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Advances in Internet of Things, 2019, 9, 15-31
ISSN Online: 2161-6825
ISSN Print: 2161-6817

Smart Agriculture with an Automated

IoT-Based Greenhouse System for Local

Nianpu Li1*, Yimeng Xiao2, Lei Shen3, Zhuoyue Xu4, Botao Li5, Chongxuan Yin6
Beijing No. 80 High School, Beijing, China
Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin, China
Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
Pace University, New York, USA
Boston University, Boston, USA
The State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, USA

How to cite this paper: Li, N.P., Xiao, Abstract

Y.M., Shen, L., Xu, Z.Y., Li, B.T. and Yin,
C.X. (2019) Smart Agriculture with an Nowadays, smart agriculture using wireless communication is replacing the
Automated IoT-Based Greenhouse System wired system which was difficult to install and manage. Then, this paper in-
for Local Communities. Advances in In- troduces a new design for IoT application on the greenhouse, which utilizes
ternet of Things, 9, 15-31.
different technologies to present a new model for practical implementation in
the IoT concept. This design can settle a new method to solve problems in
Received: March 6, 2019 Market Demand, Precision in Operation and supervision. Furthermore, this
Accepted: April 26, 2019 design can be used in many cases and assist farmers, cropper and planted
Published: April 29, 2019 people to develop their business.
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. Keywords
This work is licensed under the Creative Internet of Things, Hydroponics, ZigBee, Sensor Network,
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
Automated Agriculture, Cloud
International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Open Access

1. Introduction
1.1. Background
The term Internet of Things, or IoT, was first mentioned by Kevin Ashton in
1999, in his effort to explain how radio frequency identification (RFID) could
be incorporated into the Internet. According to the International Telecommu-
nication Union (ITU), the Internet of Things has been defined as “a global infra-
structure for the information society, enabling advanced services by intercon-
necting (physical and virtual) things based on existing and evolving interopera-

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ble information and communication technologies” [1]. The radical evolution of

the current Internet in to connect everything that not only converges the infor-
mation from the environment and cooperate with physical world like actuation,
command, and control, but also using the Internet to provide the services for
information, transfer, analytics, applications, and communication [2]. Along
with the trend of Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning, an IoT
system integrated with the latest technologies in data processing will potentially
solve obstacles and bring advancements to various domains, such as manufac-
turing, healthcare, logistics, and agriculture. In recent years, governments
throughout the world have greatly supported the research and application of IoT
in agriculture. One of the models of agriculture combining with IoT is a hydro-
ponic system which demands many devices been connected. As for communica-
tion between devices, IEEE 805.15.4 is always chosen as physical layer and access
protocol to achieve mesh network communication. IEEE805.15.4, included in
IEEE802.15, is a standard of the wireless personal area networks (WPANs) and it
is a standard to meet the requirement of low power consumption and low-cost
wireless network.

1.2. Objective
In this paper, our objective is to develop a greenhouse with an IoT system to
serve as a one-stop shop to supply local communities’ demands to production.
The IoT system helps to achieve the purpose in the following ways:

1.2.1. Market Demand

To provide plants for households, restaurants, and grocery stores in the local
communities, the IoT system uses machine learning algorithms to analyze his-
torical data of different kinds of crops price, and then predict the quantity de-
manded and price demanded of particular types of plants in the upcoming local
market. Based on the predicted demand of the local market, the IoT system can of-
fer optimal farming condition, produce recommendation of the floristics for users.

1.2.2. Precision in Operation

With a wide range of techniques, the IoT system employs automation to control
growing conditions in the hydroponic greenhouse. Together, the automated
heating/cooling system, the CO2 emissions control system, the LED lights, the
nutrient supplement system delivers a unique growing recipe to each plant.

