Carbopol 940 Polymer (SDS)

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Version: 3.

Revision Date: 07/15/2019


1. Identification

Product name: CARBOPOL® 940 POLYMER

Additional identification
Chemical name: Polyacrylic acid

Recommended use and restriction on use

Recommended use: Powder - Hair
Restrictions on use: None identified.

Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

WICKLIFFE, OH 44092-2298
Telephone: (440)943-1200

Emergency telephone number:


2. Hazard(s) identification

Hazard Classification
Health Hazards
Germ Cell Mutagenicity Category 1B
Carcinogenicity Category 1A
Unknown toxicity
Acute toxicity, oral 0.0 %
Acute toxicity, dermal 0.0 %
Acute toxicity, inhalation, vapor 0.0 %
Acute toxicity, inhalation, dust 0.1 %
or mist

OSHA hazard(s)
Combustible dust

Label Elements:

Hazard Symbol:

Signal Word: Danger


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Revision Date: 07/15/2019

Hazard Statement: May cause genetic defects.

May cause cancer.

Precautionary Statements:

Prevention: Obtain special instructions before use. Do not handle until all
safety precautions have been read and understood. Use
personal protective equipment as required.

Response: IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention.

Storage: Store locked up.

Disposal: Dispose of contents/container to an appropriate treatment and

disposal facility in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations, and product characteristics at time of disposal.

Other hazards which do not result May form combustible dust concentrations in air.
in GHS classification:

3. Composition/information on ingredients

Chemical name CAS number Percent by Weight

Benzene 71-43-2 0.5 – 1%

4. First-aid measures

General information: IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention.

Ingestion: Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention.

Inhalation: If breathing is labored, administer oxygen. If breathing has stopped, apply

artificial respiration. If irritation persists or if toxic symptoms are observed,
get medical attention. Remove exposed person to fresh air if adverse
effects are observed.

Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. If skin irritation occurs, get medical attention.

Eye contact: Water (moisture) swells this product into a gelatinous film which may be
difflicult to remove from the eye using only water. Immediately flush eyes
with plenty of one percent (1%) physiological saline solution for five (5)
minutes while holding eyelids open. If no saline is available, flush with
plenty of clean water for fifteen (15) minutes. See a physician. Any material
that contacts the eye should be washed out immediately with water. If easy
to do, remove contact lenses.

Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed

Symptoms: Symptoms may be delayed. See section 11.

Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed

Treatment: Treat symptomatically.


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5. Fire-fighting measures

General Fire Hazards: Avoid hose stream or any method which will create dust clouds.

Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing Use water spray, dry chemical or foam for extinction. CO2 may be
media: ineffective on large fires.

Unsuitable extinguishing Not determined.


Specific hazards arising from See section 10 for additional information.

the chemical:

Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters

Special fire fighting This material has been evaluated and is considered to be a risk for dust
procedures: explosion. It is categorized as Dust Explosion Class ST1. Material can form
an explosive organic dust air mixture. As with all organic dusts, fine
particles suspended in air in critical proportions and in the presence of an
ignition source may ignite and/or explode. Dust may be sensitive to ignition
by electrostatic discharge, electrical arcs, sparks, welding torches,
cigarettes, open flame, or other significant heat sources. This product has a
high volume resistivity and a propensity to build up static electricity which
may be discharged as a spark. A spark can be an ignition source for
solvent vapor/air mixtures. As a precaution, implement standard safety
measures for handling finely divided organic powders. If you add this
product to a solvent, ensure appropriate safe handling practices such as
provision for inerting flammable vapors. Take care to minimze airborne
dust. Solid does not readily release flammable vapors.

Special protective Recommend wearing self-contained breathing apparatus.

equipment for fire-fighters:

6. Accidental release measures

Personal precautions, Personal Protective Equipment must be worn, see Personal Protection
protective equipment and Section for PPE recommendations.
emergency procedures:

Environmental Precautions: Prevent entry into sewers and waterways. Take precautions to avoid
release to the environment. Avoid release to the environment. Do not
contaminate water sources or sewer. Environmental manager must be
informed of all major spillages. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to
do so.

