Exercise 5

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Part II: Essay

Direction: using your own words, discuss the following topics by citing concrete

1. Why is investment essential to the economy.

Investment is essential to the economy because it serves as one of the
source of capital in the economy. For example a company cannot stand by itself
without investment from other business man because the company need adequate
money to operate efficiently.

2. Differentiate investment and multiplier

Investment is the process of increasing the capital of a particular business
while multiplier is the factor by which the return deriving from expenditure
exceeds the expenditure itself.

3. Differentiate investment and output.

Investment is one of the source of capital while output is the product of a
company. For example money from other businessman who invest in a company
is investment while the things made by the company is the output

4. Determinants of savings
There 9 determinants of savings

1. The level of income

Saving is basically a function of income that’s why savings increases with

2. Income distribution
If there is a greater degree of inequality of income among the people, that
aggregate the savings rate, would tend to be high, as the richer section of the
community has high propensity to save.

3. Consumption motivatios.
Savings is the residual part of income left after consumption. Thus , to
know the factors affecting saving, we must know the factors of consumption.

4. Wealth
Holding of wealth or liquid assets by a person also affects his consumption

5. Habit
Habit is a major determinant of consumption. We tend to spend more on
our habits which affects our savings

6. Population
A high growth of population has an adverse effect on the per capita
income which causes an adverse effect on the saving-income ratio.

7. Objective and institutional factors

The number of objective factors of institutions affects the capacity and
willingness to save the people at large.

8. Subjective motivations for savings

People tends to save more when there are strong subjective factors which
motivate them to save for example: motivation to improve the standard of living.

9 Rate of interest
According to the classical economists, saving is the direct function of the
rate of interest.


5. Investment demand determinants

There are two determinants of investments. The first is the expected rate
of profit by which its is the expectation of the investor on how much he will gain
in the investment. The second determinant is the rate of interest. The interest of
the investment is the biggest factor of why an investor is interested in investing to
a particular company, it hugely has something to do with the profit.


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