1.2.3. Supervision
The IoT system constantly monitors the greenhouse from the data collected by a
variety of sensors. If unusual changes take place in the plants or the devices, the
IoT system immediately sends alerts to the users via the mobile application.
Once emergencies are notified, users are able to access detailed reports.
Comparing to traditional greenhouses, the IoT-based hydroponic greenhouse
grows a diversity of plants at the same time to fulfill the basic needs of a specific
local community (see Figure 1), which are forecasted by the cloud’s analyzing

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Figure 1. Diversity in greenhouse.

of historical market data. Most importantly, the IoT system uses machines’ deci-
sion-making and precise actuating to replace human labor in greenhouse pro-

2. The Architecture of the Greenhouse System

Concerning the integrated system logically, we will set varies of sensors in the
greenhouse for collecting data such as CO2 concentration, humidity, illumina-
tion intensity and so on. At the same time, there are air pumps, micro-CHP, and
other devices which will be controlled by the data sensor collected to keep the
environment stable.
As to the data are sent through ZigBee to the local host to update to the cloud
which stores the data and where the data is analyzed using linear regression.
Beyond that, users could access the cloud to check the plant and get a variety of
cognitive recommendations about future marketing decisions. The conspectus of
system’s workflow can be recognized in Figure 2.

2.1. System Description

Given a space about 10 m2, an automated hydroponic greenhouse could be set
up with several water tanks with consisting of 3 to 5 containers to grow crops as
Figure 3 shown. At the top of a tank is a floating sheet. It can help containers to
float above water. At the bottom of the container are the water pump and oxy-
genator. A tank can have multiple layers as shown in Figure 4.
What’s more, we need to control the environment for the greenhouse. There
will be 7 factors to control: Humidity, temperature, CO2, light, EC, pH, and dis-
solved oxygen. Those factors have corresponding sensors and actuators. Sensors
will help IoT system to collect these data, and actuators will receive data from
cloud to react to corresponding changes on these 7 factors. Data communication
between sensors is called a wireless sensor network, which will form a mesh
network. After data is being collected, they will be sent to a local server through
the sensor network. And the local server will send data to the cloud server by

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Figure 2. The system layout.

Figure 3. Bubbleponics.

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Figure 4. Simulate greenhouse.

using 2.5 G. Cloud server has strong computing power to help the customer
make a market decision, and scheduling by using a machine learning algorithm.
After computing, the data will both send to the local server and user interface.
Local server will send data to actuators, and the user interface will receive data to
inform users. Overall those functions and devices, IoT system makes the green-
house become automated.

2.2. Sensors
The five types of sensors are employed in the sensor network. The humidity and
temperature sensors, light sensors, and CO2 sensors are in the air; EC and pH
sensors, and the dissolved oxygen sensors are in the water.

2.2.1. Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Humidity and Temperature Sensor: Severe symptoms will occur to plants if the
growing temperature and humidity are not within the optimum range. There-
fore, it is necessary to have sensors for monitoring the temperature and humidi-
ty around the plant. An example of such a sensor is SHT75 (see Figure 5), the
digital pin-type relative humidity and temperature sensor produced by Sensa-
tion. It provides digital temperature measurements from −40˚C to 123.8˚C with
an error range of ±0.3˚C; and humidity measurements from 0 to 100%RH (Rela-
tive Humidity) with an error range of ±1.8% RH [3].

2.2.2. Light Sensor

Light exposure creates a profound influence on crop growth in the natural envi-
ronment. Too high light intensity could burn the leaf; crops cannot the plants
will not produce full fruit with too low light intensity. To further illustrate that,
by simply installing a photoresistor (see Figure 6) on the SHT75, the light inten-
sity could be measured. When light intensity changes, the resistance of the pho-
toresistor changes and consequently generates an analog signal. The analog sig-
nal is transmitted to and processed by the local host.

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Figure 5. SHT75.

Figure 6. Photoresistor.

2.2.3. EC and pH Sensor

Electrical conductivity (EC) and pH are two important conditions for hydro-
ponics since each plant have specific conditions to grow. Whether they are high-
er or lower will lead to death. “EC and pH probes (the bits that go in the water)
typically can’t be read directly with a microcontroller. They require an analog
circuit to drive them.” [4] Cooking-Hacks sensors (see Figure 7) could monitor
the EC and pH at the same time.

