Moonlight Sculptor Volume 37

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Moonlight Sculptor

- Volume 37 -
Dulmore Fortress’s Misfortune

The final secret sculpting technique quest required him to go back in the
history of the Versailles Continent.

This was the warring period.

He had the heavy task of leading the desert warriors against the Embinyu
Church! Weed was armed with the title of Master Swordsman and a large
armed force. He also used his knowledge and experience in the fight.

“Life isn’t something where honest people who study hard are always
successful. You have to compromise as well!”

Life was a battle!

Weed stood on the walls of Dulmore Fortress while riding Bactrian

Camel. The Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms were greatly shocked at his
sudden appearance.

They had fought a battle against him a short time ago so they didn’t want to
see the leader of the desert army again.


“Kkiyot! Embinyu will eat all those that disobey.”

The army of the Embinyu Church chased Weed to the fortress. The Embinyu
Army was quite large.

The size of the Mapon and Beiner Kingdom’s army was smaller than the
desert warriors, with only 300,000 soldiers! This scale was small compared
to what the kingdoms could mobilize in the warring period.

However, the creatures from another dimension were those that ate
humans for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The bronze giants were also larger than the 30 metres high wall. The
fanatics that received Embinyu’s Dark Aura blessing were able to literally
tear a man apart with both hands.

There were also various large monsters flying around in the sky! They were
dozens of metres large and could spit acid down to the ground.

The legendary large turtles, Barates was also flying in the sky. 5,000 elite
archers were on-board the turtles and prepared to fire their arrows.

Among the Embinyu Army were the Priests and Knights of Atrocities that
were prepared to convert anyone who surrendered to fanatics! The priests
and bishops of a religion could pass on their verdict with holy power. Those
branded with the stigma of Embinyu would be cursed and die in agony.

“Humans have no value in life. Kill, kill.”

“I will make you feel endless pain.”

“Advance forward for Embinyu!”

The bronze giants and flying creatures that followed Weed focused their
attacks on the fortress. Thousands of arrows flew towards the Dulmore

The Mapon and Beiner Kingdom armies gathered to suppress Weed’s desert
army were reluctantly forced to stop the Embinyu Church.

“We are not affiliated with him!”

The knights shouted as enemies attacked the fortress but the Embinyu
Church didn’t care about the circumstances. They were the worst opponent
to have a conversation with!

“What should we do, Captain?”

“They are trying to capture the fortress.”

“Quickly attack them!”

The soldiers shooting arrows towards Weed now aimed at the fanatics and
monsters of the Embinyu Church.

The bronze giants threw their huge rocks and struck the walls. The fortress
was located on a rugged terrain with cliffs and rivers that acted as
protection. However, they couldn’t outlast the offensive.

Archers on the flying creatures poured arrows towards the walls.

-The fortress is protected by magic.

Area of the Wind, Shield and Steel Wall has been triggered.

There was a colourful effect as the magic defenses were triggered and the
arrows and rocks were blocked. But sparks rose from the walls as the
bronze giants continued attacking.

“Attack the enemies trying to conquer the fortress!”

The King of the Mapon Kingdom ordered the commanders.


“Slay the enemies!”

“For His Majesty!”

The soldiers of the Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms fired arrows towards the
bronze giants. They focused on the Embinyu Church because they were
more threatening than Weed.

Then Weed who was just watching shouted louder.

“Embinyu Church, look at this. The King of the Beiner Kingdom is moving
against you!”

The fanatics below the walls started shouting.

“Kill the infidels! God Embinyu will let you taste endless suffering!”

It was enough to just listen. It was an exquisite response.

“Hmm, God Embinyu will curse the King of the Beiner Kingdom. Especially
at night, it will pass in an instant.”

“Rip apart the body of the Beiner King!”

A perfect harmonious play between Weed and the fanatics of the Embinyu
Church. It was like a scene where a woman slapped her hateful mother in
law! Some of the defense forces also shot arrows towards Weed.


However, the arrows just bounced off and didn’t even scratch Weed’s

-There is minor damage from the arrow attacks.

Health has decreased by 3 due to the high resilience and defense.

-You have been hit by arrows in close succession.

The attacks were so feeble that he didn’t need to pay attention. The arrows
were perfectly blocked by his armour. His high defense and armour meant
that the arrows couldn’t damage him. Weed generously forgave the soldiers
for attacking him.

“Well, it might be a little punishment for my bad actions.”

He still had a minimum of conscience. It would be annoying and

burdensome if all the defenders jumped towards Weed.

If the heroes of the Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms, Rohadram and Andre
attacked Weed along with the Embinyu Church then it would be
troublesome. It would be best if he waited for the Embinyu Church to take
care of both sides.

Rohadram and Andre were busy commanding the soldiers to block the
Embinyu Church.
‘For my own self-interest….no, for the sake of the declining Mapon and
Beiner Kingdoms. The guards here need to fight well. And I should help
prevent the Embinyu Church from taking over the fortress.’

Benefiting from both sides was an absolutely effective tactic. It was

common in history for great strategists to take advantage of this. He would
then hit them on the back of the head. Not missing an opportunity to strike
in the back was a good tactic.

“I am a bad guy.”

Weed praised himself.

Bringing the desert army to fight the Embinyu Church would just be in
vain. The power of the enemy meant there was no guarantee of victory. And
even if he won, he would suffer tremendous damage. Those waiting in
Dulmore Fortress would identify his power and determine how to attack.

He needed to learn from history. A hero’s sentiment would just cause him to
lose his life.


“Open the door so that the believers can enter.”

“Pilgrims of destruction, march forward to the death!”

The fanatics grabbed poles and attempted to break the gates of Dulmore
Fortress. The pure silver in the flowing river meant those with an evil
alignment couldn’t easily enter. But rocks and mud were used to fill up and
block the river.

Monsters flew through the arrows and magic to snatch guards up into the
sky. They endured the pain from the magic protection and continued to
hunt humans.

“Kyahahat, delicious.”

“I’ve missed the taste of chewing on a head.”

The humans were delicious meals for those who came from hell. Perhaps
the demons felt like they were tourists visiting a restaurant.

Dulmore Fortress became a scene of chaos due to the demons!

It had gained a reputation as an impregnable fortress in the warring period.

However, it seemed like the fortress wouldn’t be able to hold out against
the Embinyu Church for long.


“Ah…it has started.”

“Troops of the Embinyu Church are approaching. It is like that. We thought

it would be a real battle but now it seems to be even more profound.”

The hot competition between the broadcasting stations continued. All the
stations were showing the battle of Dulmore Fortress.

The viewers weren’t deprived of channel choices but each station had
different circumstances. The broadcasting stations that didn’t relay Weed’s
adventure! They had the feel of second-rate stations.

The stations weren’t comfortable discarding the events of Weed’s

adventure that affected the fate of the Versailles Continent. There was no
guarantee their broadcast would gain higher audience rating than other
stations but they had no choice but to sell advertising spots. Besides,
Weed’s adventure was really popular so there was unlikely to be any

The video started showing on the screen and the massive arm of the
Embinyu Church appeared. The number of troops was many times larger
than any war seen in Royal Road so it was extremely rare to see such a
fierce war.

Bronze giants that seemed like mountains shook the land as they walked
and flying creatures covered the sky.

“This…judge the pagans.”

“Your punishment will be unbearable pain.”

The Royal Road users shuddered at the sight of the Embinyu Army. Weed
and the Embinyu Church’s power in the warring period was horribly
inflated. The Embinyu Church was enough to eat the Central Continent and
destroy the Haven Empire.

That wasn’t all.

Witches opened the Gates of Hell so demons fell down en masse. Despite
being broad daylight, the sky turned a dark red. This was the decisive battle
to decide the fate of the Versailles Continent.

KMC Media’s Shin Hye-min and Oh Joo-wan.

The station had a team of 100 people working on the live broadcast.

“It is an overwhelming video from the start. It is thrilling to see what

happens next. Oh Joo-wan ssi, what do you think?”

“It is really interesting.”

“Ah, you are trying to moderate your words.”

“Was I like that? My hands are sweating because of the battle. Weed’s
armed forces have been seen a few times throughout the quest but can they
really fight against the Embinyu Church? However, Weed always shows
scenes that surpass our expectations. We can expect a cool showdown to
unfold in the future.”

“It seems really desolate and scary over there. But the viewers really like it
when Weed experiences this type of hardship.”

“I think so as well. We are really happy when Weed attempts a difficult


The station officials and viewers naturally wanted Weed to struggle. An

adventure that would affect the entire continent! It was natural for interest
to arise when one person caused so many changes to Royal Road.

“Oh Joo-wan ssi, what do you think the outcome will be for the war between
Weed, the two kingdoms and the Embinyu Church?”
“I can only give a possible explanation. The possibility is high that it will be
the end of the fortress.”

“I feel really sorry for the Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms. Omo, now the gate
is being destroyed.”

“It was just broken! The Embinyu fanatics are pushing in. The battle will
return shortly. It is now time to see some short ads.”


Weed directly participated in the battle by firing the Yurbusika Frost Bow at
the Embinyu fanatics.

They weren’t mere ice arrows but arrows that froze a small area! Dozens of
fanatics gathered near the gates were killed at once.

“This is the fun of a massacre. Though I am still disappointed. That is a

bunch of japtem.”

The fortress’s defenders didn’t attack Weed now.

Of course, they had a hostile relationship but their current priority was
pushing back the attacks. They greatly feared the Embinyu Church’s
cruelty. They could withdraw but then the two kingdoms would be a target.

The bronze giants were throwing large rocks without hesitation in order to
destroy the fortress. The fortress was protected by magic but the rocks still
slowly hit the wall.

Furthermore, the magic effect wouldn’t last indefinitely. The pure silver
river was filled with dirt so the fanatics and demons entered through the
narrow gate and climbed the walls.

It seemed like the fortress was in a real crisis. Serious fear spread among
the soldiers. The demons that came through the Gates of Hell would snatch
away humans or eat their flesh.

Weed used Atrock’s Cry.

“The cruel Embinyu Church will not spare us! If you want to live then fight
until the end!”

The Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms weren’t allies so it didn’t have the effect of
increasing their power and ability to follow commands. But it slightly
affected morale.

“N-no. I want to go back home.”

“Let’s go. It is better to run away and live.”

“Our kingdom is already ruined. Angela. I will go to her.”

The morale of the soldiers fighting the creatures fell sharply. Once morale
hit the floor, the soldiers would run away and the army would crumble. The
leadership of the army’s commander would make a significant difference.

“They will trample on our souls even after death. The land where millions of
people settled with become barren and the cities turned into ruins. Your
family members in your hometowns will have cruel things done to them!”

The soldiers of the Mapon Kingdom were bewildered.

“What nonsense is that savage saying?”

“Yes. Aren’t they all actions that he committed as well?”

Weed had forgotten his own behaviour as well as that of the desert
warriors. Looting, scorching the city and slavery were no different from the
Embinyu Church. But there was a difference from the viewpoint of the
person involved.

“I do bad things but it is for the sake of justice so it is okay. Shouldn’t you
commit to actions in your life?”

A positive self-rationalization!

Currently, all the residents in the warring period existed because of Weed
and Seo-yoon’s quest. Once Weed returned to his original time, this world
would disappear like dust being blown by the wind.
So he didn’t feel any remorse. In fact, Weed’s actions would’ve had a large
impact on the future even if it was a peaceful era. But they were residents of
a warring period so they might’ve died even without Weed’s actions.

It was a time where they would either develop or perish. A continuous cycle
of destruction and recovery. Therefore, Weed’s damage to the Haven
Empire and Central Continent was less than expected.

‘The difference in power between the Embinyu Church and the army is too
severe, even if the soldiers are fighting properly. It won’t be easy to push
them together.’

In the midst of shooting his bow on the walls, Weed could also observe the
entire battlefield. His ultimate purpose wasn’t to protect Dulmore Fortress
but to win the battle.

The desert army was moving like Weed planned in advance. They would
wait at a suitable distance until the right time to hit the Embinyu Army. The
sculptural lifeforms, Hestiger who wouldn’t die and the old Zahab led the

The undead led by Van Hawk was already attacking the Embinyu Army
from the side. The undead could continuously get up so it was better to use
them early.

The assault of the Abyss Knight Van Hawk and the doom knights! The
undead could improve their quality but in many cases, it was better to
create undead from high level corpses.

Of course, Van Hawk wasn’t the only one who could summon undead. The
magicians of the Embinyu Church could as well. But the undead heading
towards Dulmore Fortress consisted of fanatics and a dwarf species.



The dwarves were 1 metre tall. They could travel a short distance with
magic and the sharp nails were a tricky threat to deal with. They also
thought that users were a good snack.
“The gate is broken. Brothers of the Mapon Kingdom, block the enemy.”

“Spear units, don’t retreat even one step. The kingdom wants your blood.
Fight for His Majesty!”

The bronze giants smashed the gates and waves of monsters and fanatics
entered. The knights of the Mapon Kingdom used spears to painfully block
any enemies that came in.

Weed stood and shot any enemies approaching or climbing the

walls. Sometimes the creatures would be hit by an arrow or dagger and
would fall to the ground while shrieking.

“They are piling up fairly quickly. Can this really be called an impregnable

Despite its fame, the desert army could easily take over Dulmore
Fortress. Weed’s ability to command troops in combat was at a level that no
one could reach.

The gate was already breached so Weed concentrated his arrows on the
enemies crossing the river.


The arrows exploded in every direction and hundreds of enemies in the

attack range froze.

Usually when the fanatics died, they would spread things like ‘spread
nightmares,’ ‘body made of deadly poison,’ and ‘tear up a child.’ The aura of
darkness given by Embinyu was also frozen.

Once in a frozen state, 40% of the fanatics and monsters died. Of course,
those who survived had their health reduced and movements
slowed. Freezing the enemies rushing across the river was very effective.

The archers in Dulmore Fortress shot arrows relentlessly. There was the
sound of incessant screaming and yells encouraging attacks.

“I can’t feel the military power of the two kingdoms. Are the royals already
trying to escape the fortress?”
Weed had that dangerous thought and looked back to see what the Mapon
and Beiner Kingdoms were doing.

Fierce battles were taking place on the main street near the gates. Flying
creatures were in the air while fanatic archers and siege weapons were
used to break and burn buildings in the fortress.

The large flying turtles were especially scary. The Barates spewed venom
and literally melted the soldiers and buildings. That wasn’t their only means
of attack.

The demons that emerged through the Gates of Hell had a remarkable
ability to learn.

‘We can’t eat that human.’

‘He is not our share. He is as strong as a demon.’

‘Ruthless feeling. It will be a bother if he catches us.’

Weed completely scared the demons so they changed targets to the human
soldiers. The winged monsters kidnapped soldiers from Dulmore Fortress.

The magicians on the ground aimed ice, wind and light attribute magic
towards the flying creatures but the efficiency was poor. Magic attacks
randomly soared towards the sky.

The fortress was wide and spacious and the knights were busy getting rid of
the invading enemies. Dulmore Fortress was a mess filled with explosions
and screams.

There was a limit to what humans could do against the Embinyu Army.

“Well, I guess I can’t complain. I need to be a bit more active.”

It was now urgent to take care of the gates. If the gates were blocked then
the archers and magicians could reduce the numbers of the Embinyu Army.

Of course, the bronze giants throwing rocks towards the fortress was also a
large headache.

Weed stroked his camel.

“Bactrian Camel.”


“Hide until I call.”

Weed got down from the camel and took out the Extermination Sword
while Bactrian Camel quickly hid somewhere safe.

“Then where should I play?”

His health and mana recovery was very fast so he had returned to a perfect

Weed could block up the gates so that not even one monster and fanatic
could enter. However, guarding one place would be boring.

Mere fanatics weren’t enough to stop the great desert festival. He was
capable of casually burning hundreds of people at once. Weed almost
dreaded returning to his original time zone.

But there was no meaning in blocking the gates when the bronze giants
would eventually destroy the walls.

“I’ll play in the air.”

Weed raced along the wall like the wind. He lightly swung his sword
towards dozens of monsters climbing up from the walls.

“Flash Leap!”

Weed ran quickly and cast a skill. It didn’t consume his mana but high
agility and strength were needed. It was a technique that allowed him to
jump high if his running speed was fast enough.

Kwa kwa kwang!

A huge shock was delivered to the walls and archers fell down. Weed flew
over 100 metres and landed in front of the enemy on a large turtle.

The archers and magicians on the Barates turned towards him.

“T-the enemy!”

“We must kill him.”

However, Weed just swung the Extermination Sword towards the

archers. Violent flames stretched out from the Extermination Sword. It was
a pillar of fire. The fearsome flames reached the archers who screamed and


Bactrian Camel inched closer to the wall while watching Weed’s

battle. Then his body changed into dirt and was sucked into the wall. The
only thing left of Bactrian Camel was a pattern left on the wall.

This was Bactrian Camel’s defense skill of hiding within objects.

-Cursed iron has been acquired.

-382 poison arrows have been acquired.

-A book of offerings for the Embinyu Church has been acquired.

You can earned a bit of knowledge and experience.

Weed recovered the japtem left behind by the archers.

“How do I kill this guy?”

He needed to handle the large turtles as well.


The large turtle felt the crisis and started twisting its body while flying. It
leaned backwards and turned upside down in an attempt to drop Weed.

He could experience a thrilling feeling! The ground approached but his

health was so high that he wouldn’t be hurt by the crash.
Other magicians in the area shot flames at him. The Barates also spat acid
while furiously flipping in the air.

“This amount of force isn’t enough to kill it. I should handle it individually.”

Weed cast a skill.

“Wrath of Fire!”

Fired burned from the Extermination Sword. The flames were very rough
and violent. It needed direct contact with enemies to deal damage but once
it did, it would melt away the leather and bones of monsters. In particular,
stabbing would increase attack power by 5 times.

Weed jumped across several turtles in a row without bothering to verify the
results. This time it was possible to leap to other turtles without using a
jump skill. The archers were overpowered while the large turtles engulfed
in flames crashed into the ground.

“It worked out well!”

He continued jumping in the air and attacked the turtles. The knights and
archers screamed as the turtles fell to the ground.


“Another is falling.”

“Over there….”

Large fireballs consisting of turtles fell from the sky and hit Dulmore
Fortress. The towers and buildings collapsed while many soldiers and
nobles died.
Advance Notice of an Outstanding Performance

“Wake up. Cry out according to your original wild nature.”

More than half of the sacred river at Dulmore Fortress had been filled with
stones and soil. The priests of the Embinyu Church walked forward with
their wands while chanting spells. It was then hurtled towards the troops
defending the fortress.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“I don’t know. My head itches and my body aches. It feels like my flesh is

Suddenly, long hairs sprouted out between the armour that the soldiers
were wearing.

“What is this?”

“I don’t know. This can’t be. My body is changing.”

Their limbs became thicker and their skin was peeled off. They couldn’t
endure it any longer and took off their armour.

“K-kill me!”

“Call the priests.”

“No. Before that…ah, it is too late….”

Hair grew from their stomachs and faces and their fell to the ground on all

They became medium sized wolves with murderous eyes. The priests of the
Embinyu Church used spells to change a human into a beast. The wolves
jumped around and bit the necks of any humans in the vicinity.

They had been fighting alongside their colleagues but their instinct and
reason had been influenced towards the Embinyu Church.

“Your eyes and ears are sensing the wrong things. You must only serve

And they were also enveloped in brainwashing magic. The enchanted

soldiers instantly defected and joined the Embinyu Church. The archers on
the walls turned their arrows towards the soldiers inside the castle.

“Wake up!”

“Captain, trust in the Embinyu. He will lead us to a comfortable and happy

world free of pain.”

“Jyado! We shouldn’t forget the favour His Majesty has done for us.”

“Huh, the king? What has he given to us? Heavy taxes, causing a war
because of greed for territory or capturing and killing any refugees?”

“It was unavoidable. Joining that side isn’t the answer!”

“The king is deceiving us. He wants to maintain his authority in front of the
nobility. You have felt more pain as time passed. You can rest if you join

The captain tried to stop the soldiers but he soon feel victim to the
brainwashing spell.

“Kukukut, you are right. Then I will follow Embinyu.”

The revolt of the soldiers took place everywhere. The knights weren’t
caught but the soldier with low loyalty were brainwashed.

While Weed was playing in the air, the defenders in Dulmore Fortress were
crumbling. The defense forces fell victim to the brainwashing and the
number of Embinyu troops increased.
“These ugly bastards.”

Weed who was running around on a turtle could guess the situation simply
by looking down at the ground.

“I can’t leave it to these people. They won’t last for long.”

He grumbled as the soldiers suddenly changed positions to the Embinyu

Church. However, the fortress didn’t fall to the Embinyu Church straight

The magic devices and siege weapons of the fortress was still working. The
elites arranged in the archer towers fired steel arrows. The magicians of the
Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms gathered on the walls also counterattacked by
the enemies. The attacks were effective in delaying the advance of the
fanatics and the demons.

Weed wanted at least that degree. He could play around to his heart’s

“You are already the last one!”

He ignored the resistance of the archers and caused the remaining large
turtle to fall down. He rode the flaming turtle as it fell to the ground.

The viewers watching the broadcast sometimes felt like they were watching
a scene from an action movie.

‘A positive appearance will come out!’

His cloak waved as he stood on the back of the turtle that crashed into the
central square of the fortress!

-You have crashed heavily into the ground from a high position.

Your necklace has absorbed the shock.

Health has been reduced by 37,838.

The collision has caught a slight shoulder injury.

More mana will be consumed when using a sword skill.

This will last for 961 seconds.

If a priests heals you then health and mana will recover quickly.

An explosion took place and Weed slowly emerged after the dust
subsided. The decline in health wasn’t so bad but the shoulder injury was a
little worrisome. But he wasn’t in a dangerous fight at the moment so he
could endure it.

‘It was really cool. I am the best.’

The stations and viewers were being sent this scene in real time.

There was a fuss on the bulletin boards.

-Fighting in the sky is really fantastic but he seems a little ignorant. Why did
he fall? Surely he had enough skill to be able to escape?

-His eyes seem like it hurt quite a bit.

-The sight of Weed escaping from the turtle just before it exploded caused
my heart to pound.

-Did you see his form? I am invigorated by the sight of it.

The viewers focused on his appearance and actions. They were hoping that
Weed would show them an electrifying and exciting battle! An excitement
similar to when the orc Karichwi led an army against the Immortal Legion.

The viewers didn’t like the scene of Weed falling from the sky on a large
monster without any resistance. It was like taking money from a pre-

The Barates had poured acid and arrows towards the fortress. But Weed
took care of them surprisingly quickly. Of course, the damage of the large
turtles crashing into the fortress was calculated separately!

Weed’s eyes flashed around the vicinity as the smoke cleared.

“Cough! S-somebody help me!”

The knights and nobles were injured. Not long ago, they were wearing
garish jewellery or swords encrusted with gem.

‘Quietly abandoning the items…ah, there are quite a few soldiers. Now is a
bad time to attract attention. Throwing it away is good.’

The magic shield protected the fortress but the demons could still enter
thanks to the river being blocked. Monsters and demons entering through
the gates were being taken care of.

There was also 12 magic towers defending Dulmore Fortress. The magic
flowing into the ground was important to activate the protection so the
defenses would weaken when a tower was destroyed. The bronze giants
and monsters focused their attacks in the direction of the magic
towers. When he looked up, 3 large rocks thrown by the bronze giants were
flying through the sky.

Anyway, there was a new wave of attacks from the Embinyu Army. The
bronze giants wouldn’t stop throwing rocks until the fortress was
completely broken.

“The enemy troops will soon capture the fortress.”

The most urgent problem was the Gates of Hell. The size of the Embinyu
Army was fixed but the Gates of Hell meant that more demons could appear.

He needed to destroy the witch Pechet to get rid of the Gates of Hell but that
was a really difficult goal to achieve. Pechet was in the heart of the enemies.

Even if Weed fought her alone, she had a special ability.

The knights of the Keltun Kingdom had written many stories about her.

[A group of brave knights attacked her with their swords.

Magicians risked their lives to complete their magic attacks.

The priests used their holy magic.

Apparently, all the attacks just passed through her….

A cursed witch that could wipe the world clean.

The Keltun Kingdom fought her nine times and were defeated.

The witch even managed to reach the royal palace of the Keltun

The remaining magicians analysed the ability of the witch.

The ancient magic ‘Dimension Release.’

A magic that hid her true flesh across 2~3 dimensions.

It was impossible to kill her until her body completely entered this

The witch Pechet could also absorb the life force of others that were

Many knights lost their health and mana to her.

The only way to force her body to show up was to aim for the moment
when she was absorbing.

Until then, any attacks were obsolete.

In addition, a premature attack would cause her body to flee again.

A person called Jerkel learned the forbidden necromancy magic.

‘Corpse Explosion!’

He was a citizen loyal to his lord and exploded his body while she was
absorbing his health. He left the rest to the other knights.

The blood and corpses of the knights that defended the kingdom.

Ohh, this is the glory of the Keltun Kingdom.]

This was data he had asked Mapan to find in Morata’s library.

Pechet was known for her invulnerability in combat. A witch that couldn’t
be caught without a noble sacrifice.

Weed’s thoughts went up to there.

“I should move quickly. There are empty rooms in the fortress. Can’t I even
take a little nap?”

He was in a hurry.

Weed’s thoughts didn’t reflect that at all.


“This will be the last day for Weed. Although he might have a heavenly
talent, even he can’t escape death today.”

Yoo Byung-jin meticulously looked at every detail of the Embinyu Army’s

power. He couldn’t stop smiling as he looked at the list of their main power.

There was the big turtles, the Baretas that could break down the enemy’s
fortress. They would overcome the height of the walls. Arrows shooting
down from the sky would slaughter the enemies. The turtles would also fly
out of the range of magic attacks from the ground and the turtle’s shell was
a natural defense. The only drawback was that their flying speed was a little

Taking care of them wouldn’t be easy.

“But that is just the beginning. The Embinyu Army’s main power hasn’t
even emerged yet. Kukuku.”

