Module 1 Test

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Module 1 Test

1.Listening. You will hear an interview with a ghost hunter. Listen and mark the statements 1-7 T (true) or
F (false).
1. Gloria doesn’t find ghost hunting really frightening.
2. She supposes learning more about the place of hunting to be very important.
3. You don’t have to invite your friends to share your adventures with you.
4. Ghost hunting is a non-profit hobby.
5. Gloria thinks ghost hunting is extremely fun.
2.Reading. Read the text and mark the statements 1-7 T (true) or F (false).
Sky high career
What’s your idea of a dream job? Most people would love to do their favourite hobby or sport as a job.
That’s exactly what Mike Peters does. He combines his passion for skydiving with his work. Mike is a
skydiving aerial photographer. He earns a good wage and does his favourite sport at the same time. Mike
jumps from planes with a camera he attaches to his helmet and takes some amazing photographs. He places
the camera on his head so he can use his hands to control his fall. He actually takes a photo by blowing into
a tube which activates his camera. He wears special sunglasses to show him where his camera is pointing.
This job may sound thrilling and fun but it’s not easy. Job skills include knowing how to take great photos
and being an expert at skydiving. Mike has years of training as a skydiver. He can control himself well as he
flies in the air. There are additional risks and difficulties that come with carrying the camera equipment that
only very experienced divers, like Mike, can handle.
So what does he take pictures of? He usually photographs other skydivers and skydiver teams. Sometimes
Mike wears a special suit with wings that allows him to control how fast he falls. This way he can stay close
to other divers and take great shots.
It’s not the danger or risk that attracts Mike to skydiving. Mike loves skydiving because, unlike other sports,
it gives him absolute freedom to move in any direction. The freedom of movement and the ability to take
pictures results in some very interesting and creative work. There are no limits to what he can create and do.
For Mike the sky is the limit.
1. Mike makes much money as a photographer.
2. Mike controls himself in the air with his eyes.
3. Mike uses a tube to see the images in his camera.
4. Camera equipment can create problems for a skydiver.
5. He rarely shots people.
6. Mike uses his wings to make more beautiful pictures.
7. Mike enjoys his job because he gets rid of limits.
3.Grammar. Put the verbs in brackets into (to) infinitive or –ing form.
1. I’d rather…(book) tickets earlier.
2. Try…(stay) very calm. The aid team is on their way.
3. Harry stopped…(go) to the gym because of heart disease.
4. We can’t hear him…(sing) the song.
5. He is looking forward to…(meet) his German friend.
6. This song is worth…(perform).
7. I can’t imagine him…(have) a baby.
8. It’s too difficult…(do) diving in such cold water.
9. Sasha didn’t mean…(hurt) your feelings.
10. Could you…(give) me some advice about the laptop.
4.Grammar. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. …(your brother/ride a bike) to school only on Saturdays?
2. Yeah, but today…(he/take a bus).
3. I can’t go out right now. The worker…(fit) a window in my room.
4. Why…(you/take) gloves with you? Is it cold outside?
5. When is your train? It…(leave) at 6 pm.
6. I…(not think) you’re right.
7. …(she/have) a flat in the townhouse?
8. Pete…(appear) in SPB next Friday. Could you meet him please?
9. What…(Dad/read)? I can’t see it from here.
10. Mike is a real cook. His dishes …(smell) so nice!
5.Grammar. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct form (use comparisons or adverbs).
1. Working as a lifeguard sounds…(slightly/interesting) than working as a manager.
2. Which of the dogs has a …(heavy) weight?
3. You seem…(much/prepared) for a race today.
4. Surfing provides…(by far/exciting) exercise.
5. Could you spell it…(slow) please?
6. Your interview skills are becoming …(good and good).
7. Paul works…(hard) of all the firefighters.
8. Jim speaks really…(polite) to the customers.
9. Tim runs…(not fast) as his brother.
10. Some people think that finding a job…(stressful) than entering the university.

6.Vocabulary. Complete the sentences with the correct words: university campus, volunteer, put out,
science fiction, customer service, non-profit, part-time job, difference, goggles, improve, research,
breath, building, fit, storm.
1. They tried to…the fire with buckets of water until the firefighters arrived.
2. To be a firefighter you need to be…and strong.
3. She holds her…as she dove into the cold water.
4. Her…keep the water out of her eyes when she dives.
5. The Red Cross is a famous…organisation.
6. A group of doctors try to…people’s lives in the village.
7. Everyone can make a…in the world by working for a charity.
8. Lots of young people are ready to…to help clean up the beach.
9. Environmental groups do wildlife…all over the world.
10. Mary often goes…chasing in spring.
11. I don’t believe in UFOs; they’re just a… .
12. Janet likes robot…; she uses parts from old TVs to make them.
13. Ted is looking for a…for the summer.
14. A large number of students live on the… .
15. Dan works as a manager in… .

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