

volunteering for Prim, Katniss indirectly had disenchanted the entire people

in the district 12 about how wrong and tragic hunger system was and also

annunciated the people about the Capitol harsh that should be changed

because the communist believed that the something who can stop the

oppression towards the oppressed class is the oppressed class itself (France,

2008). However, after the people in the district did it, the Peace keeper

directly brought Katniss to the justice room because this class’ awareness

potentially triggered the people in the district to rebel against the


The existence of the strong desired to win the competition was the

result of Katniss’ promise towards Primrose Everdeen to be a victor in the

74th hunger games. Katniss wanted to release her family from the oppression

that was received as the result of the class contradiction between the both

parties because the victor will be gifted by lots of good accommodation.

However, as long as the history of the hunger games, the victor mostly came

from the Carrier tributes and these districts also manifested as the Capitol

favorites because they produced a luxurious item for Capitol. In accordance

to this, in a mission to prove as themselves as competent tributes, Katniss

and Peeta started to do little resistance by seriously arranged some new

strategies together with the other teams as seen in the sub-sequence 9e.

Besides, sub-sequence 10b also shows Katniss struggle in winning the game

by showing her though face as seen in the sub-sequence 5j. Sub-sequence 5j

shows Katniss’ effort to look strong and trying to hide her sadness when she

and Peeta met the reporters. These events both in sub-sequence 9e and 5j are

considered as resistance because there are some struggles to resist against

the Capitol. The way Peeta and Katniss resisted against the Capitol can be

investigated from their struggle to show themselves as a tribute from the

poorest district who always seen beneath notice were able to outshine and

win the game. This realization of being beneath notice tributes indicated that

Katniss and Peeta already been in their self awareness the major reason

behind the class struggle employment (Wilezynki, 1981). This current

finding in the sub-sequeence 9a and 5j in which both of Katniss resist aginst

the Capitol in order to get a better treatment and not seen beneath notice is

in line with the previous research investigation revealed by Urfiani,

Suwargono, & Meilia Adiana (2015) which identified the employment of

Kino’s class struggle in the novel The Pearl aimed at obtaining a better


The employment of resistance also showed in the private lesson with

the Gamemakers in the training center represented through the sub-sequence

8j. Sub-sequence 8j shows Katniss furious action at the private lesson by

skewering her arrow straight to the apple in the pig mouth at the

Gamemakers’ table. This bold action done by Katniss because almost all of

the judges in the private lesson ignored their performances because they

thought that a girl from the poorest district would never performed a good

appearance in the hunger games and the judges preferred to pay much

attention to the roasted pork instead Katniss Everdeen. So from this

ignorance of the judges, it triggered Katniss to be more aware about their

status in front of the judges in the Capitol who always received a kind of

discrimination like what it shown in the sub-sequence 8j.

In accordance to this Katniss’ self awareness, it triggered Katniss to

resist against the discrimination that she received by skewering the arrow

right into the apple on the pig’s mouth aimed at making the judges aware of

her existence in front of them. This furious action was vividly noticeable as

a bold and out dare action that potentially harm her life because it was

considered as a criminal action and the people who bravely did a crime

towards the Capitol were usually turned into Avox by cutting her/his tongue

as his/her punishment. However, instead of getting a punishment, a bold

Katniss obtained the highest score in the private lesson. According to Lenin

(1947) the way the proletariat resist against the upper class is by destroying

the abusive treatment and employing a new system alternation. This can be

considered as a proof of how Katniss success resisted against the Capitol by

destroying the abusive treatment which can be seen from the discrimination

employed by the Game makers towards Katniss and employing a new

system alternation which can be observed from the score that Katniss

obtained because in theory, the furious action shown in the sub-sequence 8j

is considered as a rebellious action but the Game maker defeated by giving

them the highest score. This furious action was in line with the theory that

proposed by Lenin (1947) who stated that the way the proletariat resist

against the upper class is by destroying the abusive treatment and employing

a new system alternation. Besides, the way game maker gave Katniss the

highest score instead of punishing her also can be considered as resistance

because according to Panda (2015), the class struggle was indicated by the

existence of the winning party and the defeated party. Furthermore, this

present investigation is in line with the previous finding revealed by

Tuaderu (2017) who identified the class struggle conducted by the labor

class to be free from any oppression grasps the England’s social condition in

19th century by resisting against the Capitalist.

The exacerbation did not merely expressed by Katniss Everdeen, but

Peeta Mellark as the main characters in this novel also did. His self

awareness of being the poor tribute brought him to be braver about being in

the competition and directly triggered him to resist against the Capitol as

seen in the sub-sequence 11c. Sub-sequence 11 reveals Peeta’s exacerbation

towards the Capitol and promise himself to resist against the Capitol by

killing the other tributes once he was already down to the game. The

quotation of the sequence 11c can be seen below.

““No, when the time comes, I’m sure I’ll kill just like everybody
else. I can’t go down without a fight. Only I keep wishing. I could
think of a way to . . . to show the Capitol they don’t own me. That
I’m more than just a piece in their Games,” says Peeta.” (Collins,
2008: 140)
It can be investigated that from quote in the sub-sequence 11c above,

there was an expression and intention to resist against the Capitol. It can be

observed from how Peeta said that “…to show the Capitol they don’t own

me.” When Peeta said that Capitol did not and cannot own her meant that

the Peeta won’t let the Capitol changed his self to be what the Capitol

wanted. In this stage, Peeta still find a way to resist against the rules that

grasps his self and tried to stop this kind of harsh game. Besides, it also

supported by the sentence “I am more than just a piece in their games”

considering this sentence, Peeta aimed at emphasized his self that he was

more than just a pawn who could be drifted by the Capitol carelessly and he

intentionally wanted to release himself from the Capitol’s domination in

which this was considered as a situation that a certain class tried to resist

against the domination. This desired to resist against the Capitol arose

because Peeta realized that the system employed was perfectly wrong. This

event in the sub-sequence 11c is considered as an employment of the

resistance employed by Peeta through publication because it is in line with

what Marx and Engels (1948) statement that the employment of resistance is

indicated by the way and desired to break the domination of certain class or

know as the Capitalist. Furthermore, this finding in this current research was

also in line with the investigation observed by Dermawan and Joko Santoso

(2017) and Yaris (2014) who revealed the employment of resistance is not

merely conducted by abusive action but also by a verbal action or


Therefore, sub-sequence 11c brought a significant effect towards

subsequence 19d on the development of resistance employed by Katniss.

Subsequence 19d express Katniss’ misery towards Rue’s dying condition

with a spear stabbed in her body. In this sub-sequence, Rue asks Katniss to

promise herself to win the Hunger Games and sing her a last song. With a

broken heart, Katniss sang Rue a song that Katniss’ dad used to sing her in

the wood. After singing a song, this sub-sequence shows how Katniss

carrying Rue’s death body by seeking her primrose flower and decorating

her with the flowers. As the result of Rue’s death Katniss was remained by

Peeta verbal resistance shown in the sequence 11c in which he said that he

was more than piece and the Capitol owned nothing on him as sen in the

following quotation.

“. There’s no way to take revenge on the Capitol. Is there? Then I
remember Peeta’s words on the roof. ‘Only I keep wishing I could
think of a way to . . . to show the Capital they don’t own me. That
I’m more than just a piece in their Games.’ And for the first time, I
understand what he means.” (Collins, 2008:232)
From the quotation above, it can inferred that Katniss already shown

his intention to resist against the Capitol after Rue’s death by saying “I

understand what he means”. By understanding the verbal resistance shown

by Peeta in the sub-sequence 11c above, it indicates that Katniss had a real

intention to resist against the Capitol. Her intention to resist against the

Capitol can be seen verbally in which she said that she understand about

Peeta’s statement. In the Marxist Pesrpective, this understanding would

bring Katniss to her self consciousness that the existenance of the

participated children in the hunger games were not merely counted as a

pawn who can be played arbitrarily but more that, and the Capitol also did

not have a little right towards Katniss, rue and Peeta because the Capitol

did not own them. So, Katniss was really had intention to get rid of the

Capitol’s violence and triggered Katniss to verbally resist against the

Capitol because according to France (2008), someone who is able to resist

and escape the oppression from the Capitalist is the one who received the

act of oppression itself. Therefore, by saying that Katniss understand about

what Peeta said shown in the sequence 11d, it means that Katniss verbally

resisted against the Capitol in which this verbal resistance is in line with

the the previous investigation conducted by Yaris (2014) which identified

the intention of verbal resistance is categorized as the employment of

resistance and is in line with ( Urfiani, Suwargono, & Meilia Adiana, 2015 )

which identified the employment of Kino’s resistance against the Doctor in

order to be well treated in novel The Pearl is considered as a class struggle

in form of resistance.