Yoo Byung-jin could see on the monitor that the high priests and Knights of
Atrocities hadn’t even moved yet.

The core power of the Embinyu Army consisted of boss level monsters.

More than 300 species of rare monsters, fanatics with blind loyalty and
bronze giants! That power alone was enough to make Dulmore Fortress fall.

He was filled with tension as he watched the monitor.

The real power was with the high priests, Igrig and Motuls.

The power of the Embinyu Church was beyond imagination and it was
enough to conquer the continent. According to the analysis of the AI, the
army that Weed mobilized was only 23% of the Embinyu Army. Even if the
Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms joined in, that only increased to 26%.

Military troops trained in the kingdom revealed their vulnerability to black

magic and brainwashing spells. A witch’s spells could also invoke a
collective illusion, making it difficult to defeat the army. An overwhelming
amount of allies were destroyed by friendly fire.

Due to the nature of the Embinyu Church, it was close to impossible to beat
them. An ability to reveal and take advantage of weaknesses in the
opponent was a reason why the Embinyu Army was close to invincible.

It would be interesting to see if Weed’s army that swept over the south and
central continent would fare.

Weed had a variety of combat experience so he could guess the various

capabilities of the Embinyu Army. If he clumsily attacked then the desert
army that had been overwhelming so far would be completely wiped out!

The power of the Embinyu Army would be enough to march over the
weakened kingdoms. Being clever and wicked wouldn’t be enough for
defeat them.

“It doesn’t matter how strong he is or if he doesn’t make any mistakes. The
Embinyu Church’s real strength will be revealed with this.”

Yoo Byung-jin knew everything about Royal Road and was repeatedly
dissatisfied that the Embinyu Church was underestimated.

The users on the Versailles Continent hadn’t suffered a real crisis yet. They
only fought by themselves without paying attention to the forces of
evil. They foolishly allowed the Embinyu Church to spread in the shadows
of the continent. The Versailles Continent wasn’t a stable place where peace
was guaranteed.
Weed was able to have considerable success in quests relating to the
Embinyu Church so far. After changing into Nodulle, if he failed then history
would change completely and the Embinyu Church would rampage.

“The Hermes Guild trying to control the continent…this is the best


Yoo Byung-jin knew that users were unfortunately prone to greediness. As

the creator of Royal Road, he had observed hundreds of things a day that he
didn’t like. The last moments of a couple swarmed by strong monsters.

“Uhh, this death…but I am happy that I can die together with you.”

“Deok-bae ssi, I love you.”

A melodramatic scene commonly seen in movies or dramas. Many couples

lived in the wonderful world of the Versailles Continent.

It wasn’t common for those with strength to help others. Laughter filled
cities and passion lit up the faces of people who wanted to go adventuring.

Yoo Byung-jin thought it was quite annoying.

“Weed will die if he is defeated in this battle.”

-Should I calculate the probability of Weed’s death?

“What is it?”

Yoo Byung-jin was interested in the words of the AI.

Every time he managed to overcome the difficulties, but this time common
sense dictated that Weed would fail.

Even if the desert army consisted of elite warriors, the rest were
conscripted soldiers. They would be pushed by the monsters and fanatics of
the Embinyu Church. There was also the confusion and brainwashing

These troops were worthy of taking first place in the history books. Even
with the 20,000 desert warriors, Dulmore Fortress would only be able to
withstand it for a few hours. The overall power different was so large that
the desert warriors would die one by one. Including the sculptural
lifeforms, everyone who followed Weed would lose their lives. And finally
Weed’s death would be a perfect and neat finish.

The final secret sculpting technique would disappear. Even Weed’s

incredible resourcefulness and leadership skills wouldn’t enable him to
win. If the battle lasted a long time then Motuls and Igrig’s power would
come into place, making it the Embinyu Church’s absolute victory.


Nevertheless, Yoo Byung-jin was worried enough to calculate the


“Do it.”

-The probability of survival has been calculated. You should rejoice

heartily. Looking at the odds, the probability of victory is unlikely. There is
only a 3% chance of victory.

“It is hardly likely that he will be successful.”

It was common sense that Weed would be defeated by the Embinyu Church
but something unexpected might happen.

Yoo Byung-jin’s mind could accept it but his heart believed one thing.

‘Maybe Weed can pull it off.’


Dulmore Fortress was under siege but Weed was strictly calm and

The bronze giant were throwing stones everywhere and the battlefield was
a scene of confusion.

“The wave of attacks is starting.”

The outer walls were instantly taken by the Embinyu Church. The fortress’s
defenders, the soldiers of the Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms tried to
recapture it but it wasn’t easy.

“Receive the righteous judgement of God!”

“Kuooh, no. My head hurts.”

“Embinyu will ease the pain.”

The priests and inquisitors continued their brainwashing. The soldiers

taken by the Embinyu Church killed their allied troops.

Embinyu’s divine judgement!

Join the church or resist, those were the only two options. Accept a painful
death or follow the Embinyu Church.

But the knights of the kingdoms thoroughly resisted it. The kings, nobles
and knights all had high resistance.

The wide shields and iron swords were used by the knights to block the
monsters. The interior of the fortress was like a complex maze so losing the
external walls wasn’t as significant.

“The Embinyu Army will have to shed quite a lot of blood in order to occupy
the fortress.”

It was useful just watching the battle in order to experience the tactics of
the monsters. And Weed aimed to weaken the power of the Embinyu

He needed to take care of the witches and priests actively brainwashing

people. Getting rid of the magic would weaken the Embinyu Army. Although
it would give the Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms an opportunity to exit the

“It can’t be helped. Sculptural Destruction! Everything into strength.”

For phase 2 of the battle, Weed used a sculpting technique. The target was a
Masterpiece Sculpture!
He couldn’t make a lot of sculptures on this quest. This one was based on
Bactrian Camel, the sculpture called ‘Diamond Encrusted Male Camel.’

The artistic merit was rather low but because it was made by the Great
Conqueror Weed, it was a piece with a lot of prestige.

He created 2 Masterpieces and 3 Fine pieces so there were several

opportunities to use Sculptural Destruction.

It was time to make an important contribution. At that moment, an intense

light surrounded Weed’s body. The light was a bright contrast against the
darkened sky.

-You have used Sculptural Destruction.

The pain of destroying a Fine sculpture! The grief!

The Art stat is permanently reduced by 10 points. Fame has decreased by


The Art stat has been converted to Strength for one day.

Your Art stat is too high. You will acquire skills associated with strength.

1,660 Strength has been converted to ‘Severe Blow.’

When hitting enemies with the exact amount of power, enemies will be
blown away.

Probability of causing paralysis and confusion has increased.

1,320 Strength has been converted to the skill ‘Piercing Spear.’

The opponent’s shield and armour will be smashed by the powerful attack.
1,980 Strength has been converted to the skill ‘Momentary Herculean

Power will triple for a short amount of time.

Enormous vitality is required.

2,880 Strength has been converted to the skill ‘Will of a Brave Warrior.’

Can acquire the skill of a brave warrior. Colleagues within range will be
blessed and have their concentration increased.

There will be complete immunity to curses that will weaken power.

1,450 Strength is utilized to maximize the sword’s base damage.

The durability will decrease quickly but the sword’s offense will increase by

Weed felt like he was boiling with power.

“This delicious taste!”

The feeling that he could crush or break any enemy! This was the feeling of
joy that could only be felt in Royal Road. Moreover, his strength was already
strong enough to cause a pile of enemies. All of the Embinyu Church
members in the area were like rice that Weed could eat.

“My strength is good enough so shall I play in earnest?”

A thorough preparation would ensure a stable retirement. Instead of

rushing immediately into battle, he pulled out another sculpture.

A barbarian warrior Tor!

They were divided into clans but this barbarian was associated with giants
in the myths. They were 6 metres tall and the whole body had a muscular

A species created for combat.

Young women would stare at the body with disgust but his eyes shone like
lanterns when looking at the shape.

It was rare to see barbarians on the Versailles Continent because they lived
in lands filled with the strongest monsters. Therefore, the users hadn’t
explored those areas yet. However, their appearance and combat skills
were known from murals painted in caves and history books. The
aggressive fighting spirit meant they were always depicted hunting or
struggling against a monster.

After changing into the large race, it would consume more vitality and
physical strength. However, he was confident that he would be able to
maintain the barbarian Tor’s fighting power.

“Sculpture Transformation!”

-Sculpture Transformation has been used.

The infinite affection for sculpting makes the sculptor and statue resemble
each other!

Weed’s growth was incomparable to children who had a growth spurt after
drinking milk. His skin changed to a healthy, tanned appearance and his
whole body changed. He had spacious and solid shoulders and abs like a
washboard. The sturdy muscles of his thighs was the best.

Compared to the dwarf Art Hand or the orc Karichwi, this was a terribly
handsome appearance.

In fact, Weed initially thought that an ugly face would give off an
intimidating feeling. But the statue needed to have a balanced harmony of
face and body. When using Sculptural Transformation, he normally used at
least 1~2 knife scars, a thin nose and a gaping jaw.
However, that face alone would look awkward with Weed’s body. There
was a disharmony between the face and the body so Weed settled on
Hestiger’s face as a compromise.

But his pride as an artist didn’t allow him to simple copy the face so he
thickened the nose, eyes and eyebrows. And he also widened the forehead.

Thus a handsome warrior was born! A face and body that would remove the
souls of women.

-The size of your body has grown so you can’t wear the current equipment.

You have learnt ‘Understanding Sculptures’ due to Sculpture


Due to sufficient strength and understanding of the species, you can use the
special skills of the barbarian species.
-Iron Wall Body: Barbarians don’t wear cumbersome armour.

Their bodies are harder than the best steel armour.

The blessed flesh will weaken all magic.

If a wound occurs then it will just heal like nothing happened.

-Rock Echo: A warrior’s cry that seems to endlessly ring out.

The sound will overwhelm the enemies.

Those with weak characters will have their soul slip away.
-Earth Shaking: A punch to the ground or stomp of the feet would cause the

earth to shake.

A wide range of enemies will fall and buildings will be destroyed.

What can withstand the shaking of the earth caused by a barbarian?

The fallen enemies will be stunned, confused or immobile.

Please Note: Casting the skill will consume a lot of strength and vitality so it
should be used carefully in a short period of time.
-Deep Breath: Barbarians have a similar but slightly different structure to a

human body.

Their lungs are wide and their hearts throb wildly.

Any excessive movement won’t cause your breathing to fall.

A barbarian will have to constantly battle for a week in order to become

-Recovery of Joy: Barbarians believe in the God of Bravery, Bardger.

Bardger is an almost non-existence god to human beings.

Barbarians known for their bravery would go to the Altar of Victory.

The God of Bravery, Bardger is known as the guardian of a warrior’s tomb.

Bardger will give special powers to barbarians screaming in pain and


“Barbarian, your work doesn’t end here. Don’t stop fighting even when the
winner is certain.”

Recovery of Joy will eliminate all abnormal states and restore depleted
health and vitality.

In addition, resistance to various attributes will change depending on the

strength and vitality.

However, this can only be used once a month.

The skill Recovery of Joy can turn things around to achieve a great victory.
-The influence of Sculpture Transformation has significantly increased

agility and vitality.

The effectiveness of attack skills will increase by 25%.

Endurance will be enhanced.

This will last until Sculpture Transformation is released.

“Ohhh, this is good.”

Weed marvelled at the power of a barbarian. It was like eating soup with a
variety of perfect seafood like crab, abalone and shrimp.

However, users couldn’t select the barbarian species yet. Just like the
necromancer occupation, users might be given this opportunity in the

Of course, it was still unsure what penalty would be applied when selecting
that species. In any case, Weed had the ability to sufficiently digest the
abilities of a barbarian.

This was the biggest advantage of a secret sculpting technique like

Sculpture Transformation.

“This is now my world.”

He looked around with remarkably large eyes. The soldiers inside Dulmore
Fortress were frightened as they saw him.

“Monster! It is a monster!”

“God, why did you send us a demon like this?”

The soldiers couldn’t remove their fear. In fact, not one scratch would
appear if they attacked Weed. A rare attack might hit on a rainy day.

Weed didn’t want to fight humans. They didn’t even reach his waist. He
somehow felt like a superior being standing over tiny children.
“My strength is bursting out quickly.”

He felt the ground shake as the bronze giants threw rocks. He wanted to
quickly go out and smash the bronze giants but he had to urgently find a
weapon. Usually he got japtem related to the species but it was extremely
rare to find a barbarian weapon.

Items wouldn’t drop without a relevant reason. Scimitars were easily

obtained in desert areas while fishing bait and rare shells could be found on
the coast. The equipment of barbarians would probably drop near the stone
forest where they lived.

“I prepared for this in advance.”

Weed squatted and pulled out all 3 pieces of the Extermination Sword from
his backpack.


It was a special order he requested from the blacksmiths. The

Extermination Sword pieces connected together like a long spear.

It was an oversized sword but he could wield it comfortably as a

barbarian. The third piece especially was thick enough to be held
comfortable in the hands of a barbarian.

-The Extermination Swords have been connected together.

Damage is multiplied by 1.4 times.

The characteristics of fire is further strengthened.

Additional stats have been given.

“That’s it.”

Normally a sword would look like a thin skewer in a barbarian’s

hand. Swords were tailored to humans but barbarians would rather use an
axe or mace. However, the Extermination Sword contained the power of

Thick flames licked the sword! It was a weapon completely befitting a

barbarian. And he felt the heat through his hands.

The best body and weapon!

The conditions for using the Extermination Sword was a resistance to

fire. Although the characteristics of his species had changed, the basic
resistance as a sword master still remained.

He also had the fighting spirit of a barbarian. Weed’s thoughts were only
focused on quickly going to fight.
Emergence of a Bad Warrior

“Strip the walls of the enemies. If you can’t then step down immediately!”

“Fight. We will die here. For His Majesty!”

“I don’t want to. I don’t want my body to be eaten by demons. I’m going to
run away!”

“Anybody who joins the Embinyu Church are blasphemers. Just kill them.
We will implement the 27 new torture types on the Embinyu followers.
Then we will put them out in the sun to feed the trees.”

“It is the demon. The demon from hell that took my friend. Ohh, I’ve grieved
since it happened. My friend’s head has probably been digested by now. He
hasn’t repaid the money he borrowed from me. Of course, I might not
survive this place but….”

The bronze giants were seriously attacking and destroying the walls of
Dulmore Fortress. The fortress’s defenders were fighting the fanatics and
monsters but there was an influx of attackers towards the fortress.

“God, why are you giving us so much suffering.”

The soldiers were locked in grief. It was impossible for the kingdoms to
prevent the invasion of the monsters and demons. The elites of the Mapon
and Beiner Kingdoms couldn’t persist.

Weed appeared with the Extermination Sword at that time. He slowly

walked from a passage connecting buildings in the fortress.

Kung! Kung! Kung!

The ground made a heavy sound every time he walked. The military
fortress didn’t have wide passages. So he felt very full.
In fact, it would be faster jumping in the air but there was no need to
rush. And he wouldn’t look cool. A man’s pride couldn’t give up on looking


The soldiers were panicked and astonished as they watched Weed. An

immense stature with muscles born for combat and the Extermination
Sword radiating flames. The brightness despite the darkness caused by the
Gates of Hell and the rainclouds.

“What is that bald giant?”


The desert had stripped him of all his hair so he was bald. He had a
handsome face and body but the lack of hair made him look wild. A male
that gave off a bad and evil feeling!

“I see a lot of rice.”

He crashed onto the battlefield but moved slowly after that. Nearby, a giant
spider from the Embinyu Church was catching humans in its web and eating

Weed walked up to it and grabbed one of the spider legs.


“Stay away! My sticky legs will make you unable to hunt for weeks.”

It didn’t matter how the large spider struggled or what it said! The giant
spider was thrown hundreds of metres and squared the army members of
the Embinyu Church.

He only used pure force, without any skills.

“Ah! Thank you for your help.”

The human soldiers caught in the web thanked him. Weed ignored the
thankful soldiers and walked towards the walls. He honestly didn’t care if
the soldiers were killed or not. He just didn’t want to wait until after the
spiders ate them.

The soldiers fell back to the Dulmore Fortress. They didn’t dare attack since
Weed would probably just kill their colleagues. Many had the good
judgement and low morale to run away instead of fighting.

“How dare monsters of the Embinyu Church come here without my

permission! The worst are those who don’t give experience or money!”

Weed grabbed and threw the monsters.

“Wahhhh, get rid of the enemies!”

The defenders of the fortress had their morale swell at the sight. However,
there were dozens of places where the walls had collapsed so the enemies
came in frequently. The archers of the Embinyu Church were also pulling
their bows while aiming at the defenders.

Despite Weed’s efforts, there was an overwhelming amount of human


“I have to use my power properly.”

Weed leapt over rubble and climbed the walls. His large body was visible as
he climbed the walls.

“Get away!”

He grabbed the monsters on the walls and threw them at the Embinyu

“That power….”

“He threw that heavy monster!”

The Embinyu priests and brainwashed guards were astonished at the sight.


Rock Echo that overwhelmed the battlefield! Weed used a strong voice to
call the Embinyu Church.
“It is silly to fight the humans of the fortress! Come up to me. I will let you
know what power is!”

A large explosion occurred at the same time there was a burst of light. A cry
that lured the enemy. A barbarian was big and hulking so he had a very
large voice.

“A wicked spell took us.”

The archers on the walls suddenly recovered their spirit. The brainwashing
spells of the Embinyu Church were broken by his cry.

“We will fight together.”

The archers announced their intention to cooperate and before the real
battle started, Weed began to sing.

[Black clouds are surging

Weak characters trying to preserve the peace will be broken

I live in a deep, dark place under the ground]

The viewers popped into his head. In the past, Weed had sung songs strange
lyrics. Even so, it gave the battle an epic feeling.

The Embinyu Army marching under the darkened sky had an atmosphere
that would fit well with a song.

[I can’t do the laundry without feeling angry

The damp floors and wallpaper

The miserable, musty smell!

I hate rainy days the most

Waking up in the morning with a dense fog in my room

It is a nightmare to get rid of fungus in the middle of summer

Heating, heating, the hellish cost of heating]

The song’s title was <Fall of the Basement Room>!

Weed sung a song filled with his extremely angry emotions. The grievances
of living in a basement room. There was only a single futon, a small
television and plastic cabinets. He remembered suffering while trying to
pay the monthly rent to the landlord.

Other people were fighting with their friends or listening to their mother’s
nagging. However, Weed had to hold his tongue or risk being kicked out by
the landlord. He hadn’t yet achieved his dream of owning a house at that
time. The cosy underground room that caused fear as well.

“I’ll kill you all!”

Weed’s original plan was to wait a little longer on the walls. The defenders
of Dulmore Fortress were still alive so there was no need to leave early.

Van Hawk was also leading the undead so there was no need for Weed to
jump into the battlefield. But his anger changed his plans.

Weed came running out of the fortress. He wielded his Extermination

Sword in the midst of the Embinyu Army.


“Damage. Run away!”

More than 100 fanatics were turned to ashes. It was the same for the
monsters of the Embinyu Church that besieged him. All those within the
range of Weed’s attacks were burned to death.

“Die. Die! Die!”

-Black Knight’s Strike!

An irreversible attack against the surrounding enemies.

Consecutive wide area skills that succeeded!

Weed was surrounded by a sea of fire. Giving monthly rent to lease a house
wasn’t a bad thing.

However, he would occasionally watch enviously as the family of the

landlord ate pork belly in the yard. He was accompanied by his pure
hearted sister who wanted to eat the meat but they could only watch like

He also felt agitation when the boiler failed or the door wouldn’t open. A
room that required a lot of repairs.

He had countless sad memories living under a landlord. He couldn’t

remember the Pythagoras maths taught in childhood but remembered the
exact name of his landlord.

“Undulating Flame Mark!”

His species had changed but he could still use the same skills.

Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwang!

A series of explosions occurred in the surrounding area. Weed ran alone

into the Embinyu Army. Approximately 3,000~4,000 people lost their lives.

Suddenly, the sound of faint screaming from the soldiers at the fortress
could be heard. The river filled with silver had completely lost its strength
so the monsters’ advance started.

100 flying demons flapped down and targeted Weed. They were cunning
and pounced at the moment when Weed was distracted.

“Those who don’t follow Embinyu will be destroyed!”

The troops of the Embinyu Army didn’t fear death and continued
advancing. Priests and magicians crossed the river. Their biggest goal was
to take care of Weed.

“Kill him.”

“I have grasped his true existence. We must get rid of him for the sake of
Embinyu’s aspirations.”
“All those faithful to Embinyu, he is our goal.”

The Embinyu Army focused on Weed. Their original mission was to destroy
the fortress but now all the ranged attacks were hurled towards Weed.

“Wedge Blast, blow!”

“Beads of Cold!”

The magic attacks from the Embinyu Church flew towards Weed on the

“Summon Another Sword, Absolute Defense, Close Eyes Tightly!”

He used his defensive skills!

Nodulle had learnt Close Eyes Tightly from a useless quest a while back. A
flying sword defeated the magic in the air.

However, a large number of spells failed to break and they struck Weed’s
large body. He received a carpet bombing of hundreds of magic attacks.

Weed was prepared for the shock and pain and closed his eyes.


He was thrown by a big shock but didn’t collapse to the ground. He had
prepared his body but it surprisingly felt like he was being tickled! His
health hadn’t even decreased by one tenth. The high priests Igrig and
Motuls didn’t join the attack so he didn’t receive any major injuries.

Weed had a formidable level and skills and he could now display this ability
after changing into a barbarian. Barbarians had a very high resistance to
magic. In addition, the health that was reduced filled up very quickly! His
recovery ability wasn’t like a troll but this much was tremendous.

Weed neatly ended his calculations.

‘A barbarian is indeed strong. I can feel a little reassured. Of course, it would

be dangerous if this attack repeated a few more times….’
The flying monsters sensed that Weed was weakened and flew to him. It
would be difficult if his health was reduced to the half way point.

After the dust subsided, Weed casually roared.

“Stupid bastards! Is this the extent of Embinyu that you believe in?”

He moved quickly before the magic attack could fall on him again. He
rushed to the place where magicians and priests were.

There were plenty of magicians and priests within the Embinyu

Army. Normally there were a limited number of magicians in each
kingdom. But the Embinyu Church had a number of magicians that could
use the fanatics’ faith as holy power.

Sometimes priests or inquisitors would kill human soldiers in combat and

be promoted.

“The popularity of these guys….”

Weed ran in a hurry. His large bulk was enough to tear up a monster and
display tremendous strength but his size was also a disadvantage.

Even if chanting the spells took a little time, it was impossible to avoid
hundreds of arrows fired at him. He threw his body towards the side that
had less attacks.

“Catch him for Embinyu!”

“He must be captured. Skin him alive and place him in boiling oil.”

The dark knights jumped towards him. Weed punched them or slashed
them with the Extermination Sword.

“I encourage you to come to me, trash of the Embinyu Church!”


The viewers felt their chests boiled as they watched Weed’s adventure.
In the meantime, they had been enjoying the fun and thrilling adventure but
this time they prayed for his unconditional success. The outcome of the
world depended on this adventure.

Those who weren’t fans of Weed didn’t want the Embinyu Church to grow
any larger. In addition, the users had a large impression of Weed who went
back to the past to stop the Embinyu Church causing a crisis on the

The influential stations like KMC Media and CTS Media focused on making
Weed into a hero.

“The peace of the continent is being endangered by the Embinyu Church. So

far, Weed has come forever and resolve the problem every time the
Versailles Continent was at risk. He has shown off his great sense of justice.”

“Weed has also developed the Versailles Continent quite a bit. In particular,
his contribution for the production and art occupations is quite large.”

The influence of the broadcast was so huge that there was an obvious
change in the children of the families watching.

“I would like to become an adventurer like Weed!”

“I want to be live nicely like an artist. And marry an orc male like Karichwi.”

Weed’s popularity was like a character in a fairy tale book. A human

defeating monsters with an ice dragon and wyverns.

Yellowy helping out in the fields, Goldman handling money and a hungry
heroine eating noodles. These were cliché but popular
developments. Anyway, the viewers didn’t want to see Weed defeated by
the Embinyu Church.

“Today my heart is so nervous that I can’t eat chicken.”

“I’m not in the mood for pizza.”

The ratings continued to hit unprecedented records. The stations focused

on Weed and abandoned the Hermes Guild’s war to secure the continent. In
a sense, Weed was recognized as the last remaining hero of the continent.
And Weed was now participating in a quest that had the highest probability
of failure.

“Ah, why did he recklessly rush out of the safety of the walls?’

“He is sweeping everything away. How cool.”

Viewers felt uneasy.

The future of the world would be divided into two depending on the result
of this adventure. The Hermes Guild would either unify the continent or it
would be destroyed by the Embinyu Church.


The enemies gathered around Weed.

“Bring it on. I will smash all of you!”

He finished off hundreds of enemies rushing at the same time.

“Embinyu bastards, do you only have this much? You are far from
destroying the continent!”

He provoked the temper of the enemies. The dark knights, fanatics and
monsters clung to him. The magic attacks of the enemies exploded all
around him.

-Health is decreasing.

Current health remaining is 68.7%.

It wasn’t a serious injury but he was surrounded by numerous enemies. He

fought for a long time in the middle of enemy territory. The recklessness of
a hero trying to save the world!

The soldiers at Dulmore Fortress had a greater change of preventing the

invasion the more Weed played with the enemies. The demons emerging
from the Gates of Hell and the Embinyu Church focused on Weed so the
charge to the fortress had decreased.
Weed grabbed the monster’s head and threw them into the air.


The lightning bolt hit the monster instead of him. He flung the enemies
towards magic and arrows whenever there was the chance. Sometimes he
would throw the monsters towards the dark knights and roar.

“Weak. Too weak to become my food. Come towards me en masse!”

He was the most intimidating human on the continent. He was alone against
an army from the Embinyu Church.

But his mind was constantly calculating coldly.

‘The magic attacks have hesitated a little bit. They are preparing something

A simple ice bolt would be hard to scratch the body of a barbarian. He

realized that the magicians of the Embinyu Church were preparing a strong
spell. And the priests used sacrifices to curse Weed.

