890023-01-00 - MX Software Manual

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PUBLICATION #890023-01-00

Solid State Starter
Software Manual

The Leader In
Solid State Motor Control

© 2004 Benshaw Inc. All Rights Reserved


Benshaw and are registered trademarks of Benshaw Incorporated.

Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.
UL is a trademark of Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated


1. This starter contains hazardous voltage that can cause electric shock
resulting in personal injury or loss of life.
2. Before servicing, be sure all AC power is removed from the starter and
the motor has stopped spinning
3. Wait at least 1 minute after turning off the AC power for the bus
capacitor to discharge on the control card.
4. Do not connect or disconnect the wires to or from the starter when
power is applied.
5. Ensure shielded cables are discharged.


1. Service only by qualified personnel.

2. Make sure ground connection is in place.

3. Make certain proper shield installation is in place.

1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 U SING THIS MANUAL ...........................................................................................................................................................................2
1.2 CONTACTING BENSHAW .....................................................................................................................................................................4
1.3 INSPECTION ...........................................................................................................................................................................................5
1.4 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF A REDUCED VOLTAGE STARTER............................................................................................................6
2 CONTROL CARD ....................................................................................................................................................................................7
2.1 CONTROL CARD SETUP .......................................................................................................................................................................9
2.1.1 CT Ratio Scaling .........................................................................................................................................................................9
2.1.2 CT Polarity...................................................................................................................................................................................9
2.1.3 Confirm Switch Settings.............................................................................................................................................................9
2.1.4 Configuring the Analog Input ................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.5 Configuring the Analog Output ............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 BASIC CONTROL W IRING DRAWING ...............................................................................................................................................12
3 KEYPAD OPERATION....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................................................14
3.2 STANDARD KEYPAD AND DISPLAY .................................................................................................................................................14
3.2.1 Special Messages Displayed .................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.2 Viewing and Changing Parameters for the Standard Keypad ......................................................................................... 15
3.2.3 Display Output for the Standard Keypad............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2.4 Quick Meters............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.5 Restoring Factory Parameter Settings................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.6 Resetting a Fault ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.7 Emergency Thermal Reset....................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 2X16 LCD REMOTE KEYPAD ..........................................................................................................................................................17
3.3.1 Description of the LED's on the Keypad.............................................................................................................................. 17
3.3.2 Description of the Keys on the LCD Remote Keypad ........................................................................................................ 18
3.3.3 Alphanumeric Display............................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.3.4 Parameter Group Screens....................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.5 Meter Pages............................................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.6 Fault Log Screen ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.7 Fault Screen .............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
3.3.8 Lockout Screen ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.9 Alarm Screen............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
3.3.10 Procedure for Setting Data .................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.11 Jump Code................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
4 PARAMETERS....................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................................................26
4.2 LED AND LCD DISPLAY PARAMETERS CROSS REFERENCE ......................................................................................................26
4.3 LED DISPLAY PARAMETERS............................................................................................................................................................27
4.4 LCD DISPLAY PARAMETERS............................................................................................................................................................30
4.4.1 Quick Start Group.................................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.2 Control Function Group ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.3 Protection Group...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
4.4.4 I/O Group................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
4.4.5 Function Group ........................................................................................................................................................................ 33
4.4.6 Fault Group............................................................................................................................................................................... 34
5 PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.1 EXPLANATION OF PARAMETER DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................36
5.2 QUICK START GROUP ........................................................................................................................................................................37
5.3 CONTROL FUNCTION GROUP ............................................................................................................................................................44
5.4 PROTECTION FUNCTION GROUP ......................................................................................................................................................55
5.5 INPUT /OUTPUT GROUP ......................................................................................................................................................................65

5.6 FAULT LOG..........................................................................................................................................................................................82
6 APPLICATIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
6.1.1 Line Connected Soft Starter.................................................................................................................................................... 84
6.1.2 Inside Delta Connection.......................................................................................................................................................... 85
6.2 OTHER APPLICATIONS USING THE MX CONTROL .........................................................................................................................85
6.2.1 Wye Delta................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
6.2.2 Phase Control ........................................................................................................................................................................... 87
6.2.3 Current Follower...................................................................................................................................................................... 87
6.2.4 Across The Line (Full Voltage Starter) ................................................................................................................................ 88
7 TROUBLESHOOTING........................................................................................................................................................................ 89
7.1 GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTS..........................................................................................................................................90
7.1.1 Motor does not start, no output to motor............................................................................................................................. 90
7.1.2 During starting, motor rotates but does not reach full speed........................................................................................... 91
7.1.3 Acceleration not operating as desired.................................................................................................................................. 91
7.1.4 Deceleration not operating as desired ................................................................................................................................. 92
7.1.5 Motor stops unexpectedly while running ............................................................................................................................. 92
7.1.6 Metering incorrect ................................................................................................................................................................... 93
7.1.7 Other Situations........................................................................................................................................................................ 94
7.2 FAULT CODE TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE ......................................................................................................................................95
8 THEORY OF OPERATIO N.............................................................................................................................................................103
8.1 SOLID STATE MOTOR OVERLOAD PROTECTION .........................................................................................................................104
8.1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................104
8.1.2 Setting up the MX Motor Overload.....................................................................................................................................104
8.1.3 Motor Overload Operation...................................................................................................................................................106
8.1.4 Current Imbalance / Negative Sequence Current Compensation ..................................................................................106
8.1.5 Harmonic Compensation ......................................................................................................................................................107
8.1.6 Hot / Cold Motor Overload Compensation .......................................................................................................................107
8.1.7 Separate Starting and Running Motor Overload Settings...............................................................................................108
8.1.8 Motor Cooling While Stopped..............................................................................................................................................109
8.1.9 Motor Cooling when Running..............................................................................................................................................110
8.1.10 Emergency Motor Overload Reset ......................................................................................................................................110
8.2 M OTOR SERVICE FACTOR...............................................................................................................................................................111
8.3 A CCELERATION CONTROL..............................................................................................................................................................112
8.3.1 Current Ramp Settings, Ramps and Times.........................................................................................................................112
8.3.2 Programming A Kick Current..............................................................................................................................................113
8.3.3 TruTorque Acceleration Control Settings and Times.......................................................................................................113
8.3.4 Power Control Acceleration Settings and Times ..............................................................................................................115
8.3.5 Open Loop Voltage Ramps and Times................................................................................................................................117
8.3.6 Dual Acceleration Ramp Control ........................................................................................................................................119
8.4 DECELERATION CONTROL ..............................................................................................................................................................121
8.4.1 Voltage Control Deceleration ..............................................................................................................................................121
8.4.2 TruTorque Deceleration .......................................................................................................................................................122
8.5 W YE-DELTA OPERATION ................................................................................................................................................................123
8.6 PHASE CONTROL ..............................................................................................................................................................................125
8.7 CURRENT FOLLOWER......................................................................................................................................................................127
8.8 A CROSS THE LINE / FULL VOLTAGE OPERATION .......................................................................................................................128
8.9 SIMPLIFIED I/O SCHEMATICS .........................................................................................................................................................129
8.10 U SING M ODBUS................................................................................................................................................................................130
9 TECHNICAL INFORMATION.......................................................................................................................................................133
9.1 GENERAL INFORMATION.................................................................................................................................................................134
9.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS......................................................................................................................................................134
9.3 A LTITUDE DERATING ......................................................................................................................................................................134

9.4 A PPROVALS.......................................................................................................................................................................................134
9.5 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE .......................................................................................................................................................134
9.6 LIST OF MOTOR PROTECTION FEATURES.....................................................................................................................................134
9.7 MX CONTROL BOARD ....................................................................................................................................................................135
9.7.1 Terminal Points, Functions and Ratings............................................................................................................................135
9.7.2 Terminal Block Rating ..........................................................................................................................................................136
9.7.3 Connectors, Functions and Ratings....................................................................................................................................136
9.7.4 Measurements, Accuracy and Ratings................................................................................................................................136
10 APPENDIX.........................................................................................................................................................................................137
A PPENDIX A – CE M ARK ...........................................................................................................................................................................139
A PPENDIX B – FAULT CODES.....................................................................................................................................................................140
A PPENDIX C – A LARM CODES...................................................................................................................................................................141
A PPENDIX D – M ODBUS REGISTER M AP .................................................................................................................................................143
A PPENDIX E – PARAMETER TABLE...........................................................................................................................................................154

1 Introduction

Using This Manual

1.1 Using this manual


This manual is divided into 10 sections. Each section contains topics related to the section.

The sections are as follows:

1. Introduction
2. Control Card
3. Keypad Operation
4. Parameters
5. Parameter Descriptions
6. Applications
7. Troubleshooting
8. Theory of Operation
9. Technical Information
10. Appendices


There are 2 symbols used in this manual to highlight important information. The symbols appear as the following:

Warning: Electrical Hazard that could result in injury or death.

Caution: Could result in damage to the starter.

Highlight: Marking an important point in the documentation.


Using This Manual

General Information

Benshaw offers its customers the following:

• Start-up services
• On-site training services
• Technical support
• Detailed documentation
• Replacement parts
NOTE: Information about products and services is available by contacting Benshaw refer to Contacting Benshaw on page 4..

Start-Up Services

Benshaw technical field support personnel are available to do startup and conduct on-site training on the starter operations and

On-Site Training Services

Benshaw technical field support personnel are available to conduct on-site training on the operations and troubleshooting.

Technical Support

Benshaw technical support personnel are available (at no charge) to answer customer questions and provide technical support over
the telephone. For more information about contacting technical support personnel, refer to Contacting Benshaw on page 4.


Benshaw provides all customers with:

• Parameter Configuration Manual, Publication # 890023-01-xx
• Hardware Manual, Publication # 890023-02-xx
• Quick Start Reference Guide for LED Display, Publication # 890023-03-xx
• Quick Start Reference Guide for LCD Display, Publication # 890023-04-xx
• Drawing: Enclosed product has wiring diagrams of associated control devices found within the enclosure.

On-line Documentation

All documentation is available on-line at http://www.benshaw.com.

Replacement Parts

Spare and replacement parts can be purchased from Benshaw.

Software Number

This manual pertains to the software version number 810018-01-12

Publication History

Refer to the Revision History in the appendices.


Contacting Benshaw

1.2 Contacting Benshaw

Information about Benshaw products and services is available by contacting Benshaw at one of the following offices:

Benshaw Inc. Corporate Headquarters

1659 E. Sutter Road
Glenshaw, PA 15116
United States of America
Phone: (412) 487-8235
Fax: (412) 487-4201

Benshaw Canada Controls Inc.

550 Bright Street East
Listowel, Ontario N4W 3W3
Phone: (519) 291-5112
Fax: (519) 291-2595

Benshaw West
7820 E. Evans Drive, Suite 900
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
United States of America
Phone: (480) 905-0601
Fax: (480) 905-0757

E –Mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Technical support for MX Control Series is available at no charge by contacting Benshaw’s customer service department at one of
the above telephone numbers. A service technician is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST.


An on-call technician is available after normal business hours and on weekends by calling Benshaw and following the recorded

To help assure prompt and accurate service, please have the following information available when contacting Benshaw:
• Name of Company
• Telephone number where the caller can be contacted
• Fax number of caller
• Benshaw product name
• Benshaw model number
• Benshaw serial number
• Name of product distributor
• Approximate date of purchase
• System Voltage
• FLA of motor attached to Benshaw product
• A brief description of the application


Interpreting Model Numbers

1.3 Inspection

Before storing or installing the RediStart starter with MX control, thoroughly inspect the device for possible shipping damage.
Upon receipt:

• Remove the starter from its package and inspect exterior for shipping damage. If damage is apparent, notify the shipping agent
and your sales representative.

• Open the enclosure and inspect the starter for any apparent damage or foreign objects. Ensure that all of the mounting hardware
and terminal connection hardware is properly seated, securely fastened, and undamaged.

• Ensure all connections and wires are secured.

• Read the technical data label affixed to the starter and ensure that the correct horsepower and input voltage for the application
has been purchased.

• The starter numbering system for a chassis is:

R __ __ __ __ __ __ __ A __ __ __

C = Open Chassis

Frame Size
Amp Rating, (0 – 999A )

Fault Level
S = Standard
H = High
Type of Bypass
0 = None (only available with RC)
1 = Integrated
2 = Separate, Definite Purpose (Only with 1000V Starter)
3 = Separate, ATL IEC AC3 Rated
4 = Separate, ATL NEMA Rated (AC4)

Type of Control
M = Micro II Control
X = MX Control

Family of RediStart Starter

B = Bypass
C = Continuous

Example of the model Number: RBX-1S-361A-14C

A RediStart starter with bypass, MX control, Integrated Bypass, Standard Fault, 361 Amp unit, Frame 14, open Chassis


General Overview

1.4 General Overview of a Reduced Voltage Starter

The RediStart MX motor starter is a microprocessor-controlled starter for single or three-phase induction motors. The starter can be
custom designed for specific applications. A few of the features are:
• Solid state design.
• Reduced voltage starting and soft stopping.
• Closed-loop motor current control, power control, torque control.
• Programmable motor protection.
• Programmable operating parameters.
• Programmable metering.
Each starter can operate within applied line voltage and frequency values of 100VAC to 600VAC (optional 1000VAC) and 23 to

The starter can be programmed for any motor FLA and all of the common motor service factors. It enables operators to control both
motor acceleration and deceleration. It can also protect the motor and its load from damage that could be caused by incorrect phase
order wiring.

The starter continually monitors the amount of current being delivered to the motor. This protects the motor from overheating or
drawing excess current. The starter will automatically stop the motor if the Phase to Phase line current is not within acceptable ranges
or if the current is lost in a line.

Features The enhanced engineering features of the starter include:

• Multiple frame sizes
• Universal voltage operation
• Universal frequency operation
• Programmable motor overload multiplier
• Controlled acceleration and deceleration
• Phase rotation protection
• Regulated current control
• Electronic motor thermal overload protection
• Electronic over/under current protection
• Single phase protection
• Line-to-line current imbalance protection
• Stalled motor protection
• Programmable metering
• Passcode protected
• Programmable Relays
• Analog output with digital offset and span adjustment
• Analog input with digital offset and span adjustment

2 Control Card


Control Card

Figure 1 – Control Board Layout

BIPC 300050-00-01






Relay Output RC2

R1, R2, R3




DI 1
Digital Inputs COM Conn 3
Start, DI1, Terminating Conn 2
DI2, DI3 Resistor

DI2/D3 CPU Heart Beat LED

Serial Com LEDs

Serial Port

& Config

CT Input

Shield Shield
Grounding Grounding

CT Burden
Selector Switch LED Display & Analog Output
Keypad & Config Jumper
Serial Port


Control Card

2.1 Control Card Setup

2.1.1 CT Ratio Scaling

The motor current signal scaling is set according to the motor size and the application specified when the starter is ordered. To ensure
accurate operation, the motor current signal must be correctly scaled for the motor (and its application) being controlled by the
starter. Motor current signal scaling may have to be changed if:

• Motor size has been changed from the original specification.

• Motor load has been changed from the original application.

Motor current signal scaling is accomplished by verifying the current transformer ratio as supplied with the starter and then selecting
the correct DIP switch setting from the chart on the following page for the current transformer ratio. The DIP switches are:

Figure 2 – CT Inputs and CT switches

• ON in the RIGHT position

• OFF in the LEFT position

• Refer to for Figure 1 – Control Board Layout

actual location of switches
CT Input, White wire (+)

CT Input Black wire (-)

NOTE: The applicable ratio is stamped on each CT. Adjust the DIP switches only when there is no current being supplied to the
motor, or the switches could be damaged.

NOTE: See CT Ratio Parameters FUN 03, P68

2.1.2 CT Polarity

The CT has a polarity that must be correct for the starter to correctly measure Watts, kW Hours, Power Factor, and for the Power and
TruTorque motor control functions to operate properly.

Each CT has a dot on one side of the flat surfaces. This dot, normally white in color, must be facing in the direction of the line.

The CT can be placed either before or after the starter. In specific applications, like Inside Delta and a starter with a DC brake, the
CT’s must be before the starter.

CT1 must be on Line L1 (R), CT2 must be on Line L2 (S), CT3 must be on Line L3 (T).

2.1.3 Confirm Switch Settings

To verify or change the motor current signal scaling:

• Compare the CT ratio stamped on each CT to the CT ratio listed on the wiring diagram supplied with the starter to ensure the
correct CTs are installed.

• Inspect the control card to ensure that the DIP switches are in the correct positions for the applicable CT ratio and the motor
full-load Amps (FLA).


Control Card
Table 1 – CT Ratios and Burden Switch Settings
CT Ratio Minimum Maximum Switch 6 Switch 6
FLA (A rms) FLA (A rms) Position 1 Position 2
72 2 3 Off Off
(4 wraps 3 4 Off On
288:1) 4 9 On Off
9 16 On On
96 3 4 Off Off
(3 wraps 4 5 Off On
288:1) 5 12 On Off
12 21 On On
144 4 7 Off Off
(2 wraps 7 8 Off On
288:1) 8 18 On Off
18 32 On On
288 8 14 Off Off
14 16 Off On
16 32 On Off
36 64 On On
864 24 42 Off Off
42 50 Off On
50 108 On Off
108 190 On On
1320 37 64 Off Off
(2 wraps 64 76 Off On
2640) 76 165 On Off
165 290 On On
2640 73 128 Off Off
128 151 Off On
151 330 On Off
330 590 On On
2880 73 140 Off Off
140 165 Off On
165 361 On Off
361 640 On On
3900 105 190 Off Off
190 225 Off On
225 490 On Off
490 870 On On
5760 160 280 Off Off
280 330 Off On
330 720 On Off
720 1280 On On
8000 223 390 Off Off
390 465 Off On
465 1000 On Off
1000 1800 On On
14400 400 700 Off Off
Mult. 700 840 Off On
CT-CT 840 1800 On Off
Combinations 1800 3200 On On
28800 800 1400 Off Off
Mult. 1400 1680 Off On
CT-CT 1680 3600 On Off
Combinations 3600 6400 On On


Control Card
2.1.4 Configuring the Analog Input

The analog input can be configured for Voltage or Current loop. The input is shipped in the Current Loop configuration unless
specified in a custom configuration. Next to the analog input terminal block is JP3. When the jumper is installed, the input is current
loop. When removed, it is a voltage input. The control is shipped with the jumper JP3 installed.

NOTE: The analog output signal common also serves as the analog input signal common.

NOTE: The analog input is a low voltage input, maximum of 15VDC. The input will be damaged if control power (115VAC) or line
power is applied to the analog input.

2.1.5 Configuring the Analog Output

The analog output can be configured for Voltage or Current loop. The output is shipped in the Voltage configuration unless specified
in a custom configuration. Next to the analog output terminal block is JP1. When the jumper is installed, the output is Voltage. When
removed, it is a current loop output. The control is shipped with the jumper installed.

NOTE: The analog output single common also serves as the analog input single common.

Figure 3 – MX Control Board Analog Jumper Placement

Analog Input Jumper

Analog Output Jumper


Control Card

2.2 Basic Control Wiring Drawing

Digital inputs DI1, DI2, DI3 and relay outputs R1, R2, R3 are pre-programmed. This wiring diagram illustrates a 3-wire start/stop
control by programming DI1 as a stop input. 2-wire start/stop control can be implemented by just using the start input. Refer to
sections 5 & 6 for configuring the Digital and Analog input and output in software.

Figure 4 – Basic Wiring Diagram

3 Keypad Operation


LED Keypad and Display

3.1 Introduction

The MX Control provides a comprehensive set of parameters to allow the use of the reduced voltage solid state starter in nearly any
industrial application. While the starter can meet the requirements of many applications right out of the box, customization of
parameter values to better suit your particular application is easily accomplished with the standard, on-board, 4-digit, 7-segment LED
display/keypad, a remote display/keypad, or via remote serial communication.

The MX control has two remote keypads and displays that are optional equipment; a remote 4-digit, 7-segment LED display and a
2x16-backlit LCD display. Both keypads have the same keys as the standard display with several additional keys including start and
stop keys for operation of the starter from the keypad. When the remote keypad is connected, the local keypad and display are

3.2 Standard Keypad and Display

The LED display provides information on starter operation and programming. The 4-digit, 7-segment display shows starter meter
outputs and programming data. Special symbols provide further information about the starter operation (see the following section).

Figure 5 – Standard Keypad and Display



3.2.1 Special Messages Displayed

The keypad's display may show special information under certain conditions.

Table 2 – LED Special Characters Displayed

No Line Phase order meter showing ABC
Ready Phase order meter showing CBA
Accelerating or Kicking Phase order meter showing Single Phase
Accelerating or Kicking with ramp 2 xxx xxx = overload content.
Up to Speed xx xx = Parameter code.
Run – Done with Accel ramp but not yet Up to xx xx = Alarm code. If the condition persists,
Speed. a fault will occur.
Decelerating Motor xx xx = Fault code.
Overload Alarm – The motor overload level is Instantaneous Overcurrent
between 90% and 100%. Default – Flashes when parameter defaults
Overload Fault – The motor overload level has are loaded.
reached 100%. Heater/Anti-windmill Mode
Overload Lockout – A start is not allowed until the Energy Saver
motor overload level cools below 60%. In reflash mode
Control Power Lockout – A start is not allowed In reflash mode, programming
because the control power is too low. In reflash mode, verifying
Lock out State In reflash mode, complete


LED Keypad and Display

3.2.2 Viewing and Changing Parameters for the Standard Keypad Viewing Parameter Values

Parameter view mode can be entered by:

1. At the default meter display, press the PARAM key to enter parameter mode. “P 1” will be displayed to indicate Parameter 1.
2. Use the UP and DOWN keys to scroll through the available parameters.
3. Pressing the UP key from “P 1” will advance to parameter “P 2”.
4. Pressing the DOWN key from “P 1” will wrap around to the highest parameter.
5. The value of the parameter can be viewed by pressing the ENTER key.
6. To view another parameter without changing/saving the parameter, press the PARAM key to return to the parameter number
To return to the default meter display either:
1. Press the PARAM key while in the parameter number display mode.
2. Wait 60 seconds and the display will return to the default meter display. Changing Parameter Values

Parameter change mode can be entered by:

1. At the default meter display, press the PARAM key to enter parameter mode.
2. Use the UP and DOWN keys to scroll through the available parameters.
3. The value of the parameter can be viewed by pressing the ENTER key.
4. When viewing the parameter value, the parameter can be changed by using the UP and DOWN keys.
5. To store the new value, press the ENTER key. When the ENTER key is pressed the value will be saved and the display will go
back to parameter # “P_”.
To exit parameter change mode without saving the new parameter value either:
1. Press the PARAM key to return to the parameter number display.
2. Wait 60 seconds and the display will return to the default meter display.

3.2.3 Display Output for the Standard Keypad

The display will output different information depending on the operation of the starter Table 2 – LED Special Characters Displayed. Power Up

The software version will be displayed as a series of blinking digits once power has been applied to the MX control. If the parameters
were being reset on power up, “dFLt” will be flashed on the display for three seconds, then the software version will be displayed. Stopped

When the starter is not in the run mode, the display will show the status condition of the starter, such as “rdY” (ready), “L OL”
(Overload Lockout), “noL” (No Line). Running

When running, the display will show the user selected meter function. The following meters can be selected using the “Meter”
display parameter P69.


LED Keypad and Display

Avg. RMS current Avg. Voltage (RMS) KW Line Frequency TruTorque %
Phase 1 RMS current L1-L2 Voltage (RMS) KVA Analog Input % Power %
Phase 2 RMS current L2-L3 Voltage (RMS) VARS Analog Output %
Phase 3 RMS current L3-L1 Voltage (RMS) KWh Running Time Days
Current Imbalance % Overload % MWh Running Time Hours
GF Current (% FLA) Power Factor Phase Rotation Starts Alarm Condition

When an alarm condition exists, the display alternates between displaying the selected meter and the alarm code. The alarm code is
displayed as “A XX”, where XX is the alarm code.
• When a thermal overload alarm condition exists, “A OL” will be displayed.
• When a no line alarm condition exists, “noL” will be displayed.
When the starter is stopped, the selected meter is not displayed. Lockout Condition

When a lockout condition exists, the display shows the lockout code. The lockout code is displayed as “L XX: where XX is the
lockout code. Following are the defined lockout conditions and their codes:
• When a motor thermal overload lockout condition exists, “L OL” will be displayed.
• When a power stack thermal overload lockout condition exists, “L Ot” will be displayed.
• When a low control power lockout condition exists, “L CP” will be displayed.
When there are multiple lockout codes, each will be displayed at 2 second intervals. Faulted Condition

When a fault condition exists, the display shows the fault code. The exceptions to this are as follows:
• When the fault is thermal overload trip, “F OL” will be displayed.
• When the fault is Instantaneous over current, ioc will be displayed.

3.2.4 Quick Meters

Although any meter may be viewed by changing the meter parameter, there are 3 “Quick Meters” that are always available with a
single key press. When the starter is in the normal display mode, the display may be toggled between the information currently
displayed and the following quick meters.

Status Meter Toggle between the programmed meter display and the starter operational status display (rdY, run,
utS, dcL, etc) by pressing the ENTER key.

Overload Meter Toggle between the programmed meter display and the overload content by pressing the DOWN key.
The overload will be displayed as “oXXX” where XXX is the overload content. For example if the
overload content is 76 percent, it will be displayed as “o 76”.

Phase Order Meter Toggle between the programmed meter display and the phase order by pressing the UP key. The
phase order will be displayed as “AbC” or “CbA”.

3.2.5 Restoring Factory Parameter Settings

To restore ALL parameters to the factory default settings, press and hold the PARAM and ENTER pushbutton switch on power up. The
display will blink “dFLt”. Parameters unique to the motor starter applications will need to be set again to appropriate values before
motor operation


Remote LCD Keypad and Display

3.2.6 Resetting a Fault

To reset from a fault condition, press RESET .

3.2.7 Emergency Thermal Reset

To perform an emergency thermal reset, press RESET and DOWN. This will set the motor thermal overload content to 0.

3.3 2x16 LCD Remote Keypad

Like the standard keypad, the LCD remote keypad has the same basic functions with enhancements which allows using plain text
instead of codes and a menu structure instead of a straight line of parameters.

Additional keys have been added, such as “start”, “stop”, and a “left arrow” for moving the cursor around in the LCD display. Status
indicators have been added, providing additional information for the starter operation.

The remote keypad and display are connected to the MX control board via a 1 or 2 meter (3 or 6ft) cable. The remote keypad is
NEMA 1, 12, and 3R when mounted directly on a panel or the door of an enclosure with the correct gasket. If the bezel and keypad
are used a NEMA 4 rating can be obtained.

Figure 6 – LCD Remote Keypad

Min A RU

reset start menu


3.3.1 Description of the LED's on the Keypad

The keypad provides three LED indicators in addition to the 2x16 character display. The LED's provide starter status information.

Table 3 – 2x16 Remote Keypad LED Functions

LED State Indication
STOP On Stopped
Flashing Faulted
RUN On Running and up-to-speed
Flashing Running and not up-to-speed (ramping, decelling, brake, etc)
ALARM Flashing Alarm condition exists. If condition persists, a fault will occur
Note: The Stop key is always active, regardless of selected control source unless it is dasabled using P55/I/O 17, Keypad Stop


Remote LCD Keypad and Display

3.3.2 Description of the Keys on the LCD Remote Keypad

The UP arrow, DOWN arrow, ENTER and MENU keys on the LCD keypad perform the same functions as the UP, DOWN, ENTER and
PARAM keys on the standard keypad. Three keys have been added, with one of the keys serving a dual function.

Start Key The START key allows the starter to be started from the keypad. In order for this key to work, the
Local Source parameter must be set to Keypad (as opposed to terminal). Refer to section 5,
Parameter Descriptions.

Stop/Reset Key When the starter is in a faulted condition, the STOP/RESET key is used to reset the fault. When the
starter is running, the STOP/RESET key causes the starter to stop.

Left Arrow When changing a numerical parameter, the LEFT arrow key can be pressed to move the cursor to the
next significant digit. When navigating through the parameter group screens, the MENU key
progresses to the next group and the LEFT arrow key moves back to the previous group.

Table 4 – Description of the Keys on the LCD Remote Keypad

start This key causes the starter to begin the start sequence. The direction is dependent on wiring and phase selection.

• Increase the value of a numeric parameter.

• Select the next value of an enumerated parameter.
• It scrolls forward through a list of parameter groups or parameters within a group
(When the last group or parameter is displayed, it scrolls to the beginning of the list).
• When a list of faults is displayed, it moves from one fault to the next.
• When the starter is in the Operate Mode, pressing UP will allow you to change which group of meter values is
• Decrease the value of a numeric parameter .
• Select the previous value of an enumerated parameter.
• It scrolls backward through a list of parameter groups or parameters within a group
(When the first group or parameter is displayed, it scrolls to the end of the list).
• When a list of faults is displayed, it moves from one fault to the previous fault.
• When the starter is in the Operate Mode, pressing DOWN will allow you to change which group of meter
values is monitored
• When editing a numeric parameter, the LEFT arrow key moves the cursor one digit to the left. If cursor is
already at the most significant digit, it will scroll to the least significant digit on the right.
• When in Menu mode, the LEFT arrow allows groups to be scrolled through in the opposite direction of the
Menu Key.
enter • Stores the change of a value.
• When in Fault History, ENTER key scrolls through information logged when a fault occurred.
• Menu scrolls between the operate screen and the available parameter groups.
• When viewing a parameter, pressing MENU will jump to the top of the menu.
menu • When a Parameter is being edited and MENU is pressed, the change is aborted and the parameter’s old value is
stop • The STOP/RESET key halts the operation of the starter (Stop Key).
• If a fault has occurred, the Stop key will be used to clear the fault (Reset Key).
reset • The STOP/RESET key will always halt the operation of the starter if the Control Source is set to Keypad. If the
controlsourceis not set to the keypad, the stop keymay be disabledusing P55/IO17, Keypad Stop Disable.

3.3.3 Alphanumeric Display

The LCD Remote keypad and display uses a 32-character alphanumeric LCD display. All starter functions can be accessed by the
keypad. The keypad allows easy access to starter programming with parameter descriptions on the LCD display.


Remote LCD Keypad and Display

Power UP Screen

On power up, the software part number is displayed for a few seconds. Pressing any key will immediately change the display to the
operate screen.
Software PN

NOTE: The software part number may be different than that shown above.

Operate Screen

The operate screen is the main screen. The Operate screen is used to indicate the status of the starter, if it’s running, what state it’s in,
and display the values of Meter 1 and Meter 2, which are user selectable.

The Operate Screen is divided into four sections.

• Sections A and B display status information’
• Section C and D displays the meter selected by the Meter 1 and 2 parameters, FUN 01 and FUN 02.
• Section SS displays the source for the start command.

