Design and Development of Burner Ring To Enhance Thermal Efficiency of Domestic LPG Stove and Assessment of Its Performance PDF

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Design and development of burner ring to enhance thermal efficiency of

domestic LPG stove and assessment of its performance

Conference Paper · February 2011


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3 authors:

David Bhatt Irfan Mulla

Vel Tech - Technical University Imperial College London


Pradyumna Dhamangaonkar
College of Engineering, Pune


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International Conference on Recent Conference
Innovations on Recent Innovations in Technology (ICRIT-2011)
in Technology
R.I.T., Kottayam, Kerala. February 10-12, 2011 pp 385-390

Design and Development of Burner Ring to

Enhance Thermal Efficiency of Domestic LPG
Stove and Assessment of its Performance
David. S. Bhatt Irfan A Mulla P. R. Dhamangaonkar
PhD scholar, PhD scholar, Assistant Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Madras, Chennai, INDIA IIT Madras, Chennai, INDIA College of Engineering, Pune, INDIA

Abstract- In this paper the conventional design of the as 64% in standard test conditions. So we found that there is
burner and the pan support of a domestic LPG stove is large scope to enhance the efficiency of LPG domestic stove.
modified to increase its thermal Efficiency. The Some Authors like Jugjai[3] and Sumreng[4] have tried to
conventional LPG domestic stove was tested for its increase the efficiency of a Thailand stove using a single ring
thermal efficiency and was found as low as 51% under swirling flame burner. Although they reported an increase of
adverse conditions as against 64% specified as minimum efficiency from 10% to 15%, their port loading (Heat
thermal efficiency by the BIS. This difference in efficiency consumption rate) is 10 times higher than that of the Indian
has generated an instinct to develop some means or to
stove and their efficiency is lower for conventional stove.
develop a new burner plate for LPG domestic stove.
Higher port loading is not suitable for Indian stoves due to the
Authors tried to find out the various thermal losses
limitation of the pressure specified by BIS. Moreover, the
occurring in the stove and found that they are mainly a)
modification of pan supports to avoid flame interaction is not
Related to combustion and its products and b) Related to
heat transfer. These were analyzed and it was found that reported elsewhere. Hence a double row swirl burner was
swirling flames, porous inserts and low thermal inertia designed due to which there is more flame interaction.
pan support can increase the thermal efficiency of the The Indian domestic consumer is cost sensitive. Any costly
domestic LPG stove. Among these the swirling flame modifications or alterations in the existing set may create less
burner cap and pan support is very suitable modification interest and will take the end user away from the task. Hence
in the conventional stove. So these were designed and we decided to undertake a project to design thermal efficiency
experiments were carried out (as per BIS norms) with enhancing devices for the domestic LPG stove that can be
different pan heights to find the thermal efficiency. It was used with the existing stove at lesser prices. Thus the authors
found that thermal efficiency increased by 2% (64.22 to came up with design of a burner cap and pan support.
66.59) with the optimum pan height. This is sufficient to
save gas worth 361.677 crores as per the rate of 20 Rs./kg II. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING STOVE
on consumption of 5.56 MT annually
Keywords— Domestic LPG Stove, Swirl Burner, Pan The detail description of the Domestic Stoves is given in
Support, Thermal Efficiency. Jones[5]. Following is a brief account of the parts in the
Indian stove as shown in Fig 1. Indian Stove is an
I. INTRODUCTION atmospheric gas burner, which uses the low-pressure gas (20
psi). It has the following parts:
In this modern era of globalisation where industrialization
is growing rapidly, the demand for energy is growing rapidly.
To meet the demand, optimum use of available sources or use
of alternate sources is expected. Since the available sources
are limited, we need to give more emphasis on developing
method and devices to use these sources more efficiently.
Presently 55.78 million households of India, uses LPG for
Fig. 1. Components of Indian LPG stove
cooking purpose[1]. The energy consumption for LPG is
more in domestic sector than industrial. Thus enhancing A. Mixing tube
efficiency of the domestic gas stove will contribute to the In a mixing tube a part of air (usually 60%) is mixed with
Indian economy. LPG gas stream[6]. This is called Primary air. This air is
When we tested the existing LPG domestic stove for its entrained due to the momentum transfer between the jet of
thermal efficiency, we found its efficiency as 51% under the gas coming from orifice and the ambient air. The 60%
conditions just similar to what it is used in houses. But the partially premixed flame is the most stable flame.
BIS IS 4246: 2002[2] specifies minimum thermal efficiency