The combat power of knights and warriors was overwhelming. But they
had the worst resistance against curses and spells from shamans, warlocks,
witches etc. Their strong power would weaken, defense would break down
and their body movements would become slow and heavy.

The priests of the Embinyu Church who could use high level curses were
the worst enemy for a warrior. It was the reason why dungeons with evil
priests were the most unpopular hunting ground. The group would meet
death without the presence of a priest. This was the reason why he couldn’t
say which side was better in a battle between a warrior and priest.

‘Some time has passed since the last attack. It will soon be time.’

Weed moved within the bulk of the Embinyu Army. He trampled, beat and
threw them! He got rid of dozens of enemies with each step.

Fortunately, his bulk was so large that he could easily move through them.

-A really good looking human.

-I want to eat him, kuhelhelhel.

-That head is mine. I will bit his head and eat his brains.

Demons cried out as they flew down. Despite the hectic situation, Weed
didn’t lose his spirit. More than 1,000 demons had already passed through
the Gates of Hell into this world.

“We can’t let him stop the priests.”

“Karl’s Judgment.”

The dark knights frantically tried to stop his rapid breakthrough. But the
Embinyu Church was scattered around.

There were troops besieging Dulmore Fortress and the rear was fighting
the undead led by Van Hawk. Weed had a huge force surrounded him but
they were those swept along earlier by his rapid breakthrough.

‘I need to get a little closer. Some damage can be ignored.’

Weed ignored his declining health to boldly trample through the

enemies. His large bulk was hit by arrows, magic and the spear of the
knights. A situation where he was hit in many places.

-Current health remaining is 51.3%.

This is the result of the joint damage.

The message window flashed. This was a significant crisis when considering
the Demons of Hell. The senior priests and magicians of the Embinyu Army
were still 1 kilometre away.

Weed’s increased size meant he could move quickly but tens of thousands
of enemies were hindering him. Curses, various monsters and bronze giants
also gathered to attack and stop him.

Therefore Weed could see that the priests and magicians were on the verge
of completing their magic spell.
“Now. Earth Shaking!”

He stepped on the land with his right foot.

A barbarian’s unique skill.

-The skill Earth Shaking has been used.

Current health remaining is 87.46%.

Using the skill has consumed 7.1% vitality.

You can temporarily use excessive force. Maximum strength is reduced by

10% for 15 minutes.


Weed stomped on the ground and there was a horrible sound as it split
open. Then a vibration spread through the ground as it sloshed like moving

The dark knights fell and were swept back and forth while monsters rolled
around after losing their balance. The 20 metres tall bronze giants
staggered and crushed numerous soldiers.

A skill that maximized the increase in strength caused by Sculptural

Destruction! Apart from Weed who was the only one standing, the
surrounding areas were turned into a mess.

“Uuuugh, this can’t happen.”

“This destructive power is due to the grace of Embinyu.”

However, the number of deaths was limited to the fanatics. It was an

exceptional skill so it wasn’t to blame for the effect and damage. The
shaking of the earth waned the further the distance was.

But the magicians and priests in the distance either fell or jumped up in the
air to avoid the shaking of the ground. It was natural for the magic they
were preparing to be interrupted.
Weed’s eyes shone as he seized the opportunity.


He ran towards the fallen enemies in the centre of the Embinyu Army. A
place where the important magicians and priests were! The dark knights
hurriedly got up from the ground.

“It is impossible, you savage!”

The knights had no way to block his skills. They were powerhouses ranging
from level 300~400 but they fell with one punch from Weed. He pierced
towards the senior priests of the Embinyu Church in a straight line.

“Riot of Black Wind!”

High Priest Motuls quickly chanted a spell.

Out of nowhere, a flock of crows surrounded Weed. It was intended to make

it difficult to attack the magicians and priests. Weed saw nothing except for
thousands of crows.

“This isn’t the method. End of the Day!”

He used all the mana he conserved for the Sun Warrior’s strongest skill. His
current location was very deep inside the Embinyu camp. Therefore, he
would cause some damage even if he couldn’t see the senior priests.

“Divine Protection!”

The senior priests used protection magic to guard against the hot fire. But
those too close to the flames were turned to ashes.

The dark knights and magicians near Weed also unfortunately lost their
lives. He caused considerable damage in the centre of that Embinyu Army
but that didn’t mean he could feel at ease.

The fallen priests, magicians and monsters of the Embinyu Army were all
gathered together. There were also flying demons in the sky who were
using the chance to come closer.

“A poisonous rat has come inside!”

“He came here thanks to the grace of Embinyu. Those who have been
victimized, rejoice. Today our work will be to kill that huge obstacle!”

Motuls and Igrig encouraged the troops.

Weed had used up all his mana and was isolated in the heart of the Embinyu
Eye of the Storm


“That body will receive Embinyu’s punishment. Bring the soldering irons!”

“Cut off the limbs and mince the flesh!”

The fanatics clamoured furiously.

Weed had nowhere to escape! Only followers of the Embinyu Church were
nearby and the desert army couldn’t be seen at all. There was also a
considerable number of experts blocking the path to the fortress. And of
course, the Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms wasn’t going to come rescue him.

“Well, it is only one army.”

Although others might panic, Weed just looked curiously at the Embinyu

The battlefield was filled with priests, magicians, witches and elite
monsters. The worst appearance was a monster with dark green that was
dripping saliva.

Embinyu had improved the monsters so they had a variety of combat skills,
high resilience and could also spread diseases. They were strong compared
to the fanatics but there were only thousands of them.

Weed gave a deep sigh.

“I haven’t done anything wrong. Just look at what is going to happen in this


“Fanatics might believe in Embinyu in this warring period but later a great
kingdom called the Arpen Kingdom will be created.”

A comparison to distinguish which one was better!

The residents of the Arpen Kingdom were suffering from hunger and
poverty until King Weed brought them culture, commerce and adventure.

In fact, loyalty when managing the Arpen Kingdom wasn’t

required. However, the taxes set were quietly increased under various
pretexts. It was currently a peaceful period but sooner or later they would
need to compete with the Haven Empire.

Weed felt a pain that could be compared with people suffering from
terminal cancer! He hoped that the kingdom would survive and he could
raise the taxes later. If the Haven Empire suddenly met its downfall and the
taxes rose then residents of the Arpen Kingdom would be eating potatoes,
sweet potatoes and bean sprouts.

“Don’t listen to the savage!”

“That big body has no respect for Embinyu.”

The fanatics held small swords as they threatened him. The senior priests
and monsters prepared to attack him. Igrig and Motuls had just been
watching the battle at Dulmore Fortress but now they approached Weed. A
statue of Embinyu wearing a purple necklace was drawing in power. The
witches flapped their wings and hissed with snake like tongues. They had
prudent characters so they didn’t want to attack first.

Fighting against such odds was difficult. There were excessive numbers of
them. Weed didn’t know how long he could hold out against all these

However, Weed hadn’t lost his rationality when he entered deep into the
enemy’s territory. Rather than fighting efficiently with minimal damage, he
had fought recklessly.

This was all part of the plan. The operation name was Dead Rat!

“Even a rat can bit back when cornered by a cat!”

In order for his plan to succeed, he needed to be in the middle of the
enemy. It was a risk but it was the best way to maximize Weed’s sculpting

“Let’s die together. You should try to survive the sky.”

Weed pulled out a sculpture! It was a sculpture with a flat, eerie

landscape. A thick whirlwind was moving while rain fell from the sky. The
earth also had deep cracks. It was a work that expressed a complex
disaster. It looked more destructive than the wind magic that Andre of the
Beiner Kingdom used.

The magic only impacted a narrow area and could be adequately controlled.
However, the wide range of the disaster made it difficult to predict. In
addition, the wind magic was weaker than the disaster. Andre was a wind
master but the spell consumed his mana. The benefit was that it could be
used with the chant was completed and it was safe.

In contrast, Great Disaster Nature Sculpting depended on his art stat and
affinity to nature as well as a proper sculpture! Weed had superior art and
affinity to nature values so he could cause a disaster with astronomical

“Great Disaster Nature Sculpting!”

-A Masterpiece Sculpture. A fearsome havoc will be exerted that can kill you.

Even so, do you want to use the skill?

“Let’s see who can kill me!”

-You have used Great Disaster Nature Sculpting.

20 Art stats have permanently disappeared.

20,000 Health and Mana has been consumed.

All stats have been temporarily reduced by 15% for 3 days.

Affinity to Nature has fallen.

Great Disaster Nature Sculpting can only be used once a day.

When a great calamity is called upon, fame or infamy can be increased

depending on the damage.

It is possible to die in the middle of the disaster so be careful.

“Catch him!”

The monsters and fanatics launched their attacks after he triggered the

“This world is doomed. Get rid of the illusion that they can stop us.”

“He absolutely can’t escape!”

Weed swung the Extermination Sword at the incoming enemy. The knights
and fanatics were like dealing with young children but the monsters needed
a few hits to kill them. They had high health and the blessing from Embinyu
meant they wouldn’t fall quickly in battle. He used the power of fire to burn
away the flesh perfectly.

Meanwhile, the Knights and Priests of Atrocities were being rapidly

deployed. With the exception of Motuls, Igrig and Pechet, the remaining
enemies had surrounded Weed so that he couldn’t escape.

-Blood Curse!

An unknown energy has entered your body.

Whenever blood is shed, health will recover more slowly than normal.
-Dark Zone of Hatred!

An area of darkness has been declared.

The dark aura will restrict movement and decrease your resistance.
Curse magic will be more effective.
-Drooping Body!

Strength and vitality has decreased by 14%.

Movement is reduced.

The power of the curse has weakened ‘Will of a Brave Warrior.’

-Innate Weakness!

You have fallen victim to the priests’ punishment magic.

The middle of your chest has weakened and a red dot will appear, luring the
enemies to you.

You will be attacked up to 15 times more.

Extermination Sword increased his resistance to curse magic but it didn’t

protect him perfectly.

The effect of curses had decreased up to 64%.

The curses fell on him!

He was so busy fighting the enemies in front of him that he didn’t bother
identifying the curses nestled in his body.

The dark priests opted for weakening curses rather than attack
magic. Weed had items with a basic resistance to curses but the priests kept

“We promised to dedicate our blood and lives to Embinyu. Forgotten Pain!”

The sacrifices meant the magic had a very high hit rate. Weed felt his
fighting condition rapidly deteriorate. His movements changed from a
young man to an elderly person. The barbarian’s survival skills and
recovery was significantly slowed.
The scary thing was that the priests also blessed the fanatics and
monsters. The Embinyu magic that could change the potential of a living
being. The side effect was that it would only last for 10 minutes and might
cause death. But they would become like elite bosses.

The level of the dark knights and atrocity knights changed. The originally
strong boss monsters were transformed even further!

“I encourage you to bring it on. I will wipe you all out!”

Weed wielded the Extermination Sword among the enemies. The curses on
his health and vitality was continuously being removed and reapplied. It
was the worst situation but he confidently greeted the enemies. Flames
stretched out dozens of metres with every swing of the Extermination

He drew closer to the Priests and Knights of Atrocities. They hadn’t let their
guard down but was assisting Igrig and Motuls in a ceremony to maximize
their divine power. An attitude of waiting until the ceremony was complete!

However, the remaining enemies were constantly attacking him. Weed

couldn’t avoid receiving injuries. A barbarian was large with strong damage
but the size made it impossible to avoid the small stings from the
dwarves. Even a barbarian had natural enemies.

-Health has been reduced to 51%.

“Embinyu is nothing. No one can stop me!”

Weed cried in a loud voice.

“The savage is quite brave!”

The priests of the Embinyu Church couldn’t help praising the courage of the

“You are the only one who can stop us now. The world will be destroyed
after your death.”
“I will defend the continent from the Embinyu Church. On behalf of the
elves, orcs, dwarves, humans and all the species that live on the continent.”

Weed gave a brusque reply to the priest’s words.

He was seen many blockbuster movies where the hero confronted the
enemy. He laughed at the hero’s embarrassing words but secretly thought it
was pretty cool. Now that day had arrived for him!

‘If this is broadcasted then I will be an idol to all kindergarten and

elementary school students.’

Royal Road wasn’t only popular in Korea but all around the world. In other
words, Weed would be the idol of children around the world. Adding toxic
chemicals to the dreams of young children! The probability of them dying in
dangerous battles would be higher because they wouldn’t shrink back in

He hadn’t calculated any of this. He just wanted to look cool while fighting
as a barbarian.

Then fat raindrops started falling.


Weed looked up at the sky like he was welcoming rain after a drought. The
shower of raindrops suddenly changed into a heavy storm. A vortex of wind
started forming and the earth shook wildly.

“It worked well.”

Weed smiled wildly.

The great power of the Embinyu Church was gathered together so he could
kill them all at once. The scene of a massacre due to a Great Disaster Nature
Sculpting created with a masterpiece sculpture! The monsters were affected
by the heavy rain.

“But there is still something lacking.”

Weed felt like lukewarm water had emerged from a broken boiler.
“The monsters have high health so they might be able to survive the

Even if there was a disaster, their high health and resilience meant that
many were likely to survive. Weed’s level was very high so he didn’t need to
worry about dying from the disaster.

“A number of high ranking officials in the Embinyu Church will also survive.
Not to mention the elite monsters and demons.”

Demons were still pouring out of the Gates of Hell. The Great Disaster
Nature Sculpting wasn’t enough to deal with all of them.

“The level of risk should be enough to kill me. Otherwise it will be boring.”

Weed pulled out a slip of paper. It was an old and crumpled paper but it
contained the ultimate magic spell.

Summon Meteor!

A large meteor would fall that was enough to completely wipe out a capital
city. No one had ever experienced it so he wasn’t aware of the full extent of
its power.

“I will judge it now.”

Weed ripped the Summon Meteor scroll.


Myeongdong’s loan sharks!

They thought hard about why there were in this situation.

“Wrong. There must be someone with a grudge against me. Did President
Choi hit me in the back of the head? Or is someone in the company trying to
get rid of me?”

They became suspicious of everyone in the world. It needed to be someone

with the power to mobilize the prosecutors and the IRS. The principle rule
they followed was being strong against the weak and acting weak towards
the strong.

“I don’t know the reason.”

The loan sharks were still optimistic that someone would come to save
them. They were afraid that someone would show up to kill them so
initially they sought a way to escape. But they couldn’t find a secret passage
no matter how much they looked at the ceiling and walls in the small room.

“Anyone passing by is good. If only they can save me….”

They were trapped 300 metres underground. It was an area made of

natural rocks. They couldn’t dream of any escape and was eventually
resigned to just survive in that place. After 3~4 months, it was inevitable
that they would become familiar with captivity.

Their only interest was watching the television. News were of no interest
but they enjoyed sports and dramas. The loan sharks unexpectedly fell to
the charm of morning dramas.

They found the provocative material of the human world exciting. Dying,
fighting the enemy, reconciliation, fighting again, birth secrets and other
contents of Hollywood movies were interesting.

And Royal Road! They were trapped in a narrow space so the loan sharks
were envious of the wide world of Royal Road. Royal Road was a medium
that lifted the happiness of people. The loan sharks also sat in front of the
television and watched Weed’s adventures.

“Weed is now causing a disaster. Weed the God of War is using his
trademark disaster in the midst of the Embinyu Army!”

“The disaster doesn’t seem to be wiping out all the enemies.”

“His combat style is really bold and aggressive. Where is his courage coming

The CTS Media commentators were heatedly discussing it.

It was the climax of the crisis where Weed had entered the midst of the
Embinyu Army. It was natural for them to receive the highest ratings since
the audience intuitively sensed the climax was coming.

It wasn’t just CTS Media but all the other broadcasting stations were like
that as well. The voices of the commentators became agitated whenever
they witnessed a great scene or crisis.

And then Weed pulled out a slip of paper.

“That is a magic scroll.”

“A peculiar looking red paper. It seems to be a fairly advanced magic.”

“It is natural for a user like Weed to be able to pull out a high ranking magic

“Did he obtain it in the desert? Or while conquering and looting?”

“I’m guessing it is a teleport scroll in order to escape.”

“The magicians of the Embinyu Church won’t permit it…it is unclear if the
spell will be successful.”

The television commentators said quickly. They didn’t have any

information so they could only speculate based on the situation. The
emotions and interest of the audience was heightened.

“The red paper indicates that it is a magic scroll in the fire series.”

“Ah, Weed matches that really well. He seems to be unleashing a great

magic attack.”

“It is common sense that it would be a rain of fire magic but….the situation
needs to be taken into account. That isn’t Weed’s answer.”

“If a very strong fire spell is used then the rain will affect it. There won’t be
explosive fire magic.”

“Ah…now I have received information from a reliable source. The identity of

that scroll is the ultimate magic Summon Meteor!”
“Summon Meteor!”

A disaster that would cause unknown effects. Even if the disaster just swept
past, it would decrease the Embinyu Army by half. The commentators knew
that heartily praising Weed would gather the attention of the viewers.

The reaction to the broadcast of Royal Road was very important. But this
time the commentators sincerely freaked out. It was like their cousin had
won the lottery!

“S-something absurd is happening. The ultimate magic Summon Meteor!

Just like the name, it is a magic that summons a burning meteor. The result
is the same.”

“He is really summoning a meteor? If the magic scroll works properly then
it will be the first time the Versailles Continent has seen a meteor being

“It is an honour that I can even see such a spectacle. A magnificent view will
be produced. It is difficult to imagine.”

They never thought he would summon a meteor when facing the Embinyu
Church. Each of the stations had an emergency meeting. All the employees
were prepared to broadcast realistic images of the summoned meteor.

“This is crazy!”

The loan sharks watching television were so shocked that the barley bread
fell out of their mouths.


-The scroll with the magic spell Summon Meteor sealed in it has been


Please set the location where the meteor will fall.

Weed had carried the scroll without using it. He had a suspicion that the
magic scroll might be a defective product. If the scroll was valuable then the
magician Roderick wouldn’t have forgotten it while travelling.

“I hope it works properly. Nevertheless, it is still a luxury. The characters

have bad handwriting and it is folded like a ticket.”

There was a large chance that there would be an error with Summon

“I need to decide the location. So that it will miss me. Huhuhu, I am really

Weed placed his foot where he decided the meteor would fall.

-The location has been specified.

The meteor will fall after a while.

Once it hits the ground, the impact will be over a wide area so you should be

“I’ve decided that this is the best method. However….I feel uneasy for some

A chill could be felt through his entire body. But he decided to just wait.

The rain and whirlwind swept through the battlefield. There were screams
as fanatics and monsters flew around in the air. Numerous members of the
Embinyu Army were swallowed up by cracks in the ground.

“Hihihihit, I am dying!”

“I am falling towards the distant bottom. I am very honoured!”

Unlike the regular soldiers, the fanatics didn’t have their morale reduced by
the disaster. They regarded Weed’s disaster as a sign of the end of the
The bodies were caught by the whirlwind and carried in different
directions. Other monsters and fanatics pushed back and forth in order to
fall into a hole in the ground.

There was a scary sound as the earth became like smashed tofu. It was a
terrible disaster for humans to experience. Weed’s conscience was slightly
pricked at the scene of people trying to die.

Weed was large so he had a lot of resistance to the wind. His resilience of a
barbarian was also weakened due to the curses.


He leaned his upper body forward and endured as monsters rolled into
him. It wasn’t like the arrows as he had no way of avoiding the numerous
monsters swept by the wind.


Weed’s massive body started to be scooped up like a fly. He was caught up

in the wind with the fanatics and monsters. His hands couldn’t catch
anything and he spun round and round in the sky. He couldn’t do
anything! He became involved in the disaster.

Phoenix’s Health was a skill that allowed him to withstand any attack for 3
minutes but he couldn’t use it in the sky. Weed spun so fast that his view of
the earth and sky kept on reversing.

Monsters crashed against his body while flying at a scary speed. The
collisions didn’t decrease his health to a dangerous level but he was in a
precarious state.

“Absolute Defense, Close Eyes Tightly!”

He mobilized his defensive skills!


Thunder struck in the immediate vicinity. The whirlwind raised him high
into the sky. The power of the disaster that allowed him to pierce through
the clouds! He suddenly didn’t feel the wind pushing against his body as he
saw a bright light.


His eyes saw the clear sky and the sun. He had broken through the dark
clouds into a calm world. However, that only lasted for 2~3 seconds! The
whirlwind pulled his body back again.


This time he was dropping at a fearsome pace towards the ground. It felt
like he was riding a roller coaster in an amusement park. However, a roller
coaster only dropped a few hundred metres at best and he didn’t have any
safety devices as he fell from the clouds.

“I don’t need to see. Close Eyes Tightly!”

Weed re-used the defense skill. The whirlwind cut at his flesh and many
fanatics and monsters crashed into him. Some flying swords and spears also
pierced him.


There were even monsters that latched onto Weed’s legs. The long, sharp
teeth within a monster’s mouth bit into his legs.


But in the end, Weed’s kick connected and it flew far away.

‘This disaster is lasting for a long time.’

He didn’t know how long he was embroiled in this but it felt like a very long
time. It was like being in the army and waiting for a vacation!

‘A long time. Shouldn’t I have hit the ground by now?’

Weed cancelled his defense skill as he opened to eyes to look for the
ground. He was falling towards a deep gap in the earth.

A stunning speed. And his body was still turning in circles.

“Momentary Herculean Strength!”

A skill that consumed vitality to exert an enormous power! The 5~6 curses
still remaining in his body were removed.

‘I need to catch something.’

Weed started looking around. A monster with a long, thick tail and limbs
flew headed towards him.

“Severe Blow!”


The monster had been swept by the wind so it didn’t have a lot of health
left. It died immediately after one hit. Weed used the repulsion force to
decrease his speed a little bit.

‘This isn’t enough. I need a few more.’

The wind was blowing in one direction so he could search everywhere. He

continuously attacked flying monsters, fanatics and stones! Sometimes
Weed’s attacks missed but they hit far more often.

His speed and direction changed a little bit but he was still falling towards
the crack in the earth. The situation would end if he was sucked into the

‘I was careless about this disaster.’

He belatedly regretted it but it was useless. Just as Weed was near the
ground, he suddenly received a tremendous shock.


He bumped into a bronze giant. But the conflict meant he crashed into the
precipice of the deep crack.

-Health has decreased by 19,374 due to the reduced impact.

His health wasn’t an issue but he was falling down again.

“I’ve got to live!”

Weed stretched out his hand and grabbed an overwhelming rock.


The rock couldn’t bear the weight of a barbarian and was crushed like
tofu. He fell a few dozen metres before barely stopping.


Weed sighed with relief. If the quest failed then his final secret sculpting
technique would fly away. He looked at the top as fanatics and monsters
continued falling into the gap. The wind continued howling loudly.

“I almost died coolly. Well, this is good for me.”

Weed climbed up the cliff. He didn’t want to get caught by the wind again so
he didn’t climb up to the ground. He stopped 10 metres away and relaxed.

-The earth goddess Mi-ne has blessed you.

The energy from the earth has restored your health and vitality.

He placed his hands on the wall and supplemented his health and
vitality. This recovery ability and his high resilience allowed him to enter
the heart of the enemy.

“How many millions of people have suffered damage? It would be nice if

many witches and priests died in the chaos.”

Weed organized the work he needed to do in the future while waiting for
the disaster to stop. Then he had a sudden thought.

‘What about the meteor I summoned?’

The disaster was a trailer while the meteor was the main event. If it fell in
the wrong place then it would be impossible to properly measure the

A disaster at the level of a calamity!

‘I barely survived the disaster so it will be difficult if the meteor falls here.
The Embinyu Army will perish.’

But Weed couldn’t give a smile of satisfaction. Who knew where the meteor
would drop! There was no guarantee that Dulmore Fortress and the desert
army wouldn’t be wiped out.

The raindrops falling from the sky decreased and the wind calmed down
slightly. However, the sky suddenly shone a blazing red. The dark clouds
were helplessly scattered like fog melted by a hot sun.

“Is this the meteor being summoned?”

Weed raised his head. There was suddenly a small stone in the sky.

“A small meteor means the magic scroll was successful. But isn’t this level
close to defective?”

Disappointment filled his chest. But the small stone fell at a dreadful speed.

When he first saw it, the stone was half the size of his finger but now it was
as large as his palm. Specifically, he was seeing the size when it was still a
colossal distance away and it expanded exponentially.

Weed’s instincts warned him.

‘This isn’t a joke. Just passing by will be enough to leave a trail of death.’

The hairs on his body stood up as he felt a sense of crisis.

Nevertheless, it wasn’t easy for him to move. The disaster wasn’t over yet
and he didn’t know where the meteor would crash.

‘Go somewhere else. Go away.’

Weed became desperate as the size of the meteor increased. He couldn’t be

‘I need to check the facts again. It will continue to grow bigger as it

approaches closer. It is natural for the meteor to crash into the earth. And
what does it mean if it moves above my head?’

It meant the meteor would fall exactly here! It wasn’t aimed at Weed but the
area he was in was within the range. Weed had placed the location of the
meteor in the centre of the Embinyu Army.

The worst case situation might really happen. His luck meant he was also
suffering misfortunes.

“Somehow I need to avoid it.”

Weed checked the surroundings. Even the deep crevices didn’t seem
safe. The destructive power of the meteor would be enough to devastate the
whole area. The meteor was going faster and faster so he didn’t have a lot of
time to think calmly.

“Sink or swim.”

Weed jumped out of the crack in the ground. The rain, whirlwind and
ground shaking resembled a dance. But the power of the disaster was
weakening so it would disappear soon.

Weed could already feel the hot burden overhead. The blazing fire from the
meteor burning in the sky could be directly felt. There was no other way.

“Sink or swim. Wind Sprint!”

Weed blindly ran forward. The barbarian had long legs so he had a good

The good news was that no one from the Embinyu Church interfered with
him. They had seen the meteor and was trying to escape.


Warrior-1 and Warrior-2.

The sculptural lifeforms commanding the desert army watched the fight
from distant hills.