Table 5 – Operate Screen Section A

Display Description
noL L1, L2, L3 not present
Ready Starter ready to run
Alarm A fault condition is present and if continued will cause a fault
to occur
Run Starter is running

Table 6 – Operate Screen Section B

Display Function
Stopped Starter is stopped and no Faults
Lockout Starter is in the Lockout condition
Fault Starter tripped on a Fault
Heater Starter is on and heating motor
Kick Starter is applying kick current to the motor
Accel Starter is Accelerating Load
Kick 2 Starter is applying kick current to the motor
Accel 2 Starter is Accelerating Load
Run Starter is in Run mode
UTS Starter is Up To Speed
Control Phase Control or Current Follower mode
Decel Starter is Decelerating Load
Wye In Wye-delta control indicates motor is accelerating in Wye
Table 7 – Operate Screen Section SS
K Keypad
T Terminal Block Wiring
S Serial Communication Connection


Remote LCD Keypad and Display

3.3.4 Parameter Group Screens

From the operate screen, the parameter group screens are accessed by pressing either the MENU or the LEFT arrow keys. The
parameter group screens display the different parameter groups; QST, CFN, PFN, I/O, FUN, FL_.

MMM: = Parameter Group

MI: = Menu Index
PPP: = Parameter Name
VVV: = Parameter Value and Units
Refer to Section 4 for a listing of the parameters and their ranges.

3.3.5 Meter Pages

Although any meter may be viewed by changing the two meter parameters, there are 11 “Meter Pages” that are easily accessed to
view all of the meter information. These meter pages are scrolled through by pressing the UP or DOWN arrows from the operate
Current I2= 0A
I1= 0 I3 0A

Voltage V2= 480V

V1= 480 V3= 480V

MWatt Hour= 1
kWatt Hour= 356

Motor PF =0.00
VARS = 0

Watts = 0
VA = 0

TruTorque = 0%
Power = 0%

Curr Imbal= 0.0%

Overload = 12%
Gnd Curr = 0%

Frequency =60.0H
Phase =AbC

Run Days =xxxx

Run Hours =xx:xx

Analog In = 0.0%
Analog Out= 0.0%

Starts =xxxxx


Remote LCD Keypad and Display

Note: Run Hours 00:00 – 23:59
Run days 0 – 2730 or 7.5 years
kWatt Hours 0 – 999
MWatt Hours 0 – 9999
Starts 0 – 65535

3.3.6 Fault Log Screen

Pressing the MENU or the LEFT arrow keys repeatedly cycles through all of the Parameter Groups either forward or reverse. More
information regarding each fault is available through the remote LCD display than is available through the standard or remote LED
FL_: Fault__

FL _: = Fault Log Number. FL1 is the most recent fault and FL9 is the oldest fault.
Fault _ _ = Fault Code
NNN… = Fault Name, or the condition when the fault occurred
Pressing the UP and DOWN keys navigates through older and newer faults in the log.

Repeatedly pressing the ENTER key rotates through the conditions the starter was in when the fault occurred.
1 Fault Description
2 Status when the fault occurred, Run, Stopped, Accel, etc
3 The average current at the time of the fault
4 The average voltage at the time of the fault
5 The line frequency at the time of the fault

3.3.7 Fault Screen

When a Fault occurs, the main screen is replaced with a fault screen. The screen shows the fault number and the name of the fault.
The main status screen will not be shown until the fault is reset.

When a fault occurs, the STOP LED flashes.

Fault Number
Fault Name

NOTE: For a list of the Faults, refer to Appendix B.

3.3.8 Lockout Screen

When a lockout is present, the word “Lockout” is displayed on the operate screen. Pressing the ENTER key will display more
information about the Lockout.

Overload = 115%

Control Power


Remote LCD Keypad and Display

3.3.9 Alarm Screen

When an alarm is present, the word “Alarm” is displayed on the operate screen. Pressing the ENTER key will display more
information about the alarm.
Alarm Number
Alarm Name

3.3.10 Procedure for Setting Data

Select a parameter that is to be changed. To change Motor FLA from 10 Amps to 30 Amps:

From the main screen:

T Ready Ia= 0.0A
Stopped Va= V

Press MENU key and the display shows QST: (Quick Start) screen.
QST: Jump Code
00 1

Press UP key once to Motor FLA (QST 01).

QST: Motor FLA
01 10 Amp

Press ENTER key once, the cursor will start to flash in the one’s place.

QST: Motor FLA

01 10 Amp

Press LEFT key once, the cursor will flash in the ten’s place.

QST: Motor FLA

01 10 Amp

Press UP arrow to increase the value, for a value of 30, pressed twice.

QST: Motor FLA

01 30 Amp

Press ENTER to store the value.

QST: Motor FLA

01 30 Amp

Press UP arrow to change another parameter in QST.

Press MENU to change another parameter in another group.

Press LEFT arrow to go back to the main screen.

3.3.11 Jump Code

At the beginning of each parameter group, there is a Jump Code parameter. By changing the value of this parameter and pressing
enter, you can jump directly to any parameter within that group.


Remote LCD Keypad and Display


Remote LCD Keypad and Display

4 Parameters

4.1 Introduction

The MX Control incorporates a large number of parameters that allow you to configure the starter to meet the special requirements of
your particular application. The parameters are organized two ways, depending on the display being used. When an LED display is
used, the parameters are in a single group, P1, P2, P3…etc.

When using the LCD display, the parameters are divided into groups of related functionality, and within the groups the parameters
are identified by a short, descriptive name.

This chapter describes the available parameters, the groups in which they are located, and the values that may be assigned to them.

4.2 LED and LCD Display Parameters Cross Reference

Parameter Group Page Parameter Group Page
Number # Number #
P1 QST 01 Motor FLA 37 P3 PFN 14 Motor Overload Class Running 62
P2 QST 02 Motor Service Factor 37 P37 PFN 15 Motor Overload Hot/Cold 63
P3 QST 03 Motor Overload Class Running 38 P38 PFN 16 Motor Overload Cooling Time 64
P4 QST 04 Local Source 39 P39 I/O 01 DI 1 Configuration 65
P5 QST 05 Remote Source 40 P40 I/O 02 DI 2 Configuration 65
P6 QST 06 Initial Motor Current 1 41 P41 I/O 03 DI 3 Configuration 65
P7 QST 07 Maximum Motor Current 1 46 P42 I/O 04 R1 Configuration 66
P8 QST 08 Ramp Time 1 45 P43 I/O 05 R2 Configuration 66
P9 QST 09 UTS Time / Transition Time 43 P44 I/O 06 R3 Configuration 66
P10 CFN 01 Start Mode 44 P45 I/O 07 Analog Input Trip Type 67
P8 CFN 02 Ramp Time 1 45 P46 I/O 08 Analog Input Trip Level 67
P6 CFN 03 Initial Motor Current 1 41 P47 I/O 09 Analog Input Trip Delay Time 68
P7 CFN 04 Maximum Motor Current 1 46 P48 I/O 10 Analog Input Span 69
P11 CFN 08 Initial Voltage/Torque/Power 49 P49 I/O 11 Analog Input Offset 69
P12 CFN 09 Maximum Torque/Power 50 P50 I/O 12 Analog Output Function 69
P13 CFN 10 Kick Level 1 51 P51 I/O 13 Analog Output Span 70
P14 CFN 11 Kick Time 1 52 P52 I/O 14 Analog Output Offset 71
P15 CFN 14 Stop Mode 53 P53 I/O 15 In Line Configure 71
P16 CFN 15 Decel Begin Level 55 P54 I/O 16 Bypass / 2M Confirm 72
P17 CFN 16 Decel End Level 55 P55 I/O 17 Keypad Stop Disable 72
P18 CFN 17 Decel Time 56 P56 PFN 17 Reserved
P19 CFN 06 Initial Motor Current 2 53 P57 PFN 18 Reserved
P20 CFN 07 Maximum Motor Current 2 54 P58 FUN 15 Misc Commands 80
P21 CFN 05 Ramp Time 2 54 P59 FUN 12 Communication Timeout 78
P22 CFN 12 Kick Level 2 54 P60 FUN 11 Communication Baud Rate 78
P23 CFN 13 Kick Time 2 54 P61 FUN 10 Communication Address 78
P24 PFN 01 Over Current Trip Level 55 P62 FUN 09 Energy Saver 77
P25 PFN 02 Over Current Trip Delay Time 55 P63 FUN 08 Heater Level 77
P26 PFN 03 Under Current Trip Level 56 P64 FUN 07 Starter Type 76
P27 PFN 04 Under Current Trip Delay Time 56 P65 FUN 06 Motor Rated Power Factor 75
P28 PFN 05 Current Imbalance Trip Level 57 P66 FUN 05 Rated RMS Voltage 75
P29 PFN 06 Ground Fault Trip Level 58 P67 FUN 04 Input Phase Sensitivity 74
P30 PFN 07 Over Voltage Trip Level 59 P68 FUN 03 CT Ratio 74
P31 PFN 08 Under Voltage Trip Level 59 P69 FUN 01 Meter 73
P32 PFN 09 Over/Under Voltage Trip Delay 60 NA FUN 02 Meter 2 73
P33 PFN 10 Auto Fault Reset Time 60 P70 FUN 13 Starter Model Number 79
P34 PFN 11 Controlled Fault Stop 60 P71 FUN 14 Software Part Number 79
P35 PFN 12 Independent Starting/Running 61 P72 FUN 16 Passcode 81
P36 PFN 13 Motor Overload Class Starting 62 P73 FL1 Fault Log 82


4.3 LED Display Parameters

Parameter Description Setting Range Units Default Page
P1 Motor FLA 1 – 6400 RMS 10 37
P2 Motor Service Factor 1.00 – 1.99 1.15 37
P3 Motor Overload Class Running OFF, 1 – 40 10 38
P4 Local Source PAd: Keypad tEr 39
P5 Remote Source tEr Terminal 40
SEr: Serial
P6 Initial Motor Current 1 50 – 600 %FLA 100 45
P7 Maximum Motor Current 1 100 – 800 %FLA 600 46
P8 Ramp Time 1 0 – 300 Seconds 15 45
P9 UTS Time / Transition Time 1 – 900 Seconds 20 43
P10 Start Mode oLrP: Voltage Ramp curr 44
curr: Current Ramp
tt: TT Ramp
Pr: Power Ramp
P11 Initial Voltage/Torque/Power 1 – 100 % 25 47
P12 Maximum Torque/Power 10 – 325 % 105 48
P13 Kick Level 1 OFF, 100 – 800 %FLA OFF 49
P14 Kick Time 1 0.1 – 10.0 Seconds 1.0 49
P15 Stop Mode CoS Coast CoS 50
SdcL Volt Decel
tdcL TT D ecel
P16 Decel Begin Level 100 – 1 % 40 51
P17 Decel End Level 99 – 1 % 20 52
P18 Decel Time 1 – 180 Seconds 15 53
P19 Initial Motor Current 2 50 – 600 %FLA 100 53
P20 Maximum Motor Current 2 100 – 800 %FLA 600 54
P21 Ramp Time 2 0 – 300 Seconds 15 54
P22 Kick Level 2 OFF, 100 – 800 %FLA OFF 54
P23 Kick Time 2 0.1 – 10.0 Seconds 1.0 54
P24 Over Current Trip Level OFF, 50 – 800 % FLA OFF 55
P25 Over Current Trip Delay Time OFF, 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 55
P26 Under Current Trip Level OFF, 5 – 100 % FLA OFF 56
P27 Under Current Trip Delay Time OFF, 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 56
P28 Current Imbalance Trip Level OFF, 5 – 40 % 15 57
P29 Ground Fault Trip Level OFF, 5 – 100 % FLA OFF 58
P30 Over Voltage Trip Level OFF, 1 – 40 % OFF 59
P31 Under Voltage Trip Level OFF, 1 – 40 % OFF 59
P32 Over/Under Voltage Trip Delay Time 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 60
P33 Auto Fault Reset Time OFF, 1–900 Seconds OFF 60
P34 Controlled Fault Stop OFF, On On 60
P35 Independent Starting/Running Overload OFF, On OFF 61
P36 Motor Overload Class Starting OFF, 1 – 40 10 62
P37 Motor Overload Hot/Cold Ratio 0 – 99 % 60 63
P38 Motor Overload Cooling Time 1.0 – 999.9 Minutes 30.0 64

P39 DI 1 Configuration OFF: Off StOP 65
(Digital Input #1) StOP: Stop
P40 DI 2 Configuration FH: Fault High byP 65
(Digital Input #2) FL: Fault Low
P41 DI 3 Configuration Fr: Fault Reset FL 65
(Digital Input #3) byP: Bypass Cnfrm
EoLr: E OL Reset
L-r: Local/Remote
hdIS: Heat Disable
hEn: Heat Enable
rSEL Ramp Select
P42 R1 Configuration OFF: Off FLFS 66
(Relay #1) FLFS: Fault (fail safe)
P43 R2 Configuration (Relay #2) FLnF: Fault (non fail run 66
P44 R3 Configuration (Relay #3) safe) utS
run: Running 66
utS: UTS
AL: Alarm
rdyr: Ready
LOC: Locked Out
OC: Over Current
UC: Under Current
OLA: OL Alarm
ShFS: Shunt Trip (fail
ShnF: Shunt Trip (non
fail safe)
GfLt: Ground Fault
ES: Energy Saver
HEAt: Heating
P45 Analog Input Trip Type OFF: Disabled OFF 67
Lo: Low Level
Hi: High Level
P46 Analog Input Trip Level 0 – 100 % 50 67
P47 Analog Input Trip Delay Time 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 67
P48 Analog Input Span 1 – 100 % 100 69
P49 Analog Input Offset 0 – 99 % 0 69
P50 Analog Output Function 0: OFF (no output) 0 69
1: 0 – 200% Curr
2: 0 – 800% Curr
3: 0 – 150% Volt
4: 0 – 150% OL
5: 0 – 10 kW
6: 0 – 100 kW
7: 0 – 1 MW
8: 0 – 10 MW
9: 0 – 100% Ain
10: 0 – 100% Firing
11: Calibration
P51 Analog Output Span 1 – 125 % 100 70
P52 Analog Output Offset 0 – 99 % 0 71
P53 In Line Configuration OFF, 1.0 –10.0 Seconds 3.0 71
P54 Bypass / 2M Confirm 0.1 – 5.0 Seconds 2.0 72
P55 Keypad Stop Disable Enabled, Disabled Enabled 72
P56 Reserved
P57 Reserved
P58 Miscellaneous Commands 0: None 0 80
1: Reset Run Time
2: Reset KWh/MWh
3: Enter Reflash mode
4 Store Parameters
5 Load Parameters
6: Factory Reset

P59 Communication Timeout OFF, 1 – 120 Seconds OFF 78
P60 Communication Baud Rate 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 Kbps 9.6 78
P61 Communication Address 1 – 247 1 78
P62 Energy Saver OFF, On OFF 77
P63 Heater Level OFF, 1 – 25 %FLA OFF 77
P64 Starter Type nor: Normal nor 76
Id: Inside Delta
y-d: Wye-Delta
PctL: Phase Control
cFol: Current Follow
P65 Motor Rated Power Factor -0.01 (Lag)–1.00 (Unity) -0.92 75
P66 Rated RMS Voltage 100, 110, 120, 200, 208, 220, 230, RMS 480 75
240, 350, 380, 400, 415, 440, 460, Voltage
480, 500, 525, 575, 600, 660, 690,
1000, 1140, 2200, 2300, 2400,
3300, 4160, 4600, 4800, 6000,
6600, 6900, 10.00 (10000), 11.00
(11000), 11.50 (11500), 12.00
(12000), 12.47 (12470), 13.20
(13200), 13.80 (13800)
P67 Input Phase Sensitivity InS Insensitive InS 74
SPH Single Phase
P68 CT Ratio 72, 96, 144, 288, 864, 288 74
1320, 2640, 2880, 3900,
5760, 8000, 14.4 (14400), 28.8
P69 Meter 0: Status 1 73
1: Ave Current
2: L1 Current
3: L2 Current
4: L3 Current
5: Curr Imbal
6: Ground Fault
7: Ave Volts
8: L1-L2 Volts
9: L2-L3 Volts
10: L3-L1 Volts
11: Overload
12: Power Factor
13: Watts
14: VA
15: VARS
16: kW hours
17: MW hours
18: Phase Order
19: Line Freq
20: Analog Input
21: Analog Output
22: Run Days
23: Run Hours
24: Starts
25: TruTorque %
26: Power %
P70 Starter Model Number Model Dependent 79
P71 Software Part Number Display Only 79
P72 Passcode Off 81
P73 Fault Log 82


4.4 LCD Display Parameters

The 2x16 display has the same parameters available as the LED display, with the exception of two meter parameters instead of one
since two meters may be displayed on the main screen. The parameters are subdivided into five groups. The groups are QST (quick
start), CFN (Control Functions), I/O (Input/Output Functions), PFN (protection functions) and FUN (function),

The following shows the menu structure for the LCD display as well as the strings that will be displayed for the parameters on the

4.4.1 Quick Start Group

Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page
QST 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1–9 1
QST 01 Motor FLA Motor FLA 1– 6400 RMS 10 37
QST 02 Motor SF Motor Service Factor 1.00 – 1.99 1.15 37
QST 03 Running OL Motor Overload Class Running Off, 1 – 40 10 38
QST 04 Local Src Local Source Keypad Terminal 39
QST 05 Remote Src Remote Source Terminal
QST 06 Init Cur Initial Motor Current 50 – 600 %FLA 100 41
QST 07 Max Cur Maximum Motor Current 100 – 800 %FLA 600 41
QST 08 Ramp Time Ramp Time 0 – 300 Seconds 15 42
QST 09 UTS Time UTS Time / Transition Time 1 – 900 Seconds 20 43

4.4.2 Control Function Group

Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page
CFN 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1 – 17 1
CFN 01 Start Mode Start Mode Voltage Ramp Current 44
Current Ramp Ramp
TT Ramp
Power Ramp
CFN 02 Ramp Time 1 Ramp Time 1 0 – 300 Seconds 15 45
CFN 03 Init Cur 1 Initial Motor Current 50 – 600 %FLA 100 45
CFN 04 Max Cur 1 Maximum Motor Current 100 – 800 %FLA 600 46

CFN 05 Ramp Time 2 Ramp Time 2 0 – 300 Seconds 15 54

CFN 06 Init Cur 2 Initial Motor Current 2 50 – 600 %FLA 100 53
CFN 07 Max Cur 2 Maximum Motor Current 2 100 – 800 %FLA 600 54
CFN 08 Init V/T/P Initial Voltage/Torque/Power 1 – 100 % 25 47
CFN 09 Max T/P Maximum Torque/Power 10 – 325 % 105 48
CFN 10 Kick Lvl 1 Kick Level 1 Off, 100 – 800 %FLA Off 49
CFN 11 Kick Time 1 Kick Time 1 0.1 – 10.0 Seconds 1.0 49
CFN 12 Kick Lvl 2 Kick Level 2 Off, 100 – 800 %FLA Off 54
CFN 13 Kick Time 2 Kick Time 2 0.1 – 10.0 Seconds 1.0 54
CFN 14 Stop Mode Stop Mode Coast Coast 50
Volt Decel
TT Decel
CFN 15 Decel Begin Decel Begin Level 100 – 1 % 40 51
CFN 16 Decel End Decel End Level 50 – 1 % 20 52
CFN 17 Decel Time Decel Time 1 – 180 Seconds 15 53


4.4.3 Protection Group

Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page
PFN 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1 – 18 1
PFN 01 Over Cur Over Current Trip Level Off, 50 – 800 % FLA Off 55
PFN 02 Over Cur Tim Over Current Trip Delay Time Off, 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 55
PFN 03 Undr Cur Lvl Under Current Trip Level Off, 5 – 100 % FLA Off 56
PFN 04 Undr Cur Tim Under Current Trip Delay Time Off, 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 56
PFN 05 Cur Imbl Lvl Current Imbalance Trip Level Off, 5 – 40 % 15 57
PFN 06 Gnd Flt Lvl Ground Fault Trip Level Off, 5 – 100 % FLA Off 58
PFN 07 Over Vlt Lvl Over Voltage Trip Level Off, 1 – 40 % Off 59
PFN 08 Undr Vlt Lvl Under Voltage Trip Level Off, 1 – 40 % Off 59
PFN 09 Vlt Trip Tim Over/Under Voltage Trip Delay Time 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 60
PFN 10 Auto Reset Auto Fault Reset Time Off, 1 – 900 Seconds Off 60
PFN 11 Ctrl Flt En Controlled Fault Stop Off, On On 60
PFN 12 Indep S/R OL Independent Starting/Running Overload Off, On Off 61
PFN 13 Starting OL Motor Overload Class Starting Off, 1 – 40 10 62
PFN 14 Running OL Motor Overload Class Running Off, 1 – 40 10 62
PFN 15 OL H/C Ratio Motor Overload Hot/Cold Ratio 0 – 99 % 60 63
PFN 16 OL Cool Tim Motor Overload Cooling Time 1.0 – 999.9 Minutes 30.0 64
PFN 17 Reserved Reserved
PFN 18 Reserved Reserved


4.4.4 I/O Group

Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page
I/O 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1 – 17 1
I/O 01 DI 1 Config DI 1 Configuration Off Stop 65
(Digital Input #1) Stop
I/O 02 DI 2 Config DI 2 Configuration Fault High Bypass
(Digital Input #2) Fault Low Cnfrm
I/O 03 DI 3 Config DI 3 Configuration Fault Reset Fault
(Digital Input #3) Bypass Cnfrm Low
E OL Reset
Heat Disable
Heat Enable
Ramp Select
I/O 04 R1 Config R1 Configuration Off Fault FS 66
(Relay #1) Fault FS
I/O 05 R2 Config R2 Configuration Fault NFS Running
(Relay #2) Running
I/O 06 R3 Config R3 Configuration UTS UTS
(Relay #3) Alarm
Locked Out
OL Alarm
Shunt Trip FS
Shunt Trip NFS
Ground Fault
Energy Saver
I/O 07 Ain Trp Type Analog Input Trip Type Off Off 67
Low Level
High Level
I/O 08 Ain Trp Lvl Analog Input Trip Level 0 – 100 % 50 67
I/O 09 Ain Trp Tim Analog Input Trip Delay Time 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 68
I/O 10 Ain Span Analog Input Span 1 – 100 % 100 68
I/O 11 Ain Offset Analog Input Offset 0 – 99 % 0 69
I/O 12 Aout Fctn Analog Output Function Off Off 69
0 – 200% Curr
0 – 800% Curr
0 – 150% Volt
0 – 150% OL
0 – 10 kW
0 – 100 kW
0 – 1 MW
0 – 10 MW
0 – 100% Ain
0 – 100% Firing
I/O 13 Aout Span Analog Output Span 1 – 125 % 100 70
I/O 14 Aout Offset Analog Output Offset 0 – 99 % 0 71
I/O 15 Inline Confg In Line Configuration Off, 1.0 – 10.0 Seconds 3.0 71
I/O 16 Bypas Fbk Tim Bypass / 2M Confirm 0.1 – 5.0 Seconds 2.0 72
I/O 17 Kpd Stop Dis Keypad Stop Disable Enabled, Disabled Enabled 72


4.4.5 Function Group

Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page
FUN 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1 – 16 1
FUN 01 Meter 1 Meter 1 Ave Current Ave 73
L1 Current Current
FUN 02 Meter 2 Meter 2 L2 Current Ave
L3 Current Volts 73
Curr Imbal
Ground Fault
Ave Volts
L1-L2 Volts
L2-L3 Volts
L3-L1 Volts
Power Factor
kW hours
MW hours
Phase Order
Line Freq
Analog Input
Analog Output
Run Days
Run Hours
TruTorque %
Power %
FUN 03 CT Ratio CT Ratio 72, 96, 144, 288, 864, 288 74
1320, 2640, 2880, 3900,
5760, 8000, 14400, 28800
FUN 04 Phase Order Input Phase Sensitivity Insensitive Insens. 74
Single Phase
FUN 05 Rated Volts Rated RMS Voltage 100, 110, 120, 200, 208, RMS 480 75
220, 230, 240, 350, 380, Voltage
400, 415, 440, 460, 480,
500, 525, 575, 600, 660,
690, 1000, 1140, 2200,
2300, 2400, 3300, 4160,
4600, 4800, 6000, 6600,
6900, 10000, 11000,
11500, 12000, 12470,
13200, 13800
FUN 06 Motor PF Motor Rated Power Factor -0.01 (Lag) – 1.00 (Unity) -0.92 75
FUN 07 Starter Type Starter Type Normal Normal 76
Inside Delta
Phase Ctl
Curr Follow
FUN 08 Heater Level Heater Level Off, 1 – 25 %FLA Off 77
FUN 09 Energy Saver Energy Saver Off, On Off 77
FUN 10 Com Drop # Communication Address 1 – 247 1 78
FUN 11 Com Baudrate Communication Baud Rate 1200 bps 9600 78

Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page
FUN 12 Com Timeout Communication Timeout Off, 1 – 120 Seconds Off 78
FUN 13 Starter MN Starter Model Number Model Dependent 79
FUN 14 Software PN Software Part Number Display Only 79
FUN 15 Misc Miscellaneous Commands None None 80
Command Reset RT
Reset kWh
Reflash Mode
Factory Reset
Store Parameters
Load Parameters
FUN 16 Passcode Passcode Off 81

4.4.6 Fault Group

Group Description Setting Range Display
FL1 Last Fault (newest) Display Only Fault #
FL2 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL3 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL4 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL5 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL6 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL7 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL8 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL9 Previous Fault (oldest) Display Only Fault #

5 Parameter Descriptions


5.1 Explanation of parameter description

P__ MMM ___ Function Name On Display (function name)

P = LED Parameter Number

MMM = LCD Parameter Group

LCD Display
MI Parameter

MI = Menu Index

LED Display P __ = Parameter Number

Range Parameter Value (Default ___)

Description The description of the function

Options LED LCD Display

EEE Keypad

See Also Associated other functions

5.2 Quick Start Group

P1 QST 01 MOTOR FLA (motor full load amps)

LCD Display
QST: Motor FLA
01 10 Amp

LED Display P1

Range Model dependent, 1 to 6400 Amps RMS (Default 10A)

Description This parameter configures the motor full load amps, and is obtained from the nameplate on the
attached motor.

If multiple motors are connected, the FLA of each motor must be added together for this

NOTE: Incorrectly setting this parameter will affect proper operation of the motor overload
protection, motor over current protection, motor undercurrent protection, ground fault protection and
acceleration control.

P2 QST 02 MOTOR SF (motor service factor)

LCD Display
QST: Motor SF
02 1.15

LED Display P2

Range 1.00 – 1.99 (Default 1.15)

Description The service factor parameter should be set to the service factor of the motor. The service factor is
used for the overload calculations. If the service factor of the motor is not known then the service
factor should be set to 1.00.

NOTE: The NEC (National Electrical Code) does not allow the service factor to be set above 1.40.
Check with other local electrical codes for their requirements.

The National Electrical Code, article 430 Part C, allows for different overload multiplier factors
depending on the motor and operating conditions. NEC section 430-32 outlines the allowable service
factor for different motors.

For more information about service factor, see section 8.2.


P3 QST 03 Running OL (motor overload class “running”)

LCD Display
QST: Running OL
03 10

LED Display P3

Range OFF, 1– 40 (Default 10)

Description The running OLparameter sets the class for starting and running if the independent S/R OL
is set to OFF

The running overload parameter sets the class of the electronic overload when up to speed and
stopping. The starter stores the thermal overload value as a percentage value between 0 and 100%,
with 0% representing a “cold” overload and 100% representing a tripped overload. See section 8.1
Solid State Motor Overload Protection for the overload trip time versus current curves.

When the running overload is set to OFF, the electronic overload is disabled when up to speed and a
separate motor overload protection device must be supplied.

If separate starting versus running OL class are desired, see P35/PFN 12 and P36/PFN13.

For more information about overload class, see section 8, Theory of Operation, Motor Overload

NOTE: Care must be taken not to damage the motor when turning the running OL off or setting a
high value.

NOTE: Consult motor manufacturer data to determine the correct motor OL settings.

See Also Indep S/R OL (P15/PFN12), Starting OL (P36 /PFN13)

PFN 14 is the same as P3 / QST 03


P4 QST 04 Local Src (local source)

LCD Display
QST:Local Src
04 Terminal

LED Display P4

Range PAd, tEr, SEr (Default tEr)

Description The MX control can have three sources of start and stop control, Terminal, Keypad and Serial. Two
parameters, Local Source and Remote Source select the source of the start and stop control.

If a digital input is programmed as “L-r” (Local / Remote), then that input selects the control source.
When the input is low, the local source is used. When the input is high, the remote source is used. If
no digital input is programmed as “L-r”, then the local/remote bit in the starter control modbuss
register selects the control source. The default value of the bit is Local (0).

Options LED LCD Display

PAd Keypad When selected, the start/stop control is from the keypad,

tEr Terminal When selected, the start/stop control is from the terminal strip inputs.

SEr Serial When selected, the start/stop control is from the network.

See Also Remote Source (P5/QST05), DI1-DI3Config (P39-41/I/O 01-03)

NOTE: The Stop key is always active, regardless of selected control source unless it is dasabled
using P55/I/O 17, Keypad Stop Disable


P5 QST 05 Remote Src (remote source)

LCD Display
QST:Remote SRC
05 Terminal

LED Display P5

Range PAd, tEr, SEr (Default tEr)

Description The MX control can have three sources of start and stop control, Terminal, Keypad and Serial. Two
parameters, Local Source and Remote Source select the source of the start and stop control.

If a digital input is programmed as “L-r” (Local / Remote), then that input selects the control source.
When the input is low, the local source is used. When the input is high, the remote source is used. If
no digital input is programmed as “L-r”, then the local/remote bit in the starter control modbuss
register selects the control source. The default value of the bit is Local (0).

Options LED LCD Display

PAd Keypad When selected, the start/stop control is from the keypad.

tEr Terminal When selected, the start/stop control is from the terminal strip inputs.

SEr Serial When selected, the start/stop control is from the network.

See Also Local Source (P4/QST04), DI1-DI3 Config (P39-41/I/O 01-03)

Figure 7 – Local Remote Source

Local Source
• Keypad
• Terminal
• Serial
Remote Source
• Keypad
• Terminal L-r Input, DI1-DI3,
• Serial configured by Parameter
I/O01, I/O02, I/O03


P6 QST 06 Init Cur 1 (initial motor current)

LCD Display
QST: Init Cur 1
06 100 %

LED Display P6

Range 50 – 600 % of FLA (Default 100%)

Description The initial current 1 parameter is set as a percentage of the motor FLA parameter setting. The initial
current parameter sets the current that will initially be supplied to the motor when a start is
commanded. The initial current should be set to the level that allows the motor to begin rotating
within a couple of seconds of receiving a start command.