Methods and material for Pick up free solid for recycle and/or disposal. Sweep up and place in a
containment and cleaning up: clearly labeled container for chemical waste. Avoid dust formation. Use wet
sweeping compound or water to avoid raising a dust. Collect powder using
special dust vacuum cleaner with particle filter or carefully sweep into
closed container. Wash spill area with detergent. Material is slippery when
wet. Prevent entry into sewers and waterways, dispose of in accordance
with all federal, state and local environmental regulation.


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7. Handling and storage

Precautions for safe handling: Avoid conditions which create dust. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid contact
with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Ground container
and transfer equipment to eliminate static electric sparks. Keep away from
heat, sparks and open flame. Avoid drinking, tasting, swallowing or
ingesting this product.
Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.
Obtain special instructions before use. Observe good industrial hygiene
practices. Provide adequate ventilation. Use personal protective equipment
as required. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse.

Maximum Handling Not determined.


Conditions for safe storage, Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Keep containers closed when not in
including any use. Store away from incompatible materials. See section 10 for
incompatibilities: incompatible materials.

Maximum Storage Not determined.


8. Exposure controls/personal protection

Control Parameters:
Occupational Exposure Limits
Chemical name Type Exposure Limit Values Source

Benzene TWA 0.5 ppm US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (02
Benzene STEL 2.5 ppm US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (02
Benzene REL 0.1 ppm US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical
Hazards (2010)
Benzene STEL 1 ppm US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical
Hazards (2010)
Benzene TWA 1 ppm US. OSHA Specifically Regulated
Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1053)
(02 2006)
Benzene STEL 5 ppm US. OSHA Specifically Regulated
Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1053)
(02 2006)
Benzene OSHA_A 0.5 ppm US. OSHA Specifically Regulated
CT Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1053)
(02 2006)
Benzene TWA 10 ppm US. OSHA Table Z-2 (29 CFR
1910.1000) (02 2006)
Benzene Ceiling 25 ppm US. OSHA Table Z-2 (29 CFR
1910.1000) (02 2006)
Benzene MAX. 50 ppm US. OSHA Table Z-2 (29 CFR
CONC 1910.1000) (02 2006)
Other exposure limits
Chemical name Type Exposure Limit Values Source


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Polyacrylic acid TWA 0.05 mg/m3

Biological Limit Values

Chemical name Exposure Limit Values Source

Benzene (t,t-Muconic 500 µg/g (Creatinine in urine) ACGIH BEI (03 2013)
acid: Sampling time: End
of shift.)
Benzene (S- 25 µg/g (Creatinine in urine) ACGIH BEI (03 2013)
Phenylmercapturic acid:
Sampling time: End of

Appropriate engineering To prevent dust explosions employ bonding and grounding for operations
controls: capable of generating static electricity. Minimize dust generation and
accumulation. Provide adequate ventilation.

Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment

General information: Use personal protective equipment as required.

Eye/face protection: Use tight fitting goggles if dust is generated. Wear approved chemical
safety glasses or goggles where eye exposure is reasonably probable.

Skin Protection
Hand Protection: Suitable gloves can be recommended by the glove supplier. Use good
industrial hygiene practices to avoid skin contact. If contact with the material
may occur wear chemically protective gloves. Suitable gloves can be
recommended by the glove supplier.

Other: Long sleeve shirt is recommended. Gloves, coveralls, apron, boots as

necessary to minimize contact.

