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MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study Purpose and Need Statement

This document provides background information on a study of improvements to the MD 28/MD 198 corridor in Maryland. The study area spans 10.63 miles from I-95 to MD 97. The purpose is to relieve congestion from development, improve safety, and preserve quality of life while realizing local plans. The need is that some areas already experience near capacity conditions, and congestion is projected to worsen by 2025 due to development without improvements. Safety is also a concern as certain accident types occur at higher than average rates.

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MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study Purpose and Need Statement

This document provides background information on a study of improvements to the MD 28/MD 198 corridor in Maryland. The study area spans 10.63 miles from I-95 to MD 97. The purpose is to relieve congestion from development, improve safety, and preserve quality of life while realizing local plans. The need is that some areas already experience near capacity conditions, and congestion is projected to worsen by 2025 due to development without improvements. Safety is also a concern as certain accident types occur at higher than average rates.

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04/23/02 8:20 AM

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study

Purpose and Need Statement

FMIS Project # MO886B11

Maryland State Highway Administration

Office of Planning and Preliminary Engineering

Priority Funding Area

FMIS Project # MO886B11

May 2001
Revised April 2002
Drafted by: Regional and Intermodal Planning Division
The study area encompasses MD 198 (Sandy Spring Road) west of I-95 in Prince
George’s County, and MD 198 (Spencerville Road), Norbeck Road Extended (NRE) and MD 28
(Norbeck Road) east of MD 97 in Montgomery County (see Figure 1). The eastern study area
terminus is the I-95 corridor in Prince George’s county. The western study area terminus is
located east of the intersection of MD 28 with MD 97 (Georgia Avenue). This study will be
closely coordinated with the current MD 97 at MD 28 Intersection Improvement Project
Planning Study being conducted by SHA. The MD 28 / MD 198 corridor study is in the state
Secondary Development and Evaluation program. The Federal Functional Classification of MD
198 is an urban principal arterial from the eastern study limits to Good Hope Road, and a rural
minor arterial from Good Hope Road west to MD 650. MD 28 has a Federal Functional
Classification of urban minor arterial within the study area.

Figure 1: Study Location

Norbeck Road Extended


Existing Conditions
The existing typical cross sections of MD 28 and MD 198 vary along the corridor.
MD 198 from Van Dusen Road (east of I-95) to just west of I-95 in Prince George’s County is a
six-lane divided section. From that point west to US 29 in Montgomery County, MD 198 is a
four-lane divided section. The existing typical section for MD 198 transitions from a four-lane
undivided section in Burtonsville west of US 29 to a two-lane section west of Burtonsville to
MD 650 (New Hampshire Avenue). MD 28 from MD 182 (Layhill Road) to MD 97 (Georgia
Avenue) is a two-lane roadway.

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 1

Purpose and Need Statement
These roadways provide uncontrolled access throughout the corridor. Along the 10.63
mile corridor, a total of 294 access points currently exist and are comprised of predominantly
private residential driveways (Table 1).

Table 1: Summary of Existing Access Points along MD 28/MD 198

Roadway Length Residential Commercial Government Public

Segment (mi) Street
MD 97 to MD 6501 4.97 49 8 3 21
MD 650 to US 29 3.38 76 53 3 16
US 29 to I-95 2.28 32 19 3 11
TOTAL 10.63 157 80 9 48
Source: MD 28/MD 198 Access Study, August, 2000
Includes Norbeck Road Extended currently under construction by Montgomery County DPW&T. It is unlikely
that new access, beyond public street intersections, will be granted on this section.

The typical cross section for NRE, a Montgomery County project, is varied as well. NRE
is scheduled to be constructed and open to traffic in 2003. It will be a four-lane divided highway
at the intersection of MD 198 and MD 650. Just west of MD 650, NRE will transition to a two-
lane facility until just east of Norwood Road, where NRE will transition back to a four-lane
divided highway.

Smart Growth Considerations

The project termini are located within existing Priority Funding Areas (PFA). MD 28
between MD 97 and MD 182 on the western end of the corridor forms the northern boundary of
the PFA as does the section of MD 198 that passes through Burtonsville. However, the mid
section of the MD 28 / MD 198 corridor between MD 182 (Layhill Road) and Burtonsville is not
located within a PFA. Prior to receiving state funding for construction and/or engineering and
ROW acquisition, the project must be evaluated by both the Maryland Department of
Transportation and the Maryland Department of Planning for compliance with the 1997 Smart
Growth and Neighborhood Conservation – Priority Funding Area Act.