To adjust the initial current setting, give the starter a run command. Observe the motor to see how
long it takes before it begins rotating and then stop the unit. For every second that the motor doesn’t
rotate, increase the initial current by 20%. Typical loads will require an initial current in the range of
50% to 175%.

If the motor does not rotate within a few seconds after a start command, the initial current should be
increased. If the motor takes off too quickly after a start command, the initial current should be

The initial current must be set to a value that is lower than the maximum current parameter setting.

Refer to section 8.3.1, Current Ramp Settings, Ramps and Times on page 112.

See Also Max Curr (P7/QST07/CFN04), Ramp Time (P8/QST08/CFN2), and Start Mode (P10/CFN01)
CFN 03 is the same as P6/QST06

P7 QST 07 Max Cur 1 (maximum motor current)

LCD Display
QST: Max Cur 1
07 600 %

LED Display P7

Range 100 – 800 % of FLA (Default 600%)

Description The maximum current 1 parameter is set as a percentage of the motor FLA parameter setting. The
maximum current parameter performs two functions. It sets the current level for the end of the ramp
profile. It also sets the maximum current that is allowed to reach the motor after the ramp is

If the ramp time expires before the motor has reached full speed, the starter will hold the current at
the maximum current level until the UTS timer expires, the motor reaches full speed, or the overload

Typically, the maximum current is set to 600% unless the power system or load dictates the setting of
a lower maximum current.

Refer to section 8.3.1, Current Ramp Settings, Ramps and Times on page 112.

See Also Init Curr (P6/QST06/CFN03), Ramp Time (P10/CFN01), and Start Mode (P10/CFN01)
CFN 09 is the same as P7/QST07

P8 QST 08 Ramp Time 1 (ramp time)

LCD Display
QST: Ramp Time 1
08 15 sec

LED Display P8

Range 0 – 300 seconds (Default 15 seconds)

Description The ramp time is the time it takes for the starter to allow the current to go from the initial current to
the maximum current. To make the motor accelerate faster, decrease the ramp time. To make the
motor accelerate slower, increase the ramp time.

A typical ramp time setting is from 15 to 30 seconds.

If the ramp time expires before the motor reaches full speed, the starter will maintain the set
maximum current level until either the motor reaches full speed, the UTS timer expires, or the motor
thermal overload trips.

NOTE: Setting the ramp time to a specific value does not necessarily mean that the motor will take
this time to accelerate to full speed. The motor and load may achieve full speed before the ramp time
expires if the application does not require the set ramp time and maximum current to reach full speed.
Alternatively, the motor and load may take longer than the set ramp time to achieve full speed.

See Also Init Curr (P6/QST06/CFN03), Max Curr (P7/QST07/CFN04), and Start Mode(P10/CFN01)


2 QST 09 UTS Time (up to speed time)

LCD Display
09 20 sec

LED Display P9

Range 1– 900 Seconds (Default 20 sec)

Description The up-to-speed timer parameter sets the maximum acceleration time to full speed that the motor can
take. A stalled motor condition will be detected if the motor does not get up-to-speed before the up-
to-speed timer expires. This allows the programming of a maximum acceleration time for the motor.
The motor is considered up-to-speed once the current stabilizes below 175 percent of the FLA value
and the ramp time expires.

NOTE: During normal acceleration ramps, the up-to-speed timer has to be greater than the sum of
the highest ramp time in use and the kick time. The up-to-speed timer will not automatically change
to be greater than the ramp time. If a ramp time greater than the up-to-speed timer is set, the starter
will declare an up-to-speed fault every time a start is attempted.

NOTE: When the start mode (CFN01, P10) is set to Open-Loop Voltage Ramp, the UTS timer acts
as an acceleration kick. When the UTS timer expires, full voltage will be applied to the motor. This
feature can be used to reduce motor oscillations if they occur near the end of an open loop voltage
ramp start.

NOTE: When the starter type (FUN07, P64 ) is set to Wye-Delta, the UTS timer is used as the
transition timer. When the UTS timer expires, the transition from Wye starting mode to Delta
running mode will take place.

Fault Code 01 - Up to Speed Fault will be declared when a stalled motor condition is detected.

See Also Ramp Time (P8/QST08/CFN02), Kick Time (P14/CFN11), Start Mode (P10/CFN01)


5.3 Control Function Group

P10 CFN 01 Start Mode (start mode)

LCD Display
CFN: Start Mode
01 Current Ramp

LED Display P10

Range OLrP, Curr, tt, Pr (Default Curr)

Description The start mode parameter allows the selection of the optimal starting ramp profile based on the

Options LED LCD Display

OLrP: Voltage Ramp Open Loop Voltage acceleration ramp

Curr: Current Ramp Current control acceleration ramp. The closed loop current control
acceleration ramp is ideal for starting most general-purpose motor
applications. Examples: crushers, ball mills, reciprocating compressors,
saws, centrifuges, and most other applications.

tt: TT Ramp TruTorque control acceleration ramp. The closed loop TruTorque control
acceleration ramp is suitable for applications that require a minimum of
torque transients during starting or for consistently loaded applications
that require a reduction of torque surges during starting. Examples:
centrifugal pumps, fans, and belt driven equipment.

Pr: Power Ramp Power (kW) control acceleration ramp. The closed loop power control
acceleration ramp is ideal for starting applications using a generator or
other limited capacity source.

See Also Initial Current (P6/QST06/CFN03), Max. Current (P7/QST07/CFN04), Ramp Time
(P8/QST08/CFN02), Kick Level (P13/CFN10), Kick Time (P14/CFN11), Initial
Voltage/Torque/Power (P11/CFN08)

CFN 02 Ramp Time 1(ramp time) Same as P8, QST 08

LCD Display
CFN: Ramp Time 1
02 15 sec

LED Display P8

Range 0 – 300 seconds (Default 15 seconds)

Description The ramp time is the time it takes for the starter to allow the current to go from the initial current to
the maximum current. To make the motor accelerate faster, decrease the ramp time. To make the
motor accelerate slower, increase the ramp time.

A typical ramp time setting is from 15 to 30 seconds.

If the ramp time expires before the motor reaches full speed, the starter will maintain the set
maximum current level until either the motor reaches full speed, the UTS timer expires, or the motor
thermal overload trips.

NOTE: Setting the ramp time to a specific value does not necessarily mean that the motor will take
this time to accelerate to full speed. The motor and load may achieve full speed before the ramp time
expires if the application does not require the set ramp time and maximum current to reach full speed.
Alternatively, the motor and load may take longer than the set ramp time to achieve full speed.

See Also Init Curr 1 (P6/QST/CFN03), Max Curr 1 (P7/QST07/CFN04), and Start Mode (P10/CFN01)

CFN 03 Init Cur 1 (initial motor current) Same as P6, QST 06

LCD Display
CFN: Init Cur 1
03 100 %

LED Display P6

Range 50 – 600 % of FLA (Default 100%)

Description The initial current parameter is set as a percentage of the motor FLA parameter setting. The initial
current parameter sets the current that will initially be supplied to the motor when a start is
commanded. The initial current should be set to the level that allows the motor to begin rotating
within a couple of seconds of receiving a start command.

To adjust the initial current setting, give the starter a run command. Observe the motor to see how
long it takes before it begins rotating and then stop the unit. For every second that the motor doesn’t
rotate, increase the initial current by 20%. Typical loads will require an initial current in the range of
50% to 175%.

If the motor does not rotate within a few seconds after a start command, the initial current should be
increased. If the motor takes off too quickly after a start command, the initial current should be

The initial current must be set to a value that is lower than the maximum current parameter setting.

Refer to section 8.3.1, Current Ramp Settings, Ramps and Times on page 112.

See Also Max Curr 1 (P7/QST07/CFN04), Ramp Time 1 (P8/QST08/CFN02), and Start Mode (P10/CFN01)

CFN 04 Max Cur 1 (maximum motor current) Same as P7, QST 07

LCD Display
CFN: Max Cur 1
04 600 %

LED Display P7

Range 100 – 800 % of FLA (Default 600%)

Description The maximum current parameter is set as a percentage of the motor FLA parameter setting. The
maximum current parameter performs two functions. It sets the current level for the end of the ramp
profile. It also sets the maximum current that is allowed to reach the motor after the ramp is

If the ramp time expires before the motor has reached full speed, the starter will hold the current at
the maximum current level until the UTS timer expires, the motor reaches full speed, or the overload

Typically, the maximum current is set to 600% unless the power system or load dictates the setting of
a lower maximum current.

Refer to section 8.3.1, Current Ramp Settings, Ramps and Times on page 112.

See Also Init Curr 1 (P6/QST06/CFN03), Ramp Time 1 (P8/QST08/CFN02), and Start Mode (P10/CFN01)

P11 CFN 08 Init V/T/P (Initial Voltage/Torque/Power)

LCD Display
CFN:Init V/T/P
08 25 %

LED Display P11

Range 1 – 100 % of Voltage/Torque/Power (Default 25%)

Description Start Mode (CFN01, P10) set to Open Loop Voltage Acceleration:

When the Start Mode is set to open-loop voltage acceleration, this parameter sets the starting point
for the voltage acceleration ramp profile. A typical value is 25%. If the motor starts too quickly or
the initial current is too high, reduce this parameter. If the motor does not start rotating within a few
seconds after a start is commanded, increase this parameter.

Start Mode (CFN01, P10) set to Current Control Acceleration:

Not Used when the Start Mode is set to Current control acceleration. Refer to Initial Current
(QST06, CFN03, P6) to set the initial current level.

Start Mode (CFN01, P10) set to TruTorque Control Acceleration:

When the Start Mode is set to TruTorque acceleration, this parameter sets the initial torque level that
the motor will produce at the beginning of the starting ramp profile. A typical value is 10% to 20%.
If the motor starts too quickly or the initial torque level is too high, reduce this parameter. If the
motor does not start rotating within a few seconds after a start is commanded, increase this parameter.
If the value is set too low a “No Current at Run” fault may occur during acceleration.

Note: It is important that the Motor Rated PF parameter (FUN06, P65) is set properly so that the
actual initial torque level is the value desired.

Start Mode (CFN01, P10) set to Power Control Acceleration:

When the Start Mode is set to Power controlled acceleration, this parameter sets the initial motor
power (KW) level that will be achieved at the beginning of the starting ramp profile. A typical value
is 10% to 30%. If the motor starts too quickly or the initial power level is too high, reduce this
parameter. If the motor does not start rotating within a few seconds after a start is commanded,
increase this parameter. If the value is set too low a “No Current at Run” fault may occur during

Note: It is important that the Motor Rated PF parameter (FUN06, P65) is set properly so that the
actual initial power level is the value desired.

See Also Start Mode (P10/CFN01), Refer to Section 8


P12 CFN 09 Max. T/P (Maximum Torque / Power)

LCD Display
09 105 %

LED Display P12

Range 10 – 325 % of Torque/Power (Default 105%)

Description Start Mode (CFN01, P10) set to Open Loop Voltage Acceleration:

Not Used when the Start Mode is set to open-loop voltage acceleration. When in open loop voltage
acceleration mode, the final voltage ramp value is always 100% or full voltage.

Start Mode (CFN01, P10) set to Current Control Acceleration:

Not Used when the Start Mode is set to Current control acceleration mode. Refer to Maximum
Current (QST07, CFN04, P7) to set the maximum current level.

Start Mode (CFN01, P10) set to TruTorque Control Acceleration:

When the Start Mode is set to TruTorque acceleration, this parameter sets the final or maximum
torque level that the motor will produce at the end of the ramp time during acceleration. For a loaded
motor the maximum torque value initially should be set to 100% or greater. If the maximum torque
value is set too low, the motor may not produce enough torque to reach full speed and may stall. On
lightly loaded motors, this parameter may be reduced below 100% to produce smoother starts.

Note: It is important that the Motor Rated PF parameter (FUN06, P65) is set properly so that the
desired maximum torque level is achieved.

Start Mode (CFN01, P10) set to Power Control Acceleration:

When the Start Mode is set to Power controlled acceleration, this parameter sets the final or
maximum power (KW) consumption level that will be achieved at the end of the ramp time. For a
loaded motor the maximum power value initially should be set to 100% or greater. If the maximum
power level is set too low, the motor may not produce enough torque to reach full speed and may
stall. On lightly loaded motors, this parameter may be reduced below 100% to provide for smoother

Note: It is important that the Motor Rated PF parameter (FUN06, P65) is set properly so that the
actual maximum power level is achieved.

P13 CFN 10 Kick Lvl 1 (kick level)

LCD Display
CFN: Kick Lvl 1
10 Off

LED Display P13

Range OFF, 100 – 800% of FLA (Default OFF)

Description The kick level 1 parameter sets the current level that preceedes the current ramp when a start is first
commanded. The kick current is only useful on motor loads that are hard to get rotating but then are
much easier to move once they are rotating. An example of a load that is hard to get rotating is a ball
mill. The ball mill requires a high torque to get it to rotate the first quarter turn (90°). Once the ball
mill is past 90° of rotation, the material inside will begin tumbling and it is easier to turn.

The kick current parameter is usually set to a low value and then the kick time is adjusted to get the
motor rotating. If the kick time is set to more than 2.0 seconds without the motor rotating, increase
the kick current by 100% and re-adjust the kick time.

Refer to section 8.3.2 Programming A Kick Current page 113

See Also Kick Time 1 (P14/CFN11), Start mode (P10/CFN01)

P14 CFN 11 Kick Time 1 (kick time)

LCD Display
CFN: Kick Time 1
11 1.0 sec

LED Display P14

Range 0.1 – 10.0 seconds (Default 1.0 sec)

Description The kick time 1 parameter sets the length of time that the kick current level is applied to the motor.

The kick time adjustment should begin at 0.5 seconds and be adjusted by 0.1 or 0.2 second intervals
until the motor begins rotating. If the kick time is adjusted above 2.0 seconds without the motor
rotating, start over with a higher kick current setting.

NOTE: The kick timer adds to the total start time and must be accounted for when setting the UTS

See Also Kick Level 1 (P14/CFN10), Start Mode (P10/CFN01), UTS timer (P4/QST09)


P15 CFN 14 Stop Mode (stop mode configuration)

LCD Display
CFN: Stop Mode
14 Coast

LED Display P15

Range CoS, SdcL, tdcL (Default CoS)

Description The Stop Mode parameter allows for the most suitable stop of the motor based on the application.

Options LED LCD Display

CoS Coast Coast: A coast to stop should be used when no special stopping
requirements are necessary; Example: crushers, balls mills, centrifuges,
belts, conveyor. In Low Voltage systems, the bypass contactor is
opened before the SCRs stop gating to reduce wear on the contactor
contacts. (Default)

SdcL Voltage Decel Voltage Decel: In this mode, the starter will linearly phase-back the
SCRs based on the parameter settings Decel Begin Level, Decel End
Level, and Decel Time

tdcL TT Decel TruTorque Decel: In this mode, the starter will linearly reduce the
motor torque based on the Decel End Level and Decel Time.

Refer to section 8.4 Deceleration Control for more information, Page 121.

See Also Decel Begin Level (P16/CFN15), Decel End level (P17/CFN16), Decel Time (P18/CFN17)


P16 CFN 15 Decel Begin (Decel Begin Level)

LCD Display
CFN:Decel Begin
15 40 %

LED Display P16

Range 1 % - 100% of phase angle firing (Default 40%)

Description Stop Mode (CFN14, P15) set to Voltage Deceleration:

The voltage deceleration profile utilizes an open loop S-curve voltage ramp profile. When the stop
mode is set to Voltage Decel, the decel begin level parameter sets the initial or starting voltage level
when transferring from running to deceleration. The deceleration beginning level is not a precise
percentage of actual line voltage but defines a point on the S-curve deceleration profile.

A typical voltage decel begin level setting is between 30% and 40%. If the motor initially surges
(oscillates) when a stop is commanded, decrease this parameter value. If there is a sudden drop in
motor speed when a stop is commanded, increase this parameter value.

Stop Mode (CFN14, P15) set to TruTorque Deceleration:

Not Used when the stop mode is set to TruTorque Decel, the decel begin level has no effect on the
deceleration profile. The TruTorque beginning deceleration level is automatically calculated based
on the motor load at the time the stop command was given.

Note: It is important that the Motor Rated PF parameter (FUN06, P65) is set properly so that the
actual deceleration torque levels are the levels desired.

Refer to section 8.4 Deceleration Control for more information, page 121.

See Also Stop Mode (P15/CFN14), Decel End Level (P17/CFN16), Decel Time (P18/CFN17)


P17 CFN 16 Decel End (Decel End Level)

LCD Display
CFN: Decel End
16 20 %

LED Display P17

Range 99 – 1 % of phase angle firing (Default 20%)

Description Stop Mode (CFN14, P15) set to Voltage Deceleration:

The voltage deceleration profile utilizes an open loop S-curve voltage ramp profile. When the stop
mode is set to Voltage Decel, the decel end level parameter sets the ending voltage level for the
voltage deceleration ramp profile. The deceleration ending level is not a precise percentage of actual
line voltage but defines an ending point on the S-curve deceleration profile.

Note: The deceleration end level can not be set greater than the decel begin level.

A typical voltage decel end level setting is between 10% and 20%. If the motor stops rotating before
the deceleration time has expired increase this parameter value. If the motor is still rotating when the
deceleration time has expired, decrease this parameter value. If the value is set too low a “No
Current at Run” fault may occur during deceleration.

Stop Mode (CFN14, P15) set to TruTorque Deceleration:

When the stop mode is set to TruTorque Decel, the decel end level parameter sets the ending torque
level for the TruTorque deceleration ramp profile.

A typical TruTorque decel end level setting is between 10% and 20%. If the motor stops rotating
before the deceleration time has expired increase this parameter value. If the motor is still rotating
when the deceleration time has expired, decrease this parameter value.

Refer to section 8.4 Deceleration Control page 121

See Also Stop Mode (P15/CFN14), Decel Begin Level (P16/CFN15), Decel Time (P18/CFN17)


P18 CFN 17 Decel Time (decel time)

LCD Display
CFN: Decel Time
17 15 sec

LED Display P18

Range 1 – 180 seconds (Default 15 sec)

Description The decel time parameter sets the time that the deceleration profile is applied to the motor and sets
the slope of the deceleration ramp profile. When in voltage decel mode, this time sets the time
between applying the initial decel level to the application of the final decel level.

Note: If the motor was not up to speed when a stop was commanded, the voltage decel profile will
begin at the lower of either the decel begin level setting or at the motor voltage level when the stop
was commanded. Although the profile may be adjusted, the deceleration time will remain the same.

When in the TruTorque deceleration mode, the decel time sets the time between the motor torque
level when stop was commanded is applied and when the decel end torque level is applied.

If the motor stops rotating before the decel time has expired, decrease the decel time parameter. If
the motor is still rotating when the decel time expires, increase the decel time parameter.

A typical decel time is 20 to 40 seconds.

Note: Depending on the motor load and the decel parameter settings, the motor may or may not be
fully stopped at the end of the deceleration time.

Refer to section 8.4, Deceleration Control page 121,

See Also Stop Mode (P15/CFN14), Decel Begin Level (P16/CFN15), Decel End Level (P17/CFN16)

P19 CFN 06 Init Cur 2 (initial motor current)

LCD Display
CFN: Init Cur 2
06 100 %

LED Display P19

Range 50 – 600 % of FLA (Default 100%)

Description The initial current 2 parameter is set as a percentage of the motor FLA parameter setting. when the
second ramp select is active. Refer to P6 / QST 06 or CFN 03 for description of operation.

P20 CFN 07 Max Cur 2 (maximum motor current)

LCD Display
CFN: Max Cur 2
07 600 %

LED Display P20

Range 100 – 800 % of FLA (Default 600%)

Description The maximum current 2 parameter is set as a percentage of the motor FLA parameter setting, when
the second ramp select is active. Refer to P7 / QST 07 or CFN 04 for description of operation.

P21 CFN 05 Ramp Time 2 (ramp time)

LCD Display
CFN: Ramp Time 2
05 15 sec

LED Display P21

Range 0 – 300 seconds (Default 15 seconds)

Description The ramp time is the time it takes for the starter to allow the current to go from the initial current to
the maximum current when the second ramp select is active. Refer to P8 / QST 08 or CFN 02 for
description of operation.

P22 CFN 12 Kick Lvl 2 (kick level)

LCD Display
CFN: Kick Lvl 2
12 Off

LED Display P22

Range OFF, 100 – 800% of FLA (Default OFF)

Description The kick level 1 parameter sets the current level that preceedes the current ramp when a start is first
commanded when the second ramp select is active. Refer to P13 / CFN 10 for description of

P23 CFN 13 Kick Time 2 (kick time 2)

LCD Display
CFN: Kick Time 2
13 1.0 sec

LED Display P23

Range 0.1 – 10.0 seconds (Default 1.0 sec)

Description The kick time 2 parameter sets the length of time that the kick current level is applied to the motor
when the second ramp select is active. Refer to P14 / CFN 11 for description of operation.

5.4 Protection Function Group

P24 PFN 01 Over Cur Lvl (over current level)

LCD Display
PFN:Over Cur Lvl
01 Off

LED Display P24

Range OFF, 50 – 800 % of FLA (Default OFF)

Description If the starter detects a one cycle, average RMS current that is greater than the level defined, an
overcurrent alarm condition exists and the alarm relay will energize if defined. The over current
timer P15/PFN 02 will start a delay time. If the overcurrent still exists when the delay timer expires,
the starter will Over Current Trip (F31) and the fault relay will de-energize.

The Over Current Trip is only active in the UTS state, Energy Saver state, Current follower or while
in the Phase Control mode.

A relay can be programmed to change state when an OC alarm condition is detected.

See Also R1-R3 Config (P42-44/ I/O 04-06), Over current Time (P25/PFN02)

Alarm Fault
% Current Condition Trip

Over Cur Lvl

PFN 01/P24

Motor FLA
QST 01/P1
PFN 02/P25

P25 PFN 02 Over Cur Tim (over current time)

LCD Display
PFN:Over Cur Tim
02 0.1 sec

LED Display P25

Range Off, 0.1 – 90.0 seconds (Default 0.1 sec)

Description The Over Current Timer parameter sets the period of time that the motor current must be greater than
the over current level (P24/PFN 01) before an over current fault and trip will occur.

If OFF is selected, the over current timer will not operate and the starter will not trip. Itwill
energizeany relayset to Overcurrent until the current drops or the starter trips on O/L

A shear pin function can be implemented by setting the delay to its minimum value.

See Also Over Current Level (P24/PFN01)

P26 PFN 03 Undr Cur Lvl (under current level)

LCD Display
PFN:Undr Cur Lvl
03 Off

LED Display P26

Range OFF, 5 – 100 % of FLA (Default OFF)

Description If the controller detects a one cycle, average RMS calculated current that is less than the level
defined, an under current alarm condition exists and the alarm relay will energize, if defined. The
under current timer PFN 04/P27 will start a delay time. If the under current still exists when the delay
times expires, the starter will Under Current Trip (F34) and the fault relay will de-energize.

The Under Current Trip will only be active in the UTS state, Energy Saver state, Current follower or
while in the Phase Control mode.

A relay can be programmed to change state when UC alarm condition is detected.

See Also Under Current Time (P27/PFN04)

Alarm Fault
Condition Trip
% Current
Motor FLA
QST 01/P1

Under Cur Lvl

PFN 03/P26


PFN 04/P27

P27 PFN 04 Undr Cur Tim (under current time)

LCD Display
PFN:Undr Cur Tim
04 0.1 sec

LED Display P27

Range Off, 0.1 – 90.0 seconds (Default 0.1 sec)

Description The Under Current Timer parameter sets the period of time that the motor current must be less than
the under current level (P26/pfn03) before an under current fault and trip will occur.

If OFF is selected, the under current timer will not operate and the starter will not trip. It
will energize any relay set to Undercurrent until the current rises.

See Also Under Current Level (P26/PFN03)

P28 PFN 05 Cur Imbl Lvl (current imbalance trip level)

LCD Display
PFN:Cur Imbl Lvl
05 15%

LED Display P28

Range OFF, 5 – 40 % (Default 15%)

Description The current imbalance level parameter sets the imbalance that is allowed before the starter will shut
down. The current imbalance must exist for 10 seconds before a fault will occur.

At average currents less than or equal to full load current (FLA), the current imbalance for each phase
is calculated as the percentage difference between the phase current that has the maximum deviation
from the average current (Imax) and the FLA current.

The equation for the current imbalance if running at current <=FLA:

(I ave - I max )
% imbalance = x 100%

At average currents greater than full load current (FLA), the current imbalance for each phase is
calculated as the percentage difference between the phase current that has the maximum deviation
from the average current (Imax) and the average current (Iave).

The equation for the current imbalance if running at current > FLA:

(I ave - I max )
% imbalance = x 100%
I ave

If the highest calculated current imbalance is greater than the current imbalance level for 10 seconds,
the starter will shut down the motor and declare a fault 37 = current imbalance.

Alarm Fault
Condition Trip
% Imbalance

Current Imbl Lvl

PFN 05/P28


(Fixed 10 Seconds)

P29 PFN 06 Gnd Flt Lvl (ground fault trip level)

LCD Display
PFN:Gnd Flt Lvl
06 Off

LED Display P29

Range OFF, 5 – 100 % FLA (Default OFF)

Description The ground fault parameter sets a ground fault current trip or indicate level that can be used to protect
the system from a ground fault condition. The starter monitors the instantaneous sum of the three line
currents to detect the ground fault current.

The ground fault current has to remain above the ground fault level for 3 seconds before the starter
will recognize a ground fault condition. Once the starter recognizes a ground fault condition, it will
shut down the motor and declare a Fault 38-Ground Fault.

If a programmable relay is set to ground fault (GND), the starter will energize the relay when the
condition exists.

A typical value for the ground fault current setting is 10% to 20% of the full load amps of the motor.

Alarm Fault
Condition Trip
% Current

Gnd Flt Lvl

PFN 06/P29


(Fixed 3 seconds)

NOTE: This is often referred to as residual ground fault protection. This type of protection is meant
to provide machine ground fault protection only. It is not meant to provide human ground fault

NOTE: The MX residual ground fault protection function is meant to detect ground faults on solidly
grounded systems. Use on a high impedance or floating ground power system may impair the
usefulness of the MX residual ground fault detection feature.

NOTE: Due to uneven CT saturation effects and motor and power system variations, there maybe
small values of residual ground fault currents measured by the MX controller during normal

P30 PFN 07 Over Vlt Lvl (over voltage trip level)

LCD Display
PFN:Over Vlt Lvl
07 Off

LED Display P30

Range OFF, 1 – 40 % (Default OFF)

Description If the controller detects for one cycle of any of the individual input phase voltages (rms) is above the
overvoltage level, the over/under voltage alarm will be shown and the Voltage Trip timer will begin
counting. The delay time must expire before the starter will fault. The over voltage condition and the
phase that it occurred on is displayed.

NOTE: For the over voltage protection to operate correctly, the Rated RMS Voltage
parameter (FUN 05, P66) must be set correctly.

NOTE: The voltage level is only checked when the starter is running.

See Also Rated RMS Voltage (P66/FUN05), Voltage Trip Delay Timer (P32/PFN09)

P31 PFN 08 Undr Vlt Lvl (under voltage trip level)

LCD Display
PFN:Undr Vlt Lvl
08 Off

LED Display P31

Range OFF, 1 – 40 % (Default OFF)

Description If the controller detects for one cycle of any of the individual input phase voltages (rms) is below the
undervoltage level, the over/under voltage alarm will be shown and the Voltage Trip timer will begin
counting. The delay time must expire before the starter will fault. The over voltage condition and the
phase that it occurred on is displayed.

NOTE: For the under voltage protection to operate correctly the Rated RMS Voltage
parameter (FUN 05, P 66) must be set correctly.

NOTE: The voltage level is only checked when the starter is running.

See Also Rated RMS Voltage (P66/FUN05), Voltage Trip Delay Timer (P32/PFN09)P32PFN 09

P32 PFN 09 Vlt Trip Tim (over/under voltage trip delay time)

LCD Display
PFN:Vlt Trip Tim
09 0.1 sec

LED Display P32

Range 0.1 – 90.0 seconds (Default 0.1 sec)

Description The Voltage Trip Timer parameter sets the period of time that either an overvoltage or undervoltage
condition must exist before a fault will occur.

See Also Over Voltage Trip Level (P30/PFN07), Under Voltage Trip Level (P31/PFN08)

P33 PFN 10 Auto Reset (auto fault reset time)

LCD Display
PFN: Auto Reset
10 Off

LED Display P33

Range OFF, 1 – 900 seconds (Default OFF)

Description The Auto Reset timer, sets the time delay after a fault occurred and before the starter can
automatically resets the faults. For the list of auto resettable faults, refer to the Appendix B, Fault

NOTE: A start command will need to be initiated once the timer resets the fault.

P34 PFN 11 Ctrl Flt En (controlled fault stop)

LCD Display
PFN:Ctrl Flt En
11 On

LED Display P34

Range OFF – On (Default On)

Description If a fault condition occurs that permits a Controlled Fault Stop and the Controlled Fault Enable
parameter is ON, then a controlled fault stop will occur. During a controlled fault stop, the selected
stop mode CFN 14 (P 15) action is performed before the starter is tripped. This prevents the
occurrence of water hammer etc. in sensitive systems when a less than fatal fault occurs.

NOTE: All relays except the UTS relay are held in their present state until the stop mode action has
been completed.

NOTE: Only certain faults can initiate a controlled fault stop. Some faults are considered too
critical and will cause the starter stop immediately regardless of the Controlled Fault Enable

Refer to Appendix B, Fault List to determine if a fault may perform a controlled stop.

See Also Stop Mode (P15/CFN14)


P35 PFN 12 Indep S/R OL (independent start/running overload)

LCD Display
PFN:Indep S/R OL
12 Off

LED Display P35

Range OFF – On (Default OFF)

Description If “OFF”

When this parameter is “OFF” the running OL (overload) is active in all states

If “ON”

When this parameter is “ON”, the Starting and Running OL are separate with each having
their own settings. The Starting OL value is used during motor acceleration and
acceleration kick. The Running OL value is used during all other modes of operation.

If both the run OL and the start OL are set to OFF, then the existing accumulated motor OL% will be
erased and no motor OL will be calculated in any state.

If the start OL is set to OFF and the run OL is set to On, then the I2t motor OL will NOT accumulate
during acceleration kick and acceleration ramping states. However, the existing accumulated OL%
will remain during starting and the exponential heating and cooling will function during all other
states. However, the OL% will be capped at 99% during starting.