Furthermore, sequence 19d is not merely reveals’ Katniss verbal

resistance towards the Capitol, but, it also shows Katniss’ struggle in

disenchanting the entire Panem about the Capitol’s violence and how

wrong the hunger games was. It can be seen from the way Katniss carried

Rue’s death body in the war arena in which Katniss decorated Rue’s body

with Primrose flower and held her fingers in the air as what the people in

the district 12 did when she was volunteering her self as a tributes and

replaced her 12 years old sister, Primrose Everdeen. By doing this act, it

indicates that Katniss indirectly told the entire people on Panem to be

aware on how wrong and sorrow the hunger games was which sacrificing

12 years old Rue’ life in which a children should be treated well and

prevented from any kind of exploitation (UNCHR, 2017). This struggle

was able to generate the people’s sefl consciousness in which this was

potentially bring the social change in Panem specially on the abolishment

of the Hunger games system and the Capitalism system in order to create a

free social injustice in Panem. This struggle of awaking people’s self

consciousness in order to bring a social alternation towards the employed

system in Panem is considered as resistance because is in line with the

theory proposed by Lenin (1947) & Amos (1980) who defines the

employment of resistance as a way to bring a social alternation within the

society and is in line with the investigation conducted by Tuaderu (2017)

who identified the employment of resistance as a way to equalize the

human being and escape from any social oppression that occurred in

England in 19th century. The Representation of Resistance Employed by Katniss

and Peeta against the Carrier Tributes in Collins’ The
Hunger Games (2008)
Rubbing salt into the wood can be considered as the appropriate

proverb illustrating Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark, because both of

them received some oppression from the both parties, the Capitol and the

Carrier tributes. Even though, Katniss, Peeta and the Carrier tributes came

from the oppressed class but it would never be the reason of the

abolishment of the oppression because the both parties had a different

mean of production’ authorization in which the Carrier tributes held the

more production than Katniss and Peeta. From this oppression that

employed started from the opening ceremony, training section until in the

game, it triggered Katniss and Peeta to aware about their situation that were

always being an object of oppression. This self consciousness became the

core of the resistance that employed by Katniss and Peeta in the war game

against the Carrier in order to equalize and seize their position as the

victors in the history of the hunger games. In this session, by conducting a

cycling process, the current research revealed that there were some sub-

sequences that represent the employment of resistance conducted by

Katniss and Peeta Melark as the result of the Carrier’s oppression towards

them as seen in the table below.

Table 4.16

Representation of Resistance against the Carrier in The Hunger Games

No The Number of The Description of Sequence Containing Issue


1 12h Katniss’ runaway to the woods as what been told by

Haymitch to run away from the others tributes and
find water to stay alive

3 16f Katniss’ camp arrangement in the clumpy willow

tree as her concealment from the wild animals and
the other tributes’ sudden attacks during her sleep.

4 16e A sign from Rue who hid behind the trees to saw the
branch of the Tracker Jacker wasp above Katniss to
attack the Carrier.

5 16h Katniss’ effort in sawing the tracker jacker’s branch

by sawing it really silently while the tributes were
sleeping under the tree.

6 16i The description of how the Tracker Jacker attacked

the tribute Carrier by stinging the tributes with its

7 16j Arrows and bow’s hijack from Glimmer’ s died

body, a tribute from District 4 after soaking her
stings in the pool.

8 17e Katniss and Rue’s decision to be in alliance when

Katniss found Rue spying her while Katniss cooking
her prey

9 18e Katniss and Rue’s plan preparation to destroy and

take all the carrier tributes’ food supplies.

10 18i Katniss’ struggle to figure out the food supplies

setting in which positioned systematically.

11 18m Katniss’ struggle to figure out the food supplies

setting in which positioned systematically.

19c The Rue’s discovery with spear stabbed her little


12 24d Peeta’s sign towards Katniss to shoot Cato right on

his back hand when Cato attacked him by locking his
throat and making him struggling to breathe

13 24i A cannon thumping as an answer of Cato’s death
after Katniss skewered her last arrow right on his

It can be revealed that from the table 4.16 above, there are 13 sub-

sequences that represent the issue of resistance employed by Katniss and

Peeta against the Carrier tributes that took place in the war arena as the

result of the oppression during the hunger games. The further analysis of the

sequences containing issue is presented in the following discussion below.

According to France (2008), the Communist believed that in order

to resist against the Capitalism system, the oppressed class as the

revolutionary class holds the significant role to strip their class from any

forms of abusive oppression. In accordance to this, Katniss and Peeta as

main character in the novel has the major responsibility to strip them from

the abusive oppression that they received started from the opening

ceremony until the war area by resisting against the Carrier tributes. In the

war arena, the employment of resistance can be investigated from the sub-

sequence 12h and 16f. Sub-sequence 12h reveals Katniss’ first movement in

the war arena where she just arrived in the battle. In this sub-sequence, it

explained that Katniss followed what Haymitch already advised them before

the battle begun to run away as far as the other tributes and fins some water

to stay alive. Katniss went away from the Cornucopia and away from the

other tributes and tried to look around in order to acknowledge the place.

Then the sub-sequence 16f reveals that Katniss already got a concealment to

protect herself from the other tributes and wild animal’s sudden attack while

she slept. In the sub-sequence 16f, Katniss arranged her own camp on the

willow tree by binding herself using the string in order to prevent her to fall

down and automatically harm her from any sudden attack.

From the two sub-sequences above namely sequence 12h and 16f, it

can be investigated that there is employment of the resistance against the

Carrier by the way Katniss tried to protect herself. This struggle of

protecting herself can be considered as a form of resistance against the

Carrier because in this stage, Katniss’ major purpose of resistance did not

aimed at seizing the Carrier’s power or to bring a system alternation of the

hunger games’ victors but in this employment of resistance, there was the

greater purpose or interest that was being Katniss’ consideration, namely the

struggle of protecting herself. This struggle of protecting herself can be

considered as the employment of resistance because according to Siahaan

(2018), the major purposed of resistance or known as the revolutionary act

was not merely seen from the desire to seizing the Capital’s power or to

equalize the position, but the employment of resistance also had the other

bigger purpose. So, in the sub-sequence 12h and 16f, Katniss’ bigger

purpose of the resistance by concealing in the willow tree was for protecting

herself. This employment of this class struggle in this present research is in

line with the previous investigation revealed by Urfiani, Suwargono, &

Meilia Adiana (2015) that highlighted the employment of resistance for the

sake of defending some properties and getting a good treatment.

In the middle of the game, while Katniss was still concealing on the

willow tree, there was a danger came from the Carrier tributes. At the

beginning of the game, the major purpose of the Carrier was to kill Katniss

because she was considered as the strong tribute because she already got the

highest score in the training section as seen in the sub-sequence 8j. In

accordance to this, Katniss tried to show their braveness to resist against the

Carrier as seen in the sub-sequence 16b. Sub-sequence 16b reveals Katniss’

braveness on the willow tree by greeting the Carrier tributes while the

Carrier was seeking for Katniss’ concealment as seen below.

“Now I smile. “How’s everything with you?” I call down cheerfully.