The 1998 Highway Needs Inventory (HNI) includes the MD 28/ MD 198 corridor in
several segments. For all areas of the corridor that are two lanes, the HNI recommends an
upgrade to four lanes. The HNI includes the following areas: MD 198 from US 29 to MD 650;
NRE from MD 198 west of MD 650 to MD 182 (this portion was updated in the April 2000 HNI
updates); and MD 28 from MD 182 to MD 97. The Maryland Department of Transportation’s
(MDOT’s) fiscal year 2001 Consolidated Transportation Program funds this project for project
planning through fiscal year 2004. The Montgomery County Executive and the Montgomery
County Council have identified project planning for the widening of MD 28 and MD 198
between MD 97 and US 29 as a top priority. Both branches of the County government recognize
that such a widening project would not be a substitute for the former Intercounty Connector

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 2

Purpose and Need Statement
The Maryland Department of Transportation previously studied a number of alternatives
for the Intercounty Connector (ICC) in the vicinity of the MD 28/MD 198 project area. During
the course of that study, federal environmental resource agencies indicated that there were major
environmental issues that rendered a freeway along the Master Plan Alignment for the ICC
between MD 28 and US 29 unacceptable. Several alignments for a new freeway in the MD
28/MD198 corridor were studied. Due to impacts to communities along these alignments, these
alternatives were unacceptable to the Montgomery County Council. Therefore, the Maryland
Department of Transportation is no longer pursuing freeway alternatives between the ICC
master plan crossing of MD 28 and US 29.

The current federal functional classifications of MD 28 and MD 198 range from major
collector to other principal arterial. These classifications are considered appropriate given the
nature of traffic using these facilities and the need to access adjacent land uses, and there is no
intention of revising the classification of roadway facilities along this corridor.

The purpose of the MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement study is to:

• Relieve locally generated congestion while managing access;

• Improve safety and traffic operations for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians travelling
along the MD 28 / MD 198 corridor and across intersecting roads; and
• Preserve the rural and suburban quality of life relative to localized traffic congestion
while realizing the local planning visions for the communities along the corridor.

Approved area master plans along the corridor describe visions, goals and objectives for
the roadway facilities, such as retaining rural character of adjacent communities and protection
of sensitive environmental areas. These master plans also recommend such features as hiker-
biker trails and sidewalks at some points, landscaping, etc. Relevant portions of these plans are
included in the appendix. Where a proposed alternative for this study differs from the approved
area master plans, the environmental document will assess the impact of such change on the
development patterns as well as community impacts in the surrounding area and sensitive
environmental areas (i.e. the Patuxent Watershed, the Upper Paint Branch Special Protection
Area, etc.).

This project is needed to address projected operational and capacity deficiencies that will
occur as a result of planned and future development in and around the forecast model area (see
Master Plan Considerations section). MD 28 and MD 198 are currently operating near capacity
conditions in some areas between I-95 and MD 97. It is expected that congestion will increase
from planned and future development. In addition, the completion of the Montgomery County
NRE project would provide a direct connection of these facilities. Congestion will continue to
worsen leading to stop-and-go conditions, particularly at several intersections in the study area
which are projected to experience failing condition by the 2025 design year. The segments
between the intersections will experience peak hour capacity constraints imposed both by
projected traffic volumes and by the lack of mid-block through lanes on the two-lane facilities

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 3

Purpose and Need Statement
and the lack of storage lanes for left turns and deceleration lanes for right turns constrain
intersection operations.

While the accident rate along the study corridor is lower than the statewide average for
certain types of accidents, sideswipe, and wet surfaces collisions occurred at a rate significantly
higher than their respective statewide average accident rate along portions of the corridor. This
condition is expected to worsen as development occurs and congestion increases. This corridor
is also an area where sidewalks and bicycle facilities are absent and in some instances not called
for by design in master plans.