Although there is really no reason to do so, the start OL could be set to ON and the run OL set to

See Also Motor O/L class Running (P3/QST03/PFN14), Motor O/L class Starting (P36/PFN13)

P36 PFN 13 Starting OL (motor overload class starting)

LCD Display
PFN:Starting OL
13 10

LED Display P36

Range OFF, 1 – 40 (Default 10)

Description The Starting overload parameter sets the class of the electronic overload when starting. The starter
stores the thermal overload value as a percentage value between 0 and 100%, with 0% representing a
“cold” overload and 100% representing a tripped overload. See section 8.1 for the overload trip time
versus current curves.

The Starting OL is active during Kicking and Ramping when the Independent Start/Run OL
parameter (PFN12/P35) is set “ON.

When the Starting overload is set to OFF, and the independent Start/Run OL parameter os “ON”, the
electronic overload is disabled when starting the motor.

NOTE: Care must be taken not to damage the motor when turning the starting OL off or setting to a
high value.

NOTE: Consult motor manufacturer data to determine the correct motor OL settings.

See Also Indep S/R O/L (P35/PFN12), Running O/L (P3/QST03/PFN14)

PFN 14 Running OL (motor overload class running) Same as P3, QST 03

LCD Display
PFN: Running OL
14 10

LED Display P3

Range OFF, 1 – 40 (Default 10)

Description The running overload parameter sets the class of the electronic overload when up to speed and
stopping. The starter stores the thermal overload value as a percentage value between 0 and 100%,
with 0% representing a “cold” overload and 100% representing a tripped overload. See section 8.1 for
the overload trip time versus current curves.

When the running overload is set to OFF, the electronic overload is disabled when up to speed and a
separate motor overload protection device must be supplied.

The Running OL is used at all times when Independent S/R OL is “OFF”.

NOTE: Care must be taken not to damage the motor when turning the running OL off or setting a
high value.

NOTE: Consult motor manufacturer data to determine the correct motor OL settings.

See Also Indep S/R O/L (P35/PFN12), Starting O/L (P36/PFN13)


P37 PFN 15 OL H/C Ratio (motor overload hot/cold ratio)

LCD Display
PFN:OL H/C Ratio
15 60 %

LED Display P37

Range 0 – 99% (Default 60%)

Description The Motor Overload Hot/Cold Ratio parameter defines the steady state overload content (OLss) that is
reached when the motor is running with a current less than full load current (FLA) * Service Factor
(SF). This provides for accurate motor overload protection during a “warm” start.

The steady state overload content is calculated by the following formula.

Current 1
OLss = OL H/C Ratio × ×
FLA Current Imbalance Derate Factor
The rise or fall time for the overload to reach this steady state is defined by the overload cooling time

See section 8.1.4 page number 106 for a description of the Current Imbalance Derate Factor.

The default value of 60% for the OL H/C Ratio parameter is typical for most motors. A more
accurate value can be derived from the hot and cold locked rotor times that are available from most
motor manufacturers using the following formula.

 Max Hot Locked Rotor Time 

OL H/C Ratio = 1 −  x 100%
 Max Cold Locked Rotor Time 

NOTE: Consult motor manufacturer data to determine the correct motor OL settings.

See Also OL Cool Time (P38/PFN16)

P38 PFN 16 OL Cool Tim (motor overload cooling time)

LCD Display
PFN:OL Cool Tim
16 30.0 min

LED Display P38

Range 1.0 –999.9 minutes (Default 30.0)

Description The motor overload cooling time parameter is the time to cool from 100% to less than (<) 1%. When
the motor is stopped, the overload content will be exponentially reduced based on the OL cooling
time parameter.

Refer to the following equation:

OL Content = OL Content wh en Stopped * e CoolingTime

So, a motor with a set cooling time of 30 minutes (1800 sec) with 100% accumulated OL content will
cool to <1% OL content in 30 minutes.

NOTE: Consult motor manufacturer data to determine the correct motor OL setting.

See Also OL H/C Ratio (P37/PFN15)


5.5 Input/Output Group

P39 – P41 I/O 01 – 03 DI 1 – DI 3 Config (digital input configuration)

LCD Display
I/O:DI 1 Config
01 Stop

I/O:DI 2 Config
02 Bypass Cnfrm

I/O:DI 3 Config
03 Fault Low

LED Display P39, P40, and P41

Description I/O parameters 1 – 3 configure which functions are performed by the D1 to D3 terminals.

Options LED LCD Display

OFF OFF OFF, Not Assigned, Input has no function

StOP Stop Command a Stop to remove the software seal in for 3-wire control
(Default DI 1)

FH Fault High Fault High, Fault when input is asserted, 120V applied.

FL Fault Low Fault Low, Fault when input is de-asserted, 0V applied (Default DI 3)

Fr Fault Reset Fault Reset, Reset when input asserted, 120V applied.

byP Bypass Cnfrm Bypass/2M, bypass contactor feedback, 2M contactor feedback in full
voltage or Wye-delta (Default DI 2), See P54/I/O 16

EoLr EOL Reset Emergency Motor Overload content reset. After an OL trip has occured
Reset when input asserted, 120V applied.

L-r Local/remote Local/Remote control source, Selects whether the Local source
parameter or the Remote Source parameter is the control source. Local
source is selected when input is de-asserted, 0V applied. Remote source
selected when input asserted, 120V applied. See QST 4, QST5, P4, P5)

hdIS Heat Disable Heat Disable, Heater disabled when input asserted, 120V applied.
SeeP63, FUN 08

hEn Heat Enabled Heat Enabled, Heater enabled when input asserted, 120V applied.
SeeP63, FUN 08

rSEL Ramp Select Ramp 2 selection, Ramp 2 is enabled when input asserted, 120V

P42 – P44 I/O 04 – 06 R1 – R3 Config (digital relay output)

LCD Display
I/O: R1 Config
04 Fault FS

I/O: R2 Config
05 Running

I/O: R3 Config
06 UTS

LED Display P42, P43, and P44

Description I/O parameters 1 – 3 configure which functions are performed by the R1 to R3 relays

Options LED LCD Display

OFF Off OFF, Not Assigned, Output has no function or may be controlled over

FLFS Fault FS Faulted – Energized when no faults present, de-energized when faulted
(Default R1)

FLnF Fault NFS Faulted – De-energized when no faults present, energized when faulted

run Running Running, starter running, voltage applied to motor (Default R2)

utS UTS Up to Speed, motor up to speed (Default R3) or transition to for

Wye/Delta Operation, See P9, QST09

AL Alarm Alarm, any alarm condition present

rdyr Ready Ready, starter ready for start command, See P53, I/O15

LOC Locked Out Locked Out

OC Over Current Over Current Alarm, overcurrent condition detected ,See P24 & 25,
PFN 01 & 02

UC Under Current Under Current Alarm, undercurrent condition detected See P26 & 27,
PFN 03 & 04

OLA OL Alarm Overload Alarm

ShFS Shunt FS Shunt Trip Relay – Fail Safe operation, energized when no shunt trip
fault present, de-engerized on shunt trip fault (See Appendix B for
faults that result in a shunt trip command)

ShnF Shunt NFS Shunt Trip Relay – Non Fail Safe operation, de-energized when no
shunt trip fault present, energized on shunt trip fault (See Appendix B
for faults that result in a shunt trip command)

GfLt Ground Fault A Ground Fault trip has occured, See P29, PFN 06

ES Energy Saver Operating in Energy Saver Mode, See P62, Fun 09

HEAt Heating Motor Heating, starter applying heating pulses to motor,

See P63, Fun 08


P45 I/O 07 Ain Trp Type (analog input trip type)

LCD Display
I/O:Ain Trp Type
07 Off

LED Display P45

Range OFF, Lo, Hi (Default Off)

Description This parameter allows the user to set a high or low comparator based on the analog input. If the type
is set to LOW, then a fault will occur if the analog input level is below the trip level for longer than
the trip delay time. If the type is set to HIGH, then a fault will occur if the analog input level is above
the trip level for longer than the trip delay time. This function is only active when the MX controller
is running.

This feature can be used to detect an open 4-20mA loop by setting the Ain Trip Type
(I/O07, P45) to LOW and setting the Ain Trip Level (I/O08, P46) to a value less than (<)

Options LED LCD Display

OFF Disabled OFF, Disabled (Default)

Lo Low Level Low, Fault if input signal below preset trip level

Hi High Level High, Fault if input signal above preset trip level

See Also Ain Trip Level (P46/ I/O 08, Ain Trip Time (P47/ I/O 09)

P46 I/O 08 Ain Trp Lvl (analog input trip level)

LCD Display
I/O:Ain Trp Lvl
08 50 %

LED Display P46

Range 0 – 100% (Default 50%)

Description Sets the analog input trip or fault level.

This feature can be used to detect an open 4-20mA loop by setting the Ain Trip Type
(I/O07, P45) to LOW and setting the Ain Trip Level (I/O08, P46) to a value less than (<)

Note: The analog input trip level is NOT affected by the Analog Input Offset (I/O 11, P49) or
Analog Input Span (I/O 10, P48) parameter settings. Therefore if a trip level of 10% and a trip LOW
condition is set, the analog input will fault if the input signal level is less than (<) 1V or 2mA
independent of what the Analog Input Offset and Analog Input Span parameters values are set to.

See Also Ain Trip Type (P45/ I/O 07), Ain Trip Time (P47/ I/O 09)

P47 I/O 09 Ain Trp Time (analog input trip time)

LCD Display
I/O:Ain Trp Tim
09 0.1 sec

LED Display P47

Range 0.1 – 90.0 seconds (Default 0.1 sec)

Description Sets the length of time the analog input trip level must be reached before a trip will occur.

See Also Ain Trip Type (P45/ I/O 07), Ain Trip Level (P46/ I/O 08)

P48 I/O 10 Ain Span (analog input span)

LCD Display
I/O: Ain Span
10 100 %

LED Display P48

Range 0 – 100% (Default 100%)

Description The analog input can be scaled using the “Analog Input Span” parameter.


For a 0-10V input or 0-20mA input, a 100% Analog Input Span setting will result in a 0% input
reading with a 0V input and a 100% input reading with a 10V input.

For a 0-5V input, a 50% Analog Input Span setting will result in a 0% input reading with a 0V input
and a 100% input readings with a 5V input.

For a 4-20mA input, a 80% Analog Input Span setting and a 20% Analog Input Offset setting will
result in a 0% input reading at 4mA and a 100% input reading at 20mA.

NOTE: Input signal readings are clamped at a 100% maximum.

See Also Ain Offset (P49/ I/O11)

Example: 4ma = 0% input, 20ma = 100% input

Analog Input
Reading %



20% Ain Ain Span = 80%

2V / 4mA 10V / 20mA
Input Signal

P49 I/O 11 Ain Offset (analog input offset)

LCD Display
I/O:Ain Offset
11 0 %

LED Display P49

Range 0 – 99% (Default 0%)

Description The analog input can be offset so that a 0% reading can occur when a non-zero input signal is being

Example: Input level of 2V (4mA) => 0% input. In this case the Analog Input Offset
parameter should be set to 20% so that the 2v (4mA) input signal will result in a 0% input reading.

NOTE: For a 4-20mA input, set the Analog Input Span to 80% and the Analog Input Offset to 20%.

NOTE: The measured input reading will be clamped at 0% minimum.

See Also Ain Span (P48/ I/O 10)

P50 I/O 12 Aout Fctn (analog output function)

LCD Display
I/O: Aout Fctn
12 0

LED Display P50

Range 0 – 11, (Default 0/OFF)

Description The “Analog Output Function” is selected from a list of possible output values. The available analog
output function selections and output scaling are shown below: The analog output is updated every

LED LCD Display
0 OFF OFF, Disabled (Default)
1 0 – 200% Curr Based on per cycle RMS values
2 0 – 800% Curr Based on per cycle RMS values
3 0 – 150% Volt Based on per cycle RMS values
4 0 – 150% OL Motor Thermal Overload
5 0 – 10 kW Based on filtered V and I values
6 0 – 100 kW Based on filtered V and I values
7 0 – 1 MW Based on filtered V and I values
8 0 – 10 MW Based on filtered V and I values
9 0 – 100% Ain The output value takes into
account the inputs span and offset
10 0 – 100% Firing Output Voltage to Motor, based
on SCR firing angle
11 Calibration Calibration, full (100%) output


P51 I/O 13 Aout Span (analog output span)

LCD Display
I/O: Aout Span
13 100 %

LED Display P51

Range 0 – 125% (Default 100%)

Description The analog output signal can be scaled using the “Analog Output Span” parameter. For a 0-10V
output or 0-20mA output, a 100% scaling will output the maximum voltage (10V) or current (20mA)
when the selected output function requests 100% output. A scale of 50% will output 50%
voltage/current when the analog output function requests a 100% output.

NOTE: For a 4-20mA output, set the Analog Output span to 80% and the Analog Output Offset to

NOTE: The output will not exceed 100% (10V or 20mA)

See Also Aout Offset (P52/ I/O 14)

Example: 0% output => 4mA, 100% output => 20ma

10V /

Aout Span =

2V / 4mA Aout Offset

0 V / 0mA = 20%
Output value = Selected Output
0% value = 100%


P52 I/O 14 Aout Offset (analog output offset)

LCD Display
I/O:Aout Offset
14 0 %

LED Display P52

Range 0 – 99% (Default 0%)

Description The analog output signal can be offset using the “Analog Output Offset” parameter. A 50% offset
will output a 50% output (5v in the 10V case) when 0% is commanded. If the selected variable
requests 100% output, the span should be reduced to (100 minus offset) so that a 100% output request
will cause a 100% output voltage (x% offset + (100-x)%span)=100%.

NOTE: For a 4-20mA output, set the Analog Output Span to 80% and the Analog Output Offset to

See Also Aout Span (P51/ I/O13)

P53 I/O 15 In Line Conf (in line configuration)

LCD Display
I/O:Inline Confg
15 3.0 sec

LED Display P53

Range OFF, 0 – 10.0 seconds (Default 3.0 sec)

Description The Inline Configuration parameter controls the behavior of the No Line warning, No Line fault, and
the Ready relay function.

If the Inline Configuration parameter is set to Off, then the control assumes that there is no Inline
contactor and that line voltage should be present while stopped. If no line is detected, then a No Line
alarm condition will exist and the ready condition will not exist. If a start is commanded, then a No
Line fault will be declared.

If the Inline Configuration parameter is set to a time delay, then the control assumes that there is an
Inline contactor and that line voltage need not be present while stopped. If no line is detected, then
the No Line alarm condition will not exist and the ready condition will exist. If a start is commanded
and there is no detected line voltage for the time period defined by the Inline Configuration
parameter, then a “noL (No Line) fault will be declared.

NOTE: This fault is different than over/under voltage since it detects the presence of NO line.


P54 I/O 16 Bypass Fbk Tim (bypass feedback timer / 2m confirm)

LCD Display
I/O:Bpas Fbk Tim
16 2.0 sec

LED Display P54

Range 0.1 – 5.0 seconds (Default 2.0 sec)

Description The programmable inputs DI 1, DI 2 or DI 3 may be used to monitor an auxiliary contact from the
bypass contactor(s) or in the case of a wye-delta starter the 2M contactor. The digital input is
expected to be in the same state as the UTS relay. If it is not, the control will trip on Fault 48 –
Bypass Fault.

The Bypass Confirmation input must be different from the UTS relay for the time period specified by
the Bypass Confirm Time before a fault is declared. There is no alarm associated with this fault.

NOTE: A digital input needs to be programmed to Bypass/2M for this function to operate. See I/O
01 (P39), I/O 02 (P40), I/O 03 (P41) for more information.

P55 I/O 17 Kpd Stop Dis (Keypad stop disable)

LCD Display
I/O:Kpd Stop Dis
17 Enabled

LED Display P55

Range Enabled – Disabled (Default Enabled)

Description If “Disabled”

When this parameter is “Disabled”, the keypad Stop button is de-activated. This should be
done with caution as the STOP will not stop the starter.

If the keypad is selected as local or remote control sources, the “STOP” key cannot be

If “Enabled”

When this parameter is “Enabled”, the keypad stop button is enabled

LED LCD Display
Off Disabled Keypad Stop will not stop the starter
On Enabled Keypad Stop will stop the starter (Default


P69 FUN 01 Meter 1 (meter 1)

FUN 02 Meter 2 (meter 2)

LCD Display
FUN: Meter 1
01 Ave Current

FUN: Meter 2
02 Ave Volts

LED Display P69 (Meter 1)

Range 0 – 25 (Default 1 for meter 1, 7 for meter 2 )

Description For the LCD display, parameters FUN 1and 2 configure which meters are displayed on the two lines
of the main display screen. For the LED display, parameter P69 configures which single meter is
displayed on the main screen.

LED LCD Display
0 Status Running State (LED meter only)
1 Ave Current Average current (Default meter 1)
2 L1 Current Current in phase 1
3 L2 Current Current in phase 2
4 L3 Current Current in phase 3
5 Cur Imbal Current Imbalance %
6 Ground Fault Residual Ground Fault % FLA
7 Ave Volts Average Voltage L-L RMS (Default meter 2)
8 L1-L2 Volts Voltage in, L1 to L2 RMS
9 L2-L3 Volts Voltage in, L2 to L3 RMS
10 L3-L1 Volts Voltage in, L3 to L1 RMS
11 Overload Thermal overload in %
12 Power Factor Motor power factor
13 Watts Motor real power consumed
14 VA Motor apparent power consumed
15 VARS Motor reactive power consumer
16 kW hours Kilo-watt-hour used by the motor, wraps at
17 MW hours Mega-watt-hour used by the motor, wraps at
18 Phase Order Phase Rotation
19 Line Freq Line Frequency
20 Analog Input Analog Input %
21 Analog Output Analog Output %
22 Run Days Running time in days, wraps at 2,730 days
23 Run Hours Running time in Hours and Minutes, wraps at
24 Starts Number of Starts, wraps at 65,536
25 TruTorque % TruTorque %
26 Power % Power %


P68 FUN 03 CT Ratio (CT ratio)

LCD Display
FUN: CT Ratio
03 288

LED Display P68

Range 72, 96, 144, 288, 864, 1320, 2640, 2880, 3900, 5760, 8000, 14.4K, 28.8K (Default 288)

Description The CT ratio must be set to match the CTs (current transformers) supplied with the starter. This
allows the starter to properly calculate the current supplied to the motor.

Only Benshaw supplied CTs can be used on the starter. The CTs are custom 0.2 amp secondary CTs
specifically designed for use on the MX starter. The CT ratio is then normalized to a 1A secondary
value. The supplied CT ratio can be confirmed by reading the part number on the CT label. The part
number is of the form BICTxxx1M, where xxx is the CT primary and the 1 indicates the normalized
1 amp.

Refer to Table 1 – CT Ratios and Burden Switch Settings on page 10.

NOTE: It is very important that the CT ratio and burden switches are set correctly. Otherwise,
many starter functions will not operate correctly.

P67 FUN 04 Phase Order (input phase sensitivity)

LCD Display
FUN:Phase Order
04 Insensitive

LED Display P67

Range InS, AbC, CbA, SPH (Default InS)

Description The Phase order parameter sets the phase sensitivity of the starter. This can be used to protect the
motor from a possible change in the incoming phase sequence. If the incoming phase sequence does
not match the set phase rotation, the starter will display an Alarm while stopped and will fault if a
start is attempted.

Options LED LCD Display

InS Insensitive Will run with any three phase sequence

AbC ABC Will only run with ABC phase sequence

CbA CBA Will only run with CBA phase sequence

SPH Single phase Single Phase

P66 FUN 05 Rated Volts (rated rms voltage)

LCD Display
FUN:Rated Volts
05 480 Vlt

LED Display P66

Range 100, 110, 120, 200, 208, 220, 230, 240, 350, 380, 400, 415, 440, 460, 480, 500, 525, 575, 600, 660,
690, 1000, 1140, 2200, 2300, 2400, 3300, 4160, 4600, 4800, 6000, 6600, 6900, 10.00K, 11.00K,
11.50K, 12.00K, 12.47K, 13.20K, 13.80K (Default 480)

Description The Rated Voltage parameter sets the line voltage that is used when the starter performs Over and
Under line voltage calculations. This value is the supply voltage; NOT the motor utilization voltage.
When applied to medium voltage, (2200 and above) the voltage must be set correctly for the starter to
function properly.

P65 FUN 06 Motor PF (motor rated power factor)

LCD Display
FUN:Rated PF
06 -0.92

LED Display P65

Range -0.01 to 1.00 (Default –0.92)

Description The motor rated power factor value sets the motor power factor value that is used by the MX starter
for TruTorque and Power control calculations and metering calculations.

If TruTorque or Power acceleration and/or deceleration control is used, it is very important to

properly set this parameter to the motor’s full load rated power factor (usually available on the motor
nameplate or from the motor manufacturer). For a typical induction motor, this value is between 0.80
and 0.95.

If the motor rated Power Factor (PF) is not available, from either the motor nameplate or the motor
manufacture, the value can be obtained by viewing the power factor meter, providing an approximate
value for the MX control.

With the motor running at full name plate current, view the PF meter either by setting meter 1 (P69)
to 12 with the LED display, or by pressing ? until the Motor PF meter is displayed using the LCD

The meter value can be entered into the PF parameter.


P64 FUN 07 Starter Type (starter type)

LCD Display
FUN:Starter Type
07 Normal

LED Display P64

Range nor,Id,y-d, PctL, cFol, AtL (Default nor)

Description The MX control has been designed to be the controller for many control applications;Solid State
Starter, both Normal (outside Delta) and Inside Delta, and electromechanical starters, Wye Delta,
Across the line full voltage starter, Phase Control/Voltage Follower, Current Follower. In each case,
the MX control is providing the motor protection and the necessary control for these applications.

Options LED LCD Display

nor Normal Normal (Outside Delta), Reduced Voltage Soft Starter RVSS (Default)

Id Inside Delta Inside Delta, RVSS

y-d Wye-Delta Wye Delta

PctL Phase Control Open Loop Phase control / voltage follower using external input
reference, Refer to Section 1.1

cFol Current Follow Closed Loop Current follower using external input reference. Refer to
Section 8.7 Current Follower

AtL ATL Across the line (Full Voltage)


P63 FUN 08 Heater Level (heater level)

LCD Display
FUN:Heater Level
08 Off

LED Display P63

Range OFF, 1 –25% FLA (Default OFF)

Description The heater level parameter sets the level of D.C. current that reaches the motor when the motor
winding heater/anti-windmilling brake is enabled. The motor winding heater/anti-windmilling brake
can be used to heat a motor in order to prevent internal condensation or it can be used to prevent a
motor from rotating.

NOTE: The motor can still slowly creep when the anti-windmilling brake is being used. If the motor
has to be held without rotating, a mechanical means of holding the motor must be used.

The motor winding heater/anti-windmilling brake operation may be controlled by a digital input and
by a heater disable bit in the starter control modbus register. There are two methods using the digital
inputs, either the input is an enable or disable.

Enabled: When the DI 1, DI 2 or DI 3 inputs are programmed as Heat Enable Inputs, the input may
be used to control when heating/anti-windmilling is applied. The Heater / Anti-Windmill Level
parameter must be set, the starter stopped and this input must be high for heating to occur.

Disabled: When the DI 1, DI 2 or DI 3 inputs are programmed as Heat Disable Inputs, the input may
be used to control when heating/anti-windmilling is applied. The Heater / Anti-Windmill Level
parameter must be set and this input must be low for heating to occur.

If no digital inputs are programmed as heater enabled or disabled, the heater will be applied at
all times when the motor is stopped.

The level of DC current applied to the motor during this operation needs to be monitored to ensure
that the motor is not overheated. The current level should be set as low as possible and then slowly
increased over a long period of time. While this is being done, the temperature of the motor should be
monitored to ensure it is not overheating.

Motor should be labeled as being live even when not rotating

Note: When in single phase mode, the heater function is disabled

P62 FUN 09 Energy Saver (energy saver)

LCD Display
FUN:Energy Saver
09 Off

LED Display P62

Range On – Off (Default OFF)

Description The energy saver will lower the voltage applied to a lightly loaded motor. It will continue to lower
the voltage until it finds the point where the current reaches its lowest stable level and then regulate
the voltage around this point. If the load on the motor increases, the starter will immediately return
the output of the starter to full voltage.

NOTE: This function will not operate if a bypass contactor is used once the motor is up to speed.

NOTE: In general, Energy Saver can save approximately 1000 watts per 100 HP.

P61 FUN 10 Com Drop # (Modbus address)

LCD Display
FUN: Com Drop #
10 1

LED Display P61

Range 1 – 247 (Default 1)

Description The Com Drop parameter sets the starter address when using RS-485 communications. The
equipment that is communicating with the control must use the same address.

P60 FUN 11 Com Baudrate (Modbus baud rate)

LCD Display
FUN:Com Baudrate
11 9600

LED Display P60

Range 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2 Kbps (Default 9.6)

Description Sets the baud rate for the network

P59 FUN 12 Com Timeout (Modbus timeout)

LCD Display
FUN:Com Timeout
12 Off

LED Display P59

Range OFF, 1 – 120 seconds (Default OFF)

Description The communication timeout sets the time that the starter will stay running without receiving a valid
communications request. If a valid serial communications request is not received for the time that is
set, the starter will declare a F82, Modbus Time out. The starterwill do a controlled stop.

See Also Stop Mode (P15/CFN14)


P70 FUN 13 Starter MN (starter model number)

LCD Display
FUN: Starter MN
13 None

LED Display P70

Description The starter model number sets the thermal protection of the starter power stack. This information is
useful for future service reasons. If calling Benshaw for service, this number should be recorded so it
can be provided to the service technician.

P71 FUN 14 Software PN (software part number)

LCD Display
FUN:Software PN
14 810018-01-xx

LED Display P71

Description The software part number is useful for future service reasons. If calling Benshaw for service, this
number should be recorded so it can be provided to the service technician.

On power up with an LED display, the software version is flashed one character at a time on the least
significant digit. With an LCD display, the software PN is fully displayed on power up.


P58 FUN 15 Misc Command (miscellaneous commands)

LCD Display
FUN:Misc Command
15 None

LED Display P58

Range 0 – 3 (Default 0)

Description This parameter is used to issue various commands to the MX starter.

The Reset Run Time command will reset the user run time meters back to zero (0).

The Reset kWh command will reset the accumulated kilowatt-hour and megawatt-hour meters back
to zero (0).

The Reflash mode command will put the MX control board into a reflash program memory mode.
The reflash mode can only be entered if the MX starter is idle. When the reflash mode is entered, the
MX control will be waiting to be programmed. The onboard LED display will show the “flsh”. The
remote displays will be disabled after entering reflash mode. The starter will not operate normally
until reflash mode is exited. Reflash mode may be exited by either pressing the on-board RESET
button or cycling control power.

The Store command allow the user to copy the parameters into non-volatile memory as a backup. If
changes are being made, store the old set of parameters before any changes are made. If the new
settings do not work, the old parameter values can be loaded back into memory.

The Load command loads the stored parameters into active memory.

The Factory Reset command will restore all parameters to the factory defaults. These can be found
section 4.

LED LCD Display
0 None No commands
1 Reset Run Time Reset Run Time Meter
2 Reset kWh/MWh Reset kWh/MWh Meters
3 Reflash Mode Activate Reflash Mode
4 Store Parm The current parameter values are stored in non-volatile memory
5 Load Parm All parameter are retrieved from non-volatile memory
6 Factory Rst All parameters are restored to the factory defaults

P72 FUN 16 Passcode (passcode)

LCD Display
FUN: Passcode
16 Off

LED Display P72

Description The MX control supports a 4-digit passcode. When the passcode is set, parameters may not be

When a passcode is set and an attempt is made to change a parameter through the display/keypad, the
UP and DOWN keys will simply have no effect. When a passcode is set and an attempt is made to
change a parameter through Modbus, the control will return an error response with an exception code
of 03 (Illegal Data Value) to indicate that the register may not be changed.

The following steps must be performed to set a passcode using the LED Display:
1. At the default meter display, press the PARAM key to enter the parameter mode.
2. Press the UP or DOWN keys to get to the passcode parameter.
3. Press the ENTER key. “Off” will be displayed to indicate that no passcode is currently set.
4. Press the UP or DOWN keys and ENTER for each digit to be defined, select a value from 0000 to
9999 starting at the most significant digit.
5. Press the ENTER key to set the passcode.
The following steps must be performed to clear a passcode.
1. At the default meter display, press the PARAM key to enter the parameter mode.
2. Press the UP or DOWN keys to get to the passcode parameter.
3. Press the ENTER key. “On” will be displayed to indicate that a passcode is presently set.
4. Press the UP or DOWN keys and ENTER after each digit to select the previously set passcode
5. Press the ENTER key. The passcode is then cleared.

The following steps must be performed to set a passcode using the LCD Display:

1. At the default meter display, press the MENU key to enter the Menu mode.
2. Press the UP or DOWN keys to get to the FUN parameters.
3. Press the ENTER key
4. Press the UP or DOWN keys to get to the FUN 16.
5. Press the ENTER key. “Off ” will be displayed to indicate that no passcode is currently set.
6. Press the UP or DOWN keys and ENTER for each digit to be defined, select a value from 0000 to
9999 starting at the most significant digit Press the ENTER key to set the passcode.
The following steps must be performed to clear a passcode.
1. At the default meter display, press the MENU key to enter the menu mode.
2. Press the UP or DOWN keys to get to the FUN parameter.
6. Press the ENTER key
7. Press the UP or DOWN keys to get to the FUN 16.
3. Press the ENTER key. “On” will be displayed to indicate that a passcode is presently set.
4. Press the UP or DOWN keys and ENTER after each digit to select the previously set passcode
5. Press the ENTER key. The passcode is then cleared.

NOTE: To re-establish password protection after it has been cleared, the password must be entered

5.6 Fault Log

P73 FL1 Fault Log (fault log)

LCD Display
FL1:Last Fault #
Fault Name

LED Display P73

Range 1–99

Description When a fault occurs, the fault number is logged in non-volatile memory. The most recent fault will be
in FL1 location and the oldest fault will be in FL9.

Refer to section 7, Troubleshooting or Appendix B for the fault codes and their descriptions.

If the starter is equipped with an LCD display, pressing “ENTER” will toggle through the Starter
Conditions, Avg. Line Current, Avg. Line Voltage, and Line Frequency at the time of the fault.

6 Applications


Line Connected Motor

6.1 Application Consideration between Line Connected and Inside Delta Connected Soft Starter

There are differences between a line connected soft starter as shown in Figure 8 and the inside delta connected soft starter as shown
in Figure 9 that need to be understood.

By observation of Figure 9, access to all six stator-winding terminals is required for an inside delta application. In the line connected
soft starter of Figure 8, access to only three leads of the stator windings of the motor is required. For a 12-lead motor, all 12 stator
terminals must be accessible.