This takes them aback, but I know the crowd will love it. ...“The
air’s better up here. Why don’t you come on up?”(Collins,
It can be revealed that from the quotation in the sub-sequence 16b, it

showed that Katniss tried to resist against the Carrier from how she greeted

her own potential danger by saying “How’s everything with you?” From this

statement it can be considered that Katniss who had an ability to climb the

higher tree made a harmful decision by inviting her own danger that

potentially kill herself. From this greeting, Katniss aimed at proofing herself

as a tribute who needed to be taken into account in order to break or get rid

of the Carrier’ domination as what it stated by Marx and Hegel (1948) that a

certain class should do a revolutionary act or resist in order to break the


Besides greeting the Carrier, Katniss also asked them to climb the

tree and catch Katniss as seen in the quotation “Why don’t you come on

up?” It can be said that by inviting them and challenging them to catch

Katniss, Katniss already showed herself as a strong tribute because as long

as the history in the hunger games, the tributes came from district 12 were

likely defeated and passive during the game. So instead of just stayed away

and concealed as seen in the sequence 12h and 16f, Katniss tried to be brave

and challenge her enemy to kill her, it indicated Katniss already conducted a

resistance against the Carrier and conducted a social change. The change

that Katniss contributed was that she could change the habit of the Carrier

about stereotyping district 12’s tribute as a weak tribute in which this social

change can be considered as the employment of resistance because

according to Lenin (1947) stated that the major purpose of resistance is to

contribute the social change in certain society. This present finding is also in

line with the finding that investigated by Yaris (2014) and Tuaderu (2017)

According to Siahaan (2018), resistance can be done through the

employment of the abusive actions or violence in order to contribute the

social change in the certain society. In line with this major characteristic of

resistance, Katniss also started to use violence as a way to resist against the

Capitol as seen in the sub-sequence 16h. Sub-sequence 16h revealed

Katniss’ effort in sawing the branch, a place where the Tracker Jacker built

its nest. The purpose of sawing tracker jacker branch was to attack the

Carrier tribute under the tree because the Tracker Jacker was well known as

the deadly bee which could result hallucination and death. This idea of

attacking the Carrier by Tracker Jacker came from Rue, a 11 years old girl

came from district 11 as seen in the sub-sequence 16e. Sub-sequence 16e

shows that Rue gave Katniss a sight using her little finger about the

existence of the tracker jacker above Katniss. Due to Rue’s idea, after

Katniss successes in sawing the tracker jacker, the Tracker Jacker directly

attacked the Carrier tribute as seen in the sequence 16i and directly beat the

sleeping Carrier in which it made all of them ran away to go to the stream

while Glimmer was dead because of the stings.

So, from the sub-sequence 16e, 16f and 16i, it can be investigated

that there was an employment of resistance against the Carrier which can be

seen by the way Katniss started to employ an abusive action by attacking the

Carrier with the deadly tracker jacker in which the employment of violence

or abusive action was considered as the major way and characteristic to

resist and contribute the capitalist domination’s abolishment (Siahaan,

2018). This resistance was triggered by Katniss’ self consciousness in which

she realized that she should be brave to resist against the Capitol as what it

arose in sequence 16b in order to overthrow the domination (Pêcheux,

2014). According to Panda (2015), there should be a defeated and the

winning party in the employment of the class struggle, in line with what

Panda stated, the main reason of this resistance was to defeat the Carrier

tributes and strengthened Katniss’ status as a strong poor tribute who could

compete with the Carrier because the Carrier always humiliate Katniss as a

tribute that inappropriate to be faced by the Carrier. This resistance shown

by Katniss was slightly able to bring the social change and was able to break

the Carrier domination in the game.

The idea of resisting against the Carrier which shown in the sub-

sequence 16e, 16f and 16i, was not directly from Katniss desire, but it was

triggered by Rue who told her to saw the Tracker Jacker’s branch. However,

in the sub-sequence 17e, 18e, 18i and 18m Katniss Everdeen show her

resistance purely came from herself that wanted to destroy the Carrier’s

food supply by exploding the supply. Sub-sequence 18m reveals Katniss’

resistance against the Carrier by disrooting the Carrier food supplies through

her third arrow shoot which directly stray the apple in the gunny suck.

These apples directly fell down to the grown and hit the booby trap which

caused explosion. The existence of this booby trap underneath was known

by Katniss after spying the Carrier’ food supplies which guarded by the boy

from district 3 as seen in the sub-sequence 18i. The information about the

boy from district 3 guarded the Carrier food supplies was known from Rue

because Katniss and Rue decided to be in one alliance in order to resist the

Carrier. This alliance arose because Rue likely to follow Katniss and spy

her, so it triggered Katniss to invite Rue as her ally as revealed in the sub-

sequence 17e and established the plan preparation aimed at destroying the

Carrier’ food supplies as revealed in the sub-sequence 18e.

It can be observed from the sub-sequence 17e, 18e, 18i, and 18m

that there was an struggle to overthrow the Carrier by destroying the food

supplies in which this struggle of overthrowing a domination was

considered as a characteristic of resistance (Pêcheux, 2014). There was a

development of alliance and politic that employed by Katniss and Rue

started from the decision to be an alliance, planned the strategy, prepared the

plan preparation until the execution of the food supplies disrooting which

shown in the sub-sequence 17e,18e, 18i, and 18m. This development of the

alliance and the politic is categorized as the way of the proletariat to resist

and overthrow the Capitalist domination (Pêcheux, 2014). If it analyzed in a

further way, the purposed of destroying the Carrier food supplies was

merely for abolishing their food to make the Carrier suffered from hunger

because in the hunger games competition, the existence of food became the

major factor of how the tributes would struggle in the competition.

However, the Carrier never felt any hunger in the hunger games because

they dominated the food supplies so it kept the Carrier became a strong and

healthy tribute. In accordance to this, Katniss and Rue resisted against the

Carrier gradually overthrew the Carrier’s domination. So by overthrowing

their domination there would be a system change alternation in which

potentially changed the annual victors system that always established the

Carrier tribute as the victor where according to Lenin (1947) the

employment of resistance is able to contribute the social change in the

society. This current finding about the Katniss’ struggle in overthrowing the

Carrier domination is in line with the previous investigation revealed by

Agustin and Suwarna (2019) who investigated the active resistance by using

some abusive actions.

It cannot be denied that the emerge of Katniss’ braveness in

destroying the Carrier’s food supplies was really associated with the event

that occurred in sub-sequence 16j. Sub-sequence 16j reveals Katniss

struggle in hijacking Glimmers’ bow in Gllimers’ death body. After beat by

the Tracker Jacker, Glimmer couldn’t run away from the stings because the

tracker jacker already grasps her body and cause her death. Saw this golden

opportunity, Katniss directly took the bow from her death body. By

hijacking the bow from Glimmer, it gave Katniss new hope in resisting the

Carrier as seen in the following quotation.

“The weapons give me an entirely new perspective on the Games. I

know I have tough opponents left to face. But I am no longer merely
prey that runs and hides or takes desperate measures” (Collins,
2008: 195)
It can be observed that from the quotation above, by taking the bow

from Glimmer it gave Katniss a new perspective about the game because

there was a hope for Katniss to resist against the Carrier as observed in “I

am no longer merely prey that runs and hides or takes desperate

measures”. From this quotation, when Katniss said that she was no longer a

prey, it indicated that there was a Katniss’ evocation and desired to break

and abolish the Carrier domination in the game because she realized that as

long as the history of Panem, the tributes who came from the poorer district

were likely act as a passive tributes and did not employed lots of resistance

against the domineering tributes like the Carrier. So, by verbally resist

against the Carrier, Katniss intended to break down and overthrow the

Carrier domination in order to contribute social change by doing some

violence because she won’t to act like prey anymore but she wanted to act

like the hunter who hunt the prey which is in line with the investigation

conducted by Tuaderu (2017), Pecheux (2014) and Yaris (2014)

After gradually resisting against the Carrier and resulted a significant

result for Katniss and Peeta, the final resistance can be investigated from the

sub-sequence 24d and 24i. Sequence 24d revealed Katniss and Peeta

resistance’s towards Cato as the last member of the Carrier tributes who still

lived in the game. This resistance in this sequence occurred in the last day of

the hunger games where there were only 3 remaining tributes that needed to

fight on the top of the Cornucopia. Sub-sequence 24d showed how Peeta as

the main character signed Katniss to shoot Cato’s back hand when Cato

attacked him by locking Peeta’s throat and making him struggling to breathe

properly. For the final result, Katniss shot Cato’s backhand and made him

felt down and directly attacked by the mutant. However, the sub-sequence

24d is not the sequence that showed Cato’s death because after attacking by

the Mutant, Cato was still alive. So, it triggered Katniss to end Cato’s

misery by skewering her last arrow right on his throat and left Peeta and

Katniss as the two remaining tributes who would win the game as seen in

the sub-sequence 24i.