Traffic Volumes and Traffic Operations

The forecasts developed for this project are based on the recently approved Metropolitan
Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) Round 6.2 land use forecasts and the MWCOG
FY 2001-2006 Transportation Improvement Program Conformity Analysis travel demand-
forecasting model which allows forecasting to the year 2025. Year 2000 traffic volumes were
determined based on recent intersection turning movement and roadway segment volume counts
among 16 intersections along the corridor. The year 2025 volumes were developed for 18
intersections, including new intersections resulting from the committed NRE and from the US 29

The average daily traffic (ADT) volumes in the year 2000 on MD 28 range from 21,900
east of MD 97 to 13,900 west of MD 182. These are projected to grow to 34,000 and 27,400
respectively in 2025 under no-build conditions. The ADT volumes in year 2025 on NRE are
projected to be 21,600 from MD 182 to Norwood Road, and 19,000 from Norwood Road to
MD 650.

The ADT volumes on MD 198 in the year 2000 range from 17,300 east of MD 650 to a
high of 54,000 west of I-95, adjacent to the study limit. Future year 2025 volumes under no-
build conditions will grow to range from 22,000 east of MD 650 to 68,000 west of I-95.
Intersection capacity constraints significantly limit traffic growth along MD 198 from MD 650 to
US 29. Some of the traffic is expected to be diverted as far south as Randolph Road. The year
2000 ADT volumes and the year 2025 ADT forecasts are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.

A select link analysis of travel along the corridor concluded that nearly 70 percent of the
trips on the study portions of MD 28 and MD 198 either begin, end or begin and end in the
surrounding travel analysis zones. This suggests that 30 percent of the trips along the corridor are
of a through or regional nature.

Figure 2. Year 2000 and 2025 Average Daily Traffic Volumes for

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 4

Purpose and Need Statement
MD 28 between MD 97 and Norbeck Road Extended
15800 Year 2000 Counts n/a n/a
26800 Year 2025 Traffic Forecast with 2-lane MD 28 Extended (No Build) 17000 13200
MD 182 Norwood Road
MD 28
NORTH 13900 n/a Extended
27400 18000
MD 97 Georgia Avenue
MD 28 Norbeck Road n/a n/a
21600 19000
43200 16300 20600
MD 115 Muncaster Mill Road 60800 21900 27400
28500 Norwood Road
15800 34000
26800 MD 182 Layhill Road
62400 3600
Norbeck Blvd.
45600 Wintergate Drive

MD 28 Norbeck Road

MD 97 Georgia Avenue

Figure 3. Year 2000 and 2025 Average Daily Traffic Volumes for
MD 198 between MD 650 and Van Dusen Road
15800 Year 2000 Counts
22600 Year 2025 Traffic Forecast with 2-lane MD 28 Extended (No Build)
MD 650 New Hampshire Avenue
US 29
19600 45300
17300 MD 198 Spencerville Road Interstate 95
n/a MD 198 Sandy Spring Road
19000 42300 165000
19600 21100 40200 53600 Riding Stable Road 226800
17600 25700 30000 54000
17000 21100 2900 Bond 2500
68000 23700
4700 26000 3800 Mill 3000
Road 25300
5600 2500
MD 650 3000 3200
New Hampshire 7250 3400 4700 MD 198
Avenue Peach 13200 Cedar 4200 39100 5200
Good 64500 43800
Orchard Old Tree 4600 50400
Hope 42900 73800 61000
Road Columbia Drive
Road McKnew 51000
Pike 31600
Road 9200 22100
28600 33200 32600
88000 Old Gunpowder Road Sweitzer
Road Van Dusen Road
US 29 248000
Columbia Pike

Interstate 95

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 5

Purpose and Need Statement
Roadway Network Measures of Performance
The adequacy of roadway capacity is determined using a measure called the volume-to-
capacity, or v/c, ratio. The v/c ratio is the ratio of the peak hour volume carried by a roadway or
intersection, and its hourly capacity expressed in vehicles per hour. Roadways may have traffic
volumes that exceed or are forecast to exceed capacity. This would result in a v/c ratio that
exceeds 1.00, and indicates the need for capacity improvements. Otherwise, if existing or
committed levels of capacity exceed traffic volumes, the v/c ratio will be less than 1.00.