Respiratory Protection: Consult with an industrial hygienist to determine the appropriate respiratory
protection for your specific use of this material. A respiratory protection
program compliant with all applicable regulations must be followed
whenever workplace conditions require the use of a respirator. Under
normal use conditions, respirator is not usually required. Use appropriate
respiratory protection if exposure to dust particles, mist or vapors is likely.
Consult with an industrial hygienist to determine the appropriate respiratory
protection for your specific use of this material. A respiratory protection
program compliant with all applicable regulations must be followed
whenever workplace conditions require the use of a respirator.

Hygiene measures: Wash thoroughly after handling. Observe good industrial hygiene practices.
Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product.

9. Physical and chemical properties

Physical state: solid
Form: Powder
Color: White
Odor: Slight acetic
Odor threshold: No data available.


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pH: 2.5 - 3 (1 % Water)

Melting Point: No data available.
Boiling Point: No data available.
Flash Point: Not applicable.
Evaporation rate: No data available.
Flammability (solid, gas): No data available.
Upper/lower limit on flammability or explosive limits
Flammability limit - upper (%): No data available.
Flammability limit - lower (%): No data available.
Explosive limit - upper (%): No data available.
Explosive limit - lower (%): 0.13 oz/ft3
Vapor pressure: No data available.
Vapor density: No data available.
Relative density: 1.4 68 °F (20 °C)
Solubility in water: Material will swell in water.
Solubility (other): No data available.
Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): No data available.
Auto-ignition temperature: Approximate 896 °F (480 °C)
Decomposition temperature: No data available.
Viscosity: No data available.

Other information
Bulk density: < 0.24 g/ml 77 °F (25 °C)
Dust explosion properties: 157 - 193 m.b_/s
Minimum ignition energy: 25 - 50 mJ
Minimum ignition temperature: Approximate 896 °F (480 °C)
Max. Rate of Pressure Rise: 5,500 psi/s (0.5 oz/ft3)
Max. Pressure of Explosion: 70 PSI (0.5 oz/ft3)
Volume Resistivity: 1.84x 10+16 ohm-cm
Percent volatile: < 2 %(Percent by Weight)

10. Stability and reactivity

Reactivity: No data available.

Chemical Stability: Material is stable under normal conditions.

Possibility of hazardous Will not occur.


Conditions to avoid: Static discharge. Moisture. Heat.

Incompatible Materials: Heat may be generated if polymer comes in contact with strong basic
materials like ammonia, sodium hydroxide or strong basic amines. Strong
bases. Alkalies. Bases.

Hazardous Decomposition Thermal decomposition or combustion may generate smoke, carbon

Products: monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other products of incomplete combustion.


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11. Toxicological information

Information on likely routes of exposure

Inhalation: No data available.

Ingestion: No data available.

Skin Contact: No data available.

Eye contact: No data available.

Information on toxicological effects

Acute toxicity
Product: Not classified for acute toxicity based on available data.

Product: Not classified for acute toxicity based on available data.

Product: Not classified for acute toxicity based on available data. Avoid
inhalation of dust. Animal studies indicate the inhalation of
respirable polyacrylate dust may cause inflammatory changes in the
lung. Persons with sensitive airways (e.g., asthmatics) may react to
vapors. Breathing of dust may cause coughing, mucous production,
and shortness of breath.

Skin Corrosion/Irritation:
Product: Classification: Not irritating (Read across); Rabbit.
Remarks: Not classified as a primary skin irritant. Pre-existing
skin conditions may be aggravated by prolonged or repeated
exposure. Contact dermatitis may occur in sensitive individuals
under extreme and unusual conditions of prolonged and repeated
contact, such as high exposure accompanied by elevated
temperature and occlusion by clothing. This effect may be the
result of the product's hygroscopic properties, abrasion, or pH.

Serious Eye Damage/Eye Irritation:

Product: Classification: Not irritating (Read across); Rabbit.
Remarks: Not classified as a primary eye irritant. Remarks: Particles
in the eyes may cause irritation and smarting.

