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Chapter 1

a. What was Sherlock Holmes doing when Watson went to his house?

When Watson arrived, he found Sherlock Holmes in the living room.

He was by the window with some newspapers at his side. Near him was
an old hat on a chair and he had a magnifying glass in his hand.
Apparently he was examining the hat.

b. What was Peterson doing with the goose?

Peterson was cooking it at home and was going to eat it at night.

c. What was happening to the tall man?

The tall man was having an incident with some young men and had left
his hat and his goose in the street

d. What conclusions was Sherlock Holmes getting when he was talking

to Watson about the hat?
When Sherlock Holmes was talking to Watson about the hat, he
concluded that the owner of the hat was an intelligent man, once he was
rich and now he is poor. His wife loved him once, but now she doesn't.
And he's thirty or forty years old. Also Holmes knew that the man's
name was Henry Baker from the initials written on it.
Chapter 2


1. Sherlock Holmes…was investigating the case of the blue diamond.

2. The goose… was containing a diamond inside.

3. The Countess… was offering a thousand pounds to whoever found her


Chapter 3

1. Where was the diamond from?

The diamond was from southern China, near the Amoy River.

2. Did Holmes make the countess of Morcar know that he had her
Yes, Holmes let him know through a letter

3. How was Henry Baker and what was he wearing?

Henry Baker was wearing a long winter coat and a Scottish hat on his

4. Why Didn`t Mr. Baker put an advertisement in the newspaper?

Mr. Baker never ran any advertisement because they were expensive
and he didn't have a lot of money in those days. He also thought that
Tottenham Court Road teenagers had their hat and goose, and he didn't
want to waste his money.
5. How Did Holmes know that Mr. Baker was innocent?
Sherlock Holmes saw no interest in Mr. Baker, even when Holmes
explained to him that they found his hat and his goose in the street, and
that they had a new goose for him. Henry Baker felt happy just for
having a new goose to eat, so Holmes thought that he wasn't the
diamond thief.

6. Where Did Mr. Baker get the goose?

Mr. Baker informs Holmes that he got his goose at The Alpha, a pub
near the British Museum. Baker explained that he is a member of the
"Goose Club" at The Alpha. Members of the "Goose Club" pay a few
pence each week of the year and receive a goose for Christmas.

7. Who was Mr. Windigate?

Mr. Windigate was the owner of The Alpha.

Chapter 4

1. What were Holmes and Watson Wearing that day?

Holmes and Watson were wearing coats and hats that day.

2. Who was Breckinridge?

Breckinridge was a man who had a small shop in Covent Garden.

3. What was happening in the picture page 21?

In this picture, Holmes and Watson are at the entrance to Mr.
Breckinbridge's shop, according to the story; Holmes and Watson are
there to inquire about the geese sold to the Alpha Inn. In the picture you
can see Sherlock Holmes's finger pointing towards the counter,
apparently Breckinbridge already sold all the geese.

4. How did Breckinridge react when Holmes asked about the geese?
Breckinridge reacted angrily.

5. Why did he react like that?

Breckinridge reacted this way because Holmes was not the first person
to ask about geese and he was tired of being bothered by that question.

6. How did Holmes know about Mrs. Oakshott?

Holmes knew about Mrs. Oakshott from a bet he made, and with which
he obtained information about the person who sold the geese to Mr.

Chapter 5

When Holmes and Watson were drawing conclusions about what Mr.
Breckinbridge had told them, they heard a noise that came from the
Breckinbridge post. A nervous little man kept asking the vendor about his
geese. Breckinbridge, very agitated, yelled, "Get out of here!" Holmes and
Watson approach the man.

Holmes indicates that they can help him track down the goose he is interested
in and tells him that he already knows all about Mrs. Oakshotty's geese. Upon
hearing this, the man agrees to come and discuss matters on the Baker Street.
At first, he gives them a false name, but Holmes quickly deduces that it is a
lie. His real name is James Ryder, the assistant manager of the Hotel
Chapter 6

1. Where did they arrive?

They arrived at 221B Baker Street

2. Who was Mr. Ryder?

Mr. Ryder was the weak little man Holmes followed after leaving Mr.
Breckinridge's shop; Ryder was also the assistant manager of the
Cosmopolitan Hotel.

3. How Did Mr. Ryder know about the diamond?

Mr. Ryder explained that he knew about the diamond from the
Countess's maid, Catherine Cusack.

4. Who was Katherine Cusack?

Katherine Cusack was the Countess's maid

5. What was Mr. Ryder begging Sherlock Holmes?

Mr. Ryder was begging Sherlock Holmes not to tell the police anything.
Ryder was afraid of going to jail.

6. Was Mr. Ryder crying?

Yes, he was crying.

7. What was happening in the picture page 35?

In the picture, Mr. Ryder was inserting the blue diamond into the bird's
mouth. The goose was white with a black tail, but on the ground along
with the others, another goose with a black tail is observed.

8. How did the story end?

In the end, Holmes decided to let Ryder get away, because in the end
Ryder would no longer be a thief and without him there would be no
witnesses to say that Horner was the thief. Holmes had found the
solution to the crime once more and he was happy.

Play the role


Who were you talking to when the diamond disappeared?

Well I was talking to the Duke of Waterloo in the boardroom when I heard all
the commotion; I immediately walked out of there to see what was happening.
I found my maid and Mr. Ryder in my bedroom, they told me the diamond
was missing.


What were you doing in Tottenham Court Road so early?

I was coming from a pub near the British Museum. I had to go through
Tottenham Court Road to go home to prepare the Christmas goose.


What were you doing before we arrived?

You see Holmes, I was washing the dirty glasses, I must have them clean for
the new customers.

Why were you getting mad at Mr. Ryder?

I was getting mad because I was tired of people asking me about those geese. I
wanted him to leave me alone.


Why were you begging me not to report to the police?

I was begging you because I had never done anything wrong before. If I go to
jail, my sister will think I'm a terrible brother.

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