2.2.4. CO2 Sensor

Photosynthesis will affect the plant’s growth rate, which will stay in a relative low
level in the low CO2 concentration, the content of CO2 in the air could control
the photosynthesis rate of plants so as to make sure the plant could mature at the
time farmer need. The SprintIR Wide Range Carbon Dioxide Sensor (see Figure
8) is one of the fastest (20 measurements per second), most accurate CO2 sensor
on the market [5].

2.2.5. Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

Ensuring the root could breathe normally, the water needs enough oxygen.
However, too much oxygen will also kill the roots. That is the reason to monitor

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Figure 7. Cooking-hacks sensor [4].

Figure 8. Wide range carbon dioxide sen-

sor [5].

the dissolved oxygen. Through fiber-optic dissolved oxygen sensor (see Figure
9), the concentration of oxygen is easy to be detected [6].

2.3. Actuators
There are five actuators that adjust circumstance in order to achieve the ideal
atmosphere environment, water condition, and light. For atmosphere, CO2 ge-
nerator, dehumidifier, and air-conditioner are required. In water, a pump sys-
tem will adjust the water condition.

2.3.1. CO2 Generator

To increase CO2 concentration in the air, we need to use a CO2 generator. For
example, CHP/Micro-CHP (see Figure 10) is one kind of CO2 generator, which
burn propane or natural gas to emit CO2 into the atmosphere and generate heat
and electricity [7].

2.3.2. Dehumidifier
An industrial dehumidifier (see Figure 11) will be used to dehumidification by
condensation (cooling the air the water vapor phase to a liquid [8]) and reheat
the air.

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Figure 9. Dissolved oxygen sensor [6].

Figure 10. CHP system.

Figure 11. Dehumidifier.

2.3.3. Air-Conditioner
Temperature is control by CHP and absorption refrigerator. CHP burn the fuel
to heat. And the absorption refrigerator (see Figure 12) will cool the air.

2.3.4. Pump System

A pump system contains water pump and air pump. A water pump system, such
an auto-dosing system (see Figure 13), can control water condition by pumping
the different liquid. For example, adding consistent pH down or pH up can ad-
just pH, and pumping water or nutrient solution can control EC. The air pump
can pump air into the water to increase DO.

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Figure 12. Absorption refrigerator.

Figure 13. Auto-dosing system [p1].

2.3.5. Light
LED light bar is used to enhance light. Different light intensity will control by an
open different number of LED light bar (see Figure 14).

2.4. Communication
Under the IoT greenhouse environment, numerous sensors, as we introduced in

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the former part and actuators can be utilized for connection throughout the
greenhouse, capable of monitoring and detecting the change in the environment.
The readings from these sensors can be used in analytics and providing to su-
pervision applications, thus maintaining seamless connectivity between devices
and the server become important to the system, especially when we look for pre-
cision in operation.
For the network that connects sensors and actuator, we choose to use ZigBee.
ZigBee is a protocol that had been developed based on IEEE 802.15.4 which de-
fines the physical and MAC layers. The characteristic that ZigBee support mesh
topology with very-low power consumption makes it the most attractive wireless
device to use in our project. Since it has multi-hop communication capability, it
provides a relatively long range for communication [9]. Figure 15 shows our
architecture of mesh network for greenhouse IoT system. A platform embedded
with RF receiver and microcontroller units serves as a local host in the network.

Figure 14. LED light image.

Figure 15. Multi-hopping in network.