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B. Burner Secondly the convection heat transfer depends on the time

Burner consist of two parts, the bottom part through which for which the flame is in contact with the vessel. The heat
the gas is issued is called burner hood and secondary burner transfer is a transient process and in the case of heat transfer
cap that consist of number of flame ports. The burner hood from the flame to vessel large temperature gradients do exist.
serves the two purposes first it directs the air gas mixture to Hence by increasing the flame contact time will increase the
the flame ports and secondly it avoids the flashback. efficiency considerably.
C. Flow control valve C. Radiation heat transfer
Flow control valve controls the rate of gas flow from seam Since in the domestic open flame combustion occurs hence
value to full value. most if the heat due to radiation is lost. But still it accounts
D. Pan support for 1% of heat release.
It is made up of C.I. and has four prongs on which pan is Water vapour condensation:
supported. Prongs of the support have suitable taper to
A considerable amount of heat is lost in latent heat of water
accommodate round bottom pans.
vapour. This heat is transferred to the vessel if some amount
of this water vapour is condensed at the vessel bottom. But
III. HEAT LOSSES IN EXISTING STOVE this water vapour again creates a barrier for the further heat
Various losses that take place in the stove are classified as: transfer and hence condensation is not desirable. The amount
A. Combustion losses of heat lost to the latent heat of water vapour resulting from
combustion can be calculated and accounts for approximately
Combustion losses take place due to the incomplete
7.589% of HHV.
combustion. Incomplete combustion occurs mainly due to the
insufficient amount of air and vitiation of air. If the D. Ways to Reduce the Heat Losses
combustion air mixes with the combustion products, the air is There is less time available for the heat transfer from the
vitiated. flame to the target due to less residence time. Few ways that
The two causes of vitiation were identified; Firstly can increase the residence time and reduce the heat losses are
operation of appliances where combustion products are discussed below:
discharged into the room air, thereby vitiating primary and
Imparting swirl motion
secondary air to an extent depend on the heat input, room size
Swirl is the spiral motion [8] imparted to the gas stream.
and ventilation rate; secondly local circulation of combustion
Experiments have shown large scale effects on flow fields; jet
products within the appliance during operation, whereby
growth, entrainment and decay (for inert jets) and flame size,
primary or secondary air can become highly vitiated.
shape, stability and combustion intensity (for reacting flows)
Thus incomplete combustion occurs due to the insufficient
are affected by the degree of swirl imparted to it. This degree
amount of air and vitiation of air. Both these factors are out of
of swirl is characterized by the swirl numbers, which is a
the control of designer. Thus the only factor left to the
dimensional number representing axial flux of swirl
designer is to achieve complete utilization of available air for
momentum divided by axial flux of axial momentum times
the combustion.
equivalent times nozzle radius.
B. Heat Loss Due To Convective Heat Transfer Swirl flows can be generated by three principle methods
Convection is the principle heat transfer mechanisms and [15]
losses associated to it are as follows: 1. Tangential entry (axial plus tangential entry swirl
In atmospheric burner, Convection is due Buoyancy force generator).
of the hot gases. (The flow velocity is negligible). 2. Guided vanes (swirl vane pack or swirler).
Heat losses due to the ineffective convection heat transfer: 3. Direct rotation (rotation pipe).
Heat transfer due to convection depends mainly on the area All the above methods are applied to industrial burners
of contact of flame and vessel, which in turn depends upon and are not suitable for domestic burners except tangential
flame spread and height of vessel from the burner. Now if we entry. Due to the low momentum of entrainment air, the effect
decrease height from burner top to vessel bottom the flame is not significant.
spread area increases, but at the same time the heat losses due Another method as suggested by Jugjai S. [3], which can be
to radiation and convection to the stove body increases. Also used for domestic burner, is to drill number of radial skewed
the amount of air entrainment decreases. On the other hand if holes in the burner. Due to this the swirling motion is
we increase the height above a certain limit, then the flame imparted to the flame.
contact area decreases reducing the heat transfer coefficient. Effects of swirl:
Also the losses to the surrounding air increases. Thus the Various effects of swirling flames have been identified
main controlling parameter is the optimum height, which [15]. It includes
must be controlled properly to have maximum heat transfer