Level of service (LOS) is a scale measuring the freedom of mobility or severity of

congestion experienced by drivers. The LOS scale ranges from A to F. LOS A represents free
flow movement of traffic with little or no congestion. LOS F represents failure with stop-and-go
conditions and long queues of traffic. LOS D occurs near a critical boundary where traffic flows
become unstable. This level is generally considered acceptable during peak hours of traffic flow
on streets and highways in urban and suburban areas. At LOS E, the roadway is operating near
capacity, and day-to-day delays are very unpredictable. LOS is normally determined for the
peak hours of the typical weekday. These levels have been determined through traffic research,
and are related to measurable traffic characteristics such as delays, speeds, traffic density or v/c

Traffic Analysis Results

Table 2 and Table 3 summarizes the results of an analysis of roadway capacity and level
of service conducted for the 18 intersections and 15 link segments along the MD 28 / MD 198
corridor. Under existing year 2000 conditions, most intersections along both MD 28 and MD
198 operate at LOS E or better during the AM and PM peak hours. Under year 2025 no-build
conditions, some intersections are forecasted to exceed capacity by a wide margin. Most of the 2
lane segments (the study corridor west of Old Columbia Pike) currently operate at LOS E and are
projected to become slightly more congested by 2025.

Though the capacities of most roadways are constrained by the limitations imposed by
traffic signals, the physical characteristics of the MD 28 / MD 198 corridor roadways present a
situation requiring special consideration for traffic analysis. Many of the intersections along the
existing or planned two-lane sections of the corridor from MD 97 to Old Columbia Pike have
auxiliary or turning lanes. These lanes drop away between intersections. Therefore, the two-
lane sections of the corridor between intersections may impose a larger constraint on capacity
than indicated by the intersections on each end of a two-lane roadway segment. Two-lane
segments of MD 28 from MD 97 to MD 182, and MD 198 from MD 650 to Old Columbia Pike
are forecasted to carry volumes over 25,000 vehicles per day in 2025. For planning purposes,
the following guidelines are typically used. A two-lane minor arterial roadway will begin to
breakdown when ADT volumes reach 16,000, and major arterials begin to breakdown when
ADT volumes reach 18,000. At the forecasted level of traffic on two-lane arterials, these
segments will experience peak hour capacity constraints imposed by the lack of mid-block
through lanes. These mid-block constraints could exceed the constraints imposed by signalized
intersections along the segments of the corridor.

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 6

Purpose and Need Statement
Table 2: MD 28/MD 198 Intersections - V/C & LOS Analysis Results

2000 Existing 2025 No-Build

Location AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak
LOS (vc) LOS (vc) LOS (vc) LOS (vc)
MD 28 at:
MD 115 (Muncaster Mill Road) D (0.88) C (0.76) F (1.18) F (1.02)
MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) F (1.14) F (1.04) F (1.50) F (1.38)
Norbeck Boulevard B (0.65) D (0.83) F (1.24) F (1.32)
Wintergate Drive A (0.58) A (0.58) D (0.86) D (0.86)
MD 182 (Layhill Road) C (0.76) C (0.76) A (0.44) A (0.46)
Norwood Road (at Norbeck Rd Ext.) n/a n/a B (0.63) A (0.52)
MD 198 (Sandy Spring Road and Spencerville Road) at:
MD 650 (New Hampshire Avenue) B (0.63) A (0.55) A (0.57) A (0.61)
Good Hope Road E (0.96) D (0.83) F (1.21) F (1.03)
Peach Orchard Road A (0.62) A (0.59) B (0.66) B (0.66)
Old Columbia Pike B(0.63) A (0.56) D (0.86) B (0.72)
Existing US 29 (Columbia Pike)
E (0.98) F (1.03) A (0.61) B (0.72)
SB Ramps
Relocated US 29-NB Ramps n/a n/a D (0.90) E (0.97)
Cedar Tree Drive B (0.65) A (0.58) B (0.71) B (0.65)
McKnew Road B (0.69) B (0.71) C (0.76) C (0.78)
Riding Stable Road A (0.54) B (0.64) B (0.65) B (0.67)
Old Gunpowder Road / Bond Mill
B (0.65) B (0.70) D (0.86) E (0.96)
Sweitzer Lane B (0.63) C (0.73) D (0.87) F (1.11)
Van Dusen Road D (0.85) D (0.86) E (0.98) E (0.99)
I-95 (Directional Interchange)
NB I-95/ MD 198 (weave on CD) F F F F
EB MD 198/ I-95 (weave on bridge) F F E E
WB MD 198 TO NB I-95 CD merge C C C C
WB MD 198 TO SB I-95 merge C B F C
NB I-95 diverge TO CD C C D F
SB I-95 diverge TO EB MD 198 D C F C
EB MD 198 TO NB I-95 C C D D
EB MD 198 merge TO SB I-95 C B D C