“As expected from the Great Emperor.”

They couldn’t help admiring Weed’s superior combat power. He even

turned into a barbarian at Dulmore Fortress.

Weed used mysterious sculpting techniques to fight. And a disaster took

place as promised. The desert army were waiting for the disaster to finish
before starting their assault. The combat slaves, elephant troops and
vampire forces were ready to fight.

The desert army had swept through the continent but they had a low
chance against the Embinyu Army.

Weed drew in enemies to Dulmore Fortress. A plan to drive them together

and use a disaster!

“Ready for the assault. Mount the horses and camels.”

But they decided to stop after seeing the sky turn red.


Rather, they moved further from the battlefield. A colossal meteor was
heading towards Weed and the Embinyu Church.

Weed thought it was meaningless to preserve all his power when trying to
save the continent. A big impact hit the camp of the Embinyu Army!

It was like they were seeing the sun as stones, wood and sand started
surging. Wind blew strongly enough to push back their bodies.

Some combat slaves with low vitality died but the damage wasn’t severe.

“Did the Great Emperor survive?”

“I don’t know. He isn’t visible.”

The sky turned red again before they could confirm Weed’s fate. Warrior-3
pointed a finger to the sky.
“It is coming again!”

Meteors were pouring from the sky. Surprisingly, the Summon Meteor
magic didn’t call one meteor but dozens of them. The impact caused clouds
of dust as the long, burning tail of meteors fell.

The land was astonished. It was a vivid scene as the earth became like ice

Warrior-1 spoke after a while.

“Did the Great Emperor die in peace?”

Warrior-2 replied with confidence.

“He would’ve been in pain.”

Weed’s End

Weed felt a chill down his spine 10 seconds before the first meteor hit.

‘I really might die.’

His increased defense had no meaning against this immense power. It was
enough to call Summon Meteor the ultimate magic attack. A strong magic
attack couldn’t even compare to it!

A minimum of 3 Master Magicians were required to summon a meteor. It

wasn’t magic that just anyone could use. The individuals would also require
a long time to cast it and the accuracy was low, therefore it was taxing to
use in battle. If they were lucky it would fall on the enemies. If not, their
allies would be the ones damaged.

Weed had thought it was similar to a skill when he used it. Even if the
meteor headed towards the desert army, they could just run away on the
horses or camels to reduce the damage. There wouldn’t be a large impact
even if 200,000 combat slaves died.

So he had a rough idea of the area where the meteor would fall.

“Get out of the way!”

Weed wasn’t the only one running recklessly. The monsters and demons
were fleeing in shock.

“Ohh, God Embinyu! Finally this land will be destroyed.”

“Come and kill me. My wish is death!”

But the fanatics bowed on the ground and said prayers of thanks.

“By the grace of Embinyu….ack!”

Weed stepped on them as he passed by. He couldn’t see it but he felt like the
meteor wasn’t far away. His back felt hot.

‘In the next 5~6 seconds.’

He roughly estimated the time that the meteor would fall. He didn’t know if
it was accurate but just 0.1 seconds could mean the difference between life
or death. The rain and whirlwind disappeared as the meteor fell to the

Weed ran through at least 1 kilometres of land. He was fleeing in the same
direction as the priests of the Embinyu Church but he didn’t have time to
kill them.

His entire field of vision was filled with a bright light. This meant the
collision was imminent!

Anyway, he was positive it would fall down behind him. He would still
experience the destructive power no matter how far away from him it fell.

“Aigoo, I will die. It would be good if I live in order to help others.”

Suddenly he noticed another crack in the earth nearby. But it was too
narrow for his current body to enter.

“Sculpture Transformation release!”

Sculpture Transformation was released and he shifted from the bulky

barbarian to his original form. He plunged towards the crack in the ground
while hurriedly equipping his armour.

“Close Eyes Tightly, Absolute Defense! And this as well. Steel Skin!”

It was a defensive skill he used in the early days of his growth in the desert
but he hadn’t used it lately. It was a scene that demonstrated his great
survival instinct.

And the meteor crashed into the ground. The location wasn’t very far from
the crack that Weed had initially fallen into.
There was a huge earthquake after the meteor crashed. The debris was
swept away and a huge flame storm occurred. Shortly afterwards, a shock
wave passed through the ground like a tsunami.

-Health has been dramatically reduced due to the tremendous impact to your


Absolute Defense has ensured that you won’t lose consciousness.

You have lost 48% health at once.

The serious injury to your body has significantly lowered the effects of your
combat skills.

Your leg has suffered serious damage. You will limp due to the pain.

It was difficult to see the message window that flashed in front of

him. Beginners would run with fear when seeing such messages.

Weed’s 354,000 health was reduced all at once. In the meantime, he had
also been swept away in the disaster so he only had 38,000 health
remaining. If he hadn’t supplemented his health with Mi-ne’s blessing then
it would’ve been really dangerous.

Weed sighed within the crack in the ground.

“It seems like I barely survived. This is all because I have no luck. I need to
work harder to exploit others. I have to return unharmed to the Arpen

A shock wave and hot wind swept past him. Huge flames covered the

-Health has been supplemented through the aura of fire.

-The earth goddess Mi-ne has blessed you.

The energy from the earth has restored your health and vitality.

Health is below 20% so recovery rate is 4 times higher.

Weed recovered his health and vitality using the fire and Mi-ne’s
blessing. This was a situation where his life would be at risk if caught by the

‘The meteor should’ve killed a lot of them but some will be dreaming of a
counterattack. It was a surprisingly devastating attack. The enemies outside
should be roughly broken so I can easily sweep through them.’

Weed’s expectations of the amount of deaths grew by 10 times.

‘It is regrettable. I should’ve save this magic scroll for the Hermes Guild.’

He regretted consuming the scroll in a moment like this. It wasn’t easily

obtained but he used it too easily.

‘Although it is important to finish the quest.’

Weed stuck his head out of the gap after recovering his health to 6%. His
body still wasn’t healthy but he wanted to take a glimpse at the enemy.

“Embinyu’s protection is superior and he was save us from all the


“Destruction! Destruction! Destruction!”

The impact of the meteor falling wasn’t as wide as he thought.The senior

priests had used a special protection spell.

-Divine faith has negated the destruction.

The shield also temporarily protected the monsters and fanatics inside it
from the attack. A fraudulent skill! The disadvantage was that it took a long
time to chant the spell but the Priests of Punishment completed it to defend
As a result, many priests survived but the Embinyu Army suffered
disastrous damage. The meteor struck in the heart of the army so many
troops were instantly changed to dust. The power of the fall was so great
that the terrain itself was shattered and many troops completely
destroyed. Many were disabled and couldn’t fight anymore despite

Just like Weed, they couldn’t avoid being involved in the large disaster. If it
hadn’t been for the priests’ protection magic then the core power of the
Embinyu Army would’ve been wiped out. In particular, the demons that
came out of the Gates of Hell were decreased by one third. The gate was still
open but the meteor meant the demons weren’t in great shape.

Weed was quite close to the edge of the shield. The Knights of Atrocities and
monsters caught his eye.

“A sacrifice! Hiding over there!”


Weed tried to dive down into the ground again like he was playing whack-a-
mole. His health was low so it was be a burden if he immediately resumed
fighting. But a short moment passed and the Knights of Atrocities and
monsters didn’t head over.

‘What are they doing?’

He noticed that they didn’t want to exit the boundaries of the protection

‘If the attack is over then the divine magic would be turned off. It is

The destruction that the meteor brought still hadn’t disappeared. A sea of
fire was still covering the ground like flowing lava. Despite that, the troops
were cautiously wandering within the divine magic.

Weed’s instincts was as sharp as a knife.

‘These people aren’t crazy.’

The Embinyu priests wouldn’t collectively act stupid.

‘Don’t tell me…’

He looked up at the sky to see it turn red again. And numerous small
pebbles could be seen! They grew as they approached at a rapid pace.

“It didn’t end with just one!”

The effect was different from when a Summon Meteor spell was used. In
most cases, only one or two medium sized meteors would fall.

A magician’s power was important when summoning but it also depended

on luck. That’s why a meteor shower could only be summoned when the
magician was older and their power was at its peak. The biggest meteor
would fall first but dozens of others would follow suit.

Weed’s brain worked as quickly as a computer. And the calculations were

complete! The situation was bleak. The quote that emerged wasn’t good.

The Summon Meteor scroll was just bait for him to kill himself. He blamed
the magician Roderick. His conclusion was that it was best to blame others!

“It is really difficult to survive.”

However, he couldn’t just give up. Weed exited the crack in the earth and
headed towards the direction where the desert army was waiting since it
was also furthest away from the meteors. He only had 6% health left so a
similar impact would kill him.

‘I will unconditionally die.’

That’s why the Embinyu Army didn’t try to stop Weed. They were just
looking and staring. The monsters that didn’t receive the protection of the
priests were just spread out in every direction like trash.

The new meteors would collide with the Embinyu Army. It was almost
impossible to reduce the damage.

‘A lot of dead. Those fellows won’t be alive for long.’

It was like Weed taking the milk from an elementary school friend. He
limped uncomfortably through the flames. His health recovered faster
thanks to the flames.

Of course, he had to give up the appearance of honour and dignity

necessary for the Great Emperor of the desert.

“Everybody rejoice. God Embinyu is showing his will.”

“The strength of Embinyu is coming down from the heavens.”

The Embinyu followers were pleased. Dangerous meteors were falling from
the sky but they didn’t blame Weed for it. The Embinyu Church were just

Three or four meteors fell from the sky at once! They hit the ground in
different directions. One fell a fair distance behind Weed, one near the
flowing river and one to the right.

The Embinyu Army was also distributed close to Dulmore Fortress in order
to attack it. The meteor falling near the river accurately hit the troops of the
Embinyu Church.

“Where should I go to avoid damage?”

His eyes could clearly see the flaming meteor so there was no time to

“Hell, I don’t know.”

Weed threw his body into a crack. And he grabbed onto the cliff while
falling. After a while, a huge impact was delivered into his body.


-A heavy shock has been received in succession.

Health has decreased by 48,973.

Absolute Defense has prevented the damage caused by aftershocks.

Currently the ‘Curse of Pain and Cruelty’ is lowering your maximum health.

You have 1.6% health remaining.

The durability of your armour has been reduced.

The leg injury has worsened.

There is damage from bleeding. Health will decrease by 974 every second.

“I-I lived. Nonsense.”

If he hadn’t limped through the fire then he would’ve died. Weed clung to
the steep cliff and stared up at the sky.

Six meteors could be seen in the sky. He was already sick of the Summon
Meteor ultimate magic. The good news was that this time, four meteors
went in a completely different direction. They were headed towards the
location of the Beiner Kingdom’s capital city.

And two were approaching Weed from the front. He didn’t know exactly
where it would drop but the damage would occur over a large area.

“Let’s go.”

Weed emerged from the crack again. This was the first time a meteor was
heading this way. It wouldn’t kill him if he walked a little more. There
would be a colossal explosion but he could absorb the energy of the fire.

If the Embinyu Army suffered huge damage and he somehow survived then
he would likely win the war. The biggest problem was that the chances of
his survival wasn’t very high.

-Health is continuing to decrease.

The curse ‘Blood Legacy’ will reduced health recovery rate by 19.7%.

The curse ‘Black Skin’ has weakened your resilience.

The curse ‘Dark Hallucinations’ has weakened your magic resistance.

Weed’s injuries were too severe to heal quickly. Some persistent curses on
his body still hadn’t disappeared. His sturdy body and vitality meant he
could walk instead of just dying.

The Embinyu Army were just waiting to chant congratulations after he died
a painful death. His injury meant he couldn’t even fight the knights or
monsters if they emerged from the shield.

And Weed started to truly despair.

“I can’t go any further.”

The terrain changed a lot from the impact of the meteor falling to the
ground. The gaps in the earth became even larger. Weed avoided the
meteor and replenished his health with the fire but couldn’t cross a 20
metre wide gap. It was impossible to cross the bottom or go backwards.

“It is over.”

The damage from the bleeding was still continuing. The meteor would fall
to the ground soon and he still needed to replenish his health. Weed stared
at the sky with melancholy eyes. A giant, flaming meteor was clearly visible.

“The quest will fail and my life will disappear after 30 seconds.”

In their last few moments, memories would pass through a person’s mind
like a kaleidoscope.

That also happened to Weed to a certain extent. The Nodulle and Hilderun
quest in the desert and sea that he experienced with Seo-yoon. Only the
memories of sweeping across the continent with the desert army remained.

“This is a decent stage to greet my death. I’m not lonely.”

Weed calmly accepted his death. Not much health remained so he couldn’t
survive the shock of the meteor. Even if he survived that danger, he would
be in the heart of the Embinyu Army.

“This will be the most memorable death.”

Weed lay down on the ground and blankly looked at the sky. He wanted to
watch the meteor fall and die beautifully.

The sky was completely red and dozens of large and small meteors were
falling towards the ground. This sight was difficult to see anywhere else.

Weed suddenly felt something moist touch his nose.


There was a musty smell that was difficult to endure.

“Bactrian Camel, go away.”


“Bactrian Camel, you are smelly. You should wash out the smell…. Bactrian
Camel, why are you here?”

Weed jumped up and saw the dirty Bactrian Camel standing next to
him. Hope started to burn again in the eyes that had been filled with


Bactrian Camel hid in Dulmore Fortress in accordance with Weed’s


‘Well, it is hard to fight against them.’

It was fun to watch the battle at the fortress but his gaze turned towards
Weed. He had helped Weed during combat in the desert.

Warrior-1, Warrior-2 and the other sculptural lifeforms fought separately

but Bactrian Camel and Weed moved as one. He would kick with the back
feet while fighting monsters. He also observed the stars and smelled water
to find a route through the desert.

“Faster! Faster!”

Weed would also make him run nonstop in order to arrive at the
destination in the shortest time.
“Very good.”

It was great whenever Bactrian Camel received a compliment. He could eat

2~3 extra carrots, Therefore, he always followed Weed despite his face not
being able to show emotions.

But while watching Weed’s growth in the desert, he thought that Weed’s life
was more important than his own.

‘What is that?’

Bactrian Camel sensed danger when the dark sky turned bright red.

‘Master is in danger.’

He knew that the meteor was falling and ran in Weed’s direction. Bactrian
Camel became the target of dark knights and monsters.

“Embinyu will give you a special mercy. Burn and eat that camel.”

“Capture that camel and eat it!”

The Embinyu Army leapt towards Bactrian Camel.

He rushed past the enemy but couldn’t help receiving some injuries. He
safely avoided the impact of the meteor and searched for his master.

And after finally discovering Weed, he casually gave a nose kiss.


“Well, I told you to wait but you must’ve been bored and came here.”


“Anyway, it is great.”

Weed mounted Bactrian Camel.

“Go as quickly as possible!”

Bactrian Camel took two or three steps back before running and jumping
past the 20 metres wide gap. This was just an insignificant obstacle to
Bactrian Camel.

“Faster! Run like this is the desert sand!”

Bactrian Camel knew that meteors were falling. There were only 10 seconds

The camel carrying Weed ran at a frightening speed that overtook the
wind. He jumped over gaps in the earth, rocks and the Embinyu Army.

Bactrian Camel’s vitality was replenished while passing through the

fire. Weed’s health was also filled!

Weed turned around and looked back as the camel continued to run. The
meteor with a long tail was falling towards the Embinyu Army.

“Go over there!”


Weed and the camel arrived at the fire zone where the first meteor had
fallen. The meteor had left behind a huge trail in the ground.

A 400 metres deep pit had formed. And there was a sea of fire around it!

Weed and the camel’s body shook as there was a shockwave. The next
meteor had landed on the ground.

-It is difficult to recover from the shock.

There is a severe reduction in health due to the shaking of the earth.

Bactrian Camel has absorbed some of the damage.

15,838 health has been lost.

Absolute Defense has blocked any additional damage.

You have suffered a critical injury throughout your body.

The damage from bleeding has worsened.

You are unable to walk.

Maximum health will be reduced by 14% for the next two days.

It was a situation where he was barely living! Weed was almost devoid of
life so his body was in a half dead state.

Bactrian Camel also fell helplessly to the side due to accumulated fatigue
and injury. Even so, his facial expression was satisfied because he had saved
Weed’s life. Bactrian Camel closed his eyes and waited for death.

He still had 13% health left but his right front leg and left hind leg were
injured, making him no longer able to walk. A camel no longer being able to
walk just meant death. At least he had saved Weed’s life.

“I can’t stop here.”

Earlier, Weed had given up on his life. He honestly hadn’t seen any ways to

“I survived at least two times so there is no reason I can’t now. Life isn’t
something easily obtained.”

He used the goddess of earth, Mi-ne’s blessing in an attempt to restore his


-Thirty-one bones in your body have been broken.

You will feel the pain every time you move so normal behaviour is

Health will recover slowly.

“I am like a vegetable.”
Weed couldn’t even get up. He received a very serious injury and was on the
verge of death so his recovery speed was affected. It was unfortunate but he
couldn’t move while meteors were dropping on the Embinyu Army.

“I will die when a meteor falls.”

He only had a few minutes so it was a very short amount of time. He needed
to somehow survive.

The most important thing about the Dead Rat operation was Weed’s ability
to survive in any environment. He reached the limits after the disaster and
the crisis caused by the summoned meteors.

Although the Embinyu Army was somewhat to blame, his pride also caused
his result. It raised some questions about himself.

‘I did my best.’

There were some quests where Weed had struggled. He had used sculpting
or anything in the vicinity to respond to the enemy.

He led an army of dark elves and orcs to defeat the Immortal Legion and
joined the Northern Expedition to defeat the Bone Dragon.

Then he experienced significant growth in the desert and proudly

confronted his enemies. Of course, he had fought the Mapon and Beiner
Kingdoms but Weed hadn’t really faced any strong opposition.

Such honesty wasn’t normal for Weed.

“I’ve been wrong.”

Weed became cool-headed. He didn’t find anything missing while analysing

the situation. He would use any favourable opportunity to survive. Then he
had a realization like he had been hit in the back of the head!

“I still have this left.”

Weed took out something to eat.

Mana Heart of the Fire Salamander King. The heart of the Salamander King
beat like it was still alive. It would have a better effect if he cooked it
properly. If he tinkered with it while cooking then adverse effects might

So far, he had just brought it along as food. But it could act as a restorative
in a dangerous situation. There was no guarantee his condition would get
better and it might even worsen.

“Well, I’m going to die anyway. My mother used to say that eating before
dying is good to get rid of demons.”

He simply sprinkled salt on the heart. It was a bit jarring that the heart still
seemed alive but he could endure it. He was also willing to eat snakes, frogs,
insects, flies or mosquitoes if it was good for his body.

“Well, it should taste similar to a giblet. That savoury taste. Eating it lightly
grilled with red pepper paste would be tasty.”

He put it in his mouth and it literally melted as he chewed.

-You have eaten the Mana Heart of the Fire Salamander King.

Maximum mana has permanently increased.

The ability to deal with flames has increased by 3%.

The flame compression technique has strengthened. It will affect the

destructive power and range of a particular skill.

You have gained immunity to flames.

There will be no damage even in a very hot location.

The skill World of Fire can be used.

Vitality has mostly recovered.

Some health has been regained by absorbing the energy of fire.

-Skill World of Fire: The Mana Heart of the Fire Salamander King contained

highly concentrated fire spirits sleeping.

The senior spirits of fire can be fully released.

It is extremely rare for World of Fire to be used. The mana nestled inside the
heart means that World of Fire can be used three times.

However, if you use it two times within a week then the flame mana will
disappear. Once used, World of Fire can increase maximum mana by 45,300
for six months.

The maximum mana value will decrease the more that World of Fire is used.

“World of Fire!”

Flames started to spread uncontrollably around him. It was like the god of
fire had descended to earth.

“It is good that I ate that thing. My body will become more sensitive as I
become older.”

-The earth goddess Mi-ne has blessed you.

The energy from the earth has restored your health and vitality.

Health is below 20% so recovery rate is 4 times higher.

Health started to recover normally again. Weed’s current health was 5%. He
regained 30,000 health after eating the mana heart. But he still had various
combat injuries and other abnormal states.

-Bleeding has stopped.

His tough body that lived in the rough sands of the desert had overcome the
crisis again.

The recovery speed of his health now accelerated. He could gain energy
from the fire so recovery became more active. If he hadn’t hunted the Fire
Salamander King during the Nodulle’s Growth quest then he wouldn’t have
obtained this recovery method. Nevertheless, monsters and fanatics were
still around him.

“I have to go before they come.”

Weed stood up from the deep pit caused by the meteor. His leg wasn’t
completely normal but he needed to get way from the Embinyu
Army. There were also the demons from hell. If they knew his status then
they would attack.

Bactrian Camel lay quietly as he felt the warmth of the flames.

“Hey, Bactrian Camel!”


Bactrian Camel just grunted. It seemed like he wanted to be left alone with
his huge injury. He didn’t want to open his eyes to see his master’s last

“Hey, are you there?”


“Don’t go to sleep.”

Weed hit Bactrian Camel on the shoulder.

He wasn’t going to leave his sculptural lifeform to die there. Bactrian Camel
had many injuries and his health was low.

Weed started to walk towards the location of the desert army while
carrying Bactrian Camel.
Embinyu’s Power

The Embinyu Army was caught up in the meteor disaster and smashed! The
land itself was smashed by the fearsome meteors falling on it. The core
power that the Embinyu Church was proud of collapsed and many fanatics
and monsters were killed.

Motuls, Igrig and the priests were safe due to the protection magic but their
control over the monsters had collapsed.


The monsters attacked and ate the fanatics without hesitation. Meanwhile, a
fight was still ongoing between the monsters and humans at Dulmore

“All soldiers of the Mapon Kingdom, raise your swords!”

“All knights, cut the monsters. His Majesty wants you to win!”

The humans at Dulmore Fortress had surrendered to their fear. They were
full of despair as they fought the monsters while the king escaped.

“God, save our Mapon Kingdom!”

Rohadram led the knights against the monsters. However, the earth shook
as the meteor fell near the river.

Although it was fortunate because the advance of the fanatics were stopped,
many defenses and facilities in the fortress collapsed along with the

“Ohhh, no. We were wrong.”

“Hanson, why would you say that? The enemies are now approaching. Go
ahead and shoot the arrows!”
“No. Why has the king abandoned us? I will now follow the Embinyu

“Knights, raise your swords for the Embinyu Church!”

Due to the influence of the inquisitors and priests, the soldiers became
fanatics. A situation that was rapidly deteriorating!

Powerful curses were inflicted on Dulmore Fortress by the Embinyu

Church. The Priests of Punishment near the fortress planted vicious curses
as the soldiers were engulfed in madness.

But after the sky was cleared of the meteor shower, Motuls and Igrig
regained control of the Embinyu Army.

-Aura. That person is going against Embinyu. The will of God. Kill everyone
who stands in our way.

“Igrig is calling.”

“A command has come from God Embinyu.”

The fanatics and monsters recovered. And the troops were ordered out of
Dulmore Fortress and changed targets according to Igrig’s command. In
order to fulfil Embinyu’s will, killing Weed was more important than the
insignificant Dulmore Fortress.

The monsters and fanatics who survived the meteor showed were only
120,000. It was a situation where they were wild with rage and the
Dulmore Plains would eventually be renamed as the Distorted Plains.

Of course, the remaining humans at Dulmore Fortress weren’t persistent

opponents. The sacred river had been completely dried up and the 12 magic
defenses at the fortress were all broken.

The monsters protected by the magic shield ventured out after the meteor
shower was over in order to boldly hunt the humans. Unfortunately, the
1,000 demons had only been reduced by less than a tenth. Half of the
monsters had their bodies destroyed while others were scared by the
meteor shower and left the battlefield.
“Those who manage to kill Weed will be given special powers by Embinyu.”

“Don’t miss out. Chase him. His footprints are over here.”

Nearly 140,000 troops searched the plains for Weed. The Knights of
Atrocities started to chase after him.

“We will knock him down.”

The ground also shook due to the bronze giants. Among the 1,000 bronze
giants, 700 were still safe!

The bronze giants from the Embinyu Church had a special power. As long as
their heads weren’t destroyed, their bodies would eventually be
restored. Of course, this was at the speed of a slug but it still meant they
didn’t die.

The bronze giants caused thumps due to their huge bodies. The bronze
giants that didn’t avoid the meteors were completely smashed. Those
attacking Dulmore Fortress were injured by the meteor hitting the
river. They picked up boulders and roared in an attempt to get revenge for
the fire.

‘All of them are my enemies. My life is like this every time.’

Weed was carrying Bactrian Camel on his shoulders so his movement speed
was slow. This was why he wasn’t far from the place where the meteor had
fallen. Flames and smoke meant the enemy couldn’t see him but the wind
was blowing the smoke away.


Bactrian Camel cried out.

“Shut up. We will be discovered by the enemies.”


“It is also hard for me since I am giving you a piggyback.”

There were clear tears in the Bactrian Camel’s eyes. He had been running
through the desert sand shortly after being given life so his chest warmed at
this event.

He had acted as a bad man many times so Bactrian Camel was greatly
impressed by this good deed. His master was using his strength and vitality
to save him. If they could survive here then he would follow his master
anywhere with a willing heart.

“It is dangerous if you continue having that illusion.”


“I will throw you towards the enemy as bait. And you will be used as
protection against arrows. Well, I will take care of it.”

He didn’t want to die together with Bactrian Camel. It was passed off as a
joke but Bactrian Camel was likely to suffer!

Weed and Bactrian Camel walked through a deep, smoke filled place. There
were many deep holes in the ground due to the meteor shower. Flames and
smoke were rising but that wouldn’t last for a while.

‘My health is over 8%. I don’t need to be concerned about the fanatics but….’

Weed calculated that he needed to moderately increase his health in order

to escape.


While he was lost in thought, a chunk of stone was deeply inserted into the
ground next to him. The bronze giants were throwing stones through the

“He is hiding somewhere there.”

“Smash everything!”

The priests of the Embinyu Church used ice magic that would extinguish the
fire. Stones pillars and wide area curses were blasted in the area.

