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Dangal is one of the best bollywood movie in 2016. Dangal is a hindu term for wrestling or the wrestling
area, but sometimes refered as the wrestling competition. The movie documents the remarkable story
of women wrestling blossoms in India and the journey of the two girl wrestlers. But, the obscure purport
of the movie was about the life of one man named Phogat that is driven to reach his dream. The movie
was one of the finest achievement of Amir Khan career.



The movie started at Mahjavir an Indian ex-wrestler dreamed to win in the name of his country. When
he is about reach the peak of his dream he has to change his path and focused his time working in office
because his father told him that medals do not feed him money. His frustratio lead him in eagerness to
have son that will follow and continue his legacy and fulfill his dream. He have done lots of rituals from
the advices of his friends for the sake to have son. But sadly he was not blessed to have what he wanted
and all of her children are girls. Having daughter is not an obstacle to his dream. He forced her two
daughter Babita and Geeta to join wrestling. He strictly trained them, tracked their daily diet and
prohibited them doing girly things which is not usual in their town's tradition. Their journey in wrestling
was not easy. People discriminate them because of their gender but they use it as their strenght and
motivates them to win every competition especially when Geeta win the Indian National Wrestler
Competition and led her to enter the National Sports Academy. This time Geeta's lofe has changed alot-
new environmen, training and coach. Geeta and his father got quarrel because Geeta changed mostly of
tge techniques she had learned from his father. Same as Geeta, Babita win every competition she
attended also the indian National Wrestler Competition and entered the National Sports Academy.
Unlike Geeta, Babita remains in her mind the teaching of his father. At the academy, Babita witnessed
the new Geeta specifically when Geeta lose to win the first round of the International Competition and
seems like Geeta was not affected by her defeat which is totally different from his past attitude when
the first she loses the competition. From therr, Babita never give up advising her sister until Geeta
realized her mistakes and apologized to his father. Everything went good and the competition goes
through. Their father insisted to rent a small house near their academy to keep track of her daughters
training. But they were not oriented that it is prohibited in their academy and almsot expelled Geeta
from joining the International Competition. The academy director considered Geeta giving her a second
chance because her father begged to let her join the competition. It is his dream to her daughter
compete and represents their country. Geeta beats her opponents with his father guidance. But villain
will always be in every movie. His coach was insecured because Geeta always give credited her triumph
to his father. At the final stage of the competition, his coach locked Geeta's father to the storage room
in a way to attract Geeta's attention and follow his rules. But it did not distract the focus of Geeta. She
absorbed every advices of his father and reminisce that she was not just for herself but every weak girl
in their counrty and the pride of their country. And in the end, she finally win the gold medal and fulfill
the dream of his father.


The movie "Dangal" was an incredible bollywood movies despite the long range of time
watching the movie it does'nt feel boring because every scene and actions is awaited. Also the
actors especially all the wrestlers were incridibly good in every wrestling scene. Their actions
comes naturally as if the actors were like a real wrestler. But the perfections of this movie
cannot escape the criticism. The movie wanted to show and emphasize the story the two girl
wrestler Babita and Geeta but when you analyze carfully and deeply the movie it turns out like
the whole movie revolves in Mahjavir life and his dream a frustrated ex-wrestler whixh is the
father of the two young lady. It reveals from the start of the show when he forced her
daughters to join wrestling until the last part of the movie wherein it focused on the
achievement of Mahjavir dream through the works of her daughters. The movie should have
give more emphasizes on the story of the two girl lessening the scenes of Mahjavir ambitious
dream and improve Mahjavir fatherhood role to her daughters for the movie to feel more
dramatic on achieving the dream of her daughters.

In the movie Dangal, It shows the social status of every girl in India specifically in the town of
Babita and Geeta where the discriminantion in every girl was a hindrance in their dream. The
movie "Dangal" does not only emphasize feminism, the freefom of every woman to take their
own decesions. Also gender equality, the equality of men and women and free to develop ther
perosnal abilities without the limitations set by stereotypes. This movie shows the journey of
the two girl in their wrestling career and how they overcome criticism in their gender. The two
were striving hard to inspire and give a chance to every girl in their town and change the
mindset of every individual in their community that wrestling is not intended for boys and the
believes of everyone in theri community that female are expexted to be expriesive, weak,
caring and remains at home to take care of baby and manage the needs of his husband while
male are expected to be an instrument, dominant, hardworking and earning. Their triumph in
every wrestling competition proves the capability of every girl in everything and supress the
criticism to every girl in their town. It also shows the realistic learning development and
maturation of a person in which skills and knowledge is not only acquired and mastered at

Therefore, the movie was intactly good and and amusing from its creation and actor the delivery of the
message that the movie wanted to convey to its viewers. For two hours watching the movie I did not
feel any boredom. As a matter of fact, I was really entertained compare to other bollywood movie I have
watched. I can not judge it perfectly excellent because there are some sides of the movie I am not
satisfied as I stated on my critic paper.

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