NSTP Reflection

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NSTP - 1 and 2

Name: _________________________________ Course and Sec: ____________



1. In the first reading, the Apostles received the miraculous indwelling of the Holy
Spirit. What is the significance of this in the mission of the Church and in the Lasallian
mission today?

 Based on the first reading, the significance of this in the mission of the Church
and in the Lasallian mission today is even we all have our differences we seek to
find a way to understand each other and be united. Furthermore, through sharing
the word of God and help those in need, especially the less fortunate people.
Plus, God has given us different talents, knowledge, and skill that we can use to
share it with others and enables them to participate in the transformation of
society. Moreover, the mission of De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Antipolo
Campus, as catholic institution is to continue in being sincere to all of our
missions in life. To have courage to be strong and be inspired in the blessings of
the Holy Spirit. Plus, live must go on, as well as our missions in life because we
have the presence of God and His Holy Spirit.

2. In the second reading, St. Paul explains how the sharing of the various spiritual
gifts of the Holy Spirit enriches the Church. What spiritual gifts have you received from
the Holy Spirit and how would you share these gifts with the community of De La Salle-
College of Saint Benilde, Antipolo.

 The spiritual gifts that I have received from the Holy Spirit are faith, knowledge
and love. I would have shared these God-given gifts with our community in De La
Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Antipolo Campus through encouraging them to go
to church, spreading the word of God, and doing some services and activities
related to God. Furthermore, by helping people to have an understanding in each
belief because we have different religions. And to do all things with great love.

3. In the Gospel reading, Jesus’ first words to the disciples after his resurrection
were words of consolation and reassurance: “peace be with you”. As Christian
witnesses of Christ, what practical steps can you take to bring the Lord’s comfort and
peace to others most especially during this time of COVID-19 pandemic.
 In this time of pandemic, we are currently experiencing hardships in life. Many of
us have already lost their hope because there are people that their loved ones
died, people who suffer from hunger, and doesn’t have enough money to sustain
all of their needs because many people who had lost their jobs and no income to
spend. That is the reason why people are having anxiety and mental problems.
In order to bring the Lord’s comfort and peace to others, the action that I will do is
to bring them happiness through being there for them and giving them words of
wisdom or advices that they need. In addition, I can be just listen to all of their
problems to lessen their pain and worries because I also know the feeling of
having someone who is there for you especially when you are on your lowest
point in your life. Plus, giving them motivation and inspiration to continue doing
the purpose in their life which is to do good and live well in their lives.

4. How would you summarize the most important things that you have learned from
the Homily delivered by Re. Fr. Peejay Pendon?  

 There are 3 important things that Re. Fr. Peejay Pendon delivered. First, is that
we have a different purpose in life, even if we have many differences in life, we
can always seek to understand one another. Second, is that God gives us
abilities and knowledge not only to ourselves but also, to share it with others.
God made us instruments to accomplish our missions in life. Along with, we have
different missions and we need to be sincere enough to pursue all these things.
While doing our mission, we need to consider the second inspiration in the Holy
Spirit, which is “LOVE”. Saint Therese of the Child Jesus said that, “without love
deeds, even the most brilliant count as nothing” the greater gifts are nothing at all
without love and that this same love is surely the best path leading directly to
God, but we can do small things with great love and passion. Third, is that we
need to have inspiration the of Holy Spirit, for us to have courage in everything
we do and to always be strong. We always need the inspiration and presence of
the Holy Spirit in fulfilling our mission in life. Without the Holy Spirit, we will not be
able to do things. Even if we have doubt and fear in life we must continue to stay
strong and continue living.

5. Write a short prayer thanking God for the times you strongly felt the special
presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

 I will always be thankful to you, Oh God, for all your blessings to me, my family, and all
of the people around me. For the strength you give me each day, especially when I feel
weak and when I am at my lowest point. You always help and guide me when I feel lost.
You always fill me with your love when I feel that I am not loved by anyone. I am always
grateful to you; I always feel better after I talked to you with all of my problems in life. I
always believe in you. With you, all things are possible.

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