One failed SCR on any phase of the inside delta soft starter will result in a single-phase condition. A shunt trip circuit breaker is
recommended to protect the motor in this case. A programmable relay can be configured as a shunt trip relay and can be used to trip
the breaker. When certain faults occur, the shunt trip relay energizes. Refer to Appendix B for those faults that cause a shunt trip.

The SCR control for an inside delta application is different than the SCR control for a standard soft starter. The starter type
(parameter FUN 07 or P64) needs to be properly set so that the SCRs are gated correctly.

If a circuit breaker is the only means to disconnect the soft starter and motor from the line, then one leg of the motor leads in the
inside delta soft starter is always electrically live when the circuit breaker is closed. This requires caution to ensure these leads of the
motor are not exposed to personnel.

6.1.1 Line Connected Soft Starter

In Figure 8, the power poles of the soft starter are connected in series with the line. The starter draws line current (L1 ,L2 ,L3 ).

Figure 8 – Typical Motor Connection

3 T1

5 T2
L2 Motor



Inside Delta Connected Motor

6.1.2 Inside Delta Connection

An inside delta soft starter is shown in Figure 9, where the power poles are connected in series with the stator windings of a delta
connected motor.

Figure 9 – Typical Inside Delta Motor Connection


3 T6 T3


T1 T5
L1 T4 T2

5 L2

For an Inside Delta connected motor, the inside windings average SCR current is less than that of the outside average line current by
a factor of 1.55 (FLA/1.55). By comparison of Figure 8 and Figure 9, the most obvious advantage of the inside delta starter is the
reduction of current seen by the soft starter. The soft starter current rating can be downsized by a factor of 1.55, providing significant
savings in cost and size of the starter.

An inside delta soft starter can also be considered for motors with more than 6 leads, including 12 lead dual voltage motors.

NEMA and IEC use different nomenclature for motor terminal markings, for 3 and 6 leaded motors.
NEMA labels motors leads, 1,2,3,4,5,6,
IEC labels motor leads, U1, V1, W1, U2, V2, W2

6.2 Other Applications using the MX Control

The MX control has been designed to be the controller for other motor control applications, such as Wye Delta, Across the line full
voltage starter, Phase Control/Voltage Follower and Current Follower. In each case, the MX control is providing the motor
protection and the necessary control for these applications.

6.2.1 Wye Delta

When the MX control is set to Wye-Delta (FUN 07, P64, Starter Type parameter), the MX control is configured to operate an
electromechanical Wye-Delta (Star-Delta) starter. When in Wye-Delta mode, all MX motor and starter protective functions, except
bad SCR detection and power stack overload, are available to provide full motor and starter protection. The UTS / Transition Time
parameter (QST 09, P9) sets the time when the Wye to Delta transition occurs during starting.

The MX control can operate two configurations of Wye-Delta starters, open transition and closed transition.

An open transition starter momentarily disconnects the motor from the input line during the transition from Wye to Delta
operating mode.

A closed transition starter uses resistors that are inserted during the transition so that the motor is never completely
disconnected from the input line.


Wye Delta Starter

The presence of these resistors in a closed transition starter smoothes the transition from Wye to Delta operation mode. A typical
closed transition Wye-Delta starter schematic is shown in Figure 10 – Wye Delta Motor Connection to the MX Control

Figure 10 – Wye Delta Motor Connection to the MX Control

L1 L2 L3

To TB 3, C 1+ (White Wire )
To TB3 , C 1- (Black Wire)
To TB3, C 2+ ( White Wire) Current Feedbacks
To TB3, C 2- (Black Wire) to MX
To TB3, C 3+ ( White Wire)
To TB3, C 3- (Black Wire)
To TB6 (SCR 2) K2

To TB8 (SCR 3) K3
To TB4 (SCR 1) K1

1M 2S 2M


Voltage &
y to MX


T3 T6 1S

T2 T5

T1 T4

Control Power

2M Confirm
Input Common



Run 2M 2S
MX Mechanical
1M Interlock


1M 1S

For the Wye-Delta starter mode to operate properly, one output relay needs to be programmed to the RUN output function and
another output relay needs to be programmed to the UTS output function. (Refer to parameters I/0 04-06, P42-44 for more

For operation of the Wye-Delta and its transitions from a start to a completed run, refer to Section 8.5 Wye-Delta Operation.

The closed transition resistors generally are sized to be in the circuit for a short period of time. To protect the resistors from over
heating, one input should be programmed as a Bypass/2M contact feedback input and the Bypass/2M confirm parameter must be set.


Phase Control & Current Follower Starter

6.2.2 Phase Control

When the MX control Starter Type parameter (FUN 07, P64) is set to Phase Control, the MX control is configured to operate as a
phase controller / voltage follower. This is an open loop control mode. The firing angles of the SCRs are directly controlled based on
voltage or current applied to the Analog Input. A reference-input value of 0% will result in no output. A reference-input value of
100% will result in full (100%) output voltage. The actual voltage or current input that results in a given output can be adjusted
through the use of the Analog Input Offset (I/O 11, P49 ) and Analog Input Span (I/O 10, P48) user parameters. The Phase Control
mode has many uses. Two typical applications are use in master/slave starter configurations and as a basic phase controller.

Phase Controller:

When in Phase Control mode, the MX controller can function as a general phase controller. Phase control can be used to directly
control the voltage applied to motors, resistive heaters, etc. When in Phase Control mode, the phase angle of the SCRs and hence the
voltage applied is directly controlled based on the measured analog input signal. The MX controllers reference command can be
generated from any 0-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA source such as a potentiometer, another MX controller, or an external controller such as
a PLC.

The Phase control mode can only be used on continuous/fan cooled starters. The bypassed starter does not have the thermal capacity
to continuously operate at rated amps in phase control mode and the bypass contactor is not used. Use the RC power stack.

Master/Slave (Lead/Follower) Starter Configuration:

In the master / slave configuration, one “master” starter can directly control the output of one or more slave starters. To utilize the
master / slave configuration, one starter needs to be defined as the “master” starter. The Starter Type parameter (FUN 07, P64) of the
“master” starter should be configured appropriately as a Soft Starter (normal or ID), Phase Control, or Current Follower. If
configured as a soft starter, the acceleration and deceleration profiles will need to be configured for proper operation.

The analog output of the “master” starter should be set to 0-100% firing and connected to the analog input of the following starter(s).
“Slaves” should have FUN 07, P64 starter type set to Phase control.

Note: The power stack must be rated for continuous non-bypassed duty in order to properly operate in Phase Control mode.

6.2.3 Current Follower

When the MX control Starter Type parameter (FUN07, P64) is set to Current Follower, the MX control is configured to operate as a
Closed Loop current follower. Current Follower mode can be used to control the current applied to motors, resistive heaters, etc.
The Current Follower mode uses the analog input to receive the desired current command and controls the SCRs to output the
commanded current. The MX controllers reference command can be generated from any 0-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA source such as a
potentiometer, another MX controller, or an external controller such as a PLC. When a start command is given, the RUN
programmed relay output will energize and the SCRs will be gated on.

A reference-input value of 0% will result in no output. A reference-input value of 100% will result in a current output equal to the
FLA setting (QST1, P1). The actual voltage or current input that results in a given output can be adjusted through the use of the
Analog Input Offset (I/O 11, P49) and Analog Input Span (I/O 10, P48) user parameters.

Note: The power stack must rated for continuous non-bypassed duty be used. in order to operate in Current Follower mode.


Across The Line Starter

6.2.4 Across The Line (Full Voltage Starter)

When the MX control is set to ATL (FUN 07, P64 Starter Type parameter), the MX control is configured to operate an
electromechanical full voltage or across-the-line (ATL) starter.

In the ATL configuration, the MX controller expects that the motor contactor (1M) will be directly controlled by a digital output
relay that is programmed for the RUN function. Therefore, when a start command is given, the RUN programmed relay will energize
the motor contactor, which will apply power to the motor. When the MX controller has determined that the motor has reached full
speed, the up-to-speed (UTS) condition will be indicated by energizing the UTS programmed relays. When configured as an ATL
starter, all MX motor and starter protective functions, except bad SCR detection and power stack overload, are available to provide
full motor and starter protection.

Figure 11 – A typical ATL starter schematic to the MX Control

L1 L2 L3

To TB3, C1+ (White Wire )

To TB3, C1- (Black Wire)
To TB3, C2+ (White Wire) Current Feedbacks
To TB3, C2- (Black Wire) to MX control
To TB3, C3+ (White Wire)
To TB3, C3- (Black Wire)
To TB4 (SCR 1) K1

To TB6 (SCR 2) K2

To TB8 (SCR 3) K3

Voltage &
y to MX

T1 T3


Control Power

Input Common



Note: When in ATL mode, the acceleration ramp, kick, and deceleration parameter settings have no effect on motor operation.

Note: When in ATL mode, the SCR gate outputs are disabled.

7 TroubleShooting


7.1 General Troubleshooting Charts

The following troubleshooting charts can be used to help solve many of the more common problems that may occur.

7.1.1 Motor does not start, no output to motor

Condition Cause Solution

Display Blank, CPU Heartbeat LED Control voltage absent. Check for proper control voltage
on MX board not blinking. input. Verify fuses and wiring.
MX control board problem. Consult factory.
Fault Displayed. Fault Occurred. See fault code troubleshooting table
for more details.
Start command given but nothing Start/Stop control input problems. Verify that the start/stop wiring and
happens. start input voltage levels are correct.
Control Source parameters (QST 04- Verify that the parameters are set
05, P4-5) not set correctly. correctly.
NOL or No Line is displayed and a No line voltage has been detected by Check input supply for inline
sratr command is given, it will fault the MX st is given rterarter. contactor, open disconnects, open
in F28. fuses, open circuit breakers, or
disconnected wiring.
Verify that the SCR gate wires are
properly connected to the MX control
On medium voltage systems, verify
wiring of the voltage feedback
measurement circuit.
See fault code troubleshooting table
for more details.


7.1.2 During starting, motor rotates but does not reach full speed

Condition Cause Solution

Fault Displayed. Fault Occurred. See fault code troubleshooting table
for more details.
Display shows Accel or Run. Maximum Motor Current setting Review acceleration ramp settings.
(QST 07, P7) set too low.
Motor loading too high and/or current Reduce load on motor during
not dropping below 175% FLA starting.
indicating that the motor has not
come up to speed.
Motor FLA (QST 01, P1) or CT ratio Verify that Motor FLA and CT ratio
(FUN 03, P68) parameter set parameters are set correctly.
Abnormally low line voltage. Fix cause of low line voltage.
A mechanical or supplemental brake Verify that any external brakes are
is still engaged. disengaged.
Motor Hums before turning Initial current to low Increase initial current
FLA or CT incorrect Verify FLA or CT’s

7.1.3 Acceleration not operating as desired

Condition Cause Solution

Motor accelerates too quickly. Ramp time (QST 08, P8) too short. Increase ramp time.
Initial current (QST 06, P6) set too Decrease Initial current.
Maximum current (QST07, P7) set Decrease Maximum current.
too high.
Kick start current (CFN10, P13) too Decrease or turn off Kick current.
Kick start time (CFN11, P14) too Decrease Kick time.
Motor FLA (QST 01, P1) or CT ratio Verify that Motor FLA and CT ratio
(FUN 03, P68) parameter set parameters are set correctly.
Starter Type parameter (FUN 07, Verify that Starter Type parameter is
P64) set incorrectly. set correctly.
Motor accelerates too slowly Maximum Motor Current setting Review acceleration ramp settings.
(QST 07, P7) set too low.
Motor loading too high. Reduce load on motor during
Motor FLA (QST 01, P1) or CT ratio Verify that Motor FLA and CT ratio
(FUN 03, P68) parameter set parameters are set correctly.
Abnormally low line voltage. Fix cause of low line voltage.
Ramp time to long Decrease ramp time

7.1.4 Deceleration not operating as desired

Condition Cause Solution

Motor stops too quickly. Decel Time (CFN17, P18) set to Increase Decel Time.
Decel Begin and End Levels CFN Increase Decel Begin and/or Decel
15-16, P16-17) set improperly. End levels.
Decel time seems correct but motor Decel Begin Level (CFN15, P16) set Decrease Decel Begin Level until
surges (oscillates) at beginning of too high. surging is eliminated.
deceleration cycle.
Decel time seems correct but motor Decel End Level (CFN16, P17) set Increase Decel End Level until motor
stops before end of deceleration too low. just stops at the end of the
cycle. deceleration cycle.
Water hammer still occurs at end of Decel End Level (CFN16, P17) set Decrease Decel End Level until water
cycle. too high. hammer is eliminated.
Decel Time (CFN17, P18) too short. If possible, increase Decel Time to
decelerate system more gently.
Motor speed drops sharply before Decel begin level to low. Increase the Decel Begin Level until
decel drop in speed is eleminated.

7.1.5 Motor stops unexpectedly while running

Condition Cause Solution

Fault Displayed. Fault Occurred. See fault code troubleshooting table
for more details.
Ready Displayed. Start command lost. Verify start command input signal is
present or serial communications
start command is present.
Check any permissives that may be
wired into the run command
Display Blank, Heartbeat LED on Control voltage absent. Check for proper control voltage
MX board not blinking. input. Verify wiring and fuses.
MX control board problem. Consult factory.


7.1.6 Metering incorrect

Condition Cause Solution

Power Metering not reading CTs installed or wired incorrectly. Verify correct CT wiring and verify
correctly. that the CTs are installed with all the
White dots towards the input line
CT ratio parameter (FUN 03, P68) set Verify that the CT ratio parameter is
incorrectly. set correctly.
Burden switches set incorrectly. Verify that the burden switches are
set correctly.
PF Meter not reading correctly. CTs installed or wired incorrectly. Verify correct CT wiring and verify
that the CTs are installed with all the
White dots towards the input line
Motor Current or Voltage meters Energy Saver active. Turn off Energy Saver if not desired.
fluctuating with steady load.
Loose connections. Shut off all power and check all
SCR fault. Verify that the SCRs gate leads are
connected properly and the SCRs are
Load actually not steady. Verify that the load is actually steady
and that there are not mechanical
Other equipment on same power feed Fix cause of power fluctuations
causing power fluctuations and/or and/or distortion.
Voltage Metering not reading In medium voltage systems, Rated Verify that Rated Voltage parameter
correctly. Voltage parameter (FUN 05, P66) set is set correctly.
Current Metering not reading CT ratio parameter (FUN 03, P68) set Verify that the CT ratio parameter is
correctly. incorrectly. set correctly.
Burden switches set incorrectly. Verify that the burden switches are
set correctly.
CTs installed or wired incorrectly. Verify correct CT wiring and verify
that the CTs are installed with all the
White dots towards the input line
Ground Fault Current Metering not CT ratio parameter (FUN 03, P68) set Verify that the CT ratio parameter is
reading correctly. incorrectly. set correctly.
Burden switches set incorrectly. Verify that the burden switches are
set correctly.
CTs installed or wired incorrectly. Verify correct CT wiring and verify
that the CTs are installed with all the
White dots towards the input line

7.1.7 Other Situations

Condition Cause Solution

Motor Rotates in Wrong Direction Phasing incorrect If input phasing correct, exchange
any two output wires.
If input phasing incorrect, exchange
any two input wires.
Erratic Operation Loose connections Shut off all power and check all
Motor Overheats Motor overloaded Reduce motor load.
Too many starts per hour Allow for adequate motor cooling
between starts. Set Hot/Cold ratio
higher or lengthen cooling time.
High ambient temperature Reduce ambient temperature or
provide for better cooling. Set OL
class lower to compensate for
ambient temperature.
Acceleration time too long Reduce starting load and/or review
acceleration ramp settings.
Incorrect motor OL settings Review and correct if necessary
motor OL settings.
Motor cooling obstructed/damaged Remove cooling air obstructions.
Check motor cooling fan.
Starter cooling fans do not operate Fan power supply lost Verify fan power supply, check fuses.
(When Present)
Fan wiring problem Check fan wiring.
Fan failure Replace fan
Analog Output not functioning Voltage/Current output jumper (JP1) Set jumper to give correct output.
properly not set correctly.
Wiring problem Verify output wiring.
Analog Output Function parameter Verify that the Analog Output
(I/O 12, P50) set incorrectly. Function parameter is set correctly.
Analog Output Offset and/or Span Verify that the Analog Output Span
parameters (I/O 13-14, P51-52) set and Offset parameters are set
incorrectly. correctly.
Load on analog output too high. Verify that load on analog output
meets MX control analog output
Ground loop or noise problems. Verify correct grounding of analog
output connection to prevent noise
and/or ground loops from affecting
Remote Keypad does not operate Keypad cable not plugged in properly Verify that the remote keypad cable
correctly. or cable damaged. has not been damaged and that it is
properly seated at both the keypad
and the MX Control board.
Display interface board (when Verify that the display interface
present) not firmly plugged in. board (if present) is firmly attached
to MX control card.
Remote display damaged. Replace remote display.

7.2 Fault Code Troubleshooting Table

The following is a list of possible faults that can be generated by the MX starter control.

Fault Code Description Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions

F01 UTS Time Limit Expired Motor did not achieve full speed before the UTS timer (QST 09, P9)
Check motor for jammed or overloaded condition.
Verify that the combined kick time (CFN11, P14) and acceleration ramp
time (QST 08, P8) is shorter than the UTS timer setting.
Evaluate acceleration ramp settings. The acceleration ramp settings may
be too low to permit the motor to start and achieve full speed. If so, revise
acceleration ramp settings to provide more motor torque during starting.
Evaluate UTS timer setting and, if acceptable, increase UTS timer setting
(QST 09, P9).
F02 (F OL) Motor Thermal Overload The MX motor thermal overload protection has tripped.
Check motor for mechanical failure, jammed, or overloaded condition.
Verify the motor thermal overload parameter settings (QST 03, P3 and
PFN 12-16, P35-38) and motor service factor setting (QST 02, P2).
Verify that the motor FLA (QST 01, P1), CT ratio (FUN 03, P68), and
burden switch settings are correct.
If motor OL trip occurs during starting, review acceleration ramp profile
Verify that there is not an input line power quality problem or excessive
line distortion present.
Verify that PF caps, if installed, are ahead of CT’s.
Reset overload when content falls below 15%.
F10 Phase Rotation Error, not Input phase rotation is not ABC and Input Phase Sensitivity parameter
ABC (FUN 04, P67) is set to ABC only.
Verify correct phase rotation of input power. Correct wiring if necessary.
Verify correct setting of Input Phase Sensitivity parameter (FUN 04, P67).
F11 Phase Rotation Error, not Input phase rotation is not CBA and Input Phase Sensitivity parameter
CBA (FUN 04, P67) is set to CBA only.
Verify correct phase rotation of input power. Correct wiring if necessary.
Verify correct setting of Input Phase Sensitivity parameter (FUN 04, P67).
F12 Low Line Frequency Line frequency below 23 Hz was detected.
Verify input line frequency.
If operating on a generator, check generator speed governor for
Check input supply for open fuses or open connections
Line power quality problem / excessive line distortion.
F13 High Line Frequency Line frequency above 72 Hz was detected.
Verify input line frequency.
If operating on a generator, check generator speed governor for
Line power quality problem / excessive line distortion.

Fault Code Description Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions
F14 Input power not single Three-phase power has been detected when the starter is expecting single-
phase phase power.
Verify that input power is single phase.
Verify that single-phase power is connected to the L1 and L2 inputs.
Correct wiring if necessary.
Verify that the SCR gate wires are properly connected to the MX control
F15 Input power not three Single-phase power has been detected when the starter is expecting three-
phase phase power.
Verify that input power is three phase. Correct wiring if necessary.
Verify that the SCR gate wires are properly connected to the MX control
On medium voltage systems, verify wiring of the voltage feedback
measurement circuit.
F21 Low Line L1-L2 Low voltage below the Undervoltage Trip Level parameter setting (PFN
08, P31) was detected for longer than the Over/Under Voltage Trip delay
time (PFN 09, P32).
Verify that the actual input voltage level is correct.

Verify that the Rated Voltage parameter (FUN 05, P66) is set correctly.
Check input supply for open fuses or open connections.
On medium voltage systems, verify wiring of the voltage measurement
F22 Low Line L2-L3 Low voltage below the Undervoltage Trip Level parameter setting (PFN
08, P31) was detected for longer than the Over/Under Voltage Trip delay
time (PFN 09, P32).
Verify that the actual input voltage level is correct.

Verify that the Rated Voltage parameter (FUN 05, P66) is set correctly.
Check input supply for open fuses or open connections.
On medium voltage systems, verify wiring of the voltage feedback
measurement circuit.
F23 Low Line L3-L1 Low voltage below the Undervoltage Trip Level parameter setting (PFN
08, P31) was detected for longer than the Over/Under Voltage Trip delay
time (PFN 09, P32).
Verify that the actual input voltage level is correct.

Verify that the Rated Voltage parameter (FUN 05, P66) is set correctly.
Check input supply for open fuses or open connections.
On medium voltage systems, verify wiring of the voltage feedback
measurement circuit.
F24 High Line L1-L2 High voltage above the Over voltage Trip Level parameter setting (PFN
07, P30) was detected for longer than the Over/Under Voltage Trip delay
time (PFN 09, P32).
Verify that the actual input voltage level is correct.

Verify that the Rated Voltage parameter (FUN 05, P66) is set correctly.
Line power quality problems/ excessive line distortions.

Fault Code Description Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions
F25 High Line L2-L3 High voltage above the Over voltage Trip Level parameter setting (PFN
07, P30) was detected for longer than the Over/Under Voltage Trip delay
time (PFN 09, P32).
Verify that the actual input voltage level is correct.

Verify that the Rated Voltage parameter (FUN 05, P66) is set correctly.
Line power quality problems/ excessive line distortions.
F26 High Line L3-L1 High voltage above the Over voltage Trip Level parameter setting (PFN
07, P30) was detected for longer than the Over/Under Voltage Trip delay
time (PFN 09, P32).
Verify that the actual input voltage level is correct.

Verify that the Rated Voltage parameter (FUN 05, P66) is set correctly.
Line power quality problems/ excessive line distortions.
F27 Phase Loss The MX control has detected the loss of one or more input or output
phases when the starter was running. Can also be caused by line power
Check input supply for open fuses.
Check power supply wiring for open or intermittent connections.
Check motor wiring for open or intermittent connections.
On medium voltage systems, verify wiring of the voltage feedback
measurement circuit.
Check Gate and Cathode connections to MX board
F28 No Line No input voltage was detected for longer than the Inline Configuration
time delay parameter setting (I/O 15, P53) when a start command was
given to the starter.
If an inline contactor is being used, verify that the setting of the Inline
Configuration time delay parameter (I/O 15, P53) allows enough time for
the inline contactor to completely close before the No Line fault occurs.
Check input supply for open disconnects, open fuses, open circuit
breakers, or disconnected wiring.
Verify that the SCR gate wires are properly connected to the MX control
On medium voltage systems, verify wiring of the voltage feedback
measurement circuit.
F30 I.O.C. During operation, the MX controller detected a very high level of current
in one or more phases.
Overcurrent Current) Check motor wiring for short circuits or ground faults.
Check motor for short circuits or ground faults.
Check if power factor or surge capacitors are installed on the motor side
of the starter.
Verify that the motor FLA (QST 01, P1), CT ratio (FUN 03, P68), and
burden switch settings are correct.
F31 Overcurrent Motor current exceeded the Over Current Trip Level setting (PFN 01,
P24) for longer than the Over Current Trip Delay Time setting (PFN 02,
Check motor for a jammed or an overload condition.


F34 Undercurrent Motor current dropped under the Under Current Trip Level setting (PFN
03, P26) for longer than the Under Current Trip Delay time setting (PFN
04, P27).
Check system for cause of under current condition.
F37 Current Imbalance A current imbalance larger than the Current Imbalance Trip Level
parameter setting (PFN 05, P28) was present for longer than ten (10)
Check motor wiring for cause of imbalance. (Verify dual voltage and 6
lead motors for correct wiring configuration).
Check for large input voltage imbalances that can result in large current
Check motor for internal problems.
F38 Ground Fault Ground current above the Ground Fault Trip level setting (PFN 06, P29)
has been detected for longer than 3 seconds.
Check motor wiring for ground faults.
Check motor for ground faults.
Megger motor and cabling (disconnect from starter before testing).
Verify that the motor FLA (QST 01, P1), CT ratio (FUN 03, P68), and
burden switch settings are correct.
Verify that the CTs are installed with all the White dots towards the input
In Single phase applications, verify that only two CTs are being used; that
they are installed with all the White dots or Xs in the correct direction;
and that the CTs are connected to the L1 and L3 CT inputs on the MX
control card.
F39 No Current at Run Motor current went below 10% of FLA while the starter was running.
Verify Motor Connections.
Verify the CT wiring to the MX control board.
Verify that the motor FLA (QST 01, P1), CT ratio (FUN 03, P68), and
burden switch settings are correct.
Check if load is still connected to starter
Check if motor may have been driven by the load (a regeneration
Check Gate and Cathode connections to MX for loose connections.
Check for inline contactor or disconnect.
F40 Shorted / Open SCR A shorted or open SCR condition has been detected.
Verify that all SCR gate leads wires are properly connected at the SCR
devices and the MX control board.
Check all SCRs with ohmmeter for shorts.
Verify that the Input Phase Sensitivity parameter setting (FUN 04, P67) is
Verify that the Starter Type parameter setting (FUN 07, P64) is correct.
Verify the motor wiring. (Verify dual voltage motors for correct wiring

F41 Current at Stop Motor current was detected while the starter was not running.
Examine starter for shorted SCRs.
Examine bypass contactor (if present) to verify that it is open when starter
is stopped.
Verify that the motor FLA (QST 01, P1), CT ratio (FUN 03, P68), and
burden switch settings are correct.
F47 Stack Protection Fault The MX electronic power stack OL protection has detected an overload
(stack thermal overload) condition.
Check motor for jammed or overloaded condition.
Verify Starter Model Number parameter setting (FUN 13, P70) is correct
(if available).
Verify that the CT ratio (FUN 03, P68) and burden switch settings are
Motor load exceeds power stack rating. Consult factory
F48 Bypass /2M Contactor A digital input has been programmed as a Bypass/2M Contactor Feedback
Fault input and an incorrect bypass feedback has been detected for longer than
the Bypass Confirm time parameter setting (I/O 16, P54).
Verify that the bypass/2M contactor coil and feedback wiring is correct.
Verify that the relay output that is connected to the bypass/2M contactor(s)
is programmed to the UTS function.
Verify that the bypass/2M contactor power supply is present.
Verify that the appropriate Digital Input Configuration parameter has been
programmed correctly.
Verify that the bypass contactor(s) are actually not damaged or faulty.
F50 Control Power Low Low control power (below 90V) has been detected while running, by the
MX controller.
Verify that the control power input level is correct especially during
starting when there may be significant line voltage drop.
Check control power transformer tap setting (if available).
Check control power transformer fuses (if present).
Check wiring between control power source and starter.
F51 Current Sensor Offset Indicates that the MX control board self-diagnostics have detected a
Error problem with one or more of the current sensor inputs.
Verify that the motor FLA (QST 01, P1), CT ratio (FUN 03, P68), and
burden switch settings are correct.
Verify that no actual current is flowing through any of the starter’s CTs
when the starter is not running.
Consult factory if fault persists.
F52 Burden Switch Error The burden switch settings were changed when starter was running. Only
change burden switches when starter is not running.
F60 External Fault on DI#1 DI#1 has been programmed as a fault type digital input and the input
Input indicates a fault condition is present.
Verify that the appropriate Digital Input Configuration parameter has been
programmed correctly.
Verify wiring and level of input.

F61 External Fault on DI#2 DI#2 has been programmed as a fault type digital input and input indicates
Input a fault condition is present.
Verify that the appropriate Digital Input Configuration parameter has been
programmed correctly.
Verify wiring and level of input.
F62 External Fault on DI#3 DI#3 input has been programmed as a fault type digital input and input
input indicates a fault condition is present.
Verify that the appropriate Digital Input Configuration parameter has been
programmed correctly.
Verify wiring and level of input.
F71 Analog Input Level Fault Based on the Analog Input parameter settings, the analog input level has
Trip. either exceeded or dropped below the Analog Input Trip Level setting (I/O
08, P46) for longer than the Analog Input Trip Delay time (I/O 09, P47).
Measure value of analog input to verify correct reading.

Verify settings of all Analog Input parameters (I/O 07-11, P45-49).

Verify correct positioning of input jumper JP3 (Voltage or Current) on the
MX control card.
Verify correct grounding of analog input connection to prevent noise or
ground loops from affecting input.
F81 SPI Communication Fault Indicates that communication has been lost with a remote device such as a
remote keypad.
(This fault will normally occur if the remote keypad is disconnected while
the MX control board is powered up. Only connect and disconnect a
remote keypad when the control power is off.)
Verify that the remote keypad cable has not been damaged and that its
connectors are firmly seated at both the keypad and the MX Control
Verify that the display interface board (when present) is firmly attached to
MX control card.
Route keypad cables away from high power and/or high noise areas to
reduce possible electrical noise pickup.
F82 Modbus Timeout Fault Indicates that the starter has lost serial communications. Fault occurs
when the starter has not received a valid serial communications within the
Communication Timeout parameter (FUN 12, P59) defined time.
Verify communication parameter settings (FUN 10-12, P59-P61).
Check wiring between the remote network and the MX control card.
Examine remote system for cause of communication loss.
F94 CPU Error – SW fault Typically occurs when attempting to run a version of control software that
is incompatible with the MX control board hardware being used. Verify
that the software is a correct version for the MX control board being used.
Consult factory for more details.
Fault can also occur if the MX control has detected an internal software
problem. Consult factory.

F95 CPU Error – Parameter The non-volatile user parameter values have been found to be corrupted.
EEPROM Checksum Typically occurs when the MX control is re-flashed with new software.
Perform a Factory Parameter reset and then properly set all user
parameters before resuming normal operation.
If fault persists after performing a Factory Parameter reset, consult
F96 CPU Error The MX control has detected an internal CPU problem. Consult factory.
F97 CPU Error – SW The MX control has detected an internal software problem. Consult
Watchdog Fault factory.
F98 CPU Error The MX control has detected an internal CPU problem. Consult factory.
F99 CPU Error – Program The non-volatile program memory has been corrupted.
EPROM Checksum Fault
Consult factory. Control software will need to be reloaded in to the MX
control card before normal operation can resume.


8 Theory of Operation


Motor Overload

8.1 Solid State Motor Overload Protection

8.1.1 Overview

The MX control contains an advanced I2t electronic motor overload (OL) protection function. For optimal motor protection, the MX
control has forty standard NEMA style overload curves (in steps of one) available for use. Separate overload classes can be
programmed for acceleration and for normal running operation and individually or completely disabled if necessary. The MX motor
overload function also implements a NEMA based current imbalance overload compensation, user adjustable hot and cold motor
compensation, and user adjustable exponential motor cooling.