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 7

Purpose and Need Statement
Table 3: MD 28/MD 198 Roadway Link - LOS Analysis Results

# of Travel 2000 Existing 2025 No-Build

Roadway Segment AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak
MD 28 at:
MD 115 to MD 97 4/5 F F F F
MD 97 to MD 182 2 E E F F
MD 182 to Norwood Road
2 E E D D
(along MD 182)

Norbeck Road Extended at:

MD 182 to Norwood Road 4 n/a n/a A A
Norwood Road to MD 650 2 n/a n/a E E
MD 198 at:
MD 650 to Good Hope Road 2 E E E E
Good Hope Road to Peach Orchard Road 2 E E E E

Peach Orchard Road to Old Columbia Pike 2 E E F E

Old Columbia Pike to US 29 4 B B C C

US 29 to Cedar Tree Drive 4 C C C D
Cedar Tree Drive to Riding Stable Road 4 C C C C

Riding Stable Road to Old Gunpowder Road 4 C C C C

Old Gunpowder Road to Sweitzer Lane 4 C C C C

Sweitzer Lane to I-95 4 C E C E
I-95 to Van Dusen Road 6 C E D E

Notes: Each of the 2-lane segments was analyzed as a Two-lane link (one lane in each direction).
The 4-lane segments were analyzed using the following assumptions:
♦ Direction 1 is eastbound
♦ Direction 2 is westbound
♦ Assumed highest LOS because it is the worst case.
♦ US 29 to I-95: 65 total access points, distance = 2.28 miles.
65 points/2.28 miles=28 access points per mile.
♦ Terrain was considered level.

Traffic Safety
Table 4 summarizes the accident experience on MD 28. The segment of MD 28 from
MD 115 to MD 182 experienced a total of 99 police-reported accidents during the three-year
study period of 1998 through 2000. The resulting accident rate was 152.0 accidents per 100
million vehicle miles of travel (acc/100mvm), which was significantly lower than the statewide
average rate of 183.8 acc/100mvm for all similarly designed state-maintained highways.
Sideswipe collisions reported on this roadway occurred at a rate significantly higher than the

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 8

Purpose and Need Statement
respective statewide average accident rate for similar roadways while injury, angle and parked
vehicle accidents occurred at a rate significantly lower than the statewide average.

Table 5 summarizes the accident experience on MD 198. The study section of MD 198
from MD 650 to I-95 experienced a total of 293 accidents during the same study period. The
resulting accident rate was 142.7 acc/100mvm, which was significantly lower than its
comparative statewide average rate of 210.9 acc/100mvm for similar roadways. Wet surface
accident rates along this section of the road were significantly higher than statewide averages
while injury, property damage, rear end, left turn, angle, pedestrian and parked vehicle accidents
occurred at a rate significantly lower than the statewide average.

Table 4: Traffic Safety Analysis (Accident Report) MD 28 from MD 115 to MD 182


Accidents 1998 1999 2000
1998 - 2000 RATE RATE
Fatal - - - 0 0.0 1.2
Number Killed - - - 0 - -
Injury 22 9 10 41 63.0 85.8
Number Injured 33 16 16 61 - -
Property Damage 13 10 35 58 89.1 96.9
Total Accidents 35 19 45 99 152.0 183.8
ADT 20600 21300 22000 - - -
VMT(millions) 21.0 21.7 22.5 65.1 - -
Rate (Acc per 100) 166.8 87.6 200.3 - - -
MVM) Type
Opposite Direction 3 - 4 7 10.8 9.6
Rear End 12 9 18 39 59.9 59.3
Sideswipe 2 2 5 9 13.8* 7.4
Left Turn 1 2 4 7 10.8 15.0
Angle 1 2 5 8 12.3 31.0
Pedestrian 1 - 1 2 3.1 5.2
Parked Vehicles 1 - - 1 1.5 7.3
Fixed Object 7 3 3 13 20.0 28.3
Wet Surface 14 7 15 36 36.0 28.0
Other 7 1 5 13 20.0 14.9
* Significantly higher than the Statewide Average

