Machine Learning Lab Manual 7

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International Islamic University Islamabad

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering

Machine Learning LAB

Experiment No. 7: K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

Name of Student: ……………………………………

Registration No.: …………………………………….

Date of Experiment: …………………………………

Submitted To: ………………………………………,

Experiment No. 6: KNN Algorithm Page 1

KNN is a non-parametric learning algorithm, which means that it doesn't assume anything about the
underlying data. This is an extremely useful feature since most of the real-world data doesn't really follow
any theoretical assumption e.g. linear-separability, uniform distribution, etc.

In this lab, we will see how KNN can be implemented with Python's Scikit-Learn library. But before that
let's first explore the theory behind KNN and see what some of the pros and cons of the algorithm are.

The intuition behind the KNN algorithm is one of the simplest of all the supervised machine learning
algorithms. It simply calculates the distance of a new data point to all other training data points. The
distance can be of any type e.g Euclidean or Manhattan etc. It then selects the K-nearest data points, where
K can be any integer. Finally it assigns the data point to the class to which the majority of the K data
points belong.

Let's see this algorithm in action with the help of a simple example. Suppose you have a dataset with two
variables, which when plotted, looks like the one in the following figure.

Our task is to classify a new data point with 'X' into "Blue" class or "Red" class. The coordinate values of
the data point are x=45 and y=50. Suppose the value of K is 3. The KNN algorithm starts by calculating
the distance of point X from all the points. It then finds the 3 nearest points with least distance to point X.
This is shown in the figure below. The three nearest points have been encircled.

Experiment No. 6: KNN Algorithm Page 2

The final step of the KNN algorithm is to assign new point to the class to which majority of the three
nearest points belong. From the figure above we can see that the two of the three nearest points belong to
the class "Red" while one belongs to the class "Blue". Therefore, the new data point will be classified as

Pros and Cons of KNN

In this section we'll present some of the pros and cons of using the KNN algorithm.

1. It is extremely easy to implement
2. As said earlier, it is lazy learning algorithm and therefore requires no training prior to making real
time predictions. This makes the KNN algorithm much faster than other algorithms that require
training e.g SVM, linear regression, etc.
3. Since the algorithm requires no training before making predictions, new data can be added
4. There are only two parameters required to implement KNN i.e. the value of K and the distance
function (e.g. Euclidean or Manhattan etc.)

5. The KNN algorithm doesn't work well with high dimensional data because with large number of
dimensions, it becomes difficult for the algorithm to calculate distance in each dimension.

Experiment No. 6: KNN Algorithm Page 3

6. The KNN algorithm has a high prediction cost for large datasets. This is because in large datasets
the cost of calculating distance between new point and each existing point becomes higher.
7. Finally, the KNN algorithm doesn't work well with categorical features since it is difficult to find
the distance between dimensions with categorical features.

Implementing KNN Algorithm with Scikit-Learn

In this section, we will see how Python's Scikit-Learn library can be used to implement the KNN
algorithm in less than 20 lines of code.

The Dataset
We are going to use the famous iris data set for our KNN example. The dataset consists of four attributes:
sepal-width, sepal-length, petal-width and petal-length. These are the attributes of specific types of iris
plant. The task is to predict the class to which these plants belong. There are three classes in the dataset:
Iris-setosa, Iris-versicolor and Iris-virginica.

Importing Libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

Importing the Dataset

To import the dataset and load it into our pandas dataframe, execute the following code:

url = ""

# Assign colum names to the dataset

names = ['sepal-length', 'sepal-width', 'petal-length', 'petal-width', 'Class']

# Read dataset to pandas dataframe

dataset = pd.read_csv(url, names=names)
To see what the dataset actually looks like, execute the following command:


Executing the above script will display the first five rows of our dataset as shown below:

Experiment No. 6: KNN Algorithm Page 4

sepal-length sepal-width petal-length petal-width Class

0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa

1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa

2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa

3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa

4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa

The next step is to split our dataset into its attributes and labels. To do so, use the following code:

x= dataset.iloc[:, :-1].values
y = dataset.iloc[:, 4].values
The X variable contains the first four columns of the dataset (i.e. attributes) while y contains
the labels.