CAUTION: If the MX motor overload protection is disabled during any mode of operation, external motor overload protection must
be provided to prevent motor damage and/or the risk of fire in the case of a motor overload.

8.1.2 Setting up the MX Motor Overload

Motor overload protection is easily configured through seven user parameters (please refer to the descriptions of each parameter in
section 5 of this manual for additional parameter information):
1. Motor Full Load Current (P1 / QST 01)
2. Motor Service Factor (P2 / QST 02)
3. Motor OL Class Running (P3 / QST 03)
4. Motor OL Class Starting (P36 / PFN 13)
5. Independent Start / Run OL (P35 / PFN12)
6. Motor Hot/Cold Ratio (P37 / PFN 15)
7. Motor Cooling Time (P38 / PFN 16)
The Motor FLA and Service Factor parameter settings define the motor overload “pickup” point. For example, if the motor service
factor is set to 1.00, the motor overload will begin accumulating or incrementing when the measured motor current is >100% FLA
(100% * 1.00). The overload will NOT trip if the motor current is <100%. If the motor service factor is set to 1.15, the overload will
start accumulating content when the motor current >115% FLA (100% * 1.15). The overload will NOT trip if the measured motor
current is <115% of rated FLA.

The available overload classes are based on the trip time when operating at 600% of rated motor current. For example, a Class 10
overload will trip in 10 seconds when the motor is operating at 600% rated current; a Class 20 overload will trip in 20 seconds when
the motor is operating at 600% rated current.

The equation for the MX standard overload curves after the “pick-up” point has been reached is:

35 seconds * Class
Time to Trip (seconds) = 2
 1 
 Measured Current * 
 Current Imbal Derate Factor  − 1
 Motor FLA 
 
 


Motor Overload

Commonly Used Overload Curves


Seconds to Trip


Class 40
Class 30
Class 20
10 Class 15

Class 10

Class 5

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Current % (FLA)

NOTE: In some cases the power stack rating may determine what motor overload settings are available. Each power stack is designed to
support specific motor overload classes. The RBX power stack is designed for class 10 duty without derating. Refer to section 2.5.7 for the
specifics of the RBX overload capabilities. Also, in certain heavy duty DC braking applications, the overload settings may be limited to
protect the motor from potential damage during braking.

See “http:\www.benshaw.com\olcurves.html” for automated overload calculator.


Motor Overload

8.1.3 Motor Overload Operation

Overload Heating

When the motor is operating in the overloaded condition (motor current greater than FLAxSF), the motor overload content will
accumulate based on the starter’s operating mode at a rate established by the overload protection class chosen. The accumulated
overload content can be viewed on the display or over the communications network.

Overload Alarm

When the accumulated motor overload content reaches 90%, an overload alarm condition will be declared. A relay output can be
programmed to change state when a motor overload alarm condition is present to warn of an impending motor overload fault.

Overload Trip

When the motor overload content reaches 100%, the MX starter will trip protecting the motor from damage. If the controlled fault
stop feature of the MX control is enabled, the starter will first perform the defined deceleration or DC braking profile before stopping
the motor. The motor overload trip time accuracy is ± 0.2 seconds or ± 3% of total trip time.

Overload Start Lockout

After tripping on an overload, restarting will be prevented and the starter will be “locked out” until the accumulated motor overload
content has cooled below 15%.

8.1.4 Current Imbalance / Negative Sequence Current Compensation

The MX motor overload calculations automatically compensate for the additional motor heating which results from the presence of
unbalanced phase currents. When a current imbalance is present, there can be significant negative sequence currents present in the
motor. These negative sequence currents have a rotation opposite the motor rotation and are typically at two times the line
frequency. Due to the negative sequence currents opposite rotation and higher frequency, these currents can cause a significant
increase in rotor heating.

The overload curves provided by a motor manufacturer are based on balanced motor operation. Therefore, if a current imbalance is
present, the MX motor overload will compensate for the additional heating effect by accumulating overload content FASTER and
tripping sooner to protect the motor. The current imbalance compensation also adjusts the Hot / Cold motor protection as described
below in section 8.1.6 Hot / Cold Motor Overload Compensation. The MX control’s derating factor is based on NEMA MG-1 14.35
specifications and is shown in the following Figure 12 – Overload Derated for Current Imbalance.


Motor Overload
Figure 12 – Overload Derated for Current Imbalance

MX Motor OL derating vs. current imbalance


Derating Factor




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Current imbalance %

8.1.5 Harmonic Compensation

The MX motor overload calculation automatically compensates for the additional motor heating that can result from the presence of
harmonics. Harmonics can be generated by other loads connected to the supply such as DC drives, AC variable frequency drives, arc
lighting, uninterruptable power supplies, and other similar loads.

8.1.6 Hot / Cold Motor Overload Compensation

If a motor has been in operation for some time, it will have heated up to some point. Therefore, there is typically less overload
content available in the case where a motor is restarted immediately after it has been running when compared to the situation where a
motor has been allowed to cool down before restarting. The MX control provides adjustable hot motor overload compensation to
fully protect the motor in these cases.

If the hot and cold maximum locked rotor times are provided, the MX Hot/Cold Ratio parameter value can be calculated as follows:

 Max Hot Locked Rotor Time 

OL H/C Ratio = 1 −  x 100 %
 Max Cold Locked Rotor Time 

If no motor information is available, a Hot/Cold ratio value of 60% is usually a good starting point.

The MX control will adjust the actual motor overload content based on the programmed Hot/Cold Ratio set point and the present
running current of the motor so that the accumulated motor overload content will accurately track the thermal condition of the motor.
If the motor current is constant, the overload content will eventually reach a steady state value. This value is derived as follows:

Current 1
OLss = OL H/C Ratio × ×
FLA Current Imbalance Derate Factor
The running OL content is also adjusted based on the derating factor due to the presence of any current imbalances and or harmonics.

If the existing motor overload content is less than the calculated running OL content, the motor overload will exponentially increase
the overload content until the appropriate running overload content level is achieved. If the existing motor overload content is greater
than the calculated running OL content level, the overload will exponentially cool down or decrease to the appropriate running


Motor Overload
overload content level. The rate of the running motor overload heating or cooling is controlled by the Motor Cooling Time

The following diagram illustrates how the current and the OL H/C Ratio parameter determine the steady state overload content. It
assumes there is no current imbalance.

Figure 13 – Motor Overload H/C Ratio Example




80 %

30 %

0 %

80 %

Overload 40 %
Content 30 %
15 %
0 %
T0 T1 T2 T3

At time T0, the motor current is 100%FLA and the OL H/C Ratio is set at 30%. It is assumed that the motor has been running for
some time and the motor overload content has reached a steady state value of 30% (30% H/C Ratio x 100% FLA = 30%).

At time T1, the motor current drops to 50%FLA. The motor overload content exponentially cools to a new steady state value of 15%
(30% H/C Ratio x 50% FLA = 15%).

At time T2, the OL H/C Ratio is set to 80%. The motor overload content exponentially rises to a new steady state value of 40% (80%
H/C Ratio x 50% FLA = 40%).

At time T3 the motor current rises back up to 100%FLA. The motor overload content exponentially rises to a new steady state value
of 80% (80% H/C Ratio x 100% FLA= 80%).

8.1.7 Separate Starting and Running Motor Overload Settings

If desired, separate overload classes can be programmed for use during starting and during running. The motor overload protection
may also be disabled during starting or during normal running. In order to enable separate overload settings the Independent Start /
Run OL parameter needs to be set on to allow independent overload operation. Once set to independent “ON”, the individual Start
and Run OL class parameters can be set to either off or the desired overload class settings.

The Starting OL parameter value is used for the motor overload calculations when the starter is starting the motor (kick mode,
acceleration, and running before up-to-speed has been declared). Once the motor has reached full speed and during deceleration or
braking, the Running OL class is used for the motor overload calculations. As the motor protection curves shift from the acceleration
curve to the running curve, the accumulated overload content will be retained to provide a seamless transition from one mode of
operation to the other.

Disabling the Starting OL function or using a higher OL class for the Starting OL can be useful on extremely high inertial loads such
as large centrifuges or high friction loads that require very long starting periods.


Motor Overload
NOTE: When Independent Start/Stop OL is set “OFF”, the running OL is used at all times.

NOTE: When one or the other overload is disabled, the Hot/Cold motor compensation is still active. Therefore the motor overload
content may still slowly increase or decrease depending on the measured motor current. However if the motor overload is disabled in
one of the operating modes, the motor overload content will be limited in that mode to a maximum of 99%. Therefore a motor
overload trip can not occur.

CAUTION: When both overloads are disabled, the accumulated overload content will be set to zero (0%) and the starter will
provide no motor overload protection. External motor overload protection must be provided to prevent motor damage and/or the risk
of fire in the case of a motor overload.

8.1.8 Motor Cooling While Stopped

The Motor Cooling Time parameter is used to adjust the cooling rate of the motor overload. When the motor is stopped and cooling,
the accumulated motor overload content is reduced in an exponential manner.

OL Content = OL Content wh en Stopped * e CoolingTime

When the motor is stopped, the motor overload will cool as shown in the following figure.

Figure 14 – Motor Cooling While Stopped Curves

MX Motor OL Cooling, Motor Stopped




Remaining OL Content %

12 min
15 min
20 min
30 min

30 min


12 min

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800
Time (sec)

If the motor manufacturer does not specify the motor cooling time, the following approximations for standard TEFC cast iron motors
based on frame size can be used:


Motor Overload

Frame Size Cooling Time

180 30 min
280 60 min
360 90 min
400/440 120 min
500 180 min
Larger frames Consult

For motors less than 300hp, another approximation based on allowable motor starts per hour can also be used to set an initial value of
the Motor Cooling Time parameter:

60 minutes
Motor Cooling Time (minutes) ≈
Starts per hour

The MX’s Cooling Time parameter is defined as the time that it takes for the motor to cool from 100% overload content to less than
1% overload content. Sometimes a motor manufacturer may provide a cooling time constant (τ or tau) value. In these cases, the MX
motor cooling time parameter should be set to five (5) times the specified time constant value.

8.1.9 Motor Cooling when Running

When the motor is running, the Motor Cooling Time parameter and the H/C Ratio parameter settings control the motor OL content.
If the motor overload content is above the steady state OL running level (See section 8.1.6 Hot/Cold Motor Compensation for more
details) the motor OL will exponentially cool to the appropriate steady state OL level. When the motor is running, the cooling time
will be adjusted based on the measured current level and current imbalance level that the motor is operating at.

Measured Running Current 1

Cooling Time Running = Cooling Time Stopped * *
Motor FLA Current Imbalance Derate Factor

In all cases, the running motor cooling time will be shorter (motor will cool faster) than when the motor is stopped. The faster cooling
results because it is assumed that when a motor is running, cooling air is being applied to the motor.

8.1.10 Emergency Motor Overload Reset

The MX control has an emergency motor overload reset feature that allows the user to override the overload starter lockout.

To perform an emergency overload reset, simultaneously press the RESET and DOWN buttons on the keypad. An emergency overload
reset may also be performed by applying 120 Volts to a digital input that is configured as an emergency overload reset input or by
setting the emergency overload reset bit in the stator control modbus register

CAUTION: This feature should only be used in an emergency. Before an emergency reset is performed the cause of the motor
overload should be investigated to ensure that the motor is capable of restarting without causing undesired motor or load damage.
When the emergency motor overload reset is used, the accumulated motor overload content will be reset back to zero (0%).
Therefore the MX’s motor protection functions may not be able to fully protect the motor from damage during a restart after
performing an emergency motor overload reset.


Motor Service Factor

8.2 Motor Service Factor

General The motor service factor parameter should be set to the service factor of the motor. The service factor
is used to determine the “pick up” point for the overload calculations. If the service factor of the
motor is not known then the service factor should be set to 1.00.

NOTE: The NEC (National Electrical Code) does not allow the service factor to be set above 1.40.
Check with other local electrical codes for their requirements.

The National Electrical Code, article 430 Part C, allows for different overload multiplier factors
depending on the motor and operating conditions. NEC section 430-32 outlines the allowable service
factor for different motors as follows:

Motor Overload Multiplier

Service factor 1.15 or more 1.25
Motor temp. rise 40°C or less 1.25
All others 1.15
NEC section 430-34 permits further modifications if the service factor (Serv. Fact) is not sufficient to
start the motor:

Motor Overload Multiplier

Service factor 1.15 or more 1.40
Motor temp. rise 40°C or less 1.40
All others 1.30
Although the NEC does not address the effect of the ambient temperature of the motor location,
guidance can be derived by examining NEC limits. If the motor is operating in an ambient
temperature that is less than 40°C, then the overload multiplier can be increased while still protecting
the motor from exceeding it’s maximum designed temperature. The following curve gives the
ambient temperature versus the correction factor.

Example: If a motor operates at 0°C, then a 1.36 correction factor could be applied to the overload
multiplier. This could give a theoretical overload multiplier of 1.36 x 1.25 or 1.70. The highest legal
NEC approved value of overload multiplier is 1.40, so this could be used.


Acceleration Control

8.3 Acceleration Control

8.3.1 Current Ramp Settings, Ramps and Times

General The current ramp sets how the motor accelerates. The current ramp is a linear increase in current
from the initial setting to the maximum setting. The ramp time sets the speed of this linear current
increase. The following figure shows the relationships of these different ramp settings.

Figure 15 – Current Ramp



Start command


Motor FLA

Kick Time Ramp Time

Up To Speed Timer

Initial Current The initial current should be set to the level that allows the motor to begin rotating within a couple of
seconds of receiving a start command.

To adjust the initial current setting, give the starter a run command. Observe the motor to see how
long it takes before it begins rotating and then stop the unit. For every second that the motor doesn’t
rotate, increase the initial current by 20%. Typical loads will require an initial current in the range of
50% to 175%.

Maximum Current For most applications, the maximum current can be left at 600%. This will ensure that enough current
is applied to the motor to accelerate it to full speed.

The maximum current can also be set to a lower current limit. This is usually done to limit the
voltage drop on the power system or to limit the torque the motor produces to help prevent damage to
the driven load.

NOTE: The motor may achieve full speed at any time during the current ramp. This means that the
maximum current setting may not be reached. Therefore, the maximum current setting is the most
current that could ever reach the motor, and not necessarily the maximum current that will reach the

NOTE: When setting a current limit, the motor must be monitored to ensure that the current is high
enough to allow the motor to reach full speed under worst case load conditions.

Ramp Time The ramp time is the time it takes for the current to go from the initial current to the maximum
current. To make the motor accelerate faster, decrease the ramp time. To make the motor accelerate
slower, increase the ramp time.


Acceleration Control
If the ramp time expires before the motor reaches full speed, the starter will maintain the set
maximum current level until either the motor reaches full speed, the Up to Speed time expires, or the
motor thermal overload trips.

NOTE: Setting the ramp time to a specific value does not necessarily mean that the motor will take
this time to accelerate to full speed. The motor and load may achieve full speed before the ramp time
expires if the application does not require the set ramp time and maximum current to reach full speed.
Alternatively, the motor and load may take longer than the set ramp time to achieve full speed.

8.3.2 Programming A Kick Current

General The kick current sets a constant current level that is applied to the motor before the ramp begins. The
kick current is only useful on motor loads that are hard to get rotating but then are much easier to
move once they are rotating. An example of a load that is hard to get rotating is a ball mill. The ball
mill requires a high torque to get it to rotate the first quarter turn (90°). Once the ball mill is past 90°
of rotation, the material inside will begin tumbling and it is easier to turn.

Kick Level The kick current parameter is usually set to a low value and then the kick time is adjusted to get the
motor rotating. If the kick time is set to more than 2.0 seconds without the motor rotating, increase
the kick current by 100% and re-adjust the kick time.

Kick Time The kick time adjustment should begin at 0.5 seconds and be adjusted by 0.1 or 0.2 second intervals
until the motor begins rotating. If the kick time is adjusted above 2.0 seconds without the motor
rotating, start over with a higher kick current setting.

8.3.3 TruTorque Acceleration Control Settings and Times

General TruTorque acceleration control is a closed loop torque based control. The primary purpose of
TruTorque acceleration control is to smoothly start motors and to reduce the torque surge that can
occur as an AC induction motor comes up to speed. This torque surge can be a problem in
applications such as pumps and belt driven systems. In pumping applications, this torque surge can
result in a pressure peak as the motor comes up to speed. In most situations this small pressure peak
is not a problem. However in selected cases, even a small pressure rise can be highly undesirable. In
belt driven applications, TruTorque can prevent the slipping of belts as the motor reaches full speed.

Figure 16 – TruTorque Ramp


Max Torque
Motor Running
Start command

Optional Kick

Initial Torque

Kick Time Ramp Time

Up To Speed Timer


Acceleration Control
TruTorque acceleration control can be very useful for a variety of applications. However it is best
used to start centrifugal pumps, fans, and other variable torque applications. TruTorque generally
should not be used in applications where the starting load varies greatly during the start such as with
a reciprocating compressor, where the starting load is very low, or where the starting load varies
greatly from one start to another. TruTorque control is not recommended for the starting of AC
synchronous motors.

Initial Torque This parameter sets the initial torque level that the motor will produce at the beginning of the starting
ramp profile. A typical value is 10% to 20%. If the motor starts too quickly or the initial torque level
is too high, reduce this parameter. If the motor does not start rotating within a few seconds after a
start is commanded, increase this parameter. If the value is set too low a “No Current at Run” fault
may occur.

Maximum Torque This parameter sets the final or maximum torque level that the motor will produce at the end of the
ramp time during acceleration. For a loaded motor, the maximum torque value initially should be set
to 100% or greater. If the maximum torque value is set too low, the motor may not produce enough
torque to reach full speed and may stall. On lightly loaded motors, this parameter may be reduced
below 100% to produce smoother starts.

If the motor can be started by using the default TruTorque acceleration parameter values or another
ramp profile, the Maximum Torque level can be determined more precisely so that the motor will
come up to speed in approximately the preset ramp time. In this case, while the motor is running
fully loaded, display the TruTorque percent (TT%) meter on the display. Record the value displayed.
The Maximum Torque level should then be set to the recorded full load value of TT% plus an
additional 10%. Restart the motor with this value to verify correct operation.

Note: When setting the Maximum Torque value the motor must be monitored to ensure that the
torque level is high enough to allow the motor to reach full speed under worst case load conditions.

Note: Depending on loading, the motor many achieve full speed at any time during the TruTorque
ramp. This means that the Maximum Torque level many never be achieved. Therefore, the
maximum torque level is the maximum TruTorque level that will be permitted. However the motor
torque may not necessarily reach this value during all starts.

Ramp Time When in TruTorque acceleration mode, the ramp time setting is the time it takes for the torque to go
from the initial torque setting to the maximum torque setting. To make the motor accelerate faster,
decrease the ramp time. To make the motor accelerate slower, increase the ramp time.

If the ramp time expires before the motor reaches full speed, the starter will maintain the Maximum
Torque level until either the motor reaches full speed, UTS timer expires, or the motor thermal
overload protection trips.

Note: Setting the ramp time to a specific value does not necessarily mean that the motor will take
that exact amount of time to accelerate to full speed. The motor and load may achieve full speed
before the ramp time expires if the load does not require the set ramp time or set torque level to reach
full speed. Alternately, the motor and load may take longer than the set ramp time to achieve full
speed depending on the parameter settings and load level.


Acceleration Control

8.3.4 Power Control Acceleration Settings and Times

General Power control is a closed loop power based acceleration control. The primary purpose of Power
controlled acceleration is to control and limit the power (kW) drawn from the power system and to
reduce the power surge that may occur as an AC induction motor comes up to speed. This power
surge can be a problem in applications that are operated on generators or other limited or “soft”
power systems. Power control also reduces the torque surge that can also occur as an AC induction
motor comes up to speed.

Figure 17 – Power Ramp

Motor Input

Max Power
Motor Running
Power Level
Start command

Optional Kick

Initial Power

Kick Time Ramp Time

Up To Speed Timer

Power control acceleration can be very useful for a variety of applications. Power control generally
should not be used in applications where the starting load varies greatly during the start such as with
a reciprocating compressor. Power control is not recommended for starting of AC synchronous

Initial Power This parameter sets the initial power level that the motor will draw at the beginning of the starting
ramp profile. A typical value is usually 10% to 30%. If the motor starts too quickly or the initial
power level is too high, reduce this parameter. If the motor does not start rotating within a few
seconds after a start is commanded, increase this parameter. If this value is set too low a “No Current
at Run” fault may occur.

Maximum Power This parameter sets the final or maximum power level that the motor will produce at the end of the
ramp time during acceleration. For a loaded motor, the maximum power level initially should be set
to 100% or greater. If the maximum power level value is set too low, the motor may not produce
enough torque to reach full speed and may stall. On lightly loaded motors, this parameter may be
reduced below 100% to produce smoother starts.

If the motor can be started by using the default Power acceleration parameter values or the Current
control ramp, the Maximum Power level can be determined more precisely so that the motor will
come up to speed in approximately the preset ramp time. In this case, while the motor is running
fully loaded, display the Power percent (KW%) meter on the display. Record the value displayed.
The Maximum Power level should then be set to the recorded full load value of KW% plus an
additional 5% to 10%. Restart the motor with this value to verify correct operation.

Note: When setting the Maximum Power level, the motor must be monitored to ensure that the
starting power is high enough to allow the motor to reach full speed under worst case load conditions.

Note: Depending on loading, the motor may achieve full speed at any time during the Power ramp.
This means that the Maximum Power level may not be reached. Therefore, the maximum power


Acceleration Control
level is the maximum power level that will be permitted. However, the motor power may not
necessarily reach this value during all starts.

Ramp Time When in Power acceleration mode, the ramp time setting is the time it takes for the power to go from
the initial power setting to the maximum power setting. To make the motor accelerate faster,
decrease the ramp time. To make the motor accelerate slower, increase the ramp time.

If the ramp time expires before the motor reaches full speed the starter will maintain the Maximum
Power level until either the motor reaches full speed, the UTS timer expires, or the motor thermal
overload protection trips.

Note : Setting the ramp time to a specific value does not necessarily mean that the motor will take
that exact amount of time to accelerate to full speed. The motor and load may achieve full speed
before the ramp time expires if the load does not require the set ramp time or set power level to reach
full speed. Alternately, the motor and load may take longer than the set ramp time to achieve full
speed depending on the parameter settings and load level.


Acceleration Control

8.3.5 Open Loop Voltage Ramps and Times

General The open loop voltage ramp provides soft starting of a motor by increasing the voltage applied to motor from the Initial
Voltage setting to full (100%) line voltage. The ramp time sets the speed at which the voltage is increased. Because this
is an open loop control profile the motor current during starting will tend to be reduced; however, the current will not be
limited to any particular level. This starting mode it is not commonly used except in special circumstances. In most
applications, the use of one of the other closed loop starting profiles is recommended

Figure 18 – Voltage Ramp


Full Voltage


Optional Kick

Initial Voltage

Kick Time Ramp Time

Initial Voltage This parameter sets the initial voltage level that is applied to the motor. To adjust the starting voltage level, give the
starter a run command and observe the motor operation. If the motor starts too quickly reduce the initial voltage level. If
the motor does not start rotating immediately or starts too slowly then increase the initial voltage level until the motor just
starts to rotate when a start command is given. If the initial voltage level is set too low a Fault 39 – No Current at Run
may occur. In this case increase the initial voltage level to permit more current to initially flow to the motor.

Ramp Time The ramp time setting is the time that it takes for the applied voltage to go from the initial voltage level to the full voltage
(100%) level. To make the motor accelerate faster, decrease the ramp time. To make the motor accelerate slower
increase the ramp time.

Note: Setting the ramp time to a specific value does not necessarily mean that the motor will take this time to accelerate
to full speed. The motor and load may achieve full speed before the ramp time expires if the application does not require
the set ramp time and/or voltage to reach full speed. Alternatively, the motor and load may take longer than the set ramp
time to achieve full speed.


Acceleration Control

UTS Timer When the start mode is set to open-loop voltage ramp acceleration the UTS Timer acts as an acceleration kick. When the
UTS timer expires full voltage will be applied to the motor. This feature can be used to reduce motor surging that may
occur near the end of an open loop voltage ramp start. If a surge occurs near the end of the ramp set the UTS timer to
expire at this time and restart the motor. If the surge still occurs set the UTS time to a lower time until the surging
subsides. If motor surging continues to be a problem it is recommended that one of the other standard MX closed-loop
starting profiles be used.

Figure 19 - Effect of UTS Timer on Voltage Ramp


Full Voltage


Optional Kick

Initial Voltage

Kick Time Ramp
UTS Time


Acceleration Control

8.3.6 Dual Acceleration Ramp Control

General Two independent current ramps and kick currents may be programmed. The use of two different
starting profiles can be very useful with applications that have varying starting loads such as
conveyors that can start either loaded or unloaded.

The Current Ramp 1 profile is programmed using the parameters Initial Current 1, Maximum
Current 1, and Ramp Time 1. The Current Ramp 2 is programmed using the parameters Initial
Current 2, Maximum Current 2, and Ramp Time 2. Kick Current 1 profile is programmed using the
parameters Kick Level 1 and Kick Time 1. Kick Current 2 profile is programmed using the
parameters Kick Level 2 and Kick Time 2.

Acceleration Ramp Selection Current Ramp 2 and Kick Current 2 starting profiles are selected by programming a digital input to
the Ramp Select function and then energizing that input by applying 120 Volts to it. When a digital
input is programmed to Ramp Select, but de-energized, Current Ramp 1 and Kick Current 1 are
selected. When no digital inputs are programmed to the Ramp Select function the Ramp 1 profile is

The Ramp Select input only affects the starting profile when using a current ramp profile and during
a kick. The Ramp Select input does not affect the TruTorque ramp, Power ramp, or the Voltage ramp
profile (unless kicking is enabled at the beginning of those ramps).

The following table summarizes which parameters affect the starting profile when a digital input is
programmed to the Ramp Select function and that input is either energized or de-energized.

Ramp Select De-energized Ramp Select Energized

Current Ramp Initial Motor Current 1 Initial Motor Current 2
Maximum Motor Current 1 Maximum Motor Current 2
Ramp Time 1 Ramp Time 2
Kick Level 1 Kick Level 2
Kick Time 1 Kick Time 2
TruTorque Ramp Initial Voltage/Torque/Power
Maximum Torque/Power
Ramp Time 1
Kick Level 1 Kick Level 2
Kick Time 1 Kick Time 2
Power Ramp Initial Voltage/Torque/Power
Maximum Torque/Power
Ramp Time 1
Kick Level 1 Kick Level 2
Kick Time 1 Kick Time 2
Voltage Ramp Initial Voltage/Torque/Power
Ramp Time 1
Kick Level 1 Kick Level 2
Kick Time 1 Kick Time 2


Acceleration Control

Changing Ramp Profiles The selected ramp profile may be changed during starting by changing the Ramp Select input. When
the Ramp Select input changes during ramping, control switches to the other profile as if it were
already in progress. It does not switch to the beginning of the other profile. Refer to the following
example below:

Note: Once the motor has achieved an up-to-speed status (UTS), changes to the Ramp
Select input will have no effect on the motor operation.

Figure 20 - Ramp Select Change During Start

Ramp Profile 1
Kick Level 1

Maximum Current 1

Initial Current 1

Ramp Time 1

Kick Time 1
Ramp Profile 2
Maximum Current

Kick Level 2

Initial Current 2

Ramp Time 2

Kick Time 2

Ramp Select Changed During Start

Ramp 1 Selected Ramp 2 Selected

Ramp Time 2


Deceleration Control

8.4 Deceleration Control

8.4.1 Voltage Control Deceleration

Overview The deceleration control on the MX control uses an open loop voltage ramp. The control will ramp
the voltage down to decelerate the motor. The curve shows the motor voltage versus the decel setting.

Figure 21 – Motor Voltage Versus Decel Level

Beginning Level This sets the starting voltage of the deceleration ramp. Most motors require the voltage to drop to
around 60% or lower before any significant deceleration is observed. Therefore, a good first setting
for this parameter is 35%.

To adjust this parameter, it is necessary to observe the motor operation as soon as a stop is
commanded. If the motor hunts (speed oscillations) at the beginning of the deceleration, then lower
the parameter by 5%. If the motor has a big drop in speed as soon as a stop is commanded, then raise
the parameter by 5%.

Some motors are very sensitive to the adjustment of this parameter. If a 5% adjustment changes the
motor from hunting to dropping in speed, then a smaller change of 1% or 2% may be necessary.

Ending Level This sets the final voltage for the deceleration ramp. In most cases, this parameter can be set to 10%
and the decel time can be used to adjust the deceleration rate. If the motor is coming to a stop too
quickly or if the starter continues to apply current to the motor after the motor has stopped, this
parameter can be increased in 5% increments to fix this.

Decel Time The decel time sets how quickly the motor decelerates. Usually a time of 30 seconds is a good
starting point. To make the motor take longer to decelerate, increase this parameter or to make the
motor decelerate quicker, decrease this parameter.

Note: Deceleration control will provide a smoother stop, however the motor will take longer to stop
than if it was just allowed to coast to stop.


Deceleration Control
8.4.2 TruTorque Deceleration

Overview TruTorque deceleration control is a closed loop deceleration control. This allows TruTorque
deceleration to be more consistent in cases of changing line voltage levels and varying motor load
conditions. TruTorque deceleration is best suited to pumping and compressor applications where
pressure surges, such as water hammer, must be eliminated. The MX controller will linearly reduce
the motor’s torque to smoothly decelerate the motor and load. TruTorque deceleration is very easy to
use with only two parameters to set.

Figure 22 – TruTorque Deceleration

Stop command

Motor Torque
Before Stop

End Torque
Decel Time

Beginning Level TruTorque deceleration control automatically calculates the motor loading when the stop command
was given and uses this value as the beginning level for the TruTorque deceleration ramp. Therefore
there is no user parameter to set and the calculated beginning torque value provides a very smooth
transition from running to deceleration.

Ending Level The decel end level parameter sets the ending torque level for the TruTorque deceleration ramp

A typical TruTorque decel end level setting is between 10% and 20%. If the motor stops rotating
before the deceleration time has expired, increase this parameter value. If the motor is still rotating
when the deceleration time has expired, decrease this parameter value.

Decel Time The decel time sets the ramp time between the motor torque level when stop was commanded and the
decel end torque level.

If the motor stops rotating before the decel time has expired, decrease the decel time parameter. If
the motor is still rotating when the decel time expires, increase the decel time parameter.