From the sub-sequence 24d and 24i, it can be investigated that there

is an act of final resistance employed by Katniss and Peeta Melark by killing

Cato as their biggest enemy in the hunger games. This resistance happened

in the sequence 24d and 24i was resulted from Rue’s death which can be

seen from the sequence 19d in which realized Katniss about how wrong the

hunger games was because a innocent 12 years old Rue needed to sacrifice

her life to be murdered in the Hunger Games. So Katniss promised Rue to

win the game and revenge to her death. According to Siahaan (2018), the

main characteristic of the Resistance’s successes is by employing the

violence against the Capitalist. In accordance to this, Katniss and Peeta also

employed the violence which not merely from the sub-sequences 24d and

24i, but Katniss already used some violence actions started from the sub-

sequence 16e, 16f, 16i, 17e, 18e, 18i and 18m. By using a violence which

can be seen in the sequence 24d and 24i, it was proved that Katniss finally

successes in overthrowing the Carrier domination. It means that Katniss and

Peeta already did a revolutionary action against the Carrier in which it is in

line with Marx and Engel‘s (1984) theory who stated that the way of

breaking down a certain class’ domination was by conducting a

revolutionary act (Tuaderu, 2017)

Besides, the resistance that shown by Katniss and Peeta also gave

the social change in the hold of the Hunger games because there is a system

alternation as the result of Katniss and Peeta’s resistance in which according

to Lenin (1947), by conducting a resistance or revolutionary act against the

capitalist, it is able to contributes a social change alternation and influenced

the proletariat status. The system alteration can be observed from the

alternation of the belief that the victors of the hunger games always came

from the Carrier tributes. However, in the 74 th hunger games, Katniss and

Peeta were able to change that belief by breaking the Carrier domination

and equalized their position as the winner of the Hunger games. So, there

was a power transfer between the Carrier and the victors from district 12

which indicated the employment of class struggle itself (Siahaan, 2018). The Representation of Mimicry as the Issue of Class Struggle in

Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)
The representation of class struggle in Susanne Collins’ The Hunger

Games (2008) was not merely employed in a form of direct resistance, but,

the employment of mimicry as a way to resist against the Capitalist also

reflected in the story. Being exploited and discriminated by the Capitalist

made the proletariat realized the zero existence of equality and

humanization in the society which triggered them to resist against the

Capitalist. Besides, by kept oppressing Katniss and Peeta, automatically the

wealthier class indirectly exposed their characteristic as the oppressor. In

accordance to this, the oppressed class like Katniss and Peeta indirectly

observed and acknowledged the Capitalist’s characteristic and tried to

imitate as well as resist against the Capitalist in order to equalize the

position as well as seize the power. In this novel, because of the main

characters namely Katniss and Peeta are being the object of exploitation and

discrimination by the both parties namely the Capitol and the Carrier, so this

present research investigated that the employment of mimicry was also

divided into two parts. The first was the employment of mimicry against the

Capitol as the major oppressor and the second is the employment of

mimicry against the Carrier tributes as the wealthier tribute. The data of the

sequences represent issue can be investigated in the following table.

Table 4.17
The Representation of Mimicry in Collins’ The Hunger Games

No Mimicry The Number of Sequences Frequency

1 Mimicry against 5p, 6a, 6d, 6e, 6g, 10a, 10d, 10i, 10m, 22c, 17
the Capitol 20g, 21b, 23c, 24k, 26a, 28d
2 Mimicry against 13j, 13k 2
the Carrier

From the table 4.17 above, it can be observed that there are 19 sub-

sequences that represents the issue of mimicry employed by Katniss and

Peeta against the Capitol and the Carrier. From those 19 sub-sequences,

there are 17 sub-sequences represent an employment of mimicry against the

Capitol meanwhile the remaining 2 sub-sequences represent the

employment of mimicry against the Carrier. The further analysis of each sub

section is presented in the following discussion above. The Representation of Mimicry Employed by Katniss and

Peeta against the Capitol in Collins’ The Hunger Games
The resistance that employed by Katniss and Pet against the Capitol

in the Hunger Games (2008) could be understood by the process of the

resistance’s establishment itself, meanwhile, the process of the

establishment itself could be early seen from the figure or the character that

employed the act of resistance through lots of process before came up to the

certain form of resistance. This character can be defined as a mimic man or

the employer of the mimicry itself. In Susanne Collins’ The Hunger Games

(2008), the mimic men were act by Katniss and Peeta as the object of the

oppression against the Capitol. As the object of oppression Katniss and

Peeta compulsively motivated them to be exposed on how the Capital acts,

thinks, manner, attitude and lifestyle. So, this triggered the main characters

to use mimicry as a way to resist against the Capitol because according to

Dermawan & Joko Santoso (2018), resistance is not merely can be done

through the active resistance but also be done by mimicking the Colonial. In

this present investigation, it can be investigated that there were some

sequences that represented the employment of resistance as a way to resist

against the Capitol as observed in the following quotation.

Table 4.18
The Representation of Mimicry Employed by Katniss and Peeta against the
Capitol in Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008)

No The number The Description of Sequence Containing Issue

of Sequence

1 5p Katniss’ negative judgment towards Peeta Melark’s

confusing behavior during the trip to the Capitol while
Peeta waving the audiences

2 6a Katniss’ tough and complete makeover done by Flavius,

Venia and Octavia before meeting the main stylist to
discuss about the concept of the opening ceremonial outfit.

3 6d Katniss and Cinna’s deep conversation related to the

concept of the outfit that would employ fire as the main

4 6e The description of Katniss’ opening ceremony outfit as a

phenomenal and sensational dress with a shiny high boot,
yellow, orange, and red coat and a matching headgear

5 6g The description of Katniss and Peeta’s attractive

performance in the opening ceremony as a confident girl
on fire with the amazing synthetic flame and thin make up
in which it made them became a new Capitol favorite pair.

6 10a Katniss’ four hours private lesson with Effie Trinket

learning some presentation skill as a preparation for the
interview show in order to attract the audience and
sponsors as well.

7 10d Cinna and Team’s big effort in creating a wonderful

Katniss’ look for the interview show by dressing her shiny
jewelry dress that made Katniss looked like a shining sun.

8 10i Peeta’s shocking confession at the interview show that he

loved Katnis since the first time he could remember.

9 10m Katniss and Peeta’s deal about the appointment about the

love story scenario to attract more sponsors.

10 22c Katniss and Peeta’ first consciously kiss which lead them
into a deep conversation and flashback about Peeta’s first
encounter with five years old Katniss in school where he
started to fall in love with her

11 24k Katniss’ and Peeta’s decision to commit a suicide by

eating the poison berries as a trick to deceive the game
makers because there should be a winner in the Hunger
games or they will be humiliated by the whole Capitol

12 23c Katniss’ warning towards Peeta’s discovery of nightlock

berries as a poisonous berry that could kill its predator in
which the nightlock already brought Fox Face into her
death when fox face steal Katniss lamb cheese

13 20g Katniss struggle in cleaning and nursing Peeta’s bad

condition accompanied by his Tracker Jacker’s stings and
a big cut on his leg.

14 20k Katniss’ storytelling to Peeta about the way she got Prim a
goat by selling her mother’s silver pendant in which the
true story of the goat was bought by selling a prey.

No Number of The Description of Sub-sequence

15 21b Peeta’s prohibition towards Katniss to not attend the party
in Cornucopia because it was really harmful for Katniss.

16 26a Katniss’ victor ceremony make over with transparent nail

art, loose hair, beautiful make up and wearing
controversial yellow dress with padding in its breast to add
a little curve on her body cause the game makers asked for
the body alter surgery before coming up with the yellow
dress as the compromises.

17 26d Katniss and Peeta’s stunning and romantic moments at the

victors ceremony with much of hugging, kissing and sit
very close accompanied by the excitement from the
audience welcoming the victors.

From the table 4.18 above, it can be revealed that there are 19 sub-

sequences represent an issue of mimicry that employed by Katniss and Peeta

Melark as a way to resist against the Capitol. From those 14 sub-sequences

above, there are 6 sub-sequences that represent act of mimicking the

Capitol’s life style, meanwhile the remaining 9 sub-sequences represent act

of mimicking Capitol’s attitude. The analysis is presented in the following

discussion below.

As the main characters in the novel, Katniss and Peeta as the

oppressed class were really associated with discriminative and exploitative

treatment employed by the Capitol. These exposures of oppression triggered

Katniss and Peeta to acknowledge the Capitol attitude, life style, language

and everything related to the way Capitol’s live. By acknowledging the

Capitol’s way of living it triggered Katniss to get some validation and

equalized their position in the society by mimicking the Capitol as well as a

way to resist.