Respiratory sensitization:
No data available

Skin sensitization:
Product: Classification: Not a skin sensitizer. (Read across) Not a skin

Benzene Classification: Not a skin sensitizer. (Literature) Not a skin sensitizer.

Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Single Exposure:


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Revision Date: 07/15/2019

Benzene Nose, throat and lung irritant.

Aspiration Hazard:
No data available

Other effects:
Product: This material readily absorbs moisture and may become thick and
gelatinous upon contact with mucous membranes of the eye, or
upon inhalation into the nasal passages.

Chronic Effects
Product: Not available.

Benzene IARC 1: Carcinogenic to humans.

IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans:

Benzene Overall evaluation: 1. Carcinogenic to humans.

US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens:

Benzene Known To Be Human Carcinogen.

US. OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050):

Benzene Cancer

Germ Cell Mutagenicity:

Benzene In vitro mutagenicity testing have yielded mixed results.

Benzene Mutagenic in vivo in both somatic cells and germ cells.

Reproductive toxicity:
No data available

Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Repeated Exposure:

Product: A two-year inhalation study in rats exposed to a respirable, water-

absorbent sodium polyacrylate dust resulted in lung effects such as
inflammation, hyperplasia, and tumors. There were no observed
adverse effects at exposures of 0.05 mg/m3. In addition, long-term
medical monitoring of potentially exposed workers has not revealed
lung effects such as those observed in the rat. However, the
inhalation of respirable dusts should be avoided by implementing
respiratory protection measures and observing the recommended
permissible exposure limit of 0.05 mg/m3.

Benzene Chronic exposure to benzene has been reported to cause bone

marrow abnormalities and adverse blood effects including anemia.
Progressive deterioration of hematopoietic function expressed as a
decrease in absolute lymphocyte count is the most sensitive
indicator of benzene exposure.
Dermal: Target Organ(s): blood formation system
Inhalation: Target Organ(s): blood formation system
Oral: Target Organ(s): blood formation system


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Revision Date: 07/15/2019

12. Ecological information

Product: LC 50 (Bluegill Sunfish, 96 h): 580 mg/l

Benzene LC 50 (Bluegill Sunfish, 4 d): 22 mg/l

LC 50 (Rainbow Trout, 4 d): 5.3 mg/l
LC 50 (Fathead Minnow, 32 d): > 1.6 mg/l

Aquatic Invertebrates
Product: EC 50 (Water flea (Daphnia magna), 48 h): 174 mg/l

Benzene EC 50 (Water flea (Daphnia magna), 2 d): 10 mg/l

Toxicity to Aquatic Plants

Benzene EC 50 (Green algae (Selenastrum capricornutum), 3 d): 100 mg/l

Toxicity to soil dwelling organisms

No data available

Sediment Toxicity
No data available

Toxicity to Terrestrial Plants

No data available

Toxicity to Above-Ground Organisms

No data available

Toxicity to microorganisms
Benzene EC 50 (Bacteria, 1 d): 13 mg/l

Persistence and Degradability

Benzene OECD TG 301 F, 96 %, 28 d, Readily biodegradable

Bioaccumulative Potential
Bioconcentration Factor (BCF)
No data available

Partition Coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow)

Benzene Log Kow: 2.13 (calculated)

No data available

Other Adverse Effects

No data available


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13. Disposal considerations

Disposal instructions: Treatment, storage, transportation, and disposal must be in accordance

with applicable Federal, State/Provincial, and Local regulations.
Dispose of packaging or containers in accordance with local, regional,
national and international regulations. Empty container contains product
residue which may exhibit hazards of product.

Contaminated Packaging: Container packaging may exhibit hazards.

14. Transport information

UN Number: UN 3077
UN Proper Shipping Name: Environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s.(Benzene)
Transport Hazard Class(es)
Class: 9
Label(s): 9
Packing Group: III
Environmental Hazards Marine Pollutant
Special precautions for user: None established
Reportable quantity Benzene 10 lbs
Reportable quantity Benzene 10 lbs

Not regulated.