“They aren’t giving me a break. They are continuously attacking.”

Weed complained as he stared at the flame zone stretched out in front of
him. He couldn’t even stop to breath as that would just cause his death! He
was surrounded by monsters as soon as he exited the smoke.


The monsters gave a huge cry. And the other monsters close to one another
started to cry out as well. The Embinyu Army scouring the plains for Weed’s
movements started heading towards his location.

A bronze giant found Weed.

“You killed my brothers.”

“Rip him apart while alive!”

The bronze giants were far from being calm and rational. They threw rocks
right towards Weed.


Bactrian Camel sensed his death the moment the rocks were thrown. He
had been quietly waiting for death but his heartless owner had dragged him
out to be killed be stones. The moment the camel’s short life was about to

Weed watched the rocks and used a skill.

“Undulating Flame Mark!”

He had already experienced the fall of the meteors so this didn’t frighten

Kwa kwa kwang!

Only bits of the stone fell around Weed. The ones directly aimed at him
were melted by the power of the flames. The bronze giants were roaring.

“That man is mine. I will tear him apart with my own hands!”
They gave a warning to the other monsters! Weed’s Undulating Flame Mark
blocked all the stones that the bronze giants threw. Outside the fire zone, 10
bronze giants were encircling him.

“Foolish human, there is no place to escape.”

There was an angry voice as the witch Pechet floated in mid-air. She was
unharmed but quite a large number of witches failed to withstand the
impact of the meteors and died. Weed sighed as he gazed at the enemies
around him.

“My damn popularity….”

Weed’s popularity among the monsters and followers of the Embinyu

Church surpassed that of a Hallyu star! They grinded their teeth so much
from anger that a dentist would need to be hired to fix the teeth of the
fanatics. Of course, he was used to the Hermes Guild or regular users hating

“Kill me.”

Weed just continued walking forward while carrying the Bactrian Camel.

“Of course you want to kill me.”

“He is my share! I won’t give him to anyone else.”

“I will extract the value of the witches’ lives from you.”

The bronze giants and witch Pechet competed with each

other. Unfortunately, the bronze giants were ignored of any ranged attack
methods outside of throwing stones or spears.

Their siege was good but their attack methods weren’t effective against a
much smaller human. They tried to step on him or brandished a spear!

The witch Pechet gathered a red energy between her hands and threw it at
him. Her ability to absorb the strength of others!

Weed jumped forward first so he wouldn’t be weakened.

“That is impossible, witch!”

Weed put Bactrian Camel and wielded the Extermination Sword. But his
attacks just passed through her like she was a ghost.

-The enemy’s body has been cut.

No damage has been caused.

-Movement has been reduced by 3% due to the paralysis effect.

You have been scratched by Pechet on the side and health has fallen by

Despite Weed’s heavy attacks, he couldn’t cause any damage to Pechet’s

body. He couldn’t break the encirclement and dozens of curses hit his body.

It was the worse situation! But Pechet’s attacks were slow and obvious.

Weed linked his attack skills together and predicted his opponent’s follow
up actions. His physical attacks against the enemies were obsolete but he
could block or repel Pechet’s sharp claws.

But his movements were awkward when he had to move in front of

Bactrian Camel. He needed to protect Bactrian Camel so he couldn’t
possible leave!

‘This is his true heart. He is my master.’

Bactrian Camel was so impressed that he shed tears.

“I will do anything to save Bactrian Camel. End of the Day!”

And he prepared to catch Pechet with a big skill.

“Ohoho, you’re caught!”

-Your body has been paralysed.

The skill has been forcibly cancelled.

-Life force has been absorbed!

1,390 health, mana and vitality will be forcibly taken away every second.

The power of your skills have been forcibly suppressed by 79%.

Small amount of the stats you’ve acquired through successful training or

adventures will be permanently taken away every 10 seconds.

If health and mana is completely drained, you will experience death and the
side effects can last for 3 days to 1 month.

The witch Pechet literally sucked other people’s auras. Weed was already
aware of this.

However, he had no intention of using a spell like Corpse Explosion. He

couldn’t use a necromancer’s magic and he wouldn’t save the world at his

‘I need to eat all of this!’

Pechet’s face became a little clearer as she absorbed his life force. Her long
hair was like a sharp sword and a red aura radiated from her entire
body. Her flesh was entering this world from another dimension.

-43,756 health is remaining.

Strength has permanently reduced by 4.

Honour has permanently reduced by 4.

Weed waited quietly. A chance wouldn’t come twice so he needed to wait

for the perfect moment. When his health fell to 30,000 and h lost 17 stats…

Weed was barely able to turn his head and blinked his eyes at Bactrian

‘Ah, Master is giving me a final goodbye.’

Blink blink.
Bactrian Camel closed his big eyes before opening them again.

‘Goodbye Master. I will follow soon.’

Weed frowned even more.

It was an expression of regret like he had to eat barley bread for his entire

Bactrian Camel was impressive and noticed something very quickly. He

understood that it was a nagging expression, not a compliment.

‘He only gives me that look when he thinks I am being stupid or lazy.’

Meanwhile, Weed was nearing death. Then Weed suddenly smiled widely
like it was his happiest moment. Just like when Bactrian Camel was eating a
fresh and delicious carrot!

Weed desperately conveyed his intentions. Bactrian Camel was able to

understand after remembering the past.

In the early days of the desert growth, Weed’s level had been low so
Bactrian Camel had fought with him. There was a risk with every hunt. The
moment Weed was in danger, Bactrian Camel would kick the monster and
be rewarded with a carrot.

Weed had helped him come here so Bactrian Camel could move slightly. He
staggered upwards and headed towards Pechet. And gave an intense rear


Pechet who was attached to Weed fell with a scream.

-The paralysis has been released.

End of the Day could now be used as originally planned but he did
something else.

“World of Fire!”
-The mana contained in the Heart of the Fire Salamander King has been

released into the world.

Senior fire elementals have gained the necessary nutrients.

The noble spirits will descend in order to devour.

The air started to heat up as soon as he used the skill. The temperature that
had fallen since the meteor shower started to steadily climb. The sudden
heat was reminiscent to a fire pit. And all of a sudden, different types of fire
elementals appeared everywhere!

-The pure energy of fire is overflowing here. Summoner, what do you want?

Weed ordered decisively.

“Burn it all. Clean everything!”

-It shall be as you desire.

The rare fire elementals that never descended to the ground was going to
cover this world with flames. The flames swallowed up the monsters,
knights, priests and bronze giants.


The witch Pechet was rolling across the ground in an attempt to get
away. She had a high ability to not get caught. Even if his attacks hit, she
couldn’t be damaged because her flesh was in another dimension. But now
the circumstances had changed.

“Summon Another Sword.”

The sword of light that Weed summoned immediately cut Pechet’s body.

Magicians and witches had exceptional capabilities in curses. Therefore
Pechet didn’t die despite having low health. Weed got up as Pechet tried to
run away.

He couldn’t miss this opportunity to get rid of the witch. Pechet’s body
became slightly transparent as she tried to return her body to another

“Black Knight’s Strike, Moonlight Sculpting Blade!”

The light from Sculpting Blade continuously went through Pechet’s body.

-You have dealt a critical blow!

-You have dealt a critical blow!

-You have dealt a critical blow!

It thwarted the spell being chanted.

-Black Knight’s Strike!

An irreversible attack against the surrounding enemies.

There were numerous enemies in the vicinity but Weed didn’t care about
them at all. All his attacks were focused on Pechet.


Pechet screamed as she persisted in not dying.

“A human like you won’t be able to escape. Death is close to your side. Your
corpse will be buried here….”

The witch started chanting an attack spell. Weed’s health was already in a
vulnerable state so the attack would unconditionally kill him!
-The attack has grazed you.

-The attack has powerlessly passed you by.

-You have cut the enemy.

If Pechet’s body half disappeared then it would’ve all been useless. Weed
needed to stop the magic from being completed or die! Weed continuously
stabbed straight in the heart area.

-You have dealt a critical blow.

96% damage has been added.

-You have dealt a critical blow.

283% damage has been added.

-You have dealt a critical blow.

485% damage has been added.

-You have dealt a critical blow.

721% damage has been added.

A series of one point attacks!

He had used Sculptural Destruction so his damage was terrific. Finally,

Pechet’s body cracked like a broken mirror and she turned into a grey
light. And hundreds of mana lights scattered.

-Your level has risen.

-The ruler of the Narut Valley and a wicked alchemist, the witch Pechet has

entered her eternal rest.

-Fame has increased by 19,238 due to the great achievement.

-As a special reward for the fight, all stats have increased by 6.

Once Weed returned to his original world, his level and skill proficiency
would be reduced again. But the battle achievements and additional stats
gained was completely his own.

The witch Pechet also dropped some amazing items. Dragon Bone Flute,
Ring of Hell, Cloak of Space and Everlasting Arm Shield.

Weed bagged all the items but couldn’t verify the information as he raised
his Extermination Sword.

The demons had stopped falling down.

-The Gates of Hell has been broken.

The connection between Embinyu and Hell has been broken.

The passage associated with hell will be closed.

-The moral of the soldiers that had been reduced by the Gates of Hell

opening has been restored to the original state.

Hope has temporarily reached 140%.

-The effects of faith is working properly.

-Black magic won’t be strongly expressed.

“This is my resolve.”

Weed immediately collapsed to the ground. Health, vitality, mana. He didn’t

have a lot remaining. Pechet’s absorption had been stopped shortly before
he died.

-Health has been supplemented through the aura of fire.

World of Fire was currently active so Weed’s health was quickly restored.

Meanwhile, many monsters and bronze giants clamoured as they died. But
World of Fire could only be maintained for a short time.

It didn’t change that fact that he was surrounded by the Embinyu

Army. Weed needed to replenish his health as much as possible.

“There is still hope. Pechet and a large number of the Embinyu Army has

Their fighting spirit should be decreased by the meteor shower disaster and
World of Fire. Weed had dealt a great amount of damage to the Embinyu
Army. Then the high priests Motuls and Igrig exchanged glances.

“That pagan has some capabilities.”

“However, Embinyu is the God of Destruction.”

“Of course.”

And Igrig started chanting a spell.

-Servants of the faith, your soul hasn’t entered hell even if your flesh is rotting.
Freedom, rest and tranquillity isn’t allowed by our sacred promise. Embinyu is
immortal and has arranged a festival of carnage and destruction!

Igrig’s divine magic spread through the plains and Dulmore Fortress. The
flesh of the dead monsters and fanatics got up and started moving
again. Those who were buried deep in the ground by the disaster also came
back up again. Even those without any traces left due to the meteor shower
were returned. The bodies of the bronze giants regenerated.
-High Priest Igrig’s fanatical army!

The fanatics who pursue destruction have been granted immortality by the
god Embinyu.

The spirit and flesh subordinate to the god won’t completely disappear.

High Priest Igrig has fulfilled this promise of immortality and have revived
the army to lead the world into destruction.

In order to prevent the promise of immortality, return Igrig to his eternal


Apart from the witch Pechet, the monsters, fanatics, priests and knights
would endlessly revive. Their bodies were different from the undead as
they were revived in their original state.

The turtles that crashed in the early stages of the battle also flew back
up. Even the archers on the backs of the turtles were intact and they flew
towards the plains at Igrig’s command. The entire army was revived at a
frightening speed.

Weed was appalled as he watched the spectacle.

“This is the first time I’ve felt like this.”

Normally difficult quests was like crossing mountain after mountain but he
felt a sense of achievement at completing it.

Weed finally realized that this quest was like crossing a mountain, acidic
lake, the deep sea, underwater caves, underwater canyons and then a crater
spewing lava.
Destination Point

Weed’s eyes indicated that he wasn’t dead yet. An unyielding spirit like a

“I need to go somewhere. Well, what is dying once more? If I am killed then

the quest would just be ruined. Anyway, this is life.”

A desperate plan!

The odds for completing this quest wasn’t very high. The Gates of Hell was
broken but the immortal fanatical army had appeared. He had even used a
huge disaster like a meteor shower.

It was difficult to predict the likelihood of success. He had been caught off
guard but it wasn’t the first time that had happened in his life. Just as there
was a ray of hope, Igrig used his magic to revive the Embinyu Army. Several
hundred people were resurrected sequentially so it hadn’t been completed

“It will be finished quickly.”

Weed limped as he walked with Bactrian Camel. He absorbed health thanks

to World of Fire but his physical condition wasn’t good after facing the
witch Pechet. There were dozens of curses hanging on him so he couldn’t
flee quickly!

Bactrian Camel cried out.


The shaking of his head obviously meant ‘just leave me here and go on

“Don’t worry. Do you really think I will leave you and go on alone?”

“Don’t be scared. I can do it.”

Weed walked carrying Bactrian Camel again.

The fire elementals burned the enemies in front of him as they opened the
way. Once he walked approximately 200~300 metres, the power of the fire
weakened. The mana supply to the advanced fire elementals was running

“I don’t have time.”

Weed increased his fleeing speed.

World of Fire had inflicted damage to the Embinyu Army but they would
just be resurrected again. The turtles flying in the sky were approaching as
they wanted to get revenge on Weed. Weed’s leg was injured so his pace
was uncomfortable.

Due to the land distortion caused by the disaster, even riding Bactrian
Camel wouldn’t be that fast. Bactrian Camel had received serious injuries in
the meteor collision and they wouldn’t heal properly without treatment

Weed absorbed as much as he could from the flames.

-Summoner, I am happy receiving all that mana. I will wait for you to call me

The summoning of the advanced fire elementals was released! The flames
had spread widely through the Embinyu Church.

“There is someone over there.”

“He is a sacrifice. Kill him!”

The Knights of Atrocities came running. The monsters were also running
behind the Knights of Atrocities. The demons that had already descended
prepared to attack.

But he felt ,ore reassured about the demons. Those that were killed didn’t
have access to the divine power to revive.
Weed put down Bactrian Camel again and grasped the Extermination

“This place will be your grave.”

He wasn’t looking at the knights but the turtle unit in the sky. The bronze
giants continued throwing a myriad of rocks on the battlefield.

“You will die like last time.”

Weed left Bactrian Camel behind and swung his sword towards the Knights
of Atrocities. The Atrocity Knights fell as a tremendous power was thrown
at them!

This was true swordsmanship. All the soldiers and knights in front of him
were knocked down. The enemies couldn’t prevent the attack and died due
to severe injuries.


“Pagan, you are challenging the will of Embinyu!”

A Knight of Atrocity said after killing 150 of them. He was a level 600
intermediate ranked boss in the Embinyu Army.

-Health remaining is 5.8%.

His physical state continued deteriorating as he fought in an unstable


“I encourage you to bring it on!”

Weed righteously exclaimed.

His health had fallen to the floor again but the situation couldn’t be
reconciled at the moment! The Knights of Atrocities continued attacking
and bodies piled up.

This wasn’t a situation with a fair and square victory. To make matters
worse, Igrig’s magic meant the bodies of the Atrocity Knights rose again.
An endless fight!

Weed used minimal movements to avoid the attacks from the tireless
attacks from the knights. The Extermination Sword felt like an increasingly
heavy burden.

‘This is why I shouldn’t be a hero. I should’ve lined up on the side of the bad

The seed of justice in this world! At that moment, a faint rotten smile
crossed his face.

‘This much effort is enough for the viewers. Even if I die, there will be praise
that I fought well.’

The beautiful death of a hero. The sad conclusion would resonate with the
viewers for a long time.

‘This situation is pretty good. I will fight until the end.’

Once Weed died, the Embinyu Church would certainly destroy the Central
Continent. The fate of the nearby Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms would also
be decided. The cities would be completely destroyed as the Embinyu
Church swept through. This wasn’t Weed’s style but it soothed a little of his
disappointment and regret.

“Sword of Mass Slaughter!”

The Knights of Atrocities swarmed him like they were flies jumping into a
fire. He was constantly forced to deal with the enemies’ attacks so he
welcomed the final attack.

It was then that the situation changed.


Bactrian Camel who was lying down and pretended to be dead jumped up
and ran over to him.

-Running rapidly in a sand storm.

A technique that will run until the strength is exhausted.

Bactrian Camel’s body still wasn’t healthy but it was a situation where he
could run. Two forelegs and one hind leg! He wobbled but made a final
sprint. Bactrian Camel run through the encirclement of monsters with
Weed riding him.

“Chase, all knights!

The Atrocity Knights immediately pursued.

“You have come.”

Weed felt much better. Unlike his normal body, Bactrian Camel couldn’t run
in a straight line. He wouldn’t be able to leave the plains even if no one
interfered. The Knights of Atrocities were quickly catching up.

“I can still kill one more.”

He used the Yurbusika Frost Bow! Ice arrows were showered towards the
knights chasing him.

Their advance slowed down but there were too many enemies. And
monsters were coming at Igrig’s command. Furthermore, the bronze giants
were trampling the monsters as they approached.

He had no hope for his life as he viewed the enemy’s serious offensive! The
incident happened at that time.

“Lowlifes of the Embinyu Church, you will not pass here.”

Knights with their entire bodies made of bones. Van Hawk, the commander
of the undead army and his doom knights showed up.

It wasn’t just them. The dark shadows hiding in the ground were
vampires! They had been quietly lurking in the heart of the enemy and
struck as their sharp fangs entered then necks of the monsters and priests
chasing Weed.

Van Hawk and Torido.

They had been shocked by the meteor fall. The 100,000 undead army but
the vampires weren’t daunted.

Abyss Knight Van Hawk led half of the undead forces to quietly rescue

Torido was unable to show off the power of a Vampire Lord in this place. A
frontal attack wouldn’t work so he waited for a chance to ambush the
Embinyu Army. Their goal from the beginning was the delicious priests.

The blood of priests were delicious but paradoxically, they were also fatal to
vampires. However, the priests that followed Embinyu had the power of
darkness so it acted as a restorative to the vampires.

The sudden appearance of his subordinates caused Weed to be

considerably impressed. When a business failed, the presence of friends
was like a ray of light in a dark world.

A spontaneous cry of joy emerged.

“These incompetent, unlucky bastards!”

Contrary to expectations, it was a stream of criticism!

Van Hawk used the power of an Abyss Knight to block the Atrocity Knights.

“I am Van Hawk, the commander of the dark army and I will teach you the
true laws of darkness.”

“Embinyu doesn’t care about the undead! Embinyu will let you known what
death and evil is like in this world!”

Van Hawk demonstrated his strong skills against the Atrocity Knights.

In Torido and the vampires’ case, they had average fighting power but
superior intuition. They harassed the priests and prevented them from
using curses and attack spells.

“Bactrian Camel, let’s go.”


Bactrian Camel continued forward despite being exhausted. Van Hawk and
the doom knights were combat specialists so they bravely faced the bronze
giants. One hit from the bronze giant’s fist would break bones but their
bodies were quickly reform.

The undead were proud of their immortal health. The Embinyu priests
could send them back with purification spells but couldn’t due to the
vampires constraining them.

Igrig revived the monsters and fanatics but Van Hawk and the undead were
quicker. The undead were hastily made so they weren’t pretty but there
were many of them. It didn’t matter if there was a skull defect.


Although he threw away his attachment to life, Weed rose again like a
flame. It was like having a stock investment at Han River fail only to win the
lottery. Igrig approached with a convoy and cried out.

“Eliminate all of Embinyu’s enemies!”

Van Hawk and Torido intercepted a lot of enemies but many more escaped
to pursue Weed. The turtles flying through the sky also chased him. Igrig
and Motuls’ troops were closing in so Van Hawk couldn’t block them for

Weed fired ice arrows towards enemies in close proximity. He rode

Bactrian Camels backwards as he searched for monsters. Walls of ice were
built to block the monsters but they soon caught up.

“There really is no end to this.”

Several monsters lost their lives from the ice arrows. Weed was very strong
thanks to Sculptural Destruction!

However, the monsters were only obedient to Igrig so the didn’t care about
the deaths of their colleagues. They just rushed past those frozen by the ice

“I know!”

He aimed the ice arrows at the ground in order to disperse and reduce the
number of enemies. To make matters worse, Bactrian Camel couldn’t run
properly and was getting smaller.

Weed said pitifully while firing the arrows.

“Bactrian Camel, a little bit more. I will feed you carrots for the rest of your


The ice arrows shot in the sky pierced through seven monsters. But then
what could he do?

He would get caught in a few seconds. The enemies were only dozens of
metres away.

“Run a little more. This is a crisis but if all my money….”

Weed didn’t have a lot of time. A flying demon that got 10 metres close to
him whipped its long time. Weed was firing another arrow so he couldn’t
deal with the attack. Bactrian Camel also couldn’t avoid it!


But just before it touched Weed, the flying demon suddenly crashed into the
ground with its life lost. Thousands of arrows flew in the sky and hit the
monsters of the Embinyu Army.


Weed looked back to see the familiar dust storm of the camel cavalry.

“Kill everyone who threatens the Great Emperor!”

“The Red Knife desert unit, defeat the enemies.”

The soldiers specialized in archery pulled their bowstrings. The arrows of
the desert warriors fell skilfully. They focused on hitting the enemy in an
area that they wouldn’t survive. The arrows were also aimed to neutralize
the movements of the opposing army.

The superior manoeuvrability meant the camel cavalry flew past Weed. A
brutal power that would be displayed in the long term! The monsters that
they broke through were subdued.

Warrior-1 who was temporarily in charge of the army came up to him.

“Great Emperor, we have come as promised.”

If it had gone as Weed originally planned then the desert army would be
fighting on a good terrain. However, the desert army hurriedly ran away
and suffered a headache because of the meteor shower. They didn’t receive
the brunt of the blow but the deep furrows in the ground delayed their

Anyway, they arrived at the perfect moment to defeat the chasing

enemies. Of course, they were also arriving at the centre of the Embinyu

Weed looked at Warrior-3 and his troops fighting the bronze giants. The
arrows and spears were fiercely thrown. The bronze giants were knocked
down by the passing desert warriors.

A close battle!

A man would want to intrude. Of course, those who cared about their own
survival wouldn’t.

Weed dismounted from Bactrian Camel.

“These incompetent bastards! Why did you only come now?”


“Anyway, it is done. Help Van Hawk and Torido and focus on defense.”

“Yes, I understand.”
Warrior-1 secured the area around them and Weed touched his hands to
the ground.

-The earth goddess Mi-ne has blessed you.

The energy from the earth has restored your health and vitality.

Health is below 20% so recovery rate is 4 times higher.


It felt superb to feel his health start to rapidly rise. In addition, Weed was
more eager to return to the battlefield after refilling his health.

Bactrian Camel squatted down with no power.


The leg injury was severe so he needed a very good rest. Nevertheless,
Bactrian Camel blinked and watched Weed.

Weed had said a while ago.

If they escaped from a crisis then he would part from a treasure. He had a
curious mount. Weed felt dismay as he saw Bactrian Camel’s eyes.

He had a list of terrific treasures from the desert. It was enough to even buy
one country.

“Hrmm, anyone can do the things you did so you don’t need to be proud.”

He immediately said!

“It is meaningless but I will still give you 20 gold for the achievement. That
is enough money to build a nice barn in the middle of the desert.”

An amount possible to construct a barn in a place with water and

sand! Bactrian Camel’s lips looked like he was laughing. He had a certain
level of intelligence but still maintained absolute loyalty to Weed.
While the desert army and slaves fought, the army of the surrendered
nobles and priests arrived.

“Bodies with a wicked aura are approaching. Goddess Freya bless us.”

-The debilitating curses on the bones have been relieved.

The weakening of the bones will disappear.

Health recovery speed +27%.

-The curse of Mirror Destruction has been alleviated.

The probability of receiving reverse damage when attacking the enemy will


“Round Hill!”

-Atrock’s holy magic has restored health by 3,872.

-Tyr’s holy magic has restored health by 3,872.

Blessings and healing was concentrated on Weed to relieve the curses. His
body’s condition rapidly shot upwards.


The Embinyu Army and the desert army!

The desert warriors thrust through the monsters and fanatics.

“Keep moving. In accordance with the law of the desert in regards to

dealing with enemies.”

“The first priority is to break through the enemies. If the priests pursue
then kill them all!”
The Knights of Atrocities were no match for the desert warriors. The
Embinyu Army was strengthened with magic but the desert army used
sophisticated, group strategies. They threw arrows and axes towards the
enemies as they approached. And they used the thick scimitars to hit the
enemies. Then the following camels would then trample on them!

The strength of the desert warriors also lay in the camels they raised. In the
case of knights, armour clad horses could influence the battle. But for desert
warriors, camels were essential to cross the desert plains. They needed to
track down the enemies or sources of water. Weed trained the desert
warriors to utilize the camels in this chain method of attack.

In addition, the desert mercenaries that Seo-yoon raised were also

adept. The mercenaries solved commissions in the harsh desert so they
knew how to fight with multiple weapons.

The situation of the combat slaves and prisoners were different.

“N-no. We will die if we go in there.”

“Why do we have to fight? I don’t know what I am fighting for. I want to go


Their training and morale was low so they were hesitant to head into
battle. At that moment, Weed yelled using Atrock’s Cry.

“Fight! If you fight the Embinyu army then you can return to your
homeland. If they win then this world will end in destruction. Defeat the
enemy in order for your families to survive!”

As soon as Weed recovered, he felt the need to send more troops to the
desert army. The slaves’ terrified expressions changed dramatically.

“We have to finish those guys off.”

“I’m looking at that big monster for the first time. It seems kind of cute. I
will mutilate them!”

Atrock’s Cry caused a change!

The power was enough to sweep away the weak fanatics. The combat
slaves’ mission was to subdue the ridiculously strong Embinyu Army. Their
fighting style didn’t show any training at all. Their purpose was to use their
spears and shields for create a fortified wall.

The desert army acted as bait in order to give them time to fulfil the
mission. The priests that weren’t disturbed by the vampires used the
brainwashing technique.

“You will truly believe and only follow Embinyu. What has this world done
for you? If you believe in Embinyu then you will gain strength and power.
You will be able to deliver pain to others.”