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The farther sensors send the message to other sensors, close to the local host,
which can receive the data from sensors which can retransmit these messages
too much closer sensors and finally to the local host. Then, the analyzed data will
be sent to the actuators to stable the environment. The data from each green-
house will also be forwarded to the cloud server using TCP/IP protocols by the
2.5 G networks, such as GPRS, depends on our need for transmission length.
Since we are talking about a greenhouse, it means the transmission will hap-
pen in a relatively short range. There is also another low consumption wireless
technology such as Lora, but we don’t need to handle the transmission for more
than 100 meters or strong interference problems, so ZigBee will be enough for a
greenhouse environment. Combining with the mesh network, the data and con-
trol messages can be passed from one node to another node through multiple
paths, which extends the range of the network and can be competent when we
need to manage many devices at the same time, and also ensure the reliability of
communication [10].
For the regular wireless network, a lot of energy consumption happened when
receiver detecting signals while no call comes in, in another word, idle listening.
Now with the LPWAN technology, we can set the base station to stay in low
power mode on a condition that there is no need to transmit-receive or control.
CPU will only wake up when localhost received commands from the upper layer.
Under such circumstance, the ratio of idle time to the total waking up time will
be surely shortened and thus prolong the devices’ power endurance [11].
The further transmission from the base station to the cloud server will be
processed on the 2.5 G network. In order to connect to the cloud servers, we set
a two-way satellite connection, which connected to the server which coordinates
the sensor patches and provides a relational database service. We would expect
to use turnkey base stations since they need to run unattended.

2.5. Data Storage and Connect Reliability

Data is collected and arranged in the Database. The data, such as Temperature,
humidity, pH value, and daylight explosion, is sort by different plant or different
greenhouse area which is mapping to its Crop Virtual Entity, and prepare for
Analytics. Moreover, the server will monitor the link or localhost to make sure
the reliability of the connection. If the server does not receive data then it will
ask local to retransmit again. If still no response, the server will assume that
there must an error on link or host, and send an alert to the user.

2.6. Analytics
In order to formulate a forecast model that precisely predicts the growth and
crop yield in the greenhouse, we embed crop simulators into the Analytics Layer
of the system. According to USDA (United States Department of Agriculture),
“crop simulators are computer programs that mimic the growth and develop-
ment of crops. Data on weather and crop management are processed to predict

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crop yield, maturity date, effectiveness of fertilizers, and other elements of crop
production.” [12] To be more specific, our system collects data of the environ-
ment such as temperature, humidity, pH value, daylight explosion via the sensor
network. Because of the complication of the data processing and forecast mak-
ing, an appropriate model is needed. On the one hand, artificial neural network
(ANN) methodology, designed for dynamic nonlinear systems like growth and
development of crops, is an appropriate model and simulation tool [13]. In the
recent decades, the ANN model has been used in crop development modeling
[14] [15] and crop yield prediction [16] [17] [18] On the other hand, ANN has a
better capability in yield prediction than regression and blind guess methods. In
this situation, the ANN-6 and ANN-10 are suitable models for prediction [13].
Once the data is collected and transmitted from the service layer, machine
learning algorithms such as decision tree learning, artificial neural networks
(ANN), and Bayesian networks accommodate the collected data and then for-
mulate simulation models. The machine learning algorithms—along with statis-
tical models, mechanistic models, and functional models [19]—form the forecast
model that illustrates the future growth and yield of the plants.
In the market demand, deep neural network for historical data processing,
which includes different kinds of crops price and demand of particular crop, is
used, so the system can predict the quantity demanded and price of particular
types of plants in the upcoming local market. To be specific, because of complic-
ity of the demand and price of crops, we cannot simply utilize a linear regression
model. However, these two machine learning algorithms, 1) Recurrent Neural
Network (RNN) and 2) Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), are suitable for our
prediction of crops demand, which is nonlinear and influenced by multiple fac-
tors [20].
Through the data collection and procession, our IoT system will output a
plain and palpable conclusion. For example, our IoT system can help farmers to
decide what to plan even if they have no knowledge about market. It can also
help farmers to control the whole system with diversification plants even if they
have no experience of planting certain type of food. The IoT system makes our
greenhouse to be automated.
Eventually, data collected from the greenhouse could further improve the
forecast models. This data will be saved in the database and functional data will
be sent back to local server.