Not regulated.

Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code

None known.

The DOT shipping information in this section is based on a bulk container. Please review the accompanying shipping papers
for the correct shipping descriptions based the size of the package. Shipping descriptions may vary based on mode of
transport, quantities, temperature of the material, package size, and/or origin and destination. It is the responsibility of the
transporting organization to follow all applicable laws, regulations and rules relating to the transportation of the material.
During transportation, steps must be taken to prevent load shifting or materials falling, and all relating legal statutes should be
obeyed. Review classification requirements before shipping materials at elevated temperatures.

15. Regulatory information

US Federal Regulations
TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)
None present or none present in regulated quantities.

CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4)

Chemical Identity CAS number Reportable quantity
Benzene 71-43-2 10 lbs
Acrylic acid 79-10-7 5000 lbs

Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)

SARA 311 Classifications

Germ Cell Mutagenicity


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Revision Date: 07/15/2019

Combustible dust

SARA 302 Extremely Hazardous Substance

None present or none present in regulated quantities.

SARA 304 Emergency Release Notification

Chemical Identity CAS number Reportable quantity
Benzene 71-43-2 10 lbs
Acrylic acid 79-10-7 5000 lbs

SARA 313 (TRI Reporting)

Reporting Reporting threshold
threshold for other for manufacturing
Chemical Identity CAS number uses and processing
Benzene 71-43-2 10000 lbs 25000 lbs

US State Regulations
US. California Proposition 65
This product may contain chemical(s) known to the state of California to cause cancer
and/or birth defects. Additional information can be received upon request.

Inventory Status
Australia (AICS)
All components are in compliance with chemical notification requirements in Australia.

Canada (DSL/NDSL)
All substances contained in this product are in compliance with the Canadian Environmental
Protection Act and are present on the Domestic Substances List (DSL) or are exempt.

China (IECSC)
All components of this product are listed on the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in

European Union (REACh)

To obtain information on the REACH compliance status of this product, please e-mail
[email protected].

Japan (ENCS)
All components are in compliance with the Chemical Substances Control Law of Japan.

Korea (ECL)
All components are in compliance in Korea.

New Zealand (NZIoC)

All components are in compliance with chemical notification requirements in New Zealand.

Philippines (PICCS)
All components are in compliance with the Philippines Toxic Substances and Hazardous and
Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990 (R.A. 6969).

Switzerland (SWISS)
All components are in compliance with the Environmentally Hazardous Substances Ordinance in


Version: 3.1
Revision Date: 07/15/2019

Taiwan (TCSCA)
All components of this product are listed on the Taiwan inventory.

United States (TSCA)

All substances contained in this product are listed on the TSCA inventory or are exempt.

The information that was used to confirm the compliance status of this product may deviate from the chemical
information shown in Section 3.

16.Other information, including date of preparation or last revision

HMIS Hazard ID

Health * 1

Flammability 1

Physical Hazards 0

Hazard rating: 0 - Minimal; 1 - Slight; 2 - Moderate; 3 - Serious; 4 - Severe; RNP - Rating not
possible; *Chronic health effect

NFPA Hazard ID

1 Flammability
1 0 Health
Special hazard.
Hazard rating: 0 - Minimal; 1 - Slight; 2 - Moderate; 3 - Serious; 4 - Severe; RNP - Rating not possible

Issue Date: 07/15/2019

Version #: 3.1

Source of information: Internal company data and other publically available resources.

Further Information: Contact supplier (see Section 1)

Disclaimer: As the conditions or methods of use are beyond our control, we do not
assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of
this product. Information contained herein is believed to be true and accurate
but all statements or suggestions are made without warranty, expressed or
implied, regarding accuracy of the information, the hazards connected with
the use of the material or the results to be obtained from the use thereof.
Compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations remains
the responsibility of the user.


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