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a. Effect of swirl on residence time

Due to the swirling motion, the path travelled by flame
increases the residence time. Hence more time is available for
diffusion and the chemical reaction to get completed.
b. Effect on heat transfer
In case of impinging swirling flame as in case of domestic
burner, it increases the heat transfer rate. In non-swirl flames
the flame takes a direct 90º turn at a flat impinging surface;
whereas in cases of swirling flame, it rotates on the surface of
impinging target. This increases, the contact time, shear
stresses thereby increasing heat transfer efficiency.
c. Homogeneity of mixing
If the swirl is imparted prior to the combustion to the
air/gas mixture, a homogenous mixture of air and gas is
generated. This is due to the swirling motion. Due to
homogeneity of air fuel mixture, completeness of the Fig. 2. Swirl Burner Details
combustion can be achieved. 2. Find number of ports: Area of jet issuing from the
d. Porous ceramic insert nozzle calculated. By momentum and energy
balance, Optimum area of ports is calculated.
For better combustion and heat transfer the flame residence This is the total area of ports, knowing the port
time is to be increased. But there is certainly a limit for the diameter; we can find the total number of ports.
residence time. We cannot have along residence time to The swirl motion is imparted to the flame by drilling
enhance heat transfer. Then the good alternative is to use multiple holes having an inclination in two planes in the
radiation heat transfer being the fastest mode of heat transfer. burner with a certain pitch circle diameter as shown in fig. 2
But the open flame cannot generate enough radiation; hence The inclination of the ports is β with respect to horizontal
the porous media can be used to convert the gas enthalpy into plane and α with respect to radial direction. Their significance
radiation. is described below.
e. Lower thermal inertia of parts Effect of the swirl angle (α)
The part that comes in the proximity of the flame and the The rotation of the flame influences the tangential
vessel is the pan support. Hence if we reduce the thermal components of the gas and air jet velocities, which are raised
inertia (i.e. the heat capacity) of the pan support, the by an increase of α. With all of the other parameters
efficiency can be increased slightly. unchanged, the larger tangential component of the velocity
increases the residence time of the hot combustion products in
IV. DESIGN OF SWIRL BURNER AND PAN SUPPORT the vicinity of the vessel bottom, which improves the thermal
efficiency of the burner. The pressure drop caused by the
Among the above ways, authors tried to design, develop
flame vortex promotes suction of secondary air in to the
and a performance analysis of Swirling flame burner and Low
combustion zone, where a larger amount of secondary air
thermal inertia pan support.
improves combustion by reducing heat losses because of
a Design of Swirl burner chemically incomplete combustion. However, secondary air
Assumption made: at ambient temperature reduces the temperature of the hot
i) The equivalence ratio is unity.
gases in the flame. The existence of the optimum value of α,
ii) Complete combustion takes place.
at which maximum thermal efficiency is achieved, takes into
iii) No dissociation takes place, all carbon is found in
CO2 and all fuel hydrogen is formed in H2O. account the abovementioned counteracting effects.
The optimum value of was found to be 15º. [10]
iv) The simplified composition for air is 21% O2 and
79% N2 (by volume) i.e. for each mole of O2 in air Effect of angle (β )[1th all of the other parameters being
there are 3.76 moles of N2. equal, the angle β defines the residence time of the gas-air
v) Mass Flow Rate As that of CB mixture in the reaction zone. For small values of β, the
vi) Primary Aeration 60% by Volume residence time is longer since the mixture flows first towards
vii) LPG Composition 27.5% C3H8, 14.7% C4H8, the burner centre and then spreads out of the reaction zone
55.7% C4H10 over the base of the heated vessel. It may then be expected
The design is done in following steps: that heat losses will be smaller than for β > 90º because of
1. Find the extinction diameter of the LPG Gas. The chemically incomplete combustion. For the latter case, the
extinction diameter d0 = 3.224 mm. We took d = 2.0 mixture emerging from the burner ports flows immediately
mm which is sufficiently less than d0. beyond the combustion zone along the vessel base. For a