Wye Delta Opeartion

8.5 Wye-Delta Operation

When the MX control Starter Type parameter (FUN 07, P64) is set to Wye-Delta, the MX control is configured to operate an
electromechanical Wye-Delta (Star-Delta) starter. When in Wye-Delta mode, all MX motor and starter protective functions except
bad SCR detection and power stack overload, are available to provide full motor and starter protection

The MX control utilizes an intelligent Wye to Delta transition algorithm. If during starting the measured motor current drops below
85% of FLA and more than 25% of the UTS / Transition Time (QST 09, P9) has elapsed then a Wye to Delta transition will occur.
The intelligent transition algorithm prevents unnecessarily prolonged motor starts thereby reducing motor heating. If a Wye to Delta
transition has not already occurred, a transition will always occur when the complete UTS / Transition Time (QST 09, P9) expires.

The MX control can operate two configurations of Wye-Delta starters, open transition and closed transition. An open transition
starter momentarily disconnects the motor from the input line during the transition from Wye to Delta operating mode. A closed
transition starter uses resistors that are inserted during the transition so that the motor is never completely disconnected from the input
line. The presence of these resistors in a closed transition starter smoothes the transition from Wye to Delta operating mode. A
typical closed transition Wye-Delta starter schematic is shown in Figure 10.

For the Wye-Delta starter mode to operate properly, one output relay needs to be programmed to the RUN output function and
another output relay needs to be programmed to the UTS output function. (Refer to parameters I/0 04-06, P42-44 for more

Based on the typical closed transition schematic shown in Figure 10 – Wye Delta Motor Connection to the MX Control, when a start
command is given the starter will enter the Wye starting mode by energizing the relay programmed as RUN.

The transition to Wye (Starting) mode occurs as follows:

1. Start command is given to the starter.

2. The RUN relay is energized which energizes the 1S contactor.

3. When the 1S contactor pulls in, the 1M contactor is energized.

The MX starter will remain in the Wye mode until either:

1. The start command is removed.

2. The Transition Time (QST 09, P9) expires


The measured motor current is less than 85% of FLA and at least 25% of the Transition Time (QST 09, P9) has elapsed.

3. A fault occurs.

When the Transition Time (QST 09, P9) expires, the starter will change from Wye starting mode to the Delta or normal running
mode by energizing the relay programmed as UTS. In Delta mode, the RUN and UTS relays are both energized and the motor is
connected in the normal running Delta configuration.

The transition to Delta (Run) mode occurs as follows:

1. The Transition Time (QST 09, P9) expires


The measured motor current is less than 85% of FLA and at least 25% of the Transition Time (QST 09, P9) has elapsed.

2. The UTS relay is energized which energizes the 2S contactor.


Wye Delta Opeartion

3. When the 2S contactor pulls in, resistors are inserted in the circuit and the 1S contactor is DE-energized.

4. When the 1S contactor drops out the 2M contactor is energized.

5. When the 2M contactor is pulled in, feedback can be sent to the MX control board to confirm that the transition sequence
to Delta is complete.

The starter will remain in the Delta or running mode until the start command is removed or a fault occurs.

Usually the MX intelligent Wye to Delta transition algorithm provides an optimal transition point that minimizes the transient current
and torque surges that can occur. However sometimes, based on the motor and loading, the Wye to Delta transition will occur only
after the Transition Time has expired. In order to reduce the current surge that can take place during the transition from Wye to Delta
mode, the Transition Time parameter (QST 09, P9) should be adjusted so that the transition occurs as close to full speed as possible
within the constraints of the load. If the transition time is set too short, a large current and torque surge may occur during the
transition. If the transition time is set too long, the motor may not have sufficient torque to continue accelerating when in Wye mode
and may stop accelerating at a low speed until the transition to Delta mode occurs. If this occurs, the start is unnecessarily prolonged
and motor heating is increased.

A typical closed transition Wye-Delta starting current profile is shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23 – Wye Delta Profile

Wye-Delta Closed Transition Current Profile



% Full 400%
Current 300%



0% 100 %
% speed

Transition from Wye to Delta mode

A digital input (I/O 01-03, P39-41) can be programmed as a 2M contactor feedback input. This input provides verification that the
2M contactor has fully closed preventing operation when the transition resistors are still connected in the motor circuit. The use of
this feedback is recommended to prevent the overheating of the transition resistors if the 2M contactor does not close properly. The
2M confirmation trip time can be adjusted by modifying the Bypass / 2M Confirm parameter (I/O 16, P54).

Note: When in Wye-Delta mode, the acceleration ramp, kick, and deceleration settings have no effect on motor operation.

Note: When in Wye-Delta mode, the SCR gate outputs are disabled.


Phase Control

8.6 Phase Control

When the MX control Starter Type parameter (FUN 07, P64) is set to Phase Control, the MX control is configured to operate as a
phase controller or voltage follower. This is an open loop control mode. When a start command is given, the RUN programmed
relays outputs will energize. The firing angles of the SCRs will be directly controlled based on voltage or current applied to the
Analog Input.

Figure 24 – Phase Control Mode

MX Phase Control Mode




SCR phase angle (%)

SCR phase
50 command





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Analog Input (%)

A reference input value of 0% will result in no output. A reference input value of 100% will result in full (100%) output voltage.
The actual input voltage / current that results in a given output can be adjusted through the use of the Analog Input Offset (I/O 11,
P49) and the Analog Input Span (I/O 10, P48) parameters.

The Phase Control mode has many uses. Two typical applications are use in master/slave starter configurations and as a basic phase

Phase Controller:

When in Phase Control mode, the MX controller can function as a general phase controller. Phase control can be used to directly
control the voltage applied to motors, resistive heaters, etc. When in Voltage Control mode, the phase angle of the SCRs and hence
the voltage applied is directly controlled based on the measured analog input signal. The MX controller’s reference command can be
generated from any 0-10V, 0-20mA, or similar sources such as a potentiometer, another MX controller, or an external controller
such as a PLC.

Master/Slave Starter (Lead/Follower) Configuration:

In the master / slave configuration, one “master” starter can directly control the output of one or more slave starters. To utilize the
master / slave configuration, one starter needs to be defined as the “master” starter. The Starter Type parameter (FUN 07, P64) of the
“master” starter should be configured appropriately as a Soft Starter (normal or ID), Phase Controller, or Current Follower. If
configured as a soft starter, the acceleration and deceleration profiles will need to be configured for proper operation.

To configure a master / slave application:

1. The analog output of the master MX control card needs to be connected to the analog input(s) of the slave card(s).


Phase Control
2. The master MX control card’s analog output needs to be configured. Set the Analog Output Function parameter (I/O 12,
P50) to option 10 or “0 – 100% firing”. The analog output span parameter (I/O 13, P51) should be set to provide a 0 –
10V or 0-20 milliamp output to the slave starter(s). Adjust analog output jumper (JP1) to provide either a voltage or a
current output.

Set the slave MX control card’s Starter Type parameter (FUN 07, P64) to Phase Control and verify that the Analog input
offset (I/O 11, P49) and span (I/O 10, P48) parameters are set to accept the master signal.

3. The slave MX control cards need to be provided with a start command from the master MX card. A RUN programmed
relay from the master MX controller can be used to provide the start command to the slave controllers. The slave card(s)
Control Source parameter settings need to be set appropriately.

4. The slave MX control card analog input(s) need to be configured for the appropriate voltage or current input signal type.
Set the analog input jumper (JP3) to the desired input type.

For additional master / slave application information consult factory.

Note: The power stack must be rated for continuous non-bypassed duty in order to operate in Phase Control mode
continuously, NO BYPASS.

Note: When operating in Phase Control mode, the acceleration ramp, kick, and deceleration settings have no effect on

Note: When in Phase Control mode the following motor / starter protective functions are available:

- Current Imbalance

- Over Current

- Under Current

- Over Voltage

- Under Voltage

- Over Frequency

- Under Frequency

- Phase Loss

- Phase Rotation

- Current while Stopped.

- Motor OL

- Residual Ground Fault

- Instantaneous Over Current (IOC)


Current Follower

8.7 Current Follower

When the MX control Starter Type parameter (FUN07, P64) is set to Current Follower, the MX control is configured to operate as a
Closed Loop current follower. Current Follower mode can be used to control the current applied to motors, resistive heaters, etc.
The Current Follower mode uses the analog input to receive the desired current command and controls the SCRs to output the
commanded current. The MX controllers reference command can be generated from any 0-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA source such as a
potentiometer, another MX controller, or an external controller such as a PLC. When a start command is given, the RUN
programmed relay output will energize and the SCRs will be gated.

MX Current Follower Mode




Current Output (% FLA)






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Analog Input (%)

A reference input value of 0% will result in no output. A reference input value of 100% will result in a current output equal to the
FLA setting (QST1, P1). The actual voltage or current input that results in a given output can be adjusted through the use of the
Analog Input Offset (I/O 11, P49) and Analog Input Span (I/O 10, P48) user parameters.

Note: The power stack must be rated for continuous non-bypassed duty in order to operate in Current Follower mode continuously.
Note: When operating in Current Follower mode, the acceleration ramp, kick, and deceleration settings have no effect on operation.
Note: When in Current Follower mode the following motor / starter protective functions are available:

- Current Imbalance - Phase Loss

- Over Current - Phase Rotation
- Under Current - Current while Stopped.
- Over Voltage - Motor OL
- Under Voltage - Residual Ground Fault
- Over Frequency - Instantaneous Over Current (IOC)
- Under Frequency


Across The Line / Full Voltage Operation

8.8 Across The Line / Full Voltage Operation

When the MX control Starter Type parameter (FUN 07, P64) is set to ATL, the MX control is configured to operate an
electromechanical full voltage or across-the-line (ATL) starter.

In the ATL configuration, the MX controller expects that the motor contactor (1M) will be directly controlled by a digital output
relay that is programmed for the RUN function. Therefore, when a start command is given, the RUN programmed relay will energize
the motor contactor, which will apply power to the motor. When the MX controller has determined that the motor has reached full
speed, the up-to-speed (UTS) condition will be indicated by energizing the UTS programmed relays. When configured as an ATL
starter, all MX motor and starter protective functions except bad SCR detection and power stack overload are available to provide full
motor and starter protection.

Figure 25 – ATL Starter Schematic

L1 L2 L3

To TB3, C1+ (White Wire )

To TB3, C1- (Black Wire)
To TB3, C2+ (White Wire) Current Feedbacks
To TB3, C2- (Black Wire) to MX control
To TB3, C3+ (White Wire)
To TB3, C3- (Black Wire)
To TB4 (SCR 1) K1

To TB6 (SCR 2) K2

To TB8 (SCR 3) K3

Voltage &
y to MX

T1 T3


Control Power

Input Common



Note: When in ATL mode, the acceleration ramp, kick, and deceleration settings have no effect on motor operation.

Note: When in ATL mode, the SCR gate outputs are disabled.


Simplified I/O Schematics

8.9 Simplified I/O Schematics

Figure 26 – Digital Input Simplified Schematic

15.0K O

475 O

15.0K O

Figure 27 – Analog Input Simplified Schematic

1M O

499 O

JP 3

1M O

Figure 28 – Analog Output Simplified Schematic

20.0K O

20.0K O
365 K O

+ 15V
0.1 ?f


36.0K O 10 O
10 K O 0.1 ?f AOUT

499 O

JP 1



Using Modbus Communication

8.10 Using Modbus

Supported Commands The MX Control supports the following Modbus commands:

• Read Holding Registers (03 hex)
• Read Input Registers (04 hex)
• Preset Single Register (06 hex)
• Preset Multiple Registers (10 hex)
Up to 64 registers may be read or written with a single command.

Modbus Register Addresses The Modbus specification defines holding registers to begin at 40001 and input registers to begin at
30001. Holding registers may be read and written. Input registers may only be read.

In the MX Control, the register maps are identical for both the holding registers and the input
registers. For example, the Motor FLA parameter is available both in holding register 40050 and in
input register 30050. This is why the register addresses in the appendix are listed with both numbers
(e.g. 30050/40050).

Cable Specifications Good quality twisted, shielded communications cable should be used when connecting to the Modbus
port on the MX Control. The cable should contain two twisted pairs and have an overall shield. Use
one pair of conductors for the A(-) and B(+) signals. Use the other pair of conductors for the
Common signal. The cable should adhere to the following specifications.
• Conductors: 2 twisted pair
• Impedance: 100 Ohm to 120 Ohm
• Capacitance: 16 pF/ft or less
• Shield: Overall shield or individual pair shields
Examples of cables that meet these specifications are Belden part number 9842 and Alpha Wire part
number 6412.

Terminating Resistors The MX Control contains a jumper site (JP2) located next to the Modbus connection terminals for
installing a 120 Ohm impedance matching terminating resistor. Installing a jumper on JP2 connects a
120 Ohm resistor between the RS-485 A(-) and B(+) lines.

The purpose of terminating resistors is to eliminate signal reflections that can occur at the end of a
network trunk line. In general, terminating resistors are not needed unless the bit rate is very high, or
the network is very long. In fact, terminating resistors place a large load on the network and may
reduce the number of drops that may be placed on the network.

The maximum baud rate of 19,200 supported by the MX Control is not high enough to warrant a
terminating resistor unless the network is extremely long (3,000 feet or more). A jumper should only
be installed on the MX if signal reflection is known to be a problem and only if the MX Control is at
the end of the network. Terminating resistors should never be installed on nodes that are not at the
end of the network.

Grounding RS-485 buses with isolated nodes are most immune to noise when the bus is not connected to earth
ground at any point. If electrical codes require that the bus be connected to earth ground, then the
Common signal should be connected to earth ground at one point and one point only. If the Common
signal is connected to earth ground at more than one point, then significant currents can flow through
the Common signal when earth ground potentials are different at those points. This can cause damage
to devices attached to the bus.

Shielding The shield should be continuous from one end of the trunk to the other. The shield must be tied to the
RS-485 Common signal at one point and one point only. If the shield is not tied to Common at any
point or is tied to Common at more than one point, then its effectiveness at eliminating noise is
greatly reduced.


Using Modbus Communication



The terminating resistors in many cases are not required. If there is a lot of noise on the line or the line is several hundred (100) feet
long or greater, then the terminating resistors may be required. The resistor is 120 ohm ¼ Watt in size.

The shield, which is not shown, is connected to ground at one end of the line, not at each device. If connected at each device,
ground loops may be induced in the starters.





Using Modbus Communication

9 Technical Information


Technical Specifications

9.1 General Information

The physical specifications of the starter vary depending upon its configuration. The applicable motor current determines the
configuration and its specific application requirements.

This document covers the control electronics and several power sections:
• MX control board
• RB Power Stacks with Bypass, Integral and Separate
• RC Power Stacks, Continuous operation, NO bypass

9.2 Environmental Conditions

Table 8 – Environmental Ratings

Operating Temperatures 0°C to +40°C (32°F to 104°F)
Storage Temperatures -20°C to +70°C (-4°F to 155°F)
Humidity 0% to 95% non condensing
Altitude 1000m (3300ft) without derating
Maximum Vibration 5.9m/s 2 (19.2ft/s 2 ) [0.6G]
Cooling Natural convection

9.3 Altitude Derating

Benshaw’s starters are capable of operating at altitudes up to 3,300 feet (1000 meters) without requiring altitude derating. provides
the derating percentage to be considered when using a starter above 3,300 feet (1000 meters).

9.4 Approvals

MX control UL, cUL Recognized

9.5 Certificate of compliance

CE Mark

9.6 List of Motor Protection Features

• ANSI 51 – Electronic motor overload (Off, class 1 to 40, separate starting and running curves available)
• ANSI 86 – Overload lockout
• ANSI 51 – Overcurrent detection (Off or 50 to 800% and time 0.1 to 90.0 sec. in 0.1 sec. intervals)
• ANSI 50 - Instantaneous electronic overcurrent trip
• ANSI 37 – Undercurrent detection (Off or 5 to 100% and time 0.1 to 90.0 sec. in 0.1 sec. intervals)
• ANSI 46 – Current imbalance detection (Off or 5 to 40%)
• ANSI 51G – Ground fault detection (Off or 5 to 100%)
• ANSI 48 – Adjustable up-to-speed / stall timer (1 to 900 sec. in 1 sec. intervals)
• ANSI 59 / 27 – Adjustable over/under voltage protection (Off or 1 to 40%, time 0.1 to 90.0 sec. in 0.1 sec. intervals,
independent over and under voltage levels)
• ANSI 47 - Phase rotation (selectable ABC, CBA, Insensitive, or Single Phase)
• ANSI 81 – Over / Under Frequency
• ANSI 74 – Alarm relay output available
• Single Phase Protection
• Shorted SCR detection


Technical Specifications
9.7 MX Control Board

9.7.1 Terminal Points, Functions and Ratings

Table 9 – Terminals
Function Terminal Number Description

Control Power Input N, neutral 96 – 144V AC input
L, line 45VA current requirements
G, ground Line Frequency, 23 to 72Hz
Relay Output R1 NC1: Normally Closed Relay Output, SPDT form C
RC1:Common 5 Amp, 125VAC, resistive
NO1:Normally Open 1 Amp, 125VAC, 0.4PF
100VA Inrush
Relay Output R2 & R3 NC2, RC2, NO2 Relay Output, SPDT form C
NC3, RC3, NO3 16 Amp, 250VAC, resistive
8 Amp, 250VAC, 0.4PF
2000VA Inrush

Digital Inputs Start, DI1, S/DI1 Com 120V AC digital input, 2500V optical isolation, 4mA cur. draw
Start & DI1 Off = 0 to 35 VAC, On = 60 to 120VAC
See Figure 26 – Digital Input Simplified Schematic
Digital Inputs DI2, DI3, 120V AC digital input, 2500V optical isolation, 4mA cur. draw
DI2 & DI3 DI2/DI3 Com Off = 0 to 35 VAC, On = 60 to 120V AC
Serial Comm. (Slave) SA-, SB+, SCOM, Modbus slave serial communication port.
SHLD RS485 interface, SHLD is chassis ground
Data Rates; 19.2k baud maximum Modbus RTU
2500V Optical Isolation
Serial Comm MA-, MB+, MCOM, Factory Use Only, not isolated

Analog Output AOUT, COM, SHLD Voltage or Current Output, selectable by JP1
Voltage; 0-10VDC (20mA Maximum),
Current; 0-20mA, Software scalable, 500ohm load max.
Accuracy ±1.5% Full Scale
Update rate: 25msec.
See Figure 28 – Analog Output Simplified Schematic

Analog Input AIN+, ANI-, SHLD Voltage or Current Input, selectable by JP3
Voltage; 0-10VDC, 1 Meg. impedance
Current; 0-20mA, 499 ohm impedance, Software scalable,
Accuracy ± 3% of full scale
See Figure 27 – Analog Input Simplified Schematic
Reference Supply AIN PWR 10V DC (4 mA Maximum) Reference Source

JP1 Analog Output Voltage output when installed, Current loop removed
JP3 Analog Input Current input when installed, Voltage input removed
JP0, JP2,JD3 Factory Use Only


Technical Specifications

9.7.2 Terminal Block Rating Wire Gauge

The terminals can support 1- 14 AWG wire or 2-16 AWG wires or smaller. Torque rating

The terminals on the control board have a torque rating of 3.5-inch lb. or 0.4nm. This MUST be followed or damage will occur to
the terminals.

9.7.3 Connectors, Functions and Ratings

Table 10 - Connectors
Connectors Description
Aux Power TB0 120V AC, 5 amps, Aux. Connector for control voltage
Current Transformers TB3 CT connection for CT1, CT2 and CT3
(CT) Molex Connector: #39-01-2065
Connection Molex Connector Pins: #39-00-0090 crimp,
SCR Connection TB4 Cathode and Gate for SCR # 1
SCR Connection TB5 Cathode and Gate for SCR # 4
SCR Connection TB6 Cathode and Gate for SCR # 2
SCR Connection TB7 Cathode and Gate for SCR # 5
SCR Connection TB8 Cathode and Gate for SCR # 3
SCR Connection TB9 Cathode and Gate for SCR # 6
Molex Connector for gates: #39-01-3028
Molex Connector pins: #39-00-0056 crimp,
Remote Display Conn 3 Remote Display or Option Board Interface
TB10, Conn 4 Factory Use Only

9.7.4 Measurements, Accuracy and Ratings

Table 11 – Accuracy
Internal Measurements
CT Inputs Conversion; True RMS, Sampling @ 1.562kHz
Line Voltage Inputs Conversion; True RMS,
Range; 100VAC to 600VAC ± 10%
Current 0 – 40,000 Amps ± 3%
Voltage 0 – 660 Volts ± 3%
Watts 0 – 9,999 MW ± 5%
Volts-Amps 0 – 9,999 MVA ± 5%
Watt-Hours 0 – 10,000 MWh ± 5%
PF -0.01 to +0.01 (Lag & Lead) ± 5%
Line Frequency 23 – 72 Hz ± 0.1 Hz
Ground Fault 5 – 100% FLA ± 5% (Machine Protection)
Run Time ± 3 seconds per 24 hour period
Analog Input Accuracy ± 3% of full scale
Analog Output Accuracy ±1.5% of full scale
Note: Percent accuracy’s are percent of full scale of the given ranges, Current = Motor FLA Full
Range, Voltage = 660V, Watts/Volts-Amps/Watt-Hours = Motor & Voltage range

10 Appendix


Lists, Tables and Figures

List of Tables
Table 1 – CT Ratios and Burden Switch Settings.................................................................................................................................................10
Table 2 – LED Special Characters Displayed......................................................................................................................................................14
Table 3 – 2x16 Remote Keypad LED Functions .................................................................................................................................................17
Table 4 – Description of the Keys on the LCD Remote Keypad.........................................................................................................................18
Table 5 – Operate Screen Section A.....................................................................................................................................................................19
Table 6 – Operate Screen Section B .....................................................................................................................................................................19
Table 7 – Operate Screen Section SS....................................................................................................................................................................19
Table 8 – Environmental Ratings .......................................................................................................................................................................134
Table 9 – Terminals ............................................................................................................................................................................................135
Table 10 - Connectors.........................................................................................................................................................................................136
Table 11 – Accuracy ...........................................................................................................................................................................................136

List of Figures
Figure 1 – Control Board Layout ...........................................................................................................................................................................8
Figure 2 – CT Inputs and CT switches ...................................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 3 – MX Control Board Analog Jumper Placement ...................................................................................................................................11
Figure 4 – Basic Wiring Diagram.........................................................................................................................................................................12
Figure 5 – Standard Keypad and Display.............................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 6 – LCD Remote Keypad..........................................................................................................................................................................17
Figure 7 – Local Remote Source...........................................................................................................................................................................40
Figure 8 – Typical Motor Connection..................................................................................................................................................................84
Figure 9 – Typical Inside Delta Motor Connection..............................................................................................................................................85
Figure 10 – Wye Delta Motor Connection to the MX Control ............................................................................................................................86
Figure 11 – A typical ATL starter schematic to the MX Control ........................................................................................................................88
Figure 12 – Overload Derated for Current Imbalance........................................................................................................................................107
Figure 13 – Motor Overload H/C Ratio Example...............................................................................................................................................108
Figure 14 – Motor Cooling While Stopped Curves............................................................................................................................................109
Figure 15 – Current Ramp ..................................................................................................................................................................................112
Figure 16 – TruTorque Ramp .............................................................................................................................................................................113
Figure 17 – Power Ramp ....................................................................................................................................................................................115
Figure 18 – Voltage Ramp..................................................................................................................................................................................117
Figure 19 - Effect of UTS Timer on Voltage Ramp ...........................................................................................................................................118
Figure 20 - Ramp Select Change During Start ...................................................................................................................................................120
Figure 21 – Motor Voltage Versus Decel Level.................................................................................................................................................121
Figure 22 – TruTorque Deceleration ..................................................................................................................................................................122
Figure 23 – Wye Delta Profile............................................................................................................................................................................124
Figure 24 – Phase Control Mode........................................................................................................................................................................125
Figure 25 – ATL Starter Schematic....................................................................................................................................................................128
Figure 26 – Digital Input Simplified Schematic.................................................................................................................................................129
Figure 27 – Analog Input Simplified Schematic ................................................................................................................................................129
Figure 28 – Analog Output Simplified Schematic..............................................................................................................................................129


Appendix A – CE Mark

According to the EMC – Directive 89/336/EEC as Amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC

Product Category: Motor Controller

Product Type: Reduced Voltage Solid State Motor Controller

Model Numbers:
Model Number Model Number Model Number Model Number
RBX-1-S-027A-11C RBX-1-S-240A-15C RCX-1-S-027A-11C RCX-1-S-240A-15C
RBX-1-S-040A-11C RBX-1-S-302A-15C RCX-1-S-040A-11C RCX-1-S-302A-15C
RBX-1-S-052A-12C RBX-1-S-361A-16C RCX-1-S-052A-12C RCX-1-S-361A-16C
RBX-1-S-065A-12C RBX-1-S-414A-17C RCX-1-S-065A-12C RCX-1-S-414A-17C
RBX-1-S-077A-13C RBX-1-S-477A-17C RCX-1-S-077A-13C RCX-1-S-477A-17C
RBX-1-S-096A-13C RBX-1-S-515A-17C RCX-1-S-096A-13C RCX-1-S-515A-17C
RBX-1-S-125A-14C RBX-1-S-590A-18C RCX-1-S-125A-14C RCX-1-S-590A-18C
RBX-1-S-156A-14C RBX-1-S-720A-19C RCX-1-S-156A-14C RCX-1-S-720A-19C
RBX-1-S-180A-14C RBX-1-S-838A-20C RCX-1-S-180A-14C RCX-1-S-838A-20C
RBX-1-S-180A-15C RCX-1-S-180A-15C

Manufacturer’s Name: Benshaw, Inc.

Manufacturer’s Address: 1659 East Sutter Road

Glenshaw, PA USA

The before mentioned products comply with the following EU directives and Standards:

Safety: UL 508 Standard for Industrial Control Equipment covering devices for starting, stopping, regulating,
controlling, or protecting electric motors with ratings of 1500 volts or less.

EMC: EN 50081-2 Emissions Radiated/Conducted

EN 55011/05.98+A1:1999
EN 50082-2 Immunity/Susceptibility which includes:
EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge
EN 61000-4-3 Radiated RF
EN 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst
EN 61000-4-6 Injected Currents

The products referenced above are for the use of control of AC motors.

For application information, consult the following document from Benshaw:

The use in residential and commercial premises (Class B) requires an optional EMC series filter.

Via internal mechanisms and Quality Control, it is verified that these products conform to the
requirements of the Directive and applicable standards.

Glenshaw, PA USA - 1 October 2003

Neil Abrams Durand Miller

Quality Control VP General
Manager Manager

Appendix B – Fault Codes

See the hardware manual for Troubleshooting Solutions

Fault Description Controlled Fault Shunt Trip Auto-Reset
Code Stop Fault Allowed
F00 No fault - - -
F01 UTS Time Limit Expired Y N Y
F02 Motor Thermal Overload Trip Y N Y
F03 Jog Time Limit Expired N N N
F04 Reserved
F10 Phase Rotation Error, not ABC N N Y
F11 Phase Rotation Error, not CBA N N Y
F12 Low Line Frequency N N Y
F13 High Line Frequency N N Y
F14 Input power not single phase N N Y
F15 Input power not three phase N N Y
F21 Low Line L1-L2 Y N Y
F22 Low Line L2-L3 Y N Y
F23 Low Line L3-L1 Y N Y
F24 High Line L1-L2 Y N Y
F25 High Line L2-L3 Y N Y
F26 High Line L3-L1 Y N Y
F27 Phase Loss N N Y
F28 No Line N N Y
F29 Reserved
F30 I.O.C. N Y N
F31 Overcurrent Y N Y
F34 Undercurrent Y N Y
F35 Reserved
F36 Reserved
F37 Current Imbalance Y N Y
F38 Ground Fault N Y Y
F39 No Current at Run N N Y
F40 Shorted / Open SCR N Y N
F41 Current at Stop N Y N
F47 Stack Protection Fault (stack thermal overload) N N Y
F48 Bypass Contactor Fault Y N N
F50 Control Power Low N N Y
F51 Current Sensor Offset Error - Y N
F52 Burden Switch Error N N N
F53 Reserved
F60 External Fault on DI 1 Input N N Y
F61 External Fault on DI 2 Input N N Y
F62 External Fault on DI 3 Input N N Y
F63 Reserved
F64 Reserved
F71 Analog Input #1 Level Fault Trip (local) Y N Y
F72 Reserved
F73 Reserved
F81 SPI Communication Fault Y N N
F82 Modbus Timeout Fault Y N Y
F94 CPU Error – SW fault N N N
F95 CPU Error – Parameter EEPROM Checksum N N
F96 CPU Error N Y N
F97 CPU Error - SW Watchdog N Y N
F98 CPU Error N N N
F99 CPU Error – Program EPROM Checksum Fault N N N

Appendix C – Alarm Codes

The following is a list of all MX alarm codes. The alarm codes correspond to associated fault codes. In general, an alarm indicates a
condition that if continued, will result in the associated fault.

Alarm Description Notes

A02 Motor Overload Alarm This occurs when the motor thermal content reaches the
90%. The MX will trip when it reaches 100%. The alarm
will continue until the overload trip lockout is reset.
A10 Phase Rotation not ABC This alarm exists while the MX is stopped and line voltage
is detected and phase sensitivity parameter is set to ABC.
If a start is commanded, a Fault 10 will occur.
A11 Phase Rotation not CBA This alarm exists while the MX is stopped and line voltage
is detected and phase sensitivity parameter is set to CBA.
If a start is commanded, a Fault 11 will occur.
A12 Low Line Frequency This alarm exists when the MX has detected a line
frequency below the user defined low line frequency level.
The alarm will continue until either the line frequency
changes to be in range or the fault delay timer has expired.
A13 High Line Frequency This alarm exists when the MX has detected a line
frequency above the user defined high line frequency level.
The alarm will continue until either the line frequency
changes to a valid frequency or the fault delay timer has
A14 Input power not single phase This alarm exists while the MX is stopped, set to single
phase mode, and line voltage is detected. If a start is
commanded, a Fault 14 will occur.
A15 Input power not three phase This alarm exists while the MX is stopped, set to a three-
phase mode, and single-phase line voltage is detected. If a
start is commanded, a Fault 15 will occur.
A21 Low Line L1-L2 This alarm exists while the MX is stopped and low line
voltage is detected. If a start is commanded, a Fault 21
may occur.
A22 Low Line L2-L3 This alarm exists while the MX is stopped and low line
voltage is detected. If a start is commanded, a Fault 22
may occur.
A23 Low Line L3-L1 This alarm exists while the MX is stopped and low line
voltage is detected. If a start is commanded, a Fault 23
may occur.
A24 High Line L1-L2 This alarm exists while the MX is stopped and high line
voltage is detected. If a start is commanded, a Fault 24
may occur.
A25 High Line L2-L3 This alarm exists while the MX is stopped and high line
voltage is detected. If a start is commanded, a Fault 25
may occur.
A26 High Line L3-L1 This alarm exists while the MX is stopped and high line
voltage is detected. If a start is commanded, a Fault 26
may occur.
A27 Phase Loss This alarm exists while the MX is running and a phase loss
condition is detected, but the delay for the fault has not yet
expired. When the delay expires, a Fault 27 will occur.
A28 No Line This alarm exists while the MX needs to be synced or is
trying to sync to the line and no line is detected.
A31 Overcurrent This alarm exists while the MX is running and the average
current is above the defined threshold, but the delay for the
fault has not yet expired. When the delay expires, a Fault
31 will occur.
A34 Undercurrent This alarm exists while the MX is running and the average
current is below the defined threshold, but the delay for the
fault has not yet expired. When the delay expires, a Fault
34 will occur.
A35 Reserved
Alarm Description Notes
A36 Reserved
A37 Current Imbalance This alarm exists while the MX is running and a current
imbalance above the defined threshold is detected, but the
delay for the fault has not yet expired. When the delay
expires, a Fault 37 will occur.
A38 Ground Fault This alarm exists while the MX is running and a ground
current above the defined threshold is detected, but the
delay for the fault has not yet expired. When the delay
expires, a Fault 38 will occur.
A47 Stack Overload Alarm This occurs when the stack thermal rises above 105%.
A53 Reserved
A71 Analog Input #1 Trip This alarm will exist if analog input #1 exceeds the defined
threshold, but the delay for the fault has not yet expired.
When the delay expires, a Fault 71 will occur.


