Moodlea ND WebCT Comparison

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Differences between Moodle and WebCT (Blackboard)

WebCT and Moodle are two Learning Management Systems with lots in
common, but there are some key differences which make each one special in its
own way. We note these differences below. If you have used WebCT before, this
document will help you understand Moodle better.


WebCT (Blackboard)

The Blackboard Learning System allows instructors to post course information and
course materials, readings and assignments and provides functionality for basic
discussion and other collaborative tools (from Blackboard).

Designed for teacher directed/centered delivery of content

• Especially geared for lower level courses, large classes.
• Proprietary, vast user base.
• Based on licensing fee.


Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software

package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create
effective online learning communities. You can download and use it on any computer
you have handy (including webhosts), yet it can scale from a single-teacher site to a
50,000-student University (from

Moodle tools focus on:

• Content delivery for course information
• Intended use is group work, collaboration, communication, sharing, activities, and
critical reflection, a collaborative type of learning.
• Open Source (free)
• Users can actually participate in Moodle development


• Student enrolment in courses • Discussion forum

• Restricted access • Synchronous chat
• Customization • Quizzes, tests
• Uploading files (e.g. Word docs, • Drop box
PowerPoint, audio files) • Course calendar
• Linking to external web sites • Grades
• Zip course & provide on CD to • Monitoring student participation
students • Copy course over from semester
• SCORM compliant • Customized template

Differences in Key Features

Feature Moodle WebCT

Bandwidth All features work on dial-up Bandwidth hog, may time out
Learning Curve Can use w/o manual or Not as intuitive, many
training. Provides excellent, components need to configure
easy to use “help” website. initially. “Help” website
Discussion Photos, nested threads See posts at one time, not
Tools Blog, wiki, journal, glossary, Whiteboard
Cost Free Cost
Customization Open Source, so can change Need to request change from
locally WebCT (may not happen)
User Stats Chart Comparing students; Time student spent on each
number of visit per page page

Course Format

Moodle WebCT

Selecting a course listed under My Courses Selecting a course listed under My Courses
results in a course home page with one of results in a course homepage with a single
three different formats: Topics, Weekly, or format of presentation and some fixed
Social. organizational categories and sub-categories.

The format used is determined by the

Instructor's choice in the course
Settings from the Administration block.

Initial Interface

The initial interface can be customized differently in each system, but the above is
the standard type of layout.

Moodle Interface Student View


Activities menu
side-block. This
menu provides
quick links to the
different tools
and resources
within the
students course The calendar
site. tool will allow
you to see at a
glance all
Allows you to
search all the
forums for your
course in one go.

Students can
Students can see who is
monitor their online
grade progress
(or block can be
hidden by Main Block where course content is
instructor) shown. Sections and/or particular tasks
can be hidden from students until they
are required.

Blackboard Student View

Course Tools
allow you to
access course
quizzes and

My Tools allow
students to
monitor their
own progress.
They can view
their marks and
track their
activities in a

Main Course Block. If course content is

organized chronologically or by topic, you
may see several content folders, each
containing the appropriate material to be used
at a specific time or for a certain subject area.

Communication Tools

Tool Moodle WebCT

Email Using the instant messaging You send email to all your
tool, you can send messages students, or to those in
to offline users and they will a subset workgroup.
read them once they log in
to their Moodle account.

Messages will be emailed if

the user is offline.

Message tool allows all

Moodle users in the course to

Chat Using the instant messages, Using the instant messaging

you can chat with online tool (The tool) will only allow
users. you to send messages if the
other user is online.
Messages will be emailed if
the user is offline.

Discussion Forum There are three types of One type of Discussion Forum
Discussion Forums that you where a student can reply to
can choose depending on discussions without creating
your needs. topics.

Instructors can rate their

students on what they post
and let students rate their

When you post to the class

Forum, that posting can be
automatically emailed to the
class participants.

Since posting remains visible

in the Forum, those not
receiving emails can check for
unread postings. You can
create a Forum for each class

workgroup, then handle each
Tool Moodle WebCT

Whiteboard No similar tool yet. You can use a Whiteboard

tool where students can
share in real time drawings
and images.