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large angle β (β > 90º) the flame resembles the band-form sheet metal of 0.5mm thickness. The optimum height of the
flame of the conventional burner but it swirls. The larger the pan support from the top of the burner was determined
angle β is, the easier it is for the secondary air to be sucked experimentally for the maximum efficiency. This height was
and diffused into the reaction zone of the swirling flame. 20 mm.
Therefore, a greater amount of air results in reduced heat
losses because of chemically incomplete combustion; on the
other hand, this ambient secondary air cools the hot
combustion products. Thus, for β < 90º, a longer residence
time is achieved for the gas in the combustion zone but a
smaller amount of secondary air reaches the combustion zone;
for β > 90º, the opposite is true. Consequently, two optimum
values exist for β at which the thermal efficiency is relatively
Two optimum angles of the β were found experimentally
[10] for synthetic gas (20% C3H8, 20% C3H6, 30% C4H10, and
30% C4H8), one is acute angle whereas the other obtuse.
Those angles are 26º and 142º
Values of α and β were not available for LPG hence we
tried different values of α and β nearer to the above values Fig. 3. The test set-up
and obtained optimum values. S. Jugjai has tested a two row
burner, whose outer row ports were given a swirl angle α = V. EXPERIMENTATION, RESULTS &DISCUSSIONS
15º and inclination angle β = 26º. He used LPG as fuel whose
a. Thermal Efficiency Testing
composition was 40% propane (C3H8) and 60% butane
(C4H10) by volume. Addition to this, we propose a double-row To determine the thermal efficiency of the burner trials
burner, both rows with the swirl angle. Initially SB1 was were carried on three types of burners viz. Conventional
designed; later SB2 was designed to give enhanced Burner, Swirl Burner1 (SB1) and Swirl Burner2 (SB2). Each
performance. burner was tested for different heights and different pan
The summary of burner geometry is given in the Table. 1 supports. The observations were recorded. Thermal efficiency
test was carried out, as per BIS norm IS 4246:2002. The test
TABLE 1. procedure is as follows
The test setup and test procedure:
Burner Inner ring Outer ring Port
The test set up was fabricated conforming to IS 4246:2002.
Type n α Β n α β mm2
The schematic diagram is as shown in Fig 3. The pan height
CB 0 0 270.6 was varied with the help of 4 studs, which supported the pan.
SB1 30 15 26 60 15 142 282.7
SB2 30 15 26 60 20 137 282.7 b. Observations:
For each trial, the following parameters were observed.
t1 = initial temperature of water in ºC,
The number of ports was reduced from 138 to 90 by
t2 = final temperature of water in ºC,
increasing the port diameter from 1.58 mm to 2 mm. This M = gas consumption in Kg,
reduced the cost considerably. we have also increased the H = height of the pan bottom from the burner top.
depth of the burner ports from 5 mm to 8 mm (normal From these efficiency is calculated.
length). So the flow is developed and sufficient swirling
motion is imparted to the flame. The P.C.Ds were selected so
as to fit all the holes in the available space, so that the new
burner fits on the existing burner hood.

b. Design of Pan Support:

The conventional pan support weighs 580.5gms. Hence the
new pan support of lightweight of 132.5gms was designed
which reduced the thermal inertia considerably. Moreover the CB SB1
prongs of the conventional support interfered with the flame Fig. 4. Flame Structure
that was required to be minimized. To achieve this for the While observing the flame structure with SB1 we noted the
swirl burner, the prongs have given skew angle of 15º from following shortcomings:
the radial axis in the horizontal plane i.e. they are tangential 1) A sufficient amount of swirling flame was observed at
to an imaginary circle. The pan support is made from G.I. the inner ring of the burner, but at the outer ring such a swirl