Train Test Split

To avoid over-fitting, we will divide our dataset into training and test splits, which gives us a better idea as
to how our algorithm performed during the testing phase. This way our algorithm is tested on un-seen
data, as it would be in a production application.

To create training and test splits, execute the following script:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20)
The above script splits the dataset into 80% train data and 20% test data. This means that out of total 150
records, the training set will contain 120 records and the test set contains 30 of those records.

Experiment No. 6: KNN Algorithm Page 5

Feature Scaling
Before making any actual predictions, it is always a good practice to scale the features so that all of them
can be uniformly evaluated

Since the range of values of raw data varies widely, in some machine learning algorithms, objective
functions will not work properly without normalization. For example, the majority of classifiers calculate
the distance between two points by the Euclidean distance. If one of the features has a broad range of
values, the distance will be governed by this particular feature. Therefore, the range of all features should
be normalized so that each feature contributes approximately proportionately to the final distance.
The gradient descent algorithm (which is used in neural network training and other machine learning
algorithms) also converges faster with normalized features.

The following script performs feature scaling:

Bottom of Form
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()

X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

Training and Predictions

It is extremely straight forward to train the KNN algorithm and make predictions with it, especially when
using Scikit-Learn.

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

classifier = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5), y_train)
The first step is to import the KNeighborsClassifier class from the sklearn.neighbors library. In the second
line, this class is initialized with one parameter, i.e. n_neigbours. This is basically the value for the K.
There is no ideal value for K and it is selected after testing and evaluation, however to start out, 5 seems to
be the most commonly used value for KNN algorithm.

The final step is to make predictions on our test data. To do so, execute the following script:

y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)

Experiment No. 6: KNN Algorithm Page 6

Evaluating the Algorithm
For evaluating an algorithm, confusion matrix, precision, recall and f1 score are the most commonly used
metrics. The confusion_matrix and classification_report methods of the sklearn.metrics can be used to
calculate these metrics. Take a look at the following script:

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix

print(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred))
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
The output of the above script looks like this:
[[11 0 0]
0 13 0]
0 1 6]]
precision recall f1-score support

Iris-setosa 1.00 1.00 1.00 11

Iris-versicolor 1.00 1.00 1.00 13
Iris-virginica 1.00 1.00 1.00 6

avg / total 1.00 1.00 1.00 30

The results show that our KNN algorithm was able to classify all the 30 records in the test set with 100%
accuracy, which is excellent. Although the algorithm performed very well with this dataset, don't expect
the same results with all applications. As noted earlier, KNN doesn't always perform as well with high-
dimensionality or categorical features.

Comparing Error Rate with the K Value

In the training and prediction section we said that there is no way to know beforehand which value of K
that yields the best results in the first go. We randomly chose 5 as the K value and it just happen to result
in 100% accuracy.

One way to help you find the best value of K is to plot the graph of K value and the corresponding error
rate for the dataset. We will plot the mean error for the predicted values of test set for all the K values
between 1 and 40.

To do so, let's first calculate the mean of error for all the predicted values where K ranges from 1 and 40.
Execute the following script:
error = []

# Calculating error for K values between 1 and 40

for i in range(1, 40):
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=i), y_train)
pred_i = knn.predict(X_test)
error.append(np.mean(pred_i != y_test))
The above script executes a loop from 1 to 40. In each iteration the mean error for predicted values of test
set is calculated and the result is appended to the error list.

The next step is to plot the error values against K values. Execute the following script to create the plot:
Experiment No. 6: KNN Algorithm Page 7
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(range(1, 40), error, color='red', linestyle='dashed', marker='o',
markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=10)
plt.title('Error Rate K Value')
plt.xlabel('K Value')
plt.ylabel('Mean Error')
The output graph looks like this:

From the output we can see that the mean error is zero when the value of the K is between 5 and 18.

Task :

Implement KNN on any data set and choose different values of K to see how it impacts the accuracy of
the predictions.

Experiment No. 6: KNN Algorithm Page 8

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