There were three Candidate Safety Improvement Intersections (CSII) identified within
the corridor as follows:
1999 MD 198 at Sweitzer Lane
1999 MD 198 at MD 650
2000 MD 198 at MD 650

The MD 198 intersection with Sweitzer Lane was recently improved within the East-West
Intersection Improvement Program. The intersection of MD 198 at MD 650 will be modified
within Montgomery County’s current Norbeck Road Extended Project.

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 9

Purpose and Need Statement
Table 5. Traffic Safety Analysis (Accident Report) MD 198 from MD 650 to I-95


Accidents 1998 1999 2000
1998- 2000 RATE RATE
Fatal 2 - 2 4 2.0 1.4
Number Killed 2 - 2 4 - -
Injury 45 36 48 129 62.8 97.4
Number Injured 75 56 70 201 - -
Property Damage 57 40 63 160 77.9 112.0
Total Accidents 104 76 113 293 142.7 210.9
ADT 29600 30600 31500 - - -
VMT(millions) 66.2 68.5 70.7 205.4 - -
Rate (Acc per 100 MVM) 157.0 111.0 159.9 - - -
Accident Type
Opposite Direction 8 2 2 12 5.8 6.9
Rear End 35 26 31 96 46.8 73.1
Sideswipe 9 4 5 18 8.8 12.6
Left Turn 9 4 8 21 10.2 21.3
Angle 9 11 21 41 20.0 33.3
Pedestrian - 1 1 2 1.0 5.7
Parked Vehicles 1 - 2 3 1.5 4.9
Wet Surface 48 36 39 123 41.0* 28.0
Fixed Object 13 17 17 47 22.9 25.9
Other 20 11 22 53 25.8 21.2
* Significantly higher than the Statewide Average

Land Use and Master Plan Considerations

The following discussion describes the land use and local roadway classifications as
outlined in the different master plans along the MD 28 / MD 198 corridor. In addition, this
discussion includes a brief description of the major developments in the pipeline in this study

The study area encompasses several master plans within Prince George’s and
Montgomery counties. There is one master plan that is associated with the study area in Prince
George’s County: “Subregion I” which covers the communities of Beltsville, Calverton,
Montpelier, South Laurel, West Laurel, and Vansville. It was adopted by the Prince George’s
County Planning Board of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
(M-NCPPC) in March 1990, and approved by the Prince George’s District Council in October
1990. In Montgomery County, the study area is covered by three master plans: Aspen Hill
(1994), Cloverly (1997), and Fairland (1997). The Montgomery County Council has adopted
these master plans.

The eastern portion of the study area that lies within Prince George’s County along
MD 198 varies in land use. Existing land use on the north side of MD 198 is predominantly low
suburban and suburban. The area that lies south of MD 198 is comprised mostly of industrial
and commercial uses. The Subregion I Master Plan (1990) calls for the continuation of the low-
density residential development pattern that currently exists along the MD 198 corridor. The
Prince George’s County Subregion I Master Plan envisions for MD 198 to be upgraded to six

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 10

Purpose and Need Statement
lanes from I-95 to Montgomery County. The Subregion I Master plan Classifies MD 198 (A-1)
as an arterial from Anne Arundel County to Montgomery County.

In Montgomery County, the MD 28 / MD 198 corridor passes through four master plan
areas: Fairland, Cloverly, Aspen Hill, and Olney. In the Fairland Master Plan, the north side of
MD 198 is predominantly rural to the Howard County line. The south side of MD 198 is
predominantly suburban with low-density single family residential use. There are several
recommendations for MD 198 in the Fairland Master Plan (as shown in the appendix), including
two primary proposals:

1. Widen MD 198 to four travel lanes.

2. Provide a new cross section in the Burtonsville commercial area that consists of four
travel lanes, a 16-20 foot median with selected turning lanes, and adequate space for
street trees and sidewalks/bikeway on both sides. … Access to shops along MD 198
should be controlled and consolidated to improve safety and circulation for
pedestrians and vehicles.