The act of mimicry shown by Katniss and Peeta as a way to resist

can be seen in the sub-sequence 6a, 6d, 6e, and 6g in which they mimicked

the Capitol’s dress in the opening ceremony. Sub-sequence 6a reveals how

Katniss was made over by Flavious and Octavia the first time she arrived at

the Capitol. This makeover aimed at creating a clean, beautiful, and

gorgeous Katniss because the both of them knew that as a girl came from

the poorest district would never been in good body treatment. This make

over was done before Katniss wanted meet the main stylist, Cinna, as seen

in the sub-sequence 6d. Sub-sequence 6d shows Katniss and Cinna deep

conversation talking about the concept of the dress that would be performed

in the opening ceremony in which it would involve synthetic fire as the

main attraction. The dress was made by Katniss was really unusual and

brand new innovation dress involved a shiny high boot, orange coat and a

headgear because as long of the opening ceremony’ s history, the pair from

district 12 who produce a coal always wore a horrible dress as revealed in

the sequence 6e. Those preparations showed in the sub-sequence 6a, 6d, and

6e brought Katniss to the spectacular performances with her flaming

synthetic fire and turned Katniss and Peeta into new Capitol’s favorites as

observed in the sub-sequence 6g.

It can be investigated from the sub-sequence 6a, 6d, 6e and 6g, there

is an employment of mimicry as a way to resist against the Capitol by

mimicking the way of Capitol’s dressing. As long as the history of the

hunger games’ opening ceremony, the pair from district 12 always became

the least tributes to be seen and seen beneath notice because of their terrible

outfit. The previous tributes always wore a simple and monotone outfit

which associated with the coal meanwhile the Capitol had a glamour, odd,

and colorful daily dress with a colorful make up. According to Homi

Bhabha (1994) in Aschhroft (2007), the act of mimicking is a process of

imitating the colonial and to be the same with the colonial but not fully the

same. In accordance with this the sub-sequence 6a, 6c, 6e and 6g showed

Katniss resistance by mimicking the way the Capitol dressed by wearing the

spectacular flaming dress until she was called as the girl on fire and became

the Capitol’s new favorite pair which previously held by the Carrier district.

This mimicry done by Katniss and Peeta aimed at preventing themselves

from the Capitol’s humiliation because previous district 12’s pair performed

a horrible dress. In the Marxist perspective, this act of mimicry employed by

Katniss and Peeta is considered as commodity fetishism in which according

to Lawson (2014), this commodity fetishism is a certain class’ desire to be a

part in the mimicked class.

This mimicry was able to overthrow the Carrier’s position as a

Capitol’s favorite pair and it meant that Katniss and Peeta already

contributed a social change by the way they mimicked the Capitol’s way of

dressing in which this social change was considered as an employment of

resistance (Lenin, 1947). Katniss and Peeta was also able to resist against

the Capitol by obtaining the desired power as the Capitol’s new poverties

pair which this ct was in line with the theory of mimicry which proposed by

Singh (2017). Besides, this current investigation in which highlighted the

employment of mimicry as a way to resist and prevent humiliation is in line

with the previous investigation revealed by Dermawan & Joko Santoso

(2017) who revealed that Minke’s purpose in mimicking the European’s

way of dress is to prevent some potential humiliation towards her.

Besides, Katniss and Peeta were also able to break down the

stereotyping system in which most of people in Panem stereotyped district

12’s tributes as horrible tributes. So by employing this mimicry, Katniss and

Peeta started to built a good affiliation with the Capitol in which according

to Schwarz et al., (2014), this good affiliation is able to enhance and

increase a good relationship with a colonial. Later on, after having a good

affiliation with the Capitol, it smoothed Katniss and Peeta’s strategy to

equalize the position. This current investigation in which showed Katniss

mimicked the Capitol’s way of dressing in order to resist is in line with the

previous investigation revealed by Dermawan & Joko Santoso (2017) who

revealed Minke’s mimicry against the Colonial was used as a way o resist

and preventing a humiliation from the Colonial.

By the way Katniss and Peeta mimicking the Capitol’s way of dress

was not merely shown in the sub-sequence 6a, 6c, 6e, and 6g but it also

revealed in the sub-sequence 10d. Sub-sequence 10d revealed Katniss’

amazing performances in the interview show by wearing a gold dress with a

synthetic flame which made Katniss shone like a sun. In the sub-sequence

10d, it showed Katniss resistance by mimicking the Capitol’s way of

dressing. In this sequence was revealed that Katniss really outshone the

other tributes and got lots of applause by the crowd especially when Katniss

spinning around and a beautiful flame came from the dress as seen in the

following quotation.

“I spin in a circle once and the reaction is immediate” (Collins,

2008: 127).
So, by considering sub-sequence 10d, it can be seen that there was

an employment of mimicry by mimicking the way of Capitol’s dressing in

glamour way even not fully the same. In the sub-sequence 10d, it can be

seen in the quote “I spin in a circle once and the reaction is immediate”, it

means that there was a resistance shown by Katniss when the crowd started

to show an immediate reaction once she spin in the flaming dress because

Katniss was well known as the girl on fire. This immediate reaction was

established from the good affiliation between Katniss and the Capitol’s

audiences established in the opening ceremony as seen in the sub-sequence

6g in which according to Schwarz et al., (2014), mimicry was able to

increase and enhance the relationship between the colonial and colonist.

This act of mimicry as way to resist against the Capitol was also able to

break the old system that every tributes came from district 12 couldn’t be

taken into account.

Furthermore, from the sub-sequence 10d, by mimicking the

Capitol’s way of dressing it can help Katniss to have an assessable access to

obtain the desired power in a form of sponsor (Singh, 2017). So by

obtaining sponsors, it could help Katniss to win the game and able to

equalize the position with the bourgeoisie. So, this current finding of

mimicking the Capitol’s way of dressing is in line with the previous

investigation revealed by Dermawan & Joko Santoso (2017)

The other way to resist against the Capitol by mimicking the Capitol

was not merely observed in a way Katniss and Peeta mimicked the Capitol’s

way of dressing but both of the main characters also showed the

employment of mimicry by mimicking the Capitol attitude in which can be

investigated in the sub-sequence 5p, 10i, 10m. Sequence 5p revealed how

Peeta mimicked the Capitol’s attitude when he just arrived in the Capitol.

He mimicked the way the Capitol waved the new tributes by waving the

crowd instead of showing a sad or crying face as a chosen tribute. The way

he mimicked the Capitol’s attitude is also shown in the sub-sequence 10i

and 10m. Sub-sequence 10i reveals Peeta’s confession in the interview show

about his feeling towards Katniss Everdeen in which made the crowd was

really touched by its confession. However this confession in the sub-

sequence 10i resulted Katniss anger because Katniss thought that this

confession would make her as a weak tribute in the hunger games but finally

Katniss agreed with this love story as seen in the sub-sequence 10m. Sub-

sequence 10m reveals Katniss’ willingness to pretend that both of Peeta and

Katniss were really in love so it could attract more sponsors.

From the sub-sequence 5p, 10i, and 10m, it can be revealed that

there is an employment of mimicry by the way Peeta and Katniss mimicked

and imitated the Capitol’s attitude as a way to resist against the Capitol. The

sub-sequence 5p, 10i and 10m can be considered as mimicry because the

main characters, Peeta and Katniss imitated the Capitol’s attitude of being a

manipulator, fake and deceiver. The Capitol would like to manipulate and

deceive the districts which can be seen from the treaty of treason’s context

in which the establishment of the Capitol would bring prosperity for the

entire district but in the reality the existence of the Capitol was considered

as a curse and brought misery. So, Katniss and Peeta mimicked this attitude

to deceive the entire Capitol by the way both of them pretended to be in love

in which in line with the mimicry theory proposed by Homi Babha (1994).

According to Agustin & Suwarna, (2019), the employment of mimicry

aimed at desiring to be equally treated like as the upper class. In accordance

to this theory, the employment of Katniss and Peeta’s mimicry by creating

the love story also had the same purposed with the theory above. The

purposed of this mimicry employed by Katniss and Peeta was to deceive the

Capitol in order to gain lots of sponsor. This sponsor can be used as a tool to

equalize the position as the Capitol and to win the game.