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was not observed. The flame emerging from the port was combustion zone is relatively short and, hence, the reaction is
deflected from the theoretical direction at the vicinity of the not completed. The flame is quenched as it approaches the
burner. Thus the effect of the swirl was destroyed as the flame relatively cold bottom of the vessel and the flame temperature
approached the vessel. This may be because of the less swirl does not reach its maximum value. On the other hand, large
angle (α = 15º). values of H cause the combustion products to cool before
2) We also noticed that the outer ring flame was diverting reaching the pan bottom.
outside the vessel bottom for low heights. We thought that
this might be due to the more value of β.
To overcome the above shortcomings a new burner (SB2) Sr. No Burner type Optimum Maximum
with the following modifications was suggested and tested . height efficiency
keeping other parameters same. 1 CB 15.0966 67.5365
i) Swirl angle α was increased from 15º to 20º
ii) Inclination angle β was reduced from 142º to 137º 2 SB 1 15.535 67.823
iii) The port depth was increased from 5 mm to 8 mm to 3 SB2 19.434 67.9162
enhance laminar flow development. TABLE 3.
The efficiencies of SB2 and SB1 for different heights were OPTIMUM HEIGHT AND MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY
calculated and compared with that of CB.
With this modification there was increase in the efficiency c. Difference between SB1 and SB2:
of SB2 over SB1. The SB1 and SB2 Characteristics on varying heights are
The values of efficiency were interpolated and a third nearly same except for a shift in the optimum value of the H
degree equation was formed, using these equations the curve or the dome of the curve. This is mainly due to change in α
of efficiency versus height for different burners was plotted and β values of the outer ring ports. In case of SB2 the
on a single graph. The optimum points i.e. the height for the inclination angle β was reduced so that the ports were tilted
maximum efficiency was calculated from the equations of the more inwardly. Due to this the flame spread area was lower at
curve. lower heights. Hence lower value of efficiency is reported,
The equation of curves for the three burners and their whereas in case of SB1, due to greater inclination angle,
optimum heights are tabulated as follows flame spread was more at this value. Due to these reasons, the
EFFICIENCY AS A FUNCTION OF HEIGHT optimum value of height obtained for SB2 was greater than of
Sr No Type Efficiency equation SB1.
Secondly the effect of α cannot be clearly distinguished.
1 CB η = 41.452 + 4.31413H-.22818H2 +
3 But because a slightly greater swirl angle (i.e. 20ºin SB2 over
2 SB1 0.00153733H
η = 53.817 + 2.17417H - 0.1058H2 + 15º in SB1) was given in SB2, the residence time might be
3 SB2 0.00153733H
η = 69.7946 - 1.1357 + 0.101954H2 - increased leading o a slight increase in efficiency.
0.002495H3 d. Pan Support:
Efficiency testing on modified and conventional pan
Variations of efficiency w.r.t Height H
Results for varying Height for different burners are shown support was performed for different burners. The calculation
in the Fig. 5 for efficiency is done as earlier. Table. 3 show efficiency
variation for different burners and pan supports.


Burner type CB SB1 SB2

Type of pan support Thermal efficiency (%)
Conventional 64.22 65.89 65.21
Modified 64.24 66.108 66.59

Table. 4 show that the modified pan support has no effect

on conventional burner, since the values are nearly same. This
effect was observed because the modified pan support was
Fig. 5. Efficiency plot for varying pan heights designed for swirl burner and the skewed prongs interfered
more than the conventional support. But this effect might
As shown, there is an optimum distance H at which the have been compensated due to the reduced thermal inertia.
thermal efficiency attains its maximum value. For very small But in case of swirl burner the prongs slightly interferes the
values of H, the mean residence time of the gases in the flame at the tip of the prongs and hence efficiency of this
burner was increased to1.5%.
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