The Fairland Master Plan classifies MD198 as a Major Highway (M-76) from Prince George’s
County to western boundary of master plan.

In the Cloverly area, MD 198 (Spencerville Road) passes through mixed single-family
residential and agricultural land uses. The Cloverly Master Plan calls for single-family
residential development along MD 198. The Plan states that MD 198 should be widened to four
lanes between MD 650 and Oursler Road. The Plan recommends that the right-of-way be
approximately 70 feet in the commercial area between Thompson Road and a point 360 feet east
of Batson Road. Due to close proximity of buildings to the road, turning, acceleration, and
deceleration lanes are not recommended in this section. A Class I (separate off-road) bicycle
path is recommended along the entire length of MD 198 through Cloverly. The Cloverly Master
Plan classifies MD 198 as a Major Highway (M-76) from Oursler Road to New Hampshire
Avenue (MD 650).

Montgomery County expects to complete construction of NRE between MD 182 and MD

650 in fiscal year 2003. This project is included in the Montgomery County’s Capital
Improvement Program (CIP). Sufficient public right-of-way will be reserved for four lanes. The
Master Plan states that an equestrian underpass should be constructed where NRE crosses the
Northwest Branch. In addition, a Class I bicycle path should be constructed to maximize safety.
The Norbeck Road Extended project is consistent with the area’s master plan. The Cloverly
Master Plan classifies Norbeck Road Extended as a Major Highway (M-18) from New
Hampshire Avenue (MD 650) to Layhill Road (MD 182).

In the Aspen Hill area of Montgomery County, the intersection of MD 28 and MD 97

serves as a center of the community. The dominant land use is single-family residential east of
this intersection. The Aspen Hill Plan proposes that MD 28 be reconstructed as a four-lane
divided highway. The Aspen Hill Master Plan classifies MD 28 as a Major Highway from
Layhill Road (MD 182) to the western boundary of the master plan.

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 11

Purpose and Need Statement
According to county planners, there is one development proposed that may impact the
traffic patterns in the MD 28 / MD 198 corridor. No such developments are proposed in
Montgomery County. In Prince George’s County, the proposed major development that will
have an impact on MD 198 is the Konterra Town Center . Konterra Town Center is planned to
be located in the vicinity of I-95 and Van Dusen Road. The site has been zoned to include a
mall since 1990 and the zoning was extended in 1997, but conceptual plans have not been filed.

Throughout analysis zones surrounding the study corridor, projected growth in

households, population and employment is as follows:
Table 6. Projected Household, Population and Employment Growth
2000 2025 Growth
Households 58,750 70,250 20%
Population 155,170 174,880 13%
Employment 49,620 61,560 24%
Source: Input to MWCOG Round 6.2 Land Use Forecasts provided by Montgomery and Prince George’s counties
Note: The projected traffic volumes in Figures 2 & 3 along the corridor are based on trip generation and
distribution throughout the entire travel demand forecasting model area. Those traffic volumes are not influenced by
area of development analyzed in Table 6.

Statements from the Montgomery County Council, Montgomery County Planning Board
and the Citizen’s Focus Group formed for this study emphasize strong local opposition to any
corridor improvements that are not consistent with the guidelines of the local master plans or
protection goals established for the Upper Paint Branch Special Protection Area and Patuxent

Population Age Trend

From available 1990 census data, approximately 20% of the population in census blocks
encompassing the corridor is over the age of 65. In the area of Rossmoor Leisure World, which
is located in the western portion of the study area and represents nearly 19% of the study area
population, 73% is over 65. The remainder of the study area population over 65 is
approximately 5%. Recent studies have concluded that elderly drivers experience a high rate of
accidents, injuries and fatalities. The elderly population and those who choose not to drive may
rely on pedestrian access to transit facilities.