“No, we have already submitted to the Great Emperor Weed-nim. If he is on

our side then we will be able to defeat the enemy. No humans can fight him
and win.”

Atrock’s Cry had raised the troops’ resistance to brainwashing.

“Embinyu will liberate you from all pain and suffering.”

“Ohh indeed, God Embinyu!”

“It is strange that you are suddenly talking about Embinyu.”

“Kill him!”

“I shall receive the power of Embinyu…kek!”

“Those people are talking about Embinyu. Kill them all!”

The traitors were immediately executed by other soldiers! The priests’

magic only caught weak soldiers so it felt like a waste of magic.

Of course, the desert warriors didn’t fall victim to the lure of Embinyu. They
had a resolute will but also obtained many powers and treasures from
looting across the continent!

The meteor disaster had caused fatal damage to the Embinyu Army. The
dead troops might’ve been revived but those who survived had decreased
strength and vitality and numerous injuries! The Embinyu Army wasn’t at
full strength.

“This is a great opportunity. There might not be another chance to beat


Weed ventured back to the battlefield after his health reached 68%.

The Embinyu Army had tremendous power and the situation wouldn’t be
resolved until he killed Igrig and Motuls.

Weed used Sculpture Transformation to once again turn into a

barbarian. He couldn’t finish the whole thing alone. He would consider it
after drilling through the vanguard towards the desert army.

His only complaint!

“I am an apostle of justice that will protect the peace of the continent. So

this is good motivation.”

Through the numerous adversities and doing bad things, his men had
developed a firm commitment. When he looked at it in the long term, the
Embinyu Church was a competitor.



Warrior-2 still hadn’t fought.

His mission was to organize a convoy of 1,000 desert warriors for

Weed! 200 of the desert warriors in the convey were those that grew along
with Nodulle. A single, small group that boasted the best power on the

Weed felt reassured as he looked at them. In the worst case situation, his
subordinates would be strong enough to escape.

“Let’s go. Stop the priests.”

The desert warriors were in charge of taking care of the Priests of
Punishment. They shot arrows at the priests. The free spirited methods that
the warriors used to fight in the desert.

The desert warriors followed tactics that Weed gave them but they also
bravely jumped behind enemy lines. Their unmatched resistance and
survival strength allowed them to be reckless on the battlefield!

In fact, their actions were ignorant when dealing with groups of magicians,
priests, shamans or knights. They wold be weakened by spells or curses and
eventually killed.

The deserts warriors were proficient in using their mobility to break

through but their real advantage was melee combat when they split up.

“It isn’t too late even now. Rotten corpses are wandering around the
battlefield. If you follow Embinyu then you can go back home.”

“Shut up. Don’t give me those dirty words. My child is from an affair my wife
had with the man next door!”

“Home? I’ve only roamed the battlefield so I have nothing left. I have
nothing to do except kill you.”

The desert warriors advanced into enemy lines and scattered to take care of
the priests. Weed was a huge barbarian who broke through the centre. He
smashed the monsters with both arms and kicks.

He stopped before Van Hawk and Torido’s troops who were on the verge of
collapse. It was especially bad in the case of the vampire army that had been
reduced by one third. They returned to Weed in order to recover.


“It seems like you are safe.”

His subordinates just wanted to hear a few words of praise. Weed advanced
towards the Atrocity Knights and wiped them out with the Extermination
Sword before saying.

“Tsk tsk, I have to clean up your mess.”


“Van Hawk, you are the great commander of the Army of Darkness.”


“Torido, so far you’ve only drank one or two drops of blood. Anyway, I am
suffering because you are insufficient.”

A tactic that swallowed and spat out his subordinates! A way for his
subjects to learn their natural positions in the hierarchy.

However, the Embinyu Army also properly demonstrated their strength.

Igrig squeezed a heated response from the priests and knights. The priests
were in charge of barriers, curses and holy magic while the knights with
high morale attacked without any hesitation.

The desert warriors were capable to using spectacular strikes to defeat

them but Igrig’s infinite resurrection magic meant they would eventually

Motuls also had enormous special skills.

“This is the land ruled by God Embinyu. No pagans can come through this
area. Declaration of Sacrosanct Territory!”

-Declaration of Sacrosanct Territory.

The destruction power of Embinyu is spread over this zone.

All followers of the Embinyu Army will have their combat related stats
increased by 70%.

The destructive power of their skills have increased by 120%.

All those who don’t belong to Embinyu will have 3,892 health absorbed
every 5 seconds.

The absorbed health will be changed into mana for the high priest Motuls.
Please Note!

A barrier will form around the sacrosanct territory.

In order to break through the solid barrier, true heroism is needed to kill the
high priest Motuls.

Igrig and Motuls!

The high priests of the Embinyu Army had levels exceeding 700 and special
abilities. It was enough to make a level 700 warrior feel weak. Their health
was also high so they wouldn’t die easily.

Magicians and priests had special abilities so they would wreak havoc when
commanding subordinates. While within the sacrosanct territory, the desert
warriors would have their health absorbed and they also couldn’t retreat.

“Bone Destruction, Devastating Wrath and Deep, Dark Poison Fog!”

Motuls embarked on a spree of magic after using the mana absorption

spell. A high priests with an infinite supply of mana could freely use
advanced magic. There should be a limit to how scary a priest and
magician’s special abilities could be.

“I need to hurry and take care of them as quickly as possible.”

Weed had more fun the stronger the enemy was.

Igrig and Motuls. This was a great opportunity for the two high priests to
show their special abilities. It was beneficial if they dragged out the time.

Weed’s eyes quickly looked around the battlefield. He found Hestiger and
Zahab who were positioned with the slaves. The meteor shower had
devastated the land so flames burned everywhere.

“Break through. Don’t let the valour of our enemies stop us.”

“Waaaah! Follow Hestiger-nim!”

Hestiger led his troops to slay the monsters. A sturdy, tall and good looking
person with a considerate nature towards his subordinates. His
swordsmanship couldn’t be questioned and he always gained great
achievements on the battlefield. He gave off a stylish appearance as he
drove his camel forward for an assault.

The Master Swordsman Zahab was currently using a sword of light to cut an
enormous monster in half. He had also used Sculptural Destruction to
convert his stats into strength. His art stat surpassed Weed since he lived
for a long time. Therefore his sword and attack skills had reached the peak,
making the monsters no match for him.

He deflected the fireball a priest shot at him with Moonlight Sculpting

Blade. He recreated the beautiful dance in the moonlight that was a legend
in the Rosenheim Kingdom.

“Okay, they will be sufficiently useful. I won’t go alone.”

Weed gave a loud shout.



“Bring your troops along and fight with me.”

“It is an honour.”

Hestiger was always polite to Weed. He was humble yet elegant.


“I know.”

Zahab had already wanted to target the high priests. He had mastered
swordsmanship so he was one of the strongest people.

“Warrior-2, prevent the other troops of the Embinyu Army from


“I will dedicate my life to it.”

Weed decided to target the high priest Igrig first. Both of them were
opponents that couldn’t be left alone for a long time. Igrig continued to
revive the Embinyu troops while Motuls inflicted massive damage on the
desert army.

Igrig was chosen because he was closer.

“Let’s go.”

Weed ran towards Igrig with Zahab and Hestiger. He brandished the
Extermination Sword and stormed through the monsters! Igrig was one of
the leaders so he had strong looking monsters and knights around him. The
bronze giant in the convoy made it an absolutely untouchable defense! He
needed to slay thousands of enemies before eliminating Igrig.

Weed stomped on the ground.

“Earth Shaking!”

The solid earth shook at least 1 metre up and down so the monsters and
bronze giants couldn’t stay standing. The bronze giant fell, causing the
monsters to fall one after another. The priests that were chanting spells also
lost their balance.

The troops in front of him were devastated! Weed thought it was highly
risky but was willing to make a concession to obtain the opportunity.

“Now Hestiger!”

“Red Lion! Go!”

Hestiger’s troops ran like the wind. And arrows and magic attacks
immediately flew around in the vicinity. They ignored the Embinyu Army
and focused attacks on Igrig.

The Punishment Priests out of range of Earth Shaking aimed curses towards
the enemies heading towards Igrig. Hestiger and the Red Lion broke
through the barrier and pounced like a hungry lion.

The bravery and recklessness of the desert army was clearly shown. Each
person was a great warrior with leadership abilities. There were no useless
movements as they broke through the enemy. They received countless
attacks but the damage was minimal and they were unstoppable.
“Zahab-nim, go!”

Weed followed behind Zahab. Whether it was one on one or one on ten,
none of the knights could stop them. Zahab lightly cut the enemy with
Sculpting Blade while Weed just overwhelmed them with force.

“Get out of the way!”

The Extermination Sword struck them to the side! The shields or swords
couldn’t block it so those hit would fly away more than 100 metres. There
was an exciting feeling similar to hitting a baseball or golf ball.

Those watching Weed from the side found it an overwhelming

spectacle. After a few knights were thrown away, the barrier had collapsed.

“Igrig, this is your last day!”

Weed cried out as he arrived 70 metres in front of Igrig. This was a good
distance for barbarians. His size that made the Dulmore Fortress and its
plains seem narrow!

“Curse of Blood in the Lungs!”

A dark red mana gathered around Igrig. The curse hit the knights that Weed
had thrown.


Blood poured form the knights as the curse hit and they died.

‘There will be no chance for 10 seconds.’

Weed calmly read the situation.

The knights that fell to the ground were immediately woken up by

Igrig. And the centre of the Embinyu Army contained priests chanting curse

A barbarian had the highest attack power but curses would half their
capabilities. If he missed the right timing then the desert army would be
wiped out by the Embinyu Army.
Weed alone couldn’t deal with the constantly resurrecting Embinyu Army.

“Zahab-nim, this is your opportunity.”


Weed threw Zahab towards Igrig. Zahab flew straight like an arrow!

“Radiant Sword!”

Birds of light appeared from Zahab’s sword and hit the knights guarding
Igrig. And Zahab jumped over their bodies before landing in front of Igrig.

“Evane’s enemy!”

Well, he seemed like a genuinely good man but he still dreamed of an affair
with a married woman.

“Who are you?”

Igrig picked up a staff and blocked the attack.

“You are quite good, human.”

“I will kill you.”

“I represent God’s will so how can a human kill me?”

There was a current of mana every time the sword and staff clashed. He was
a high priest but he still had significant close combat power. The eyeball in
the skull studded staff had the ability to absorb the enemy’s energy.

“You are strong enough to see the skills of the Embinyu Church!”

“Shut up. I have received the value of Evane’s life so I will stop you.”

Of course, it was unfair since Queen Evane was born and died many years in
the future. Zahab was old but Weed couldn’t even guess his age anymore.

Anyway, Weed was able to aim him at an appropriate opponent.

“Sculpting Blade!”
Weed also took action while Zahab charged at Igrig. He wiped out the
bronze giants and priests that were affected by Earth Shaking. The rest
were blocked by Warrior-2’s troops so no one interfered with Weed’s

“The priests will fulfil the will of Embinyu!”

The bronze giants ran amok with their ranged attacks but Weed knew their
weakness was close combat! He ignored the curses hitting him and just
attacked the monsters and bronze giants.

Weed also joined Zahab in fighting Igrig.

A barbarian’s oversized appearance made it seem like someone bullying the

weak but the reality was different.

Igrig attacked him with a staff filled with darkness. In addition, Motuls was
approaching Igrig with his troops.

Zahab blocked the staff while Weed chopped Igrig’s body.

-Igrig has been cut.

The energy contained in the Extermination Sword has caused 16% fire

The Curse of Health has a 87% chance to repair the damage.

-A critical hit!

The Evil God has applied an immunity to confusion.

A critical hit had been continuously struck.

Igrig was too busy dealing with Zahab that he often left weak points for
Weed. Weed’s damage was real but Igrig’s body had all types of blessings on
it! A priest was vulnerable to close combat but a high priest of the Embinyu
Church wouldn’t simply die.
It was a fight against time. The bronze giants and monsters gathered like
vultures but he just ignored them or brushed them aside to focus on
Igrig. Motuls and his troops were also being blocked by Warrior-2. If they
didn’t handle Igrig now then his special abilities would continue
resurrecting the troops.

“Van Hawk, Torido!”

“I have been waiting, Master.”

“I am very curious to see what blood steeped in evil will taste like!”

Van Hawk and Torido quickly joined the battle. Several people were being
used to beat just one!
Traces of History

Igrig was a priest so his health wasn’t high.

“Check the status of the enemy!”

-Crazy Igrig

A high priest that follows the evil god Embinyu.

In the past, he was an ordinary farmer until he discovered a slab left behind
by Embinyu and became a fanatic.

He commands the army with the promise of immortality.

Health: 51%

Mana: 79%

Igrig had 430,000 health! He wore rare robes inscribed with special
characters that gave him a sturdy defense.

However, he couldn’t afford to ignore Weed, Zahab, Van Hawk and Torido’s
attacks. A priest was adept at blessing their colleagues or cursing their
enemies. They were the most vulnerable when it came to close combat.

-I’m asking you. A crisis has fallen upon a faithful servant, Igrig. All members
of the Embinyu Army, come here!

An ability to command the entire army! Suddenly all the monsters and
fanatics on the battlefield came running. Even those fighting the desert
army ignored them and attempted to get to Igrig. The monsters died as they
tried to escape.

Weed moved behind the bronze giants and used a powerful skill.

“Heavy Explosion!”
The bronze giants weren’t killed. Weed poured out large scale destruction
magic but they had high health so several accurate attacks were
needed. Weed targeted the legs in order to destroy the bronze giants’
balance. The fallen bronze giants greatly hindered the entry of the

Igrig was concentrating on defense but his health was rapidly falling. A high
priest of the Embinyu Church that was trying to destroy the peace of the
continent! Weed and his group was trying to save the world.

Abyss Knight Van Hawk was ignored while Torido would rush in to suck
Igrig’s blood.

Zahab was Weed’s slave for life due to the woman he loved! He had been
enjoying life in his old age until he was forced back to the warring period.

It was the best combination to deal with a high priest of the Embinyu

‘He won’t last long!’

Weed instinctively felt that Igrig was reaching his final moments. His curses
were continuously cancelled by Zahab and the aura of darkness was

Weed felt something unusual as Igrig started chanting a spell.

“Oh Holy One, in order to fulfil the promise of immortality that your faithful
servant Igrig….”

Weed didn’t know it but Igrig could use an immortal flesh spell on himself
once his health fell below 20%. If his spell was successful then he would be
in an invincible state where his health wouldn’t fall anymore. However, the
promise of immortality hanging over the Embinyu Army would be turned
off! The monsters and fanatics wouldn’t survive but Igrig’s health couldn’t
be reduced for two days.

Weed instinctively perceived a serious threat. A similar tension to when a

friend called after several years!

“Van Hawk, go ahead. He has to die! Okay!”


Van Hawk emitted a dark aura and brandished his sword at Igrig. Unlike
other occasions, Igrig’s spell chanting wasn’t interrupted by the attacks.

“I will sacrifice all live that lives on this land so that your enemies can feel
pain and bitterness….”

The chanting continued. Weed also attacked Igrig rather than the bronze

He focused on battering the head, chest and belly! The series of continuous
attacks caused terrific damage. Igrig was hit all over his body yet he still
chanted his spell. Now Zahab swung his sword of light while Van Hawk
summoned the power of the abyss.

Currently, the ones with the best attack power on the continent was
gathered in this place. And…


Igrig spread his arms wide open and screamed.


A thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck the ground. Dozens of forked
lightning burned Igrig’s body.

-The crazy high priest Igrig of the Embinyu Church has entered his eternal


Due to his sins, his soul won’t be able to rest but he will feel free for the first
time since being captured by the evil god.
-The monsters and fanatics of the 6th sect of the Embinyu Church are in

-Fame has increased by 32,392 due to the great achievement.

-As a special reward for the fight, the Faith stat has increased by 120.

-One god has strongly blessed you.

Hestia, Goddess of the Kitchen!

Her blessing will increase fire damage by 135% for a week.

“Now there is only one left.”

Weed had a rotten smile on his face!


Motuls gave a sad scream.

Of course, Motuls was also a high priest. Weed needed to be careful on this
quest or he could lose everything.

But Pechet and Igrig were dead so the burden on his mind was significantly
lightened. It was a blessing that the fanatics and monsters that the desert
army swept through wouldn’t revive again.

In addition, the divine power causing resistance when Van Hawk tried to
make undead from corpses disappeared. Skeletons, dullahans, low grade
death knights etc. were being created everywhere. The movement of the
fanatics were hampered.

Weed set up an organized plan. Until now, he had been urgently responding
according to the battle situation.


“You called.”

“You go over there first.”

Motuls was inside the sacrosanct area! The intruders would lose their
health so Motuls’ protection was very strong.

Therefore he should throw Torido in such a place! He was the weakest in

combat power but he had the high health characteristic of a vampire lord.

“I don’t want to.”


“It looks dangerous. How come I have to go?”

“I will give you a choice. I will kill you. Or do you want to go over there to

“Uhh, I think it is better to go there to die.”

Torido entered the sacrosanct territory and even duelled with a knight. He
was pierced by a several Atrocity Knights and barely escaped by
transforming into a bat.

“It is somewhat tricky. He is different from the others.”

Weed made a plan and left his position.

Operation Steel Lunch Box!

The promise of immortality was broken so the monsters and fanatics were
removed by the desert army. The power of the Embinyu Army was
definitely exceptional. The 20,000 desert army that didn’t know defeat was
rapidly reduced.

However, many priests also died. That was because the desert warriors
breaking through the enemy focused on the priests. The damage sustained
from the meteor shower and the battle at Dulmore Fortress meant their
current power was 80,000.

“I need to take advantage of the undead and the vampires should eat more
actively. The supplies are sufficient….the desert warriors don’t get tired
even after fighting all day so I don’t need to worry about that.”
The arrows are focused on the bronze giants and Motuls. They threw stones
while the desert warriors dodged and counterattacked with fire arrows.

His sculptural lifeforms also knocked down a group of enemies. The

Embinyu Army were packed together so the desert warriors hit them

1,000 warriors would hinder a giant monster and would attack and retreat
while firing arrows! They divided into groups of 20 and danced like a
butterfly around the enemy. The barrage of blows from the desert army
caused enemy lines to collapse.

The desert army showed a successful tactic against the Embinyu Army! This
demonstration of the group tactics wasn’t due to numerous experiences but
Weed’s nagging.

The Embinyu Army retaliated using magic and curses but the desert army
just scattered in every direction. They had high health and were also
supported with healing from the priests.

The Embinyu Army was strong but they were honest and simple when it
came to fighting. The main army just headed in front of them while the large
monsters were slow and lumbering.

The manoeuvrability and ranged strikes annihilated the main army! The
desert army was overwhelming when it came to tactics. They were children
that learned all types of tips and tricks from Weed.

They had no chance to fight within the sacrosanct territory. The desert
army fought outside the range of Motuls’ control. Every time there was a
volley of arrow attacks!

It wasn’t just their combat power and manoeuvrability. Their ability to win
was also based on their ranged combat.

Of course, Weed was in danger due to being alone in the Embinyu Army but
he was fairly relaxed. The Embinyu Army had been decreased by 30% since
the desert army first appeared. And he was at the final goal to defeat
Despite that, there were still quite a lot of monsters, knights and priests
remaining in the Embinyu Army.



200 desert warriors in Weed’s convoy had died while he fought Igrig. This
was one of the toughest troops so 200 casualties were a huge loss. The
people that survived would be able to last a long time in Weed’s empire.

“It is time to hunt the biggest guy. Support me.”




“Don’t let anyone interfere.”

“I will obey.”

Warrior-1 and his troops kept out the surrounding monsters and fanatics. If
the interference was minimized then he could just focus on the enemy
inside the sacrosanct territory.

Weed still wasn’t in his best condition.

“Zahab-nim! Hestiger!”

“I know.”

“I have been waiting for your orders.”

Now Zahab and Hestiger marched into the sacrosanct territory! The Knights
of Atrocities were attacked by arrows from their escorts. The desert
warriors stayed outside the sacrosanct territory and continued to fire
arrows like lightning.

“Severe Blow!”
Even so, Weed blew back enemies with an intense blow while entering the
holy area.

-You have entered the divine territory of Embinyu.

Health is reduced.

Defense has given high resistance.

Health will be reduced by 2,138 every 5 seconds.

Sacrosanct territory would convert this to mana for Motuls. If Motuls had an
unlimited supply of magic then he could continue using his advanced magic.

He was like a mountain standing in Weed’s way.

“Finish it quickly.”


Weed threw Zahab at Motuls. When looking at the side effects, there was no
guarantee of his safety. But due to the fact that he was a genius in
swordsmanship and sculpting, he flew through the enemies and ended up
in front of Motuls.

“Hestiger, you too.”

“It is an honour, Great King!”

In contrast to Zahab’s loyalty, Hestiger followed Weed due to his

selflessness. He was handsome, humble and had plenty of popularity among
his subordinates. A nice person would built achievements through hard

Bung bung buoung!

Weed also threw Hestiger towards Motuls.

‘If everything goes well then this might be a jackpot.’

Hestiger was a nice person but he also raised his level within 3~4 of Weed
during the Nodulle’s Growth quest. Hestiger unleashed all his accumulated
resentment on the Knights of Atrocities.

He somersaulted and lightly landed next to Motuls! Two knights were

attacking from both sides but he jumped up and swung his sword at both of
them. Of course, the enemies didn’t die but they were knocked down a

“As expected from Hestiger!”

“That is the Red Lion troop led by Hestiger.”

Weed’s ears kept on hearing Hestiger being praised. But now wasn’t the
time to be jealous so Weed jumped straight at Motuls.


Suddenly, a wall rose up from the ground. A wall of demons! A barrier

protecting Motuls.

Weed passed through the barrier using the power of his body. The knights
and monsters were easily knocked down with Severe Blow. He deliberately
knocked them out of the sacrosanct area so that the desert warriors could
take care of them.

“Those who go against the will of Embinyu, you will die and this earth will
be destroyed!”

If Motuls was an ordinary priest then the outcome would be decided with
one punch. Even Igrig couldn’t survive a series of continuous attacks. But
Motuls was a monk, not a typical priest! He used fists to strike the enemy
while chanting spells at the same time.

“Blood Fist of Atonement!”

He swung his fist at Weed. Weed moved to the right side to avoid it.

‘This is a little risky.’

The Blood Fist that he avoided rather than blocked headed in a straight line
towards the Atrocity Knights behind him.


The Blood Fist hit the Atrocity Knights in the surrounding area and 4 of
them were killed. This was the sacrosanct territory so Weed couldn’t afford
being damaged.

The nature of a monk meant that Motuls had better health and vitality than
Igrig. To make matters worse, he had protection magic and high magic
resistance. It enabled him to fight Hestiger and Zahab.

Additionally, the Atrocity Knights had huge stats as well!

“Weight of Repentance!”

Motuls used a skill to add a heavy weight to all friends and enemies within

-You have received a curse.

Movement speed has slowed by 24%.

Pain has been received.

There is a chance of damage every 10 seconds.

Curses of hatred will cause additional damage.

The divine magic that didn’t care about who it affected.

“Don’t worry about the curse and fight! The colleagues outside will help!”

“I understand.”

Weed could endure a little longer but Hestiger and Zahab had less than 15%
health left. The monsters and knights near Motuls interfered by defending
him. Dealing with their attacks in a limited space was quite tough.

“We will take care of it.”

The sculptural lifeforms plunged in. Zahab and Hestiger were the subject of
intensive treatment from the priests.

“High Priest-nim is in danger.”

“No! If High Priest-nim dies then we will stay in the pits of hell forever.”

Warrior-1 and the widespread desert army completely blocked any

reinforcements! The bronze giants occasionally threw rocks but all access
from the land was blocked.

Weed focused on the Knights of Atrocities in the sacrosanct territory. His

kick wiped out the enemy’s defense and then he would strike with the
Extermination Sword.

-Health is decreasing.

Current health remaining is 17.8%.

You have been caught by 7 curses.

“There is no need to kill all of them.”

Those Weed threw out of the sacrosanct territory were left to the sculptural
lifeforms. Aside from the priests, Motuls was also protected by 20 Atrocity

“Complete Recovery!”

A pillar of light rose up from Motuls’ body. The high priest offered up some
of his mana to recover his health. The injured knights escorting him were
also healed.

“No way. A scam!”

Weed thought it was ridiculous. Motuls could use the mana stolen by
sacrosanct territory to heal himself. The close combat power of the high
priest also couldn’t be ignored. The sculptural lifeforms also had their
defense and attack power weakened due to curses.
“There can’t be more than 30 troops protecting him. Warrior-1 can
thoroughly block them.”

Then Motuls used another spell.

“Guardian’s Vow!”

Light pillars shot up once again in the sacrosanct territory and 4 bronze
giants appeared! More than 100 Atrocity Knights were summoned.

“It is starting from the beginning again.”

Weed jumped back into battle when his health reached 67%. He once again
blew through the barrier made from knights! The amount of resistance
wasn’t unexpected.

They were damaged by the desert warriors but the Embinyu Army’s
defense formation was strong and stable. Weed was only aiming at Motuls.

“The will of Embinyu won’t be broken.”

“They are naive. You can’t believe anything in this world.”

“Take my hand. I will lead you to the correct path of faith. You will receive
great strength and power.”

“Money is the best thing in life!”

He also got into an argument with Motuls as the battle resumed! Zahab,
Hestiger, Van Hawk and Torido joined him. They would be switched with
sculptural lifeforms once their health was low.

Weed and Motuls both had their health fall. The knights were assaulted by
arrows from the desert army and their number decreased by a third.

“Kuhuhu, this pain and suffering. If you believe in Embinyu then he will
solve all your worries with his infinite power.”

Motuls’ fist was quite intimidating. Aside from the damage, there were also
the bizarre curses. Motuls’ attacks hit a wide area so Weed avoided it and
wielded the Extermination Sword. Both sides engaged in a fierce battle but
Motuls had 50% health left while Weed only had 16%.
Weed would be the first to die. He noticed that Motuls focused on divine
magic while attacking. He didn’t care as long as Weed was killed.