Furthermore, the act of mimicking the Capitol’s way of attitude by

creating a love story between Katniss and Peeta automatically increased the

affiliation among the Capitol, Peeta and Katniss in which according to

Schwarz et al., (2014), the employment of mimicry was able to improve

their relationship and beneficial for the colonized. This growth of affiliation

against the Capitol basically already showed by the main characters in the

sub-sequence 6a, 6d, 6e, and 6g in which it really influenced their popularity

so that Katniss was called as a girl on fire. However the affiliation in the

sub-sequence 6a, 6d, 6e, and 6g seemed not really enough to resist against

the Capitol so both of Katniss and Peeta established a new way to build

affiliation by seasoning the games with love story in which the Capitol’s

audiences surely would love to see how the lovers should kill one another

and it surely potential to gain lots of sponsors from the crowd. So by

mimicking the Capitol’s attitude, Katniss and Peeta already resist against the

Capitol because as long as the establishment of the game, the tributes in the

district 12 likely to be really passive and finally went to their death. This

struggle shown by the both main character is in line with the theory that

proposed by Singh (2017) in which stated that the employment of mimicry

is able to open the proletariat access to obtain the desired position as the

mimicked class. This present investigation about mimicking the Capitol’s

attitude is also in line with the previous finding revealed by Agustin &

Suwarna (2019) which identified the act of mimicking target class’ behavior

aim at camouflaging and escaping from any form of oppression as the

employment of mimicry.

It is really hugely noticeable that the employment of the love story

scenario was not merely employed in the interview show but it

progressively done during the game as seen in the sub-sequence 20g, 20k,

21b, 22c, and 23c. Sub-sequence 20g revealed the first time Katniss

discovered bleeding Peeta in camouflaging in the mud after cut by Cato then

she cleaned and nursed Peeta’s body. After she cleaned Peeta’s body the

Katniss brought Peeta to hide in the cave in which to entertain Peeta she

started to tell her a story romantically as seen in the sub-sequence 20k. In

order to afford their accommodation, Katniss tried to attend the party in the

Cornucopia to take some supplies but was not allowed by Peeta because

Peeta scared of Katniss being injured or killed. Katniss felt like those

actions were not really gave her a significant effect on the sponsor given so

he started to take it to the next level as seen in the sub-sequence 22c. Sub-

sequence 22c explained Katniss’ first consciously kiss with Peeta Melark in

which she and Peeta started to talk about their first encounter in a school

until Peeta started to fall in love with her. In this sequence, Katniss believed

that the Capitol would like this moment. The other romantic moment also

showed in the sub-sequence 23c where Katniss felt really upset and scared

of Peeta being killed with the night lock berries.

From the sub-sequence 20g, 20k, 21b, 22c, and 23c it can be

investigated that the employment of mimicry as a way to resist against the

Capitol was still conducted in the game. These sub-sequences showed how

Katniss and Peeta keep mimicking the Capitol’s attitude of being a deceiver,

so Katniss and Peeta tried to deceive the whole Capitol by their love story

scenario. These sub-sequences were a manifestation of the love story

scenario that created by Katniss and Peeta in the sub-sequences 10i and 10m

which aimed at getting sponsors in which these sponsors would help them to

win the game. It couldn’t be denied that the mimicry seen in the sub-

sequence 20g, 20k, 21b, 22c, and 23c resulted a significant result. The result

was like what already expected by Katniss Everdeen, namely sponsors. By

keep mimicking the Capitol’s attitude, it brought Katniss to some sponsors

like hot soup, medicine and the other supplies. Furthermore, by considering

this subsequences, it can be implied that the main characters tried to

encouraged themselves to be like the superior but not fully the same

because there was a hidden intention as stated by Babha (1994) in Ashcroft


During the game, the rules of the game had been revoked for two

times so that it left Katniss and Peeta as the last two tributes in the game.

The first rule was about a single winner only allowed in the games, then it

was revoked into the second rule was the two remaining tributes who came

from the same district was allowed to the winner then after leaving Katniss

and Peeta as the two remaining tributes, the Capitol revoked the new rule, so

the first rule was finally employed. Considering this manipulating rule, it

triggered Katniss to commit a suicide because both Katniss and Peeta did

not want to kill each other as seen in the sub-sequence 24k. So, in the sub-

sequence 24k, Katniss took the remaining nightlock in her pocket and

shared it with Peeta then asked Peeta to eat the nightlock together with her.

However, when the nightlock was just in front of their mouth, the Game

makes stopped the suicide and announced the victors of the 74 th hunger

games were Katniss and Peeta Melark.

From the sub-sequences 24k, it could be investigated that the

employment of the suicide was considered as mimicry. According to

Babbha (1994), the employment of mimicry was can be seen on how the

colonized mimicked or imitated the mimicked class but not fully the same.

In accordance to this, the employment of the suicide in the sub-sequence

24k was considered as mimicry because the main characters tried to mimic

the Capitol’s attitude of being manipulator and deceiver. This act of

manipulating and deceiving Katniss and Peeta can be seen from the revoked

rules in which the Capitol deceive Katniss about the two winners allowed.

The main purposed of this deception was to create a good show because if

the Capitol announced that two winner were allowed, so it triggered Katniss

to safe Peeta and win the game. However after both of them were left the

Capitol revoked the new rules into the old rule in order to present the

dramatic show in which two lovers would kill each other. In accordance to

this Katniss did a revenge and resist against the Capitol by deceiving the

Capitol through the act of suicide.

The main reason of Katniss’ action in committing a suicide because

Katniss tried to insist the Capitol to announced both of them as the victors.

According to Babha (1994) the employment of resistance was not merely

aimed at mimicking the capitalist to equalize the position as the Colonial but

it involves the act of mockery and menace. The act in the sub-sequence 24k

was also considered as an act of mimicry that involved mockery and menace

for the Capitol after Katniss realized that how the Capitol already fooled

both of them. However, the employment of this mimicry turned into

mockery when Katniss realized that in every hunger that should be a winner

as seen in this following quote.

“We both know they have to have a victor.” (Collins, 2008:337)

From the quotation above, it can be investigated that Katniss used

the rule of the hunger games as a tool to mock the Capitol. So, by having a

zero winner, it would extremely humiliate the game makers as the core of

the hunger games because it meant that the Gamemakers already failed in

creating a dramatic 74th hunger games and disappointed the entire Capitol.

So, by trying committing a suicide and finally triggered the Game makers to

announce Katniss and Peeta as the winners compulsively, Katniss and Peeta

already mocked the Capitol about how weak the Game makers against the

children from the most ridiculed district in defending the hunger games’ old

rule. This mimicry as a way mock the superior in this present finding is in

line with the previous finding investigated by Pranata Danu (2017) and

Dermawan & Joko Santoso (2017) which identified the process of

mimicking the mimicked class does not merely aim at equalizing position

but it also used as a tool to mock the Capitalist.

Besides, the act of mimicry as a way to resist shown in the sub-

sequence 24k was also can be considered as a menace for the Capitol in

which according to Homi Babha (1994) in Archroft (2006), besides

mimicking the superior, mimicry was potentially turns into a menace or

threat. Investigating Katniss’ braveness in committing the suicide as seen in

the sub-sequence 24k, the act of committing a suicide was considered as a

rebellion because the Capitol did not allow any suicide to be executed

during the game. This rebellion was considered as a menace for the Capitol

because the employer of the rebellion who was Katniss potentially built the

other rebellious action in which potentially harm the existence of the Capitol

as stated by Wyver (2017) that by posing a mimicry, it gave the mimicked

class some threat’s exposures.

Furthermore, from the employment of mimicry as a way to resist

against the Capitol, it can be revealed that there was a defeated and the

winning party in which according to Panda (2015), in class struggle, it

should be someone who wins and someone who defeats in accordance to

this, the defeated party in this employment was presented by the Capitol

who yield towards Katniss and the winning party was Katniss because she

already humiliate the Capitol by compulsively asked them to change the

sturdy rule. So, by winning the game, Katniss and Peeta already break down

the sturdy system about the number of winner allowed in the games in

which in line with Tuaderu (2017) theory. Both of them also contributed a

social change in which there was a power transfer from the Carrier as the

annual winner to Katniss and Peeta as the new winner as well as

successfully equalized their position as the superior in which in line with

Siahaan (2018).

179 The Representation of Mimicry Employed by Katniss and
Peeta against the Carrier in Collins’ The Hunger Games
The employment of mimicry as a struggle for the oppressed class to

escape theselves from any form of oppression was not merely occurred

between the contrast class reflected by the Capitol as the upper class and

District 12 as the lower class, but it also can be occurred among the

oppressed class itself in which this oppression discussed in the previous

section was reflected by The Carrier towards the tributes that came from

District12 . In accordance to this, Peeta Melark as the main character of this

novel showed his struggle to resist by mimicking the Carrier tributes. This

mimicry was occurred because as a result of exploitation and discrimination

conducted by the Carrier as the wealthier tributes towards Peeta Melark as

the poorer tribute. The data of the employment of mimicry as a way to rest

against the can be observed in the following table.