Intermodal Connectivity
The study area is directly served by several transit providing agencies. The Washington
Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Metrobus provides bus service along MD 198
between Burtonsville and MD 650, and ultimately, to the Silver Spring Metro Station. The
Montgomery County Ride On program serves the US 29 corridor, where part of its route travels
along MD 198 in Burtonsville. Nearby the study corridor in Prince George’s County, public
transportation in the Laurel area is served by Howard Area Transit (HAT) and the Corridor
Transportation Commission’s Connect-A-Ride service. HAT currently operates two routes in
the vicinity of the study area: the Main Street route and the “D” route which follows along MD

There are two park and ride lots within the MD 28 / MD 198 study corridor that serve
commuters with an additional lot nearby. They are located at the intersection of MD 198 and

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 12

Purpose and Need Statement
Van Dusen Road, at the northeast quadrant of the intersection of US 29 and MD 198, and at the
northeast quadrant of the intersection of MD 97 and MD 28. The lot at MD 198 and Van Dusen
Road has 60 spaces and has an annual average usage of 49 percent. The lot at US 29 and MD
198 is currently being expanded by 200 spaces as part of SHA’s US 29 / MD 198 project and
will have 500 spaces. This lot is served by WMATA and the Montgomery County Ride On bus
service. It is anticipated to be open to traffic in summer 2005. The lot at MD 97 and MD 28 has
248 spaces and is served by WMATA and the Montgomery County Ride On bus service as well.
This lot is reporting a 6 percent average annual usage rate.

It is important to consider both bicycle and pedestrian accessibility as part of this project.
These types of improvements are specifically recommended in the Fairland, Cloverly and Aspen
Hill Master Plans. Although some master plans specifically do not recommend sidewalks along
portions of the corridor.

Related Projects
Several proposed SHA transportation improvements in proximity of this project’s study
area are currently in the planning and design phases. SHA currently has no projects under
construction in the vicinity of the study area. The improvements that are associated include the
following projects in MDOT’s Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP):

Construction Program

• US 29 Interchanges – Interchanges at Randolph Road, Briggs Chaney Road, and

MD 198 / Dustin Road.
• The East-West Intersection Improvement Program – Several intersections are scheduled for
improvements in northeastern Montgomery and western Prince George’s counties.
Intersections that are in this program and nearby the study corridor include:
- MD 182 at Norwood Road
- MD 650 at Ednor Road
- MD 198 at US 1

Development and Evaluation Program

• East-West Link Improvements – Study to construct new east-west link improvements in

Montgomery and Prince George’s counties in the corridor between I-370 and US 1.
• I-95 / Contee Road Interchange – Study to construct a new interchange with collector-
distributor roads at I-95 and Contee Road relocated.
• MD 201 Extended / US 1, I-95 / I-495 to Contee Road – Study a four to six lane divided
highway from I-95 / I-495 to MD 198. This project also includes study for an interchange at
MD 212 (Powder Mill Road).
• MD 97 at MD 28 – Study to construct improvements at MD 28 / MD 97.
• US 29 Interchanges – Interchanges at Stewart Lane, Tech Road, Musgrove Road, Fairland,
Greencastle Road and Blackburn Road.

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 13

Purpose and Need Statement
The proposed study is needed to provide traffic operation and safety improvements to
enhance the quality of life related to localized traffic congestion within the MD 28 / MD 198
corridor from east of MD 97 to I-95. Corridor improvements are needed to relieve projected
increased intersection congestion and improve area link capacity. The forecast increase of travel
demand along the corridor is expected to lower the level of service at 10 intersections from
Norbeck Boulevard to Sweitzer Lane by 2025. Seven of these intersections are expected to
operate at level of service D or worse during the 2025 No-Build peak hour. Eight roadway links
along the corridor are expected to be operating at level of service D or worse in the 2025 No-
Build peak hour. In addition, improvements will provide an opportunity to manage/limit access
in order to discourage sprawl development outside the PFAs in addressing smart growth issues
and enhance pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

This study is also necessary to address the long-term traffic capacity needs in the
MD 28 / MD 198 corridor. According to MWCOG Round 6.2 land use forecasts, the corridor is
expected to experience additional population and employment growth. Projected development in
the analysis zones surrounding the corridor will increase the average traffic volume by nearly
25% along the study roadways. Projected development throughout the land use model area will
contribute to the traffic volume for a total of average volume increase of nearly 35 % along the
study roadways, resulting in increased conflicts along the corridor, and may result in increased
accident experiences.

Though most accident rates are currently below statewide averages, portions of the
corridor have experienced opposite direction, rear end, sideswipe and wet surface accidents at
rates higher than statewide average rate for similar roadways.

MD 28/MD 198 Corridor Improvement Study 14

Purpose and Need Statement

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