Production of Soft Cheese With Coagulator 2000 / 2000 S: Magenta

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Schwarz Cyan Magenta Gelb

Production of cheese curd
in the Coagulator has
already become tradition:
Inimitable curd quality.
Coagulator 2000 S Milk infeed Longitudinal and cross cutter Paddle unit Drainage belt Filler ARP-T
MR Filler
Especially small cheese
weights require short cycle
times. A fast format-change
Production of soft cheese with Coagulator 2000 / 2000 S guarantees flexibility.
High hygiene standards
are achieved by the inte-
grated CIP-system, which is
supplied by the customer’s
3 existing CIP-unit.


14 13

12 Climate tunnel
6 Climate tunnels are really
15 interesting for influencing
fermentation of the drain-
ing cheese. Temperature
can be controlled automati-
cally. As a result standard
deviation of end weights is
11 improved.

1 8 Destacker
9 Demoulding
10 Stacker for racks
16 11 Vertical transfer
1 Milk pre-treatment 12 Cleaning machine
2 Curd preparation 13 Stacker
3 Drainage belt 14 Empty blockforms
4 Filler 15 Rack cleaning unit
5 Stacker 16 Ripening room mechanisation
6 Climatisation 17 Packaging
7 Brine bath 18 Vertical transfer
Schwarz Cyan Magenta Gelb

Semi-automatic line with heavy stacks – easy and is very

high flexibility. space-saving. Drainage and Small processing plant for up to 10,000 liters per day
Curd preparation in up-to- turning is done on floor level.
date cheese vats. Max. capa- Simple tanks for cleaning and Alpenland Maschinenbau GmbH ALPMA can supply vats from increasing demand. Existing
Alpenstrasse 39–43
city up to 10,000 l/h. Filling brining complete the equip- 83543 Rott am Inn 400 l for manual or partly components can be fully inte-
with semi-automatic filler ment. Germany mechanised plants. grated.
type AFE. Cutting and wrapping is done +49/80 39/4 01-0 Thanks to the ALPMA modu- ALPMA – an investment into
A manual stack turner type fast and exact with modern +49/80 39/4 01-295 lar construction system the future for every stage of
[email protected]
MSW makes turning – even of ALPMA equipment. equipment can grow with capacity.

Medium-sized processing plant for up to 100,000 liters per day

Soft Cheese


10 8


Schematic layout of a cheese plant with KBA-cheese vats.



2 Its function defines the mould

Blockforms have great influ-
Legend: ence on shape, dry matter and
1 Milk pre-treatment 7 Demoulding weight of the cheese. They
2 Curd preparation 8 Ripening optimize drainage, are easily
3 AFE filler 9 Cleaning stacked and need very few
4 Turning 10 Packaging space.
5 Drainage 11 Dispatch ALPMA Blockforms are sturdy,
6 Brining which is ideal for mecha-
nised handling. They are
constructed according to the

latest hygiene know-how and
are easily cleaned.

Equipment – Production methods – Cheese types

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