“Kill him. It is Embinyu’s will.”


The Atrocity Knights also focused their attacks on Weed.

“I don’t care as long as he dies!”

A fight where the person who died first would be the loser! Weed pushed
through 10 large Atrocity Knights in order to damage Motuls’ body. It was a
crisis as his health fell sharply.

He had 3.4% health remaining. All the effort he made would disappear in

Motuls who was vigorously attacking still had 35% health left.

The Knights of Atrocities’ attacks were focused on blocking Weed from

running out of the sacrosanct area.

At that moment, Weed gave a large shout.

“Recovery of Joy!”

-The barbarian’s unique ability, Recovery of Joy has been used.

Bardger, the God of Bravery will return a barbarian’s body to its normal

It is a shame for a barbarian to lose against a strong enemy.

A barbarian’s pride won’t allow the enemy to win.

You have to take down the enemy!

-Health has been completely restored.
Curses hanging over your body have been completely removed.

Resistance to curses and magic will rise by 370%.

Weed’s body returned to a normal state. And his movements suddenly

accelerated as the curses were eliminated.

‘Just one chance!’

He moved past the Atrocity Knights and wielded his sword towards Motuls.


Motuls was cut up with the Extermination Sword. Despite that, the injuries
were smaller due to the protection magic.

Weed didn’t care. He was much stronger in a one-on-one battle. During the
Nodulle’s Growth quest, he had evenly balanced his offensive and defensive
growth. His level was high but he also mastered many skills associated with

It was like a tiger regaining its spirit!

“You dare disobey Embinyu!”

“What can Embinyu give me? Well, it might be blamed on the fact that I’m
too handsome!”

Weed continuously moved the Extermination Sword. He tirelessly swung

his sword at Motuls. He also used Power of Birth and Black Knight’s Strike
to hit the forces.

The Knights of Atrocities screamed and tried to protect Motuls but they
were just ignored! Motuls was forcibly pushed back while the continuous
attacks disabled his divine magic.

“Is this world working correctly? If you believe in Embinyu then you shall
realize the true light.”

“I never trusted this world in the first place.”

“Embinyu’s wrath is terrible…..”

“I only fear the landlord!”

Weed had a strong faith that Motuls couldn’t shake. He learned that money
was the first priority in modern society! Motuls’ health was drastically
reduced to 10%.

“Complete Reco….”

“I’ve been waiting for this. Go!”

-You have dealt a critical blow.

68% damage has been added.

-You have dealt a critical blow.

149% damage has been added.

-You have dealt a critical blow.

261% damage has been added.

-You have dealt a critical blow.

442% damage has been added.

A continuous one power attack that caused critical hits! Weed used his keen
combat senses to find weaknesses in Motuls. Weed’s countless combat
experiences meant Motuls’ health would keep on decreasing once he was

The battles he fought became easier and more comfortable due to his sharp
eyes and intuition. His milk deliveries and newspaper deliveries meant he
could look at the door or walls of a house and determine if they wanted
strawberry or chocolate milk.

‘Then lastly….’
Motuls had attempt to use his divine magic for recovery. Weed struck his
chest 3 consecutive times.

-Texture Sword was successful.

You have dealt a critical blow.

The opponent’s defense has been neutralized and 284% damage has been
-Texture Sword was successful.

You have dealt a critical blow.

The opponent’s defense has been neutralized and 516% damage has been
-Texture Sword was successful.

You have dealt a critical blow.

The opponent’s defense has been neutralized and 837% damage has been

An exponentially growing attack! The damage from a barbarian wielding

the Extermination Sword was incredibly huge.

Motuls’ sacrosanct territory didn’t last much longer. Motuls’ body shattered
like glass and a dark energy started to flow.

“You…your days are numbered. E…mbinyu…always….”

-Motuls, the high priest of sacrifices and bribes has entered his eternal rest.

Due to his sins, his soul won’t be able to rest but he will feel free for the first
time since being captured by the evil god.
-The monsters and fanatics of the 4th sect of the Embinyu Church are in


-Fame has increased by 42,138 due to the great achievement.

-As a special reward for the fight, the Faith stat has increased by 130.

-The dark energy covering the Embinyu Army is gone.

-Advent of the Conqueror has been completed.

A young conqueror that set off from the southern desert has rattled the

Disobedient nobles will kneel down with every step he takes as he expands
his territory.

His soldiers are brave and full of loyalty.

His desert territory has widened and the residents recognize him as a Great

The deeply disturbing shadows cast by the servants of Embinyu have

disappeared. The greedy kings have repeatedly caused wars and drew this
world into a feast of blood.

One of the greatest conquerors is looking down on them from a high place!
-Fame has increased by 51,282.

-A large footprint has been left in history.

-Bonus time compensation has been given for this quest.

The time bonus will be given to the final secret sculpting technique once you
return to your original world.
-Due to the miracles achieved in this adventure, all stats will gain 15 points.

The acquired stats will be retained even after you return to your original
-Please set the name of your Empire.

The empire will exist in the history of the continent and will disappear after
like a fixed trace behind.

“Hrmm, the name of my empire.”

Weed often thought of names. He was experienced with naming his

sculptures but never thought about ones for an empire.

“Anyway, it doesn’t matter because my relationship with the empire will

vanish after a while.”

Lots of money wouldn’t be coming from it so he gave it a simple name.

“Pallos Empire.”

-Pallos Empire is correct?

“That’s right.”

The name Pallos. It was the name of a candy in his distant memories. He
wanted to eat the candy but it was too expensive so he couldn’t. Sometimes
he would take some when he saw little children eating it. The name suited
an empire founded on looting and destruction.

-The name Pallos Empire has been decided.

-Please select the governance system.

A monarchy ruled by an emperor, a feudal system, a republic or a senate
ruled by chief nobles.

Please note.

If you choose a monarchy then you need to immediately establish a heir that
you can hand over all your power to. A smart emperor would lay the
foundation of the empire for a long time. Of course, the opposite could be
true if the emperor selects an incompetent heir.

If you choose a republic then the citizens of Pallos Empire will select the
emperor themselves. Each emperor’s power will be constrained and they
will be replaced at regular intervals. Trade will grow quickly and there will
be less resistance from the occupied territories.

If you select a feudal governing system then each region will be ruled by a
lord. It is a good system to govern distant areas in a vast empire but the lord
will have more power than the emperor in that area. There will be no
rebellion or tax evasion.

A senate will consist of those with the most fame and strength in the Pallos
Empire. They will rule on serious matters in meetings.


His mind wanted to just select a monarchy.

Absolute monarchy! An emperor that rules over the entire territory and
could exploit the residents was a perfect fit for Weed. God might say killing
was rule but the emperor of an empire had all the power!

“But I don’t have anyone to hand the empire over to.”

A republic was more difficult. Weed’s desert army had the absolute force
and authority on the Versailles Continent. However, a republic meant a NPC
would been selected. Then it was likely that Hestiger would be selected as
the Emperor of the Pallos Empire.

A feudal system was even more ridiculous. He couldn’t give full control of
different regions over to other people.
“I will decide on a senate.”

The political system chosen wasn’t perfect but the people selected wouldn’t
be a problem. The Pallos Empire would leave a deep impact on the history
of the Versailles Continent but Weed just made his decisions roughly.

-The governance system of the Pallos Empire has been decided as a group

Pallos’s Power

[TL Note: I’ve made a change to the previous chapter that people who read it quickly might not have
noticed. ‘As a special reward for the fight, all stats have increased by 120’ has been changed to ‘As a special
reward for the fight, the Faith stat has increased by 120.’ This also applies to the later stat box where ‘all
stats have increased to 130’ has been changed to ‘As a special reward for the fight, the Faith stat has
increased by 130.’]


Changes occurred to the Versailles Continent.

There were changes due to Weed’s success in the past. The ice covering the
north were the undead army lived disappeared and cities were
discovered. New ordinances sprang up, great architecture and cities were
built that would leave a great impact on the Northern Continent.

A myriad of users living on the Versailles Continent encountered the

changes that Wed caused. Once again, the Versailles Continent would also
change if the Embinyu Church was victorious.

Arud River in the Rosenheim Kingdom.

The place where the Sphinx and Pyramid used to be was just a pile of stones
after being destroyed by the Embinyu Church. Users were crouching down
and hiding in this wasteland.

“Shhh! Quiet.”

“We have to remain unnoticed until the end. Let’s go slowly.”

They were users that lived in a land dominated by the Embinyu

Church. They couldn’t bear leaving their hometowns in Rosenheim
Kingdom. Hunting was difficult and it was impossible to live a normal life.
Users would immediately lose their lives if they encountered the inquisitors
and religious fanatics. Users hid in the forests during the day and only
moved at night.

The charred and blackened wastelands suddenly had flowers bloom. The
entire land was recovering. The power of the Embinyu Church disappeared
and the land was changing back to its past fertile state.

Grains that millions of people could eat were grown and flowers bloomed
along the Arud River.

“What is this?”

The users marvelled at the strange sight and sent whispers to each other.


-Yes. I don’t know what is going on all of a sudden.

-You don’t know? Today Weed is fighting the Embinyu Church.

-Then it is because of that?

-I haven’t seen that part on the broadcast yet. But this likely means that his
adventure is successful. A real jackpot!

The pyramid was also slowly restored.

Due to the changes in the past, the deep wounds that the Embinyu Church
left on the Rosenheim Kingdom, had disappeared.

Serabourg Castle returned to its original state and the massacred royal
family were revived. Villages were also restored.

The changes were just confined to the eastern part of the Versailles

The Central Continent!

It was the land with the largest number of users and residents. The conflict
with the prestigious guilds ended with the Haven Empire’s victory.
As their territory widened, there was an increasing number of destruction
and rebellion due to the Embinyu Church. The fanatics lived in the cities
while several villages were changed into the monster production bases. The
kingdoms of the Central Continent were taken over by the Haven Empire
but were also prone to self-destruction from the Embinyu Church.

The Haven Empire was tense due to the Embinyu Church and were
prepared for a war.

The Central Continent upset by war started recovering! The devastated

cities and land were restored. The residents that followed the Embinyu
Church or were killed by them once again appeared.

“I hope there is a good harvest this year.”

“Yes. I will make a donation to the Church of Lugh.”

Cities were prepared and residents lived again. Technology developed,

culture flourished and the economy blossomed.

Weed’s actions in the warring period had caused damage to the prosperity
and development of the continent.

The Central Continent was very spacious.

The Versailles Continent was divided into the north, south, east, west and
centre but the central area had a larger territory and population than the

The barren south beyond the Desert of Tranquillity, the frozen land of the
north and beyond, the sea and islands of the east but the Central Continent
had a larger population than those areas combined.

The fairies of the forest, the forest of elves, the dragon’s territory and ruins
of the giants. There was a wide variety of terrain for adventures and
hunting. The land dyed by the Embinyu Church’s corruption returned to

The users initially had no idea of these changes.

They were gathered in the taverns to watch Weed’s adventure. But they
started receiving whispers from other users.

-I’ve been on a quest to find materials at Inep Castle.


-The Embinyu Church here was wiped out and Inep Castle returned to its
original state from 3 months ago.


Once the change was known, the users started seeing other changes.

“Please help me!”

“If you don’t follow Embinyu then you will suffer a painful death!”

The novice users were captured by the inquisitors! They closed their eyes
tightly as they waited for the inquisitor to deal a fatal blow. The
brainwashed knights were nearby so they didn’t even dare dream of
escaping from the Embinyu Church!

But the bodies of the inquisitors suddenly turned into a grey light and
disappeared like they had died.

“Why are you speaking like that?”


The knights that had been brainwashed had their faces distorted from the
evil. But now the knights had returned to their original appearance.

“The ground is cold so I don’t know why you are lying down there. Get up.”

The knights gave the novice users a warm hand. The number of Embinyu
Church members in the Central Continent dropped sharply. Once this fact
was known along with Weed’s success, the users on the Central Continent
were filled with frenzied joy.
-Weed is like a real dog. The house that I owned was blown away because
of him. The residents also disappeared. The damage that I suffered…sob

-My shop! The city is a mess due to the demon Weed. The residents
disappeared so the economy and technological development decreased. The
only good thing is that it reduced the number of thieves. A hairy crab. Does
he need to do this?

The users of the Central Continent criticized Weed on the bulletin

boards! His activities in the warring period had affected numerous cities
and users.

There was always a risk of invasion or damage in Royal Road so the users
had no choice but to accept it. The conflicts between the prestigious guilds
caused numerous wars and deaths. The secondary damage was limited
hunting grounds and less business.

The users in the Haven Kingdom, Kallamore Kingdom and Britten Alliance
Kingdom were used to adapting to a changed world. They could understand
war but found damage caused by an individual’s adventure unfair.

While the Hermes Guild was originally negative towards Weed, the users of
the Central Continent thought of him as an idol. The users that lost their
livelihood or stores posted angry criticisms of Weed.

-That Weed bastard, that dirty and lethal….when I think of the damage….

-Once again, I don’t like Weed. He is someone who made me go swimming

in the middle of winter. I spent the entire time in Royal Road hating him.

-I will kill Weed when he comes back. Looking for people to kill Weed!

Then the changes on the Central Continent became known to the users. The
cities that fell had their population reduced by more than half.

The influence of the Embinyu Church was reduced as commercial cities

were restored to its former glory as stable and safe tourist cities. The cities
returned to their prosperous state from the early days of Royal Road and
the development of swords and magic advanced. There was a flow of
inhabitants over the entire continent as 100 new cities sprang up.
And all the users in Royal Road had a message window flash in front of


-The Pallos Empire that ended the warring period!

Historians defined the warring period as a time where trickery, betrayal

,war, slander and violence dominated.

The greedy kings and nobles meant there was never a shortage of battles in
that period!

Innocent residents died on the battlefield and those who resisted the
excessive taxes were killed.

Instead of acting honourably and loyally, the knights weren’t ashamed of

their cruelty and violence.

However, there weren’t many who knew that the Embinyu Church was
deeply embedded in the warring period.

A conqueror raised in the cast and barren land of the south destroyed the
dark clouds on the continent and formed a new empire.

The Pallos Empire!

A country built on the scimitars of the camel warriors. The desert culture
and traditions formed a powerful empire in the warring period.

The might armed forces dominated the continent for 80 years while
maintaining order in the world.

Despite the dispute between the desert tribes, they were able to occupy the
territories for a long 80 years with their simple and effective preferential
treatment of the strong.

The excellent desert warriors acted as the kingdom knights. They

established commercial roads that connected the continent, suppressed the
monsters and firmly managed the safety of the area.
If the senate hadn’t fallen apart due to infighting then the Pallos Empire
would’ve reigned for even longer.

The power of the Pallos Empire.

0 years: The Mapon and Beiner Kingdoms unconditionally surrendered.

The dark clouds on the continent, the Embinyu Church was crushed.

All kingdoms felt respect and fear towards the Pallos Empire.

Weed stepped away from the seat of the Emperor and delegated the rule to
the senate.

2 years: A rebellion occurred in the occupied territories. Six cities belonging

to the Noah and Ruprea Principalities were involved.

The desert warriors overflowing in the Pallos Empire lightly took care of

The brutal destruction contained any further rebellions.

3 years: Monsters increased due to the deteriorating security in the warring


The Pallos Empire annihilated any enemies that tried to invade their

The kingdoms felt fear and paid tributes.

The golden period of the Empire began.

5 years: Famine caused by severe drought.

The Pallos Empire didn’t suffer because they were overflowing with food and

6 years: The great desert warrior Mobis was born.

He was the second Sun Warrior that the desert respected after Weed.

9 years: The senate declared they would expand the territory.

The Pallos Empire destroyed the Mapon Kingdom.

Due to the severe destruction during the war, diplomatic relations with
other kingdoms worsened.

15 years: The desert areas experienced a surge in the birth rate.

The advanced agricultural technology of the continent increased food


Laos was selected as one of the top 10 cities on the continent.

The residents lived in luxury and abundance.

Tobacco became a local specialty of the desert and its popularity spread
across the continent.

21 years: A large scale civil war occurred between the Brukan Tribe and the
Kusilli Tribe.
43 desert tribes formed an alliance.

There were countless corpses before a cease-fire occurred.

34 years: The generation of desert warriors changed.

The desert warriors who followed Weed returned to the soil.

52 years: The invasion of the warlocks.

The Pallos Empire engaged in a 3-year war.

Mobis captured the warlocks and executed them.

However, the oasis in the desert were poisoned and many died.

It was too late to detox the oasis and 6 cities were closed.

66 years: A conflict occurred inside the senate.

The war between the Brukan and Kusilli Tribes continued.

The civil war was aggravated as most of the desert tribes participated.

69 years: The storehouses of the Pallos Empire were emptied.

Due to the preferential policies involving production and commerce of the

desert warriors caused the craftsmanship to fall behind other kingdoms.

The trade imbalance with the other kingdoms worsened.

71 years: The senate had a dramatic reconciliation.

They decided to invade other kingdoms to restore their depleted gold.

72 years: A backlash occurred in the occupied territories.

The desert warriors were involved but the fortresses had high magic

The Dagan Kingdom was reconstructed.

74 years: The great desert warrior Mobis retired.

77 years: The number of kingdoms resisting the Pallos Empire increased to


The Keltun Expedition failed.

81 years: Revolts occurred in most of the occupied territories.

The desert warriors were outstanding but couldn’t win against the armed

The Pallos Empire decided to abandon the occupied territories and

withdrew to the desert.

83 years: The desert tribes started fracturing.

The Pallos Empire was officially dissolved.

* New history books about the Pallos Empire has appeared. Related
adventures have been created.

* The Southern Continent will continue to develop economically and


* The culture of the desert is introduced to cities in the Central Continent.

* More warriors are likely to be born in the desert area.

The children of the desert areas dream of becoming outstanding warriors.

When looking at the history books, the Pallos Empire didn’t leave a large
footstep behind. But the warring period had ended ahead of schedule.

Therefore, the world was more prosperous and stable. This was an
achievement that the great Weed of the desert achieved. His heroic path in
the past changed the current continent.

Users rushed to delete their posts on the bulletin boards that blamed
him. Whether they liked it or not, they also lived in the Haven
Empire. Numerous cities that weren’t originally there sprang up although
some were less civilized. In some cases, the destroyed cities came back even

-Weed the God of War!

-Kyah, Weed really is out there.

-Thank you. Let’s live well in the future.

-My one-bedroom house that I used all my money on…it now turned into a
manor. I don’t know how to repay this grace….


“It is ridiculous that he really succeeded.”

Lafaye had considered hundreds of possibilities for what might happen. It
was most likely that Weed would fail the adventure involving the Embinyu
Church. It wouldn’t be bad even if he failed the adventure.

-The army of fanatics in Frompen has been destroyed.

-The Embinyu worshippers in Rangken Castle have returned to normal


The Embinyu Church that they were prepared to fight just faded
away. Lafaye had watched the television broadcast of Weed’s quest and was
amazed at the astonishing scene as Weed’s fortitude and effort led to his

“It is outrageous. Outrageous.”

Weed had succeeded in a hard adventure but there were consequences. The
Embinyu forces that had been threatening the Haven Empire had been
reduced early on. As long as big variables didn’t occur in the future, the
Embinyu Church wouldn’t be able to cause any more damage.

“Really stupid.”

Lafaye gave a big large.

People should make an effort. It was the reason why a person lived and ate

Weed once again became a celebrity due to the success of the quest but the
Haven Empire was the one who reaped the sweet fruit.

“It is like making gruel for a dog only to have something else eat it first.”

Users whose name was famous in the Haven Empire were gathered. The
famous knights and users of the cities! They gained achievements in the
Hermes Guild and were given high positions in the occupied territories. The
so-called elites of the Hermes Guild were prepared for battle.

“We will now go to the north.”

There was a brightness at the end of Lafaye’s thoughts. The Embinyu
Church or conquering the north. He thought it would be one of those two

He thought it was better to attack than to defend the territory and cities of
the Haven Empire. He skipped the hassle of a civil war with the Embinyu
Church and could concentrate on conquering the Versailles Continent.

The Hermes Guild had thought about unifying the Versailles Continent since
the moment they started and there were only a few steps left. If the north
was properly occupied then it wouldn’t be difficult to secure the east and
west. They might even surrender before the army arrived.

“12 corps will be sent to the north.”

Lafaye and his staff meticulously created a plan for the northern conquest.

In the past, they faced the bitter taste of failure when trying to invade the
north but they had obtained considerable data from it. There was
considerable resistance from the users and their supply chain had been
disrupted. The conclusion was that they shouldn’t try again with
insufficient troops.

Each corps was made out of 300,000 troops so 12 corps was a tremendous
force of 3.6 million! The Haven Empire consisted of 20 corps so it was more
than half of their troops.

Only the Haven Empire could afford to train so many troops. It consisted of
350,000 Hermes Guild users that dominated the Central Continent and the
rest were NPC soldiers. The Hermes Guild users had a variety of professions
and were familiar with all types of combat. Each corps was made up of
knights that raised the power of the soldiers.

When considering that they normally mobilized two or three corps to

conquer a kingdom, Lafaye had gathered a very large force to invade the
north. The 12 corps consisting of knights of the Haven Empire could be
called an invincible army.

“Is this much required?”

“The Arpen Kingdom should only have 100,000 troops.”

Those words came from a corps commander, Bolmensori. He thought the
number gathered to conquer the north was too excessive.

“We need to deal with the users of the Arpen Kingdom.”

“Even so, they are just a mixed bag of rubbish….”

In the past, Rensullot had only let 70,000 troops to the north. They didn’t
return to the Central Continent unharmed but hundreds of thousands of
users were killed in the north.

The Northern Continent couldn’t compete with the power of the Central
Continent. Especially if they needed to fight the elite troops of the Haven
Empire led by Bardray.

“It can’t hurt to be ready to fight for the unification of the continent. The
north is our goal. Finish the necessary arrangements and be prepared to
march in three days.”

The star players of the Haven Empire that would participate in the conquest
of the continent were gathered in front of the Imperial Palace.

The Hermes Guild all had the same thought about the war. They never
supported the war. The size and quality of the troops was completely
different compared to the north.

Bardray was directly leading the army and Weed wasn’t there to be their

‘We will always win the fight.’

‘It is good belonging to the Hermes Guild.’

The Hermes Guild users would always win the fight. Through discipline and
obedience, the hierarchy of power efficiently maximized their victory.

They personally liked Weed’s adventures but understood how to divide

those aspects of their lives.

Despite the great achievements Weed made in Royal Road, the Hermes
Guild was obsessed with destroying the Arpen Kingdom.

Yoo Byung-jin drank hot chocolate as he watched the exciting adventure.

“In the end he managed a victory.”

He thought it would end after the meteors were summoned but Weed
persistently survived like a cockroach.

Weed’s biggest asset was his ability to survive in any environment! And his
ability to govern his subordinates.

Deep wisdom and insight, trust in people, strategies and tactics. Of course, it
was difficult to find any sense of responsibility.

Sometimes he was stingy but other times he showed a brave and bold
imagination and he wasn’t discouraged by hardships. The quest or battles
might turn out unfavourable but he never hesitated.

In other words, he was no different from a human cockroach.

“It is really hard to kill him.”

The viewers saw somewhat edited videos. Magnificent music would play or
a scene would be nicely framed! Even if it was a live broadcast, there would
be a time lag as it was sent from the capsule and the stations would be
ready to insert advertisements.

In contrast, Yoo Byung-jin watched Weed’s raw videos and saw his struggle
to live. The recorded history of heroes wouldn’t mention all of their

Life might be hard but people needed to clench their teeth and overcome it.


“The Haven Empire moved as we expected.”

“Those guys are really quick.”

A meeting of the Grass Porridge Cult! The representative of each unit,

village and cities were present.
The Haven Empire contained the top ranked players of the Hermes Guild
but the Grass Porridge Cult had a wide range of people of all shapes and

When looking at it from the view of the Central Continent, the level 100
users that attended the meeting would be considered beginners.

The Toadstool Porridge unit was willing to welcome a glorious death.

The users that started in the Arpen Kingdom had the opportunity to grow
up with the place. But quite a few lords and guilds had migrated from the
Central Continent to the north.

After the founding of the Arpen Kingdom, the nobles and lords had grown
on a large scale. Culture expanded in most of the areas due to the will of the
residents and many users who participated in the direct growth of the
kingdom were promoted to lords.

The users would participate in village development activities, public

donations, bribes and completion of certain quests. High level users who
recently came from the Central Continent were greedy for a higher position.

‘We will build a new home for our guild in the north. There will be many
opportunities for the development. Mountains were mines are likely to exist
and wide fields where grains can be grown.’

‘I’m not interested in war so I will become a lord through achievements.

And once I become a lord, I will invade other lands.’

‘Well, that is cool. Can’t I earn money if I become the lord of a city?’

There were many myths about the north and it didn’t have any civil
wars. The Arpen Kingdom was self-regulated but the general users didn’t
allow this.

A lord who waged war over land would have the lowest popularity! Even
novice users would avoid their village. There were numerous development
opportunities so there was no benefit to cause a war.

Moreover, the users in the north was extremely complex and diverse. Level
300 users rapidly grew in the north while level 400 users could be found
around Morata and other areas. The Haven Empire had swept through the
Central Continent so many users came over.

The high level users could lose a lot of levels and fame in the war. For that
reason, the lords of the Arpen Kingdom developed cities, towns or villages
according to their preference.

The rapid development of the Arpen Kingdom was due to the effort of the
regular users as well as the lords. It was a miracle how ruins around Morata
could change into a village in just one week or a month.

“How many people has the Haven Empire mobilized for the invasion?”

“There are at least 11 corps moving.”

“Hrmm, that is a lot.”

Lafaye and the members of the Hermes Guild went through a lot of effort to
gather intelligence. But there was no need for the Grass Porridge Cult to do

It was easy for regular users to see the movement of the army. The Grass
Porridge Cult members had already reported the activities of the Haven

Apart from their bad relationship with Weed, the Haven Empire was trying
to conquer the continent. The north knew that they would someday invade
and were prepared.