2.7. User Interface

Users at the mobile end are able to access information about the greenhouse via
different kinds of user interfaces. A mobile application is discussed below as an
example. First of all, the mobile application consists of “Home”, “Explore”,
“Alert”, and “My Account”. The framework of the application is demonstrated
in Figure 16. Users can overview the functions of this app in the menu interface
(Figure 17).

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Figure 16. The framework of the application.

Figure 17. The menu.

“Home”: The “Home” page consists of three sections, “Initial Setting” (displays
the type and quantity of each plant), “Supervision” (displays temperature, humid-
ity, light, pH, and CO2 measurements) (Figure 18), and “Prospect” (shows harvest
date, predicted yield and price of each plant).
“Explore”: The “Explore” page has two sections, “Market” and “Trading”. The
“Market” section provides the users with information about the predicted future
prices of different categories of plants and the demanded price at a future date
(Figure 19). The “Trading” section features a trading platform that allows users to
sell their products.
“Alert”: The “Alert” page notifies the users about extreme conditions or critical
changes in the market and in the greenhouse. To be more specific, if there are ab-
normal measurements received by the cloud, if the nutrients to cultivate the

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Figure 18. Supervision table.

Figure 19. Market table.

plants are out of stock, and if a natural disaster takes place, alerts are imme-
diately shown on this page.
“My Account”: The “My Account” page also has two sections, “Settings” and

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“Wallet”. The “Setting” section has features such as “Account Security” and oth-
er general setting options. The “Wallet” section is the User’s digital wallet that
shows the balance within the user’s account.

3. Discussions
3.1. Evaluation
While some greenhouses today have installed a monitor system, they still require
human labor to adjust the settings or equipment. On the other hand, although
an automatic controlling system has been applied to some greenhouses, it lacks
the reference standards that maximize the yield and enhance the quality of
crops. Instead, our IoT-based hydroponic greenhouse integrated with both the
monitor system and the automated controlling system takes advantage of the
analytics of massive data from the cloud [21]. With machine learning algorithms
like ANN to process the collected data, the cloud generates decision of adjust-
ments in temperature, humidity, pH value, and light exposure and immediately
sends them to the automatic controlling system.

3.2. Future Outlook

The amount of arable land has been decreased by one third in the past 40 years,
resulting from soil degradation, climate change, and other destructive human
activities [22]. Fortunately, the IoT-based hydroponic greenhouse is able to pro-
vide access to safe and nutritious food with all humanity, combating the chal-
lenging conditions and ensuring food security. Agriculture is no longer an in-
dustry that requires massive human labor. The IoT system will fuel a new era of
industrialization in agriculture. Conventional risks and damages in agricultural
activities could be quantified and eliminated by precise automation. By growing
the crops in a greenhouse that perfectly resembles the natural environment, the
crops are cultivated organically and safely.
Extending the application scenarios of the IoT system and taking it to the next
level, it could be installed in space stations because of the absence of human la-
bor in the IoT greenhouse production. Farming experiments are one of the most
popular subjects in space stations. For instance, NASA has initiated the Ad-
vanced Plants Habitat (APH), a fully enclosed, closed-loop system with an envi-
ronmentally controlled growth chamber that will be used to conduct plant bios-
cience research on the International Space Station [23]. Since APH requires mi-
nimal crew involvement, our greenhouse IoT system that automatically stores
data and strictly controls the environmental conditions can be installed in APH
and ultimately progress space farming.

4. Conclusion
Our greenhouse, driven by market demands and based on optimization sche-
dule, is an integration of IoT with agriculture. The automation and high effi-
ciency on monitoring and controlling greenhouse environment are crucial. Such

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a system can be easily installed and maintained, and the manager of this system
can access all necessary data collecting from the sensors. We have expressed the
benefits of an IoT-based greenhouse to meet the needs of local communities
with the best prices and maximized profits.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-

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