Identifying The Context: Your Sources in MLA Format in Your Bibliography at The End of The Document

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This is a template to use for planning and recording an ESS Investigation.

Make a copy of it,

save it with your name and the title of the assignment. The grey boxes are giving you
instructions on how to fill in the report, the green boxes will show you the assessment criteria.
The report should be between 1,500 to 2,250 words long. External moderators will not read
beyond 2,250 words and no grades will be awarded after 2.250 words.

1. Identifying the Context

This criterion assesses the extent to which you establish and explore an environmental
issue (either local or global) for an investigation and develop this to state a relevant and
focussed research question

a. Environmental Issue

What is the environmental issue

(either local or global) that you will
be investigating?
How does your issue connect to
your research question?
What information can you find out
about this issue and what are the
connections to the research
question? Remember to record
your sources in MLA format in your
bibliography at the end of the

b. Research Question

Very specifically, what is the problem that you will be investigating? Advice, phrase your
research question as: How does the Independent Variable affect the Dependent

c. Hypothesis

IF (explain how you will change the thing you are testing) THEN (what you think will
happen because of the change you made) BECAUSE (the scientific reason you think it will
Identifying the context

1-2 3-4 5-6

● state a research question, ● state a relevant research ● state a relevant, coherent

but there is a lack of focus question and focused research
● outline an environmental ● outline an environmental question
issue (either local or global) issue (either local or global) ● discuss a relevant
that is linked to the research that provides the context to environmental issue (either
question the research question local or global) that provides
● lists connections between ● describes connections the context for the research
the environmental issue between the environmental question
(either local or global) and issue (either local or global) ● explain the connections
the research question but and the research question, between the environmental
there are significant but there are omissions. issue (either local or global)
omissions. and the research question.
2. Planning

This criterion assesses the extent to which you have developed appropriate methods to
gather data relevant to the research question. This data could be primary or secondary,
qualitative or quantitative, and may use techniques associated with both experimental or
social science methods of inquiry. There is an assessment of safety, environmental and
ethical considerations where applicable.

a. Variables

Independent Variable (IV)

If applicable, what
different values will you
use? Having at least 5
values for your IV will
ensure you can collect
enough relevant data.

Dependent Variable (DV)

How will you measure

Controlled Variables Why are you controlling How will you make sure it’s
this? controlled?
add more if needed

b. Materials
Fill out the materials you will need. If there is a specific size for it, include this below. Also
include the number of objects that you will require. Add more rows if you need to.
Material Size (if possible) Number

c. Method
Make a detailed version of your method. This should be done step by step. Add more rows
below if you need to. Your method should allow you to collect sufficient and relevant data.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

d. Risk assessment
Demonstrate that you have considered issues around safety, environment and/or ethics.
Describe the possible risk and how you mitigate the risk (prevent it from happening)
Safety risks


1-2 3-4 5-6

● design a method that is ● design a repeatable method ● design a repeatable method

inappropriate because it will appropriate to the research appropriate to the research
not allow for the collection of question but the method does question that allows for the
relevant data not allow for the collection of collection of sufficient
● outline the choice of sufficient relevant data relevant data
sampling strategy but with ● describe the choice of ● justify the choice of sampling
some errors and omissions sampling strategy strategy used
● list some risks and ethical ● outline the risk assessment ● describe the risk
considerations where and ethical considerations assessment and ethical
applicable. where applicable. considerations where
3. Results, analysis and conclusion

This criterion assesses the extent to which the student has collected, recorded, processed
and interpreted the data in ways that are relevant to the research question. The patterns
in the data are correctly interpreted to reach a valid conclusion

a) Quantitative raw data

Fill in what the Independent and Dependent Variables are. Do not forget your UNITS!

Dependent variable (unit)

Independent trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 trial 4 trial 5
variable (unit)

b) Quantitative processed data

What mathematical (and/or Explain why it is important to do this. Give a worked
statistical) calculations did you example
use for your data?