Table 4.19
Representation of Mimicry against the Carrier in Collins’ The Hunger
Games (2008)

No The number The Description of the Sequence

of Sequence
1 13j Katniss’ shock towards the fact that Peeta aligned
with the Carrier tributes and aimed at helping the
Carrier to kill Katniss.
2 13i Katniss’ judgment towards Peeta Melark about his
plan by helping the carrier tributes to kill Katniss

3 16c The Carrier’ struggle to catch and kill Katniss who

stayed on the tree by attacking her with blades and

arrow but ended up with the carrier’s failure.

From the table 4.19 above, it can be investigated that there are 3 sub-

sequences namely 13j, 13i, and 16c represent the employment of mimicry

which conducted by Peeta Melark against the Carrier tributes as a result of

the oppression done by the Carrier. The further discussion of the sub-

sequence analysis is presented in the following discussion above.

In the war arena, after Katniss ran away from the Cornucopia while

the other tributes were still trying to seize the bag given by the Capitol,

Katniss and Peeta did not meet personally anymore. However, Katniss

finally acknowledge Peeta’s existence while she concealing on the willow

tree and found Peeta was alliance with the Carrier tributes as seen in the

sub-sequence 13j. Sub-sequence 13j reveals Peeta’s new fact that he already

joined the Carrier tributes to kill Katniss Everdeen. This fact known by

Katniss because the Carrier started their fire starter near Katniss’

concealment and suddenly Katniss was able to overheard Peeta’s voice in

which Peeta was trying to help the Carrier to find Katniss as seen in the

quotation below.

‘An argument breaks out until one tribute silences the others. ‘We’re
wasting time! I’ll go finish her and let’s move on!’ I almost fall out
of the tree. The voice belongs to Peeta.” (Collins, 2008:161)
From the quotation in the sequence 13j above, it can be revealed that

Peeta Melark employed mimicry against the Carrier by the way he

mimicked the Carrier’s attitude to kill Katniss Everdeen because the Carrier

considered Katniss as a dangerous tribitu due to her highest score in the

private lession. It can be seen from the quote “I’ll go finnish her”, Peeta was

mimicking Carrier’s behavior by pretending wanting the death of “her” in

which the word “her” refered to Katniss Everdeen. The way Peeta

mimicking against the Carrier is a result of his self consciousness in which

he already acknowledged the oppression that employed by the Carrier

towards him and wanted to get rid from any form of oppression. This act is

considered as mimickry because is in track with Homi Bhabaha’ theory

which identified the employment of mimicry through the imitation of

mimicked class’ behavior, language, dress and religion. According to Singh

(2017), the mimic man would like to hope to get an assessable access to

facilitate them to resist and seize the desired power as the superior. In

accordance to this theory, in the sequence 13j, Peeta desired was to have a

good access to safe his life and to safe Katniss’ life through mimicking the

Carrier. The reason why he needed to protect himself because if Peeta did

not agree to be in alliance with the Carrier, they might directly abolished his

life at first the Carrier found him. So there was a passive resistance that he

did against the Carrier in order to defend and protect his property. This

employment of class struggle investigated in the sequence 13j employed by

Peeta is in line with the previous investigation revealed by Dermawan &

Joko Santoso (2017) and Urfiani, Suwargono, & Meilia Adiana, (2015) who

highlighted the employemnt of mimicry is as a way to resist against the

Capitalist in order to defend someone’s property.

Besides, sequence 13k also can be considered as the proof of Peeta’s

act of mimicry against the Carrier. Sequence 13k reveals how Katniss

overheard the Carrier conversation in which they talked about the reason

why they did not kill Peeta and invite him as an ally in which this

conversation brought Katniss to the some assumptions about the reason why

Peeta was in alliance with the Carrier. In this sequence, Katniss also showed

her confusion towards Peeta’s because as long as he wwas in alliance with

the Carrier, Peeta had not tell the Carrier about her weakness and strength

yet as seen in the following quote.

“’Wish we knew how she got that eleven.’”(Collins, 2008:160).

From the quotation above, it can be infered that there is an

employment of Peeta’s struggle in defending Katniss’ life by hiding the

truth about Katniss strength towards the Carrier which made the Carrier had

not acknowledge Katniss ability in obtaining the highest score in the Private

lesson with the judges. If Peeta did not employe an act of mimicry as a way

to resist against the Carrier, Peeta would like to tell the Carrier about

Katniss ability in climbing a high tree and it would help the Carrier to find

Katniss on the tree. In this case, Peeta mimicking the Carrier’s behaviour by

trying to be the same as the Carrier but Peeta did not want to fully the same

as them because he aimed at equalizing his position as the Carrier and

defending two lifes in which this is in line the theory that proposed by Homi

Babha (1994) in Archroft (2006) who defines mimicry as a way to be the

same as the superior by imitating their behavior, language, religion, and

dress but the mimicked man doesn’t fully imitate the mimicked class and

slowly showed their real identity. This employment of mimicry shown by

Peeta in the sequence 13k is in line with the previous study conducted by

Joko & Dermawan (2017) who identified the employment of mimicry

conducted by Minke against the European in the novel Jejak Langkah as a

way to passively resist against the Capitalist in order to defend a personal


The employement of mimicry against the Capitol also shown by

Peeta in the moment where he and the Carrier found Katniss Everdeen on

the willow tree as revealed in the sequence 16c. This sub-sequence shows

Peeta imitating the Carrier’s behaviour by giving the Carrier advice to stop

attacking Katniss on th tree and wait until Katniss suffered from her own

hunger and finally falling down. Therefore, he also told the Carrier that

Katniss was not able to go anywhere as seen in the quotation below.

“Finally, I hear Peeta say harshly, ‘Oh, let her stay up there. It’s not
like she’s going anywhere. We’ll deal with her in the morning.’”
(Collins, 2008:181).
It can be infered that from the quotation abve, it clearly seen Peeta

tried to camoulflage as the Carrier who always try a thousand way to kill

Katniss by everdeen in order to safe Katniss by pretending to give the

Carrier advice to stop attacking Katniss on the tree while the real intention

of Peeta’s advice to stop attacking Katniss and wait till the morning was

merely to give Katniss a bit more time to think a way to resist and avoid the

Carrier till morning. The employment of Peeta’s camouflage as a way to

resist and defend Katniss and his property is in line the theory proposed by

Homi Babha (1994) who defined the employment of mimicry can be seen

from how the mimicked man camouflages as the mimicked class and is in

line with previous finding investigated by Urfiani, Suwargono, & Meilia

Adiana, (2015) which revealed the employemnet of Kino’s class struggle in

the nvel The Pearl aimed at keeping and maintaining his property against

the doctor. Therefore, this employment of mimicry conducted by Peeta

Melark brought a significant effect on Katniss because by suggesting the

Carrier to wait Katniss until morning, Katniss was able to find a way to

resist and escape the Carrier by cutting the Tracker Jacker’s nest. By cutting

the Tracker Jacker’s nest Katniss had a opportunity to avoid the Carrier as

well attack the sleeping Carrier using this deadly tracker jacker so that

Katniss was able to defend her property and safe her self.


This current research gives the significant implication for the several

parties in the society. The first is for the students, the second is for teachers,

the third is for other researchers and the last is for the society. The

representations of the implications are explained in these following


4.2.1 Implication for Students

According to the investigation of this current research, it revealed

that the students are able to be given and learn some positive impacts from

this novel. The first is the students are able to be more aware towards the

social condition around them because as a human being who lived socially,

the social issue always becomes the scourge among the society. The second

implication for student is this analysis on this novel can enhance and

increase their respect towards the people who came from the different

background or society. Then, the third implication is the students are able to

be more open minded and able to create a valuable society. the forth is from

the main characters’ struggle, the students can learn to be more aware about

their condition in the society whether the students are being oppressed or

not so that the students can prevent themselves to be discriminated exploited

by their friends.