“It isn’t easy to deal with them, even if they are only moving half of their
troops. Those troops could be called the flagship of the Haven Empire so we
need to gather as much people as possible to fight.”

The users that crossed from the Central Continent talked about the defeats
they experienced. The Haven Empire would generally win by mobilizing
more troops and equipment.

Lafaye’s general tactic was to overwhelm the opponents with the scale of
the army as the battle progressed.
The betrayal of the Allied Forces was also ridiculous. They said they would
do their best before the fight but someone became helpless after being
fooled by excellent tactics.

The Hermes Guild didn’t just have strong users. The leaders also knew how
to display their abilities to the best potential.

“They systematically analyse the whole picture. In the end, we were forced
to admit defeat as they weren’t an opponent we could face in the first

A user from the Haven Kingdom said.

He had once been a fairly active and recognized member of a prestigious

guild in the Haven Kingdom. But after it was occupied by the Hermes Guild,
he couldn’t endure it and moved to the north.

The users of the Haven Kingdom revealed all types of dirty tricks and sneak
behaviour that was used.

“They are really dirty and lousy bastards.”

“I couldn’t live my life!”

They gossiped about the Hermes Guild for a while before the meeting
progressed again. They already came to the conclusion that they needed to
fight for the north.

“What if we intercept them on Rupoi Plains like before?”

“Those guys will also be thoroughly prepared. It won’t turn out the same
way again.”

“In my experience, they will chose various paths to reach us.”

“Thousands died just against 70,000 troops. But this time, millions of
people are coming. The strongest users of the Hermes Guild will be heading

“How many people can we gather to face the Haven Empire?”

“Even if we give a total mobilization order, not all of them can gather…. In
fact, I don’t even know how many people belong to the Grass Porridge Cult.”

“A decisive battle on the plains will only benefit the enemy.”

The meeting continued to heat up! As it continued, only the strength of the
Hermes Guild was displayed. They were exceptional in battle so that only
Weed could defeat them.

However, Weed was currently on a quest in a different time zone and it

didn’t seem like it would conclude in a short amount of time.

“Let’s see how many users we can gather.”

“We should at least stop the Arpen Kingdom from being decimated before
Weed-nim returns.”

The next morning, posters were placed at every gate in the north stating
that the Haven Empire was going to invade.
Invasion of the Haven Empire

“The war….”

“Huhu, the day has come.”

“Those guys won’t stop until they unify the continent?”

The Bandit King Steiner that ruled the mountain regions of the Haven

The shadow of death Seasoned Crab!

Thief Jackson!

They heard that news that the Haven Empire was moving. The influence of
the Haven Empire meant that every small action would quickly spread
among the users. Especially something like a colossal movement to conquer
the north.

“This is the best chance for bandits.”

Steiner grinned as he carried a large axe.

It was quite fun to be a bandit hiding in the mountains. The bandits in weak
countries weren’t that dangerous.

But the quality of the Haven Empire meant the bandits were fairly
large. Treasure, magic items and gold could be obtained from the lords of
the commercial cities. Furthermore, it was also good for obtaining human

Competent knights wandered around after the Haven Empire took over
other kingdoms. It was easier to recruit them as subordinates. The bandits
actively recruited wandering knights with ideals like justice, recognition or
a combative spirit.
Regular citizens also followed the bandits. The residents that lost their
kingdoms, were subjected to extreme conditions or needed to feed their
families were willing to go through tough training to become stronger.

The best and brightest quickly adapted to the mountains. They obtained the
delicious taste of raising their power.

The reason Steiner settled in the Haven Empire was because it was more
risky and he had great ambitions. One day he would go down from the
mountains and plunder the cities.

The rangers and soldiers of the Haven Empire couldn’t catch them so they
dominated the mountains and forests.

It was empty words but he was crowned King of the Bandits!

“There are so many to kill.”

Seasoned Crab wandered around the Haven Empire and assassinated users
and knights. A large number of people lost their lives but it was easily
blamed on the Embinyu Church.

The most outstanding assassins in the Hermes Guild couldn’t see his trail
and he waited for a perfect chance to kill them. Sometimes there were
opinions that an assassin was behind it but then he would wander around
areas domination by inquisitors and dark knights of the Embinyu Church.

Seasoned Crab was distressed at the thought of the Haven Empire

conquering the north.

“Should I continue to kill in the Haven Empire? The gathered lords

shouldn’t be too difficult.”

There were many NPCs among the lords. The lords collected taxes in order
to raise soldiers of the Haven Empire. The tax rate and ruling policy
depended on the lords. It was simple for Seasoned Crab to penetrate
through a small hole in the castle to kill the lord.

“Killing those without any resistance is no fun. I guess I have to go to the

north. The really challenging opponents will be those heading to the north
with the army.”
Seasoned Crab decided to hunt the users of the Hermes Guild heading to the

Jackson didn’t have multiple goals. He drank cheap beer in a tavern at Aren
Castle, the capital of the Haven Empire and waited.

“The world has helped me. Soon it will be time for me to take action.”

He didn’t want his name known in battle or to complete a grand

adventure. He only sought one thing.

The seal representing the emperor of the Haven Empire! Bardray and the
Royal Guards were heading to the north so the security around the Imperial
Palace would be more lax.

Jackson’s purpose was to secretly enter the Imperial Palace for the seal.

“I will steal it properly. Kilkilkil.”


Weed wasn’t happy even after completing the quest.

“It is like giving gruel to a dog!”

The Pallos Empire didn’t leave a large footprint in the history books. If he
was a monk living detached from the world then money wouldn’t matter.

But his actions ended the warring period early so this assisted in the
development of the Central Continent later on!

“I should boil the dog and make soup from it.”

He had been a great help to the Hermes Guild. But they weren’t grateful and
decided to go conquer the north.

Weed thought the situation was unfair.

“But I can’t stop the quest to go back and defend the Arpen Kingdom.”

If Weed returned to the original time zone then Bardray would just kill him.
In the past, it had been a close fight but they were disturbed by
uncontrollably factors. The stats difference from hunting and questing had
just become larger since the Melbourne Mine. If he met Bardray then he
would need to attack with 3~4 other high level users.

He couldn’t catch a strong enemy like Bardray in a one on one fight so it was
better to meet him with dozens of high level users.

Ordinary users thought of Weed as an invincible God of War. He was really

powerful in the current time but that would all fly away when he returned
to his original era.

Not long ago, he had been making and selling sculptures in cities in order to
earn money.

“I have a really bad luck on this earth. The difficulty of this quest is enough
to threaten the peace of the continent and I have to be afraid of users that
are my enemies.”

He was constantly having to work hard!

Nevertheless, even Weed enjoyed occasional moments of happiness. Buying

a 5,000 won t-shirt and not having the neck increase after being washed or
the joy of washing dishes with a new scrubber. Putting on new socks or
enjoying a clean bathroom were some moments of happiness in his life. He
was also in a good mood when eating jajangmyeon with radish.

Life would’v e been difficult to bear without such minor joys.

“Well, I have no choice but to continue the final secret sculpting quest until
the end.”

He couldn’t afford to worry about the Arpen Kingdom. There wasn’t any
large power great enough to prevent the Haven Empire’s invasion.

“And speaking of which, I should’ve failed the quest.”

He felt a belated regret. His success in the quest gave the Hermes Guild a
golden opportunity to unify the continent.

“Anyway, Van Hawk.”

“Go ahead, Master.”

“You did good. A trustworthy and loyal subordinate.”


“You helped win this battle. Thank you.”

Van Hawk’s ribs trembled. Normally Weed would think up some fault in
order to hit them. But contrary to Van Hawk’s fear, Weed didn’t have any
intention of doing that. He determined that it would be good if Van Hawk
returned to the original time period.

‘Yes, the Arpen Kingdom still has a chance if I finish this quest quickly and

A plan to protect as much of the kingdom as possible!



“Thanks for your help.”

“No. Of course I need to crush the Embinyu Church.”

Zahab, his lifelong slave was being worked well before he died of old age.

‘This world involves personal connections. I will make them work once I
catch their weakness.’

He killed the high priests so the Embinyu Army was significantly

weakened. The aura around the fanatics faded until they were ordinary
humans and the bodies of the monsters fell apart. The Barates flying in the
sky crashed into the ground.

It wasn’t difficult for the desert warriors and combat slaves to annihilate

“Waaaah, we won!”

“Hooray the Beiner Kingdom!”

Great cheers could be heard from Dulmore Fortress as the incoming
monsters were crushed.

The rain cleared up and a bright light appeared on Dulmore Plains. The
corpses of the Embinyu Church vanished as they were purified by the
light. Only the smashed earth from the meteor disaster showed how intense
the battle was.

A pillar of light fell from the sky and an old man with a long white beard
showed up. He gave a long sigh as he gazed at the battlefield before turning
towards Weed.

“Emperor who built an empire on blood and corpses, congratulations in

winning he hard battle.”

“Are you Saint Ahellun?”

“People who know me have called me that name.”

Weed had guessed that the old man was Saint Ahellun from the moment he

His body was exuding a white aura that brimmed with divine power. Van
Hawk, Torido and the undead were also uncomfortable as they avoided
him. But humans touched by the divine aura had their wounds healed and
health increased.

‘He should’ve come and helped a little sooner.’

Weed had that thought about Ahellun.

“Emperor, my mind thinks that you are far too cruel.”

“This era made me like this.”

“In this age, swords speak louder than words and you only know how to

“If you hesitate to kill the weak than thousands of others will suffer.”

“You have committed excessive killing and destruction. Innocent souls will
drift to their gods.”
“The gods have blessed me.”

A fierce quarrel broke out between Ahellun and Weed.

In this warring period, Weed’s actions were recognized as severe.

King of Barbarians, cruel slaughterer and a tyrant. It was natural for the
strong to trample on the weak in this era.

Other rulers would naturally act to stop his behaviour. In addition, those
that secretly followed the Embinyu Church had no choice. He killed the
secret followers of the Embinyu Church one by one.

Weed wasn’t under the illusion that he was nice. He wasn’t reckless enough
to hold a knife to someone and attempt to persuade them with words. It
wouldn’t be good for his mental health.

Furthermore, this was the precursor to the prosperous continent in the

future. He felt like it was unfair to be criticized by someone for the result.

“I am saving the world from the shadow of the Embinyu Church. I didn’t
want the weak to be swayed by them so I needed to kill them all.”

“We should protect the weak.”

“But those good humans would be dropped into misery and pain. No matter
how pure hearted they are, tragedy won’t stop occurring. I’d rather clean
the evil and cut off the knot of tragedy.”

“This is why you are called a tyrant. A new power will be built on the
ground wet with blood. Millions of people in the future have obtained their
salvation so I can’t say your actions are wrong. Being a tyrant in this age
might be appropriate so I don’t blame you.”


-You have been recognized by Saint Ahellun.

Your infamy among the loyal soldiers will drop.

Ahellun then hurriedly said like he was pressed for time.

“You have to quickly act to stop the Embinyu Church. You will be busy.”


“Emperor, you must be aware that the Embinyu Church has this huge plot
to destroy the world.”

“Of course.”

“They are building a tower climbing to the sky in order to wake up the
Dragon of Chaos…and their goal will be fulfilled in ten days.”

“Ten days?”

Weed’s infamy meant he delayed meeting Ahellun. Maybe Nodulle had a lot
more time. But the Sky Tower was almost completed and then the Chaos
Dragon would wake up.

“I thought there would be enough time to disrupt the Embinyu Church.”

“In this world, they have caused numerous blood to flow. Prisoners had
been captured to complete the Sky Tower and after today’s defeat, they will
try to wake up the Chaos Dragon despite it being incomplete.”


Changes had occurred to the quest after defeating the Embinyu

Church. Their power was now significantly cut. Of course, the Embinyu
Church still had an enormous force remaining but everything was being

“There isn’t enough time. Go right now. Emperor that owns a vast amount of
treasures and territory, will you put all those things down to complete the
noble mission of stopping the Embinyu Church?”


-Unit of 7 People Leaping towards a Dragon’s Mouth

The Embinyu Army has been removed by the Emperor. It is an unbelievable
achievement but the danger isn’t over yet.

The 1st sect led by high priest Heuller. It is unknown when he started or
ended but he lived a long time while planning this conspiracy.

His body doesn’t show his age and he is gripped with deep wisdom, greedy
and a desire for destruction.

After hearing about the Embinyu Army’s defeat, he has hastened the
construction of the Sky Tower to speed up the Chaos Dragon’s awakening.

You have to stop them. For all life living on the continent…

Level of Difficulty: Final Secret Sculpting Technique Quest

Objective: Collapse of the Sky Tower.

Destruction of the Chaos Dragon Ausollet.

Quest Restrictions: You have to safely survive the quest.

The quest will fail if you die.

History will change if you surrender or are brainwashed.

Please note!

If you accept the quest, you can choose a further 5 people along with the NPC
Ahellun to help you.

The continent will receive much damage if the quest fails.

“Hrmm, a dragon isn’t a boiled chicken.”

In the end, his last quest was to get rid of the Chaos Dragon. He felt like the
sect of the Embinyu Church led by Heuller was much stronger. And he
needed to finish the mission with only 7 people so it was indeed a
murderous level of difficulty!

Despite that, Weed had no choice but to accept the quest. His guts was the
only thing remaining.
“The world is calling me. I will accept the mission to defeat the Embinyu
Church on this continent.”

-You have accepted the quest.

You can choose five people to set off for the quest.

However, they must participate voluntarily.

“You have good judgment. Move quickly if you want to stop the Embinyu

Ahellun urged him to rush.

If his human relationships were bad then maybe only two people would go
on the quest.

‘I need people I can trust. Fortunately I’ve raised quite a few subordinates.’

Weed started with Zahab.

“Will you go?”

“Of course. I need to get revenge for her.”

-Zahab has been included as a colleague on the quest.

The negotiations for one old man filled with revenge was complete. And the
rest was the problem.

He had plenty of subordinates to pick from but recruiting 5 was a little

tough. He needed to configure the party while thinking of the various

Ahellun was a saint who could heal while a thief or magician would fly away
with one blow.

“The problem is…picking someone who will be useful.”

Weed’s eyes looked for other professions. Those that were level 500~600
seemed so fragile that it was like they would die with one touch.

“Warrior-1, Warrior-2 and Warrior-3!”


“It is an honour.”

“I will go anywhere with you.”

-The desert warriors Warrior-1, Warrior-2 and Warrior-3 have joined the


And now there was only one person left!


“I knew you would call me. This is a holy mission that I should complete. I
will go with Great Emperor-nim.”

“I don’t like it.”

“I know you will take me. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“Yes. Well, I will take you.”

-Hestiger has been included as a colleague on the quest.

Weed hated Hestiger for two reasons.

He found Hestiger’s excellent abilities unpleasant. While he provided

generous support during the Nodulle’s Growth quest, Hestiger seemed
much stronger than himself.

He had a genius talent and made a sincere effort. Hestiger completed

monster hunts and quests with him so Weed had to acknowledge his
And for the second reason, Weed found it hateful how well he ate and
lived. He helped repel the Embinyu Church and would lead the Pallos
Empire into the future. His stomach ached as he thought of Hestiger
receiving all the gold and treasures.

‘This time I’ll kill him properly.’

Ahellun nodded at those gathered.

“Now let’s go. All those who would perform the sacred duty has been
assembled. The Embinyu Church is in an area where darkness rules and
divine magic doesn’t work properly.”

Ahellun lightly tapped the ground with a white cane. Then a door consisting
of bright light was created. Ahellun entered first with the sculptural
lifeforms, Zahab and Hestiger behind him.

Finally, the moment when Weed had to go through the door. If he went
through this door then perhaps the founding and wealth of the Pallos
Empire would disappear.

After completing the quest involving the Embinyu Church, it was likely that
he would be prevented from coming back here.

“Warrior-4, Warrior-5, Warrior-6, Warrior-7, Warrior-8, Warrior-9,

Warrior-10, Alverun, Alveren.”

“Yes, Great Emperor.”

His sculptural lifeforms thought that he was going to say goodbye.

“I made you struggle so I want to set aside good things for you.”


“Once the empire is founded, everyone should take up high positions and
live warmly.”


A naked expression of gratitude for everything they shared!

“I will never forget your grace.”

“Yes, of course.”

“So everybody come closer.”

Weed spoke closely to the remaining sculptural lifeforms. It had the smell of
an insidious conspiracy.

And he stroked Bactrian Camel’s head before entering the door.

“Stay well in the future.”


Bactrian Camel looked off into the distant land. A cynical attitude! Bactrian
Camel was soothing his disappointment in his own way.

“Looking back, it has been really hard on you. You are the best along with


Weed proudly disappeared through the door after saying goodbye.

“Great Emperor!”

“Your Majesty!”


And the mournful cries of his subordinates could be heard behind

him. Thick tears flowed from Bactrian Camel’s eyes.


Weed arrived in an unfamiliar area as soon as he passed through the door.

The land consisted of brown, cracked rocks and deep gaps that had smoke
emerging from it. Something red rushed out from the earth and it turned
out to be lava!
“Where am I?”

Weed hid next to a rock and quickly moved his eyes to assess the
situation. There were thick walls dozens of metres high in some places and
ruins here and there.

It was teeming with monsters and peculiar sounds could be heard.



And a few kilometres away, buildings similar to a fortress were being built
beyond a barrier. In the heart of the buildings, a colossal statue of Embinyu
was soaring up. There was a tower that spun round and round like a snake
as it rose into the clouds.

He had seen a video of it in the past when receiving the Embinyu

quest. Maybe the Chaos Dragon was sleeping somewhere as well.

‘There were many watchtowers when I previously saw the video. There is
also a river in the middle that emits poison and I have to be careful not to be

He needed to properly grasp the situation in order to make a plan. It was

different from when bringing his desert army to sweep through the
continent. Furthermore, the time limit to complete the quest was very

To make matters wost, he couldn’t see any signs of Ahellun and the others
who went through the door before him.

“There is no dog poop. I am abandoned…it can’t be right?”

Weed’s ability to predict misfortune was beyond that of a fortune teller.


-You have arrived at the Barren Howling Ruins.

This is a hidden area of the continent that only exists in the warring period.

The worst cult, the Embinyu Church has spread its evil power to disrupt all
teleportation methods.

Ahellun and your other colleagues are somewhere in the large, spacious

You can find them but they might die if the enemy notices them first.

Survival is entirely dependent on the ability of your colleagues.

The ability of Weed and his subordinates could be called the best. The
combat capabilities of the sculptural lifeforms he created was undeniably

In this situation, it was impossible to guess how many would survive before
they could meet up again.

‘We didn’t decide a place to meet up and it is difficult now that we are all
scattered. If I look for them one by one then the tower’s construction might
finish and the Chaos Dragon will wake up.’

So far, it was an extremely hard and challenging quest. In the worst case
situation, he wouldn’t be able to find his sculptural lifeforms or they would
be dead and he would need to fight alone.

‘I don’t have time to worry about the others. I might make a mistake.’

Weed moved back to a larger rock. His subordinates arrived first so they
were probably hiding but he could only see old skeletons.

‘Now what should I do? Should I infiltrate them?’

Quests couldn’t only be solved with fighting and killing. This quest required
Weed to use all his trickery. Weed carefully hid while watching the barrier.

‘This quest is the most important thing right now.’

All the struggles he went through was almost finished. After finishing this
quest, the only thing left was the Hermes Guild.
He had a higher possibility of winning if he could obtain the final secret
sculpting technique. If he lived he would complete many quests and
monster hunts until he became as strong as he was in the desert.

In fact, the final secret sculpting technique was probably a fraudulent skill
that wold boost his abilities. But if he failed the quest then all that time
would be wasted as he returned to his original time.

‘It is urgent but there is a bright side.’

The Embinyu Church would sweep through the Central Continent

again. The Haven Empire would suffer great damage and might not be able
to conquer the Arpen Kingdom.

‘Now I should start.’

Weed was really worried about the success of this quest.


The 12 Corps of the Haven Empire moved quickly.

Each corps was in the best condition to conquer the Central Continent.

“Go to the north.”

“There is only a little bit left until the continent is unified. March!”

The Haven Empire’s army had been tempered from constant battles against
the prestigious guilds. They had been prepared to face the Embinyu Church
so heading to the north didn’t require any additional preparation.

“This might be the last battle so don’t be careless. Aim for a perfect finish
with a victory.”

Lafaye and his general staff decided to move with the army.

The army moved across the Haven Empire and headed towards the
north. Each city that passed through had a set of supplies prepared ahead of
It was impossible for the invasion of the Haven Empire to be
unknown. They didn’t move quickly in order to preserve their best state.

The merchant groups within the Haven Empire followed the army with
materials so supplies for the war wasn’t a problem.

Lafaye and the other staff made sure that each corps was comfortable
before the fight.

“Gather these 7 corps in front of Poros River.”

Rensullot boldly led the army over the river to the north! More than 2
million soldiers were gathered to attack the enemy.

Of course the counterattack from the Grass Porridge Cult in the north would
begin. But they were a bunch of beginners that used human wave tactics so
the Haven Empire wasn’t worried.

The 7 corps moved to secure important terrain while destroying any

enemies that pounced. The 2 million elite army had confidence that they
could win no matter how many northern users attacked.

Numbers didn’t mean anything. The combat power was in the millions so
there wasn’t much meaning in seeing how many troops the north
gathered. In fact, an army of 2 million was enough to display the power of
the Haven Empire to the world.

Many rebellions could occur once they unified the continent. Minor
resistances were already occurring in the occupied territories.

So they would show it to them. Look! The mighty power of the Haven

They would trample on the Arpen Kingdom in the north. They were familiar
with getting rid of the initial disgust and resistance to the occupation. Later
people would start joining the Hermes Guild after a few months.

“We will win great battles and destroy the north.”

Lafaye spoke to a lieutenant in the army.

There was no doubt when he spoke. They would take care of the north no
matter how reviled they were or how many people needed to be wiped out.

The Hermes Guild had always been invincible. They experienced a toxic
defeat with Weed but they didn’t need to worry about that now.

The remaining 3 corps advanced through the Nudullan Mountains and onto
the Nadallia Plains. They were the main troops of the Haven Empire that
would destroy Morata and the Earth Palace of the Arpen Kingdom.

Going through the hilly terrain was chosen in order to accomplish a

prolonged strike against Vargo Fortress.

The Haven Empire wouldn’t let the north hope for even a moment. The
main troops would gather and destroy Morata and Vargo Fortress.

And 2 corps were organized for a separate occupation. They would spread
out and obliterate the north. Even the smallest villages would be destroyed.

Tyrant Weed? They would show a destruction beyond what he did in the
warring period. The Great Buildings that were the pride of the north and
the cities would be wiped out without trace.

Lafaye intended to imprint true strength and fear into all the users.


Geomchi and the students sometimes had simple thoughts.

‘I hope that we can fight.’

If they tried to study then they would fall asleep or get headaches.

Simple paperwork was enough to make them tired. Even if it was a clerical
job, it would be too mentally tough for them to endure. Instead, they felt
more refreshed after working at a construction site.

Geomchi-2 came running with a poster.

“Teacher-nim, it is a war.”

“The day we’ve been waiting for has come.”

Geomchi-3 added hastily.

“We will take action depending on Teacher-nim’s words. I don’t know what
Teacher-nim wants to do.”

Geomchi who was watching the sky seemed to already be prepared for
war. It was like someone patiently waiting for a long time only to stand in
the rain once it arrived.

‘Can I fight properly again soon?’

The students had been waiting for the day they would fight the Haven
Empire so they focused on hunting and training their skills. They also aimed
to complete their Weapons Mastery quest. Special stats and skills were
obtained during the training. Now they were focusing on strong monsters in
order to raise their level.

Geomchi-2 was excited about a battle but his position meant it was
impossible for him not to worry.

The instructors and students weren’t weak but it was unknown if they
could fight against the powerful forces of the Haven Empire.

“It is hard. It is hard to know. We’ve seen them fight on television so we

have an idea of the extent of their skills. If we avoid the magic then we can
face them in close combat. It will be a good experience to face a strong

“Yes, even if we are unfortunately defeated in the end.”

Geomchi-2 nodded his head.

An inevitable fate. They couldn’t change the fact that they were weak and
that the enemies were strong.

Of course, that didn’t mean Geomchi and the students were weak. It was
impossible to find a group on a similar level in the Versailles
Continent. They had a minimum level of 400. Advanced level 9
swordsmanship. The limitation was that their group was unique.

This time Geomchi-3 asked the question.

“Then what will the north do?”

“They just need to endure until the maknae (youngest) returns.”

“Will the maknae come?”

Geomchi-5 asked with a questioning expression.

The invasion of the Haven Empire! No matter how much they loved to fight,
this was a huge matter. If a fight occurred then they could kill hundreds of
enemies in front of them.

However, only Weed would be able to win against the colossal military
power of the Haven Empire.

“Last time I asked Weed if he could defeat the army of the Haven Empire. Do
you know what the answer was?”

“He could win?”

“He can’t win. Stopping the ultimate power of the unified Central Continent
is a daunting task. No matter how vigilant he is, there won’t be enough time
to prepare.”

“Then it will be destroyed?”

“Maybe in a fight but a war isn’t that simple.”

Geomchi laughed like he found something interesting.

“We can’t keep blocking the enemies. We don’t need to smash the enemies
to death. Weed will be the one to tear apart the Haven Empire.”

“What do you mean?”

“I literally mean what I said.”

The hearts of the instructors starting beating faster. The charisma that was
overflowing from those comments.

Tearing apart the Haven Empire!

It was enough to make them heated up.

Weed might die in a fight but it was completely different in their

eyes. Watching the struggle heated up their fighting spirit.

Of course, Weed said something similar but it from completely different

from Geomchi’s mouth.

-Ah really, those fellows are really annoying. They are like gum stuck to my
clothes. This isn’t a problem that can be prevented…I will tear them apart
when that time comes.

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Author : Nam-Hi-Sung
Illustrator :
Translators & Editors: Ark Machine Translation

PDF compiled by: Kiri

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