Appendix D – Modbus Register Map

Following is the Modbus Register Map. Note that all information may be accessed either through the Input registers (30000
addresses) or through the Holding registers (40000 addresses).

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30020/40020 Starter Control R/W Bit 0: Run/Stop -
Bit 1: Fault Reset
Bit 2: Emergency overload rset
Bit 3: Local/Remote
Bit 4: Heat Disable
Bit 5: Ramp Select
Bit 13: Relay 3
Bit 14: Relay 2
Bit 15: Relay 1
30021/40021 Starter Status R Bit 0: Ready -
Bit 1: Running
Bit 2: UTS
Bit 3: Alarm
Bit 4: Fault
Bit 5: Lockout
30022/40022 Input Status R Bit 0: Start -
Bit 1: DI 1
Bit 2: DI 2
Bit 3: DI 3
30023/40023 Alarm Status 1 R Bit 0: “A OL” – Motor overload -
Bit 1: “A 10” – Phase rotation not ABC
Bit 2: “A 11” – Phase rotation not CBA
Bit 3: “A 12” – Low Line Frequency
Bit 4: “A 13” – High Line Frequency
Bit 5: “A 14” – Phase rotation not SPH
Bit 6: “A 15” – Phase rotation not 3 Phase
Bit 7: “A 21” – Low line L1-L2
Bit 8: “A 22” – Low line L2-L3
Bit 9: “A 23” – Low line L3-L1
Bit 10: “A 24” – High line L1-L2
Bit 11: “A 25” – High line L2-L3
Bit 12: “A 26” – High line L3-L1
Bit 13: “A 27” – Phase loss
Bit 14: “noL” – No line
Bit 15: Reserved
30024/40024 Alarm Status 2 R Bit 0: “A 31” – Overcurrent -
Bit 1: “A 34” – Undercurrent
Bit 2: Reserved
Bit 3: Reserved
Bit 4: “A 37” – Current imbalance
Bit 5: “A 38” – Ground fault
Bit 6: “A 47” – Stack overload
Bit 7: Reserved
Bit 8: “A 71” – Analog Input Trip
Bit 9: Reserved
30025/40025 Lockout Status R Bit 0: “L OL” – Motor overload -
Bit 1: “L Ot” – Stack overload
Bit 2: “L CP” – Control power
30026/40026 Present Fault Code R See Appndix B for list of codes
30027/40027 Average Current R Arms
30028/40028 L1 Current R Arms
30029/40029 L2 Current R Arms
30030/40030 L3 Current R Arms
30031/40031 Current Imbalance R 0.1 %

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30032/40032 Residual Ground Fault R %FLA
30033/40033 Average Voltage R Vrms
30034/40034 L1-L2 Voltage R Vrms
30035/40035 L2-L3 Voltage R Vrms
30036/40036 L3-L1 Voltage R Vrms
30037/40037 Motor Overload R %
30038/40038 Power Factor R -99 – +100 0.01
(in 16-bit two’s compliment signed format)
30039/40039 Watts (lower 16 Bits) R (in 32 bit unsigned interger format) kW
30040/40040 Watts (upper16 Bits)
30041/40041 VA (lower 16 Bits) R (in 32 bit unsigned interger format) kVA
30042/40042 VA (upper 16 Bits)
30043/40043 VARS (lower 16 Bits) (in 32 bit two’s compliment signed interger
30044/40044 VARS (uper 16 Bits) format)
30045/40045 kW hour (lower 16 Bits) R 0 – 999 kWh
30046/40046 KW hours (upper 16 Bits)
30047/40047 Phase Order R 0: no line -
1: ABC
2: CBA
3: SPH
30048/40048 Line Frequency R 230 – 720, 0.1 Hz
or 0 if no line
30049/40049 Analog Input R -1000 – +1000 0.1 %
(in 16-bit two’s compliment signed format)
30050/40050 Analog Output R 0 – 1000 0.1%
Running Time R 0 – 65535 Hours
Running Time R 0 – 59 Minutes
Starts R 0 – 65535 -
TruTorque % R %
Power % R %
30101/40101 Motor FLA R/W 1 – 6400 Arms
30102/40102 Motor Service Factor R/W 100 – 199 0.01
30103/40103 Independent Start/Run R/W 0: Disabled -
Motor Overloads 1: Enabled
30104/40104 Motor Overload Running R/W 0: Disabled -
Enable 1: Enabled
30105/40105 Motor Overload Running R/W 1 – 40 -
30106/40106 Motor Overload Starting R/W 0: Disabled -
Enable 1: Enabled
30107/40107 Motor Overload Starting R/W 1 – 40 -
30108/40108 Motor Overload Hot/Cold R/W 0 – 99 %
30109/40109 Motor Overload Cooling R/W 1 – 9999 0.1 Min
30110/40110 Local Source R/W 0: Keypad -
1: Terminal
2: Serial
30111/40111 Remote Source R/W 0: Keypad -
1: Terminal
2: Serial
30112/40112 Start Mode R/W 0: Open Loop Voltage Ramp -
1: Closed Loop Current Ramp
2: TruTorque Ramp
3: Power Ramp
30113/40113 Initial Motor Current 1 R/W 50 – 600 % FLA

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30114/40114 Maximum Motor Current R/W 100 – 800 % FLA
30115/40115 Ramp Time 1 R/W 0 – 300 Sec
30116/40116 Initial Motor Current 2 R/W 50 – 600 % FLA
30117/40117 Maximum Motor Current R/W 100 – 800 % FLA
30118/40118 Ramp Time 2 R/W 0 – 300 Sec
30119/40119 UTS Time R/W 1 – 900 Sec
30120/40120 Initial V/T/P R/W 1 – 100 %
30121/40121 Maximum V/T R/W 10 – 325 %
30122/40122 Stop Mode R/W 0: Coast -
1: Voltage Decel
2: TruTroque Decel
30123/40123 Decel Begin Level R/W 100 – 1 %
30124/40124 Decel End Level R/W 99 – 1 %
30125/40125 Decel Time R/W 1 – 180 Sec
30126/40126 Kick Enable 1 R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30127/40127 Kick Current Level 1 R/W 100 – 800 % FLA
30128/40128 Kick Time 1 R/W 1 – 100 100 mSec
30129/40129 Kick Enable 2 R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30130/40130 Kick Current Level 2 R/W 100 – 800 % FLA
30131/40131 Kick Time 2 R/W 1 – 100 100 mSec

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30132/40132 Rated RMS Voltage R/W 0: 100 Vrms
1: 110
2: 120
3: 200
4: 208
5: 220
6: 230
7: 240
8: 350
9: 380
10: 400
11: 415
12: 440
13: 460
14: 480
15: 500
16: 525
17: 575
18: 600
19: 660
20: 690
21: 1000
22: 1140
23: 2200
24: 2300
25: 2400
26: 3300
27: 4160
28: 4600
29: 4800
30: 6000
31: 6600
32: 6900
33: 10000
34: 11000
35: 11500
36: 12000
37: 12470
38: 13200
39: 13800
30133/40133 Input Phase Sensitivity R/W 0: Ins -
1: ABC
2: CBA
3: SPH
30134/40134 Motor Rated Power R/W 1–100 -
30135/40135 Overcurrent Enable R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30136/40136 Overcurrent Level R/W 50 – 800 % FLA
30137/40137 Overcurrent Delay Time R/W 0: Disabled -
Enable 1: Enabled
30138/40138 Overcurrent Delay Time R/W 1 – 900 100 mSec
30139/40139 Undercurrent Trip Enable R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30140/40140 Undercurrent Trip Level R/W 5 – 100 % FLA
30141/40141 Undercurrent Delay Time R/W 0: Disabled -
Enable 1: Enabled
30142/40142 Undercurrent Trip Delay R/W 1 – 900 100 mSec

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30143/40143 Current Imbalance Trip R/W 0: Disabled -
Enable 1: Enabled
30144/40144 Current Imbalance Trip R/W 5 – 40 %
30145/40145 Ground Fault Trip Enable R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30146/40146 Ground Fault Trip Level R/W 5 – 100 % FLA
30147/40147 Over Voltage Trip Enable R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30148/40148 Over Voltage Trip Level R/W 1 – 40 %
30149/40149 Under Voltage Trip R/W 0: Disabled -
Enable 1: Enabled
30150/40150 Under Voltage Trip Level R/W 1 – 40 %
30151/40151 Over/Under Voltage R/W 1 – 900 100 mSec
Delay Time
30152/40152 Auto Fault Reset Enable R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30153/40153 Auto Fault Reset Delay R/W 1 – 900 100 mSec
30154/40154 Controlled Fault Stop R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30155/40155 DI 1 Configuration R/W 0: Off -
30156/40156 DI 2 Configuration 1: Stop
30157/40157 DI 3 Configuration 2: Fault High
3: Fault Low
4: Fault Reset
5: Bypass / 2M Feedback (F48)
6: Emergency Motor OL Reset
7: Local / Remote Control Source
8: Heat Disable
9: Heat Enable
10: Ramp Select
30158/40158 R1 Configuration R/W 0: Off -
30159/40159 R2 Configuration 1: Fault (fail safe)
30160/40160 R3 Configuration 2: Fault (non fail safe)
3: Running
4: Up To Speed
5: Alarm
6: Ready
7: Locked Out
8: Over Current Alarm
9: Under Current Alarm
10: Overload Alarm
11: Shunt Trip (fail safe)
12: Shunt Trip (non fail safe)
13: Faulted on Ground Fault
14: In Energy Saver Mode
15: Heating
30161/40161 Analog Input Trip Enable R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30162/40162 Analog Input Trip Type R/W 0: Low – Fault below preset level -
1: High – Fault above preset level
30163/40163 Analog Input Trip Level R/W 0 – 100 %
30164/40164 Analog Input Trip Delay R/W 1 – 900 100 mSec
30165/40165 Analog Input Span R/W 1 – 100 %
30166/40166 Analog Input Offset R/W 0 – 99 %

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30167/40167 Analog Output Function R/W 0: Off (no output) -
1: Ave. Current (0 – 200% FLA)
2: Ave. Current (0 – 800% FLA)
3: Ave. Voltage
(0 – 150% Rated)
4: Thermal Overload %
5: kW (0 – 10kW)
6: kW (0 – 100kW)
7: kW (0 – 1MW)
8: kW (0 – 10MW)
9: Analog Input
10: Output Voltage to Motor (based on
firing angle)
11: Calibrate (full 100% output)
30168/40168 Analog Output Span R/W 1 – 125 %
30169/40169 Analog Output Offset R/W 0 – 99 %
30170/40170 Inline Enable R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30171/40171 Inline Delay Time R/W 10 – 100 100 mSec
30172/40172 Bypass Feedback Time R/W 1 – 50 100 mSec
30173/40173 Keypad Stop Disable R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30174/40174 Reserved
30175/40175 Reserved
30176/40176 Reserved
30177/40177 Modbus Timeout Enable R/W 0: Disabled -
1: Enabled
30178/40178 Modbus Timeout R/W 1 – 120 Sec
30179/40179 CT Ratio (x:1) R/W 0: 72:1 -
1: 96:1
2: 144:1
3: 288:1
4: 864:1
5: 1320:1
6: 2640:1
7: 2880:1
8: 3900:1
9 5760:1
10: 8000:1
11: 14.4K:1
12: 28.8K:1
30180/40180 Energy Saver Enable R/W 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
30181/40181 Heater / Anti-Windmill R/W 0: Disabled -
Enable 1: Enabled
30182/40182 Heater / Anti-Windmill R/W 1 – 25 % FLA
30183/40183 Starter Type R/W 0: Normal (Outside Delta) -
1: Inside Delta
2: Wye-Delta
3: Phase Controller
4: Current Follower
5: Across the Line (Full Voltage)

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30184/40184 LED Display Meter R/W 0: Status -
1: Ave Current
2: L1 Current
3: L2 Current
4: L3 Current
5: Current Imbalance %
6: Ground Fault
7: Ave. Volts
8: L1-L2 Volts
9: L2-L3 Volts
10: L3-L1 Volts
11: Overload
12: Power Factor
13: Watts
14: VA
15: VARS
16: kW hours
17: MW hours
18: Phase Order
19: Line Frequency
20: Analog Input
21: Analog Output
22: Running Days
23: Running Hours
24: Starts
25: TruTorque %
26: Power %
30185/40185 LCD Display Meter 1 R/W Same as above but without 0 Status -
30186/40186 LCD Display Meter 2 R/W Same as above but without 0 Status -
30187/40187 Custom Stack Enable R/W 1: Disabled -
0: Enabled
30188/40188 Starter Model Number R/W 0: None -
30189/40189 Misc Commands R/W 0: None -
1: Reset Run Time
2: Reset kWh
3: Enter Reflash Mode
4 Store Parameters
5 Load Parameters
6 Factroy Reset
30301/40301 Fault Code – R See the fault table in Appendix B -
Most Recent Fault Log
30302/40302 Fault Code – R -
2nd Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30303/40303 Fault Code – R -
3rd Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30304/40304 Fault Code – R -
4th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30305/40305 Fault Code – R -
5th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30306/40306 Fault Code – R -
6th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30307/40307 Fault Code – R -
7th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30308/40308 Fault Code – R -
8th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30309/40309 Fault Code – R -
9th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30311/40311 System State – R 0: Initializing -
Most Recent Fault Log 1: Locked Out
Entry 2: Faulted
3: Stopped
4: Heating
5: Kicking
6: Ramping
7: Jogging
8: Not UTS
9: UTS
10: Phase Controlling / Current
11: Decelling
12: Braking
13: Wye
14: PORT
30312/40312 System State – R -
2nd Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30313/40313 System State – R -
3rd Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30314/40314 System State – R -
4th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30315/40315 System State – R -
5th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30316/40316 System State – R -
6th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30317/40317 System State – R -
7th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30318/40318 System State – R -
8th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30319/40319 System State – R -
9th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30321/40321 Current – R Arms
Most Recent Fault Log
30322/40322 Current – R Arms
2nd Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30323/40323 Current – R Arms
3rd Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30324/40324 Current – R Arms
4th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30325/40325 Current – R Arms
5th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30326/40326 Current – R Arms
6th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30327/40327 Current – R Arms
7th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30328/40328 Current – R Arms
8th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30329/40329 Current – R Arms
9th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30331/40331 Voltage – R Vrms
Most Recent Fault Log
30332/40332 Voltage – R Vrms
2nd Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30333/40333 Voltage – R Vrms
3rd Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30334/40334 Voltage – R Vrms
4th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30335/40335 Voltage – R Vrms
5th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30336/40336 Voltage – R Vrms
6th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30337/40337 Voltage – R Vrms
7th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30338/40338 Voltage – R Vrms
8th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30339/40339 Voltage – R Vrms
9th Most Recent Fault
Log Entry
30341/40341 Line Period – R micro-
Most Recent Fault Log seconds
30342/40342 Line Period – R micro-
2nd Most Recent Fault seconds
Log Entry
30343/40343 Line Period – R micro-
3rd Most Recent Fault seconds
Log Entry
30344/40344 Line Period – R micro-
4th Most Recent Fault seconds
Log Entry
30345/40345 Line Period – R micro-
5th Most Recent Fault seconds
Log Entry
30346/40346 Line Period – R micro-
6th Most Recent Fault seconds
Log Entry

Modbus Registers
Absolute Register Description R/W Range Units
30347/40347 Line Period – R micro-
7th Most Recent Fault seconds
Log Entry
30348/40348 Line Period – R micro-
8th Most Recent Fault seconds
Log Entry
30349/40349 Line Period – R micro-
9th Most Recent Fault seconds
Log Entry
Starter Control Register:
Bit 0 – Run/Stop 0 Stop
1 Start
Bit 1 – Fault Reset 0 No action
1 Fault Reset
Bit 2 –Emergency Overload 0 No action
Reset 1 Emergency Overload Reset
Bit 3 –Local/Remote 0 Local
1 Remote
Bit 4 –Heat Disabled 0 Heater Enabled
1 Heater Disabled
Bit 5 –Ramp Select 0 Ramp 1
1 Ramp 2
Bit 13 – Relay 3 0 Engerized (d)
1 De-engerized (d)
Bit 14 – Relay 2 Same as above
Bit 15 – Relay 1 Same as above

The control source must be serial for the starter to be started through Modbus. The Run/Stop bit must transition from 0
to 1 for a start to occur. If the starter stops due to a fault, the Run/Stop bit must be set back to a 0 before another start
can occur.

The fault reset bit must transition from 0 to 1 for a fault to be reset.

If any of the programmed digital inputs are programmed as Local/Remote inputs, then the local/Remote bit has no

The Relay Bits may be written to in order to control the relays, if the relays are programmed as “OFF”. If the relays are
programmed for any function other than “OFF” ( Fault, Run, UTS for example), then the relay bits may be read to
determine the state of the relays.

Watts, VA, vars, and kW hour Regiaters

These meter registers presenta 32 bit meter in two consecutive 16 bit registers. The least significent 16 bits are te first
register followed by the most significent 16 bit register.

Reading the least significent register laches data into the most significent register so that the data remains synhronized
betweenthe two.

Starter Status Register:
Bit 0 – Ready 0– Initializing or
Faulted and Decelling or
Faulted and Braking or
Faulted and Stopped or
1– Otherwise
Bit 1 – Running 0– Not Running
1– Running
Bit 2 – UTS 0– Not UTS
1– UTS
Bit 3 – Alarm 0– No alarm conditions
1– 1 or more alarm conditions
Bit 4 – Fault 0– No Fault Condition
1– Fault Condition
Bit 5 – Lockout 0– Start or Fault Reset not locked out.
1– Start or Fault Reset locked out. Possible causes are:
Overload Lockout State


Appendix E – Parameter Table

Following is the parameter table for both the LED and LCD Display.

Quick Start Group

Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page User
QST 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1–9 1
P1 QST 01 Motor FLA Motor FLA 1– 6400 RMS Amps 10 37
P2 QST 02 Motor SF Motor Service Factor 1.00 – 1.99 1.15 37
P3 QST 03 Running OL Motor Overload Class Off, 1 – 40 10 38
P4 QST 04 Local Src Local Source Keypad Terminal 39
P5 QST 05 Remote Src Remote Source Terminal
P6 QST 06 Init Cur 1 Initial Motor Current 1 50 – 600 %FLA 100 41
P7 QST 07 Max Cur 1 Maximum Motor Current 1 100 – 800 %FLA 600 41
P8 QST 08 Ramp Time 1 Ramp Time 1 0 – 300 Seconds 15 42
P9 QST 09 UTS Time UTS Time / Transition Time 1 – 900 Seconds 20 43

Control Function Group

Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page User
CFN 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1 – 17 1
P10 CFN 01 Start Mode Start Mode Voltage Ramp Current 44
Current Ramp Ramp
TT Ramp
Power Ramp
P8 CFN 02 Ramp Time 1 Ramp Time 1 0 – 300 Seconds 15 45
P6 CFN 03 Init Cur 1 Initial Motor Current 1 50 – 600 %FLA 100 45
P7 CFN 04 Max Cur 1 Maximum Motor Current 1 100 – 800 %FLA 600 46

P21 CFN 05 Ramp Time Ramp Time 2 0 – 300 Seconds 15 54

P19 CFN 06 Init Cur Initial Motor Current 2 50 – 600 %FLA 100 53
P20 CFN 07 Max Cur Maximum Motor Current 2 100 – 800 %FLA 600 54
P11 CFN 08 Init V/T/P Initial 1 – 100 % 25 47
P12 CFN 09 Max T/P Maximum Torque/Power 10 – 325 % 105 48
P13 CFN 10 Kick Lvl 1 Kick Level 1 Off, 100 – 800 %FLA Off 49
P14 CFN 11 Kick Time 1 Kick Time 1 0.1 – 10.0 Seconds 1.0 49
P22 CFN 12 Kick Lvl 2 Kick Level 2 Off, 100 – 800 %FLA Off 54
P23 CFN 13 Kick Time 2 Kick Time 2 0.1 – 10.0 Seconds 1.0 54
P15 CFN 14 Stop Mode Stop Mode Coast Coast 50
Volt Decel
TT Decel
P16 CFN 15 Decel Begin Decel Begin Level 100 – 1 % 40 51
P17 CFN 16 Decel End Decel End Level 50 – 1 % 20 52
P18 CFN 17 Decel Time Decel Time 1 – 180 Seconds 15 53

Protection Function Group

Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page User
PFN 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1 – 18 1
P24 PFN 01 Over Cur Over Current Trip Level Off, 50 – 800 % FLA Off 55
P25 PFN 02 Over Cur Tim Over Current Trip Delay Off, 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 55
P26 PFN 03 Undr Cur Lvl Under Current Trip Level Off, 5 – 100 % FLA Off 56

Protection Function Group Cont.
P27 PFN 04 Undr Cur Tim Under Current Trip Delay Off, 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 56
P28 PFN 05 Cur Imbl Lvl Current Imbalance Trip Off, 5 – 40 % 15 57
P29 PFN 06 Gnd Flt Lvl Ground Fault Trip Level Off, 5 – 100 % FLA Off 58
P30 PFN 07 Over Vlt Lvl Over Voltage Trip Level Off, 1 – 40 % Off 59
P31 PFN 08 Undr Vlt Lvl Under Voltage Trip Level Off, 1 – 40 % Off 59
P32 PFN 09 Vlt Trip Tim Over/Under Voltage Trip 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 60
Delay Time
P33 PFN 10 Auto Reset Auto Fault Reset Time Off, 1 – 900 Seconds Off 60
P34 PFN 11 Ctrl Flt En Controlled Fault Stop Off, On On 60
P35 PFN 12 Indep S/R OL Independent Off, On Off 61
Starting/Running Overload
P36 PFN 13 Starting OL Motor Overload Class Off, 1 – 40 10 62
P3 PFN 14 Running OL Motor Overload Class Off, 1 – 40 10 62
P37 PFN 15 OL H/C Ratio Motor Overload Hot/Cold 0 – 99 % 60 63
P38 PFN 16 OL Cool Tim Motor Overload Cooling 1.0 – 999.9 Minutes 30.0 64
P55 PFN 17 Reserved Reserved
P57 PFN 18 Reserved Reserved
I/O Group
Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page User
I/O 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1 – 17 1
P39 I/O 01 DI 1 Config DI 1 Configuration Off Stop 65
(Digital Input #1) Stop
P40 I/O 02 DI 2 Config DI 2 Configuration Fault High Bypass
(Digital Input #2) Fault Low Cnfrm
P41 I/O 03 DI 3 Config DI 3 Configuration Fault Reset Fault Low
(Digital Input #3) Bypass Cnfrm
E OL Reset
Heat Disable
Heat Enable
Ramp Select
P42 I/O 04 R1 Config R1 Configuration Off Fault FS 66
(Relay #1) Fault FS
P43 I/O 05 R2 Config R2 Configuration Fault NFS Running
(Relay #2) Running
P44 I/O 06 R3 Config R3 Configuration UTS UTS
(Relay #3) Alarm
Locked Out
OL Alarm
Shunt Trip FS
Shunt Trip NFS
Ground Fault
Energy Saver
P45 I/O 07 Ain Trp Type Analog Input Trip Type Off Off 67
Low Level
High Level
P46 I/O 08 Ain Trp Lvl Analog Input Trip Level 0 – 100 % 50 67

I/O Group Cont.
P47 I/O 09 Ain Trp Tim Analog Input Trip Delay 0.1 – 90.0 Seconds 0.1 68
P48 I/O 10 Ain Span Analog Input Span 1 – 100 % 100 68
P49 I/O 11 Ain Offset Analog Input Offset 0 – 99 % 0 69
P50 I/O 12 Aout Fctn Analog Output Function Off Off 69
0 – 200% Curr
0 – 800% Curr
0 – 150% Volt
0 – 150% OL
0 – 10 kW
0 – 100 kW
0 – 1 MW
0 – 10 MW
0 – 100% Ain
0 – 100% Firing
P51 I/O 13 Aout Span Analog Output Span 1 – 125 % 100 70
P52 I/O 14 Aout Offset Analog Output Offset 0 – 99 % 0 71
P53 I/O 15 Inline Confg In Line Configuration Off, 1.0 – 10.0 Seconds 3.0 71
P54 I/O 16 Bypas Fbk Tim Bypass / 2M Confirm 0.1 – 5.0 Seconds 2.0 72
P55 I/O 17 Kpd Stop Dis Keypad Stop Disable Enabled, Disabled Enabled 72

Function Group
Group Display Description Setting Range Units Default Page
FUN 00 Jump Code Jump to parameter 1 – 16 1
P69 FUN 01 Meter 1 Meter 1 Ave Current Ave 73
L1 Current Current
NA FUN 02 Meter 2 Meter 2 L2 Current Ave Volts
L3 Current 73
Curr Imbal
Ground Fault
Ave Volts
L1-L2 Volts
L2-L3 Volts
L3-L1 Volts
Power Factor
kW hours
MW hours
Phase Order
Line Freq
Analog Input
Analog Output
Run Days
Run Hours
TruTorque %
Power %
P68 FUN 03 CT Ratio CT Ratio 72, 96, 144, 288, 864, 288 74
1320, 2640, 2880, 3900,
5760, 8000, 14400, 28800
P67 FUN 04 Phase Order Input Phase Sensitivity Insensitive Insens. 74
Single Phase

Function Group Cont.
P66 FUN 05 Rated Volts Rated RMS Voltage 100, 110, 120, 200, 208, RMS 480 75
220, 230, 240, 350, 380, Voltage
400, 415, 440, 460, 480,
500, 525, 575, 600, 660,
690, 1000, 1140, 2200,
2300, 2400, 3300, 4160,
4600, 4800, 6000, 6600,
6900, 10000, 11000,
11500, 12000, 12470,
13200, 13800
P65 FUN 06 Motor PF Motor Rated Power Factor -0.01 (Lag) – 1.00 (Unity) -0.92 75
P64 FUN 07 Starter Type Starter Type Normal Normal 76
Inside Delta
Phase Ctl
Curr Follow
P63 FUN 08 Heater Level Heater Level Off, 1 – 25 %FLA Off 77
P62 FUN 09 Energy Saver Energy Saver Off, On Off 77
P61 FUN 10 Com Drop # Communication Address 1 – 247 1 78
P60 FUN 11 Com Baudrate Communication Baud Rate 1200 bps 9600 78
P59 FUN 12 Com Timeout Communication Timeout Off, 1 – 120 Seconds Off 78
P70 FUN 13 Starter MN Starter Model Number Model Dependent 79
P71 FUN 14 Software PN Software Part Number Display Only 79
P58 FUN 15 Misc Miscellaneous Commands None None 80
Command Reset RT
Reset kWh
Reflash Mode
Store Parameters
Load Parameters
Factory Reset
P72 FUN 16 Passcode Passcode Off 81

Fault Group
Group Description Setting Range Display
FL1 Last Fault (newest) Display Only Fault #
FL2 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL3 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL4 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL5 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL6 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL7 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL8 Previous Fault Display Only Fault #
FL9 Previous Fault (oldest) Display Only Fault #


Revision History

Revision Date Changes ECO#

-00 28 June, 2004 Initial Release


10-APPENDIX Sales and Service
United States
BENSHAW PRODUCTS Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dayton, Ohio
Syracuse, New York
Boston, Massachusetts
Wilmington, Delaware
Low Voltage Solid State Reduced Charlotte, North Carolina
Jacksonville, Florida
Voltage Starters Birmingham, Alabama
- RSD/RSM6 – SSRV Non or Separate Bypass Los Angeles, California
- RDB/RMB6 – SSRV Integral Bypass Detroit, Michigan
- RSM7 – SSRV + DC Injection Braking LaCrosse, Wisconsin
- RSM10 – SSRV + Reversing Chicago, Illinois
- RSM11 – SSRV + DC Injection Braking + Reversing St. Louis, Missouri
- RSM10/12TS – SSRV Two Speed Phoenix, Arizona
- WRSM6 – SSRV Wound Rotor Seattle, Washington
- SMRSM6 – SSRV Synchronous Denver, Colorado
- DCB3 – Solid State DC Injection Braking Houston, Texas
- RBX/RBM – SSRV with integral or separate Bypassed,
- RCX/RCM – SSRV with no bypass Canada
Listowel, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Medium Voltage Solid State Reduced Montreal, Quebec
Calgary, Alberta
Voltage Starters
South America
- 5kV – Induction or Synchronous to 10,000HP
Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 7.2kV – Induction or Synchronous to 10,000HP
Santiago, Chile
- 15kV – Induction or Synchronous to 60,000HP

Visit Benshaw on the

Low Voltage – AC Drives World Wide Web at
- Standard Drives to 1000HP www.benshaw.com
- Custom Industrial Packaged Drives
- HVAC Packaged Drives BENSHAW Inc.
- 18 Pulse/IEEE 519 Compliant Drives 1659 East Sutter Road
Glenshaw, PA 15116
Phone: (412) 487-8235
Fax: (412) 487-4201
RSC Series Contactors BENSHAW West
- SPO/SPE/SPD Motor Protection Relays 7820 East Evans Drive
- Enclosed Full Voltage, Wye Delta, Two Speed Part Winding and Suite 900
Reversing Starters Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: (480) 905-0601
Fax: (480) 905-0757

Custom OEM Controls BENSHAW Canada

550 Bright St. E.
Listowel, Ontario N4W 3W3
Phone: (519) 291-5112
Fax: (519) 291-2595


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