Grades and Scales

Tool Moodle WebCT

Scale You can create your own No similar tool

scale (Poor, Fair, Good,
Excellent…) and use it in all
graded activities

Adding Grades to a not You create an assignment of If you had an offline activity
graded Tool type Offline activity and grade that you wanted to
then supply grades and add to your student columns,
comments for that you must enter those grades
assignment. into a new column in the
student columns.

Tracking Students

Moodle WebCT

You can get reports showing the number of You can get reports showing the number of
times, time, date, frequency and IP address of times, time and date, and frequency with
each student who accessed course content, which each student or all students in a course,
discussion forums, course assessments, and accessed course content, specific course units
assignments. and discussion forums.

You can get a report that shows number of You can also get a report showing the duration
attempts and time per attempt on each of time each student spent
assessment for individual students. Instructors on course content, specific course units and
can maintain private notes discussion forums.
about each student in a secure area.
You can share this tracking information with
You can get a report that summarizes students.
individual student performance on

You can set a flag on individual course

components to track the frequency with which
students access those components.

You can monitor students who are currently

logged in to the course.


Moodle WebCT

When you add any resource or activity with The quiz date does not appear automatically in
date like quiz or assignment, it will be the course Calendar
automatically added to the course Calendar,
and will also display in Upcoming Events and
the resource/activity creation will
show in Activities block.


Moodle WebCT

There are three types of Assignments that you Only one type of assignment, where a student
can choose depending on your needs. There submits files to this assignment.
is the Offline Activity, Online Text, and Upload
a single file assignment.


Moodle WebCT

The Moodle Wiki module enables participants There is no similar tool.

to work together on web pages to add, expand
and change the content. Old versions of the
web pages are never deleted and can be


Moodle WebCT

The lesson delivers content in an interesting There is no similar tool.

and flexible way. It consists of a number of

Each page normally ends with a question and

a number of possible answers. Depending on
the student's choice of answer they either
progress to the next page or are taken back to
a previous page.

Navigation through the lesson can be straight

forward or complex, depending largely on the
structure of the material being presented.


Moodle WebCT

The teacher asks a question and specifies a There is no similar tool.

choice of multiple responses. It can be useful
as a quick poll to stimulate thinking about a
topic; to allow the class to vote on a change in
the class schedule course;
or to gather research consent.


Moodle WebCT

You can hide/reveal a specific and single file You can hide/reveal only tools like content
(Lecture or PowerPoint…) module. You cannot hide a specific file or
lecture inside a tool.

References and Comparison Tools

EduTools. (2006). CMS: Product Comparison System.,386

Blackboard vs. Moodle, Dr. Kathy Munoz and Joan Van Duzer

What are other institutions saying about using Moodle?

The Open University of the UK

“We see the development of Moodle applications, along with involvement of the Moodle
Open Source community giving our students a great advantage in e-learning. Plus, the
innovations added by the OU will be available to the entire Moodle community. It’s a
two-way creative street.”

San Francisco State University

“The structure of Moodle is very easy,”

Athabasca University
"(Moodle's) appealing visual design, the ease and intuitive feel with which online
activities can be added, the online help and support provided by the documentation and
user groups make this a superior and user-friendly LMS."

Macalaster College
"I wish my other issues had such nice solutions."

Dordt College
"We have moved from Blackboard to Open Source Moodle, and it is going very well."

Luther College
"All and all we are finding Moodle a refreshing and remarkable change from our four
years with Blackboard."

George Fox University

"However, the upgrade to BlackBoard with yearly price increases so that I would have
the right to use their software finally made it very clear that I could not build a Web
Services Strategy without owning my LMS."

Augsburg College
"Many of our faculty were just putting up with Blackboard. We had far far more people
excited about moodle after our may sessions."

University of Dubuque
“WebCT and moodle seem to match up pretty much across the board in terms of
features. Moodle is the big winner in the ease of use category, IMO and based on
feedback from faculty and students.”

Lincoln University
“There is quite a growing interest in Moodle in NZ and we have trialed it this year. The
reaction from the staff and students who used it was very positive and there were no
technical problems during the trial - very stable. We plan to go over to it fully in 2006.”

Concordia University
“Moodle is a free, open-source alternative to commercial courseware that is widely used
in universities around the world. Its large client/developer base, as well as optional
commercial development and support, make it the optimal choice.”


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