Dependent variable (unit)

Independent trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 trial 4 trial 5 Average
variable (unit)

c) Graph(s)

Create one or more graphs and insert it/them below. Make sure to have titles, labels, units
and if applicable error bars.
d) Qualitative data

Describe or show (e.g. via photos) your observations that you cannot measure (in numbers).

e) Statistical Analysis

If possible also run a statistical test to demonstrate correlation between your independent
and dependent variable.

f) Conclusion
Make a list of trends in your data that you noticed or observed during the experiment. For
each one, you have to explain what happened with scientific reasoning (use science vocabulary
& science ideas!). Record any sources you used in MLA format in your bibliography.
Trends you noticed in your data What does that mean based on scientific

Results, analysis and conclusion

1-2 3-4 5-6

● construct some diagrams, ● construct diagrams, charts ● construct diagrams, charts or

charts or graphs of or graphs of quantitative graphs of all relevant
quantitative and/or qualitative and/or qualitative data which quantitative and/or qualitative
data, but there are significant are appropriate but there are data appropriately
errors or omissions some omissions. ● analyse the data correctly
● analyse some of the data but ● analyse the data correctly and completely so that all
there are significant errors but the analysis is incomplete relevant patterns are
and/or omissions ● interpret some trends, displayed
● state a conclusion that is not patterns or relationships in ● interpret trends, patterns or
supported by the data. the data so that a conclusion relationships in the data, so
with some validity is deduced that a valid conclusion to the
research question is
4. Discussion and Evaluation

This criterion assesses the extent to which the student discusses the conclusion in the
context of the environmental issue, and carries out an evaluation of the investigation.

a. Evaluation of hypothesis
Looking at your results, do
you support or reject your
hypothesis? What makes you
say that?

What background scientific

knowledge makes you
support or reject your

b. Discussion of the environmental issue

Looking at your results and
your conclusion how does
your investigation link to the
environmental issue you are

Connecting your
investigation to others from
literature (make sure to add
to your bibliography), are
your findings and conclusion
in agreement (the same) or

c. Evaluation of Method
Which steps from your
method were strong and
provided you with relevant
and sufficient data?

Which steps from your
method showed weakness or
could have been a sources of

Describe how you would
improve the weak steps in
the method for future

d. Extensions for Method

After doing your
investigation, what would
you be interested in
investigating further?
What changes can you make
to your method that will
allow you to investigate this?

Discussion and evaluation

1-2 3-4 5-6

● describe how some aspects ● evaluate the conclusion in ● evaluate the conclusion in
of the conclusion are related the context of the the context of the
to the environmental issue environmental issue but there environmental issue
● identify some strengths and are omissions ● discuss strengths,
weaknesses and limitations ● describe some strengths, weaknesses and limitations
of the method weaknesses and limitations within the method used
● suggest superficial within the method used ● suggest modifications
modifications and/or further ● suggest modifications and addressing one or more
areas of research. further areas of research. significant weaknesses with
large effect and further areas
of research.
5. Applications

This criterion assesses the extent to which the student identifies and evaluates one way to
apply the outcomes of the investigation in relation to the broader environmental issue
that was identified at the start of the project.

After doing your

investigation, what
solution(s) to the
environmental issue would
you recommend?
For each solution ensure you
evaluate the strengths,
weaknesses and limitations
of the solution.


1 2 3

● state one potential ● describe one potential ● justify one potential

application and/or solution to application and/or solution to application and/or solution to
the environmental issue that the environmental issue that the environmental issue that
has been discussed in the has been discussed in the has been discussed in the
context context, based on the context, based on the
● describe some strengths, findings of the study, but the findings of the study
weaknesses and limitations justification is weak or ● evaluate relevant strengths,
of this solution. missing weaknesses and limitations
● evaluate some relevant of this solution.
strengths, weaknesses and
limitations of this solution.

6. Bibliography/Works cited

You must use appropriate in-text referencing and record your sources in MLA format.
Please follow these rules for creating your list of referenced

For the Communication criterion you do not have to write anything extra. The criterion
assesses whether the report has been presented in a way that supports effective
communication in terms of structure, coherence and clarity. The focus, process and
outcomes of the report are all well presented.


1 2 3

● The investigation has limited ● The report has structure and ● The report is well structured
structure and organization. organization but this is not and well organized.
● The report makes limited use sustained throughout the ● The report makes consistent
of appropriate terminology report. use of appropriate
and it is not concise. ● The report either makes use terminology and is concise.
● The presentation of the report of appropriate terminology or ● The report is logical and
limits the reader’s is concise. coherent.
understanding. ● The report is mainly logical
and coherent, but is difficult
to follow in parts.

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