4.2.2 Implication for Teacher

Based on the observation in the Hunger Games (2008) novel which

highlighted the social issue and the class struggle reflected in the novel, this

investigation give some implication towards the teacher as follows. The first

implication given towards the teacher is that the teachers are able to use this

novel analysis to teach the students about the social value in more creative

way since lots of students are lacking of the social value. Then this current

research also gives the teacher some creative way in language teaching such

as teaching grammar and idioms in order to make the students master the

target language since the story of this novel is really entertaining and written

by the native speaker

4.2.3 For the Other Researchers

This current investigation gives some significant implications for the

other researchers. The first implication for the other researchers is that this

analysis of novel which adopts Marxist theory as the major theory in

revealing the social issues and the class struggle reflected by Katniss and

Peeta can gives the other researcher some inspirations and insights in

conducting research by using related theory. It means that by reading this

current investigation, the other researcher can be more aware about the

missing issues revealed in the novel, so the other researchers can conduct

the other research on this novel by highlighting the other issues. Besides, by

reading this present investigation, the other researchers can use this presents

finding as supporting information when the other researcher want to conduct

some related studies. The last but not least is the other researcher

4.2.4 For the Society

This current investigation which highlights the arises of some social

issue and resistance in the Hunger Games (2008) novel also gives some

significant implications for the society. As it known that the society is filled

by some various humans being in which the social issue becomes a sensitive

thing to arise, so by reading this current investigation the society was able to

learn how to perform their attitude, moral, the way she/he talk, do and think

so that the establishment of the valuable society is able to be realized.

Besides, by exposing the social issues in this present research, the society is

given lots of exposures about how authorization can be a major power

which grasp the society in which this power can potentially affect the social

equality and social harmony so that the society is expected to be more aware

about the existence of the inequality issues.


In this present research, this last chapter entitled chapter V discussed some

significant subchapter. The first subchapter is the summary of the research,

the second subchapter is the conclusion and the last subchapter is the



The implementation of moral and social value into the educational

system is really importance to be inserted since those value grasps lots of

significant importance for the students as the social creature who lived

among the society. In accordance to this, UUD 1945 and UNESCO already

proclaimed the importance of enhancing the students’ moral and social

value in which this declaration triggers the Indonesian educational system to

insert those values into the implementation of the curriculum 2013 in order

to realize the establishment of the valuable human being to prevent the

inequality issues.

In fact that the Indonesian government already emphasized the

implementation of the social value into the students learning process but

according to Hermayanti (2014), the incident of moral degradation still be a

scourge among in Indonesia as well as drugs, plagiarism and gratification.

According to Setiawan (2017), one of the major reason of the proliferation

of moral degradation occurred in Indonesia is the imbalance of the text

book’s content. The students’ narrative book was lack of fairness value but

really rich with kindness value in which this fairness value was become the

major reason on the establishment of the valuable society and prevent the

moral degradation. So, the Indonesian education required a more creative

learning media in order to increase and establish the students’ moral value

in which it can be found in the implementation of literature as a learning

media. According to Trier (2010) the implementation of literature as a

teaching media really gives a significant role towards the students’ social

development because literature represents several social value which able to

promote moral and social value in which it able to educate the students

about the social issues in more entertaining and fun way.

Since the literature gives a really significant role for the students

social values’ development in more entertaining way, this study investigated

the science fiction novel which condensed with the social inequality issues,

entitled The Hunger Games (2008) novel and highlighted the social issues

and the class struggle issues reflected by the main character, Katniss

Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. This present research adopted a major theory

namely Marxism theory and involved some related theories such as

discrimination, exploitation, resistance and mimicry theory. This current

research employed a qualitative research proposed by Miles, Huberman &

Saldana (2014). The data analysis was done from the beginning until the

end of the research process by using interactive model analysis by Miles,

Huberman & Saldana. Interactive data analysis is a cyclic process method

that the process was done progressively and repeatedly through four steps

namely collecting data, data condensation, data display, and conclusion


The investigation revealed that there were two establishment of

social issue as the result of the class difference, namely discrimination and

exploitation. The employment of these both issues were occurred in the two

classes called interclass and intra class. The inter class discrimination and

exploitation was occurred between District 12 and the Capitol, meanwhile

the intra class discrimination and exploitation was occurred among The

Carrier, Katniss, and Peeta Melark, as the oppressed class. The reflection of

discrimination issues depicted in the novel was divided into three types,

namely unequal living accommodation, unequal life style and the last is

through the hold of the hunger games itself. Besides, the exploitation issue

was divided into two major parts, the first exploitation was labor

exploitation and the second was children exploitation.

As the result of this discrimination and exploitation, it arose class

struggle which triggered Katniss and Peeta to resist against the Upper class

represented by the capitol and the carrier. The employment of the class

struggle represented by Katniss and Peeta was done through resistance and

mimicry. These employment of resistance and mimicry were also done inter

and intra class. The inter class resistance and mimicry was done against the

Capitol, meanwhile the intra class was done against the Carrier tributes.


By conducting a cycling process in revealing the investigation, this

current research summed up two major conclusions which follows the two

research question proposed in the chapter 1. The first conclusion in this

present research is that there are two major social issues that grasp the

society in Panem, namely discrimination and exploitation. The

establishment of these issues which manifest as scourge in Panem is

considered as the result of the contrast means of production’ authorization

between the Capitol as the ruling class and the Districts as the oppressed

class. This contrast mean of production triggers both of the classes into their

false consciousness in which both parties instinctively act based on their

status. Besides, both of the issues namely discrimination and exploitation

are occurred interclass and intra class. It means that both discrimination and

exploitation are not merely occurred in between the Capitol and the districts

or known as inter-class but it is also represented among the districts as the

oppress class or known as a intra-class which represented through the

Carrier tributes as the wealthier tributes towards Katniss and Peeta as a

poorer tributes.

The representation of the Discrimination issue as a result of the class

difference reflected in the Hunger Games (2008) novel is divided into three

major types. The first type is represented through the unequal living

accommodation between the wealthier class and the labor class, the second

is through the unequal life style between the Capitol and the District 12. The

last but least is through the hold of the hunger games itself in which

occurred between the Capitol and district 12 and between the Carrier

tributes and the main characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark.

Besides, the representation of exploitation issue is divided into two main

types. The first type is labor exploitation and the second type is children

exploitation in which this children exploitation occurred both inter and intra


As the result of the oppression done by the Capitol and the Carrier

tributes towards district 12, it triggers the main character to their self

consciousness in which unlike the false consciousness, this consciousness is

indicated by the oppressed class awareness of being oppressed then finally

emerges a desired to be liberated from the any form of oppression so that it

triggers Katniss and Peeta to employed some revolutionary acts in which in

the Marxist perspective, it is defined as class struggle. The employment of

class struggle depicted by Katniss and Peeta Melark in the novel is done

through two major acts, the first is resistance and the second is mimicry.

According to the first conclusion which sums the employment of the

oppressions is occurred inter and intra class, it also affects the Katniss and

Peeta to struggle against the both parties namely Capitol and the Carrier


Therefore, from the way Katniss and Peeta resist against the Capitol

and the Carrier through active resistance and mimicry, it can be concluded

that the class struggle reflected in the novel is merely limited to the self

resistance only and not class resistance. It means that establishment of class

struggle in this novel is still in form of embrio in which this embrio

potentially extents to the class struggle which involves the entire lower class

to break the domination of the upper class. However, the class struggle

employed by Katniss and Peeta are already successfully in contributing a

social chance in which it can be seen from the hunger games’ rule breaking

down and the Carrier’s domination overthrow. So this brings Katniss and

Peeta to the position equalization as the superior. In addition, the

employment of mimicry as a way to resist against the Capitol employed by

Katniss also involves mockery and a menace. Furthermore, if this is brought

to to the reality, it can be concluded that there is nothing immortal in this

world, even something which really sturdy such as the hunger games’ rule

can be broken down by Katniss. So every sturdy system and social hierarchy

can be broken down by resistance.


There are several suggestions for the readers after conducting this

present research as follows.

1. For the students, it is good to learn social and moral value through

the novel because of its fun characteristic, but it is a way better if the

exemplification of the social and moral value are seek through an

English novel because it can help the students to master the target

language in a better way since the English novel is written by native


2. For the teacher, novel can be used as a alternative way in teaching

the students about the social and moral value as well as teach them

to be more aware towards the social condition and really beneficial

for them since the novel involves an interesting and entertaining

story in which every exemplification of the social issues is presented

in a more detail way.

3. For the other researchers, it is better to do a cycling process

progressively before coming up to the conclusion in order to prevent

the missing data. Besides, for the researchers who want to conduct

the similar study using Marxist perspective, it is better to reveal the

more social issues reflected in the novel.

4. For the society, the society can give the active participation towards

the development of the children by facilitating and contributing a

good novel or literature for children which involves some moral and

social value so that it help the students to enhance and increase their



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